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>Hazard Gameplay Trailer

>A Blast to the Past Begins with Overwatch: Classic

>6v6 playtests in Season 14

>Latest patch notes

>Season 13 "Spellbinder" trailer

>Overwatch: Classic Official Trailer

>Comics, short stories and music

>Oct 15 - Season 13 "Spellbinder" (Map reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado, Widowmaker Mythic, Soldier: 76 Mythic weapon, Gilded Aspects versions for all Mythic skins, MHA collab, Halloween Terror event, Cassidy and Brigitte hero mastery, QP: Hacked Limit 2, QP: Hacked Kingmaker, more Mercy and Kiriko skins)
>Nov 12 to Dec 2 - Overwatch: Classic, Soldier 76 mythic weapon
>Nov 29 to Dec 2 - Competitive Drives
>Dec 10 - Season 14 (incl. New tank, 6v6 playtests, Venture skins)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports

Previous thread: >>503468420
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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love D.Va
whats up with the retarded OP pics lately
kill yourself jose
love yourself jose
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the kiriko dance
>lost connection to game server
>two games in a row
guess im not playing tonight
I've been getting that, too. Thought it was my internet.
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good night
The Youngest

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Why is no one talking about this shit?
I wish I were sombra...
Angela Ogundimu
Anonette Ogundimu
what overwatch is built for lucio
I look like this
lucio x junker queen is the most popular ship in recent memory. but honestly lucio doesn't really get paired with anybody, even though he's not bad looking and has a nice personality he's not romantically attractive.
lucio is buddy friendo core
fate of every manlet
Dva is made for roadhog and bob
will you marry me and pocket me only
Why did they take off no limits from Classic mode?
if he were taller it might help but the main problem is his personality. he's too friendly and good natured. he has no edge. in a story where characters like hanzo and genji exist. basically same reason winston doesn't get paired with anybody besides being munky
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I want Sombra to hack me so I physically can't stop sucking her cock and every time she thrusts her throbbing hot girl dick in my mouth it erases a little more of my brain until I'm nothing but Sombra's joytoy fleshlight
mccree is made for getting eternal bliss mindfucked in the soul ether by machine god echo
did the futaposting start a month ago
if someone has the title "grandmaster tank" does that mean that they were a gm in tank in the previous season or any season?
i think the titles only carry over from T-1 season
So the player in my lobbies was a gm tank post rank reset. Isn't gm top 500 now anyways? Why am I getting matched against these guys in quick play?
it's the flavour of the month, m'lad. and that's it. we'll see if it stands the test of time as, say, Star Trek (somewhat) has
>it won't
>pic slightly related
Arcane has continually been discussed in non-LoL fandoms for the last 4 years in the tone of "Why doesn't [Blizzard, or some other game developer] just make a show like Arcane! It's so simple and easy, right? They already have those animated shorts!"
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that's me with the controller in my hand. I'm playing GTA3, again.
I want to lick the area just below the belly button.
what rank are you? if he was duoed with his bronze friend the matchmaker thinks "GM+bronze == 5 golds" so it'll pair you against their average rank
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this what you want?
game's dead so it puts just about anyone in the quickplay pool so the queues wouldn't constantly be 10+ minutes. if you want somewhat balanced matches play comp but prepare to sit in queues for 10+ minutes.
nigga my queue time was 15 minutes
did you watch the 'Halo' show? do you remember when harry potter released and then a bunch of movies similar came out? how many people have tried to copy stephen schipeilboig?
the train has departed, anon. if anything arcane will be remembered longer than the CP2077 animation
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he's just a chill guy
>Move really fast with no way to adjust to help your aim
>Have to land every pellet in someone's head
>Instantly negated by any amount of healing it damage mitigation

Who cares? This will never happen in a real match unless someone is standing still afk. It's like complaining about Doom's "one shot" or venture's "one shot".
what weg is this? and is it worth?
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this desu, just get healed in the 0.9 seconds it takes venture to kill you, why are we complaining about this? liteally just don't get oneshot bro lmfao are you stupid
western erotic game
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Yes <3
if you have a burst movement ability like hazard does, landing a point blank shotgun blast is actually not as hard as you think it is. if you can barrel stuff someone unexpectedly by jumping in their face, they take up like a quarter of your screen anyway so it's an easy shot if they're not expecting it. The combo looks fast enough to make healing not matter.
can any pro gamers explain why the owcs was just mauga-reaper-echo-juno-brig mirror matches? none of those heroes seem like they work well together at all.
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wasn't OWL the same way with mirror matches?
You can't move the landing point of the leap very much once it starts. As long as you're not standing still you can move far enough away that he won't barrel stuff you. Assuming he's skilled enough to aim the shot.

