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>>>The Game<<<

>10/12: Doom's creation is up
>05/12: Starborn trademark has been made public by Zenimax
>19/11: New vehicle and a quest for free - https://youtu.be/BotRDlQZYhw
>05/11: New update - https://x.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1853843353495884212
>30/09: Shattered Space is released

>Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/

>Q: CK?
>A: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2722710/Starfield_Creation_Kit/
>Q: What happened to .ESL?
>A: .ESM can become light plugins now instead
>Q: DLC?
>A: It's up
>Q: What's the deal with NG+(+...)?
>A: Restarts the game with minor changes to the story and world, while preserving your powers and skills. 10 cycles for suit upgrades, 6 cycles for upgrading the starborn ship
>Q: Should I reinstall?
>A: If you are excited about a customizable difficulty, 3D maps, ship decorations, new bounty hunting missions and mechanics, official mod support and a vehicle, then yeah

>/stag/ modlist: https://pastebin.com/V3FtrSVi - https://rentry.org/stag_mods
>Artbook rips: https://mega.nz/file/TlJSBTwB#GhmrZRoHDAhhei__Bz2zc6GisgB67_vONrAfYQR8lK0
>Character builder: https://nukesdragons.com/starfield/character
>Threadly space music: https://youtu.be/9D-QD_HIfjA
>>>OP template<<<
>https://rentry.org/stag_op_new (will be periodically updated)

Previous Planetary Survey: >>505285130
>I'm wasted potential, too
Me too, but unlike the Wii U, it's not too late for us. We're only in our 30s. Like Starfield, there's still time for us to see our potential reached (even if others don't recognize it). Also like Starfield, we can appreciate the people who like us even before we see our full potential reached. Even if that number is relatively small, it's much more sincere.

Thank you guys for being one of the best fans in recent memory in the video game community. Here's to more years of hanging out with you and seeing Starfield get better and better.
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I.. Thanks, Todd
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Is your ship strong enough to survive the Battle of Yavin?
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thanks, anon, appreciate you and all of /stag/.
My ship barely survived The Key battle and you're asking me about going head to head with the strongest galactical empire?
wouldn't it be pretty "easy" to make a new fallout module using starfield's creation engine and all the assets from fallout 76?
Why the fuck would anyone do that?
Module as in game? the problem with Fallout 76 assets is that they were Fallout 4's before they added materials so they don't match up with Starfield standards where every asset was built to support PBR.

So if you are talking about a big mod project, then using Fallout 4 as a base is more feasible and less inconvenient given the scripts themselves let alone the assets
Taking advantage of the new features but it would mean making the game from scratch which Isn't doable by a group of hobbyists.
Go play Fallout then ffs
ah, hadn't considered that. thanks for the response.
Calm down a bit
i just want this fucking game to be good and people like this aren't helping
Game is good. Go take a ride out in your buggy on a planet you haven't visited yet, mate.
Helping with what. We are discussing the ability of porting a game.
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keep up the backtalk and he will spank your cheeks so hard, you won't be able to sit for a week
It wasn't a great question, but calm the fuck down or go back to butterfly twitter where you'd fit in better.
>have to jump back to a Nov 29th save because portions of Neon's Ebbside are missing for someone reason
No Madame... Sauvage's... Place... for you
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I like the design, though the shipping container placement bugs me. The models look like they're designed to be detached and swapped so they should be on the outside edges for quick cargo turnaround.
I get what you're saying but I didn't intend for them to be removable. They are more extra cargo the ship crew can access from the inside
It's up
can somebody craft me a ship
>Crew members aren't only assignable, their Working and Sleep Hours are also determined by the captain. The Crew can be ordered to work 24/7 in space or allowed to take a break while the ship is landed. Sleep Hours: Crew members attempt to find beds (which is not the captain's). The ones who reach the beds first will go to sleep, the others will wander around in the ship unless they were told otherwise. Out of Working and Sleep Hours, the Crew has time off (they can still use the Assignables randomly). Working and Sleep Hours are in UT.
This is all I've ever wanted.
What type of ship do you have in mind?
It works, though I can't find the hidden placements or the music player.
Failure to communicate (Alban Lopez) doesn't have a specific location, right?
i don't think i'm fit to be a ship owner
Well, you can pilot the Frontier. As Vasco said, it's like riding a bicycle.
Any new slutwear?
Not really. I'm afraid KyroZet might've retired after combining all of his mods in one pack. And Zone is working on paid creations so no sluts from him though he's planning for BBL support.
No set location, but it has always, ALWAYS, spawned on some hellworld because habitable worlds are rare compared to airless or venus like worlds. Really wish it could only spawn in a system with a breathable atmosphere, what the fuck is he farming on a moon with just He3 and Al

Side note, I would love hydroponics that grew onions, tomatoes, potatoes and the like. Ranching cows and chickens. I want to cook earth foods.
It's a modified captured pirate Banshee, two more engine pods, remodelled interior so it has a nice long corridor (empty 3x1 engine bay) running down the middle. I built it for the pirate questline, dressed up in pirate spacesuits, did the whole thing pretending there was a working disguise system that's not limited to certain quests.

