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Previous Thread:>>506961231

Happy birthday to Pudding!

[12/20-1/3][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Supporter Quercus, 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Caster Corroserum (Shop)
[12/20-1/3]AK x Sanrio Collab
[12/20-1/3][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official

[12/19-1/2][Standard]6* Defender Jessica The Liberated, 6* Sniper Fiammetta (Shop), 5* Supporter Lucilla, 5* Sniper Lunacub, 5* Guard Wind Chimes (Shop)
[12/12-12/22]AK x CFA Collab
[12/12-1/2][Crossover]Chongyue, Nian, Jessica the Liberated
[12/19-1/2]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze Rerun - Harold skin
[12/19-1/2]The Sojourner - 6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Supporter Grain Buds
[12/26-1/9][New Year Celebration - Kernel]First 6* is a guaranteed unowned one in the Kernel Pool

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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ptilopalter when?
Rhine Lab climax, banishing Priestess from her mind and become the true wife.
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Purchase your cowe today
Think of having another orgy with Indigo and her daughters
How many materials do the auto sawing/quarry/mining hubs give each day?
I don't like Amiya.
I like Amiya.
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Blaze love!
Approx. 20-25 wood/rock/iron. I haven't touched the hub that gives both wood and rock tho.
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Mumu love
Her butt probably smells bad. I should check.
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giga cringe
giga based
You can't resist.
omega cringe
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omega cringe
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No Doctor, there is no female operator that will rape you
Stop being delusional and get back to work
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You were suppose to go with the opposite and say omega based.
I got raped by Kal'tsit...
I would never be raped. I'm just too strong.
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My soulmate...
Man, I can't wait to use the new Sargon buffing tool they added to RA with Gavial.
do you not get reduced food in strange territory on easy mode?
Christmas Drawpile
Draw something, ye merry fools! 'Tis Christmas soon!
Idk never tried subhuman mode.
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Minecraft with the gals
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I want a duskbean for christmas
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Kroos feet!
Why does nian like to bully her younger sister?
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Kal'tsit couldn't rape me if she tried
Sorry, W is just too cringe
You need to intercept the fireball niggas before they slowly destroy your walls
Holy fuck
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how do i bail from here aieeeeeeee
What if I want to fuck Eblana?
It's over anon
Bro, kill them in the conflict zone
You have not looked at her trust tap and seen the aftermath
What the fuck is she doing?
Me on the left vigorously humping
Operators with the best porn?
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I love this hyena!
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Eblana LOVE
>in arknights you get raped
>in girls frontline you get raped
>in project neural cloud you get raped digitaly
>in blue archive you get raped
>in nikke you get raped
F-Fuck sake is there ANY place that wont result in our rapes?!
Best friend with the best porn..
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You'd better ask me what I'm doing.
I'm fucking her incredibly sexy ass.
even sargonian clay is tara...
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Bro, wtf, that's my WIFE.
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>Anon didn't E2 M6 Mod3 his Vanguard Reed
>Eblana sends her regards
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That's OUR best friend.
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Christmas soon! Is everyone feeling the holiday spirit yet?
Dr G, get your stinky cat out or my base NOW
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Females just can't understand the autoreflex this induces in men.
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i... M9'd the moose.
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You should respect our best friend more...
She's not stinky! And she's just hanging out, your base is cozy.
My wife rapes me when she's in heat, but you do these things for the person you love. It's okay.
>do operations in Sargon
>send the Sargon Warcrimes Man as backup
Guys, are we the baddies?
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He's just taking a walk in the dust, it's fine.
Just deep fry the shell so it crunches like chips and season it.
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How exactly do they turn wood into gold?
im getting fisted by the croc priestess bros.. i tried to follow a video after but she just wanders off into the map unlike the video so i can't make a set up for her..
What good are mountains of gold and silver.
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Congratulations! A wise decision
By mixing it 10 to 1 with water, duh.
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Fia tastes like chicken. What does Perlica taste like?
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>scabhta of the Fiannæ Circuit
Even Talos is Tara...
That aesthetic reminds me of the clownman stage in MM8 desu
Dusk is a NEET who doesn't even have a social hobby unlike Nian.
>stinky armpit
Gold is useful for electronics, can't remember what silver was good for.
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You need to respect birds.
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Just woke up to the news in leithanien. What happened is just horrible and robbed the Christmas spirit of everyone there. How can someone do this, man
1-7 is objectively better than 10-6 these days right?
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yes thank you for that aak.. exactly what i wanted
It’s always been better
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Remember that you might not reach this long term goal if you use Mlynar to extend work shifts, but you can farm it by clearing out ops and reassigning them to the dorm, just like the regular daily and weekly missions.
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nyes but I'm pretty behind on getting my gifts ready. I've got to send a package for a secret santa but I haven't figured out what I want to say in the card yet.
What happened?
(((We))) keep telling you to support Kazdel bwo...
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>you can farm it by clearing out ops and reassigning them to the dorm, just like the regular daily and weekly missions.
Case in point, that's how long it took me to do that.
Please Susie let me marry you
Does Pepe have a module in CN yet?
The guy is a literal schizo ex-muslim mad that Leithania is becoming like the place he escaped from.

