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Previous: >>503092027

Season 1: Scarlet Awakening - Patch Notes

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Events
Teatime Delight - 21/11 - 20/12
Rookie Bounty Drop - 21/11 - 06/12
Spacetime Chorus - Log in 7 days in a row for 10 Memory Sequence (10 gacha pulls)
Official Launch Twitch Drops - 21/11 - 15/12 (Disable adblocker if Drops don't progress)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
https://wiki.biligame.com/klbq/%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5 (CN Wiki)
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1my1O3wUGtSwAEff2U0zX0q0362jlTXO-4eihDPz-nBY/ (Quick guide for newbies)

>/sng/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
Will they nerf/buff character?
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first for michelle
well, atleast i hope they will
>NA Union
Strinog (ID: 110648)
union when?
Its really needed. Certain automatics are completely outclassed by other automatics and DMRs and Snipers are shitting on every other gun in terms of TTK.
Nobunaga can outgun a shotgun at pointblank range.
oof, i wish i could join but i live in europa
Yeah balance patches happen about once or twice per season on CN
They did already.
>Meredith used to have only one smoke and you had to upgrade it.
>Fucshia could only gain back health and now she can increase her health after a kill/assist.
>Michele turrets could work anywhere on the map
>Celestia Q armor didn't decay
>Kokona drone would reset CD after healing a player
Live version is pretty much up to pair with CN.
should i add it for the next OP and in pastebin?
kek. the streamer with the most views currently in the strinova twitch category is an obvious viewbotter. kraut must be happy with his easy $3k bag
>Watching streams
Anon I...
That would be helpful yes. Thanks.
So how are the CN voice actors?
EN is meh and JP is fine (as usual) from what I experienced thus far
CN has pretty iconic lines. But you are probably going to get turned off by the phonetics of the chinese language anyway.
Don't forget to vote for your favorite cumdump
Fair enough.
Of the three languages it certainly is the most "abrupt".
Was curious since I had been exposed another game that had KR dubbing and was pleasantly surprised with the quality. (library of ruina)
I've come to realize that EN is generally bad because of the language but more that the people in it are just generally worse at it.
There's some older dubs that are really good but not sure what happened to the industry over hear as of late.
I'm sure there's some exceptions to the trend here and there though
>generally bad because
erm not bad I mean.
>not sure what happened to the industry over hear as of late
ignorance is bliss i guess
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>everyone forgets to grab the bomb in the spawn
do you forget to grab it too?
im one of them forgetters
I never forget since I need to plant 15 bombs for my terrorist wife Kanami
They didn't forget. They're just scared to be the one responsible for it.
>JP is just fine
It has some of the most prolific voice actors. Rieri and Sugita are obvious ones that stand out, and right up there is Yuuki Aoi. Also, while not prolific exactly, you can hear the seiyuu for Lelouch and C.C. as well, though I'm not quite sure who they actually are or what else they voice. Someone told me that Ming's the actress for Kuroko/Beatrice but it's hard to tell, I guess because she doesn't put on that distinct loli voice. The JP voice work is so high quality it hardly even feel like a dub in this case, unlike most other asia gacha slop.
Doujin when?
i don't know whats there to be afraid for, the match goes very quickly and 90% of the times you dont need to plant the bomb
plus, everyone stays muted and nobody screams at you for losing the bomb
JP is the standard for good quality but I find they often reuse seiyus a lot so I hear the VA more than the character sometimes once I know who is who.
Compared to something that instead chooses voice actors based of of whether they match to the character vs how well known the VA actually is.
JP is fine but after a time starts to feel claustrophobic. It's expected quality but doesn't surprise me either.
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Do you think the game will get to a competitive level?
it already has that
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I can see it being a niche competitive game with smol tournaments
I think there already were some in China
Obviously it's not gonna be as big as cs or val because modern game industry is allergic to cute girls in vidya
that and less marketing, of course
Does this have dailies and shit or can I play it when I actually want to?
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if you're talking about this daily, yes
It does
But the daily rewards ain't much so you can feel free to miss them
>often reuse seiyu
On the contrary that's how english dubbing has been, that was the standard criticism for it since Japan has always had a huge community of voice actors while English was practically a small group. Whenever people say that they hear the same Jap voices over and over, I believe they don't stop to think that it's primarily just recognizing the few standouts, when the majority of characters have a vast pool of people voicing them. Compared to English where literally every single character was someone you've heard a billion times, though I'm not sure about the current generation. Apparently with the growth of the industry as a whole, is the growth of English dubbing in which quality and quantity has risen, so it's probably less of an issue as it was before.
I believe your apathy for Japanese dubbing instead stems from not understanding the language (assumption.) So the subtleties of the acting is primarily lost.
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yeaaaaaaah i'm out then ty anyway anon
How the FUCK do I get better at aiming...
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>I've come to realize that EN is generally bad because of the language
The language has little to do with it, it just seems that way because you actually understand the language, that being said, for anime related stuff people in it are just shit at it 90% of the time, bottom of the barrel, like they fucking hired some bland ASMR roleplay e-thot who moonlights voicing rule34 captions, amazingly almost every ENG female VO sounds like the same flavor of "cute anime grill OwO"
>because modern game industry is allergic to cute girls in vidya
It's a problem on both ends. The target audience for cute girls are allergic to competitive gaming. So this game has this unfortunate blend of being for a casual audience with only potential for sweats. And it won't take off because 90% of the players playing the game have no interest in playing the game with a competitive mindset, and 90% of the people that do enjoy playing games with that mindset are turned off by the bishoujo elements.
This game is just asking for the comp scene to be niche.
How do you make and optimize webms?
Hmm now that you mention it you're right.
EN has been even more homogenous than JP.
Again I do want to be clear that I think JP is good.
Perhaps "fine" made it sound like I was being dismissive.
I just feel like there is a little bit of the celeb effect here and there like you said with the more well known actors.
JP definitely does have more variation than EN and is often less stilted sounding as well.
As long as JP keeps mixing in new talent to "dilute" things I don't think there's much to worry about.
ffmpeg if you're an autist
webm for lazys if you're can't into CLIs
boram if you want to get shit done in a couple of clicks
download ffmpeg and use this command, don't forget to replace the filenames

