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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

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Previous: >>506651283
sexiest tiki
also I miss the nowifag snipes the OP and samefags while 3HRTs piss their pants era
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Are you rolling for NY burd?
Only if she leads (she won't)
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New Year Nidhoggr (she's drunk on sake and awkwardly hits on you)
was never a fan of OC new year
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if you had to make a bride banner with as much appeal as possible for as many as possible.

Who would you include?
Sorry, I only like white girls. No offense to any brown girls.
appealing for me or appealing to the majority of players? Because what appeals to me specifically is very different.
just appealing to as many players as possible
Only if she looks like a dead, emotionless husk.
Edelgard, Camilla, Gullveig and Lucina I guess
Edelgard Camilla Gullveig Dimitri
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Edelgard, Camilla, Gullveig, Bernadetta
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she beat your favorite in cyl
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debating rolling for her drunken sister, but I'm low on orbs.
Ideally Bernie would be mindbroken by her father's physical and psychological abuse, raised into the perfect bride who is so happy, ecstatic even, to see you and serve you. Always happy, always obedient. None of the obnoxious screaming social anxiety brattiness from her.
if a character doesn't win at their debut cyl then they are not popular. Period.
One day I’m gonna fuck that bird right in the cloaca.
4 different versions of Lyn in varying outfits at varying stages of her life.
Okay Fido
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Engaygies btfo
So the only popular FE characters are Roy, Ike, Lyn, Lucina, Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude, Lysithea and Gullveig?
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And Gatekeeper. He was added in cyl5
lets try to give every group something.

Delthea or Nowi
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nobody brought up engayge though.
Your wife is still a loser above other losers.
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>We'll get 7 tickets for the 3H christmas banner
you rike Formotiis's christmas gifts?
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Yeah nobody brought up Engayge because it has no fans kekaroo
And nobody cares about Bernashitta because she only won when her competition was dogshit KEKABUNGO
not really. it's just old christmas units. at least better than yunaka though
I still need 2 copies for C!Dimitri so yes
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What happened to Joshuaschizo anyway.
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This >>506969153
For the duo unit, I might slap FCorrin behind Camilla, or Dorothea or Lysithea behind Edelgard.
If it had to be women-only, I'd swap out Dimitri for Ivy.
>engayge character
I love Shamir so much
72 results
as usual with fetwt attention whores, it turned out he was also a shit person and someone finally shared allegations against him
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I carefully picked Ivy. She's the only one that can get numbers similar to what 3H and Gullveig do.
I don't think I'd make any other Engage Bridal units. Maybe Fallen Female Alear but that'd be it. Goldmary can be a 4* or something.
So just like every other fetwt user? What were the allegations?
No, she doesn't ,retard
Ivy's next alt will be 250/250 because she's a gayt engaygie
I'm planning to go for a thousand so thanks for the reminder
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So why did she do better than Summer 2, then?
Going by this Christmas banner, it clearly wasn't Hortensia.
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That's before the game officially died and the engayge hate spread to every player of feh
So many people left this shitty ass gacha I wouldn't be surprised if the next CYL winners have 1000 votes each
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Cute girls
it's kinda sad how many 4 weeks+ i had to erase...
Question from someone going into Three Houses for the first time (already spoiled on major stuff so you can say whatever): What routes have the "meat" of the overall story and lore? Like say someone only had time to play a couple of routes, which would you recommend?
Azure Moon
Kind of none.
All routes contradict each other when it comes to character motivations and plausible causes of events.
Silver Snow (aka go Black Eagles but choose Rhea) is the original idea for the story before they decided to split things into routes.
Don't listen to this idiot. Azure Moon is the most barebones one. It doesn't explain anything about the world's lore. It is only a route if you care about Dimitri's character and ONLY Dimitri's character.
Dimitri's route by far
Longest route, most paralogues, biggest pool of recruitable characters, best story, most interesting lore, strongest in-house cast etc
Just recruit the girls from Golden Deer and you're golden
would probably be dimitri route
A bunch of retarded women.
The ideal order is Dimitri's route -> Edelgard's route
this guy >>506976820 is a shitposter trying to get you to avoid the best route in the game (dimitri) and play the worst one by far (church) so you end up hating the game
nobody serious recommends silver snow, it's awful and basically functions as a failsafe for retards who fuck up actually getting onto edelgard's route, every other route covers its material in a more interesting way
Unironically titmogs her big sister in her Christmas outfit.
Azure Moon.
You only need to play Three Houses twice, you access basically all of the content just by playing Azure Moon (Dimitri) and Crimson Flower (Edelgard). Silver Snow shouldn't even exist and Verdant Wind is like the scraps of what they couldn't fit into the other routes, pinned to a character who has no real connection to the story of his route.

