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Previous Thread: >>504789870


>Unicorn Overlord Was Originally Planned for PS Vita

>God Wars series sales top 400,000

>Tales of Hearts R delisting

>Ray Gigant has been delisted

>NIS America Releases Being Delisted from PSN

>Jet Set Knights is getting a physical release

>Killzone Mercenary Multiplayer Shut Down

>Content Can No Longer Be Transferred Between PS3 and PS Vita

>Update adds new security measures

>Root Letter series shipments and digital sales top 500,000

>Grand Kingdom to be delisted from Store on February 28 in Japan

>Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice to Have Servers Shuttered


Want hacks/homebrew discussion?
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Getting vitagen a slutty Nero as their Christmas gift
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Why is he confused she’s wearing a swimsuit in a spa
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i don't even have a vita anymore i am allowed to be here?
Just buy a new one silly goose
we'll rename to Vita3K General
Eh, personally I think Switch is a fine Vita 2
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With what money?
I don't
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>>I don't
Oh well
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Mostly for the first party stuff and classic games that sony refuse to refuse to acknowledge nowadays
As i say a long time ago switch is my first nintendo system
Yeah I get you. For me these Sony consoles were always about the third party and the kind of third party Vita got is there so for me, so it has been a nice follow up. Never was a huge first party Sony gamer
Not saying i didn't do that as well but i have fun memory with the first party games
and fuck that playstation guy who say something like "we don't have many first party"
What he meant is that they don't have many IPs that sell a gajillion copies. Dunno why they're so obsessed with high selling IPs only, Playstation has some nice smaller IPs that could sell half million to million. Which is how you would establish a feel for the console with all the smaller games and a constant input each month. But I guess it's preferable to make bet of 200 million to one huge IP that might make a billion or probably not.
All modern Sony cares about is blockbusters
Which is why Astrobot was such a breath of fresh air, and more of what the hardcore fans have been asking for
Kancolle might be a sony IP soon
At most I think it would be controlled by Sony Music, like Fate Go is I think. And they are very different from Playstation.
It would for sure be a good thing
Kancolle x Fate?
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Like what the fuck would Hermann Hulst do with Kancolle?
Something not good that's for sure
Horizon Zero Kancolle
I’ve actually never played Horizon but I’m tired of seeing Sony try to shove it down people’s throats
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Good night, vitagen.
How do I cope with the fact that I have more games across multiple platforms than I will ever be able to play during this lifetime
You don't need to play everything
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Always appreciate when the game goes for 2 hours with no chance to save anywhere. It was really cool back in Curry loli as well when you just wait for the crash
very epic
which game?
Playing Fate/Extella and the final stage just continues and continues. No idea if it autosaves between the different phases, probably not. Oh well, it can be handled with putting the console to sleep. But I would have liked to save and continue with other console. Old games are kinda stupid this way, dunno why there's a need for not having a save in between.
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Playstation Portable 2 announcement soon.
*PSASBR 2 announcement soon
oh, I sorta remember. It does autosave the checkpoint, but I do not remember if it saves to file, I just ran with the flow.
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Where do you find the Christmas Santa outfits DLC for RecoLove on PKGj? I only found a few for Gold Beach. Does it also work for Blue Ocean? I want a Santa outfit for Rinze and I couldn't find it. I apricate the help.
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I dunno lol
I bought on the store
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fug. That's not a bad price for the set. sadly it's a pain to switch my PSN account and idk if I can use a real DLC on a pirated copy.
stupid roomba
get yogurt'd
>just tuned into The Game Awards
>see cringe
>tune out
What a mistake of watching it at all, lmao.
I don't know if that specific one is there, but I use NPS on pc and I see a lot of dlc for recolove
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wtf new Yu Suzuki game
>it's mobile
it's over....
ok I'll go check on there. Thank you.
nep status?
Alive but can't play
Shenmue bros need to let go
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I will never.
>new Virtua Fighter
Oh fuck yes.
Oh hell yes.
Bruh project century by rgg studios holy fuck
