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Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.craftegg.band
IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/バンドリ-ガールズバンドパーティ/id1195834442?mt=8
APK: https://apps.qoo-app.com/app/4847


Bandori Live Finder app

Infodump: https://pastebin.com/BaSPtAga
Song of the "Day": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTz0Uqi0Qiw

Previous Dream: >>501025671
Weird early time
Innovation is important
Or something like that
It suits the theme of early Christmas
Nap forever
Mu as the tree in the school play.
That's precisely why you need to invest in the dumb scampass tree outfit.
It was HANAZONOday
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Bigger than usual big Rei
She's been absorbing a lot of sunlight lately.
Embrace of Light Delight
Stop coming up with weird Chu scheme ideas to double her size.
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Double Chu idea:
Yes Pareo
I like how fanwork spinoff Takiko is experiencing her own minor boom.
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Lost Girl's Blossom Project
Ano as the normal pink protagonist.
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My top track and Top 3 artists this year are apparently...
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Create a super complicated process to avoid the S𐐬yo bad end
And then don't put it in the game
Dumb invisble tree cat
Pick 「Seabird Song」
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I had been meaning to tell anon to pick Umibird's song for awhile now but
An Umibird is just a Seacat
INT is always boosted on Hanazonoday
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Don't repost that
Posting it once is fine, you just can't do it again.
Smart cute INT glasses Takiko
Make it today
RiNG should really have a more festive tree for the season.
Cats always tear those down
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It's still
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Don't forget to swat away flies
Saying that much about Nyamuko is going a little far.
Invent the catswatter.
That sounds like it would be a weird festival tradition
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Battle maid division
Only wan in history to ever clean up her own messes.
Don't forget a certain keyboard maid
She had that big fight with a big cat over messiness
It was TVday
My internal clock was frozen
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That can happen during frosty season
Production of the big silly Suilen dolls was great news.
Beware of illegal PAREO doll wig mods
Don't forget your early monthly cube
Forgetting the late one~
Oyu's reminders are a good time to remember to buy that.
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Dumb Ako deer
I can see who was behind the Christmas tree outfit design now
RinRin collab with ANON TOKYO
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Dr. Mu is always seeking advancements in cucumber hydroponics.
On drums and guitar
Overworked dolls are liable to start throwing books
No haunted doll mansion is complete without flying books.
Saki's mansion was the perfect haunting ground
Or murder mystery set
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Takiko has cycled through more part time jobs than Hanazono in the past month.
Call center promotion next
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Nyamuchi's prank channel has a new target
It was Soyo on the other line
Stop asking about her refrigerator
High level promo deal
I was still waiting for anon's event reminder, but apparently I was on the wrong day again.
Displaced in acorn time~
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The book was clearly just a joke weapon skin.
Obliviko would have a strict ban on joke cosmetics during the masquerade.
Masqueraids even
Ako would say that's amazing
I can't believe there was no Chuday reminder
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I blame time moving too quickly
Beautiful Bathday
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There will one day be a big enough roster for a funny dialect event.
Add Charlotte to that
Sacre Chu
The wan's precious hug toy
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Event ends in twenty four hours.
Pick every joululaulu before it expires
It's probably been a million years since I last heard 「クリスマスのうた」
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I like how Chu gets her special beautiful birthday party background.
Seeing Rei in her casual OL outfit is always funny
She could be S𐐬yomom's twin
Hereditary forehead power
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Big cat
And little Saki
Perfect name for their future duo Nyamutube channel.
She should have read the fine print of the contract.
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Hide that from a certain cat burglar
I can't believe she never returned the USB that had all her Chucoins on it.
Weird tubbymonsters
Those are just native moon bunnies
Which might be scarier
Nothing was ever scarier than the evil babby sun.
I'll have to remind anon to post the early warning
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Event ends NOW!!
Wafterglo must be next now that they've been charged with Takiko energy.
I'll believe in a frosty Macaron set
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Recharge your double mint too
Cute little Sayosquid
Very rare moment of Taki not being the maid
Or just resting at all really
The peace is kept by combat butlermaid Umiko
She does kind of resemble the black suits if you try hard enough.
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I warned you about the cat burglar
Evil Yukinya never follows the scripts in Chu and Ran's heads.
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Perhaps Ran's young fan will fall victim to that as well someday.
Conflict is inevitable after her cat is stolen
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It was Wafterglo as expected
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With usual
Extremely usual event title.
Highly likely that is Moca's hand.
