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Trust the plan edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
5th Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahy0AO8WwRc

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>503452672
I hate huntresses
I love soles
Espinas has been touted by kusotier players as some huge thing for almost two decades, that's not surprising
I hate Lumu's so you better not post any
Holy fucking based
any pictures?
I love huntresses
ok mr wise guy, how in the fuck would they bring back Ceadeus
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Where do I go to re-download the Wilds OBT? I can't find it on steam
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Who takes these creep shots?
Why are you like this?
They lift the fish fight straight from RE4.
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because I love huntresses
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I've already alerted the capcom cops about the cracked beta
Holy shit Milds is looking grim
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Sorry, don't have a lot of monhun soles
I'm sure they'll do underwater again eventually. The mainline team seem to be hitting a creative wall (mostly self imposed) which is why they're retreading old ground with dos ideas like changing environments and players making their own meals with on hand ingredients. Eventually underwater will fit into whatever grand unified idea of monhun they have laid out. After all tri/3U were the original reboot games but they didn't take off like world did.
hopefully wilds is a sole friendly game
UGGGHHHHHH I hope not.
I like lala barina and rompopolo but everything else is pretty forgettable. If they have to bring back wilds monsters in the next portable I hope it's these two.
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Even they're still pretty forgettable.
They're all so ugly or bland, I wouldn't mind if no Wilds monsters came back.
I am curious as to where mainline will go when they're done redoing old ideas. I guess they still haven't brought pvp back
Both mainline and portables are going the frontier way
I don't know I think the flower spider is pretty memorable even if it's largely derived from nerscylla. Based on the location you seem to fight it in and the spore moves it has it could be fun and the armor looks nice. As for rompopolo his armor and weapons look sick and I'm curious about how he can inflate his body and I like the horror vibe they're going for with him. It's about as interesting as mainline monsters will probably be going forward. You just won't be getting a zinogre or valstrax from the mainline team these days
The problem with the spider as a returning monster is that the area seems designed around it instead of the other way around
Leaked Wilds monsters.
Which is? If you mean cuhrayzy then yeah portable has been headed there since GU. I don't think mainline will ever get that wild though
Well I assume that place is its nest so I'm sure it changed the area to its liking. I guess it does seem a bit manufactured for the spectacle though. I'd take that over boring world monsters like pink T-Rex and literal iguana any day though
All of them one shot fatalis.
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Beta 2 just released
i dont think any pokemon would be a good fight in mh
Every weapon gets some sort of parry or counter or both in wilds. And LS is getting more and more ridiculous. I never hated frontier, I liked it being the cuhrazy containement game. I even always thought it was cool. I don't like the cuhrazy spilling onto the other games now. They should make a frontier 2, release it worldwide and make it the new flashy cuhrazy containement game, and chill out with it on the other games. I'd play the shit out of another frontier too.
Where is Beta 2?
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>They're all so ugly or bland, I wouldn't mind if no Wilds monsters came back.
>all D and F tier
>deliberately puts Rey Dau, the most that has gotten universal praise and love everywhere except from bingshitters on /mhg/, at F tier
Bingshits just can't be any more obvious in their shitflinging.
Well they ran into the issue of where to go with combat. They can't just keep things the same as new moves are a massive selling point for older players. It was at least obvious to make the environment more interactive but they weren't sure where to go with combat. Naturally they probably figured they'd follow in the footsteps of frontier but they didn't know how main series players would react so GU was a test in that way and it sold slightly better than 4U so the direction to go for combat was clear. Now they just test the anime moves in portable games and pick the ones they like and put them in mainline. So yeah eventually it will seep into mainline but at a slower rate than portable. It's just what people respond to. You'll notice how much hype weapon trailers generate
