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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Christmas Livestream on December 23
KR: https://youtube.com/live/y11_aQDWbLw
JP: https://youtube.com/live/6R-8n6oPzFY
EN: https://youtube.com/live/ApAA5_QmUpo

>Update on December 5

>Developer's Note: December 2024

>Current Events
ICE DRAGON SAGA - December 5 ~ December 26
Co-op: Chatterbox- December 20 ~ December 22

>Upcoming Events
Union Raid - December 27 ~ January 2

>Current Special Recruit
Maiden: Ice Rose - December 5 ~ December 26
Ludmilla: Winter Owner [Rerun] - December 5 ~ December 26
Mica: Snow Buddy [Rerun] - December 5 ~ December 26
Guillotine: Winter Slayer - December 12 ~ December 31

>Upcoming Special Recruit

>Current Costume Passes
Volume: Beat the Gun [Mission Pass] - December 1 ~ December 31
Vesti: Ark Mage [Event Pass] - December 5 ~ December 26

>Upcoming Costume Passes


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>hard mode arrives
>pantsuu BTFO
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The AZX?
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who asked
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mmmmmmm nyuus?
should have smashed, since hammering is still in NPC jail
>submitting yourself to the whims of a discord tranny
A few more chips is not worth your dignity.
>700 posts? B-but I want my (You)s
>I'll wait for a new thread then
>why is it taking so long reeeee I need to shit nyow
Here's one more (You) for good measure
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honestly this
you can get the same amount of chips by just being active in the game as a whole
join a baby union, be active, a year from now, what changes asides a few thousand chips
At least he seems to have some ideas on how he wants to proceed, despite being the weakest global tryhard union.
If SSR Rapi is Elysion: I'll be pulling until MLB for the first time, it'll be a lot of fun
If she's a Pilgrim: I'll just ticket one copy and complain on here, it'll be sad and my New Year's will be in shambles
i just cleared lost sector 18, can i give the vigor cube to Cinderella?
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Finally, Kitty can have the best case in all the land!
Go try it out. What's the worst that could happen?
the braps smell good or bad?
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ai labu rapiii
I don't know what I will do, I REALLY don't like her new appearance, she looks like she's a schoolkid and not in a sexy sense but I'll still Ticket her x1 if she's a Pilgrim and if she is Elysion (or a new Manufacturer) I'll pull for x1 copy for completion's sake.

I'm betting she will be broken anyways so that might influence me to go harder for her.
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Who the fuck is RunWay?
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significantly better, but now i need to "get good" and hit the shoes properly kek
>Stuck on a campaign stage
>Play manual and try over and over again
>Finally beat it
>Get stuck again 5 stages later
>Taking so much damage that no amount of manual play can prevent it
Pushing campaign is a joke, an extra outpost level is not even a 0.3% increase in rewards
You're better off enjoying yourself and waiting until the deficit is manageable
The easiest way to tell is listen for a chime sound. That's when you can hit them. If you're deaf, they also turn blue at the same time.
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or another
I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna get ya get ya get ya
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KNICKERS (7990) are looking for 6 more players for the upcoming UR. Please put nikg in your profile when applying.
Indy's bike form
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im going to make the next generation of heroes!
i feel like Indy just has two of them on call that she uses as claws, kind of like seltas queen
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100 jims
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Today's sex squad has arrived
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when everyone said one shot the shoes, they literally meant it. snipers good, MG bad kek
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What is a wicked budget team for the best Nikke, Snow White?
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Runway is the 3nd stage of GoldenEye 64.
It's one of the shortest and simplest stages in the game and is most well-known for being one of 2 stages to feature a Tank that Bond can operate. The Runway BGM is one of my favourites from the game and the introductory scene at the start of the stage where the camera is positioned behind Bond's head is seared into my brain.

I wonder if Elegg would enjoy such a game. I think to have the opportunity to play Goldeneye 64 with Elegg, Trony and Exia would be very fun especially if we set special rules like License to Kill, Slappers only. Exia would probably race to pick Oddjob for the advantage and Elegg would probably pick Boris because of the Hawaiian shirt and he looks goofy. Trony will pick a Siberian Guard or any generic Guard and I will select Ouromov because we wear similar outfits.
Thinking of it now, since we're getting two non gacha skins for NYs, does that mean that NYs is a three week event, with one being the monthly, and the other being an event pass, or will one of them be a freebie, like tia's, while the other is paid?
it was about time! i was getting impatient
ok boomer
the little one?
disel, snow white, liter, pew pew
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>Alice (extra pink hair)
>Soda (Fat increased, alien decreased)
Fuck no, not the midget SW
I'm talking about the sexy hag adult SW
thanks nikkah
Get used to it. They're very proud of the shitty 1 shot mechanic. Next chapter boss has it, and they even made a new type of normal enemy that also uses it.
Smol White has the sweetest honey legs in the game
Much better than her comedic relief current day version
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fucking pedoseanigger
It's insane how much they flanderized Snow White.
I don't mind her fixation on food but the part where she entertained eating rocks was fucking retarded and too far and then the avatarfaggots using her ruined her completely for me.
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>kneeling to Troonleen.
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>eating rocks
LMAO I love big White now
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>I don't mind her fixation on food
Nah, she went from a rugged relentless rapture exterminator that happened to have a weak spot for good food due to her diet consisting of bark and insects in her bond story and early chapters to "dude food lmao"
>sexy hag
sorry she lsot any sexiness when she grow up, bet her coat smell like 1000 hobos
Are we sure the rock eating wasn't a mistranslation?
Her adding rocks to her cooking water to see if it improves the taste wouldn't be too farfetched
the rocks was overkill
>modernia is just being annoying
>do what shes doing i guess
that entire chapter was obnoxious in hindsight.
what do you think of hard mode raid char? as a veteran pilot yourself
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Fucking Chinese bugmen eat rocks covered in sauce
I told you days ago, where is this fucking faggot now? Huh? I missed one? It wasn't rapi afterall? FUCK YOU BITCH, I WAS RIGHT AND YOU WERE WRONG. WHO IS THE SCHIZO NOW?

