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Holy Grind Edition

Ragna/v/3 - x3-x10 Pre-Renewal with a lot of renewal-flavored customization
Ragnadev's server for the 4chan community
Everyone on the thread is playing here

>Basic resources:
www.divine-pride.net - has some of the non-English and kRO items
iRO wiki has a lot of information, but keep in mind its supposed to be a wiki for iRO
irowiki.org - /wiki/ for renewal, /classic/ for pre-pre
>Skill descriptions
Over the several iterations of the game, skill descriptions vary wildly. There's also the issue of skills behaving differently depending on the emulator. iROwiki is mostly complete but sometimes it's completely wrong, specially the pre-re version since those are no longer open for editing.
irowiki/wiki/ probably still best but scroll down to changelog. Since iRO added 4th jobs, it's now showing the new descriptions for skills. Some 3rd job skills were entirely reworked.
>Source code:
If you want to look up a skills formula, buff effect or anything hard coded, it's all inside src/map/ folder. battle for damage, skill for skill conditions, script_constant for variables. Sometimes pc file has useful stuff too.
github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE - RO translation project

Previous: >>506379850
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Goon Morning,

I endorse the movement "missing the bullies"


I miss you too !
dev stop downloading dolphin porn please
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Fuck off

why is the server so laggy
I miss Ennui
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I hope this thread is better than the last one.
I'll make sure this one will be worse.
How long is the effect of Grampus Morph supposed to last? It's been well over 30 minutes and I still have a weird orc/imp head. Relogging several times didn't help at all either.
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lmao only me can do that and today its funposting on the menu boyos
buff the shit out of a wild rose and die in town so you don't lose exp
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Good morning I'm lagging hard.
Panacea cures it
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I don't miss Gredex anymore, fuck him
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>You have played long enough to see people defend Bullies
Let me remind you all of their crimes:
-Poaching useful classes/players
-Covering for their own members even if they blatantly violate server rules (Peonggy using his Creator for AFK farming, TWICE)
-Excluding ANYONE who isnt part of their clique from endgame content (You will NOT get a Nidd mant, EVER)
-Hoarding all end game items for themselves (End game items NEVER appearing in the market)
-Griefing and camping MVPs (Miku Asura'ing MVPs that are being killed)
-Elitist behavior in general (WitchLover seething at beginners doing Thanatos for the first time)
And more: https://rentry.org/nv6zc

I'm not saying they're all bad, in fact Im good friends with some of them, but the so called Inner Circle (Core members) were just a net negative for the server.
kys **
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I always low-key defended the bullies because they were self-aware antagonists that actually played the game in a competitive manner
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Inner Circle member here, the plan for next time is to cut all outside communication and be the biggest villain in r/v/ history so this ERP garbage can't fester. You won't get it now but you'll be thankful later.
If you're not part of any clique(s) after all this time its because you failed to build any meaningful & genuine online e-relationship. This penis guy had no balls to be frank
>cut all outside communication
you wont win any WoE then
Rebellion is the coolest class and it's not even close.
Silk spill details about Xan now. I want to know what he's like and why you chose him.
-hopeless romantic
-easy to dupe
-satisfied by unoriginal ERP
-always ask for moar
-will do anything being told
Quit hounding Silk about dumb shit and leave them be already.
What a doormat
Anon do you believe everything you read here
It's Xanto so I believe it
Too bad you'll never get any of the skills because the gooks refuse to throw you a bone until keknewal
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So Silk is not a women ?!
what are you farming right now?
>right now
Missing data. Once i can play RO again its back to Alligators
>-Griefing and camping MVPs (Miku Asura'ing MVPs that are being killed)
Nu-RO is pozzed enough to complain about this LMAO
How do you have even more drama nowadays if the server is supposed to be "we are all frens in a big community!!" without bullies?
they forgot how Bill was griefing and camping bosses too
I saved 3080 rti once, ulles dropped and Bill called me a hero, little did he knew... he was my hero all along

>griefing MVPs
lol are you serious
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While some of the skills can be either overkill, redundant or stepping in the niche of another weapon type, I wouldn't mind getting nerfed versions fallen angel and dragon tail (or any other grenade launcher skill, really).
>lol are you serious
he was pneumaing tao gunka against hunters
but most contesting mvp groups were doing something against each other (was mostly happening on atroces) so its not only bullies or Bill stuff
lmao carrying this grudge FOR MONTHS over videogame loot lol
That's it, time to enable PVP in every map with a MVP.
>competition bad
>coop NTR good

sexpests are dumb af
>"Bill never griefed MVPs!!!!!"
>told otherwise and pointed out that every contesting group was doing that
nigga what
and inb4 "m-muh reading comprehension!!!!!!" - (You) failed reading comprehension earlier than I did it on purpose
Nigga you can't just say you was pretending to be disabled
someone post some gun bunz
>presses on changing topic when pointed out wrong
bro you're sitting here throwing this huge goddamn fit about -- wait for it -- *someone looting items in a videogame*, and you're flailing around, claiming everyone is *one of THEM* to try and save face or convince anon to support you.

well, bad news, buddy, we are literally all laughing at you. this isn't something you can handwave by "pretending" to be retarded, you actually just are.
Nid or Thanatos happening tonight?
neither. tonight is the silk gangbang
ccRO fans, you've got only about two weeks to finish collecting your cards.

