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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Next Stop: Rinascita!
>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | Camellya — SEED OF FATE
>Wuthering Waves A message arrived in a dream?!
>Wuthering Waves Version 1.4 Official Trailer | When the Night Knocks


>Convene Tracker

>Official Twitter Account

WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: Camellya Banner [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
Weapon Banner: Red Spring (Sword) [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
[Gifts of Fleeting Dreams: 7-day Sign-in Event] [Sept 28 - Nov 13]
[Somnium Labyrinth - Somnoire Adventure Event] [Nov 13 - Jan 1]
[Pincer Maneuver Warriors I - Recurring Combat Event] [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
[Depths of Illusive Realm - Phantasm Amass] [Nov 13 - Jan 1]

>Timeline, Rewards and Media Contents



>/wuwa/ Friends List

>VER 1.4: (Patch Notes)

Previous: >>503546117
I'm concerned about how sexual Cammy's Idle II voiceline is.
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i will ACTUALLY SPEND MY MONEY on her if she is next i am out of rolls
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Be honest, did she grow on (you)
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She looks aloof and sexy
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wuwa !
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A reminder that I was correct and 106 of you were wrong.
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Carlotta OWNS (You)
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>Outsold the entire WuWa 2.x lineup
Nothing personal kiddo
My dick grew a couple inches mnyes
Was always into her
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Fat sweaty clown thighs squeaking and honking into the air and landing on my neck
I need to see new kit animations NOW whoremellya’s slowass banner is killing the fucking game
>How will wuwa survive that
Wuwa survived Zhezhi too and Shopkeeper being crippled to save the homo banner. Brant looks millions more promising sales wise than Yao was, so he will pull in at least Zhezhi numbers.
Your biggest power is using toxic positivity at that very moment and be happy if wuwa makes 3 million because that's more than enough to run forever. Though I expect JP revenooo to dip because of the PS5 release.
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Are we getting hebe, brant, and nazi marketing the following days? Or is it only for 2.0?
your mom is the real whore
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i miss the ponytail
is there a confirmed banner date for the semen demon?
I certainly like her more after this and Rinascita teaser
You already got the banner character promos. Phoebe and Brant comes next in mid january for 2.1
>Though I expect JP revenooo to dip because of the PS5 release.
They would still be spending on the game
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>Brant looks millions more promising sales wise than Yao was
We can't be so sure since people had a meta reason for pulling XLY copies despite being free while Brant is just a support that'll only need 1 copy to work.
I fucked it up
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3.5 months from now
And they have a reason to pull Brant too because apparently he is Shorekeeper de la homo fusion
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Already liked her from the start but I like lolis so I'm biased
Let's go!!!
Should also make Solon do his flexing.
She'll likely be 2.2+
Expect late february-early march
Don't kid yourself bwo she's going to be wearing unflattering spats in-game
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Underwater overworld exploration in Not-Rinascita teaser exclusive in /wuwa/. You first saw it from here, folks!
Of course, but console is hidden money like PC. So the 20-25% JP mobile money will dip, so the CensoredTower numbers will be lower too.
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>clear 4 floors on the left
>clear 4 floors on the right
>close ToA
Good morning wuwafolks! We back to comfy status?
predict her design changes before her banner. Some minor rips in the pantyhose please Solon and make her look smelly
Pre coping because Mauvika will show you how high revenoo can go. Meanwhile Kuro is barely surviving with their 10 mill per month. Idek how they can afford Kane Ueda, probably budgeting on the EN VA department that's why you have British accent in your game kek
I feel nothing towards her, my emotions are neither positive or negative.
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>apparently he is Shorekeeper de la homo fusion
you're fucking kidding right? he was supposed to be the banner where I save astrites...
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But that wouldn't help the fanbase pvp, it would only make money for kuro to invest into making the game better.
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We haven’t even seen convene animation yet bwos get hype
Yes but it took a few days, I was initially pissed when i first saw her because we hadn't seen any other 2.x characters but now that we've seen them I think she looks great
>Trashing on british VAs
I take the britbong cultured speech over the murican mudwater language any day. Sincerely, a yuropoor.
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I jacked off to this
now you guys can too
We didn't get Camellya's until a few days before her banner...
Brant Combat Roles - Wuthering Waves:

*5 Fusion / Sword

1. Support and Healer.
2. Heavy Attack Damage.
3. Fusion DMG Amplification.
4. Heavy Attack DMG Amplification.
5. Interruption Resistance Boost.

Supposedly a quickswapper like changli and also has 20 fusion amp and 25 heavy atk amp on outro.

Seems to be made in anticipation for a future character because literally no one is a fusion heavy attacker atm
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yeah but i wont pull because i dislike the hair, colors and unflattering clothes, will only pull for phoebe, the elf goddess and phrolova
>5. Interruption Resistance Boost.
this seems pretty good, does he give enough poise to not get staggered by any attack?
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we getting the full spectrum today I see... At least you lot have reclaimed concernposting.
BEAT you to it
how was my sloppy 2nds ;))
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ayo, hol up, yo be sayin' we ain't talkin' good? fr bro? you ass trippin' dog
So is the clunny an orphan like anko too...
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No one knows yet but yuanwu also gives interrupt resistance and it's pretty useless and shit. brant's will probably be stronger because limited 5* and all but don't get your hopes up
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Answering /bag/friend's question
It was an experiment by some crazy scientists, humanity discovered a way to transfer the consciousness to a digital mind, they also discovered that the virus collects information and stores it, so they came up with the brilliant idea of breeding hetero creatures (virus creatures) and then transfering a human mind to said creature during the pregnancy with the idea of having people be "reborn" into a new body, but how do you find a woman willing to do that? You get a bunch of female clones and then brainwash them from childhood into wanting to do nothing but breed the dead to life until you get the perfect person for the job. Thats how you end up with a villainess that breeds (You) to death and gives birth to your daughter.
Yuanwu has that atm and it's useless.
If for Changli, nah, she wants a DPS that can utilize her outro and be quick swap, Shokie or Vereener is fine.
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>doroposter talking about anyone else
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he seems useless currently, maybe to run with jiyan for femcels
>but yuanwu also gives interrupt resistance and it's pretty useless
im aware, have him fully built
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Bloody wanker, you fookin bullock cunt, shat yerself back to genshat, will ya?
easy skip
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>I have Yuanwu fully built
I already have baizhi, verina, and shokie. Any other supports past this point is getting the skip unless they're gigasexo.
You see that line on the hill? That appears to be the border, methinks (I reached the border of the map)
I regret pulling Jinhsi..
>soulful, non-incel pandering
>soulless incel pandering
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>a yuanwu fully built
>but no jeji in his account
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chat is this real
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das raycis
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Zani will be a fusion heavy attacker and you'll all be bricked
Nah, that's Scar so fujos can run him with the pirate. Zani is for a Yinlin team.
i NEED carlotta to step on my penis
tell me im a disgusting fucking pig
milk my cock like the filthy dog i am
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>soulless, censored, unflattering spats in-game
>soulful, uncensored, translucent panties
Next time tell your yee yee ass motherfucker Somalian homeboy not to be racist in korea. I hope they run a train on him inside. A good 10 years ahead of him.
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Kek there was actually an explanation. I understand it more now. Thanks frend
Changli's partner? please my dick can only get so erect, fusion support mommy when?
my dick grew after i saw her thighs.
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If you were tuned in when I posted imagedumps back then I mentioned that I tried flying to Black Shores from Mt. Firmament. Well, here's my second attempt.
Unsurprisingly, it fogged up when I reached a certain point. The looks be giving the Silent Hill vibes. Creepy!
cut it off now
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Thoughts on Clunny VA?
My biggest regret is not having a powerful enough rig to play during Changli's release. Is she for (me) bros? I don't mind spoilers.
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She was always my most wanted leaked character.
I'm concerned Rover won't be able to hydrate enough and be sucked dry by Italian semen demons, Jinny should stay by Rover's side with refreshments during all sessions.
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HAHA guess who's voicing my beloved Roccia. Solon I kneel
>Roxy, Arona, Nobeta
She isn't the VA that was leaked but she's still a cunny expert.
>Chika VA
we're in good hands. Is she gonna be our genki loli?
Her face looks less chubby. She got a glowup.
>a proper character with her own motivation and personality
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It sure is real, missy. Don't ask me how I did it. I couldn't replicate it if I wished to
Dear me, is that Black Shores on the horizon I yonder?
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the more I browse xitter, the more I appreciate Genshit's existence.
They are pretty much the Jinzhou of Huanglong when it comes to fags, fujos and all the terminally ill abominations you can find online.
I hope all the sane people in that containment chamber of a game for the mentally ill stay strong.
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I would cum
Her event is basically a marriage proposal.
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The attitude in the trailer and both her drip marketings makes her seem like a stoic loli.
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Did someone mention revenue? Allow me to introduce myself—my name is Dendy, and I proudly identify as a spiritual investor. While I may not engage in traditional investing with capital, I wholeheartedly invest my hopes and positive intentions into companies I believe in.
You guys need to chill on the pedo joke ngl. Kinda weird because you it's either you guys are innocent kid joking around or ultra pedo megalinks telegram file send to receive kind of guy. No in between.
are they picking her VA based on similar roles?
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imagine the smell
From there, I went on my merry way swinging from Camellya's vines for good measure cuz who knows if that same dreadful incident will happen the second time. Either that or I noclip to the world under
niggers really love moving goalposts when they get mogged. Last kek for you.
i would shove my penis deep inside roccia and make her give me a handjob until i finish all over her thighs
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why yes I love my wife #54. surely you are able to interact and make the "proper character with her own motivation and personality" fall in love with you no?
or maybe you are into guys? not that I would judge a raging homo
wuwa is full of third worlders and jeets prease understand
how did Kuro afford this type of VA lately? Did tencent pay them? Because it's certainly not from a mere 10 mill a month revenue.
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I didn't know pedos exchange megalink files through telegram. Why do you know this? Coomcerning to say the least
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Yeah? That's most VAs. She has a good loli voice so they cast her for lolis often. Same with another VA like kugimiya rie
As you can see, Camellya's STA started to drain when I tried to cross the border. Further testing proved that I stand up to the edge without the risk of noclipping
>ultra pedo megalinks telegram file
umm sauce?
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This has been prophetic. Can't believe our shitposts back in June was gonna be real. lmao
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I went from not liking her to wanting to breed and start a family with her.
I wonder if this nigga will actually be good once the coordinated attack set drops
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What would you do after you learn of this fact?
>kugimiya rie
should've gotten her for the clunny instead, they better give the next bratty girl to her
The prime age range for breeding activities is 12-16. Cope westoids.
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why tho? why did you even entertain the idea of building a character whose role is to simply
>swap in
>swap out
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based and unclepilled
>Fate brought you here
i don't play FGO though
does he actually do anything in your team? Haven't maxed Yuanwu coz I thought it'd be a waste.
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I want Kuro to release 3 characters after each other for New Fed, a loli, a hag and a shota... and then let all of them be voiced by Tomatsu Haruka just for the keks.
I headed southward to which... color returned to the world? Huh. The fog has a certain radius it seems.