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Snow White is amazing and Rapi sucks.
These are medical facts.

while im stuck, will clearing hard mode directly help me level my units?
just pushing since i have nothing to do
i should hear my head doctor, my nurse told me to kill and torture niigers and terrorists, do you endorse that too?
It boosts your hourly gains (dust, gold, usb sticks) after x amounts of stages, it helps in the long run.
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It's time to cut the chaff, and separate the shitters from the newtypes. We're gonna see who's weighed down by gravity, and who isnt.
Making big versions of small Nikkes is character growth and 100% approved
Making small versions of big Nikkes serves no purpose and is highly disallowed
Outerrimmers* and terrorist.
Clean your ears commander.
Wow look at all this excitement for Rapi...
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should kinda harsh but we can also kick the guys that don't contribute to the guild which is good
>suffered a Mind Switch twice
>become slightly retarded because of that
There's nothing wrong with that compared to the majority of Nikke out there that went full terminator after suffering from mind switch once
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>just want to kill nigger not everyone
doban? is that you?
That's a lot of entertainment
looks like im stuck for now
not skilled enough to clear mirror chamber properly
appreciate the help, going to farm and just get everyone geared up. at least Alice and Cinderella are done with skill books.
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I dumped several members after the last UR for not contributing. They had the audacity to reapply. I have no room for soldiers who don't assist in the destruction of all raptures.
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I love Anis
We love Anis here
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Anis the masterpiece
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maybe we don't see eye to eye but i think i judge you too hard char, you a good guy
The current Counters popularity goes: Anis > Marian > Rapi > Neon
Any chances the event make Rapi 2nd or even 1st place?
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It's a fight for all mankind, Amuro. Refusing to do your part is paramount to treason. Im glad you're finally seeing the light. Have a burger, you'll need your strength for the upcoming fight.
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when our next top tier cunny? it needs to be by the same artist too!
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Can't wait for her SSR upgrade
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thanks char
Pretty: The First Idol
i watched a playthrough of the game from the top
Her noticing that the wires for the radio tower were hot, faster than even rapi, was VERY interesting. when triangle was chasing us to the surface.
even if this was used to prank Neon
And rapi still won't be able to save elysion tower. She'll STILL be weaker than RH.
are they overhauling co-op next patch too?
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Oh my Rossana...
>it needs to be by the same artist too!
no thanks
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>Orleen cant macro
>Members are mostly weak and incompetent only manage to get high ranking with Orleen's try hard management
Pantsuu about to ranked low 100s
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Any PVP aficionados still awake? Need some advice on which team to go with, I'm not sure which one has the greater chance of winning.
>no noah
you lose
try right?
naga seggs
both teams are kinda bad but try this combo instead
Sir, your feral dog?
I want to suck on rosanna pepperoni
>dancho will never cheat to get ahead
that's why we like pantsuuu and our airhead leader
Orleen will work something out
why is her skin color so wierd?
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Since the paypig in my server went full melty
I hope this becomes useful for you. You need to set it up exactly like this
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I love my wife Rapi.
I have Noah, it's just that I'm not sure if switching out from a multi-reload RL to a single-reload RL is going to lose me the burst gen race even if it does put me 30k CP above my opponent
My SR Anis is unbuilt and tanks my CP
In another team
I'll definitely think about trying that setup when I have enough resources to invest in shotguns in like 7 months T_T
You'd burst first but his Rapunzel might also burst in time to stun you. 60% chance of you winning
You'd lose 100% of the time as it'd take you 10 minutes to burst

Pick left, replace Crown with a RL or SG and it's an easy win
>not using noah
>one of the best burst gens
anon, you might be retarded
I have like 0 hype for new years because of some retard's wife...
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Noah instantly wins vs any Scarlet B3 comp. They have to be a LOT faster than you to beat her, which that shitty comp he's using is not. Anyway I ran it through the calculator for you and you still beat him to burst even if you replaced Centi with Noah. Just replace Crown with Noah and you will win easy.

