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Store link:

# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>October Poll Results - Episode 3A and 4 delayed to create a proper gameplay/story transition between the chapters

# Nemlei's previous games:

Previous thread: >>503102558
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First for Sprite supremacy.
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Second for Sister supremacy.
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Fifth for sadsack supremacy.
Not great, not terrible.
Totally safe. 400,000 CPM (Cunts Per Minute) is in the normal range, probably I think.
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There is no evidence that Delphic radiation has any adverse long-term effects. Short-term effects vary by degree of exposure.
>Minor exposure. Usually resulting from close contact with an individual recently exposed to major Delphic radiation
Intrusive thoughts regarding your sibling, most often in the form of a sexual fantasy which is quashed nearly as soon as it appears. Method of treatment: none, symptoms will disappear on their own.
>Moderate exposure. Most often a result of short-duration close contact with sissile material, such as a hug or a kiss on the cheek.
Symptoms can include but are not limited to: butterflies, a sense of shame, mild sexual arousal, and prolonged wikipedia searches on the legality of incest. Method of treatment: Dating apps.
>Severe exposure. Most often the result of prolonged close contact with sissile material, such as snuggling.
Symptoms have advanced to the point of physiological manifestation. Awkward boners and blushing, may be accompanied by hyperventilation. Method of treatment: Preventative masturbation.
>Terminal exposure. Prolonged close contact with sissile material in high frequency.
Symptoms have advanced past the point of treatment. The Saint Nemlei's Enlightment, Education, and Delphology Research Institute (SNEED RI) recommends contacting a priest, ideally one capable of bonding two people in matrimony.
Thank you for sharing your research. This is most interesting and enlightening. Did you study Delphology in college?
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No, but I groped my sister's boobs a couple of times so I consider myself an expert on the subject. Worth noting is the interesting observable effects when delphic radiation is observed through a dielectric medium (such as water) where the delphic radiation can travel faster than the phase velocity of light through the same medium, causing a glowing effect. If you've ever looked at your sister and thought she was glowing, that's not just your imagination, that's her powerful sisterly aura (otherwise known as Cherenkov radiation).
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What exactly would you call Nemlei's artstyle? Or what media do you think inspired it?
>What exactly would you call Nemlei's artstyle?
Nemlei's artstyle, duh.
Does Omocat has a special name for her artsyle? I think not.
Idiosyncratic. It doesn't fit a type I can think of.
Like other anons said, it's unique. All I can tell you is that it's inspired by both eastern (anime) and western art and blended together in an appealing way.
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I haven't read a single dev log or watched any kit9 videos, am I missing much?
Yes (based)
Yes. If you're trying to go in as blind as possible, then you'll be surprised by some of the details when Ch. 3 comes out. Have you read discussions of the devlogs here or avoided them too?
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I show up once every few days to speed read the funnies.
I know Julia's in it and Ashley tries to get her to kill herself or something. And you play as Renee for a bit?
I'm not making an active effort to avoid spoilers it just seems really tiring trying to overanalyze every crumb of content for years on end. Instead of doing that, I went to a concert last night.
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>it just seems really tiring trying to overanalyze every crumb of content for years on end
Boooooo laaaaaame
Being schizo is fun!
But i’m not smart enough to be a schizo!
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A fun historical fact is that in the 5th century during the Sassanid occupation of Armenia, the Persians allegedly attempted to coerce the Christian population into marrying their own sisters and daughters.
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I'm starting to think my sister is really really fucking cute, even when she isn't trying to look nice. Plus her chest is really starting to fill out and I find I keep glancing at her body. Does it make me a bad person? /calg/ I don't know how to feel
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>starting to fill out
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I'm not joking. Why can't we have enlightened policymaking like this again?
Humiliation ritual against a conquered people.
Get in the dog cage, now.
>Grandparent fucking
Ew. Should have stopped at sisters for brothers and vice versa.
It's most likely a general encouragement of xwedodah, which if known cases are any indication, would be mostly sibling marriage with an occasional parent-child case.
Nah. Armenians were considered close to Persians in antiquity, as they had a long history and absorbed a lot of the Persian culture. They just really wanted to stamp Christianity out so there wouldn't be such a wedge between them, and close-kin marriage was holy in Zoroastrianism and unholy in Christianity so it would have served as an effective test of loyalty and faith.
Maybe the guy claiming Ashley was Armenian had a point
Fascinating, thanks.
Why is it so common for people to draw Andrew with a much larger frame than he canonically has? Just compare that image with >>503536447
I know the answer is "women"
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His head in Nemlei's own art is almost as wide as his shoulders. That's less cartoony so it needs to have more realistic anatomy.
stop jerking off for a while dumbass and stop lusting after your underage sister
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>Why is it so common for people to draw Andrew with a much larger frame than he canonically has?
Because it's hot, men should tower over women
I didn't jerk off yesterday and that's only made it worse. I keep thinking about her sucking me off
nta but that's not even realistic, by many like that image in particular too far in the opposite direction making his head proportionately too small by maybe 10-20% so it looks like a young teenager's head on an adult's body. Even the neck looks proportioned right but the head is just plopped on it.
oh my god fucking kill yourself please or get a diary
Please continue to describe in explicit detail how much you want to fug your imouto. Thanks.
shotafags please come and shit up the thread again
do not fucking dare incite that shittery you faggot
its better than someone talking about wanting to fuck an actual kid
No it's not. It's both larp bullshit and one makes a couple posts while the other spams 100+ posts of the same cringy discord erp.
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It may shock you to know this but you don't need to have shit on your salad. Amazing new discovery yes. You don't need to trade one for the other.
big brother mating press... pegging your clone
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Anon, I'm going to bed.
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No goodnight kiss?!
Mwah. There.
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Thanks for the kissu
Have a great week for me
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I could swear I heard someone said "kid".
Wholesome breath-play
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Mmm... sistussy
wow, even fictional women are incapable of cleaning their mirrors before using them to take a selfie
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Where do I go to meet boys like this?
That is a woman. You can meet them in most public places.