Well, would you look at that, you can see Mt. Firmament from here
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>he isn't vibration-strength-depletion pilled
That "10 mil" is iOS only for a game that is predominantly played by straight men and iphone is only 30% of the CN mobile market.
It’s the most popular messenger site with jews for a reason
There's no target demographic for shit like that in gacha
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If you take pictures from the corner, you can take photogenic photos like this. Really beautiful.
saw his design back in the beta and decided ill be playing him
gives a shield, around 8k hp
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44111 all the way
It's just for the keks, because Haruka has the range to do anything.
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>Camellya POV
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I actually raised mine to lvl 80 with lvl 8 skill, forte, and ult but I just realized the def scalings suck. Hard to get to that 7k-8k def that I think's the optimal range and he only really deals damage when he's in his forte state.
I'm straight but sometimes I imagine myself as a girl, I just want to lube my ass and bounce on a dildo without touching my penis until I cum. Should I play genshin or wuwa?
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>not even 80% CR
>with 44111
Are there any popular shotas? Genshin even tried a shota that wears skimpy clothes and is (for you) and he is unpopular. The only popular shotas in Genshin are the ones shipped with each other.
In Granblue, all the characters of the knight faction are popular except the two shotas.
In other games too, the shotas are always the least popular.
Wuwa. I'm exactly like you. Nothing weird about anal masturbation.
>kugimiya rie
Rie's best roles are not tsundere lolis, though? This is the case where typecasting hurts the VA.
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I headed east from there before the fog returned again.
Here's what the eastern border of the map looks like
>Genshin even tried a shota that wears skimpy clothes and is (for you)
truly the faggot quarantine zone of /vg/
It's double crit dmg, and I have Shorekeeper.
if you consider traps shotas then astolfo, if not i dont know any
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I don't think you get to determine what someone's "best roles" are. The reality is that she gets casted for lolis often because people like her voice in those roles. Supply and demand.
The women that are into shota's are rich enough to just buy one from an orphanage straight up. They don't need gacha to fulfill their sick fantasies.
Is it possible to build him as a dps? I really like his animations. I have Yao's gauntlets and enough resources for lvl90
70/320 should still be achievable. I think two of your pieces are missing double crit
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here is your clown!
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I was so glad I happened to come across a beautiful sunset. Really had to wait for Camellya to do a certain pose when the idea came to me
Dildo is trash. Use aneros if you're serious.
Indeed, instead of min-maxing, I'm spending my resources on pre-farming Chun
I'm wuthering
How do I do this in genshin? every time I get this angle, character goes invisible.
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>Shana pic in 2024
damn, it's almost 20 years ago huh...
every character can be a dps if you try hard enough, forte circuit and resonance liberation are the skills you need to level first, his copies give him a set of usable bonuses as well if you have them
nice meme, Dendy!
next time put in a bit more effort though cause this backfired royally
so heres a pity you
Is that Jinny mating dance?
With s3+ and yinlin sure
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Kasumi should have won instead of Shanakek
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Heh. Oops. Guess I'm not posting that picture
oh shit! i was working did something else happen? can someone link or gib a tl;dr
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ANON!! For the love of God, release the full version!
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>so morally bankrupt that xe can't imagine that someone wouldn't commit a crime given the opportunity because it's simply the right thing to do and you don't want to hurt other people
People like you are scarier than any of these people to be honest
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I trekked back up to the north to where I stand on a place where I could get to Black Shores the closest, and then...
im not a dendy i just hate her design, wish she would trade places so i could slurp some nazi juices
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Post-Lament Anthropocene: Stars Intertwined — Roccia

The Peculiar Box she carries seems to hold everything in the universe—
A cascade of confetti and ribbons in countless hues, dazzling Luceanites, and fireworks that light up the theater with joy...
They burst forth from her box, crafting a vibrant stage for drama and celebration.

Post-Lament Anthropocene: Stars Intertwined

"Hello. Got anything you don't need? Pero's stomach is open for business."—Roccia

Roccia is a gifted improvisational comedian and the First Mate of the Fool's Troupe, known for her mastery of stage props.
With a tranquil, composed disposition, she navigates the ship's quarters, perched atop her giant box, meticulously ensuring the Troupe remains orderly and tidy.
>noooooooooo dont call me out!!
>aiieeee Dawei-sama save me!!!
link for sound

I activated the echo...and returned to the surface. Kinda had my ethiopathic whatever rain, or you know, the upside down sea back in the prologue. You get what I mean.
Swimming the rest of the way there, knowing the game will probably boot me back to Whining Aix's Mire, I thought that I should have let myself drowned. That way, the game will respawn me where I was physically on land.
can you imagine being a cute little girl sexualized by every man she meets
God I wish that were me.
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I can't imagine it's very popular or gets much art though. And there probably isn't enough demand to hold up any kind of competitive market.

These kinds of characters are liked mostly by men and there's far more straight men than gay men so lolis are just way more popular. Plus people prefer seeing cute girls rather than males. And even then there's virtually no gacha games that only do loli because most men who like loli also like normal proportions too.
Usually the game would tp you back when you're 650m~ away from Black Shores.

