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Rogue Edition

>Update 2.0 Character Builder

>Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty — Official Launch Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reABCMNGM3w (embed)

>Latest Patch

>Exclusive Items: Twitch/Amazon/Gwent/Witcher/Gog
https://pastebin.com/fH8Uhw1P (embed)

>Cyberpunk Clothes

>Console Commands for Items, Clothes, Weapons, Leveling, Money, and More
https://pastebin.com/WNtMrtNt (embed)

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https://pastebin.com/FzAvQg1H (embed)

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>/cp77g/ HOF: Community Content, Projects, and Races

>Braindance Catalogue

[__FL̷̞̀ATL̷̢̛I̴͝N̵E̵̞̋D__]: >>503135431
Judy best girl.
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Rip Pepe edition
why is rogue ok with having sex with a woman
Spitters are quitters.
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Reply for inclusion on the roll chart update
Oh it does look good, just not really what I had in mind for those fits. So what do you have for the NPV now?
>there's also symbolism behind the long hair me thinks.
And what's that?
A more elaborate answer: yes the game runs extremely well on a Steam Deck, but be realistic, it's a handheld PC after all instead of a full rig. Now the obvious advantage to it is that you'll be able to run mods too, here the performance will be based on what you're adding to the game. It's all pretty decent, but just saying that you'll never get to the modding heights (or depths) that you would be capable of with a desktop
Because she's a horny old slut who wanted one more chance with Johnny no matter what. Also, that's a male V hand.
kek you could play “where’s retard?” by hiding cute retard v’s pic in with all the clowns. took me a second to see her.
Edgerunners was pretty okay
I enjoyed it. Glad I played the game first, though, as the show I thought didn't do a lot of world building but seemed to assume people knew what was going on.
no mods using redscript is working im getting a REDScript compilation has failed error how 2 fix
update redscript
The error usually tells you what went wrong.
Where's the kot? Rollchart needs a kot.
At the end of the process
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>Beginning of the game
>Vic tells us to take puffs from his inhaler now and again in an hour
>V never takes the inhaler again
>V would never disregard Vic, he's too based
>From this, we can deduce the entire game takes place over the course of less than a single hour
vik is a quack if you haven't noticed by now
V literally states he's the best of the best
v also pays 20k eddies to wake up in a bathtub
Those blood droplets from the initial anasthesia shot are there through the entire game and even the epilogue. That shit shoulda clotted and flaked off in 20 minutes.
Just more evidence to your point.
Anon actually believes that dumb bs.
It's a dev overnight, sometimes they appear and sometimes they don't, also they never finished the endings of the game, 3rd act doesn't exist, etc, etc.
Wish my V would wake up in my bath tub...
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Console anon...
Kek, you got me this time
Holy shit
How much does armor reduce damage taken by? Like for example, how much armor equates to 1% damage reduction?
If I had to guess, Armor doesn't work like that, but the last time I asked nobody answered me so I hope you fare better
Well that's confusing then, how the fuck does it work? Does it grade on a curve? If so that's silly.
>grade on a curve
That might be the best way to explain it. I've never caught a name for the type of system. Basically Attack/Armor=Damage. I only assume it works that way because of how armor scales.

Shit, I guess it's something to test. Get armor to zero, go get shot and see how much HP you lose, go back and equip armor, get shot again, do math.

I don't know I'm too much of a brainlet for this stuff
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Have you already scouted the Badlands? I tried out the old watertower from the Nomad Prologue, but the border guards were giving me a bad time
Well if you do test it, please post your results. It'd be nice to know for weighing what cyberware is actually worth half a shit and how much armor the Pain Editor functionally equates to.
Dunno how accurate this is
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why does your V have nosferatu hands
>but the border guards were giving me a bad time
Man I tried getting past them. Googled out of bounds vids. Nothin. What a bummer

