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Previous: >>503519423

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Hoshimi Miyabi
Agent Record | Asaba Harumasa
Agent Combat Intel | Lighter

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKByj5l5HKQ (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5XzswSZHDI (JPN)

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
All-New Program - 06/11 - 17/12
The Mystery of Arpeggio Fault - 06/11 - 17/12
Virtual Battlefield Mayhem - 11/11 - 25/11
"En-Nah" Assistant Program - 16/11 - 02/12
Data Bounty – Combat Simulation - 22/11 - 27/11
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - 27/11 - 17/12
Help Kai - 02/12 - 16/12
When Sandwiches Come A Knockin’ - 04/12 - 16/12
Advanced Bounty – Routine Cleanup - 11/12 - 16/12

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>/zzz/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Do NOT fap to underage agents.
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Corin my beloved
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Sex with robots
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Yanagi's uterus...
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I wasn't expecting that little bit of story about Yanagi going blind after the experiments they did on her, it was... weird
Other than corin there's no one though. I should draw corin being scared of the cock she has to serve since she has no experience umu
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all me
Jane is still the best agent so far, you feel wrong if you disagree
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FUCK wrong pic.
I fap exclusively to the underage agent ellen joe
what are u gonna do about it
I know nobody is actually rolling

But is lighter banner Wednesday for US
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banging . . . BOOS!
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Literally me when posting in /zzz/
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My King is the best.
no fap, only rape corin
Ellen thread
Incest game
I'm not a furry, but those tits make me weak...
And that's a good thing
Incest thread
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Pulcute thread!
Wait, it's leaked that she's actually going to be playable?
Pulchra paizuri when
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hello russian ellenbro
Redpill me on lighter morale gauge, can he even charge that up every seconds? This character trailer is probably fooling me with his morale burst ora ora, I'll probably just skip him if he can't do that every 5 seconds.
Why is she so smug here
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this is /zzz/
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Yes, her gameplay has leaked
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Unfortunately for now it's just a mod.
China alone may not have won the gaming culture war, but Korea and China together definitely have. Hands down.
Remember, for culture only really the Chink 1st and 2nd tier cities count (a chink concept to refer to first world-tier cities). If you add those together and add Korea, it doesn't become an unfair comparison population wise.
>reverts to Grace during the impact frame
Can't unsee
Hahaha very funny, but I was seriously surprised that the tail animation was good using Grace's skeleton.
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a lot to unpack here
>still don't have grace
Not like this...
the only think I'm plapping is Nagi. Go eat poison Soukaku
This makes me believe that maybe she won't be a total flop if she becomes an S rank with her own banner, I'm not a furry, but I would try to get her.
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Old enough to fight, old enough to fuck.
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cause she is pinKing
what is corn doing
I think it's meant to imply the journey to impregnate Yanagi is an extremely turbulent and harrowing undertaking.
not fighting
She has this Kemono art style that is much more beautiful than the standard western furry, I saw several non-furry artists doing art on her, besides her participation in the story was fun and there was a flirtation with Burnice that everyone liked.
That's me
Fight hard soilder
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do not poison yanagi's daughter-alleged sister, yanagi would not like that
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idols will breath life into this dying game like never before
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I feel like I've heard Pulchrafags repeat the exact same words 20 times
I love me some pretty kitty but chill
I still feel like they're saving them for 2.x.
No leaks are killing this game
>No tail
For what purpose
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Sorry bro, the wait for her to become playable affects people's anxiety around here.
why are Nagi's tits so big...that's not good for her coworkers
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>Idol lolis

all lolis that's a fact

lolis can goe up to 150cm tall

sometimes even higher

lolis can have breasts and be any age
Teen loli
true loli
legal loli

they don't need to be completely flat to be lolis

read this

this was from a drawing of Tatsumaki by Asanagi and even he admits that they can have breasts

cope retards these are lolis

you are a lolicon in denial

and soon we will have more cunny
Maybe it was difficult for him to draw such a big tail.
See what most people don't realize is that the reason anime furry girls look so normal and human is because anime girls are already cats
Like this?

