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HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sep 17: 60-Day Patch 1 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sep 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Oct 15: 60-Day Patch 2 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7291982050853715743
Oct 31: Truth Enforcers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m053YyNixug
Nov 13: Democracy Space Station https://twitter.com/helldivers2/status/1856900453667164360

Nov 12 1.001.203 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4445709535659688161
Fuck Sweden
she getting general on my brasch
Managed Democracy offers false freedom. Freedom from the responsibility of decision.
Managed Democracy offers Orbital 380mm HE Barrage + Orbital Napalm Barrage + Walking Barrage every 205 seconds
The Helldivers receive their orders from the Ministry of War, and mine from the Ministry of Lies. In this way, the chains of Tyranny are unbound.
Can helldivers get pizzas delivered to their super destroyers?
Keeping pressing the terminal asshole. The first two step is for free before the enemy drop.
Maybe YOU press the stupid terminal if you're so good at it huh???
I fucking suck so bad against bots man, I'm like level 30 or something and I can't find a good loadout or maybe im retarded. Tried the DCS, Jar, LibP, the first two are so slow and clunky to aim help me
if none of those are doing it for you then it's an unironic skill issue, sad to say
If I had all the Super Credits in the galaxy, I'd try to find some way to solidify our control and suppress any notions of Freedom. Maybe fund a trillion propaganda campaigns, or build a billion surveillance stations, anything to ensure they never question the system. (sigh) But that's just a pipe dream. We gotta kill' em all.
Diligence and learn2aim. Lose the crutchshitter AP3 cope
Honestly just take your time with your shots. Stay in good cover and use distance when you can
What are you having trouble with, specifically? The best general tip I can give is that just shooting at bots will fuck up their aim so much that they'll have a bunch of trouble trying to hit you. Find a solid piece of cover you can duck behind, wait for an opening and then dump in their direction. Don't get flanked, keep them all in a single direction so they're easier to manage. Use the radar to dodge patrols and pre-position behind some cover if you can't avoid a fight.
post LOBBY
APC when?
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Literally unironically quite frankly just dodge
that makes a lot of sense, my aim is fine in other games but i guess i'll tend to fuck up the first few shots on a devastator with something like the DCS and then aggro the patrol getting aimpunched everywhere and shit. just feels super unresponsive but i'll try supressing them etc
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if all else fails, just throw things at them
your primary is your side arm, your side arm and grenades are some random utility or your side arm's sidearm, your real weapons are the spells you cast when they're not on cool down
how do they do it
all these other games try to be filmic by taking player control away and doing cutscenes and QTEs, and here we have heckjumpers 2 which is some over budget behind schedule early access AA live service slop running ragdoll physics simulations on a spaghetti coded discontinued obscure swedish game engine and it consistently creates oscar worthy gameplay moments that would knock your socks off if it was in a movie
>Planetary Bombardment
Well, it was nice diving on Lesath while it lasted. See you guys again when the DSS stops shelling us.
>Planetary Bombardment
Fun is back, time to gamble
Punisher will flinch everything except hulks with a single pellet but you need to aim for arms and legs at further distances and heads at closer ranges. Plasma Punisher staggers everything but sucks at dealing with reinforced striders. Personally I prefer the Tenderizer set to super-auto since the firerate is high enough and recoil low enough to two shot devs and has disgusting amounts of raw DPS to brute force unarmored components
Managed Democracy is needed.
>Planetary Bombardment
Sponsored by your local bugniggers and (You)
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I like planetary bombardment, in fact I wish they bombed us more regularly
Teamkilling, huh? Can't expect anything less from a bugn-ACK
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>planetary bombardment wasn't fixed
Don't know what I expected, really. Arrowhead have to be some of the worst developers I've ever had the misfortune of enjoying a game from. Thank god Path of Exile 2 is out in a few weeks.
>slow and clunky to aim
So you actually haven't used it yet
Say what you want about the bombardment we are liberating at a cracking pace right now
>planetary bombardment in effect
>Mad the planet is getting bombarded
do you know what either of those words mean?
It'd be fine if it were like eagle storms that actually helped you, but the bombardment exists to kill helldivers or ragdoll you everywhere. It's badly implemented.
bombardment clears half the map by itself. If it could use terminals it'd be mvp every game
The more important question, does the orbital killmog like the eagle does?
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Data mining Helldivers II discovered Super Earth Leaders are Hindu. The mightiest warriors in Human History.
refer to >>503533193
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average light armor pub on the dss planet
if you're not in light, you aint right
This is true! Indian Helldivers are the best!
3/4 again
shell shocked diver on the bridge, need replacement
if this is wrong i don't want to be right
Orbital bombardment is the one time the diaper shield is a good statagem to take to reduce the amount of bullshit deaths you get thanks to the dick sucking station.
Keep the orbital bombardment as is but triple the liberation rate. There, i fixed it
Shield pack is fine if you're running light armor. Means you can run around more and not worry about one shots.

