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>Update on November 21

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
SECRET GARDEN - November 21 ~ December 5
Union Raid - November 22 ~ November 27

>Upcoming Events

>Current Special Recruit
Grave - November 7 ~ November 28
Flora - November 21 ~ December 5

>Upcoming Special Recruit

>Current Costume Passes
Cinderella: Glass Princess [Costume Gacha] - November 7 ~ November 28
D: Killer Wife: Secret Party Cleaner [Mission Pass] - November 1 ~ November 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Volume: Beat the Gun [Mission Pass] - December 1 ~ December 31


Previous: >>503505978
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... Beautiful.
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I love Anis
Rapi and Anis are worldbuilding bonds, so of course they're going to be highest.

Privaty is highest purely based on her character and popularity and being free.
When do we get to see the next banner update or stream? Flower bitch is boring and done.
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
prolly in 3 days more
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what's the divegrass schedule like? is it going to collide with our christmas/new years event?
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brown is also the color of shit
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>18-8 hard
>immediately starts with 7 instakill raptures precharged to OHKO you, and an attack buffer rapture
>drops a brapper and two kamikaze raptures one second later
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mmmmmm dyev nyotes?
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>everyone is voting for doro because of her cool personality and great character, not because of doro
braindead creature, cease posting here please
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Shit can also be green, red, and yellow.
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What about Neon?
Literally me
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Uhhhh I like Neon?
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>What about Neon?
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Thanks, i would forget she exist otherwise.
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Her game.
After you kill yourself. Go on.
crown is my king and i am her queen
I honestly need at least 300 pulls for Christmas since I have 6 banners to pull on. Sick fucks.
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I hate Neon
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Wow it takes a fucking long time to get a skill to 10
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>6 banners
>A supporting character is a character in a narrative that is not the focus of the primary storyline, but is important to the plot/protagonist, and appears or is mentioned in the story enough to be more than just a minor character or a cameo appearance.
Words cannot define how little I care.
Yeah, I know there's 6 banners + NY Pilgrim to ticket
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>he's lacking critical information
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>s since I have 6 banners to pull on.
tf, which ones?
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Why is Quiry so weak?
it starts friday and for the next 3 weekends after that
our first match is on sunday, second match of the day
Give up the secrets, Chime
Neon is No en backwards, which is a reference to how you should never use the en dub
a bunch of nikkas
Based Gigachad.
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Nice Yan
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Harmony cube? Skills? Doll? OL lines?
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You do have Neon's title right?
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Anne, Rupee, Mica, Ludmilla and the two new characters
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So close yet so far
There's no character I like more than Nihilister. Road to Core Max.
newbie here, any idea when they will bring back xmas rupee and Helm: Aquamarine?
What is this? I keep seeing people mention it
I know you're being a disingenuous faggot, but I'll bite. How is Marian becoming the rapture queen not going to be the focus of the primary storyline?
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Christmas and summer respectively
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rupee on december 7, helm in like 6 months
they rerun the seasonals during their season,
so crupee in a week and a half and ham in july
>How is Marian becoming the rapture queen not going to be the focus of the primary storyline?
You answered your own question. I want you to think about this one for a few seconds.
Few weeks
Next summer
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Nice stash of gems you got there. Would be a shame to lose it all followed by the New year pilgrim, and Stellar Blade collaboration
>rupee on december 7, helm in like 6 months
huh? is this confirmed or just a meme?
Interception, your main source for gears.
Good luck with that, anon
I think you're insane for that but I can always respect the commitment
We've been hiding from ourselves for way too long
okay. thought so
I hate this bitch though. I would have rather gotten Rikkers in my Pilgrim molds. She came 4 times, and she came twice in my Cinderella rolls. She deserves hate fucking anal only.
Rupee and Xmica has an 0.4% chance to pop up in the new Winter banners or the rerun banners. There'll always be new summer units so same thing
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Joke's on you, that's just how she likes it
>rapture tries to jump, but it's under a bridge
>spends the rest of its momentum hitting its ceiling before landing again
i'm surprised they made these bound by physics
Who has the tighter pussy, Mica or Belorta?
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I have 86k gems plus 78 gay tix, I literally have a larger stash than 99% people here, lmao retard
they rerun seasonal units during their respective seasons, the only toss up is the banner format
at worst you'll be able to mileage them
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A 0.4% CHANCE NIKKER. They're not getting banners
She might become the rapture queen but the story will keep focusing on Counters and their adventures like always and probably will get 2 or 4 chapters of relevancy until that arc is solved then back to more Counters.
Your Cinderella Rouge Ein Crown SAnis lineup? I reached stage 8 with that. We need more boss powercreeps like Anachiro
Summer had banner for each re-run
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Remember that one anon that saved 5000 social points? I have returned, this time with 11000 social points saved up. Wait a little bit while I figure out obs and then upload to streamable.
>the only toss up is the banner format
>at worst you'll be able to mileage them
I have 250 gold tickets, which unit should i save these tickets for?
Do you need a hint?
Currently, Marian's narrative and plot are irrelevant, has been since Chapter 1. Modernia? Turning her back? It's all a plot device to move the story. Marian herself is never relevant here. Her storyline coming into focus "later" means that she is currently still a side character and a plot device to the story. Side characters can turn into main characters later in the story. As I said, you answered your questions.
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Last year they returned CRupee and CAnne by just adding them onto the new banners at a rate of 0.5% each, no additional banner for them, but they could be redeemed for gold mileage in the shop. That doesn't mean they will do it like this again since they obviously did it differently for the summer banners, but I find it kinda unlikely that they would run 6 banners at the same time so a solution like this of just adding them onto the new banners at a 0.5% rate seems likely or maybe they will just space them out more, who knows
Good luck anon
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1100 pulls, not too shabby
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There are more than a few people here with 6 digit gem stashes, and alot of people here with more than 1k gold tickets
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DD is inevitable.
C, Ludmilla is not only one of the best water dps units, she was basically the only one until Quency's alt
that's like 10 ssr nikkes at best am i rite?
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Oji-san! Me and my brethren await your pulls!
>It's a Rian episode
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> larger stash than 99%
I doubt it
see >>503540339
Don't be so reactionary and just admit anon can't read into it that much because he's new to the game. How are you going to shill 6 banners through November 28 - January
Should I make a video?
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Oh ya? Well I have 550 gems and 98 gold tickets, bitch
So cool! The coolest Nikke! Red Shoes!!
>The coolest Nikke!
Rad Shoes
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fuck, I need to figure out compression, stremable has a 250 mb limit. The 16 min pull vid is 817 mb
>Marian's narrative and plot are irrelevant
>skk, why are you making us go out here in this dangerous crystal area
>so I can bring Marian back to the ark
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well i tried
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> bitch
I still wish you good luck with what you have
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i use crown naga cindy rouge and sanis. completely mindless first phase some times 2nd phase.
Ade is not like that...!! Probably...
did anyone else hated the latest minigame? i couldnt even bother to get most rewards from it
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the tea did nothing, red shoes corrupted her during the maintenance
and who was the one who said that?
I did Naga's bond story is Marciana not allowed to tell the students their first mission would be on the surface facing raptures and they might die?
No and I asked for more in the survey
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I did everything in it but I can't said I liked it. You can't even call it mini, it's a game in a game and if I have to play another game I prefer playing a better one outside of Nikke. I like my mini-games fun and short.
I put on easy mode halfway through and mindlessly pressed forward to finish it. Did all but the 2k enemies challenges but I hated all of it.
i liked it a lot, but it definitely had issues
What would their corruption have been like?
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Thanks I'm sorry I lashed out.
Hansel says Red Shoes is being a creepy ojisan
i hate red shoes and her fat breasts, especially her red fucking shoes.
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Enjoy your Belor-
>friend pulls
Enjoy your Product 12
the one whose tea didn't relapse cinderella the second time she drank it
Is Gretel hiding or is Hansel holding her back?
who tf is bigger, red shoes or noir? i dont get it
Red Shoe's body is literally 70% legs.
i’ve read through over zone and red ash, are there any other storylines regarding doro that i should read in order to understand her?
debating locking her into my synchro core but my brainlet mind is still struggling to understand if she’s just been a bitch from the very beginning or as a result of bad times
she did carry me through the early game though so maybe i should just do it anyway
if I remember right, Red Shoes said it herself. That she injected Cindi with the corruption
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what about her butt
She has a cameo in bow wow paradise, so do that next.
You a luckshitter bro? I started during summer and even I have 140k Jims and 40 rainbows and I don’t feel safe at all. I haven’t even gotten a pick up without pity so far.
The map could have been less than half the size or at least had good rewards at the dead ends.
just add more banners like summer and make 2 of them be live until mid january like summer anis, that system is much better for them and the players after all who will pull for a trash 0.5 banner like winter mica?. Whales, will not mlb a character like her pulling 4 copies with 0.5 rates, and no one will spend 800 for mlb or 2200 for limit seven.
I hate we didn't get to see the good times, makes the bad times seem so who gives a fuck in hindsight.
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Is there some weird magic math bullshit that makes 10 pulls better than single pulls? I am very impatient
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Woah, we are collabing with Fortnite!?
post full and ill let you know.
no dolls.
I unequiped the charge speed cube from Yan and now they are even with power 63k.
Sadly Quiry is just weak.