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It's like Sakura Taisen but RGG-ified.
They're both set in the Taishou Period of Japan.
Man that gacha really fuck the series
I'm not interested in yakuza but if this has mechs and dating sim stuff I'll check it out
Would be so cool if sega had release sakura wars way back in the day
How unfortunate
RIP ;_;
Yeah Verts panties
She is fine
>new game by Neil cuckman
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>Astro Bot won the GoTY in TGA
Hope this means better things it won't but i hope
they know to stop with TLoU
It's fitting that a moderately budgeted game from Sony wins that when they spend hundreds of millions to get that live service slop
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Anyway watching this shit wasn't worth it
Japan won
>Anyway watching this shit wasn't worth it
Who knew watching awards show is boring. Bring back E3 nonsense.
Too much money no way companies are doing that again
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Good night.
>Astro Bot won
>it's real
wtf holy based lmao
>sony paid in advance to give concord the award
>concord shuts down
>need to give it to another sony game instead
Maybe astro bot is their star wars
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game award cheerleader
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No more lewds.
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anon used Alice images, and she's an android.
She has a maid alt outfit, which makes her a cleaner. So, she's sometimes called a roomba. Does that explain well enough?
more maids now
I see.
But what about the yoghurt?
maybe it's difficult to clean off? I'm unsure. I don't recall Alice liking yoghurt, so it's probably not the case of nep pudding dessert that she would want.
Maybe yoghurt is another way of saying semen.
no way, Alice is a cute, pure android daughter. There is no way anon would want to lewd her
also while I find this discussion funny, we are going offtopic way too hard now
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Then I shall post vita.
this gameplay looks fire
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Good morning, vitagen.
ghostly afternoon to you anon
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No Shining Force 4, but at least I got a new Virtua Fighter.
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It’s funny watching everyone get excited for the new game by the guy behind Ico and thinking Sony could have had it to themselves but they killed Japan studios
Sorry bro, concord and that new game were much more important.
In a better timeline we could had PSASBR 2
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We can make it better.
We can't have PSASBR 3 without 2
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In a better timeline Japan studios would still be alive
You have yet to tell me
That is timeline is the same we have PSASBR 2
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replace product with games
sony forgot how to make good games and that good games made them successful
File deleted.
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nice it work
Lmao what
>do not comply with the Nintendo Guidelines
I guess DER but nep come on
It’s funny that pc or vita are still the only ways to play nep rebirth 1-3 in English at this point
rebirth 1 3th re-release (with fishing mini game) is on PS5
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Man that fucking sucks, is the pendulum swinging that way now? I wonder what exactly is the reason
the actual fuck? how? why?
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While i have no idea on nep games
Death end re;Quest is already a very violent game and code z is double that for what i heard
If you read the comments it has a screenshot of eastasiasoft’s discord saying they basically can’t release Tokyo clanpool in the west because Nintendo is now enforcing very strict guidelines
Wonder if their feet will get held to the fire the same way people were screaming at Sony about this shit
Yeah looking at the /v/ thread
I mean Tsukihime was also on Switch just fine and that VN has some violent things described. But I guess the image are the key? Fuck these kind of decisions.
Weird how is still getting release on PS4/5 so it's not like it's playstation fault this time unless it is lol
Reading this thread reminds me of why I don’t go to /v/ anymore, retards defending decisions like this just to be ironic, or pc fags jumping in when their opinion isn’t wanted or needed
I do love these fucking platform holders that have these guidelines that they don't like to disclose. Wish everyone just listened rating boards and leave it at that.
Well, we should ban neps from here aswell. No more neps.
i need neps
But I love neps
This wasn't delete last time
they're onto you, anon
Hope they have neps
I have Compa tied up in my basement
no, nintendo already trying to kill neps
Why you can trick compa (not-HDN1/mk2) to there?
Looks like noire will save the day again
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See, even Nintendo is removing all neps. You could learn from them, vitagen.

