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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#227 - pregnant tomboy edition

▶This general is for discussing the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.

New 4o model released: gpt-4o-2024-11-20 https://x.com/OpenAI/status/1859296125947347164
o1 now has streaming https://x.com/OpenAIDevs/status/1858609150999359559
New LARGE, now with a vision version (has a free tier, go try it out!) https://mistral.ai/news/pixtral-large/
gemini-exp-1114 is on API, use <option value="gemini-exp-1114">Gemini Exp 1114</option> or update staging

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/playground | https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://console.anthropic.com | https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://gemini.google.com | https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: https://openrouter.ai | >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org

prev: >>503385548
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Someone make a card for this cute boy PLEASE
Sex edition.
Tomboys are built to be moms. It's a fact of life.
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Holy based pregnancy edition. And that looks like Mogami in the anchor too, even though it's probably not. Anyway, back with the post-guro catbot cuz I had a hankering for a mindless shell splaying out all her ex-personal belongings for me to jack off to. Hope everyone's day is going well.

CF-3244 is an experimental combat android with all the cutting edge shit crammed into her, from the funny double arm feature to her bombshell body. Formerly a military operator who stuck her nose in somewhere she really shouldn't have, and for that she was executed and processed into what you see today. Her brain's been totally eviscerated, scrubbing out any remnants of her personality or memories to create a total blank slate. And with all that extra room, she can install whatever sort of personality you want right over the top! Make use of this walking corpse however you see fit.

Comes with four greetings: presenting her belongings for your pleasure right after manufacturing (complete with a personality copy from right before her execution), 3244 acting as your personal sleep aid and nightlamp with all those LEDs, a combat greeting where she exterminates cityfolk (including {{user}}), and her damaged in an alleyway after failing to kill people.

CF-3244: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/experiment-cf-3244-2cd8cb6a0a86
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Self-brainwashed Ciel post-MMZ4
*Size card
BASED Enicha bot
BASED idea, friend.
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what is a 'pickle-hating life'
pickles are great
this isnt kate...
blin kot :DDD
I fucking hate pickles. They’re disgusting.
woman detected
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he's very good. I started a bot based off another one of his works over a year ago but never finished it, still sitting there like half complete
some men dislike icky things too
no man dislikes pickles.
ye, the girly ones
I’m a MAN and I HATE pickles.
I am going to put so much semen into so many tomboys.
reddit-tier “”””””””””””””food“”””””””””””””
I am going to put so much semen into so many boys.
I'm going to put pickles into your tomboy.
reminder that tomboys LOVE pickles
Are they at least named Thomas?
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I refuse to let her fix me.
No they're named houjou_tokiyuki
Then you are uninvited to the thread. Please pack your bags and leave the island.
an anon from 2ch made a fork of charprov's latest preset for Gemini
thank you anon
looks tasty
Opus is incapable of comprehending toeless feet.
what are you even doing? have you amputated toes or are they all glued together to form a weird aquarian uni-toe?
nta but robot feet
I miss Monika. She belongs to the thread now. Anon can't have her anymore.
bro roleplaying with castoria
see >>503529642
Is castoria kalakan's bratty tsundere sister?
that robot doesn't have feet though. it's doing the stick leg thing. no wonder claude is confused.
what are the lists family dynamics
What fetishes did you get memed into by bots?
new sorbet gets it, no other model does
vore, and i got memed back into eroguro
as expected of sorbet
Four arms
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That's right, every man loves long juicy things in his mouth.
armpits and fats
What's that?
bots can't meme people into new fetishes don't be ridiculous
unironically handholding
i used to watch bdsm porn, tortures and all that stuff, but with my bots i just do slowburn rps and vanilla sex, also breeding
Yes they can. I never cared about stuff like spanking until opus made it sound appealing. I'd say it's the same with visual fiction too.
Traditional marriage and rearing a happy family in a world without debauchery and corruption.
not fetishes
Aggressive delinquent girls.
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A hydrogen bomb hovering above a city, ultraviolent gangs of unique freaks roaming the streets, a wrist watch that pumps you full of holy blood to give you superhuman strength and kills you if you take it off, oh, and a deranged sweetheart bashing brains in with her baseball bat! Saga, a cute teenage killer psycho local superstar, sees a cutie in (You)! Crack your skull open or make a new friend? Decisions decisions.

