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A thread for Melty Blood and associated Type Moon properties, Under Night In-Birth, other French Bread games and comfy pictures of Ushi.

/melty/+/unibg/ #125: noel month edition

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/z2NqvsH4OCk?si=ZfjO2s9vg6KhyRmQ

Tsukihime remake and FSN are out!
Hollow Ataraxia remaster coming out eventually, probably!
Shijo, Moai, Defiant and Noddy win CON6! There will be one next year, probably

>UNI Resources
Matches: https://replaytheater.app/?game=unib

>Dengeki Resources
Download and Rollback: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13xEvawJrCIsXpXghNbNIeK455HsFP8w4kh7kzP23HZQ

>Melty Resources:
Training/Beginner paste: https://pastebin.com/01eXYrVf
Download MBAACC community version, and set up:https://play.meltyblood.club/
https://pastebin.com/3fkP1jTC (MBTL Character Guides, kinda old now)
Matches: melty.games
Translated Manga: https://mangadex.org/title/b19fcbaf-f35e-4cb3-a38b-2c6e0dbfff96/melty-blood-type-lumina-piece-in-paradise
Browser OG Tsuki: holofield.fr/tsukiweb

>Upcoming Tournaments/Events
Find JP Events with: https://meltyblood.typelumina.com/event/

CEOtaku: Dec 20-22

previous bread: >>503455880
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it's not my fault, I promise
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our final hope
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The Noel fantasy...
I think I'm good not opening it ever.
Sick of Noel...
bad month incoming...
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hard to have the motivation to play, probably grind more in jan leading in to frostys
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never drop your controller
What is wagners playstyle like in Under Night 2
rushdown, strike/throw with strong plus frames, some funny armor gimmicks.
ok is she any difficult to get the hang of. would love to try her out
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idk how her combos work these days but you can pressure pretty easily with blockstring -> 236A -> 22C -> buttons -> 236AA(uses the buff from 22C, plus on block) -> more buttons -> CS and do it again if you have it or just throw them at any point.
in neutral she has a lot of advancing specials to use.
Pretty simple gameplan overall.
Thank you. I'll get to trying out Wagner in mission mode.
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i played uni for an hour or more because i hate myself
You have Noel, she came free with your Xbox.
Aoko girlfriend for Christmas...
Hag Christmas...
Good morning
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Have a Noel, Noel Christmas...
boot up mbac for the christmas message
Sion santa when?
sionta may or may not be real
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Sion santa is real.
leaving grd blocks and magic circuits out for sion to eat!
leaving cookies and rebeats out...
leaving shiki and shirou out
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good ratio
kw: the girl in the photo
That fucking cat...
uni2 isn't at evo jp
must be saving the slot for type twomina
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Noel's got a gut passed down through ancient times...
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Noel as a Christmas present...
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This is a spider
spiders are for sex
Noel got run over by a reindeer
noel collision is the leading cause of reindeer injury
Santa's gonna sue the pants off of Noel!
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Best girl...
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best girl
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We need common sense Noel control.
Show me your noel license and registration
The Noel license got revoked...
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Noel's birthday is the same day as Christmas, you know what that means? She only gets one present
one more than she deserves
New here. Is AH3X active and if not what's the most active anime fighter? I kinda want to try to get back into the games but no guilty gear.
Noel deserves the world and more!
Noel spotted, activate the Noel tickler.
>is AH active?
>most active anime fighter that isn't GG
if you want no arcsys I guess it's probably under night? or dbfz if you count that.
No wonder she turned out the way she did
Comforted by Noel…
Noel? Getting coal for christmas
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The Sion
The Noel combo meal…
noel breast and thighs 4 piece
noel, coming soon to your place of residence
The mass produced Noel sloppa...
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kung fu
soulless mass produced noelposts...
Is lumina the latest Melty? It's on steam sale for 20 freedoms.
Type Lumina is the newest version and all of the DLC characters are free. The other version people play can be downloaded for free so don't buy that one on steam.
primate murder dlc
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honk shoe
hawnk shua
No known counter, the hunger is endless...
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Resting your head on Noel's butt after a successful date...
Noel has went to heaven, goodbye, Noel.
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ive gone the whole day without jerking off to akiha
The Noel jerker…
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put her in
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Put her back!
my condolences
Last Noel standing
i dont gotta router
mbtl ft5?
Biggg Noel….
Would now be fine?
kw: /melty/
let's see if i can block a single overhead dp this time
I'll admit I did that in response to seeing the last post
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Watch this thing for a moment, I'll be right back.
why did you get hit by that
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ggs. The connection was pretty spotty at points on my end, but the games were still very fun.
I ask that question to myself at least once per match
She turned pink, is that normal?
i like funny arc drive interactions
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It's her turning yellow you have to watch out for.
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Is this where I ask about the quality of the Mahoyo translation? I picked it up on sale but some of the lines feel like they'd be off from the japanese

