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Previous: >>506876856

Knee is getting Married!

[YouTube] TEKKEN 8 - Clive Rosfield Gameplay Trailer (embed)
[YouTube] TEKKEN 8 - Winter Update & Season 2 Announcement Trailer (embed)

>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
Virtua Fighter Won
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(retard) Didn't copy the links properly
>that thumbnail of a fucking season 2 announcement
these devs are actually mentally ill
This is the kind of tourist that Clive brought to the game.
They must think we actually like tacky little customisation items like that
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I tried, ok?
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don't (You) me ever again you fucking cretin
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I like watching my wife get fucked by more virile men
Kazuya main, of course
nu-lore says that jun never fucked ogre
>lost to a 444k prowess new player 1000 hour andy mashing df2
She FUCKED Clive because all Tekken females belong to CLIVE
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I failed to sexually satisfy my wife last night and this morning during breakfast she suggested that we bring Clive into the bedroom with us "as an experiment".
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Say It
>There are players at GoD rank and 450k prowess points with probably multiple GoD ranks with only about 1000 hours played

Does this bother you? Or am I wrong and they're TT2 or older players?
they could be console players, but 1000 hours is probably enough to flowchart to a high rank, depending on character
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Tekken out
Virtua Fighter out
Soul Calibur out
Dead or Alive out

>best fighting game in
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Armor King when
Every tekken character that has a face scar should have sex with every other tekken character that has a face scar.(Bryan, Dragunov, Lidia, Maven and Raven)
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>They . . . understand the reputation it's received for being difficult. One example being that because there's no special moves, it's difficult for new players to understand what to do first. The dev team wants to do more to ease the player in and address the hurdles
>Yokoyama acknowledges how VF is known but not played by the younger generation. Their goal is to make VF appeal to those people, but also satisfy the returning players.
So you're saying...the new VF is DoA (see what I did there??)
If Virtua Fighter has those weird down downforward forward or whatever moves I won't be playing it. The only reason I play Tekken is because it introduced characters without that outdated shit.
I'm mentally ill I'm mentally ill I'm mentally ill
The two pronged devastation of Clive and VF6 has to plainly be intentional sabotage
You don't play tekken, let alone Virtua Fighter.
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I'll play vf6 but if the games mid I'll drop it
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>Suzuki-san? Moshi moshi.
>Hai. Sou desu.
>Owari da. The gaijin didn't suspect a thing.
I do play Tekken. I'm undecided on playing Virtua Fighter. We will see if they can pull me in like Harada-san did.
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>serve justice to Harada for destroying Tekken from the inside out
>he drops this
I'm giving my brother a chance to mash with Clive and then I'm permanently uninstalling the game. Should be tomorrow. You should do the same.
unfriend any of your friends who bought clive
i'm having a blast playing R.E.V.O offline arcade mode
>knowing someone who bought temu 8
needle in a haystack
it still works?
you can use steamless on the exe and slap a steam emu on it and it'll work offline just fine
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Take a break from ranked fellas, load up photo mode
i uninstalled post eddy
>demoted a 260k mastery point xiaoyu to raijin who had good punishment

Once your prowess gets to ovah 250 it seems to get rough for people including me
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>rapes and kills the entire tekken cast and community
If nobody here is playing Tekken 8 then what are (You) playing?
I gave mid ass chrono cross a try and I'm gonna drop it.
legacy of kain 1&2 remastered
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Silent Hill 2 remake

it's here
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this character sucks
Nightlong drinking while flipping through the telly
Marvel Rivals
Street Fighter 6
Notes for Using Lili:
>you oughta greed for as many Feisty Rabbit mixups as possible when you have heat
>you gotta do Feisty rabbit off off ff3 cancels into dew glide feisty rabbit at combo enders
>havent triewd doing FR off off backturn but I ass-ume it adds extra layers of mental stack/unpredictability to her rather predictable BT stance
>single jabs are your best tool for controlling the match
>youre not supposed to be looking for lows, they're more like an accessory tool you use sparringly
skibidi dob dob yes yes
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skibidi drumpf
Let's talk about Clive.
Every patch and new dlc character makes me hate this game more

I uninstalled again fuck this game and fuck the retards who put mister particle effects ffxvi also df2 crushes lows and mids while -7 in game
just waste your life labbing the dlc like i am doing right now. it's a good time burner.
Clint's new movie Juror #2 just dropped on HBO MAX. He's still directing!
mister particle effects that also drops your frames and automatically lowers your graphics
In that case, I hope (You) have fun!
I think Clive is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything
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He's Phantommaxxing
some niggas have the audacity to call d8 a good game
every time I watch footage of clive I am just in awe at how much of a clusterfuck the screen becomes. the fucker teleports around and spawns in waves of hellfire and spawns wolves and grows wings and shoots laser blasts and turns on christmas lights. It's like Victor with AIDs after doing lines
Can you select Clive with his hood on normally or is it CC only?
We became the very anime game we sought to destroy.
no one without gaining monetary compensation does that
Winning just makes me angry and every character in this game is designed to be as oppressively unfun as possible to play against
The tekken team really wants their players to stop playing so I will finally just stop playing
holy fucking kino
I love Clive so much bros
>duck at the wall twice
what's so crazy about this
noooooo brooooo you're gonna miss out on even more move bloat and knowledge check 50/50 hard mixup AIDs with the season 2 update!!! and you're gonna miss out on 80% of your online matches being against 50/50 forced stance mixup gay community icon anna williams (now with installs!)!!! And all the great content in the upcoming battle passes! And all the high quality paid content that will be released on the Tekken Shop! NOooooooo don't leave!
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Sabotage 8
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she's turned the weans against us
this game wont even make it to season 3 fuck bandai for continuing to double down on the worst game decisions possible
why is that thing stickied on /v/?
because Murray and Harada are planning on collabing with Valve for S2

