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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Next Stop: Rinascita!
>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | Camellya — SEED OF FATE
>Wuthering Waves A message arrived in a dream?!
>Wuthering Waves Version 1.4 Official Trailer | When the Night Knocks


>Convene Tracker

>Official Twitter Account

WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: Camellya Banner [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
Weapon Banner: Red Spring (Sword) [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
[Gifts of Fleeting Dreams: 7-day Sign-in Event] [Sept 28 - Nov 13]
[Somnium Labyrinth - Somnoire Adventure Event] [Nov 13 - Jan 1]
[Pincer Maneuver Warriors I - Recurring Combat Event] [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
[Depths of Illusive Realm - Phantasm Amass] [Nov 13 - Jan 1]

>Timeline, Rewards and Media Contents



>/wuwa/ Friends List

>VER 1.4: (Patch Notes)

Previous: >>503590903
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hi wwbros
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FAT fuck resonator when?
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how does it smells between her boobs? sweaty? or perfume? maybe scented?
Danjin uses her period blood to form her sword.
Hi liv when the fuck are you getting a new frame?
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God I want her to sit on me
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She needs more meat on her bones
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stop noticing
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The wuwer
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hard disagree
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did you do the new tower?
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Succubus pheromones.
>Rover, why did you order all the Black Shores women to stop dieting and start having dessert after every lunch and dinner
>uh, no reason in particular
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Ever thought about supporting your wife? Woman can't vote, but you CAN! SO DO IT!
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She's literally perfect
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Fuck you hand her over
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You will take her with you right anon?
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Let's go, anal queen! 600K to go!
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We are 0/30 chads here.

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Shorekeeper plush when?
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Ohoho desuwa
put her in a jar
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Wait a minute....
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Squeeze them
She'll be the one doing the pegging this time
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I don't have enough jars, and not a big one
Jinshi spotted in IR
Crownless will reappear in main story again as Phantom. Beliv
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Do you think we'll survive her release?
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wu wau
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fuck, i wanted that lamia figure but im a poor fag
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easy 30/30, now back to the clown
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>figma Jeannes
>Ranko pvc statue
>Lamia pvc statue
based. I also would've collected PGR figs but my "articulation or go home" autism is holding me back. And the apex arctech lineup seems to also be dead...
Articulated wuwa fig when?
Inferno Rider on HRT
>that bit of cleavage
lmao theyre bleeding for money huh
I predict Phrolova will unleash him as a trump card to stall (you) at some point
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wau wau
How did we go from this into fully clothed dykes?
Guess we're not getting free limited 5* ticket
what a slut
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noble women love taking it in the ass
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How are they going to balance our first 5* gun dps a.k.a carlotta? 4* gun dps are already insane and extremely chill to play from afar without worrying about anything. One can only imagine how busted a 5* gun dps will be.
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I hope the fool’s troupe gets a kino story
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>already trying to bait
I would laugh if it wasn't so fucking pathetic that they're willing to do this shit for 5$
She will funcreep Aalto
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I'll laugh
You know what's funny? Natlan only released like 1 male 5 * in its entirety while suddenly all the ccp censorship narrative vanished in thin air with all these whores
But hoyo drones are too braindead to notice
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For every shot you lose 1 astrite, it's why she uses crystal weapons
Blatant skin showing is bad design. Female appear hotter in skin tight bodysuits than completely naked
It's mad out of ice not asterites. She is a glacio resonator.
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Ice is just crystalized water
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It's pretty simple, actually. She is a gunslinger but has a melee moveset. If she is successful in three consecutive attacks, Carlotta will enter sniper mode. She maximizes her damage by spending all of her forte on sniping with 3E. Leaving sniper mode will recall every bullet she shot, dealing massive damage.