Lala Barina, is top tier monster.
>and it sold slightly better than 4U
GU is on more platforms. That's the only reason it sold more. 4U would either have equal sales or more sales to GU if it was on Switch.
Just by visual design alone it's top tier. But you'll never see a single one of our resident bingsisters admit that.
>Rey dau
Just bootlegged Astalos.
Balahara is kino though.
it's ok
I don't like the international names
GU flopped until it came out in NA
Anon I think the bigger take away for capcom was that sales didn't tank with the shift towards a more frontier like gameplay style. If GU had sold like shit I guarantee you they would have changed course.
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I still remember when someone told me he was in Iceborn and being sad I was lied too.
I was also told Iceborn had Zamtrios.
I never trusted anyone ever since then.
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Remember Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
Zamtrios will be in Wilds
I miss Velkhana.
Was he in the leaks?
>Jobs to Kulu ya ku
Are you lying to me like this>>503571702
I remember saying this a while ago but it is funny how they left freedom players out to dry. Third and fourth gen players would transition to world fairly easily, GU players would transition to rise easily, and yet freedom players were kind of left out to dry. They don't have a grounded combat focused monhun with a light story to go to. I guess that might have been intentional though what with tri being a soft reboot. They probably figured freedom players didn't stick with the series through third and fourth gen so they didn't need a game to transition to.
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>Tri a soft reboot
Where do I download the Wilds beta now that it's been taken down?
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That was the intent yes. All new maps and monsters save for like 2 in tri as well as the introduction of a whole new axis to combat. Hitboxes were reigned in so much that you can iframe almost every move a monster can throw at you in 3U including shoulder tackles. Then we remember the big marketing campaign for tri with the Scottish guy. It was everything they did for world but much earlier. It's just that tri didn't sell like they thought it would so they put some old monsters in 3U and tried to move on and get back into the good graces with players in 4U. Hence all the gen 1 and 2 pandering in 4U.
Barirroth will be in Wilds G
Yes? What else would it be?
Even removed weapons
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I love uneven ground and ledges.
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Striker is the most 'effective' SnS style, but which is the most FUN?
Alchemy is fun as fuck though maybe that's because I'm a horn player and like applying buffs. Just being able to buff yourself a ton with alchemy sns is great
>didn't aim at its neck to Helmsplitter just as it raising its head
heh, rookie mistake
holy lingering hitbox batman
3ds babies writing fanfiction about a game they didn't play
>which is the most FUN?
Striker without i-frame crutches
>You are already True Charge Slashed
what the hell are you talking about
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>Goodness Gracious! Malzeno-Dona you've come to to satiate my wife but blowing her back out!? BUT THEIRS MOAR!!?? You're gonna use your massive tail to stab into my wife's pussy and smash each and every individual sperm cells inside her guaranteeing that my pathetic genes will not get passed on!!! You'll spend all day and night sucking the blood from my wife and pumping her full of your hot and stick vampire nut that's her blood stream will be 70% cum!??!?!? AND!?!?! YOU'LL USE YOUR QURIO TO LATCH ONTO ME PENIS DRAINING IT UNTIL IT BECOMES A SHRIVELED UP TWIZZLER, THEN BE FORCED TO EAT THEM!?!?!?
the Internet should be reserved for Americans
I know you're going to disagree no matter what but I'm genuinely curious as to how you reconcile all of tri's peculiarities if you don't think it was meant to be a reboot. How do you explain them removing weapons? Or the lack of old monsters despite tri needing more monsters because of its incredibly small roster. What about the shift to a new console? After all mh1 and dos were on PS2. Why change now? The creation of monsters that fill similar roles to older monsters? Jaggi instead of velocidrome, gigginox instead of khezu, uragaan instead of gravios. They even swapped out palicoes for shakalakas. I mean you could go on and on. How do you explain that they undid most of these changes directly after Tri? They brought back the weapons and old monsters and the palicoes. How do you explain that ?
Krillin said this while wearing a palico-sized rathalos costume
Just woke up and... Hoooooly shit I see some retarded takes being spewed. Time to correct all of them before I go on my walk.