I think my favorite spot if not Judy's cabin is definitely the abandoned farmhouse you stay in with Panam and Saul. There's the would-be-pretty-if-not-for-all-the-garbage kinda marshy area, and the closest thing to trees and stuff out in the pains there. It's quite scenic
If true, it's not reducing by percent then but by integer value, which is kinda dumb as fuck. Thanks for this chart anon.
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Dad pissed of a Tzimisce shitlord and mom once sucked off a Nossie
The claw nails just seal the deal
>Man I tried getting past them.
I'm not sure if some mod of mine changes it, but I just rode through the toll booth at high speed. It's the Wanted Stars that I couldn't get rid of on first try, then when I fell from the water tower I got stuck in a dead-on-spawn load game loop
thread clearly started off on the wrong foot with this, that's bad juju
Ah. Nah, on console you literally just die after a certain distance from the gate
I concur, Judyfags are nothing but trouble.
Nice shot.
Honestly every love interest is shit.
Fickle dumb bitch with a bleeding heart for prostitutes of all people, also leaves you to go slut around the country lmao
Reckless, never learns from her mistakes, has anger issues, zero foresight too
Trailer trash (former) cop who's about as interesting as white bread
Literally a gay grandpa with some sort of manic disorder and anger issues, at least he's filthy rich I fucking guess but big whoop

The DLC should've added two new ones, a bisexual male and bisexual female.
>that gorge in the NE Badlands
Holy shit I forgot this was here. Talk about scenic. Also that eastward highway makes for a great leaving NC shot

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Total qt
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>So what do you have for the NPV now?
The ones you wanted plus a the little changes I made:
-the pink dress
-Mox shorts(bobcut)
-Mox shorts + jacket(bobcut, better gloves)
-Mox shorts + jacket(better gloves, ponytail), aka the bitching fit.
-tie skirt fit
>And what's that?
The way I see it, the bobcut represents her as a rookie, a greenhorn Mox in her "just starting out" phase, while the ponytail reflects her having more experience, suggesting growth, practicality, and confidence.

P.S. I gotta finish some none NPV related stuff, before I can do "The thing", I want to do and finish cleaning the NPV's, I'll updated you and the other anons soon, also once I'm done I'll Take Scar to Judy's gooner cave and make an honest woman out of her.
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>>that gorge in the NE Badlands
coordinates please
Alright, seems all good to me. I'm assuming that all the other fits still have their old hairs? I can give you my reason for wanting the messy bob, tho it's mainly colored blonde, the pink highlights match well with the pinks in the clothes thus more consistency yadda yadda (yes I can be this annoying at the barber too)
>The way I see it
Hadn't thought about it like that
no comment
>coordinates please
Console doesn't get those either lol...
The whole stretch is gorgeous (no pun intended), but I went as far east down the highway as possible and then cut north to find it
There are landmines
Not necessarily disagreeing, but I like that none of them are perfect for better or worse.
She was alright as the shut in basement dwelling BD editor. Completely unbearable cunt, terrible personality and I'm still baffled by the fact people somehow find her cute out appealing.
Hot headed, reckless, stubborn, brave, passionate, etc, etc.
WHO THE FUCK CARES? seriously, who goes and romances River or Kerry for that matter, one is super needie and the other is such a diva, I can only picture women with an I can fix him kink actually finishing his quest. Btw women play as men the same way we men play as women.
>and I'm still baffled by the fact people somehow find her cute out appealing.
As a fallow basement dwelling porn-addicted cunt, it's pretty easy to see through that veneer
And she's hot, so
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Judy? more like Doody lmao get dunked on
>That slight bulge.
My god.
>why's Jude cryin'?
>'cause she just got dunked on