Calculator here
Dont calculate CP difference using subtraction
Use percentage
You can still win with 14% CP difference with a proper fast burst team mainly using RL and Shotguns
15%-23% CP difference you need to have the perfect counter team to win
24% CP difference upwards is instant win / instant loss.
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Doesn't Centi generate burst faster than Noah given her RL reload type and that dual weapon firing nikkes only fire 1 projectile in PvP?
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Any reason to not go for Emilia instead of Alice in team 3? I am assuming just not invested
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>Guillotine is canonically the older of the two Extrinsic members

certainly a surprise. I wonder if she ever gets annoyed about it like Soline does, being older and trapped in a younger body
Noah's burst gen is now slightly below of Emilia and Rumani. They fixed her in a patch I don't remember when
As long as your team's CP is within 80% of his, you're fine. 85% if you want to be cautious, so if your team isn't lower than 342k there's no issue
by a smidgen, and no, noah still hits twice
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If he's a cuck he'll still have his cock and not pretend to be a woman so I guess that would be better.
>0 dupes, cant kill and more cp disadvantage
>Playing against people with core5- coremax nikke
>My Alice is the top CP
>Alice lifesteal effect is kinda neat in long fights
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Thanks for tips and info, I beat 'em
speaking of pvp
>go into pvp
>enemy team has red hood
>my team is instantly destroyed
wow great game
For PvP, the CP number to look for is 84.6%. As long as you are at or above that number, you don't suffer any penalty and. After that it kicks in just like campaign. You can check by taking the smaller CP and dividing it by the larger. If its 84.6% or higher, don't worry at all. If its below, do anything you can to get it above (cubes, swapping similar units with higher CP, etc). If you can't reasonable get it above, try to avoid fighting that team if possible as the penalty is very harsh and noticeable even at its lowest level.
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holy fk...the gooks are into NTR?
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If RH is the B3 she's easily countered with Noah+Biscuit, Blanc+Biscuit or DPS+Blanc. If she's the B1 she's kinda scary but her low burst gen makes it easier for you to plan around her
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>Getting filtered by Red Hood in PVP
You haven't seen anything truly scary yet bucko.
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Fuck you, I liked it.
how do i look for good teams?
just the wiki teams?
Alright. I'm gonna papillon then
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nikkers that not prioritise PvP losing anywhere between 600 and 900 jims every 2 weeks
Oh no, my Beltoras
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He's my childhood friend???
I can't compete against lvl 800 whales
Stream when?
I guess, could be a starting point to learn basic concepts and idea of pvp team building. I haven't looked at the wiki pvp section in forever.
dogshit anime nobodies cares about kys
>600-900 every 2 weeks
That's fucking nothing, I thought you would get more from pvp
Yes, he's the Girl
And Freesia
And Sixo
I actually find PvP fun but investing in Arena-only Nikkes is a black hole. It never ends. It costs me everything I have to stay in the top 10, and I still need like 10 purple RL dolls to keep up
gumgum is your childhood friend? now that's a twist i didn't see coming
You dont need to stay in top 10
top 30 is good enough
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Do you even play the game? you get 3000 jims every 2 weeks if you are top 3, then 2700 for top 7 and 2400 top 10.
But I don't think it is even possible to be below top 30 unless you are genuinely not playing or you are a mouth breather and top 30 is 2000 jims.
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i love your cute wife
I'm new to nikker
bros, I'm stupid, should I be spending my bonus pity on MLBing Nagga, or core enhancement for Alice? or should I core enhance Liter, since I use her more, and the extra CP might help me progress on story content?
Priority for investment of nikkes should always be:
Campaign > PvP >>>> raids
>doesn't get top 3% in sr
>doesn't get 2k jims every 2 weeks
>spends 1k jims every 2 weeks for cores
>waaaaaaaahhhhhh why is this game so unfair?
Not the anime, the collab, retard.
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WTF! put it back!
collab dogshit as well, double kys
Looking at the opponent's burst gen and CP, comparing them to mine, changing my defense comp, thinking of new ones, looking up their profile and thinking "no way I'm losing to this shitter", learning their login and logout times etc--I find these things enjoyable somehow. Stressful, yes, but also fun
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and I said fuck you
Top 10 have the craziest people, they check their phones every few hours. Some are willing to use their gems.
Top11-30 is easiest since you can target people who's not logging in anymore and stay there
so was anyone else convinced Chloe was gonna be added as a third extrinsic team member?
Are you the danchou of VGNIKKE3?
>the craziest people
And I'm one of them, though I only login on my PC 3-4 times a day
I think we need more nurses collab
Need to dive deeper to Pepper and Mary
I purposely stay in top 30 because I just ended up autistically checking arena every waking hour I'm up.
I prefer if they acted like these nurses
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I didnt expect that series to get multiple games and ovas. That was a treat
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anti-rapi sisters, how are we holding up?
I ordered the rope already
Shift up is just trolling. It looks like it will be Rapi, but it was Nayuta all along. Crown was a rikker too, now she's a top tier pilgrim thanks to Nayuta's tech.
Who the fuck buys tries in rookie arena
It's about sending a message.
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post doros
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Thanks for the 100 gems, Shifty.
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It would be hilarious if the upcoming unit is literally just Rapi in her rikker form like we saw in Red Ash.
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I dropped Nikke when the collab came out and returned during Overzone
I wish I collected the music