That's a Frontier monster not a Risebreak monster

Garchomp I imagine him being an asshole like Cephadrome combined with Nergigante's fighting ability

>They can't just keep things the same as new moves are a massive selling point for older players
Fuck off tourist wannabe "veteran"

Name one thing wrong with there being two monsters with similar design, where one is frail and agile, and the other bulky and slow

World is literally the modernization of 1st and 2nd gen it just has some gay gimmicks you need to ignore to get the proper experience

You're right it's a hard reboot

Guild style without absolute evasion otherwise you didn't hunt it. Also here you go king a non thumbnail version


This but non Indian Asians, the Dutch, Scandinavians, Swiss, and Russians

Alright boys that's all off to hunt monsters outside for 3 hours PEACE
>mass replying
Not even going to bother giving you the (you)
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>he isn't a soles hunter
oops meant for >>503575859

oops meant for >>503568465 and >>503569419
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Thank you for saving this thread. Have a plentiful hunting session, King.
I only hunt Kumiko soles
Also you posted the same pic twice
Okay let me get this straight. The nintendo switch is a gameboy that hooks up to your tv? Passed off as a whole ass legitimate console? And people are buying it?
I only hunt choco soles
Well I guess he's just going to chimp out now because somebody said words he didn't like
You guys might be the funniest people i know
Oops meant for >>503576035
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csrinru, there are also guides on youtube, to get gypceros working you need reframework
Am I the only one who thinks Rathian is harder than Rathalos
I thought so when i first started too. Fucking poison tail whip got me so many times
Rathian is pretty predictable
The tail is annoying but not bad for me
Its the immediate charge that sucks
So is Rathalos but I get hit by her instacharge way more
Same except I'm still new and still think this. Rathian hit me with it every time even with the tail cut and even having seen people counter it on youtube I have no idea how to go about it. Rathalos missed most of his attacks just by me not standing still.
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Long looooooooooooooooong man
My huntress can take all of that in her ass!
csrun thread is locked, link the gypceros mod thing
I don't have the OBT downloaded anymore, the cs rin thread gives you a guide to spoof the servers but nothing on where to get the actual game. Google isn't pulling up anything useful.
Well I guess that's your problem. Generally you shouldn't be directly in front of rathian at all because of her tail spin, fireballs, and instant charge. If you simply come at her head from an angle she's incredibly easy to deal with
Looks like THAT Alatreon image
I don't understand how this is supposed to work compared to the old rubbery whip tail
not only does he tailslam, he'll leave it like that for a bit too cause it's an opening.
dude thinks he's nargacuga.
Evade extender is a noob trap, isn't it?
I don't use it because it's a crutch but if it's in the game it's fair play. At least you'd actually be playing the game as intended instead of modding cheats in
Yeah don't use it
Window is the crutch
Extender is for fine tuning the way you want to play
its not a "noob trap" it just extends the distance when you roll.
maybe it would be if someone physically couldn't understand that evade distance IS NOT THE SAME AS evade window and scream and cry about the game lying to them, but then i guess it would be called a retard trap instead.
use what you want. It's good for alot of situations but can be a hinderance in others.
gracias, maricon
You know those guys who love collecting every single weapon in the game? I'm starting to think the devs intended for you to play like that which is why they kept including an armory as well as a smithy for so long and why they didn't show us weapon trees until world. I literally never bothered with the armory
truly next gen
No. It's extremely useful for certain matchups. There are plenty of attacks and especially AoEs where you want some level of evade extender to get exactly out of the way.
Well it's been causing me to play like a shitter. Sure, I'm soloing all the village quests to learn the game but I've been leaning into the bing bing wahoo shit to close the unnecessary distance I create and initiate combos instead of squaring up to the monster and using my poise frames in a way that will actually bring down monsters when it gets hard. I think I'm gonna have to take it off and take it from the top.
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>You know those guys who love collecting every single weapon in the game? I'm starting to think the devs intended for you to play like that
what do you mean?
That's why I personally never use evade skills. You become reliant on them and then get fucked when you take them off. They end up becoming a tax skill you need to slot in to not get bodied. They're also entirely unnecessary as you can simply stop attacking a bit sooner to have time to double roll out of the way
well that's what i mean when i say it can bw a hinderance in some situations. Any GSer will know, ESPECIALLY in 5th gen monster hunter, that in some cases, EE2, and definitely EE3, is overkill.
Binging around is made much easier with EE, but you also gotta work around how much distance the stuff gives you. That's why i say it isn't a noob trap. You just gotta keep the distsnce in mind.
I use it to spindash into the monsters.
Also great on swaxe for side step boost.
I kneel
I prefer raw swaxe. Keeps me from falling into bad habits and makes me better at chaining attacks and hops for continuous movement
where can i get the mod?
they make the game more fun tho
predicting what the monster is gonna do is boring, reacting is so much more fun
I'm gonna make every Long Sword, Hammer, and Switch Axe in GU. I'll get back to you once complete.
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I'm gonna stay up until the bakery opens so I can get some donuts
eat a salad fatty
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i can tell you rn you're gonna need at least 6 entire pages then, cause this has a page 2, even if i wasn't including deviant weapons lol
It shall be a long and arduous task.
I may or may not do deviants. I'll finish the rest first then decide.
this is autism beyond my comprehension
How does a Gypceros physically do this? I know Monster Hunter isn't supposed to be too realistic, but I really don't get it.
Ultrasuper stretchy rubber.
bro just got finished binge watching One Piece.
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HBG is fun
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It is probably this but tail. Either that or its tail grows longer the more blood is pumped into it like a dick
he ate a bite of gum gum
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>all the gypceros files were already in the beta
>this means we will get the same beta version in december
>this means the "new" thing in the next beta is the gypceros fight
so what are we supposed to do now
Finally unlocked alatreon, how cooked am I bros

