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>Version 2.7 "A New Venture on the Eighth Dawn" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aKrB7s43Yw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdLokzQqMzE (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.7 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20241122version-xuj19x/index.html

>Version 2.7 Trailer — "A New Venture on the Eighth Dawn"
>Golden Epic Trailer — "Amphoreus' Saga of Heroes"
>Rappa Trailer — "No Dazzle, No Break"

>Current Character Banners: (Acheron, Aventurine + March 7th, Pela, Sampo) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34892058
>Current Light Cone Banners: Along the Passing Shore (Nihility), Inherently Unjust Destiny (Preservation) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34892114

>New Drip Marketing:
>The Herta (5* Ice Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/35034296
>Aglaea (5* Lightning Remembrance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/35054001
>Remembrance Trailblazer (5* Ice Remembrance) - www.hoyolab.com/article/35081096

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Fucking hate the moc sigger
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Another soul clear in the books
>Rare mom thread
I love my mom
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I love my beautiful wife Robin so much!
all that for 7 cycles
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I love seeing him again and listening to his theme even if he's cancer
>sexy hag thread
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why is our game so gay compared to Genshin?
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What if instead of Sigga, it was Wigga and he spoke in AAVE?
Sex with this granny
I love my wife too!
You mock him, but try doing this with old characters like Jingliu and Dan Heng
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Really makes you think
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post moc 11
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The gap between MoC Aventurine and AS Aventurine is something
>mfw a girl with nice tits hugs me
>barely managed to full clear MOC
Not having Ruan Mei fucking SUCKS, is she still worth getting for E0S0 Firefly for 3.x, or is it better to just drop the playstyle entirely and aim for the new meta? I don't have any other limiteds for break.
me on the left
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You're not going to ditch your canon gf for that pink harlot, right?
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sorry bro, I visit brothels frequently, and harlots are nearly always worth the money
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rejoice mongrels
Bro your Firefly?
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My girlfriend is so cute
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And I love you, Robinfren
she's the definition of a fish. great body, ugly as hell face. how are her characteristics so bland, why is her hair so discolored, what the hell are they smoking
Fuarrkk I'm cumming back to Genshin because this granny ToT
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>don't need Sunday until they release an actually good summon DPS (anniversary where he'll be rerun)
>don't need Fugue since she doesn't boost Firefly's DPS compared to HMC

This patch fucking sucks
a GRANDMA look like that?
>2 OP again
Tribbidi fags are so fucking annoying
>don't need Fugue since she doesn't boost Firefly's DPS compared to HMC
uhhh she definitely does
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>can only 34*
you're gonna have to get rid of HMC when the new MC path comes out bro
They are the new firesharts
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Our grandma is better
proof evidence source
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Maybe invest in S+ tier units next time?
I just finished the main story, how long is the event?
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erudition more like gayrudition
it was made first
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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Who says RMC will be meta and not trash like Preservation and Destruction?
you're either blind or completely tasteless
>tfw genshin starts releasing hags
>hsr starts releasing homo banners
What went so wrong for us?

They have Skirck or whatever her name is
Gayest post itt
You think fish have great bodies? Do you want to fuck a salmon or something?
>The 10 cycle incident
If they make RMC broken it'll help sell Fug and the summon meta
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Gay, we love Clitloli here
Preservation wasn't even trash, it was a pretty decent tank at the time
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Good morning bros
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>a character is meeting an aeon in person
>it's in a filler patch
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No it wasn't and has never been, Prydwen was wrong.
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>firefly took 3 turns to beat bug boss
I feel like I should be concerned about it being the MoC 12 boss next
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>10 cycles
this game sucks
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>everyone is jobbing in this moc
>it's in a filler patch
not just that
it's at the end
like a teaser
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We've been over this mutliple times faggots, you have a shit taste.
anon >>503591098 is absolutely right.
Herta is so fucking lucky.
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My Gallagher is out of retirement
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Isn't she bad in gameplay?
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Oh wait, so you also get shitposters whenever we get our drip marketing.
Nevermind, it's not just a /hsrg/ thing then. Sorry if I ever insulted you guys.
Nice try samefag. Neuv wank killed Fontaine.
wtf neuvbro I thought we were allies...
basically a zhongli upgrade for pyro/hydro teams so no

Citlali is sex and nobody gives a fuck about your worm opinion
>finally start doing banana quest
>expect the worst
>its actually fun
worth it just for Stelle singing
also Chaletka A CUTE
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Mauvika's dedicated support.
ffffuarrrkk it's not supposed to be like this
we had sexy women when the game first came out and only a handful of homos when genshin was getting their year long homomeru patch
I'm glad zzz will forever be sex though
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Maybe you should pull Sunday
Why can't you skip to level11 in MoC? Even Genshin lets you do it
Is Citlali second half?
she basically zhong except she's able to dish out respectable damage and help with reactions, so not really
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Ruan Mei FUCKS The Herta
remember to go touch her fluffball after the msq is finished
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i did it bwos
Calm down Ruan Mei
playable pepeshi when?
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She was supposed to be our wife....
you wouldn't last 10 seconds chud
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I was just tossing shit together, took longer than 12 by a cycle and a half
>roll for Ruan Mei and Robin or eat shit
HSR has fallen.....
Yanqing wouldn't say this
congrats bwo
>Nuev poster
>complete faggot
Checks out
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expected this to be much worse
turned out to be fairly easy
brought fu brick to counter svarog then he went ahead and captured her instead of yunli which almost bricked the run kek
Post your team
>If you meet the character check and don't roll your favorites it's easy
HSRbros, what has our game become...

you should be liking women
I think it's based because I don't see no m*les
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nah i'd win
What happens when I touch her fluffball?
As much as I want this to happen, you need to accept reality and recognize headcanons.
neck yourself homo
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i didn't roll any characters i don't like though
and don't try to tell me brickle and fubrick (or off element yunli) are top meta
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You weren't Firefly's first, btw.
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That first half is such an insane trap. You want to bring Black Swan and Kafka and then they nearly brick the run.
Got it down to 6 cycles with the FUA team but hoo mama.
Anyways Firefly is enlightened now.
>I don't see no m*les
I look like this
Stay, shounenGOD.
>bejita appear
>Firefly cuck post
Hmyes I'm noooticing.
I can't believe I liked the neuvigod poster once.....
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don't forget me...
We gained a new schizo?
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>All those name mentions
>Offscreen actions
>Not appearing in story
Fuck you Hoyo
Sorry bejitabro I lost all motivation to post topajade
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>dps class
yeah, there's no fucking way they'll make a dps mc stronger than a limited dps character. hmc was lightning in a bottle because it was a support but can perform as a dps (but not too good a dps) and shines even more if you have your girlfriend and two side chicks
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How about this?
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unbased & not cannon
Translation, now.
Useless bitch can't even kill that bug in moc11 faster than my e0s0 firefly. I even have your cone.
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/hsrg/ clears (31 players)

Ruan Mei - 29
Harmony TB - 27
Robin - 20
Lingsha - 19
Firefly - 17
Feixiao - 14
Acheron - 12
Aventurine - 12
Rappa - 10
Gallagher - 9
Sparkle - 9
Topaz - 8
Pela - 7
Fu Xuan - 7
Huohuo - 6
Kafka - 5
Black Swan - 4
Jade - 3
Jiaoqiu - 3
Bronya - 3
Silver Wolf - 3
March 7th (Hunt) - 3
Yunli - 3
Gepard - 2
Blade - 2
Asta - 2
Himeko - 2
Guinaifen - 1
Seele - 1
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i will in a second when battle records updates
girls frontline 2 in 9 days..
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Is the game balanced around E0S0s 3-4 costs a team or do they expect us to spend for Es at some point in the future? HP bloat is such a shit way to powercreep the game
My wife looks absolutely beautiful riding Raymond's massive cock...
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I'm not motivated at all to do the new MoC. I do want the jades but I can't be arsed to actually log into the game and attempt it...
boring moc

does the 2nd boss melt to firefly or something? I don't have any break characters. I just bruteforced it with yunli
>have e1 argenti
He's such a fucking brick bros. What were they thinking with him? I tried him on moc 12 side 2 and he still can't do shit even with E6 Sparkle, fofo and E1 Robin with planetary cone.
I thought this was my job...
So which half should one do with the QQ. First?
2nd boss is a Rappa/Lingspud shill boss, your average break team should do fine
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I dont remember which boss it was I used firefly on but yes
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I can finally post the hoyolab version
Rate my sovlful run
>Guinaifen - 1
>Seele -1
Holy based
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This is my Tingyun at E0S1:
>171.7 SPD
>288% BE
>71.2% Effect Hit Rate
>119.4% Energy Regen Rate

Does 171.7 SPD hit any breakpoints or is it going really overboard?