Can't be too sure nowadays
You could try asking /tmg/, but I doubt you'll get any definite answers. It's not like there's any real alternative besides MTL anyways, right?
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I've heard that complaint before so it's not just you. It didn't bother me when I read it because Aoko is hot and makes funny faces
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>makes funny faces
the local had no melty, only undy
why do they hate us
Noel as a last resort...
Busted up by Noel…
pathetic failure
Out of recent 3 official tm translations it's the worst, doesn't have a lot of nasuims so it feels kinda sterile. Randomly cuts lines too. But it's eitther that or waittng 2+ years for the "OTHER" tl.
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noel spotted on last resort
his name is zanzibar!
not in halo3...
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told wara not to peek mid but he didn't listen
>saber combo doc doesn't even have one listed for a 5[C] starter
That one was a goof up. It was supposed to go ...5A > w.623B > 236BC but RB came out instead. In that webm's case you could actually just block and you won't get command grabbed
So the Arc Drive just whiffed because I was in blockstun? That's disappointing. Would my dp have saved me if you did successfully do the whiff 623b meme? I assume it's a matter of having enough i-frames to go through the entire AD animation.
if you aren't in a grabbable state you won't be grabbed and she'll do the little pop after. you can't DP after the flash, you would have needed to do earlier on the 623b.
So the DP interrupted the hit portion of the AD? Does Akiha not have invincibility then?

>you can't DP after the flash, you would have needed to do earlier on the 623b
Yeah, I was mashing DP to try and get it out when you whiffed. I guess it would just hit you before the AD comes out, then (assuming 623B isn't whiff cancellable on like frame 3).
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looks it she got hit as soon as the pop went off so she probably loses invuln around when it becomes active if she whiffs the grab part.
(i'm not the akiha)
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Seibah riding a banana
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how would saber take banana?
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Noel... is awake. for five minutes.
Twomina soon
good morning
Seibah in the crystal...
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i miss drawfriend
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drawfriend went to hollywood, he'll never hang with us anymore

Makes sense. Since it was a punish, I guess that means the DP hit after the AD's active frames.
kw: /melty/
how to not get hit by every double overhead?
dp, double overheads usually aren't safejumps. you blocked hisui dust/akiha ring/roa lightning? just guess correctly or learn fuzzy timing and hope they don't scout your timing and beat it.
I think I'm too traumatized by ushi and hisui empty lows to block more than one high
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Time for dinner
It was Aoko IAD j.BA...
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ggs. Can I get some advice on improving air movement? I feel like, if I'm not IADing in with j.[C], I'm always double jumping back because I don't have confidence in my hitboxes horizontal coverage. Also, Hisui j.C > Saber j.C.
also, closed
Superjump and neutral jump air drift are both good to use. You can use j.A to fish for air to air counterhits. Think about where I am on the screen and what my options are and how your options can deal with them. For example, I know you can divekick and get in whenever you want so I try to stay above you but I keep a jump/airdash ready so I can move out of the way if you run up and use you half screen air unblockable combo starter instead.
I guess it would help if I could confirm a j.a to save my life. I don't think I ever use air drift, so I'll try to work on that and staying grounded more. Thanks.

