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>"on strings"/"puppet
>"insta reply insta seethe"
>has a semantic field of around 100 words
>cant string a coherent sentence together unless it involves a lolcow/streamer/random namefag, or the same canned gibberish he spams
>posts about "Alex" that get 10 (You)s on reply cooldown
>"pumps" "pvmp" "we are in here [twitch link]"
>AI slop night elves (OPs and random jpgs) all slide posts
>feverishly (You's) any game discussion to tell you [expansion is bad] (will pivot in any direction to FUD, just wants people to not play anything)
>permanent thread uptime
>[x lost/won] (useless slidepost to keep this dead shit off page 10)
>will immediately defend himself when called out and is incapable of ignoring you
>will try to gaslight/obfuscate (what how he recoils! I've been found out!)
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Warriors of the night, assemble!
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tranny game
tranny devs
tranny company
i'm surrendering and rolling a warrior tomorrow (it's 3 am here)

so what's gearing like as a warrior? it's the most common class, i imagine gearing is hell?
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soda won
what will be the cope when the servers decline? and this time they can't use "it wasn't real fresh" so
is mounty 40g like in soddy or 90g
i know at least one of you fags is 40
might as well be CGI with all of those filters and all of that makeup
Alexstrasza won some orc cock
all you need is prebis and world buffs
its 90g
how many filters do you want?
jesus fucking christ
im going to be luck to get that piece of shit before 60
completely unreasonable holy fuck
Are they actually leaving chronoboons at 10g a pop?
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>There is a rogue dying roughly every two minutes to Polly on the fresh hardcore servers
sneaksisters... everyone is laughing at us...
prob looks like shit before all the filters, or why would she be a cringe vtuber
anon 90g is not hard to get...
why do chuds decline group invites?
no its all over
i have 25g at 35
im going to have to sell my ass a moount for a mount
if i get r14 will i get a qt vtuber wow gf
I have social anxiety sry
i have 13g at 30. i'm 100% not going to make it
no but you wont get r14 anyways
I know everyone only cares about fresh but I can't decide on fem Draenei Priest or fem Draenei shaman to level for MoP
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Stop learning spells
All you need is autoattack
Grinding all night with an animeposting qt..
can i go from 30 to 40 on warrior without learning anything?
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>check bags
>18 gold
i'm a pimp
>check spellbook
>fire nova totem draws aggro when put down so you HAVE to melee each mob or they'll kill it instantly
hate this shit
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>tfw free mount at lvl 40

lockchads stay winning
maybe just get whatever upped ranks of battle shout, demo shout and learn ww
shutup summon bitch
and i dont want to hear anything out of blessing bitches either
You get a ton of gold 38-40
Just learn Battle shout, Execute, Whirlwind, maybe Demo shout
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Give it to me straight, doc. How is feral druid for wpvp?
still not worth rolling alliance lock
undead wars and rogues will break you
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>he thinks im an allytranny

top tier while leveling, bottom tier at 60
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I wish that were me
why do fags flock to this game like flies to shit
what gives
and im not just talking about the FAGGOTS anime posting itt
i just walked past some homo named iloveboys
whats a matter with these people holy shit
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i would tell you to farm beasts until 40 and sell the grey items but blizzard nerfed that because some botters were using it.

funny how blizzard nerfs content to combat botters and disables mail for new accounts but doesnt actually go after botters. im so glad PoE2 is coming out in a few weeks and im not invested in WoW anymore.
>chinks already advertising boosting and gold selling
region lock us already
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Still Classic chud
What's stopping it from being you working hard at it and getting tired and sweaty together as the night gives way to morning
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i got the corpsemaker boys, fresh is saved, now we play the game
why don't these people play SoD?
thoughts on 60% of raids being warriors?
the computer is an Instant Validation Machine to a lot of people in 2024
because nobody else is playing ergo nobody is forced to play with them and suffer their presence
these people are like parasites. classic anniversary now has all the players and i'd wager a lot of people who got sick of hybrids getting their cocks sucked in SoD went to FRESH to escape that shit, so now the ret niggers latch on to the new host and demand that they capitulate to their insanity
like, rets are a mix of niggers, trannies and a parasitic bug
wont happen until the tail end of the nax phase aka when 90% of the people have quit anyways

it's 2024, time for #change
I'm not going to be raiding, I'm leveling to 60 to do wpvp and quitting while making friends along the way
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all i know is, it makes paladins seethe to no end so that's enough for me to want to maintain the status quo
>buckbroken by animechads
grim stuff
pro tip: being a sissy is in fact, the opposite of being a chad
sounds like you want retail. hybrids should be hybrids in playstyle and not simply a class that can spec between being a mage a rogue or a warrior.
While leveling you are arguably the best, at endgame when everyone has gear you are a mosquito: you do zero damage but you are also an evasive little shit.
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Wish that were me too...also I'm finally done with shimmering flats I HATE ROGUES ):
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>What's stopping it from being you
I'm hardcore self-found....