I can hit all the BE% thresholds for her traces and gear (even without Ruan Mei!), have 100% success rate on her DEF debuff and can squeeze in an ERR rope too.
he was before they just upped HP everywhere six times
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I did it out of boredom, I didn't mean to steal your job
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Is it better or worse she's not Kallen?
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I prefer this.
Where did she get so much speed?
You FF team can 0 cycle svarog.
Only dude on earth who ships topastelle
>so-called soulful run
>the run is not, in fact, soulful
Caelus will have his Otto moment in the SH flashback arc.
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>2 Hoshiboshi
Ultra based
People shit on Seele but she still can do her job with my broken supports. Argenchud is beyond saving, he's not even that good in PF.
That artist is very based then.
I just like seeing Stelle dominated by other girls and a lot of characters can fit that role.
Post your so called sovlful MoC12 clear.
Hoshiboshi no kankyou........
Yes, it was the Hoolay Acheron team that struggled 5 cycles
I'd recommend the other planar because you may use her outside of fire weakness. Less of a headache reaching the guaranteed threshold.
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Out of combat:
102 base SPD
Multiplied by 1.06 from Kalpagni
Multiplied by 1.1 from Ruan Mei
+14 SPD from minor traces
+39.4 SPD from gear

She's fast!
Which of the new characters are confirmed to be hebe model or below
I will roll for Tingyun because I'm afraid RMC will be broken...
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Why are we posting 11 instead of 12?
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That jiggle is IMMACULATE. Stay Citlanichad.
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Here's my shitty clear, melt it down and add it to the others...
She won't be lmao. HMC was a mistake on the level of B and XL.
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My firefly team no longer 0 cycles MOC… Thinking about getting Fugue now.
Jesus… I know you use hyper Xueyi but this MoC fucking sucks. Rappa isn’t even better that much better than Acheron on her own shill boss too. AoE trash.
phainon is gonna impregnate pela, isn't he
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Sunday approved art
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>Usage rate even higher than meta harmony characters
Got it. So the people saying "Firefly is bad" are just spiteful anons who didn't have the jades to roll for her or failed the 50/50
>"Robin is so much better than RM!"

I'm not posting this >>503593513 since it's already up there
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Fucking powercreep is getting out of hand
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the banana boss fight was actually pretty comfy to clear without sustain since firefly's technique makes the big dino always buff your team
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>e3 ACK brappa ruan mid lingspud
>sovlful run
>all those eidolons
>cannot 0 cycle
What the fuck is wrong with you.
Swap your teams btw, Acheron is much better than Fraudfly on banana
topaz GODS...
>yet another break and FUA MOC
When will this end
That's same artist that drew Stelle domed by Mimi 5 minutes after RMC art dropped right? Lmao
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I'm STILL laughing at the fags who told me not to roll for Topaz because she's a "brick" lmao.
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>Oh... I forgot to bring my change of clothes...
>Lalala~ Clothes, clothes~
>Well, since I'm on my own I can just come out like this~
>Ah, forgot about you...
>Can you grab me those clothes over there?
>Miss Stellaron... Do you usually go out looking like that...?
>? Of course.
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Thanks I’ll try that. Banana seemed like such a firefly boss but she’s actually so bad at it.
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S+ wife power
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nigga everyone in /hsrg/ strongly recommend topASS
>E6S1 Robin
Can't 3 star MoC, it's over for me...
Galactic Whore
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I thought the 2nd half was free but E0S1 Rappa was struggling with 4-5 cycles. Is that half a Lingshart after all?
castorice is a hebe
kot is a hebe (smol)
there's two lolis too but hyacinte may be a hebe (smol) instead
We just don't give much of a shit
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>I'm the first QQ clear
Neat. I hope all the fags that post her die slow painful deaths
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Post your clear Robinfren. She 0 cycles one side by herself so how can you not 10 cycle the other side…
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I don't regret not rolling Feixiao
But I do regret not making my superbrick team better
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who should i use?
Nah Banana is a Rappa boss, and even then I would still prefer to run Acheron on it. Jade also shits on it without breaking if you have her.

The banana boss just has insane hp across three phases. Also the blessing is is awful since it's difficult to max out and it doesn't provide any passive bonuses.
I posted the nice looking version ^)
But Acheron and Rappa are SOVL
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battle records taking way to long, dot side e1s1 kafka swan e1 fofo no sig. ruan mei e1s1 side two with e1 gallagher i fucking hate it so much hes so bad
i didnt know selmy played star rail
adding my scuffed clear to the pile
seele and jingliu
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Long live the queen of /hsrg/!
Imaginary x Fire C&C GOD
How do I refresh hoyoshit lab?
Is Rappa a cave woman?
Those average cycle numbers are insane across the board, not saying you’re bad or anything but I wonder what to blame, power creep or making enemies that have awful mechanics and end up being a cancer for older teams.
DoT support can’t come soon enough to.
she's a ninja gaiden
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the sexiest star rail in version 1
>that roster
>still asking whom to use
1st - QQ Sparkle Fu Xuan Jade
2nd - Kafka BS RM Huohuo
>Lingsha 31%
Bwos... you told me I had to pull for her...
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Would you kill the aeons with her?
Jade is incredibly low despite the fact she absolutely dumpsters Banana boss, I’ll never take usage rates seriously, only top end performances matter.
its not the dothags unironically. they easily cleared svarog in 1 cycle with ruan mei, three with tingyun. its himeko taking 50 years to clear side two
Can any E0 DoT team actually get through first half? I'd like to see it because, lmao
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>version 1.x
consider Silver Wolf
Kek glad you got the reference.
Gallagher was very underwhelming for me too, but as long as it's cleared...
Where Rappa? Aren't the banana TVs her shill boss?
Also Acheron continues to fall off despite the advantageous matchup, oof
get through yeah why not
it will just take a while
Fucking finally
History revision moment. Topaz was an utter brick at release, she was an engine for a team that did not exist.
Ratio worked with her but also needed her print or his own to actually go. Aventurine being broken is what finally pushed FUA teams to be truly top form.
That data is for last MOC retarts
I know, you ran them on Svarog and he’s not hard. But I’m still asking for an actual dedicated DoT support, hopefully the Vampire girl with a bleed dot please.
it's obv an old pic
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incredibly rare Siobhan sloppa
Yeah I realized that after hitting post kek.
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long may she reign
>Expected a dick before clicking
>Was right
You never disappoint
Acheron still has actual better performance, usage rates mean nothing nowadays when it comes to the power of a unit.
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He's based, topastelle is underrated and topaz's second best /u/
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I just wish she got more screentime, or even better, (You) pandering.
>I’m still asking for an actual dedicated DoT support
same man, one day theyll remember dot exists..
>E1 Jade

Is this a good team?
no dick version?
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>AI patreon
I'll never get it.
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I had to lean in, lock in and do manual clear of 11 and 12th. The fuck is this powercreep, also fuck ice weakness
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You are weak
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I have no good Talia pieces so that's not an option, I haven't ever farmed that cavern. However I can do this SSS build:

>164.8 SPD
>301.4% BE
>75.6% Effect Hit Rate
>119.4% Energy Regen Rate

This way I meet the 220% BE (Tingyun's Trace) and 250% BE (Iron Cavalry) threshold unconditionally, doesn't matter if I'm fighting something Fire Weak or not. This will let me use her with any break DPS I want in future.