why does dale look like he's about to cry on the right picture of the thumbnail
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I could use a drink
I want to drink Eliza's cum
When should i start ranked? Im 60 hours in spamming quick matches
what character plays the lowest form of tekken
at least play until you can get warrior, you don't use any points until then
Make sure to stock up on tekken coins before you start ranked
Tekken made me the insufferable mentally ill pile of human waste that I am today.
play Rimworld and create a colony of Mishima players to relax
whenever you want, the world is your oyster
Victor, Eddy, Clive
Stance Guessies 8
Guard Breaks 8
Tekken Shop 8
Clive 8
>combos are 80% recoverable health if you want to interact with your mechanic
>alright heat but terrible heat smash
>bad df1
>arguably the worst hellsweep in the game (0 oki 21f, might even be reactable by some genetic freaks out there)
>bad lows
>bad orbital
>pretty bad approach tools

calling it now the moment f1+2 gets nerfed into a reasonable button Clive is a mid tier at the absolute best
oh and i forgot plus frames cap out at +3 and he doesn't make good use of them because he has no jab strings
I'll take your word for it but I dropped the game
>i forgot plus frames cap out at +3
nigga go into stance
your character can be mid and still be unfun terminal cancer to play against

if their character is mid tier then it is just frustrating to play against

if their character is top tier then it simply just comes down to guesses wrong first

this game fucking sucks
>if their character is top tier then it simply just comes down to guesses wrong first
you don't really guess against nina she just pressures you forever until you press and get CH or chipped to death
same with yoshi, you challenge or commit to a move once, get spin/flashed and you lose
hell nah bruh mariah carey christmas skin in fortnite goin ham frfr gonna goon to THAT
Murray Christmas skin
he only has 3 meaningful plus stance transitions, wr2, b2 and 44, one is the bad approach tool i mentioned and the other 2 are duckable highs which have a lot of risk attached
there isnt a single character in this game that's fun to play against. fun to play against usually just means "this character sucks and i beat it"
if the games not fun why bother
You know what guys, I think maybe 20 guaranteed chip damage from a heat dash on block wasn't the best idea
I like when I play against characters who lose their turns completely, like being -8/-9 all the time when playing neutral, and don't have good armor/evasive panic tools to cheat frame advantage
I just don't know why fighting games keep double and tripling down on this stuff, like look at perfect parry in sf6
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inb4 heat gets buffed in s2
Bryan is pretty fucking strong but I enjoy the match. Honest to God Tekken character.
Which is worse all Clive ranked or all Anna ranked
Clive ranked because I won't be playing this kusoge by the time anna drops
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Anna is at least sexy
>heat engages from range 5 with a tracking safe mid
>abuses a string literally designed to have no counterplay with install
>permanently +5 on your face thanks to qcb1
>all tekken 8 additions
counter hit launchers aren't tekken
anime fags
fag fags

equally awful desu. Oh well now that I think about it I guess there's no point in booting this game up for the next 6 months.
I am in hybernation mode till spring, real Anna main here (yea I actually play the game) I'm gonna spam ranked so fucking hard and I will flip the coin harder than ever, also since its T8 and the theme seems to be to improve characters weaknesses Anna will probably also become good at punishing, can't wait
This game is so fraudulent they show fake networking data in-game.

They think I'm going to believe this game with 17ms ping, no frame drops and 1 rollback frames is legit when I can't even punish Hwoarang's b3 with a 12 frame.
at least anna is a fucking tekken character
clive is cool. i like clive. the only thing i disilike is he has a lot of button presses that hit 2 times and they feel awkward in combos
i like that half his moves are epic cutscenes that pause the game thats so fucking cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>real Anna main here
why are you gay?
12 frame ch confirmable string??????
not a soul is ducking b2 when you’ve shown a million f1+2 autopilots
I want to have gay sex so bad
this guy is a huge degenerate who sucks cock at event venues and gets fucked up on pills before he plays. he bragged about it on tekken zaibatsu discord for a while.
Sounds like the average Tekken player
I don't want to play games. I want to fish for shit in an anna main's ass pussy.
common tranna activite
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Because I like sex with men?? Duh!!
get blud in a wig and makeup and I would
but Jun beat him, does that mean it happened consensually
as a kid I always thought Ogre was really cool because he killed so many of the Tekken 1-2 fighters and absorbed their fighting styles into his own. He seemed unstoppable. It makes me sad that he was retconned into a complete jobber over many years.
Jun is actually a serial rapist that raped both Kazuya and Ogre
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did Harada read this book?
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where the fuck is the vid emery?
Every move has insta recovery

ide roll is completely busted

You can side roll into wake up kick with virtually no punishment

Side rolls avoid any kind of grounded attacks and timing your grounded attacks to a side roll is virtually impossible, timing your attack to a sideroll+spring kick or sideroll+wake up kick or sideroll+back rise is nigh impossible and way too hard for the attacker

You can't punish people hitting air when you sidewalk to their backs because moves will realign 180 degrees and hit you in the face

Moves realign at random parts of the strings so good luck even if you confirm the whiff and don't press before they end

Generic jabs track to random directions

For some reason generic dickjabs track both directions despite not looking like they track at all

Spring kicks are homing and will most of the time track your full sidewalk like some sort of magnet

There is virtually 0 punishment for spring kicking

When a springkick gets sidewalked it's virtually impossible to punish it because they'll be too far away (same issue as Dragunov's WR2)

You can't bait spring kicks because they can delay when they do them and they're too fast to dash block

Characters like Lidia and Eddy are p2w autowins

Quickrise is unwhiffpunishable (test it)

The game blatantly lies about connection quality, 10 ping feels like 100, 100 feels like 200, 120 feels like 300

"20 ping" is actually 200 ping unplayable

Half the playerbase is spoofing their connections to appear wired

The game displays false geographical locations so you play more and then gives you fake pings, rollback and hardware frame drop display (you'll play some guy from your region with 20 ping when in reality it's some guy from Zimbabwe playing on a 2003 tablet with 400 ping)

The game offers everyone the chance to whiff every attack scott free because every move has instant recovery, there's 0 chance to whiff punish unless you're pn adderal