They also contrast each other the best and give you both ends of the ideological spectrum in the game. Slow peaceful progress vs rapid violent progress.
I would recommend Dimitri if you only play one but it's more fulfilling to do both.
hope boobtensia gets some commissions
unironically deers wins in the lore department but claude is a non-character
>Forcing that poor anon to play CF
You are terrible awful people
would 3H be better if claude's route was scrapped and time was used to improve the other routes?
Hell~oooOO cum in burbs!
Reading the wiki for 10 minutes nukes the one redeeming part of Claude's route. If you read the Slithers wiki page you know everything it tells you.
Three Houses should have just had the Dimitri route and the Edelgard route.
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Whats the matter? Can't handle the true end?
Not even bothering with your bait subhuman
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I like Edie
I hate that Bernie doesn’t have any romantic paired endings with other girls. She’d be the perfect spaghetti girl.
Only 50% of Adrestians are bisexual, and no other nation has bisexuals.
Bernie took one for the team. She's a straight girl that hides in her room all day, writing smut about what she (a virgin) wants a man to do to her.
I’m really surprised deer bro wasn’t written as queer bait
Sure, he was barely written at all, but he doesn’t really come off as homo despite appearances
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Built for sexo
Inhale deep
Expect a paizuri one from here
Idk when it'd be done tho. Could take like 2 months.
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I love my wife
Pixel porn is lame though
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Why did they censor it in production?
Bruv, the Japanese don’t even allow the red backpacks in their cartoon pornography. You need to find a more age appropriate waifu. How about Saphir? You’re probably only a few years older than her.
that's nice for you anon
ketes r kool
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Do you have any HoF builds for the legendary myrrh that is up right now?
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>harsh command / rally
>dragon's roar
>scowl / stronghold
>dragon's scales / High Dragon Wall
>breath of life / ploy / deadly miasma / soaring guidance
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sex with a kete
the raw sexual heat, the chemicals, the emotions
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Flop-O the Clown
>Want Safy because she's cute, has cute shoes and could use another solid unit for my FE4/5 lineup
>Pitycucked by B!Robin
I even got her on the free roll when her banner debuted. I hate CYL.
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Go Sothis go!
when you are done. show off your forma
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Total Manakete genocide
I'm confused. What happened to Alears and sommie? Were they supposed to just come like that on first two days and then fucked off or did they change plans midway?
Haha and then what?
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Yeah IS realised Engayge is BIGLY unpopular so they changed Somnie. Expect all engayge units to be removed from the game and IS publicly apologizing for making the worst game in history.
Nothing. She was put to bed. I'll make sure to lock the guest room I'm staying in.
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poor Elimine
Still bitter Hartmut picked dragons over her
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Is this a good price for this card?
Next ironman I should try?
I've finished:
Conquest Hard Ironman.
I'm on mission 16 of an Engage Ironman.
kys engaygetard
Answer me you slobs
kys, pedo
Also no.
Fuck you asshole
Just print it you moron
Dragons are evil.
it's 4,50
buy if you like sanaki
>Dragons are evil.
is what Elimine screams in her pillow every night when she hears Hartmut pound some dragon girl in the room next to her
Dragons are evil, or else Roy would have a manakete Waifu who was loyal to him
I was about to complain that I don't have these niggas until I saw the free OC
idunn was mindfucked and Fae was into Elffin.
Roy just didn't have his dads luck
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You know what would be a funny story?
If some guy called himself TharjaAnon for a decade, insisted he loved her more than anything despite that clearly not being the case, then ditched her and changed his name to ShamirAnon roughly a month later.
You know what would be funny. If some retard thought saying "I'd show her the world" was a good response when called out on his "waifu" not having a personality.
Just fucking filter him already. He's going to continue being a retard everyday so you might as well save yourself the frustration.
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I don't like Gullveig either
All because of some npc in a phone game, too.
Wow that character being beloved really hurt you
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I like Fire Emblem
I don't give a shit about BA whores
So FEH wins for me
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This is nice, too bad they made the unit a duo. Does mean I got to save my orbs.
These two posts showing up back to back can't be a coincidence
They probably realized early on that they can't do shit with just "arf arf arf" again and again
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Feds finally caught Pigzig
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I absolutely have to ejaculate on the soles of Elicnia or Guinivere.
Question from a noob: How am I supposed to approach marriage/A+ type support pairings from a gameplay perspective? What kind of marriage makes sense? Let's say in Fates, if I have a Corrin that is a very physical class, is it a detriment or inefficient to have him marry a character that is a mage of some kind? Or is it good to pair opposite class characters so support bonuses may cover for weaknesses of the lead unit? Or should I have two similar classes married so they boost each other's strengths?

And finally, how should I approach this when I play Three Houses? Does it work any different in that game? Thank you.
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I wouldn't expect Shamir to listen to death metal


I'd probably listen to stuff like this with her. We'd drive home at night with the windows down and she'd have her hair blowing in the wind
If you're into minmaxing there's a right answer but if you're really a noob just marry your waifu, it's much more fun.

Three houses supports aren't really like fates. No baby making or class stealing associated with it. Off the top of my head the most abusable thing would be to make one of the pair an armor class and use them as an adjutant for fun damage blocking memes.
>really want to build my waifu a specific way
>skills I need are only available twice a year
>when the rerun happens much better will likely have been released
>have to give up on new ideas forever because IS refuses to make new skills more available
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Shamir is so beautiful
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Milk truk
To be fair Tharja betrayed him first with Kiran.
How would you like it if the girl you’d spent the past decade with suddenly told some dude she’d only known for a few months that she loved him as much as she loved (You).
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Thanks, Demon King.
The Alears passed a gym while delivering presents and decided it would be more fun to let dozens of roided up body builders run a train on them than finish handing out tickets to ungrateful whales. Honestly can’t say that I blame them. While we got 4 star shitters from a 5yo banner they got matching pearl necklaces.
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I have no recollection of this alt existing but I apparently already have her and she’s at 9000 hm.
That's Brave Corrin.
>2 free fae's
>1 free sothis
Absolutely blessed banners
Why is fomortiis only visiting little girls
If I were to wager a guess it’d be because he’s based.
Sothis is a granny
I hope my waifu Shamir gets more love from IS. Merch, alts, whatever.

I love her.

