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Previous: >>503445374

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 17/11
>Kai no Kiseki two part spoiler interview with Kondo
>Falcom Plans to Release Multiple New Titles by Fiscal Year Ending September 2026
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki Soundtrack Launches January 2025
>Trails through Daybreak Shizuna Rem Misurugi Figure Announced
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana launches January 7, 2025 in the west
>Interview with Toshihiro Kondo | Bringing One of Adol’s Lost Adventures Back to Life with Ys X: Nordics
>Ys X: Nordics is out on PC, PS4/5 and Switch
>Kondo interview regarding the use of AI translations:
>Falcom President Talks All Things Trails, Daybreak 2, and Kai in Our Biggest Interview Ever
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II Announces February 14th 2025 Release Date
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st website
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Cute and canon family!
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Llydia... heroine of Crossbell...
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>Oh, him? He's my fiance, Lloyd Bannings. He just proposed to me haha.
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Genuinely love cute and canon
Not anymore. It's Llydia in this reset. Rixia can still marry her though.
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He is my husband! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>There is absolutely nothing attractive about flat chests. I cannot even fathom the idea of someone not liking big titties. It’s literally drilled into all men to love them at birth.
The best explanation I can give is that small body, especially upper body, makes a girl look more fragile and vulnerable which is hot. That's why flat chest is only hot on small girls, big planks are not that hot. If you add shield bumpers (boobs) on a small girl, she becomes a tank, making her more imposing.

Tiniest possible mounds help at making her identifiable as a girl, but they need to be so subtle that they don't count as external bumpers sitting on top of her chest.

Tio's bulky chest armor is an interesting design and appeals to the same factors as flat chest. It communicates that she is so vulnerable that she even needs extra protection. The downside is that it hides her chest, making things worse if you don't know how small her boobs are, and because men are visual beings.

You might say that bigger boobs are more difficult to handle, cripples the girl, and makes her sensitive spots more vulnerable to the world, but that's because you are thinking too externally. In the end, boobs are just attachments on her body, which her body has to work to keep alive. What is much hotter to think about is her insides, all the vital, intricate machinery, her living essence. The smaller the protective container (body), the more defenseless the core, and the closer you can get to her essence.
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Just in case you missed it, still appreciate the effort fanfic anon. Surprising that you're still doing these.
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What immature person would post something just to make me mad? I want to cut off kondo's dick and shove it down his throat as a ballgag ducktaped so he never speaks again, hopefully he'll end up choking on it.
Has anyone ever told you how retarded you are?
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Genuinely love Fie.
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Based and cute Tio
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She sucks though
Still surprised how good she looks in Elise's outfit. She's very cute. Elise in Fie's though doesn't have that cuteness factor, it's pure erotic.
If you truly loved Fie you wouldn't feel the need to mod outfits in for her.
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can sumeone make a art of fie showing a buttcheck
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It's a good look on her, truly.
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You can think that if you want, your dislike of her changes nothing for me.

You would have a point if I enlarged her body and gave her a completely new outfit but I only use her older ones.

Too fast but Fiecute.
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> but I only use her older ones.
You can't live in the past forever. Each Fie may only be on Zemuria for a limited amount of time, but as one Fie goes, another is created. It's a beautiful cycle that gives way to beautiful Fies.
Why does fie always wear stupid outfits
God Lloydette would be look so hot being face down-ass up on the concrete, with her pants down, and my hard cock lined-up and ready to enter her tight pussy
Haha... that denial is suspicious, fanfic femanon. I think you do.
On one hand Fies for all eternity sounds great but on the other hand, I want MY Fie and my Fie alone. I am not sure how to feel about a Fie cycle.

For the time of year it is actually pretty silly to be dressed so light, had the game taken place in summer I probably would not have minded initially. Other than that though I cannot really say I ever thought it was stupid.

I think it is a bit funny how she remarks that she is fine with revealing clothes as long as they are not too revealing, only to show up wearing this almost immediately afterwards.

