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Previous Thread: >>503549838

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>11/20 (Wed) After Maint - 12/4 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Satsuki (3*)
Chiaki (3*)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Makoto (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)

[Rerun] Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 11/20 (Wed) After Maint - 12/4 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Red Dmg) - 11/27 (Wed) 11:00 - 12/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 11/21 (Thu) 11:00 - 12/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Bounties - 11/20 (Wed) 4:00 - 11/27 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 11/27 (Wed) 4:00 - 12/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages - 12/4 (Wed) 4:00 - 12/11 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 12/11 (Wed) 4:00 - 12/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 12/18 (Wed) 4:00 - 12/24 (Tue) 3:59 (JST)

>11/19 (Tue) After Maint - 12/3 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Momoi (Maid) (3*)
Midori (Maid) (3*)
Aris (Maid) (3* - Rerun)
Toki (Bunny) (3* - Rerun)
Yuzu (Maid) (1* - Welfare)

[Rerun] Alabaster Calling Card: Mansion Masquerade and the Essence of Beauty - 11/19 (Tue) After Maint - 12/3 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Goz (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Red Dmg) - 11/26 (Tue) 2:00 - 12/2 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 11/20 (Wed) 2:00 - 12/23 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Bounties - 11/18 (Mon) 19:00 - 11/25 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmages/Commissions - 11/25 (Mon) 19:00 - 12/2 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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My precious desert rose.
is eating trash the secret to growing tits like this?
how would sex with eimi feel like
Hey, post MADs.
Yes, it works even on men.
We discuss this everyday
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Is it Hiyori bullying hour?
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*slaps titties*
there's something in the water in kivitos
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Post pits.
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>"models are so pretty i wish i could see, learn from and be like them all the time"
>literally was living with a fashion model with a fashion model body who also likes girly girl shit
Is Hiroy retarded?
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very hot and efficient
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She's a student and a hobo and probably hasn't had proper education
So what was the point of this?
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Hiyori is a healthy girl.
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Thinking is not Hiyori's strongest suit
Saori is fucking autistic though.
And models actually, you know, wear model clothes n shit, Saori wears shits out of a Target store.
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You didn't post this
It's to give the Shanhaijing some screentime
What were they thinking with this L2D?
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Who orders these?
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I know this autistic guy who gets extremely mad whenever someone says certain student is his wife so I send him every image of said student and watch him go into a chimp rage because its funny.
I think he's gay idk.
It's Hiyori, post more Hiyori so i have more shit to send him
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why are we posting Hiyori
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Hiroy's inverted nipples
Men for hot cosplay sex
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>he doesn't want hiroy as his wife
he sounds gay
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don't lewd hiyori
99% of the sales are chinese men and ugly trannies
Post the Hiyori webms of her walking off
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Why mine like this?
Mika love
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Hina can't sing for shit.
key sexo
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I don't even care all that much about Star Wars, but Jedi Hiyori is funny.
If I had a lifesize loli sex doll I'd buy plenty of cheap shit cosplays to dress her up in.
Why am i brown?
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Good picture.
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Hiyori pretty
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Get your PVP coins, /bag/!
Someone use the AI to have her sing "Tapeworm on my penis" please.
Where the FUCK are my PVP coins you dumb brat
I hope Hiyori gets diabetes and can't afford insulin
Caught me off guard. Unless you've got proper opera pipes you keep your mouth shut at formal performances
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Suzumi alt when
>go to Google image
>Download an image
>Check files
>I know you thought you thought you downloaded this image but actually we enabled download protection so you have to go to their website directly to download it

>Go to bing
>Download image
>It just downloads normal

People born in the last twenty years will never understand just how much society makes itself worse on purpose just for the benefit of large corporations that pay to make things worse on purpose. They'll never understand that a lot of shit used to just kinda work, and it was purposefully broken over time so they could either sell you the basic things you used to do for free as an add on, or just because they don't want it to work that smoothly anymore.
Cute dumb
Have to post my favorite egg
none of you will even roll for swimsuit Hiyori anyway now that you know that swimsuit Saori is the better pick
But they said no words, literally did nothing, they just lost to some gamers.
most of /bag/ doesn't know what MADs are so they ignored your post.
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When did this general become so based?
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
No PVP coins again...
Where do you find these
I want hugs.
onSEX -`‸´-
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I skipped meta banners to roll on all of Arius the first time and I'd do it again, nerd.
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>fatfuck monday
i can live with this
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Bully the Hiyori.
But the post is right there anon
niconico douga but it's annoying now because you have to VPN into it as of last month. they block foreigners from seeing most videos
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
sArius is a dickroll banner because people are just going to borrow someone else's UE50 sSaori (they're going to be borrowing my UE50 sSaori, to be precise)
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remember when there were no ads on youtube
remember when there's no ads on google pretending to be search results on the top of your search lists
uhh i'm not sure how that happened, trying again
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Miyako won.
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the only MADs that I actively click on these days are innyume MADs.
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Did you homete your students today?
>Twitter doesn't let you download gifs or videos as a basic feature because "whoa that's easy too much freedom to give the audience"
>Retards literally have to download special plug ins or scripts just to be able to do something that should be basic
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Good Hinight /bag/
someone post the saori replace hoshino furniture shooting sensei
Yeah, but a lot of the reason they won't understand is because people born in the last 20 years literally don't understand the concept of saving a file and then going to the folder you saved it in to do something with it.
When I supervise university physics labs, the students are sometimes required to export a file from one software and then open it in another, and they can't fucking do it. They just save it somewhere and then when they click "Open" and the file isn't right there, their eyes glaze over and they just get confused because they can't comprehend the notion of navigating a fucking folder hierarchy.
And that's the science and engineering majors. Not even the fruity social science bullshit.
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I rage refreshed because my Hanako refused to coom
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Does anyone knows where to find Blue Archive stuffs in Korea? Other than the current papa john and aniplus cafe collab
I'll be staying in Seoul area
Why do i feel like PvP is just a gamble of whose Hanako squirted first
Just show her more porn
we don't call them coinflips for nothing
>Why do I feel like the sky is blue?
Probably because it is
Pair her with Koharu
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>1/5 attacks
>2/3 defenses
>managed to get to rank 165 for the >200 rewards
Today was a good day. Even if Iroha and Mika did slaughter Yuuka in the other four attacks.

That's completely false if like me you don't have SHanako.
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because it is whoever cums first gets 300k free damage
You can still win even if you lose that initial Hanko card though
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Chris Chan got a woman pregnant
You have no excuse now, Senseis
I'm just a coomer who likes big breasts and fat thighs
I'd fuck any student that has that
more realistically it's a gamble of whose yellow tank in cover loses their cover first
try again in 9 months
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Who would have guessed gran was fertile still
>tank in cover
>not standing in the open while a DPS runs to the big centre cover to immediately die
Yeah right.
god I love lunch
wish he comes out of his retirement and actually draws a manga instead of single pics, his stuffs were so good.
>see that Satsuki is out in JP
>not limited
thank god. Are there any upcoming must have banners? I'm planning my pyro budget for worst case scenarios
ironically you find more blue archive stuff in japan than in korea
>lives in a pretty big house
>had charges against him dropped for the third time in his life
>isn't a wizard
>doesn't work, makes money anyway

