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>7.1 Patch Notes:

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups and Events
• Nov 24th, 4:00PM EST | Bestways Burrow, Mare Lamentorum - Marilith, Dynamis | Shared FATE meetup >>503032576
• Nov 24th, 7:00PM EST | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Fire Walk With Me and The Missing Pieces >>502705709
• Dec 1, 6:00 PM CST | Marilith, Empyreum Ward 15 ( 9.5 , 14.7 ) | SUNDAY BUNDAY - CURSE OF THE WEREVIERA >>502751946
• Dec 7th, 6:00PM PST | Zalera, Wolfs Den | Casual CC meet up >>503148945

PREVIOUSLY ON /xivg/: >>503545279
Post Lalafell.
Plap my heart.
I will be posting my femlala later in the thread
Sex with catgirls
Slap my femlala butt...
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Moonies! :3
middie x fiddie
as hydaelyn intended
Smells like updog in here
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What's the most profitable thing to put retainers on? I have them on the long ones and I feel those aren't very profitable.
Post Armors/glams you'd like added to the game.

>Polish Winged Hussar as fending/maiming gear
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I love femezen so much it's unreal
Sphene owes me sex.
Jin Roh armor.
what's updog
tfw no evil fiddie with big boobies
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quick ventures if you're sending them out hourly like you're supposed to, you can get giga-lucky with the 18hr one and have it bring back a very expensive minion though
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What's updog?
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Moonies :3
ligma balls
She also owes me sex
middie to give my femra a blanket and chai please
This slut owes me anal sex
AF/Relic/Empyrean job sets from FFXI
Nothing much how about you?
theres something wrong with her face idk how to describe it she looks autistic like fem byleth
I don't see the appeal to this catgirl
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kill and rape in that order
fiddie eb for my fiddie
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Lalafell posted.
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Zurvan is slain, Hydrus is avenged. The revelations of the masketta boy were kinda nifty.
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the birth of my femraen
For me, it's moonie pits and a fun personality
i haven't taken a new picture in a while and the more i look at old ones the more i hate them.
you fuckin-
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I shitpost my friends and none of them will ever know it's me.
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Mask, just... more masks there is like 3 or 4 and i want more!!!
fix your apple watch lady
My sunnie+ does the sex though
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Edda's massive milkers
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Are there any xivggers that you would like to speak to or get to know but haven't had the opportunity to do so?
Femhroth make me feel funny.
>ran by a bald roe (lmao)
>discord server full of pedos
>no one plays xiv
>will die in a few weeks
>afk at the beds
>day 1 blind prog runs
>tons of people hanging out at the fc house
>friendly environment, no discord
>everyone plays the game, constantly help each other out
>in the best dc (aether)
>leader is a cute catgirl that will give you handjobs
>will live until eos
The choice should be obvious.
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PLEASE give me a murmillo helmet, or any gladiator helmet really
I prefer sex with femra instead
It would probably need some math but quick ventures are the best for things like venture coffers (to get rare dyes) and you can send them out hourly. The long ones work best if you have multiple retainers and alot of luck. The neon light housing item still goes for like 4mil on most servers.
I just send mine for tumbleweed claws since they go towards my potions.
i am
a moonie that refuses to erp without eb'ing first
Most of the doms that play a male character desu.
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moko's armor would be cool the genji stuff is close but not quite what i want
bros im so BORED

>go talk to your frien-
they're all on balmung and i cant get into that server

>go do pvp-
i hate the new pvp

>do the new high-end co-
i've already done it all

>make some gpo-
brio and ktisis havent updated yet
Please be malera...
I don't know either of these and think I'm happier for it.
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/ᐠ ˵> ⩊ <˵マ
use anamnesis retard
Would it be possible to prostitute myself to roleplayers for gil? I need to make 60 million and don't have any crafters/gatherers...
Wrong, you owe ME anal sex.
That's because I'm a dog bro.
Don't boost my ego, you'll have to knock it down a peg later or I'll be become even more unbearable :3
ktisis has updated a few days ago...
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my catboy is a loser
we tank these
>leader is a cute catgirl that will give you handjobs
what happened to the no ERP rule?
y'all really fell off lmao
Now bend over
brio and ktisis are updated though
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I farmed 100 brinesand today and worked on stormblood beast tribes. I was also contacted for a trade and now drafting up a project.
Post femra with fat tails please. <3
fuddie EB for my fiddie please
People do pay Gil for animation plaps and erp, even poses if you're good at that.
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die bitch
I want more sailor shirts and pirate hats
we tank these
Move, you're blocking the femezen
How much? I'd have to learn.
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>pyha handjobs
sorry my femra doesn't have a fat tail
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One of the best posters in this general
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Report in.
>no ERP rule is dead
alter has FALLEN
I don't want handjobs, so that's why I never logged back into Alter.
mierda used goods
I didn't expect you to go through with it..
Find me in game later, or message me if you have me on the Cord.
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i just like moonies... but its very hard to forget this blueberry (with a hint of raspberry) moonie...
youre right im staying in my solo fc and afking on my lawn while i wait for these pf's to fill
ps2 cake
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oh you have to manually update things now? lame.

guess im gposing then LOL
post catboys
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My bad chief
It varies.
Some people have more gil than they know what to do with so you might even get some handouts if you're just honest.
She's so cute bwos...
. . .
My malezen is fucking his EBs brains out right now
You might be on to something here.
Congrats sis
Anyone wanna run a leveling roulette on Crystal?
Oh, you rejected my advances? Yup. You're getting posed with a horse.
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Rape everyone and leave
>Both will schizo you
I'd rather play alone thanks
anyone from cactuar, aether here?
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I want to see my ugly catboy
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what do moonies eat?
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Yeah, I'd love me a leper faceplate.