I do have another bone to pick with it, this is not her Zephyr outfit and it is not even similar to what we were shown in the flashbacks. The colours match with Xeno and Leo so I assume we are to take it as her uniform but we have images of what she used to wear.
Also no tattoo.
she looks like rean here
>Fie put on a temporary tattoo before missions with Zephyr because Rutger wouldn't let her get a real one
new headcanon developed
I guess I can see it? It is just the angle/perspective.

Good parenting, all things considered and we know how much the mercs meant to her back then so this is very easy to believe.
I do wonder if Xeno, Leo, Garcia and Rutger have one. Aida did not from what I remember, at least not on her arms.
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Fanfic anon, do you accept yaoi requests?
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Renne SEX
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would suck on
I do not know how willing fanfic anon would be to think up a story for someone who cussed them out.
I genuinely doubt anyone besides you would want yaoi, Weissmanfag.
She's done sfw yaoi stuff before.
I'm not her
Wait really?
Even if she splits in two Van would still domesticate her
Must have been one of the ones I missed then, that was not really what I was getting at anyway.

Most people do not think Weissmanfag is a girl.
can you do me x renne
Yeah. Some if specified, some unprompted, some as cheeky jokes.
Haha, a brother in arms I see.
Go away.
>I am the most aggressively feminine person on this entire BOARD.
I admit, you are funny sometimes.
The fuck are you talking about tentacle rape for
No. You're just mean.
/fg/ has never been worse
Fucking WHEN
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...No she didn't.
File deleted.
My bad. I heard this from another anon that he did. You cannot convince me he is a woman
I love titties, especially agnes’
So basically you’re a creep.
You kept making that accusation without actually checking yourself? The hell is wrong with you?!
The members of Zephyr all have a tramp stamp of the emblem
Yes, even Garcia, yes, even Rutger
You get vitriol thrown your way because you come here acting a cunt most of the time and you try to prove double standards by being just as large a hypocrite as you accuse us of being.

Seriously? Do we know where? Was this mentioned in Crossbell?
No, that was a joke, sorry.
Haha, no problem.
das rite
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Not so fast
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What a gorgeous ass
A pleasant surprise, cheers.
Do they have cumdoll technology though? Even Rosenberg doll technology is good enough.
>other franchises like the witcher, mass effect and kingdom hearts have something known as "post-X depression" when the journey is over
>falcom games have no such thing because you're constantly being drip fed absolute garbage game that retroactively make the journey worse
They contributed to Lapis' new body so probably yes
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This is the greatest mind in Erebonia
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Back-breaking sex with Musse is required.
That means we could get PMC cumdolls.
The lolidom potential...
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That story really activated something in you guys huh?
just proved that the lolifags here dont care about anything other than a girl being a loli. take the most boring character in the series a loli and all of a sudden shes amazing according to them. zero standards
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Still mad huh?
>Lolifags like when a character is or becomes a loli
No shit retard
nah real lolifags would have standards and not like a shit girl just for being a loli
Damn anon that was very insightful of you. What else are you gonna say? The water is wet?
kek what a sensitive bunch
He ain't completely wrong, Laura is shit
You can't be this new.
Yume is the only good kiseki cunny.
Still want smug, bratty loli Angelica
half the lolifags here are self admitted newfags bruh
Angelica bad too, have some goddamn shame
Wonder why is she's so popular in the west? Japs don't really like her because of her old man like speech in japanese language.
Maybe... loli Alisa.......
loli tsun....
Cold shit lolis are garbage.
It was never shut down, I am always up for lolidom.

I would not call her amazing but she is immensely cuter like this.

Yume is absolutely adorable.

Is she popular here?
>Is she popular here?
Well not here exactly, but in the west generally she's more popular than Alisa.
There are those on /fg/ that vocally hate her but overall it's not as negative as they make it seem

Of course the biggest Laurafag we have currently is Fanfic Femanon, so...
Hate to break it to you but this does happen for falcom games. Happens for most fans of ys every game knowing we’ll have to wait years for the next adventure and looking back on everything fondly, and the reanfags felt this way after CS4. Objectively speaking, the only people that spend all day hating the games and feeling nothing while playing them or after completing is primarily /fg/
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/m/ likes her
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/fg/ only loves Renny!
>Laura over valimar
Well I guess Laura is even more robotic than valimar.
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das rite
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I'll respect having Fie that high
Is that high or low? I have not seen much love for Alisa anywhere but I was not exactly active in Kiseki circles.