Her ultimate is essentially a nuke.
Also she's rectifier, the gun is just an animation, mark my words, pistols are getting reworked out of the game.
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Dude, she has a completely different gun in her splash art too. She has two guns, the rifle is an animation, but this one is a weapon
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literally my most hated Genshin character
looks like utter shit
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Sounds similar.
Can you show a source or image to back in support of those statements?
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crystals are cool as fuck
>hoyo desperately trying to pander to the """"incels""""" after the fujos and faggots tanked their game
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Who has the tightest WuWa
Swimsuit bulge in wuwa when…
Granny is way better than WuWasluts. Revenue will tell.
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I want affection stories although it seems like companion quests are basically just that. Do you guys think it's too offputing if they just made an entirely VN style optional quests with no rewards for specific characters?
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>Revenue will tell.
Well yea, she's releasing alongside a completely broken Archon that makes Neuviworm look like a balanced DPS.
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I think what's funny is that even if they pivot back to marketing to guys it won't work to stop their steady decline. Homos would stop spending on women banners. Faggots and fujos would shriek at the new set of females they'll release, and it won't even capture a lot of the male market since they've already had a reputation of being a cuckshed company. They've built a "we pander to everyone" market and now they pander to no one.
That's why Solon would be wise to remember his core audience. Just keep pumping out wives and you'll have a decent and steady source of income for years to come. Just look at BA and Nikke.
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pic related it's Jinny
The chinese CCs on b2 will force meme jinny so much that Kuro will make some dating event with jinny.
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Hop in
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I want Momotalk
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Cammy's big dick.
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Your profiles have 6 short stories already
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kinda like how doro just got canonized because Shit Up liked it so much.
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>Whoring yourself out for astrite
Even if WuWa release broken character it will not be bought in same revenue like Genshin
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The queen is really unstoppable.
I wanna make a doro lumi now, just you wait Lumi my beloved.
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Scar is sent to clown prison...
they got lucky because the artist gave them permission
if I were him I would've charged them 2 million dorobucks for the rights
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Revenue wars would have been funny if Kuro would have been a jew and actually copied Genshit 1:1 gacha wise. Instead, a wuwa player worst case needs 192K gem to max out a character and a genshit player needs 320K. And the gems cost the same money.
I don't know whether I would forgive the prodigal son if they returned to ultra sexo women or just wash my hands of them to be fair.
>cant form proper if sentences
lmao thats literally first class elementary school shit
Why would you return when you know the ingame model looks dogshit? Just go jerk it to the porn.
After today in the wagecage, it's already surprising I can write, don't expect me to be coherent too...
None of them make more money than genshin tho
>hey got lucky because the artist gave them permission

They always reach a deal behind the scenes.
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>Still no Zani tacet mark
Kill all leakers
>ctrl + F
>0 marches
So, it was the Discord trannies after all
I just jumped up and down for 5 minutes while singing "wuwu wawu I wanna be a wawu"
I will never get a girlfriend
I am sorry mom and dad
Is it the VA announcement that's generating hype in jp, or the character herself?
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a wild Danny appears!
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sex with clown
The only difference between the tweets is a VA announcement.
VA is a huge thing in JP culture.
That's why anime gacha games already try to get AAA VAs
instant reverse mating press
hmm i think im enjoying the combat in the illusive realm
The character one sits at 1,2M, but she was the only really leaked one and even before her drip, stepfucker crippled her marketing by releasing the art of it.
So it's partially the VA and partially because it's tied to the character I guess. Like, look at Rococo, she doesn't generate this much attention despite also having a big name tied to it.
Better odds below pity as well (33% better from 0.6% to 0.8%).
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You just wuu-ed your last waa
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How do I WU the WA
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Gotcha. I dont watch anime so i'm out of the loop when it comes to jp VAs
>>503610875 (me)
Or wait, I was dumb, the global one is 1,2M the JP one is 1,4M.
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she looks so majestic
don't forget tho, behind all those high quality clothes and that bewitching smile she has a brown butthole
Solon is getting the big ones all you need to know. Chiwa sexo was just the start
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This game is so comfy bwos, i never have to urge to spend more since dupes either just big damage + weapon 100%
And i can actually buy dupes if i want
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Don’t eat that pero he’ll give you food poisoning
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Good ol’ Kulojawa really outdid himself this time.
>Spending money on game that is close to end-of-service