MLB for the lobby screen
Wouldn't core enhance Alice help you progress more than Liter?
>S bodying Dorothy with pure taekwondo kicking
i want her to look at me like that...
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I miss the the newcutie who bricked himself by buying the KR account
He should've asked here first before swiping.
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My beloved studentwife Ein!
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Any new doro events announced?
from a distance, i keep thinking the hand in this thumbnail is nsfw because it's flesh-colored.
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Why does she wear makeup fit for a filthy prostitute
Hey /nikg/, just started the game for the first time. I've cleared the first 2 chapters, and so far here are the SSR Nikke's I've won (and yes I've used my New 50 Commander Special Mold):


How bricked is my account?
She's showing what a female student can do
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Only Pepper and Privaty are useful.
Starting nikekrs don't really matter. You are going to get tons of roll opportunities and molds when you start.
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All average nikkes, but you're brand new so I wouldnt expect you to have SSS tier yet. Account isn't bricked because you will of course be pulling for giga rapi on New Years banner, correct?
REMEMBER, only faggots reroll
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Could be worse, you didn't start with Crow at least.
But Crow is meta for my dick
Bricked. None of them are useful down the line. What you're looking for is Crown, Red Hood, Dorothy/Liter at the start. Reroll or you'll get walled harder than a few that started in the 2nd anni.
Campaign is nerfed and you get Liter Naga Alice for free now so it doesn't matter much, only way to get a real leg up is to luckshit into Crown or Red Hood early
RH might get a rerun alongside the new years banner but thats just speculation
So if we get SSR Rapi do you think we'll get more chapters for the main story to go with them?
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En taro Dorotard
>Rolled a starter account in JP
>luckshitted SBS
>Also pulled Crow
>rolled a starter account in JP
instantly bricked
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No matter what server, starting fresh is a brick isn't it?
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Man, you really want to be put in the hardest sweat brackets like that KR guy, huh?
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>Hardest sweat brackets
I need to see some images of these sweaty whales numbers
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I see nikker finally added this line in the FAQ. Too bad it was not there when I started.
lmao, where does KR server fit in this?
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This is your average KR and JP numbers.
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>giga rapi on New Years
Is this actually confirmed
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NA is the easiest region
NA is actually easy, but more irrelevant. Global is the best server overall.
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With the leaked billboard posters in KR/JP and the hints we've gotten from the Nikke twitter, it's not 100% confirmed, it's more like 99.9%.
worst outfit in the game hands down
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Now that's some quality doro! Don't mind if I do...
bricked as you'll never get income from arena
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Why is it that I can select Litter, Marciana and Alice for my squad even though I don't own any of them? What's going on here?
Just free trial units you can use a certain amount of times.
it goes KR>JP>NA>Global
They're rentals meant to help new players and their usage replenishes daily
KR above Dante Must Die tier!? Jesus Christ....
>700k on fucking Noise of all nikke
What is wrong with Japanese people
Is Rapi actually going to be THAT girl?
Oh yeah, everyone forgot to mention. The PvP arena and SP Arena gives you gems, and depending on your ranking, the higher you go, the more free gems you get every week or two. So getting Meta units from the start not only helps you through the campaign, but will eventually decide your gem income. And Pilgrims are 1 - 0.63% drop rate in comparison to other units, and they're the strongest, except for Harran, Isabel, Rapunzel, and Chime.
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no, that's ME, Red Hood!
christmas leaks?
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Ya Nihilister is the sexiest Nikke, nobody else comes close.
To get the top frame in Solo Raid you need to score in the top 3%. In terms of difficulty it's KR >> JP > SEA >> NA > Global. For top 50 it's a different matter
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no, nothing ever doro
To get into the top 50, let alone top 3% for KR/JP are these all people spending 1000s of dollars?
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I want to kiss Rupee and ask her why women's jeans have no pockets, why I can't button my jacket all the way, and why fashion scene is one step away from physiognomy, eugenics and unethical human experiments
>Top 3%
Play for at least 6 months, invest in meta units, learn the mechanics
>Top 50
Spend between tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands
oh ic
What server
Non-bricked accounts are on Global server which have the dumbest nikkers you can ever witness
fucking insane
I saw an anon a few days ago mention there's a whale who has spent over 300,000 - but he didn't show any proof of said claim.
>spending 1000s of dollars?
That would be on monthly basis
>What server
>Non-bricked accounts are on Global server which have the dumbest nikkers you can ever witness
Everywhere I read said to play on my server region tho.
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This is 100% accurate
NA is a good place to start as well, easier time making gems later on.
They want you to pad their rankings, if you want an easy time pick Global.
I scored 10.5b last SR and that was just 0.12%
I think top 200 is around 0.07%.
You f2p?
