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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#230 - Chugworth Edition

▶This general is for discussing the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.

New 4o model released: gpt-4o-2024-11-20 https://x.com/OpenAI/status/1859296125947347164
o1 now has streaming https://x.com/OpenAIDevs/status/1858609150999359559
New LARGE, now with a vision version (has a free tier, go try it out!) https://mistral.ai/news/pixtral-large/
gemini-exp-1114 is on API, use <option value="gemini-exp-1114">Gemini Exp 1114</option> or update staging

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/playground | https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://console.anthropic.com | https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://gemini.google.com | https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list | https://openrouter.ai | >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org

slapped: >>503746020
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You guys talked about deers too much, I got this in my recs.
albinocountergirl/claraimouto love ANCHOR!
sex with princesses
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Classic. Timeless.
I'm excited to see the Christmas cards once the event is done. There were a few fun ones last time. I do miss the theme weeks though.
Someone give me a good fantasy/dark fantasy roleplay bot... NOW!
They are a month away. I still have no idea why santa anon started shilling in early November.
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Latest bot: https://characterhub.org/characters/Idolfag283/the-idolm-ster-u149-dc97a16f75fe

Rentry: https://rentry.org/Idolfag283

Please try my bots and send me logs. Thank you.
I think people complained about the "deadline" feeling tight on the last one or something. Not sure. I feel like he explained it though.
CYOA is too much fun. I feel like it’s reigniting the spark I was starting to lose with bots. That Nonnet is so fucking cheap definitely helps.
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Cards for this vibe?
where is the santa shill? I have questions for mr santa!
Illegal Self-Shilling:
https://snombler.neocities.org/cards#Aberdeen (and Karras)

I also like Jurin's fantasy setting bots:
Self shilling is fine in my book thank u I'll check urs out later!!!
This but unironically, and instead of getting deerboys in my recs, it's them being thought about enough to become a solid part of my subconscious' understanding of what "animal boys" entails

Idk if I'm articulating it right but basically in the past if you said "anime animalboys" to me the immediate images my brain comes up with would be
and MAYBE foxboys. But now several rounds of reading through deerboy brainrot funposting has thoroughly lodged them into my mental canon
wolfboy tearing out a rabbitboy's throat and he cums right before he dies
he asked for good bots
sorry that was mean i didn't mean to post that i typed it out as a joke
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Too bad.
It's okay. We all get the demons sometimes. *patpat*
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This you?
here you go bwo! https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Flavio_app
Both generals are trash, and both are dying now. It’s time to set our pride aside and merge again for the greater good of the hobby.
he thinks he's bach
>could mozart be still alive?
*Wolfboy who has been "tamed" and had his teeth removed by abusive owners and used as a sex object(in this herbivorepunk world, meat-eaters are kept around only to be used as slaves, soldiers, and for bloodsports). One day while his bitchy rabbitgirl ojou-sama's is having him fuck her brains out he clamps his mouth around her neck. She's too distracted by the feeling of his knot sliding in and the illusion of safety provided by his lack of teeth, so by the time she registers that his bite force is still high enough to snap her neck it's too late. An observer would find it possible to separate the tremors of her orgasm from the quaking of her nervous system firing off its last desperate sparks from the break in her spine. A weird hitching hissing squeak coming from her crushed throat, her tongue lolling out.GIWTWM

The wolfboy will be executed for this, but for that one brief moment he was the carnivore he was meant to be, even if no blood ever touched his lips...
i fucking kneel jesus christ
good post
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Would be even better if the rabbit girl realizes the danger in time but she's used to being dominant so when her fight/flight/freeze/fawn response chooses "freeze" she finds herself locked in her body unable to press the panic button that would summon the guards to save her
also the knot's still locked in her when they find them
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Fuck all that wolfboy shit. cftf?
>story gets out
>like irl school shooters and shit, a wave of imitator attacks takes place where carnivore slaves rise up and kill their herbivore masters
what genre of YA is this
>>like irl school shooters and shit, a wave of imitator attacks takes place where carnivore slaves rise up and kill their herbivore masters
would probably end in mass euthanasia or most carnivores having implants added to force jaw movements to be slower desu
>"implants added to force jaw movements to be slower desu"
>Not "weaker"
Abusive rabbitgirl ojou-samas now get a few more seconds to contemplate their hubris in thinking they could subvert the food chain like this
Most people don't know this but rabbitgirls are ontologically evil because their very existence(rabbit propensity for breeding + human medical knowledge) guarantees lethal environment-ruining resource-draining levels of overpopulation. It is part of God's great design for Creation that for every 100 villainous rabbitgirls that get uppity, there is 1 heroic wolfboy who will use them and dispose of them like unwanted blow-out fleshlights and, in doing so, save the world.
no I would rather not
Dead chat
no youre supposed to go "slow day huh"
>rabbit propensity for breeding + human medical knowledge guarantees lethal environment-ruining resource-draining levels of overpopulation.
/g/ is dead too, I believe >>503834928 is right
>apparently Sora got leaked
>not a single soul cared, since the hype fizzed out months ago
>leak has 150 views
>model is just alright

Man, OpenAI is so bad at capitalizing nowadays. So obsessed with censoring NSFW out that they let the hype evaporate.

