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Previous Thread: >>505832353


>Unicorn Overlord Was Originally Planned for PS Vita

>God Wars series sales top 400,000

>Tales of Hearts R delisting

>Ray Gigant has been delisted

>NIS America Releases Being Delisted from PSN

>Jet Set Knights is getting a physical release

>Killzone Mercenary Multiplayer Shut Down

>Content Can No Longer Be Transferred Between PS3 and PS Vita

>Update adds new security measures

>Root Letter series shipments and digital sales top 500,000

>Grand Kingdom to be delisted from Store on February 28 in Japan

>Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice to Have Servers Shuttered


Want hacks/homebrew discussion?
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Long day
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Get some rest?
I can't
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Good night, vitagen.
Carry on!
Slightly relieved I don't have to fully restart, i'll probably remember the story beats soon enough.
Now, time to wake up from the nightmare and GO FIGHT! on hard mode.
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Didn't expect my flash guard and move timing would be so off after A few years.
Hey can you like I don't know
Wake up and I don't know post it
Just a little bit?
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Delete rat.
Remove rat.
Exterminate rat.
This _____ the vitagenner.
Name 5 rat girls
Can't name any because they all were removed (from my memory).
So it doesn't count
alone again
Glad to finally make it out of shlamm jungle and be able to continue with the story finally. Sad to see a party member leave but at least he didn't hold my best equipment..

Hopefully tomorrow timebto continue but for now some very needed sleep.
How does the progression work in this game? Do you need to raise stats or build relationships with multiple girls to unlock routes?
I'm new to dating sims but I'm playing amagami right now. Essentially you just spend all your time on a girl and get her route. I think it's quite casual-friendly as it tells you in advance which events open and close other events, your prior choices are recorded, and that information helps you find the missing events in future playthroughs.
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Nice, have fun
Ys VIII is a fun game. I kind of want to replay it, but it's really long for a ys game so I always end up replaying ys origin instead
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It's a fun game
Doing fine?
how about you?
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Now yes but it was a very hard day
>How does the progression work in this game?
It's simple, just build up affection with a single girl to get her ending, but the difficulty is affected by your stats that you assign at the start of the game (intelligence, style, athleticism, etc.).
Getting a girl's ending is easy but to get her true/good ending it requires some additional requirements.
you must be tired after that hard work. glad to hear you're doing fine now
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Yeah a bit
I had to walk alot today
also good news (for me)
<new ygo lore anime
>new ygo lore anime
if this is a standalone anime about cute girls doing cool things I'll probably watch it
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The one on the left is mecha musume at the end of the world and the right is a fantasy one
A cute girls doing cool things would be a witchcrafter series
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Good morning
Yo GO FIGHT!!! and watch out with that hand
good morning
nice boobs
she's going to spill that drink if she's not careful
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It'll be all fine
Now it's small
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Just tightly packed
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Damn i thought it was lacrima
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Falcom might use some inspirations
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I don't think I can GO FIGHT!!!
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YEs you can
No I can't...
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Go Fight!!!
wake up
What a good game.
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Good morning, vitagen.
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Good morning
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Isn't it crazy how uhhh...
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Makes me wonder
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Just do it
Do what?
What does she have in her mouth?
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That string does a lot of work
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wallpaper tier if only not for a dumb sample
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Time to get more fucking money. There's only one bed in the house and the MC lives with his mom / little sister.
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xmas before new year
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Woah, how rude.
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Bunny witch boobs
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Wake up
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i fuck this
That's a dog
yes, and?
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Must be paizuri
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For sure
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Good night, vitagen.
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VD-Saturday is here once again

Now back
Damn, too bad my hits didn't really connect.
Oh well, your gamble paid out
Nice, naked win
That was fast
Okay, final match
And crash. Wanna try again or we call a day?
Room ready, if it crashes this time it's done
Thanks for the games, fun stuff. That last one was just lol tier