I go from 171.7 SPD to 164.8 SPD but I don't think I crossed any speed threshold with that. I still keep ERR rope and 100% debuff rate too.
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Your most beautiful queen, hsrg
I like a lot of Topaz ships desu, but only if she’s the top (except with Jade).
Stelle was made to bottom for other girls too. Stinky lanklet are bully material.
So we should start getting Sunday marketing this week, right? The double banner ruined my perception of dates.
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>also fuck ice weakness
>8 cycles with metafag comps
What the FUCK are you doing?
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I wanna self insert but I wish TB has more personality than just "haha funny random trashcan galactic baseballer XD"
They don't feel like an actual character yet imo
I don't know If I can trust mihoyo writers to flesh out TB as a character and not just being the player's stand-in
>0 cycle through 10, a little less comfy than usual but I guess I have only pulled once since 2.3
>suddenly XI and XII start kicking my shit in when I was 2 cycling last moc
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Hagta seems to have C-D cups from what I can tell. Why did everyone think she was flat?
Terrible blessing and boss design. Rappa doesn’t even thrive on her own shill boss, Acheron and Jade can do better. Kinda like Choir with Firefly actually lol.
Huh we almost used the same lineup (topaz instead of m7 and swapped sustains around) and it took me 8 cycles to auto
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>I want to Self-insert
>but TB needs more personality

The more personality they have the harder it is to self insert I imagine
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The speed thresholds are 160, 164 and 172 speed. You went 171.7 to 164.8 speed so you don't lose anything, just barely.

That's a crazy Tingyun congrats
I half slept on first side. Could have shaved it down to 3 cycles. Second side died on auto (lmao), I had to play it safe
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I don't find Topaz all that shippable tbqh desu and I don't like her as a top, she's 100% a bottom, but I want to see her and Asta together again because they're cute.

Also blasphemy, Stelle tops Firefly but bottoms to Kafka and other hags.
nobody wants to self insert as a boring cardboard cutout.
everyone wants to self insert as characters with cool personalities and motivations.
to self insert as someone they want to be rather than someone they are in real life
>Second side died on auto (lmao), I had to play it safe
Yeah I actually had to put Aventurine in there to not let it die on auto since the big burst in p2 killed my team because gallagher uses ult whenevr with htb
You need to think bigger anon. But we will agree to disagree. I just love Main characters being huge pushovers and bottoms. Thanks for the cute art though.
And idk, I like TOPaz.
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>not a single clarachad
>more kakaurine than fofo and fuxuan
Just full of metachuds and homos. This general has fallen.
Nigga I just want to hear 2B's VA talk more. I couldn't give less of a shit about self inserting because I'm not mentally ill. I just love her voice.
Side 2 is annoying on auto since switching the enemies states is the difference between having broken buffs or getting destroyed.
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Herta and Fentanyl
>says this while having the most soulless second half possible
Then you are not making a self-insert but a proper protag

But you just said you wanted to self-insert...
She fucks ruan mei btw
>says this while having the most SOVL and soon to be powercrept second half possible
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I also do that
Made for Caelus correction.
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Topaz barely interacts with anyone in the game, she's kinda boring desu. If she were aggressive or dommy, I could understand the TOPass thing but I don't know, she just doesn't have the personality for that. Feels forced. But yeah agree to disagree m8, goodnight
>tell me I'm whaling without telling me I'm whaling
Might as well be SOVLLESS
>But you just said you wanted to self-insert...
Learn to read nigger
>I couldn't give less of a shit about self inserting
Firefly has more soul than the entire IPCjews.
>my wife won't be in it for another year
Good thing I can E6 her when she arrives.
stephen gets to hide behind this
Topaz in belobog was my favorite character
What does this have to do with the drink?
you should go for e1 instead of s1, worst fucking cone when pearls is a thing
Now post eidolons, fag
I fuck both so it's ok
No she doesn't. Every single endgame mode has been shilling her for fucking months.
I thought you were the anon I was quoting
T0 units can never be soulful
>spent billions energy farming sacerdos
>it doesnt work on fofo
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rappa is a brick without lingsha
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Damn dirty apes.
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Honestly I'm tempted to do E2S1 with her cause she's my favourite character. We'll see
stupid ass nigga lmao
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Aventurine continues to be the filter among filters.
Hoolay keeps kicking my ass
>the average 2.6 MOC experience
bro your topaz clara sparkle huohuo?
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>My eidolonless FUA team clear already got 1 cycle slower
>Swarmbug is on the next rotation but Big Herta won't be in the game yet.
>Scalegorge Tidalflow (XII)
>Dancing with the Dreams 12
What did they mean by this?
Save your ults and pop immediately when he bloodrages.
>no limited male units
>male trailblazer
Yes, this is soul. Don't let the homos and troons discourage you.
I think HSR has far too few enemy varieties - especially bosses. It's particularly noticable when they decide to use bosses in MOC, AS, etc.
good luck then bwo
goole translate)

The schedule for Mi Home Games' prayer events will undergo another major change.

From now on, the new character banner will be available simultaneously and last for the entire major version, 42 days.

After half of the version has passed, 21 days later, the rerun character banner will start.