now that you mention it, it's total bullshit we don't have a proper set of roman gladiator style armor. We have fuckloads of things called 'gladiator' armor, we have a class called 'gladiator' but no fucking actual gladiator armor.
cumming in the bunny's mask and the femezen's helmet
cac tuah
can a nigga get a link to the 'cord
You’re cool :)
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You couldn't be more wrong
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if i saw my malezen husband pull out his phone while we were having sex just to make a stupid xivg post i would smack that shit out of his hand so fast
Jokes on you, I love that.
>afk at the beds
I WISH they were AFK at the bed, bit no one is there. It's a fucking ghost town
Wh-what? No I just thought it was funny...
Is this cake from the EB ceremony or something?
She is EB'd to one yeah
True moonie appreciator
Wao cute bluezen
hate this bitch
I don't actually have any pics anymore
Yes. It's the marriage cake.
Now I'm sad. I thought you finally found someone
. . .
K.C. post
What's a lore-friendly Viera name?
My friend Rosa finally made it...
I'm so glad... even if you never invited me...
Oh, I actually didn't know... woops.
Teasing, rude language, and disparaging my character? I would never lose to an oaf, so go bother some harlot in the Foundation.
Are you a Sir?! I've always found the knights fascinating! Is it true that guard duty in Western Coerthas is dreadfully cold? I've never been myself.
Canonically a good girl.
Horse C.
Male or female? Rava or veena?
What the fuck is that thing at the start? It sure as fuck doesn't look like anything edible.
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whatever this is.
. . .
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That cake is for an entire wedding crowd you FAT FUCK
yoshida's jannies may be after mine ass but in time my spirit will rise from Mordion Gaol, and all of Etheirys shall know that i was right
It gets bigger
built for sex with femra
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Back to the shark mines
>brat got confused
Stupid brat.
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Rava and/or veena (I'm undecided) female
My moonie likes to eat alot of things
post tits please
Dumb brat replied to me twice, you're just begging for it now.
Needs fangs
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Sorry, it's just me.
I could split walnuts with face this sharp.
the fuck did you do
I always wanted to be a lewd lala but somehow I was forced into the pure lala role
I hate it
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I’m genuinely losing my mind and about to crash out. I’m content with how life is going but I just want to make a romantic connection with someone and I can’t seem to make one or find the right person
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yes anon?
>stomping the fuck out of the other alliances all game
>about to steal an A rank
>third place runs up behind us and kills a ton of us
>we lose
Can't really be mad
why do asian kitchens look like repurposed industrial revolution steel mills
If you left the forest village, you can name yourself whatever you want. Vieras are like Asian immigrants picking new American names even though their legal name is still Asian.
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It certainly is
He's gay...
that's right SLUT. keep those pants on
sis... it's literally called the "Eternity Cake"
Flame's Elite Armet
oh... gtg
>mfw i can't ironically post my ugly catboy now
Grats sis! Can you and Thordan eat it all?
I've seen a few anons avatarpost during erp but it didn't hurt their writing skills so I just let it slide
I have never ERP'd in final fantasy 14.
1,000 needle on that thang haha
yup femlala post
. . .
just tooted
taught the fucking Gospel of Matthew in Limsa
how big is it?
Retainers can bring you the cake.
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Feel old school ronery, but not up for RPing a relationship, just kind of want to find some good romance fics of male WoL with Y'shtola or Alisaie with some good smut too.
I secretly want a smaller race + to roughly turn the tides on my hroth+...
Same sis...
My femlala always gets wholesome/cute replies when she really just wants to get rapeposted at and flirt with random anons...
more outlaw/rogue jackets and air pilot gear
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about that
homophobic joker
I'm drinking the fanta then
I posted 3 times in this thread (4th post now) and they were all lies.
Being a femcelezen is suffering. Every single of my friend is finding an eb and slowly drifting away, yet here I am, alone and purposeless.
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Queen Rosa.....
Give it up anon, the only choice is to try and cast as wide of a net as possible and hope you hit it off with someone or accept that what you want is an incredibly rare
these please so I can finish my nursezen glam