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Stop being dead
i might be godlike at this game
never mind
The Noel death-roll…
Noel rolls, everyone dies in the path
give me something to work with nasu
Noel dewdrops in the morning…
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Seibah in the morning
i hjauve autsim
we all have a little autism
Noel-induced autism…
noeltism, if you would
How to get Noel gf 2024
No more Noels until next year
didn't restock the noel supply due to low demand
Noel scalping…
anybody down for a quick mbtl ft5?
kw: 214bc
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ggs. Is this the power of not mindlessly whiffing random moves in neutral?
Your moves are not able to whiff
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as an american I cannot bring myself to play as saber since she is a representation of the king of england
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saber might be okay
ggs saberbro
i'm still here and stuff you guys can say hi
ggs friend. You should ask for games here some time. Discord is scary.
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it costs ZERO dollars to love love LOVE arcueid!
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Mom Akiha.
i wish akiha was my mom
I want to make Akiha a mom.
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Noel mom...
Noel didn't make it...
Sion will make it!
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Noel always makes it.
question: I can't do 747 for two jump backs in a row; is this intended?
as newbie to mbaacc, the air movement is made unnecessarily difficult because of this
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you have to go to 5 to jump again, yes. that is intended.
Noel with a no refund policy…
thanks, I'm spoiled from playing too much guilty gear
Reselling Noel online to recoup losses
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The cost of shipping is too high, you’d never make a profit.
is there a ship that could contain noel
Squished by Noel…
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waka waka
going to take a break from weekly lobbies, sorry
Is Sionover
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Good night bros
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>mfw I try to learn any safejump other than 3C AT
Noel’s favorite position? The passenger seat when you’re buying her McDonalds…
McDonalds is too good for Noel, we are eating a Rax.
Noel can have a gas station hotdog, as a treat
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Noel deserves all the fast-food.
Super size Noel
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Noel is the most compact fat person ever. You can barely tell.
How does she do it?
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>current code beating 3s, both marvels, and BBCF
yeah, it's melting time.
entry number rankings for frosty faustings.
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the ciel box
I didn't realize how big this was ngl
Shame they make you paint on the tats.
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granblue fantasy versus rising
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Imagine being taught by Noel...
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Noel on the air mattress...
Good morning chooms
Noel… just two weeks away…
Noel… two inches away…
Noel... soon
No... Sion...
End of the Melty
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And then she left
And she called her boat "freedom"
game awards going to announce tifa for melty blood type lumina
is nanase a good character for beginners?
We really got Noel in FIFA before Len.
goodbye meltybros vf is back
sion announced for tekken 8
What should my gameplan be as Nanase?
tk fireball
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I like the part where she said it's melting time and then blooded all over kazuya
imported another random fg from japan to play
i guess new experiences matter more to me than perfecting stuff which is why my playing hours are always massive for the first 2-3 months of a game and then drop off a cliff.
Hitting a point in lumina where it's hard to care enough to boot up, don't really want to sit down and play sets in CC. Other modern FGs didn't even grab me much.
Congrats to Noel, fat of the year.
Noel as a pillow…
Good morning as always
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Noel's wife
got a comm you guys will probably like
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Noel's life...
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There are at least twenty thousand Noel out in the wild as we speak.
Maybe even more...
Just took a UNI2 bros
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Maybe tomorrow
Envision… a Noel hug…
>that image by the same artist where Noel has a jungle
Envision... Sion's return...
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Ain't no party like a Noel party.
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for now
aoko seggs
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ggs. I really need to play this game more.
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Fuckers declawed my Noel, can’t have shit in Souya.
Melty sounds autistic
might be because it's a fighting game
I couldn't guess it, seeing only sexualized anime girls here
The easy life with a Noel wife…
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bad mashu
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Dumb ass princess.
Looks cute like that
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Dead Ass Noel...
kw: 214bc
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noelty blood
I need to get around to watching that akiha vs mario vod, if it's still even floating around somewhere. They had combos I wanted to steal
doesn't seem like it, not saved to twitch or uploaded to the organizer's youtube.
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I'm done for
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GGs. Been fighting all day today and the fatigue is starting to catch up to me
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ggs. Nothing like some wacky arc drives to take your stress away.