And that concludes my underwater exploration report. Thanks for reading
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Damn, what triggered you to pop off over a shitpost made on 4chan.org?
How do I switch to male MC? Female MC has great design but I'm not into yuri.
Kuro is working on that.
2.0 will have a mangosteen that lets you change gender
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Bonus Camellya
nice, thanks bros
Kuro is supporting trans rights? Based. Subscribed.
I'm more concerned of WuWa_Husbandos than the revenoo? Are you concerned too?
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Bonus Shorekeeper

This exploration report was brought to you by Shorekeeper
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I didn't see any sarcasm in that post. Unless they were projecting their oneeshota fetish.
>that buttfang
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it's ok to be on guard of dendy but, i bet you take all the baits, retard
>Not Cam Calchud
Damn, would have been better if you guaranteed yourself another Cam or limited, grats though.
kek how mad were you in those 5 seconds between chud and cammy
Can we delete Chudchudro from the game? He's just an asshole exile who kills children for money.
He's "slightly nicer now" because Jiyan told him to be. Danjin was right, suffer not the exile menace.
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Jinnybros? I thought zhezhinshi still reigned supreme
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>Zani game
>take picture of some other palyer
>pass it off as your own
typical Dendy
Just had sex with Changli, lads.
Lumi when?
i never forgive niggers shilling danielle
If you got sword man second then you got a free guarantee
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>Zani game
How many times has is it happened?
Danjin has been proven to be better than Cammy tougheverbeitalthoughever
skill issue
Is she gonna massage my prostate? 'Cause that's an irresistible offer.
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Enjoyed her at first. Then I came to NEED her
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You would have to be a cute 2D girl or legal, in the real world you have an instinctive moral filter that makes you feel disgusted with yourself for something like that.
>Panty tightness indentation
...why Solon makes the woman just the right amount of plump? My dick wouldn't survive next year...
Nah the Jiyan Mortefi Brant team is kino, just like Calchud Yinlin and Yao.
I will also start using Zani Changli teams and Roccia Camy teams too.
>Dendy unironically trying THIS hard to prove its not him
NTA but show me some danielle tower solo clears, i hear of danjin mains but i never see them , suspicious
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>All these characters
>Only 5 pre-made slots
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Genderbent Jiyan when?
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ok that one was fun
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MC gender switching will allow for exclusive romance content.
how did we get so many pedo here anyway
this game has been hag game since day 1
That would be huge and hopefully they'll hail it as a big update to peer pressure other companies to do the same. All political side will be happy and win together.
Technically those are shorts I'm pretty sure but Roccia is such a slampig cunny that she makes it look like fucking calvin klein panties.
So imagine what it'd look like if she was only wearing underwear
FGO already does it since forever.
I'm pretty sure my cock is too big to grow inside her.
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I hope they let me swap, I picked femrover not realizing how much (You) pandering existed in the game so it feels really fucking gay
>Roverclocking turns everyone to the gender opposite Rover
>Jiyan and XLY become women to MRover
>Jinny, Shokie, Camcam and others become men to FRover
worthless theoretical spread sheet damage.
Not really. It's one of the most secure and private messaging service while also being convenient. Terrorist and spy literally use this. They had to kidnap the ceo of telegram because he refused to sell info. Idk what is the latest news tho.
Mourning Aix is kinda cancer and Danjin is garbage against it
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I don't understand the appeal of Roccia the Comedian. Can someone explain?
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hint: I would breed both Encore and Changli equally
She's adorable and humorous.
you mean youre garbage at playing Danjin
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She's cute, it's a cool design, I think I'd only change the blue hair to look more purple
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They should just remove female Rover completely.

She is a small, underage, tight, little girl with plump thighs
You could pick her up and squeeze her and shove yourself inside her and fuck her anywhere at anytime and have her little hands finish you off as she tries her hardest to fit your penis in her mouth
Why can't lolis be as naked as shotas in pic related?
She's cute and funny (clown)
honk ! :0)
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This thread is either starting to GLOW or is full of SICK, SICK FUCKS.
She honks when you squeeze her thighs
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How can other girls even compete?
Big game that previously doesn't allow but then allow due to players request?
It'll still be big news.
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you can have my female rover once you implement the option to full customize your rover to look however you want and/or replace him with a faceless hentai protag and have all the quests be done in first person
why are you all posting so much instead of playing the game?
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It's virtually every gacha general though, at least ones with predominantly male players
I have 3 monitors
I play, post, and watch a stream all at once
no resin
yes mostly because of the thighs
I bet you fags after doing Rokoko's companion quest, you'll consider rolling for her.
i would just masturbate to her
im rolling for her already because i want to have sex with her
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Daily reminder that
She already won me over with her thighs
Happened to Jeji
If they cook right people will lose
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> CN Incels are so annoying and loud minority
no point rolling the clunny when im benching Clunkmellya for Carly anyway
She was a must pull as soon as I learned she was made for Camellya.
The same reason no one cares when a female teacher rapes her male students.
What's so bad about lusting over drawings of little girls?
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Roccia is turning out a ton more popular on /wuwa/ than I thought she'd be. When I showed her to some friends with no context, the first thing they said was "is this a new vtuber?" And I thought that was funny.
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My future 3 teams
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If you find camellya clunky to play I got bad news for you for carlotta.

I think sticking to intro, E, grapple, basic x4, E until EOS might be more up your alley
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>still using fedorapedo
>leak only her upper half
>lol ugly flop skip overdesigned
>show bare legs
bitch i never liked lizard girl anyway
my fav team rn is anko changli wildcard
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Cheating on Jinhsi and then having apology sex with her!
She looks much better than leaks.
before Elon Musk bought twitter, there's thousand of loli hentai art and there's a bunch of cporn links in the replies. You can't search stuff like "megalinks" it's shows error on twitter now. In the telegram group, you would need to spam the invite links under any loli hentai post because they're the same audience.
Leak renders always look so ugly
Like Carlotta in the trailer look like a new ass model compare to leak
Amazing what proper lighting can do
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jinnycord got to anon before he could finish
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If it's as good as other recent ones then yeah, probably
If Zhezhi is on Carlotta teams, then he's the best alternative. Yinlin is a lot clunkier to use with Jinhsi.
but enough about jinhsi
Fuck Musk then.
They are for sure
She's definitely growing on many of us, especially with her sexo hips, thighs and ass ratio.

Also where is the art of pregnant Rokoko?
Are you saying there was a golden age of cunny twitter before Elon Musk? I'm late.
No one actually likes her. They are just pretending.
be the change you want to see in the world
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My world, fully explored
My locations, substantially screenshotted
My characters I use, maxed
My echoes, able to clear 30/30 with them
My waveplates, zero
I've truly beaten the game. Time to fuck my wife
I wonder if Brant is good enough to replace Baizhi. Because Baizhi is a big step down over Verina and Shorekeeper.
It's time for you to catch up on genshin Natlan update to be ready for 5.3.
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Did they make a brand new animation just for the super sprint from the catbuff? That's great if they did.
Showing loli, normal girl and tall guy as reference.
Also I'm brand new to making webms no bully
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What's Roccia age?
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These people live in their own bubble and when they get any kind of foothold then they suppress or ban straight men from their insulated communities. Same thing all leftists do and LGBT/women tend to be of that type.