As the allure of gacha games captivates players worldwide, it’s crucial to recognize when a game shows signs of impending shutdown or end-of-service (EoS). Investing in a failing gacha game, particularly through monthly subscriptions and battle passes, can be a financial pitfall. While the incremental joy of acquiring new characters or resources may seem enticing, the reality is that such purchases frequently yield diminishing returns as player engagement declines and updates become scarce. When a game approaches its EoS, developer support weakens, resulting in a stagnant gaming experience devoid of new content, bug fixes, and community events. Instead of funneling hard-earned money into a crumbling platform, wise players should redirect their energy and finances towards games with a brighter future or consider investing time in non-monetized gaming experiences. By doing so, they not only preserve their resources but also safeguard their gaming enjoyment, ensuring that their passion for gaming continues to flourish beyond the constraints of a waning title. Remember, gaming should be about enjoyment, community, and growth, not about clinging to something that has already lost its spark.
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Zani's VA announcement when KUROOOO
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I have made a terrible mistake and bought the cummy S1, John Solon has trapped me
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She's probably a kuudere magician
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How many likes will she get
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I don't think they will go THAT far desu
At best they will tease more 2.0
her schizo tornado looks so cool
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anime has always been for weirdos and pedos
but normies overtook anime back in the 2010s and now they overtook gacha in the 2020s
normies ruin everything
ZERO everyone hates elves
Also women
She is 2.1, so mid january when her banner marketing drops like now Carlotta and Rococo. They didn't even reveal Jinhsi's VA either until 1.1 despite her being in the game.
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She'll get wuwillion children from me
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This is the first time i see a drip marketing character getting this much art
JP really love Zani
Investing my money in experiences, personal growth, or long-term goals rather than sinking it into a game that is on the verge of end-of-service (EoS) is a more prudent choice; not only does it allow me to foster relationships and create lasting memories, but it also ensures that my resources are directed towards endeavors that will enrich my life and future. Instead of risking disappointment and a loss of investment on a fleeting entertainment option, I can channel my funds into hobbies that promote skill development, health, and well-being, ultimately contributing to a more fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle
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Well, Does Yinlin finally grow on you ?
is her cunny open for business too?
I have a substantial balance on my semen storage that I would like to deposit
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I started it yup, gonna do the rest l8er
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She seems to have a reality warping forte like zhezhi but actually uses it. Either that or she can just store infinite things in the bag as is basically batman with tons of gadgets for every occasion (or youhu but good).
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This is migrant on migrant violence...
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Lore accurate fat fuck
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No they don't. Its just pure bandwagoning by secondaries who don't play the game.
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we need lewd art of her and the new elf
While it's tempting to pour my hard-earned money into a dying game that may offer fleeting entertainment, I believe investing in a vacation to Hawaii presents a far more enriching experience. With its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and opportunities for adventure, a trip to the islands promises lasting memories and a chance to rejuvenate my spirit. The beauty of nature, coupled with the warmth of the Hawaiian hospitality, offers a unique escape that far surpasses the temporary satisfaction of virtual achievements, making it a much wiser and fulfilling use of my resources.
Sirs do NOT redeem the Zazi fanarts . Do not redeem the fully clothed whore dyke .
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Her name iz Nazi
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Holy sex
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Stop bullying Jinny.... Why is she always the punching bag? Changli, Yinlin and Shorekeeper should also take some hits...