You did get 400, didn't you~?
Please. >>506618890
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I really have to fix these defenses if I plan to go Desperado on packs of anything. If I could get my hands maybe +10 or +15 more DEF I could easily go do this, but I don't think I can actually reach some of the gear I could use. Vali Mantle is hard to come by, along with some of the other midgrade stuff that's extremely helpful in the late 70s level range
>Poaching useful classes/players
You can't poach players. They go there liberally. Stay mad.
Refine all your gear
you guys are obsessed with trying to ruin an actual happy pairing
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>Let me remind you all of their crimes:
>-Poaching useful classes/players
Not a crime, get good.
>-Covering for their own members even if they blatantly violate server rules (Peonggy using his Creator for AFK farming, TWICE)
Yeah this one is bad.
>-Excluding ANYONE who isnt part of their clique from endgame content (You will NOT get a Nidd mant, EVER)
Kek, makes sense to me, most players in the server suck ass.
>-Hoarding all end game items for themselves (End game items NEVER appearing in the market)
Get the items yourself, lazy fuck.
>-Griefing and camping MVPs (Miku Asura'ing MVPs that are being killed)
This is just mvpvp, skill issue.
>-Elitist behavior in general (WitchLover seething at beginners doing Thanatos for the first time)
Yes, this is kind of bad.
It's not enough. I need better base pieces that are worth refining with my limited elu supply.
>Headgear: Safety Helmet (seeking AoA)
>Body: Pantie (def too low; no synergy)
>Mantle: Undershirt (no synergy)
>Boots: Boots[1] no card (verit? ferus? eggyra?)
I wouldn't burn my only elus on these other than the boots, which are fine if I get a good card but there's sidegrade options I could use right now that just aren't available for 500k or less. Upgrading these armors would only be equivalent to simply getting better armor in the first place.

...I've got damage, but no staying power.
>-Elitist behavior in general (WitchLover seething at beginners doing Thanatos for the first time)
>Yes, this is kind of bad.
This is terrible.
gredex fun facts
he wanted to build a guild with erpers to go for WoE and fight off Bullies at one point
gredex fun facts
he's retarded
It's not terrible fag, bad people should know they're bad.
That is the only way they can improve, after that it's all up to them.
>get good lmao
>akcshsueally this is kind of bad
maybe YOU should get good you fucking pussy? gtfo to myro or >>506618890, this aint reddit
What made it terrible was that witchlover is actually terrible at the game himself, so seeing him bitch at newbs was jarring
Little fag got told he sucks at a 22yo game!!
Aieee melty?!!
this is the first time i played ro so please stop bullying me thanks
Yea I don't get why ** is so assblasted about superior guild. Dev should've unironically banned him, MyRO is his kind of speed after all.
What does myro even have to do with anything
Server that xe advertised here and in-game while no one was asking about it.
Who is xe
But then the accident happened, a Bullies crashed into him.
Wasn't nonoko sucking bully cock every night?
Why did gredex even like him
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>people trying ragnarok online for the first time ever
>sperg chimps out at him while he's learning the dungeon on a public party
>he either never joins public parties again or straight up leaves the server
What is your problem?
Sounds like skill issue to me
Got a link for that reddit server where no one can be a meanie? Some folks on r/v/3 started being greedy for loot rolls and it didn't sit well with me.
fucking >>506618890
Witchlover spamming in all caps when not everyone is following his every order on a eddgatos run a "skill issue" to you?
I can give you vali's manteau right now anon
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Pretty sure MitchDover didn't appreciate when I Asura'd his Moonie in front of him. To which he replied "pain" before tp'ing out. Still a nice pair of feet that said
I don't think we're going to to make it to Christmas.
anon please it's not a competition for the most retarded post in the thread
Everyone can feel it coming.
stop leaking my erp
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Hello everyone! Today is the final day to make or adjust your Christmas wishes so I can finish up everything in time for Christmas. If you need to update your entry, please just submit a new one, if you can't remember what you asked for for whatever reason, send me a mail in-game on Santa Anon.
If you haven't made one yet, there's still time! But after midnight CST, I will no longer be accepting entries. Please note, and I stress this every time, while I do have a little help behind the scenes, MVP related requests have a slim chance to be done, but only those I reach out to confirm such will have a chance to change their wish after the deadline. Please use the form below to submit your entries, and thank you for your interest in my project.

tl;dr - Use form to make/adjust christmas wishes, deadline is midnight CST

I want to make it to Christmas but I feel like giving up.
anyone is lagging this hard or is it just me?
Didn't that person quit? Haven't seen them in weeks.
very organic posts, is this the schizo's new pathetic cope? see you in a week loser
who do we know in CST
sorry for not being able to help, no luck on farming spots
no worries
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holy shit you're embarrassing and your hot take's all wrong
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t. NotScramph
brother what the fuck are you talking about
>says he will win
>gets cut in half
I've seen this one before
which one are you?
Muma? Ygrette? Tiffy? Other?
I logged in for the first time in a while and yeah the server is in the terminal stage. The only people really playing is just the remnants of the bio3 group and now they use global as if it were their guild chat because the server is that dead. Even a lot of the forever merchants are gone, the cities are ghost towns and larry is either almost completely empty or filled with the only group that still plays idling there erping or whatever they do after they run an instance. Pretty sad.
there isn't any bullying aside from pointing out the possibility that xan ends up on his own again
>Covering for their own members even if they blatantly violate server rules (Peonggy using his Creator for AFK farming, TWICE)

fuck OFF nigger, you drove my nigga Brandon Heat away with your hysteria when it amounted to shit all
>Brandon Heat
I miss him
me too, I'm still mad ** gaslighted him into deleting his account
i logged in for the first time in a while too and it didn't seem that way to me, everything is just as it was
Cenia won't be playing again anytime soon, if ever
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I'm tired to tirelessly comforting him because the threads keep dragging him through the muds with false allegations
None of your ******* business
You don't know him like I do stop assuming everything

I might as well just quit now
>the only people really playing are remnants of the bio3 group
this doesn't make any sense, more than half the people online right now weren't in that group
>larry is either completely empty or filled with players
Quit and take Grapefruit with you
what the hell are you on about
quit quit quit quit quit
Reminder that I hate Grapefruit
are you jealous? what's going on here
>false allegations
there's literally one person and they aren't even alleging he even did anything, they're just an obsessed retard that wants him to get ntr'd or something
unless you count what nonoko said but who cares she's clearly unreliable at best
lol melty melty!!11
onyx status?
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>melty melty melty melty melty melty melty melty
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bullies crimes, explained:
-regular guild behaviour
-regular guild behaviour
-regular guild behaviour
-regular mvper behaviour
-regular veteran player behaviour
nu/rog/ is a hell of a drug
havent been on in months, since the kraken/guild dungeons. what i miss? anything for gunslinger?
anon I hate to break it to you, but that was only 5 weeks ago, not months
havent been on in 1.2 months. elin reeally ate up all that time
All that damage control spam to deflect from the server being dead.
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Elin is so good
if the server is dead why are you still here then?
/rog/ has been here a lot longer than your server and it will continue long after your server is dead
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It's not because I quitted that me and him don't talk anymore, you guys are awful people that hate seeing others happy. The truth is that he's not as happy with her as he was with me and he's force to keep the facade since I'm done playing this server full of hatred and backstabs. He can **** whoever he wants but can only truly love one
ohhhhh it's a nonoko falseflag, i see it now
Xan's online right now. Come online and do some more bitch fight so we can laugh are the both of you (and Silk).
Neptune was saying this thread is the cause of literally every piece of trouble in any server y'all play on.