He's currently with a girl who looks like she's eight years old.
it was a finnish girl with glandular issues. so she's incredibly short and kind of chubby looking.
>No nipples
>No dick
>No pussy
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Not enough pinks in this thread
Blufes and Kisaki.
A real blue archive player
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You lazy fuck I shuffled through the archive for you. I expect at least one (You).
You can also win olympics with only one leg. But only in retard league
who, his mother?
Which school would you fuck?
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>cries about being hungry
>eats too much and cries about that too
What do I do with her
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if arius is palestine then who is beatrice? hamas?
if you invert the color of hiroy's hair it's pink
sort of
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>special dangles
>voiced main story
Am I delusional for thinking this all may be possibly announced on the 4th anni stream.
Sir, I'm a teacher, not a breeder
what are you even talking about?
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thanks bro
you're my hero
how can a hobo like her still gets so fat
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Trinity is very pretty
Count the number of available Special we have right now.
Then think again.
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Pink hours?
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You can win if the opponents uses S.Hanako first only if the rest of the opponent's team are meme students.
I'm positive Rio's gonna show up for 4th anni stream now that they're pivoting towards decagrammaton being main story content.
As for the other two
>special dangles
>voiced main story
holy shit nonomers
What? Didn't someone say they were Ireland?
One of these but not all
Most likely. Getting a VA for a student is a strong indicator
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Cheap food that you find in the dumpster is goyslop
You mean none will come with 100 free rolls
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The prophets of dekamaraton.
I want a season where there's a field effect that disables EX skills during the start for at least 40 seconds
Goofy ass alien eyes
No wonder no one draws porn of her even though she's kinda popular, KINDA
Can you get me Bitcash instead? I want Toracoins for Fantia
so confusion/taunt status?
you can trust marina will be one of the tanks
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Man I just realized we'll never get a Chokmah trophy. Same for Kether and Geburah.
You're just saying that to force /bag/ to post porn.
Both are borrowcore
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Hyakko Drum Master
>special dangles
The astronomical amount of work this would be makes me think this will never happen.
Millennium will fall.
Are you dogshit in pvp or just retarded?
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Let's turn this thread into pink thread
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That is correct. Now you better pay up.
>implying your miyyuka isn't going to stand out in the open until enemy Tsubaki (if you were lucky to run into one) snaps them to cover
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Yeah, but that's not where I'm going this time
I am a global player, Niyaniya means nothing to me.
my favorite.
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It's called "Blue" Archive :Epic Anime rpg
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This season's pvp is already figured out. You don't need to think so hard.
But Niyaniya have been here since Michiru's event
my experience is the tank takes cover 100% of the time but then the middle cover takes two bullets and then the half on my side collapses while theirs remains intact for the rest of the game

it's really cool
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Good job, Izumi!
all in sp500 and chill.
who would be the ETF stocks student?
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good god i cannot imagine how unbearably hot and stuffy it must be inside there, stuck between her cleavage amidst the sweltering fog created by her sweat, all the while her pheromones driving you crazy
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nothing to me
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That's all my matches for today, the interesting ones at least.
Nonomi gets hit by SHanako here so this team kinda sucks but seeing Shun run to the center is very funny.
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Midori gaming
You wouldn't fuck a child.
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how many SHMUPs do I have to play before I reach this level of gaming?
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Kokona is not a child. She said so herself
Looking at PV5, it shouldnt be a surprise this year was filled with no story. It was essentially just mobs and SOL.

Will PV6 be more steaks focused?
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Now beat it with Alice.
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Gonna start taking creatine tomorrow. I hope I don't bloat up and go bald.
I don't have all those students
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Pro gamers play Momoi in the minigame
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Good morning fellow Mika enjoyers
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I can't field a single one of those teams. There are only three on that entire list where I have 5 of the 6 students.
>I hope I don't bloat up and go bald.
A HA HA HA HA HA HA HA just shave off the rest
Where are Ayane's glasses?
Saori doesn't even understand why she likes fashion, she just does. She wouldn't be able to explain anything to Hiyori
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What collab would save blue archive?
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creatine and exercise supplements can make you go bald?!?!?!
I've been attacked 15 times the past 24 hours holy FUCKING SHIT STOP ATTACKING ME AAAAHHHHHH
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Normally I'd say PV6 would be where shit gets serious again but then the whole staff drama happened and yeah.
Kinda hard to get serious when the guys responsible for that suddenly pack up and leave.
I'm genuinely wondering what they even have in store for PV6 at this point, if at all. It would be a gut punch if the PVs suddenly stopped because of that otherwise.
>with a fashion model body who also likes girly girl shit
Who? Does Hiyori like girly stuff? Is that in her momos?

Also models look more like Saori than Hiyori. Models are tall and skinny.
PV6 will be the Kivotos vs Malkuth war arc.
Sorry but Saori is a fat fuck.
Look at that tiddies.
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microplastics and estrogen in municipal tapwater is already doing that
>It would be a gut punch if the PVs suddenly stopped because of that otherwise.
Why? because they were someone from project kv's thing?
Cool, i can afford that. Hopefully i don't have to spark all of them, i haven't pulled on a banner without concern for meta since Minori, and i want to soulpull again
my games went
>toki got three-shot by shun
>toki got hit by one pixel of hanako's EX and got oneshot
>misaka got two-shot by shun
>neru jumped at a bad angle so hanako got to hit the whole team
>tsubaki taunt pulled everyone out of cover and they sat in a sHanako normal+EX while being forced ot watch the game charge up 7 cost for shiroko+utaha
The only vaguely interesting thing is two of these games went to fever time despite me being 3/4 at the start of all of them.

I really don't think Misaka's worth it but I'd like to try her against a Miyako when I find one.
I was a minute slower and I've only ever played Metal Slug, Strikers 1945 and Galaga
Rumi the Rock won.
There isnt a good "model" type student. Tree and Hasumi are too fat.
Slutty defense.
What about Noa? Rinny?
Even fucking Kaya could probably pose as one.
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Past dev talks and artbooks pretty much confirm vast majority of the work, directing, planning, etc. of the PVs (and most of the game CGs in general) on two artists, hwansang and doremi.
hwansang was the general art director for BA, doremi was the character design director. both are obviously gone now as of this year.
Sensei okaeri! *BONK* matteta no *BONK* ahaha nani kore! *BONK* omoshiroi! *BONK* ahahaha *BONK*
How the hell are those Utahas doing so much damage? Mine rarely gets above 50k.
That's grim
Revolutionary Girl Utena
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The bloat is temporary for most people. I look slightly "puffier" overall and get really thirsty at times but that's normal.
If you already have high DHT levels(in the scalp specifically) and your follicles are sensitive to DHT, creatine will make it "slightly" worse, since creatine very slightly elevates DHT.