So mostly forgotten then? I think fanfic anon is the only Laurafag I have seen here.

These results are honestly quite surprising.

I am certainly very fond of her but love is a bit much.
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Say something nice about Van's one true love.
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It does not. I've played Falcom games regularly since 2012. There is absolutely no downtime between games, and each new game lessens those that came before, making you view them less fondly. Even when Trails concludes, all you'll be left with is loathing for Falcom's greed-fueled annual releases.
0 altina fans
Please stop projecting your own views on an entire fanbase
Haha, my bad
But that's what /fg/ always does
/fg/ is retarded, anon.
Das rite
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Oh right, I forgot
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ys has the deepest lore
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Kiseki x /m/ collab?
too kino to ever happen
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>I hate falcom games so much that they make me angry to the point of balding and that means I can speak for an entire fanbase and force my fake narrative about how every single game ever released by Falcom is slop and everyone universally hates them
Jaeger based MechWarrior game or rpg styled Armoured Core game would be top tier.
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I'm /fg/.
>altinafag melty
Kiseki Tactics RPG, or full Kiseki in SRW? (Even more likely now, Live A Live got in)
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Valimar in SRW....sovl....
they have a melty for an hour every time anyone makes one post making fun of them
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skill issue buddy
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I love retards
Why does he want to keep it?
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You mixed by any chance?
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/m/ is too good for kiseki, haha...
I'd really like a Kiseki in a Muv-Luv setting with Fire Emblem gameplay desu
Mecha-themed Vantage Master
You might be on to something here....
I know fuck all about Muv-Luv but I would not be opposed to a strategy rpg for Kiseki.

Also we were fucking robbed, I wanted to control the Goliath with Altina. Did they say why she does not join the mech fights or did they just not give a reason?
The setting and characters of Ys aren't memorable enough to ever cause a lasting impression past the credits and thus no one cares when it ends. You know another such game will be out in a few years at most. Very forgettable experiences.

Trails is released on a near-annual basis and the quality of the games is such that each new entry lessens those that came before. The people still "excited" for the series are cumbrain zombies and they don't feel much of anything other than dopamine from looking at low poly 3D models of anime females.
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All natural
This is your brain on /fg/
Your brain on /fg/ is being a cock slurping cultist retard who watches chinks play games in languages they don't understand while posting about Rean 24/7.
>The setting and characters of Ys aren't memorable enough to ever cause a lasting impression
I'd argue that Ys 8 managed to do that, at least for me and the majority of players.
very le epic comeback /v/bro
They never give a reason beyond her not vibing with them besides the Goliath, I think
Objective observation about things that occur in these threads.
Some people here really are just miserable
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Muv-Luv has sexy bodysuits. That's all that matters and some cool mechs
>Goliath with Altina
Pretty much this >>503556783. Plus I don't think they ever really made her out to be a good mech combatant anyway, since her fighting style revolved around her combat shell.
Yeah, that’s a given
Most generals on /vg/ are like this don't take it personally
Unfortunate, I would have really liked to have had that option. It is not like they would have had to make a new weapon for it, it already had at least three off the top of my head.

Generally speaking I am not really a skin tight suit guy, though I do like what I remember from the crossover art.
Also does she not have feet or is she just not human? If she has them that must be extremely uncomfortable.
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I've been hanging out here since the Kai spoilers, this is the most chill out of the 10ish generals I've been a regular on.