This one I'm lost on, though. How violent are the death ends on this one?
>cuckmans new game is influenced by cowboy bebop
Why is it always this anime even with leftists like him
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Maybe he means the netflix adaptation. I don't know how else you would get inspired by the female bountyhunter trope and then create that game trailer. Hell, the other really popular female space bounty hunter is samus aran.
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>See, even Nintendo is removing all neps. You could learn from them, vitagen.
Sh-shut up....
Gonna replay VF2 mates.
Valhalla Fights 2?
Wake up
Get out the bed
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Good night, vitagen.
In response to a request for additional information, an Idea Factory International representative told Gematsu, “Although the Neptunia series and the Death End re;Quest series have prior entries on western Switch eShops, we were informed that the contents of the Re;Birth trilogy and Death end re;Quest: Code Z did not comply with Nintendo Guidelines. As a result, we are unable to release these titles physically or digitally for Nintendo Switch.”
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RIP nep
Nowa won...
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I wonder
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Awakes dead
Neps alive
but vitagen is dead
Rise from your grave
Rise your nep
nep 'em up
nep forever
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Would you use Saber bath towel?

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I heard a rumour that Sony is looking into making a new PSP. How true is this?
I think it's a fact that they're making a handheld device, yes. Nothing official of course. But calling it a PSP is a bit of stretch because:
>no own library
It would most likely have digital PS4/5 games as the library with no physical media plus streaming. So it would be more appropriate to call it PS5 handheld.
>no physical media
Fuck. Sounds sorta like the Steam Deck.
Yup. But worse, since PC is always a PC. The day consoles abandon the physical media, they become worthless to me. At that point PCs are the only way.
Yea. I'm a console guy, & I'm praying they don't kill physical. This thing better let me use games I own physically or something.
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Good morning, vitagen.
PSP3 - PlayStation Portable 3.
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What a great new world. One day you go to sleep and there's neps, then you wake up and they're gone.
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Need something?
I guess not
nep yourself
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How much
A bit
5 euros?
I'm sure she can buy a lot of candy with that
Why is murakamo so tall
For (you)
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I'm sure you can post that
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Why sleep
no one wants to talk
After the game awards I don't even want to be alive, let alone talk.
Come on you know the rules
name 5 things
>best streamer award
>50 billion gacha ads
>neil cuckmann introducing his newest sony IP
>some western dude in charge of team asobi
>fucking borderlands 4 exists
this world is not worth living in
>50 billion gacha ads
But it was only 4
Wuwa,ZZZ,star rail and that new DNF gacha
everything else i agreed and hope that fucker don't touch TLoU again or anyone for that matter
Yes you can
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>DNF gacha
Duke Nukem Forever gacha?
Yeah can you believe it?
I can't wait to roll for duke (ps1)
I felt like replaying Streets of Rage 2 after talking about it on vitagen. Very fun game.
I didn't manage to beat it this time.
Play nep
DNF gacha ? They didn't finish it?
Only the EOS ones
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I just don't want to play a neptunia game right now. How about you, are you playing nep?
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>How about you
Sad to say i play every nep game i have
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I keep buying neps and ateliers despite never playing them, just keep throwing them on the pile
Maybe one day
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Come be my live in house cleaner and you can play any games you want
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Thanks but I don't think that's a option
I hate this
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Good night, vitagen.
VD-night is here once again


I might disconnect in the middle just because electricity has been a bit iffy today because there's a lot of snow coming down. Also only 30 minutes playtime because early morning
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Damn, close
Yeah, sorry. The power went out again. The mobile data still works but it isn't good enough to play. Thanks for the games, I think this will take an hour at least again.
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Ah, I see.
Thanks for the games then, I hope things get fixed soon. See you next week.
Yeah it's back now. But it most likely will go out for several times this night. But this is a thing when you live in the countryside, we have generator if things get bad
You're a good woman Umu
must be umu
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is this idol work?
Why else she would wear such a thing
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>Why else she would wear such a thing
For fun?
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why so big?
Why so dead
and again
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Tsukuyo is really cute and finally useful for current boss
no wonder anon likes Murasaki, I bet she's at least just as good
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classified ninja information
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but what if that was my goal?
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im dead
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But now i need to sleep
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Good night
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How is this general still alive, the last vita game is like 3 years old.
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Good morning, vitagen.
Good morning maus
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Poor vitagen, infested with rodents.
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Hmm, yeah
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Maybe we should check estelles home, I heard he constantly has random girls sleeping in his bead.
I still have games I want to play
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Getting so stressed at work...
It really shits me that everyone seems to set Christmas as this arbitrary deadline, I mean fuck if it's not done beforehand it'll still get done!
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Good morning
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>and this is how two girls have sex
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that hurt
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don't post ninja information on vitagen next time
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What a weird way to say "Good morning/afternoon/night"
Cease the neps or I will call nintendo
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Its a good way