She was mentally ill from the start but everything else made it worse
Yes and I asked for less in the survey
We will get that in siren, hansel, gretel events. Just like how old tales added more the main story and Red Ash.
I'm glad that they're trying higher-budget, more ambitious minigames to engage people but damn, this first try has a lot to improve on
nice mouse cursor
Red Ash made it turn out that she was a bitch from the start. Overzone just added mental illness onto it.
I liked it. It could have used some quality of life changes, like unlocking teleporters when you walk past them, a better teleport map in general, and less dead ends, but I still enjoyed playing it.
there’s no reason, just rolls faster
>hand brake encoding time: 36:32
fuck, I probably shouldnt have enabled 2 pass encoding
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this is fine
Have you've reached her chapters in the main story? There's lots of Doro content there
She's way more jaded nowadays. That said, while she's adamant about hating the ark, you can still see glimpses of the honorable warrior she was in the past. She's unironically a complex character
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>the limited sex bonds but no mary
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Seggs with Egg! Egg seggs!
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You didn't win, did you? I'm sorry
We will get all that in Red Shoe's event
i dont understand
yeah i’m halfway through chapter 26
problem is i can’t progress further without breaking through the 200 wall, but i don’t want to commit to having her in my synchro core if she’s just a raging poopoo head without any redeeming qualities
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>Changes the barrel like an MG42 when reloading
Diesel should have got this instead of an RPK
And thats a good thing
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>play both BA and Nikke
>browsing /bag/
>suddenly scat, gore and shit spam starts
Bros... I'm taking shelter here meanwhile.