Quite a twist really. This is why you shouldn't encourage schizopostings.
i think i like this honse.
No but guaranteed next month in order to shill Pepe in EN.
So, what, they did a pro-muslim thing or something?
You slow.
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do limited collab skins ever make a rerun or is this a must buy?
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R6 got rerunned. But that's the only time a collab skin got a rerun.
I bought susie glitters to hit her and china kitty with a iron pipe
I highly doubt this one is ever gonna rerun.
itll probably rerun eventually but if you like them get them now. i prefer their default skins more so idm skipping fomo
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u-official is a must buy, I always pick her in is4
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>chiplets ITT
if you preplan all the chips the desire sensor can't scam you
My biker moose bf...
I want to smooch foxes
Stupidly good looking without his stupid monocle.
I look like this irl
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>Gertude never get to tap this.
Truly a pitiful woman.
Operators who use the word skibidi?
Post antlers
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She could have had she just not chosen to be an evil woman.
U official
I would like to hear Ethan say it though
Holding grudges are based.
He looks good but too bad I don't use him than often
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Perfect resemblance, right?
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Oh look, a fat muskbeast! Nice.
more like how do we salvage arts protectors
New player>>507003902
How to get her and conviction
How does orca even mate
They're joke characters so you'll get them both for free during April Fools day.
Jellyfish love
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are any of the red cert shop 5* worth getting a first copy of or am I good dumping them on ethan pots instead
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They're both April Fools characters, so you'll have to wait until then. I believe they arrive in the mail for free? It's been a while, I'm not entirely sure.
on aprial fools day a special event unlocks
for newer players missing a lot of older characters they all unlock, though u will need to do a semi trivial event for each one.
>bagpipe -1 dp pot
>siege atk pot
>exu atk pot
>Schwarz -1 dp pot
Gamble with top op
exu, her new module makes her relevant again
Vanguards pot > rest.
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Honeyberry is pretty good, but if you aren't in need of medics then you could just go for the Ethan pots instead. I haven't used Diamante nor Qanipalaat much, so I don't know how good they are. Breeze is okay.
>less DP on vanguard
when is that ever not useful
Fresh baked Blaze
Get the berry if you don't have eyja2
Caper is pretty good for base
rawdog it
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Should have gamble retard
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Nice 10 gold certs
Conviction is delivered through a mail, her skin is unlocked through barrage fortress, a bullet hell minigame.
U-official and her pots is unlocked through her photography/streaming minigame.
There is also a Rap Battle featuring Emperor and Rat King, and the next will be Cannot's investment minigame(betting on enemy vs enemy battles).
At least you can use her and the rest of glasgow as base slave
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>He failed the 50% chance
Paprika standing full nelson in front of a camera and a mirror
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That's the 2nd Siege from top op this week
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I'm going to bed.
Goodnight, /akg/.
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>Auto Sawing Hub that produces wood like a farm on your base
What the hell, I don't remember seeing any mention of these before. New in this update?
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How much faster are these at mining than their earlier counterparts?
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Goodnight, sleep well. I should head to bed too.
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Yeah, you should.
The pump definitely lasts a bit longer, haven't tried the harvesters
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evil women...
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good night bro
Yes, sing for me, sing for me ulpipi
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Ok, I will... Goodnight, /akg/.
Is it true that Reed?
>gets racist to hide his embarrassment
A massive slut? The most popular porn star in Tara? Having more than 10000 body count?
All is correct
that's a natural aegir response, why do you think every AH besides the shameless skadi does it?
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but can she out do Susie Glitter?
Susie please stop stealing my jacket and returning it soaking wet. The pipis on laundry duty are getting scared
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Sweet dreams.
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Alt when?
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I used to hate RA, I've recently started to enjoy it a bit more because of the new features
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After much thought and deliberation, I have decided that Manticore will be my Arknights wife. I also plan to make her my first elite 2 operator.
Nice try Lowlight, I wont be a metric.
Who were the others in the running?
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did anyone grab the icon flavour text in english
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6* on the Ifrit limited alt banner
Based newbro, always follow your dick. Now post your ID so we can add you. But you better not get filtered.
>Brutal fighter level 1
Why did you attempt it before maxing out your tech points?
Food of the future.
Some guy did yesterday, search the previous 2-3 threads for catbox
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seems wiki's also updated since i last checked so that's great too
>wondering why I still haven't complete survive mission yet
>realize I had been doing strange territory normal, then feral
I... 20 days...
The auto hubs were cool.
When are they going to raise the cap for the rice boxes, though.
Drought season made me starve and rationing with meat.
Pochacco bros it's so fucking over...
Ulpipi shouldve gotten the hello kitty skin
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It seems artists are starting to equate the Endminpipis with penguins...
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Someone leaked my sextape with Rita
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... why did you record yourself making love to your wife
makes sense
I usually just do one encounter and one farm per day for that entire season
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I too...am a bird...?
I always goes to see the whole map.
Though, if there's a Within Range or CoC, I will farm those as soon as possible.
I fucking hate the stage with the hunters.
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yes. you too, will lay eggs
R6 collab is the best.
If there's next, who could be the ops?
Tachanka alt?
AK ops that join Ash' glowie team?
She recorded it...
endpipi? that's the child i had with maggie when they shipped us off to talos-II through the warp gate.
How's your pokemon journey going. Got a shiny Vanillawing, turtle, burdenbeast, and shapeshifter.
Perlica is the result of DocxPtilopsis
Endpipis are DocxMaggie
Birdbros won.
>you can enslave the duck lord himself
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Wait a second....MY WIFE IS A WOLF?!
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No, that's a Liberi.
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Love Deggy...
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Will always inevitably make Mandy seethe? It's true, just check your first reply
>>507007502, you'll know it when you see it
apparently, yes.
Still trying for P6
you WILL be kicked from the banana council if you do not have your slug racing monument unlocked and built.
I don't even have RA unlocked
>brmonkey babble