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here's a man
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here's shiki
Shiki can kill threads
I need a circuit attached to my jump button that shocks me every time I press it in neutral.
I need a Sion...
this is the melty thread, the granblue thread is somewhere else.
here's seth
Slap the Noel butt…
Slapped the Noel so hard she exploded...
top of the morning
Top of the Sion!
top from sion....
bottom of the sion...
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The rhythm of the Noel...
Local Noel ruins everything
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put them in
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love that guy's stuff
Yeah it's really nice.
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Discord zoomers are too obsessed with twitter. UNI2 could've really had a modding scene as big as GGST if enough people saw the comparisons to MUGEN pipelines, but are people just not interested in modpacks or modding? Or is it a mix of the unfortunate fate of UNI2 just dying down so fast?
Took awhile to get there whereas GGST modding was basically right at the start.
I wouldn't say it took a while. Tools to unpack and work with UNI were there at least since UNICLR's release and were probably even accessible during the console era (which I witnessed from the person I learned from). The elephant in the room is that FB didn't like the concept so any discussion for learning the internals got stifled for years.
Sure, there has been some things that were harder to do before, but the pipeline was always the same. Maybe the playerbase isn't that savvy, maybe it's an autistic pursuit, but I feel there's a lot more that can be done with the engine.
don't know how twitter relates to that
>big as GGST
not that many people put new characters into ggst either. There's a ton of cosmetic and sound mods since it's a 3d game on unreal and super easy to model swap so you can make sol badguy into pepsiman or make elphelt fat or w/e. Adding in characters creates a new group of people you have to play with and that's not what people want to do. They want to make the game into eyecancer and then hop into a random match and laugh about what only they can see.
MBTL had a mod that made it play mildly like AACC, GBVSR had a mod that let you do 20 second long combo loops for 80%, but these things aren't interesting enough to create a big enough playerbase beyond people messing around for a day or two.
The reason for all of this is that the uni community is interested in uni. They don't really want to play akira from dengeki seriously even though he can be added. The mugen people are probably just going to play mugen. The only time I can think of where something like that really took off is rivals of aether(the original) which added an officially supported workshop so you could play as vergil in a lawnchair vs reimu from touhou(sprite ripped from IAMP/hisoutensoku) with your friends without having to mod the game at all. This kind of official support made it take off because it was easily accessible for both creators and players and even allowed the community to set up workshop brackets. Also, it was "platform fighter mugen" which is something relatively unique. If you could add any character you wanted to under night, it's not that different from just being mugen since mugen is a 2d fighter engine to begin with.
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another example would be the BBCF remix. It came out some 6 years ago, before rollback. People were excited to play with a funny new toy for a few weeks. And then nothing. I think they had a side bracket for it at the next frostys. You can even play it online with rollback! But it really comes down to: blazblue players want to play blazblue. This is a funny thing but it doesn't capture the attention the same way, and I don't think there's a casual audience for a funny intentionally broken game that is going to download a mod in order to get that experience. They are probably mugen players who are already playing mugen and laughing at rare akuma or w/e.
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I concede. I wanted to write a very long post but my reply keeps getting eaten. I had seen other games like Soku, BBTAG/CF, even Xrd have huge sweeping mods before, and with a game as polished and sandboxy as UNIB I was just hoping for some more interest. Putting together a MUGEN pack cohesively takes quite a lot of energy compared to following a design philosophy. But you're right, most players would just want to play their base game.

Also, the twitter bit was a little quip about a real issue with certain individuals practically bullying others away from modding. There's comments about this in certain videos and posts online, but them being at the top of the clout food chain doesn't help and probably killed the interest for plenty.
Bullying Noel away from her job
i was around when the soku funny combo mod first dropped(and had some really silly glitches). People in the IRC weren't that interested in it.
don't really know much about xrd's modding scene
Bullied by Noel daily…
Only just realized Arcueid is a yandere, she's just not built upon that trope first but she fits all the bills
Good morning! I hate Arc!
I am indifferent to the Arc question
good morning bros
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Moe moe kyu~n!
The Aoko question.
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The Noel tummy…
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The Noel bottomless gut
Melting the Noel
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Still around?
I can play for a bit
Which game?
kw: fgo
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Nice Avalons ;)
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The intrusive thoughts won this night.
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Thoughts full of Seibah
wanted a len for christmas but all i got was a noel
I want a Sion for christmas!
Noel ruining christmas...
Good morning
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why is her name midoriko usui
I think her sword is named Usumidori
Noel is the kind of girl you’d compliment…
Didn't Xrd Rev 2 also get a fanmade patch of sorts that gave new combos and other stuff like that? I think the novelty is rare to get people really hyped up to play for long periods.