The meta at high level revolves around spamming launchers
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is there hope? is schizokino coming back?
Emery is a lightskinned bitch, he isn't a schizo like Jeremy
mainman is a white trash retard and his girlfriend is right, he is a loser.
Why the fuck are 10-hit moves even in the fucking game? It's the gayest fucking shit ever.
My wishes for Season 2:
>make moves possible to whiff punish
>nerf siderolls
>nerf quickrise (make it whiff punishable and -10)
>nerf spring kicks (nerf the tracking, recovery, make it so you have to do them as soon as you reach the ground)
>nerf the tracking on dickjabs
>display the real connection quality information and stop lying to people
>accept/decline wifi toggle
>Pc benchmark
>anti cheat
>Allow no contest at the slightest hint of lag
I will now consider playing your game
so that nostalgiafags boot up the game once to do the 10-hit the memorized as a kid
I only play honest characters.
I'm a brown skinned TMM sub if that matters
Just another retarded knowledge check to throw at people, often only done by legacy shitters like king players and paul players
>no Bryan
Straight, unfortunately.
THE Bryan main is getting married, so I'm not sure about your hypothesis
>king players

Right before making the post I lost the 1st round to a King doing it.
Tekken players are becoming extinct due to gay sex
I wouldn't want that even if Murray personally paid me to use it.
AIDS is killing every Tekken player
2 hours of aris sarcastically shitting on tekken 8
I came in a man's ass ONCE and I never went back to women after
all notable bryan mains are married.
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Not only did they make the game in Unreal Engine, they're throwing out the the old guard by dumbing it down for an audience who will never play it?
Yeah I'm thinking VF6 will be DOA
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Not only did they make the game in Unreal Engine, they're throwing out the the old guard by dumbing it down for an audience who will never play it?
Yeah I'm thinking T7/8 will be DOA
somebody post Stella Bryant's body
Akira will be the main villain and the new protagonist is his son, Stella is his love interest and they'll be friends with a black guy who does capoiera and a Korean taekwondo guy
but enough about Tekken 8
and a kangaroo that wears boxing gloves and an american guy with a tall haircut who's also retarded
tekken 7 = heaven
tekken 8 = ass cancer
i'm starting to think the 17ers were right about everything
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Heaven controlled by the demiurge
Everyone loves clive and if you dont then you are just a tsundere in denial
We have to go back
/v/ was right. The fgc really is faggot central.
Wait wtf is this modded it looks better than usual
Before Clive and Day 1 Clive: He's cancer!
Day 2 Clive: He's actually really balanced and fun to play against
Day 3 Clive until Tekken 9: He's cancer!

Day 1 Bluds we won
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Josie 7.0 rage art only lasts 4 seconds from the hit impact to the end of the animation
No, his love interest will be Eileen. Or maybe Pai will have a daughter.
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Lili's an honesty/autism simulator character. Poke step poke step poke step punish poke step punish poke poke poke poke step punish poke punish step poke punish BT mixup step step punish poke step punish punish step block punish step step step 3+4 step punich BT mixup step punish punish block block step punish block step block step step step block step punish block step step step step step step block punish block punish step simulator.
it was also a reused soulcalibur 5 animation
Women deserve to play kekken too...
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Tekken 7 FR overhauled all of the stages by slapping ugly obnoxious colour filters on them and redoing the lighting to make everything look shinier (because devs seem to think Tekken's visual brand is "shiny" and therefore everything must follow suit)

It's pretty funny looking back because it meant that FR/console version had a stage called Twilight Conflict, wherein there was no twilight but it was instead in the middle of a clear blue/green sky day

There were also other effects that didn't make it into the console release like stage transition animations. The rain in dragon's nest gradually poured in when you hit final round in the arcade versions but when you hit final round on console versions it's an instant transition
God damn this looks way better wtf did they do
>the best tekken game is now essentially lost media because the online scene is dead and they never added any single player modes that are worth playing or adjusted the difficulty of the CPU opponents over the game's entire 7 year lifespan
who dis qt
no clue
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you know who else is dead? josie
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Josie is goonfuel
murray characters be like "he's 8 feet tall and he's the best muay thai fighter of all time and he's a super soldier and he's imprisoned by the military and he was struck by lightning and he doesn't afraid of anything"
damn that's badass
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that's basically just steve but taller and with tattoos
You'll create a warrior who excels at fighting games by breeding at 36
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But they actually made a successful effort to ground Steve with the whole sex trauma sub-plot
after 40 years of plunging chanel
Tekken 7... those were the days..
fahkumram gets his thingie jerked by thai police because if he gets too pent up he'll break free from his cuffs and start raping the other prisoners
Tekken 7 Season 1... those were the days..
I have no idea what happened post Clive release everyone's this fucking fundamental player I gotta play like Knee to beat. Playerbase has gotten too good I have no idea.
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random t7 hardstuck red match has more hype interactions than 99% of competitive dekken 8 tournaments
blud doesn't know about ludwig
Was a new story thing added with Clint update?
>PROMO VIDEO: FINAL FANTASY XVI Trailer Reel has been added to GALLERY
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If S2 is a repeat of T7 S3, how many people will make it to S4?
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Temu 8 won't make it to s3
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Imagine if EVO 2020 was still ofline and we got broken hitboxes Fuckyourmom vs still broken Leroy and 2D
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>Lili mirror
>very fun and dynamic
>both of us are good/similar level
>my promo game
>guy beat me 2 times before
>stops playing in the final round and lets me win so I get my promo


>AT 1:"fuck this guy is playing boring and tryharding too much, just win the game i can't be arsed to play"
>AT 2: his PC disconnected/he had to go attend to some IRL event
>AT 3: he gave up and rage quit because he thought I was reading him too much

Either way I hope he gave me the promo out of "real respect real, you need to be Tekken King alongside me" and not the alternative theories.
Work on your self esteem, you fucking urchin