This will be implemented starting from Version 5.3 of Genshin Impact, ZZZ1.4, and HSRVersion 3.0.
I get to phase 2 and he starts doing 20 quintillion attacks without counterplay. Should I bring Clara? I don't have Topaz or Robin
Your Jingliu Lawrence?
So long as they're mechanically diverse enough it's neat.
I think that's where AS really gets to shine, as well. Except that first cocolia fight. God, that was rough.
clara hard counters the fuck out of him
it says single target dude...
>boss literally made to shill her
>still struggling
>firefly does it better too
lol, imagine rolling for crappa
It wasn't that bad but it definitely should have been a side story instead of a main story.
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that couldve been much easier if i was just using htb instead of robin lmao, time to spend time actually leveing htb skills and eidolons
They just don't use some bosses, and reuse the same bosses to shill break meta.
Sam hasn't been in MoC since they started shilling break.
So this mean we can roll both Agalea/Herta from the get go?
Interesting change if true.
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anon the next MoC ends in 84 days.
THE Herta will be on your account before it goes away.
e0 Firefly without Lingsha? Haha.
just roll fug bwo
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Not really
But she's E0 and sad (but with good relics)
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hmmm nyo, if i lost rappa and firefly 50/50s ill just lose to fyoog next
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>coping this hard
>kakaurine spam out of nowhere
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Anybody else ditching Firefly for this greek goddess?
>2nd half is bait!
>jokes on you there's no longer 2nd half
I kneel Dawei
Nah, I'm going for THE Herta then saving for Elysia.
Might dabble in miss river styx depending on her kit and how she sounds.
Your Floor 11 boss ?
>48 attempts
Fucking kek
I dont even own pagfly
is not an excuse to start spamming his shitty face
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Wrong Greek goddess.
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I don't have Firefly yet
You mean Acheron, they have the same element and she's failing hard.
Aglaea will have to pick up the slack for Lightningbros.
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I think it is.
How unbelievably fragile are you?
I was trying to 0 cycle the first half and gave up.
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I never liked Firefly to begin with
There's no way you can do it with Clara even if everyone was E6S5.
People are…retarded to say the least.
Thats fine though. I can keep posting jade clears and have them be labeled as SOVL even though its the easiest shit ever
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Post your side 2 Jade clear.
I really wanna use her and will try when I get home.
Nah I'm ditching her for The Herta instead
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Blonde woman sexo
I'm giving up. Ze bugs is too strong for my old and busted Jingpoo. reminder to anyone never pull for DPS on rerun, Jingpoo is my biggest regret in the game (even more than pulled Luochud, at least I can get some use from him)
hey I know that guy
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Help me decide bros. Which standard 5* should I pick? Another Bronya Eidolon to get closer to E6? Welt to get a new character? E1 Clara? It's probably going to be one of those 3 but I can't settle on which.
you guys are retarded
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QQ took 7 cycles to clear side 1, and if she can do it Jingliu can do it. I believe in your grandma bro!
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Pick my nigga King
Definitely Bronya
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I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE breedable blondies
Do you guys know what's gonna be funny
GreeKINO interrupted by return to chinawank after 3 patches
I'm only missing 7% Svarog hp. Probably could do it if I had better relics on Clara and my Robin is e1s0, It's easily 0 cycle if I have e6 Robin.
Did they get tankier?
its going to be cut short by collab scro
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Why do I have plenty of Mats in Star Rail but Genshin I'm always poor? I even 10/10/10/10 characters I don't even use since I'm overabundent.
Entirety of 3.x is Greekwordsalad followed by Fate intermission bro leaktranny said that so it MUST be true
the only choices are Himeko or Bronya
Clara used to be competitive until yunli entered
monkey boss has more total HP than hoolay but svarog got emergency last minute nerfs to his HP
That tracks with the leaks that Mibibi and Harumasa will be on banner at the same time with an unusual schedule and that Mavuika and Citlani will be on first half while Arle and Chlorinde will both be on the second. Good change honestly, but I wish they'd also make it so the dual reruns are also always available but on a 21-day rotation
Ok how about
>Fate/Stay In china
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What relic and planar set does Himeko want nowadays? I heard its Iron Cavalry + Kalpagni but you aim for crit stats?
wheres this screen from? hoyolab shows it differently
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I cleared it!
How do you have so much relic XP mats?
she wants full set your cock and planar balls
>fire break DPS
>lightning summon/crit DPS
Bwo? Anyways, I already ditched Fraudfly for Rappa, though idk if it counts as ditching if I never pulled for that pickme bitch anyways
whatever gets you 200+ break effect or 70/200 crit ratio, rutilant arena is suprisingly good on crit himeko if you have some pieces lying around
Nice Lingsha carry on side 2 :^)
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superbreak iron cavalry+kalpagni, up to you if you want crit stats or go all in on break effect+attack%+speed like rappa+firefly. Or FuA comboing with herta in PF where its 4p duke+2p salsotto/sigonia/izumo and you use ruan mei or robin
>No new 5* eruditions until 3.4 at the very least
>Make The Herta rely on having more eruditions to work
Bros, I don't feel so good... Is there any alternative to ugly ass Jade?
Thanks. I'll go for the crit stats cause my other break characters took all the good break pieces
why is everybody dooming before we see her in actual showcases? im going to laugh my ass off if she works just fine with e6 hertta
I think this is true right up until you max Clara.
Coin flip counters whenever anyone gets hit is kind of insane.
Can you even get there without JY's cone?
I uninstalled this hall monitor game lol
Lingsha is still better than both of them you know despite being a healer.
Great balancing in this game.
I'd love to try that with Yunli but I don't even have a single copy of Clara, and while I'd like to pick her for completion purposes it seems like a bad choice
They let you rearrange the character order now. I just grouped the standards together. Go to all characters and click a button in the upper right corner. Not the share one.
you get a free 15% from himeko's major trace while shes above 80% HP which is easy to keep active with aventurine or lingsha/gallagher
Grats bwi
Because Jade is a character that a lot of people actually dislike, and she's seemingly Herta's best teammate by a large margin. Nobody wants her, nobody wants to roll for Herta to have to use Jade. Jade is so disliked that many people would prefer Herta being on a team of worms than having to use her.
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thanks I love my snek succubus wife
If I got the Sunday cone for E1+ Bronya would that make her SP positive aswell
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i just say that as an ideal, my himeko has 70/170 with breakfast. probably could do 200 if i stole marchs retarded crit rate body with 32% crit dmg sub. most of the time though it shouldnt be that hard to get her to 70/160 with some 3-4 roll 2pc crit pieces

I mean sure double Herta will be good for PF but that's about it. I tried Herta for this MoC and she just doesn't do shit when she can't constantly spin.
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This is HSR, she'll be just fine.
Though I do imagine she'll be built around the fact we all have E6 Herta.
Yeah, Yunli is legitimately one of the most what the fuck characters they've ever released. People go "oh it's X 2.0" a lot, but this is an actual second physical destruction counter based character.
The fuck.
Don't think so
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mine looks like this though
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>half the cast are from xianzhou
>not even a handful of them are interesting or memorable
>most female xianzhou characters wear the same stupid reskinned cookie cutter chink dresses
>they didn't even bother making said chink dresses look sexy or cute
Are they afraid of making chink women look sexy or something?
my gf yunli is cute
bricksha deals shit damage compared to them
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for me it's brogna
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wrong image
Firefly is way better against it than Rappa.
4 digits or 5?
Hertabros, first we find out Hoyo wants her to be mid a+ and now they're nerfing the first emanator equivalent of ZZZ to be weaker than a wagie and not meta vialble. Are we sure she's a good investment?
soulless homo
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This lets you change the order. Select who you want and then click save.
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So where are the Jade clears? I wanna copy them.
HoYoLab didn't update yet. 11 was harder than 12, but i cleared it with SOVL
Battlepass and play since launch, I lvl up all my shit to 80 and roll for most charcters even Rappa for context on how little I need to roll for someone new.
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Following up, this is how my last 3 floors went. It was originally an 8 cycle on 12, but I decided to see how FUA would do with 1 type weakness vs dot with 3 and... that was depressing.
>rappa instead of ff
You're not soul. Just a faggot.
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I feel like Yunli is still an SSS tier character, obviously even more so at release, yet (((content creators))) were always saying she's shit, a Clara sidegrade etc etc. She's legitimately better than FF and Acheron.
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as long as you aren't rolling every piece in hopes of getting +4 on something it's not hard?
>tfw no Sporkle
How do I cope?
Calm down firepag
I love dangerous and mentally unstable women.
Which star rail is for me?
She's just Clara with better numbers.
The more actions enemies take, the better those units get. Hoolay really lets it shine.
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Hoolay with Clara is super fun wtf
Lol, no
Why would they even?
Ruined Mid.
and ACKeron is just a better serval
Kafka is dangerous but very stable.
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/hsrg/ clears (48 players)