We're supposed to ignore someone who's right...?
no thanks, i won't be there
and the truth is nonoko made me miserable
>spams the thread with self namedropping and erp slop
>constantly involved in drama with everyone yet always pretends to be the innocent victim
Silk makes Nonoko look sane and faithful
>all 1-2 minute apart
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Not giving up, will still wait for her...
>inspect element
>deletes (You) from one post
thread must be purged
haha that's a funny one anon, pre-ragna/v/ /rog/ has been dead for literally years
threads without a single reply dying since at least 2020, probably earlier
anyone who takes anything that egotistical sperg says seriously is a retard

>taking anonymous posts seriously because you think you can tell who posted it when there's no proof
how fucking stupid can you be, it is trivial to pretend to be someone else, holy fucking newfag
who the fuck is neptune lmao
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I suddenly want to make an alchemist.
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>Asuka posting
Hi Nonoko
gotta be a falseflag
nonoko hates xan, no way that's suddenly different
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Alive server
That's one ugly priest.
leave asonia alone
okay silk
>no trip
>uses a few of the same words and a picture of asuka
and you find this convincing? HAHA
Yea, the cat ears and tail make her even uglier.
Truth post.
Guild on a real server again when? Fuck these new kids
are you just linking random names to posts now
The shit english just tells me it's Ogiue falseflagging
>Onyx is the only one that doesn't even want to play the game
Show's how things really are
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Why Ogiue?
He doesn't even post in here.
t. *******
shouldn't have let the threads die all those years ago gramps
Some people on this server just have zero fashion sense. Shockingly that screenshot managed to capture eight of them all at once.
He's an ESL huezil monkey, are you living under a rock?
Based, hopefully this tranny server gets taken off life support soon.
>ask xan about wedding
>he's not sure exactly when
bros i don't think there's gonna be one
even if that were true, and who really knows or cares, do you really think that there's only one ESL subequatorial nigger here?
Why would he even falsepost about Nonoko.
Ez Pz Sieggy Baity, if you hate ro so much why are you still in a ro thread mate? Checkmate
I dont have time to play the reply subgame today sorry bro
it's not like that, trying to line times up with US and EU has proven difficult
To be fair, the hunter is going for SOUL and the bnnuy on the right is alright, but the rest...
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yours was uglier onyx
who the fuck would, not to mention get shit wrong too
>Onyx blocked me
Kek wtf is that
what so /rog/ can die with 0-2 replies again like before? what are you cucks even doing here?
bruh even a broken clock can be right every now and then, and this whole shitshow of a thread makes them seem more sane by comparison. would rather see that than this.
I'd post the cutest priest but it would send the remaining uglies into a Chernobyl meltdown.
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After how muma sucked her girlcock I am surprised she even logs
Fr fr bruh no cappy dawg you got him ong
The Switch has finally outsold thr PS2.
It's time for us to make peace.
I have no idea what point you're trying to make, who is more sane by comparison? Every /rog/ has been filled with retarded shitposts for years, and the same stupid retards take the thread seriously and let it affect their enjoyment of the game
welcome to mmo generals on 4chan, you're 10+ years late
and before you say "oh but this is worse", of course the thread is worse this site has been going downhill for over a decade now
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>cutest priest
Its not even a contest
Router disconnected
the switch 2 is going to be kino
>the same stupid retards take the thread seriously and let it affect their enjoyment of the game
can't fucking stress this enough
nonoko, gredex, silk, ro, niggas need to learn to stop taking the thread seriously
nonoko and gredex loved to tell people not to take the thread seriously but then ultimately melted cause of it
silk did dumb shit in the last ragna but i figured things were gonna turn out different this time since she seemed happy after meeting xan, but it seems it was too late
ro is ro, bullies living rent free for whatever reason
thread lives rent-free in all their heads
Wipe the 2 niggers on the far left and the rest is fine.
>He's still seething
Nigger, chill. It's been like a month by now.
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I know you ain't talking shit
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ugly bastard from ntr but ro version
Runescape won
Most Bullies were closet ERPers
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ok homoclique guy
I hate knowing that you're right. But nobody wants to move into better communication methods because "muh culture".

So this is what we get; an ocean of shit.
>nonoko and gredex
two liars when it came to the thread, nonoko quit what? 3 times? every time over thread shit, and gredex would read shit here and talk about it in global
the simple, blunt truth is if silk met xan before onyx, things would've been way better off
I don't know why this shit still gets talked about, probably because he can't fucking let go of it either
can confirm i erp"d with rance miku feath spooky and even rept
Or maybe you're just shitty people who could make this place better by fucking off forever
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You made lil cry stop it
I like everyone except Grapefruit
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i think yall niggas need to realize that schizo posting is schizo posting and doesnt even matter.