ffmpeg -ss 00:00 -i "file:E:\\Videos\\Strinova-Win64-Shipping\\Strinova-Win64-Shipping 2024.11.24 -" -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -threads 16 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -speed 1 -tile-columns 6 -row-mt 1 -frame-parallel 0 -b:v 3914k -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -g 128 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a libopus -b:a 128k -f webm "Strinova-Win64-Shipping 2024.11.24 -"
>and 90% of the people that do enjoy playing games with that mindset are turned off by the bishoujo elements
The vaunted gameplay only turbo autists who say they never care about visuals and only K/D ratios are scared by the anime cooties. . .
>if you're can't into
man i need to get some sleep...
fuck new talent
give me SUGITA to everyone
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I use handbrake, set output as webm, res to 720, remove audio, VP9 codec, enable multipass and tweak the bitrate depending on how long the clip is
my bitrate fucks up when i optimize with ffmpeg.. guess ill try using this, thanks anon
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we're reaching critical levels of silliness
Which girl has unshaved coochie ?
I love this game
do you play on eu?
maybe i do, maybe i don't
Stop posting gore
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Literally who ask for anime valorant? Why not anime left for dead or anime trannyframe such a waste
>Literally who ask for anime valorant?
Valorant was supposed to be anime but westkeks can't control themselves and had to make it western.
Anime Gears of War would've been kino, but no one wants to play that, another Left for Dead or Warframe
I'm always asking for more anime shooters.
As much as I enjoy this game, it's slowly starting to remind me why I stopped playing multiplayer games that rely on teams.
uooh i love sniping
>My wife Michelle fistbumping with Nobunaga.
This reeks of NTR, dropped.
I'm a firm believer that anime games should mostly be PVE games. This game is just weird, its anime girls with normal guns and normal grenades its just wrong there is no magic its not anime at all its like a custom mod for valo. Anime + esports just don't mixed well.
I'm tired of Valorant and its run-n-gun headshots so yes me asked.
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Those flicks. . .
my bad habit, flicking instead of normally aiming and shooting
Bros... I had 40 kills while sitting on the cart with Audrey and I feel filthy...
Flicking is good if you have the muscle memory down.
What time is daily reset in this game
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Anime league of legends when?
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Yes, not the only thing that's similar to OW.
>Mfw i realized that some maps are basically copy pasted from OW
I've played on these maps for years.
Why? It's the best mode.
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i'm at my fucking limit
Meredith is kinda good. Her skills are great at CC and they even do some damage.
Get fucked Catfag. Me on Audrey BTW
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So whats your rank and who is your main?
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>Mfw i realized that some maps are basically copy pasted from OW
Yeah that was a hilarious realization for me too, I find it really funny.
Damn, Kanami is this stacked?
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i'm not even a nyaggerfag
no one else on my team bothered to pick her
that's 300 heroes....and the shonen jump game that just died
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Competitive focused games are always trash, the ratio of having fun to being annoyed at it is tilted and constantly fluctuating to the point even the having fun part stops being fun and it's just fucking mind-numbingly tiresome, just dragon chasing between minutes of pre-round countdowns or spectating. I'm already feeling the fatigue set in and I'm reminded why I stopped bothering with competitive cringe.
Once the novelty of the anime shooter/Paper gimmick goes away I'll stop bothering to boot it up, especially when all this offers is the same 3 modes on the same handful of maps.
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ho lee fuk
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>Hold down trigger
>People can't resist peaking and just walk into your bullets
There needs to be a scientific study done to test why this is so common in every shooter game, people just can't resist peaking corners even when they know they'll get shot. Even I'm guilty of doing it myself sometimes.
this is so common and relatable, especially with snipers
im liking this game a lot been using celestia and fragrens since nobody ever seems to pick them
i keep forgetting that you can stick to a walls, surprisingly, there's not a lot of people that abuse this mechanic
At first i thought the paper 2d mode was stupid but actually playing the game convinces you that it's genius.
Who has the highest skill ceiling?
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should i buy someone or do i keep the tokens?
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Audrey :^)
Pretty happy to be able to enjoy select things about OW without having to actually deal with OW.
I fucking wish the chinks actually ripped off good past games like that for their anime gachas instead of just going for the most popular garbage during pre-production. Anime Valorant/Overwatch/Counter Strike will probably EoS sooner rather than later.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Audrey. The mechanics are deceptively complex, and without a solid grasp of tactical positioning and timing, most of her gameplay will go over a typical player's head. There's also Audrey's strategic depth, which is masterfully built into her design—her heavy stationary weaponry speaks to themes of overwhelming power balanced by vulnerability, requiring true skill to master.