Next week same place, same time
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Yeah, those were fun matches. Thanks for the games and see you next week
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I've taken a real liking to tea lately. Mostly puerh tea.
Real whirlpool hours.
Real piacci hours.
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Low love but high hate
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Very cute.
What is she trying to do?
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Why sad?
worried about low pages
That's my worry
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>try to come back to Lone Survivor
>remember how one anon in Vitagen once said the main character has a shit eating grin behind his mask
>can't take it seriously
It's been 11 years and I still just cant
I quit that game after 30 minutes, since I hate horror games.
>Lone Survivor
>11 years
>Lone Survivor is a 2013 American action drama film
I was confused until I saw >>507136431
...is dead
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Good morning, vitagen.
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I hope it's not a bomb
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I don't think it is
how nice and nice numbers
I'll let you know that these Mikus have been successfully backed up to my hard drive and will live forever in my Miku Archive.
so many cute expressions
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Nikke and Azur Lane had a lot of crossover so far
I wonder why blue archive only had 2
i have a bunch of these weird cards, what were they for again?
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Look at the size of this lad
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They summon Vita characters into real life
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I still wonder how they managed to put this crap of a camera to vita
What's the code for this JAV?
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mana transfer time
But they are both girls...
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>should've played vita games since I finally have free time during the holiday season
>just spent the last 2 hours listening to Machinae Supremacy songs
last time I was this excited for a console purchase was probably psp. It was also the last one I purchased at a retail store and not online with delivery
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I think I might die
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Maybe not
Rip in piece
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I made it out and as a reward the first girl to visit the swimming pool is the merchant girl.
Well she has a wild swimsuit
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She's shrewd, she took 100g from me for looking at her. She also told me she got some super special music box in stock and told me that every girl that gets it as a gift would be happy. I bought it and gave it to her, then she told me she doesn't like it and will resell it. Fucking bitch.
She's a simple woman, have enough money and she'll be yours
What game is this?
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>This will be in the test
It's Azur dreams. Basically a town building / mystery dungeon / romance game or something like that.
105 cm
Is that her boobs size?
Yes. I will Ace this test
is her eye ok?
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I have yet to see any knowledge of patchouli knowledge
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Jingle Bells!
It's not time
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Man, she has no chill
Seems like a great wife, give her 1000g
I want to read books with her
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I bet she really smells
Need to wipe her boob sweat
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Good night, vitagen.
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Take care of vitagen base better or this can happen
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This upsets the Bismarck.
and the disadvantage is where?
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Right here. This is where the disadvantage is.
patchy if she real
nep 2
nep no one
nep forever
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personally, I blame nepgear
Come on vitagen
Please wake up
I'm here.
i'm alive
t. Glados
but no one else is
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What does the cat say
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What's going on here?
Doesn't look like
She's a zombie
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Unrelated, but honestly it feels kinda weird to have so much free time. I've been so busy for the past, I dunno, like 8 months that now I just feel kinda like "what to do?" since it's the holidays and I can do whatever I want. It's a weird feeling. So much free time yet I don't know what to do with it.
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Yeah, that's understandable. Some people just plan even their free time full to not feel anxious about things like that.
Yeah, exactly that. When I was younger I always felt full freedom and excitement for holidays and long periods of zero/little commitment, but nowadays just having so much free time just makes me uncomfortable. Like, I need to do something productive and not just use the internet for shit and giggles. It's a strange feeling to have freedom after nearly a year of just non-stop commitments.
Some people work to live, other people live to work
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Good morning, vitagen.
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Good morning
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I think it's time for a christmas miracle with my childhood friend.
Why is she bending like that?
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Maybe she's trying to sell her assets better. She got really jealous because I was courting her neighbour.
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Okay sistercousin
Hi Vitagen.
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>search "vitag" in the catalogue
>0 results
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Woo! It's a trash eating barong
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Fat, very fat.
Chocolate milk?
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Good morning exclusive spinning Christmas loli
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Ryojis first version
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I haven't see that in so long
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takanya best puchi
>Miku wins election
>the USA finally gets a professional racist as President for once
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This bitch tried to murder me
She looks flat
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I think she is, but she also has superaids
Is there cure for superaids
Apparently yes, but it doesn't fucking spawn to me so I guess she's fucked.
Eh too bad.
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Well, at least the shop keeper girl is nice to me now and even wakes me up.
How much did you give her money
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I just build the biggest mansion in the town and she just moved in for no reason, but at least she sees me off when I'm making more money.
Man she's such a gold digger. Well at least she looks nice
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No christmas presents for you this year, vitagen. My new wife took all my money.
>good morning kurwa
All that's missing is if she hits you over the head with a ladl while having an open beer can in her hand and you get the poland experience.
The store lady at least would just save the money
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I managed to push through the remaining bits of the game in one sitting, things got a bit frustrating towards the end, but I managed to do everything.