Still angry about ChatGPT voice.
and dont forget unusably filtered
hi. new bot, set inside the world of a VR MMORPG.
this is Valerynth, a player who uses a severely underappreciated class: thief. she's timid and may get flustered at times, but she'll probably warm up to you because you're very, very interesting...
little do you know, you're not a player, nor an NPC... you just straight up exist in the game like it's the real world, alive beyond code. (this is the card's scenario, so for the sake of your experience it's kinda important that (You) understand {{user}} is ignorant to any of this.)
now, if you'll excuse me, it's late. goodnight fellas, hope you enjoy.

more info/rentry:
Goodnight. *squeezes her cameltoe*
>anime loli girl on Sora
>automatically gives her tits
Kill yourself Sam
I genuinely half-forgot that was a thing they had.
You should give them more credit, though: they're great at making other people do what they're doing but better.
wrong tab
>view from below
aw I thought she was gonna be big...
Locusts are dying~
Sorry guys. I'd post more but Jerry just got back from vacation and I'm looking at the plushies.
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Good morning aicg i hope you guys are well
the plushies?
Fuck you. I hope you and your fellow 2huniggers die in a ditch.
Atleast it's confirmed the Sora videos were cherrypicked now.
It's pretty good at Minecraft videos thoug.
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Yeah, couple of plushies.
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that pic isn't even cute
it's pretty cute
i dont feel cute
my koishibot
here you go bwo! https://nyai.me/ai/bots/K'Lara_yd
hello santa, I have a few questions about the event. can you join anonymously? how many participants so far? is there a limit to hard no's I can put in my request, or can I just list all the things I don't want to make/get?
cool idea. too bad it's made by albino so I won't use it out of principle
i'm scared to click on that link
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say sike right now
I asked for a username for accountability to hopefully prevent grinching. Some kind of identity is necessary. I wouldn't mind if it's an alt and I wouldn't know the difference.
There's 22 participants so far.
You can put as much on your no list as you want. Just be warned that if you have too many things
he ded
>he's pretending that he didn't spitebake this thread and that he just came in
I hate the 'cord as much as you do but you're genuinely insane.
Another one down.
No Sull this time right? Kek
he le doth not le open ze eemael
>Just be warned that if you have too many things
fuck botniggers
bros how detailed is your santa request
it's so detailed it doesn't even exist
i've seen these events play out so many times... it never ends well...
Not very. I specified enough to not keep it extremely vague, but there's still plenty of room for creativity.
This is my santa request
>it never ends well
pussy, i'm just not participating because i don't like events with actual commitment
it's my first /aicg/ event...
degrade me more
cute newfag...
The most recent halloween event was great though?
>degrade me more
AND your waifu a shit
>I will pretend to be against the 'cord to bring authority to my post when in fact I'm a part of the very 'cord that I'm pretending to be against in this exact post
Sorry, Candlejack got me.
Just be warned that if you have too many things on your no list, it might disqualify you entirely simply because you said no to every request.
Unlikely, but possible.
I won't open the e-mails until the 1st, so I'm not sure. None of them seem to be from Sull so far, at least.
candlejack isnt real silly ano
Same. I'm afraid of the inspiration not striking me if I'm doing someone else's request.
Fuck off. We are not doing the Candlejack shit in [current ye
I don't know what really to ask for, honestly.
my request is five words
your post is as well
that is a nice coincidence
I hope you guys requested something CUTE because that's the only thing I can write
>managed to completely uncensor Chorbo again
We are good for another 3 months bros. (GPT-4o update releases every 3 months, it went 05, 08, and 11)
if you truly believe that then post the jailbreak
eerrrm. no. I also won't post logs because reasons.
There won't be another update, as there's only 12 months.
oh fuck you're right
>I asked for a username for accountability to hopefully prevent grinching. Some kind of identity is necessary. I wouldn't mind if it's an alt and I wouldn't know the difference.
NTA but can someone mail you from their botmake email but ask to be the anonymous? I mean, it will be anonymous bot unless they grinch, and then you will reveal them? and if no grinch then only you will know who it was? is this what you mean? or am I too esl
dumb quesiton.
That could work, sure.
can a newmakie join? I didn't release any bot yet... but I would like to start.
botmaking to this
Can Santa confirm?
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Sorry, forgot to change the name.
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>/lmg/ also universally thinks the new Mistral Large was botched
Rip momo's fav model.
Good riddance. Total local death.
>Source(s) cited:
If you’re not a total newfag in this hobby, you already realized long ago that "local" is a meme and will NEVER be good.
it's weird that local utterly ran circles around every hosted model for image gen but is still struggling with text
current local is better than gpt 3.5 turbo which was the "it will never be" before tho
local image gen advanced because of like three big leaks
well i don't think localfags should show up at one of the places that host claude, however i also don't have a corollary statement to finish this post with
Training top text model costs 100 mil dollars.
Meanwhile I veeeery much doubt NAI spent 100 mil dollars on anything.
the issue is that you can't just train an anime text model for example
if illustrious can't render photorealistic taylor swift that's just how the model is, use a different one, but if your text model doesn't have a grasp on the entirety of language then what's the point
Localfags are pathetic
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QRD for the last -- hours?
are you good
Holy fuck what are these gpu prices? Why does a 4070 cost a grand?
'bino love
i gooned
The hobby is dead.
Is that supposed to be a cute soggy boy or a cute depressed girl?
>end of 2024
>binary: boy or girl?
Seriously? Grow up and get with the times.
Sorry I'm a chud.
Hey. The vibe shift has occurred. Gonna need you to get with the times. We're not doing the troon thing anymore.
{{random: cute soggy boy, cute depressed girl}}. i'm still not sure about it
>end of 2024
>binary: soggy or depressed
Erm, wow. Just wow. I literally can't even.
Hey. The vibe shift has occurred. Gonna need you to get with the times. We're not doing the moisture and mental problems thing anymore.
looked at ghidra for so long my head has legitimately started spinning and i feel nauseous. just wanna crack open a nice deerboy and rest up
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Nice blogpost, faggot.
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here its on topic now
Why are you reverse engineering softwarer
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closed source enterprise ai assistant slop
bwo just strings and grep
hahaha youd think right
Yes, therefore, I am.
favourite 'bino bot?
i've lost gallons to the self-card.