>getting tired and sweaty together as the night gives way to morning
don't tease me like that... nobody wants to get tired and sweaty with an aged orc shaman like me anyway...
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hey look
so basically, im going to buy it (the chink gold)
ugh i know I KNOW im SORRY!
im just buying chink gold is all

link to the last thread you dumbass piece of shit.
>he boughted
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World buffs should be removed because i dont feel like getting them every week.
I actually played back in 05/06.

Its funny cause warriors were non stop bitching about how OP paladins were. Now its the other way around all because of a PvE aspect of the game that 9/10 people didnt give a shit about back in the day. funny how things change.
It really is. Glad to see someone pointing this out.
How hard was it in Shimmering Flats? Where will you roam to next?

You never know, some might find an appeal in big orcs with large, calloused hands that are good for rough-housing.
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>found a non-pozzed layer
yup time to grind in stv
>uses words like "pozzed"
>already at level 30s

fucking loser lol
who doesnt use the word pozzed
do you have AIDS nigga
that's who this website is for now. /vt/ users who found the site during the 2010s
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I'm probably roaming into bed once I finish cleaning up my bank and doing engineering ;_; I guess it's STV early quest time or hillsbrad so the undead rogue sightings will only increase sadly.
HC is fun, I did that on launch and died at 20! It was DCing a lot on the opening day but it should be fine now...I wanna give it another go too
How do you even swap? Ask for invite or what?
But it's still so early, don't you want to try get ahead of all those undead rogues? Or has being pounced on non stop broken your better judgement making skills?
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>NOOOOO you can’t roll need on that ring even though it has agility!!!!!
smell ya later magecucks
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It sure is early now. The sun is going to rise and the normies will wake up to go wagie soon :3 Good sleeping time as any for me though
it involves pinging the server/blocking ports and ips .. i wont go into detail because you niggers will post it on reddit .. but if you were around retail back in cata you know what im talking about
>"i want classic fresh, i dont like all these sod changes"
>"uh sweety era is live, go play that with your 500 warriors per raid ;)
>classic fresh comes out
>"i want changes in this new fresh, my ret pally sucks, i dont want to raid where warriors are top dps its not fair!!"
>"uh sweety sod is live, go play that with your hybrids ;)"
full circle
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I see people asking for invs for layer swap, did that stop working? Also look who I found.
Departing while posting an image like that after you've been in the crosshairs of others all night in Shimmering Flats is cruel.. what am I to do with all the hours ahead in the night for me still
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im not paying 4g for max skinning skill
i know tanking is the hardest role but some people are so bad at it
there are a LOT of retoilet tourists trying to tank, it's actually sad to see how shit they're at the game
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Good night anon~ And it's simple, you talk with this poster instead
what do they do
But I want you~

Goodnight :3
>classhit shitter acting like ANYTHING is hard to do in this ez game besides the mara pull
lmow @ ur lyfe, shitter
kek, he's still here, seething
8 gorillion hardcore death alerts a second
>that indirect seethe
retoilet cockroach
its not exactly difficult to play like a bitch the entire time you're logged in, the game isn't designed for it, but hey whatever floats your boat
hack artist cant draw feet
retard here:
Is there a spec in SoD that qualify as support/is the closest too? Like something you bring along for the many buffs it provides mainly to raid group? Is it still paladin/shaman? Or something else
Nuke China
what did chang do to you
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Do I join, xisters?
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>it's a underwater quest
Hardcorebros how are we feeling about our decision so far? Are you still on your first toon?
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reddit is having a massive melty
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>join SM arms farm group
>every 30 or so minutes the healer says ''brb need to put some chicken fingers in the oven'' the food changes every time.
>mfw we got a legit lardo obesefag that eats all day
what does dolls mean here?
all signs point to trannies
>retoilet having a meltie because he's a shitter
many such cases
>smites hammer res
ive never seen this ever, this fag is probably lying
Guys i have never played wow and am playing hardcore i rolled a horde warrior but am now too scared to tank in dungeons ive never ran before how hard are these dungeons. should I just make a new character
He's right though. You don't need meta faggotry in vanilla
>group leaders don't want to invite people who will contest them on loot

In retail you can stack, for example, plate wearers and guarantee that the gear you want will drop off a boss and since most people are running dungeons they outgear (you have to run a certain number of x+ level mythic dungeons for tokens to upgrade your gear to cap before you can move on to the next level of tokens, haha maze+) or for a single item they don't have there's a mixed incentive on who you invite to the party because they might just trade you the drop, especially a primary stat trinket that anyone can roll for.
He's not wrong.