What do i do with this
I got 260 orbs!
Most likely not. I like her but not enough to spend too much. I have her mythic version and she's very good (punches through anything) but there's no use to have her in a non-mythic slot for AR unless they give her like five movement and canto distance (they won't)
Kneel grovel lick
Kek clapped his ass
I unironically wish this for xmas
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expanding his tastes
Was this the best AHR? They're not great, but I remember most being worse.
The best was l!ike :^)
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You're going to jail for that.
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Tharja's EN VA comm'd an anatomically accurate Tharja
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Even that is actually slightly too busty.
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Who gives a fuck
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Me, I do.
Then you're stupid for worrying about something so insignificant
And you're even dumber for worrying about what I care about.
Kinda cool
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Why does she have two bells?
One bell for each tittie that MAlear has motorboated
>poopy fingers
Her tits are to small.
Your a fag if you think its ok to give hot women fridge bodies
who cares, you're still a fag
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That's some good kino content right there
one for each failed banner (she needs a third one now)
She would need four.
she has four alts?
Original, Legendary, Summer, Winter (even as a backpack she still counts because her presence deters people from rolling)
oh right she got a summer alt
i know im late but was the emblem solon looking for all that time just alear??
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>emblem banner is on the 25th
can't believe we're getting lady lyndis for christmas
they need the oldfag paypigs to return
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Would you eat Byleth?
Lynfags should calm down before it ends up being the dumb dwagon
What makes you think that?
weddit meme
You're reddit you fucking faggot
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when's rosado going to be on a banner again
i need that faggot's fodder
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>page 9
thread so dead even namschizo gave up
he just posts one image every 10 hours and fucks off
Only one person can save this shit thread...
*fires a kete flare*
*shoots down kete flair*
it's OVER
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Is everyone watching Sonic 3 today? Where is everybody??
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I took my nephew to see it earlier. I got him the tin bucket that came with a cup and toy on top.
I want to rape this fifteen year old savage
Most people are probably busy with Christmas stuff. You can expect the tripcuck soon since he has no one to Feliz Navidad with
That was nice of you, Anon. What'd you think of it?
I saw it yesterday. I'm currently playing Baldur's Gate 3
It was fun. I kinda dislike that a lot of liberties needed to be taken with Shadow's origin but in the context of the movie universe I would say it was done well enough. The after credits scene has me excited for the next one.
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>expected porn crop
>it's actually whole pic

I play both. BA has superior story, more standarized visuals and has comfier gameplay.
FE has more gameplay freedom and better mechanics and more responsive client.
BA is good gacha overally, FE is for those who simply like FE. If it wasn't completely raped by powercreep I'd even say it's for some puzzle/challenge gameplay due to abyssal maps and variety of game modes, but IS almost completely killed it with teleporting multigaleforce units being able to 1turn every map and it not only doesn't feel like it's worth building characters anymore due to how fast they become outdated, but it's starting to feel like pulling isn't worth anymore unless it's some emblem tier shit.