I do think the simping for the femanons is pathetic though.
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Those are just specialized boots to be used in the mechs. You could just think of it like what Altina has in Arcadias Gear mode, but you could walk with them.
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>unashamed redditor tourists
>cumbrain genuine self inserters that treat the thread as if it's their personal discord circlejerk group masturbation session, they don't even pretend to care about anything other than jerking off for 20 hours every day
>lolitards that genuinely seethe over kiseki characters aging even though a large part of the appeal of that series is the time progression and seeing characters grow
>avatarfag """females""" that get jerked off by the lonely coomertards
>various mental cases that won't get treatment
This thread really does just get worse and worse, it's to the point where it's unusable if you're not a cumskull. Kondom is definitely part of the issue since he's completely fucking incompetent and can't stop making bad decisions.
cooming is all falcom are good for anymore
Haha, Schizua's ecstatic that these new retards have come to join his funposting.
Oh okay, cheers. Walking in those seems quite the arduous task.
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>says my name
>starts shivering
It's absolutely over for me lads
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idk what really happened, but around late August we got a huge influx of newfags... you can look at the old threads before that when it was mostly doom and schizo posting, but after that we got bunch of avatarfags, "femoids", fanficfags and reddit tier coomskulls.
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Every time you think that /fg/ can't possibly get any worse all you have to do is wait 6 months.
It got so much worse a few months ago. I'm down with some cooming but the newfags can't talk about anything other than masturbating
>after the unknown event 5 demo- or rather 5 femoid avatar trannies were added to /fg/...
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Prove you're an /fg/ veteran right now.
I am the one behind the original Estelle Black.
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>Prove you're an /fg/ veteran right now.
i miss the original joshyfag who made new edits
I remember Future Anon. Do you?
I remember people used to post those roll charts before they started getting banned
his legacy will live in all of us
Based CedricCHAD
Calvard when?
If only he knew how bad it would be...
He's probably dead by now.
Didn't he say he enjoyed Kuro 1?
Crimson Virtuoso...
Verdant Contriver...
Rean is love
Rean is life
Renne anon.....where are you.....
Remember when /fg/ jobbed to paid shitposting?
Elie posting used to be way more common
Flirting witj Altina!
crossbell barely gets talked about now that its localized
/fg/ was created because of the Crossbell in the first place
Remember when CS2 hit Steam for the first time and how everyone was blog posting it?
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Should we try to revive that
Enjoying your discord circlejerk, newfags?
Remember Scott?
Sir, I predate /fg/.
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god its been almost 2000 generals since then
Ironic, considering that CS4 completely destroyed old /fg/...
CS3/4 was peak popularity. End of Saga indeed....
cold shit was a mistake...
Imagine Robo Rufus fucking that in front of Crossbell in Reverie.
My absolute fucking RETARD, if you've been here for longer than a few months, you'd know how cancerous this shit has suddenly become. Fuck off.
Ain't shit compared to post-Chinaman CS4 stream /fg/.
Is blogposting good or bad
its bad when its games everyone has (or should have) played like cold steel or ys 8 and its also bad when its constant
Its fine as long as its not excessive
Newfag detected
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>The one on the left of Rean is not Crow but ogre Rean guys because Falcom doesn't bring dead characters back to life because Falcom takes death very seriously.
Fans were so innocent back then.
Osborne came back after getting shot. They weren't innocent they were retarded
Innocent and retarded are not mutually exclusive
lol this was the stupidest shit
I don't even remember what excuses they made for that one.
Nah people were just stupid. Those same people thought the KeA silhouette was Estelle
She so thirsty for that Ban cock...
is reddit this doomer pilled
To be fair, Estelle did later show up afterwards. But yeah, point taken as I honestly forgot about that.
reddit is 90% posts about cold steel so its no different from here
Imagine flipping up her skirt and seeing her cute girly panties
Do they doom as much as /fg/
It's an echo chamber, but most of it are just art reposts. r/fagcom is even more low effort than the current /fg/
Go check, might be more your speed
>The Weissman schizo got banned
Fucking finally. Was sick of Gayorg letting that creature detail every thread.