you're not wrong...
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flopter lowdps...
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Say happy birthday everyone
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I enjoy watching Corin cry
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Just got into this game recently. Any tips for levelling skills in general? Like do I need to max out a skill to its max, or can I leave it at a "soft cap" level? Like in HSR where getting skills to level 8 is usually enough.
Asking Corin to hang out and standing her up
Asking Corin to hang out and arriving on time to respect her
kicking Corin when she makes a mistake
Not asking Corin to hang out but asking Ellen out in front of Corin
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I love how it's always Nicole who stumbles in on them...
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Todays lookin' up for the S11 Users, all 7 of them
flipping up Corin skirt in front of all of sixth street
If anything this image reminds me is that star rail completely cucked out on designing any character that is in the cute and funny zone. Those cowards don't even dare to touch anything within Hook or Bailu's range.
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Horizontal investment is common here. You can get away with lower levels and skills but you should invest more in your DPS characters so you can clear content. Non-DPS can get away with being level 45-50 and missing more skills.

You'd always want to get all Core skill levels
As for the actual skills, check what your character uses the most and level it to the near max I'd say. For example:
Most characters don't use the dodge skill at all so that one is easy to ignore, expect Jane who uses it a lot.
As for a soft cap, I wouldn't know, I generally just get everything needed to one level before cap.
depends on the agent
ideally you'll get them all to 11 eventually on your dps
What does Belle's hairpin mean?
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There are only ever 11 of us...
I have M3'd Yanagi. Do I have the right to claim her as mine and mine alone now?
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Happy birthday day, Billy!
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It's stands for IN(cest)
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>not C6
God I wish that were me.
joyful manufacturing date
please note, the person on the left is probably belle due to glove.
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I think 9 for the most important skills (usually basic and EX) is fine. More important to get clvl, alphabet, and w-engine sorted out before getting skills leveled all the way
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Happy birthday Billy, you're a real one.
Only one person can defeat Billy at karaoke....
We just need to teach her some modern songs, which is a problem since she's mostly unwilling.
yeah it's belle cheering his starlight knights karaoke session as wise takes the photo
I love these birthday illustrations
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We need to rape the incest out of Wise
Who will volunteer for this commission?
Jane actually rapes whoever she sees. it's almost impressive
I think it's best for their wellbeing if they remain incestuous.
Hmm thanks. So somewhere around 9-11 ish is good enough. I had to ask since I once fucked up with something like this before and I'm not about to put my self into the grind/material drought hell again.
The strongest fiter in the owter ring!
They call her Caesar King!
really wish i had her weapon or grace's. im still stuck in disc mines too...
Bruh, just get Gemini.
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FUCK for a second I thought we had legit Pulchra leaks or something, fucking mod bamboozled me.
the things i would do to this robot man
I'm using rainforest gourmet because I've just pulled a whole bunch of them, and it's honestly good enough. She's strong enough on her own that I still murder everything comfortably. Her sig is overkill. Of course go for it if you love her though.
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owl thiren when
i love this image
What's the ideal ratio of ap to atk% in the substats for maximum disorder damage?
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lil ol me knows how to get DOWN
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keep believing, brother
keep hoping
Belle but she has a gun
Belle but she flashes her tits
still not rolling yanagi
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confession time. I stomped the final boss of virtual revenge with my premade disorder team instead of the trial mode yanagi so I never noticed the digital miyabi who does some attacks against you
same, also skipping miyabi too if she sucks without her
show your lighter pulls
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such a babe
Holy shit the speed of these threads has slowed to a crawl.
that's because people who play this game are all respectable members of society with jobs etc
not me though, it's 6am and I'm just here saving pics
I know, it's great
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Its a slow fucking patch. Will pick up when the live stream happens