People suffering from lilybrain would be in trouble if Moca's hand weren't there. Otherwise it would look like Tomoe is gazing at photos of her alone with Himari.
It's actually the 6th Afterglow
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Tomoe must exorcise the seven mysteries before graduation
Hire Yuutenji temple for that.
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Weird hippomari bird
Fly to the sky
She's a ground type bird
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Warm up
Fire Macchimasshi
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I was shocked that it somehow hadn't been added yet. Suilen tradition I guess.
Picking WELCOME TO PANDEMONIUM in 5 years~
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Anon's favorite ▽
Just wait until they create an ice triangle.
You'll need an alchemist for that
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Diggy Mu
Don't call Sister Hii's stomach growling beat boxing.
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Kasumi could hear the beat of the Himari
Don't listen to that
Remember to read it
It's more thematic to wait until Christmas.
Silly Chisato underestimated a former president's ability to responsibly organize events
I also sometimes forget Hina was voted in as dictator
i'll do both
Peace is fragile as usual
Hire bug catcher Uiko
Butlermaid Umiko is slacking on her duties to bother the lady.
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Lady Saki
Rosen Nacht will no doubt have some powerful fanservice.
Hoping for combined Rosencultservice~
Sage der Puppe idea
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High level 女子力
Pinks have a natural multiplier for that.
ANON TOKYO will reach the world stage once all three pinks put their heads together.
I think it's more likely the pinks would merge into a weird new ふわふわ lifeform.
There was a funny artwork where they fuse into a yokkyu dinosaur but I didn't save it
Pink monster that sings and copies abilities
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Collect them all
You'll end up like Saki by trying to do that
The world isn't ready for collectible tarot card scams.
But you'll be able to divine your scam luck with the full set
Little squids are always grumpy
She'll calm down after being dragged into the glasses faction
Uiko's big secret is that she actually wears glasses.
Smarter than the average wan
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The big smart glasses boom
Those wolf eyes are the only ones capable of seeing the truth beyond Mu's evil aura
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Overwhelming destructive power.
Rinrin was a real standout with her cool pose.
NFO posing experience paid off
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It ain't much but it's honest work
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Little Tomo
Tomorin should be friends with Rockhopper
I hope it gets an official welcome
Maybe on TVday
Waiting for the Takiko panda~
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Nap it
Well behaved cat
Usually she'd be kicking Takiko in the face or taking up all her space
They're only like that after causing chaos elsewhere in the house
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A combat maid mustn't wield her power so freely.
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All of these youth recording events are too emoi
Things like that were always some of the most Saayaful cards.
I trust Soyo with the camera spirit
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A camera spirit is something you'd find in one of director Rimi's movies
Rei has done too good of a job avoiding camera spirits and the associated unfunny pun
Detective Rimi versus Director Rimi
Pile all the cute hats onto Rimi
Hat swapping is the best way to quick change jobs.
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It was TVday
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The chaotic dice segment will probably impact this week's artwork
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Ako's big little sister
Weirdly there was a similar TV roster a month or so ago.
Mu should debut a new Pastel cover in the finale
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Tomori sometimes resembles a certain jester cat
But don't tell Saki
Possibly traumatizing words
I can't believe they're debuting official Nyamutube.
Obliviko will appear at the end and cut her off
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Perfect chance to expand into the frosty market.
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Dumb big Ako
Ako has been exceptionally cool and responsible in all her five star events so far
Perhaps she's campaigning for a presidential run next time skip
Just wait until she brings out the new glasses
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Smart Uiko
She needs to start working on her fanbook for winterfes.
Uiko needs a secret identity to publish her fanbooks.
That's what cult robes are for
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May 2025 be mintier than this year
Sayo needs to start attending class soon
At this rate she'll never be ready for the next big choco cornet embezzlement case.
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Anon likes things like this
An accurate statement in multiple ways
Mu the harmless
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Stripe sets have been trendy lately
Ran's dedication to the cause finally paid off
Touko must have spread the good word
Dumb pink Ano stripe
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Hopefully Takiko isn't too busy with her own band to provide support
She's probably just upset about a vending machine eating her money.
Somehow that's even more evil than scam games.
President Bear should be maintaining those
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Michelle is too busy teasing her VP
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On the Japanese internet it's fairly common for people to post out of context lyrics from Ave Mujica's primary lyricist's band. Lately when this 'Diggy語' as the 'S.O Cru' call it comes up, many of them have recommended getting into Ave Mujica.