Top 200 as a metric for newcuties is the terrible you can provide. Top 3% should be the standard
Are you prepared for her sleeper release in 10 days?
Isn't her VA dead?
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Yes but that's besides the point
the union that i was apart of went to shit
the guy who owns it refuses to kick people
what do
i do
now that it all went to shit?
No, I buy costumes I like and whatever else that comes with it.
For sure, but part of his question was ranking top 50 in DMD.
Join nikg union
Just join a better union bro.
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There are psychopaths out there (a few of them in the same JP union) who are at the max level cap. To do this you have to max core (11 copies) every single Nikke ever released. The amount that you need to spend is astronomical when you consider the gem to $ conversion rate
The only one that actively kicks shitters is NIKK*NNY and they're not even proper /nikg/ anymore. I hope the leechers get exposed and dropped into a pit after new UR is done.
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I guess it's better than gambling it all away to some degree; at least you get some pixels to show for it.
>To do this you have to max core (11 copies) every single Nikke ever released
no you don't retard
Isn't her VA alived
>JP dub
Why would they care? You think they'd end Dragonball when the spic VA for Goku dies?
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>Win Mihara
>Pic related
When do they plan on correcting this travesty?
Cancer patient Doro ;_;
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Is there a secret to Mother Whale (Hard 21-32) or am I just bad? Can't even get close to killing it.
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The secret is to destroy a total of 9 side pods and the fight is over.
it regen the pods
You want it to regen the pods because each is worth 10% of its total HP
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>tribe tower
>3 stunners and 2 silencers drop just before the boss that's one of those oneshotting piercing sniper niggers
aight, pass
>For top 50 it's a different matter
For top 50 it's JP > KR >>> NA = Global >> SEA
Only reason SEA top 3% is hard is because less players overall means way less shitty players to populate the 3%+ range
Yes you do, retard.
that fattest? fattest what?
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Bon appétit!
/nikg/ is peeling
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Dont worry not all people are good vs mother whale. Even the high spenders struggle against the whale as this fool didnt manage to get the frame III.
redpill me on SSR Mihara
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Yet NA and Global have way fewer players than JP and has a higher top 3%
Your logic fails.
>high spender
Newfag anon again, I just used up another 50 High-Quality Mold and pulled Blanc. Did I win the game?
I wish you could sue your union leader for wrongful termination
Get awarded a fat settlement of core dust and credits
>Your logic fails.
It doesn't fail because the percentage amount of shitters in NA and Global is higher than on JP, it's not that hard to understand. Not all servers have an equal percentage amount of shitters vs tryhards
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What is this 2023?
I'm sure there are better and smarter ways to do it e.g with Doro and Privaty cause I just brute force the fight with Crown-Liter-RH-Alice-Babu
>survive the opening rocks volley
>burst with RH while the rest cover and hope for the best
>destroy the top two ports
>kill the adds with Babu
>cover the flyby
>keep wailing on the ports
>manual Crown so the elite adds target her when her stacks get to 20
>second volley
>cover and hope for the best
>must finish before the 2nd wave of adds otherwise her laser instakills the team
Only if you have Rogue or Noir
Not yet, you want Blanc burst cooldown to be 20sec and for that you need another member of her squad in the team (so either Rouge or Noir)
Honestly ? You should probably reroll an account on New Year banner
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oh man, it's time
Water burst gen/attacker pilgrim when
I'll take your case anon, pro bono.
No, someone we don't know.
Coats are great gweilo
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Ok but she's hot
When cindy banner rerun
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Ask any anon - any Nikker player, really - if they like Blanc and 99% of them will say yes. Ask them if they hate Blanc and 99% will say no
I did it with Crown/Liter/RH/Alice/Modernia at around 19-22% deficit
>Fuck huge rifle
>Blows a gaping hole through Chatterbox
I like this nikke
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Does anyone actually use blue Nikkers unironically or even ironically?
Your Doro?
I never did like her.
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I've been doing campaign with Soldier EG and Product 23, love both the designs.
There's a whole NA union that loves these useless rust buckets and a few anons that LOVE rikkers. Disgusting
Only the most based commanders.
They might sound like a myth, but they do exsist.
you could before the only good one got nerfed, nowadays only if you're into CBT and have no respect for your time.
there will be a system in the future where you can grow powers of characters that would otherwise be just cannon fodder
Not everybody will need an SSR upgrade
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Not in over a year for sure
She refuses to have sex with you if you don't have sex with her sister at the same time. So if you don't have Noir then no bunny pussy for you.
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They had a kino co-op last night.
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So let me see if I understand the gacha system here stragiht:

>No 50/50 system at all
>Have to pull 200 to guarantee a limited banner character
>You get to buy them using pity tickets, 1 ticket gained per pull, costing a total of 200 tickets
>There is a 2% chance to win a limited banner character, compared to 0.6% in most other gachas
>You can use the pity tickets on the current limited banner character or just save them for a future banner