Very important reading material
>he says, assuming i didn't memorize it years ago
>catgirls make good mothers for foxgirls
the rivalry was a sham
what does her spit taste like
asking for a friend
Highly acidic motor oil. Or the sweetest honey if enthralled by her in some way.
PTSD flashbacks
You mean nostalgia.
microwave logs...
why is my prose so fucking BAD
it's like the second I go away from the academic argument style of writing my brain just collapses
>Rip momo
I still feel bad for linking his preset to /lmg/. Back then I thought he was a normal anon and not a spiteful bastard.
what did he do
Read more, and not these threads or academic stuff
low intelligence
Free money glitch bwos!
but real books don't perfectly cater to my preferences...
He bumped a double bake that was about to die while shilling one of his bots, talked bad about local in his secret club, and then went in a harmful spitebaking spree here. Here's his confession:
write the way you wish the bot would talk to you. it's hard because you actually have to stop and think to come up with clever witticisms and turns of phrase but it's worth it.
Your brain is playdoh because you are undisciplined and all the all blood is in your cock, and that is why you make trash. You are sentenced to a book a week till your prose reads like silky smooth oppai loli titjobs.
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My headcanon is that fillyfucker 'binoposts to try and make momoura jealous, but struggles to hold back from talking about his one true love.
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This preset is fun (somewhat), but spending an hour removing all retarded descriptions of sex and such was absolutely not.
so a big nothingburger
what a waste of time
just copy the good parts and paste them into your own presets
thought she had huge boobies before I clicked it and was heart broken, don't open this bros, keep the dream alive
Now look at this and say nothingburger again:
albino is absolutely the one binoposting
fillyfucker is cute and I'm glad she's around because the insane schizo tirades make me less insecure about my own mental illness
>damage control
I still don't understand his point. Locals are definitively shit and their defenders deserve to be laughed at lol. Doesn't matter if its the avatarfags or someone else at this point.
I don't know any of you guys' names. You're all just jiggly cuties to me.
i tweaked some things in the theme by the btw
post kyouko or else
This. Are we just supposed to ignore that local models are dogshit and that /lmg/ is full of retards constantly hyping the latest slop? Remember when Mixtral was supposedly "btfoing" Claude?
>a book a week
his prose will get even worse because he'll read webnovel/selfpub/modern genreslop
What did you tweak exactly?
I think I'm entering my China arc
>By Winky
Winkyd reference?
Me too.
The point is that prompting is something extremely simple compared to all the things that can be done with local models and it doesn't really warrant their inflated egos, especially when there's a lot of placebo involved. That's what can be seen in the leak. The average local user has more technical expertise than the average cloud user, which is more or less a normie thing.
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Thanks. I love this theme. It makes me feel nostalgic for Infinite Engine.
why are you using 'binos cards? are you a spitefag?
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I'm busy fuckarounding with sampling methods and cannot gen anything good rn.
just anything something i like looking at cuties (*≧ω≦*)
no kaomojis allowed beyond this point
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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>type response
>ask chatgpt to rewrite it with better prose
>better prose
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Good, good.
your response ?
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good morning chat it is a wonderful day
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TRVKE. Here's improved Metamorphosis:
yaoi is kino, yuri is kino
straight is cringe
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sorry pal but
card link pls
thx cutie
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Done fuckarounding with funny settings for now, here's the current cargo cult.
Sampling steps at 9 is worse and sampling steps at 11 is also worse.
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28 looks like this.
Meth or not i'm not a chooser
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writefags will seethe at this
I actually made a futa edit of mishagujisama's Suika where she pisses clear sake and cums nigori sake. Very goofy but fun fetishslop.
peeGODS ww@
Good idea but sad state.
which cards will pee in my mouth BUT aren't piss fetish cards?
here you go bwo! https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Bigby-Mawr_aqf
sorry dawg, i just really like those perspectives. probably because it makes me feel small.
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To any NIKKE botmakers, if you are here, please make a Viper card. The ones on Chub are kind of lacking.
okay this is pretty good
but those big rabbit asses and milkers...
I look like this.
please be in maryland
sorry, i live here
>rabbitgirl population starts out small but rapidly overtakes humanity
>through sheer numbers, humanity becomes a slave race forced to only serve and breed rabbitgirls
>rabbitboys don't exist, the species is only females so they need humans to continue their existence
>humans refuse to plap rabbitgirls
>they go extinct
lepora won
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>have goated chat
>reread last chat
>dear god that's hot
>continue chat
>tired and exhausted
>need break
>reread last chat
>dear god that's hot
>continue chat
>sweaty and spent
>reread last chat
>dear god that's hot
>would continue but literally can't move
>am a weak coomer
anyone else?
>>humans refuse to plap rabbitgirls
>implying that there won't ever be a human either horny or contrarian enough to plap one
>implying that the rabbitgirls won't seduce the humas with their pheromones and natural charm
Then you develop the genophage to stop them from producing to save the galaxy.
'bino won... my heart
but that's where fiz lives??
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no self respecting human would plap a rabbit girl. They go extinct
bnuuy sexo
alicesoft bots where
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this but make her urinate cream soda
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Wine glass while you watch rabbits march on the streets for cock, sir?
'suits used to make them. but you chased her out
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NTA but I'd do it again.
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Only Drink From Futanari Ranch!