My point with this nonsense is to say Saki and Rinko's reactions would be funny if their audience tonight were full of people in fitted hats instead of what would be expected.
MC Yukinya's English lessons have been building up to this moment.
Training to defeat a yelling pink cat at her own game
Chu can duet with Nyamuko when they play together
Multi-talented cats everywhere
3d Nyamuko went from reserved to Tsumu2 levels at record breaking speeds
Drummers are always incredibly impressive
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It's still Hanazonoday
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Roselia's latest costumes are beautiful.
Don't forget to redeem your free 「Stille Nacht, Rosen Nacht」viewing.
Give Harumi a break
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Trio idea:
Mu's debut was secretly part of the contract.
She could probably use some Mana healing
And doughnuts
Drummers always miss out when it comes to spontaneous playing
Rikki needs a maid to have her drums ready at all times.
Carry around a little box for those moments
Drum on your cat
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Taking off
Matching the style of her favorite idol
The tails club always welcomes new members
I got spoiled.
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Don't look at those
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They should've made a pre-release etiquette short narrated by Saki aimed at the English posting audience
That would probably be a wasted effort.
I guess the Takiko method was always the only reasonable answer.
She would not be happy with the block changes
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There are few better performance role-models
Uiko studying under Lisa in the art of childhood friendship could be the cutest thing ever
Learn what not to do from Yukinya
Uika should learn from Charlotte instead.
From the title alone KiLLKiSS could sound like a Charlotte character song title. Well I guess not since that'd be in French.
Be careful not to accidentally aggro Rei
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I can believe it was promptly uploaded
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The big Mortis wave begins today
I feel like that was definitely influenced by her headbanging and stuff.
Crayji girls
It's amazing how right Arisa was all those years ago.
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If only CRYCHIC had covered Mu's beloved Pastel and Monica
Petrichor and Geosmin are too perfect
Already bursting with エモい imagery
Why do Ave Mujikers wear their panties on their faces?
Even when Tomori uses English(?) titles I still have to Google it. Such is life as an aho.
At least I can understand it probably means the pleasantness after rainfall concludes
Just wait for the secret third CRYCHIC live title
Something genuinely unbelievable happened
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All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said
All the things she said
Running through my head
Running through my head
All the things she said (all the things she said)
Sakiko: This is not enough~ (я бeдeн)
Sakiko: This. is. not. enough!!!

All the things she said
All the things she said
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Somehow it was nostalgic to see another cult robe performance.
Nostalgia idea:
Doloris singing in a box
Happy birthday to Toko-chan!
Tomori's big secret sister
It was TOKOday
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The masquerade made me miss it
Don't fear forgetting
That's something Suckiko would say.
Touko should broadcast Masshi's big birthday speech
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Touko's present this year was as much a divine relic as what Arisa received.
Make Mu one of those characters that has a scary normal smile
That's why mom bought her 100 acting books
If only she knew about the sincere smile generating power of Tomori's notebook
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Laugh and throw books
Poor Mu is gonna be portrayed as a monster again until the anime's final act, all while the true evil guitarist goes under the radar
Poor Mu, blamed for the crimes of Mortis.
Mortis was the one bringing cucumbers into this world all along.
She will discard her cucumber past and focus on tomatoes
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Those will better suit her throwing skill.
Smashing watermelons~
Dumb band name idea
It looks like anon was wrong about the world not being ready for collectible tarot card scams.
Put Nyamuko in attack mode.
You sunk my battleship
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I knew Rinrin would upgrade their original armor.
Rinrin and Ako would've had a lot to say about Sayo's one winged angel guitar pose after the photoshoot.
They should secretly end the announcements with new cult outfits
Possibly circus themed
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Considering where Saki chose to film her first MV she may opt for a more tattered
It's funny how the tone of Mu's art did a complete 180 in one day
She never should have fallen in with the dumb card game crowd.
Buy the new Shiro Kuro scam packs
Putting Mu in charge of that sure was well timed
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Takiko for all
Big overgrown Ann will have to sleep on the floor.
Protect wan rights
Nap instead
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Bring Mu to Yuutenji Shrine for her routine exorcism.
It's probably safer to just live with it
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Tokyonis would fit in so well.
I can't believe nobody drew an updated Luminous scene yet.
You'll traumatize Aya
Idols probably get used to crazy fans very quickly
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The Doloris barrier rejects all other life
Anon forgot to announce that the account retrieval was a success.