I quit 3 days in because 90% of my server were gnome mages and the other 10% female dwarf priests. Nobody said a word in dungeons, people ninja looted every item, every chest, zero buffs or drinks were handed out, constant whining about needing to "hurry it up".

Turtle isn't a good server but at least it's community is far more social and healthier than whatever the wannabe Fakers on Blizzard servers are doing. The entire game is just an excuse to shit talk with your bros, duel outside org/SW, do a BG, etc. I fucking hate PvE parsing cryboomers so, so much. Much rather play with Juanito and Vladimir on private servers who have no clue what the fuck they're doing, at least they're having fun.
maybe they're just eating one at a time?
just tank them overleveled
meta fagging is worse in retail
It wouldn't surprise me in the least, everyone has a hard-on for that hammer
so he got filtered because he has no social skills?
>Im new to classic, my experience is in retail
of course
no one playing the game today has any social skills
if you did youd have a real job and a family
get over yourself
im prepping for tbc
will get to 60 and farm gold and get r14 on my ret paladin and then will just unsub. not interested in healing a raid full of warrior niggers
what i AM interested in though is systematically declining all warriors from my TBC heroic dungeon runs as a prot pally, and then beating them in DPS in raids as ret. it's gonna be glorious :)
see you at the dark portal!
how can it possibly be worse than era / fresh?

>stacking every buff under the sun so shitters can even clear AQ40
>brownie stacking
>trying to play something that isn't top dps? benched
What server for EU Alliance?
>beating them in DPS in raids as ret.
schoolshooter one or hc, but beware that schoolshooter server already has 40 man raids of undead rogues in every zone
they turned up the difficulty on the content by a large margin and if you're not playing one of five specs you better run your own key or reroll
retail has 39 specs btw
>His class? Brown
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my hardcore self-found orc shaman looks like this...
>my credentials blablabla
this dude sounds like a massive faggot, like the faggot that tell you they got glad in bc or wrath. no one wants to be around these kind of "people"
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>It's okay if you only got to level 10 this weekend.
is this actually okay?
Raids are delayed for 3 weeks and honor isn't out for like 2 months, for the average dad gamer there's not much of a reason to rush
people pissing and shitting over lootwhoring aint wrong for the most part but man does it feel fine as fuck to be completely decked out in Scarlet gear with all the trimmings
>t. woyer who hasn't run a dungeon with a single non clothie since launch
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Questie sissies........
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>she's going to miss the first mc reset
my shaman died this evening. RIP
going to try agane as druid, bear focus
which professions work best for hardcore feral?
Being a non Warrior is paying penance for that very fact. A Warrior isn't able to go and round up 50 mobs and aoe them down with blizzard. A Warrior isn't able to walk into Stratholme and solo most of it with reflect damage gear. A Warrior isn't able to solo elite quests out in the world with a pet.
You are at the whim of the Warrior in instanced content because you can do all that shit outside of it that Warriors can't. If you aren't able to deal with it then it's a (you) problem.
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>massively ahead in the hc race to 60. could go to sleep for 24 hours straight and still be in the lead
>game crashes, computer clearly overloaded with streaming + alt accounts
>refuses to close his 12 other wow clients for layer hoping despite being the only man in WPL on the server
>immediately logs back in and grabs a group of mobs
This was probably the most idiotic hardcore death yet. Imagine staying up for 4 days straight aoe grinding mobs just to die to your own unnecessary metagaming
You always want engineering sadly so I'm gonna just have to recommend that, outside of that alchemy can be good for HC
>people looking for lvl 20+ people for deadmines
any big thick cocked futa ladies want to tank vc?
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>Ahmpymagetwo has died of fall damage in the Undercity, he was level 1
>namedropping randoms like we're just supposed to know who they are
I’m looking for a guild with only chuds actually. Where we at chudbros?
I hate this fuck huge barrier wall in dustwallow cucking me from everything I try to do
>nigger femorc shaman purges my buffs at sm hours ago
>nigger femorc shaman catches me low in stv
>kills me
bbc you are kill on sight you fucking nigger
i swear to god let me find your nigger ass again and your ass is grass until you log out you little fucking bitch
fuck you
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got a golden pearl
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Infinite money technique
I hate how redditors type, can feel the soi seeping through my monitor