Still my favorite ship to fly though. Not overpowered and nice looking. My other ships are giant mobile bases that do everything.
show us your ships
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where do you get that giant cockpit?
This is what I used during the hour or so I did bounty missions.
good genetics
Sol, Titan, New Homestead, the Ship Technician at the landing pad sells large Nova Galactic modules like the 3x1 engine room, 2x2 tactical room, 3x3 cargo, and the big Nova Galactic cockpit.
you guys are way better than me at making ships, i just end up building deimos doritos
This is what I used when I tried the cargo missions at the kiosks.
what the fuck you can do that?
Yes, with class C engines.
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>swing Crucible after upgrading it in my ship's workshop
>somehow somebody outside got killed by it and Sarah and Andreja are now pissed at me
How the fuck did that happen?
A bit of a weird design choice where the passenger is just facing the opposite direction
It's up
It's comfier that way
Why do people say Sarah can't get pregnant? she can get pregnant but there's no guarantee your children will be safe from autism or any mental issue
Can we masturbate on our ship yet?
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Because she's 50-60 years old?
she's exactly 40
So you think she signed up when she was 10?
I think her appearance and the intention is clear, and that it takes precedence over hole riddled Bethesda writing.
Her appearance costs 500 credits. That's like 2 meals from a restaurant, there's zero reason why a 60 year old woman should look like a 60 year old woman if she's got any access to a large settlement and isn't completely destitute.
Colony war was 20 years ago
She served for 8 years
If she signed up when she's 20 then her service ended at 28
Which makes her 48 years old
is it on cretin club
Not yet. Ask him to port it
fuck you
Not here! meet me in my Mercury's tower apartment
Age is just a number. Sarah can have children through Todd's blessing.
Things only get better if you admit that they suck.
Ships in this game piss me off. Mods can't currently fix this and it drives me nuts.
what about the ships piss you off?
Lots. It doesn't look like it would hold up in atmosphere, all the gaps, the general shape of most builds, and interiors feel the opposite of comfy.
Todd sucks and he isn't getting better.
Jump to a universe where she is attractive, young, fertile, and still a virgin.
i think this is the price they paid for making it build-your-own modular system
>CE0 still seething about a project that was repurposed from a framework he or she pretty much abandoned for years on end
Was too tired to try it out last night, so I'll see what it's about now. I bet the twist is that they're using human meat.
gimme some mod ideas, going to make something this week
-Kiss and Hug companions
-Assign Crew/Companions to non-outpost player homes mod
Add new floors to some major city apartment complexes and have npcs living in them. Maybe that can help make these cities feel bigger and more lived in.
Someone's definitely obsessed with Chunks
lol for fucks sake with these names
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Knew it. Chunks Noir spoilers
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That looks cool for a free quest mode
Light switch for ship habs
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Comfiness is a state of mind
a door and ladder system that isn't retarded
placable doors and ladders was already made
Nice to see them updating for the Deimog animations
It's down
Only sex, masturbation is for nerds. you're not a nerd, are you?
This kind of autism is unique to females
Indiana Jones 2 or Starfield 2?
Time to make things more festive
Cool. First mod I'm using from him
playing sharted space for the first time

what the general fuck is this
House Va'ruun lore dump with a bit of Unity shenanigans sprinkled into it if you have a good eye for it.
I spent like two hours trying to use the zero g bubbles to jump up to the scaled citadel because I thought that was the obvious culmination of that gameplay feature but you just go up a fucking path

like for fuck sake
>you are allowed to let bad guy in FC storyline off the hook because muh workers but you arent allowed to let the person who literally saved humanity from terrormorphs off the hook in the UC storyline because muh civilians
by off the hook i mean from the player characters moral judgement