the bants are fun though.
please tell me who you are before this dies
in b4 it was 64GB all along
my #1 suspect too..guys is a clever and very subtle memer
big if true
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if i didn't stopped taking thread seriously id be already banned
for the love of god MEDS
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me on top, (You) on the bottom
evil blobs like you..
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is Dodo still logging daily ?
yes, for hours
If you look like THIS, I'll marry you. No questions asked.
I'm sure she'll be back. Just have to wait and hope...
My Doppelnigga will have his bride.
Reminder that I hate Grapefruit
"the most clever and subtle shitposter"
Yea no
Reminder that I fucking love Grapefruit
What's the point in what I'm doing, I'll be discarded and tossed to the side once it's all done.
I'm indifferent to Grapefruit
>Ogiue seething, changing topic for grapefruit
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coompetition is real https://files.catbox.moe/1phpy4.mp4
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Wow you're a dick
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The cutest priest isn't even on the server anymore
you mean cala and godbless? they're still around
ne ne~ Dev are you proud
He means Tako
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Who deserves Caladrius' Mistress Card the most?
He means ****
The other priest should have griefed you, and easily could have, but I guess he wasn't as mean as you are. Your mp4 is like watching a bully attacking someone with no ill will.
What is supposed to be wrong in the wideo.
Goon because he selflessly gifted an Orc Hero card but didn't even get a simple thank you in return.
Goon asked for it once so he could keep the infinite road of sanctuaries in Abbey to honor Caladrius. Too late now
goon coming back on his HP to carry abbeys? bring this nigger back asap
why do you say that Oppai, what ill will
>t. goon
>another example of this faggot griefing
that gloom claim from the other day doesn't sound so far-fetched anymore desu
Not Goon
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I was half expecting Oppai to eske that Atroce sicne she brought a soul linker for some reason but she ended up just watching like she loves to do, my opinion of her slightly improved
Wedding doko?
Me with a shotgun once I'm done getting used.
I'll come back to RO to cry much like everyone wants me to.
but in all seriousness no idea why you want to stir drama once again, I just shared because its been a while since any mpv was contested by that many people
>Mad because they suck at the game
>Start saying they're getting griefd
Makes you think.
>tries to horde all drops in parties to block others from getting gear
>steals low level mvps and posts mp4s about it
>griefs people with res into mvp attacks
>does sexpest ntr typefuck erp crap
>ugly as sin character
>drags it all into /rog/
>and is an avatarfag
Why are you talking about onyx so much
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Sex? Male
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Total Valk and Skegger death! Play the game nyaggers!
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I don't actually know
cute party
the video doesn't even load for me desu
sometimes catbox spergs out
what other priests? they were all working together.
>that ugly troon lk
Perci? I think he looks cool
no anon you don't get it they think perci is in an erp clique so you have to shit on him now because reasons
His character is legit ugly, nothing to do with ERP shit
If anything the troon is onyx
if his character is so ugly then why have you suddenly started shitting on him, around the time when he was seen hanging out with the other anons you constantly seethe at?
i don't even play
guys im sorry i couldn't buy weed on-tge-clock today
Peak schizo. Probably the troon lk himself.
is that the whole erp clique
It's only a few of them. Mostly alts.
serious answer to a serious question
unironically yes except the sage
>make yourself look like a faggot
At least GBU does it ironically
who are you quoting
gbu unironically looks good tho
how do you bring yourself to play with /rog/ when you know, factually, that every single player from here is a lying, greedy, two-faced piece of living shit

how do you promote "anonymous" when ALL OF YOU can't sever your fucking ego from posting? You're all tied to an identity in-game, and this thread does not exactly present a welcoming atmosphere.

what is the endgame here, exactly? you can sit there and claim "fun" all you want but nobody's having fun when faggots are stirring the shit posting in bad faith, impersonating others, and literally taking your trust and mashing it into the ground if you open up

so why do you do this?
there are genuinely nice players out there (everyone except Onyx)
like who
the one person I connected with did not trash me, beat me into the ground, make me feel like shit, nothing, it's been great, even if it's not a serious thing in the end
Yeah to be honest, from both sides this is fucking annoying.
I'm just caught in between and I'm really tired of this stupid drama shit.
Worse decision of my life.

>how do you bring yourself to play with /rog/ when you know, factually, that every single player from here is a lying, greedy, two-faced piece of living shit
not all of them are shit
if you avoid sanchi's clique and onyx's clique, then everyone else is alright

>Yeah to be honest, from both sides this is fucking annoying.
>I'm just caught in between and I'm really tired of this stupid drama shit.
i also got caught up between this bullshit for the past month because i knew anons on both sides
there's still time to plant a knife in your back
>thinking onyx is the only problem
I get that she's the hot topic right now, but tone down your cliquenigger behavior anon
These two >>506684653 >>506684827 are closer to the real opinion of the server imo
sorry you feel that way
healthy friendships exist even on a fucking 4chan server
Leveling my new character, I found a hurt thiefbug.
Decided to end it's miserable life just to find pic related inside...
The bastard ate a person!
they're not real anon; they will ditch you as soon as ragna/v/ is dead.
i have four people from here on discord now, say what you want about it, we'll keep in touch
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I don't shitpost in bad faith and if you ask my real opinion /thrash/ posters not containing themselve here was the worst thing to happen. Toying other players here made sens when it was 60+ players but now its so small that it directly affect the last people playing. Ok people dont want talk about the game at this point ? fine. But any meaningless short posts like SEX, I hate X, lust posting and the like are what sucked the soul of here. So I go back full circle and lightly troll them. Beside if you think that your fictional name said here or in game matter you're an insecure faggot. ITS A FICTIONAL NAME. If you go buttbuddies on discord too and drama leak from there its not my problem either.