If you don't already have symptoms of DHT-balding then this most likely isn't the case and you will be fine.
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>Went 4/5 and finally broke into the top 10
FINALLY, I thought this was going to be impossible at the lose rate I was going at. I think the past two weeks of this season starting up have pissed me off more than the entirety of the last season. Now I just have to hope that I maintain rank long enough to collect the rank 1 seasonal rewards.
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Mini-turret spawns in a match that goes to fever time. Matches shouldn't take that long but I'm running a retarded team.
Alice is actually not bad. Momoi is actually the hardest character to use since her bullets deal so much less damage.
Doremi still likes BA right? Is him coming back out of the question? I really want to know what the fuck happened.
I really hope 4th anni goes alright.
Why is there a namefag
Reusing sprites, duh
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Gushing Over Magical Girls.
I want Kiwi.
Freedom of speech brother
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At least you can assert dominance with your sweet 100 Bond banner now.
>I really don't think Misaka's worth it but I'd like to try her against a Miyako when I find one
You'd unironically have way better luck with Junko. Misaka's awful mood and that block chance on everyone will be lethal.
I've also seen Junko straight up delete several Miyakos already.
Utaha shooting Utaha will rack up a lot of damage.
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No no, you're supposed to say that's concerning.
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He still likes and reposts BA art on X from other artists, but whether that means he likes the idea of WORKING on BA is another question entirely. He did choose to leave with everyone else, after all.
Personally I don't think he's coming back, there was just too much bridge burning going on in the background.
Who knows.
Only if Hanako and Koharu are the collab partners.
Forgot your name, put it back.
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I guess it's back to gambling on immortality procs tomorrow. I hate it. Or I'll just go back to Mine+Neru because at least they mostly make Shun fuck off.
kek what the fuck
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I would like to believe that he just wanted to draw lolis while making money but the reality is probably way more disappointing.
regardless I don't think he's going to come back unless nexon makes a HUGE exception for him, he's not as outspoken as pika and mx2j afterall
The 4th anni will be the ultimate test especially if they release PV6.
Spraying the seiamobile with all of my liquid.
Oh yeah.
>wanting a bunch of lesbians running around the school touching your students
What a perfect time to release Seia if ever they don't release a new PV
the new artists like Paruru are better
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I'm sorry Seiabro, but the signs look better for Rio.
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When does Hibiki get her bond gear?
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I find once Shun and SHanako are out of the picture Junko gets her immortality off pretty consistently.
The hard part is getting rid of those two before they delete her.
Running Tsurugi is usually the answer.
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>Utaha shooting Utaha will rack up a lot of damage.
Utena only rapes magical girls, students won't get involved.
March 25 patch, probably.
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He'd also have to accept the exceptional offer nexon would give him since it's a 2-way street. Which makes it all the more unlikely, unfortunately.
Pretty much gotta hope the remaining veterans still on team BA know what they're doing at this point.
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You need you a man, baby, I don't understand, baby
Pay your bill and make you feel protected like I can, baby
Teach you somethin' if you need correction, that's the plan, baby
Don't put your life in these weird niggas' hands, baby
Rio also works. But I'm sure whoever is left realizes the importance the fans like for the PV. JP sure did a lot of break weeks this year, so I'm hopeful they are trying. But 4th anni I think needs to deliver. PV and all. 3rd anni was kind of dumb I think regarding the Hina event but she's popular so it works it seems.
Why would it?

>BA arc one gets to have four chapters before you even hear of some sort of overarching story that brings it all together
>BA arc 2 so far is.... one chapter into the new story before people are already crying about everything not just being volume F again
>People are saying the next chapter is guaranteed to be the next volume F
>Why isn't every single chapter the final part of volume three? I don't want the early parts of volume 3 with all the build up and stuff, I just want every single chapter to be the last section of part 3.

I will remind people we're still one chapter out of volume F, we still need another three volumes or so before we can entertain a new big volume like that . People want steaks but they have no ability to put in the time to marinate and properly grill the steaks, they just want to eat. Well guess what, steaks need to marinate before you can eat them.
I'm actually not worried about the art. Just the overall directing of any possible PV

Hope her bond momo is cute
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I like what we've seen so far of paruru's art, but no. DoReMi runs circles around her. It's not even a close comparison.
>What happened
Issakumon convinced a bunch of people to leave the company on a new project, and they gave the middle finger to the company on the way out the door. Their new project collapsed, and Issakumon left them all high and dry now with the artists all fucked over, they already burned their bridge with certain things they said after leaving.
Muchuki would never say this
If we get PV6 I bet it'll have a heavy Deca focus.
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>8 defense
Posting Rio every day until she gets added Day 310
>they already burned their bridge with certain things they said after leaving.
What did they specifically say? I dont remember seeing anything really specific posted.
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I will simply have faith that Junko will not die to Shun. To be honest as with any season I've used Utaha in, EX order becomes kind of stupid and the only thing that matters. Yuuka+sShiroko+Utaha opening hand is the worst in the game and I get it a lot. I'm actually tempted to try Kanna or Chihiro out since they have the mood and my specials always hit the yellow tank anyways.
That's what I'm saying
Where do these steakfags even come from
Vol.3 spent 2 chapters fucking around AND had a heavily tied-in event(they kinda don't do this anymore) before shit went down
I'm not to worried, we've got a few plothreads they can handle for PV6
>Vol 4 Fox squad redemption arc and Kaya memes. Moreover whatever the fuck happened to the rest of SRT, we only know 2 squads wheres the rest of em.
>Deca and vol 2 continuation
>reveal the rest of the 7 prisoners + NiyaNiya rape
>Wildhunt, odyssey and highlander could be covered as well.
>Gematribros come back
>what's inside Mutsuki's bag
Any number of things, but the black rats pseudonym is certainly one thing, also putting out a PV for project KV that looks just like Red BA, where they throw shots at BA saying "The halo is the symbol of immaturity".
Who has paruru drawn? I'm not familiar with all the artists
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not that anon, it's less what they said and more what they did. poaching is a serious no-no.
he's good but he isn't doremi-good
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I think the student I've lost the most gallons to is Yuuka followed shortly after by Serika and Mari
As far as the least goes I'm not really into cunny so I don't really fap to the gamers, seia or hina but they are pretty erotic on like an ecchi level I guess
What about you
Volume5 Ch1 is the only new story since Volume F; they should start a bunch of new volumes all at once and just add to each of them bit by bit out of order, so the stories don't finish sequentially.

I don't count adding onto old volumes as "new story" necessarily. The game needs four NEW volumes.
Joe Mama lmao
Baggots will never admit we peaked in narrative. It was a literal kinoplex of a story you cannot top kino
Miyako is based and dadbike pilled? I love Miyako now!
Its probably more about him being sentimental with the character he created for BA rather than liking BA since most of the stuffs he retweeted are the student he drew in the past.
I can't say him being back to BA can't happen but it is very unlikely.
>BA arc 2 so far is.... one chapter into the new story before people are already crying about everything not just being volume F again
Why do people forget that arc 2 isn't just vol 5? We had the wrap up for vol 4, a continuation of vol 1, and the events between every story are very much just as canon as everything else. There are even planted seeds of what's to come like Kokuriko still plotting and the deca stuff.
And people also tend to overlook the fact that the nameless priest on our timeline are still very much plotting in the shadows.
>He's, he
Damn I knew all of this inorganic doomposting was from tourist pajeets
What hurts is that it felt so half assed. Like none of the poached people thought "hey, this blue archive but with katanas might not hold up to scrutiny. Maybe I shouldnt leave my job". Nexon must be super super super bad to work for or these people are stupid.
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You’re acting like the new artists and writers have to create an entirely new game from scratch. It’s much easier to build on a game with an already established art style and story tone than to start a story from the ground up. BA will be fine. Nexon just needs to update the existing volumes and maintain the hype. They have more than enough talented staff to handle that.
Who has paruru drawn? Doremi is good but I dont know if he's that amazing? I think mx2j has dropped a bit
Gulp gulp gulp
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>I will simply have faith that Junko will not die to Shun
What you should hope for is Junko getting hit but dodging the echo so she can go immortal. This rarely happens.
That's why I hate running Yuuka sometimes. Eats your cost just to be a little fatter. At least with Marina she'll make some funky shit happen. I didn't like running Utaha for the same reason on Urban2, she's good when she works but a lot of the time she just plops the turret in the line of fire to die immediately. Tsurugi's EX is the same... too much RNG in my RNG gamemode.
They started off pretending to be legit at first, but they're making it more and more obvious its the exact same shitposter as last night crying about steaks, "its over its over, without (insert writer) its over everyone should give up right now and stop playing like me, I haven't played in years, give up already, Dooom Dyooooom".
As the conversation goes on they're going to start getting more obvious with the doomposts, and at a certain point you realize its probably a discordfag.
content is really slow because they keep slapping on reruns after reruns like goddamn
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JP wiki has this info up.
And apparently she's now a concept artist lead for character design as of April 2024?
That's news to me.
Guess she really is doremi's replacement now.
small saori...
CUtaha, IMari, SAtsuko and SHiyori
Content is slow because the creative leads literally left development.
swimsuit atusko my beloved
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Is Rio good for you?
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Pump status?
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Small bike or massive Miyako?
Sex with Rio is good for me
They're slapping on reruns because they have no content built up since some writers left suddenly, but they should be steadily building up some stuff in the background for now. This is the moment where they train all the new artists and writers to take over.
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as I've said before Tsurugi's EX is why I haven't invested in Tsurugi. It just feels bad. Shun's EX feels bad for the same reason and I will not be investing any time soon