Nobody knows what Ron Hope did, but Vae was already set up to be this big war criminal by the UC government (which he is), but you can choose to not tell Hadrian and the UC about him if you want him to stick around so you can do assassination missions for him
No, you can agree with him but the option won't show up until you ask him more questions.
Scaled Citadel will only be enterable in the final quest
but i knew he did nothing wrong from the vanguard introduction presentation. i dont like it written like i need convincing
i guess i will have to hold my nose next time, that said he also seems cucked buying into the idea he did bad unless thats an act.
he literally made a reasonable call given the stakes and the bit at the end where he claims to be motivated by propping up his daughters name feels like it was added in just to make sure we had something to criticize him about on case we were siding with him.
frustrating quest

ive got to say the freestart line was better even though it was a lot less interesting
is it possible for babies to be born in zero gravity?
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>even Google is using AI
damn babe at least lie to me first
What the fuck do you mean "even Google"? They're at the forefront of all this
my friend is an ai whisperer and he said gimini is no good
put the baby in a centrufuge, like one of those things that rotate like crap, you have your gravity now for the birth procedure
Femanons would probably love this especially
Funny because it's made by an actual girl
Next update when? been a while beyond just a few fixes and feature adds no one was asking for
Next year. They are on a holiday break right now
Ok this is actually fucking cool
It's dawn
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No Sarah, you aren't supposed to remember which dialogue choice I clicked that's cheating
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stupid game
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win stupid prizes
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what did tedd mean by this
Sometimes you want to stare at bro's eyes while he's demolishing that toilet
I had hoped for OSex in the stars
NAF Seduce will have to do for now
let it go.
let it goooo
What can be done to improve outposts?
Beat me to it
>Has physics
>Some suspicious files
It's a start towards adding body physics to female characters, the only downside is that this mod supplements it's own textures that are incompatible with other body and outfit mods.
Hacking attempt?
My biggest problem is that my character is a Freestar Veteran. He was on the other side, but upon the revelation in the security office in Londinion, he'd logically understand the significance of Vae's decision. Even though the man was his enemy, it's not hard to comprehend the importance of what he did. It's a really great internal narrative that is completely obliterated by the forced perspective.

Not only does the game refuse to acknowledge the correlation of the Freestar trait alongside a soldier background (you're always treated as if you were a UC vet, albeit vaguely), but also you're demonized as sympathizing with Space Hitler if you solemnly acknowledge the difficulty of his decision making. It'd be nice if Vae would acknowledge that, as a Freestar Vet, I come to understand and agree with him, but his general cordiality is good enough to headcanon.
Also it appears to be a stolen mod that's considered an unfinished project, so it might get taken down at some point
I would like to see these people experience serious violence.
>suspicious and stolen
that's an awful combo
$5 is a bit steep, but fuck it, I like how it looks.
I'm liking it so far. This is the kind of thing I hope to see get implemented into an O'Neal Cylinder mod someday
Neat little cabin up here you can customize
narrative false flat after the leap
why the fuck would anyone want to obsessively hop realities that are minutely different just to gravity wave mooks with a bit more damage
maybe if you would cap out at forming black holes, terraforming or even something more mundane like choosing what reality to fall into
Diabetes Biome Jar
It's really only The Hunter that's after the artifacts just to gain more power, The Emissary on the other hand wants to control who gains access to them and prevent people like The Hunter from killing countless people who stands in his way towards the pursuit of power
They want to feel that temporary moment of peace in the unity
Depends on the starborn, I imagine.
IIRC the starborn trader is an Andreja that's trying cock across the multiverse.
What in the truman show is that waterfall doing
Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
>watch Cowboy Bebop
>almost feel like starting up Starfield and doing more Bounty Hunting
>then remember No One, lost interest again
I wouldn't really worry about her, she barely has any relevancy beyond the introductory quest. Be more concerned that some of the Mission Board quests are still broken
>Mission Board quests are still broken
Missions where you have to claim bounties alive don't always complete for some reason, requiring you to either cancel/fail the mission, or use a console command to complete it.
What's the verdict?
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Verdict: retard
I don't care about coomer mods
It's the first female nude skin mod to add jiggle physics, but it's currently not worth using right now for me personally due to some texture incompatibilities.
A good start, and I hope it spurs other development. But not being able to pass a virus scan gives me the heebie jeebies, newer games are good targets for crypto miners because they know you have a semi-decent GPU.
The new file is apparently safe but yeah something suspicious is going on
I saw Sarah Morgan on a senior dating show, yuck
>person who literally saved humanity from terrormorphs
How did he do that again? Do you think Terramorphs can operate spacecraft? Did he? What was the point of blowing up the spaceport?

He even killed everyone who knew that Heatleaches are Terramorph larva and kept the information to himself.