Just let this general die for a while
i love silk
we know xan
You think that gonna work me up lol
enjoy your thread
nah this general won't die because there are too many of you addicted to mashing f5 to fit the next post into twisted delusions
The server will eventually and its ok
I'm starting to miss Gredex again guys
Dev could have fixed this with Ragna/v/3.5
the only bad apples from trash were hanyeo, feath, lull, sanchi, and feuf
every other shitter was seemingly /vg/
the easiest example of this was when both threads ignored lull's two-week long meltdown. schizos trying to use one thread to stir shit in the other is common practice. imo we should stop having threads entirely (v, vg, vm, and trash) until christmas
same old story; hasn't changed a bit
>imo we should stop having threads entirely (v, vg, vm, and trash) until christmas
that'd be based but it'll never happen
what did haneyo or sanchi do
Aren't they whores?
I am pretty sure both suck cock for enough items/money.
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Its the lack of players and it will always be that
Who is this?
>the only bad apples from trash were hanyeo, feath, lull, sanchi, feuf
finally an objectively true list

one was a dupefag and got into slapfights with a few anons, buit was mostly covered up because the server still had a peak player count in the 90s so the thread didn't have time to talk about all of her issues
idk how you don't know anything sanchi has done when multiple anons have shat on her recently between feuf's clique and random anons chiming in

both were also whores who sucked dick for items, but while hanyeo was mostly cool about it sanchi likes to pretend she never did while seething about erp
Having more players in game and more posters in threads means the worst faggots get drowned out but now that the population has declined we're getting distilled faggotry.
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right on anon
if only I had back up during sonic raiding...kek
I can confirm these claims.
Gave Asonia a full set of sprint gear and she even let me finish inside.
Was Nonoko /trash/ or was she /vg/? I am not sure because she was a fucking pso2 fag and constantly drew porn of her character.
Other than that, good list anon

>both were also whores who sucked dick for items, but while hanyeo was mostly cool about it sanchi likes to pretend she never did while seething about erp
I was wondering how the hell Sanchi and Feuf were even a thing in the first place with what we have learned recently.
nonoko hovered around both
in that case, I'll accept anon not putting her on the list because her brand of mental illness was the type of shit you'd regularly see on their /vg/ general.
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No I feel bad for Ogiue.
>he doesn't think that they both started cheating on each other within the first week
the only reason they're still together is spite because they don't want to prove those anons right
Highlighting this post again
6 hours left to finalize anything
I can see sanchi cheating on ogiue with whoever gifts her stuff.
But the other is too much of a retard to even try and talk to people now.
I haven't played in months, did bio4 come out? did dev do anything for christmas? idk if I wanna come back but I might log on close to christmas or something
there's nightmare toy factory and new cards to go with that, bio4 is a work in progress
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An anon suspected ogiue was one of the low-level acos posting on trash recently because anon recognized how she spoke. She did that shit all the time before meeting sanchi so I can see it.
dang I remember admin asking us if we were excited for bio4 that weekend like 3 months ago. thats a super duper big delay
i can definitely see how bio4 would require a lot more tuning, right now bio3 is a fucking boring asura strike fest which is why i hate going, it's just dull
dev had a lot of irl stuff hit him recently so there has been a big delay
it's unfortunate but shit happens
Please don't pretend to ever be me in the thread, I think Ogiue, Feuf, Sanchi/Asonia, Kani, Xanto, Nonoko, Silk/Rept, are all irredeemable and bad people, I would never feel bad for any of them
you can fuck off with your secondhand opinion
>he took Ennui off the list
Did you two make up?
literally the only person who came to the conclusion that xan was bad thanks to nonoko's gaslighting, you're so fucking stupid
i can tell you don't know anything, really shows
can you stop sucking your own dick for once Xanto
>no Gredex
He won.
that's how you know it's a shit list
both nonoko and gredex were shit people, gredex just knew how manipulate public opinion
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Giving away items and rolling/competing for loot you plan to give to your friends just turns the game into a clique popularity contest that actively makes others less capable of succeeding at and enjoying the game while rewarding the worst people. It's very much like irl corporate cocksucking for promotions that eventually ends up killing economies and harming decent people because all of the most sociopathetic incompetents sleep their way to the top while everyone else toils for nothing. Look at the results in just a few months of ragna/v/. Everyone has left and the prison gays are eating each other alive with a neverending cycle of drama. Just say no to nepotism.
why are you fags so prison gay? I'm literally talking to two girls at the same time right now on discord
>He thinks ogiue posts here
>Only I lull can post utena
Sure thing fag
didn't ask, i want to see the wedding already
>Actual game discussion going on /trash/
>VG still seething about nonexistent drama
It really shows who actually cares about the game
they don't have a choice now since the same 3 people that just cycle alts got exposed
Those are...
nigga, the same fucking people that have been talked about here
onyx, feu, asonia
>/trash/ spams /vg/ with their drama
>uses their /trash/ threads for actual game discussion while they continue to spam /vg/
The fact that you're in the /trash/ thread and trying to "own" /vg/ with your observation shows how shitty you are.
The excuses are getting more outlandish by the day...
it's kinda true desu.

it sure would be nice if there was an actual market that wasn't full of overpriced garbage nobody needs or uses. We have food and converters, winmore buttons. Not stuff that's going to get you to win in the first place, and definitely not at affordable prices unless you want to follow the Mavka Economic Plan for two weeks.
and fucking lol if you think anyone wants to sit there and farm 8~12 cards for a bunch of subpar equipment to be discarded ten levels later, you're not only a monster but utterly insane.

If I were starting new I'd immediately be questioning the decisions that led me here.
every single anon i've met who started since october has completely ignored the economy and primarily focused on bartering, if not outright gifting items back and forth to one another.
idk why some of you guys are acting like this is news unless you've been living in a cave with a clique
did this nigger really...?
>go to another board
>has a thread on the same game
>look at it
>come back to your original thread
>loudly and obnoxiously bitch about it
for what purpose, anon?
what did you expect to gain?
what was the sweet reward?
what was the fucking point of doing this in the first place?
yeah and that's not a good thing because it leads to the same cliquefaggot-dicksucking popularity contest. did the cliquemember like your headgear? here are your gibs, qt~~~~

did they not like it? get ignored and mocked, fag, also you have a small penis
hello sieggy
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wrong anime dood
>muh cliques
meds faggot
there were literally people asking in global the other day if anyone needed some shit that got dropped
Dice rolling the most kiked activity you can do in a party because it always ends up with a bunch of people rolling for gear they don't need for their erp buddies while the honest players get screwed on drops because they're the only ones rolling for themselves while the erpers have multiple fags rolling for them.

Asonia admitted how he rolls for gear just to stop people he doesn't like from getting it. Couples roll for each other, which doubles their odds compared to others. People will play events like zombies just to get pets for their clique which means they are increasing their odds of winning by multiples and locking everyone else out through sheer odds. It's ridiculous and very evil.