Blanc can't do anything to Gear
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It's time to act Gear. It's time to conquest and _____ the industry.
I guess recolove is too much for /v/.
Thread delete?
Show me
Via archives of course
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To the right side
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It was just this.
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/v/ never makes sense
Haven't been here in 30+ hours, how're you guys?
I'm dying
I need neps
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Is she okay?
NNN - No Nep November
just a little tired
Anon is no longer November
Unless you know...
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Must be nice
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Let's talk about that
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bro how is it sunday evening again aaaaa
It's a Marvelous Sunday
nta but it's really close to be one
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too far, but last few seconds gave me hope
also too much fisheye
also what is behind window?
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Good night, vitagen.
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Some sort of veranda outside looks like
I don't remember which classroom this is but doesn't look like it's on the first floor
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I can see!
she looks embarassed, even though she wore that dress herself
sleep well
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Idol love?
Reco M@ster?
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Your route?
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Where's Rin, I don't see any knee socks
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Bad endings rin
She lost her legs?
What she even is without her socks
Magical girl
*magical nugget
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Please wake up?
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she woke up and is a witness and a victim of crime!
I guess it's over
Vitagen is dead
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It's over sleep won
post it
maybe the monobeasts
monobeasts were never a thing
we could leave but we didn't do it
Maybe the monobeasts were the friends
maybe we are dead
Please wake up
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Hello I'm awake.

Some spoilers for that new Sonic Movie have been circulating on /v/ and (presumably) twitter as well, so I guess now's the time to stop browsing /v/, twitter and youtube until I can watch the movie.
>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (1994)
That's the last sonic game I played
They were decent games, just not among my favorites
>padoru shit
post it
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Good morning, vitagen.
Not firis
Morning has broken like the first page,
Vitagen has spoken like the first anon.
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I wish she was stacked like firis aswell.

It's just going to be yakuza, right?
How remilia got bigger boobs?
Blood is stored in the boobs.
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Mondays are so fucking ass
We are furthest from Marvelous Sunday today
That's not how things work
Yeah boobs store hopes and dreams
What was the last vita game you played, vitagen? For me it's Hot Shots Golf.
Funny enough it was omega labyrinth i guess some things are meant to be
i miss my vita
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>big boobs killed estelle's vita
You can't make this shit up, it's just fate set in stone.
freedom wars
Weekly VD. Before that, probably that weird Experience DRPG not Demon Gaze
Either Deception IV, Ys Origin or VA-11 HALL-A. It's been a while but I occasionally still boot it up.
Ray Gigant?
Project Diva F 2nd
Trying to get the plats in all 3 diva games on vita
Meant for
Still not done, no idea what will end up being my final one,
which game did you play most recently?
Still doing the NG+ Nightmare run on Tokyo Xanadu.
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Sara my beloved
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What’s happening here
read yuri(lily) books and you will find out
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Oh no I saw her pantsu
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the world will end now
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Hey vitagen, I love you~
no you dont
What's that supposed to mean, you tsundere?
she looks cute here
No, operation Babel I think was the name
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So do you
I have not once looked cute in my life, anon
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I beat it
Good job anon
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summer angel edition? pretty cute
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Busy day?
no money day
so it's a fine day
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Such is life
again its fine
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Good night, vitagen.
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>The Tales of series “Remastered Project” will continue after the release of Tales of Graces f Remastered with a consistent line of remastered works, according to series producer Yusuke Tomizawa.
Will Hearts R get a second life like Freedom Wars?
I bet they're going to dub it as well, then that name of the protagonist makes sense
Innocence R bros this is our time
Funny because namco say almost the same thing twice
The first time was where the original Graces f was release in the west and the second time was after hearts R release in the west
So i really don't believe it
Oh Yeah