It's not fair... we don't get any cute animal to represent us...

They just call us fat...
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Throat fuck
Mutual anilingus
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Endpipi is a penguin???!
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Doctor is a pig.
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Pretty good so far
Lupo pheromones
A Rim Billiton-based pharmaceutical company has been found to be associated with a slave camp at one of its branches in Sargon.
I need to wask
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Anon that's just sweat......
Is she scared of cameras or something?
What would make me play this game again?
IS#5 Amiya expansion A18
Asky tries to avoid notice when unnecessary, but thar comic is refrencing the chapter 14 recording where Theresa talks about Asky and Asky shows up.
Place your bets
Nice Aak
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kore koso
i was banned from playing RA for making a penis base
Who even reports that shit?
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Canon wife
sui leaks when
You can get banned from RA?
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It was me
Shota medic CNY that creeps Reedalt
lmao even
>finally starts caring about his appearance in his alt
All it took was being stuck on a ship with a bunch of smelly fucks
Magallan was a filthy slut who was a groupie for Emperor in the end.
....mystery nigga
Yanese Agent L...
>you can fucking recruit thorns
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Owl breeding season is fast approaching. You have been warned.
Your next Top Operator will be... Blemishine.
Lin Qingyan is a stinky virgin
Sorry, I don't breed Owlivias
new run?
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she's not stinky..
>anon was permanently banned from RA
actually im kinda curious why they would bother
can we see each others bases? i don't get it
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How does Kal dirty talk?
at length and very dryly
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Yapping in the middle of doing it
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It would be dry and very technical almost as if you were being read the schematics of a machine designed to drain you dry.
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you would give your secrets to this giraffe
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>Lappland loves power more than anything.
>knowledge= power
>Doctor is the most knowledgeable person despite brain rape by p*nk
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>from Yan
>not a jade beauty.
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are penis bases an indicator of a childlike mind?
He can't even beat 1 Sarkaz with his "knowledge" and started to throw rock at her like a retard....
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>>knowledge= power
but the only jadelike beauty we have on the landship is a deer..
Joyce has a fat butt
No, it's an actual simple and effective layout.
Ptilopsis is perfectly proportioned.
So she has a fat butt. And childbearing hips to top it off
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Angelina hate!
Gilberta love!
why's she got her tongue hanging out
A fat butt is a necessity for any cloaca having race.
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Is that why all the snakes and lizards have fat asses?
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Iberian sneks don't have fat asses
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Only the ones with fat tails (they need the support)
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>comic series stopped on the chapter of Mumu complaining about getting cucked by Ifrit
Thucstar has been in recruitment for a year now I believe
Doctor got corrected by the elf...
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Imagine baby sized eggs.
You love Amiya. You have no choice.
Fuck off Amiya
I hate cautus
But not Chimeras, right?
Fuck in Amiya?
I love every Cautus except that race traitor A*iya
Anal sex with Amiya
Amiya is nothing to me.
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Doctor, DOCTOR!!
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Bow down to a Catastrophe
You dare?
You have eyes yet do not see what is in front of you.
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dude who was 3 gold certs short to get 10x headhunting permit
I remembered you can get welfare 5 starts from those unlockable records thing, so I bought a bunch of records in red cert shop and got the last 3 ops that were there
Now there is TWO 10x permits, for like 120 certs, but I already resigned to my fate of not being efficient enough.
Keeping that 10x for Pepe, I guess.
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Thoughts on this bird?
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She is a harmless small child whom I love and cherish.
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Can not wait for Darkmiya
He seems like a nice man
Theresa is hotter than priestess
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Gentlemen, I present to you: Amiya
Start mega grinding red certs to buy 5 star ops for gold certs
What happened to the "Theresis, THERESIS!!" poster?
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Gomen, Amiya. I love Perlica.
I prefer this bird >>507019037
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It's alright, Endministrator. Amiya has Doctor.
Hello. I despise Amiya.
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Doctor, that is a Demon Queen and the Lord Of Fiends. She is LITERALLY destined to bring catastrophe, burning the world to ash and reigning over it.
Would she give her dear old father a bigger corporate allowance?
Her father is dead, schizo-kun
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I prefer Irene (blanco)
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made for me
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Reset Amiya
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Reset Pram
Based and cute
Repeated recruitments would give me 5 gold certs if I'm not mistaken, but that's a LOT of red certs...
And I'm not sure if ops in the shop would be enough.
cute demon lord