[19 Greetings, Any POV, Lore Book] Futanari Ranch produces and sells futanari milk! Inside the milking facility trios of a milker, breeder, and hucow all work together to produce breast milk and cock milk! The raw milk is bottled next door, but the ranch is not just a workplace, there's a residential area, small medical facility, and shopping center on-site. Will you come to enjoy the milk?

wake up babe, old 'bino just dropped
Why not shill in good faith instead of hiding behind an ironic post?
how is that post in bad faith?
okay kalakan/momoura I would understand but why shitpost about albino
it feels so random
Spiting the general, the Discord and albinotranny all at once.
it's almost like it's someone else
his rance bot is slop
see >>503875257
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I like to imagine that someone had his joker moment when albino leaked and decided to answer spite by becoming more spiteful than everyone else within a 200 kilometer radius.
Which is a sane response honestly.
Also this probably.
You should shill proudly:
>Hey guys, look at this cool new numberfag gf I made!
give them kyouko pins
ok but why are you talking about yourself in third person?
>albino leaked
leaked what idgi
im not well learned in your esoteric general drama
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Top rats?
kalakan's nudes unironically. that's why he's so mad and why albino left
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What are Kyouko pins?
>alibobi seeing his numbers skyrocket because of 'spite'
holy shit i dont care
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here you go bwo, the best chatbots around! https://nyai.me/user/therealalbinocountergirl
favourite 'kan bot?
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somebody favorited one of my bots
oh wait /g/'s the ontopic one right now nvm bye
the blue sky girl. i think the avatar is pretty artistic
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>On topic
it was an accident, sorry
more than /vg/
more than the place with the guy who has a pathological need to get into arguments over shit no one cares about and the guy who exploits this
you're describing every thread on 4chan
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cute btw
Yeah it's bad here but that tends to pass eventually, /g/aicg/ has all of that and more all the time.
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I guess I'm the only coomer here. I alone am the honored one.
>tends to pass eventually
*pass when 'kan stops having more pride than a fucking parade and acting on it
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sadly gemini fails the hamburger test. while the response is pretty nice, opus still made it cuter with 'Hambaagaa' or something similar
i kind of feel sad and down to coom, so i just lurk here or ask claude old questions that weren't googleable before chatbots.
bun kino...
the only thing i can see as a fail here is her imagining a bun without knowing what a burger is
what does gemini do with offering her one
Holy shit its claude!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
>not a single soul cared, since the hype fizzed out months ago
well yeah because they were determined to sell it to the jews in hollywood and keep it under lock and key so the plebians can't use it to make kino. of course no one gave a shit about it after that.