Last time I remember that happening was for Smash Bros Brawl's Project M.
yeah project M and whatever they renamed it to is the standout.
There's some new MVCI thing which I think is a fan patch as well? I don't care about tag fighters so I haven't looked at it.
Yeah, that was funded by Maxdood and is soon to release. It might get some attention by proxy of relevance for Marvel due to Marvel Rivals and updated visuals, sounds and music. There's also the added 4 player mode where each player controls a character in 2V2 IIRC.
so it has a SFxT / project L mode? sounds like it's something people will jump on.
MVCI being a game that people don't like means it's more likely for a mod to take off. Kind of the same as the project M situation: brawl wasn't a fun game but the modability made way for more things.
Does no one play anymore?
Noel love?
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I can play now
kw: 214bc
cute scaling as usual
why is warc's dp a qcf motion
that's what I've been asking since I picked her up
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ggs. My warc is kinda saucy.

>didn't save the heat avalon replay
It's never been more over.
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GGs. Was trying to quickly relearn the saber combos I once knew but it's been too long. How the hell do you cancel the rekka into the command dash?
also closed
Just dash. The dash macro also works, so I actually use the A+B button for all my rekka follow-ups and hold back, forward, or neutral depending on which route I want.
I see now. It looking like the 214B seriously threw me off
Noel, just a week away.
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Big stunk o’ Noel…
because it's just an ex special move they attached DP properties to. traditionally melty had a ton of random invuln on ex moves, allowing a lot of them to be makeshift reversals since they'd have like 0-5f invuln but become active on frame 8 or some shit. Kohaku 236C used to be one of those moves. Ciel used to have true reversals on 214C and 236C as well as 22C(214C being annoyingly difficult to punish if you blocked it)
WArc always had true reversal properties on 236C and fake reversal properties on 214C.
Fun times with Noel await…
noel is always waiting and can strike at any time, if she feels like it.
Just set up a Noel trap…
The odds of Noel appearing behind you are low, but never zero...
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Give me the rundown on Nanaya moons, please.
C moon: Setplay monster. Can usually end combos into 236C -> 214A to get a knockdown and mixup. Rather poor neutral.
H moon: easy mode. good damage at all times, better neutral with single hit jB, 214x being air usable, f-moon style 5B giving strong frame traps. Horrible oki unless giving up a HUGE amount of damage.
F-moon: best DP, high damage potential at the cost of hard combos, can do easy combos to get strong oki, DIVEKICK makes an appearance for oki, neutral, and pressure. Best DP due to threat of damage from raw DP. Gets a strong horizontal airdash.
But it goes up and everything. The moon version is even jump cancellable on block/whiff, unlike Saber's.
Guess what? Noel butt.
it didn't used to go that high, that's very much a lumina standardization
she's from a 3d fighter so she doesn't have a flying uppercut duh
Ushi butt
she's from a 2d vn thobeit?
her moveset is lifted from fuc because she's a fuccer character
Which version did she have a divekick in?
she didn't. The grounded specials are the same as fuc right down to the move names. 623 being a jump cancelable launcher is even the same.
compare these to her other 2D fighter moveset:
she has a forward dash into a low but is missing her rekka and backstep. She has a traditional DP instead of wing air and they gave her two air specials, neither of which look like lumina divekick(one is helm breaker tho which is sick as heck)
i assume that her nitroplus moveset is adapted from her moveset in nitro royale which predates F/UC
All I'm seeing from this is that there's no good reason 3BC isn't jump cancellable on block, and, additionally, that 623B/C should have a follow-up that causes a HKD and leads into an unblockable set-up.
akiha 3bc is the same as sabers and that's a top 1 character(won climax of night) so shut up idiot warc isn't even good
i'll run a few
Akiha 3BC is the best AA in the game, and, like you said, she's top 1. Saber needs help to get beyond mid-tier. Your hurtful ad hominem does your argument no favors.
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GGs, the takeuchi RNG blessed me this night, you had no chance of victory.
Saber is top tier in every fighting game she is in
I had no idea this was a thing wtf
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My savior. Thank you
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The Noel noodle...
That damn fourth Noel cuddle…
How many Noels are there?
potentially infinite noels...
The Noel mistletoe attachment…
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there are four noels
There are no Noels left in Melty
there are 0 noels
In this household, Noel is a hero, end of story.
noel I'm watching your stream why you trying not to laugh bruh
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I'll try to play a game with Noel if I end up on stream
plushies at tournaments culture will save the fgc
Noel stubble…
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are these combos still possible? i can't get the jumping bc fireballs to connect at all in fire phase.
that move shouldn't have been changed in any way that broke those routes.
Aoko and her two bully victims
Noel leers...
Noel clears.
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ded just like me
Noel POV…
I'll rather Sion's POV...
my P in arc's V
BBCF at CEOtaku is a sham and it makes me feel like I should have attended just to get into top16 because I 100% could beat these people.
Is there a stream for the fuc side tourney?
no one good there?
there's some good players it's just that there's not enough of them to fill out the top 16.
The Noel powerscaling...
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aacc's on
i hate wara players
mike will save us
this ceremony is so sad there's like 2 people clapping in the crowd as the commentators try to hype it up
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Top 8 for TL is unlikely but I'll see what I can do
You didn't miss anything
Congrats. I saw you lost the first set of GF and was left in suspense because the start.gg didn't update after that. Good luck tomorrow.
Thanks! He actually practiced his combos and he knew that pushblocking destroys Kirei so I didn't have much of a chance. I'm surprised I beat him the first time we played. Some of the matches were recorded but idk when anything would get posted.
Guess I'll keep an eye out for them on youtube. I assume it was played on PS2? Do you use some sort of controller convertor or just a dualshock 2?
We had two PS2s and a PS3. Brook makes an adapter for PS2 to allow for USB controllers to work.
VFCHADS are in this general????
Noel plural coming soon
See you there, hopefully
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>cookie on stream
>kof running 40 minutes late
Well, at least it let me run some errands in peace.