fat failure
SilverAsh was right
Start by seasoning him with a blend of salt, pepper, and a touch of paprika. To enhance the flavor, stuff his cavity with fresh herbs like parsley, thyme, and a few slices of onion. Fill a large pot with about 2 inches of water and place a steaming rack inside. You can add a few lemon wedges or garlic cloves to the water for extra aroma. Place the bird on the rack, cover the pot, and bring it to a simmer over medium heat. Steam the bird for about 1.5 to 2 hours, checking occasionally to ensure the water doesn't evaporate. Once done, let him rest before serving, enjoying his moist and delicate texture.
My grandson is NOT for consumption
I'll say it. kazdel was asking for it.
is kazdel a flying city yet or is nasti still setting that up
>RA2 updated added autogatherers
How the fuck have I never seen this mentioned from CN news? The thing I wanted most and they actually did it
It's in process
I will enjoy his moist and delicate texture and you can't stop me.
Speaking of RA2, where can I find recipes for permanent food buffs? English wiki doesn't have them
Make Kazdel Great Again
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we're the good guys
we hired oppenheimer for entirely altruistic reasons
New update added HQ constructs you can make to generate wood, stone, and ore per day. No idea how much.
Just google "RA2 food recipes" and you'll get a reddit link to a spreadsheet
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>0.5 lmd has been added to your account
That's right, Doctor.
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Sure, everyone deserves a second chance pic related
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Doesn't have perma buff food recipes... I want true damage food recipe..
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Imagine wifing Ascalon
Is that a new thing? Permanent food buffs were only in RA1 last I checked
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Doctor, please stop projecting yourself onto reformed war criminals as a way of absolving yourself of guilt.
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Nyes. You can make them with new mats or get them by completing new green mailbox commissions
TSS can now deal true damage and Arts damage
>good smell?
Probably smells like gunpowder and resentment
Goddamn thats a lot nicer than the week long food buffs. I didnt realize such a decent sized update was coming and maxed out my monthly points a week ago
On an unrelated note, how many Liquid Shifter should I capture?
I am having hot sex with Caper after having hot Sargon sex with Eunectes and Tuye(Hoshi too somewhere in between).
What are you imagining about her?
Don't they produce fresh water? you don't really need a lot of them
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Doctor had amazing taste
I want to capture a few of them, under the assumption that each of them can only transform into one specific kind of enemy, and cannot turn into one of several kinds of enemy.
I finalize my Caper wife claim.
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how about JUST DO IT
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Asky wife life
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Wait, so let me get this straight.
You don't even need to touch RA if your goal is the sexo skin? Just do the dailies and you'll be fine, is that correct?
>awkwardly hides from most people in day to day life
>Promises to kill you
>is making minimal efforts to stay alive
>Talks like a weirdo
>Eats your snacks
>Childhood friend baggage
Couldn'ty be me desu
does anyone have a pic of one of those fancy RA2 bases? like no walls or mazes just decorated to look organized
The shifters shift into things from their entire pool randomly whenever you enter base. You might consider getting 24 just for a huge exhibition, but there's no real need to capture them, especially since water is the easiest thing to get.
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I can fix her
>shift into things from their entire pool randomly whenever you enter base
Ah nice!
she can make me worse
I could make her worse.
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I love my wife Amiya
bro, that's a honse
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It is already effectively done. She filed the papers with HR and everything.
Your loss
I'm wondering if they ever intended for these to actually ever try to be hidden amongst other enemies. They have the exact same spawn spots as burdenbeasts which is a dead giveaway by itself, but they transform into pretty much every enemy besides the ones you'd normally see in RA. The transform gimmick makes 0 effort to actually be obfuscating.
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Nuh uh
It wouldn't be that hard considering she's already so anxious all the time.
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>eat the chitin
>get chitin'd in the ayy lmao timeline
Many such cases
I just notice that captured exotic beasts have shiny variants... And my Large Corrals are occupied by a mixture of both normal and shiny exotic beasts. Something in me cringes arghh!!!
How many unique large animals can you catch?
I think 7
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I for one welcome our new chitinous overlords
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Stupid kot
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Since the crab goes in normal corrals, seems right. Guess I'll make 8 for an even number and run two mimics
If you want to have a bit of Pokemon shiny hunt pain, well... you know what to do.
Nah I'll just go for one of each, shiny or not
wyell, wearing a leash around his neck for the doctor and not creating nukes unless you tell him to is a notable improvement over his past state
stop being a faggot
Perhaps I should do this as well.
i'm talking in a metaphorical sense, of course
How the fk do I farm the new materials in The Sand? I only get 1 per clear ._.
Where's my sanrio login bonus?!
Cooking Yanese delicacies with Nian!
Conceptualize Cabela's Dangerous Hunt except it's set in Sargon!!!
Do shiny ones produce more materials? And where to find all new provision recipes?
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Gladidi love!
IS#5 Tourney going on for anyone who is bored