I think I'm gonna try Chihiro and Kanna out tomorrow. I'm pretty sure both of their EX damage sources can be dodged but maybe they'll just hit instead. Kanna buffing yellow damage is also potentially nice, especially if I'm going to run Junko/bNeru/Sumire like a retard.
Oh these are great units.
I started the chain wondering what PV6 would be about. And I am curious. I do think 4th anni will be something people want reassurance in on game direction. The lack of story updates this year has bothered me. I dont want to be FGO where we get one thing per year
typo? the term is nape
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She gave me summer Atsuko with the big sun hat, she's okay in my book.
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If I were Isakusan, I would never betray Nexon when Nexon paid me $648k annually. Imagine destroying your future just because you want to be like Nasu
Or maybe it was just planned like this? We have all of PV5 covered except for the millenium sleepover. Maybe this was a planned "quiet" year
Because I don't count adding onto old chapters as new volumes, because it isn't. They need to start some new volumes. And when i say start new volumes I don't mean start new steaks, start small, the story of a club, personal small stories again, and slowly build up stories over time, go back to your roots a bit. Stories should always start small and personal.

We did volume F, to Volume 4.2, to Volume 1 Ch3, its all endgame, to endgame, to endgame, every single one of those chapters are high steaks bullshit. Even volume 5 Ch1 is high steaks bullshit.

They have need to start some smaller chapters that start off more light hearted, before gradually ramping up to steaks.
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I feel like half the /bag/gots are just trying to make me cum.
>Who has paruru drawn?
see >>503573632
doremi is S+++ tier if you're a lolicon. but he also drew a ton of knockout hits like kayoko and bunny toki as well.
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It was probably due to the anime
I think it's fine if isakusan wanted to build his own company. If he feels secure enough that's fine.
What's not fine is poaching talent from where you built your good will and using said talent to make "same game but with swords"

What the fuck
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Show us what you got.
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Fuck you, I like collecting limited girls regardless of if they're good or not (and let's be honest I'm probably not going to build either of them if they need to be UE40) and I want Hiyori's FAT FUCKING TITS on my screen.
I'm kinda disappointed Vol.5 was a one and done thing desu
Midomo and Renge could've been so much more
We haven't seen the new Juri alt that flashes for half a second. The one where she is smiling into the reflection.
pat the miyu
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I think Wakamo's EX explosion cannot miss - so Kanna might have the same behavior? Either way both Chihiro and Kanna's EX ignores cover so at least you don't have to worry about that.
BNeru has red damage.
stupid egg feeding cat
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forgot pic
yeah, if im remembering right most comments were supportive of him for months up until the august-september reveals where it went "oops we nabbed most of your creative BA staff hope you don't mind hhhahaah"
I honestly cant tell at first glance. I'm not a big artfag. Mx2j I can tell somewhat

Was nozomi, hikari, and niyaniya all doremi?
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Seems like Owa made the design and Paruru drew the sprite.
>who the hell is Owa
I have no idea.
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/bag/ loves Arona the most
Just like with S.Hinata when I was rolling on S.Ui (I had to spark her), I will get Hiyori while rolling on DJ.Saori.
It isn't one and done though? That would be like saying vol 3 ended after the whole ordeal Sensei and co taking back the EoT. There was still saving Atsuko.
do you actually "like" it or are just another victim of FOMO
You forgot the GSC idol alts
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pumping for niyaniya
>They have need to start some smaller chapters that start off more light hearted, before gradually ramping up to steaks.
I've always said that Vol5 should've had an introductory chapter of some sort. Or it should've at least had a minor conflict and not burned the entire place down immediately.
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Sweet naivety.
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What are these weird foreign concepts? I don't want to catch a case. In other news, i can wheelie my motorcycle. That evens things out and makes me cool, right?
I have a confession, I skipped the entire first arc because I disliked a few chars. I sat down at one point to read a bit out of boredom and got hooked on the entire thing.
>Its been six months
>People here still like Hiyori
>Basically the only memorable swimsuit character this year except Kanna, both of them also the sexiest swimsuit characters this year, almost like there's a lesson there
>"Yeeeeeeaaahhh....but I don't think you still like her, probably just flavor of the month"
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>Kanna might have the same behavior?
I vaguely remember trying her out in other seasons and I think it could miss but admittedly I didn't use her much so I could be wrong about that.

her armour is yellow I just figure she's yellow damage aaaaa I forgot about the jfds aaaa. I also tend to just assume Marina is red damage even though that's 100% wrong
Niyaniya is a new guy.
>We haven't seen the new Juri alt that flashes for half a second
Anon... she's wearing her default outfit there.
half of yukari's momotalks and kikyou's shoud've been that introductory chapter to build some sort of endearment to them
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doremi said he's sick of BA. no way hes coming back.
Hikari and Nozomi were done by CHILD, I think I remember reading that Niyaniya was done by GULIM but I don't remember.
She's wearing her default outfit anon...
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Nice to meet you migger. This is also migger.
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My Lovely StudentWife Noa
the fact that volume 5 is left on a cold back burner pisses me off, hell even the most popular girl from that volume, Kikyou, is almost always lumped in with Kazusa, i dont give a FUCK about kazoos
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Train brats aren't confirmed but they're suspected to be CHILD's work. CHILD also left with the rest.
Niyaniya is an entirely new guy
anon i said FOMO
you're probably thinking of FOTM
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I've been thinking about selecting and using Chihiro next season to send immortal Kuroko in time out for an eternity, but then I remembered that she can't hack ShirokoT because latter is blue armored.
Well I'm curious to see how it works. I didn't test Wakamo enough last season to see if her EX would always land but I could've sworn it did.
She does have high accuracy anyway so it might have just been that.
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It's more like a byproduct of luck chadding, after a certain point I realized that I had all of the limiteds including ones from before when I started playing and wanted to keep it up since collecting them feels nice, plus BA's smaller roster size makes collecting everyone more viable.
The rat showed its true colors.
Sounds like this source is more slanted against the KV people.