My gear is as good as it can be without farming shara and I don't have a single elemental weapon
have sex with our girlfriends
What did you do between killing Shara and getting to Alatreon?
>I don't have a single elemental weapon
I believe this is what the zoomers call being cooked
Mine is uhhhh
out of town
Somebody spot me?
i am a married man, i dont have time for sex
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Imagine this and use your hand.
Hey that's pretty go-
You've betrayed me for the last time
You mean it dosnt stand for Monster?
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Okay so what if instead of shitposting we posted a sunbreak pishi lumu?
Talk to the commander? Lmao

I finished shara, killed the monkey and edgy zinogre, and then got the alatreon quest

Was there meant to be something else?
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>Finally unlocked alatreon, how cooked am I bros
Not even slightly charred. Iceborne Alatreon is an easy fight.

>My gear is as good as it can be without farming shara and I don't have a single elemental weapon
Oh, World is your first game. You're going to get fisted. Looking forward to you complaining about the knee-high DPS check.
woah boobies O_O
Go to the events and kill frostfang barioth. Use its weapon plus velkhana armor.
So now that Gypceros and underwater combat got leaked, what else are us 4Channers hoping for? Me, I'd like to see dangos return in Wilds.
Where do I start learning while waiting for the release of Wilds? I never played a Monster Hunter game before.
I want to be able to collect more pets.
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I'll post more boobies if you join the sunbreak pishi lumu
Just pick a game and give it a go. World is the most obvious start
Just play world man

Long time players and elitists will tell you go and start with fucking freedom unite or something and yeah sure there's an absolute universe of great content in the older gens, but the reality is if you're new to the series playing World and particularly Iceborne is gonna be a much smoother transition to Wilds for you than any other game in the series.

I wouldn't bother with Rise though
If learning is really his objective then rise would have him complete several hunts before worlds opening cutscene ends.
play 4U, then world
Play World
Make a huntress
Join lumus
Avoid mantles
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Start with Worlds 100%. World does a lot of things right to capture newcomers to the series and you'll almost certainly have the best time with it. I say this as someone that has nothing but passionate burning hatred for World and everything it stands for.
Monster Hunter games are clunky garbage don't play them.
sorry, i don't own it. I am a world babby :(
>[skifree flashback intensifies]
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Sorry, Palicos have me hooked.
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>headless palico
To be honest, i have no idea why World captured so many newcomers as it did. I started with World and thought it was shitty as fuck
>Barebone retarded plot (MH game stable)
>Retarded quest progression
>Blurry grained graphic
>Ugly ass NPCs
>Grindy MMO raid garbage

It took me three tries to finish World. I kept dropping it half way
I don't wanna get a new PC just for Wilds bros.......
Because they had never played a game with even a shred of Monster Hunter in it before, and a number of other things were altered to appeal to that audience from the outset
>The game subtly teaches you about hardness by having you bounce off the game IRL

Holy ludo
what are your current specs? is it playable at least?
ancient 2060super I literally can't play it..
Is there a lumu up?
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When was a base game MH good?
You guys are so funny you know that
I started with world and concluded that monster hunter isn't for me. It wasn't until a few years later that I found out this is because I actually like monster hunter. So yeah, it got me into the game, in a roundabout way involving being a steaming pile and ensuring all future releases will be as well.
World (got worse with IB)
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>I have no idea why World captured so many newcomers
Because it had a diehard fanbase in the West and was capitalising on the renewed interest in "difficult" games following the success of Dark Souls, put enormous effort into presentation (casual players think World looks incredible, and despite what gaming enthusiasts will have you believe graphics are EXTREMELY important when capturing the disposable income of casuals. I can't tell you the number of people I've met online that dismissed Risebreak outright because it "looked like a PS2 game" compared to Worlo), and revised or removed a laundry list of mechanics to make the game more accessible to people with zero attention span.

