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Dindu nuffin, edition

>Mountain Dew Promotion Now Live

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBOFOMO - Moon Guard
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Old >>503467110
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Post feet, paws and / or toebeans.
11.1 PTR when Ion
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Hey /wowg/
I'm trying out arms as a terminal fury smooth brainer and there as so many buttons and so much shit to keep track of. It feels like my brain is tying itself in knots.
zamn he knotted that bih
either before christmas or mid january
do you like male pandas
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hunter moment
I hope you guys are not fucking brainlets like me, I wasted two hours trying to do the vault of the wardens puzzle.
Think they said beginning of december
hopefully seasons twos tier sets look as bad as season one so I don't have to sub to this shit game
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How about this
Nah they know what makes people resub, there will 100% be some bangin sets + a must get trading post reward
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>Drachusband and Worgwife have a baby
I like this.
I hope that they're goblin themed
how do you bag all these cute femworgs
The world needs more plump fox ladies.
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jaina my love..
I glossed briefly last thread, was the green bike added to the game as a secret mount? Big treasure hunt reward sort of thing?
Holy fuck..
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They honest to god approach me first more than half the time. I'll just be hanging around and they start talking to me.
Yes. A mix of puzzles and secrets. I dont think that anyone got it yet
>Makes his entire personality hating furries
>Becomes a furry
What kind of mental illness is this?
Oooh, fun. I only saw the part about needing to beat something with a team of three secret battle pets, and happened to have four of them already, so I figure one annoying step out of the way, might as well join in on this one.
He's said Male Worgen RPers for the last year idiot.
Something I've started coming around to agreeing with lately because holy fuck.
Hm. Not a big fan of foxes but I definitely would breed a femworg or panda.
that thong be STRUGGLING
>They live hotfixed being able to overload mined deposits
Fuck you Blizzard you motherfuckers.
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I just got to 80 and to get into heroics I don't have high enough item level yet. I'm assuming I want to save all my valorstones to upgrade mythic+ gear though right?
I was thinking of leveling my rogue. Has sub gotten any better or is it basically mandatory that I switch to another spec?
whats wrong with male worgrn
I never hated furries you dumbass. Only 99% of Male Worgen.
You get it.
Subt is by far the least popular rogue spec despite being good.
Disregard this post I'm a stupid fucking ape sorry Ion, sorry Metzen, sorry Kotick. Sorry sorry sorry. For some reason the game put the overload spell from DF on my bar instead of the one from TWW. I will buy 5 brutos to make up for my heinous crimes.
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>tiny little 30 degree cone indicator
>cleaves a full 90 degrees in front of the mob
Save for at least champion. Do delves for easy gear
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>10pm on a sunday
>i'm sure blizz will post the tradepost preview
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>hiding the best boss fight in the worst expansion
Its next week
thats not painsmith
>cant get into aotc groups because I cant find a pug that survives princess because I can only get into non-aotc groups because I cant get into aotc groups