The captains are playing this time.
Tomorrow is going to be spicy, Texas start and... Mumu start by two of the captains.
Fuck Mumu
That's not Oppenheimer, Sesa or Dorothy is the real Oppenheimer. One of them even has Oppenheimer's birthday.
>where to find all new provision recipes?
>Do shiny ones produce more materials?
Also PRTS, but I haven't looked for this yet.
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Honse are just bigger donkeys.
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Bro your Great Wall of China??
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>he took a raid in his base
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>Also PRTS, but I haven't looked for this yet.
I don't even know how to find enemies there.
Just be yourself. There's little reason to actually design the main base for defense in your main game and if doing danger mode, you can just remake base after starting it.
I will eventually look into shiny thingy. Not now tho. I am still salivating over the provisions.
>salivating over the provisions
Fat doctor...
Why are some of the red boxes blocked off bro? Aren't you concerned that some enemies will appear there and beat the walls (Should you let any band of goons enter your HQ)?
I have never broken past 60kg
>think of participating in drawpile
>choose a character
>choose a pose/theme
>do a preliminary face sketch
>start doing a preliminary body sketch
>look at the amount of details in the outfit
>stop drawing
FUCK modern character design and FUCK the Chinese in particular
it didn't fit with the Christmas theme anyway
>Shining animals are calculated separately from ordinary animals in the hunting inventory, but it does not affect the output of the same type of materials.
Ah... So the only thing changed is aesthetic.
>Do Critical Contention for the rewards
>It's just raids after raids after raids after raids with nothing else going on