Going further, he's the guy who decided to kill all the Aceles for meat because he couldn't keep his troops fed, so he's entirely to blame for Terrormorphs becoming a problem in the first place. He's to blame for his troops starving in the first place because he's such a fuckup that he couldn't figure out "defend supply transports in war" resulting in the shortages that doomed the UC to lose the war.
It's mostly the non-binary stuff that annoys me, but I guess I can try and ignore that.
lol that would probably hurt someone's pride
A lot could be fixed by a cosmetic surface covering that fill in the gaps between modules.
Would be a good idea if the windows became opaque when someone was in the room; would make it obvious that it was occupied at first glance.
your neck is looking very vascular today, anon
Mod author confirmed it's not stolen and he actually uploaded it himself
Nice. Praying for BBL support.
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Impressive, very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's ship
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Thanks. The idea was to create a successor to my other ship. The first one was meant to be a captured Crimson Fleet ship (using the CF interiors), a bit of a junker but it got fixed up over time.

This new one is supposed to be the version Walter would work on when I got around to joining Constellation.

Its twice as big, has loads of living habs. I wanted it to be the 'Enterprise D' of the Starfield universe.
You called?
Would you rather have:

1. Twilight Zone Trait
Similar to Fallout's Wild Wasteland Traits, adds weird things you wouldn't ordinarily come across in a normal game, such as stereotypical alien enemies like in Fallout, a random dude whose screams sends you ragdolling across the area, furfags among the mobs on Neon, etc.

2. Noah's Ark DLC
A quest that sends you back in time before Earth's destruction to bring back a select number of extinct animals that can be placed in a large zoo that comes with the DLC. You can also keep some as pets on your ship and at outposts, and it also comes with a petting interactions that can also be used on alien creatures.