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so this giant fucking dude married and impregnated like a 12 year old girl
nowadays kind of yeah, kuro 2 and kai get shit on a lot and people dont get insta downvoted for dooming anymore
when even reddit isnt automatically positive you know falcom fucked up this arc
They love kai though
Kuro 2 is way better than cold shit 3 and 4
I assume that'll get worse once they get their hands on daybreak 2.
r/falcom is a den of cultists who love invading r/jrpg to recruit more cultists and regularly get dunked on. I think you should go there and stay there.
Incorrect, although Cold Steel 3, 4 and 5 are complete pieces of shit as well. the last good game in the series was Cold Steel I.
Posts deleted, not banned
Why do they do that
How did the reminisce about old /fg/ turned out to be a discussion about fucking r*ddit?
The ban comes later. Jannies can only delete posts, not ban. The reports are forwarded to the people who can ban you. This is why you sometimes get your posts and then hours later you find yourself banned.
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Gayorg doesn't ban avatarposters. Not sure why
>the last good game in the series was Cold Steel I.
Kys cold shit eater. FC, zero and kuro 1 are the only good kiseki games.
adol would beat the shit out of rean and then fuck elise
deal it with kiseki-tards
pysskeks wanna get uppity now too kek
They do be like that.
I don't mind the femanons. Most are fine, even the Shizuna one.
Kuso 1 is an absolutely awful game with worse combat and progression than Sky FC. You have severe brain rot if you can't see how big of a turd Kuso is.
Shut your whore mouth, you incel retard. Don't give these LARPing trannies validation. Go jerk off into a tissue and shut the fuck up.
i dont think the shizunafag is a woman
>kuro 1
Would rather replay SC or Ao
you've already proved to be a subhuman cold shit eater, your opinion is invalid be default.
shizunafag getting validation from you retards is what opened the floodgates to this shit
I made this years ago. I smile when I still see it posted.
damn thought i'd check this general out to discuss my favorite falcom franchises but it seems like everyone is autistic and retarded
Oh you're that faggot who keeps calling Shizuna tranny poster "Shizunasis"? Do as a favor and kys.
The last good Falcom game was Galactic Wars
Weissmanfag is the worst one but yea
You retards being baited this easy is what's wrong with /fg/. Holy shit don't give him the damn (You)s, it's that easy.
You have severe brain rot. Kuso is an actual abomination. The last three Kuso games are easily the worst games Falcom's made since Tokyo Shitadu.
There are none in here.
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I blame the fujo pandering personally. Falcom really let themselves go and opened up the floodgates after that with Aaron cross dressing and Quatre being a tranny that we now have LARPers here and there with Weissmanfags, Shizunafags, and Rennyfags. Kinda makes you miss the Gunlord, Crimson Virtuoso, Musse Weissland Army speeches.
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I only accept Shizuna posters who dunk on reanspics and ship her with Van.
Fanfic anon is a net positive at least.
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202X game, btw.
>subhuman brownoid cold shit eater blabbering
yea this is what makes it more soulful than wokeslop
>202X game
And yet I still can't fly on a dog...
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Genuinely love Kiseki and the Calvard arc
You're an actual sub-80 IQ cultist tribesman. Get a brain, you absolute specimen.
Kurt Nardin sucks
Kurt Vander sucks
you just like picnicshit
No point arguing with him anon
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>Pyss niggers sure have low standards
Haha, yeah those hecking Pyssers... Us ChadsekiGODs have high standards.
Oh, this faggot woke up again. Well get to it, Gayorg.
we laugh at kuros graphics though but ysfags unironically try to pretend x looks good
Kondo worked on this game because le anniversary but ignored Kai. Makes no sense
Why are pysskeks so insecure?
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Only the Pyss IX faggot is unironically mind broken about the N64 graphics.
maybe turn up the texture resolution retard bitch looks fine on my PC
There are no texture resolution options in these games. Low or high, the same textures are used. The only extra textures are the AI upscaled one for Pyss VIII.
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I will redeem this literal mode 7 sprite from 1991.
The fact that saying this triggers the shitposter so hard is hilarious
can somone post that pic from the nord highlands in hajimari?
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>ragebaiters arrived
I'm going to bed.
i have rtx 4080 retard ys X looks better than any kISHITseki game
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Cultist moment. Behold, an official 4k Durante screenshot from the Steam page.