Who is your favorite Student and favorite Nikker?
oh, its implied skk sleeps with rupee and helm in the bond stories for those alts. dw about it
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Being a senator's daughter, she expected a certain level of decorum from the start, but had to deal with a rowdy ragtag gang as part of the Goddess squad, so of course she'd have a chip on her shoulder. Then everyone goes to shit, but The Ark represents an opportunity to return to her past life. Not only does that get taken away from her, but Pinne, the only person who was able to treat her as an equal and help her acclimate to life on the surface, was killed tragically.
She comes off as cold because she's using every last piece of evasive politician language she can to mask her burning hatred of the Central Government.
go back
Too long.
But it's entertaining.
I liked it.
They could add game modes like Boss Rush or Invasion and it could pass as a real game.
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yeah, i get that, but she’s just kind of a bitch to everyone though in the current time frame though
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aren't most anime bodies just like that?
>Belorta and Mica shit on the floor and stare at me
You get what you fucking deserve, baggot
based af image. Fat people shouldn't exist
Chapter 26 is big for her, specially the last part. No big spoilers but...
You'll see her at her worst, but the resolution of the whole situation clearly left a big impact on her. It's unclear if she'll return better or 10x worse.
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I havent seen ANY drawing for the past few threads. You need to pick up a pencil or pen immediately.
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now we can confidently say that the schoolgirls flopped, did they draw in any of the blue archive crowd?
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The worst thing you can see here is Redhood saying surprise and privaty lips while in bag you see poo. Why? Ui best
holy based
that’s a catch 22 situation unfortunately
can’t progress without committing to her
but committing to her might reveal i don’t like her at all
i don’t expect the chapter to end well for her
Tia got me to download this game, so maybe
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Red Hood's student/Rapi
I've only dabbled in Blue Archive, but
Karin or Hina
Naga or Cinderella
She is very bitter about what CG did to them and broken from losing everyone who was close to her and longs to go back to the times when everything wasn't so shit. You'll understand more when you get further in 26.

She had to kill her herself
>Red Hood
>Snow White
Mind switched
Mind switched
Barely hanging on
Pinne? I had that for dinner last night.
I enjoyed a fine glass of Pinne Grigio last night
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I can't believe CG would recycle Pinne into splendamin...
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He said he had no interest in playing anymore, didn't know if/when he'll come back, so I had to give him the boot. Chill guy.
yeah that explains why she’s cunty to everyone and it makes sense
but i’m just curious if she stops being a bitch to people
Should I be saving the broken cores to buy gems whenever they restock? Like is that how this works?
Mika, Ako.
Cinderella, Red Hood, Scarlet
I pulled for flora
you don't smell like flowers
you smell like fertilizer and overpowered kits
if you do coop each day it's open, you should be able to afford everything but the bond tickets each time that shop resets
she will finally be nice once she WINS
if you do all the coops, you should be able to buy most of the store
the gems are the most valuable stuff obviously
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She smells like spaghetti.
gems, core dust, credits, battle data
bond tickets at your discretion, just be sure to always have enough to buy the gems every week at the very least
Dorothy being the only Goddess to not have an alt other than RH which is kind of a special case kind of explains her whole character in a nutshell.
Okay I usually respect cosplayers and don't call them manfaced but come on a good deal of those plapis gotta be
>We took down Nihilister
>You gotta rape her, Your Grace
>She has to LEARN her place, and I gotta WATCH
what the fuck was dorothy's problem
>scarlet has alcohol
>snow white has rats
>red hood has spaghetti
>rapunzel has cum
>dorothy has bananas
Goddess squad is food themed, not fairy tale themed...
Oh there's a co-op every week? I must have missed the last one. I thought it was monthly and I needed to save enough until the next month
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What do?
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What was the name of the song for the COOP lobby? I thought it was a part of Behemoth's songs but I can't find it.
The coop itself is monthly, the shop you can buy stuff with the currency resets weekly
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>full figure
every two weeks or so, but there's also the ranking reward payout which is like 13000+ cores so it covers you even when coop is a bit far away
new babu skin when, I missed all of her skins
Foreshadowing that Kilo is Dorothy's daughter?
mating press
I don't usually mind adding expressions and shit when localizing but goddamn tone it down
Absolute legend. Thank you!
based, we need more things like this
sounds like you need a good pooshook
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Alright, enough hitting my head against 26-25 for tonight, I just need to hit my head against that wall when everyone has full OL gear.
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What would have happened if Rapunzel went to Yuni and Mihara's bar?
>there's a 10 minute limit
God fucking damn it
Could be fuller.
age rating would go up
i bet you guys don't even have sex with your nikkes
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sorry not sorry for the late reply, I went to play something else to pass the time.

Zwei's burst is not needed to use her effectively, you're only missing a 10%+ pierce damage buff, Zwei for just being there recovers your Cover faster than Naga so she can pair well with Tia even, you only need to enter Full Burst to get her main pierce buffs, so teams can be:

Tia - Zwei - Dolla/S.Helm - SW - MW/RH as a budget version or
Crown - S.Helm/Dwife/Liter - Zwei - SW - MW/RH if you wanna be a full metafag

Both versions are good against AI Ultra, hell if farming Ultra's parts wasn't so important you could just replace Crown with Grave for an even bigger pierce buff for SW and the like.

