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Previous Thread: >>p505624219


LATEST APK (22/08/23) (replace ! with y)

OpenMystery is an open-source PC port of H*gwarts M*stery, made in Unity.
It runs like an emulator, and is developed using top-down reverse-engineering methods.
Thus, via control of the engine, it can remove the annoying mobile mechanics.
It can also play new content (the main quest, TLSQs, SQs, quidditch, creature quests, dates, etc.) whenever the base game updates.
Please report any bugs you encounter.

>Setup Guide

>Modding Guide

>Merucounterparts Reaction Chart Collection

https://imgur.com/a/FIEbRyy (broken)

>Blender Models

>Related Games
>>HPHM Visual Novel
>>Unity game
>>"A Very Meru Christmas"
>>Pokemeru mod (download pokeabby in f95)
>>ClumsyDrawfag's Visual Novel: "An interaction with Merula"
https://mega.nz/file/i7ZyUJ6J#nGp2fzVh64ZyHMNV2Cf8BXEviDXLJi0kv2ZBrL67yWs (currently broken)

>Our boys, Bep and Love5tar
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Maids thread!
it looks like i accidentally added a P to the link for the previous thread, here is a fixed version just in case
In Harry Potter games, Hufflepuff female characters are just my style
where can I use the gold coin I'm always on the 50k limit and I don't like it
Buy frog cards in the frog event. Like 3250 for 3 cards. It's a direct conversion of coins into energy.
you can also use them to pet all of your cretures and make them happy
Are there really that many?
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I didn't know that was possible lol
It's usually why I'm broke. All my resources go into energy to make up for my laziness in completing TLSQs in time.
Made into pages, used to buy frog cards for energy
Used to buy energy
Used to buy frog cards for energy
>Creature food
Used to trade for coins, books, and gems
it all always comes back to energy in some way or another, thank god for OM, which btw, i feel like we are a bit overdue for an update, gotta let griffin know to update the files
we need more witches (and wizards?) on maid costumes
Only Jae gets that honor
Rowan probably could had pull it off too (if he were still alive)
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bringing you year worth of food for pets
Hmm. Our pets don't need food. So this must be for the creatures instead.
There are 55 creatures at the reserve. It takes 3 food to feed each, and they'll be full for 7 hours. So that's 165 food per every 7 hours. There's 365 days in a year, and 24 hours in a day. So that's 8760 hours in a year. Divide that by the 7 hour duration to get 1251.42, rounded up to 1252 feedings. That means Merusanta is bringing a total of 206580 creature food for Christmas.