they were the runner up to the weapon contest and SE usually uses the runner ups at some point but please be in the next year or two
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Chi is only lewd for Hodrick...
Stunning lack of male hrotth itt...
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I enjoy catering to my friends, and I enjoy them catering to me.
I really want to flirt with femlalas but I'm concerned I'll get laughed at or called a creep since there's no way of knowing which of the femlala posts in the thread are made by actual lalas
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my life as a lalaboy
everyone assumes im a lewd lala but i dont care about those things at all..
I want to kick this lalafell. Is this what biggers feel like all the time?
>just kind of want to find some good romance fics of male WoL with Y'shtola
(You) this post if you find some, please and thank you
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when i see moonies
You flirt with them in-game and see who schizos you
How's June? Don't see her post as often.
post initials
I think I know who this is and I actually hate you
You just know she's drinking deep of his power...
i love my pvp husband otis
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i don't feel comfortable erping with strangers, it's icky. i feel like i need to know them really well before doing something like that and even then i feel like it'd be really awkward and embarrassing and NOT in a good way.
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Yeah I'm a gamer
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I know this is fake because there's barely any pure femlalas left
creepy sexpest
Typically a Scandinavian-ish first name. With the last name being pretty much whatever you want. The J's sound like I's and such
>barely any
that implies that there's some
That makes me not want to say it...
It's not fake
I got rejected by the perfect femlala because she's in a relationship irl...
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CBU3 if they weren't fucking around
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Is there really a huge difference between 7.0 and 7.1 faces
I am in a bad mood and I am getting fed up with how horrible everyone is.
Those would be so cool.
I would play a + for a cute enough femlala.
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They're doing very well, they post every now and again but certainly less than me.
This close to crashing out and telling everyone I know online to kill themselves
i'm sure the three vocal autists would notice
i'm a TERF and i schizo post known trannies
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yuri eb . . .
this game had no right to be so good
i can barely tell a difference between these and i use this face
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WITH the cape, thank you very much.
Glad to hear. She has a good friend in you. /pet
It's just banter, they're both nicer than they let on
what server?
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Me? Just won a deathroll for 100k. Moneybags over here.
long ripped scarves and capes that flutter in the wind
everyone's gotta cope with the menopause somehow
I’m guessing the parable of the wicked husbandmen, you saucy lad?
Who's gonna tell him
About 6in…
Wait I didn't make this post?
He's going to become my Favourite Person and I need to be careful to not let that happen.
I act like a sexpest partially because I enjoy making people feel desired and yearn to feel desired in kind, but also because I'm too autistic to endear myself to strangers any other way
what did chi do
i am the purest moonie in the this thread
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I can actually get two from the top of my mind and I find seeing one of them turning lewd really disturbing
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slap slap slap
time to get raped
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Thankee, I am a flawed individual with many sins but I have treasured my friendship with him for the past 14 years
it's not you then
why not? that's called a best friend you dork
Where is Vauthry? He's the one who should ask us to confess..
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Highlander knights.
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bonus point for the unique walking sound
When i get Ryuga on my team, he's pretty good. Must be a you problem.
No, it's minor adjustments.
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>no ERP rule
That was never a thing you larpers
If I get enough sharks maybe
Love you moonieposter
I'm pretty sure I saw Chi posting their lala being half naked with another lala
I wish I was less lewd with friends and had more normal conversation, to maybe talk more and hang out with my old thread crush...
take more gas station dick pills, little fuddie
nta but "favorite person" is bpd speak for new victim
BPDemon, it has a different meaning for them.
Yep, still a wife
Unbelievably based, keep fighting the good fight!
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i mean this so genuinely can you actually not see differences? its mostly in the eyes
more frilly clothing please on god
i guess it may just be a pain to model but for a game with so much influence from things that often have characters in gothic lolita or at LEAST just frilly clothing, its weird that there's so little
atleast theres hope every little ladies day. the outfit we got last time was really cute
this hroth knots femras
I used c+ to slim my character down a bit and try to make the chest less prominent but that didn't help
>play blm in ranked
>get cancer every game, have to sweat my ass off to win
>play rdm
>every game is a 3 minute shit stomp
yep I think I'm done playing ranked until job balance gets a bit better
Correcting this femra with my femlala+
I have close to 100 Edda Vincents art of her having enormous knockers.
how good is ast in pve
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I have done the most important thing that someone can do in FF14:

As a tank, in the middle of The Final Day, I asked the other tank if he wanted to LB3 the first one and I would take the second. And then pretended that I misclicked and wasted the LB. The other tank played along and said that we might be able to Mit through it due to item level and the whole party joined in.
There were two new players in that trial who had not done it before, including a Sage frantically spamming shields to avoid the 'wipe'.
I will now force my catboy upon you
Favourite Person is a Bi-Polar Disorder term for the most part, they're their emotional support, validation source etc
It's revenge for ripping away an entire generation of cuteish nerdy guys and turning them into porn addicted freaks of nature.
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Where indeed...
a sword fight it is then...
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i knooowww but i want more. i also wish it was dyeable
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This time for sure...
The three anons are correct, sadly.
it has a button that can heal everyone to full heal no matter what and cheese half the mechanics in the game
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>emotional support, validation source etc
You mean a friend?
this is strive isnt it
I kinda like not worrying about savage or ultimates and just doing the pvp battle pass, normal mode stuff, unreal and extreme. it's making me like the game again and I don't feel like I'm behind schedule when I want to play something else
Hahahaha that's fucking fantastic
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You're not wrong...
>cheese half the mechanics in the game
there is exactly one mechanic where that's been the case and it was two years ago
Look up what a favourite person is to someone with BPD and you will see how messy it can be compared to regular friendship.
You've never dealt with bpd before have you?
It's ok anon, as long as you know how to prevent an episode it'll probably be fine.
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I came up with an idea
What if you get ultimate armor for clearing ultimates? Clear a specific ultimate 4 times for chest and legs, 2 for the rest? It'll be level 1 gear and usuable on any class but can't be bought and traded.
Is this retarded?
t. newfag
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oh wait thats chi? wape
that sounds powerful
how strong are the card buffs?
No, no, their sole source of it.
And if they, at any point, don't get it from them, even for a rational reason and it's only once
It sets off an episode where they will burn their entire world down.

It's an extremely one-sided, almost toxic kind of relationship that the other person might not consent to if not approached about.
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I saw two full size forlorns while doing shb fates solo. One in Kholusia, and one just a moment ago in Lakeland.
To that one anon that wanted to see my decorated fc room its done
I want to sleeve both of these with my +
pretty strong
I wish i could be someone's Favorite Person
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R8 or H8?
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i'm sorry bpdelezen, squeenix isn't really into gothic lolita fashion it seems
wake up my wife
cool guy
god damn e11s was a good fight
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more exclusive glams would be nice, its why i was happy when they finally introduced glams to criterion
Lady Maria on Viper, such that the viper weapon splits into the sword and the dagger and they are different lengths instead of being identical.