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I unironically came back to honkek3 because this patch has suck events and arpeggio is turning me off, almost can't stomach it, the only saving grace is Yanagi's
I'll be back for flipping burger event which in about 2 days from now on
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TV mode will be replaced by Phaethon literally watching the actual story on TV now.
Still wonder why leakers keep telling she is physical even she use electric in game
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Lighter come home…
File deleted.
Every time these threads have been fast for the past few weeks it's been insufferable because it's just been people who don't play the game shitting it up. I like it slow like this.
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Would (You) survive a Miyabi slap?
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How do I deal with the extra tough Friday mecha on the HIA Tower?
It had way more HP than I can deal with.
Do I need to disable all 4 of its legs or something?
wtf billy born the same day as my uncle
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What floor is that?
what's your team comps
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Caesar Jane Seth
And its great actually, I thought those who said slow thread were nice were just coping but now that im actually using one i see what they meant.
No spammers, more disscussion and banter an less arguing with shitposter.
I am getting my ass beat by the DoppleJane.
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>1.4.5 leak just came out
>can read a little bit of Chinese since I know Japanese
>Miyabi’s passive still says it needs a Support Agent/same faction to activate
why would want to run Jane against Friday? he has physical resist if I'm not wrong
change your team comps unless you really want to bruteforce him
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You gonna link it or not?
Friday is resistant to physical damage, I'd recc swapping Jane out for a different damage dealer. Yanagi preferably.
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Here’s your hollow scholar for the 2.0 area/story bwo
I have to be carful who I put into the tam roster because they are permanent decisions for limited slots.
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miyabi 1.4.5
frostburn-break now does 1500% of atk, down from 2000%
ult damage bonus is now 30%@12sec, down from 35%@15sec
additional passive is now permanent 60%dmg boost to charge attack, 30%ice res shred after disorder, up from 55% and 25%
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lol just corin ex the legs, easy clear
If you don't plap Soukaku you don't get Yanagi.
They're a package deal
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W O U L D.
hoo hoo hoore
that's fair I assume you don't have zhu, S11, or Yanagi
try to play disorder comps with Jane or focused on impairing his legs
I'm still farming for Zhu's discs since the start of this Shiyu (I only ever spent Energy on Routine Cleanup and the double-drops).
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That's how you make Corin snap.
And she will be the one raping once she does.
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>ult damage bonus is now 30%@12sec, down from 35%@15sec
This is really fucking weird if her disc set is still on a 15s timer.
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Do you think her feathers are soft?
god I love Ramona
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Rape and ryona
how do you guys get so much ap @.@ just like +27 on every piece? wtf?
Miyabi keeps getting nerfed
Grace, Caesar, Yanagi, he won't be satisfied by Belle's mid size tats afterwards.
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Not that anon, but he probably has Lips or Rainforest Gourmet which give 75 AP as a stat. This is my Yanagi with Fusion Compiler, if I was using either of those other two engines I'd have 430+ AP.
Legal in France idc
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What on earth is Mihoyo doing?
and allegedly her anomaly buildup is decreased, according to a random commenter. probably want to wait for hakushin to upload everything and then use its diff function
What kind of panties would Piper wear?
Kek they're forcing her quickswap playstyle even harder
Perfect wife material.
It's probably a w-engine with an AP main stat, so the AP would be 356 without it. Or it's some god-tier discs, except the attack seems kinda low. But my general strategy for discs is to level several of the hp/attack/defense discs to 9 and stick with whichever ones get the best boosts and scrap the rest. I level multiple to 9 for the other slots too if I can. After that I level to 15 and hope for the best.
Very nice, anon. Very nice. Interesting damage rotation. I will have to experiment with that.
Yes, I scan the archives for Zhu speedruns.
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You posted the wrong image, let me correct your mistake
To be honest, not much, since these are all pretty small changes. sorry to both the people who are doing basics or ex special and relying on shatter instead of charge attacks, I guess
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You posted the wrong image, let me correct your mistake
Wait a sec, is this real?
Was there a leak or something I'm not aware of?
where the FUCK is Obol
Mod forGrace