The only way he's gonna land this is on someone who doesn't know you're there and is tunnel visioned. But every hero in the game performs better when their target is turned around doing something else.

The kill combo is a non issue. He will still be able to put out a good amount of burst on weakened targets though which seems like a much more viable strength of his that solo flanking.
>mauga: enabled by juno (keep in mind they were playing on a patch where he's weaker too)
>reaper: enabled by juno/mauga
>echo: copy mauga and enabled by brig
>brig: enabled by juno to be playable in brawl and pocket the shit of a dps with repair packs
TLDR: juno
um, where she attaching...that?
Why Juno Brig instead of Juno Mercy?
i haven't played juno. why is she enabling all this cancer
>stupid cute dumb Flanders
>I mean Juno
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>tfw playing ow overseas
i just played 2 hours and either the average jap just plays better or the algorithm recognizes that i haven’t signed on in a week. all my games were good and w’s
not a pro gamer but I would assume that those team comps revolve around mauga's cardiac arrest and orbital ray being overtuned at the moment. Everyone stacks together and gets very high healing and damage from these two abilities. Reaper deals high damage in deathball and his ultimate is also very good when players stack like that. Brig has been a staple in pro play for a while now and is also good in deathball where her inspire gets constant value. Rally is also very good because there is potential to multi-stun. Mauga cardiac arrest makes his whole team unkillable for 3 seconds and pretty much refills everyones' health too. Echo is used to dupe mauga, reaper or brig because you can't run two of them. Juno enables the whole thing with speed ring and most of all orbital ray. 35% teamwide damage buff is simply too much at the moment.
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>psyops ai
does he know? is he aware? is he a....nooticer?
didnt they play on the patch before the latest mauga buff
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I wish you were Sombra
I don't know, but his cardiac arrest is still overtuned in both patches. Arguably stronger before because it gave his whole team 60% lifesteal for 5 sec instead of 50% lifesteal for 3 sec.
widow has no counter
idk for sure, but i heard east asians mostly play dive. they also have a higher IQ and actually more autistic with gaming, especially FPS gaming. too bad you weren't in (lower) korea though. you'd enjoy some matches with korean-style fried chicken.
>I'm going next week :3
they need to make a new anti-widow counter that doesn't fuck over 80% of the other cast and completely assrape zen like your image.