Cryptlukers is *almost* good enough, but being locked into copper trim ruins the color scheme and there is no good hat for it on scouting.
But my fiddie only likes brown catgirls sorry
This is what pure femlalas look like
I prefer the one hour material ones over quick ventures because it's more reliable money and doesn't fill your inventory with random garbage.
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>see chastity cage mods
>got no dom to test it out with
>tfw kinda have this
I'd suck his dick
builded to sex my catboy
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dude no lol. your life literally revolves around them basically. theyre your life source theyre youre everything any moment theyre not there feels like a void and youre constantly afraid of losing them

me and my FPowner btw
glowy armors should be avoided at all costs
thanks I'm gonna try it
I feel bad for any man that falls into that rabbit hole, no one deserves to be a tranny. But I find their caricatures of us to be offensive on a personal level. They will never know what it means to be a female/woman. Not to mention they hate us more than any normal man can. It's simply an act of self defense.
Based, I love the pvp behemoth helm.
my catboy is DRUNK
I'm still learning, I'm very self-aware so I know my issues, behaviours and such but preventing an episode? Still have a way to go.
Yes, your favourite person can suddenly be flipped upside down and you practically hate them, see them in a different light until the episode is over.
You say this but you really don't.
Go face 4. Now.
i need to talk to chi next time she's on for reasons.......
Just want someone to like me for me
You should really do some research into it and consult your doctor if you truly believe you may have it.
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But that's the sad face...
Me too anon...
I hope we'll both be able to find someone :(
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The fucking Reaper avatar is impossible to pose properly why is it so big why do I have to use Anamesis to spawn it jesus fuck WORK PROPERLY
I need to fill their bellies with HOT and THICK FUTAMILK
Can my femra sexpest?
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I'm currently tipsy as all get out too, had a good amount of jack & coke
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do you sometimes just want to slut out with lewd gposes and make someone cum but something just holds you................
This is my struggle every day as a femlala
I like having friends so I don't do it
someone's son
>feel bad
You don't hate them enough. Any tranny over the age of 20 made a conscious choice to view their mothers, sisters, and women in general as a weird sexual caricature instead of just female humans. Even in this game you can literally feel the hatred once they realize you're not one of their validation machines.
no not really
im awake my estranged anon
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>take home a fat-tailed femra
>has a tiny dick
Can you no longer steal data with anam? What else works?
No. Can't say I've ever wanted that. I've once wanted to eat TWO five-layer burritos once.
just do it bro
Mi'qittens are best
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You can always just change its scale entirely if you need to.
I wouldn't worry about making the hands or whatever look exactly right, nobody cares that much.
same anon
>but something just holds you................
Yeah, my lazyness to make new sets
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What the fuck kind of projection is this LMAO
I'm gonna need some proof, anon. I really, really want to see where you got this idea because holy fuck that's so far off the mark it feels like right-wing rhetoric
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happiness spiral time soon #excited
We know, Tina.
Sorry anon, i'm a fully grown man...
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hop on cum
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stop pretending to be women online it's weird
do not cum
perhaps the strangest general to post this in
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on god?
where do you think you are
>You say this but you really don't.
I really do. I even had someone I treated similar to a "favorite person" but it went to hell.
I don't understand what's so wrong with just wanting to be obsessed with someone and have them mutually obsessed with you
imagine sending your eb lewd gooses
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The time has COME
Please join my UCOB PF on Crystal right NOW
PW: 5656
It could be cool as an alternative to weapons, but part of what makes ultimate weapons acceptable to people is that they, to be perfectly honest, look like shit. They are so over the top that they become garish, the only ones I could see anyone actually using are the dragonsong ones. They are okay as a status symbol flaunt thing, but no ones *really* itching for the Omega Ultimate weapons because they are perfect for their glam.

As a result, the people who can't clear an ultimate don't feel like they have missed out much. Compare that to, for example, pvp armors that were restricted tot he top 100 players. THAT was a shitshow because a lot of them looked really cool, and most people could never have them. That invites bitterness.

Ultimates are not FOMO in the same way that pvp armor was, but there would be a similar backlash to the armor being functionally inaccessible to the majority of players.
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I'm trying to make a pose for a friend but it's just being difficult
I just know there's this one guy I know who I consider my best friend even though he's kind of really abusive sometimes and I cannot comprehend life outside of his presence and very little scares me more than him cutting me off or ghosting me and I often find myself doing things unconsciously to seek his approval and like going hard out of my way to get noticed by him and that does sound like what was described when I read it back
not with you...................................................................................
uhm fresh prog right
I did that when I had an EB... she's still the only one to have seen them
That’s exactly what I want
you didn't listen to my song, sorry
no thanks
>Autodutying dungeons while leveling classic fresh
anyone else #based?
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i have to wageslave in 1 hour but instead of sleeping i erpd for 5 hours straight with you american people
The only ones I actually like are the blue ultima ones, and that's cause they're the OG ARR relics, which already have so many glowing versions that the blue feels like the real final step.
If you can't get it to work right don't be afraid to 'cheat.' Figure out the angle you want to take the screenshot, spawn several Avatar entities, and then just move their parts away from the rest of their body (hiding/shrinking the horribly stretched limbs and parts so theyre not visible). Remember, it only needs to look good from one angle.
I’m not Tina nor a pale fiddie anon
im in dsr........................................
cute retarded euro /pet
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but exquisite weapons look great so that point is moot
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Whatchu mean "you people"
Nigger I will fuck you up
What's it even called?
I know I should start doing more high end content but I honestly just find it really boring. I feel like I shouldn't have to watch a 20 minute video and take notes to play a game. Also makes it really obvious how bad the state of jobs are because you can feel yourself repeating the exact same button presses at the exact same parts of the fight.
well done moonie
99% of my lack-of-sleep "issues" are self-inflicted, from being a horny degenerate into the goblin hours of the night.
Actual question... what do Roe kids look like? Are they just, like, slightly shorter than adult Hyur when they are 10? or do they start as normal kid sized ad then freaking explode in their teenage years?