It's just weird. I guess he wanted to draw lewd lolis. Was he unable to make his own loli manga or something on the side?
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Kei love
S.Hiroy is a Chesed killer btw
Its not isakusan that have the plan but that one former director with penname Isaacq which actually have history of ditching nexon's project and poaching talent from them as well as going bankrupt 1 year after doing that.
Which honestly mirrors with what is going on right now.
Good news anon, she's farmable next Bluefes.
That armor restriction always was really dumb.
Fuck it I'm gonna roll Serika.
>"same game but with swords"
This will never not be funny. How did no one open their mouth and question if this was a good idea.
>CHILD also left with the rest.
Jesus fucking christ. I wonder what isakusan promised all these fucks.
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Good night, /bag/
Only if you are willing to reset for 6 crits in a row
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It's okay guys, we still have Whoisshe, they'll become the new main artist and give us a ton of new sex students like S.Shizuko and another fantastic year of Haruna alts!
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Wakamo's will always hit but the way these EX's function is all slightly different so Kanna's might just miss. I'll see how it goes tomorrow.

time to dust off Karin for that sweet normal skill every 40 seconds
your 99 cents?
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Do NOT sexo then kei
Put too many idea guys in a room and they perform an endless circlejerk.
Goodnight fellow fox lover
well as long as you can manage yourself i guess, i can respect that
i've seen people rolling for limiteds "just because" even though they don't have any attachment for them
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I just dont fucking get it. The ONLY difference I see except the swords, is the pantyshots and torn clothes. So more fanservice. Ok? But NOBODY in that fucking team questioned if this would work legally and with fans invested in what they built in BA?
Doesn't she need like a ton of investment over picking to invest in someone like Mika. I do know that the gorilla isnt the be all end all of yellow damage but you definetely get a lot more mileage out of her imo.
But the thing about poaching is that they also agreed to go along with him, indicating they were also unhappy with current BA >>503574648
It's quite a mess. They definitely knew going with Isakusan would cause a lot of mess but they still did it.

Also I don't think anyone here would destroy a comfy $648k job just for a dream
Karin would unironically be usable next season due to it being the yellow bagtank season. Although I wonder why I don't see anyone using her... guess she can't 1shot?
>Introduce characters, haven't spoken a word yet
>MC shown with full frontal pantyshot
>Other character fully stripped off clothes
>Retweet notorious beastshit artist, get rewarded immediately by art of mc getting gangraped
I can't deny their talent but I have zero faith the characters will get treated right like in BA. Feels like they got whored out from the start.
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Ok but where the fuck is NAMYO?
The real question after who the artists are, is why are certain chars so different in L2D and in game than from art. Utaha being the perfect example.
>"You know how whoisshe received student favoritism? That's yours if you side with me"-Isakusan while recruiting
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Skullman is the best
Peroro is a hack
Lame Garde is lame
>full frontal pantyshot
that's not a frontal pantyshot IIRC
also nothing wrong with that.
He does work for Azur Lane, don't really think his artstyle fits BA nowadays anyway.
I think Wavecat SUCKS
azoos is cute but she is too overdesigned
>But the thing about poaching is that they also agreed to go along with him,
I know. So what the fuck was so horrid at nexon that they cant say publically despite all the poaching?

>Also I don't think anyone here would destroy a comfy $648k job just for a dream
I mean, if you're financially secure fine. Just dont make that dream THE SAME FUCKING GAME AS THE ONE YOU LEFT.

That's what is fucking insane about this. It is literally blue archive with swords.
gn wakaposter
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Wish I could wheelie. My bike is too fucking torquey to comfortably learn on, I wish I had something smaller that I could slap a cage on and toss around.
>is why are certain chars so different in L2D and in game than from art
Different artists. Literally. Utaha's L2D is done by Doremsang (Doremi+Hwansang).
All they had to fucking do was drop the halos
>I don't want to make orange juice anymore
>goes to start a stand that sells orange juice without pulp
Congrats Pikaman, you played yourself.
its just so funny, they probably were saying shit lik e "FUUUUuuck its genius, the BA fanbase is already so popular and so horny, if we promise them more horny and edge shit, we'll reel em in" then they hired ONE FUCKING PROGRAMMER
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BA needs to market more and add more modes to expand the playerbase. You can't expect to sustain forever on being visual novel sidescroller forever.
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>what's inside Mutsuki's bag
....what IS inside mutsuki's bag?
Oh yes oh yes
Still no confirmation with CHILD leaving though so i still take this info with grain of salt but I won't be suprised if he actually leave considering he is Doremi big fan.
I hope global skips the month long summer event permas and we get two weeks instead.
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After Hasumi and Hiyori, I've developed a fetish for pudgy anime girls. As long as they don't look fat or obese and they have huge tits in proportion to the pudge on their belly, they'll turn me on.
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Truth is that removing the halos wouldn't even have helped them.
Did they really expect people to just nod along and be happy that all of them just up and abandoned BA just like that?
That's what is astounding.
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>Although I wonder why I don't see anyone using her...
4 cost bad, most likely. Her EX is also really fucking slow because of the way the animation plays out.
You guys act like we don’t already have 30+ students stuck in the NPC jail waiting to be released. Nexon could easily spend the next two years releasing them while designing new characters and some alts.
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Good afternoon faggots, it's FUCKING COLD AGAIN.
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i think they fully expected to be a rival to BA off the bat
>and edge shit,
The entire reason BA is popular is because

1) no male characters except sensei
2) No edgeshit, the purpose of the game is the defeat of edgy, a world where things work out and girls are protected. If you want edgy then go back to Nikke, BA is about cool island beats with speeches of friendship, and edginess beaten down by optimism at the end of the day
3) No girls older than 18
Might as well bring rabbit 3 or Kayoko
I wonder if they're going to lift that someday because of power creep or whatever
Every time Seia gets skipped, an NPC gets its halo
No fucking way.

So who did they poach? Just artists? What the fuck are they doing?

Is Doremi going to pay his rent or mortgage?
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What about the pudgy ones with small tits but a lot of enthusiasm?
>Her EX is also really fucking slow
Didn't think of that, which is funny because I've been using SMiyu lately and her slow as hell windup time for her EX has actually lost me a few matches.
why are you so mad
>I know. So what the fuck was so horrid at nexon that they cant say publically despite all the poaching?
things that you can't say without risking your entire career just by speaking out because management will instantly know who is the whistleblower because the issue that's being whistleblown was so specific.
this isn't anything new.
>3) No girls older than 18
The GSC girls are college-age, prove me wrong.
>I wonder if they're going to lift that someday because of power creep or whatever
Bond Gears rarely tweak the EX and they're usually things to do with cost. At best maybe her Normal will apply a stun without a restriction?
Don't forget its a game about 'sponsorbirities
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You probably like Super Pochaco you freak. Fertile proportions fetish.
one programmer and one half programmer (more like a visual technical artist)
there's momoka
The issue was more, so the writers moved to another game, did you think I was following the game for the writers? I followed BA because it was BA, even if you make another game and call it similar, its never going to be BA, its not BA, you betrayed all the BA characters and story, it doesn't matter how "similar" you think the other game is, its not the same, you spat on anyone who liked BA characters, no its not the same game.This is why I will never agree with VAfags; no "character from an entirely different show who happens to be voiced by the same VA" is not "The same character", they will never be the same character, I am not following them for their VA, I am following them for something uniquely given by the character and the story, no I don't follow series because they happen to have a VA I know.
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>No girls older than 18
uh oh
>3) No girls older than 18
several students may as well be above 18 from the way they look and act.
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>preach responsibility
>abandon everything
>crash and burn your new project
>complete radio silence since its death
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16 bricks of C4
A person in a superposition of dead and alive
Every plat trophy
Her diary, containing her deepest, darkest secrets
Your diary, containing your deepest, darkest secrets
and a copy of NFL Blitz for the N64
Do NOT disturb the wildlife. Thank you.
There are midgets in college.
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Its a society fully owned and operated by highschool students, the second you pass highschool age you're gone from society. No one older than 18 exists AT ALL here.
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Shun is forever 17.
they poached/hired 20 artist and writers and one programmer, i think it was leaked that the programmer was promised some big opportunity but im not sure on that one
i like pudgy girls which is usually why i leaned into usually just liking big tits but there are exceptions like Kisaki
>NFL blitz
wtf I love mutsuki now
The worst part of KV is that everyone was using katanas. In BA that would be like if every girl had an M16. They could have at least had variety with their weapons and have then using different kinds like spears or maces.