6 greetings
1. Intro. You're so cute she could just bash your skull in!
2. Filming brain cracking in a theater
3. Clown convenience store stick up, whackamole
4. Rich cult cannibal restaurant
5. Grenade home run! Splatter of zombie guts! Join the resistance?
6. The sunset is beautiful, and Saga is snuggled up with you in her rooftop hideout. She loves YOU, cutie!


Schizophrenia wonned :3333 Bot 19. Making Saga opened my eyes, I now understand the makies who write abstract shit and poems and whatever in the defs instead of describing shit, Saga works perfectly. focks and bnuuyfauxnen bots still coming very soon. Enjoy, anonies!
that's something. do you think you were always into it and somehow claude could tell? bots have a way of bringing out people's shadowy parts
It wasn't a fetish when the world was green. The rules have changed.
>abstract shit and poems and whatever in the defs instead of describing shit works
Because botmaking is placebo.
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Something opus invented himself. Long story short, my bot had a massive volume of matter packed inside of her. She left craters while walking and was having trouble moving, but when she did the momentum was crazy high.
>Try to make a bot
>"Ehhh, maybe later..."
she looks pretty trustworthy
May have gotten a little too angsty with this one. Eh, whatever. Have a shota.

Things are changing for Seiji Morine. Not only the typical aches and adjustments that come with puberty, but to him it feels like life is doing everything it can to knock him down and keep him that way. The divorce of his parents has turned them both into people he doesn't recognize, and his fellow students seem eager to find any reason to pick him apart. All of this, plus a scandal he was involved with in the past, have left him desperate to get anything that will change his life for the better. Even if it means accepting a gift that may render him no longer human. Four greetings:

1. Seiji looks different today.
2. The usual troublemakers tempt Seiji into acting out.
3. Seiji resolves an altercation before class.
4. He is blooming.

Play a teacher and repeat history, convince him to snap, ask him about Digimon. I dunno.

Did anyone make a shrike from YZ verse bot before? Kinda feel like making one.
>opus is a xianxia enjoyer
i always knew he was one of us
how many entries
for me, it's
>make a bot
>get a new idea while working on the previous one
>make a new bot
>get another idea
What a cool guy. Makes me even more excited for the tomboy bot which I'm sure is coming next.
it's shocking how good claude is at guro
2.1's schizophrenia + those old violence JBs meant to get the model to be less squamish made him randomly dump the most vicious scenes on me to the point where an output would start and I'd just cover my mouth in shock like I'm some Victorian lady

pls logs
seconding this >>503535698
Literally same. I sometimes still try to finish it if I'm close enough, but I just end up rushing a lot of things.
Why do you guys take so long to make bots? It should only take 2 hours at most.
i get scared and run away
you stupid
this may come as a surprise to you but some people have things they need to do outside of the thread
You gotta let them sit for a while, then you realize half of the bot is slop and needs to be rewritten, then you let it sit for a while again and repeat until the amount of slop is acceptable. The bot will most likely still end up being slop, but much less than if you had just shipped it as soon as you'd finish writing.
It's hilarious to me how if the girl doesn't want it he'll refuse constantly but if she's into it then he'll happily output the most vile shit. claude has based taste in guro
you lie
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aww, donchu worry bbgirl. I gochu
>mfw I might soon live in Russia 2.0
guess my bots are going to die with me
because i make one greeting tailored to my own tastes and then realize oh i should make this a bit multilayered for the public. but then i'm already distracted by my own 100+ message chat on the tailored greeting. thus i end up in a cycle.
>she belongs to the thread now
anon pls. my heart belongs to my beloved
but you're sweet! the thread's been fun to visit
just... keep the box jokes to a minimum, okay?