tl:dr Zwei teams don'tt need a healer because she's a cover repairer already and Tia/Crown exists.
I've commissioned hentai of them and jack off to those images.
Does that count?
Yes, full figure, not overweight
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You lost all your jims betting like that against me
Full OL is a huge increase
pretty sure that in taiwan there is service that make prostitutes wear very realistic cosplays of popular waifus
I'm no Nikkephile. I have relationships with women. And sex with Nikkes.
I do, actually.
I wouldn't doubt it, I'm at 236 power on my current party with their current gearing (Which is a mishmash of T9 and out of the box OL gear) and they're just not hitting that hard as a lot of that gear hasn't been tweaked to fit them.
And thats even factoring in one of those NIkkes is yang who is there to basically pop three shots out of the gate into a wall to get Modernia's burst going.
>been accumulating paid gems from monthly passes
>look at the guaranteed summon again
>the guaranteed SSR cannot be a pilgrim, even though pilgrims are in the base rates
>whats up with that
>you'll commanders don't even fuck nikkes
My illness stopped me from living for many years. Now im living life to the fullest as a /nikg/ anon online. I never used to have dreams I never used to aspire to do anything I thought that was it for me. Now I have dreams and I will work hard to make those dreams come true.
her butt hurts?
Poor Admi
Her squadmates are perverts and can't stop fucking her surrogate father
Admi should join in then.
If I remember right around that time each of my OLs was like 3k power so putting that in every slot for everyone is gigantic doesn't even matter what they get. Though fodder to level up all that gear will be the biggest timegate.
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>Now im living life to the fullest as a /nikg/ anon online
anon Admi's horny for him too. Daddy issues and all that
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Flora: You are asking for what kind of plant, Cornflower!?
Privaty: O-oh, just something that is good for energy, stamina, and la-labido
Flora: Um, what was the last part?
Privaty: N-nothing.
Flora: Is this for Blossom?
Privaty: H-huh for M-Mas... C-Commander? O-of course not!
cute and canon
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it doesn't take much to get Snow White to do some slutty things
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You were too rough with her
after january sexo maids are back in the menu
Dying in front of this wonderful woman. Dying protecting this wonderful woman.
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I hope you'll enjoy the fruits of my efforts!
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>Yulha VA
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>mfw the only people that truly enjoy UR are the unions with a range of 160 walled and sub lvl300 that just wish to clear the raid so they do their best with their shitty ragtag hits
>meanwhile everyone else clears first day to second day and many don't do their hits anyway
I can see it...
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Bad casting if you ask me, she sounds way too soft in JP. KR Yulha is the perfect tired woman.
Inaho was pretty hot especially when she has that crazy look in her eyes
Thats what I'm finding.
I'm either not getting gear or not getting enough Modules to fish for full sets of three stats.
And considering everyone doesn't have a full set of gear yet I may just start fishing while I wait.
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Chime: I believe we have won, my King.
Crown: I feel the same, Chime. We have gotten all the pieces off the board.
Commander: You do know it's first to capture all the enemy's pieces, right? This is checkers.
Thighs not fat enough
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I don't know why, but this image of Syuen is hypnotic to me. Does anyone else feel buying Missilis brand batteries or is it just me?
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Is this sex?
No, but her onahole version is
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No, it's Kilo
Sex is from another game
do you think Nihilister has names for each head? Does she talk to them when she gets lonely?
Which Nikke is the most autistic?
gif like this with doro when
Onahole is for masturbation though not sex.
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Got a bone
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I have fun putting together five separate teams that clear each UR boss at level 10.
No, this is Patrick
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Rapunzel, guide my molds
What are you gonna do with it?
you only get three attempts
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Mock battles, anon.
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>ran out of core dust reserves at 221
uh oh
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so what will you do with the two leftover teams?
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Moran love
>do you think Nihilister has names for each head?
Hex and X
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did you min-max it and level up only to max push hard mode?
>Intense/highly focused on interests (performing)
>difficulty intepreting emotions
>not showing interest in anything not related to Opera
>Communication difficulties (can not perform a like an actual human on stage, snooty to others without realising that its rude)
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I miss when Sanji had this innocent and playful vibe underneath his rude exterior. Timeskip fucking ruined him
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Marian thighs in my mouth
So how does Crow afford to play 40k?
We are sponsoring with vtubers like this?
What they do to my boy? I remember him being pretty cool and a huge perv.
Post your favorite Rikker.
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I love my wife Rapi.
We told you bro! We told you about the core dust!
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Moran blessed!
I consider if any of them performed better than I expected, if I should invest any further in them and if they might make for good team 5 material in SRs. I love playing RPGs and I love the team composition and minmax aspect of games with larger casts so URs scratch that itch.
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Would you be happy if Trony did this to your balls?
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Product 08, my beloved.
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Good night smooch
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Lumi! YES!
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Massaging milks belly till she goes HHAAAAAAAAAH?!
what if I want all rikkers for pleasure?
>Still click the spoiler image
Every time
fuck off retard
why does her belly button look like that?
What is the full image?
>Korean-named NIKKE gets the best (Korean) VA
Of course.
diod the anon with the 11k friend points upload the video?
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see >>503550091
This >>503549294
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We are waiting.
Actually insane.
Idoll sun
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Any unions on GLOBAL with open slots? I'm not a try hard so any union will do, I'm just tired of inactive unions
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>he listened to the credit mafia
Eunhwa is the most aggressively Korean, and her performance is pretty close in JP and KR.
My brother.
You should ask again when UR ends, nobody can leave/be kicked right now
Not him but I'm considering the same thing, joined a random one on global that is 'semi' active but has about ten or so inactives.
Nice graveyard
I'm gonna politely ask the raptures to stop being so mean and be friends with us.
I'm bringing them snacks and drinks.
Wish me luck, guys.
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When is the next set of sloshers coming?
I liked 1.5 more than 2
In a week and a half
Grave hasn't lost anything. The mask and name is now the only difference between Abe and Grave, and right now half the mask is broken. The last advise question is about her taking off the mask.
I will concede that the 1.5 minigame was better
Yeesh, I joined a random union that has a decent amount of newcuties but at least the leader stays on top of kicking inactive people.
Who will be the one sloshing around like that?
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>I will concede
Was it ever an argument?
Priest Maiden
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Hopefully Maiden
Its gotten me a bit of shop currency and, to be frank, I've just started to pull my weight by being able to kill a two bosses or so at each union level.
I think her nose shading is weird.
I would try and join a more active one then, even if you don't want to join a nikg union, there are a lot that are active and stay on top of removing corpses.
Normally after UR ends is when recruitment starts back up as people quit
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thoughts on this comic?
I meant to say that I prefer 2 in every aspect except the minigame
the effort was good, but it needed more polishing
I probably will, I'll finish out this union run with them, get the rewards, then go join another.
where's the joke, fuckley
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i dun geddit???
Moran after I told her I want to have sex with her
This nigga still making comics? I thought he left the fandom
this guy's comics have "lol sex" as the only punchline
It's making a dab on Grave's live 2D animation.
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good night bros
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thanks captain obvious
I am rolling on the floor laughing at this comic bros.
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shut it fatty
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thoughts on stella blade?
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Everyone awake right now is invited to the beach, SSR alts for all!
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played the demo on a friend's piss5, seemed solid. looking forward to the pc release and mods
>voice in my head took on Rupee's voice
>can't fight it
it's over for me
Is the voice english or Japanese?
Should've just been the first 3 panels
Beat it twice, good game. Impatiently waiting for the Nikke collab that was promised months ago. I need Eve and Raven's fat asses in the shooting range NOW.
Probably going to play new game + soon
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>Chinese "humor"
prefero el sentido del humor de los Latinos...
That's your hangup? Not her mouth right before she grabs the ears?
All OOC.
You have become Rupee's property
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What would it be like having dorothy as a gf.
shut the fuck up EYERA
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thoughts on this shit?
Japanese but it's a bit hard to explain
I don't speak Japanese, but I understand what she says in Slovakian, my native language
Yeah, no, I can't properly explain it
Rupee would never tell me to stop taking meds, albeit
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If Nikke weighs 500lb, how can she swim?
I want cupcakes
She doesn't. She lays in the sand all day like a beached whale
For me? Divine
Nikkes have multiple bodies.
Combat, Amphibious, and Civilian.
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I'm not buying a gaystation 5 for one game. Ask again when it hits multi-plat.
>I don't speak Japanese, but I understand what she says in Slovakian, my native language
Vaguely Japanese gibberish with few words I know here and there that I 100% understand without thinking about it would be the most fitting description, probably
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just finish the tutorial and got my ssr from the draw, was going to reroll but I got a loli so I'm keeping her.
should I draw the 40 more to unlock the thing on ordinary recruit? or should I just save gems and level my team as is?
Don't spend gems on the normal recruit you'll get plenty of blue tickets to use for that
PC released already got announced for next year
I dont care about Stellar Slop
Why would Nikkes need a amphibious or a civilian body
>I got a loli so I'm keeping her.
who was it?
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Yeah I know dumbass. Is it next year right now? No it isn't you moron.
>civilian body
For being in the Ark, less able to rebel.
>amphibious body
For missions that may require swimming.
best one you could get
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She can't, she drowns.
SECTOR A-23 — A Deputy Commander of the Central Government said on Thursday that he believes the explosion outside the court in the Justice District was the consequence of frequent Heavenly Ascension attacks and hate speech targeting the Ark's institutions.