Fans of Audrey understand this; they have the intellectual capacity to appreciate the genius behind holding left click to annihilate everything on the screen. It's not just a game mechanic—it’s a statement about control and chaos. As a consequence, people who dislike Audrey truly ARE casuals—of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the subtle brilliance of her charged annihilation animations, which themselves are a nod to classic mecha anime destruction scenes. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those button mashers scratching their heads in confusion as Audrey’s overwhelming power unfolds before them. What rookies… how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, I DO main Audrey. And no, you cannot see my stats. They're for the leaderboard only—and even that’s exclusive to players ranked within at least 5 levels of my own skill (preferably lower).
Maddeline has to be the most impactful character when properly played, she alone can deny a whole area while still having good damage at any range, her boring looks were a conscious decision made to deter people from playing her
I have yet to play a single demolition game that felt fair and wasn't just a stomp, feels like this mode just doesn't work with randoms in this game. Higher ttk means moving fast as a team is 5x more important than in other similar games, and whichever team is more coordinated auto-wins
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>least kills
>team mvp
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Has anyone noticed how fucking cheeked up Eika is? Like it's not wide or anything, her skirt just hangs over her ass.
I don't care how normal people try to pretend to be, it's fucking distracting and you're lying if you say you didn't noticed.
What does SVP even mean?
I'm probably a much bigger coomster than you but during matches i barely have the time to look at them, maybe during prematch countdown.
Yeah anon, you are right. This game faces heavy competition by the huge amount of anime shooters in the market like uh, uhm... like...yeah.. like that one....uhhh you know the one... uhhh. ANYWAYS my point is EoS soon!
I love her so much. Bought BP for her skin and she does take off her veil if you get MVP,
MVP for the losing team, aka second valuable player.
Yeah what does each letter mean? Second valuable player? Sore valuable player?
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Sex valuable player
The "anime shooter" market is extremely niche and for a good reason, it's not isolated, the game is actually simultaneously competing in several saturated markets:
>the tactical shooter market - players of these games demand very tight mechanics and balance, and while this game is pretty good by chink standards, it falls short compared to existing games like cs and valorant, players of those games are unlikely to move over
>the anime waifu collector market - you need memorable character designs to come out on top here, and a good story to make you care about the characters helps too, this game has neither, most of the designs are pretty generic and forgettable, only a few skins stand out. and since there's very little overlap between players of this and tactical shooters, most players who come for waifus will not have the existing mechanical skills to be good at a shooter, which is probably why the game is currently full of bots in every mode
>live services in general - the whole point of live services is to cannibalize each other by forcing players to play your game more because of dailies, battle passes, grinds etc, it's a zero sum game so if your game can't capture a large audience from day 1 it's likely dead