You're going to have MC and Ony out before the end of the year, dad gamers won't be able to hit 60 (at this pace) before then, let alone have enough preBiS to even be considered ready for raids.
lol methheads BTFO
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>have enough preBiS to even be considered ready for raids.
>samefagging your own parasocial post 1 hour later
grim stuff
uh yeah im thinking we gotta add artifact weapons and torghast in mists classic. i mean obviously vanilla was so bad that they made changes in TBC so why not go back and make retroactive changes to other versions too?
>undead wars
Its unbuffed Molten Core, you're raid ready the second you're 60
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god morning sirs i will now return to grinding
>only caged for a few more days
Even so, dad gamers need three full rows of world buffs and T3 tanks to make it through MC / BWL
only third worlders and white kids (mental third worlders) take this game seriously
how do you rend with a hammer?
Blunt force trauma can break the skin
shouldnt be very hard with a claw hammer, no?
I wish retail faggots would stay in their containment shithole
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First time playing the game, pretty fun so far. I reached level 16 today then spent some time raising my professions.
but its not a claw hammer its like a big maul
I mean it doesn't do a lot of damage even with a bladed weapon
Glad you're enjoying it, anon! I think it's actually really impressive classic WoW still holds up.
I made it to lvl8, feeling good
oh yeah?
what're you going to do about it, bitch?
you're going to cope
you're going to seethe
and you're going to piss and shit your pants
Why didn't he make his own group?
retail is 10x worse about literally every aspect of what shes complaining about.
because it's a fake post for upboats
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Ahem. Fuck Hunters especially when their pets resist my Fear.
i thought the fags played final fantasy what's going on here
white woman owned by dog...
we like anime and animeposters on this website
according to refugees: their game sucks, they're infesting classic and retail recently
its very, very cringe
i wish they would die off but no
we must suffer them unfortunately
I'll have you know I'm skin tone 5, I can't be white.
Way better than his ex gf Lea
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only if they're not acting like faggots, and they're not living up to the expectation
I like their posts. Better than the same schizos arguing for years on end as usual
I'm resubbing tonight
Can I still play horde on the NA pvp server or is it locked?
Should I even bother at this point?
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>you can skin the worgen in Duskwood
Put some shoes on, stop being a pussy
Why not reply to us then anon..

Why so high tension?
i appreciate their images but they are GAY as fuck
would prefer the same schizos even if they're only slightly less gay what with the tranny posting and what not
you can skin all worgen in classic/tbc it was only when the homos came you couldn't skin them any more.
>water walking gets removed when ghost wolfing
...but why
gays are weird?
thats reasonable, surely?
Who said anything about being gay~
Dawntrail was an unmitigated disaster. it killed the only selling point of the game (story/characters) so yes we’re fleeing to other games
There's nothing gay about these posts
100% true i cant stand wuk lamat. and its not the VA coz i play it in jp
I'm waiting for Final Fantasy XIV Classic
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die in fire already hahaha. its 1g per run for any fotm player
which of these builds would do best at fulfilling any of the 3 roles in level 60 dungeons?
these are not raid specs.