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here's your new obol squad member bwo
This but the idols.
What the hell happened to her!?
Is it worth getting Seth in the shop if I dont have him?
are you actually gonna play him
For some reason they wanna have Idols/Astra after Section 6. That gives me some hope that Obol will have a huge step up in visual/animation quality compared to other factions.
Not for awhile.
I don't have Grace or Yanagi.
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what are they doing?
It's really weird, no doubt she'll end up strong. But the quick swap thing is going to end up turning a lot of people off. A big reason why Jane did so well is because she works well as a field hungry hyper carry. At this point I'm expecting Astra to be an anomaly support that cheats out disorders with very little field time.
So is uhhh harumasa any good? He's free right?
I literally haven't heard a thing about him besides that he uses a bow and is electric attack.
How long is the event that is ending today? I fucked up and thought it ended next week.
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You should be able to finish it, it's mostly just fighting, might take an hour or 2.
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Its a repeat of the combat sim event.
Should take 20-30 minutes
Arpeggio? That one you might be able to finish in less than 2 hours if you speed through it, skipping all the dialogue. It took me multiple days because I had to pace myself. it was kinda boring ngl and I liked the TV mode stuff.
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New disc icons.
Ah fuck. Astra Yao is really coming, huh.
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that's my boy
yao is gonna be a s rank lucy
her support minons are gonna be her big black bouncers
Damn. Discs now have unit exclusive effects? I thought that would come at 3.0 to buff some of the older units.
That's kinda stupid that Miyabi gets her own disc. If anything they should make a new store or something to get those personalized discs. Routine Cleanup is gonna be so overcrowded with discs in a year or two.
Hoshibi Mibibibibi
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her birthday is june 19th
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Engine changed again
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>nerfed her face
>nerfed her ass
>nerfed her kit into fucking oblivion
like this?
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my eyes
You say that like Proto Punk wasn't made just for Ceaser
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Proto punk can be used on any support or defender in teams that don't really care about stunning. That disc set may as well have the condition "if equipped by Hoshimi Miyabi".
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v o i d h u n t e r p r i v i l e g e
So is that 100 CD for free or just 50 and it's the second effect that stacks up to two times?
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guys shes clearly holding back because she doesn't want to fight dome heads and trash ethereals
Woah woah conspiracy mine too
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Is this just Pompey recolored?
The latter. The ice crit dmg is unconditional and its value doesn't change.
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I thought so too, since the funnels look like the same ones pompey shoots you with
I want to recolor Pompey and monster Pompey with my cum.
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50% crit damage baseline is quite a lot
Are you retarded, proto punk is literally the most universal disc there is, its a 15% dmg increase for everyone and to activate you do something you were already doing all the time anyway.
is this sfw or am I fired
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Fused ballet twins?
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my shitposting, blackmailing, roundabout do-gooder elf wife Orlenda can't be this cute
The Bad Review Witch herself...
What are these from?
two lolis getting fucked
well I was just trying to be funny but I failed! I saw the pic
Looks like we'll get upgraded versions of previous bosses. Maybe for a new endgame mode?
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Layered maps, hopefully this means they'll stop just being corridors.
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Most likely. There is a new HZ game mode coming iirc. They're adding layered maps but no idea what the fuck that could be for. Hopefully they listened to my drop in the water feedback about larger maps that we can roam around in like rally commissions
I can't fucking take Pompey seriously when I know that his name is pronounced pom-pee, they should have just named him Pompeius
>new endgame mode?
Hopefully it's repeatable content whatever it is, I'm tired of the one and done game modes.
>rally commissions
What is that again exactly?
Stacked corridors are still corridors.
holy shit fucking finally
this game needs some levels that actually use the entire location instead of just a two-hallways snippet per the usual
Pompery is not for torture lewds. He is for secret gay makeout sex with Big Daddy(even though everyone knows about it and are taking bets on when they are making it official) and being one of your surrogate dads(along with Big Daddy).