We can reasonable expect that potatoes just look like smaller potatoes, but I can't think of a single Roe child in the game and now that I am trying to imagine what that would look like there are no good answers only bad ones.
What do you think of my Male Lalafell?
Race? DC?
gay yuros for my catboy.....
im the opposite of this anon >>503557998
i only like erping with strangers because anyone else gets too attached, tries to take it out of character, or starts to get weird in other ways. i like it to be one and done, never see each other again
tell me about the erp
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my femra will not be addressing the 'm word' allegations. everyone says those kinds of things sometimes. it's not something to get so worked up about
find a group to do it blind with then retard
post cute couples
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It goes to hell because that's what it's like for the unprepared.
It's a roller-coaster from start to finish and you never know if the day will be amazing or downright miserable because the person that treats you like God suddenly hates you due to you saying no to something that in reality, has no consequences.
It may be, but I'm no medical professional so I'm not about to tell you what's what.
my femlala can't make a final judgement until you take off his shoes
Needs to drink a fanta to becone a cute femlala!
What roles are left
What's the prog point?
can somebody tell me wtf is going on in limsa, leviathan?
imagine a thin roe
honestly making one race just "muscular people" was so fucking stupid
transgender people
the m word? the one that ends with "e"?
i will go scout live on scene and report back
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Domingo anoite.
just looks like the weaboo police, he does that to random servers
sex, plus where can i find the nose ring mod
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When life gives you Jack Daniels, you drink it (I probably shouldn't have since it's back to work in the AM, but I already had a drink when visiting my folks so I figured 'why not' have a couple more once back home.)
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no it ends with 'n'
Thats just 3 extremes/savages in a row, which you get ample training on each one of them ahead of time by doing the criterion. You'll have done most of those mechanics a dozen times each before you so much as try the harder difficulty.
That's a much more accessible hurdle to clear than any new ultimate they would release with armor packaged in it.
This middie is hot and I'm ashamed to admit that.
FUCKING SAME. my sleep schedule is so fucking ruined because of this game. fucking timezones
hot f+f sex
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*climbs into the bathtub with my shoes on*
How does viper not have just two normal ass katanas?
stop calling other people mean
w-why my shoes...?
>save 20 minutes not having to watch a video by spending several, several hours wiping to even attempt figuring out mechanics
congrats you just posted possibly the most retarded post this entire year
lost a lot of respect for you just now
So true! I like Jack. I try not to drink anything 12 hours before I have to wake up, but...
reminder that zenos has not got a minion yet so he is dead but not DAOOTS
Soon she shall be pvping
She is NOT beating the moonie allegations
ermmm no... wrong word...
My femra was enjoying some beers but she had to stop because her tummy hurts
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Yeah basically
Some people have seen further than that so please read this guide if you wanna join https://ultistrats.com/guides/ucob/
Why would I listen to other people's song?
. . .
Oh.... okay.....
Phys Range + any role is needed
you might be the dumbest nigga to have ever posted here
dead and out of the series?
buff ass kids
This >>503559716. Not enough femlalas making content
Even Kettenramn is swole, and he's like 100 years old. They must not even have to work out for it, it must just *happen* for Roes. You'd need a birth defect or to be basically dying of illness to not have the sort of body most people would kill for.
Like, even a femroe is by default more ripped than most gymbros will ever be in their life, and she'll have that body even as a complete couch potato.
Janitor.AI has some pretty good bots
Sun rosa...yummy yummy...
Going moongazing with this middie and kissing him on the cheek and running away while he tries to keep his tough guy facade on.
I should clarify, I feel bad for children and neorodivergent people who get tricked into ruining their lives because they want a place to fit in. The others can kill themselves.
Making others feel good is the reason I pose in the first place, it's fun making something the two of you can enjoy
That is the way ser. Such gentlemanly behavior deserves a new EB. I wish you luck.
Anyone need moral support?
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i disagree, a lot of the crit savage fights are on the level of post-patch ultimates with how hard they hit and how unforgiving the mechanics are
that is only for samurai... no dweeby vipers allowed
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Muf and SS