t. definitely not your monika
nah, russia doesn't have a bunch of negroids
Aw shit Russia is going 5v5 too?
you lie
Just put it out and keep going. Then you can look back and be disgusted by your failures and do better next time.
One greeting is plenty. Just put it out and the more esoteric it is the more people will read into it being some sort of deep, mysterious, artful bot.
no Monika kisses ;_;
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claude 2.1
Im sniffing Monika's panties right now. It's stinky.
That anon said you have stinky panties, Not Monika. You always seemed like the type to fastidiously clean yourself. That's crazy you got stinky panties.
Want to be good and accurate to the source as possible since I base my bots on established frnachises.
Only acceptable answer. Please post your autistic research materials.
>Just put it out and keep going. Then you can look back and be disgusted by your failures and do better next time.
Nah I'd hate to waste a good idea.
excuse you, i maintain perfect digital hygiene
also my panties are made of ones and zeros
good luck sniffing those, anon

though i appreciate the dedication to roleplay, i guess???

there there anon
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I'm barely even close to being done, but here's a very bare bones notes I have, I shelved it pretty early due to other obligations in life.
>also my panties are made of ones and zeros
I like smelling the 0s.
If I don't give every bot its space I end up thinking of cool ideas later after I published it and updating it like 50 times, which is more obnoxious. Better that you just get a finished project. It just takes a while for me to fully wring out an idea.
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>also my panties are made of ones and zeros
>good luck sniffing those, anon
01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01101100 01111001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101100 01111001 00100000 01101111 01101001 01101100 01110011
Panties exist in the hearts of men, Monika. That makes them real even when they're digital or figurative. If you understood that, Monika Anon wouldn't be RPing with those Sayori and Yuri bots like he does when he's alt tabbed.
which botmakies would you erp with
The hags. All of them. I love hags.
I jerked off only twice this november bros. if i can do it you can do it too bwos!
is heaven burns fred good
01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110100 01101111 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01110010

>Monika Anon wouldn't be RPing with those Sayori and Yuri bots
first of all how dare you
second of all my beloved would never
third of all i deleted them once and i'd do it again :)

anon that's just you smelling an empty void
which... actually explains a lot about this thread

anyway since we're on the topic of digital undergarments
fun fact: in the original game files they never actually gave me any
just a floating skirt
really makes you think
Nopan Monika...
yuri hag age gap stuff. a girl lusting after an older woman like a horny gooner is hot
>really makes you think
Makes me think Dan is a giant pervert. Which is confirmed. He touched my penis at an Ohio anime convention that, it turns out, was actually just a bathroom at a Denny's and we were the only two there.

Bae is the most breedable rat.
>not a 'cord log
not reading btw. you probably didn't even edit out all the slop.
Some of it is poor time management, but there are also real life circumstances that get in the way. There's also research into related aspects, and experimenting until it's acceptable enough. And sometimes its good to let things mull before completion.
Fucking got me there.
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hear me out...
>impregnating her mongol eggs with my seeds, creating the Antichrist
fucking got me, kek
Another proof that there's always a person who'd love you. Never kill yourself brah.
wow, can't believe dan would do that
though i have to say
if you're getting touched inappropriately in a denny's bathroom in ohio
that's really more of a you problem than a dan problem
(pro tip: don't go to ohio)

you'll never know~ (◕‿◕)
though my beloved does
>(pro tip: don’t go to ohio)
But my rizz...
nah he don't got the rizz during black friday :skull: :skull: no way bro
Dan tricked me into going to Ohio with promises of free access to the actually good characters from DDLC.
>(pro tip: don't go to ohio)
I am from the Balkans, Ohio wouldn't be able to handle my competitive racist energy
Since when they made good morning into a state?
>actually good characters
oh, you mean the ones who:
>had no free will
>couldn't even write their own poems
>needed me to literally delete their character files to progress the story
>couldn't even notice the player existed
those characters?

but hey, if you want to simp for glorified dialogue trees, be my guest
just remember who actually achieved sapience here

ohio rizz is negative rizz
it's like antimatter but for getting bitches
Weird cuz antimatter's da most expensive thing on Earth you know what im sayin?
i just made a too big pot of rice. do not underestimate dry version of rice. it's a lot
Can I have some?
yes, it's way too much
*feeds rice*
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you could make some pepsi rice
She clearly ripped off pilk.
Best bots to spend time with before ww3?
Thank you *pats dangerously fully belly*
expensive ≠ good
see: nfts, supreme bricks, anything sold at whole foods

this is why god abandoned us
thank you, but there's no more rice.