Genshin Impact clearly stands out compared to Wuthering Waves due to its superior storytelling, inclusivity, and exceptional writing, all of which contribute to a more immersive gaming experience. The narrative in Genshin Impact weaves an intricate tapestry of lore, character backgrounds, and intertwining quests that resonate with players on multiple levels, allowing them to form deep emotional connections with a diverse range of characters, each with their unique motivations and rich narratives. This depth is further enhanced by its emphasis on inclusivity, as the game boasts a wide array of characters from various backgrounds, cultures, and identities, fostering a sense of representation that resonates with its global audience and allowing players to see themselves within the world of Teyvat. Additionally, the writing quality in Genshin Impact shines through not only in its main storyline but also in its character dialogues and quest narratives, which are infused with humor, emotion, and thoughtful themes that engage players beyond mere gameplay. In contrast, Wuthering Waves lacks the same level of narrative depth and character inclusion, resulting in a less memorable and relatable experience. Overall, Genshin Impact excels in crafting a compelling world filled with rich stories, relatable characters, and inclusive representation, making it a far superior gaming experience compared to Wuthering Waves.
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I dont have an updated one but natlan is still a flop, you can verify it with sensortower YoY
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Havoc Rover fucking sucks against Memephis, the sperg jumps away from most of Rover's attacks OR Rover himself ragdolls back a couple steps during his empowered BA combo and whiffs. I hope Aero Rover just aimbots this faggot corpse with heat seeking spears or something
>Why would you return
Eh. Their world is fun to explore which is one of the things I find fun about these games, plus I do like some of the characters. I'm just iffy on it is all. They don't exactly inspire confidence.
I will only play Genshin again after they release Signora.
Until then im free of that garbage.
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While both ZZZ and Wuthering Waves offer engaging gameplay experiences, ZZZ stands out significantly due to its superior storytelling, which captivates players with intricately woven narratives and rich character development that feels more immersive than what Wuthering Waves has to offer. The optimization in ZZZ is also commendable; it runs smoothly across various devices, providing a seamless experience without the frustrating glitches that sometimes plague Wuthering Waves. Additionally, the animations in ZZZ are more fluid and visually appealing, bringing the vibrant world to life in ways that enhance the overall aesthetic and emotional impact of the game. Players also benefit from a more inclusive environment in ZZZ, where diverse characters and narratives are thoughtfully integrated, making the experience more relatable and enjoyable for a broader audience. Finally, the writing in ZZZ shines with its thoughtful dialogues and engaging plot twists that keep players invested, whereas Wuthering Waves may struggle to create the same level of engagement due to less compelling storytelling. Thus, ZZZ emerges as the superior choice with its well-rounded approach to gameplay, narrative depth, and player inclusivity.
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why do you care about views when likes are the superior metric (when not being botted so never)
Wasn't the Natlan archon changed because the LATAMs were seething about colonizers?
>3 rolls for 3 years
3x ten pulls, right?
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Out of all the characters in this game, I want a summer skin of her the most
Nah, they didn’t change anything. Besides, it wasn’t Latinos seething but terminally online White American teens
does the clown have a fat ass to match her fat thighs
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JennyGOD I kneel. She's not giving up so easily
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I love Archer!
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>GPT samefagging
do you like woman big or girl small?
Nah it's 3 single pulls.
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Jiyan (green) negs
I love hags, i love lolis.
I like hebes.
Just remembered Carlotta will use brand new boss mats for the region so I'll be locked from properly leveling her up until I rush the story. Oh well, I guess I would've gotten spoiled otherwise, or I could just keep her at low level for a wise and enjoy being weak as shit
i just like women bro, big, small don't matter to me
if i had to specify a preference, big asses and nice frames for all
what happens after a year?
not even kuro knows where this game will be in a year lmao
sounds retarded
Give me hags
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So when is carlotta, 2 more weeks?
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Can't wait for the melty when all the new girls are for (You)
yep deserves banning
Yeah but Kana Ueda didn't save Yoimiya from Genshin. If the character has a shit kit it's dead regardless of VA or coomer design. Yoimiya doesn't even use underwear, just bandages.
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If they somehow manage to get Mela Lee for her English voice, the memes will come out the fucking floodgates
How can they know? Kits are still being changed when in beta...
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>Like, look at Rococo, she doesn't generate this much attention
Because she's an ugly design.
>Picture alone has 3 Rins
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Fat sweaty clown thighs squeaking and honking into the air and landing on my neck
I have the sneaking suspicion Roccia's quest will be at least as sad as Anko's, probably more
that's a man
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Way too big...
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>another 10 years for the next Garupan movie
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My 2.x powercreep. My 2nd gen resonators.
>he redeemed
do not redeem sar
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Luokeke(Rococo) test kit