I don't like some of your choices, such as the defense skill boost and lack of redoubt.
prot tree is based largely on getting crit. redoubt and recokning.
but I do appreciate the insight. I don't think I would ask to dps a group with 0 points in ret though. it seems like you need SoC as a minimum, and I'm not sure if Sanctity Aura is enough, I'm starting to think you need 30 points in ret to put up any decent kind of damage, especially if you want to invest more than 11-13 points into ret.
I'm not expecting to top charts, just cruise through the dungeon. but a ret that's conscious will still do more damage than any third world mage/warrior.
just got to the barrens at lvl 11. the quests are all 12-13. should I go quest in mulgore or tirisfal?
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sup bitches
>fulfilling the tank role
reroll warrior
>fulfilling the dps role
hope that helps!
these arent the ones im referencing, i feel like you know better.
i will post examples anyways.
Yeah but you still linked those two posts in >>503697768
20 holy 31 prot
tank dungeons and heal raids youre not dpsing anything as a paladin
wasnt me
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do people find this shit funny? Or am i just out of touch boomercore?
holy shit still have not found a single bag
It's Jerry Springer/reality TV. Remember MTV's The Real World?
no i don't understand why anyone watches this fatfuck
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Got two bags from drops, one from a quest, and was given one by a random player
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My Paladin looks like this.
if i hit level 10 without getting a single bag i finna quit
too muscular
>Game still automatically loads into the PvP server while I play on HC when I start it up
>Player and Target frame still resets to the original position
Why is this happening
>paladins listing themselves as DPS
retail tourists don't know...
Is boosting nerfed like in classic era or normal rates? Would be nice to get old boosting back ngl.
this fat spic too ozempic and still looks like a subhuman you find at a parking lot willing to work for tacos.
i don't watch streamers because im not gay.
>hit lvl 39
>check bags
>79 gold
I ever become a janny/mod one day I will police the faggotry out of /vg/ as if my life fucking depends on it. And i'm far more autistic so I would win.
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>mfw a non-clothie whispers to join my dungeon group
removing 3 people would fix it
I don't think you'll do any decent dps without 30 points in ret. that restricts you from taking consecration and blessing of sanctuary.
consecration is mandatory for tanking.
blessing of sanctuary an argument can be made that it's not mandatory but it is very useful.
holy shock is a pvp skill really.
effective raid healing requires 20 points in holy.
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Enjoy running back and forth to the same places a dozen of times. Barren FUCKING SUCKS
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I tapped out at level 39, the whole point of fresh was supposed to be that low level zones will be packed but for 2 hours i can't even fill the group for the arathi elite quests. Was was fun until it lasted though, think wow is just done in general no matter the version
>I don't think you'll do any decent dps
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>still level 27
guess selling gold doesnt make you good at leveling.
most people are like level 20 retard only autismos are level 39
I’m lvl 23. At this pace am I gonna make the first raid?
I played the same as with every other fresh and this is the first time its hard to fill groups and find people, even on season of masrery these arathi elite quests got done instantly, now just radio silence.. must be way less people or the audience is more casual
it's over. you need to quit.
yeah because almost nobody is level 39
Precisely. I am almost 46, only ragtag boomer dads are still 39.
People don't do that though because it'd be incredibly boring
Why did "best in slot" become nomenclature instead of just "best"
What classes are in demand in hc? Should I go ally or horde?
You don't need to res it you just form the group yourself and turn on master loot before the boss dies
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I just spent all day farming exalted for Silvermoon and Undercity on Icecrown. Also farming low level herbs for my fresh DK Alchemist.
I just finished and do not know what to do now. Kinda tired of auto attacking quest mobs.
>no one will have pvp trinkets for the next 2 months

LOL. wpvp is gonna be aids.
>its a shaman or hunter
>invite them anyway because the gear doesn't matter and they probably won't be rolling on the same shit the warrior wants
has any wpvp happened yet? I haven’t seen a single noshoes
Rogue and mage stocks up 2000%
>why do people forming spellcleave groups to grind xp as fast as possible only want a MAGE and not my heckin ret paladin???!!??
imagine being a rogue knowing no one can trinket your stuns, its gonna be literally like the video roguecraft. lmao
>wotf wasted
>seduce again
undeads are a meme
Is seduce and fear on seperste returns?
I had some last night, was in shimmering flats
>be me killing turtles and shit for the quests
>rogue ally nearby farms same quest
>cba to pvp him, im chilling watching youtube
>we dont bother each other
>20mins later he brings a mage friend
>all the sudden he feels brave
>they 2v1 me
>inv a hunter i see nearby
>we camp them
Still no bag I'm gonna fucking quit or buy one from vendor
the loot reserve cuck vs the dont invite anyone that can compete with you chad
I just yesternight farmed 100k xp in spellcleave as paladin spamming consecration
lfm brd hoj reserved ironfoe reserved
Since they allowed #CHANGES they should have nerfed dungeon mob XP
>bro just always have your succubus out forever
For endgame raiding? Every single class is in demand lol. All raiding guilds need raiders

But the real answer is
>resto shamans
just dont invite anyone that can roll on that
It should be 5x a day lockout on dungeons. Or 1x. Infinite dungeon spam is the worst experience in wow honestly
Affliction warlocks level using succubus lil dog
If I was a warlock IRL that's what I'd do to be honest
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say no more
you do that and they will ninja loot that you want
you need to stipulate that its master loot (just on bosses you want loot from) and watch them ghost you
WoW is dead. WoW is so dead that their best product in the past 10 years was unironically vanilla WoW, and vanilla WoW is cancer.