She needs an evil scheme fit for a card game villain
Maybe something like blowing up the moon in order to move Doloris next to Oblivionis
Something evil with Jupiter
A big Mupire boom
I knew she'd have a new love of tomato juice.
Don't forget to listen to Tomori's new album
Takiko being in front is very leader-like

More Mujica anime frames.
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Uiko playing the role of Risa
Ancient Sayo could make anyone quake without her poteto debuff.
The story so far is written to make the viewer believe Uika is obsessed with Saki. We can also assume Uika doesn't have much parental supervision on account of having a backstory similar to LOCK and ninja Rimi. This gives her an opportunity to create a room for two with Saki. With all of this they're together at a train station while only Saki has a suitcase. It can't be called lilybrain delusions to draw a conclusion from all of this.
I'll choose to believe that
Uiko thinking how she could fit Saki-chan in that big suitcase and hop on the midnight train to a little white house in Casablanca.
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Takiko's bag throw already charged sea levels for the next month.
Instantly healed~
The cat has「跡暖空」
But don't tell Soyo
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I hope funny Sayo will find a place in the billions of CRYCHIC fanbooks that will surely be created
Lilyful book title
Speaking of that, that album is out now in Japan. Exciting.
You can never go wrong with tea titles. Or sweets and flower metaphors.
Yes Pareo
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Wake it
I keep seeing Mu advertise the wrong dumb card game
A lecturing from Nanami and Masshi will set her straight
An understandable contract mishap
Kidani won't buy that excuse.
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Youthful beautiful
I can believe that alone sparked a wave
There's probably a wise proverb or something about that.
Won't forget the tenets
The cult club tenets are slightly different.
If you're troubled, try not to fear fear.
Maybe the surprising development Rico mentioned in regards to Uiko isn't so surprising to all of us who understand wanness
>doesn't even know her name
Fucking sad.
The bug theorem once again proves itself
Too bad I misplaced the usual Hanazono.
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As usual Mu~
Some things are just too much for Tae
Like weird Kasumi
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An obnoxious mill deck that replaces your hand with useless cucumber tokens
Dumb card games brought the Oblivio family to ruin.
Becoming an Eternal Girl isn't so great after all
Event ends in twenty four hours,
I can't wait to find out how Mu knew about whatever happened before Saki did
Maybe she really did use her mugen powers to send them to the shadow realm
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Extra relevant lately
Do fear evil bugs
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Don't fear misunderstood friends who protect humanity from the shadows
Do not fear big Nyamuko
Dogs can't defeat cats
Use the frosty season to abuse cats' hot drink weak point.
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Uiko is 10 years too early to be taking her on.
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Chu won't get coal this year
Put Pareo in the dumb tree
She already comes equipped with Christmas lights
Leave CORUSCATE to Rei
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Takiko is likely to lose her blankets to a cat during frosty season
Evil cats never use their own bed.
Watch this one
The critics were too harsh on Mu's smile.
I was going to bother anon to make it but
File deleted.
After thinking too much about Uiko's aloof treatment of her idol group, the sweet way she speaks to her childhood friend, and her acting as a guard dog against hostile animals, I had to reexperience a bunch of old LAYER content
They might be at odds when it comes to coffee
And sea cucumbers
Hopefully those evil things don't exist in the doll world
Eagerly awaiting Mu's official dislikes.
Dumb cute
An mp3 player with built in cut-ins would be amazing
Event ends NOW!!
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Cute Udagawa
I slightly forgot it was TVday
Expect a Pastel Ran boom
I like how extremely normal and not weird Tomori's parallel group is.
An extremely high level healing party
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Putting the younger characters with their seniors always a cheat code to get me smiling like a fool
Ran should take her hand out of her pocket so Takiko can secretly brush against it.
Revue of Fluorescence?
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Anon and Soyo personality swap!
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Mu should introduce Saki to E-card
Evil befitting the name Mortis
Maybe they'll finally cover a penguin song now that Masshi has finally had her revolution
Inadvertently looping Ann's cute chorus~
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Mu would be able to handle a mad cat much more reliably with the tools at her dispoal.
She'll develop into proper cat repellent by the end
Pick the Penguinful 「ダディーズ・シューズ」 cover too
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It should definitely be a Chu one this time.
It was ROCK
Chu1 sounds especially weak
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I know anon will like that the set seems both frosty and watery.
Chu must be testing the ELEMENTS
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Salmon maki
Full armor Yukinya won't stand a chance
Neither would ever get a turn with 0 speed.