Does this mean you may as well just use whatever gems you have to pull on whatever the current limited instead of stockpiling them since there's no 50/50 pity system to waste?
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>non-limited banner rerun
Yes and you can also buy gems or bundles with lgbt tixs
can't make it, have to delay bursts to break the circles reliably :(
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>mihoyoslopper discovers an actually good gacha system
Yes, but the word limited here is confusing, the only true limiteds are the collab characters, the seasonal limiteds will return later and all others are rolled into the every banner.
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Yeah. Most people just skip perms unless it's really good meta-wise or for your dick, use rolls on limited banners, and use pities on Pilgrims since they fall on 1% PU rate.
I imagine most of the oldfags here are sitting on 1k upwards of gold tickets.
CDR is not the best, need to be paired with Privaty and even then it's not ideal. She doesn't give burst gen too
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Rapis backstory is going to be that she was actually found on the surface and thus she's a pilgrim.
Just wait for Leviathan then.
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heheheh don't sleep with your mouth open next time :3c
>Global servers are in europe
And yet it's full of chinks union.
What are they giving away on New Year? I started playing in September
Shut up Syuen
Cute Anne
Rapi is a Nikker associated with the Ark, so it doesn't matter whatever the fuck happened in her past. She doesn't live on the surface and answers to the Ark, therefore she is not a Pilgrim. Get over this fucking cope.
Because when a server is global all the shitters think it's for them even if they are on the other side of the planet. It's a fucking pain because every coop team has at least one chink nigger who has a 19 seconds long delay.
Never mind. From the thumbnail it looked like Anne to me...
But that's not a cute loli nikke.
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Step up SSR selector like last year. Spend I think 6000 gems to do 40 rolls and the last step gives you the SSR selector. Can only choose perm banner nikkes though, no limited or pilgrims.
Selector that requires you to spend 6600 jimmies for 30 rolls on non-wishlisted standard banner.
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me when i beat some clueless shitter in pvp (i shout this very loud and pump my fists)
How dare
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wait so all this for one copy or...?
Make me
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>Global servers are in europe
My pvp bracket looks like this on Global
Yes. It's a great deal seeing as you get to choose what nikke you want without being fucked by rng.
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Hehe it's BeheMoth
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Which nikke are you using your selector on bros? For me it's pic related. The dog has avoided me for too long.
My fucking HERO
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You only need to delay the first burst, when the timer is at 2:53 or so. All the circles afterwards will magically align with your bursts
Laplace to core 7 her.
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There's no Noah in the selector, right ? I don't know who to choose, I don't really need a specific Nikke at the moment
No Noah, no pilgrims at all.
I have every nikke, so uhhhh idk
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SSRapi's face has grown on me a lot, but that outfit is still horrid and she looks too stiff overall
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I need both Blanc and Rouge badly. I might just hold the selector until I pull one of them.
That blanc skins is so sexy
nigger i can't break rocks outside of bursts and by 2:53 4 of them will have already smashed into me
I guess, she's kinda hot and I have her baseball skin. That'll let me put Ein in the wishlist for dupes. Or maybe I should take Rumani for Champion Arena (kek)
Just cover bwo
Maybe Cindy is just poop lol
I remember when they first released them, everyone was complaining. I was happy though
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maybe not lol
i'm gonna go grab a beer
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>she's kinda hot
there's a snow blanket outside. it's very pretty.
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oh shit the boss of this is gonna hold me for like a year
>remembered there was a normal tower
>cleared 70 floors
>7 rupees
why is she on fire
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female student
post more blanc in her slutty skirtless skin
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Bro? Your Doro?
Sorry, I only like tia
bro, your doro? your liter? your rapuznel? your smary?
>new cute sexy nikke acquired
>do bond
>get sad
why does this keep happening?
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Here is mine
ShiftUp will look at the data and think Europe has a lot of whales, when this is what is actually happening
We love torture porn here
if new year characters are bad I will stop playing this kusoge
She's good for survival, right ? I'm kinda into that, I hope they'll add her event soon
that's MISERY porn retard
NY girl is likely Rapi so nice knowing you I guess
We can study for the test together
Imagine the buttprint on the desk
it's Crapi lol
Yeah yeah you'll stop playing until next year, we know
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>badmouthing Rapi

but why
im going to buttmouth rapi
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No way it's just boring ass design Cuck Queen Rapi, right ? It's gonna be Rapi and another Pilgrim, right ?
SSG Rapi has to be at least as good as Red Hood, any weaker would be a massive mistake
The devs are not that dumb, they won't mess this up
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>badmouthing chestlets
is there a problem?
Same shit, don't care. All kino
>no bush so big her hand can't cover it
>no areola so big her hand can't cover it
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>*would sell about 12 times more than Rapiss*
She started to be annoying for me in the last chapters and I'm not fan of her Red Hood gimmick
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Rapi is so unlikable they have to make her broken RH tier to hope for a financial success...
I don't like red hood
anti-rapi sisters having a meltdown again
post your "ssr rapi will never be the ny pilgrim" folders, losers
A few reasons:
- boring personality
- cockblocked us on many occasion
- nearly sabotaged the mission multiple times during Crystal Namek
>everyone dislikes rapi
I'm shocked that the schizo isn't awake to have a melt down. Well at least we can discuss
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>shard rival will wake up to not one, not two, but THREE red pips on the leaderboard
i'd grab trony by the ankle and yank her off that stupid machine
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>Rapifags getting butthurt since not everyone likes their terribly written, boring designed waifu