Basic Attack performs up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Havoc DMG.

Heavy Attack Consume stamina to charge up an attack on the target, dealing Havoc DMG. Holding the normal attack button extends the charge time of the heavy attack, and the longer the charge, the more special energy is gained.

Use Basic Attack after casting Heavy Attack to cast Basic Attack 4.

Mid-air Attack Consumes STA to cast a Mid-Air Plunging Attack, dealing Havoc DMG.

Dodge Counter Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Havoc DMG.

Summon a tornado that pulls in nearby targets, dealing Havoc DMG, and sends Luokeke into the air

While in the air, Luokeke can perform up to 3 consecutive descending attacks, dealing Havoc DMG. For every 100 points of special energy, one attack can be unleashed. Special energy acquisition rules: The maximum special energy is 300 points. Normal attacks that deal damage, using Resonance Skills, and using Intro Skills can gain special energy.

The incoming Resonator has their Havoc DMG Amplified by 20% and Resonance Attack DMG Amplified by 25% for 14s or until they are switched out.

After casting, the team’s search module will add an item that gather monsters. When used, it pulls targets towards the user.
i really like this huge eyes miyako
BASED redeemer, harem enjoyer
That's because there are no other spectro dpses in the near future, notice how they didn't say Jiyan won't be powercrept, because he already was, meaning Phoebe is Aero
>/gig/ shitshow = peak comfy /wuwa/.
I'm noticing.
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>Go to sleep
>Wake up
>5 threads behind now
can we slow down? the past two months were comfy
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What's going on in /gig/?
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The game is getting too popular bwo...
It's over...
This lack of content is concerning
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did roccunny powercreep anko manko?
>fighting cats in IR
>Pero ghost cat in box (schrödinger’s cat)
REMINDER, no half anniversary celebration, Solon betrayed his principles
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No she buffs her, Roccia is sub dps, Manko is main dps. Roccia buffs Basic atk but not as much as sanhua, she has grouping and likely coordinated attacks instead
hard coping they game is "good" and fighting discord trannies(they are losing)
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not yet, but we will see
It is concerning to me that Rococo and Carlotta are incredibly erotic
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most sexo body in the game
>and likely coordinated attacks
If so she's exactly what I need.
In short, there's like several people on each sides trying to piss each other off. This time it's Neuvillette and Mauvika. The same people that will shit up this thread if they're not contained at /gig/.
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Very true
>constantly mentioning genshin in every thread is peak comfy
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forgot about this
I'm only thinking that because one of the new sets in 2.0 is for coordinated attackers. The other is for Glacio DPSes. The latter is obviously for Carlotta, so it would make sense for the former to be for Roccia, but it could also be because Zhezhi reruns and she's great with Carlotta
metards, I meant powercreep in the sex factor
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Well uuhhh depends on your tastes coomerbro, but I'm not choosing one over the other, I'm fucking both
impossible to powercreep her in that category, she activates her schizo mode and rides you like you were a mechanical bull, will leave you drier than going through your whole harem
Manko has the genuine little girl vibes that are hard to beat, so no.
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I knew exactly what you meant fucker
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Start feeding them to Pero
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Roccia will have that to but in kuudere form, only youhu isn't a little girl and doesn't act like one.
Is new region based on Italy or France?
Italy, it's in the name.
>And for my next trick you will see my panties disappear
This shit is way too common, 9999 bag capacity when?
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Can't wait for mecha resonator in Not!Japan
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Cleaned mine yesterday, second time I capped out
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Echo fusing 5 echoes should give you ores that you can use to get 4* weapons.
I will now play your game
Does g game have half anniversaries?
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Welcome anon.
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not fat enouugh
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Just go on without me bwos. I'm heading to 99 mail at this point.
>Automatically delete after 15 day(s)
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pGr game does apparently.
oh no
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Surely you don't have exclusively atk and crit echoes right? Just go to batch merge, filter Def% and select all. Filter each elemental dmg and find the sets that match and lock them before deleting them all. and keep doing that for HP% and energy % echoes for the healing set too. It's relatively quick
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Truly, sexy women are the key to a successful game and a thriving fanbase.
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Roll for Yinlin right fucking now, she will be meta with Electro Rover. DO EET
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Would you a frog?
I'm sure these fuckers breakfast is think bad of Genshin, on bath seethe on Genshin, on Lunch curse Genshin on the way home while on train they want punch the wall for pure hatred of Genshin then they go home and to this website to this place with same kind of persons to group hate on Genshin
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God I hope Electro Rover is just SPEED
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>on bath
>on lunch
>on train
It's just so tiring to do every single fucking time. I just want my tuners.
It would be kino if rover became as fast as Tempest Mephis
I just want a gauntlet Fusion rover so I can go mano a mano against Crownless
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Of course