Tokyo Xanadu is easily one of my favorite Falcom games. Being a standalone experience without any major cliffhangers helps a lot, and overall I really enjoyed the modern school life setting. None of the characters were annoying, many of them were good, some even great, some kind of underutilized due to being introduced kinda late. Still, it was all good, some moments were really cool like the big attack at the outskirts of the final story dungeon, that was one part I did not skip at all during my second playthrough because I wanted to see it again in full.

The basic gameplay was fun, not on the levels of Ys VIII but still very good. Outside of specific instances like overly long platforming segments that forced a combo to break trying to keep the combo going and shooting for the S rank was nice, although I might have preferred not to have any kind of grading just to ease the stress. Different characters had nicely varying playstyles, to the point that I kind of did not want to use some of them due to some others being so much better (Sora with power attacks comes to mind). Normal difficulty was fine, but combining Nightmare with Infinity mode made the endgame bosses be absolutely awful in terms of being HP sponges and being able to deplete almost all of the HP of one character in two seconds with some area attacks with multiple hits and backed into a space where you couldn't escape. Did not like that at all. Thankfully the game did not limit using healing items at all, so in the end it was manageable, but I have no idea how someone would be expected to clear those fights without them in any sensible time. They would have taken ages trying to play carefully, it was way better to just bum rush them and spam healing items. Not a fan.
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Good job, anon. Just in time for that ys x sen no kiseki game
Maybe this one as well?
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The soundtrack was amazing, probably my favorite one out of all Falcom games I've played. So many great tunes everywhere, and the absolute best boss theme ever in any Falcom game with the chapter ending one (Believe it!), always cranked up the volume when it happened. So glad I managed to buy the eX+ version with the full soundtrack, since the one included in the Vita LE was just a few select tracks, although Believe it! was included in that one so the most important one is there, lul.

I do have to agree with some folks that the endgame felt a bit too stretched out, there was so much stuff to do before actually getting to the important and intriguing story moments, to the point it kind of frustrated me. Also, how the fug did they not program the treasure chests to carry over to NG+? For that reason alone I had to play through all the dungeons again when all the NG+ dungeons unlocked, thankfully they apparently fixed this with the later versions.

The translation, hoo boy. I'm just glad that they included the original Japanese audio, something folks at XSEED might have just removed and dubbed over, but the translation was filled with typos and weird stuff, it got deservingly bashed in reviews. Of course I do prefer something like this to a well-written shitty localization rewrites, but it always stuck out when something was clearly not right with the text.