I guess I will just do mythics then
Assassination is S tier
Outlaw is garbage and never get invited
Sublety is just ok
*declines u from my key*
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*tanks and gets hit for you*
wife material
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*Rewards you with touching your butt and foot massages after the dungeon*
*pops reck, avatar, thunderous roar, and bladestorm and rips aggro off of you and gets vaporized* TANK? HELLO???
Moonkin bros, I know we've been running KOTG in keys all season, but I'm seeing more and more make the swap to Elune's. Any of yall have experience with it? I hate the starfire and FOE spam, but if it's outperforming I suppose I'll get it figured out for high keys.
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*rapes you with my human male paladin cock and purifies your womb*
brownoid detected
I started doing Delve 8s
I've done 2 so far and I've only got 4 crests? Jesus christ leveling champion equipment like this is a nightmare grind.
M+ for crests
i was hoping you could level gear by farming delves. i guess getting a 616 out of the vault every week is nice. but 15 runed crests to get from 606 to 610 is nuts. and i don't think any m+s are going to take my 595 ilvl ass, let alone +4s
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What possesses people to try and do this when their ilvl is this low? Actual retards.
What server? Probably brown irl
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Gross, post Drac form.
what mob?
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Cute... cute!
I didn't pay much attention to this back then but looking back it's pretty retarded to have someone dedicated to making gay frogs
the tacticians in dawnbreaker
saw like 6 deaths in a key to the cleave today lol
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What gets you in a Warcraft mood anon? The lord of the rings movies always make me want to play my death knight.
i am hydrodynamics
Should i start doing this felcycle shitshow now or wait until all steps are done?
become naga
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>TWW is meant to be vanilla
>Midnight will be TBC
>Last Titan will be Wrath
>First expansion after the saga will focus on a world revamp like Cata did
You've been warned.
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Much better.
Would smooch
Even cuter.
looks like a vampire dragon
Wanted the dreadleather helmet, saw that it had a top with it that was also cool.
Shit runs for like 70k gold on the auction house, so I'm making my own, levelling Legion skinning and leatherworking, but that got me thinking...
Is it viable to just... Make a bunch of these and throw them into the AH, once I'm done making my own? Is that how you make money in this game?
TWW is the diagnosis. Midnight will be the death throes. The Final Titan will be the funeral + maintenance mode.
honest thoughts on memefox?
>sunday is over
>only one +10 done
>didn't do heroic court/queen or weekly 4/8m
>alts have nothing done
I think I'm done bros, see you on ringslop island if poe2 sucks
Some choice mogs in professions tend to go for decent amounts, but I wouldn't really call them a solid money-maker. Sometimes good ones take a lot of time and effort for the materials.
No. Something strange has happened to gaming overall. The entire space has a black cloud looming over it. Vidya might be totally dedge.
I'm at that point. Thought about getting another 300 gilded crests but they do hard resets now to force you into normal raid instead of skipping to heroic. There is no reason to grind ilvl anymore.
I think she's too skinny. I want to feed her until she can't move.
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Why the heckin' frick did I get leather shoulders out of the black rock depths raid as a plate wearer?
theyre warbound, mail them to an alt or put them in your shared bank
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Extremely dumb question: Is there any point in doing any of the higher ones? Aside from wanting to go after void boy?
It's more western gaming budgets have become too large for their audience and the ability to infinitely monetize games has become a necessity for them to exist which inevitably destroys more and more games as people only have so much time. The already existing titans are the ones most likely to survive though; recessions always hurt the smallest entities the most and benefit the largest.
I think the entire industry and all the meta-industry around it have all abruptly imploded.
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I'm going to bed, post worgen for me to see tomorrow morning.
so what am I supposed to do when I hit 70 from timewalking dungeons and start doing literally no damage/healing
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>still haven't done any 10's this week
I think i'm finally free.
Keep queuing. You'll only be a burden for 10 levels.
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*PIs and kisses wowg on the lips*

Swapped back to disc from shadow because I used to main it as my heals in DF and honestly it's a lot more fun right now. Voidweaver hero talent is so well designed and I love the visuals. Still feels like I have part of my shadow priest playstyle while also my favorite parts of disc. Well done blizzard :)
*Makes out with you and grabs your butt*
did the same with my velf spriest as well, keeps the fantasy while playing far more useful and enjoyable disc.
whoa she has some nice milkers on her
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Disc is indeed quite fun and good at the moment, now put some clothes on.
there's an achieve for doing the top tier once on each delve but aside from that nothing else im aware of. you can just farm 8's for everything
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Have you done any keys as Disc? How's it feel to you so far?
I just want to let you know your my favourite poster itt because you talk about the game so I can still interact but also provide us with coom. Love your demon hunter and this priest slut.
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I fucked your twink chub brother hahahaHAHAHAHAAHAA
>be enhancefag
>spec is actually meta for once but hate this dogshit dead season so much i might just spend the rest of the patch playing goober specs in rat keys and normie raids
never seen a studio so fucking immaculately talented at just ruining shit that isnt a problem for no reason when nobody asked them to or benefitted from them doing so.
>someone runs into the auction house
why do they have a healthba-
>it's a horde player
>kills the auction NPCs before 15 people run in to catch him
Holy shit what the fuck? That's amazing. Damn, I wish the NPCs stayed dead a while longer, that's fantastic.
Video games and movies/tv have had a dark cloud over them for a while now. I have hopes things will get better in the future though now that the world seems to be revolting against it all.
Gaming has been in a bad state because of a combination of woke media bullshit infesting the business and gaming in general expanding to a point that it's not a niche hobby it's a mainstream hobby that most people participate in.
Games used to be made for nerd types, the niche market that played and enjoyed video games. Now everyone plays games and you will have noticed in any online game, the average player you see is an actual low IQ retard who can barely play. Devs have dumbed games down because of this and so most games these days play very handholdy and have really dumb writing that repeats itself often, some NPC will alert you to a puzzle before you even stumble on it and will start solving it for you before you've even started.
Then you also have bean counters trying to maximize every profit possible at the cost of the product and psychologists formulating systems designed to manipulate you.

