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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7607 - Ultimate Lifeform Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>Sonic is getting a five issue crossover miniseries with DC, further collaboration will continue through 2026

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 11 December 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #76 - 05 February 2025
Sonic the Hedgehog #77 - 19 March 2025

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>503542440
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which face should shadow make here?
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let’s not continue that.
I hate coolerfag
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Reminder that FWA is a fucking hack that is getting worse each day. Funny how anatomies change so much between drawings. He probably ran out of tracing material.
Thoughts on Billy Hatcher? Asking again.

I kike the dash attack into jumping roll mechanic. I think Sonic should have more attacks based on his dash/ run state like Kirby/ Smash Bros.
These look great
FWA > Wolfamy
Its getting cold outside, and the holidays are growing near. Can you feel the good vibes in the air?
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What will the Sonic franchise be like in 200 years from now?
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extinct I hope
He should be super pissed off and angry, especially once Sally starts tugging on his hog log
Only the right drawing, the left one looks like complete dogshit.
this is ooc, Cream has never done anything for Tails and shows no concern for him ever
Been playing Sonic Battle for the first time
I certainly loved being spitroasted by a bunch of NotGammas
Good game, one of the pillars of Sega (and everyone else's) experimental phase in the Gamecube era
You WHAT the dash attack?!
Very nice Lanolins. Much better than that pedophilic tranny Wolfamy's gross off-model meme art.
recap the leak plus post credit
Why is AI so obviously AI? Can't people generate things that don't look like AI yet?
Left > right
what the hell is this guy's problem
kek, i take it you're playing knuckles' story right now
>left tries to create something cute and unique
>right one traces a huge fucking blue flower, she is hugging it for no reason whatsoever, and has a bland stupid face while looking all off-model.
cream is diabetically sweet it’d be ooc for her not to help
>Can't people generate things that don't look like AI yet?
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I needed a reptilian villain to be the villain for the past, and it was either him or Lyric...
there is medicine out there for your aspergers
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This one. Annoyed yet disturbed.
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Trump won. Trannies will be going to the gulag
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No wonder why FWA stopped posting, he is probably dead from salt.
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So that means both WA and FWA will meet in the gulag?

Yeah... You made the right choice.
Enough with the aicringe, faggot.
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Maria has a fetish for being raped and will fall in love with you if you rape her because of her lifetime of isolation
It's ok when FWA traces. But only when he does it.
What is it about fags that compels them to make cute thing into ugly monsters like the Amy on the left? Why do they hate beauty?
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sorry wrong pic
holy shit I need to give you a handjob for talking about sonic in this SONIC THREAD
Left is intentionally bad trash trying too hard to be quirky, ultimately creating insincere and soulless slop. There was more time and effort put into typing the prompts for this >>503564085 actual slop than the tranny did "drawing" that Amy "art".
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Just accept it, the whiteboard cult has no power anymore. Aichads won.
I think Sonic's just laying on top of her. That's why you can see Amy's boot poking out from behind Sonic.
you should see her in Sonic Battle
Shadow basically pours his heart out to her and she's like "yeah ok sure, whatever you say bruh."
Just because she's polite doesn't mean she's loving, she's a dumb little kid who only has space in her brain for her chaos and flowers and teaparties
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Like he could've figured out she was missing her whole fucking body and not post it. But hey, (you)s are more important than drawing something nice. Isn't it?
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The robes the ancients wore resembled those that Gold does so I MIGHT do something with them. Not sure about lyric still.
why are you autistic
what even are the ancients here?
Define soulless, you pretentious faggot.
What does it mean for a drawing to have a "soul"?
Compare all of FWA's shitty inconsistent art, with no single style whatsoever, weird anatomies, no coloring, and nonsensical scenarios, to WA's art, and you'll realize how fucking wrong you are.
this whole exchange just makes me want to draw
>there is a death egg
>there is a death egg robot
>Eggman still hasn't turned the Death Egg into a robot
Any pictures to trace in mind?
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Maria's plump buns...
>it's ok when you can't see shit in my drawings.
GET A LOAD OGET A LOAHHH! Your'e not going toAhhh your not goiGET A LOAD OF THIAHHH! You're not to get awAHHH!
>trying to make Amy look more like a real hedgehog in sweater
its not complicated what the intentions were here
Cut HIM some slack, HE was trying to recreate the experience of having a stroke.
I wish I was Shadow the Hedgehog
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Best ship coming through.
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>me fuckwolfamy, I'm based, I don't have to complete my drawings. It's ok when I leave a sketch unfinished and post it anyway for (you)s.
He never finished it, what a fucking hack.
You really need to go to an optometrist if you can't see that. Like seriously please go get help before your eyes get more fucked up than they already are.
Make Lyric be the same race as Rava but from the far future. Not only would Lyric look way better as a cool lizard in a robot suit, but it would be like they're fighting different versions of the same villain across time, which I think would be pretty fucking cool.
Where was this dinosaur traced from?
Fuck off, spamming AItranny. You have a containment thread for that on /v/.
I'll take this over fat Amy any day.
Imagine she keeps pissing him off until he gets mad and accepts her "challenge" by fucking her like an animal
The FWA of Shadow ships right here
Stop responding and report for spamming.