I'm glad I finally managed to plat this one, took me way longer than it should have. But now it's time to look for something else to play, very likely either go back to DT2, some of the Disgaea games or even start Valkyria Revolution. Remains to be seen, right now I need to think how I want to handle Christmas morning since I probably won't be getting Firis until next summer. It was awesome to wake up early during past Christmas morning and get something for Vita during Christmas sales, too bad those times are past us now.
Oh gaaaawd I fuging hope they don't fug that up, I was so hyped when I saw the announcement, it was always a game I would have wanted to get but since it never got translated when PSP was relevant, I never did. I've really loved how they have actually dug into their PSP time catalogue and ported those missed games over and even translate them. It is funny to think that even when the next year comes around, the games I'm most hyped about are re-releases of older games.
tokyo xanadu was a lot of fun
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Also, thanks!
Tokyo xanadu is the game that tries to kill Estelle
Let's not talk about that okay?
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Also, Umihara is 30 years old today! Post Umihara!
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This is the game Estelle wants to kill
don't make me say it
It can't be helped
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Looks like my house turned into a hangout spot for sluts
So what's her deal? She likes alcohol?
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She's the ojou-sama tsundere type, but after seeing you battle a few times she starts falling for you. You also save her from a fluffy hamster at some point.
Man Kurwa gets all the bitches
There's like 15 people in town and half of them are my wives.
Sounds like a sexy cult
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It's going to be fine for one or two generations, then we might run into some trouble.
I platted the original back in 2017 and replayed it a few months ago on ps4. The after story was fun but it didn’t really feel like it added a whole lot story or lore wise.
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2017 was seven years ago
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doki doki waku waku
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Oh my, her swimsuit is very cute.
Yeah where has the time gone
there's a swimsuit under that ribbon?
Maybe it's for christmas already, can't wait to unpack it.
can't wait for unboxing stream, anon
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I liked this game
Never got around to getting all the endings, or playing the first game that got remastered
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Good night, vitagen.
Okay but where are the awakes?
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Maybe they're trying to beat the crab boss in Umihara
nah i don't think so
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I suffered with the crab as well, so it's fair
I didn't win so...
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The crab won
Thanks for reminding me
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It's (not) fine
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no fug
i got fug
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Still fug
If you think so
how elegant way to shop at the market
sleep well anon, I'm gonna join you shortly
cute red ears, truly mc level of blush
lol I didn't notice
You know what game I should replay? Ys Memories of Celceta.
Absolute guffaw.
I bought movie tickets for Sonic 3 and will watch tomorrow.
I'm just bad at games
I'll watch on thursday no spoilers please anon
Don't worry I won't.
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Thanks anon
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Has anyone here played the chaos ring games? Which games does the trilogy have? Its omega plus 1/2 right?
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I have not.
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Merry Chrisis
not yet
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Tis the season, anon.
not christmas
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Get in the seasoning, anon
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Where's my christmas present then?
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Try this for size.
I already have this so still not christmas
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Try this larger size!
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still not christmas
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I just indiscriminately pick anime girls with Santa clothes, anon.
They could've been anime versions of Fox News presenters for all I care.
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Merry christmas, vitagen.
Same to you, anon. Let's play games during this Christmas, too.
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I guess that can be done.
This ones a keeper
Vitagen really loves their bookworms.
Also she isn't flat
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Maybe I can get them into the swimming pool, they seem very elusive though.
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And a smelly rat in a pear tree~
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not christmas
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Man, the money I spend on this decoration looks like it's straight out of a creepy pasta.
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I cured super aids girl and now she got a silly hat. Well, at least she's better even if her taste sucks.
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Remind me the name of this game again.
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It's azure dreams.
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Wait a minute officer, that's not me.
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She knows better
Firis has bigger bag as well
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Potatoes are bulky, can't blame her.
Oh well
I miss the giant uguu eyes age.
I beter not say the things liane wants to do with firis
I will read Kanon someday. Clannad was a good read
I read the beginning a few years ago before my pc fucking die
It was good
Though to be honest, from Kanon I remember the mom first. Probably because of all the doujins that certain guy has done for like 20+ years
Ikuno superiority.
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If they marketed utawarerumono as an isekai it would be more popular.
I mean it kinda is
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Meh, I was expecting a cuter swimsuit from her.
The 2D illustrations in this are great but the 3D characters are painful
I need to see the bookworm
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I think they started with the monster designs and tried to make the humans afterwards, they still have a place in my heart since they define my childhood, but they look like aliens.