Blizzard is too dogshit to create good products anymore.
thats like everyone wanting to be brd
Why wouldn't you?
>questing in a rainy stv
no i usually find a ton of clothies wanting to do brd
its just like any classic server then
Except the part where I said
>every raiding 60 is in demand for every raiding guild
i WILL hard res hoj
i WILL hard res scg
i WILL hard res ironfoe
i WILL hard res black baron cape
i WILL hard res painweaver
i WILL hard res blackcrow

and you will still join my group
thers no way you get to raid as enh or feral
Enh and feral aren't classes and some bears are wanted
Well I don't need any of those
but enhance is fun...
what about elemental shaman?
it really is a healercuck world huh.
you will drop windfury totem and spam chain heal and you will enjoy it
>all it takes to download a 30 dollar leveling guide is to make an account for free on a forum
That's actually fucking hilarious
If you want to raid as ele on hc you'll be taken for sure.
99+% of hc isn't raiding
Mindlessly following this shit guide kills so many people in hc
>walk over here and do this highly specific jump skip now :)
>do this blatantly too high level quest
>look at this arrow and not your surroundings
maybe i will level a ssf shaman
What's wrong with wanting to play a healer? It's an important service that lots of anons need.. why don't you want to heal too? Why does everyone want to play damage specs?
says who? theres tons of healcucks and theyre as disposable as dpscucks
Because number big players are brain damaged.
>no i don't understand why anyone watches this fatfuck
Because 90% of the "big" WoW streamers suckled from Asmons teet back when he was THE WoW streamer. So now they've accumulated just enough followers and subs to stay in the top slots of the WoW category
Am I really so disposable to you after servicing you so well, anon?
How much of this thing should I actually be following (not playing HC)
I've never tried it before but it's so popular
nothing is wrong with WANTING to be a healer, its jsut so many people being forced into it
Because people typically play video games for their entertainment. Being a healer in vanilla is about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Don't listen to him. You are irreplaceable.
is rolling tank as a completely new player a bad idea? it kind of seems like you need to know what you're doing and where you're going in dungeons
I dunno, I just quest and know some routes from playing a lot. Some of my friends use rested exclusively and the routes they take seem horrible to me and i seem to level faster than them. I don't know though genuinely. The entire concept is not really how I'd like to play, I don't like the arrow, and I don't like the rested xp text boxes on people's screens. Natural levelling in classic isn't that intimidating if you have questie.
It is, spamming dungeons literally kills the entire game, they know it but it's retail-like, which they love.
Test your Classic WoW gaming knowledge!
Without Googling, can you name the Skinning trainer in Stormwinds The Protective Hide in the Old Town district?
Nah, the game is pretty easy and if you think tanking would be fun go for it. The lack of knowledge in dungeons will be a factor for your first couple runs and you might get flamed but who cares. Will it hurt your self esteem if some spaz says you're bad at a game you just started playing that he's played for 20 years?
why did mizkif die to a tarren mill guard as horde?
>arrive in the barrens
>/leave 1
time to game.
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the game has no bugs
paladin only healer in raids?
Blizzards favourite tactic. Design the game so some horribly unfun degenerate crap is the most efficient playstyle and then blame the playerbase for pursuing it. I only ever did this in sod p2 because the one thing I wanted from the game was to hit the 1st raid lockout with my friends. In order to achieve this I suffered through 2 days of pure sm spam. My fault? I guess, I didn't want to miss out on the aspect of the game I knew I'd enjoy. Blizz could have solved everything by not launching the raid with the phase, holding it for 2 weeks let's say, and locking out dungeons to force people into the world... maybe actually created something new that would be fun to spice up levelling

But no, they encouraged pure sm spam and blamed the playerbase for doing it
Thank you~
>hc makes certain abilities COMPLETELY useless

>Hc makes abilities and items you'd never bother with in classic essential
Yes it's fun. Obviously you can't res people retard
>server shits itself
>progress wiped
you have to be a streamer or literally insane to think this is fun
how does raiding bwl work on hc? won't burning adrenaline just fucking kill you?
I have 30+ days played on hc and this has happened once to me on one character and I did not die.
>though I thought I did and that definitely wasn't a fun moment
>bbbut ahmpy
Overloaded his computer like a retard and survived a few dcs in a row but decided to keep playing in a style that is ultra susceptible to DC deaths and not recommended on hc anyway