tl;dr the game isn't bad but it's very unlikely to survive when it's competing for players with so many other games. being a live service pvp game with matchmaking, it needs a massive player count to be sustainable without every game being 75% bots, which it doesn't have, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdYM1FTFgTE
If it dies it dies, is this really so much fun to speculate about?
I play game cause fun.
To be fair this type of game is likely to hemorrhage player count rather than increase it, how many people playing now on the week of release do you think are going to be playing it a year from now, especially if someone else throws their hat in the anime shooter market? How many new players do you think they can bring in with what they offer? This is basically going to be Paladins tier
We need anime helldivers 2 not this shit
>>Shotgun and Healer Hightab
>>DMR and AK girls lowtab
>Enemy team:
>>Support MVP
>>Nobunaga lowtab
What the hell is that game.
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don't care about player counts, i'm just having fun
it's not about it being fun to speculate, people should just be aware of what the long term state of a heavily monetized live service game is likely to be before investing in it. if you enjoy it for what it is and don't mind the fact that it will get shut down in a year, maybe two max, that's fine.
I already played all the other shooters in the market and I'm simply not coming back to any of them
Tranny pronouns infested dogshit game with mentally ill niggers and horrible cosmetics. Servers are trash.
Lol, lmao.
They/Them garbage with outdated boring gameplay.

Again, when you see any of those so called "anime shooters" in the market you can make your point. This game isn't competing with Valorant or CS2. The average Val or CS2 player is going to look at the anime style and never even try the game.

Obviously this game is not going to hold the same amount of players it has at launch, but as long as it holds a decent playerbase it will thrive, and that's all it matters. Most people isn't even playing from Steam anyway.
Sounds more like your wishful thinking and wanting to convince other of it guising it as concern.
Coming into the Strinova general complaining that the game is Strinova, holy shit. How many other generals face this problem?
we're still new, other generals get drive by posters time to time.
any competitive game, really
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Have you seen other vg generals, anon?
This shit happens all the time
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This is nothing really, trust me, source: me. Wuwa and other non mihoyo gacha get raided constantly by non gacha players looking to start shit, picrel. This game is still flying low so you're not getting the real schizos and discord raiders.
Honestly, it's common in /vg/ as a whole. There is also a few Snowbreak niggers who keep coming here for whatever reason to try to shit on the game using different methods.
Did you even read my post, or did you just struggle to understand? Of course it's not competing with any anime shooters because there's barely any, because the market is extremely niche. It is absolutely competing with valorant and cs2 for tactical shooter players, just because it has little chance of stealing players from those games doesn't mean those games won't steal players from it.
I thought it was people who hate china, which I get it, but I wanna play video games and play as big tiddy anime girls with guns
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>no one on my team wants to play ming
>have to do the heavy lifting again
ah shit
sometimes i wanna relax, not sweat like a fucking pig every round
The point is that you are being obtuse on purpose anon.

You are trying to make it about Valorant or CS2 when the main draw for Strinova has always been that's it's an anime shooter. And because there are literally no alternatives, Strinova fills that void. It doesn't matter if the balance isn't perfect, or if it has dailies or a BP or whatever.