What do the zoomers of today say? I think I need to rizz her up a bit more.
It's a 97 ps1 game i think it's allowed
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PS1 was a magical time, seeing remasters of ps1 games is always weird.
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To this day i love how some games look
I was mostly a PC gamer during the PS1's era, so my only experience with it was whenever I visited a friend's house and played on his console.
no saturn or N64?
My journey with games is:
SEGA Game Gear as a kid (mid-to-late 90s)
PC games non-stop for more than a decade
Then, PSP and Vita

I did have some experience with stuff liek Gameboy, PS1, PS2, etc. etc. but it was only whenever I visited a friend. My parents were rather strict with buying games/game consoles.
>SEGA Game Gear as a kid (mid-to-late 90s)
I barely play things on my PC but i did a few times
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Our girlfriend wearing our shirt after we got done doing 'that' on Christmas Eve
>Our girlfriend
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Oh, maybe anon will get his wish.
Let's go

I bet it's onepiece
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Sadly she's not that big.
She's cute anyway

and I was right about the onepiece
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Gotta be careful when bringing girls to the pool, this dude tried to get his grubby hands on her.
>vitagen is spending their christmas with virtual girls again
I have nowhere to go
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Aren't we basically family at this point?
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That guy probably stuffed his pants with newspaper
Biiig congratulations. How long did it take you?
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If we are i am a bad part of the family
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Merry Kurisumasu vitagen
stay healthy and cute
you can't die today or i'll be double alone
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Merry Christmas, vitagen. I don't play my Vita much anymore, but I had good times with it.
>all these shutdowns
Unfortunate. It might be time to sell my copy of Grand Kingdom.
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I wish I named my character Vitagen, but I'm too lazy to edit these pictures.
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You should have ask vitagen for help
Szczęśliwego Bożego Narodzenia, anon.
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Merry christmas, it was a good christmas after shitty last week.
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Dzięki, ty też
The first thing that comes to mind when I think about Poland is Adam Malysz. He had cool moustache.
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And that was the last one. It was fun, maybe I'll replay in a year or two again.
In the old days they really didn't have the courage to up the breast size
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Some dev were ahead of their time.
Tifa did manage to make a gif that lasted for ages with those tits
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That reminds me, some of the PS1 games still look fairly decent even today.
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Thanks. My playtime clock showed just over 100 hours combined with both runs, the first one was a slow one with talking to everyone at every point and the second one was a skip nearly everything + all dungeons S-ranked and chests found + sidequests type of run.
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>come to vitagen
>wtf christmas theme
There's snow on my screen!
Yeah, snow haha...
Wait that's mugen
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don't make me say it TWICE
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Good night, vitagen.
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Dead on Christmas
Eat your christmas cake before she expires
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Oppai lolis
Post one
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And a misbehaving one at that as well
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How's mgba input lag now? Has it improved?
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Good morning, vitagen.
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Good morning
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Oh no, patchouli ran out of packaging material.
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Times are tough
Just came back from watching Sonic Movie 3.
It was great.
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Time to marry patchouli and take care of her.
I heard disney is mad at the movie because it was so successful while their stuff didn't do too well.
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What game?
Merry christmas Vitagen.
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I forgot to say happy christmas
she'll get dirty
Oh no, guess I'll have to take a bath with her.
why can't she bath herself?
My chimney, my responsibility to clean her.
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Merry Christmas.
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Just played more Hot Shots Golf 10 minutes ago. Did pretty good, got a -2 overall score on a 9-hole course. For some reason I've always liked the desert-themed courses in these games. I loved the one in the PSP game and this one here in this vita game as well.
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I want im@s 2 in the west as a christmas present
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So this is where hibiki big boobs went
Very nice everything