Step 1. Stop jacking off to anime
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>Step 1. Stop jacking off to anime
No, I don't think I will
I am an incel
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Just the fuck up Jin, you are as volcel as it gets.
My penis literally cannot penetrate a woman, it looks like a wart.
does the vf tranny post sexy pictures
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Clive
Is Clive the new koi
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Zamn Samus looking good
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Say It
I wanna fuck a tranny
I don't get theVF hate, it's a fun game that can co-exist with Funken 8
tekken fans are THE most obnoxious fighting game fanbase. of course their is going to be game warring.
Tekken is the most hated game in the fgc. Everyone hates us. Even smash
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I'm going to play both, 3D fighters are just rso fun and feel so good to move in, 2D fighter just don't give you the same satisfaction but lets not pretend the t8 haters aren't hyper annoying about vf right now, I mean they are annoying in general with their endless unoriginal copy paste posts but that disingenous vf shilling is just the cherry on top.
T8 is surprising good for a launch tekken considering historically the launch versions are really rough and pretty bad but most of don't seen/felt them since they were arcade only, people always like to compare the peaks of the last game with the current iteration ignoring the the time it took to get the good version of the game, so right now we are comparing the peak of T7 with the early version of T8 which isn't fair since T7 took like 2 years to even become remotely good with the console release Fated Retribution, so I say let them cook, we are barely a couple months away from the 1st anniversary of T8 and season 2 is looking promising, lets see what we get over time
It's not hate they pity us and apall what Tekken 8 has suffered the human condition
Street fighter = Schopenhauer
VF= Nietzsche
Tekken= Dostoevsky
Tekken is specifically The Brothers Karamazov, not any other Dostoevsky
I'm fat as hell
Lmao off model ling with tits
kazuya's new move is gonna be a new punisher string cuz they're starting to powercreep punishment from him, his son punishes better than him now aside from i13 launch
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So apparently knee's wife is the daughter of a Korean corporate family
VF is overhyped and its shills fucking annoying
>connection completely fine
>for some reason my opponent and I start being late on every punish

I literally fucked up launching a blocked hellsweep.
how can he pull a rich wife like that?
but they actually filter md5
Tekken is a sport in korea
>VF is overhyped and its shills fucking annoying
Then fucking cry to Harada to make Tekken 8 a better game then you fucking dumbfuck.
damn she better be fucking loaded with a face like that nigga
Show us your wife then
i14 is the only place where a punish could be slotted, he has df1,4 as an i15 punish and they're determined to not give him a standard launcher standing, he has a punish for everywhere else it's just a matter of adjusting frames on hit or damage. I feel like the one spot you can add something is a mid heat smash but if something like that existed they probably would have shown it already so I expect something bland.
Thanks for proving my point
Fucking hags
kind of weird how kazuya is the character they are so determined to not give the i15 punish to. They'll fill in holes in other character's punishes like giving Heihachi a FC i15 launcher but for some reason giving Kaz an easy i15 launcher is too much? I would agree Kaz shouldn't have one besides EWGF but this is modern tekken and a bunch of characters have tools they shouldn't have.
youre right, this game sucks they should make it even more retarded
is there like some kind of cheat sheet video where they break down the simple things each character looks to do and how to counter them?

when i know matchups, Tekken is the most fun fighting game by far. but there's so many i'm still struggling with.
heihachi i15 steve i16 wawang i15 jun i14 raven i15 every i14 engager launch
bob hopkick 8
the character guides are kinda outdated but closest I could find to what you're asking
I wish Tekken devs were half as smart.
>Honest to God Tekken character.
thank you. i do watch a lot of pencil's vids for general overviews, but it's a ton of information and it's hard to recall it quickly.
Dumbing shit down for le modern audience is how you get flops althobeit
tekken 7 dumbed nearly every single aspect of tekken down and it sold 12 million
I got clive to ganryu, lads
Tekken 7 had Aris telling the good gospel
>he boughteded the clive dlc
fightingGM bros can someone please share the gm dancing emote here
GodClive 8
.............. PSN
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closest I have
So T7 and T8 are flops?
kek okay im saving that too but someone had his channel dance emote freeze framed and I want it.
>no comeback mechanisms
>focus on realism
>focus on preserving its old legacy
VF devs doing what Murray lacked the integrity to do
pretty funny there's a bikini item only for Eliza that just makes her tits bigger
I've had nothing but ice cream today
manlet bros is this really the best we can do???
why does Tekken have such a grip on PShitters?
I've seen nothing but complaints from the "fans"
Keep it boring but also dumb everything down for the FGC crowd who won't play anything but Tekken or SF?
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4 months.
Tekken 3 nostalgia
And 5DR PSP for the younger generation
The only reason I would get married is so that I could tell the woman I left her for a tgirl
Stand proud. You are lactose tolerant.
>Keep it boring but also dumb everything down for the FGC crowd
But enough about T8 and SF6
>Slime Troonies nowhere in sight
I imagine the far majority of sales are now solely in Japan
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>Keep it boring but also dumb everything down for the FGC crowd
cammy's ass is fucking hypnotic
kek fighting games are so shit
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Are you new to /tekgen/? You are supposed to reply with a coom pic for me to goon to for the next hour
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What happens when Tekken 9 comes out?
>wh*te w*men op
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return to form kamige as nakatsu is in full control
HMN are brought before the Hague Tribunal for atrocities against the human condition
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This is suicide inducing
peak fiction on the right
You can still play the left in Tekken 8
How Tekken has fallen
The Absence of Atmosphere in Tekken 8
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Her but she ain't a slut her clothes just happen to get destroyed all the time
shit happens
why is he carrying millia rage (lily)
hwoarang main takes the helm, game turns into stance kusoge mash.
VFsisters... not like this
Jap zoomer devs are a blight on mankind
Would be quite stupid not to put REVO + Ultimate Showdown on it for free, right? Right?
>Bro posted a clip of 5.0 as an example of good game design
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It's over. For my wallet
I kinda miss labbing Sarah Bryant ngl
unironically, someone needs to show Harada this and let him air his thoughts
Pretty sure left almost killed the series
the people who complain about this are tenryu
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>le heckin atmospherino
you're right, you should commit suicide immediately

Watching her > Playing Tekken 8
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tekken games before 6 didn't have my wife
i am completely mindbroken fuck kazuya and his df inputs
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>>Knee getting married
>> Phi Dx getting married
>>Getting married to my right hand
Sad times man
How is this any different from just taking lows repeatedly because you're afraid they'll launch with a mid if you duck?
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at least we still have tekken...
because you can stay on the ground for as long as you want instead of tech rolling into a mixup
good players can react to that but then you can start doing kip-ups to throw them off
Kys chinkx
just use a leverless. Df becomes easy as pie
>>make moves possible to whiff punish

That's you being a shitter. Objectively moves have more recovery frames in T8 than in T7
Knee got married. Buff or nerf?
>the third dimension
>jabs dickjabs hopekicks
>a billion wakeup options
>you get reward for blocking the low
Why are VF fans insecure about Tekken doing better than it?