Also means you can do a lot more self sufficient builds like arc rifle or laser cannon. That or grenade launcher, and just not give a fuck with you get face blasted.

I super recommend taking plasma with it too, so you can early pop the shield and regen it in 10 seconds instead of 60. (I have no clue why this is a thing)
The player count on Lesath is dropping HARD
It should last twice as long so you can actually liberate some planets. I hate how short these effects last because the planets get insta liberated.
>early pop the shield and regen it in 10 seconds instead of 60
With the plasma punisher?
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>Shield pack is fine if you're running light armor
Shield pack gets better the heavier armor you run with it. These calculations are a bit outdated since they reworked bot explosives to deal mostly explosive damage instead of ballistic damage so the Fortified EHP would be quite a bit higher now.
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Send the DSS to Vog next please, we're finally liberating quite a few planets
whats with bug niggers and using napalm barrage? is it the premier stratagem for browns?
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Joel. Please don't cuck us botbros with a bug MO please, pretty please.
They keep dropping it on the fucking objective too.
It seems the trick is to alternate between two planets until both are liberated where actually fucking keeping it on one planet isn't an option. The effects really do need to last longer though.
Take the salamander heavy armour and walk right in.
Nobody tell him
any plasma / explosive.
It's not mandatory mandatory, but its nice having a full shield charge before going into an engagement.

I tested this recently shooting my feet with the scorcher. I tried all armor types, and none of them changed the damage the shield took.
not that anon but are you suggesting the regular diligence over the dcs? what makes it better in your opinion?
>I tested this recently shooting my feet with the scorcher.
Scorcher splash ignores DR, though the projectile itself is affected by it. It's all so tiresome isn't it?
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Bots 10. Orbital bombardment edition.
it doesn't inflict stagger which gives you leeway to go for the head again than wait for a dev's tard wobble
that's fair, might give it a go next time
We full. Alive game.
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Good morning, I hate swiggers.
Whats to stop us just dumping the DSS into Merida blackhole or deep into Gloom territory?
hello r*ddit
The option will simply never be given. Well, its going into the Gloom regardless because that's the next story MO and mission type.
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average bug diver experience, some other guy quit out at the end aver calling cluster strikes on himself at extract like 5 times in a row
least it was eggs so i could light the whole thing on fire with the torcher which was kino
>14 deaths
How the fuck man
diligence+a rock to hide behined+heavy AT+eagle strafing run will do wonders, throw in something like a autocannon turret or rocket turret and you will do pretty well.
the strafing run is slept on but since most bots walk toward you in single file the strafing run will destroy you. always try to engage patrols from the rear or head on so you can both line them up, as well as minimize the directions you take fire from. They also will shoot each other
dont know, i joined these guys off a SOS becon and they were pointlessly fighting bug breaches for the first few mins, i kind of ditched the team after nearly dying repeatedly to them spamming cluster munitions. slot 2 guy was kind of chill. the 14 deaths guy just kept dying to a mix of everything. never called him into a bullshit area too when i saw him struggling and threw him away from everything to give him a chance but when things started to go south and i saw a massive river to cross i just went off and cleared the egg nests solo.
im not very good either but got away at least 4x with 1 HP left, one of which was some idiot shooting a flaming barrel i was standing next to.