Where the fuck am I gonna store all that?
Dunno, pajeets have a certain look about them that doesn't work
Just linking the post for visibility
Probably because of the name
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Nice feet
Here's what we have so far
>pushing down the wrong side of her skirt
What did Merula mean by this?
Yeah that could be it
She likes to flash clients
Make a mega of your stuff or something, catbox anon.
>likes you
>pretends not to
Classic tsundere behavior
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It gives her extra tips
I really liked that Dumbledore Christmas tlsq, it has all three best girls and it almost feels like a harem
perfectly shaped...
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It's because they only come in two flavours. Useless loser and school shooter.
All part of Dumbledore's master plan
stop looking at the camara
Lick Tulip's ears
>8 images
we clearly need more
If I have enough left from my Christmas bonus I might commish some pics
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found another maid lost in my folder
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getting chilly
Actually, it's heating up.
racist merula
i just noticed that the crystal shop in the ink event has everything at way lower prices compared to last time, wonder how much stuff will i be able to get this time
needs a x2 promo
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>the new xmass TLSQ: winter with the weasleys, is live
oh joy...more redheads for this season...again
Shall be clicking through it without reading like most tlsq's without Merula in it
hoping it is at least a bit different than the other 3
it mentions hangrid and flitwick being there, so SOMETHING must happen, right?
I don't have high hopes for seasonal tlsq's anymore
meru kid with orange tuft but without purple eyes
then what color?
purple head parasite, orange eyes
You mean dead starfish
>a while
heh, thats one way to call it
Yeah, not since Jacob got vaulted.
Do Not Bring More Merulas Into The World
>Leaving your kid alone during Christmas because one kid disappeared
Evil woman
But think of all those lonely cocks in America! Won't somebody think of the cocks?!
She got a big gift
thats what Ben is for
>gotta pic a tree to decorate the burrow with Hagrid
>think we are gonna go to the forest as always
>go to the front bridge where we had the final battle instead
Thats gotta be the most random place to go but i appreciate them using places that have been blocked forever
MC really splurged this year
Oh, he splurged alright.
Yeah OK Penny
>Christmas bonus
What's your job?
Is this in the booru?
Same with the Haywood sisters one.
Stop splurging on shoes!
Pest control
Penny is jealous
normal female behavior
We aren't talking about Skye, anon.
I thought that was for everyone, wasnt aware it was exclusively a skye thing
i forgot about this guy
jc did as well
It isn't but the main target is Skye
Skye will get her revenge
Remake reminder
remakes suck!
Forming a ice hockey team with the witches
>everyone gets injured after the first match
fuck, i knew i forgot something, i HAVE to sit my ass down and do it this weekend
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cursed pairing
Reminds of that fic where merula asks mc to get Ismelda a date and he asks Diego
for you
She better
Don't be ridiculous. Noone ever gets MC anything.
sad but true
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actually depressing, damn
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why would Rosmerta put chairs and tables for giants?
easier giant accesibility perhaps? they most likely buy in bulks since they require more, giants are probably any place´s best costumers since they would either buy a lot of stuff or more expensive custom made stuff
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need to cum on those eyes
Good luck with that, she's always on guard
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pointy chin
perfect for licking
or carving wood
Would ask for a Merupuff carving
im getting smug vibes from this image...
it feels something like this: ( O) w( O)
Smug? She looks confused
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Is this in the booru, Kektus? Same with the Haywood sisters one.
I believe the haywood one it is, not so sure about the other one tho, i’ll check it later and upload if necessary
Wake her up with a kiss
Fucking disgusting
Stop looking at a mirror
I dont look like a tranny, merukek
I can't see it. You might be confusing it with this:
Is Penny switching from Skye to Erika?
Similar booru pics:
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Erika is the better prospect anyways
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Hogwarts if it was located in the Falkland islands
No. You will correct her.
too many red heads in this pic
it's the UK
gifting merula a sega genesis
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hiding or looking for something?
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she looks sad, so probably hidding
No, she was after some cock but noone is sitting at the table.
Thanks erika, now I can get her shoes.
Do not steal from the deh
He's not stealing, just cooming.
she's not deh but she might never play quidditch again...
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Of course they would ruin the moment
it fits with JC's writing
Wish this wasn't true
now I want Merula signs the classics tlsq
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Poor witch, she got magic cancer
Does she really have that many skin spots?
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never seen this one before
>tfw no Skye to wake me up every morning just to force me to play quidditch
It is a bit old, wish they made new ones instead of the lazy moving pictures they have
Is Skye usually Gryffindor in their ads?
yeah. along with the MC
>Merula got invited to the Malfoy´s mannor for christmas
>do the entire TLSQ
>reach the final to tasks
>Merula got uninvited
>you get to take her to the weasleys if you want
you know what? sure, probably the best thing about spending christmas with them again
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>to the weasleys
AGAIN?! Holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with our mom?
At that point we're Ron's seventh brother. We spent christmas with them like 8 years in a row.
Despite sending like 3 Christmases with them I believe we only met him once
I thought Penny was blushing because Erika was there but she's actually blushing because she wants to go to the Weasley Christmas party but doesn't want to invite herself.
Since mentioned it all the time I suspected that it will end up that she was lying or that she misunderstood the invitation and she wasn't actually invited. This tlsq was all over the place with it's side stories, like it was written by multiple people then put together at the end
that's how they write every side quest
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do NOT eat the puffs
I want one
Birds gotta eat
I wouldn't eat a animal that eats mucus
drawing a penis on Merula's parchment
>she sends it back with a kiss on it
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looks like she smoked some good wizard weed
>looks about 6
>smaller tuft
Clearly this is daughterula
Wizards must have extreme resistance to weather to have a Christmas dinner outside
But that's what makes their meat so tender!
>MC and Merula are soo poor that they have to give their kids their old clothes
I will eat the Merupuff.
She simply partially inherited her mother's fashion sense
at least it wasn't MC's
Go Go Dance Witches!
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>you have to drink all the tea
From the floor?
nah, MC simply had so many unused clothes that he somehow acquired when he was younger that he could give them to her still brand new
it's normal for tonks
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>different year
>different TLSQ
>same bullshit
He always says this to hide the fact she never came back.
I'm legit starting to believe mom never existed.
Well, we are the second coming of Merlin.
this isn't an anime
That's right. It's wiz biz!
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Seriously, whats the point of these? Is this how they gather info for future TLSQ?
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Probably, or just the illusion of choice.
Where's the Merula option?
that's the friends option
>Nerry Chrstimas
Don't bullshit me. When they say 'friends', they mean Weasleys.
Skye can't write
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Mc was the npc all along
false, he affects the plot
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this one is...rough looking
Is that fuck tattooed? Weird
it's a witch thing
Tulip gaped
so, regular tulip
bullshit it is, not even witches have that much of a shit taste. thats some muggle whore shit
Anon's on an undercover mission across the world and it's taking a while
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They're only going to add Mom if they're willing to make multiple models for the same character at the same age
So in other words, never
(She will turn around and see that he has made a surprise return since he finished early)
>multiple models
she will get different color skin at best, anon
so, if you are a fag you can simply dump Meru all alone and she dosn't show up in the last part or the game force her anyway - Than in the first christmas quest if you choose to give a present to someone else, she dosn't get her songbook?
Brain filled with quidditch; no room for literacy
She doesn't need it with Mc doing all her homework
But why? What does MC get out of it?
doesn't hurt having a Parkin in your pocket
Fuck Corey
Enjoy diabetes
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No, that's Skye. MC gets shoes.
Who would?
Evil people and sickos
I doubt skye care about sex she only wants to win cups
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burn the witch!
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Looking for people to prank and kill
Sex is great cardio, bro. Plus free protein!
secret doll in the MC household
you think MC plays dress up with Merula? he has wardroves adn wardroves worth of outfits that im sure he never used
battledress Merula
Battledress puta
not willingly...
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>another bracelet as date sq gift
enough with those, time to gift rings
a white dress works too
that's for 2026
will the game last until then?
afraid so
hooray i guess?
Haukw tuanon that sksbeon
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anon, you ok?
Could be worse
the power of magic
need australian witchfu
I like to head canon that clumsy is Australian
why? so you can go down unda her?
I hate you
>giving it a (You)
Introducing Tulip to the wonderful world of poker
t. Erika
>not blackjack
I hate her, but she would do nicely with it
You mean a suit of armor?
I just want her indebted to the wizard mafia
Nta, but there are actual battle oritented dresses, thats like, a thing in media
and its quite hot
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Huge af puta
I forgot I opted into this TLSQ, my MC suddenly shot up like a weed, and when I exit I go back to being short.