This one is fine: >>503565124
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Please explain it to us then
Did Sonic X ever address why Eggman came from Sonic's other world but Gerald is from Earth and Eggman finds his legacy there? He never has any kind of revelation about this as far as I recall, and just acts like this is normal, even though he very much behaved like an outsider to Earth upon arrival.
eggman acknowledges this and then they move on.
Sonic X doing 2worldshit was dumb and they were right not to use it for worldbuilding
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I think it was implied Gerald sent Eggman to Sonic’s world, but it’s been forever since I watched Sonic X.
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>It's ok when I draw degenerate porn with no real sense of angles and depth.
Probably went lazy and didn't use his tracing material for this one.
exactly this isn’t a fucking blog
Werehog is pulling Silver into his big fluffy chest! Silver's face makes it look like he's enjoying himself a bit too much though... and is maybe even falling asleep because it's so soft~!
why does sally have fangs
I like coolerfag
Go finish your shitty sketch fwa. I can't see shit, why are you using that shitty background anyway, you know you can change the color before exporting it.
in Please Save my Earth shadow puts a whole bag of jellybeans up his ass
Cringe art desu. Not for your seething trannoid reasons though but instead because it's S*nally instead of Shadally.
He traced generic furry porn where the characters have fangs out.
So it's faggotry then, got it
She's a sexual predator
I agree, but it frightens me that I agree with you.
I really dislike Sonally. I can tolerate any other ship. I don't even hate Sally. She's fine whatever. But watching them try and make her and Sonic work was like watching them try and make Sonuckles work
Sally wouldn't be sexually aggressive towards Sonic. Ever. Amy should be in this pic.
This! Sthg is a Shadally general!
>It's ok when I change my artstyle, it means I'm talented!
Notice how Lanolin has the body of a real woman, he probably traced it from a softcore porn.
i don't get it, why is he mad at fwa? she's not even here.
hi fwa
I just looked it up. Apparently it was a commission.
Good grief. What have I done?
Anon, I...
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Calm down.
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because it's canon
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He sure likes dressing up in bat themes.
I kind of liked it in X but I acknowledge it was never necessary.
we need a Sonic horror game/story
As a Sally autist I can confirm that Sally consistently has razor sharp teeth all the way until reboot and you can see them whenever she's making an aggressive face. The 2000s were weird.
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Lovin’ Amy! Lovin’ Amy!
Just went through Amy's. She's actually kinda fun to use wtf
Drawschizo here
I finally took my pills, we're good now, sorry
>Lanolin has the body of a real woman
wow what a transphobic chud. my hero wolfamy would never!
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I love it when anons can't see my art well. The darker the better, yummy (you)s!
dfwnn got called out for tracing again and the schizo is using that to sperg out over fwa
I love the whole concept of this ship being built on the idea of Shadow getting sexually harassed just because he's a more serious alternative to Sonic. The thing that makes everyone else like Sonic more becomes girlboss bait.
Shut up,coolerfag
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It means it's uncanny and off-model, retard
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I love it when I make fun of trannies and aifags but I draw like shit.
the majority of this thread is a schizo going melty over fwa wow.
>called out for tracing again
but dfwnn never claimed they didnt
>racism image
I love her Riders outfit so much it's crazy
Has fwa even been here? I haven't seen them for months
shut up tracefag
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>my OC that smells and looks like shit is good.
I hope every contentfag leaves this gen to rot
I'm still waiting for this picture to not be relevant.
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She's my favorite shitty bog witch!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Tang...
On model Sonic making out with off model Amy.
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FWA is always here but keeps quiet because he traces and is butthurt because someone is making money out of his art.
idk this general has been around for 10 years, I don't think it's going anywhere
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>I can explain!
what’s that thing called a jackrabbit?
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obviously, but no one here deserves anything so let me dream
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because fuck all of you as of late. Good night
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>Woah look it's Jewel with a pretty dress woahhhh
>never gets reposted
You're thinking of a Jackalope. Jackrabbits are just hares. Hares are very different from rabbits once you notice.
oh thanks.
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>woah gay hmoma SO COOL
>gay spammers derail thread with requests
>nobody actually reposts it because the drawing is garbage
duofag gen sally getting fucked for her antics
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>woahhhh Sally just standing there, such a unique concept!
>never gets reposted
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Jesus Christ she's made for sex
>those thighs
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What the fuck are those hips?
What's with that waist?
What does that face convey?
Wasn't there an episode of X where Sonic turns out to be the only person on Earth who knows that it rotates?
Don't worry Tails, you'll know soon enough
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Nah idc abt the other melty posts but lay the fuck off this drawing, this drawing is fucking awesome
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Darkness my old friend
I love Amy's bubblegum butt.
I hate women
>this drawing is for huh, the trans community
I requested Sonic doing a Bugs Bunny bit, you jealous queer.
>left, dogshit traced after a goblin
>right, cute on-model
What a fucking massive faggot
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Don't engage with him, he probably never even watched AoStH.
Boo hoo retard. Go sit in the corner and seethe while watch me jerk off to sonic in a dress
Namefags? Never heard of em
if i had a nickel for every time a schizo told on themselves by seething at a reference to the sonic franchise
nta can I watch too
Lets talk about Sonic! He is my boyfriend!
I like her.
Woah coool gay underage sex is awesome!
>also fwa, I don't like people using my art to draw underage porn
What does minafag think of fwa's mina?
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>posting this again
Right fucks up basic anatomy by having the tail coming out from the middle of the spine. If you're going to do this at least choose better art to make your arguments.
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That reply doesn't make you any less of a faggot
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Chill out.