we had like 1 reinforce left at extract and the fucking ship was bouncing around on corpses
can we planetary bomb the black hole to hit whatever is making those whale noises on the other end
what would make me tankier vs bots, medium with extra padding, or medium with fortified?
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>turns around
>see this
>no EAT or recoilless
what do

go back to bugs
bro you termites?
your ops?
your 500kg?
your strafing run?
or just run around it and shoot its ass with your LC
>Barrager Tank
>Vulnerable to AP4
when did they patch these things to be able to direct fire at you? shits actually cursed
the back part of the hull is vulnerable to AP 4 like on all other tanks
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I'm gonna just say what we're ALL thinking.
The hulk needs a buff.
throw all of your available blues on top of the turret as fast you can type and throw. aggressively rush to the back so you can damage it by hitting the engine block. uh may god have mercy on you
naw I like flame hulk. Makes me smile seeing one cause I can actually dodge their fucking attacks.
pls respond
All they need is enough HP to survive one RR shot
Dead. Great work everyone.
Armour attributes are amplified by your armour rating. Heavy fortified is far better than medium fortified so you might as well go heavy and take the stam booster to compensate.
Flamethrowers should be the last thing anyone should be able to dodge and if a flame hulk gets within flame distance of you then you deserve to die
but... my knees... the molasses....
what are you supposed to do about the game spawning patrols with flamer hulks behind you?
>you deserve to die because I say so

their dogshit version control made these immortal again (again)
what the fuck was SWEDEN thinking with the bombardment, gee I love dying 5 times a mission to something entirely out of my control
heavy armor is the biggest gigacrutch in this game
bigger than RR and napalm barrage combined
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this, if you're not using the lightest armor you're bad. I mean all the epic youtubers use it, it must be great!
what are you going to do? disengage with each and every fight?
it's the swedes punishing you for splitting up, it targets 1 person and barrages around them during the bombardment, either it's often enough that I can't notice it during the fighting or they also pick one person at random each salvo
that also means you're being punished for daring to go too fast during bombardment
Most of the light armor looks fucking gay
You can still get hit if you're grouped up, we were all running to extract basically 5 meter spread between everyone and it just splats the 1st two people at the front because presumably the barrage swapped to the guy at the back of the line.
kill them
>daring to go too fast during bombardment
the shells left the station when you were a couple meters that way, you ran right into the kill zone without knowing it
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gee I dunno maybe one of the dozen other tools that can waste this thing
AT has never been more superfluous than now
what are some heavy sets that look good on a LEANdiver?
>Punishing you for splitting up
Holy stockholm syndrome. It literally targets Helldivers, not enemies. You can mitigate the punishment through strategy, but its a punishment nonetheless.
>it's the swedes punishing you for splitting up
So why does it blow me up even I'm solo?
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Orbital bombardment would be the GOAT if it just periodically granted one of the four barrages to a diver.
shit idea
But barrager doesnt die after this, thank Sweden for that.
You will get a traitor barrage for the entire mission and you will be happy
works on my machine
works on my machine
>bitching about Reddit
Not a secret club nigger, also you'll never fit in.
>t. redditor
cause you moved too fast, cause the arty shell has a travel time
it's fired at point B while you're at point A, if you happen to be sprinting towards B, there's a chance you right on B by the time it lands, killing you

cause it takes time to travel
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i am so quirky and funny and unique hahaha! i'm so funny
>named john helldiver
>named general brasch
yup, that's a kick
so the play is to move slowly?
the play is to fucking crouch, prone and use the free shield gen, and explosive resist armor
I fucking knew it. Faggots always tried to disprove that armor classes had different armor values and all their ""testing"" was with a a scorcher. Gaslighting idiots the lot of them
same retards who test vitality booster with barbed wire
The only alternative is for it to be scrapped entirely.
the only alternative is to localize the bombardment on one portion of the map. so people can avoid it if they want to
Orbital bombardment is pretty fun.
Just wish there was more info to it.

Also that particle render cfg change was super useful, thanks to whoever recommended it. I get Uber solid FPS now.

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