What they call "incel" are just straight men without normal public filters because they're not in public and instead indulging in an indulgent video game about collecting hot barbie dolls. They actually expect us to be golems at all times with no mental escape because they're too used to men being polite in public and think that it's just how men are on the inside.
Actually after looking at some more stuff I think it might be the first moment when you do a dodge dash but sustained as a run.
11 year old stowaway princess
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hopefully in the single digits
File deleted.
>"Jinny?! You're back from your meeting early?"
>"Fucking slut Chouli, tightening up after getting caught like this!"
>"Sorry Jinny I'm going to be a while, can you get us some drinks and snacks? You'll have your turn later!"
>"Fuck I'm cumming inside Chouli!"
Not rolling her but please explain to someone who's not into 5d chess why you think why someone would pretend such a nothingburger like that.
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i fail to see the problem
Twitter was so good for loli porn. Now just porn.
That's why Solon is based and made it optimal to have Anko and Changli sexo quick swap sweaty but strong gameplay teams, and is following it up with big booty white bitches Cameltoe and Roccia.
Manko and Changli are doing all of the work and you know it
Yes, so why is replacing Baizhi necessary?
kinda based
this is a genshitter
Tbh Brant will probably end up more fun and stronger than Baizhi for a fusion team. Although considering if he ends up heavy he's more for potentially Phoebe (going off the same claimed leaks) and Jiyan.
Phoebe Jiyan Brant might become the new Calchud Yao Yinlin sweat team
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It isn't
Hi /bag/
i dunno, i hate her design so her personality and story truely has to get me for me to roll
>make new account
>search porn
>like and follow every porn
>let the algorithm do the work
>99% of feed now porn
devil made this.
Ew but he's a male
It's not about full clearing ToA. That shit is easy. It's about getting stronger in general
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stronger for what exactly
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Roccia praying to bear Rover's children
>ew he's a male
Are you not male soul living inside male body?
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The Lolo deliverer who runs all around solaris with thunder thighs and massive calves.
A fat slampig italian euro-aryan cunny, a literal child.
The fact that their thighs can be compared at all is quite amazing.
Ok but what if his animations and gameplay is really fucking kino anon. Part of why I fell in love with Changli isn't just her big tiddies, smile or eyes, but her BOOM SKREEE and "Kago no naka no tori..." and just the way she teleport slashes and rises up as a bird.
She's gonna have a canon ship with Brant. Like Encore with Aalto but even more.
For the inevitable HP boat.
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Every man has always dreamed of wanting to become the strongest, to become stronger than they were, better. Whether its games, your muscles, your intellect, or even your shitposts or edits.
You should not ask why but instead say why not?
I'd rather collect wives tbqhdesu
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he's a support, there's only so much you can do for a concerto, outro healer
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BA(and to a lesser extent ZZZ) have a death grip on loli artists so I don't expect Wuwa to get much of any. The Genshin and Wuwa crowd scare away a lot of porn artists in general
>copypaste Fontaine
Anon, that just tells me you never played PGR.
Changli's attack SFX is just fucking kino. The booms and the crisps explosion sounds satisfying if you use a good headphones
how is omega doing? haven't read since he start to trying to blonde guy cause he is only sightly good at fights
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I love Yoohoo's design but playing her physically pains me holy fuck
This is not PGR, this is Wuthering Wives.
By that logic, I would still be chasing the perfect max roll echos to this day. I'm not.
When you reach a certain point, there is no longer a need to get stronger until a new wall appears. Whilst you can prepare for the wall, you won't truly know if it is a wall to overcome until you face failure the first time.
tl;dr No need to pull homos until my S6 Changli and S6 Cummy can't clear without them.
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would she shoot someone falling out of a plane?
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Squeeze them
Its way worse anon, it gets really dumb.
As is we already have a good amount of variety and some experimentation beginning with characters.
Quick swap healers and damage healers and whatnot are definitely possible.
Shorekeeper is certainly unique but it isn't like every healer will follow her mold no less than she didn't follow Verinas.
If you don't find yourself interested in playing with new things gameplaywise and new characters that's fine. For me however I'm more interested in building wide. I'm raising my wives, and anything I find fun. I have no bias against male characters. Kino is kino and lame is lame whether its waifu or homo.
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>another day
>another /r/ screenshot taken from a sub with only 1000 member
>full of troon and woman
the fact that not a single anon tells him to 'go back' is concerning
I kinda want to draw Rokoko lewds but xitter aka xumblr 2.0 crowds will chew you up. This is why Kuro needs to release more Lolis with swimsuit skins. If filter these faggots out
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we love r/screenshot here
well s6 is different. 99% of people have s0-s2 at most
He responds with shitposts. Just ignore him like everyone else.
Draw them anon...
The art she gets is low in quantity but the quality is fantastic.
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I roll with my dick. Not strength.
The girls that are chosen (by my dick) are the ones that I go for.
Go back
meant for >>503578743
better to ignore the retard, i wish jannies did their jobs and got rid of ragebait screenshots
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Just how much fucking pasta does this fatass loli eat?
Can she out-eat Abby?
If it were select S2's like Cummy and Jinny, maybe even Changli, you wouldn't need homos either desu.
>Zani game
It's official at this point.
There is like at least 1 upload every day of Danjin solo clear something on youtube.
I hope it's not a flat texture underneath
Here something even better anon.
You can keep doomfox
Do you mean her ass? It's clearly there, or is it her panties?
I need to know her personality and hear her voice. All 2D girls are beautiful, so looks don't matter as much to me.
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Go to /pgr/
>lusting to hagloli no:21
Go to /bag/
>lusting to loli- wait that's normal
Go to /wuwa/
>Lusting to lolis and clunny

It's all the same but different
Her pantyhose
Holy kino.
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Oh don't worry about it, it has clothes wrinkles and you can clearly see her skin colour so it's a bit transparent, makes sense since you see her tacet mark too
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They just dripped her, we'll be back to normal soon.
She and Xiangli Yao would look perfect together
Why would she eat pasta?
Aalto's britbong VA is one of the best ones desu.
Him and Shorekeeper and Jinny are good.
Not a fan of Yinlin's eng VA tho.
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Why are you acting like we haven't been collectively lusting over her since that trailer?
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Feebee hours?
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Looks too old
She's italian.
Why wouldn't she?
Also she obviously eats a stupid amount of olive oil, butter, tiramisu, gelato, panna cotta, pasta, pancetta, mozarella, pizza, pasta, stromb-loli, ravi-loli and far more.
Haven't you seen her asss and thighs?
Brant sure feeds her right.
There's one schizo who when here does nothing but spam about how ugly she is while sucking Zani's futa penis
You are a pedophile.
You don't even know if she's from rinascita
When in rome...
It's a compliment
She isn't. She's french and even the fucking sentinel is. You got baited.
This is just kuro monkeying Fontaine.
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Anons revenue posting is pretty fucking dumb.
I'm at the point where I think even the whole talk about Xiangli Yao posts as a anti-fujo thing is stupid because >incomplete as fuck data for all things.
I don't give a shit if we win our shitty censortower slop revenue against gigniggers, zoo or LAD. Wuwa won by having good coom, and coom gameplay.
More than that it wins by being a fun game and obviously growing in scope and ambition.
wa dare
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>these two upskirt goddesses will be a team
can't wait
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Reminder that the pedoposters are the natural repellent for people like picrel infesting the fandom.
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Brant and her are literally the most Carneval dressed fucks around
Fat fuck.
Keep eating.
>have a death grip on loli artists so I don't expect Wuwa to get much of any.

She is too covered up. Sure you can get a peek of her thighs but its hard to deduce how charming she is from what we got.
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Wtf gray ear is fucking op.
>Ears are covered up
>Same height, body, hair color

Phoebe is literally the leaked elf.
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what am i in for?
>find pedoposters obnoxious and annoying as fuck
>but picrel are even worse
Grim. Reminds me of some retard who tried to edit Asuna's age to 18 on the BA wiki on her birthday.
Already confirmed she isn't and her eyes and face look completely different
The mere presence of CunnyChads makes the fags tremble in fear.
They literally slapped the french flag over the logo in her announcement.
The only italian thing about rinascita Is the region's name and Carlotta.
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I love pic related because it looks like Big Yap is shooting a laser out of her eyes
Is she weak to anal?
Everyone is for Rover
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I'm getting some black souls 2 vibes...
How many times are these people going to say jenshart invented bright french buildings in vidya
Or maybe Roccia is NOT a child?? Same goes for Lumi. pedos are cringe, inserting their mental illness everywhere.
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We know Jinny
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I know people already kept asking for Tacet Field reward adjustments, but can you folks also add exclusive inbox for excess rewards where there is no expiration. I have literally 50 mails worth of TF rewards already. I'm too lazy to clean them up right now because fuck that. I just really wanted the tuners but they fucking coded it to send all the rewards into the mail when your shit is full.
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This is your jrpg party for the night
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clean it up rover
Is roccia free?
Free astrites
Fuck the wolves and fuck Aix
Zani vs Roccia in how much seethe the wuwinning is causing.
I don't think Youhu caused any melties on Roccia's level in wuwa. Look how they deny her cunny, her sex appeal and more.
No, why would she be?
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Pedocons tolerate and encourage whatever you like. Meanwhile the Antis want to ban everything they don't like and constantly attack you personally to feel morally superior.
Roccia is a midget, she's not a kid.
This is your slampig loli for the night.
has Kuro ever done "timeskip" characters? i wanna see Encore as a hag.
Because yesterday people said she would be free
I want to plunge my tongue deep into her cunny.
Is that supposed to be an insult?
Kinda? There's a timeskip in PGR but constructs don't physically age, Vanessa did change drastically and became a hag but she's a non playable rival to commandant. She is a construct now though so maybe she'll be playable one day
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That's not mine. I don't have a Jinny. Never will!
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No her design is great with exposed thighs and legs, tons of popular lolis are completely covered up. If she appeared in a game like BA then artists would be drawing tons of her once they found out her personality. There just are hardly any loli artists that play Wuwa and many of the artists that do play Wuwa don't draw for it anyways.
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Yeah, the more they show the more this is looking like rebranded fontaine
Nah, people were just speculating that she will be free because she's not popular.
sounds like wishful thinking to me. Maybe expect another free limited at anniversary.