Could it be a survival time attack mode? That would be fun, but I still demand that TV mode stays for story content and events.
can someone give me a quick rundown on this astra character i keep hearing about? is she coming to 1.5 or are leakniggers being retarded again?
the missions where you actually explore a decently large part of the level and open chests
It's an extremely high probability that Astra will come after Miyabi/Haramasa. Too much shit points to that case. Don't have a pic of her, but she has a bunch of stuff in game, she's like a celebrity.
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I know some tard is going to check so I'm getting it out now.
No, the Additional Ability Bask in Frost is NOT accurate. The English translation are still lagging behind the Chinese ones. Yes, the requirement is still Support, it did not get reverted to Anomaly.
they should just copy the nameless city quest from NGS for a gamemode here
damn yanagi and her weapon cleaned me out.i hope i'll have enough shit to try getting her by then
is it even possible to save jeff in bangboo limbo?
A potential improvement, but we've already had maps with multiple floors, though pretty much linear. The question is if this will be less linear than Rally comissions, going back and forth.
Combat mission but relatively long winded and large. It's relatively linear, but there's side paths to explore, mostly to get extra loot, IIRC
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I'm literally a genius. This game is finally taking notes from pso2 as it always should have.
What do you wanna know? Yeah 1.5 at the earliest, the bangboo for the event in HIA being piloted by her
She'll apparently be a Ether/Support. I already farmed my support promotion material and XP mats. Skipping Lighter/Miyabi/Haramasa, so I should have enough for her and Obol.
Is this the mission where you have to choose the correct path, with the monster snarling and the ghost showing the correct path? If so, then yes, and you get an achievement for that. You need to always take the shortest possible path.
It's something you won't likely figure out on your own, better to look up a guide for that.
Any tips for using Yanagi's stance switch as a counter? I feel like I need to be in a specific part of the string or something and attacks always come when I'm in the middle of an animation. Feels super inconsistent.
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god, i hope her ult has her sing haha...