Different opinions are ok
they could give her a worst kit than her SR version and she would still sell double miderella or clown.
And I spoke too soon
it was great fun
>she'll never get her ssr
>she'll never be the ny ssr
>she'll never be good
>she'll never be meta
>o-okay ssr rapi is meta b-but she's still BORING, OKAY!?
2025 can't come soon enough
total rapi victory
Right onto my cock
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kek good timing
The thing with the new Rapi is her design is bland compared to nikkes released this year (like Siren or Leviathan). Even Absolute glow-up mog her, also I think the drill look fucking stupid
Bad survey. I'm happy Crapi is the New Year's unit because I spent everything on Maiden. Not because I like her.
I don't dislike her, actually the redesign made me like her.
it was beautiful
I heckin' love Mash XD!!
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Rapi is:
>The face of Nikke
Rapi is NOT:
>Worse than Anis
>Weird looking
everything you just wrote is wrong
After chapter 26 I have hated her
that last comic was awful
it better get continued with alicewurst getting more cotton candy
We can't discuss SSR Rapi for shit. One this is shitting, but even if anons give valid criticism. That one guy still goes on a meltdown calling everyone schizos. Can we just discuss this normally for the love of allah
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so the problem is just Red Hood's superiority?
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JFC do Rapikeks actually believe this?

It's ok guys defending your shit waifu, maybe she'll have imaginary sex with you as thanks.
I always discuss it normally. I like the new design because it's less boring than the previous and also the original design was around for more than two years now. Also she grew as a character properly in the last chapter.
release Indivilia and Liberalio
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very good discussion
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She already did
I think it's part of the problem with Rapi, having 2 nikkes in 1 wasn't the best idea
putting my whole hand in anis's mouth
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>posts the doomer loser that got BTFO with 3 lines of dialogue
Wrong hole?
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best post in this thread so far
a daily ritual for me.
Who is the artist?
I don't think
>nearly sabotaged the mission multiple times during Crystal Namek
Insane how Crystal Namek is 99% SKK doing the heavy lifting and 1% Counters/Pathfinder fucking up
remember when people said that miderella will power creep red hood? yeeeeeeeah oof
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putting my other hand in rapi's mouth
And somehow those 3 lines of dialogue were more entertaining and memorable than entire chapters of Crapi's "Look at me, I'm also Red Hood, please like me now!" shtick.
hate anus
hate crapi
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I see redhead
I roll
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Why am I not like him?
yet you cant even remember them, but you can remember what Rapi said without even thinking about it.
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Nikke for this feel?
>a-at least my wife got btfo and i enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!
cope of the year
neon is the best
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neon love
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'She' won
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Today I will do it! I will spend:
-926 social points
-388 recruit vouchers
-all special recruit vouchers until I get limit break maiden, a ludmilla and a guillotine. And if that isn't enough my gems.
-189 pilgrim mold
-245 terta
-345 missilis
-186 elysion
-483 high quality
-1070 mid quality