Ruan Mei - 43
Harmony TB - 40
Robin - 34
Firefly - 26
Lingsha - 23
Feixiao - 21
Aventurine - 17
Acheron - 17
Gallagher - 16
Fu Xuan - 14
Sparkle - 14
Topaz - 13
Rappa - 12
Pela - 9
Huohuo - 9
Kafka - 8
Silver Wolf - 7
March 7th (Hunt) - 7
Black Swan - 7
Himeko - 7
Yunli - 6
Jiaoqiu - 4
Jade - 3
Bronya - 3
Tingyun - 3
Gepard - 2
Blade - 2
Asta - 2
Lynx - 2
Bailu - 2
Guinaifen - 1
Seele - 1
Qingque - 1
Moze - 1
Clara - 1
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I watched it
what a chad
>usage rate = performance
Actually Serval is a better Mid Yuan.
This is concerning.
peeking through a gap and watching Caelus having sex with other women
Ruan mei.
Or Jingliu.
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I did not know acheron was a lightning erudition who applied shock and could extend its duration, along with getting extra pings on adjacent enemies with her normals. Thank you for enlightening me. For some silly reason I thought she was a nihility unit who needed a team that applied debuffs, silly me!
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I like Rappa a lot better
Yukong is sex, Hanya is sex, Gui is sex, Feixiao is sex, Tingyun is sex, Fugue's dress is the most beautiful outfit in the game
not really since r*bin and definitely not after sunday
>32 minutes
but why
Not surprising.
i hope you keep updating i am about to start doing my clears now
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Blow it out your ass.
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I pull characters based on their japanese VA.
I pulled FF because she has the same VA as Makima from chainsawman
I pulled Rappa because he has the same VA of shikanoko in the deer anime
simple as
both are aoe focused ult bots generating purple numbers
>just slap 2 god tier supports with one tailor made for him
The fact you even typed this shit is sad. He’s always gonna be a shit unit. What next, Blade is the best in the game because we finally get a Furina?
NTA but who the fuck is that in hsr? Castorice?
I don't think you grasp how Yunli and Clara are legitimately the exact same kit to a disgusting degree.
Going from aoe lightning to aoe lightning is nowhere near the severity of
>same playstyle
>same damage type
>same path
All wrapped up together.
The only reason you'd ever pick Clara over Yunli is if you're a gambler and have E6. Yunli's cone is better on Clara than Clara's cone.
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I never even bother to use the purple or green ones
It’s not serious anon. But it’s what he would need to be again and DoT would need the equivalent of Nahida. Which I’m sure will happen someday but when I do not know.
I pull characters based on wheter they make my dick hard or not and if they're meta
If one of those conditions aren't met i don't pull
how the fuck im reaching for relic mats
>not Rappa Arima
/hsrg/ actually loves Ruan Mei and Robin
Most anon rolled for Lingsha than for Feixiao
Robin is more relevant than Firefly
No one cares about Acheron, they won't even bother rolling Jiaoqiu for her
No one cares about Rappa
Silver Wolf is still relevant despite being a total brick
Guinaifen, Seele, QQ, Moze, and Clara are SOVL
it's a barefeet cunny girls thing, you wouldn't understand
Robin is very very good but ruan mei is omega broken literally the best character in the entire game
My Acheron is E3S1 and JQ E1S1, I care. JQ is extremely good outside of Acheron teams and I’m tired of faggots pretending he’s not btw.
Oh yeah, I didn't even touch on that.
>same model type
>same fetish
It's the most blatant self plagiarism I've ever seen.
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I hope 3.x has a strong preservation or abundance...I've been using nothing but Huohuo and Gallagher for a long time.
they play very differently
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Goooooood morning! And so we start the week again and with a new Moc! Did you completed already? If so, I hope you didn't struggle much, or did, if you enjoy a challenge. Anyways, I hope ya'll are doing well. Have a blessed day.
We can now conclude that Ruan Mei is the queen of /hsrg/. Notice how nobody calls her banjo bug or Ruan Banjomori Mei? Because they knew she is SSS+ character.
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It's one person, me.
Same for the double Jiaoqiu and Kafka, seems that whoever is keeping track didn't notice that I just swapped teams lmao
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Thanks bro
I call her Evil Mei, the Queen of Evil
Battle Chronicle finally updated so here's my run.
Banjomori and A fucking banjo is funny. Endearing more than insulting.
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My mornings haven't been good for a long time
Sucks to suck I guess
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Good morning.
I didn't struggle, in fact I quite liked the mechanics of the monkey troop.
But it's just so depressing to see that my Jingliu who cleared the bug in 3 cycles last year is doing it in 8 today...
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Waiden Bwosenmowi Mwei!
Fresh from oven.
Firefly carry Acheron fat ass
every hotel got the caelus chair
How do you feel about Agalea's Va?
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First side took forever, Lingsha+Jade was hilariously easy. I tried crit Himeko+Herta before this, the first dual elite round completely brickwalled that lineup.
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>Acheron is said to be the strongest character in the game
>2 patches later
>gets outDPSed by Firefly with Ruan Mei + HTB
>can't outmeta FF team even with Jiaoqiu
himeko+herta 100% wont work outside PF, though himeko and herta individually dos kinda work for MoC or AS depending on the boss fight

Acheron is great but her nihilibrick teammates are so damn bad.
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It shouldn't have taken until 2.7 for additions to the Astral Express, but better late than never. What are some things you guys want added to the train in the future?
ToT, she probably didn't dress as a slut in her youth.
I know it's heretical to mention Genshin, but Acheron kind of reminds me of Ganyu in that she'll eventually peter off from the queen herself to supporting future Nihility units.
Right now she's the only one in her entire path actually putting numbers on the table relevant to the current meta, and it shows.
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I posted my clear about 13 hours ago, you probably missed it. Gonna try again for the 0-cycle once Sunday is out.
Fugue speed thresholds.

- No DDD At all -
173.34 SPD, you either need 163.x and use Ruan Mei or get to 173 naturally, this gives you a 3rd action on 0 cycle, 1st wave.

- A singular DDD / E2 advance -
184 SPD, this gives you a 3rd action on 0 cycle, 2nd wave with a singular DDD S5 or Fugue E2 activation.

- Two DDD / One E2 and one DDD Advance -
169 SPD for the 3rd action.

- Three DDD / Two DDD + E2 -
153.x SPD for the 3rd action.

HMC usually gets two Ults in a given cycle so if you have S5 DDD you only really need 169 SPD for sustainless, for sustain runs (RM+Fugue) you just want 163 SPD for the 3rd action on the first wave, or 173 SPD for HMC+Fugue Runs.
game room where we can play all the mingames of old events
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I cant blame her.
Atleast my weekly SU clear ultra fast with her QoL
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Day 25: Almost lost last night, watched this and went to sleep feeling like I was going to bust any second

A room where I can call friends over like they have at the end of major quests so we can reminisce/hang out.
I didn't watch the version trailer because they spoil everything, so we'll see how this shit goes.
Are we going to pretend RM and HTB aren't broken? Acheron didn't get actual teammates until three patches later and even after JQ(nerfed btw), she's still missing half a team.
>lvl 75 Luocha, Guinaifen, and Gallagher
Nigga are you a returnee
>Quick access to all game nodes
>Quick access to PF/moc/AS
>Quick access to SU/DU/etc
>Quick access to all shops
Yes, I'm neetmaxxing even in this game.
No I'm not gonna go downstairs for the Moc, it needs to be IN MY ROOM
I want bring DU into my train car.
Fucking trotter is so noisy I want to customize the bgm too.
I wanna see the engine room, Welt promised he'd explain the mechanism of the rail engine back in 1.0 and has never even tried since.
Clear your AS, you can do it with these teams.
how do you feel about >>503594435
I'd kill my sperm on her back
Kek... I love that feeling of torture when you hold in the nut...
First time I recall it happening was when I was watching Kuzu no Honkai...
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I wish him well
It's a good pull for a hag enjoyer. She did Claymore in the Claymore anime, the Sword Maiden in goblin slayer, the female medic with the sleep deprived eyes in JJk.
But it's not something legendary as Yunli. She's Takina from Lycoris Recoil as well as Momo in DanDaDan
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Just the standard Jade / Lingsha / Ruan Mei / Robin.
Acheron team is obviously e2
Jade team has e1 robin. But you just add another cycle or 2 for e0
I don't have Lingsha and I'm already using Robin on side 1 with FART.
It's over.
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Really hoping Anaxa replaces Jiaoqiu or is another alternative, hes so damn boring
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>probably 40+ retry
>most average is 6300~
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The things I'll do to this woman will make Tayzzyronth look like a choir boy.
If you dont have lingsha, anyone with an aoe skill should work i guess? I’ve seen some good things with energy rope serval. Id suggest herta but she kinda sucks with shared hp fights.
You could also pair her up with ruan mei/himeko for the pseudo superbreak team. Given how often jade and himeko will aoe follow up, going sustainless might not be a bad idea here
Good morning.
I hate ruan mei.
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I unironically think Rappa is really cute and endearing once you know her backstory and why she's such a retard but I guess I'm in the minority and people just take her shitty rap shit at face value (I fucking HATE rap and n***** music btw).
post full
I was going to try Jade/himeko/HMC and Gallagher because I don't see myself clear without a sustain, but we'll see if it works.
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I'm increasing the dosage.
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Aglaea's EN VA is fucking impressive since she also did Little Gui and the juxtaposition and range between the two roles is impressive and hilarious.
Adjustable target dummies please.
here's mine, 9 cycles
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Hotaru rabu
>- No DDD At all -
>173.34 SPD, you either need 163.x and use Ruan Mei or get to 173 naturally, this gives you a 3rd action on 0 cycle, 1st wave.
Thanks. That first one is doable with RM and I keep all my benefits except if I'm up against non-fire weak (no 250% iron cav bonus). Seems fine to me.
>8 cycles
Kek she didn't carry shit
I'm completely immune. It's over for you.
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Finally updated
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>This fucking cyclical exploration
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I'd agree, not enough to make me roll for her, but this felt like Aventurine's beat done better.
>wow this person is fucking obnoxious
>here is why they are this way
>oh okay that makes sense then, I understand.
Problem is Aventurine's was framed as essential to Penacony when it wasn't Rappa's was actually relevant to her side quest.
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I feel a weird tingle on the left side of my chest. That must mean that I really love Firefly!
This SU run was so lame. High chance to get a store my ass. I barely got any, though when I finally got one I at least got the -30% store cost curio, so everything was essentially free.
Should i just buy blue pulls? I really want a himecone
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Sex body and I really liked the sci-fi angle of her backstory, it was leagues above the banarbage that surrounded it on all sides.