Most was going to ask if she was support or attacker and i guess her faction to see if she was related to the idols too or something
>That disc set may as well have the condition "if equipped by Hoshimi Miyabi"
Does Genshit do that? We have sig engines so sig disks could be a thing. Just have a limit of 1-2 and allow them to be placed in any slot. They should have fixed substats though.
>I feel like I need to be in a specific part of the string
That's right, it only works after 3rd-5th basic attack or a dodge counter. You generally want to avoid the 5th attack in the sword stance because it's really long and doesn't have i-frames, the 5th attack in the naginaga stance does, so it's safe to use. If you really want to parry the entire time then you can just use special after 3rd attack, attack once, use special, rinse and repeat
>finally trying to do actual maps to play on
Still can't believe it took them years of development and half a year after release to finally try making actual game outside of combat.
yeah my first playthrough is i got distracted by everything
so i guess it's canon he is dead in my world
For Zhu?

Also can Yanagi can work with Burnice well enough? Not sure if I want Mibibi.
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Why did she do it?
Why did she murder Ellen Joe like that?
You can use both...in the same team even
Ellen was already dead...
She could be good with Zhu, not sure, most likely will be. I use Yanagi + Burnice and yeah it works. Only problem is there are electric weak enemies who are resistant to fire and vice versa. I still clear Shiyu or any other content just fine.
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Damn, Ellen really gonna drop to T1
but meebs was nerfed?
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>drops all attackers down one tier because of anomaly meta
>doesnt drop stunners
Very consistent logic being applied here. This list is trustworthy.
I really want to get Miyabi. Do I really really need Yanagi? I'm at guarantee but only have 17k polys. I do have Burnice though.
I should've rolled Jane bwos...
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But I'm using them both in the same team?
Miyabi's best team has Yanagi.
Yanagi's best team does not have Miyabi.
I'm pretty sure someone in 1.5 is going to end up being better for Miyabi, because that's a really weird state to leave things in. You have like 2 days to decide though if you wanna take that chance.
who do you plan to use as your 3rd?
>one of the few explicitly platonic, absolutely no romance endings in the game
why did they do it
i thought /zzz/ said soukaku is bad because she tkaes forever to apply her buffs
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Genuine question, could a average person beat to death one of the playable agents?
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With Miyabi needing a support if I want to play her with Yanagi it comes down to Rina or Kaku for supports right?
thanks anon
Nicole is literally just a normal woman, her power comes from the portable ether rail gun in her briefcase. It's the only one that comes to mind though, every one else is either a capable fighter or has super human strength
Maybe only Nicole
I'm not seeing how Rina is beating 1000atk + 20% ice damage buff for a quick swap ice dps.
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I don't see Ellen in your picture.
NTA but Soukaku is probably perfect
if you disarm them first, probably, but an average person is unable to do so to begin with
Is that the reason people are hoping Astra Yao to be that better teammate?
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the most soulful man in new eridu STARLIGHT KNIGHT TRANSFORMATION
I really like Corin's character and personality, but I don't like playing her compared to any of the limited units
disregard second quote reply. me dum wrong quote
Do you have to input a BA before you are able to parry on Yanagi?
nicole built for rape
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>Yenless Yen Zero
>ctrl + f "parry"
>0 results
I think it's a meme.
Billy's giant fucking ass...
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Lucy if she was made by westerns
I upgraded my Nicole's normal attacks so she swings that case hard enough to crush mechs...
They are all super human, no way any normal person is beating any of them. The best MMA fighter in the world would get destroyed by even Nicole / Sokaku / Corin. Anton could probably kill the strongest human in our world with a single 10% of his power punch. Before anyone says Nicole can't do anything / isn't strong, she can block the Dead End Butcher's axe swing, any normal person is getting tossed through 10 buildings if they tried that.
How much worse is Miyabi without Yanagi?
the full sized coat does look cool
wonder how it would look with her normal croptop and short shorts
looks cool to me
>western artist lewds of zzz girls
>gangbang, OOC slutiness, NPC sex or male ship
Why are they like this?
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>waaah he's soo coool brooos
>I'm a straight male and I collect cool dudes
>he's a cool dude so I'll roll for him
(You) are a faggot. Kill yourself.
Hard to say, Miyabi gets changed every week. Honestly even with Yanagi, she's not THAT strong anyway. So if you're purely rolling for meta, she's honestly a skip.
naw she isnt race/sex changed yet, so its not done
post some
I like that better, but I wasn't attracted to her in the first place
westerners?? in my chinese game??
I love you firefly edit poster
>reddit bait
Good morning sirs!
41% yourself
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us straightbros like lighter. maybe start your winter arc so you can throw punches as hard as he can, and start looksmaxxing so you can look as nonchalant as he does. he is a gigachad skibidi sigma.
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6th street... Home.
Too late for me, sadly. I'm closing in on 30 and I'm already balding bro...Go on without me...
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>The best MMA fighter in the world would get destroyed by even Nicole
That's kinda hot
One of the most kino hubs in gaming.
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the Mishimi Mibibi disc
My bike got stolen here....
I've never pulled for a single male character in any gacha I've played (Soccer Spirits, Granblue Fantasy, Azur Lane, Blue Archive, Star Ocean: Anamnesis, Fire Emblem: Heroes, Pokemon MasterSex, Genshin, Star Rail), but I will pull for Lighter because I like him.
to be fair the game has looney tunes physics
So common consensus is that most agent would flay a average joe?
so i installed the game yesterday and i've played for a few hours, i have skipped every single piece of dialogue and have been doing the story or whatever, at the same time spending all my currency on the current banner or whatever it is.