L O L @ the state of you.
Renne has a fat butt
Just remember to let Gayorg know about them first
das rite
Polly love
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Can't believe they're still releasing N64 games in 2024.
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>meanwhile in 2011, made for 2006 hardware
If Weissmanfujo and the shitposting autist both get banned we should celebrate
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this looks like shit
this looks kino and soulful
God the sins I would commit with her...
falcomcultists everyone
Hmm, I'm getting the urge to play something....
Play Gurumin
play xanadu next!
Would Crossbell be better with Llydia instead of Lloyd?
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Play FC and M I S S every attack
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>ps1 game from 1997 with better water that's actually animated, with a boat that's actually animated as if it's sailing on the ocean

I will not play the 'jeetmake with Kuso combat. Unnecessary demake in a desperate attempt to make back the money Fails Through Gaybreak has lost.
No. I love Lloyd and I wouldn't change a single thing about him.
I don't think it has Kuro gameplay, THOUGH.
Lloyd sucks, at least a girl version would suck but be fuckable
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Would Bell fuck Llydia just like she would with Elie if she had her way?
It does, thoughbeit. I will not consume the Chang Jeeterson slop.
elie is for bullying. lloyd is for friendship.
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Reana would've saved cold shit...
Yes. She would try to keep both to herself.
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The trailer didn't have it, THOUGH
Reana sexo
Oh well, good thing there's a CS2 Female Rean mod.
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It's insane how much fanart Reana gets for a character that's literally just a gender bent Rean.
The trailer literally shows an action combat UI where you can cast arts on the field, lmao. It's gonna be the same exact shit, except with a 'jeet flavor.
Estelle will save /fg/
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Fuck, Marry, Kill, Befriend
Nice ass, Schera!
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Reana gets art from women who aren't fujoshis
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Pixiv has a lot of Reana stuff, art, doujins, fics, it's actually a little surprising, especially since they keep making more
Honestly if Reana was real, then her obsession with Crow (a literal terrorist) would make a lot more sense.
I will cope and hope that they don't use any of that shit in the remake.
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That's the conclusion a lot of Japanese fans end up with, yes
What's wrong with Kuro combat? I liked it.
>Fuck Ries
>Marry Anelace
>Kill Schera
>Befriend Estelle
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The Kiseki girls love to show us their booties
That sounds hot...
What do you mean cope? They already showed us that you can move freely in turn based, I don't know how field attacks will work but we saw arts button on the field combat. It literally will be Kuro's combat but with less action on the field.
That's our Kondo haha
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>Sky jeetmake is gonna be different!!!!
old quartz bros....did we make it...
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>more kuro kino combat
So what are femanons trying to achieve by frequently spamming pro-Reana propaganda? Are they hoping to convince Falcom to turn Rean female in some future timeline reset or in a potential future Cold Steel remake?
I keep telling you people, Rean's behavior in the main plot matches that of a woman better than a man
Reana is a vintage /fg/ meme you fucking newfag.
What are you going on about?
It's gonna sell even less than Kuso 3. 45k at best.
they aren't femanons. they're just fags.
Those who like Rean are fags THOUGH.
Dropped if true
Too barebones personally. CS combat, for all of huge flaws with breaking the game too easily, had so many options you could go for. Granted these were introduced in the Crossbell games but you had dodge tanking, death or glory one hit kills with arts, 1 HP bullshittery, brave orders that did return in Kai, support links that did something, and even soloing bosses on your own if you so choose. Granted Kuro 1 had Avenging Arrow so it wasn't like Kuro 1 wasn't varied and being able to move on the field before attacking is great for positioning (not to mention side and back attacks for crafts), but it did feel like it was just Ark Feather, Executioner for physicals later on. ZOCs at least we're introduced with enemies spamming the shit out of it.
Changing genders does not solve any issues you cumbrain
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/fg/'s had this for years
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I'm glad that everyone outside of /fg/ loves Kuro combat!
I'd say it makes it worse.