You'll probably get a lot of gibs for 2.0 + half anniversary though
>clunny best support for Cammy the hebe
CunnyCHAD eating good.
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This is a 40 year old hag
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We are having the anniversary during 2.3 or 2.4 so you can expect a free unit by then. The Magistrate Elf will probably be the meta anniversary unit and the free unit her support.
>tons of popular lolis are completely covered up. If she appeared in a game like BA then artists would be drawing tons of her once they found out her personality

Hina only got fanarts going once she was revealed to be a needy girl in a school swimsuit and after that story chapter.
I wish I looked like that when I'm 40.
Yooooo its me!!
Half anniversary is over
We got 2.0 leaks and that's it
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What are you talking about Hina was one of the most popular girls from the beginning of the game.
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Not really, but i appreciate cunny >>503569590
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>Yuhuu does not have any Coord attacks herself
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God I hope someone makes a twerking anim for Roccia also.
Imagine an animation of the two of them twerking side by side?
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>still no wagashi doujin of either Hina, Kisaki, Verina nor No21 Feral
Wagashi doesn't draw for gacha games unless it's requested usually. Only time he drew anything doujin related for BA it was a preggo goudoushi last comiket with a bunch of other artists.
Out of 10!
So are the Gatekeepers/Somnoire niggas basically the shorekeepers of someone we knew?
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We need a scene like this with one of the loli characters first. So far kuro has been very adamant about making the lolis not romantically interested in us.
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Pedocons often encourage the faggotry because they also like shota and are outright hostile to any non-loli female character. Straight ones are fine most of the time.
they are DengDeng and Rococo
fuck, hard skip
ding dong
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Read her last character story. She's hundreds if not thousands of years old
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They wouldn't do it for ones we have currently. Maybe if they made a lolibaba in the future.
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>Less then 45 days till 2.0
based, he and verina fucked the sombnoire at level 95, it was epic, easiest shit of my life, almost auto mode
The somnoire story is interesting as a follow up to the Shorekeeper and Tethys story honestly, not just because it is essentially another type of Tethys, but also because its presenting Rover with another aspect of "sacrificing" or giving up something.
Of course dreams are something a person will know, will remember, born of their resonance and their own minds. What does it mean to take it, judge it? or discard it?
Of course even if you discard a dream you're just an outside observer to it rather than the person who dreamed it. Can a dream truly ever be erased etc?
Aalto isn't in IR yet sadly anon...
God he's gonna be giga fun. They managed to make Mortefi great, so imagine Aalto kino.
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>2 lingering 2 elemental damage
>no half anni
May 22nd - November 22nd
Yet normies bitch about g*nshin being stingy on anniversaries.
Sierra Gale/wind set 5 is "Upon using INTRO SKILL, aero damage increases"
You can't intro with a solo.
Gachas doing half annis are not a universal thing.
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why does my Jinhsi clear faster with Sanhua as the subdps than with Zhezhi
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Your sanhua is S6 and gives 20% attack buff
Skull issue
wuwa collab with ba would be nice, here is your collab gun resonator, sensei
You already posted this, poorly built Zhezhi
Is your wife s6? Is she truly your wife if not?
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It would be extremely painful
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>this is the face of Not!China
Embarrassing need more fat Jinny
why is there no Rin Yi lin mod yet
Gacha games don't do collabs with each other(competition) unless they're owned by the same company. Exceptions would be like collabs with Fate since Fate is more than just a gacha game.
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They went too hard on Jiyan. Every other man is just a wimp in comparison.
>jinny needs 2 supports to do mediocre damage
>jiyan is liberation dependent
>cammy hogs field time and has long cooldown
All 1.x characters are bricks. Behold 2.x powercreep.
this user does not own kakarot (!)
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Zani, yes or no?
>cammy hogs field time and has long cooldown
Good for her desu, you would want to see the character you roll for ?
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zhezhi is so bad, can i just get another sanhua
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Nothing wrong with camellya's rotation time. Jiyan's weakness is also a reach. Though I guess it is worse in overworld. But I already have Cammy to murder overworld till eos.

Jinny is the most at risk of getting powercreeped. The second Phoebe is revealed to be spectro and do somewhat comparable damage and not require a coordinated attacker + consistent dps instead of damage per screenshot im dropping jinny immediately
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Phoebe is Aero
Limbus x Arknights is having a collab. This just showed you are a tourist. I bet genshin was your first gacha. Fun fact, playing 1 previous gacha does not make you an expert! I won you LOST IMMENSELY
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We won against ZZZ
How long until zhezhi rerun and carlotta leaks
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Who is the fofo/Corin of WuWa?
Don't be too sure of that. Zkeks will have another banner from 27-28 so that will boost them enough.
Zzz wil have a new banner tomorrow so I think they will still come out ahead
Camellya is the perfect mix of consistent DPS and damage per screenshot I love her so much
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what we really need is a Miku collab
I said competition. Limbus is practically an indie game
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>Post JP VA announcement post being more popular than her JP drip with 2,3M views in the morning
>3~ hours pass and it's already 2,6M views
Maybe Rin might have a chance to dethrone that Zani 3,5M views global post.
Eh, Miku is one of those collab sluts that has been so overdone that it's not really exciting. I'd rather get 2B if we're going down that road.
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Uwa koronchyattaa~
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Did I hear cunny?!
Thanks bro I just got promoted
I feel the same exact way about 2B, if we're getting a collab slut, I would prefer it if it was Migu, so fair enough
>sea hours
>Look inside
I'm a lorelet, are crownless and dreamless aligned with Fractsidus or are they their own thing?
miku is old and busted
>inb4 Zani is Rider or Raikou and she skyrockets higher
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Good god, Inferno Rider VI kicked my ass for a bit but I got him.
They're pokemons, not living humans.
Yeah but they're not Fractsidus' Pokémon right?
the reward for beating lvl 7 or 10 if released should be a perfect echo with perfect stats.
Twitter likes are a worthless metric anyways when the user demographics are so skewed towards women on these social media pages.
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Good morning bwos.
Roccia's illustration is pretty cute not gonna lie.
Still won't roll her tho
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No, but Phrolova seems to be able to summon them or control them to some extent.
Crownless and dreamless are tacet discords (TDs) aka bundles of negative energy. You can think of them as the negative energy of warfare and violence manifested

The fractsidus want to fuse with TDs and also cause artificial resonator awakenings. They think this will improve the world somehow
Crownless and Dreamless are frequencies and T.Ds that come from Ovathrax.
The Fractsidus are their own group that's messing with T.Ds, hoping to push the next stage and also splice T.Ds into them to fake being resonators by using their frequencies as their own powers.
Funny the new narrative is cammy was a flop because she got less tweet views than Yao. But they conveniently ignore that she has more likes, youtube views, etc... In fact tweet view is the only metric he beat her at.
It's pointless to argue with a shitposter.
I guess supposedly in 2.X she's supposedly nursing a Threnodian so maybe it shouldn't be surprising she has influence over those two too
fofotroons don't get to ask for anything
I don't recall shorekeeper making this face
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>the fracs want to fuse with TD because...they just can ok???!!!!!111!12!!! Stop questioning!!!
Ok but seriously, have they explained this yet?
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I haven't played HSR in a long while, why do we hate Fofo now? She's cute.

Crownless is fucking kino

>A high rank Tacet Discord which mimics the form and actions that of a knight engaged in a ceaseless crusade. Despite its fabricated appearance, the Crownless knows nothing of a knight's duty, nor does it possess any chivalry.

It attempts to understand and learn the behavior of a human knight in ward of its overlord, yet fails to grasp the true meaning of guardianship the role entails, as the entity only mechanically wields its lance believing that this will make itself into a glorious knight.

In the end, it merely became a sinister ghost of warfare, lingering amidst a prolonged void of struggle, trapped in the infinite cycle of conflict and death. Once the fighting ends, it finds everything meaningless.
>Even the lance that once symbolized honor has undergone erosion and mutation, radiating an unsettling aura.
>Despite this, as seen from the knight's evasive maneuvers, it appears as though it is more in a state of enjoyment, giving the impression to be testing out Rover's capabilities in a provocative way.
>From this stage, it becomes apparent that the knight has incorporated various combat styles that of a human warrior into its own. Whether it be the stance of a boxer, or multiple forms of melee techniques, all shows the knight's ability to quickly learn and adapt to human behavior.
>Having been torn by battle, the knight's cloak is now replaced by a pair of large feathered wings. A lance is called out from beneath its feet, as though showing it now has truly entered the role of a knight, ready to carry out a final duel with the Rover.
im guessing theyre trying to merge with monsters so that people survive the calamities
Most of all..
>After the grueling battle, the mock-up knight fades away under Rover's blade. The Crownless failed to acquire its "crown".

The crown represents a child's rite of passage into adulthood, and it is also the Crownless' initial stage of imitating human beings. However, perhaps only when the Crownless truly understands the nature of human beings, can it find its own "crown" rather than merely imitate.

This battle merely marks the beginning of the encounter between the Rover and the Crownless.

Beyond being a potential crown-chaser and potentially the ultimate culmination of data trying to replicate and do what humans do and understand them while failing to do so in the form of war... The Crownless chasing a crown bit really almost sounds like some Nasu type shit and also some Demian/Utena shit.

If the Crownless were to find its crown would it become like a echo of Rinascita, would it become a true existence? a sapient being independent and truly alive?