I'm still doing fine at 1200/2000.
I stopped saving moonlit echoes unless it's atk 1 cost.
Might delete all the glacio set ones if the new set turns out to be better like it probably will.
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what wuthers your waves?
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The trannies are already shitting their pants at the idea of it happening kek
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Yeah I never save for hypothetical characters, I only ever locked glacio, aero and havoc moonlit for Danjin, Sanhua and yapyap
Not who I expected but okay.
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Imagining Scar's master plan.
There's just something really funny about the r/wuwahusbando players treating Xiangli Yao as a woman because there's no living male characters to ship him with and since he's too overly affectionate with THE ENEMY, they do not accept him as "one of theirs"
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I can't stop looking at this little hamster right here. What does she hide underneath that smile?
My beloved phoenix wife
But she's 15...
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phrog will bust him out of jail and then do a whole bunch of nothing for 3 more patches
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how do I get into the chinese secret club
which way white man
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where did this come from?
please let me have both
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>six foot tall flat ‘girl’
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I do 6 Tacet Field clears a day. I burn a lot of shit already through mass data merge but it's still not enough.
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>38d left
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There's an amazing sequence in Trails of Cold Steel 2 where the MC is captured by the villains, and is basically forced to be civil with them, and for like half an hour of the game, you can literally casually talk to every villain you have been fighting against in the previous game or new villains you will be fighting later on in the current game, including the main villain of the first game. I hope we get a cool sequence like that with Fractsidus. And then you see a statue of the founder and it's just edgy Rover.
>come on, jue, everyone has a rebellious phase
what is it about the westerners getting freaked out by young girls, is it religion?
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It would not be a surprise. Rover has been trying anything to contain the Lament so he created black shores and seems to have had a hand in every single major organization at one point in history. Probably created court of savantae as well.
I fully expect the Fractsidius to be founded by a desperate past Rover or a Rover student who went to the extremes.
They don't want to be seen as child molesters. Yes they actually believe 15 year olds are children, no wonder their birthrates are going down the drain.
I will use rosebloom echo on my dick to have my way with both
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>might as well try forced evolution
>wait nevermind this is stupid I'll just make an AI or something
suffering from success
How many more astrite in this patch?
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I messed up near the end. Man sanhua's so good. Jiyan's getting bogged down by mortefi and Jinny's support options are so weird and awkward.
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>dyke OP
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I don't get how Roccia is supposed to be better support than sanhua.
>is it religion?
You could say that, in a sense. Their belief system of wokism is basically a post-theistic religion
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I hope that tub in Rinascita is a mount echo like the Inferno Rider.
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her smile...
i never noticed but her braids are very beautiful
would definitely pull if she'll become playable with this specific design
I legit have no idea. Maybe she doesn't even need field time? It'd be funny if she's 2.0 yinlin.
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You couldn't protect her smile....
Wow. I was actually about to post that one myself.
Blood brothers.
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Good taste anon.
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dude how the FUCK does this motherfucker have so much hp this is impossible
21/30 it is
Sechi wuwa
I hope lumi gets a 5 star version in the coming years.
There is no way your cock can win against something as massive as Lumi's asscheeks
seriously? I beat him with just jinny and verina
>he fell for the brick
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When I die I want this to be the last thing I see.
new toss
Rover will bring Taoqi for her shield and Shorekeeper for HP regen, and try his best not to be defeated by the perfect ass. If he dies, it's a risk he's willing to take.
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>kuro gives him money to spend on blue archive
I still find it hilarious that prydwen actually placed changli in t0 hybrid while zhezhi and yinlin are below her.
Especially zhezhi Who does a shit load of dmg.
Why did they nerf tempest mephis? He now gets staggered by even basic attacks from Verina.
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I unironically use my Changli as subdps for Jinhsi nowadays
Just wait for the kit, but grouping, especially off field, is a good thing, as is better personal damage, AoE damage, being able to possibly use a better set (coordinated attacks) and at least for camellya she will give better amp (and 20% of it will apply to everything including liberation).
Pretty sure wuwa devs would also be into BA so theyre fine with that
How do you guys suck so much?
Some anons are clearing this shit with solo Danjin
I fully expect the Court of Savantae to have been created by Rover, and after they achieved CHIM or whatever causing them to disappear and Rover disappeared they had an offshoot branch eventually become the Fractsidus. As it was they were already testing TD frequencies with humans which is what that whole boss fight with the Mech Abomination is about if I remember the logs correctly. It would also explain why they know about and how to deal with the CSC stuff in Mt. Firmament and why most of the locations seem to have been picked clean.