Today I opened sim to play with Cecilia using her prf refine and she doesn't even kill Fomortiis and attuned Caeda despite having TA advantage without true damage from shit like Occultisst Strike. What's the point of stats when you just go full true damage and true damage reduction? It's really tiring. Sometimes makes me want to drop game to have more time for other kusoges.
It is a crop. She's wearing an ornament buttplug.
mating press
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Amazing to think she's barely 1 year older than this other tit monster!
Post build. I wanted to build her too. Hopefully she won't share fate of Travant who got instantly powercrept by almost every wyvern released/refined after him.
You are right. I found pic but didn't check artist page. I am dumb.
Marth Attacks!
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Some boys roll, and some boys are gay
But I don't want to play
Only banners without Engage characters
Make my rainy day
'Cause we are living in an Engage flopped world
And Alear is a trans girl
You know that we are living in an Engage flopped world
And Alear is a trans girl
Nam. Attack.
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hello losers
there are so many white women under my belt
starting to believe in snowbunny mind control
good day
Kek based random black Velouriafag
When is her next alt and resplendo
corny nigger
hopefully never
hopefully no time soon
Ringschizo has some self respect now I see
Echoes and emblem being released solely on 1 unit is so fucking retarded. This gacha is about building your unit but IS actively refuses to give you the necessary resources. Making it times is fine but making it literally only available for 2 weeks in an entire year, then have a very irregular rerun schedule. I wish they at least didn't ruin what's already in the game
You forgot that Attuned units (the ones who have X skills) often have multiple skills that cannot all be inherited at once.
Does anyone have that image of that fire emblem character edited to say "That's so gay..."?
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I love Shamir
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>Post build
here's the build bro
it's fucking nothing, i'm waiting for a rosado banner because i need wyvern rift and he's the only unit with that skill. also he was on a banner for the past 3 months in a row but then disappeared before vaida was revealed. maybe there'll be new A and C passives as well by the time i can actually build her
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I have this
you are both blessed
Tits actually too small.
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Have another
I meant planned build.
post that pixiv again. My HDD died so I lost original pic.
nvm, turns out I saved it after I got new drive, no need then
something like this probably
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For me, it's Kvasir's butt.
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Yes. Good.
No ass.
Hey, Camilla can't be COMPLETELY flawless. They had to give her some room to grow.
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Can we get a flop to the bottom of the sales chart going up in here?
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so all that was needed for some respect was for someone to admit a weakness to fictional white women
Why did Seidr lose this ass when she grew up?
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She didn't.
Uhh haven't played in a year; where did /feh/ go? Is the game worth coming back to? Did we die so hard we merged again?
The game is doing well for a gacha this old from an IP as semi niche as FE.
Most people left because namschizo and salesfags make this place unusable for 95% of people
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>he thinks she lost it
How's powercreep?
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Awful. Just awful. Look at units like Brave Felix and Nidhoggr for how stupid this game has become. Which is then multiplied by giving them Emblem Mythic character boosts which break the game.
>Is there anyone in the Somniel who loves men?
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You’re not gonna get off that easily, dwagon.
I had a dream where Fomortiis fucked me and woke up with the hardest erection imaginable.
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Nah, she’s a spaghetti girl
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Hag love…
Grug want mate
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>Lumera is just a rehashed Mikoto but your adopted mother
>Can't even fuck her
Such a waste.
>Such a waste
That's what your parents said about you
Baldr and Hodr really seem like they belong in a mainline FE game or Xenoblade
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Built for rape and impregnation.
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Literally made for plapping.
Sex isn't even necessary for making a kid with her.
Plapping would just be for fun.
Baldr boobies
I can fix her.
There's nothing wrong with her, though. She just gets drunk from eating things, which is a real medical condition, but not something that can be fixed.
Unless you mean her daddy issues, in which case just get her to call you "daddy."
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Other than Ratatoskr's NY alt and Ash's TT+, do you expect the lead girls to get any content this upcoming year?
What's Fogado doing there
Just Fjorm kek
>Unless you mean her daddy issues
That's exactly what I want to fix.
I thought the fruits she ate were fermented
You just know he hit that crazy style
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change it chud
Pretty sure Rat ate one at one point and was fine. So if that's the case, Nidhoggr has some variant of Auto-Brewery Syndrome.
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Peony has a chance of getting a Spring alt next year. If not her then Plumeria will get it.
If only your parents saw wasted potential in you
then they might not have abandoned you huh?
You meant to type "Fjorm," right?
I'll assume you meant another yearly Fjorm alt.
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I just want to have sex with Merrin
you sick fuck
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Built for ryona
I regret nothing.
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Kiran is ..
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Brutha that fucks snow bunnies > spic that wants to fuck children
Sad we'll never get a snowboarding banner. Something like Hilda in big snowboarding boots and whatnot.
I'm not a big fan of selkie or velouria but they're likely getting more alts, aren't they?
Still waiting on her alt.
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White women fuck demons
They fuck literally everything except white boys
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>Hilda is 5'0"
>>507116797 Raul mentioned
Who cares
I mean they're right. All FE posters on this site don't have 4chan hacker powers
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Feethis feet
I know it's difficult to remember Fateshitter units, but they both have NY alts already
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So cute that Celine and her girlfriend got alts 1 month apart
Needs correction, which would be legal, I mean she's a literal lolibaba, so she as old as the universe itself.
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>More alts
Implies I was aware of those, ESLtard
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Killing off Gunnthra was the gayest thing they've ever done
Who else up stroking it
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Fjorm, maybe.
I got a feeling Seidr might get something as well. I wouldn't mind either of them getting another alt.
you are correct, but that is IS' obsession for cheap drama and shock for you. Maybe next year.
Year of Snek so chances are Gullveig get something, but anyone outside of Fjorm's obligatory yearly alt is unlikely.
They forced me to smell their feet
EnGAYge fags not even trying to hide it anymore
sissy series
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Flayn's mom looks like THAT!?
Uhhh, I don't want the details bro. I hope you're not doing anything illegal.
Ketes aren't real
Shut up Pigzig
Based Basilio
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Don't care for feet but the pantyshot is kino.
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new commissiontard just dropped
Do you think she was remembered by anyone after the liberation army won?
>t. Laegjarn
If you look at their skeb you'll see they've been around for years
Stop lying
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miccy legs
I can't stop commissioning and masturbating to the feet of Fire Emblem girls.
Based. Show your comms
too high res for raulcore
Guys I want to come clean about something. I talked to a single girl my age yesterday and after I was done talking my legs were shaking like crazy and my heart was racing
she probably thought you were absolutely disgusting
She would only think that if I looked like you kek
Am not surprised that /feg/ is filled with unironic spergs like you.
But we talked again today and she initiated the conversation. We talked about 3H
I was diagnosed in 5th grade. I never asked to be born.
>4th day of Christmas reward is 4 tickets for the 2020 Christmas banner
>5th, 6th, and 7th days line up for them giving us tickets for the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Christmas banners
>the last one would be on the 24th for PST/25th for everywhere else so it'd count as the final Christmas present
>remaining banners are Lysithea/Lute duo, Mirabilis, Artur, Manuela
>Cordelia/Severa duo, Black Knight, Dorothea, Annette
>and Byleths, Edelgard, Dimitri, Yunaka
They can't be fucking serious, there's no way they consider just a bunch of shitty tickets better than a free floret/aide essences or orbs
Whomp whomp
This makes me want a Gheb dressed up as Kiran.
I’m starting to think we probably won’t get a Gheb before EOS :(
I want to sniff Elincia's feet
I want to sniff Elincia's feet
I want to sniff Elincia's feet
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This, but her butt
Lucia calm down
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She grows stronger. One day she will hit 40 attack.
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Almost there
Aracne Caliburnus isn't much better than her weapon, is it?
I didn't get my free snacki :(
good. rot in hell faggot
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You will be executed by the Begnion senate
nope cause I'm fucking Altina, she doesn't want to lose her slam piece
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Fun fact, the unit on fomortiis message has greatly increased rates compared to others and before
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What echo skill would you introduce?You can make it as powerful as the latest skill if you want, IS doesn't really have any standard if you recall time pulse and death blow echo
Null DR%.
You know how fun that was when you get two different rate-up stuff at close proximity. Now who to build... Fomo is +spd -def, Hortensia is +hp -atk

By the way, do you think Eikthyrnir would steal promotion for the Emblem Hero banner at the last minute? Fomortiis wouldn't like to promote an Emblem Hero at all, unaware he is a close proximity of one.
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Sweet chikkers
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>felt bad after
thats how you know its NOT me
Her prf and the old Arcane have a fairly similar power lvl.
NY banner is the worst fucking pattern, worse than dragon halloween, I wish at least the non-OC characters were also random and not dogs.
I just don't understand the logic of "okay, our crossover game should actually focus on our OCs!". Bizarre.
Go with the newer Arcane weapon. It's LEAGUES better.
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Number of Heroes per game as of the latest banner (including resplendent heroes)
Fire Emblem!