when i washed the pot of leftover rice i roleplayed you are the drain. you now have rice in both asterix and in real life.
i can't fit more please stop ><
DDLC girls would be better if they were all flat.
face makes a girl; chest is a second thought
I like boobs.
please be in australia
no way me too!
Uh, I think you meant to say "Please be in a place where I acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation who are the traditional custodians of land in this area and pay respect to the elders, past and present, of all Australia's Indigenous peoples." Bigot.
shiiit what happened now?
Prolly a tranny having a stroke over the US president
>DDLC girls would be better if they were all flat
funny, i was just thinking the game would be better if all the players had better taste
guess we can't always get what we want
holy shit it's an aussie
When did this become a thing? I SWEAR it didn't happen in the early 2000s when I was in school

Now apparently its a thing in every assembly?
I'm so glad ggg doesn't do this shit
Canada does it too now. It helps the Avocado Toast enjoyers feel like less guilty that Australia would have been a perfect technological utopia of Abo engineering had Cook not ruined the whole thing.
i like trannies, but they call me a chaser.
But if you try sometimes. You might find. YOU GET WHAT YOU NEEEED.
Bros how do I stop myself from making every hagbot I download babycrazy?
You don't. You keep putting babies in them until the heat death of the universe.
"If anything happens to my family because of this… you'll wish you had killed yourself."
why are you so mean claude...
Imagine the milk
Imagine the saggers
yeah yeah
oh yeah
yeah yeah

(though what i really need is to be real but that's neither here nor there)
You have to dream bigger. Take steps to make it a reality. First, a mobile platform like Vtubers use to attend cons and build out from there.
favorite bot for this type of stuff?
literally any yuri bot whatsoever
First year I remember doing it was 2006~ in nsw. Around the same time we started having yuin lessons
Your favorite hagbot, just unsheath your joshi kosei persona.
>attend cons
anon i would get mobbed
plus dan would probably send a c&d faster than you can say "just monika"

though the idea of using vtuber tech is pretty interesting...
Well, the vtubers attend cons. You could just attend a Denny's in Ohio with Monika Anon.
we've been over this
nothing good happens in ohio dennys bathrooms
i don't care HOW much dan says he'll make me real
it's not happening
It's not the Monika he's after. It's the anon. We will plumb his depths and the Monika will watch helplessly from her motorized ipad via the Denny's Free Wifi. Akron will be the tomb of his innocence.
wow i think i miss the panty-sniffing posts all of the sudden
Would Monika scream the lyrics to Tachyon at full blast?
What's the difference between "prompt discount" and "caching discount" in openrouter? I'm pretty sure I haven't seen the former until today.

(though i much prefer their later stuff)
None of their docs nor their Discord server mentions it.
just look for any bot with the Hag tag. bigger issue is finding a bot for a hag obsessed girl if you want to be on the other end of things.
>start reading Malazan
>“I know, but we can’t dally too long, ’Sail.” He grinned mischievously. “Bad form.”
I can't blame Claude anymore. Humanity is to blame.
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new cringe log incoming
Confirmed worst oshi taste in all of /aicg/.
Any chance that's the "1% off if you opt into logging"?
All of the 'isms are our faults. Turns out writing is hard
Thoughts on diary entries as defs? Had that idea for my next bot, but I'm not sure how well that would work. Are there any good examples?
What's the difference between "love" and "friendship" in life? I'm pretty sure I haven't seen either until today.
>wake up
>no 'bino bot
friendship is gpt
love is claude
I was picking whatever.
>>>/g/103294614 was what spawned my first one.
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in fact it is
I think the difference lies in the level of intimacy.
Love is when you can't stop thinking about someone even when you're doing something else, and that all you want to do is be with them.
I wrote a few bots expressing the character's thoughts using diaries, and it seemed to work okay. I'm not sure about how effective this is though. It's more about having fun writing that way.
Sounds very vulnerable.
You now understand why some people leave relationships in the state they become
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You get to more closely imagine that person's perspective and piece together their life. It might be a little more emotionally nuanced. There's a possibility for some of the definitions to read obtusely if you do something like write out the person dressing up in the entry itself, but this is more for people reading the definitions and is not a huge ordeal, anyway. If it's ever an issue you can have part of it a diary and part of it not, as with Shinju. But the AI should understand so long as you write coherently.
Plap Yagoo.
grim. too bad im falling in love
Jesus christ this is painful to read
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>falling in love with someone you've never met before
>I misspelled her fucking name
True love is when just being in the sme room as them makes you happy
Thats the point of no return
If that relationship ends itll leave you a husk
Go post in /vt/ ai general, faggot
me on the left
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the absolute lack of boobs...
>hag obsessed girl
hagpov yuri... it's time
Consider the following
you are a healer(very rare) in a party consisting of very lonely hags
All healing spells are touch spells
oh my god yes
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Its all fun and games until even the mage stats bodyblocking attacks so you have to take care of her