As long as it exists it already has a market.
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Saving all these clips for later shilling when anons ask what the gameplay is like.
Good hustle, if this is an average ranked match, I'm good being in normal matches for now.
I like how most Nonokas' reactions to someone flanking her is to freeze up like a deer in headlights.
It's what I always do anyways,
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it's kokona, you dummy
I usually whip a deagle or a katana and go full banzai. Sometimes it even works.
Also freezing up is the worst thing you could do, better be moving in the most spastic ways imaginable. Even if you don't survive, you'll waste attackers' time.
I do switch to sword, but it rarely works out, beside the time I just started spamming jump in a small hallway and got a triple melee kill cause they were all grouped up trying to gun down one helpless Nonoka.
What's the benefit of not dying a round? for example not just camping the bomb until you explode
I think this game exists in an odd mechanical space where it's too movement heavy for people who want an anime CS, but too restrained for people who want something with individualistic skill expression. I personally can't see myself playing it long term, but I don't think it'll have a problem holding a sizeable niche audience for both casual and competitive. Being incredibly lightweight to run for a modern release will also help it a long way.
Player counts won't matter for an extremely long time unless you care about ranked, and the devs already accounted for lower rank population problems with their bot system. The game is already throwing people into whatever the fuck server it feels like if it finds a match there, and it seems like it trusts the client for everything so most people probably won't notice when they're playing at 200 ping.
Extra buy points for the next round, still you should camp the bomb site, the radius is pretty small
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You get more money.
have some more kokona gaming
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Oh cool a general. Uh is there a group to play with here already?
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which one of you fuckers is it
and another
there's a union you can join, but it's only on NA until they delete the region lock (>>503488945)
What games have you been playing to get that flick shot muscle memory? TF2?
3k hours in summary on csgo
Now do that in an actual gamemode.
Damn okay. I dread the day this game becomes more popular because i'm gonna get smoked by cs vets.
can I pound your prostate?
I could do better than you
What does an interceptor do? Block nades?
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she constantly flashes her panties in most of her animations i love her
Can I make friends playing this game?
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>basic flavia has pencil skirt or some sort of shorts underneath
>paper mode removes those and you see dat ass with those stockings on
If you want ironic weeaboos who use discord as your friends, then yes.
Wish I could get away with maneuvers like this instead of dying the moment someone sneezes on me.
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As a leg man who also fancies girls in masks, watching Eika is bliss.
this game is fire, I've been using maddalena and absolutely dominating in team deathmatch, my team consistently wins and I keep getting the MPV
nobody tell him it's bots
I put,
>What the fuck is whatsapp
but that didn't work.
But you should put your email in anon.
Yeah, when you're low rank/just starting, they throw you in with easy bots to make you enjoy some wins to get you hooked.
Everyone does this, Fortnite, Overwatch, etc.
well shit, if I'll end up matched against unwinnable shit soon I might as well just stop playing the game and save myself time
If you're not good at video games, then yeah probably.
If you're moderately okay at shooters then you'll be fine, it's not too tough here yet
i don't pick her in demolition
Because it's marginally harder to play her in it.
I have not matched up with any sweats in my games. I mostly encounter Team Fortress 2 public server levels of resistance, essentially everyone is running around and just having fun. Brings back memories from orangeX autistic shitfest servers desu.
I hate Lawine's ult I hate Lawine's ult. Please make it less useless
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Thanks to the few anons teaming up we've made it to lvl 3
>Check footage to see why I keep missing easy shots
>Fire when my crosshair is over Michelle's twintails
>Fire when my crosshair is over Kokona's braid
It's weird because it's a skill issue but also doesn't really feel like my fault.
>Smoke bombs combined with abilities that give you wallhacks
Isn't that too good?
extremely telegraphed if doing it yourself
needs teamwork to do with a smoke char and a scan character
Anyone close to level 30 yet?
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What you wanna know?
Also open to suggestions who to unlock as 4th since now credits are probably going to be drip fed. Got Fragrans, Flavia and Kanami so far.
>What you wanna know?
How many hours you have in game.
Now matchmaking's setting me up with other people who cannot aim like myself. There's no escaping this.
>want to get the battlepass
>prefer eika's default skin
>feels like a waste buying it but not using it
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I have no friends currently so yeah that would be okay.
there are so many degens in that random chat that i had to turn it off
Do the weekly quests expire when their week is up or do they remain until the pass is over?
i saw a review saying that they're only up for like 3 weeks
pressed X on that tho
A bit above 40. Been one helluva weekend.
I'm sad that there are no revolvers or handcannons anywhere
bro your secondaries?
Just make friends bwo. Just that simple
He specifically said revolvers and handcannons, anon.
deagle copy
>Painting Utopia Security.
>The characters with paint themed skills are not part of it.
What did they mean by this?
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My wife Michele is the cutest
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>Reach level 15 and unlock Ranked.
>Ranked is Demolition only.
kek, not touching that garbage.
Why are draws a thing
Is there a way to in-game sort characters by what type/organization they are? Not sure how to parse the info out without using a wiki.
they show organizations when you're selecting a character to play
you can also toggle to see their class instead
They have a color coded vertical strip on their portrait in the agent tab and a symbol on their portrait when selecting them in a match
>Red are Scissors
>Blue are PUS
>Yellow is a third faction that I forgot the name of
who has the most porn
who has the least
i find ranked incredibly boring... i had more fun when the 4 game modes in rotation
I think it's a problem this game has if it wants to be serious as a competitive title, and it gets even worse with skins having zero regard for silhouette or hitbox. I don't give a fuck about ranked or playing it competitively so it doesn't bother me much, but it's pretty obvious the devs are noobs when it comes to shooters.
>who has the most porn