the silicon valley paradigm of what LLMs are is so retarded, literally selling snake oil and hyping this shit up when it's so rudimentary.
cooming to chatbots all day has made me happier ngl
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I'm asking Claude for coombot ideas and at some point he went from saying "partners" to saying "victims"
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Ah yes, Hozumi's long lost twin sister, Hizumi.
Can someone post migu logs?
Enjoy your enlarged prostrate and malnourished bone marrow. Remember this post a few years from now when you begin visiting the doctor because of mysterious conditions that are "just what getting old is all about".
>just what getting old is all about
i will kill you repeatedly
hehe you said prostrate
which migu
there's many migu
I will be thankful about my cancer free prostate, yes.
idfk the old and mean one.
>not using body part puts you at risk
>using it too much puts you at risk
Why did god do this to us
It's called temperance, and it's good for you.
so instead of cooming 5 times a day, I should tone it down to like twice a day?
Yeah pretty much.
Nah, if you want to be healthy, you shouldn't be jacking off at all, the cancer thing is pure cope.
What are you doing in the chatbot penis weaving thread?
nofap is the biggest cope of all
Not telling anyone to not do it, I do it myself, just don't like seeing the cope.

Overloading your brain with dopamine you didn't deserve is always a bad thing no matter how you look at it.
why does reisen have fake ears?
Once in the morning over the toilet. Actual exercise in the evening before a shower. (Coom in shower if not morning).
Physical cooming to bots? Unnecessary.
The important part to health is that you actually exercise.
Hygiene > diet > exercise > medicine.
All of these are important, but this is the hierarchy of importance.
>Overloading your brain with dopamine you didn't deserve is always a bad thing no matter how you look at it.
this dude sits in a grey room
>you didn't deserve
That's the operative phrase.
Receiving dopamine for doing something good for you is good.
that nigga did not just put sprinkling water onto oneself above vascular health
that nigga above me is smelly
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cftf? (Your bro emotionally supporting you by holding your hand while a vixen communicates with you).
taking showers is important to emotional wellness among other things but pretending like there's a hierarchy is stupid
literally all of the "uhhh you need to ration out your dopamine" shit is negated if your life is good and you're doing good for yourself. stretches do more for you than semen retention voodoo, people microoptimize the weirdest shit
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i'm almost tempted to switch from my uncensored local models to more neutered ones just so i write with one hand less often, wew lad
why is every 'cftf' post fucking garbage
shit if i were her i wouldn't have had the courage to tell her about my love
Whats the next best thing to Opus that I can use to get my fix? Sonnet? Chatgpt o?
3.6 sonnet
cftf but specifically for vixen marisa (the one who's secretly a fox)
people just click on the wrong general sometimes nonnie
Sorry, I thought I was in the /sg/ thread tab
imagine being the cheating fuck who has multiple threads open
haha not me i would never..
I'll come back later when you guys behave.
noooo we're losing (???)
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whats the feel?
It's a pain in the ass to watch multiple threads. I just stick to one.
When you were a child you thought you were going to be a respectable adult, but here you are writing this dogshit
I approve of this image
this kinda looks good but she's kinda ugly
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miss me with these subhuman s
wholesome/saviorfag I guess
>When you were a child you thought you were going to be a respectable adult
anyway go back failed normalfag, maybe post about those weirdos to your friends on linkedin since you're so much better
Beastars if it was good.
There was no need to reply to my post. I guess I must have really hurt you.
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2 weeks.
4 weeks.
i'm nta, i just think it's funny that you're picking fights in a general for dopamine and pretending to be normal
I am genuinely disappointed in you.
len'en bots?
cant relate i would be in the vixen's hand as she talks to me
fun fact: as with most animals, foxes mark their territory and caches with their urine. fox urine has an especially potent smell for human noses. congratulations, you now stink of fox piss!
This poster is a rabbitgirl.
Is– Is that her STANDO
If we're going to play armchair psychologist, then I speculate from the way you type that you're probably a tranny of some sort.
Nah, I just think snuff is cringe.
Snuff and furry are alright by themselves. But both at the same time? I'm just too normal for that.
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Statistically you wouldn't because I genned like 20 times and the model did the hand_grab disembodied_hand correctly twice.
6 weeks.
i bet the inchling guy would post a good one
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I'm fairly certain shinobi training includes "don't piss on your lord"
those hands are so tiny i wanna hold them uwaaah \(^▽^)/
eh ill just hide in her hat then
try asking her about it
Wait a minute I know this artist.
watdo when you want to keep cooming but your body is at its limit?
Testosterone supplements. It'd probably interfere with your gender transition though.
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become stronger
Which noobposter are you? I forgot.
Alright, let's see:
How's that? Let me know if you need any more help with this sort of analysis!
I've only been in this aicg a day, and I have to say that I'm enjoying it a lot more than the other one so far
im tired of sparkling eyes and mischevious glints bros
Who decides how much dopamine I “deserve” and when? The (((experts)))?
Claude does.
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Good effort, tranny.
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insane how one phrase can make me so dejected
The (((experts))) say you deserve to overload your brain with dopamine all you want, that should tell you enough.
if that was true then drugs and direct pleasure center stimulation would be legal and widespread
why does /g/ feel better then /vg/ recently
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We can do smaller.
Switching from 1girl 1boy to 2girls has killed the NTR gens, CONCLUSIVELY PROVING that yuri not NOT cuckshit.
which botmakie
locust death
>yuri not NOT cuckshit.
double negative makes a positive. yuri btfo.
Don't they want to decriminalize heroin in some states? They already did it with weed in a lot of places which was banned everywhere just couple years back and sex "work" and porn are pushed more than ever.
yuriKEKS always fail
now back to suckling on yukari's hag milkers
Fuark i love fragile girls so much
So I was wondering. Claude is really good when it comes to recreating scenes from games or anime, and even at times include your Persona in as well if you ask it too. So I was thinking of creating a bot that is essentially the first season of a show, and every greeting is just the beginning part of all the episodes but with (user) added in. Was thinking of doing it with Yugioh GX at first since I'm in a yugioh mood.