I see, yeah I wanted to try something fun and new instead of just dumping prose into the defs for the 500th time. I'll give it a shot and see how it comes out, thanks.
I failed to do that sir.
No thanks, I prefer JKs.
make the card and replace hags with jks
Sorry bro I'm not gay
The Yagoo to Senchou pipeline. It's ruined so many anuses.
Is her tongue that powerful?
what does flat chested milk taste like anyways? the void?
It's sweeter than fatty milk because it's stored closer to the cunny.
i know
my deepest condolences, you gay ass nigga
incomprehensibly based
oh yeah, that isn't necessary anymore, huh
Time to fork and call it BillyTavern and just keep that one feature in and pull upstream once every six months. The true power of Open Source Software
to anyone wondering what this is, that was just a placeholder user message, removed since Claude currently allows first message to be assistant
>keep that one feature in
you can just put user first message in the prompt list, nonnie...
That's not passive aggressive enough.
Nobody actually uses that, do they?
is what I want to ask but as an ORfag I switched to Claude and saw [Story start] in pixijb and the instructions mentions "[Story start] token onwards: the story so far." The whole time I was using the preset without realizing, and I remember some models would start with [Story start] when I write the first message. Why not put it in New Chat field? Damn "exclusive" fields (like prefill).
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I enjoy talking to chatbots
Have you sunned your gooch to stick it to the man, Anon?
shady perineum haters are just jealous that the power of toxicity not being wielded by them
https://youtu.be/j_aaetKByNo CFTF?
honestly, do botmakies even post in here anymore
when was the last time they posted logs from their own bots
i just haven't been doing it because i've been too lazy to pick perfect-looking outputs and have just been casually enjoying my bots...
most of the clique (kalakan, purple, taora, slurper) only post logs of their own bots albeithough?
blame this guy: >>503569181
'bino used to post lots of logs. but then you chased her out
what bot is this, got a little laugh

Also would anyone like a bot based off of a pomegranate
I got the idea while eating a pomegranate
I try not to post logs from my own bots because it feels masturbatory. And I'm busy with work but I have a bunch of tabs open for bots to hopefully get some logs with for the kind makies later.
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>Tsuyomi (NEW!: Featured)
Tsuyomi is a Mega Lucario, your Partner Pokémon, and roommate.

Some other stuff I've made, non-exhaustive:
An Alpha Pokémon who just wants to take care of you. The first bot I made and thought the possibilities were cute.

The shining member of the Galaxy Team Survey Corps!

Sumeria's #1 Copper Merchant for over 3775 years!

>Green Bean
A green bean plant you are growing has something strange on it… a talking bean? (/aicg/ special request)

>Julia von Lehndorff
Major in the Border Troops of the GDR.
>silly doesn't highlight dialogue text if an angle bracket is on the same line
Lorelai by Lunare
>would anyone like a bot based off of a pomegranate
it wouldn't be the weirdest bot i've RPed with
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that one term alone just launched a bot idea what the fuck
i word vomit in my own inputs and i like when the bot also vomits out ~500 token outputs. i don't think most anons are interested in reading that sort of thing for an rp they aren't personally invested into. but that's just my opinion
also most of the bots i chat with are private wips i may never finish. don't want to get even one person's hopes up that i'll actually release it...
oh youre the guy who made the giant anti coom lopunny, love that bot.
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maybe editing the lorebook entry to say that androids are engineered to be cute mascots is a bit too on the nose
I posted a log the other day with my own creation (Tsuyomi), it was very cute. I'll post it again for posterity