Is there a single SF fan who cares that MK is the best selling franchise?
>Is there a single SF fan who cares that MK is the best selling franchise?
They are assblasted about both mk and tk selling better, even smash lmao
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>kuma fucks josie in 7
>becomes top tier in 8
Nerf, having a child is a buff
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>hiding broken tech (that should've been reported during a PLAYTEST) so you can fraud people for epic wins in your super obscure fighting game
VF community is just a bunch sad, pathetic bitches
Knee could've married any female Tekken player
where I'm from after virtua fights they bringin' kekken
ayo sneedkicks what we tell em
what does a woman gain from marrying a pro gamer? i get chanel being married because he's a chef, a person with an actual career outside of video games. but knee only has tekken and he's been forced to play with a wrist brace for years now. no doubt carpal tunnel is gonna cut his playing days short before he makes his big comeback as the god of tekken
that young woman from an affluent family just shackled herself to a time bomb
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I'm genuinely feeling happy for this Korean guy that I don't understand and have never met. He looked pretty down this past year, so this is great news to me.
Caring about smash is a losing battle the FGC% is like .5% vs like 5% for other fighters.
This is Tekgen, not VFgen. Fuck off with these VF posts.
I don't think she's young
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Bro wtf....
Can't find the Street Fighter general
vf is tekken
Put Asuka in a Bikini next time man
Marvel Rivals winning xD
Okay remind which general is this again? Yea thought so talking shit while leeching in someones backyard ain't a good look.
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Both casual and competitive audiences have responded positively to the changes we have made to TEKKEN iteratively over the years. TEKKEN 8 is no different.

Additionally, in the case of Clive Rosfield in particular, our data team has determined that reception to the TEKKEN 8 x FINAL FANTASY XVI collaboration has been overwhelmingly positive and has been successful both in terms of sales and player satisfaction.
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god Japanese people can be so fucking dumb sometimes their retardation astounds me
They aren't dumb. The truth is that they know we hate this shit. They are just incredibly stubborn and refuse to respond to our feedback unless it actually becomes a massive problem FOR THEM such as the genmaji temple controversy
>>all tekken 8 additions
i'm starting to think this tekken 8 game is not so good
nobody wants tifa coomertards
that's because bryan just gained without losing anything important besides the s4 hatchet oki and ch launching mach kick/northern cross
zafina and steve got key tools nerfed/removed, and the new stuff isn't very good
Please elaborate, I am genuinely curious.
>zafina and steve
they're notable exceptions. every other character in this game is fucking retarded
not Leo
skimmer trusting german discord screenshots again?
leo was already a retarded ogre of a character and also a filtered bitch
just got out of a game where GO1 possessed me and i was teching like 90% of some dragunov's grabs, i'm green rank if it matters
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Moonsault Slayer is a nigger....
Right-hand bottom of that screenshot
>SF6 establishes the doctrine (nihilism) in a field of metaphysics
>VF tries to form an antithesis to the idea and go in another redirection (3D) movement
>Tekken rips off VF while trying to distance itself from it and injecting their own weirdo take on it (limb based combat)
Poor JDCR doesn't even have a GF.

I wonder Jeondding is gonna get married or will just enjoy ethot pussy
I remember seeing that name in pools once but I guess he didn't make it very far
what tekken needed? CLIVE ROSFIELD
tekken needs to be taken out back fr
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you jest but i reinstalled the game almost involuntarily when he got revealed and was fully ready to pay 8 dollars or whatever you guys pay for DLC. imagine my suprise when they made him FREE
>Stance 50/50
>Stance 50/50 x 8
>Tackle 50/50
>Grab 50/50
>Everything 50/50
>Only honest character in the pass
Wouldn't be surprised if this is 2nd season DLC all over again
They're reworking VF via a food analogy... that can't be good
I look back on that TWT Finals 2018 where they announced

>Marduk and Armor King release... TOMORROOOOOOOOOWWWW
>Negan gameplay

with the same fondness as I look back on the many trysts and hot sex encounters I have had across my life
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If word of this gets out to the public, Murray is fucking FINISHED
this was the beginning of the end
>anna, marduk, julia, lei, legacy characters that have a low play-rate + unfun to fight against
>armor king had no reason to return since king took a bunch of his moves, also they kept buffing him and made him just as unfun to fight against as the others
>fucking negan
>uhh send us a picture of their tekken id if you got plugged on, we'll get them!
Literally some of the most embarrassing temu shit I've ever heard
imagine being phidx
going from THE notcis main to hard stuck tekken god on clive while literally the entirety of tekken 8 playerbase is already GoD with him
>imagine being phidx
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What should we say to M?
CBM was THE Noctis main. PhiDX wasn't even the best Noctis in NA
Get Grok to predict VF6. I'd do it myself, but I can't get it to load.
What does blud mean when he says something is "mad OD"?
SF niggers are in this thread all the time doing false flag posts.
I hope Bryan gets buffed in s2. That's the only way to nerf this character into the ground is if people complain about him so much due to him being prominent in tournaments. If people complain about him enough he'll get all these BS tools taken away that should've never been there in the first place like qcb+1. Fuck T8 Bryan.
I love niggers using the skeleton outfit that obscures animations so they can keep spamming what is normally highly telegraphed moves.