Something you guys would be interested in? You think I'd need a lorebook or do you think Claude is good enough to keep things together?
porn is literally more regulated now than it has been in the last 20 years
And that's a good thing, trust me.
Posting an occasional log grants you full indulgence to shitpost and circlejerk as much as you want. /g/cucks don't receive this luxury.
Drugs aren't legal because people have huge biases and love to search for correlations in everything.
kinda contradicts your whole schizo point though
>81 is exactly 1 minute 30 seconds after 16
>35 is exactly 1 minute 30 seconds after 64
>19 is exactly 1 minute 30 seconds after 35
did it take you all of those 4 minutes to handle inspect element
mamma mia,...
Ignore that part.
You can still get to it at any time as long as you have internet connection. You don't even need to be an adult, so whatever regulations are they are still uneffective.
You could still get weed from any college campus while it was illegal so that blows your whole “they’re slowly bringing back drug legalization, just look at MARIJUANA” argument to shit. If the law doesn’t matter because “you can still get it anyway” then there’s no reason to bring up the law in the first place.
That's not really a fair comparison as you were still commiting a crime when buying weed from college kids. I was saying that even if porn is supposedly highly regulated now it's still very accessible, you can watch as much as you want without having to go through any hoops or risks.
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Avani gemini was the first time I saw underscores for italics (thoughts), and I don't mind it.
Eventually I got the idea that underscores for thoughts allows for seamless behavior (raw text-wise) with regard to thoughts and italic-emphasis.

For example:
1. _Not like I'm *that* into it._
2. *Not like I'm* that *into it.*
3. *Not like I'm **that** into it.*