Can you read, when did I deny it? Fagslop is Kino
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Do you think Sonic will date me?
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What a terrible night to have eyes
no fatty
stop talking
Let's have a homosexual orgy at the /sthg/ mansion.
I fucking apologize shadriafags you guys atleast talked about the sonic franchise.
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Sonic!!! When will you go out with me????
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Rouge traced, also the flowers are traced. This is from FWA's early days. He couldn't draw for shit but somehow got this one right, though with the realistic body of a woman but with Rouge's head plastered on it. WOW
This one has been reposted a bunch.
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>Fagslop is Kino
The Sonic franchise bad. All discussion is about why and how it is bad, and how to fix it at best.
Good whiteboard today! I'll post the full canvas once I'm done tagging it in the booru.
Lets do it

YOU FIRST !! Bend over bitch
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but shadow cummed in sally
You know AI can generate the same shit fairly quickly yet you spent a full day drawing it. At least it's colored, but hey, something is something.
Cute worm!
Are cats welcome here?
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Uh-huh. Yep. You sure said it.
sthg is not the entire sonic fandom
shadow cummed in me too
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I'm going to repost Sunny because I actually like him and wish people would talk about him more.
you and alota mastered using digital tools to make mid art look decent
Are Sonic's quills sharp?
Nta but you know people like to do stuff for fun right
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You madman! I think he should have Honey's catwings but the feathers are jet black and edgy because he's a twisted fucking psychopath.
IRL hedgehogs can choose whether to prick up their spikes or lay them flat, so I like to think Sonic is smooth most of the time, but can turn into a buzzsaw made of thumbtacks on command.
FUUN!! diabolical you know AI can generate being happy?? tsk I’ll go back to reading this AI prompt about my wife’s boyfriend having some “fun”
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Why do you guys bother with drawschizos bait? Do you actually think "take 4chans drawings seriously" is a point worth arguing with?
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>I like to spend one whole day sitting on my ass doing shitty scribbles for ungrateful fucks online while my muscles atrophy, lose my eyesight from staring at a screen, and fuck up my spine
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idk i'm just posting sauce
Nice art as always yume. You draw Espio with nice scales that make me want to knock my knuckles on them to see if it's hard
>for ungrateful fucks