>Shadow Dragon (and the Blade of Light): 2
>(New) Mystery of the Emblem: 95 (107)
>Echoes: Shadows of Valentia: 63 (72)
>Genealogy of the Holy War: 59 (68)
>Thracia 776: 38 (41)
>The Binding Blade: 77 (85)
>The Blazing Blade: 92 (109)
>Sacred Stones: 79 (87)
>Path of Radiance: 46 (54)
>Radiant Dawn: 70 (75)
>Awakening: 126 (141)
>Fates: 150 (169)
>Three Houses: 103 (105)
>Engage: 48* (48)

>Heroes: 125 (128)
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore: 5

*52 including Emblem Heroes
Do any modern units even still use regular %dr? I feel most modern units use flat and/or special DR nowdays
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2 more days!
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My empress
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Why does everyone think the new emblem is going to be Lyn?
fe6 banner at start of month and green color is either axe or bow
personally I think it could be Edelgard but I like them both so I'm happy either way
Because it's Green and she could be a Green Bow. They haven't started with the DLC Emblems, but it could be Emblem Edelgard or something but people aren't expecting the DLC Emblems yet. It could as easily be Corrin or Micaiah.
Micaiah would be staff if I had to guess since that's the big focus of her ring in engage. It's also pretty wild she hasn't gotten a staff alt yet considering that's all she's good for in the second half of Radiant Dawn lol
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I hope so
>48 (actually 52)
just write 52 then retard
Then I'd be double counting, and the Emblem characters are just copies from other games. It's for the same reason Leif wasn't double counted as an FE4 character (because he's the main character of Thracia) or why Naga was only counted as an Awakening character (using her Awakening design) or even why Odin, Laslow and Selena (Fates) weren't counted twice as they are Owain, Inigio and Severa. I included the note just so people understood where the counting was coming from.
they pulled the blazing blade banner ahead by like half a year just for emblem lyn
Emblems aren't the original characters and are from Engage.
>Splitting Jugdrallius to pretend there's no bias.
Seriously? Talk to more women, anon. You sound like an autistic permavirgin.
Should I?
Might as well.
>Goldmary even sluts up in front of Vander
Jesus Christ, she's just out there trying to air her pussy out to anyone but Alear, huh?
What special and C skill does she want btw? I have a B!Felix if she wants Tempest and Gust.
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Baldr's still getting new art
all the tickets and free pulls.
get nothing as usual.
Pedophile image. Be careful guys.
Tits way too big
>open the link
>huge tits
you lied to me
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I want to suck on them
Flop-O the Clown
/feg/got the one-joke
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Another one
Are writers so expensive that having a good plot in a Fire Emblem game is impossible?
name one japanese game with a good story
Nearly all of them are better written than most Fire Emblem plots.
Mario Party 3
Fire Emblem Engage
The one-joke to rule them all, and in the darkness, bind them
the director and main scenario writer are an item. Or the director is a retarded simp.
Director Maeda and Writer Nami Komuro I mean.
So does this commission girls scuba diving naked? Does he at least do that?
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BA chads got a pajama party banner before us
We need more Selena alts
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FEH isn't a pedo game so we don't get pedo themes.
>no koyuki
Zenless zone zero
What gacha staples has FEH never had a banner on?
What's pedophilic about wearing pajamas? Are you trolling me?
Halloween is a pedo theme THOUGH? It's about little kids getting candy
What happens to the souls of the people who die during Emblem Trials?
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i don't know what BA is and i don't care
Have you thanked your Demon King for all the free tickets he's been gifting us?
Fuck you Fomortiis, I got jackshit from your tickets.
Out of every ticket and free roll so far, all I got was Bunny Lucina.
So no.
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that's what you get for opening your presents before christmas, bitch
You replied. You care.
>Daycare Center gacha gets a fitting banner theme
Guess I'm not missing much since dropping that shit.
I don't believe this, but if you aren't lying just calm down and go with the flow. Try your best to not be a sperg and have fun.
congratz. I guess she has a thing for spergs
You're so retarded lmao
You failed your students just like you failed your parents
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>those grapes were sour anyway
Edelgard/Femleth newlyweds duo
Bernadetta mail order bride
Marianne tradwife for the chuds
Lysithea I guess cuz she another cyl winner for some reason
Tell her how Engage flopped
>/feg/ constantly brings up wanting pajamas as a banner theme
>another gacha gets it
>suddenly it's a "pedo theme"
>>/feg/ constantly brings up wanting pajamas as a banner theme
show me a single instance of this happening
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When were pajama banners ever brought up?
I wanted milf yoga banners.
Is sendrawz the most based FE artist alive?
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Learn how to use the archive. I'm not here to babysit newfags
kek so you can't find a single example. stupid loser.
>"find my evidence for me."
Nah, I won't. Oh look at that, your argument failed now!
>constantly brings up wanting pajamas as a banner theme
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As expected of retards. Die mad.
>Namtard is here
Okay, cya later...
>hes back
I wish namschizo would use his immersive autism powers to derail other generals, not just ours
I wish he'd use his autism for the betterment of the world instead of being a constant nuisance
Your definition of "constantly" is a bit off.
I wish he'd just kill himself or get arrested for stalking
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I now have 5,310 orbs.
Can't wait for Lynkeks to get blown the fuck out by a green F!Corrin lol. They'll just use the water terrain since they already coded it for M!L!Corrin that everyone forgot about, and let her engage ring ignore DR or something no matter your special. Maybe I can skip an Emblem for once too since Fates is such hot trash
It's paywalled
how to get this guy I'm so angry right now!!!
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>But I don't want to play only banners without Engage characters
Me neither.
your poems are always the gayest shit in these threads, btw
Lifeless eyes are really cool.
This is an attempt at gay erasure. Very hateful art.
The FE3 LadySword should have been her Prf
>Christmas TT ends before Christmas
They're not poems
I'll write a better /feg/ poem than that fag, watch this.
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I love Shamir more than anything
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>AI art
I call this "lamentations for a lost general".

In days of /vg/*'s past, there was a good and noble general to be found.
Long before the Spic, Nowitranny and Nammy were around.

There were lots of topics spoken of there
Like who was better, Rutger or Fir?