That's why you end up with a server where a small group is insanely overgeared and everyone else is poverty mode. It builds on itself even more because those overgeared gold diggers get more parties and more loot. Everypony welcum but not everypony has equal odds of getting useful gear no matter how much they contribute.
Why don't these so called "free thinkers" gather together then?
>Asonia admitted how he rolls for gear just to stop people he doesn't like from getting it.
fuck off nigger, this is just as bad if not worse than anyone clique rolling for each other because at least those anons stop rolling once they get the item
and somehow you think this is a good thing? to create parasites reliant on high-level gibsmedat?
you have to be black, because only a nigger would say this is good.
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>People will play events like zombies just to get pets for their clique which means they are increasing their odds of winning by multiples and locking everyone else out through sheer odds. It's ridiculous and very evil.
Are you seriously complaining about people winning on a skill based event?
>Player A competes to get a pet for himself
>Player B, C, D, E, F and G all compete to get a pet for Player B
What are odds and how do they stack
>why would anyone support a member of the server's community? why would anons do things like farm creamy cards to give teleport clips to the few newfriends we still get?
you must be a massive jew or a cliquenigger if you don't understand how a small server community works. by your logic, anyone joining dodo's thana parties is a parasite
I still don't know what /trash/ or /thrash/ is (seen it spelled both ways) and I've been in these threads for a while. Guess I'm not a part of the faggot clique.
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its okay baby
>the schizos are unironically claiming that there is a clique hoarding the event pets and giving them to each other
i'm fucking dying lmfao
How is there no pre-renewal server with a large population? Is RO really that dead?
Are you implying that there haven't been players, who have never won the zombie event, who received custom pets?
lunatic was given a custom pet despite not winning, i think they got it from dodo?
I just want a high exp rate low drop rate 99/70 pre-renewal server. I used to play on these back in the day, and they had plenty of players. They had very busy pvp and a real WoE. Where did these servers go?
>high exp low drops
fuck that shit
give me low/medium p curves, but crank card rates up to 1%. drop rates can be medium rate with custom changes for the more egregious meme drops
yayi erps too!?!?!?
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It almost works...just a crumb of defenses....
I like to autistically farm items but my OCD makes me want to play a bunch of different characters. That's why I like high exp low drop rates. I do think card drop rates should be variable though, starting with strong MVP cards at .01% and going up from there. I think people think in tenths too much regarding drop rate. They need to understand that .03% drop rate is incredibly huge percentage wise over .01%, but most people don't understand numbers.
i agree with these but
as harsh as what you said is, that was a fault of a complete misjudgment of character on silk's part based on the reasoning silk gave for marrying. I don't disagree entirely though, xan seems to have been good for her but like people mentioned, it's probably too late to fix the damage done
>ogiue is already with the bunny gunslinger
yeah it's over
Humans have been around for more than a hundred thousand years, and look at what we've got now. The internet is absolutely the worst thing to ever happen.
nigger shut the fuck up already
I'll never understand why you think that's me replying.
I didn't take one, just saw the GS with ogiue's priest as a duo
Your dopamine system is so ruined that you could have sex on cocaine and not feel the amount of pleasure that a 13th century peasant felt when eating gruel with a smidge of honey.
please leave that guy to yell at walls as usual
he doesn't, but he likes baiting you so you stick around
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>Make Wizard
>Hate the female wizard sprite, go check out the other sprites
>sprite change gives me ArchMage skill window, Says I'm a ArchMage
>try relogging, changing sprites back to default, etc
>still there
...Is..that supposed to happen?
yeah, you can't actually put points there though
holy sexo sprite
So it's just a little fucky?
Just wanna know if it's not breaking any rules or exploiting the system
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Wish he'd find someone else to bait then because it makes me want to stick around even less.
guess i'll never understand this thought process
>move on and find somebody actually good for you
>still hung up on past shit that it ruins the experience
it's fucking dumb to see
still not giving you shit so you could pretend like you're playing the game onyx
for me i think cards should simply be increased across the board as they're so rare that many people do not actively experiment with the card system, especially as they're single-use
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5 levels in about as many minutes.
dev are you around now?
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>Cant farm reports in party
and that's unironically a good thing
dev is dead again
fug, just need him for the wedding
doubt he'll be on around this time
>pretending like you can't set a time with dev so you don't have to go through with the wedding
so who ntr'd who?
we did but times keep shifting around
onyx ntrd silk
silk ntrd luna
feuf ntrd aso
xan ntrd onyx
ogiue ntrd yggy
yggy ntrd tiffy
silk ntrd (You)
Do you know what ntr means
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Nidhogs runs get better and better
The game has no actual disguise mechanic. This works by sending information to the client, to make it think you are a class you in fact aren't. Hence why it changes your skill window.
it's actually happening?
>straight marriage
what the fuck is this rare shit
Dev, will you allow babies to transcend or become expanded jobs?
wedding starting now
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will shippers finally quit now?
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Beyond possibility.
is that a suno?
Don't worry anon, my last post before this was like 2-3 weeks ago and I barely visited the thread nowadays. /rog/ is burning itself down just fine without my help.
So it's a code limitation? Damn.
>Already cheating
I knew it.
i wonder if that's why sanchi was so pissed the other day
When was that?
>married for 10 seconds and already fucking sunos
a few days ago, around when the thread started heavily shitposting onyx
Now that the dust has settled, what weddings are left?
But that's like every other day
Me x your mom
me and dev
me and dev
me and dev
me and dev
me and dev
i will fucking kill silk
Reminder that I hate Grapefruit
silk is planning to quit supposedly anyway, this is just for show
xan gets the short end of the stick again
Xan suddenly became very attractive I'm going to NTR Silk now
you can ntr xan by playing a suno and lovebombing silk
you can ntr silk by playing a female ninja and lovebombing xan
choose your path
i choose goon(â„¢)
if silk does quit, i think xan is going to give up altogether
fuck off onyx
>wednesday night
>38 players
holyshit we just might make it afterall
make a /v/ thread!
Euros are sleeping right now or there would be 50+
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keep coo-KING brother
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I suppose I'll just be honest with you guys now, Silk and I got together and married simply to close out two shitty chapters for both of us, a "happy ending" I guess you can say. Silk approached me with a genuine interest in making my life better, and I can honestly say she did accomplish that. This was never about edating even if we did talk about it but agreed to stay friends instead. Yes, Silk does have intentions of quitting due to an increasingly busy schedule and just being burnt out, but we wanted to see this through, and I don't need any pity posts in that matter. Thank you for being there if you were there.
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i'm not sure if this is an actual xan post or a schizo
it's him
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it's me
>Silk actually did pull an "I can fix him"
>But it's short lived
i don't know how to feel about that
You're both attention whores and this was a pr stunt like when actors fake date each other so they can get media attention.
>xan seething he couldn't have a chance at dating another tranny
lol get fucked you manipulating nigger
where's the seething, retard.
gredex post
So Silk is an asshole with a savior complex, got it
>one barely posts here, the other is the only one who constantly does
next you'll tell me they post about themselves like all the other schizos love to say about people
whatever fits your narrative i guess, how many other things will you guys make up about it
xan posts here all the time but makes imageless, text-only shitposts
nonoko didn't fully pull her accusations out of her ass, even if she was a paranoid schizo
ok gredex
i hate silk even more now
there's always that ONE motherfucker who defends the shit nonoko said, no way it isn't gredex
silk doesn't need any more shit, shitpost me all you want to, i expected a response like the ones i'm getting, but it's not her fault
>nonoko didn't fully pull her accusations out of her ass, even if she was a paranoid schizo
I knew Xanto was a pest when his reply to Nonoko's accusation that he wouldn't take no for an answer was
>you didn't give me a good enough reason
>making us shit again
could we ignore the thread and focus on the game please?
xan is a 5.5/10 + 9/10 on the "how much suffering he deserved vs how much suffering he got" alignment chart.
he deserves better but he was never totally innocent