They should have gone full schoolgirl+medieval with them and had girls wearing samurai armor mixed in with school uniforms or knight girls in plaid skirts and those sailor ties.
Yeah, that's the good stuff. As long as the face isn't "fat" or pudgy too.
Tits being visibly bigger than the pudge is a must for me, sorry.
I don't know, Pochaco never did it for me unlike Sonico. Maybe because her face actually looks fat compared to Sonico's. Plus Sonico has absolute sex proportions already anyways, Pochaco seems redundant.
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people would have to suck it up if it was just that. People leave projects all the time to work on something else for any number of reasons. There's no obligation saying they have to work on BA until it reaches the absolute end.
Of course that being said, it wasn't just that, they quit AND announced their project which happened to be legally-distinct blue archive, within literal weeks of them quitting blue archive. While blue archive was still ongoing and in decent form. It's an inevitable shitstorm of a PR disaster just waiting to happen, which is in fact exactly what happened. They flew way too damn close to the sun.
>May as well
We have direct confirmation of all of their ages and their school year from their profiles
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>Author does not live the morals his work preaches.
Many such cases.
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I use the C&C squad for event story missions so I get to see how long it takes for her shot to arrive from a hundred gorillion miles away a lot.

I'll probably just use Saten when global gets the season. I maxed her so I may as well. I'll just blindly trust that her animation timing is good.
Exactly. They must have been high on something, I honestly think they must have expected everyone to lap it up and praise them for fleeing a corpo to pursue a passion project or something. That comiket circle name was so tone-deaf they really must have thought people would see them as being in the right.
They up and fucking abandoned everything. So dumb.
>they poached/hired 20 artist and writers and one programmer
That spells disaster. For a small team, that's way too many ideafaggots.

And all they came up with was red archive>
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these KV shenanigans are just so entertaining to read.
>Gematribros come back
I mean I think Black Suit is the only who would realistically come back
>Beatrice dead
>Golconde/Francis dead (though its a safe bet he another persona can take control)
>Clocknigger put in his place, wont ever be a problem unless he needs to be used specifically by us
>Maestro literally called Greg his final masterpiece so he's likely calling it quits
Its over
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I am pretty sure they would eventually introduce girls with different swords/melee weapons down the line....if they got to live for longer.
KV and the retards behind it are all dead in the water. No other community outside of /bag/ gives a fuck about them anymore. Why do we keep having these reruns?
i think its really funny, yeah theyre all 18 and under but theres students like Nagisa/Kisaki/Niya/Kanna that basically run a whole country/police department then you got students like airi whos just a girl that like chocomint
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15 throws me off the most. A lot of the 16s/17s I'm like "yeah I can see that" and then there's fucking Eimi and Juri at 15 and it makes me do a double take.
>had girls wearing samurai armor mixed in with school uniforms or knight girls in plaid skirts and those sailor ties
Wow that is actually a really good idea
>In BA that would be like if every girl had an M16. They could have at least had variety with their weapons and have then using different kinds like spears or maces.
Wow some post on /bag/ has more thought put into project KV than their crack team of idea people
No it, literally was just going to be japan wank, you can tell from the scenery. They thought japan would have loved it more. Almost no one can understand a big reason why BA worked is because a true gun game is a lot less common than a sword girl game, its so uncommon that even when the BA anime director tried to make an anime he just made every battle into close range fights, because japan only knows how to animate sword fights. The niche of gun girls is way less unexplored just like how guns are way less explored, and they are very popular in Korea
They struck gold and didn't realize it, and Ikkakumon thought he would reinvent the wheel going back to swords, not realizing he made something far more generic.
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his cops are fun
konoka when
sex with the police in public and in prison and in schale
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Y'all still talking about cakes?
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>They should have gone full schoolgirl+medieval with them and had girls wearing samurai armor mixed in with school uniforms or knight girls in plaid skirts and those sailor ties.
Three mines, shitload of fireworks, ravioli.
>promised some big opportunity
No greater opportunity than to look like a giant clown betting on a blind horse.
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the lucky star op started playing in my mind when i opened this
god, that anime was so fucking boring i literally fell asleep on the chocolate cornet episode when i watched it while it was airing
third year, that means she's 17 or 18
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Wonderful, one more bond 100 Suzumi.
How many students are there without a bond 100 left again?
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I kneel for the poverty unit lover
Easier to poach artist than programmer.
They tried but those programmers can think realistic shit like who the fuck want to gamble a cushy stable job for a project that still only just an idea at that point with an upstart company.
intense kneeling in progress
Because the game is on reruns until dec 24th. This year had little new story. So do we wonder if it was planned or due to departure?
I kneel
Summer Serika when she comes out*
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>I'll just blindly trust that her animation timing is good
Are you telling me you maxed her and didn't use her even once?
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>watched lucky star while it was airing
this really is a boomer general huh
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lucky star was my first anime that I watched as soon as it was aired
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Because they were BA's former devs and artists and a lot of BA's inertia & success was their work, them being utterly stupid with the KV stunt they did doesn't change that. Not wrong to ask questions on what the future for BA holds now that it's in the hands of newer artists and devs. I'm wondering what they'll reveal for 4th anniversary myself
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I used her during the railgun event but I didn't pay attention to how quick it was on the field since I was watching the flair animations too
The same thing happened last year with vol 5.
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>that anime was so fucking boring
>watching it for anything but Akira
You for real?
Momoi's recollection is very cute but I wouldn't want people to think I am a lolicon so I can't use it
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I see someone say she was listed as being 23 at one point but it's always Dude Trust Me, haven't seen any screenshots of the beta or anything.
That said, Shun (and early Kanna designs) make me think they were going to include other teachers as characters but decided it'd just lead to confusion with the whole student vs adult angle. No source, didn't even come to me in a dream, just feels that way.
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Three Mines would be a death sentence.
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Boy do I got news for you
Yes, three Aomori Mines and they all explode on contact
man i fuckin love BA but this game is genuinly kept afloat by fan content (jp/kr, almost every western/SEA fan content is horrible)
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The railgun event was 6 months ago WHY HAVEN'T YOU USED HER SINCE
If bystanders found Momoi erotic that they'd think you're a lolicon then that's on them tbdesu
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But there's no pantyshot or lewd shot, what are you even afraid of? It's just a filthy fucking cat.
> Lucky Star
but i do agree, Lucky star was just boring.
>Same exact shitposting "Why won't you fall for my doomposts" as last night
>People fell for "We datamined everything through december"
>People don't realize that they're not going to leave any new content in the code since they know it can be datamined, so the fact that only older stuff is found in datamine doesn't mean that's all there will be, that just means they aren't adding any new students or content to the code until its time so people can't read it before its time.
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Thankfully I actually like a majority of the limited girls and have a good portion of them built. If I had come in later or not have been as lucky I may not be collecting them now due to it simply being unfeasible, and so far I have two sparks saved up which means I should be relatively safe for the BluFes banners. I'm very much looking forward to Terror.
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I have kanna and chihiro and utaha also fully invested so I forget I also have another yellow damage special to use.
I kind of miss lucky star.
It was PEAK moeshit.
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>man i fuckin love BA but this game is genuinly kept afloat by fan content (jp/kr, almost every western/SEA fan content is horrible)
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Juri is 15????
what is our opinions on Dragon ball, I think Reisa would be a power scaler
Oh really? Those were just shitposts? That's cool.