World still has a lot of the esoteric mechanics from older MH games, but most of them are dumbed down (homogenized hitzones), obfuscated (eating before a quest hardly matters when you can just eat ON THE QUEST), or outright removed (damage numbers mean you no longer need to pay attention to any other cues to figure out if you're hitting the right spot).

The fact that the majority of the World playerbase (i.e. the 90% of people that never even killed Xeno'jiva) are still so god fucking awful at the game tells you why that was necessary for mass appeal.
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I will not let this general gaslight me into believing I didn't enjoy playing base Rise.
actually, you didn't enjoy playing Dos
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How much do you think he moisturizes his face?
this is why im not hype for wilds
I moisturize Ichinose's face twice a day and four times on Sundays.
With my sperm. (The fluid exiting out of my penis, the white kind. Sperm)
That would dry it out, extremely badly
Any tips for G-Rank Black Gravios in MH4U? Should I just make the T.Najarala gunner set for the Bonus Shot? I must've pumped 100 water ammo into him and slept bombed him twice and he doesn't seem to be anywhere near dead.
It's really great for keeping up with mobile monsters like the Magalas when using Switch Axe Sword Mode and you don't want to sheath
Yes unless you're dual blades in which case it's mandatory along with evade window
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Is your weapon fully upgraded? Are you running Water Attack+2 (does it go to +3 in 4U?)? Are your shots actually hitting the belly?
You need it for HBG.
You can get water up from one of the cosplay armors (argosy?) and Bonus Shot from the ace stuff I think
kecha wacha's also in there somewhere. I forget if it was the kecha, seltas, or plesioth gun that worked best
Are any of you really into MH Now? Is it any good?
Using the Plesioth Drencher (the strongest water LBG) with Water Atk+3 and I also managed to slot in Peak Performance.
I'll probably try and get the T.Najarala armor which has Bonus Shot and Reload Speed +1.
I might gem in Destroyer too just so I can break the belly quicker and get more damage in.
If that fails, I'll just use Water DBs and hope that works.
Does anyone have rotted region at level 7? Need to hunt a tempered Blackveil Vaal Hazak there
Tranny game
Tranny series
Tranny company
Tranny thread
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Use a shield like a chad and tank the monster for your team
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>he isn't a solo hunter
It's only fair if monsters get to do it
I love huntresses
>Plesioth Drencher
From memory, you want to be using the Seltas LBG. Personally I always hated Peak Performance so if possible I'd ditch that for attack up instead.
Water Attack +3, Peak Performance, Bonus Shot and Reload Speed+1 already sounds like a lot of skills. How are you fitting Partbreaker in on top of all of that?
I do, as many others here. You only need post lumu.
Cool! one sec i'll post it
here's the lumu v7A3eDR?-TJB
I'm still stuck at work for another two hours, but others should join to help.
I meant that I'll remove Peak Performance and slot in Destroyer instead.
i just realized i didnt have partbreaker for the safi hunts yesterday
it's okay cutie
It's a flying shitvern and a basic one at that, so it's worse than the rest by default.
Even if the design is pretty good.
Everything but mice really
What a terrible shitpost, no (You)
>deliberately puts Rey Dau, the most that has gotten universal praise and love everywhere except from bingshitters on /mhg/, at F tier
>B-But lance mains on reddit like it
Are you genuinely impressed by Flying wyvern #5443 with an identical gimmick to an older thunder wyvern that is both much more difficult and has a bigger moveset?
all of them except rise
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>starting to notice that the only people complaining about Re Dau are drawing a contrast to Raizex
Playing it tactical again tendies?
Rey Dau feels like a FROM Software thing
>wait until you can hit its weak spot to stun it guaranteed
>oversized and heavily telegraphed
You guys might be the funniest people in the world
maybe we're the real monsters all along...
I can't forgive you

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