Unfortunately her energy problems make her feel terrible to play outside of MoC, AS and PF because she annihilate trash mobs instantly when she gets her ult and literally won't be able to do anything for three or four turns if she starts at 0 energy. Since all her energy comes from her ult unleashing on 5 enemies 3 times then she's virtually unplayable outside of wave content.

Still, she's my autistic little sexpot girlfriend. Would definitely heavy pet and hit from behind while she forces me to watch the entirety of Naruto.
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Same... it was depressing. I redid it with Rappa and i cleared it in 3...
I hate that banjo chink. I pray she gets crept soon.
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You will meet her very soon
Wanna do butt stuff? Let's hang.
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/hsrg/ clears (53 players)

Ruan Mei - 48
Harmony TB - 45
Robin - 37
Firefly - 28
Lingsha - 25
Feixiao - 22
Gallagher - 20
Acheron - 19
Aventurine - 17
Sparkle - 15
Fu Xuan - 14
Rappa - 14
Topaz - 13
Black Swan - 10
Kafka - 10
Pela - 9
Huohuo - 9
March 7th (Hunt) - 8
Silver Wolf - 7
Himeko - 7
Yunli - 6
Jiaoqiu - 5
Jade - 4
Bronya - 4
Tingyun - 3
Gepard - 3
Blade - 2
Asta - 2
Lynx - 2
Bailu - 2
Guinaifen - 2
Luocha - 2
Seele - 1
Qingque - 1
Moze - 1
Clara - 1

This needs a recount since average is 7.8 per player. I fucked up somewhere

Maybe someone can continue and keep tally. I'm gonna have to sleep soon
good night tally anon
>messing up the tally
absolute state of pags
never really clicked how braindead lingasha makes firefly teams, she's a fucking healer and shes doing 400k super break hits and break weaknesses fast as fuck alongside firefly's weakness implant
if you have her retarded eidelons too, she pulls 40% break effect out of her ass
>All of these clears
>Meanwhile I'm stuck coping with only 2 months of gameplay under my belt, 4 5* units and no completed traces for anyone, let alone good relics
O-one day I'll get there too.
Pepeshi women owe me sex
No worries bro, most of us here are day1 players. If you like the game and you keep playing it you'll definitly get there
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lingsha eidos and her kit just makes fyoog so much sadder which on top of having an already mostly useless kit for the main dps, her ratios got hit even more whilst her ult is still useless
It took me around a year to consistently 3* MoC 12

It's called end game for a reason. Though the fact that they keep constantly making it harder is a real challenge from a new player catch up perspective.
yeah her damage is disgusting for a healer, superbreak really can enable any kind of character
I want to rape every single person in /hsrg/ for making me think Lingsha is just a Gallaghar sidegrade and skipping her.
I didn't get to 3* everything until 5 months in
the pepeshi baker in the new area almost caves into giving you sex, we are almost there degenebro
>shes doing 400k super break hits

While healing and cleansing the whole freaking party. It's amazing how some people shit on her as Gallagher sidegrade.
End game sucks in this game. Moc up to 10, PF and AS up to 3 feels like an actual game or JRPG. Anything beyond that is just a mindless team/stat check.
I started day 1 and didn't do MoC for an entire year just so I can keep saving for who I like, don't think about it
>She's doing 400k super break damage
If you have the SP for it,which most E0 Firefly players don't
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Owes ALL of us, you mean.
Just the fate of the average nihilibrick. God, it's unbelievable how dogshit nihilities are in this game.
How long until a lingsha rerun? I skipped her haha...
bro always do the opposite of /hsrg/
I went for feixiao and rappa so i didnt have pulls for lingsha, but i kinda needed those characters while Lingsha is a beast but she's more of a luxury pull from where i'm at
My contribution. No 5* eidolons. Feixiao and topaz has their sig everyone else on 4* cones
>listening to 4chan
>the forum filled with contrarians
>that hate everything apart from themselves
>that lie 24/7 in order to fuck up other people
it's your fault retard, think of everything you read here as science fiction
By the time she reruns she will have been powercrept by a 3.x character.
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If she truly is amazing for Castorice they might fast track her rerun for 3.2 alongside her
I feel like e1 is a nobrainer qol eidelon for firefly and maybe the best e1 for DPS, I genuinely cant imagine how it feels to sp juggle without it and so glad i luckshitted into it
By skipping her you get to roll for Sunday+Fugue and get ready for the future Memosprite meta
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>Lingsha discussion out of nowhere
What gives?
just roll 3.x sustains bro, stop wasting rolls for reruns as f2p
You don't need Lingsha to clear retards. She's the definition of a luxury pull. Endless super brick shilling doesn't change that
summons and remembrance might be the new craze by then
Reminder that God Yuan surpasses Acheron next patch
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Bro add me to the next list!!
she deals too much damage in moc and I skipped her because you guys said she's a minor upgrade over e6 gallagher. these are not minor numbers retarfs
Good morning.
I hate Robin.
>Sharty Yuan also gets buffed by loli erudition support on anni
How does he do it
>a honkai expy of Dan Zhu ruins a local anon's gameplay experience yet again

Meanwhile water is wet, more news at 10.
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Clearing now bro, i gotta get that +1 for Lingsha and Fofo
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the strongest break effect team vs fire weak enemies in 3.0 will be lingsha sunday RM & fugue
It's actually disgusting how much shilling Mid Yuan is allowed to get away with
Only thing Acheron got post release is, what, Jiaoqiu? lmao
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Good day HSRG
Bwo? Everyone is moving onto the hp/position meta.
she made the most money and she's a honkai expy that's OP as shit in the story
quit being a bitch
No one would say this.
>shes doing 400k super break hits
with ult against 5 enemies
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ohnono linglets are regretting skipping after doomposting for 2 months
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this is my goal.
and less than 10 anons here likely got jiaoqiu kek
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my porn addiction isn't letting me study and these threads aren't making it any better
honkai star rail space game
holy built
lingspud is so irrelevant, nobody even bothered to talk about her
I should probably test on PS some Firefly/Fugue variations vs the current TV Boss.
E2S1 Firefly, HMC, E1 RM, Gallagher
E2S1 Firefly, HMC, E1 RM, Lingsha
E2S1 Firefly, HMC, E1 RM, E1 Lingsha
>Sustainless (pre-Fugue)
E2S1 Firefly, HMC, E1 RM DDD Asta
>Post Fugue Standard
E2S1 Firefly, Fugue, E1 RM, Gallagher
E2S1 Firefly, Fugue, E1 RM, Lingsha
>Another Upgrade
E2S1 Firefly, E1 Fugue, E1 RM, Lingsha
>Full Premium
E2S1 Firefly, E1 Fugue, E1 RM, E1 Lingsha
E2S1 Firefly, E1 Fugue, E1 RM, HMC