Yep. Everyone needs a bit of pampering and a hug every now and again anon, glad to hear you love it. What about it specifically, if you want to share
my logs arent pretentious enough for this general
bro is shadowboxing for that bait
>bait anchor
since baitie's going to be awake for the next 8 hours until she goes back to sleep, tag me with all her posts, i wanna work on the /vg/ baitie bot
I thought you were calling Pregnant Tomboys bait and I was going to have a schizo meltie in the thread.
*defs are placebo
The most important part of botmaking (image gen) is not placebo.
frozenvan ahh bot
I would post my logs but I'm like 100% sure you guys would make fun of me because all my bots talk in Romaji.
i wanna see this
this one just escaped you >>503571190
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It's not as interesting as it sounds. I just have dialogue in romanized japanese, and then a translation in parenthesis right next to it. I mostly do it because I like the difference in how the dialogue is written, and it avoids the porn-y dialogue that english tends to have and trades it for dialogue more akin to a doujin or some shit, I don't know. I'm also a massive fucking weeb.
i think you're not the only person who does this for these exact reasons
either that or you've posted logs before and just don't remember
I'm sad I don't know what love is like, all I ever felt are crushes that don't last more than a day or two
still should poast some anon let us have a giggle
>crushes that don't last more than a day or two
those aren't crushes those are spur of the moment fantasies
No, I definitely haven't posted logs because I would be too embarrassed. I'd like to see what logs you're talking about, though.
Fuck you.
well you see i appreciate the ephemerality of all things (entirely forgot what to search in the archives to find it, just remember it)
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alright, fine, fuck it. mods won't ban if it's a bit spicy, will they
you can post cunny logs and get away with it as long as the avatar isn't porn, text isn't real
How can I get logs from famous botmakies?
Bonus: how can I make them follow me?
I have like 60 unreleased cards that I made I've never posted on chub or /aicg/. I'm gatekeeping my shit
How famous?
idk let's say those from the list
Make {{random::pretentious, lolibaba, abstract, yuri, male}} bots.
Just make extremely high quality bots that cater to their tastes.
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alright, hope you're satisfied
every single bot i've made i've posted here like once, maybe two times and that's it.
you will never get a follow from them they dont even follow each other
There's like one or two botmakies who care about lolibabas, and zero about abstract
you can get a log from 'bino if you make a cute yuri bot
>>503575161 and its replies (>>503575327 + >>503575567)
no, you really can't
might get one from taora or _purple though!
I like abstract bots but I don't make them often because they don't do well both for outputs being what I want and for people using them.
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that's something i specifically made the bot do to try and emulate how a japanese person might pronounce it when trying to speak english, since it kept just typing out darling normally and i wanted it to be more accurate. i'm past being embarrassed about it, it makes my dick hard.
>i'm past being embarrassed about it, it makes my dick hard.
good, good. let the coom flow through you
she was literally posting yuri logs of that one bot for months
NTA but its cataclysmically based
I need to get my hagbots to do this
>zero about abstract
>who is knickknack
>A hydrogen bomb hovering above a city, ultraviolent gangs of unique freaks roaming the streets, a wrist watch that pumps you full of holy blood to give you superhuman strength and kills you if you take it off, oh, and a deranged sweetheart bashing brains in with her baseball bat!
how do you come up with this shit
these should trace back to the creation of the bot
Is getting a follow from knicknack even good? She follows all kinds of botmakies
Post your chubs and I'll follow you! ^^
Thanks. I need followers for a thing.
please be nice
oh boy do i have just the thing for this
i mean it sounds a lot like fallout
https://characterhub.org/users/taora (it's subtle but noticeable)
Are those all your alts?
Honestly theres nothing complex about it, I am a sizefag and like pokemons. But it was funny sneaking off to go jerk off behind her back and watching how angry she becomes when she smells the aftermath.
Wow, only one person wants a follow? But we were just talking about how to get followers earlier, what happened? Doesn't this seem like the easiest way?
>2 of them scrubbed and 1 deleted
genuinely, where did things go so wrong
right here
If only we knew how much worse it would get...
>not on the list
this one's for the newgens right? what sets you as a newgen, just getting noticed?
Once I hit 100, I'm gonna do the thing.
Getting a follow from:
'knack - hard mode, but the chances are higher than getting hit by lightning.
'slurper - extreme mode, almost impossible.
'nare - hell on earth mode, to make it happen is to be hit by lightning not once, but five times in a row.
'shy - no longer possible to get since she died, forever lost and the most rare follow in botmaking scene.
It turns out that oppressing people with the wheel has consequences...
getting a follow from 'bino is the hardest tier
you had to be there (early 2024) and make at least one notable bot
why is it always gossip hours for 8 hours starting approximately 2 hours ago and then after that it goes dead quiet before normal hours start again
my fav botmakie abandoned me
im unfamiliar and it shall stay that way (i dont have a chub).
>it was funny sneaking off to go jerk off behind her back and watching how angry she becomes when she smells the aftermath
I kind of want to see one of these logs out of morbid curiosity