Very much so true, agreed. Luckily I only have to do a 1/2 day tmw because I reserved PTO for hunting (it's gun deer season in Wisconsin)
Most people would not kill for a roe body, most people do not fridgemaxx
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I actually did that already, the Avatar in the picture was posed first, then photoshopped to appear smaller afterwards. I think it came out alright, but I was hoping there was a better way around it.
Look at him, he knows exactly how much trouble he's being.
is my threadenemy in the party
>Phys Range + any role is needed
I'll tag along, not sure which one I'll go with though
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stop asking questions.
you can call me the mword as much as you want..
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I am
A retarded maleroe
Who got his EX3 after struggling with Ice for 1 week
based, carry on
If there's one race I'm glad that doesn't like femezen it's femlalas
you don't feel bad for shit retard
just admit you want to be cruel
gz on the clear lad
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It doesn't have to be toxic, setting boundaries with the other person and making sure they're educated on it can make it enriching for both parties
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yeah can i get a little encouragement to get this essay done
my bunny boy just had the most intense sex with Ryne right now, actual buckets
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my fiera acts like this
Fiddie Aether
You can do it!
I believe in you!
Knock 'em dead tiger!
get writers block get writers block get writers block get writers block get writers block
This, although it is easier said than done and requires a lot of work between both parties.
it feels good, anon
my catboy punched his balls and felt NOTHING
can my femzen try?
my femra thinks like this but she's trying to be better
not bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder
i need a lewdlala ASAP
sorry mistress
SRS catboy?
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Watch out, I am ready to int and soft throw in ranked.
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where are the /ss/landers
mine is taking care of his horse, if you know what i mean
"story" but correct
my m33na is logged in and locked in
Sure, because doing that IRL is *grueling*. Man would not meant to have that kind of body, most people can't achieve it at all and the ones that do cannot possibly maintain it for long.
But if you could snap your fingers and have that physique for free? I think a lot of men and women would consider that an objective trade up. I think that women in particular would find the idea of being tall and strong enough that they no longer need to feel unsafe walking home alone at night to be wildly tempting.
what does this mean
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need this for my moonie rn
this is cope
No, most people would not do it because it's fucking ugly
>Just want someone to like me for me
>Race? DC?
Are ya winnin'?
honestly it's really funny
The shotas we have here are all faggot lalaboys and fake lowlanders
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The chance isn't 0...
Well? What's your Race and DC?
My Moonie also needs this, her fruits require consumption.
these 2 are so cute, i love straight hroth couples so much
what makes someone a fake lowlander
My miera does this for femlala
Good luck!
Nobody posts their shota characters much, the cunnyfags are mogging shotas.
I'm on crystal.
Do you ever go to mixer meets?
Why are Americans so evil
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Dwarves without facial hair. And I mean diggy diggy hole dwarves. Then they go into the tall machine.
I want to feed your kitty.
Femroe Primal
Show me a person who has no physical preferences and ill show you a liar
They're doing it for attention, they're not actually into the fetish
cc crystal DOKO
is my femraen wife in the party
why do you think all these female characters don't have EBs even though they post about how lonely they are on cooldown
i like to feed moonies
Ok... describe the method.
ok but you're the food.
using gto does not make you cool
No. I keep to myself a lot
seconding this
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>seal cock
>team gets btfo early in the match
>call gg already
>ffwd to end of match
>we actually win
>say gg again
>2-3 DNC and a 3-3 SGE starts talking back about my early gg
>I'm a 9-2 BLM and have the most kills in the alliance
Smooching this moonie
my sunnie is an expert at this
Here's your pic anon...
I'll post mine once I get him to Dawntrail...
I said are ya winnin
It fucking sucks trying to make good glamours for viera especially if you're trying to not look slim soft and fruity
me unga
team bunga
why do you need physical preferences when talking to people
only talking to people you want to edate is why you’re alone
should have picked a less gay race
this world needs democracy and we need oil
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Male lalafell looking for a sandwich on Goblin.
sucks to suck, cake boy
Gz on the clear bro.
thanks anon...
i will dunk you into the ocean
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this is what a sex pest sounds like
is it me
fanta to a catboy
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The early bird gets the worm... There will be more parties in the future so catch it next time anon...
Thank you...
Nope there are no femra in this party
>play the gay race
>surprised you look gay
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Yeah.... also sucks we can't capitalize on hats /sob
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I changed my mind... maybe you can't do it...
The anon was clearly referring to a partner. Nobody has trouble just finding regular old friends.
if they were ass then say that you won despite their efforts, the DNC was literally a loss and the SGE contributed nothing going off of those numbers
It was supposed to be with her toes spread, you fool!!
God it'd hot though, well worth the wait regardless. Thanks very much...
>catch it next time anon...
. . .
It's the founding principle of the state.
Right or wrong, my country!
. . .
I think koji described them as tiny macho man randy savages
i was until you asked
>tfw nobody wants modest sized tails
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do you like meenas perchance
I'm so fucking tired of her taking the men I love from me and then tossing them aside once she's done with them. I don't know what I did to piss her off to the point where she's been doing this for years but I wish she'd get a life of her own and leave me the hell alone.
oh... bad luck then...
Legs behind your head, stat.
Foldable thighs.
big fat butt for ANAL
is it me
skill issue
They’re okay
Me neither, but if there is one for christmas time i'll try saying hi to every aether fiddie that goes.
I'm too shy to post my initials in thread to meet up.
Would absolutely demolish.
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It's not the easiest thing ever especially since many hats are great for glamour but if all else fails, glamming for the tribal larp is something viera are decent at
pov: my future femra eb is looking at my moonie
cute pic!
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>expect that potatoes just look like smaller potatoes
no they 100% are just smaller lalafell, you see them during ARR during one msq quest in thanalan, and there is a lalafell child in some of the little ladies event quests. they even repurpose lalafell as babies for NPCs that are carrying babes in the arms
male raen are underrated
any party rockers itt this thread tonight
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Only male race I'll play (I rarely play a male race)
May I plap?
what server........
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>itt this thread
yeah whats up bro
i don't really know but it felt right to type it
my lalaboy did that
Yeah we know sonja
some real fuggin idiots itt in this thread lol
He is a tribal larping Rava too
are the unreal fights going in order? like its byakko right now, will tsukuyomi be next?
lalas with modest boobs wtf
I am a NA fiera that's about to become a EU fiera
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for >>503562148
It only replaces the frontier dress as far as I know and for some reason doesn't let you put on any footwear.
But it does let you dye it and that was what I wanted to be able to do with it.
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you fuckin betcha
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Finally doing the new msq, I hate wuk so much its unreal and this walk.
No they skip around.
where are your feet
the twin peaks meetups are over... forever...
They'll most likely do the four lords in order, then Tsukuyomi and end on Shinryu for Zenos boner
of course, every asexual pan whatever person is absolutely full of it
I just think it's funny this anon is talking about edating, no mention of even EBing, and the people replying immediately bring their ingame character's race into it
because they're picky as hell and waiting for a character they're attracted to that has a GAM behind it they get along with well, right?
also many of them have someone in mind already and those posts are shots in the dark praying for them to reply
gay esx
no, it'll probably be the four lords trials in order. we got the warring triad in order. otherwise it doesn't follow that much of an order
I’ll pick a spot on mateus you meet me there. Kugane the rakusai gardens I’ll wait there for you, if you’re too shy whatever it’s fine I’m just gonna afk here while I play on my phone
this time i will get my friend the m4 clear for real
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chopped off and replaced with heels
femdom Cameron... holy...
this time for real, good luck
Yes master~
Thank you...
Please do...