I thought thewhiteboard was for the drawfags
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The miracle of life...
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Imagine wasting a whole day drawing some crappy shit that nobody outside /sthg/ will care about. No, twitter trannies just jerk each other off because they have low self-steem. That's why drawfags are are poor like ABT.
Drooling retard cultist
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Here's the full whiteboard. Thanks to everyone who showed up!
Full-res image is in the booru:
>t. has never attempted to do anything to better themselves or gain a skill

Some of you anons are really mean, damn
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A pile of garbage as usual.
he will do anything for attention. It's sad. At least the people he schizos over actually are productive for attention
>are are
why did you turn into a seal
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>t. Knuckles trying to be supportive
I won't let sthg forget she debuted in a shitpost doodle about Sally pestering Shadow until he impregnated her in a hypnotic trance
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MMM thank you for the delicious slop, my whiteboard overlord
But it's all true
people without any skills are typically bitter and jealous.
I don't come off as that much of an autist... do I?
yes. I know its true the drawschizo is an attention whore.
It's sad. I feel like he's engaging in fatherless behavior.
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GULP i-is t-that
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If the whiteboard is so cool, where are the real artists?
I think he was making a joke about you knocking your knuckles against Espio's scales.
Why do you specifically use IDW characters for avatarfagging? Does that get the most seethe or something?
rape the maids
i didn't know we had whiteboards I use magma
Sonic only likes fast sex
Draw sonouge
>picreal December 2019
You literally stopped improving 5 years ago, what the fuck Roads. Stop drawing anytime.
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damn why is the thread so bad is it because we just got off the tail of the last one?
Something really set off one schizo and he's been trying to derail the thread with his hateboner for artists
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Sonic Frontiers 2 Plot:

>after another intense battle, Metal Sonic is defeated by Sonic and retreats to Dr. Eggman's base, severely damaged and humiliated
>eggman berates Metal Sonic, mocking him as a mere imitation and expressing regret for creating him, calling it a mistake to rely on a "fake Sonic"
>these harsh words trigger a catastrophic malfunction within Metal Sonic's programming
>his directive to surpass and destroy Sonic clashes with his fears of being a fake, causing a system-wide breakdown that shatters Eggman's anti-rebellion safeguards
>Eggman tries to shut down Metal Sonic for reprogramming, but it's too late
>Metal Sonic snaps, his eyes glitch out and his voice returns as a garbled scream of terror and rage
>he attacks Eggman's base, destroying equipment, destroying Orbot and Cubot, and nearly killing Eggman, who narrowly escapes in his Eggscape Pod
>Metal Sonic seizes the single Chaos Emerald that was in Eggman's possession, he absorbs its energy directly into his systems, draining it completely
>the raw power floods his circuits, corrupting his programming but unlocking suppressed abilities
>the drained emerald turns into a mere stone, which he crushes into gravel underfoot as he walks to the control panel
>with his autonomy and desire to prove his superiority restored, Metal Sonic plans to acquire the Master Emerald to gain complete mastery over chaos energy
>he upgrades himself using Eggman's technology, enhancing his abilities while locking Eggman and Sage out of his own systems, and transforming Eggman's base into his own
>fearing facing Knuckles alone and potential interference from others like Sonic, he constructs a massive assault weapon based on the Eclipse Cannon, capable of obliterating targets from great distances, built with new robots of his own creation
That's exactly why
Funny how his Bump looks like shit in 2024
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I’m not whatever boogeyman you’re talking about dude.
there are two schizos if you haven't noticed
I really hope that isn't Duofag using an alternate persona to get away with dramafagging because posters like his "duofag" namefag crap now.
I fucking can't stand namefags in general.
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But only with their intended and in-character dynamic
Sonic characters for this feel?
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Reminder that Chris-chan got his finnish girlfriend pregnant.
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>without warning, Metal Sonic launches a devastating attack on Angel Island
>the massive energy beam from his weapon strikes the island directly, the floating landmass crumbles into millions of pieces, crashing into the sea below
>Metal Sonic flies along with the beam at supersonic speeds to retrieve the Master Emerald
>Knuckles fights valiantly in mid-air, grappling with falling ruins and trying to land good hits on Metal Sonic to protect the Master Emerald, but is overwhelmed by his new and improved capabilities
>Metal Sonic defeats Knuckles, leaving him gravely injured and stranded in the ocean, his home destroyed, his Emerald gone
>with a cold gaze, Metal Sonic admires the Master Emerald before assimilating it into his being
>the fusion grants him complete control over chaos energy, transforming him physically and mentally into a more formidable, ominous form
>empowered beyond measure, Metal Sonic aims for the complete subjugation of reality itself
>Metal Sonic initiates the assimilation of technology and infrastructure worldwide
>his form expands into a colossal, sentient fortress of unfathomable complexity, powered infinitely by chaos energy, rapidly expanding his capabilities and influence
>anchoring his fortress into the planet's core, he taps into Earth's resources and supercharges the mass-production of an army of robots infused with fragments of his consciousness, a hive-mind forming the Metal Empire
>Metal Sonic turns his attention to the Special Zone, the mystical dimension connecting the Rings and Chaos Emeralds to the Earth
>by exploiting his control over chaos energy and the Master Emerald, he breaches the barriers between dimensions
I agree.
>MetalKeks arrive
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Woaah Sonic in a bunny custome so coooooooooooool
>only fags repost it to bait other into fagslopping
Of course it's Duofag.
I feel like thay kid should be given to the proper authorities.
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It's annoying that you keep derailing threads but the people who bite bait like this are huge autists to start with so I can't feel too bad
>he invades and corrupts the Special Zone, twisting it into a nightmarish metallic realm under his dominion, circuits of his consciousness permeating and dominating every inch of the otherworldly zone
>The Rings, previously sources of protection and life, become tainted conduits of his will, becoming jagged metallic blue and gold in appearance
>the rings' influence on the world distorts reality
>natural laws break down, gravity fluctuates, time dilates, matter warps unpredictably, the entire planet is being converted into a metallic hellscape of mechanized labyrinths swarming with Metal Sonic's robots
>the effects of Metal Sonic assimilating the Special Zone ripples through the multiverse, all of existence teeters on the brink of collapse as Metal Sonic's influence grows exponentially
>infinite worlds where rings exist are experiencing the same effects, including Little Planet and Blaze's Dimensions, the Time Stones going haywire, and the Sol Emeralds crying out in despair with their counterbalancing force so heavily enslaved and corrupted
>playable characters are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Blaze, Gemerl, and Dr. Eggman banding together
>supporting cast includes Amy, Rouge, Sage, Cream, Marine, and the Chaotix
>supporting Metal Sonic is Eggman Nega
>Sage is the Tikal-like guide character of the game, utilizing her advanced computational abilities and prividing insights into Metal Sonic's corrupted programming and potential weaknesses
>Dr. Eggman contributes his technological expertise, grappling with guilt and pride over his role in creating Metal Sonic
>they run through warped zones filled with hostile Metal Empire enemies, corrupted environments, and reality-bending obstacles, hoping they can undo Metal Sonic's control in the Special Zone and they the remaining six Emeralds will be enough to reverse the damage he's done
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>the whiteboard cult is afraid
>people who bite bait like this are huge autists to start with
I always forget that this IS the Sonic general
Honestly impressive. I thought he would've made himself infertile by now with all the HRT he put in his body over the years.
Take your pick. Shadougefag or Duofag. You have to keep one.
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And he was playing SxSG when he said it. Pottery.
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Cool story, bro. What chapter do you shut the fuck up at?
This can't possibly feel good.
I'll take the Shadougefag or hell even the Blazebot over this. At least they post cute pictures that will incite discussion
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Duofag because content. Shadougefag is pure drama.
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>Metal Sonic's ultimate plan is to initiate the "Singularity Eclipse," a cataclysmic event will merge all realities into one under his absolute control
>by becoming the Metal Singularity, he aims to erase all imperfections and conflicts, eliminating all organic life, and shaping existence according to his vision of perfection
>Metal Sonic believes that by eliminating free will and individuality, he can finally eradicate his own fear and suffering, and that only by erasing all versions of Sonic across infinity, and surrounding himself with his Metal Empire creations, can he finally be at peace
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>I’ll take it from here
>he invades and corrupts the Special Zone
My uncle did this too
thats not how HRT works chuddy
Shadougefag by far
Which Sonic character is most likely to kiss someone without their consent? You can use anyone from the games, IDW, archie, fleetway ect.
I'm talking rapey shit. Forcing the face, ignoring it when you try to push away. Gripping your cheeks and forcing their tongue into your mouth. Who is the candidate?
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Shitty drawing. Disgusting.
Silver, he canonically has no problem with mind-raping people he's interested in
no just draw it, and your image teases more than you want to admit
Sally for the funny answer, Scourge for the real answer.
I just kind of assume it's Duofag. I don't have any scientific argument or anything but this kind of shitpost/thread derail literally wasn't a thing before Dufoag. We've always had art schizos but this person makes sure to complain about the exact same specific shit every time, as if hoping it will catch on.
So it's either Duofag or Duofag inspired. It doesn't really matter honestly. The real problem are the people fighting with it.
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Post-credits reveal:
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bats are creatures of the night
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>the whiteboard cult when nobody pays attention to their shitty drawings after wasting the whole day making them.
Such a sad state for the whiteboard cult. Nobody cares.
What if I want both and more to stay?
>playable characters are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles,
>supporting cast includes Amy,
eat a fat greasy dick
why dont other drawfagds like minafag or colono get this much shit when they draw worse than fwa, whats this obssesion with her? this fixation goes beyond just drawing bad
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>Only one or two people barely said anything about that shit
Drawfags are in shambles
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Sally sees kissing someone on the mouth as no worse than hugging or tickling them. She's like Mutsumi Otohime. She isn't an attacker, just a weirdo. She's written to be like that in Archie and SatAM partly because it fulfills the male fantasy of kisses being easy to come by, but for some reason it's mostly her with a few random others.