But regardless, I like shitting on isakusan and project kv. Like I just dont see how they thought that was a smart idea
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Dusty old bastards.
I'm not that far behind, I started watching airing stuff in 2011 with steins;gate. Still feels like it was just a couple years ago.
170cm and 15yo.
She's a big girl.
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Reisa only reads Harry Potter
You know repeat grades exist? Just look at Toki.
>what if Cath Palug was TRAPPED and BETRAYED
Waiter Ako if she real
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I remember downloading steins;gate's opening on FOXY? limeware? when it was airing

kill me
She's at least old enough to buy alcohol so she's in her twenties or older.
I like reading /dbs/ for the shitposts. It's a true well of something
She looks and feels 17 at least, wouldn't have surprised me if she was 22. 15?????
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I'm no doomposter and I'm not really talking about month of December being reruns or not, I'm more talking about whatever 2025 has in store for us. Last night was some other seething nonplayer.
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Why did they let that sukeban be naked in the PV
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> Juri
> Old
Check your eyes, cracker, how the hell does Juri look old when Ako exists.
>eimi is 14
>her body and her tits still have room for development

Lies. Reisa can't read.
Girls stop growing at 13
I'm sad this artist stopped drawing BA. I missed his self TL'd engrish
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>She looks and feels 17
What do you mean? 17 year olds look like this.
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Wasn't expecting a bunch of /bag/gots to agree that Lucky Star wasn't amazing. I watched it around when it was airing and every time I've said that over the years on /a/ I just get crucified.
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Your rat (rad)?
Ako looks 30 albeit.
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Insanely based eimianon. I raise you Chihirosex
lucky star was peak fym
Well, at least the nipples were covered.
The fluid? Possibly sweats.
i fuckin love Dragon ball and i love how easily its own fanbase gets riled up over dumb shit, arguments over whether gokus ass hair is stronger than vegetas pubes
Takin Neru and Hoshino, Hina can sleep on the couch
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>people think this is 24 years old
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Yes Mine, just crack me up like a can of a cold one.
tits too small
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This is a 17 year old
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>Dragon ball
GTFO this is JJK general
It's funny how toriyama gave no shits whatsoever but the fans are the biggest autists.
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I don't get it
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Count me out of those /bag/gots saying it wasn't amazing, lucky star was a lived experience only beaten by azumanga daioh.
So story wise where do you think its going? Ya'll think they will even try to do an anime S2 to continue to the better parts of the story? From what I understand most people were confused about a lot of stuff we find normal; like how the girls can just tank gunshots, the halos etc.
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Uncheesed. Rumi and Mina ate my china mats and the rest went in the chamber. I'm building a bank up for Reijo now so Saya will have to wait a bit more.
Eimi's newer art with the larger eyes makes her look more her age.
>anime S2
Gacha anime suck man. I dont want a season 2
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>KV posting
>On thanksgiving week
For some reason those are fine to me. Maybe it's because older girls looking younger is such a common trope in anime that I don't bat an eye to it anymore. Younger girls looking older seems rarer I feel so it's throwing me off like crazy. It seems to be awakening something in me too
If they have a goddamn collective brain they won't attempt a season 2. Yostar really shit the bed with the anime.
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I thought it suffered from a mediocre episode 1 but the 3rd episode and on is godly. Most of the sols at the time had weaker first episodes that didn't reflect well
based. chihiro is up there in my favorites as well. camp rerun can't come soon enough
i feel like popqn really captured her essence here
her expressions are really cute
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I'm more of a Fist of the North Star man myself, but DBZ is good too
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Well not strictly 13 but early in their teenage years, like 13-15.
People will always shit on Vol 2 because they're butthurt over sensei's lack of involvement but I think it would have been the best introduction to BA because of its story beats.
Mm... Cleavage.
Seia is too fucking sexy Seia
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17 out of 10
Gacha anime are a conundrum. They are never good but the big gachas always get them. They can never defeat the imagination of the player while playing the games which is why they disappoint
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>Ya'll think they will even try to do an anime S2 to continue to the better parts of the story?
They really shouldn't touch the story, they'd be better off doing some anime-original stuff with some popular clubs.
>fist of the north star
should i try watching it? i managed to watch baki
Blue Archive
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I've been holding her spark since last year when TTT dropped. GIVE ME MY COMFY WIFE
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> Thanksgiving
> Having to work
I am not happy.
In the previous comic the Shupos tricked Hoshino to ride a minecart that led into a pit of lava and turned her into a fried shrimp. They got what they deserved.
She's just flashing you her nigger word pass stamped each time it was used, there's nothing to be afraid of there.
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El gato negro (forma verdadera: FAT Palug) would be F tier
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no headpats today fucko
but why fried shrimp
>japan wank
There's nothing wrong with japanese stylings, the issue is if its ALL japan like you said. Looking back to BA Places like gehenna have students wearing more military style uniforms, hyakkiyakou has more kimono style, shanghaijing has chink outfits. They could have easily integrated unique "culture" into each school or dorm by having girls dress in different armor/weapons depending on their cultural reference while maintaining the typical schoolgirl outfit.
>something far more generic
I believe that melee combat can be unique if they actually toned it down. Keep the fighting down to earth, despite BA having mystical anime shit the gunfights mostly still are in the realm of possibility mixed in with student durability.
It's not even a bad concept. The unique students could've been the equivalent of high ranking soldiers with tailor made armor and weapons while mobs could have easily been designed as common foot soldiers. Like imagine a cute mob wearing a kettle helm that's too big for her and covers her eyes like how bangs would in BA.

I genuinely believe that if they tried to do a weird combination of schoolgirl shit+medieval weapons and armor+medieval court intrigue which is universal across cultures, but with kids and their kid problems then it could work. Thry obviously shouldnt use euro history on everything but there's so much stories that can be reframed as a bunch of kids throwing a shitfit because let's say roman girl decided to throw shade at the little german barbarian girl because she smelled bad and bam dorm wars over something stupid.
> S2 Anime
god i hope not, though i heard that the anime was sabotaged in some ways by the "Traitors".
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I agree with this anon, either dedicate every episode to recreating the event stories (and don't try to pad them out for more episodes) or just make up some new slice of life content since that's what BA does best.
Your students. Your responsibilites.
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I am steadily approaching manwhore status.
Ehh they could but just breaking students out of NPC jail isn't enough, at some point you need a stronger hook in the form of a main story or a PV or something to get people on board. PV4 -> into Volume F is the ultimate proof of this, that era of BA sent it into the stratosphere in terms of getting everyone's attention.
Upotte exists anon
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I fucking love paizuri.
Lucky Star was an attempt at "literally me lol" appeal to otaku.
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Wasn't paying attention to the tim- >>503577849 This. Your fault, not mine.
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Jokes on you I got the double headpat.
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Chise, say it.
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> 40
I'm grabbin' tits!
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They will never grow any bigger than they already are (and that's a good thing).
>Shimada Fumikane is now making hetero strike witches porn on his fantia

HOLY FUCK how did I not know about this sooner. Found this by searching BA porn on the boorus and saw shirley giving paizuri and it was his art. Why didnt anyone tell me? Blue Archive
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haruna status?
Somehow it feels even lewder than if her legs were open
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The only student I have at 50 is my wife. I only have three (3) students at 40+.
I'm safe.
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pat students
Why dosen't GDC hire Pikachuman?
>they hate it because sensei
They hate it because they spent the entire first half doing nothing, the entire g-bible plotline was pointless, all they had to do was just make the game
Yuuka was a bitch
Rio was an evil bitch
players hate forced loss fights in-story, like the Avant Garde fight which was stupid
Rio gets away with everything
The moral was handled really shittily with most people thinking Rio was right because no character even offered a proper rebuttal for her evil actions until Volume F, and most people don't realize that Volume F Rio is directly answering why volume 2 Rio was wrong because so much time had passed between those points. The author favored Rio so much that they could only allow Rio to refute herself, they couldn't let sensei do it. Volume3 sensei would have corrected Rio's logic within their first meeting.
They admit volume 2 was written in a short amount of time which accounts for why the story beats were a little clumsy, at least they managed to put it out, I do agree with them putting it out and it did add a lot to the story but the entire chapter was kinda clumsy.