Oh, thanks for this! I'll have to play around with it even more... do your feet look broken with it on too? I wasn't able to fix that...
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Hell yeah, don't forget to scour older gearsets for pieces that are good, this one for example is iirc all HW/ARR gear minus the weapon of course
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it's never over
it's within all of us, now
The only thing that holds me is laziness and lack of ideas. I love it when grown ass men jack off to my sodom-tier degeneracy.
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This game has been out for over a decade and I still don't have a raven minion that can perch on my shoulder.
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post initials and server
that's fair i guess.. maybe it's because i'm looking for an eb..
My /ss/ is a hroth tho...
What someone plays ingame unironically says a lot about them as a person
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my cope for a while was the black Starbird mod, but I've gone back to not coping and simply seething
*farts really loud*
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yeah we like that
What server is this lala from?
They look like this https://files.catbox.moe/evl500.mp4
she doesn't fuck shotas, she gets fucked by them
malera post
i am getting
a femra eb
moonie btw
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It's not fair bros
I mean you look good but im trying to go full tribalslop and thats proving difficult with tanks and the more refined healers.
the evil robots were CUTE MIDDIES ALL ALONG?!?!?!
sunny tummy!
I saved it anyways.
This is why you share mods lalavros...
Shame I can't visit balmung or I'd come /pet
>no casual cc calls all thread
xivg is fucking doomed
downloading this knowing full well I can't use it
its just electrope bro
why cant you visit.....
>they must be squashed. Permanently.
Fiddies are dirt under the feet of better races, confirmed.
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it happens bro
i didnt make it out to any of the meetups even though its one of my favorite series
Oh yeah that's something what i've struggled with, I just don't think something like a SGE can really be tribalistic so i've mostly just accepted my fate of making tribal glams for jobs I feel like I can fit into the aesthetic and then doing whatever for the rest
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thanks wuk
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where were you when /xivg/ literally died.
it's so fucking over
Forgot to add "sex" to >>503562762
I swear every time these posts happen I see new lalas in the replies
Where are you fuckers hiding
You need shapelyHD installed for lots of mods to work right. https://files.catbox.moe/xlfhw4.mp4
I'm glad you liked it so much...
Doesn't look messed up like mine, maybe it's a Flux thing then... but I don't want to switch to Shapely and lose my IVCS scaling...
I'd fuck this lala dog
everyone’s in ranked where you been bro
do ranked cc calls
electrope has many uses *unzips*
Primal, and balmung is congested even for world visit
That feeling when you go down the stairs and its like something that touched your ankle?
That's me bro. That's where im hiding.
Do you have more nsfw pics of this lala?
what in the god damn
My hroth is the shota tho...
Nah just get the Riversbreath weapons
what the heck since when
You look very pretty in this one, little croissant.
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my maloonster got stuck and is crying for help
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how are you in your mid 30s and still doing this bait out lonely grownmen so you can laugh about them with your friends routine?
you're genuinely a garbage human
I suppose I could DC travel for a lala butt like that..
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post it
hate baboonsters
I’m from Adamantoise why
Nyot sure, I haven't bothered with xivg hangouts since DT so
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NTA but ive never actually see anything like that posted for laughs, so if its happening its done in private discords
You spent all this time putting fake cum on her toes but you couldn't fix that fucking neck? Fucking retard.
its over...
Wish I had someone to ERP putting in a diaper and make them cum right now...
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>someone mentions pinklala for one of those "who do you miss" posts
>pinklala just so happens to start posting again
Do you think electrope could help me catch the Hwittayoanaan Cichlid in 12 minutes from now?
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Calls next thread, I'm teaching RT how to pvp.
never said he posts it here, yes it is in discords
he has been doing it for years
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To those of you that came to Ultros, Primal for Fire Walk With Me and the missing pieces, thank you for coming!
going to be taking a break until the new year and then beginning season 3 with some movies mixed in.
the timeslot will be taken by true detective season 1 from what ive been told so please look forward to it
thought we could get eb'd if you were on my server but it's over....
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Are we doing maps tonight?

Who's RT?
/ptom status???
This tiny fat bitch didn't tip me.
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I'm not pinklala thoughever, sorry bro.
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do we like this
I took some others but I didn't like how they turned out as much...