“It grew under the guise of a criminal use of freedom of speech. To offend, threaten, coerce,” Deputy Commander Doban said at an event in Sector A-23.

CentGov Internal Affairs are investigating the explosions on Wednesday as terrorism and a violent attack on the democratic rule of law, Director of the A.C.P.U, said at a news conference later.
ok, should I use the mold on my inventory? or do I also save that?
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I hope you like lolibabas.
use molds and read the FAQ on the OP
I don't understand a single thing
But looks funny

christ finally, man recording and posting shit at small files sizes is hard

part 1

part 2
So I just did the ch27 quest where rapi and SKK find a photo of a swing hanging from two big trees. I know this connects with Redhood, but I cant recall what exactly. anyone have an idea?
My schizo theory's Levi was a rikker
Where pubes?
That's where human Red Hood used to spend her time with a friend of her.
you nikkers talk too much, I'm 2 threads behind, calm down
Rikkers can't be heretics
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spics make the funniest Nikke memes and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
>is it next year right now?
It will be in after like a month and five days..
chat is this real?
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It was fun, I'm close to getting the platinum trophy. The Nier costumes look good
I did and it doesn't say anything about molds or if I should draw at the start or not, thats why I was asking, the only draw related thing in it is that I should save the LBGT tickets for a good banner.
Looks like you had average luck. What does your spare body inventory look like now?
Spanish is a very funny language. Reading spic memes reminds me of how people where able to salvage DMC devil may cry by playing it with that silly spic dub.
Use molds whenever
In the body label shop trade the grey DNA currency for more gold molds
Those first few rolls I thought "man, an SSR in every multiroll, lucky fucker" then it went as dry as the Sahara. But I think this was a pretty decent haul for FPs
Yeah Tia is our daughter
there is not much competition desu
molds are 99% of the time ok to use as soon as you can
only case to not do so is when a nikke you want is going to enter the general pool so it'll also get added to molds
as for the general banner you get many blue tickets at the start so there's no need to use gems there
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Get Pregnant, Get Pregnant
Get Pregnant, Get Pregnant
Get Pregnant, Get Pregnant
Get Pregnant, Get Pregnant
Get Pregnant, Get Pregnant
Get Pregnant, Get Pregnant
>DMC devil may cry by playing it with that silly spic dub.
The spic dub either didn't get the memo or didn't give a shit and used the existing Spanish VAs for Dante and Vergil without changing their performance for the shittier tone of that game so it ended up being entertaining instead of stupid
>a month+ of investing into one (1) nikke before they're ready to be used for raids
>new nikkes come out every couple weeks
I don't like it
I'd agree but the rikker's tits are way too big.
how important are the mlb nikkes for the sync . Should i wait a bit longer or should i just mlb any and get over with it
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ok ty, got this cow with the single mid quality mold I had.
We get Nikkes actually strong enough to bump someone else out of a raid spot like once a year and a bunch of them are situational enough that they only get used 1/5th of the time for their element
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I'm 5'6". Which Nikke is for (me)?
you should MLB anyone you can to get past the 160 wall
you can always change the ones at the top of the sync before you hit lvl200
An overworked cow
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I'm going to Alice.
>spics have curis (meme edits, some very high quality but it's funnier if it looks like shit)
>koreans have the blob drawings + doro and that one reaction image about reading the room or something that got snowcloned to hell
>chinks have the segs obsessed guy i guess
does /nikg/ not make memes?
i literally dont know what b2s to use besides crown and naga
Lorelet here, why cant rikker become heretics?
Nikkes that are sex?
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see pic related