I'm going to ask for more crownless content in the survey anons.
Loliconics freed himself from degeneracy and joined the adult society. I miss him
I guess my question better put is, they're not really cooperating with each other right? Fractsidus doesn't seem to be able to manipulate those two and crownless only seems to care about (you). Or do Fractsidus actually have the means and ability to use them? They're able to use T.Ds but those two seem to be on a different league
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The CBT made it look really cool, shame chinkcels had a melty about it
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You can't beat Crownless. Because he's (You). You created him. And he'll exist as long as humans exist
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Unfiltered kino: The echo
I don't think it matters too much in the end. Ovathrax seems to be more capable of considering various things and awareness compared to most T.Ds. Albeit we know that many higher level T.Ds seem to have a good amount of awareness, like the Aix.
Ovathrax was active but Frololo was encouraging, gathering and sending out T.Ds for the war part in 1.0

T.Ds are frequencies/remnant energy like anything, but made solely out of that rather than something that normally exists. You can resonate with them considering Calcharo, and anything can resonate or be effected or influenced by another thing.
Oops, sorry. Wrong YouTuber. Realized that wasn't Kaos >>503580726
Rover needs to go pugilist mode too
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There is ONE really strong argument against this however.
Its really fucking based and cool. HOWEVER, you cannot have this as the tutorial fight and just have him be beaten up in a rather easy and low tier fight. That isn't the best introduction to be had. Also you want Crownless to be built up overtime considering the thematics of Crownless seeking his crown and trying to become a whole being/understand warriors and humans instead of being a philosophical zombie imitating something it does not understand.
Ovathrax and Dreamless even grow from the lore and copy what their foes use, and so too does crownless.
He's built for growth, for building up into something more and more.
This makes me think of pic related
>Jinhsi - Technically died already
>Changli - About to die
>Camellya - Same
Why is everyone dying?
would be funny if fractidus is created by rover too to find a solution to the lament
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jeji is fine though
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imagine .hack Skeith and Haseo stuff but Rover and Crownless.
i'm like 70% sure that's the case
I think it's a great first fight and introduction personally. It also just immediately establishes Rover's strength to everyone and it being a fairly hard boss could be a good reflection of the player being skilled
Katisha is literally that, hopefully. Please, Kuro. Please
To prepare us for Yangyang dying and coming back as the first 6 star
Crownless seems really similar to Nero Angelo from DMC1, even the weapon choices with the brawler and huge weapon
As is I think we have a good balance..I think the best thing to keep is have it fuck up like yangyang a bit but not have it be giga nigga everyone is fucked up tier as the first impression. You need crownless to also grow and also you need to tune it because if you make crownless too grandiose then everything else after him feels like a level 1 slime and things feel off
Am I gonna evolve after accepting Crownless as a part of me?
>3 out of 23
Think before posting
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>Current jinny isn't good enough
>Want to pre-farm for Carlotta
>Don't use jinny in ToA anyway and get 30/30
>Have no Jiyan so I can't use aero echoes anyway
which do I farm sisters
Nah you have crownless turn into a real person/boy and he becomes your rival and finally best buddy enemy. Zenos from ff14 if he wasn't a homo ass thing
>Yangyang dying
>coming back as the first 6 star
I will pester and nag at kuro about it every single survey until EoS, even if I quit the game, I will make sure to still fill out survey forms just to complain about it, that's retarded
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if yangyang develops marie antoinette syndrome i'll like her even more
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Didn't that already happen? You absorbed crownless frequencies through dreamless when you unlocked havoc form. That's why you get headaches like him
I wouldn't mind having our honorary Tohsaka expy. Really fits if it's what I imagined from her sorta bio
The problem is anon its the first real fight, a tutorial fight. Even if you're someone who plays action games you shouldn't expect to play fully properly to a game you're just not used to and don't have the feel of.
It just isn't something that syncs well with someone who is bad with action games or is a shitter also. In the end you should save the giga bombastic for later. The Dreamless kino was a good escalation and fantastic right now. But it would kinda feel like a downgrade at this point with how Crownless was in the CBT.
I love Yangyang
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Reminder that her weapon looks like a crystal and has a red gem
Cammy has been dying for at least 20 years. She won't die, only suffers and live dangerously.
imagine if they threw the boxer crownless at you in the tutorial instead of the normal one
For reference anon imagine if instead of the mini boss at the end of the first real mission right out of Dantes wrecked shop in dmc3 you were fighting Virgil? It wouldn't be nearly as cool and you wouldn't be able to properly enjoy the fight and kino as much as you would if you felt like you had a feel for the gameplay and wasn't in full discovery mode
It reminds me of Nero Angelo, the first DMC1 boss and recurring rival, so I can't help but find it really exciting, it was easily the biggest hook for me early on. I wouldn't mind having a bit more fights until we see them, but I think the surprise factor going with him so early is perfect action game content, it could maybe stand to be less of a tutorial sure, but I hope future encounters with him will flesh it out.
In any case let's all keep asking for more crownless kino and various rival kino whether it's scar, someone new or whatnot in surveys
pretty sure he did use his fists for the phase of the fight in the tutorial. once he beat that he gets his wings and spear
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>5 star Yapyap won't have the same impact as SSR Rapi reveal
Why we she done so dirty?
Yangyang is Lucia
>Tectone says Hoyo is shit and Wuthering Waves is better than anything they've put out
>Suddenly rape accusations against Tec come out
by boxer i mean the hologram version
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My thoughts about this are more fleshed out here >>503585853(me), but I think there's a big difference in how a silent mysterious monster rival like crownless should be approached compared to a rival much more human with their own inner conflict and history with the MC like Vergil. Him and Shadow work with just having early cutscenes exploring them as it builds up to an eventual confrontation with the MC. But a silent rival can't have that, immediate confrontation seems more effective to me
Idiots can be right or wrong..sometimes for the right reasons and sometimes for retarded reasons. A retarded grifter is a retarded grifter and not my friend even if he's on "my side" I don't need a fat bald man to tell me wuwa is great, I know it's good and fun for a dozen reasons I can go into detail for. I also don't need him to tell me it isn't perfect either. Idiots can have points but that doesn't mean they aren't retards you shouldn't waste your time on
where did my rewards from f*cking Tower of F*cking Retarded Faggot go? The game kicked me out half way through ToA, and I don't see any rewards. Those dumb f*cking nigger chinks changed the server reset time from 4AM to 3AM? What kind of chink does that?! I thought I'd at least get the rewards from the 4 floors I did in the mail. F*CKING retards. I expect to be compensated in astrite from Kuro's mistake
don't think they're remnant energy. That's different since that's supposed to be *stable* frequency energy.

Tacet discords are the exact opposite basically since they're unstable.

>Tacet Discords (abbreviated as TDs) are sentient beings formed by the residual chaotic frequency energy under the Waveworn Phenomenon with ever-changing, amorphous forms. They possess Tacet Cores (Chinese: 声核; lit: Sound Nucleus), also known by the academic community as Reverberation Bodies (Chinese: 残响体) and instinctively feed on other frequencies to maintain stability and evolve.

These creatures mimic the abilities, shapes, and behaviors of others and are influenced by the types of frequency they consume.
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>Ah yes, i will let the queer community dictate what i like or not now. Sounds like a great plan.
it's always 4 am EST though for NA though
skull issue, click redeem after clearing one tower if you care about losing 200 astrite so much, you knew it was gonna reset tonight
Where in the game can you hear this battle theme?

I think I used to hear it somewhere in Desorock Highland.
I do agree with that. Its primarily that I think that you need to build up escalation and as is we still have the sudden giga nigga appears out of nowhere and jumpscares you, and he is cool and hot shit and looks strong and you have a cool fight that sets up hype for the entire game.

You don't want to blow your load too hard immediately. You want to give players enough of a dunk and taste that they're giga hyped, but not that they're blown out and you make it harder to continue off that or raise things above it.
I suppose you're right.
That said in the end I wonder considering various experiments like the attempt to merge the frequencies of TDs and humans together and whatnot, and how usually frequencies get overwritten or absorbed by a much greater one...
Its clear that Abby doesn't like turn the frequencies eaten (or at least the big ones like Crownless/Dreamless) because Havoc Rover exists as a manifestation and resonance with the Crownless/Dreamless frequencies and absored energy/data. Also you have a connection to dreamless and ovathrax because abby ate Dreamless that shows up in that simulation to check on Rover in the very beginning.
I wonder if in a sense that Crownless still exists within you?
>plays Chinese game
>hates the Chinese
>but racism is erm bad against blacks because it just is okay?
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Me and Zani
im still edging to this, in case anyone was wondering
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I thought it would adjust the time it tells you based on your timezone -- I never realized it was for EST
I think its more stuff east and south of Jinzhou? It plays in some places for sure. I remember fighting exiles to it.
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Which way white man?
The problem is the queer community tries to dictate to the developers what you are allowed to like or not and they become as loud as possible in attempts to convince them.
Sorry Jinny, it's just the way it works.
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Kill yourself yurifag.
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Does Dendy actually browse here or was it's just a joke?
My wives....
Nice try, we know youre a pag like Dendy. We always knew.
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You should ask why Dreamless showed up in that simulated sonoro sphere in the first place. In the battle of the gorges of spirits when Rover fought crownless the very first time perhaps it got absorbed then.