am i doing this right? i enjoy the combat so i dont think im shooting myself in the foot for doing this but im worried about hitting a brickwall at somepoint. also im worried about grinding at somepoint once thats necessary but im completely out of the loop of this game
Bro come on... I gave it back
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Show me your genshin account.
I like how in the interknot people treat six streeth as a low key quiet place to move to because other streets seem to be a lot more populated with a lot more buildings too and gang activity, meanwhile six streeth is mostly populated by independent businesses, a few houses and micro apartments. Beats the hell out of the economic nightmare that Lumina is
>they actually put her image into it
>whole Disc set made just for ONE character
>so if you skip Miyabi and want to farm the other one, you're just getting useless shit to scrap
dont give up bro
my dad was still pulling bitches when he was 40
Did you at least recruit Seox and Siete in Grubble?
looks fine to me
i think you're just mad he didn't draw wise you man obsessed faggot
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On GOD I'mma put 9 holes in your chest cavity if I see (you) on 6th street again bro
Even if you take disarming an agent into account only 2 strike me as possible to kill. Nicole, because she doesn't seem like she's even sure how to use her weapon to begin with and swings it around wildly when you play as her, and Corin, who does know how to use her weapon, but it's not a very high skill weapon at all and even I could kill someone if you gave me a giant buzzsaw. A more interesting idea is how badly you would get killed by everyone if you got into a fight with them. Ranging from only a little (Grace or Lucy) to dead in the blink of an eye (Jane or Zhu)
the other set is also made for astra
Atleast you can be Andrew Tates tho kek
rare civilized thigger
at least it was before I fucked everything up
I mean if you can get Yanagi in the two days she has left on her banner she's probably the most metafag unit out atm so you can't go wrong with her. Also helps she has a built in Sekiro deflect in her kit so gameplay wise she tickles my fromsoft boner.
>i have skipped every single piece of dialogue
Why though?
>at the same time spending all my currency on the current banner or whatever it is.
If you want that character specifically, sure.
>im worried about hitting a brickwall at somepoint.
That's almost impossible to happen, you'd have to do some really stupid mistakes.
>also im worried about grinding at somepoint once thats necessary
I hate grinding for shit in games, but I never really felt that in this game.
Why does Soukaku wear the mask?
To hide her ugly face
officer I want to report a thiren
>am i doing this right?
if you want the current limited character (yanagi) sure
if not you should save for a character you do want
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I’m a fag and he unironically inspired me to work out as well
>want Astra, skipping meebs
>when I farm for Astra disks I'd also have to get useless miyabi disks that I can't use on anyone else
Not mad. Just wondering why it's so common.
But damn didnt think it asking about it would strike a nerve here.
Honestly i think the worst agent to get killed by would likely be burnice. While other agents might merk you fast enough you won't feel any pain, with burnice you are going to burn until death
I did that in FGO, Iskandar is a bro
I wasn't attracted to anyone in that game, though
>she's probably the most metafag unit out atm
How though? My disorders are only around 100-150k even with 416 anal proficiency. She seems kinda mid
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I haven't logged in in a while, but here's what Hoyolab says I had when I stopped playing.

Those are Eternals, right? It's hard for me to remember the names, but I only recruited the Erune lady with pink hair, the human lady with a bow, the potato girl with a harp, and the cow lady with an axe.
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skipping both
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Imagine not wanting Burnice to literally kill you. couldn't be me.
dialogue is cringey and unbearably long, im just too lazy to bother listening to all of it
Shut the FUCK up nikke miku. Aren't you busy masturbating with the commander doll? lmao
>he redeemed
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Tradition for the Onis. They get x2 power boost for putting on the mask.
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She won't crush your head with her thighs dude, atleast someone like koleda might
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just craft them?
woodpecker already exists, this is not a new thing
She'd split it with a hammer. That's kinda worse bro
I will admit I had a moment of weakness. I almost quit the game bros.
So, I opened this thread today, saw a bunch of Corin rape posts and got the strength I needed to open the game, clear nineveh 11 for the weekly, do 3 clear hunt fights and also start and finish the bangboo event that ended today.
Corin and the rapists gave me the strength and courage I needed to not give up.
It's like she's asking to be RAPED and IMPREGNATED holy shit
The reason this is unrealistic is actually because boobs jiggle more than that in real life.
Anyone knows if they will run piper in miyabi's banner?
Leakers said Piper and Soukaku, but they haven't been 100% right on the rate ups once in this games life.
>clear nineveh 11 for the weekly
Why though? You should be doing 6 runs anyways so just do a lower level node and rush through it.

She was available during Caesar's or Burnice's banner so don't count on it.
I don't think you're correct
I know you can do niveneh 8 for the weekly but my settings have been 11 for so long
I don't think 6 runs take less time than just bringing Zhu, Nicole and Qingy and clearing niveneh 11 in 10 mins
You want to do 6 runs for max free dennies
The 6 runs are for purple triangles though.
I was thinking that getting Caesar will invalidate alot of ZZZ's difficulty but I've come to the conclusion from the Tower that she's literally just an Estus Flask in qol.
For fucks sake this is why I'm poor and had to farm dennies for the past two weeks
Alright, I'm not getting up to do 6 runs. I'll start doing that this week.
Also, thanks for telling me.
in the latter stages your shield only able to take up 1 or 2 hits but her shield and avocaboo still make it easy for the runs
I usually do two blitz speedruns, but I may start doing that instead.
Was there a nerf on Miyabi and Homomasa?
Thats pretty normal for sets to be designed for specific character in hoyo games
usually x.0 sets are versatile and whatever comes later during major patch usually is tailored for specific character or two
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I finally started Virtual Revenge and got to the photo part.....now I finally have the context...WHY ARE THE SIBLINGS IN THE PHOTOSHOOT? THE REQUESTER DOESNT EVEN KNOW THE SIBLINGS...AND THE SIBLINGS SHOULDNT EVEN BE NEAR BY
Why are you freaking out bwo? Also the siblings were nearby
They were pretending to be fans
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>Specifically make it so Miyabi additional ability can only be enabled by faction or support
>Realize its to prevent a 3 anomaly team that could potentially by-pass Yanagi's OP disorder/frostfall synergy