>who has the least
best legendary skin?
I think one of the things keeping the game from being more mainstream is the lack of cool guys. Most sweaty tactical shooter players don't want to play as a kawaii uguu waifu.
Sauce me anon.
As expected of the ugliest.
How come people want to fuck idols the most.
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>Why you booing me I'm right.png
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they just copy and paste a lot of things from other competitive shooters slap their gimmick in it without actually understanding what made it work.....
i imagine that sweaty tactical shooter players would play a game they find enjoyable, even if it's full of waifus
but im probably just projecting
Insecurity is a helluva drug
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I'm kind of muscling through it myself, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I wish I could just play as a tacticool guy.
post tits
>Escort isn't available in ranked
Literally WHY?!
It's bad enough that the game has any guys at all.
Aika is such a lewd girl!
They should have done a more even split or none at all.
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begone heretic
You're right, but gachabrained chinamen get triggered when they exist alongside the girls.
Also I'm transgender btw, forgot to mention.
Reiichi's not hot enough for ya?
No you
He's alright but he's only 1 out of the whole bunch. Ikemen are also getting boring these days. And it's more of a problem when you can't mix and match weapons, I don't like how his gun handles.
The few males that are in are secretly the best characters. No one realizes though because no one plays them.
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Had to record this in the game replayer so the quality is a bit poor, but it was a pretty nice shot.
Bai Mo is pretty bad, shotguns feel so useless. I expect to dominate at close range with them but they’re no different from all the rifles. If anything it feels like even less damage.
If the game had even more guys it would just die even faster. People who like tactical shooters but don't like anime girls and just want to play as men already have, you know, every other tactical shooter.
Very weird they don't just add one more round, would it make the match that much longer?
Needs a better way in gaining in-game currency.
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>he doesn't know about the secret item that gives a ton of currency when used
Are there any humans in TDM (not team arena) at all? It feels as though no one ever puts up any resistance in that mode.
its pretty bad, i get a full queue of 15 people in 4 seconds at 2AM on eu on a sunday night
The wall and hp shred are bs skills, delete those and the game will be funner.
Honestly I'm surprised at how good the bots are in this game, in most other games with bots they have extremely obvious tells that let you know it's a bot as soon as you see them, but here it's sometimes legitimately hard to tell them apart from dumb players.

Only tells I've noticed so far is that bots often switch targets nonsensically and react too fast to someone showing up in their peripheral vision.
They don't need to hate anime girls, they could just want an alternative to playing as them, the few they tossed in to pretend like it's an even split are far in between and not even that good.
>they could just want an alternative to playing as them
They already have an alternative, it's called valorant or CS
Yeah but those are whole other games, and older ones too.
Maybe this was supposed to be the 4th male character, but the only information in English that I can find about him is that people apparently fucking hated him in the story.