This is a surprise but also nice.
is this for Beyond?
Yes, but there was a survey that let pre-Beyond players opt in and do the TLSQ too.
>implying the debt wasn't a prank
Alanza friendship levels up too fucking slow
what merula deserves

You're clearly not fucking her hard enough.
You're wrong, Vegeta.
bet that gets you less points than butterbeer
>new carnival during the tlsq
>it has a new pet: puppy (not a crup)
fuck off, jc
a new pet like a new spot on the room or a new pet skin?
new pet spot in the room, it's not a skin for the crup puppy
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>not just a puppy but a kitty too
>cant buy them so you HAVE to play the carnival event
Bit bullshit but aight
dont think the kitten is available yet through any means, just the puppy
very goblin way to make people play the carnival
Wish friends had preferred activities that gave you extra points
or something that always gave you specific points for something, im sick of having to farm for the green one and instead win the pink one
that's too hard to do pls understand
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That's what she said
File deleted.
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>a fucking lobster
Looks more like a yabby.
whats the magical thing about this one?
It steals your wallet
must have a masterful control of its claws
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>when there's a 7hr timer and you ran out of energy
arent those 8?
you are right
If it bites you you get extremely bad luck
The associated creature expedition is to use it to counter a dark wizard hopped up on felix felicius to negate his good luck with bad luck so the ministry can catch him
long hair Chiara
That actually sounds fun if it was a quest
yeah, sadly JC doesnt do "fun"
they do their own version of fun which sucks
short hair Tulip
I can see Tulip going buzzcut
I was thinking of that trope of "East Asian woman with straight neck-length hair that's black but has one or two colored streaks"
kinda like go go tomago?
Celebrating cracking another vault with the crew at the Three Broomsticks
fuck tulip, but damn, thats still hot
Heck, all you need to do is trim Beyond Tulip's hair a few inches
Long hair Bea (non-goth)
That's brainless Penny
tf is with the proportions on that
It is a weird
I think big hero six was made during a time where Disney animation was removing all the based animators and replacing them with DEI hires, that's why they didn't went in with the hot body like Elastic Girl and left it halfway
Pretty much all Beyond characters could be fixed with something similar to that sentence
wait until beyond beyond models
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Merry Chrristmas! to you too AI-non
>and this is to go even further beyond
>Ethan sending this Christmas card to MC
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The legendary wedding update...
but does Skye know?
>the Bea and/or Roger adulthood update
who the fuck is roger?
Fuck, I was thinking of a different game and some wires in my brain got crossed
Happens to the best of us
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what has MC done to deserve that
Solve EVERYBODY'S problems.
doesn't make him a filthy animal
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Professors are supposed to be neutral
they never were, they all have their favorites
just like parents
who is the favorite child? us or jacob?
Jacob, obviously. It broke mom when he went missing
And dad went the extra mile to make MC the heir of R
Skye but she's a cute little elf
No such thing. Have you seen elves in HP?
I'm sure some are cute or else Flitwick wouldn't be a thing
flitwick is a half goblin, anon. not an elf
Wizards, especially bong ones, have different standards.
Double nut highfive with Barnaby!
Goblins are uglier than elves
Merula is half goblin?? Didn't know
eating cookies with witches
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i got the special Merula winter edition (remake incoming later)
who shoved her on the permafrost magical snow
Penny, she is jealous
she will soon join her
Guess its a matter of taste
Merry christmas, /omg/!
Meru Christmas!
And a Ben free new year!
I was afraid he was going to follow MC around after the new york visit but it seems he will be staying in the states
Good. I don't even care that he's probably fucking our mum. I mean, who isn't over there?
instead of "new year" make it "rest of our lives"
What would Penny give (You) for Christmas?
given the history of gifts in this game? probably something stupid like her old used potions equipment
Celebrating Christmas at Hogwarts
depending on your friends circle, this could either be a great thing or the worst thing ever
Something she found in the artifact room since nobody in our year seem to have any money
Crucio on Penny's clit
That's why you spend it with the professors
all these years and JC never did a refence to that
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I wish (You) a Meru Christmas and a Penny New Year!
>she got her own autobiography as a gift
Damn, too much ego or to little of it
Do not gift shojo manga to Merula
>Badeea made her a fanfic with MC
>no tuft
It's not her
it's her alter ego Rula
Muggle tech can't capture magic, and we all know Meru's power is stored in her tuft.
The one who actually says thanks when you help her
Hey, Merula is one of the few friends that does thanks us. Even if it is begrudgingly.
I think only her and Tonks, fuck the rest ungrateful cunts
Right, sorry. Girlfriend.
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Penny when MC rejects her for the 14th time
>"yo, who the fuck is this abomi-"
>see the user name at the top left
jesus fucking christ
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I don't know what Bea is so angry about. She gets her arse ploughed by MC whenever she wants.
Cuckquean Penny best Penny
It is what happens when you fight against The Wall,