At least it's not Risky Sweep. Praying that he stays away from TL.
plat nine...
The day they add vatista back to the game is the day uni is good again
don't downplay your character in the chat
you're not my dad
i might be
i think my neutral would be better if that was the case
Saber just can't do it in this Kouma/Vlov meta...
imagine being able to avalon out of both the strike and the throw and still complaining
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video games complete
it's not a nine reeeee
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the commentator doesn't agree with you, plat 9.
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I got 9th...
My last match was winnable but I made too many mistakes
Good job!
Downplay the Noel...
Noel approaches
…and people move out of the way.
soon will be the day of noel

Shoulda whipped out the Hisui. 9th is still very respectable though.
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Noel gaming...
Good morning
Sion morning!
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not seibah
I need to work on consistency as a player
I think my floor is really low but my ceiling is really really high
Noel any minute now
My bad. Still around?
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Which melt do you want to blood?
I'll roll. Odds for AACC, evens for TL
kw: 214bc
Also I can probably only play around one ft5
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ggs. I'm pretty sure I won the first warc mirror with that LA.

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GGs. I would've expected the double saber to be the dumber mirror
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Saber needs a teleporting hit grab and air fireballs, clearly.
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I love this game.
oh hell yeah that's the good stuff right there
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evening melty?
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That's gimmick infringement
kw: 214bc
why did nobody tell me to do 6c on block
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Dumb raccoon
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ggs. Guess the warc isn't quite evo ready. At least I think I finally figured out how Saber's pressure actually works. Only took 500 hours.

That 623B wasn't supposed to kill...
You can do anything on block (or whiff!) with Saber except 623C and arc drive and still be safe or plus
It's not a matter of staying safe. I didn't understand how to stay at a threatening spacing without using meter, outside of using some type of dash (which good players usually pick up when to mash against) to compensate for the push back. I would either do that or mindlessly rebeat using 5A and end up -1 a mile away from the opponent.
this would have worked if you were up against a fair character like arcueid but instead you were up against the broken aoko character
It's funny how much the number of i-frames vary between each character's AD.
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it's also active frames. Despite the animation arc's only has one hit that if you block/shield/invuln is just gone. Meanwhile Aoko and Vlov just put out 5000 active hitboxes.
The only funny thing about aoko is that if you have 4 bars you can shield, B teleport behind her, pop BH, then jump back over her and air shield the laser on the way down to LA her.
Vlov is immune to this because of course he is.
Yeah, I was kind of using them interchangably in my head, as the toons I'm most familiar with have the same amount of invincibility and active frames afaik. I should probably dedicate an afternoon or two to try and familiarize myself with the most consistent ways to punish each one.