pretty much, favorite part was the back to back drake
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It doesn't particularly matter, but you can't remove them from the machine ever after 200.
Also share top 5 nikkas.
We had Dieselwaves
4chan hasn't made a meme since we lost the 4chan reddit wars.
All of them, I would like to have sex with all of them. Preferably all at once
oh, forgot to mention, I had a bunch of spare bodies before rolling. Couldn't be assed to screenshot a before and after.
for campaign? you don't need anything else
for raids? Blanc, Mari, Grave, SRosanna, Leona (for the shotgun team)
I think you got Pepper then next roll Mary which was interesting too
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/nikg/ is holy based
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what does she do
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I'm going to Alice
AI sloppa, man cosplay, divegrass
Every time I steal a ketchup packet from work I think of this image
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if i had talent i wouldn't be here
Who would win in a fight between anderson and doban?
The dogs
(Biscuit, Poli, Jackal)
oh yeah, that was funny too.
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>does /nikg/ not make memes?
This doro shit feels so forced I'm not even joking
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one of the spic twitter meme accounts literally reposts memes from here
Double sided Doro?
bonus video of 110 standard pulls from tickets
I am going to kill you crow
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have some rupee cosplayer ass
Doro meeting Cindy sure is going to be something huh.
What a whore
post her face.
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>1 SSR/ 110
he has a nice ass
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do her bonds, SKcocK will fix her
Double sided Doroildo
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i like harran
That's a man.
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oh fuck sake, just realize part 1 and 2 are the same thing. gimme a bit to fix that
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Post women.
I know its you Syuen, you're just waiting for people to post Nikkes so you can call them scrap heaps and not women.
You're luckier than me
I went 110 straight with 0 SSR
I needed another single ticket to get a single SSR
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you mean...THAT rupee cosplayer?
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Man those blue ticket rolls look painful
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im not willing to post a picture of myself on 4chan you people are creepers
peak woman
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Will you post a picture if I promise not to touch myself to it?
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hmmmm.... nyo
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can't wait for the levi cosplay
me on the right
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I made this one, but it hasn't really caught any traction. Probably because there's not much reason to recycle or expand on it.
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Anyone under a certain power level is just treated as disposable material for the Raptures. That's why the Black Smith in the first chapter corrupts and gobbles up Nikkes.
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>using the stuff to see old events
>this mini game
It's kind of cool but at the same time sort of annoying
I see the Privaty smooch everyday but what is the full image it is from?
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Dyev nyotes?
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menuing is a bit cumbersome but the lore is worth it
and snow white of course because she's cute
Shikikum is the essence of the Nikke fandom. People are just jealous they didn't think of it first.
no petra, no care.
Is Grave the stinkiest Nikke to date?
I am only going through it because of the story
>tfw the first ending I got was to make her a drug addict
Probably because there's not much basis in the current story to make the juxtaposition funny, and funny nu Star wars is shit unworthy of even being memed off.
No, she’s beautiful
anis and red hood walk into a room
everything inside dies
I believe petra is working on Levi. Summer photoshoot will have her and I hope it's silly.
reverse image search pulled up this https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9614658
someone made this with eleggs and it was pretty good
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My beautiful human female officer, Privaty!
someone said her mouth looks like a xbox controller and its haunting me
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Why hasn't the smooch poster been using this one that has the screen smooched?
I fucking hate my upload speed. Also can't figure out why the fuck catbox won't finish uploads.

part 2 real one
When do you have the time to read the Bond stories?
how would you feel about one heretic occasionally showing up in non campaign stories, like banner/seasonal events, and just being a one-woman team rocket? Should it be a new unaffiliated heretic, a current heretic, or one of the missing four beasts?
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Shame they're lazy and won't update them
after they get their ass beat in the story all 4 beasts should be demoted to comic relief characters and meme antagonists
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calm down nihilister
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/dbs/ has poisoned my brain too much
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and turned into wives
Oh. the double drake was in the real part 2. fuck me
I have, what about you?
Cinderella was always going to be the strongest.
Now it's just going to be how they can keep her out of the story and now make it contrived.
I'm going to turn your waifu into a nikke
I got an SBS dupe out of my pilgrim molds
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Are you bragging or complaining?
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Alien Soda and I will spread her further.
Whichever annoys you most.
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There's dieselwaves, the initial spread of doro, red hood's surprised face.
I make low effort edits that sometimes get posted on other websites like this one (minus Red Shoes because her betrayal hadn't been revealed yet).
>saving $$
>saving gems
>saving tickets
This end of year events will know that I too can paypig
>blanca, negra, blanka
only one that make me chuckle
Should have started on day one, newchud.
get that snake away from me
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Which one?
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>this same type of mass product Nikke became 2 important characters
When are we getting the third character based of this model?
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On average, how many maintenance kits do you need to max out the doll? Thingken of getting Exia's treasure for her [CHAIR CLATTERING] lobby. I only have a single Nikke at SR15 so I'm unsure if this is enough, especially the gold kits
hypothetically if you were to do the following pattern:
blues from R1->15
purple from SR5->SR10
gold from SR10->SR15
then on average you should need:
170 blue kits
90 pruple kits
45 gold kits
but if you get lucky or unlucky, it could be very different.
So what exactly is the timeline here?