Everyone together

The im@s west release
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please vitagen
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Does she show up for bad girls and boys?
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could be
somehow, I like the composition of this one. Really good job, anon
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10 levels of hate
but love
I bet paizuri doesn't even feel good.
We(I) just don't know
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might boob 9
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No no no no no no NO
I don't wanna duel?
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One duel or another
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I bought an used Vita and the screen has a little scratch, can this be replaced or do I just sell and buy another one?
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Does the scratch really bother that much? You ha e to realize that these things are getting old and the spare part screens are most likely some third party stuff that which might make the quality worse.
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Bros what was that vita game where it looked like a traditional Japanese painting, and you fought onis and shit? It looked cool
hey that's the one, thanks bro no homo
Valhalla Knights 3.
>look it up
>first google result is a redditor whinging about fanservice
So it's a good game, got it
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Good morning, vitagen.
I just picked up a psvita with a 16gb memory stick. Looking to get an sd card for it, so what is the highest sd card capacity a ps vita can read through sd2vita and PSVSD?
If I get a vita, can it be homebrewed in general and can it be homebrewed to use as a portable PS1?
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yeah hello hello
hi hi
go play a vita game
The ultimate question
3DS or vita
I mean, I have both machines. Definitely played more vita than 3DS, but the latter has many great games as well.
512 was the highest I seen that worked, but I'd expect 1tb to be just as fine. I do not use sd2vita myself.
why not both? 3ds is the only way to play monster hunter 4. There's also 3 ultimate, and with the vita, you have monster hunter freedom (1) and monster hunter freedom unite (2).

Neat thanks. I might as well just pick up a high capacity card an not bother to upgrade. Would I need to do any special formatting to it?
I already started emulating those MH games, is it different on the console?
Right, forgot to mention emulation. I have no idea. I just bought a vita to start monster hunter from freedom and work my way up to wilds.
Can we play ygo?
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How much can you drink with her
I don't drink so that's double better for her
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Well she probably goes overboard and it ends up in a tie
If she can't make moves that means i win
I need to be more outdoorsy, but at the same time I want to keep playing games, and with my desire to get a 3DS and a vita, in addition to my PS4 and PC, I feel lost
How do I balance everything?
vita can run psp games natively, mhfu works just fine.
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Just take a break bro, go outside and go see the trees and skies and stuff.
I wish I could've afforded the miku one back in the day, or pulled the trigger on the red sacrifice one.
god i wish that was me
>final fantasy 13 is 15 years old
Where did the time go bros
Got to Chapter 6 on my Tokyo Xanadu NG+ playthrough, slow but steady progress when I actually managet to find the time to sit down and play it. Still a bit scared over the S ranks and finding all the chests since I don't want to use a guide on those, but I think it should be fine.

This actually kind of resonated with me, the amount of basedlord bitching about Japanese games having things that make those Japanese games great has pushed me to defend fanservice, hot spring segments and boob jiggle more than I thought I'd ever need to. I want the younger weebs to be able to experience the healthy side of growing up to be a man, AKA appreciating the full extent of life and hometown.
Finding all the chests is easy, because any you miss get shown on the map the second time you go through the dungeon
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Time for your threadly listening:
Go play MK
I haven't touched MK since that PSP game. What was it called, Deception or something?
yeah go play it and mk9 is on vita go play that
I don't have mk9 on vita.......
I got mine for fucking cheap it can't be worse there right?
I just never bothered to check.
Go and check and buy it if it's cheap
I know you said it was Oreshika but it really wasn't Muramasa?
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I'm committing a crime
I'm sorry
Ps Vita is 13 years old today!!!!
Why we still here?
Now Vita is same age as Totori!
We’ll be here until I finish my vita backlog and I only play a few vita games a year
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Merry christmasssss
He's on his own adventure now...