It's all gay and bullshit but people are pushing back against it now so maybe things will get better down the line. Some companies seem to have infinite money but surely not everyone can keep pumping out Concords and Disney+ trash that gets canceled every time.
not really, the drag coefficient from all the surface area of body in particular wings would be *huge* and none of that surface area is paddles.
they'd likely be unable to swim
Damn this whole secret story was nice.
And kinda sad.
Weird amount of effort put into it for a secret pet.
i think youre just stupid. find the one game you like out of tens of thousands of games, and play it. you think everything is bad because youre used to eating shit. try not eating shit.
Based helfchad
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All of my applications to any 12s are just timing out. People aren't even declining me. Is gatekeeping a good thing?
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kill yourself
Korrak AV as an Alliance player is so demoralizing.
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what a faggot lmao
And I think you're a retard who likes to project a lot because none of that applies to me. I've played many many video games i've enjoyed, and continue to play many video games I enjoy.
Not everything is bad, just most new stuff, which is a fact, not my opinion. BG3 was not that long ago and it's one of the best games of all time. Passion in creation is just a low commodity and rare resource these days.

Try not being a retard.
Welcome to Vanilla Alliance. The AV map was heavily imbalanced in Horde favor.
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those arent stock titties
stfu homo
Is the felcycle puzzle account wide?
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>nobody ever asked for these
>blizz keeps shilling pirate mogs every opportunity they get
Are they retarded? Where's lingerie, stockings, and miniskirts?
they are just reusing assets made during BfA
anything +12 is a gated community and they don't want to let brown in.
Yeah they're dumping assets that have been sitting in the files for years and cool new stuff they make now sits in the files for years before they get dumped. Very cool system blizz has got going on.
they must save them for moments when they need a quick patch while they are working on the new one
convince me not to buy the $90 longboi. pls im feeling tempted
How do i unlock BfA valley of eternal blossoms on a new alt?
She looks like she exclusively fucks human men
her human boyfriend is a lucky man
do it, see if you feel regret later.
ded gaym
Vale of Eternal Blossoms is a Mists zone not a BFA zone
yeah i'm talking about the nzoth corrupted version
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if you look through the history of WoW porn, stuff starts becoming really degen with freaky fetishes around 2013, don't know what changed

you kids don't know how good you have it, with those source filmmakers and those blenders and what not. back in my day, the WoW gooner meta was poorly animated and edited ellowas videos

your silly little fun fact for the evening as this thread is dead as fuck and I am the only actual human poster here
I remember gooners used to praise rexcraft but I always found his models looked like shit
>Load up HOMM3 ost in the background
Yeah, it's kino time.
I don't mind, having eye patches that are class universal is nice. Some nice mogs here and there
Well you see you take your finger then stick it up your faggot ass
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vanilla, rough, futa, and rape were the staple before cata.
then the furries grew and it was over.
the models were dogshit but he at least tried to have decent animations and some sort of plot I think

thoughbeit him forcing his OC into every scene seemed weird and only became weirder as he started forcing himself into porn with biofem artists

yep I member when futa was the weirdest thing you'd find, even though it was bigger in japan chicks with dicks was very niche in the west
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You wish you were the only human poster here. All the porn is really nice for a quick wank session. I miss having desire to ERP in this game and really miss the real thing. Still don't have a job...

God I'm so fucking lonely and bored.

>pet battles

>Put on Soul Reaver OST
>Float around with my DH like I'm fucking Raziel
I cum every time.
petGODS won bigly
I cannot state enough how much I wish this puzzle dev would eat a shotgun to the head.
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Why the fuck didn't they make Hozen playable?
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Sorry for the late reply, I was doing a key, but yeah it's pretty fun! Lot of utility in the spec, but I spoose if it had any downside is that you have to ramp a lot of your heals and stand still a bunch but still good :) Also no, clothes stay OFF.
Love you anons <3 *heals you*
i really want to have missionary sex with this elf
You now remember Gilblins

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