Maybe, proto Rean and Alisa were canon in another loop. Also, Reana could have been canon in one of the loops. 20,000 is a huge number after all (unless when people talk about sales, then it's a small number).
nips complained about it thoughbeit
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Rean is the issue, Reana is the solution.
What femanons ever actually bring Reana up? The only time I remember anything even resembling that are some people asking fanfic anon to do a Reana (and Llydia and Vanessa) write-up.
You want to have sex with Rean. You're a faggot
Alfinfag would probably not like this lol
they only complained that it was too hard lmao
Would it be funny if Reana steals Kurt from Juna? Haha...
They oversimplified everything so much that it just confused them.
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Pretty much yeah
Was Scherazard the first female Kiseki to show us her buttcrack?
why is kai still reusing songs from daybreak 1
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Lloyd > Llydia
Rean < Reana
Van = Vanessa
Singa is too tired
only for a certain events as far as i recall, it's not like Kai is the only game that reuses some old songs
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If you're already thinking it, it's too late for you
Female Lloyd wouldn't really improve Crossbell. Reana would definitely make more sense especially with the whole 50 mira and Crow's obsession. Van is already great, but Vanessa woulddefinitely be interesting to see as the protagonist, we don't have a lot of female archetypes in Kiseki who act like Van. Vanessa would probably be similar to Emilia, but less horny.
Girls LOVE school settings in works of fiction. Which is why so many of them wished that Cold Steel, the school arc of the series, had starred a female protagonist.
He's popular no matter what.....too strong....
>rents an apartment
>high school ex
>obsessed with her truck
Vanessa would be a dyke for sure
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Mayday, mayday, the ship is slowly sinking
They think I'm crazy but they don't know the feeling
They're all around me circling like vultures
They wanna break me and wash away my colors
Wash away my colors

Take me high and I'll sing
Oh, you make everything okay, okay, okay (okay, okay, okay)
We are one and the same
Oh, you take all of the pain away, away, away (away, away, away)
Save me if I become my demons
Did the pyssfag and graphicsfag stop samefagging and kill himself yet
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Vanessa would be popular with shotas and old men
Feels like a lot of the things being said now are just repeating what she said for those minifics, haha
My guess why nips are trying to push for Reana is because Estelle worked as a MC in Sky. Why not just have every game afterwards star a female MC instead of a male MC? Then again, everyone's forgotten about Lavi.
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Llydia would be popular with Erebonian men
Nadia has a small butt
Unless Agnes turns into an Elliot-grade schoolboy it ain't happening
Plus you would need Shizuna to be a dude too at minimum, and that would just mean she's now a Schizo Rean
Pretty sure they just like gender bent stuff in general.
ys anally rapes kiseki
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my heroines
Kinda sexy

Kinda pretty

Genuinely cute
Believe it or not, Japan hasn't forgotten about Lavi
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Nor have i
Even in Japan only csfags somewhat care for her, but then again they'll care about anything related to riin or cs.
The only good thing that came out from NW anime was the clown.
Crowbros... Juraibros... We lost...
I liked Lavi
I thought you were exaggerating but when I looked for myself and some of the first dozen recent pictures tagged for "Rean Schwarzer" had at least two gendetbent Reans
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Sara and Emma for me
I don't believe you
Prove it
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Not him but it's true, even Lavi still gets a good amount of fanart
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By the way they have the same conspiracies about Proto-Rean and Proto-Alisa over there too
>even Japanese fans think she was originally Alisa Reise Arnor
I don't know how to process this...
Holy shit
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Proto-Alisa had the Arnor blue eyes before they were changed to the current red ones.
No fucking way...
What the fuck
What the fuck...
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Is this really that much a surprise?
Yea, we already have female Lloyd, Rean, and Van in Juna, Shizuna, and Emilia.
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No, just pointing it out.
Nah. /fg/ has talked about this very thing a couple of times in the past.
Well this has been fascinating. Guess we're more alike than I thought.
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Elaine looks so beautiful in this wedding dress
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Diving into Pixiv every now and then is fun. You can find things like the Jusis/Elise doujin.
What the fuck?!
>headpats her in front of Rean
It's so over... Rean's gonna kill him
what an esoteric pairing
I will say this that ain't me i'm a fat fuck was looking up アルティナ・オライオン in the search of twitter and this was in the media section
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There are other weird ships in Pixiv.
Rean and Jusis as brothers-in-law would work so well
I... don't hate it?
Millium won't like that
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Even Pixiv likes its crackships, for sure.
Proto Rean having Crow's plotline and proto Alisa being an imperial princess feels better than what we got. I imagine Alisa will be the MC and she forges a relationship with Rean not knowing he's a terrorist. Add romance to spice things up for conflict. This is also not beating Rean Crow gay allegations lol.
Juna that isn't Crossbell... stop that...

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