But that's Crownless. Not Dreamless
Now let's see the wifebeater stats
Why the f*ck is there always a tempest/thundering mephis on one of the towers
I just wanna use xly

I s2g this jinny2wingame is pissing me off
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Anything else?
Dendy samefag
Not really, she just got some flashier artwork so people are getting whiplash now since they're only capable of thinking in absolute extremes. Still think she looks bare far the lamest of the bunch with Brant a close second. Carlotta looks probably the best and Zani is alright, but overhyped by the weebs that are into that particular look after Makima, Arlecchino and to some extent Kafka.
The thing is Dreamless shows up because you have Crownless frequencies in you and they are both stemming from Ovathrax. So you have a connection, a frequency with Ovathrax. That's what I'm saying.
As much as Dreamless is essentially something that pushes to cultivate and harvest "war" for the sake of Ovathrax, I feel like Crownless is in a way more aligned with Ovathrax itself, especially considering the giant Ovathrax shell/statue is a giant Crownless too.
Election tourist.
You will never be a woman.
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>inane genshitter babble
After cammy's banner iirc.
That's when the beta goes live.
My Danjin get filterd by a non Havoc resist floor for the first time and it turn out to be a fucking Aix of all thing.
>this late
if it's true I'm dropping the game, this is jewish I wanted to see her anim in order to know if I was going for Cammy sequences or not
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Alright. Good night wuwa.
get that faggotry checked out first
Camellya is very squishy and gets interrupted on every attack
She is going to be another character I need to practice 3 months on I guess
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I don't really care about the JP voice-over for this game. Why would you choose the most Chinese-looking, worded, and focused game to play in Japanese? Especially when it's clear the devs are focused more on the Chinese side of things? It's like playing Wukong in English. Or Ghost of Sushi in English. Or Genshin in Chinese.
I really dislike Chinese when it's spoken since it sounds just as bad as Indonesian or Thai and I still chose CN VAs for the game because everything else is just wrong for what the game is. CN in general also has better performances in my opinion, particularly when it comes to Mortefi, Jiyan, Yuanwu, Changli, Camellya, Encore, F.Rover, Zhezhi, and Danjin.
Yes I told you Aix is fucking aids against Danjin, she can't hit it most of the fucking time. Building concerto with her was really fucking strict
Doesn't matter, the greater WuWa and CC shill community will just spin it as Hoyoverse being greedy by making characters people want to spend money and Kuro being super duper generous somehow when they could totally easily make 100 million dollars every single banner if they actually wanted. They've been really hammering on this idea of the pay walled character to get exploration mechanics when literally every character so far has a F2P equivalent Saurian that does a lot of the same shit albeit not quite as good, but plenty to get by on still. The problem with the WuWa community and especially it's CC's is they're constantly talking out of their ass about games they don't even play and barely actually have any idea what's going on in and I'm skeptical they even play this game all that much even.

Like you can just safely ignore 99% of the takes by WuWa CC's and the community has to say about basically anything including their own game at this point as they're probably just full of shit and engaging in corporate tribalism on behalf of their masters again anyway
literally just dodge
I agree! Let's make sure to do per capita as well.
yurispamming retard
This is actually the cunny as fuck. And we still got Yukari Tamura available! Cunnychads we eating good!
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Its amazing how much wider and fatter her thighs and ass got. Also calves are real on her. Too bad they didn't buff her pussy seam.
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>Worthless opinion
This is my punishment for not filtering him earlier
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Zani is a dyke and she's one that's made to be broken and converted into a heterosexual.
I speak english so I use EN
i intentionally listen to language i dont understand to avoid all the cringes
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The cat looks spooky on the splash art, but now I can see what her "tornado" is going to be like, would be funny if it hurled all sorts of shit too
I am concerned that the wuwa community doesn't see anything wrong with MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY REVENUE REVENUE.
To think that they're so reasonable and not focused on things and matters that aren't in trouble right now.
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skip skip skip skip roll
No I won't
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What causes such mental illness?
Why does the safehorny twitter community insist on using this cringe term?
apparently they're following the schizo tieba, that place was basically the only one making fun of her granny tits model
Thanks god i'm not susceptible to VA rolling, otherwise i might have got an incentive to roll the clown
If anything Zani appeals to the kinds of people who would have been calling anime fans nerds several years ago
>incest is safe horny
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You can't just drop a mod like that and not give us a source.
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Zani is for OL enjoyers.
>dress pants
>men's clothes
Yuck. Just admit you want a boyfriend, fag.
Has her kit been leaked already?
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me when I see someone posting yuri at the net cafe
>posts woman with actual feminine haircut
No I meant the LGBT peoples who cheer everytime some "girlboss" character gets released
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>See a woman
>Thinks about males
Why is wuwa of, all gachas, plagued by virtue signaling conservatards?
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No, they listened to me. Me specifically.
You can all express your attitude for camy's fatter ass.
Actual trannycoded image. If you posted this on twitter I'm sure you'd get tons of engagement.
Luokeke (Rococo) test kit:

Basic Attack

Performs up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Havoc DMG.

Heavy Attack

Consume stamina to charge up an attack on the target, dealing Havoc DMG. Holding the normal attack button extends the charge time of the heavy attack, and the longer the charge, the more special energy is gained.


Consumes STA to cast a Mid-Air Plunging Attack, dealing Havoc DMG.

Dodge Counter

Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Havoc DMG.

Resonance Skill

Summons a tornado that pulls in nearby targets, dealing Havoc DMG, and sends Luokeke into the air.

Forte Circuit

While in the air, Luokeke can perform up to 3 consecutive descending attacks, dealing Havoc DMG. For every 100 points of special energy, one attack can be unleashed. Special energy acquisition rules: The maximum special energy is 300 points. Normal attacks that deal damage, using Resonance Skills, and using Intro Skills can gain special energy.

Resonance Liberation

Dealing Havoc DMG

Outro Skill

The incoming Resonator has their Havoc DMG Amplified by 20% and Normal Attack by 25% for 14s or until they are switched out. After casting, the team’s search module will add an item that gathers monsters. When used, it pulls targets towards the user.

Intro Skill

Dealing Havoc DMG

Inherent Skill


Inherent Skill

nta but I don't like women in pants either
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Most things are on loverslab or arca:
That wasn't me. lol. He problaby though you mean Aix Hologram or something.
slightly, but not enough to roll for

I'm partly unexcited because clowns are supposed to be funny but chinese gacha writers are genetically incapable of being funny
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>people only like zani because she wear pants so shes the symbol against the patriachy
>replace it even with just something like pic rel and to them shes just another incel mommy coombait
I don't too.
That's why I like Asian fashion because the female actually wear dresses and skirt compared to the west.
But I don't mind the OL attire, I blame the JAVs I watched for that.
That's actually how they think.
Ma'am, do NOT redeem the pants
Zani says trans rights.
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I have to confess bwos...
I like Anko's trailer music
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Here's the Roccia leak
>Zani spamming yuritroon woke up
Whelp that's my sign to log off
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I like girls in suits but only if they're young/hebes.