Has there ever been a more tied together characters in Miyoho's IPs? I might panic roll for Yanagi at this point and it pisses me off (holding on 250 rolls thus far).
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But the happiness in the world increased thanks to that so its fine.
but then yanagi noticed Wise was around and immediately shoved his hand on her ass for some reason while the picture was being taken in front of his perfect little sister
It's really just like Undercover R&B, they were just coincidentally in the story just as a cameo.
In R&B, Jane visited Random Play once to find that movie for the guard Thug, and in the epilogue mostly just to get that store membership as a thanks to the twins, IIRC.
clout, they probably dont even play the game
>reddit humor
How does Seth rape makes you feel though?
I wanna cum in Soukaku
Aren't dennies unlimited in Hollow Zero? How much you can get btw?
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So why is half of the in-game cast just straight up autistic?
>gangbang, OOC slutiness, NPC sex
Why do those bother you tranny sis?
Yanagi is fun to play, I don't think she's a bad pull.
They know their fanbase.
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I'm the Burnice
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why are you JUST complaining now?

you should have complained at launch at the fact that this game even has these weird faction/type restrictions in teambuilding

its way worse
at least jane had an excuse to visit random play
here the siblings jus tmagically showed up in the photo
What is happening in this pic? Is Corin putting her foot inside Eous gaping asshole?
ur tiny in corin's shoe
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Which upcoming characters are meta?
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Where's Ababababa?
>Realize its to prevent a 3 anomaly team that could potentially by-pass Yanagi's OP disorder/frostfall synergy
Fuck I didn't think of that. That's totally what it is.
They might be, but it's not enough to be worth the effort. iirc bangboo exp caps at 15ish runs so maybe dennies do too.
pretending to be sick at home playing gacha games
Oh, right. Wasn't everyone's least favorite CH also born in November too?
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in genshin
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I wish we could hang out with non-playable side characters. Actually, I can't believe I never thought to ask for that in surveys before.
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I can't see anything
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I live here
Can you see this?
*unzips dick*
Yeah, thought so
You just want to penis Venus, don't you? Tardass.
What would happen if I proposed to her?
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>*unzips dick*
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I hope you're both hit by a random drone strike before she even gets a chance to answer.
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Quick and painless though...however who would crush someone with their thighs actually
>no bra confirmed
No wonder she bounces so much
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One of the neediest savior complex NPCs I've ever seen in a video game. She gets so sad at the idea of a proxy no longer needing her.
We need a proper mage character
my guess is rewrites due to TV getting ripped out. story would make more sense if the twins were asked to help S6 go after the 1337 h3x0rz (which the story was pointing heavily to), there was some sort of Hollow bullshit, then they met with Yanagi and took the photo with her fan club afterwards
Your Rina?
make it a chuuni tech mage who chucks bombs and calls it a spell
We need a proper sniper character
If yutane ends up looking like this it’s Joeover…
You know what, this makes sense.
Special Episodes are just Chapter X.5 filler episodes but with the TV taken out.
R&B should've been Chapter 3.5
Virtual Revenge should've been Chapter 4.5.
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Man, that's a custom model made by someone who tried to make a model based on concept art.
At least Pulchra already had an ingame model.
I don't know what's picrelated's source is, but it's a better 3d render
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My job here is done then.
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My friend who got me into zzz is planning on quitting for Exilium
Now I can only talk about it with you guys...
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