It'd make for a good case study on multiple fronts, just to double check (because Lingsha skipped me lol), Lingsha is 160+ SPD, 4pc Cavalry, 2pc Kalpagni, stack as high BE as you can, right?
wormday for lingsha is a meme
it's better to stack actual break supports
I love all spuds equally
I still remember when everyone was saying he can't be skipped and is the new T0/T0/T0 debuffer
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>Standard: E2S1 firefly with E1 RM
Practical information for the average player...
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'tis done
You literally only have 3 events that shill lingspud, and all of it is in 2.6
AS, PF, and MoC will shill imaginary and wind weakness next, literally nobody gives a flying fuck about your lingspud
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>he doesn't brute force clear with his wives despite no advantage
>he has to use random meta hoes
I remember the singular JQ shill who wouldn't shut up and then disappeared after his banner ended
30% of the playerbase in CN had E2 :^)
Also because testing E0/E1/E2/S1 steps on Firefly would quadruple the amount of variations to test and I'm too lazy to test that many.
Based Gallayume
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Put me in saar
You're using gallagher bro, stfu about wives
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Control yourself and distance yourself from time to time from 4chan. You don't want to gradually develop mental illness, don't you?
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Someone talk to me.
This is actually better right?
Apparently happening to all 3 games on the next big patches they have (HSR, GI, ZZZ).
The most impressive clear so far.
are you gallagher?
Oh dang that's nice
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Someone got paid to voice this btw
It Is better.
>No need to wait 21 days for 2nd half characters
>If you're pulling for a first half character you now get more jades to try to scrap them
>Promo material also happens at the same time instead of dripping it
Can't see any downsides.
I'm basically bricking myself if I roll for E0S1 ACKeron, right?
this is not just bad, it's extremely bad. we now essentially have 3 dead weeks on every single patch. it's fine for games that don't release multiple new characters, but it's a shitty change for star rail and zzz
It will be healthier for players to have more time to decide on/pull for units, yeah.
Praying HSR slows down to just doing 1 unit a patch as the norm soon (they will not and it's killing me).
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Stop posting sexy Lingsha, I don't want yet another star rail character to give me a boner just from seeing/hearing her.
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It's a side-grade, not necessarily better.

The window of time for acquiring new characters is not really a limitation in acquiring them. re-runs only happening on the second half is just bizarre.

The one part where this might be a problem is that it pits two debut banners directly against each other for pulls and therefore popularity.
>42 days worth of patch
>5 days worth of hype
>37 days worth of no content and doomposting
No, this is gonna kill the game
Pretty big if true. I guess their analysts are saying it's more money this way.
>Lingsha's pig will never get credited
which chad voiced this piggy?
Fuck off
They are conditioning us with 2.6,
Rappa couldn't carry, so they realised they still need another character.
doesn't really much of a difference in the long run
it changes the shitposting metagame i guess
>this is bad for people with zero impulse control
I guess that's true, less retards unable to control themselves will lead to lower retention.
We already have 37 days worth of no content each patch. This changes nothing in terms of content except you get the character you want faster unless it's the rerun character.
it doesn't matter, games need regular new banners to keep the people interested, what's stopping me from playing a patch for the first week then stopping for the other 5 weeks?
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im assuming for rateups with 2 new 5*s you'd get both of them at the same time which is kind of good if you were only aiming for a specific 5*. Would say its worse though since besides opening up super long dead-weeks it'd also limit the amount of time you can properly save up rolls in the long-term
Better for F2P and low spenders at least, since they'd have the entire patch worth of rolls to try and get the character.
Jing Yuan is about to get turboshilled in the next few months with Sunday and Tribbie.
If you don't like him, then there's Aglaea and the other 3.x DPSes.
What are you gonna use with Acheron, nihlibricks? lol lmao
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Lingsha shoe dangle
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i think i'm already mentally ill desu. i can function normally throughout the day but it's rotting my insides maybe
That literally hi3 schedule
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Bro, your sunk cost fallacy and daily jade trap?!
for the stats bwo
>GuiGui - 2
They could've made some random story about Reca or Siobhan.

I partially disagree. While there were almost nothing to do most of the time, at least the new banner sparked some kind of discussion whether the character is good or not
*cough* our... next support for ack... *cough* is around April/May *dies*
You mean the character we already fully knew ahead of time in the beta.
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So we are getting Tribbie and Castorice at the same time? And Aglaea and Herta?
Pretty much
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>all these lingspud shilling
How can one character be so unpopular yet so overrated at the same time?
Sunk cost fallacy is a meme, I've played dozens of gachas but uninstalled everything apart from 4 I play these days.
This but Robin
Robin is actually good tho
shit I just realized it, this change will rape my wallet. gacha jesus I beg you, let me win a 50/50 for once
this will be used against the playerbase to plant more worms into the game, now their dogshit sales will be easy to mask with characters people roll for
The funny part? Those 3.x nihilibricks could powercreep her entirely.
Current top DPS already make better use of harmonies than her, she's just doomed.
NEVER roll for reruns in this powercrept-to-shit-game. We missed the window of opportunity bro, and we just have to deal with it.
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That was fun.
both of these statements are true
You're the only schizo who hates robin
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Pulling Tribbie and Castorice at the same time in 1 day feels like too much immediate dopamine, and then having to wait 41 days of nothing...
This would be a potential concern were it not for the fact that we already know who's releasing(it's still mostly women)
I remember seeing people talking about rolling on the Kafka / Blackswan rerun. I know they are hot but it seems like the worse think you could put your time and resources into. I rolled DoT and used regularly the moment Blackswan was out and got SOME mileage out of it.
yeah but you got 42 days and no more 21 day fomo
Ill still see them being used together while dot could just play triple dot hyper copium
Great, give me 50/50 so I can always pull the things I want.
That stretch from 2.0 to 2.3 was fucking killer where I wanted 1-2 new characters every patch.
Give me a female once every 2 patches, then I can always have her.
So basically you morons only don't like it because you can't stimulate your brains for 41 days after pulling.
hsr for these feel?
>I remember seeing people talking about rolling on the Kafka / Blackswan rerun. I know they are hot but it seems like the worse think you could put your time and resources into. I rolled DoT and used regularly the moment Blackswan was out and got SOME mileage out of it.
I fullly regret rolling Kafka and BS on the last banner desu. It looks like DoT is just completely forgotten by hoyo and they'll never get another teammate.
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This, with obvious exceptions like Ruan Mei during Firefly's banner. But she's the Kazuha of this game. One has to use common sense. Ruan Mei ENABLED Firefly comps and we didn't have any substitute for her. Gallagher isnt the same as Lingsha but he can do exactly the same things she does.
Right now the best unit in the game is up for HIS first rerun. That one would be pretty justified, along with Ruan Mei like someone else said.
It's going to be really funny when I FINALLY decide to get Ruan Mei on her second rerun, and THEN Hoyo decides to powercreep her
adhd general bana.
Shit sucks but not like im unable to get mileage out of em, still commited to getting e1 swan, and s1 kafka, will likely just wait to see how Anaxa and Cipher turns out for 3.X
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>Pulling Tribbie and Castorice at the same time in 1 day feels like too much immediate dopamine, and then having to wait 41 days of nothing...
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You guys act like certain characters don't just randomly become three times as powerful as they once were when a new meta is introduced later.