same. the thread focuses too hard on blank and white mentality
>nonoko defender outs himself as a samefag trying to make the same argument
hmm, wonder who it is
What happened that last nid? why isn't party 3 and 4 happening.
gbu got pissed and is taking a break in the zeny print mines
Did silk do the right thing
i don't think there's enough people
silk is fine, they clearly agreed to it, so it's not a big deal
Anons were asking in the guild. We should be fine on bodies
so silk cucked xan by quitting right after the marriage
holy fucking kek he actually is cursed
At this point the fault lies with Xan for being a doormat for two e whores in a row
i hate all of you
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I'm pretty fond of most of you. You're alright.
Not Lull though.
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see you in /v/ 4, i had fun
is that really how it's going to end?
it's a "happy ending" but a disappointing one and i know it's cause of the fucking drama that happened in the last week
this is exactly why you people need to stop letting the threads live rent free
i'm not sure if silk was being an obsessed schizo or selfless for xan, but at least xan seemed happy
You want to flee-max for desperado. Aim for around 250 flee for general use and put about 40-50 points into vit. You don't need to max out dex, get the breakpoint in the 80s range and you're good. You also want quite a bit of int eventually, aim for around 60. Of course these are max level stats but it should give you an idea of how to build up your character.
You are a fucking plague and I am going to enjoy tearing your ass
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my man, silk is a demented and self-fellating attention whore. He is going to quit over any reason sooner rather than later, you should be glad Xanto at least got some nice friendship thing out of the whole deal
quit vagueposting, coward. start being specific
hard to say, they both seemed happy so i guess that's all that matters in the end. it is unfortunate to see such an abrupt end though
it is what it is, i don't know much about the past but if they had good interactions then good for them
>t. feuf
why is kani still seething about silk
>t. sanchi
just let it go
shit it over and done with now, i agree it's a dogshit ending but it's whatever, people are too invested
what do you mean, we all won
>onyx hasn't been fucking everything that moves cause nobody wants to take risks with running into alts of the same person
>xan back to square one, by himself again but doesn't seem to care
>silk leaving
>ERP brainrotted individuals tarnished in general
>People still playing and having fun
kani won
you forgot a few anons who lost due to your hyperfixation with onyx (feuf, ogiue, sanchi to name a few), but most anons have in fact won. even meth fucking won
ERP brainrotted individuals includes them
xan is gonna be fine, in fact i'm like 90% sure he's our santa
but enough about Onyx
she really is ennui.........................
desu silk was the root of all of these happenings, if she didn't get provoked by feuf into publicly shitting on onyx then most of these wouldn't have happened
by your logic wouldn't that mean feuf is the root?
whatever i don't give a fuck
what an utterly disappointing and depressing end, i want all my time and well wishes that those two were gonna last back
Invested in the wrong people while they are now very happy.
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>if she didn't get provoked by feuf
we're getting to levels of retarded that shouldn't be possible
stop vagueposting
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Are you shitting me? Please tell me Silk didn't fucking quit right after because I gave the only Ulles drop I've ever seen to Silk
Lol moron.
who are we going to NTR now?
im giving it to xan, you can ask him to take it back if you want to
The sweet sounds of instant karma
Sounds like grown men crying for not getting their way
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undead attribute change sux
>asonia griefing so hard even her biggest simp RO called her out in global
What's griefing?
t. newfag
when you're done with SM i'll give it to you
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well that was a pretty awful fight
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we have confirmation erpcliquebros
ive griefed myself by keep closing chat window as it'd refocus upon sending PM again but i thought he'd understand 222222222 spam or dodospeak
>having 1:1 chat windows open, ever
skill issue. just use regular pms.
keeping them for erping purposes
skill issue. additional chat tabs.
Not everyone is Nonoko to be taking multiple dicks at once.
skill issue. again
Calm down Nonoko.
why is silk quitting? wtf
this game is cucked
the vocal erp crowd is at fault for every player we lose
>anon blames erp once again
Gredex won
>they should be having sex with me
Grapefruit lost
what's so great about silk? at least nonoko offered to have sex with everyone and her character looked cuter too
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Would very much enjoy that.
>anon falls in love with e-whore and thinks he can fix her
reminder that I love Grapefruit
Reminder that I hate that bitch
Reminder that I forgot to flush
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video gaems
reminder that I love playing video games with my frens :)
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priest don't need anynyan, priest is strong on their meown!
War of Emperium is gay.
gredex fun facts
he attempted suicide before more than once
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plenty of irl stuff, including a sudden tragedy that's too personal to talk about
it was a really bad timing and i was already quite burnt out so i just called it here
i had plenty of fun, and the general public was quite the friendly one for a 4chan oriented server
basic sentiments and the usual "thank you everyone for playing with me" quotes aside, i hope the server lasts as long ad possible and remains drama-free, it seemed way healthier than /v/2 and hopefully remains to be
catch you sometime, eventually
Such a shame he didn't do it.
see you soon then
alice did this
t. goon
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We know, Myriad.
I'm glad I quit before the erp festered this hard. This guy wasn't even around then
>t. onyx
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bye alice
Didn't you leave the guild and call us fags you seething retard?
Wounded morroc?
nay, wounded gredex
My heart is wounded...
My ass is wounded...
We know Lull.
Daily Cenia posting.
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I wounded say that
I want to start over with everyone again the race for resources was fun so please consider 3.5 dev
3.5 or server die
tend to your hand
post your butt again lull
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>Reset schizo is at it again
Just post this everytime he gets uppity.
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Its a trad server so its only normal to make it to Christmas
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>Beelzebub vaniqushed
>Satan slayed
We need to kill Baphoment before christmas
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>every post i don't like is the same person
Stupid schizoid
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Regular Baphomet ? Give me a HP and I got you senpai
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Nice try, but I can do that too.
The server wont be reset, schizo, keep seething.
Xe's severely mentally ill, please understand.
You are the schizo who thinks people edit their (you) because the reset idea butthurt so much