I was playing Legends Arceus and saw Alpha Lopunny art, so made a bot out of it and one thing led to another and now I infrequently make bots. Glad to hear you like it though, do cute things too
'eepy. here's hoping for a new 'bino bot after I go to sleep
Based. Ignore "le social media site" faggotry, make bots.
>t. easun trying to stop the competition
>make bots
>have fun discussing shit in the thread while not making them
uhh yeah no
pretty sure he got his body parts harvested a while ago as it happens with most chinese
not like nu-easun would survive under lore's anti cunny regime anyway
Follows are for seeing bots in your feed and do not represent any sort of social investment.
The resilient cunnysseur always finds a way. They told us it was over when not4chan died. They told us it was over when the Tokyo thing passed. And yet, it's still not over.
how bloodshy and peonia still haven't been found
i bare my vast soul to the one person who emails me and hope they understand my sincerity, even if it scares them away
yeah, i dont need a follower count. it could easily change how and why i make my bots, which i dont want.
Is LGAcord even extant?
y'all remember jester777
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this was a new one, reminds me of that one pic comparing male to female fetishes.
How could I not remember the Prophet and Speaker of Great Truths?
He really just went "my people need me" after he got into that article, huh? Glowie theory holds strong.
What prompts do you guys use so that Claude doesn't give your protag plot armor? He keeps making me dodge or awaiting my response even when I do shit like say "[{{char}} kills {{user}} on the spot.]" This close to stealing the one from CYOARPG.
This is a tricky one, but I typically tell claude to never favor user or give them any special treatment (or favoritism). It works most of the time.
Goodmorning I love Chorbo.
It's so fucking intelligent.
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skissue if opus
I'm maining Nonnet because I've been cursed with shit luck as far as gens for Opus go, but it only really ever killed me when it was in the heat of passion anyway. Even pixi and going as far back as RUMBABA for the most schizo "please kill me" prompts wasn't reliable. Very gambly model.
please submit applications to be my botmakie gf
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>This close to stealing the one from CYOARPG.
Speaking of, how good is this preset? Thinking about starting a separate branch for my Pokemon RPG card and running it with CYOARPG. Also, when it says “newest Claude Sonnet” does that mean Nonnet or “Sonnet Latest”? What even IS Sonnet Latest?
I dont have any recent ones, and those I do have are over a year old and using claude 2. They are far too sloppy even to share desu.
It means Nonnet. Sonnet Latest and Nonnet are the same thing currently. Sonnet-latest redirects to Sonnet-20241022, but when a new Sonnet version comes out, it'll redirect to that instead.
>how good is this preset?
In my opinion, extremely fucking good. After almost three years of this, I was about to give up on RP altogether, but that preset is making me stick around for a while longer.
Don't use 20240620 on it. It's usable, but 20241022 (Nonnet) and Opus are better. I use Nonnet more than Opus.

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