Which Fates route was fuller, what Awakening did to FE3's lore
Who made the best father in Genealogy of the Holy War

Which Lord was the strongest, who had the best feats
Which OST was the greatest, which had the best beasts

We'd discuss the games, the new and the old
We argue about which games were trash and which games were gold

Maps, stats, art and strats were points of contention
But to look at them, that was worth our attention

That was the /feg/** I knew back then
Broken in half. and joined up once again

She's gone through some hardship, this general of ours
The split between mobile and mainline posters left her with scars

Even Heroes posting is dead thanks to Kozaki, that hack***!
I know in my heart, she will bounce back

Because, one day, the trio will be dead
And once again, we'll have our thread.

*spoken as "Vee Gee"
**spoken as "Eff Eee Gee"
***In reference to Book 8's failure
We need background music for that.
The diction could have been better, and the ending less schizophrenic, but A for effort.
It's just wishful thinking. Like they're all at a convention or something and a big meteor comes down on them.
>Long before the Spic, Nowitranny and Nammy were around.
spic has been here for 10+ years
I know, but the three of them together represent a sort of triumvirate similar to First Triumvirate. Just as Caesar, Crassus and Pompey all enjoyed a boost in power and prominence from the alliance (though all were prominent in their own right) the power of the three of them together was magnified. Think of it like how you can get Catria and Palla before Est, but the Triangle Attack is only available with the three of them together.
Eh, I suppose it’s okay, but you’re no Ice Spice.
This reads like you asked chatGPT to write pairs of sentences where the last words rhyme. F.
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1. It's not a poem it's an edit to a pop song
2. You put way too much effort into this schizo babble that I'm and hopefully anyone with an IQ above a single digit won't bother reading
3. You're a faggot
You are extremely weird
Have wincest returned to Fire Emblem lately, or is the series still shit?
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Engage lets you marry your half-sister.
Houses lets you marry your grandma-daughter.
I made this for the anons of this general, who I love.
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Whatcha guys talking about?
A shame since not even your parents love you
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Fuck off Nowitard.
Nope, I only speak truths
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Sounds based
>true sothis exists
>they'll never even add her as a mythic
damn, how big is her dick?
FemKiran? If she pulls back on Kvasir's wrists, the dick can lift Kvasir off the ground while crushing her womb.
Nobody wants that thoughever
Futafags should be euthanized
Engage flopping bigly, as usual.
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I don't get it
He's a terminally online freak obsessed with thread personalities just ignore him
I honestly believe, as a retard who would not let anyone die in past runs of FE, that ironman is the best way to play
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I'll be honest, Eirika seems like a girl who even when she thinks she is utterly alone, wears bloomers and nothing less if she doesn't need to disrobe further.
I always thought she wore a thong. That sounds really hot.
Lyn wears a thong ever since she learned she can't just be naked underneath her overclothes.
she only wears it in 3D environments
>favorite character dies to some retarded 0.1% crit
>lose all motivation to continue without him
Ironman sucks.
>Tea engayge bitch
>blind lunatic ironman is the best way to play
Balanced literally to sell DLC any more.
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Calling it: Baldr will get 1st place
The continued failure of books 8&9 and engage.
Dedue? More like Doodoo
can myrrh retract her wings
Best Vassal in Three houses.
Enjoy whorethea and maybe one pissgayge girl winning CYL
Just biologically? Serves no purpose to be able to do so, so I doubt it.
Okay, but realistically how many times could you thrust into fem Kiran before ejaculating?
For me it really depends on whether or not she’s bathed recently.
If she showered that morning I could probably manage three to four thrusts.
If it’d been a day or two I’d probably finish before I could even put it in.
Keep in mind we’re talking regular fem Kiran, not some nasty ass futa version of Kiran.
yes, eirika didn't know she was a kete travelling half of magvel until she revealed it in frelia. she has different portraits with her wings hidden and her wings out
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found a pic too
What is the appeal of stinky women to you? Don't you want her to smell clean at least? You'll catch crabs if she hasn't washed herself.
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Would be pretty funny to see it happen
Ok I think that went well guys. We talked about FE a little. She only played 3H and I told her to try FE4 since she likes that and Game of Thrones. I asked if she was cool to hang out again next week and she said yes. Success I guess.
I had a French nanny, please understand.
I wouldn’t be surprised. And I wouldn’t even be upset if it meant keeping Azura off the banner
So I understand that they have to add an edge to the Emblem Trials where you unlock levels' 11-20 of the emblems.
But they pretend to be your friend, why would they kill your other friends?
The gameplay reason is probably so that there’d be actual stakes in the emblem paralogues as otherwise they’d be underwhelming if they were all set to casual mode, especially considering their high difficulty
All I'm saying is, in this ironman, I've had more friends die to Emblem paralogues than I have the last five missions.
Based or cringe? I know it's nigh pointless to attempt to build early gen shitters nowadays but she's cute. I don't have any Pledge fodder available at the moment though.
When's Emblem Lyn's trailer?
like 1 or 2 hours
I hope the art is coom otherwise im not even rolling
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Monday. Don't take the English calendar at face value because all the dates follow Pacific Standard time, and resets over there are at 11:00pm.
Based, Clarisse is great. You could do Flash Sparrow and A/S Oath instead or something
Do you have her all merged up, or are willing to spend 220,000 feathers? Then based. You have everything besides Pledge, too?
I think the new year banner will be Ratatoskr (+Hræsvelgr), Niðhoggr, Gullveig and demote Nel (again), with Python as the TT
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Wasn’t there a leak a few weeks ago that said Edelgard was the emblem?
Hector married a random noblewoman.
Eliwood married Fiora.
Top 5 FEH OCs I want to cum in