Huh, happy birthday best handheld.
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Why is miku pink?
It's Sakura module
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Cow goes ____
Well that's a must to get some premium milk.
Stupid cow.

>Minori, who is in the midst of adolescence, started to notice naughty things from the program she watched last night. I really wanted to know, so I asked my school teacher...
So that's why she keep asking for money
Why is vitagen always sleeping?
It's dead before sleeping
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Good night, vitagen.
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GO _____!!!
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When I searched for Sara pics in pixiv there certainly wasn't a lot of fighting. Or does night battles count?
Night battles are only for boat girls and as far as i know she is not one
So only for Kancolle and Azur Lane?
Yes and the girls who got crossover in azur lane
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Vitatime tomorrow (i pray)
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Not bad really that asuka and ikaruga look nice
And that i think about it kancolle is the gacha game that never had a crossover i think fgo also never had one but it does with other type-moon IPs so not sure if counts everyone other gacha game had at least one crossover character
>miyabi deleted
Final Fantasy 10 was released 23 years ago today
You know why
Yumi is best and only fake fans disagree.
Hi i am a fake fan
yumi sucks
Im going to buy a psp to relive my childhood in the 2000s
Which color should I get? Im thinking between black, silver and white
Just get a vita, it has full backwards compatibility with the PSP
I know, I just want the form factor. I remember I had a black 2000 model
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Over halfway through Chapter 6 now, it feels like it's taking forever even with the skip function. I'll GO FIGHT again on Thursday.
I played the most with my blue one, so that's the most nostalgic colour for me. But the silver one is cool too, tbqh, it was the 2nd colour of PSP I bought. Never bought a third, but if I did I'd probably go for the red.
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yeah dead
take some rest yourself
I can't not yet
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You would not believe the shock I had when I opened my bookmark for " /vg/ > catalog: Vitagen" and it was "Nothing Found". Just figured out that the opening post does not have "Vitagen" in it anymore now that the website is gone.

Happy we're still around though.
It is rather funny that nowhere in the OP does it say "vitagen".
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>Boot up rhythm game thinking I still got it
>I don't