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Last one i promise
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Very unusual pairing
>me and my wife estelle 5000.jpg
Post "me and my wife estelle 2024"
I dare you
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looks way more than A
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That's nice
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Go ahead, big boy. Open the ribbon.
That's a really cute yukari
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>tfw no yugioh on vita
Playing a little bit of Ys VIII inbetween festivities.
Currently am at a forced raid so I'm guessing this will be the end of chapter 2. Sad that hummel left luckily I didn't buy and upgrade equipment for him. I did quite like the versatility so hopefully I encounter him soon again
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Good night, vitagen.
good night, best vocaloid
Dead hours
Gonna be playing more golf soon™-ish. That game is always replayable.
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Have a good night everyone and Merry Christmas.
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Vitagen should go play Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams.
Go play nep
Played another round of golf. It was one of those BIG RAIN + BIG WIND courses, which is always tough. Still got a respectable +1 score.
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It's padover
Is this fox/cat okay?
merry christmas to you too, anon
is this cowtits?
yes and no
stopped reading there
>and no
read the rest
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I'm sorry vitagen i really do but I really need to sleep
Please forgive me
Hope you guys had a good christmas and got nice things
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Does anyone have the ENG repatch for Wagamama High Spec for Vita? The whole patching process is a pain and I'm dumb so a repatch would be very helpful. Thanks.
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Have a good night Anon! Merry Christmas
Time for more golf!
I do not. Sorry.
Good night and you don't have to apologise.
I'll be leaving to a 3rd world country for a month and I'm only bringing my Vita so If anyone has a English Pre-patched of Wagamama High Spec for Vita, I'll highly appreciate it. I'll be leaving next week. I'll head to bed so have a good night vitagen. And merry Christmas.
That's alright. Hope you have a good night
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Name the country.
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El Salvador my home country. Visiting family and stuff. It's going to be a good time.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU'RE A LIFE SAVER! Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful night.
Merry christmas
it's over
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Miku is coming to Fortnite in January, so that means Fortnite is now Vita related.
No idea what chararacters fortnite has had but I still bet there's been a Vita character before.
Anyone knows where you can get the Ao and Zero no Kiseki evolution games prepatched in english?
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Good morning, vitagen.
Ziperto is king.
Good morning Yom
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I hope you have a great day. I feel empty after beating a game, I fucking hate not knowing what to play next. I wish there were more cozy farming games, but once you beat the 2-3 good ones in the genre you have nothing left.
I always have something to play next these days. Plus certain upcoming games that I'll play day one. Though now I'm probably just going to read a few books I got for christmas
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>For you anon I don't know what it does but it's for you
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Maybe it's time for a JRPG. I just can't decide which one, I wanted to replay grandia 1, but I also never played 2. I bought tales of vesperia remastered and haven't gotten around to that one either. Or how about xeno gears, I never played that one. Maybe some other tales games would be good aswell? Decisions, decisions...
I would recommend xenogears since there's a 0% chance of square re-releasing that game
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Again is such a shame sky arena never got a release on vita in the west It would be a game i for sure would try to make vitagen play
No, u
It's /u/ rare
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>Shakedown Hawaii on sale for 3€

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Sexy socks
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Well Estelle, have you watched the movie?
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Later today
What a spicy pic, where'd you get it from?
Her skirt is too big
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Congratulations anon, you're going to be the present for the shipgirls.
and dead
which ones specifically?
The italian boats
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not the best but I could manage
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want something?
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Everything good?
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If i say yes do you believe?
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Good night, vitagen.
cute aquaplus mishishi
That's so nice
it pains my heart that these are closed behind some shitty gacha
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What's Vitagen playing? I emulated Mario 64.
Hot Shots Golf, I've been on a golf streak for a couple days now.
im playing one of the most recent pokemon games

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