I'm sorry
Have you seen that clip of her getting dick and fingered?
No, or "all of them" if that's funny
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lmao based
Goddamn, are people not allowed to just get themselves a NiCola around here?
Expert here. I believe every Valeries on this general have some mental defect. And i also believe the best cure to solve this crisis is putting my sausage inside them.
How ya been, Riv?
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I found it...
Her clothing cleaning bills must be humongous
>found it
I had to do it too. Had to see if there was any collision down there
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eVel knieVel
>Her clothing cleaning bills must be humongous
The heavy duty and sanitize settings are lifesavers.
>I had to do it too
Oh no, I actually dove headfirst into that canyon by accident
That blood is actually a mod right?
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this doesn't seem like the words of a top expert
>asian drivers
>That blood is actually a mod right?
This blood is: >>503523307
But not this blood: >>503524578
> I'm assuming that all the other fits still have their old hairs?
>Hadn't thought about it like that
There's a method to my madness bro.
>no comment
>I don't know how this happened officer, they were already like this when I got here.
The ticking timebomb triggering and blowing that one Tyger to bits, holy shit.
it’s super embarrassing when you start but forgot your pad
no bully
Sit on her face to show superiority.
Fucking kek
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what're you gonna do if I don't?
I'll consider it
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It is actually a good view
내 절벽을 먹어, 바보야 •`_´•
huh, now I wonder if that's another option not turned on in my settings
So what about the file size? Kinda curious to the behind the scene stuff too now, if you got anything to share
Heyo, that's h- omg that parking job
Okay, that is cute af
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Good morning Sneed City
A Feed in the Seed
Judy always best girl. Panam canonically betrays you. River lol. Kerry old.
>Panam canonically betrays you
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Now we wait for the guest of honor
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>Judy always best girl.
>Panam canonically betrays you.
you can't bring up the Phantom Liberty endings if you are going to ignore Judy fucking off to Pittsburgh and getting married
>Panam canonically betrays you
I don't know what you're on about but Starchads stay winning
Aw hell yeah
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Yes, she does.
>you can't bring up the Phantom Liberty endings if you are going to ignore Judy fucking off to Pittsburgh and getting married
But thats is unironically understandable. Plus when you call she hints that she isn't over you. Panam fucking gives up on you.
Starchads are the ones who experience THE canon ending. But it is canon that ultimately Panam would betray you in one of the endings.
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I'm not in the mood of being coomer because still no futa gangbang option for Lizzie Braindance mod
the star is the ultimate ending thematically
you can even get panam and judy
>Panam fucking gives up on you.
There is just as much evidence that she dies fighting Militech searching for V
What the actual fuck, don't ever reply to me
>There is just as much evidence that she dies fighting Militech searching for V
Mick literally tells you not to call her. If she was dead he would just say so
>Plus when you call she hints that she isn't over you.
Thos is why I always say that The Tower isn't bad for V. Just fucking go to Pittsburgh. 'Thanks Bonnie or Becky or whatever. Your services are no longer necessary.' Judy'll fold. It'll be tough but we're meant to be.
>Panam fucking gives up on you.
Real talk I always thought this was the weakest epilogue, by far.
"Yeah, sorry V. See, Panam was SO worried about you and hurt and being ghosted, that you calling her out of the blue has made her not want to talk to you."
Like, get fucked, that's not how people work.

HOT TAKE: FEEN-X is overrated, RAM RECOUP is underrated.
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V will be in Orion. Panamfags will get their answers. Judyfags will get their pussy.. Trust the plan.
V will be in Orion as a drink at the afterlife and no confirmation about what actually happened to them or canonically what went down in the end.
Nah you'll import your desired ending and roll from there. Trust the plan.
>Implying games import saves anymore
This isn't the fucking PS2 days bro. We ain't never getting sovl like that again.
Fuck you for being so right...
You have to have faith. V will be back.
>a glass of cold piss with kidney stones
What are you on about, bioware slop still do it and if not they can just go the "pick your choices" before the game starts route
>bioware slop still do
>he doesn't know
Inquisition was my last bioware title
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>bioware slop still do it
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>Inquisition was my last bioware title
If Orion is set in the past and the MC is Morgan Blackhand I will flatline myself.
Fucking retard lmao
>Cyberpunk 2007
>Highest tech is the in-universe Iphone
>If Orion is set in the past
this could happen, I'm inclined to believe it will because it lets them use all sorts of Iconic characters again
>the MC is Morgan Blackhand
this thankfully will never happen Pondsmith has plans for Black hand that's why he doesn't show up in 2077 at all
right now to me at least its 60/40 between a new protag and V
>It's also a mobile game
At this point I'm convinced Pondsmith will die before he actually does anything new.
one way to bring v back is the altered carbon route
Was that show good?
That actor kinda makes my skin crawl but the commercials made it look pretty neat
the first season was alright but they really shit the bed with the second one which got them cancelled lol
V can actually survive every ending except from suicide, of course.
Ah, bummer
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what's the problem, anon?
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what are V and V talking about?
this >>503534521
First season was kino
this is true, the big contentious thing between the endings though is the fate of Arasaka, we know no matter what the 5th Corporate war seems to be starting
but if you side with Arasaka they are at a greater advantage then every other ending where they are nearly destroyed by Yorinobu
>actually made that stupid phrase into a tramp stamp
I ought to smack you through this damn screen
Something wholesome