That means they haven't actually been a career woman for 20 years and are just doing cosplay for a bit before I put them in my house barefoot and bearing my children
Nah. It's just your schizo kicking in when nothing works your way.
>Oh my god Zani is wearing pants! She's just like the girls who ignore me at school! Ugh, I need to go watch some Andrew Tate videos to calm down......
Why are Zanitroons allowed to avatarfag and spam the thread with their off-topic /u/ posting?
> the r/exmuslim femcel from Indonesia is back
Will Lumi be available for purchase with 80 corals like Youhou was in her banner?
Zani would be acceptable if she dressed more like Eve from Stellar Blade, but apparently Kuro is trying to capture the transvestite crowd from twitter for some reason.
For anons who are part of other generals has any other character caused as much of a melty as Zani and Roccia are in people from OTHER games?
No, every other general is relaxed.
Only wuwa is schizo
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>ugh, why is this feminist BITCH covering her legs!
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She's gonna look so good doing acrobatic bullshit to go along with camellya's gymnastics.
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The only girl I am interested in is Carlotta
kek. Quintessential mod.
any popular character can end up as a target for shitposting, one example is mika from blue archive, one shitskin from singapore has been spamming gore/scat of her for over 3 years now
What's that hairstyle with that bang called?
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I just think pants are ugly on women
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When will we get an actual kemono (female)
>I want a dommy mommy office career woman so bad!!!
Just wait until you're the one forced to take care of the children while she spends all day at work cheating on you with her boss and gaslighting you into thinking there's no affair because she's just going on 'business trips' out of state. In fact I hope you find a woman like that so you pathetic fags will stop trying to push this agenda to have men dress like women and women dress like men.
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the xiangli yao
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I like cameltoes and tight ass-glued pants and tights more than panties and skirts personally
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Nope. When they showed off Liv in a suit, everyone was chill. It's to the point that I'm convinced it's just outsiders trying to troll, and the sales numbers (yes I know, revenoo post) will show it, just like it did with Zhezhi.
There's a pattern that I'm seeing where suddenly there's a bunch of hate for new chars in an effort to dissuade people or even convince them to dislike it.
>Changli NTR smile
>Zhezhi is a tranny
>Shorekeeper love quotes are fake
>Cammy is a floaty whore who only cares about strong people, not (You)
Not only this but also, they're complaining about being clothed up, then what the fuck is Lumi who's also clothed up? See? The contradictions start to show.
It's okay if they're hot.
It's not if they're not.
I hope they make that Tornado big and have a longer duration. The pull mechanics on Jianxin's RL is so fucking trash that it's sad because I actually want to use her.
whats the password
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Sure but leotards and stockings aren't pants.
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Imagine how bad the situation is, when even the pags are laughing. On that note, new humiliation video dropped, can't convert it to webm.
They're all flavors that I like, personally.
I really like Zani as well in the end. But I'm a Project moon coomer so she is made for me.
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A 2D fighting minigame would be kino
It's right there bro...
nta, but bro it's in the fucking post
come on....
but why????
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Zani when her forte is full
Why people shitpost? That a lifetime of a philosophical question, anon.
Mental illness and too much free time.
It's dangerous to think too deeply about what shitskins do.
this is /wuwa/, anon
brown "people" act in mysterious ways
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fuk u jianxin stopo fucking spamming hadouken yuo bitch
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What's the key to toggle that hair, though?
>Question asks about how other generals react
>Answers it
Don't try to comprehend madness.
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White lambs wouldn't get it
Some people are insane
And the new generation is filled by outrage seeking faggots
Another trend i've noticed in the last years is also people who want to become a 4chan celebrity by being the most obnoxious retard ever seen, like the best approach to exert their existence is to be the biggest fucking faggot ever seen.
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>literal tranny is posting futanari now
I wish she didn't have that stupid hat
tried everything but no dice. thanks for trying to help anons.
You people made me into a celebrity and now you're upset about it!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
The twintail comes by default. The og hair is a separate mod.
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the biggest humilation ritual would be to compare 4 stars to 5 stars. Guys like Wiros compared to Yuanwu and stuff.
Waifus are one thing, the design and concept art can save them, but Genshin males cannot be salvaged at all.
Speaking of I like fedora man's art desu. I do appreciate that we get him and sanhua for free for everyone without rolls.
Unfortunately some people see shit like Chris-chan as something to chase after.
you're right, I'm retarded. To be fair though, I think this is only happening now because of the times. This kind of design in a gacha game wouldn't instantly become ammo for political shit until the "new" audience discovered the genre.
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Oh what's this? You're having trouble with the Hadouken spam? Ohohohoho! You'll never reclaim your app icon like that desuwa!
Achuko's beautiful smile

Yeah i like Yuanwu's design
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i'm a /snogger/
we're too busy dealing with our own dumpsterfires to shitpost about other games
honestly if it weren't for the males i think the two generals would get along really well because the "for (you)" in this game is top knotch

shorekeeper followed by cammy, very good stuff
>yuritroon art being posted
we're declining...
Lord Arbiter would convert both of them back to heterosexuality with one thrust of his cock.
anon, just copy and paste this
it works, i just did it. maybe you're accidentally including a space or something. caps sensitive.
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this used to be my app icon. It will be mine again in the future
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Lady Arbiter and Changli don't like short "men"
To be fair the males are also for (you) and even if I'm not homo I can appreciate the level of for (you) and their Chad or fun designs
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ai kayano was right
and this is why yuritroons must be gatekept they don't care about actual game discussion nor do they play the game they're merely here to post pornography and derail any discussion
wtf i thought jannies dont clean this aisle.
I also appreciate that he's a guy with an actual beard of some sort that's playable in a chink game. Variety is important even if it might be a miss instead of a hit sometimes
okay this is clearly rigged

I'm 99% certain that every autistic WUUUU and WAAA poster is underage
I'm 99% sure this faggot crying about "dykes" and "troons" every thread is Malaysian.
It's very evident.
Probably spam reported.
your post is more off topic than fanart of the game though
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I love you all /wawu/, even the schizos.

Except for non-whites.
its a single fag spamming his shit, likely posts other ragebaits
You'll learn to love yourself one day.
If wuwa wasn't wuwa and had some other name that didn't invite Wu or wa posting, that wasn't as fun to say I think the general would unironically have been in a worse state and developed a worse culture and grabbed less anons to play it
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I learned that when it turned out the yuri shippers of the Star Rail community all skipped the reading in-game stuff and their knowledge of the game came from youtube story trailers.
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So I was told the sentinel will be some form of unicorn or horse.
It will finally be canon. Lord Thundercock Arbiter.
Because some people lose their minds for no reason, are unhinged in general, or are extremely petty for minor offenses.

Barry on /v/ has been shitposting for something like 10 or 15 years now in pretty much any KH, DMC, FF, or Forspoken thread. He has been IP banned and rangebanned repeatedly which even Australians (Or was it New Zealanders?) complain about having to deal with on occasion and he literally pays for VPNs to circumvent it. If you say something negative about Tabata, FFXV, or Forspoken expect him to spam essays at you about how you suck, you never played the game, how his games are God's gift to mankind, how any game you like sucks, etc.

ACfag on /v/ has been shitposting since at least the late 00's if not early '10s. All he does is post Zero Suit Samus threads, fill them with /e/ posts of her, and then complain about how Samus has been sexualized and how no one actually wants to discuss the games but instead just post R34 of ZSS. He will also go into normal Metroid threads talking about Prime or Super or ZM or Dread, zero in one the single person who posted ZSS, and go on a tirade about how ZSS ruined Metroid.

LancedJack on /v/ spent something like 4 or 5 years straight (Maybe it was more, it was years) spamming moot's e-mail and shitposting threads to 404 just because he wanted to even through IP and rangebans.

Abatap on /tv/ spent I want to say five or six years in pretty much any thread that said they didn't understand why people liked Avatar or just disliked Avatar and got into arguments with people until 404 just to get into arguments with them. I don't even know what his problem was.

Barneyfag on pretty much the entire board for a solid six or seven years would, for no reason, crop pictures of MLP fanart, post brand new threads with said fanart and some message like "What would you do?!?!?", and then one minute later post a link to that fanart and spend the entire thread drumping images telling OP (Himself) to kill himself.
I regret rolling for every single character
they are 5-15% upgrade over 4 stars and standards
I'm sorry that happened to in the other game. Show us on the doll where it hurt you?
She's ok. Least favourite of the designs for me. But that still makes her appealing and nice
Rinascita designs are really strong so far
You heard it here first, anti-yuri incels are mihomos.
save until 5.0, metafag
too small, but other than that very sexxo and best 2.0 character so far.
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I don't think a chinese gaming company would ever do something like pander to trannies or lgbt.
Stop assuming they care what people outside of China and Japan might think.

It's obvious that Zani is for the crowd that likes big cool strong onee-san characters.
The OL outfit is just that. It's just a bonus point for people who like it.
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You are right,it's quite rare to find chinese character with beard.
The succ being on an item that doesn't require the clussy to be onfield is a nice touch
>more barbs than usual
huh what do you mean "usual"? my dick doesn't have any barbs
Me on the left.
Best one BY FAR. Literally caters to every single one of my tags.
Sucks that it's like half a year away though.
Puts even Changli and Jinhsi together to shame in my book.
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yeah, they would never hire prominent gay leaders and progressive females. And those guys would never pander to their preferred player base. haha....
This isn't phoebe?
>wake up
>theres like 5 new characters
what happened?
Didn't this happen after they left china and have their main residence in Singapore?
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does it matter? You just have to look at their games to see they are pozzed.
Yes, HI3rd was the example of a good male fantasy till they moved to Singapore and killed off the male protag.
>Who cares about hi3rd
It's not about caring or not caring, it's the history.
anyone know the sauce?

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