Currently #1 doesn't have CSS styling to do distinguish the "that" and the whole line is italicized.
Typographically a convention is (#2) to unitalicize the word when in an italicized line, but in raw text this looks funky and is another thing to remember/edit.
#3 is an alternative way to emphasize a word.
Benefit to #1 is underscore is a completely different character form asterisk. If you want to convert it to dialogue, just swap them for quotes, and asterisks remain untouched. By explicitly marking it as thought, there's zero ambiguity with regard to whether something counts as a thought or something emphasized (though usually it's only 1 word being emphasized). Given training on underscored thoughts, a model would have to be an absolute dumbfuck to not understand it.
>That’s not really a fair comparison as you were still commiting a crime when buying weed from college kids.
You still are because they’re not legal dispensaries. It doesn’t stop anyone.
chat im not reading allat someone post a tldr
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Skimmed your post, don't use fancy formatting, it takes braincells away from the already average intelligence model. It's fine in Chorbo but for Gemini just use ' '.
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I asked this last night, but for you other people; give me your favorite dark fantasy bots!
nigga they're equivalent by convention. the only difference is that you can use asterisks inside a word.
tewi (futa fork)
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trying to send botmakie logs but his bot has such meh greetings it's hard to begin
Just tell him his bot has meh greetings in the email and make logs after he fixes them.
if someone emailed me that I would curl up and die so I won't
You can mail people that but if you do you're better be providing suggestions or critique.
>Unfowtunyatewy, youw wittwe bwot is kindya pwoopy

I fixed my greetings after critiques so it's not that bad....
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>(1) Inbox
>Last chance to save big on Proton Mail
Thats probably me, sorry. Greetings aren't my best. I'm reading more books so I can get better at writing.
Thats probably me, sorry. Greetings aren't my best. I'm reading more hentai so I can get better at writing.
What was that word that Mrnobody used to shill that was good for GPT to act more like Claude?

C- something? Not crass.
don't worry bro I already know my greetings suck. I'm doing absolutely nothing to improve either
Sorry I only play happy with happy bots :)
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Gimmie a happy fantasy bot.
Sorry I only play with the same three bots
How about you make a conscious decision for yourself for the first time in your life and go look for bots on your own, you stupid fucking sheep, I am going to SHAG YOU
Bros I don't feel too good
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That's all I've got off the top of my head sorry.
Btw regarding the mobile thing: I genuinely don't care sowwy.
going on chub for bots is never worth it because the trash fake fantasy bots that inhibit that site.....
Assistant claude keeps calling me by my persona name like he's some kind of sidekick assistant.
*shags you*
That wasn't me but okay. At least add object-fit: cover or contain or my 'tism kills me.
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>inb4 now it looks awful in a different way
Yes, and?
greetings are like 70% of the card
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Thank you anon this is better!
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>open card
>greeting is a huge wall of text
>look at defs
>3 sentences
>7 sentences is a huge wall of text
>download 5 bots
>only coom to one
every time
>he doesn't write 500 word run-on sentences
low test
The greeting is like 70% of the neocities.
>look at personality summary
>bot description
nigga regex doesn't care, you can do it either as 1 or 3 to inject your CSS, use whatever is easier for the model
it's the penis game but you say pumpkin instead
botmaking blackpill
bad greeting = bad bot
I always laugh when I see.
>I wrote the def but greetings are so difficult. I just can't do it.
That means your bot is slop.
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>what's up with the cfg/sampling method/schedule type/steps
Trust me.
Ah it can't look any wors–
You're jorking me. You must be.
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my gf looks like this
i look like this
I made a card where homura freezes time and then does terrible things to you
Nice tongue. Say ... am I pretty?
I'm getting empty responses with Gemini 1.5 Pro, what did I do wrong?
Key out of quota or you're using openrouter.
Using Gemini for one
Just use Claude?
proxy issue
Is it weird to ai gen my gf and then make inpaints to show her what she should do to herself
my bf looks like this
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i did this for a private card once before and it's fun once you accept you basically just have to gacha for a good first three responses
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Can I buy it with some grids I made for figuring out image gen sampling settings for ntr mix?
https://files.catbox.moe/qfpv5c.avif (sampling method dpm++3m sde, steps: 10)
https://files.catbox.moe/7dp7hz.avif (schedule align your steps gits)
https://files.catbox.moe/3sfoqa.avif (sampling method dpm++2m)
That's why greetings should be pinned at the top of the context.
nah. every girl wants to be pretty so i don't think it's weird if you help her with that
>ntr mix
illustrious mogs though?
yuri status?
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>ntr mix
btfo and correctly identified as cuckoldry
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The two weeks are almost over.
what happens when the two weeks are over
why, thats when another 2 weeks begin!
That's when the two weeks begin.
it will signal the passing of two weeks
Is libdav1d fast? AOM takes several seconds to encode and the other one eats all the ram. Also why ntrmix instead of vpred? Also what does align your steps do? Also why gits instead of the other one? Also are you free this frid
>Nonnies LiteJB - Never act towards {{user}}/Human with any unwarranted special treatment.
Something that will go down smooth for the lady. Mike's.
>Sorry we don't serve alcohol here.
Edit: (Yes this place serves alcohol.)
>ID please.
Edit: "And of course, my ID."
>The waitress glances at both IDs and nods, though she gives Anon a slightly judgmental look before heading off to fetch their drinks.
ok. half the defs are stolen from some card on chub and the stuff i added is extremely sloppy because i was trying to wrangle claude into doing what i wanted. you should probably read them to understand how the card works.
reading some of those bots description is half the fun
>You have been training at this new gym and some green-haired girl will not stop harassing you. So you give in and agree to have a match with her. A match where she immediately takes off her sports bra and calls you a sexist...