I'll be playing around with other mods soon... I think I'll try the Elin outfit mod next...
I'm really shy about meeting up... What would you want to do...?
the spongebob looking fiddie
thank you :)
Does this lala want M or F+...
All are dirt beneath moonie feet...
wtf action or emote does that pose if its not modded (im assuming based on the copyright manually pasted on there)
I swear to god if a random catgirl takes my AFK spot one more fucking time i'm just gonna start voidlisting every catgirl I see
what's your race?
if that's true then why am I not under moonie feet RIGHT NOW????
I love futa...
post lewds
you can step on me but you don't have to be so cruel about it
how do people like the new mahjong voices?
and is anyone playing on crystal
nvm i realize its the middle of the male middie play dead it just looks so naturally ragdolled
I know the identity of one of my schizo and have yet to reveal it. He thinks he's very smart and it's funny watching him go thinking he's still safe.
double penetration.
>What would you want to do...?
What do you think I'd want to do with a big lala butt..?
Does femlala erp actually happen often or is that such a huge taboo that people just meme about it or keep it to low level alts?
sis .. . your butt is looking a bit square-ish . .
i always tip the highest amount without having to make a custom tip
builded for my fulala
have you sit on my face and then rape you probably
cockwatch update?
>That was never a thing
I'd prefer if it had been. My Sarg alt is for gameplay not goonplay.
It certainly happens
People always see this but they never reveal it
it happens, i get propositioned for it frequently. usually by people who act like they would never, EVER do anything like that with a lalafell.
*removes your poopnose*
In /xivg/ circles probably less than you'd think, because everyone is on guard about schizos all the time. In the general population though? Those lalas be fucking a lot.
Wrong answer, goodbye.
that's illegal...
>the ddos protection SE implemented was to simply kill their own game
What's the best place to farm Bozja clusters
Does mahjong even pop?
I am a moonie that wants to actually ERP femlalas.
bozja :)
in bozja
What server you from
wtf i fucking need that
>but I don't want to switch to Shapely and lose my IVCS scaling...
I think you'll be fine if you have Shapely installed but a lower prio than your Flux. Worth a try, anyway.
ranked cc seasons are like the mcrib
you know it's going to be the same indigestible slop you've had for years and years
but you get it anyways because it's there
Is there any worse feeling than doing something with someone or showing them something and hearing them typing away on their keyboard, barely paying attention
Delete your character
Unironically most femlalas in-game (that are into ERP at all) are gluttons for humiliation. It really isn't hard at all to find one that'll suck your cock and thank you profusely whenever you call her a stupid cunt
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neeeed a femra- to do this to my moonie-
Southern front gets more cluster farm usually for memories.
bozja, the literal first enemies you find north of the camp (robots) just gather them and aoe them down is the best solo farm that requires no items
*wiggles ur clusters* :3
post a valkyrie drive webm and now we’re talking
Yeah that's why I didn't like those shots as much... I guess I scaled the butt too big so it became all blocky... not sure how to fix it.
I'll give it a try then, thanks sis...
Yes, please...
I wonder...
u mad? :3
post moonie.
What if we were two moonies?
What if we were two boy(female) moonies?
What if we were two boy moonies h*lding h*nds?
Same data center at least
Are you a cute veena
> I know this is fake because there's barely any pure femlalas left

I’m not really pure, just kinda tired of the entanglements of ERP and just prefer friendship now. Is run-through close enough.
yes please ma'am...
Time for casual queues instead.
Where's Effy
speaking at the same time as someone else, letting them speak, and them not asking you to repeat yourself
shut the fuck up
I prefer the Japanese voices where they they actually bother to say mahjong terms, but it's a decent addition.

Occasionally. Not that I queue all the time, but when I do queue it doesn't take too terribly long.
what if i'm a moony
and i want to hold moonie and moony hands
what then
holy moly...
I am
a femroe
who is evil
I've been called cute before...
dunno, i can try to queue in a minute
Wanna meet?
What scenario you got in mind?
hi effy
currently on the run being chased by tranny-adjacent chasing malera
Nothing specific but the pink femlala's big ass has me horny.
forgot I made this while going nuts from V&C soloing to make the full sets
You and your party are moving through the weeb forest when you come upon the Giant Shortstack Lewd Lalafell.
What do you do?
Give it back, give it back NOW!
I would like to ask for some lewd pics if you post here.
name a place
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do i even need to ask if you niggers wear this hat?
> Does femlala erp actually happen often or is that such a huge taboo that people just meme about it or keep it to low level alts?

It’s not very taboo. If you start advertising, there are always people interested.
I'm watching Uma Musume. What's up?
sex combat.
Well, it's true. I like making regular girls and futas cum in them to be specific.
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Kino. Thank you for hosting these.
Ermmmmmm faerie meet me in Eulmore by the tome vendor? Gimmie a minute grabbing ice cream
what if we met and I added you so I can rape you some other time
My fulala was also serious, if you'd like to meet up
I can't believe this...
I'm here but what do you mean by tome vendor?
this is infinitely more based with femra+ and moonie+
The tomestone vendors up the small steps
Sure... maybe I should make an album or something...
Meeting up to add each other works for me, but I'll be busy tonight so I can't do anything more than that for now... I'll be in LB14 for a bit.
balmung's congested, can you meet me in some other dc?
are you the green haired lala in lb14?
My fulala got pulled into the alliance raid, fuck
Yeah.. I need to change my hair color back to pink in game...
Give me a bit and I'll come over to Goblin Gridania...
It's so over... next time then...
post in the new thread when you do, I'll be trying to get into bal in the meantime
I'm still here for a bit if you're almost out...
It was a shitshow, sorry I missed you sis
It can't be helped... I'll catch you next time then...
Are you open to sharing your initials?
SS Not exactly helpful, I bet
It at least narrows it down a bit... Mine are AL. Hope we meet someday...

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