t. original proposal 34 poster (with no reset talk from my part in this thread)
Even if the (You)'s are real, this only proves there's at least more than one reset schizo.
And no, it's not happening. Ever.
Maybe it sounds dumb and silly but I hope Xan at least got you out of that shit funk you were in. Both of you seemed happy and it sucks to see you leave so soon after the marriage.
Every time there's discussion not centered around erping, an erp forces a repyl to an hours old erp post.
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Nah, i mean the big Baphomet from sealed shrine.
That being said, if you need HP for regular Bapho i can log around 17:00h server and then pass 22:00h
>Everyone who disagree with me is a schizo
ok schizo cliqueguy, you're a retard beyond the reset talking point but please keep being butthurt about it and make us laugh by feeling threatened by a meme

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Sure lets kill Baphomet today for fun in 8 hours or so from now on
>refers to himself as "us"
The schizo is losing touch with reality
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my pronouns is they/them get with the world grandma
>Everybody is reading at the same time
Ok pal
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where is the fun part in that one
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Man, that was a long time ago.

t. Lunatic / Ming(tea)
>old party window
how do you get a new party window?
play with the renewal interface
>with everyone
New server won't gain much traction as v3 had because of RO fatigue that everyone has right now if you restart server week or two later after shutting down. Dev needs to figure out rebalances to objectively shit classes too, such as Stalkers and Merchants.
Why didn't Dev buff taekwon
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make them able to copy trans skills
BS is fine, maybe make full adrenaline rush affect party without SL to a lesser degree
Alchemist needs homunculus back somehow or healing via free throwing hp pot or something

Let the server dwell till new years eve then re-open next server on valentine day with a million weddings
can i go thru ur storage
>BS is fine
His main gimmick of being able to forge elemental weapons looks like a joke after drug exposure called 20 minute endows. Either reverting them back to vanilla behavior, buffing forged weapons, decreasing iron/steel/ori amount in recipes or completely revamping forging to include slots/randomly assigned stats might fix BS, but latter will take a very long time.
>Alchemist needs homunculus back
There is no way that no dev haven't figured out anti-afk measures for homos in year of 2024. Honestly after adding byalan6 they got a way to level quite fast even with pally duo and cart cannon instead of afking at Larry and waiting for eddgatos leech, but their gimmick of having pet assistance for leveling and material gathering is still missing.
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not having homun also hurts brewing because one of them gives +5% crafting success for some reason and none of the others do.
solution: add 5% crafting success rate to each homun's 3rd skill to create parity
Reset is happening, the question is when
guess i stop playing then, no point progressing if it wipes
I'm not well-versed in RO, but what's the point of elemental weapons in servers where the "grinding for levels" experience is much quicker? What would be their ideal new purpose for existing?
I still don't understand why dev didn't just disable homunculus auto behavior. You can't afk farm if homunculi require manual control.
We had some small discussion on forging a while back, but it looks like Dev doesnt really want to touch forge until he can implement his rework on a future server.

They are good generic purpose weapons. Personally i got plenty value from fire and wind elemental axes i forged for myself before transing.
Considering gear and job combos people are doing now to reach ~90% rates on SP potions and slims I don't think alchemists are lacking in crafting success rate.

Because people always make low-level carded weapon or two + buying endows to level alts faster. With easier recipes there would a choice of, for example, getting fire element forged weapon or using carded weapon with fire converters to kill wolves/orcs faster. There are people that don't like hoarding consumables so they'd prefer forged elemental weapons.
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What class are you gonna master first upon -The Reset- anons? I'll probably do a GS
Converters never existed and neither did Sages at one time. Elemental weapons are significantly more convenient to use in general, but Gravity failed to touch crafting systems again, despite having numerous reasons to update them.

No, instead you get this Cooking shit that did nothing but add even more powercreep shit that ain't even tied to a real job, clumsily hacked-in by Gravity themselves to boot, (should be a whole new class, or an expansion to alche crafting) and demonstrates one of the trans-era's most catastrophic game design failures.
Something ranged...
More bunslingers...
Even in this server, the kikes are forcing a Great Reset.

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