>Rapture Invasion +4 years
Hundreds of Nikkes, enough for Red Shoes to use up 200 without being noticed, and 100 to be deployed on the Wings of Victory, as well as support other losing fronts.
Red Hood gets corrupted.
Cinderella gets corrupted.
>+1 week
Goddess attacks the Lift and loses to Anachiro.
Red Shoes leaves Goddess.
>+3 days
Red Hood meets Oswald
>+4 days (2 weeks since Cinderella's corruption)
Liliweiss and the Legend get called away for super-special operations while Goddess begins Ark Guardian
>+unknown days
Goddess fights and defeats Anachiro
>+2 months
Anachiro is cured by Vapaus, that may have come from the Legend?
Gets sprung by Ave
>+1 day
Cinderella kills Red Shoes and runs away
>+1 week
Cinderella and the Old Tales squad decide to attack the Lift
Somewhere around here, Ark Guardian is going on and Liliweiss is undertaking her super-secret mission.
>+1 day
Old Tales' attack fails
Liliweiss dies
All data on the 2nd gen Grimms is wiped
>Unknown date
Liliweiss' body is recovered and placed in a sarcophagus near the Ark entrance/evacuation route
>+2 months
Ark Guardian continues
Oswald abandons the Goddess Squad when the Ark is sealed, along with all other Nikkes and humans out on the surface.
Somehow, Liliweiss' sarcophagus is broken into during Ark Guardian and her head is stolen.
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You should be able to clear to Treasure. You got enough kits to luck your way through. I need more gold kits to get Exia's treasure.
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my wife
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speaking of grave, I liked her more in her npc form
ive killed crystal chamber for hopefully the last time ever
fuck this bitch of a boss
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based, good luck, its been my lobby since i got it
She looks way better like this, too bad we have what we have ....
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Getting a blue doll to phase 15 shouldn't take that much blue kits.
Starting from purple doll phase 5, I usually do all blue kits until phase 6, then all purple until phase 7, and gold until super success proc. Same for starting from phase 10. When I get to the point to use gold kits, they already give 40-45% chance of super success so you have a pretty decent shot at that point assuming the blue and purple kits before didn't trigger it.
This means 150 blues, 60 purples, 30 golds for each checkpoint.
I just heard phantoms voice (JP) for the first time
...that was not what I was expecting, but I am turned on.
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Thanks brothers, I'm going in
her buddy and clothes looks cooler as NPC but she would have a covered ass with that outfit but her new face looks better
We need more trains. Infinity Rail event or main story relevance when?
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What happened to socksdev?
BTFO'd by Cinderella
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>Rebuild AZX
Exia knows what she's doing.
does grave know what sex is
would cinderella teach her
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>open /v/
>see this in front page
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Luv Mother Whale
>45 gold kits
50 if you use math rules
nikkes that
You can only roll in tens
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She isn't shy
I mean that the 45 average become a 50 if the 45 cant exist
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aren't nikke
hmm i'm gonna have to agree with >>503564871
have weak backdoors
SSK had some damn good endurance.
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Ok she's at SR15 now and this is what I have left. In total I've spent:
110 blues
100 purples
60 golds
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What are your most wanted ideas for new nikkes? I really think we need a plushie nikke.
grats bro, nota bad result
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Have fun with your gf
I had to buy cindy with tickets on the final day and now i've rolled enough on grave that I can buy her with tickets.
these drop rates are hell. This event took everything from me, I don't know how many months of grinding plus the stockpile you get from the campaign.
How the hell do people MLB these characters?
Viper's and Frima's treasures are completely useless, right?
if you like them, it's worth building
otherwise they're not necessary
Viper treasure makes her top tier water DPS
Pilgrim banners have lower rates than normal banners. It's better to ticket them
They MLB on normal banners to build tickets and then buy them. 1% is too low to be rolling on.
Viper lets her do ok damage but bricks her in pvp entirely
Compared to Chudmilla and Quency?
I normally stock up golden tickets for actual extremely good characters if I want to MLB them, too bad I had to use one ticket to get cindy and one for grave, if I had got them with draws I would have gone for cindy extra copies
How the fuck do I read skills
Direct your eyes over the text and translate it

Click/touch them
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Where the fuck are my aviation nikkers? You're telling me we have dropships, helicarriers and jet fighters but no nikkes specialized in their usage?
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every time
They died and Marian got corrupted
Anyone uses her in pvp though?
Probably because Ark is an underground facility, though they went overboard and made a ship inside of it, so yeah, it's weird there aren't aviation nikke
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Quiry bro...
we have it according to interviews, they just haven't showed up yet
Her burst gen is decent since she's a clip sg. Just have decide if the tradeoff is worth it for a fringe team 5 solo raid nikke for you or not.
Nikkers are too heavy for planes
Goofy ahh nikkas doko
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I thought the voice was familiar, now I got the answer
speaking of pvp, does taunt even work in pvp? would make T diesel really stupid to fight against