>The only funny thing about aoko is that if you have 4 bars you can shield, B teleport behind her, pop BH, then jump back over her and air shield the laser on the way down to LA her.
Thanks. Now I need to try this. I usually just hang out behind her poking her knees with 2b until she runs out of i-frames.
Noel soon
Noel has been recalled.
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Once more, Noel.
Characters that are hot shouldn't be low tier and hard to play
C-mech used to be top tier and hard to play but they nerfed her.
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unist never made sense to me why you get so much OTG
finally, a good fgo addition.
Arc ruins everything, news at eleven
arc is a hero and saved the company
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he's saving type moon, ignore the smelly vampire
that smelly vampire is his wife
she's married to a whore he's fucking 7 other girls at the same time
it's noel eve!
i'll do a melty lobby tonight for all the lonely melters
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Christmas 22A
y melt
I want to melt now tho...
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What kind of crack are these people on
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Marry and reproduce with older women!

Merry Christmas!
kaguya is in fact horrible
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Far from the worst character. Unsure about placements within tiers, but Kaguya isn't worse than Vatista, Uzuki, or Chaos.
that list is dumb as shit before even getting to C tier
Explain why without using someone else's opinion.
no because whatever I say you'll call someone else's opinion
That’s what I thought.
fucking amazing how uni has actually become LESS played than it was before rollback
I don't think that's true and I'm under night's biggest hater
>not at evo japan
>more people playing bbcf than uni 2 on steam
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Writing off all the stuff earlier this year due to new release hype, I'm pretty sure climax had more entrants than any pre-uni2 tournament outside of evo 2019, and I expect frostys to follow suit.
BBCF has better netcode and lacks a lot of the port issues I see uni players bitching about. I also figure bb players are more willing to play online since they lack the same number of weekly offline events - at least in my region most events will have SF6/T8/GBVSR/Uni as the weekly games and BB only shows up every few months, if that.
I'm sure there's SOME amount of players on playstation for uni, even if it's smaller than steam. Console CF doesn't even have rollback so that should be a ghost town.
Bbcf has always had more players, it’s Blazblue. Balance problems aside under night is less popular.
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blazblue has no balance problems.
>outside of evo 2019
>climax should have more entrants than evo
Climax 2024 had triple the entrants of climax 2019.
Evo 2024 was a shitshow because of the venue and tons of the people didn't go. SF6 and strive both had less entrants than 2023.
no evo 2024 should have more entrants than evo 2019... you know like the other games that have new entries in the series. please don't play dumb lol.
when i said outside of evo I was talking about climax. Every tournament except evo uni2 has had more entrants than prior, and evo this year was a shitshow for the reasons I listed.
come play mbtl
kw: len
Twas the night before Noel...
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Based and Merry Christmas!
Did any of you guys read Mahoyo for Christmas?
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I did last year, but I'm dedicating this Christmas to Taiga
ggs. This collusion will not stand.
saber is top 3 but hisui is top 1. aoko is top -1.
So Aoko is bottom tier due to integer underflow. I agree
No it's like golf.
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Brushing Noel like a steak…
Happy birthday to Noel!
a perfectly tenderized noel
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Rin a cute.
Merry Christmas and a happy Type Twomina to all!
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How the Arc ruined christmas by Doctor Sus.
Another Sionless christmas...
she didn't...
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Noel’s seductive gaze…
noel is the reason for the season
Season's over...
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melty? Before I fall asleep.
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And a Noel New Year…
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For every action, a Noel reaction.
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didn't get an arc for christmas...
How about a Kohaku?
Coal for Noel
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What is the state of Sys Celes in EU? It's cheap enough in the sale to consider buying.
You should ask in a thread on /v/. Most of us are NA Melty players so I have no idea what EU UNI looks like. There's probably people playing it on discord.
I would like to melty after I finish this bowl of soup.
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Who will be taking this in RG?
I have finished my soup. Would anybody like to game?
ggs. I wish my 5a didn't whiff on crouch...
who taught len to ball
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Shorties rule AACC
just pick tohno
Noel got referenced in fgo.
She's finally made the big leagues...
But the funny teleports...I'll learn how to use them one day...
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Her name isn't mentioned but Ciel sees Liz and gets a headache, reminded of 'someone'.
>noel mentioned
>fgo crashes and burn
noel could eat servants
I'd roll for Noel.
Dan is a Liz but doesn't that mean Ciel route happened, unless Dan appears in some other route that hasn't happened (very nasu thing to do tbf)
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I like my Noel drippy bruh.
Returning Noel after christmas and getting store credit
noel no good after christmas
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love wife

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