Apart from the first few days I didn't really feel in danger at all since they spawned far away from the base.
They also have higher battle stats
I am not concerned about raids entering my main base as I just kill them where they spawn. No reason not to go for comfy aesthetics.
I can handle this. The changes in stats are not even that noticeable anyway.
Was that the one where literally everything in Africa wanted to kill you and also the weird plot about the genetically engineered super Hyenas?
yeah i just remade it myself, removed all walls and defense and just made it look neat and symmetrical because i never let raids reach by base
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Huh, they added event currency to the dailies
What did they remove for this, I do NOT want ra trash
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Shining mentioned
The animals... are pure evil
>not enough to buy Hoshi's outfit
I stopped after day 20 because it got boring and super repetitive
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But more than enough for this one
Whats the difference between this and the urban style barrier?
>can't pay 30 primes for Hoshi's swimsuit instead like IS
wtf, you told me gacha were ptw
>Has 0 block
it means enemies wont get caught on it and attack it
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Do I need to play the Sands for this event?
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Ngl our operators should have interacted more throughout RA
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when will it end? do i have to kill myself? it's been going on since arturia i think
Doctor will have a threesome with Zumama and Manticore that night
It never ends
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>RA expansion
>no new rewards
What are Tuye and Passenger doing?
>you get event points from regular dailies
caper bros, we're so back!
I Will Never Play RA In My Life.
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>Since today is your birthday, let me give you a code. With this sentence, you can ask me to liberate the true power... Forget it, no code is needed. Doctor, you know exactly what I can do, right?
What the fuck did he mean by this?
I'm obligated to play RA eventually unless hoshi gets a new skin that's better than the RA one. Fuck RA.
Oh, look, bots started to run "RA bad" script
just simplify it bro
How hard did /akg/ celebrate when Rosmontis was finally saved thanks to her alpha module?
Everyone in the tourney is using her.
Is she really better than w2?
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Sesa2 soon
Nothing is as good as w2 and she's even softbanned in the tourney.
She's in the tier right below her.
Horns aren't the same, that'd be El Hermano if it's anyone Sesa related.
her first skin is already better than the RA one
Sesa alter incoming
He will enable everyone to use guns without originium powers and the whole of laterano will be irrelevant
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did you buy it?
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this ends NOW
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She's still bad in general content
I don't like the chibi
>laterano power outage in PV4 refers to that
When have we had an alter that's about negative character development? Even Skadiva is AU only. I'd like more guns but there's no way HG would portray enabling that kind of warfare as a good thing.
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>Logos, Mlynar, Ines: aka Top 5 toons in the game
>then Cuddlemontis
>Auto the last red cert mission
>Ansel probably doesn't proc his double healing and defense line falls apart at near end
>either have to redo the stage or spend my limited cash to level up the other healer on stage

It's grim that more people use Rosmontis than Lapp alt.
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Capturing this little shit is gonna be rather tricky...
What's the point of pokemon hunting in RA?
When I said the part about how he will enable guns without originium arts it was more of a tongue-in-cheek comment. I agree that HG wouldn't allow it since Kal'tsit would try to stop it if Sesa tried to do it, so I'm guessing the plot would be someone else would try and dig up the research related to it and it would be up to Sesa and friends to stop the pandora box from opening aka maintaining the status quo
i use ray s3 for this guy
Well I only have Warmy
It's okay. I think I know what to do. Gotta quit the game first to avoid crashing.
>Sesa uses a grenade launcher which he claims has a "sublimated soul." In a private inspection, engineers found that this firearm had undergone sophisticated modifications to enhance the strength of its core Originium components, allowing people with even relatively mediocre Originium Arts to draw out most of its potential. This leaves little to doubt about his Originium engineering skills. As for why he prefers mysterious and esoteric expressions to describe his work, we continue to reserve our judgment at this time.
Is he actually tapping into the souls in originium for his shenanigans?
RI being known to have super gun tech would also be a big enough headache for Amiya to take up a whole chapter since you just know Kazdel would start clamouring for their leader to share the goods. So I expect the cat to either stay in the bag or get let loose by someone else.
Food drops like rice farming
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Plotline about firearm development sounds ill-fitting to the current state of Terra. Nukes and targetable catastrophe are the hotness now
Teleporting theoretical physics monsters are nice and all but you still need goons and Sesa's trick make this a reality.