also PSA to new cutes, treasure units gain CP like crazy especially at low sync levels, don't turn your nose up to making a team of them and a flex if you don't have all the SSSSSSSSS units
>el valle inquietante
Reminder that Anis has disgusting feet
Like Marn feet?
I thought they were grounded due to stormbringer and mother whale but those aren't a thing anymore
So sad that Oswald died and got his brain scooped into a maintenance bot. I bet this was Red Shoes's doing.
>medical condition
They're robots how can they have a "condition"
Go ask Anne about it.
Then how did Commander survive >>503565716 600 pounds of ass on his lap?
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balls of steel
>saar, if you would just click this little link here, real money from nigerian prince!
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Someone said slop?
Blow it out your ass.
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needs a very uncomfortable chibi noir and blanc
They can burn in a tub of my vapaus
>and got his brain scooped into a maintenance bot
uuh, no?
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god I'm so cool
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>clearing hard mode at 20% deficit on auto
>lose 4 times in a row
>click retry again
That's right you fucking shitstain nikkers. There's no rest until you bring me victory.
iirc, that was the explanation for them not making any more airships in the first invasion
>dirtbike nikke, make it so she always wears her helmet, and she never shows her face until like three years after she was released i like when mysterious shit is actually mysterious for a long time, so the reveal actually means something
>gorilla-like neanderthal pilgrim that throws rocks instead of using a gun
>actual oyakodon nikkes (just write them like the Hanazonos from 100 gfs)
A nikke that isn't a titcow and doesn't magically grow a pair of tits when she gets a skin or alt
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I think
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Commander is just built different
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>lifts, carries, fucks nikkes
>beats milk
>loses to bees
he dropped his epipen
uh bro your Quiry and Folkwang?
Worth every single kit
Was it ever explained why despite being backed into a corner the Ark still has enough resources to fund the creation and proliferation of their Nikke military force? Where are they getting the human capital?
hey man, you don't fuck with bees
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Don't do that. You'll hurt yourself like last time.
When is he going to lose to human pussy, like Shifty's for example?
It's hip to fuck bees
Listen, don't fuck with bees.
Those things can be worse than raptures when angered.
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They can fly despite their body weight seemingly making it impossible
They can kill other insects over 10x their size
Could you do that?
Make no mistake. The bee is strong. That's an undeniable fact.
therefore I alice
>does taunt even work in pvp?
Absolutely, which is why SAnus who ignores taunt is top-tier in arena
This makes me sad.
ugh, that's disgusting
time to spam it
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Too many bee shills
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>Give me the chocolate, Shikikan
>Alice gets lost in the city and then beaten up by some creep while we're off chasing a criminal for some reason
Is this the worst bond in the game?
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>Rival quit playing during early 2nd anni
>Slowly catching up to his tower and hm campaign spots, only other one in our shard who's even close
So...what do I do now? I'll miss you rivalbro
average night with exia
>fishing link
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She just like me fr
>have a million tetra snipers built
>might be nice to read exia's story at least
>remember that it'll cost a shitton of resources
oh well
No? It's great, because it reminds you that Ark isn't Elysium
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what the fuck please tell me that doesn't happen
i haven't read alices bond stories yet
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Pair her with Biscuit
Marian's dressed kinda like a stewardess, so presumably she was a crew member of the transport SKK was on at the start.
If I remember right, the Admire is a reverse-engineered Rapture sea vessel, the Ark didn't build it from the ground-up.
it does not happen, he's exaggerating
I just don't want to see Alice suffer for no reason
She was close to getting her organs harvested
>they fear the common bee
>there are xylocopa frontalis making nests in the trees near of my terrain because I live in rural zone
It's like an armored flying tank with a huge fucking stinger, I shot one with a pellet gun that penetrated and got stuck in it, it was still alive on the floor trying to sting the air like crazy
what is the point of the commander? he just sits in a corner like a cuck the entire story
Good thing she didn't comprehend what happened, then. Nobody suffered.
>he doesn't remember the candyman
how do I listen to the audio on this webms? I forgot
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Retards deserve to suffer
Laplace suffered
Soda suffered (not enough)
Moran suffered (not enough)
Alice needs to suffer more and Drake needs to suffer
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I will not let Nikkes be unhappy under my watch. ...Unless they're rikkers, then fuck them.
what is the financial incentive in making Rapi a cuck?
but before that, when will Delta get her alt and a sex bond?
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Delta's base bond is already a sex bond
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why would he need these for nikkes
that's not how commander felt about the one in noah's bond
What's Mustang's catchphrase again?
Bro your noodles.
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the thing that gets me most about this whole scenario is that it was so easily avoidable. why did we start chasing after some random criminal? especially when the ACPU was already after him? and we just leave alice all alone in the ark when we know how she is?
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ohh...you know
SSK will fix it when people stop sending him to the surface.
Or when he stops getting kidnapped.
Or when he's not getting held hostage.
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Sometimes for no reason SKK turns into a special individual
in skk's defense, yuni is a retarded, impatient poophead
Yuni got off easy with her "punishment".
Shut the fuck up, Jien.
Listen, if we actually get Nikke Syuen then I can forgive Yuni.
Not Crow though.
That's Soline
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I'm coming for you, asshole.
I want more sex with Delta
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still haven't done alice bond but check the wiki to see what actually happen.
why are some words cross out??? did they change it in a patch or what???
Kill yourself Yuni. You fucked up the ark because you're a retard that got swindled by Crow of all people.
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i mean she's pretty much on demand
this is technically more frequent than even the bunnies and all their blas
If Alice refuses to eat the candy then the candyman beats her. If she eats it she pretends to sleep with the rest of the children.
Yeah yeah, well, you're gonna be using Yuni's powerful heretic form when it's eventually released anyway. Then everyone will become Yuni fans.
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This is 100% factually correct. My sources tell me she will power creep Red Hood. Sorry Grave, looks like I'll just have to pull you from the normie banners instead of ticketing you this Wednesday.
Need a Delta free use doujin NOW
>worse than Cindy
christ, shift-up really likes seeing nikkes suffer.
just korean writing as usual
Double it with her alt
she looks so pretty under the mask with hearts and sparkles in her eyes and when you take it off she will be an innocent maiden in love

also retarded that a Nikke made of goddesium can be damaged by a fucking pipe or rebar swung by a regular guy, if goddesium is that weak just make Nikkes out of fucking plastic and metal and save tons of money
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korea is a different planet
Tetra Wombforce has already been installed in every Nikke
It reduces mind switch rates by 0.7%
Beautiful day in the Ark.
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Don't worry Mustang knows about the incident the guy isn't getting a happy ending
Bzzzzzz bzzzz bzzzzz bzzzz
>also retarded that a Nikke made of goddesium can be damaged by a fucking pipe or rebar swung by a regular guy
in the follow up story she has a broken leg because of the incident.
this bitches are made of chinesium.
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Uhh I don't think China exists anymore in Nikke's world bro
She finally committed an actual crime
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After reading her skills and using what little brain I have left, my understanding is that for Treasured Exia:
>Ele and ATK OLs
>NO max ammo
correct? I've just spent a fair number of rocks to get rid of ammo lines
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Whose idea was it to turn this shortstack lesbian retard, albeit with a huge ass, into a Nikke in the first place?

The first time she loses it or something happens to Mihara, she's going rogue and is likely on the path to being a heretic herself.
The Admi?
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>an occult group had actually taken over one of the biggest governments in the world and it was undeniably proven, one of the craziest things in history...and it was forgotten a week later
same thing happen with the tunnels under the synagogue, and Jeffrys client list.
>Whose idea was it to turn this shortstack lesbian retard, albeit with a huge ass, into a Nikke in the first place?
I guess you could say they were a bit COO COO
The Cutemi
The Sexmi
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tits too big
i checked the thread and i didn't see shit, jannies must be fast. /bag/gies are always welcome, y'all help balance out the normie/autist ratio in this thread
Need a cowgirl Nikke... stat
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uh anon
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i love my drunk esposa
we have local artfags
nilhister one eye enlarged.jpg

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