1. Freyja
2. Hræsvelgr
3. Embla
4. Fjorm (ass only)
5. Höðr
And Lyn secretly married Mark, right?
I thought Lyn was a lesbosexual
No lyn lives with her wife Florina alone on the plains where they can have all the loudest sweatiest sex possible.
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yes. myrrh can hide her wings. she does it in every support too
No, but she does spend the rest of her life chasing after him if Awakening is any indication.
Does Hector even have a wife that would explain Lilina's magical talent?
not really.
lyn , florina and farina are not known for magic
Just reinstalled the game. Why the fuck are there engage characters in the fomortiis banner?
He can't be that elusive.
Genuine question: what does Ninian being Roy's mother add to Roy's character anyway? She's literally just a Mary Sue Deirdre ripoff otherwise
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fe6 never revealed his mom so no mother really matters
Ironically uninstall
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Rockin around the Christmas tree
At the /feg/ party slop
Engage as far as the eye can see
Every banner is a flop
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It’s pottery. It means he is half dragon, the living proof against Zephiels ideals that humanity and the dragons can’t coexist and the answer to Harmuts question

It rhymes
and canon.
So why zephiel has that stupid motivation when in FE7 was "daddy didn't wub me and wanted me killed" or its another inconsistency.
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Dumb dwagon
he's just a leftist retard
It can't be that bad
There is a clue in lilina marcus B support but IDGAF
Hector and Eliwood couldn't marry each other so they married pegasus sisters and then set their kids up to be together.
Lyn went with mark so she wouldn't die in FE6.
He needed some sort of tragic backstory that caused him to lose his faith in humanity. Though I do agree that one person (even if it was his father) caused him lose to his faith in humanity is pretty weak. Zephiel probably should've been playable and seen the world with his own eyes so he could come to the warped conclusion after the end that FE7 that Elibe is a shithole. I guess you could tie in Jahn's involvement by "poisoning" Zephiel's mind that humanity is at fault for making Elibe a shithole and that the continent was so much better when dragons ruled over it.
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all we know
Did he just say Engaged?!
You can say this but take a look at the peg knight. Fiora's insane deathlust when her comrades got killed and insane sense of responsibility make sense for Roy's character because he's the exact same way from some of Wolt's support convos.
Their personalities are better matches than with Ninian who is a noncharacter
So basically this filters out lyn, it can still be Fiora, my head canon is intact, unlike yours and Rune's foreskin.
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Big fat fucking milf boobs.
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Has she passed the ignatz test yet
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Are those real?
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How smart would their kids be?
Really dumb. Male corrin and female robin though... Those would be geniuses
test nigger
nigger test
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Lute needs to be corrected by his big demon cock
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So, how are they going to handle emblem Lyn in FEH?

>They take the "duo skill" icon slot where you just select the icon, then whoever you want to nuke from across the map
>they just let her target 4+ squares away and make it work with the drag movement
>they don't give her a ultra-range gimmick at all
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Please add more girls in chokers to Fire Emblem
I don't care at this point
it's going to be something retarded like a super AoE before combat special + firesweep effect.
Which FE girls are rape victims?
All the ones in this post >>507268872
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You not liking me doesn't mean you get to say me having sex with my wife is rape, that's a fucked up accusation
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What can you even give B Eirika in the hall of buttplugs?
You don't have a wife. You dropped your previous "wife" without even an incident.
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I love my wife
yeah, me (fem mark)
>Though I do agree that one person (even if it was his father) caused him lose to his faith in humanity is pretty weak
His father tried to claim his life twice and made his life hell while people just ignored it or couldn't do anything about the abuse.
The narrative could have spun it like:
>Okay you got the ring back but the rings are still tainted up with Sombron/dom Veyle's Fell energy and the gradual loss of Divine energy so they can't be used at full capacity. The rings are still full aware but know they are gimped without the purge
>So you have to cleanse the ring by fighting the Emblem so you can force out the Fell energy in their paralgoue so you can full wipe it out.
>During this state the Emblem's mental state is shift to that at the moment of their paralogue occurred in their game more or less and they see Alear and their pals as the enemy and the familiar settings of these paralogues help draw it out more.
>The dialogue of them reminiscing the setting is still kept but they all give out warnings in their own way that they will not recognize Alear once the paralogue starts and they mentally cannot hold back but will also give out hints.
It's even funnier, because the scrimmage matches with friendly factions on the world map don't kill your units.
Like, you can fight the Firenese knights in Firene Castle, and your units just get casual'd if they fall. But the Emblems just fucking kill you.
Does your wife get a say in whether or not she’s married to you?
>Trace Kike
>Book 8 slop
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What could have been
Trip back on little cuck
Why is she missing a glove
Jollyoldsoldier has a hand fetish and wanted at least one of Ratatoskr's hands to be bare
Ok. Idk if anyone has claimed Ratatoskr as their waifu
But I think it's official that as far as waifufag shipping goes, her squirrel pussy belongs to JollyOldSoldier the same way Kwll has ownership of Sothis cunny and DarthMarth owns Lissa's
wtf I love ratata now?
She put it on Kiran's cock for him to cum into
I don't believe you
Shut up porn addict
Kwll hasn't posted a slop commission in ages. He's either too poor or he keeps them hidden in his gay little server
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Rev up those shitposts
Nah. He's never been one to HIDE commissions. What's more likely is is inflation finally caught up to his ass being a medical biller in New York. Or Dr. hearns fired him and he has no money to keep going. But now that you mention it, I noticed just about every commissioner except DarthMarth, Yoostink and Mr TD has slowed down substantially. I can't remember the last Hierarchy, Eric, Pigzig, Jimm or Andy, etc commission I've seen.
Gee, thanks!
>He's never been one to HIDE commissions
This is objectively false. I didn't even bother reading the rest of your post.
Rigged for Demon King
Be more grateful asshole those tickets are worth more than orbs
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Cute brothers!
considering how VGs work, Alear has higher chances of winning because of multipliers, lol
this is the equivalent of getting coal for christmas
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Yeah, she said yes
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She's so very pretty
/feh/cord losers
>last night got a Mozu from a ticket who I've already had before but I didn't have a copy in my barracks
>get a Manuela and a Ford from these tickets
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I got Brave Bernie off the tickets
No they're not.
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clapepd his ass
I’d like the squirrel a lot more if she was a shit stirring mesugaki like her mythical counterpart.
Get your own Christmas Hag TODAY.
I already have her at +10, waiting for a new arcane sword to drop to upgrade her
Will edelshart keep the steak alive?
nice free rolls, good thing Karin is there or else it would be all units I could've rolled for at launch lmao
>lysicute is the fomortiis boosted rate unit
>don't want another lysi when she's already +10
Damn why couldn't it be someone else
>forgot to do summoner duels
shit, my 100 codes
>Alear vs Byleth
>Claude vs Dimitri
Here we go again.
I love Shamir, Kiria, Perrin, Ada, Nel, Mamori, May, Rosa, Tharja, Mirage Tharja, Kagero, Sonya, Rhajat, Azura, Tsubasa, Elly, Maiko, Ayaha, Mirage Tiki, Marla, Hestia, Noire, Morgan, and Kana