You see how aoe mages get world 1st on every fresh ever but won't be claiming it on hc because they all fucking died lol
You insta hearth to a sanctuary city and it clears it. Org/if and some other places I believe. Not every hearth saves you tho so it has to be one of a few specific ones. I just know one is org
>You insta hearth to a sanctuary city
can you explain this please?
>played ~200 hours of HC WoW
>never once died to DC
skill issue. All my deaths have been my own stupid fault. And I think almost every single time I had a bad feeling about what was coming and knew I should just leave.
How much do healers need to play around mp5 at 60?
Burning adrenaline makes all your casts instant including hearthstone which you can hse in combat while under burning adrenaline. I dunno how the sanctuary city works I just know you have to set your hearth to org or something to be safe
Oh I see, didnt expect the casting to work on HS but that does make sense
Mana per 5 is constant passive regen you're probably thinking of 5 second rule which is after casting if you don't cast for 5 seconds your mana starts regening from spirit which is essential for healers at all levels
someone gave me 3 bags... finally i am not bagless..
Which race has the best feet?
shitter detected
nelf you just wont see them too often
Using it on a fresh sever is retarded. All the mindless drones following the same path getting bottlenecked at each named mob. You’ll level faster not using it
troll or orc shaman for hc? troll 2h animations are kinda dumb but their casting is great
no shoes lol
Do female trolls actually wear shoes? I don't think the males do.
no so you just know some of them have stepped in raptor shit
No tht's why they're the best
Paladins only do one thing good and you want a spec that makes you shit at all three?
>save life of idiot mage
>doesn't thank me
>instead runs to loot quest items
I hate this game.
I like orc female resto shaman personally
probably .... of a culture that ....
isn't native to eastern europe
maybe he had the situation under control.
I like troll 2h just because of how goofy they are
it was a gnome mage so
he certainly did not, 10% health running for his life, new mob has ranged attacks and full hp
Holy fuck lol I had no idea
I love restedXP now
why do parsetrannies think anybody cares about their opinions?
why do parsetrannies try to turn every version of the game into retail?
They have autism
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literally nobody wants to heal
A lot of people seem to care. Parsers keep wow alive sadly
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a toast! to wowo wawa!
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>t. illiterate
He's offering to heal if a caster dps joins obviously
t. ret paladin btw
OR caster dps
I've never played with Engineering before.
what are the key items I should look to be crafting?
I see people using some kind of grenades in pvp all the time. what are the consumables that Engineers craft?
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>lvl 37
its over
go on without me bros
why would a retoilet want a 1h
Those ones
PvP servers were a meme and we all fell for them again, why is this? Most people don't even enjoy wPvP but they have to roll there because it's the big hustle and bustle server type
I'm at like 190 at level 24 brother.
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I didn't fall for shit. I'm boomer gaming on PvE.
blood elf and its not weven close
>I'm bad
im on pve too idk why i rolled horde though.
its nerfed, only worth it if you really need to be spoonfed items
Horde is cool. I would've rolled there if they had Tauren Paladins but Classic is Classic and I like humans a lot too.
wiat wait wiat wait
link the fuck patch notes
idk believe it
your telling me i cant boost mara on my fucking mage???
That's based anon but it's still 5x smaller and it's kinda what I'm trying to address here, why do people still fall for it? Without forced 50/50 all these end up as monofaction which further cements my point
Let me guess : you play horde with engineering and you mostly gank lowbies and come tbc your arena team never goes above 1500 for some strange reason? Must be bad luck
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>skibidi kurwa woke up
yup, bail
Soul, meeting up with people and doing group quests
idk why people keep saying tank shortage when healer shortage is much more apparent
it's just a player shortage.
low population online games are like that.
You have to do gnome, make all the exclusive gizmos, then unlearn and level it all over again to choose goblin so you can make consumables. Yeah. It’s fun while leveling though, target dummies and grenades are useful.
>You have to do gnome, make all the exclusive gizmos
so you only need gnigger engie to make em then you can swap to gob?
boss kills take 40 seconds so you won't have time to go oom
in parsetranny classic druids would spam regrowth on full health people, I imagine parsetranny classic classic will figure out a way to be even more aids
>Let me guess : you play horde with engineering and you mostly gank lowbies and come tbc your arena team never goes above 1500 for some strange reason? Must be bad luck
yeah so?
Yeah you only need the specialization to make them, not use them. You do have to be engineer though. Which is why the profession sucks for making money. Only people you can sell your stuff to can make it for themselves.
Imagine giving a shit about what people do in classic
dungeons are fun, give good loot, and a major part of the game. nerfing dungeon xp would still negatively affect questing since not only to you have to contest with AoE'ing mages, but everyone else now if you implemented that change