3. Space Pit Stops DLC
Adds a few space station bars and restaurants with unique food items that are often frequented by space truckers who like to have conversations with each other and share interesting stories about their wild encounters while delivering goods. You can also occasionally engage in fist fights in some of the more rowdier bars, which can earn you some credits if you win.
Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty
3 obviously. The rest are gimmicky and wouldn't give life to the universe
What mod or whatever will allow me to have a larger number of/unlimited crew members on my ship? Not followers. I just want to fill up this huge ship I built
Nah, I'm just gonna play elite dangerous. Fuck this.
have fun, anon
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Whoa, you're way up in my face. Back up.
Why is your ship huge but doesn't have much crew capacity? What modules are you using?
You need the final social perk to have more crew
The perk system is so bad, you really should just be modding them all unlocked.
I mean you gotta work on your social skills before you hire competent people
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i'm sure leveling theft, scavenging, and isolation makes you prime leadership material.
Theft teaches you to read people and study their body language
>read people and study their body language
no, that's what deception/diplomacy/intimidation/negotiation/instigation/manipulation is
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I love ship building, but I hate the way connecting modules in certain places will just delete things and you have no idea what is being deleted. I was convinced my hab module was gay and retarded because it didn't even have a bed, only to discover it was because another module was connecting where the bed would have been, and it was Todd that was gay and retarded.
No I'm not don't say that
i love you
Being forced to rim Sarah Morgan while we wait for the solar storm to pass so we can leave the ship
Aww I love you too
Rimming Sarah in the sky
Call it Skyrim
Anons being horny for Sarah at 8 in the morning
kill some thargoids for me anon
HopeTech fans rejoice!
>HopeTech fans
come on
why did they leave trident in game and then not have them sell anything
Because they operate as a vacation cruise company, not a ship parts retail. There will probably be a DLC or mod that lets you book a vacation on one at some point, but until then their only relevancy is during a Crimson Fleet quest.
No, they sell actual ships, cruises are just something else they do because they fit it best, kind of like how Deimos does combat ships and have all the military contracts. There are NPCs that outright say they own one for personal use, ie the mysterious trader.
It's probably creation club bait if anything, because that's the only thing they care about.
DLC #2
All of the DLC you talked about sounds like it should be a free update. I don't understand why someone would want to pay $30-40 for tiny little additions.
Eventually they'll do an alien invasion arc
>$30-40 for tiny little additions.
Unless those were shipped with a major expansion, they would be $3-$7 creation club content if they had to be paid.
They probably should. The lack of humanoid aliens is one of the biggest things that made people disappointed with this game.
I think people who say shit like that are just working backwards from a conclusion, trying to rationalize an irrational feeling. It's like the retards who used to pretend they hated Cyberpunk because it didn't have wall running.
>actually something happening instead of basedfacing at space being big
might be decent if they're cool, come with actual useable ships, a new companion cast and proper starstation/class M integration
Correct, see examples like >506769920, most of these people can hardly form sentences with brain fried meme words anymore.
So much this.
How could anyone not like Starfield?
You called?
People can dislike Starfield. I'm probably among them even. I'm just saying people like or dislike something first, and then start coming up with reasons later, it isn't some logical deduction they made.
you would think with stuff like the starborn ships existing that there would be more ships with a cohesive, premade layout rather than exclusively welded lego
>How could anyone not like Starfield?
Its a step down from Fallout 4 on almost every level. That is enough reason to not like the game
I was thinking the opposite
Then you are truly lost
Brothers for life, lost forever
I wonder if Vicn will make an animated land vehicles mod for Starfield like he did for Skyrim.
Why would he do that when we already have vehicles
I meant npc driven vehicles
Oh. that stuff takes a lot of work
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It's WIP
Cutie alert
Merry Christmas to all the starfield fans here
Feels like it's rather rare in video games to have a female npc tag alongside you in a car without it being mission specific, especially one that can also fight alongside you. GTA San Andreas comes close to this if you're dating Denise who will shoot at rival gangs
Merry Christmas, anon!
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merry christmas, /stag/
wtf there's a general for this shitgame?
except that guy
delicious pizza square
Dementia's a bitch, huh?
>Ship Crew Assignments lets you play your own mp3s in your ship
Neat! Shame I can't deploy the speakers elsewhere
6 million threads, can you believe that number?
Ayo wtf? that's seriously impressive
i never understood why this isn't base game
even if you bitch about interstellar radio not being lore-friendly, you could run a local channel of your ship or something
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Any of you lads tried this out?
Yeah, before the vehicle update. It was a bit tedious having to leave every location and go back to the ship so I uninstalled it
Is there an alternative to limit the fast travel? I found it always janky that you could just fast travel from any location
Not really. It works in that case and with the vehicle added to the game it's more tolerable to play it without fast traveling.
I might try it then and test it out. I feel like the simple solution would be just for fast travel be available while in the ship
Grav drive is still available so it doesn't exactly cut all forms of fast traveling
Yeah true. Its more just being able to FT outside the lodge straight to a random planet unsettles me
You really think this seems like something Bethesda would have ever have thought to add into the game by default? You can't even customize your pipboy music playlist in Fallout games by default
How many games are even doing that in the first place. GTA 5 is the most recent one and it was released in 2015 on PC
I think some racing and wrestling games allowed you to customize your own music tracks, but I can't think of which ones actually did
I'm not even complaining about custom soundtracks specifically, just the lack of radio in general.
>Hey, install this on your ship and you can tune in to classic/western/electronic music on loop when you're within X miles
I can't tell if it's a tech issue or just developers not caring enough to add it. God knows I could use it in the newer NFS titles
MGS V did it too, also released in 2015
Well they probably expect you to just mute the in game audio and play some music from your ipod nano anyways.
I wish this game lived up to the hype. The gaming industry has been a barren desert producing nothing of value for too long.
>barren desert
Enough about Sarah's pussy
when you walk into the room, sure biiiiiitch
>Hire a bunch of crew for my massive ship
>They all crowd around the middle of the ship and can't navigate.
Man fuck sake
Something that I miss about Fallout 4's settlements is that it was possible to assign people to a work station and a bed, so unless it was that 7-8am breakfast or 6pm-10pm meal to entertainment periods, you always knew where they would be.

For Starfield, I wish I could assign crew to a specific work station for a specific bonus - if they have skill in that then the bonus would be even bigger.

Would also be great if the game had the concept of shifts, combat/red alert where the crew all rush to staff their assigned workstation no matter what the schedule is - so that they don't just wander aimlessly chatting about irellevent subjects while the ship is being shot at.
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Happy holi- I'm kidding, Merry Christmas, /stag/
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Last year's card featured none other than citizen-chans
Todd's game just needs 2 more seconds for modders to fix this. Check creations in 2 minutes and part 1 of 2 will be available for 3400 credits.
Still no mods to fix these creatures?
Can't improve on perfection
It be up
You can either use this one that reduces the amount of old and ugly ones you come across

Or this one that changes the look of mob npcs altogether
Oh jew...
Why haven't they removed brown people all together? Is interest so low that people don't want to mod this one?
Use one of these if you're that bothered I guess
Don't use this it'll give you a virus!
How would you know?
Scanners indicate it is AIDS.
That's your fault
it's fucking happening
Yooo let them cook
I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for, I'm guessing an update is imminent?
This is it. This is the update that saves Starfield.

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