Actually, yeah, looking at the game's EN text there's references to him being a sniper with a slow and using a "Spiderbound." Wonder if he got scrapped.
I have to imagine we'll get dream tokens in event shops because level 133 to unlock everyone sounds very extreme.
>in the story
...this game has a story?
I really wouldn't mind getting dream tokens instead of some skins/weapons in the battlepass
What, does he dare to talk to a female character or something? That's what normally makes chinks sperg out.
Due to the casual target audience, it only makes sense that they invest a bit into making the bots pretty good. Seems its really payed off considering how many people ignorantly get an ego boost over those games and their performance.
I only play demolition.
Everyone only plays demolition. I don't know what he's on about.
I only queue for escort and demolition.
>be terrorist character with dark skin
>organization tries to kill Audrey
>attack fails and organization abandons him to die
>loses his memory and yellow faction takes him in

Chinks got mad that he almost tried to kill Audrey and spun a narrative that Audrey is the MC's girlfriend who he tried to kill and that he should not be forgiven.
Devs whitewashed him because they thought the negative rection was due to skin colour. Which was partially true because china.
Playerbase implodes because of the Audrey point and devs do a live apology stream where they said no more playable males for a year and Julian (his name) is never coming out.
Based, noone messes with MY big titty blonde paizuri wife.
So exactly what I thought then. Chinks are so fragile.
Escort only here, wish they'll add a 3rd map sooner rather than later.
>Audrey is the MC's girlfriend who he tried to kill and that he should not be forgiven.
Why are chinks so deranged?
I know right? If a black man tried to kill my wife, I would testify for his innocence because I'm not a racist chud like those chinks
Based chinks protecting us from the ugly niggerfaggot
She's killed in every fucking match. You are either a delusional subhuman self inserter or completely disingenuous.
>tranny argues in bad faith
In other shocking news, water is wet
>and devs do a live apology stream where they said no more playable males for a year and Julian (his name) is never coming out.
>the chink cries out in pain as it strikes you
She's not real. He's not real. You have a mental illness if you think otherwise.
woops I just killed your girlfriend with a male character
Struck a nerve, huh?
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pls be nice to eachother
He's almost certainly pretending to be retarded. Genuine chinks are just as brain damaged as westoid trannies though.
First mixed toilet gacha?
Holy fuck Eika is hot garbage
she's my hot garbage
*sheathes katana*
heh, I just can't help it when someone insults m'lady online
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So, moral of the story, if you're gonna do male playable characters in a waifu gacha game with a target demographic being waifufags and chink purefags, don't make them ikemen, don't even give them faces, make them cool mook looking motherfuckers based on their respective faction and either have them just be in the background as actual mobs in the stories or write them off as a (You) stand-in, this way you get to keep the waifus for (You) AND give people playable male options that are cool without pissing off the more deranged chink idolfaggotry, I mean, any lore or story aside >>503554940 looks shit, if only going by design and not kit, why would any straight man looking to play male characters want to play that? if they're gonna make it a twink just go full tomboy instead and spare themselves the hassle.
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please dont be racist I just wanna strin : (
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>don't even give them faces, make them cool mook looking motherfuckers based on their respective faction
but that's the best type of character design
Sorry friends. Just very tired of the insanity.
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It's why I said it. It's baffling how many in the industry don't seem to get it, at best you only get the aforementioned mooks (likely because they don't want to draw multiple different faces on them) or kino antagonists
I suck at the game but I'm having fun, last shooter that I played was Perfect Dark 64
How many patches will there be for everyone else to be buffed to match Ming?
I just hit Gold on normie mode. This game sucks.

>TTK low
>stringify mechanic barely works. you still add an extra .5 seconds to death
>Audrey, the champ with a shield still dies in majority of 1v1s
>Support abilities worthless. Shield adds negligent gains
>P.U.S characters weak compared to Scissors bitches
>Shark is picked 100% of the time.