why rosmontis
Didn't Theresis already make originium nuke a reality in chapter 14?
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He did, it's what sparked the post-Victoria arms race where everyone wants their own equivalent.
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Thank you priestess Pallas
damn didn't even know they made IS modules now
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I believe we have an employee that can and would gladly build a nuke. Don't worry, it's good when we do it.
First one comes with Pepe I believe.
Boring thread
IS5 status?
Obviously yes
We have several operators who could make RI into Terra's equivalent of a nuclear power on a shoestring budget. They're better at being a PMC than a medical company until proven otherwise.
Delayed until February.
We should build them, yeah. Just as... What's the word... Deterrent? You know, ain't no one gonna nuke us if we can nuke 'em first, I mean, back.
Can't wait to actually use phantom in IS2
Hope Mizuki and Typhon (and Magallan?) get theirs too, eventually
Delayed for RA slop
If I don't get into the Endfield test I'm gonna crash out
They should let me showcase my RA2 Pokedex in my profile
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Pallas love
I don't think that's the pattern, it's just outdated units getting buffed.
Kal is the only exception since she's still a T2 unit but eh it's Lowlight Bias.
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Shu mentioned
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Rice wife. Life good.
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What in the fuck is this stage? Domain of Valor. See you there. Extremely handsome resource loots, for the daring
>non-RA quests give about 3600 event points
>normal stuff gives an extra 150 points per day
Am I adding wrong or can you get Caper skin without touching RA? Hell I think you can clear the whole thing without touching RA.
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You can. The RA thing is actually marginal and only put on the headline to increase player activity for that game mode
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It's called detergent!
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They are so cute
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Mating press
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I picked up a new PC to play Endfield
Why does Thorns have a defense tag? Seems odd. Anyway I hope I get my final thucman pot here
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Who is the Hoshimi Miyabi of Arknights?
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His S2 is very defensive
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>self-regeneration effect
>S2 has a defensive counter-hit mechanic
>tags are utterly fucking meaningless except for the explicit purpose of balancing possible recruitment rolls
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>finally build my chinky deer that I pre-bought the skin for
>her base E2 art and S3 animations look the best to me
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Cute pinus
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>these piece of shit buildings are 3x3 and you can place 12 of them
>have to raze all the decorative tiles I placed and reposition half the wall to fit them all in
I can't believe people would recognize Sona by her feet alone
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she's very underrated
columbians belong in cages
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one of these guys is sparkling... what does it mean
Doc's wife
And her sisters
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blue women good
Shuwife? Nianwife?
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Dead internet theory, bro
Take this Amiya as a token of my very real existence
I wonder why a Pallasposter would say that
Comfy thread
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You just passed the Turing test, you're not a real human
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Cexobe a day keeps the problems away
Cute scarf
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guilty as charged
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Post sluts
I did some research, it's not just legs. It's thighs specifically.
Bare legs skin for Papyrus confirmed soon
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>Still no official Kal tail
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>fearmongering for months about having to play RA for Caper's skin
>You actually don't even have to touch it
That mode really mindbroke /akg/
My ex-wifes sexy Hologram can't be this hot.
I can't believe people importing their opinions from MTL'd chinese forum posts were wrong about something
He has every Amiya notSkins in his personal account
I crave Witch Amiya
I thirst for Witch Amiya
I yearn for Witch Amiya
I NEED Witch Amiya
This but space
She was originally human
Why would she have a tail
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They just keep growing...
Is this latest RA update the one where you catch monsters? I told myself I'd start getting into it when we got that patch since it looked goofy and fun
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Same reason why she has cat ears, dumbass
I desire Slutmiya
Space Amiya > Witch Amiya
Maid Hag'shit can cost 100$ and I'm buying it without a second thought. Lowshite doesn't want money
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I love napes
halo collab when
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That heart on Dusk's thigh was drawn by Doctor
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Wife? Daughter? Lover? Dog? Is that right?
Do no trust. Enemy.
you alright there bro?
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My gf had a back like that, loved it
she fucking wishes.
After the DmC collab
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This but Degenbrecher
After the JJK collab
Hot doragons.
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Xi, please save Doctor from your whore sisters.
Me too. Next year.

The RAM thing is quite annoying.
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I want to kiss Shu
Suzuran crawled into my bed again
Prensa de apareamiento
Puta de la minna
Doc, that was Sussurro...
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Sussurro doesn't have 9 tails...
You like putas don't you Doctor?
Xi, please join your sisters.
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Just some casual bonding.

No sex, nothing lewd.
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no, I like evil women
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Not before she puts the plugs in...
>wutaitoid coded
The man needs to fend for himself, there won't always be a strong woman by his side to save his chastity
So are we getting the IS modules for Kal and Phantom before IS5 now?
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It's no issue to have them moved to Nymph's event with the spreadshooters though. It's not like we haven't had modules shuffled around before.
Fiammetta mating press
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Me, my daughter, and my not-gf
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Which of our operators should play Scrooge?
Warmth... Hearth... Family.... Home.
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So once again we have devolved into chicken posting
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You mean evolved?
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Imagine the stench of home in her bosom
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We love our spicy chicken
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Stop typing for 1 minute
and appreciate this cat
not enough skins. I need more Jess skins to splurge on.
1 minute has passed
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evolved you mean
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it's a cat with guns
cat with a gat
shooty boop snooty
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Those are no guns, those are torpedo racks
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Teasing and smooching this bird
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I wish I had Dusk... I really do.
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Thigh gap like that can't be real.
Which operators would be excited for the new Superman movie?
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Want to take a closer look to make sure?
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Doing Algorhytm for the first time. Base layout recommendations?
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>picture of female Rover
>Wuwon... *sniff*.... we actually... wuwon....
Jessica looks like she would enjoy forced head at gunpoint. Dunno who is giving you or her.
Sui Commission agents are forced to spectate this...
Last thread some people posted their base layouts
I don't watch goyslop, what's the joke
I don't know but I want to watch it
Base layout? Literally none. You're not meant to fight raids at the base, so you just plop down HQ constructs wherever you find most aesthetic. The real defense points are Outposts, as well as certain field nodes which make for easy defensive chokepoints (Field of Gravel, Drinkwater as Bait, Treasure in the Trees, etc).
Bust those raids before they get to your base, otherwise you'll eat shit.
Cute homophobia
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Gay or black? Superman I mean.
Rice tradwife
Spicy chicken breasts
>IS#5 Tournament
>Captain's turn, aka people who regularly stream IS and win 90+% of the time
>but you aren't allowed Perfect wish, or Walter either
>both lost today