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im gonna level with you i forgot this shit cost 1k
in hardcore you can only do each dungeon once per day and i feel like that works well
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Just dinged lvl 40. what level are you losers?
Only been ganked twice. Staying ahead of the dad pack has been awesome. Get most farm spots to myself.
Is it worth selling leather on AH or should I just vendor it all?
>do 1 razorfang kraul
>corpsemaker doesnt drop
>lol guess im stuck with moon crescent staff until a day passes or im overleveled
>do 1 SFK
>robes of arugal drop
>compete with every other clothie in the group
>lose roll
>lol guess im stuck with a shittier chest until a day passes or I dump a bunch of money in the AH
it only works in HC as well as it does because its a way to encourage people who actively play hardcore to not always have the best gear from dungeons and not be completely safe in an instance
Vendor, almost everyone levels as skinning and almost no one bothers being a leatherworker
same i got pvp'd about 3 times total. once i owned the dude the other 2 was 2 or 3v1s.
It's worth it if you'd get more from the AH than the vendor price. And that relies on where the main pack is in leveling. Light leather definitely vendor, at least until a month from now when it's more scares, then actually worth something. Right now medium leather is basically vendor trash too, but you can still make slightly more on the AH if it's worth the bag space to you until you get to town. Heavy leather is still very much worth it to AH, but going down fast like the other ones did. Soon it will be vendor trash too, but not permanently.
trying to camp broken tooth and tidal charm atm
I used to spend time trying to get tidal charm till I realized it just doesn't matter if I can beat someone in a BG every cd.
tidal charm is a wpvp/duel item
>no honor system until late winter
That's a little gay if we have to wait like 4 months.
>lil bro is this excited to grind to rank 14 for the 5 time
Only hides and heavy leathers have been worth so far for me. The rest i've been vendoring
>tidal charm is a wpvp/duel item
yeah but who gives a shit. No one even goes out into the world after dinging 60 unless gathering. And duels are novelty. To each their own but it's not worth the 48 hr spawn bullshit.
I kinda like it cause my first 60 is for pve and bgs
then im lvling a rogue so i can be a little shithead in wpvp with a class that takes zero skill. gives me time to lvl and gear both before honor system drops.
>im lvling a rogue so i can be a little shithead in wpvp with a class that takes zero skill
based self aware rogue
sounds perfect for you you little gay shitlord
just gives me more time to farm gold before shitting up battlegrounds as a ret paladin and save gold for the better expansion, TBC
Are they going to do another season of discovery or another classic+ at some point? It sounds really cool but I only found out about it yesterday and it's too late to get into it now
Why do Paladins think they are gonna be a le heckin ret when most if not all raids will only want 1 and can even get by with 0? Prot, sure i can understand since they're great in dungeons but you eventually stop running them, then you're left with raid healing? Genuinely dont get it
>ez rank 14 by camping ally
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Mount obtained.
whats the turbo ez way to get like 30g for a mount at 41
the only pvp item worth getting is furbolg pouch
rock elementals in badlands
you were supposed to grind in the shim flats before 40
Argggh pvp or pve for anniversary
I don't really want to deal with being ganked when I'm trying to relax and level after work, but I do feel like I'm missing out. Which server is more populated?
>monkeynews is 54
literally fucking HOW is this possible. i know he streamed it all but holy shit i'm barely 20
im still level 8 because i make a new character every day and play for 1 and a half hours (I'm a NEET)
Dungeon XP nerf solves it, you could still farm your gear, just not skip the entire game
a good indication of popularity is checking the auction house. PvP has something like 8 thousand more auction items last i checked than PvE
I don’t know about all of you but Im throughly enjoying this new fresh go around of classic. I think it’s because the only other times I’ve leveled through it were when I was a kid in 2005, and in 2019. I went pretty hard in first classic, so now I have the best of both worlds of all the knowledge I gained as an adult but without taking it as seriously
good morning healsissies, are you wearing your cage?
Holy Paladin or disc priest? I like both
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a lovely day of comfy wow fresh
>just got my mount
>flying to my next questing zone
>cup of coffee
>sun shining out my window infront of me
>comfy music
ah yes. kino.
see >>503708880
questing in hillsbrad was already aids by day 2 on nightslayer because of mages
>prot tree is based largely on getting crit. redoubt and recokning.
you arent getting reckoning there as it is a holy spec. did you not loot at the talent tree you are replying to?
Non-issue, a hunter could easily out tag them.
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font name?
I’ll never understand retards who try to do red quests. Like, why? You’re going to need help and you’re going to be completely useless to the guy who’s carrying you.
It's just called "Prototype" in this SyianaUI addon. I don't know if that'll help you.
>chend is playing female orc hunter
What a chad

Gonna use this while leveling my warrior, dual wield of course
Imagine the smell of stinky orc hunter toes...
Eu or na?

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