Who the hell played Noctis prominently besides PhiDX? I know JFJ played him but his Noctis was worse + he played bears and yoshi more.
Why can't we pre select our characters in the main menu so we can bypass all the laggy sub menus?
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what the fuck is this
you can do that as of this patch
Has anyone got that clip of Brawlpro saying
>I hate woman
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where's ghost vs ghost murray? you fucking lied
VFfags look like THIS?
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I have no job and I must scream
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how much longer do I have to fight S1 jin/nina/yoshi/clive
don't think I can hold out much longer
do you want me to ask AI michael murray?
please do, and ask him which characters are coming in the S2 pass
everyone is getting buffed in s2
Don't worry you'll eventually fight S2 Kunimitsu/Anna/Steve/Ciri
Revo comes out next month
this is not funny
please don't put ciri in the game I don't want witcherfags playing tekken
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Torgal just snapped my dog's neck
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Cutie honey universe
Meant for >>507007870
s-sorry murray...
why can pros deal with jin kazama but you guys can't
literally everyone who isn't a jin main has complained at some point, especially about his 2,1,4
jin main btw
No we can't.
I think I play the Lili matchup with Clive better than PhiDX
go to options, then player settings, and set your favorite practice
Bryan needs more buffs?

Are you people fucking serious
Honest and hardworking high execution character, please understand and please ignore that I parrot all of my opinions based on publicly accepted sentiment which originated back in the Tekken Tag 1 days and has not changed since
now thats a fucking season pass
were madonia and raef not skullfucking everyone under the sun with divekicks
>they are calling Julia top tier again when she never EVER won ANYTHING
Sneedana Sneedei Sneeduk Armor Sneed Sneedulia Sneegan
Anooooooooo... I'm a hardstuck T7 Season 1 Yellow who gets filtered by bow and arrow full crouch pressure, please understand
but she was played in tournament from the day she dropped in 7 and is top tier in every tekken game
Julia survived in top 8 Leroy
Piloted by Rangchu, the legend,
Knee here buff clifu too weak
it was a japanese julia main not rangchu.
you saying rangchu isn't japanese??
I want to find success in life switching to bryan rn
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it was mikio
why'd you delete it
you saying rangchu cant go by japanese names if he wants to??
I don't care about success I just want to work some fucking fryers
Murray deleted it
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>t*fa faggot hasn't posted in days
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erm can you? retard
yeah I main jim
>Phiddy actually crying cause he's getting his ass kicked as Clive
Maybe Clive is more honest than we give him credit for
shaheen is literally unironically the most busted champion and everyone chooses to ignore and focus on Jin and Yoshimitsu
his guard break is so fucking dumb why did they buff it
because no one complained sadly
Why does Xiaoyu not have special dialogue with Clive
give kaz an anti AOP move
too because getting licked out by him to talk
bro? your b2?
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blud cooked with this one
Harada, hire the guy.
Why she barefoot
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i need mine
reminding bandai namco he can't cancel him for the clive comments because he fights racism
i still don't get why a fucking slide character needs a guard break
Spider Bruv image (the real one) would be perfect to illustrate this right now
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You'll get someone even better
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bruv gets gang-stalked by racists, you think it's funny??
it is pretty funny tho
This brudda can't wait for VF
at least you know why tekken is shit
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It's still December bitch and naked lili is everywhere along with other chicks including your mom
Here's your mom's ass
she looks so pretty here wtf
Cmon man LOL
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do you think jin lost some respect for his mother given now that he knows she
a) was alive
b) didn't send her spirit out as a dove out when he got shot
c) didn't send her spirit out as a dove when he became emo hitler and started ww3
d) still loves kazuya
e) probably fucked ogre
We know that Jin isn't one for thinking very deeply into things considering he didn't bother to search the Kazama family magic cave that he and his mother always trained outside of and was handed down from generation to generation, so I don't think he has considered any of those points.
>in the retcon ogre doesnt sexually rape jun, but instead jun sexually rapes ogre
you guys bullied Lili schizo too much
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yeah? hold this
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we never bullied her, we loved her, wtf are you on about
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we need an annaschizo around these parts
want to smell all the girls farts
she's ourguy
I want a man to shit on my face
She did send her spirit out in Tekken 4 to stop Jin from killing Heihachi. Considering Heihachi is the source of all trouble (made Kazuya what he is, provoked Ogre to awaken, awakened Jin's devil, etc.), there is something deeply wrong with that woman's priorities.
honestly I do think jun is a slut at heart, and tekken 8 proved that
she didn't do anything when her son hit rock bottom and even was trying to kill himself
she instead decided to act when her baby daddy kazuya wanted to do something jin already did (start a world war)
very suspicious indeed
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Konami will save us with Kensei 2.
Seagal in virtua fighter?!??! kekkenbros lost
Women don’t fuck Men, Men fuck Women.
Hello my name is Devil Jin
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>TMM is a Clive shill
>Nose quit temporarily because of Clive
>Medusa started playing T6 campaign/scenario mode instead
>Momo got banned for something
>Mihawk is depressed 24/7
>FedX is still shilling for Tekken and Clive as well
Ooh, Heidern
>Considering Heihachi is the source of all trouble (made Kazuya what he is, provoked Ogre to awaken, awakened Jin's devil, etc.)
I can't believe a part of me is still excited for the Reina + Heihachi vs Jin + Kazuya storyline development, as BS as I know it will be.
momo's a fag shoulda got perma'd
Why do you call anyone that disagree with you a derogatory term?
>two guys speaking mandarin are way more comfy than Markman and Spag
We only care about Lowtiergod here
gimme a focking discount on steam
I'm a Marduk shill.
The final fight will totally be 4 of them playing Tekken Ball with meteors.
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I swear something in this update just fucked with Jin's combos somehow. I've lost 2 matches thanks to dropped combos already.
where are the pubes?
So what is the system update shit they were teasing?
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Why is he carrying Kolin?
oh no !! all those kazuya german one piece mains
new moves for everyone and a balance patch with season 2
ghost vs ghost is still happening and more customization slots around that time
it's basically one person
and fuck germany
Reminds me of Jun
I have a guest character for you all.