shut up and jig
what the fuck
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I came here to hug my sister and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of gum. - Sis Kiss'em
I really fucking love feet
There is nothing wrong with showing your feet
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Really? How do you like MY feet? :^)
Literally built for footjobs
Ashleyfeet oh God I want her to throatfuck me with those grippers, I need her to wear my mouth like a shoe.
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Feet hours?
no please
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It was foretold.
Kiss sisters, impregnate sisters, love sisters, tease sisters, please sisters, hug sisters, fug sisters, make love to sisters, make hatesex to sisters, make hatelovesex to sisters.
Based based based based based. I am so excited for total sibling breeding.
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Two sisters in one.
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What do they listen to while having sex?
Each other
>listening to anything while having sex
way to ruin the fucking atmosphere.
One week until new devlog
Do people actually put on sex playlists? Why?
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Nah but sometimes you already have some tunes on while you're cuddling and then you end up in the mood and you're not going to ruin it by taking the time to turn it off.
My sister's ex put on Guts theme once and it was supposedly really awkward
harsh noise
Do people actually have sex? I'm starting to think it's a meme.
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Me too, man
Unrelated, but you always have the perfect manga reaction image.
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>Chris Chan is going to be a father before Episode 3 comes out
The actual anti-Christ is going to be birthed in our lifetimes
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>finnish girlfriend
I-I think we finally figured out who Kit9 is
>sister's ex
>she's had a boyfriend and they fucked
it's over
Wasn't an anon suggesting that Nemlei got pregnant too because of the "life issues", ep 3 delays, and her acting catty in the devlog?
Oh no
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Julia is not my lover!
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But, the kid is not my son!
Yes, an anon suggested that. Another part of the "evidence" was that there are 3 cats in the banner art.
Mercifully, there is no way in hell that Chris Chan is Kit9, who is entirely too well-spoken and no-nonsense.
Do you know what a joke is
No... do people really do that? Go on the internet and tell jokes?
the internet is serious business
Does Ashley love cock
Ashley is Andrewsexual.
His cock? Yes.
Cock in general? No.
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Total. Sister. Love.
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So Andrew would just be a little cucky bitch if Ashley ever got a bf and not do anything about it right?
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Sittle listers!
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Stick it up your ass
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