Also yes the more agency sensei has in a story the better the story is; volume3, volume4, and volume F are all better for sensei acting like more of a character with his own thoughts and feelings. With him standing up to Nagisa, forgiving Saori, giving each girl what they need and showing conviction.
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I've already patted tou yesterday.
It's a meme. Some guy pretended to fry a Hoshino plushie wrapped up in a fried shrimp suit and it got popular.
nonomi respects my rights and would give me time to prepare before giving headpats
Thats a name I wish I would see in BA's credits for charater design/illustration but it's probably never gonna happen. A man can dream
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be responsible
pat your students
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Rio did nothing wrong though.
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35. 15th highest affection. She hasn't been showing up often.
It would work
i had to rack up my memory a bit, holy shit
THE shimada fumikane??? holy based i need those now
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>The moral was handled really shittily with most people thinking Rio was right
Are... Are you sure you even read the ending of volume 2? They make it bafflingly clear she's in the wrong by then, not by volume F, that was just himari doing a victory lap at that point.
She did, but that's part of her growth, the fact that she can make mistakes. Not the inhuman superhumans Kaya thinks exist in the story.
I think the bigger irony

>A game can put out an animated short story
>It feels just like it should, it feels correct, there's nothing wrong with it

>The game can have full animated cut scenes
>It feels just like it should, it feels correct, there's nothing wrong with it

>A game commissions an anime
>It always feels wrong, it feels like they chose a director who specifically never played the game, it misses the point entirely, it never feels even slightly close to what it should be
Odd how that happens
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Double headpat night yet I don't think I'm hitting 89 before the end of the month.
She almost destroyed Kivotos because she refused to work with others.
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Japanese humor eludes me yet again.
Thanks for entertaining my questions I guess.
Like there is quite a bit. I guess he made enough money now. I assumed he was never going to do porn or was a yurifag.

John Nexon, commission him please
No one really gave an actual argument for why she was wrong. Even if what she's saying about trolley problems and harm mitigation were obviously retarded, they wrote the main characters far too retarded to refute any of it for some reason. To this day you have people arguing why rio was correct.
oh shit it really is him
thanks bro
Are we really doing the “Rio was right” thing again? Haven’t we been over this?
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Japs are cringe. There's a reason why everyone here is playing a gook game.
I maintain the first season of Priconne was good but that was mostly down to the director treating it as another season of Konosuba.
For shorts and cutscenes, people who gives a shit made them. For TVA it's just business
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it's christmas
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Post SFW art cause this 29 y.o here don't know shit.
You could just, have people that give a shit make the anime though.
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Morning, /bag/.
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>sanya giving a blowjob
Holy shit
I wonder how japs feel about a gook game taking over the scene
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Anime runtime is significantly longer which is the obvious difference.
Longform animation is hard. Good animation is a titanic effort.
You need just the right combination of budget, proper scheduling, people who genuinely care, and top technical talent.
Game companies usually aren't equipped to handle this so they almost always outsource the work to an animation studio and have to rely on them doing the creative heavylifting, which is where all the problems and potential miscommunications can and will surface.
CyGames is the rare exception that (mostly) avoids this by doing everything in house. Yostar tried to do the same but they obviously still need more experience.
>they wrote the main characters far too retarded to refute any of it for some reason
>Literally bulletproof students
>Weird cult like entities in the outskirts that have super advanced tech she knows about
>Only one confirmed halo breaking so far
I think death and apocalypse are a hard concept to grasp for all of them.

Her fault is that she made a lot of decisions on her own, trusting nobody in the process. The king story comes to mind and the whole koan with the GSC President.

And remember,
>they are just kids learning to grow up
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I'm dehydrated
>Too retarded to refute
Fact of the matter is that Rio was jumping to conclusions too early. There is nothing wrong with sensei not being able to refute her in the beginning because there just wasn't enough information available at the time. Arisu's true allegiance was made clear once she fought back Key's plans in the end of chapter 2. It's clear to me you like "smart" characters that can magically find answers out of the air so I feel like whatever you write isn't worth paying attention to.
Go drink something fellow Sensei
When are sensei's considered manwhores?
>but what if KV-
Just put the fries in the bag
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i hate monday
i'm curious and worried about that as well
there hasn't been a japanese IP this year that blew up, it's mostly dominated by chinks and gooks now
isekai was a mistake
The worst part of Priconne for me is, there was one good episode that felt like the game, the episode with Kasumi and her shadow clone where MC suddenly started acting like he should, with more agency, you started to have him do the dream sequence stuff, they started awakeining to their memories, it actually felt correct for a few minutes
Only for next episode it going back to its bullshit
Anyone who thinks Priconne is bad because it "followed the game" hasn't played the game. The game gave a perfect format for the story already, the game already has animated sequences. The anime is bad because it went as far off the rails from the game story as possible. It made the main girl into a yuri thing with the other main girl, it made the heroine into the MC, while the real MC is just a baby who can say goo goo gaa gaa and gets blown up every episode, it feels like every episode was just a spiteful response from the devs because they were told to make it a bit like the game, except they did it in the shittiest way on purpose just to try to make some asshole point, except they didn't actually follow the game, all they did was shit all over it.

It feels kinda like the same issue as BA anime, except BA anime at least sorta tried following the game story a bit more. The biggest issue is BA did the game story without any passion, and constantly undermined sensei
While priconne anime just shat all over their MC from the start. They gave all his important moments and characterization to girls, and literally had random NPC men do important bond scenes with the girls.
Every gacha game anime just fucking hates the MC character.
Two Bond 50s (and one is not your wife)
Sensei directly called her out in seeing everything as a trolley problem with only one or two choices at the very end of volume 2. The entire leadup to volume 2's ending, after the first encounter with Rio, basically affirms this.
It's not a deep refutation or anything but rio's argument isn't exactly deep either when you pick it apart. Kivotos isn't the real world, real world trolley problems don't really have a place there and that's what Rio gets directly criticized for
>To this day you have people arguing why rio was correct.
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didn't help that yostar had another anime running that season so we got the bottom of the barrel and the interns. at least with the OP and ED team(s), you could tell they gave it their all.
>He thinks we're talking about animation quality and not the content of the animation/story
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fuck off tranny
better poster than you'll ever be
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>wall of text
>hide post
What if I have 30+ students above bond 30?
What makes you think I'm only talking about animation quality? Storytelling and directing are essential parts of animation as well and is also affected by all the listed factors.
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>almost every western/SEA fan content is horrible
I've already talked about how the Momoi is racist joke getting spread to normies is horrible a few months ago, and now they're going after Reisa.
Why do I keep getting tortured for liking them for who they are in-game
No her fault was she created a false binary, and then based all her choices on the binary choice she herself came up with, when the story keeps showing that she can't actually see the future, so her predictions cannot be counted on to base her choices on. So killing someone based on a prediction of the future is stupid since you were wrong about the future to begin with, you cannot create a problem on your own that then pretend you're solving it when you can't actually foresee every possibility regarding it.
The parable of the king who destroys his kingdom to avoid the destruction of his kingdom shows why she's wrong, she created the worst outcome because she created the problem herself.
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It's just a zoomer meme, who cares

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