*Lets penis flop out*
I can bully you if you want
scrupman can't punish a single thing Clive does even though it's all crazy minus, is freeu really that bad?
kazuya main please understand
Kill yourself faggot your whore mother should have squashed you while you were a baby. Would save us all the air
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why is she the #1 character for trans players
Tekkenbros, should I eat red velvet cake for breakfast?
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I think that'd be Reina or Lidia.
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jin main btw
Chizuru debuted a year after Jun, so there might have been some inspiration. However, young Jun was a typical innocent asian girl, while Chizuru was always shrine maiden mixed with 80s businesswoman, it's the Tekken 8 outfit that made their looks truly similar.
Reina is for chuds and coomers.
Is it true that Allah was transgender?
How the fuck is it visible from outside the shirt? Now I'm self conscious. Do bellies really just show that much
sex belly
how do i ascend to kof godhood
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should i finally try and get a gf? all the tekken pros are getting married...
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As a Jin main, I just want to say fuck you guys for making up that December shit because this month my ranked sessions has been horrible from start to finish. I actually got demoted all the way to Fujin.
Alisa is the number 1 character for trannies, Anna is the number 1 character for faggots.
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poor jinny, want someone to cheer you up?
If you've made it to a rank once, what makes you think you can't get it back? Especially once the wave of GoD players speedingrunning Clive in ranked ends.
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girls love the sex belly master
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I hadn't seen him at a healthy weight in so long, I almost didn't recognize him as CBM
>play noctis
>lose weight
>jin become busted, pick jin
>gain weight
what character should I main if I'm attracted to females that look like this?
That girl right there. I bet she's getting fucked by a
what was going through her mind at that moment?
>no pic
you like men?
it's chipotle girl
>Momo got banned for something
for what
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sorry, forgot the pic
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Anyone playing next Tarkov wipe?
Akira gets lots of pussy as we have seen on that one image but Jin is so autistic Xiaoyu would present herself naked to him and he still wouldnt understand.
hmm no
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bitch is like a cat in heat, holy fuck, somebody get it sorted
wait Aruuu is that girl in the pic?

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death to 24ers
KingJae fucked LooneyLili and Aruuu
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Clive is going to snap your neck
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clip dat..
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hahahehahe lemaooooo
the fact that we're so fast makes me sad bros, this is just a glorified discord grooming channel for people vaguely interested in fighting games (not even tekken specifically)
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That bitch has a sore pussy for a month straight after that and walked funny
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Tekken money? Spent here btw
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For Julia anon
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>outie belly button
>giant man hands

I vomited
i miss u-turn posting
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the fact that Reina isn't even Heihachi's biological daughter is retarded, why did he favor this random baby after murdering her village or whatever, and why does she have the mishima electricity powers if she's not even a mishima. Why can she use the EWGF, why isn't Lars using an EWGF, shit makes no sense.
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that's Jaycee
she labbed it stupid
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thankfully best girl is still 4 months away
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nigga they stopped caring about making a good or sensical story so you shouldn't care about it either
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There was a Tekken card game?
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I'm not gay
they're not fixing this in 4 months
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we wirr fix plugging issue by making it worsu hahahaha!
>no punishment for plugging
>both players punished when one player plugs
What's 2026 going to be like?
I actually think Tifa would be more fun to play. Boxing + Casino Slots wackiness
Nah this is Union Arena tcg which just grabs IPs from Bandai. They've had Bleach, One Punch man in this tcg
punishment for denying a match during the search phase and 2027 will punish both players, the one who deny and the one who's denied
i was determined to play today, now i sit and look at tekken 8 icon in steam
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Casino slots showing up in game would make for peak meta humour about the state of the game.
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come join me
best tekken stage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8VFG7LPdmE
before he stole Itagaki persona and everything went to shit
he's beating up on actual greens in player match? lmao
god how can people watch this shit
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this reminds me about red alert mission in london, it's yuri dlc i think
i can't stop watching vf streams, i'm addicted
worse, those are his subs
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hehehehe im retarded ehehe

it's finally here
What is ......................Clive's heat extension when you need that tiny bit more damage?
drop me some links bro
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Why the fuck did I decide to learn Kazuya when Clive gets released. It's impossible to practice neutral as Kazuya against this guy. Might have to switch back to my main.
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sorry for party rocking
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same vibes
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>harada finds out a new vf is in development
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This is how enjoyment looks like
sex with lilypichu broke phiddy's mind
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This is what enjoyment looks like
>he doesn't smile and go BING BONG WAHOO so IT'S NOT FUN
virtuasharter brain
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This is what how
it's kinda funny how harada's entire style and appearance came from a marketing campaign for a game that never happened
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>he doesn't smile and go BING BONG WAHOO so IT'S NOT FUN
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We're all gonna play VF. Stop pretending the fanbases don't overlap.
poor guy was mindbroken once he saw vf6 behind the scenes and probably was completely demoralized when sega refused to share characters between the two games
Clive is so fucking garbage addition it soured me on Tekken as whole
life is so simple when you have small movelist
221 needs you to be +3 to be threatening, most of his stuff leaves him +2 which is perfectly fine to contest or step. his "best" frame trap is probably 1f2 and that's still going for a high, you do that at your own risk vs people with evasive lows with CH properties
clive has some good things but plus frames aren't one, he's basically never plus. he's more about spacing traps
gonna goon so hard to vanessa you niggas can't even begin to imagine
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i'm still deciding if censored Shermie for China makes my dick harder than the non censored one
The first VF6 guest character is... Tifa Lockhart!
It's gonna be so funny what Murray's gonna do to you niggas that leave to play VF
they'll improve the game drastically and quickly, VF can't come soon enough
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Next VF will not be a 3 buttons game, it will also not break your controller
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VF will instead break your neck (it's Murray)
i love vf lets go *plays temu 8*
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also i agree completely with your b2 point, that's why i say "once f1+2 gets nerfed into a reasonable move". right now clive is very difficult to approach because of the constant threat of f1+2, once f1+2 becomes steppable (which is the nerf it should get) he will have to switch f1+2 and b2 which opens you to duck, and both of those moves are a launch if you dodge them
>It's a new direction for the series!!
>Let's call it Virtua Fighter 5 + words!!
>Also release this shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=einEYdj3nAQ
someone had a stroke
>>spends 300 hours on Tekken 8
>>don't even fucking know anything about frame data.
you're the retard. the interview was about Virtua Fighter 6 which just got revealed. Different from the VF5 PC port they're releasing next month
try 600 hours
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This is a smart move as it will show people how far they went with the new game and it also shows that they are not afraid about their past.
Not only that, but it shows something that many companies lack these days, good will and passion.
This port (super cheap to make) is probably their best way to convey the message, which is, Virtua Fighter is Back.