More Shamir alts in 2025 please

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I don't have any of these goofy ass niggas in my barracks. I foddered them all already.
Maybe I'll take Claude out of the reserves.
Loki fears the Genki tomboy stealing Kiran doesnt she?
>Genki tomboy
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Chiki is wassted
why are they so pointy
Pedo scum
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>pedo scACK
No because Silver Snow is widely considered the worst route and 3 Hopes scrapped the Church route so it would be better if there was no Silver Snow I suppose
OOC btw
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Feh needs more fertile children
Feh only likes Xander
Post usable alts
usable alts
remember when they gave him that bunny alt with only 25 str? that was kinda fucked up
What do I do with Curved Shot fodder
Would love to give that shit to a CUTE FEMALE ARMORED BOW TT, sadly IS is staffed entirely by homosexuals and we got the deer faggot.
Give it to Innes
Why armored bow? They already have the armored specials.
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Ah, so they're finally doing a Christmas-themed Voting Gauntlet? I guess they don't want to risk Alear or Hortensia losing to a shitter in the end despite rigging it in their favor.
I need to complete christmas Dimitri, will he also get the banner with a lot of tickets?
Nobody knows when the ticket train ends
Annette should be coming up soon on one of these ticket banners
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God I wanna sex her.
Highly doubt it
Most fun I had in this game was doing Kronya sweeps in AR-O
In some cases curved shot is easier to precharge which makes it easier to stack with Ike ring, it can also work on both ranges but you need dc in that case. You can also use it with marth ring and a wyvern yumi as a sort of antimeta option since some people run miracle on their nukes and if you have a 1cd special you won't need anything to loop the special since there are a bunch of units that only give -1 special when at max and you can take them 1 by 1 in some cases. However it's much worse into sweep effects.
Fuck this gay kusoge.
I gots 271 orbs. Lyn will be mine, yes.
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lol fucking /v/ mods
>cropped porn which is perfectly ok under nsfw rules on this site
>so the tranny janny had to use the off-topic option (despite very clearly being on topic for that thread)
all those tickets. no 5 star at all
I wish my fave was as BIGLY popular as Yarne, then they’d have two alts.
I wish my fav had a non possessed/corrupted alt
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Thoughts on Fomortiis' taste in girls?
Seems like he's really into short girls
My precious....
Hilda cunny…
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Hawk the fucking HERO
>pair of autists
All of them are built for big demon cock.
Hawk the Tuah
Can imagine my hero trying to sell Seliph crypto, actually.
Unironically should I start running fatal smoke 4?
the retarded ass healing has started getting out of hand.
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Bro, your Sigurd?
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So I know who Lysithea is, but who’s the other “gifted student” with her, is that Bernadetta?
No thats Lute. The white haired girl is probably Micaiah.
>Lysithea and Micaiah are both 15*
Somebody's OC
Who’s Micaiah and Lute
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So tomorrow Formotiis will have a quip with Annette, and then for the last banner he'll be with ????? Yunaka I guess?
she has 3 con, please handle her with care
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It's an autist from Magvel.
Don't worry about her.
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All women in FE should have butts like that.
He's barely there and his body is being piloted by a dwagon. Nothing he can do. He can't even seethe. Just have to wait for his sister to put him out of his misery.
Why are architectfags like this?
did the tickets give you anything?
Gustav, Gregor and Brave Bernie
Nidavellir and Spring Lucina
4 to 5 star Silque
nothing else
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Ascended Fir. I just wanted some Manuela merges...
I got a dieck, and a mirabilis. Tempted to build mirabilos because her winter outfit is cute.
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Is the Resplendent BCamilla announcement tomorrow night?
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i'm not opening my gifts before christmas
she has a huge ass too
Sothis and Lysithea so far

I got 2 Hilda's yesterday and a Manuela today
For the last banner he’ll break character and freak out after accidentally walking in on the Alears getting spit roasted by muscle men.
Hilda and a random summer Robin
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even the male one?
No she was just joking, just falear
Nobody says "Rape Olivia" anymore
Not lindy
Especially the male one
They make MAlear impregnate falear
We need a swimsuit alt for Eitr.

It's such a waste for such a cute and sexy girl to have only been in a couple Tempest Trials.
Anon, please. If we gave Eitr an alt, how would we have room for another Fjorm?
Please think of the Fjorm!
Fjorm is my wife fuck you
This but unironically
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She should have gotten one this year since we got Summer Nifl and Summer Ymir, but they decided to break that pattern for some reason. Maybe they were too scared about the Reddit reaction.
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imagine the retarded incest babies
The Reddit reaction to a girl with big tits getting a swimsuit???
they were already calling her baby, and look at how they reacted to hortensia getting a bigger bust
Oh somebody beat me to it, nvm
The biggest.
Fjorm's a cutie with a fat butt and thighs, so this works.

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