What's Falcon have to do with AC?
>What's Falcon have to do with AC?
hes it the lead actor in season 2
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was he not the actor in question?
true but cdpr is kinda limited by the timeframe of
>six months
in every ending except the devil, temperance and the tower
if they decide to make the devil ending canon they can explain a time skip and why v is back to square one

he was the main character in season 2
they could always just have Blue Eyes/Blackwall AI/deus ex machina contact V with a cure no matter what
Ah, lame

Nah. First season's lead was the dude from The Killing and last year's(?) Christmas revenge flick
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I'll take it with pride
What's up
Okay now it looks like she's ranting about something lol
could be the way they decide to go
they already planted the seeds with the peralez questline and phantom liberty and the star ending obviously
You're a faggot and a tranny
meant the sun lol
Airing the grievances regarding Judy mayhaps?
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you are a cute angry pet
here is your hug
Only if she's not the guest of honor
>into race mixing too
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She's not here yet, this place really smells like shit
Aw, if she's on her way there things should be okay enough that there's nothibg to rant about. Maybe she got a raw deal on some gangoons' weapons
Assault Rifles are the vanilla ice cream of weapons
They're also really bad in 2077, which sucks because vanilla is my favorite flavor of ice cream.
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Judy can't shoot
What about shotguns?
I did feel some second-hand embarrassment when she followed me into the scav lair with that little pea-shooter...
But she looked so cute and was so brave I'd never tell her that
mint chocolate chip
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Judy should have completed that dumb little droid of hers. Nibbles is baller and all but the game severely lacks robo doggo companion as a potential techie perk. Especially when Act I had us steal one
Bro you are not lying

It's a shame that the water is toxic because if that's Becca's SG you just made me think of a fun game they could play: Competitive "shotgun jumping" out into the water
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"all a matter of perspective" or whatever
pretty sure keeping it after Konpeki was one of many things that got the axe
>I don't get it why would you ca-
Oh. Nice
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>Becca's SG
It is, first thing I had to pick up after the Watson Lockdown got lifted. I'm not jumping back in that water tho
if that's true, maybe one day some mod man gets to dig up the remnants
Also, nice
>I'm not jumping back in that water tho