Does Bea not know how to either wear or correctly tie a tie? Does she have brain damage?


The wall remains undefeated.
she is just edgy and tries to ignore the dressing code
You forgot the brother at the end.
or someone is always messing it up
Nah, it's definitely a style choice.
She need quick correction
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Penny looking weird
too many potion fumes
so that's why Snape is ugly as fuck
Tulip soon
her turn to die? awesome!
her turn to be in yet another tlsq
you take that back right fucking now
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The greatest prank is that you can't live without me.
And Mc will be there to fix her life
by ending it, preferably by throwing her out of a cliff
MC lives in a cliff face now, like some kind of Bond villain?
you would do that too after dealing with all the bullshit MC has gone through
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>ynr the "fatherless Tulip" AU discussion
Naturally, puppies always are
You need to commit to either realism or cartoonishness. If you put both side by side it's unnerving.
>only reason MC hasn't fallen to darkness is fear of Merula's eternal mockery for being less able to resist the temptation than her
Spite is, after all, a powerful motivator.
I used to sleep like this until my lower back started hurting
How do you sleep now?
Currently building a playlist to listen to while grinding, anyone know about more fast-paced rock music with lyrics like in this video? much appreciated

>grinding while listening to this
You going too fast anon!
sonic adventure 2 soundtrack
Chiropractor said that I can only sleep on my back until my lower back discs get better
The correct answer is Ismelda
Merula's hand look very soft, she must secretly take very good care of them.
MC cooms a lot...
But who is the father?
This cant be real…
well the guy is like 10 years older than her
Jae should start a chinese mafia
But he's English...
not for long
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why is she so angy?
shit gift
It wasn't a signed first edition.
who would sign a picture book
Why the illustrator MC of cause! It is a collection of all his Meru pics!
is that a tiny puffskein inside her pocket?
Those won't be invented until Fred and George open up their store
Merula and MC use de-ageing potions for Christmas mornings.
they need to accept aging or they will become like Nicolas Flamel
nothing bad with de-aging yourself once a year to enjoy the holidays
What if someone sees them
>implying the house isn't protected with the most powerful protective spells
>Part 4
>8 hour
>8 hour
>3 hour
>8 hour
Ismelda the conceited girl with big breasts just the way I like them
what about it? its not like thats illegal as far as we know
The what
Just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean you should do it
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Says you!
doesnt mean you shouldnt do it either
i really need to do more stuff with Ismelda and Bea, i´ll do it after i do the remake of the other image
Whoever decided that 8 fucking hours was a good idea needs to be shafted
Okay I finished this stupid Beyond Weasley Christmas TLSQ.
Why was Penny here? She didn't really get to do anything and if she weren't here nothing would change. I was hoping for interactions but most of it was just with Charlie and Ginny.
I say its one of the most “nothing Burger” TLSQ there are
To brew chocolate
And we are still the ones doing the magic
MC and Merula roleplaying a do-over of their early years at Hogwarts where she isn't mean to him
Penny added an special ingredient
I’d play that TLSQ
would they summon Rowan's ghost to help?
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>a loli licking lollies in a christmas morning with MC
oh hell yeah!

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