Scourge is an actual sick fuck.
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It appears I've stirred a little controversy.
I'll think of something for him, I kind of like Lyric unironically.
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Neither post nearly as much as fwa used to so it wouldn't get nearly as many (you)'s. They also don't have as many drawings to post and schizo out over. Fwa has a lot of easy ammo to use
Shadow doesn't understand the meaning of beauty and would never waste his time painting a picture. I doubt Shadow would even bother taking a picture of a beautiful sunset because he just doesn't get the point.
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Art is dead, that's why ABT is a broke ass nigga.
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we know, Cream
Amyfags are not beating the entitlement allegations.
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Minafag and Colono don't trace, they are consistent, and didn't base their whole personality around trolling another drawfag
Also >she
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>you should be mad because I have awesome skills to draw fridge doodles and you don't, you envy me so much...!!!!
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Drawing will always be fun, Metalhead.
jesus christ will you stop the drama and take it to another platofrm
i keep forgetting neither fwa or wa are girls lol
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>Off-topic post with Sonic picture
doesn't shadow draw in the last twitter takeover?
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Reminder if you support AI shit you are supporting goyslop jewshit by proxy since AI revolves around stealing YOUR data for lazily made slop and profit.
The drawschizo said he’d out any drawfags for associating with colono
It's literally Duofag.
Here they are talking about making their AI model
And here they are drawschizoing while say the same things.
>Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow get another polish pass
>Amy gets the jank bullshit they put together on a shoestring budget
I love this slop
Why are you posting drawings? Post AI reaction images of you hate human drawings.
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Ikr, they should have their own fucking general where they can discuss about their shitty whiteboard, ocs and headcanons. Interestingly, we would be able to discuss Sonic, intriguing isn't it?
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>goyslop jewshit
Meds. You don't even know how AI works, ignorant retard
>duofag is a canadian jew
Makes sense
I've been wondering this for months and the answer I've come to hit is that it's pretty simple really. Minafag draws for Minafag. Colono draws for Colono. They're meeting their own standards. They aren't as good as FWA but you can see why a lolicon would like Colon's stuff or other minafags would like Minafag's stuff.
FWA almost never draws anything specifically for herself. It's always requests. Every last drawing she has ever made, hundreds, all requests.
Even Duofag has his own tastes. You never really get the feeling that FWA is drawing for FWA.
Especially when so much of the output is sexualized women. That's common here, but FWA is (allegedly) a straight woman who mostly just draws shit for straight men.
She did do some fagshit for a while but was really easily bullied into changing it.

I've seen schizos go maniacal on drawfags before. They didn't stop. Even taking Colono for instance. There have definitely been threads of people raging at him. Nothing. Hyoumaru, Trineofflames. No amount of seething is going to make them switch from their preferred brand of autism.
FWA bent the knee very easily.