Here you go, to the guy who was saying Deadly Fury is as good as Perfect Wish. It's not; it is only OP with Blueprint Squad.
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Her eyes have different colours
i believe the correct term for that is heterophilia
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This will be Arknights graphics in 2013
Lol that's heterochroma, not homophobia.
Imagining a salaryman kissing his phone on the train while playing this
Perfect wish pretty much guarantees king relic set, that shit is busted. It's even sillier with BP squad
Arknights could never
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Anon please stop thinking about kissing japanese men.
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For me, it's Medusozophillia
Smoochy woochy for deggy weggy
I'll make Chongyue proud by getting all his sisters pregnant
This is except Shu gets anal. Believe me, it is an ancient chinese local custom to appease a god of fire or something.
Too old for this shit
Dragon Laying is against commission rules.
None, i'ts the most comic accurate Superman ever.
Also in the multiverse there's a bunch of black Supermen. And a couple of gay ones.
My favorite black Superman is Sunshine Superman from a world perpetually on the 60s
>Despite having discovered only 118 individuals within 110 years (1899–2009), gelatinous mucus from the medusa have been found covering vents, indicating they may travel in swarms. Similar large jelly Schyphomedusae were observed traveling in swarms off the West coast of North America
>they may travel in swarms
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Our elfy welfy... mogged...
Looks tasty
Dusky Wusky would be one fucking terrible mother
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I can't be stopped
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Bitey and Free can babysit our children.
Dusk would beat her children for not behaving correctly.
>new NAI model let's you generate Shu, Ray, Virtuosa, Ascalon and Priestess pics
We are entering in a new era, bros
cringe fucking doctards holy shit you self-insert coomers are insufferable.
i hope hoederer and ines would kiss on-screen already just to make you incels melt down.
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Release my mans, he didn't do nothing...
uh oh melty
woman coded post
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i think there should be more operator records that are secretly just perfumer records
What's with Arknights and people being picked up
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i dont wanna.....
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She spends a lot of time with the Doctor, it makes sense that Doctor's interactions with random operators would have Lena orbiting them
a lot of really strong monsters and a lot of regular fodder operating together. when monster needs to move fast fodder can't keep up so the natural solution is picking it up and carrying it around
Hope they improve it and finish it soon
Go back
based sis
Just use gnosis sis.
Lol uh oh, melty
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Endfield will fix everything
Meltycore operators?
Nians furnace body melty my dick.
Today seems like a good day to disrespect birdbrains.
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CE's sitting animation makes her look like she's melting
Why does every banner with a cute girl have to have some hideous furry to go along with it? Can't even risk rolling for GG because of those other things they are trying to sneak into my account.
I want to rape Folinic
There are no birdbrains here
Operators that would enjoy getting raped?
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You don't even need to have any operators, just say melty and you start seeing all the seething posts
What is that fricking ropework supposed to be?
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Why be angry if you can be happy?
the artificial kind
Ops that cause /akg/ meltys?
Abyss Hunters, Nians, Penguin Logistics, and birds and Jerboas.
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Why play AK when you can play [other game]
I'm going to call that birdbrain Astesia and ignore her when she tries to convince me otherwise and insist that I won't be fooled even though I can tell the difference. This will continue even in the presence of the actual Astesia who I will refer to normally.
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She can work with that
She's gonna be a mother sooner than OG Chen. In fact, perhaps the OG had her eggs frozen and fertilised via a still healthy surrogate mother at one point.
Males, Saileach
No, ops that have melties
Honorary mention to Mandy as she would be the queen of this shit if she were an operator
She has melties and causes things to melt with her attacks
This is Utage with inverted nipples
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Make it a thread with that image of Shus feet.
This is one of those "slob" fetish pictures. Not like Utage at all.
don't make a thread. let this torture end
i have no idea how this game mode works but i want the skin :(
Kill yourself
I never thought about it that way but that is accurate of W
What's the issue

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