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Apple imagery was on fire today
I saw a whole three
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Weak little Uisaki
Nyamuko should go easy on her seniors.
Voting in the unsecure parallel poll~
There's a team of top CYBER experts discarding all votes not associated with a ガルパPASS account.
Panel 2:
Overworked Saki scanning all the votes
Cool unsealed Owner genes
Art idea - Taki leaves food out for a stray cat but naturally it completely ignores the feast
My only regret is that Uiko won't get a little head snake pin.
I wonder if she would be in the afraid of snakes group. While that may seem unlikely, Saki did claim Uiko was actually the one who was afraid when they were kids.
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Harmless garden snake
Snakejamas idea
The wan faction's greatest victory was getting those outfits in the first year.
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Bear tails
Bears should protest their lack of a year
Abuse presidential power to implement panda year.
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The acorn did things like that
Don't forget to read the Wafterstory
Aqua LOCK goes especially well with her guitar.
Animenewsnetwork posted, then deleted, a spoiler including review of the first three episodes. Make sure to block every westerner on the official tags and avoid the BandoriTV chat to stay safe.
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I do that by instinct anyway
Smarter than me as usual
It's probably just evilly targeted
That reminds me that I never remember the dumb free ad rolls.
Forgetting is the best way to not get dumb dupes
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Weird cat
I trust Yukinya's judgement in cattery
She's never steered us wrong
Joining the koala club instead of panda is the only mark on her record.
She really shouldn't listen to Ano's silly theories
Smart detective Ann
Nobody will ever be able to recognize smiling Mortis.
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Good job, Ako
Tyrant King Ako
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Seeing them all together puts how well behaved Nyamuchi is for a cat into perceptive
Those are the most dangerous cats
Little cats get into little trouble. Big cats get into big trouble.
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Keep a big dog for big cat protection.
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New short idea:
Healing a bedridden Soyo
An emergency Rimi bass replacement is in order.
It's still scary when they make one of those notification posts
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Even weirder rumors might spread in 1-B
Crayji girls are in demand anyway
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The face of evil
Even the cat wouldn't do something that evil.
Dumb Ann should have played their cute duet song
Changing the setlist to be more Ano focused is quite the diabolical scheme as well.
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If Soyo was sick she'd be
Get well soon, Basedorin... I don't want you to miss your next show in 3 weeks time...
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Lost and frosty
The author of the new comicalization is especially dangerous.
The Spring We Were There
I think she'll have to limit her power a little
Don't limit the エモい levels of spring.
Someone should tell Saki, Uika, and any similar characters how incredibly rude it is to read the embarrassing notebook of a stranger without asking for permission.
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Angel Saki can always be forgiven
Yell at Ako for reading the Masshi Book
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Saki definitely read it as well
There are some things you just can't say.
Like revealing the truth of Santa to Saki.
Evil cats do that
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A tautology.
Obliviko must be an unrivaled PR expert after all that time in the telemarketing mines.
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Moca won't laugh at Pastel Ran
She should just borrow a pink stripe from Hii-chan.
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Red face stripe
That's usual equipment
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Swap Swap
Luckily Takiko has enough restraint to avoid abusing Ano's outsider powers
Won't forget Aya's fabled encore「YOLO」
Maybe they'll brilliantly have it as an option for her pink parallel group.
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Little Mu always at her side
Her closest friend should get the protagonist doll name of Tranquility
I always like the Nyamuko as the voice of reason depiction.
Simultaneously in charge of the fan and clownery~
If she behaves too responsibly it'll only raise questions regarding her age, leading to more clownness. Nyamuko will have to act carefully to avoid falling into a vicious cycle.
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Dumb cabbage reference
Hopefully that kind of charm wont vanish in the coming 3d world
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Suilen sounds very ▽ on its own
That doesn't fit the Chu worldview
I guess Chu was aware of that all along
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Chu wouldn't fare much better if her talk of collaring Rokka were to come true
Pareo would keep the rest of Wan A Suilen in line.
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She'll immediately start chasing a stray cerberus in circles, completely undermining her earlier barks to behave.
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She could collar a Rokka but not a LOCK
The BERSER-KEY buff is too strong
I still can't help but think that song is about zyaki.
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Capes are cool but have a performance debuff
The cult robes served as good training
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1-B looks different today
Their usual cat was replaced by a deer
An animal secretly more evil than cats
It was Eveday
Eve having a Christmas event this year makes laughing at that joke a little bit less uncool than usual.
I can't believe they didn't l*zily make today Eve's birthday.