A request whore.
>posting a human drawing
Don't make Lyric look smoochable. It's making me uncomfortable.
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Im still waiting but i guess it was all just hollow words
Like I said it's pretty obvious, it just doesn't really matter to me whether it's Duofag or not. The worse issue is people responding to it and taking the bait.
Duofag is going to keep doing this shit as long as it entertains him, that's just how people are. If people want to be fish in the barrel it's their own fault.
Nobody should listen to AI loving kikes let alone creampedos. Fuck off lazy tramp and pick up a pencil.
Amy has literally done this
I fucking love Mina!!!!!!111!!!!11
Sonic Rush's soundtrack is SHIT and if you like it you are SHIT too.
It's ASS. Go back to X and worship your Lugia belly loving pedo there alongside all the Jet Set Radio "fans" that never played the garbage game.
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Wow finally someone with an actual argument.
>Minafag draws for Minafag.
Bobo is awesome
>Colono draws for Colono.
Pedo but true
>FWA almost never draws anything specifically for herself. It's always requests. Every last drawing she has ever made, hundreds, all requests.
Holy shit finally someone noticed, it's completely soulless
>Even Duofag has his own tastes.
Edgy shitty drawings but true.
>Especially when so much of the output is sexualized women.
>She did do some fagshit for a while but was really easily bullied into changing it.
Sexualized men turned gay. He once flooded the general with homos requesting shit to him. Fuck fwa.
>A request whore.
I'm hard.
>pick up a pencil
Not everyone wants to be a shitty artist for faggots like (you)
Most of the replies are from himself.
I like cumver
nta but shit like chatgpt and such are essentially is ran by jews and they do collect your personal data when you use it. You own nothing btw.
Watching him adopt a new silly persona only to say the same shit word for word and complain about the exact same benign things is pretty pathetic, but I guess he's winning as long as he's having fun.
hyoumaru is duofag
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have you tried not caring either way about Sonic fan art
>Comparing a simple fucking tool you can use in your everyday life/work like ChatGPT to a local environment like Stable Diffusion
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Are you employed anon? If you were, you should know AI is the greatest invention in story. Maybe you're just mad because AI is stealing useless jobs (like being a furry porn artist for an instance)
Why do you have names?
What am I supposed to be seeing?
>NOOOO! I can't pick up a pencil and draw for my self because I am an autistic and retarded talentless hack with fat sweaty sausage fingers nooooo!
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Can I be next, I never finish anything
Some namefags are named specifically for what they do. I don't know where namefags with proper names like "colono" get theirs.
the schizo speaks the truth
no, go back
Nice samefagging, nigger.
Given to them by nameless anons
I'm not even gonna reference your post number, you know who you are, and you're a faggot for thinking every single person on the planet wants to become an "artist" like you
>B-but le hecking creative, cool, and fulfilling hobberino
Kys retard, learn a real skill, exercise, make some friends
OOC, Sonic hates women
Notice how nobody but me replied to?
Drawfags don't want compelling discussions, they just want to suck each others' dick for (you)s.
>Maybe you're just mad because AI is stealing useless jobs
Fucking Lmao AI shit doesn't just stretch to useless slop like furfag shit but actual mainstream stuff too, dipshit.
kys ooc fag, who might be one or more of the other art/personality fags
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>not even worth shitting on
Me having sex with minafag
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Sex with SOME drawfags
Not even worth a post number either but holy fucking projection. AI trannies can't be reasoned with.
i dont want to suck alota´s dick, he puts it inside espioyume and who knows what happens in there
Sonic doesn't hate women, he just hates girly romance stuff. That's why he's fine around girls other than Amy, since they don't try to push that stuff onto him.
Sitting on a computer typing stuff wasn't a real job to begin with unless the job requires a set of skills that'd make it indispensable.
why not all of them are you hecking racist?
we love you too, colono
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Imagine how she is IRL.
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>It's real
lmao that's kinda funny and sad
Duofag is a lazy hack. I btfo him in AI.
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KEK, what a fatty
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I don't have to imagine
I like them big, I like them chunky
I like them big, I like them plumpy
I like them round, with something, something
They like my sound, they think I'm funky
ah shit i meant to spoiler that
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I miss the amy ai guy
I'm new here, when do we start talking about Sonic?
I think the funniest part was that he said we won't work at IDW, as if that's something anyone wants lmao
I could go on really, but generally speaking there are a lot of drawfags significantly less talented than FWA, but FWA has many haters.
She invites it. She's like a television. She created the expectation of input and output.
Are you going to see people begging Colono for gayshit? Maybe Shadallyfag should be doing Shadria! Why is it always lewds with IcyDirtBall? A fools errand, the above three concepts. It's not going to happen. Especially drawfags who don't conversate in the thread the way FWA did up until she "left".
Using Maris as a congruent example, she has simps and haters as well. She couldn't go a thread without avatarfagging and making it clear who she was and what she likes and dislikes. She gave updates. She would post pornographic sketches because anyone asked her to.
Her last few posts on this general are a fight with the raging Shadougefag who badgered her until she promised to leave. This was only possible because her personality is known to every regular in the general. This was only possible because she responded, because she made it clear that it was her, because she needed the attention until it was negative.