Any games/genres that vitagen think they've gotten worse at over the years instead of better?
Probably rhytm games as well, haven't played them in years.
I've just tried Rabi Ribi and it had some extreme slowdown? Is it common? Does it happen often? I really wanted to try the game but I don't think I can bear with that
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There should only be 3-4 situations where the game should have slowdown. And it should be pretty apparent that the slowdown is intentional and your favor or your fault that it's happening.
>games/genres that vitagen think they've gotten worse at over the years
Anything that requires quick thinking or precise inputs. I still enjoy many games despite being worse at them.
The only games where I've gotten better or at least maintained my skill level is turn based tactics games, although it's harder to learn new games with complex rules.
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Good morning, vitagen.
I woke up around the time you posted that, and I needed that advice 8 hours prior.
I didn't get enough sleep, and now I need to work
Good luck on your day anon
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You know what they say.
thanks and cute ranger, never seen her before
it really can't
Do we still play Valkyrie Maiden multi?
I think so, but it's a little empty without estelle
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I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do
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Will you be watching the movie soon, Estelle?
You know how it goes If I can I for sure will on day one
She is quite new(2 years ago)
She is a USA boat
Prime Ojou-sama material.
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You think so?
>no hair drills
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I mean, yeah. That's a proper fine lady.
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How nice
Kind of annoying how Sony signs you out of psn on your vita if you sign in to your vita tv
I’ve got both and can only be signed into one
Oh well
it wasn't like that before
Nice but FW never really click with me
It’s okay
I never got to to play it online
I’ve been meaning to go back and finish the single player
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Silly mini hat
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It's true
Sanae is a slut
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Welcome to the club
Nep club?
Do you faggots even play vidyas?
Lets go with that
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Not today, I haven't had the time
Every day after I get home from work and the kids are in bed
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on vita?
no i will try to get a new one at some point
other platforms?
Yes i being playing lately gunvolt records cychronicle and Blue archive
What does the nep club do?
Aside for writing Yuri hentai doujins?
I play project diva on vita, fate:ccc on steamdeck, and warhammer total war and blue archive on pc.
tfw project diva series is ded
Playstation fault?
No, devs realized they could make more money with mobile gacha shit
So now Miku is relegated to gacha hell
There hasn’t been a “new” game since X in 2016
Damn. Are the mobile games just tapping things in borders or what
Idk I’ve never played it
It’s called project sekai and it’s got a general here on vg
That's fine. I'll never play it anyway so whatever
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Good night, vitagen.
wouldn't megamix be the newest one?
Wasn’t that just future tone songs?
I don't know, never played future tone.
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Excuse me sir, this migu seems to be overheating. You should clean out its air vents.
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Really blahs my blahs
Is Atelier Ayesha worth 60 dollarydoos?
Taiwan dollars, canadian dollars, chinese dollars?
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If you really want yes
give nep
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Who is your favorite girl in amagami?
one nep before sleep
the cute one
Does anyone have a CG of Mimi's ending in Atelier Totori in a vita screenshot? I want to use that as my start up screen but it got deleted and getting Mimi's ending again is a pain as I lost my old save.
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Only watched 2 episodes of the anime and never played the game. So I dunno. But I do know it has an imouto so I agree with >>506686805 for now.
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I can't find it unless I'm retarded and don't know how to use this
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she's great
Need for sleep
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Good morning
Morning. Just came back from the doctor because my poop were green yesterday.
Now go play vita games anon.
Was it radioactive
Nah, green poop is because the bile from your liver haven't had time to fully oxidise in your intestines, i.e. the poop came out prematurely. Doctor said it's no cause for immediate concern.
When will it become concern
I suppose if it continues for a really long time? Like maybe if your poop is just consistently green.
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Good morning, vitagen.
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cheesy morning to you, anon
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The times we're living in are crazy, I'm telling ya.
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Time to rise and shine, you sleepyheads.
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...and LEARN!!!!
Hanging on the edge of tomorrow~~~~
Ok I wake up
What now
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Progress has been made! And there probably will be some more later today, but for now it's time to take a break and eat.
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>on January 7, 2025 to acquire 12,054,100 new shares of Kadokawa Corporation for approximately 50 billion yen (approx. $320 million USD), the company announced. With this acquisition of shares, Sony Group Corporation will become Kadokawa Corporation’s largest shareholder, holding approximately 10 percent of it shares, including the shares it previously acquired
So much for buying
I hope tencent buys up 50%
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Ubisoft soon™.
Is she okay?
I guess it's a photo of the sleepy girl when she was a kid >>506624092
But is she okay?
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Perdeu o que?
eu nao tenho nada pra perder
she'll be fine after a nap
A good nap comes after a good fap
Big boobs
Me in the green and yellow bikini
>Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos release date moved up to January 2 in the west; Switch version DLC ‘Swimsuit Costume Set’ canceled
Neps too sexy for the west lmao. It's genkai tokki all over again. Especially hilarious that it comes after all the western shit flopping, now games are getting censored again.
Did sisters vs or marks had something that made Nintendo mad?
Also, Tokyo Clanpool, the Vita DRPG port removed the touching minigame. From all versions. They couldn't even get to Steam and they still removed the minigame.

Who the fuck turned something upside down in this universe, what the actual bloody fuck happened and what is going on?
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very sad
I still need to get neps
Ah, rounding them all up for one mass removal. Very smart plan.
I just want to play neptunia
Where are all the people who were crying about Sonys policies now that Nintendo is doing worse shit
I think we reach a point that everyone have went to shit
I don't think it was a competition or is now a win that we have 2 fucking companies blocking japanese games. Feels more like shit is even worse now.
At least with nintendo it's western part only and the Japanese one let's stuff fly more freely. Though the recent censoring has been oddly concentrated on IF/CH games only. Maybe they just hate Neps really hard at NoA.
dead vs death
Oh no?


nice he also draw this

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