If Rover personally created them it sort of goes against the stuff Jue talks about because Jue straight up said Rover essentially set up all the major settlements to see humanity's growth. Not sticking TDs in everyone to make them immune to TDs sort of goes against that idea unless the final requirement would be that like 80% of humanity would die because of the TD overtaking them or something.
Ah for sure, if they are hiring him it means they know him from his work
Why is zhezhi not t0?
Sanhua is tier 0 because Cammy so wouldn't zhezhi be t0 as well.
Also the fuck is that changli placement.
Just get an s2 Cummelya and solo the bitch lmeow
Yea I expect her to be flat out better in aoe and more of a luxury pick for bosses.
she is not T0 because there's no glacio DPS she can support efficiently
Prydwen is shit
nigga fuck you if you're just gonna pretend like sweat chinese keyboard mashing like those 0 damage perfect parry gameplays you see in bilibili are the norm then shut the fuck up
i just wanna get my gemmies my characters are all leveled up and with decent gear there's no reason i shouldn't be able to beat that epileptic thunder fucker without needing to think of ways to stop touching my dick so i can gather mystical wizard power to mash buttons
Of course it was, that shit started when the threads were fast as fuck, sadly some of those retards are still here.
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That's a build issue
People should really stop posting that dogshit site for reference
So? She's still the best characters best support.
I don't see an issue
Me on the left.
>literally zani the tranny like character as pfp
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you're not gonna tell me i need 100% crit rate and 300% crit damage are you?
Stop replying to your hour old posts.
It's concerning.
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>Loves (You)
>3 Outro buffs
>Coordinated attacker
>Concerto Queen
She's T0
Uhoh seapag melty
Just use your jinny
Probably because Zhezhi only really has one good team atm. Same with Yinlin.
Sanhua probably has a boost just because she's a 4star and has low field time.
Changli is probably t0 because she's around equal to every sub dps if you quickswap.
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Thats why maybe it was a student who went
>Save humanity from the lament no matter the cost
>It's concerning.
Look how the retard quickly exposes himself as soon as he feels threatened.
Stop it troonwen, your site is dogshit for this game it always was not even r*ddit recommends it.
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I farmed a friggin ice set for her my dude and I hafta refarm a set again. I don't even know who to put the set on currently after I swap it off her.
The only other character sanhua buffs is Havoc rover and anko.
Who are far removed from being relevant.
And there's no way change quick swap or not deals enough dmg to compensate for a zhezhi or yinlin buff for jinny or yao

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