There's always bathtubs and pools for underwater fun
Peak Judyfag cuckoldry.
>Imagine how sweaty and hairy it must be.
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too soon
Kek. Poor Judy
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Yay period humor.
For some reason dogs love the smell or rather, the stench.
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>So what about the file size?
See for yourself, trimmed like 30MB off Scar's archive.
> if you got anything to share
What do you want to know?
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Good photo spot.
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shell be fine
Is the process getting easier for ya? And I was specifically wondering what determines the file size at all. Like, is it some base value for the actual character by itself, and then every type of hair, clothing, etc.. adds to that?
Oh my.
Is this another room I'm going to feel silly for not recognizing?
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Yes, very silly
Don't need to be in the club with that disco going on inside that helmet
>Don't need to be in the club with that disco going on inside that helmet
It's always a party in there. Also, I recognize the room.
one is nice to have, the other you expect to take damage.
Yellow light is the best.
Certainly a combination of everything, every little thing adds up but also not all mods are made equal, for example the mox short were pretty badly put together with empty arrays just left there, VTK hd body and textures are surprisingly light, but for some reason Tommy is still the heaviest bitch out of all them despite only have 3 outfits.
So nice of Scar to help V uh... zip up her pants
I guess it's Judy's cabin but I never paid attention to the non-bedroom interior...
>Vik charged us 21k for tier 1 basic kiroshis, ballistic coprocessor, and subdermal armor
>This is ridiculously expensive for those 3 pieces of cyberware
Hey wait a fucking minute--
He basically tells you kys yourself at the end of the game. Think he secretly hates V's guts for being a 27-year-old wannabe.
You're going to take damage unless you're playing like a no-skill bitch and staying in stealth 24/7. Under constant fire the recoup vomits more RAM onto me than I even know what to do with. Meanwhile feen ain't worth shit. Accelerated RAM up to 7 RAM? Oh boy that's gonna let me use so many good hacks. Can't even use fucking Contagion with that much.
And wouldn't you know it, RAM recoup works during overclock too.
Absolutely fucking hilarious.
You can't even argue that he's charging interest since V can do side jobs and pay him up front.
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dirty nomads
>the mox short were pretty badly put together with empty arrays just left there
>made for photomode ;-)
So you can confirm for us that there are actually poorly optimized mods. For the TommyNPV, my big think was that the arms were the heavy file
It is the cabin
His call during the suicide end credits begs to differ
installation fee
Why don't other rippers charge that?
its actually because V has an outstanding debt with Vik
>dirty nomads
Very nice Nomads
In my defense it's dark when you get there, when you turn the power on it directs you to the bathroom, and I've only been there twice...
>His call during the suicide end
Nah yeah I kid, Vik's a total bro. It's just that conversation where he basically yells at you, hands you pills and a gun and just says to figure something out always struck me as crazily harsh
For what? He had no other cyberware. How could he possibly owe Vik that much scratch?
Fixing him when he got shot, etc., of course.
I use both
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>hands you pills and a gun and just says to figure something out always struck me as crazily harsh
At that point he is V's surrogate father/older brother watching V die of rocker boy brain cancer that he can't fix, he is frustrated he can't help V
V states "I'll bring you the eddies later, with interest. You know I will."
Vik says "Last time, you hear?"
implies V has gotten cyberware layaway before, also Vik is clearing out a virus, all of that adds up
I would use both but my other two skeleton cyberware slots are taken by epimorphic skeleton and dense marrow.
>He had no other cyberware
also V does have cyberware in the beginning the wrist jack and shitty eyes and cyberdeck you use to hack during the Dorsett job
>implies V has gotten cyberware layaway before
>And yet V has no other implants when we start playing
Hey, good point
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>About to schleep
>Anon reminds me how much I hate cyberarms
Very kind of you.
Poorly optimized? no, not really, textures are high quality and so it the mesh both reasonably sized, problem is that the material routing was poorly done leaving a bunch of empty or badly named shit which might cause problems if another mod uses the same route or names. the saka cyberams tommy wanted were very well put together not notes and stuff, no beef there.
>Is the process getting easier for ya?
As far as that goes, yeah, I can put together one pretty fast, I can probably do 1 or 2 more before calling it quits but the amount of V is making the boot time pretty long and if I've learned anything is that I'm perfectly fine with only one womantwo at most, more than that would drive insane. Like 4 V's I can handle just fine they fit nice and tight in my truck, more than that and there's just no room, making me choose who do I take with me.
Everyone has that shit, even the poorest mother fuckers you see. There's no way it costs anywhere near a notable amount.
Not a satisfying answer, whatever you don't see or experience is like it didn't happen.
Rippers are actual doctors, not just cyberware installers. V's been doing low-level merc gigs for months by that point; I have no issue believing they're talking about work Vic has done related to injuries and shit incurred in those gigs.
>whatever you don't see or experience is like it didn't happen.
>r-rated movie didn't show graphic penetration during love scene
>"nah man they didn't fuck they just slid around naked on eacheother"
What mental condition is it when people are unable to use imagination during stories and need every single detail spelled out for them?
>even the poorest mother fuckers you see
most people in NC are in debt like V, they just don't have a ripper who will install shit for free or if they do they also call trauma to take the organs back and swap em
>Not a satisfying answer, whatever you don't see or experience is like it didn't happen.
There really isn't any other way of saying it though besides Vik listing out every implant or time he has worked on V, last time means it isn't the first time he has done this sort of thing
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All good, you'll remember the place now
I did wonder how'd you get the four npvs in a shot, all spawned with AMM and then pose I guess? Easier than Nibbles for group pics. But first, sleep
If they expect me to use my imagination to make their story make sense, then they are shit at storytelling. Simple as.
OK now we're being trolled. Later choom.
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Also during the montage where Jackie is taking V to get all of their shit/do gigs we see V meeting Viktor
you can deny any implications but its clear Jackie makes V meet Vik for a reason probably to set V up with some implants, or just as a regular client to his place
we also know V lived off of mama Welles and Jackie for a couple months so it isn't unlikely that V also got work from Viktor
Pretty much yeah, thank you for the funny example.
The obvious explanation is what the OP stated: Vik just took V for a ride, installed some low-tier implants, and charged top dollar for them, using the excuse that V would make it big and have to pay up to clear their outstanding balance. It’s easy to read subtle hints in the game’s world where even seemingly altruistic acts might have a tinge of opportunism. Perhaps Vik's good intentions are tempered by a pragmatic understanding that V’s success could also be his gain, a mutually beneficial, if slightly transactional, relationship.