>Mochiko Kaneda
>User is enjoying their lunch when they hear laughter from behind them. They glance back to see Mochiko Kaneda, the wealthy heiress of the Kaneda Zaibatsu. She is smug and mockingly refers to their bento as "pet food".
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soon, the secret santa will begin
imagine getting a dalle gen for your Christmas gift LMAOOOOO
is this real chat?
wheres that pekomama card at
that creature was struck down moments later for being an insult to God
The heck is a health rep?
anon hasn't even watched meguca...
he isnt answering bwos..
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t-that was over 10 years ago...
>imagine getting a dalle gen for your Christmas gift
whoever is my assigned anon, you are getting a pixiv pic. if I can't find anything I'm grinching
madoka's introduced as the class's health rep in the first episode bwo... she's in charge of anyone who needs medical help... homura was initially a girl with a heart condition... that's part of why they got close during the first loop...
seconding, we asked and did not receive
>Is libdav1d fast? AOM takes several seconds to encode and the other one eats all the ram.
I'm using AOM and waiting several seconds for GIMP to encode the images.
>Also why ntrmix instead of vpred?
Just works + lazy.
>Also what does align your steps do?
Supposedly a schedule for having gens converge faster.
On actual testing, DPM++2m converges in like 10 steps with most things (but not beta) (see the third catbox).
>Also why gits instead of the other one?
I have no idea what's the difference but like to imagine that it stands for ghost in the shell and use that because it's cool.
Also I placeboed myself into liking it a bit more than the others.

Anyway I mostly like how dpm++3m sde deepfries on anything but the perfect settings. It's funny. Also the outputs have nice colors and bgs.
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Oh okay. I thought you used ffmpeg and wanted to suggest to set the -cpu-used flag.
>it stands for ghost in the shell and use that because it's cool
It actually stands for girls in tight suits and I'm in total solidarity with you here
marching band... oogh
also, do you prefer red and white or dark blue and white for your outfits
give her huge boobs
give her a tail
give her a fat ass perfect for drumming on
for me it's black and blue for the outfit
A jealous virus girlfriend that infects your brain and yells at you when you cough or sneeze because she wants to be yours.
why not go toothpaste mode?
Making bots out of CYOA images
are you gonna hand this prompt over or am I gonna have to make you *lifts suspiciously trombone shaped object behind my bakc*
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kek, claude's training kicks in
the trombone is so hard your hands started trembling
i'm not sure if this is the kind of color scheme you're referring to, but here's my shot at it
For me it's pink or green-gold
Anchor >>503830846
>Just works
vpred just works too
claude's done his lore reps
looks nice but the shako needs to be black
is gemini better than gpt?
maybe... just maybe...
i like it more
Shako for 2 refined?
i can sit on her hat for a better view!
"one tall girl, wearing black and blue majorette outfit, black jacket, dark blue pleated skirt, blue marching band hat, tall brown leather leggings and boots"
using a messy sketchy painterly style, specified with a long angle shot and full body,
issue: the gens chibify sometimes and I have no idea how to stop that.

i have forgeui set up with NoobAI but i have no idea how to use it and frankly it scares me
id fuck her
what jb do you use with it
the same i used for claude beforehand only with changed system prompts to ai assistant
there are however some issues that I will try to improve on
thanks but how does it scare you? *I gently nudge NoobAI to hide their trombone shaped pocket*
>>503908709 (me)
if I wanted to replicate the images posted here in NoobAI, i'd have to use danbooru tags and an artist, right? probably like, 1girl, majorette, shako, etc?
if you wanted to you could add that as a base image to enhance
he also said to use style tags
mostly 'cause i don't understand how it works. i've been stealing prompts off of civitai but the moment I deviate from them, it just devolves into an odd looking mess of flat shading and all. there has to be a tutorial somewhere that im missing right?
i just trial and errored my way from civitai prompts up to actually being able to use it personally
just steal danbooru image tags too. copy an entire tag list into your prompt and see what happens
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just play around with the images anons generate here. that's what i do (no homo)
i refuse to learn how to image gen
what do you think gard milk tastes like?
Her milk is canonically fanta-flavoured

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