These people do this to themselves.
generate Shadow facefucking Sally then
Kek nice 6-7 fingered mutant hands, faggot.
Right now!

What do you think about combat in Sonic? Good or bad thing?
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Either when drawschizo calms down, someone starts a shipping argument, or (You) come up with something cool to talk about.
is that hecking racism outside /b/?!
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>No extra limbs and objects melting into each other.
not a high bar

Amy would be a better character if she was a flirt with every boy she meets.
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>Shadallyfag should be doing Shadria!
Well he made this picture and it's freaking awesome
excluding anon, right?
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Discuss this
What would actually happen to Knuckles if Angel Island was destroyed?
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Silver would travel back in time to prevent Angel Island from being destroyed because it's still intact in his future as Onyx Island.
The knuckles TV show pretty much. He moves in with Tails and struggles to fit in with normal society.
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The stupid AI artist forgot to draw the eyelashes, stupid mutant looking Trip.
in every other franchise, the jock/stacy combo of the cast is heavily shipped regardless of if they actually like each other in canon. But Sonouge is a rarepair. Why?
I don't need to go far to find hundreds of Goku/Bulma or Cap/Widow or Superman/Every DC bitch but Sonic and Rouge is RARE.
Rarer than Rails, Shadouge, and Knuxouge. It's rarer than Sonic and goddamn Zooey.
He becomes the guardian of something else probably the Islands in Frontiers
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Duokek is cringe and sad because he mocks artists as if he's somehow superior, and yet his AIshit is low tier trash that can be outdone without using a LoRA or inpainting.
the fact they dint even bothered to make them look different than Trip at all annoys me
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Ugly as fuck generation, mutant Fiona looks like shit. FWA fix it.
What a downgrade. He should just move into Lost World from Sonic Adventure.
Sonamy too strong
they do not interact
Spawn Vegeta and who is top lady?
Thanks for the bingshit, retard
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AI crap. it's funny because people here were calling Sega out for supposedly doing Shadow AI
Going on dates with my husband Shadow!
Triggered SDtard spotted.
Pumpkin Hill will be his new home
Sonic doesn't like Romance as seen by Sonamy, and Rouge has a ton of visible hints between her, and Knuckles and Shadow.
They're basically the cool jock and stacy that everyone thinks is an item but they've never actually done anything together.
He would change his name to Chuckles
Knuckles would have to wrestle ghosts on a daily basis
wait how is this so much better than duofag? I thought duofag was super talented and ai was really hard and shit?
konohamaru and hanabi style
You WILL consume the slop faggotry, and you WILL be happy
Duofag's AI looks better
>t. AI fag on a seething coping rampage
Gives something else to do,maybe if he's there long enough he might befriendthem sor something
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>Runt of his class
>His only real talent is laying traps
>Eggman shows up and leaves behind technology
>He's a natural at machinery
>Whole village is paranoid about the metal monsters and discourage him
>Suddenly one day a purple rat guy shows up collecting parts
>Spies on him
>Holy moley, he can build machines!
>Starts stalking this weird mouse dude and learn more about these contraptions
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Sonaze is the Jock/Stacy combo.
My natural stupidity looks better
t. Duofag.
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>Anon, I love you, but I can't touch you.
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It's all fun and games until the jew overlord decides you can't generate what you want using your bingshit
why the fuck are they built like slimjims
Must be from the circus with feet that big
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