Topaz fucking sucked for a full calendar year. Now she's a top pick in an apex team with Feixiao. And you better believed I rolled her on debut when I could just as easily have rolled her on re-run instead.

And then there's Gallagher. He was a debuff slut for Acheron when he launched, now he's believed by many to be the only sustain worth using and an apex pick for Firefly.

Kafka herself was mid until Black Swan was released. All it would really take would be a DoT abundance or DoT preservation to suddenly skyrocket DoT team to the apex again.
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If you wanna be stimulated by pulling so much you can just pull for eidolons bro what's wrong
>couple of day of content
>spend the remainder of the 35+ days doing dailies with minimal engagement with the game
Its not bad, just mindnumbing.
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>Extremely cute girl gets constantly doomposted
>Everyone still rolled her
History keeps repeating itself, do not fall for the homo propaganda
Some of you guys need to stop playing gacha games and just use a roll simulator once per day. It'll save you a lot of time and money.
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I'm still kinda on hair trigger from last night and all this Ling is not making it easier.
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if e0s0 dont work theyre a brick and should be left in a ditch
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Why mad, Fofofrien?
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theres nothing wrong with fapping to lingsha bro shes also a doctor too so she'll not let anyone know if you lose no nut november either thanks to patient confidentiality
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>First waifu sustain for the first time in almost a year
>while two homos had a stranglehold on sustaining
Of course that'd happen
You could make someone make all DoTs deal 200% damage and heal at the same time and I still won't beat out the current meta.
personally when I want to be stimulated by pulling I just look for some ntr porn and pull on my dick
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I forgor
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>0 fanart
The slutty ones (
Funny you mention Gallagher when he's still usable for retards that skipped Lingsha while Acheron is garbage now
Yeah because super break killed the game.
I don't even mind being DoT being trash, but why is Kafka not showing up for literal years? Let me see my mother...
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She's being cute right now with these hand gestures.
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Gambling has no flavor when you're just doing it by yourself and there's no cost or prize to be won.

A no-money game between friends can be fun because it builds a memory and you get to lord it over them later. That's winning "Glory" more or less. But if I see a big jpg that says "You won Big Tits Woman" but unless that also means that I get to do stuff with Big Tits Woman in a game now, that doesn't mean much. And also I didn't waste anything by pulling.
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Guys I think I need another Silver Wolf rerun, what are the chances of it happening?
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I'll make you remember
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just like genshin messed up by making bennet, hsr messed up by making yunli
I couldn't 3 star floor 12 thoughever
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CBT Queen
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QQtroons should really start avatarfagging as lingspud and ERP in this general
DOT is just fundamentally shit when you have to wait for enemies to move while FUA and superbreak just has everyone dealing damage on their own terms
Start? Didn't that happen already
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Not if I do it myself
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Guess that works more or less, meh.
Your superbreak team???
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You say that, but Dothags + Acheron was a very popular team for clearing the last PF because the weakness spread was FUCKED UP and the team just so happened to take advantage.
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I'm sorry, anon. But Robin is retarded.
Why does this frog hate lingsha so much
>3.x tier list
>super break
>follow up
>DoT and everything else like ACKeron
You cannot refute this.
>DOTbricks are usable in a DOT shill PF(once every few months)
You don't say
P-Please stop posting Lingsha, you're ruining the narrative...no one rolls for cute girls haha...
Why is she literally crushing a couple of nuts....... Like what were the character designers trying to convey with this eidolon. Serious answers only.
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>3 enemies in battlefield
>None fire weak
>inb4 "Firefly adds 1 weakness"
ok, was it worth pulling lingsha?
Even in the dot shilled PF, they felt underwhelming.
Good night.
I hate Robin.
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It's almost like owning the team is rewarded at random intervals in order to make having it worthwhile...
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Firefly technique or perhaps Fugue is to your liking
/hsrg/ homos told me that superbreak is dead in 3.X and I should skip Fugue for Sunday (he's a male)...
She's crushing the nuts to use them as ingredients in traditional medicine
Our next nihility (be it ack or dot) supports are in 3.2 and 3.3 so yes itll be 90+ days of nihilities being even more shit
so does this mean we're only getting one new limited every patch and their banner lasts for 42 days and only the rerun character shows up on the second half for 21 days?
What is there to refute?
DOTs are garbage, and having to spam debuffs that enemies can just outrun is terrible, not to mention debuffs in this game are SHIT compared to broken ass buffs
Lingsha main dps with Fugue, HTB and RM will have rainbow break
2 new limiteds both on patch release.
I'm going to make Lingsha my dps character with Fugue, HMC and RM. Firefly can watch.
the nuts are a metaphor for YOUR nuts
we're getting 2 new toys start of patch and reruns second half
Shit 4chan says
>Lingsha main dps with Fugue, HTB and RM will have rainbow break
>I'm going to make Lingsha my dps character with Fugue, HMC and RM. Firefly can watch.
I didn't roll for brick mei..always 1 turn short
wormeron is good though.
you just have to roll wormqiu, wormday and wormurine.
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>by making QQ
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E2S1 Is a completely different beast to E0 and E1. Makes her T0 in all 3 gamemodes.
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Punished Tingyun is scary...
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If nothing else, it's going to be very funny. I mean hell, nobody thought that you could run a Hunt in PF but Feixiao and Jade just fucking works.
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Retards, Fug is for Acheron so you couldn put her skill on Aven or Lingsha and turn them into a debuffer.
>have to pull three homos
>also E2 and her sig
>only to still fall behind super brick and fuaslop with all E0S0s
She should be T1 at this point
I use Lingsha to generate stacks for Feixiao though.
Just so you guys know, HSR is emulating what ZZZ is doing in 1.4 where both Miyabi and Harumasa are up at the start of the patch.
E2 Ack, Jiaoqiu, Sparkle, Fu Xuan team deletes the second half effortlessly holy shit
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so two new limiteds at the start of the patch, both last for 42 days, basically the whole patch, and then reruns get added in on the second phase. is that right?
>P-p-powercreep doesn't exist!!!
>meanwhile, acheron powercrept to oblivion
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You have the gall to call her Brick Mei when you can't even clear MoC, the easiest endgame mode from 1.0.

You have anal worms
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Sorry Firefly, but I can't roll for eidolons on your re-run. I need Fug and also need to save for Tits Mcgee in 3.0.
So does superbreak at half the cost and with no homos
You have aids
>Robin E1
>Ack E2
I need E2S1 Fug...
It's literally just lingspuds being the loudest voice in the thread and thinking all the events weren't crafted, but in reality it's just so they won't suffer puller's remorse on lingspud banner
Seems like they are just frontloading content.
Maybe they saw that 2nd banner sales are usually lower than 1st and attributed it to lower engagement in the 2nd half of the patch where there generally is less content?
But /hsrg/ calls both of them bricks.
ACK IS a brick
I don't roll for boring single mothers
My FF, HMC, RM, Lingsha team couldn't 0 cycle 2nd half on auto like my Ack team did
Reasonable answer.
That doesn't seem right but I don't know enough about her to refute it.
Tribbie is tied to Mydei. Castorice to Axanalworms
>y-you can use who you like no matter the powercreep!!
>hard carried by updated meta comp on the other side
This is a good thing for players. Not sure about the business side, but it's probably something to do with engagement stats for their 2nd half banners. Also the 3 major games (GI, HSR and ZZZ) have a new patch every 2 weeks so it avoids overlaps I guess.
Unironically this.
But I’ll have them all at e1 anyway
Idk how people can still think Lingsha is bad. My FF is now Lingsha's support to implant fire weakness
>tribbidi thread
You faggots are fucking annoying
this is a gensin thread now.
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enlightened by the banana... bana
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