your parents didn't hit you in the head enough
I think they are making the right decisions but i am a bit worried about them changing the game from a 3 button fighter to something else.
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this looks so bad
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this looks so good
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Oh, Stella, the "Bridge Between Worlds." How original, SEGA. You've really outdone yourselves with this one. A blonde, blue-eyed character? Wow, never seen that before. It's like they raided the trope factory for ideas.

"The Bridge Between Worlds." Sounds like they spent more time coming up with a cool-sounding title than on her actual gameplay. I bet she's as deep as a puddle.

And her look? They must have thought, "Let's not push any boundaries here; let's just stick with what we know will sell."

Great job, SEGA, you've managed to be predictable and safe all at once. Maybe next time, try not to play it so safe. Or not. Keep being the "bridge" to nowhere while we at Tekken keep setting the bar high.
try 800 hours and older tekken games
Bitrate 8

+ Bruv
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>how do we make notsamus more interesting
>give her freckles
i hate fujinkishing tendies with 200 hours so much
switch 2 port will save the game
Yo, what's good, senpai? It's your boy, King Jae, and let me tell you, Clive in Tekken 8? That's where the party's at! The visuals are on point, the sword play is lit, and the character design? Chef's kiss.

As for the gameplay, it's like they took everything that made Final Fantasy XVI fire and cranked it up to eleven. The combos? Insane! The animations? Smooth as butter. You know I'm all about that high-energy, technical play, and Clive? He's bringing that heat.

So, should we "clip dat"? Absolutely clip that! Every move, every combo, every epic moment. Clive's not just a character; he's a highlight reel waiting to happen. Let's
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>be sega
>work on a new vf since 2021
>say nothing about it
>wait for the competitions to shoot themselves in the foot
>announce new game without spending a big budget on the trailer
>ride on the competition failures
sega is on the path to become a giant villain if they keep going like this
Jun in the middle, True Ogre left and Akuma on the right
Clive behind Jun
Didnt MK sell the most out of the 3? If that is the case why is the game dead?
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'Ve got en malding (yuh)
vf problem is the characters
yeah. it's impressive i didn't think it could get worse but it did somehow
MK is normie fighter, always sells good because everyone has heard of the franchise but it doesn't retain players
Akira will have fully modeled dick, don't worry
because, like tekken, it aims for sales and to lure casuals, just put flashy characters and dlcs, basically turning the game into fortnite of fighting games, it's fun and all for the first 10 minutes but then you realise it's not worth your time
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>longest intro
>longest rage art
>longest bat
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he's compensating for the shortest... you know what
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Julio next insha'Allah
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I got a small dick and I can't cope but I don't compensate with anything
Reina is easy to play against. She's rolling on the floor like a fucking bitch
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Loved playing Tekken 8 on launch, should I reinstall to mix people up with Paul? Is the hacker problem a meme or not?
If you have the mental strength to then yes please reinstall the game.
Hacker problem is a meme
Burned down, thank Ifrit
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I hope there's been a rank reset or something I don't remember combos
Imagine grinding 1m little timmy points just for it to reset
It's a cope but feels like every eu2 is cheating faggot with scripts and just trying to dunk on low ranks
Ifrit give me strength
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>>All the focus on the new VF6

Even though 2XKO is 2D based, they're focusing on a 2v2 element (So instead of blaming yourself you can blame others)
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whats low tier god doing? i bet hes playing as clive and getting why hes playing against clives
i really should stop playing on weekends it's unbearable
KEK! why does this shit never get old? (unlike ltg)
I wish Tekken has good porn
I don’t think this would survive on the OP, unfortunately
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Stop writing in CAPS, i'll fucking kill you
I want that inside of me
Lmao you ever played a match, said fuck it and just laid on the floor so the opponent kills you
lol nigga got cooked
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stop it
now post this with female characters preferably in skirts and barefoot
I'm back guys, is the Clive hype over?
tekken is over actually
There was no clive hype in the first place for it to be over now
kazuya is for autistic masochists
The only fantasy here is YOURS!
I feel bad for the devs, the game has no chance because top management at Riot is a mess, its not normal for a fighting game to need 7 years of development.
Season 2 guest DLC reveal.
The King of Iron Fi-
You can launch all his lows and his optimal range is also your optimal range. His punishment is also not very good.
Gand the elf

*plays against greenie subs while contemplating the death of a franchise*
t the girl
nigga press rage art one more time i dare you
What would Tracer's ult in Tekken 8 be?
And the monthy python's holy grail black knight
And benito mussolini and the blue meanie
taking Widowmaker huge futa dick
She chokes you to death with her legs. 30 second long cinematic.
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What character should I main if I'm attracted to females that look like this??
Can someone please tell me what was the point in having Heihachi in season 1?

Like why couldn't we have Reina be the big boss bitch???
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Heihachi was their ace in the sleeve for when things got really bad, and was probably released early to generate hype so that Clive reveal is given to a happy audience more prone to spending, but little did they know the audience is never happy.
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every alisa(clive) player plugs me
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Good. They should plug you on loading screen so you lose points bitch ass nigga.
i'm (still) into men
reina mishima
damn, Jin, even after erasing your devil?
we (still) don't care
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john scoliosis


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