do you have any plans for your 3 day vacation btw?
>You can't move the landing point of the leap very much once it starts.
you can bunnyhop to carry momentum without cancelling the slash
>As long as you're not standing still you can move far enough away that he won't barrel stuff you.
He can attempt to jump behind you. Avoiding barrel stuffing is generally not possible without playing at max range or using a movement/knockback ability.
GIWTWM getting my bussy dick punched by Sombra
bros… should i buy comic tracer? I only have 1300 coins so I’d have to pay blizzard…
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>posted decent futa
>and not k*riko with certain marinated men
Fly high futa bro. That's 26KB added to my HD
widow has (had) 2 dps counters:
>another widow
widow's tank counter is winston, who unfortunately gets assraped by mauga (who's good right now) and low skill easy characters like bastion.
if only blizzard could have somehow predicted this would happen
literally any of winston/d.va/ball/doom can make widow liteally unable to play the game
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kek even
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Sombra is terrible now
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I suddenly feel like playing doomfist
skill issue desu
I like how hazards shotgun spread is a rectangle.
i use Ashe's gangster and mobster skins because of the increased usage of spade motifs
I'm pretty sure blizzard has an alarm go off every time Mauga, Hog or Orisa drop below 55% winrate and immediately stop all other development to brainstorm how to buff them again.
this but mercy
yeah that's why i said had. so widow's only dps counter is effectively another better widow. if your tank isn't swapping or is getting shredded by mauga it's ggs
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I like how I've been asking for all shotgun spreads to be made fixed patterns and blizzard only does it for new characters.
i'm pretty sure that if blizzard released a stealth patch where they made mercy's gun do 0 dmg, it would take at least like, a week for anyone to notice
TBF they did this in OW1 too. They have blatant pet characters like Hog, Ana, Orisa who aren't ever allowed to actually be bad despite everyone hating when they're hard meta. though less people identify ana as a problem specifically, they do complain about "average match quality" without being able to say why every time she is hard meta
widow has plenty of dps counters, including venture and genji, who has been a widow counter since forever, it's just that sombra was liteally so retard-proof that even little timmy could switch to sombra and shut down a server admin widow simply by existing. sombra still counters widow, it's just that now she requires a single baincell to do it, but the vast majority of people who play sombra simply lack that requirement.
this OWCS was fucking lame. the next tournament they do should be on a mystery patch where blizzard adjusts all the numbers in secret without releasing patch notes and all the pro koreans have to figure it out as they go
Literally all they have to do is
>not make DPS shit so people can actually play tracer, genji, hanzo, cassidy, echo, etc
>not let orisa or mauga be good ever
Maybe hero bans
fuck you *reduces fortify cooldown by 2 seconds*
they need to make mauga absolutely dumpster tier until he gets reworked to not be cancer. like his bullets should do 0 damage tier until alex dawson's overpaid faggy ass figures out a way for mauga to not warp the entire meta around him
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Sleep well
Simple, just remove cardiac with no compensation.
Granted but launch Doom now permanently returns
>get match
>notice instantly my team is glue-eaters
>we get fucking rolled
fuck qp matchmaking who would put up with this shit? 3 fucking controller babies whoever parties with console players deserves the rope
>plays the only mode with controllertards
>complains about controllertards
just wanted to try the new hero, should've known it was gonna be a waste of time
turn cardiac overdrive into cardiac arrest
Considering how hazard gets raped by mauga that's not happening anytime soon
That was my idea for Mercy. Where when she revives someone she dies and they get whatever health she had after a 3 second cast.
New tank is super fun, idk why the hype died so quickly here.
He takes 5 braincells to play instead of 2 and he sucks to play up against Ana and Mauga.
he's a tank. no one gives a shit and he won't make anyone suddenly want to play tank.
Juno and Kiriko, naked in bed, cuddling and kissing while having an unprotected, innocent lesbian sex
ten bucks says that instead of realizing mauga's the problem and nerfing the fat samoan, they just buff hazard instead
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Fucking deal. How is this a downside?
Launch doom was busted as hell if I remember right
He's cool but unlikely to replace doom for me. Playing him feels like I'm the tank version of genji honestly. Poke with primary until I see someone in kill range for my slash dash combo.
When you say launch do you mean ow2? Because he was terrible for 2's launch. Ow1 I don't remember much aside from the millions of bugs. But if it means getting back DPS fist forever I'd take that deal too.
He was in fact so busted if they deleted him from the game and never brought him back it would have been completely justified.
Are you expecting something from the rumors of blizz working on a mobile game with the overwatch IP? some kind of adaptation of the current game? something else like a auto battler or card game?
he probably means launch dps doomfist, his punch hitbox was the size of an actual tank and it was practically impossible to miss. It was also easier to get the extra damage when the enemy did hit the wall since the angle was more generous, more damage overall too. The most annoying bitch to play against, but funnier to play in a mirror 1v1 or 6v6 elimination
Bring him back!
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faggot ass premades in OW classic
why are all mercy players so concerned with their deaths per 10 minutes?
Bride Mercy and Bride Kiriko skins when?
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whoa, assisted the tank in his 3k and managed to direct a guy who didn't even see you cool bot game
because Mercy's only skill expression is her movement and positioning and the better her movement the lower her deaths per 10 will be
but they are concerned with minimising that number more than they are concerned with actually improving movement and positioning. Often they will hide behind cover and let their teammates die because they don't want to risk dying to help them. They will also pop valkyrie in lost teamfights to not die. They dont understand that dying is part of the game and that sometimes you need to just fight and die to help your team win.
mercy dark-skinned_male -lucio_(overwatch)
Hana unplanned pregnancy
>absolutely destroying enemy team the entire match
>all of a sudden they become 10x better right at the end and we lose

I swear to god this only happens in this fucking game and I'm so tired of it
>Hazard is straight and dating the fat robot
Absolutely fucking worthless to me now

Zarya was right; end the robo-niggers and robosexuals

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