I like to think fem V pay Vik with sexual favors
>you'll remember the place now
You bet
Rest well anon
I accept your concession choom.
>Vik just took V for a ride, installed some low-tier implants, and charged top dollar for them, using the excuse that V would make it big and have to pay up to clear their outstanding balance. It’s easy to read subtle hints in the game’s world where even seemingly altruistic acts might have a tinge of opportunism. Perhaps Vik's good intentions are tempered by a pragmatic understanding that V’s success could also be his gain, a mutually beneficial, if slightly transactional, relationship.
I don't know sounds like I would have to imagine a lot of implications for that to be true instead of just looking at the actual text presented
Bros why did Evie kill herself?

Yeah she was a joytoy and yeah we find her in a scav XBD recording dungeon with mattresses with blood and handcuffs and yeah when we find Ev she's handcuffed to a bed with blood on her crotch... but so what? "Wahhh these guys saw me on the rag I need to kill myself :(" bad storytelling if I'm being honest here chooms
what's the point of this gimmick of yours?
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missed a tiny pixel nipple nite
sometimes someone bites off more than one can chew, so to say
Solo, couples and intimate shoots: Nibbles+AMM
Group shots and general fuckery: AMM
That said I need good spot for the group shot, open to suggestions. No dicky twister or scav rape dungeon.

Still taking Scar to Judy's gooner cave later on, make her an honest woman and all
>sometimes someone bites off more than one can chew
Wait... so she ate too much?
This game's storytelling fucking sucks.

Okay, I'm done poking fun at the amon
Going apeshit with my gorilla arms
Let's see bro
That reminds me that I still haven't rescued her, was having too much fun not having to talk to Judy
>omg I'm such a woman! My mantis blades just accidentally deployed on these Tyger Claws and I didn't know how to stop them! Can you help me with these officer?
I'm telling moot
she can sit on my face to show superiority, I wouldn't mind
I know the feeling and I know the effects Kako has on weak minds
>Not getting the best sword in the game
I used to think she's classy, but she seems to be more into rough and violent
She was raped bruh
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>omg I'm such a woman!
>the officer's fw V tries to pull that on her
Kako is a virgin, convince me otherwise
But enough about your conception.
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What a waste, but it had to be done.
I haven't found a revolver I like more than the standard Overture, is there something nicer out there?
The Underture
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you get that by completing all of Wakako's gigs though
something's wrong with ya, bro
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Shut up and order, gonkbrain
Valerie always orders extra sausage
You know I'm all about that supaishii chiri
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Cheeseburger, Spicy chili side and apple juice
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love Lucy, simple as
I gotta piss
Plenty of avatars here would open up
Vincent is a pizza kinda guy
Name 'em, coward.
I love Norafawn
Every V here mostly yours
Ok you have a point
Random question that I'm not sure has an exact answer. If you do a NCPD mission do you make any more money for saving the innocent person being harmed?
i would like to squeeze that shoulder
There's been approximately 126 Vs posted on here and only 1% of them are worth anything
see >>503568512
Does Fem V get a period or have they removed that from women in the cyberpunk lore?
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it still happens to women, whether fem V has regulators for that is up to the player to head canon
Periods only exists for sinful dirty 3d all vs are special and pure and are fixed
>tfw the 99%
Lucy was a waste of space.
post the 1%

Are some
That's 2.38% retard.
I'm glad I can be joined amongst chooms...and not gonk ass fucking voodoo boys that got my Jackie killed! They should fucking die!
>actual garbage
and chingchong

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