I'm used to boomer shit like TF2 and not gay shit like CunterShite and Vaginarant so maybe it's just not my thing. Sucks because my friends really like it.
>don't make them ikemen
But then they don't appeal to femcels and homos, which is the only reason male playable characters are forced into these games.
>It's Valorant but the characters aren't ugly
>even the guys generally look ok (needs a bit more variety at this point)
why did it take so long for something like this to exist?
Wow you're so cool.
Dev note
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For me, it's Fuchsia
what is it about sharks?
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dumb nyagger
I get your reasoning but you're being silly.
OK nevermind, turns out the solution was to go Single Shot mode for her upgrade.
mahjong scares me
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>6 hours just sitting on the payload
What the fuck?
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What's the keyhole for?
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For me it's Michele
Congrats, now you have a mediocre semiauto AR with terrible recoil
unlocking the heart
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How do I get the advanced version of the skin? Don't tell me it's dupe bait...
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>parent's home
That's where the key goes
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After playing ranked for a few hours, I have concluded that ranked is dogshit.
Shark gun feels like shit to play though.
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purple ball currency
But I think ikemen are shit as a homo.
There's nothing in there about no more male characters though.
You seem to be unaware of how prolific the masked man fetish is for both femcels and homos, it's an entire genre on its own. For example, have you seen how much femcels obsess over characters like Ghost from COD?
Here are the Glory (Secret) Achievements:
>Defeat 1 enemy while blinded in Demolition/Ranked matches
>Win any single round of a Demolition/Ranked match after you become the sole survivor of your team with all enemies remaining
>Knock down at least 30 enemies in Team Deathmatch
>Knock down 5 enemies in 15s in Team Deathmatch
>Defeat at least 10 opponents before getting defeated in Team Deathmatch
>Survive attacks from 5 different opponents in a single round of Demolition/Ranked match
>Use a sniper rifle to score a headshot and knock down or defeat an enemy in a stringified state in Demolition/Ranked matches
>Defeat or knock down gliding enemies in Demolition/Ranked matches
>In Demolition/Ranked matches, knock down or defeat the opponent attacking you at the moment of your knockdown or defeat (including by items or summons).
>Revive teammates 4 times in a single round of Demolition/Ranked match
>Win after trailing by 7 rounds in a Demolition/Ranked match
>Reach Account Lv. 500
>Level 400
>Level 300
>Level 200
>Level 100
>Defeat at least 3 enemies with explosives in any round of a Demolition/Ranked match
>Use a Tactical Item to defeat or knock down at least 3 enemies in Demolition/Ranked matches
I didn't even know there was a purple ball currency, wish there was just a way to click on all of them in the inventory to see their sources
>not boomer
Nice try, zoomer
So is this anime valorant?
Will we get an older guy?
All the dudes are ikemen which is a bit redundant.
At least there's a biunch of cuties to play as.
I hate playing non-utility chars but shark girl is hot.
what secondary and tactical should I use for celestia?
I use smoke and healing grenades on all my agents.
Pistol or shotgun pistol if you're an aimer.
Sword or flamethrower if you're an aimlet.
Tacticals depend on map and team. For example in base404 you always want wind grenade, but in general I go smoke + heal for attack and on defence, heal + interceptor on celestia.
hope they add cool tall males and not stupid faggy boys in shorts
meant for >>503554940
Sorry not base 404, I mean fucking gravity chamber map.
Does Kanami have the same scope as Kokona?
Yes, they're both 2.5x scopes
Meredith CHADS
tfw STILL against bots
>windy town
>teammates don't hold mid
>lose every round
Strinovaz: The Duel
Why do so many profiles look like this? Are they bots?
good morning
realized how good fuchsia is after testing out her active skill
So that's how you counter that bullshit sand storm
>devs named a bot aikafemboy
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I'm now picturing an hypothetical Strinova where at the start of the game players chose one of the factions to represent storywise and when shit like this happens between factions, it's shown to have been the faceless guy with the player model from the opposing faction, i;e another "Navigator".
Would those same chinks get super mad and declare war on the players from the faction that tried to assassinate their waifu?
Now I kinda want to see a competitive waifu shooter built around a rivalry concept like that, like the season plots are structured in a way that they can split in different story paths depending on what faction got the most points each week in a season long tournament, with shit going down with a losing Faction's characters, like some old WWE plotline or some shit.

Also, appropriate Captcha
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what was stopping you from holding mid?
The sword hitbox is anywhere from anywhere in the view of the person wielding to guaranteed miss. Still the best secondary.
sometimes it does this weird thing where it dashes you to the enemies side if you just barely hit them at the max melee range
cant win with retarded faggots

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