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Eve would prefer a cooler day anyway. Like celebrating Sekigahara.
Getting nothing for my Christmas roll~
At least there's always the stale fruit cake.
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I think this is red enough to be Christmas
>umiri wears an anon tokyo shirt and a paperclip for an ear ring
i dont understand fashion anymore
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Tomato Takiko
Don't rob Mu's garden
But she always distributes her crops to the needy
Distribute veggies to needy Masshi
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Usual Yukinya of confusion
Since she's the leader it's the others who are looking at the wrong thing
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Macaron might be naturally Christmasy above all else.
Stripes are adaptable to all occasions
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Legendarily rare Runa
I completely believe in their eventual cameos
An important PSA for cult activities
Obliviko will seamlessly integrate them into the story as cool background clones.
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Mu was on the good girl list this year for sure.
Mudolph the green thumbed pickledeer
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You can't just make up monsters like that.
They made a powerful one
All long panels should do that
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Please don't equate cucumbers to coal.
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Whatever Taki does once Umiko begins displaying distress over a band for the first time, even if she doesn't notice, will forever alter the history of Home Street
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Something responsible but awkward no doubt
Our old game division would have loved the Mu throwing idea.
(Don't) Stay Away, Soyo!
Game idea:
Ave Mujicart
Soyo in first place while Mu picks up a blue cucumber
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>Higher daily debut than most bandori bands
>Including Ave Mujica
The vtubers will come to garupa soon and you will like like it
Christmas bugs might be worse than coal
That's what happens when you forget to put out the milk and cookie offering.
Takiko left out maccha cookies
Maybe Soyo should give Taki a bag of money as well
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Let sleeping dogs lie
Cats attack those
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A yearly Babbyglow event should be required
Perhaps KING was foreshadowing one coming up in this event
It's bound to happen before their graduation episode.
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The rhythm and Nyamuko section
A higher form of Kasumi's skill
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Sayo is lucky reindeer don't actually eat carrots.
That's a traumatizing truth on par with the Santa Fairy not being real
cute females
Cucumber fairies exist
With the latest masquerade featuring a state visit from the empire fairy belief should be at an all-time high
Unreasonable post-Christmas TVday
Extremely cool Obliviko fashion as usual
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Tactical New Year deployment
Don't take any legal advice from Nyamutube.
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The New Year cool beauty set is wonderful
More fuel for the Soyo Ann inferno is always appreciated
I can't believe there's a cash prize for the illustration contest
Nyamuko skits should be a fun new addition
Before when an almost Oblivionis cosplay occurred it turns out they had come from an interview shoot, so that could be something to look forward to later
Don't fall for scamfes, save for Mujica.
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Does Sakiko know what masquerade means or is it just "haha english cool"
Top cultists should recreate Saki fashion on her funny dolls.
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It's Ayaday
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Evil Aya made Eve cry. As expected from the person Mortis looks up to.
Dr. Nyamutube's medical advice
Totally not sponsored segment about the beauty benefits of cucumber masks
Dr Nyamu shills for Big Cucumber. Dr Taki is in the pocket of Big Matcha. The only one you can trust for medical advice is yourself.
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"There's meaning in the cast continuing to behave like this even after seeing their band story" is what I would say if I were a lily manic.
The big Christmas backlog is getting dangerous since it conflicts with the upcoming New Year backlog.
CN artists will at least wait until official snake year
That should really have a dumb outfit
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Butai shoujo are always looking for ways to attack the audience
An episode with Saki reviewing all the options for that
Oblivioko watching the revue movie for research.
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She would find more Hikari watching the TV story.
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It doesn't have to be mint
Sleep it
Umiko would have thrived in the lounge
Saki is missing her wings and halo on the last page.
Soyo has to make the eye deal after touching Masshi's notebook to see that.
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Cat by day and night
Equip that cat with a Zoro hat
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Things like this are the best.
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Talking back would be a huge jump in Mu power
A post band story power-up wouldn't be an uncommon occurrence
Skilling up cucumber throwing~
Only recently on my rewatch did I think about Saki's beetle notebook
More artists should have played with that
Back then I only thought how a beetle lover + masked band = rider jokes. Now it causes delusions of Saki being reminded of Uiko in that scene, thus why she assumed those were lyrics.
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It's not too late for her to relive the days of popsicles and beetle catching.
Tag along during the next Maya△Camp
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It's still Christmas until the snow melts
Snow ELEMENTS have been on a bit of a break.

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