pray for me bros, I've been a good boy this year!!!
This one scene btfos rapi's entire arc(s)
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Wouldn't this be incredibly unsanitary, to be shitting and pissing in your kitchen?
There's all sorts of particles released into the air when that shit gets out of your system, it's why when using a toilet, you close the lid when you flush, and even then, it's mostly contained within the bathroom.
>i am... le NOT RED HOOD! WAAAH
>i am... le DOOMER GIRL! WAAAH
>firepower :) did I mention I'm a spy? :D
you mean this scene from D's event where SKK dreams of Rapi as his wife and of Anis as his dog?
you mean this scene from D's event where SKK dreams of Rapi as his wife and of Anis as his dog?
hold bro. it's not an auspicious day
>someone tipped $20 to shit in a sandbox
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That's a lot of commitment, have you checked the dot first?
Anyway: may you get useful limit breaks, two pilgrims you're missing and core 7 of your favorite Nikke
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Have fun!
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Uh oh the rapi bot is broken
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everything you just wrote is right
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>it's why when using a toilet, you close the lid when you flush
Can't wait for the meltdown when she gets the summer skin for her SSR.
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Looks like most people are looking forward to Rapi. I'm not surprised that Rapi haters are just a vocal minority
you DO close the lid when you flush... right?
better than some boring slop like Nayuta
Post it again when everyone is awake, majority will vote NO
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>living rent free in everybody's head
It really is her game.
>most people
clearly it's a divisive topic
>SR Rapi got the sporty one-piece swimsuit
>SSR Rapi gets an outrageous string bikini
This is how you show the power difference between the two.
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This is a cunny game and if you say otherwise you're a schizo
seanig hours are prime Rapi hating hours, you missed your chance.
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Because I love Red Hood but the game wants me to love Rapi instead.
Redditfags don't be long here. We enjoy cunny here
Rapi bores me
Even her SSR is making me sleep
Should have been SSR Belorta
>49.9999% are just loud minority
A true rapitard
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SSR Pinne when?
Wait for Christmas you fool
>Been advising Rapi for a week
>Failed every single one so far
A "boring" girl wouldn't be this unpredictable, she's like Cinderella in a way
the question wasn't "are you looking forward to rapi", retard
There's rapi haters on NA. Burgers are asleep well most are asleep
Sir, that is a granny
>shit in the toilet
>flush while lid is open
>shit particles fly out permeating the bathroom and sticking to you
>you carry those shit particles with you outside of the bathroom and everywhere you go
it's not rocket science
I'm happy I can save gems after a string of good characters. That doesn't make Rapi good.
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ʷʳᵒnᵍᵎ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ᵃ ʳᵃᵖᵗᵘʳᵉ ᵍᵃᵐᵉᵎ ˢᵏʳᵉᵉᵉ...ᵎᵎᵎ
I do not care for rapi
Think of Red Rapi as a fusion
Vegeta fans love Gogeta even if they think Goku is an idiot
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I can't believe we were going to get a 3 hour high budget animated sex scene with Drilley until Rapi broke into Shift Up's offices and stopped them. Fucking cock blocker.
I have been alive for 30 years, I've never done this and nothing has happened to m
This is how the "crapi"fag mentally operates
that's a man
Do you have a turd shredder in your toilet or what? Your shit should already be in the water, nothing will get out after you sharted into the bowl.
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I don't flush.
Mash love!!!!
Yeah right because normal people don't look forward towards things they are happy with, retard
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u okay bwo?
Why does she look like she is made of plastic?
Rapi cunny in February.
Calm the fuck down with photoshop
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Except it's not a fusion. It's just Rapi with a new coat of paint. She doesn't have Red Hood's character which I love or her physic that I like.
Besides Vegito is the cooler fusion.
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Yeah, I'm feeling good.
A proper commander doesn't bring his phone in the toilet (not even to play Nikke)
He closes the lid when flushing, uses a bidet and washes his hands thoroughly afterwards
Please love yourself as much your Nikke love (You) and take proper care of your hygiene
Rapi is the most bland girl ever
This is shit ups way of desperately breathing life into an unpopular character they planned a main role for.
/nikg/ would have you believe that Rapi is a hated nikke that no one gives a fuck about despite her coming in just behind Anis in the popularity poll.
/nikg/ would also argue that Ade only got top 20 because of her position in the popularity poll due to her name A D E but if this were true wouldn't it apply to A nis to some degree as well?
Rapi won btw
I still think it's too soon for her SSR
>has access to bidets
you're not on the outpost clearly.
Rapi can't get pregnant.
But Rei can
But enough about retconning Anis into Pretty.
women love photoshopping out of any skin blemishes out of their photos, often times going overboard and the pictures just end up blurry
they hate having any skin imperfections, moles, veins, just the overall bumpy texture of the skin
some phones also have built-in filters for all photos and video that you can't remove, and they can't be used in a court of law

someone needs to teach these dummies that there is nothing to be ashamed of with your body's natural state
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I play Nikke on the toilet and like to cut huge farts when there's a close up of a Nikke's ass
A bidet kit is like $20
That's like 5 seconds of outpost defense income
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>Also syncs his own farts with the brappers ones.
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Alphabet schizos in shambles.
>rapi is unpopular
every day, people here are making less and less sense due to their delusional hatred
check out who's the most advised girl on anniversary stream. answer won't surprise you if you have half a brain.
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I think about this post a lot
what about BOOMposting?
>most advised girl is the one everybody gets at the start
Okay now post her popularity poll positions
No you don't, if you thought about it for even a second you'd realize how retarded you look.
Did RH also wear a hat?
>most advised girl is the one everybody gets at the start
Berlorta bros we won!
This song sucks, poli sucks too, acpu sucks and you suck me
If Shiftup ever release a game mode where we have to build mono elemental teams what elements do you guy thinks is going to have the easiest and hardest time? I think that earth and eletric are one one of the easiest while I have no ideia about the rest.
i believe I already made this reply, but
>I will honor you, my sensei, by using your samurai sword
classic trope
>everyone talking about Rapi
its hard being the most popular girl and nobody cant stop thinking about her.
Red Hood was cool with it tho
I was going to refute you but I already have your cock in my mouth so I fucking lost
iron is easiest, water or wind is hardest
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I genuinely dislike Mustang for diluting the pool with his Tetra nikkers.
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>Cops shoot people for pulling out what looks like a gun during a traffic stop
>Let the nikke with the most fucked up vision possible who confuses you with a towel walk up to the window
Poli... please rethink your team strategy
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>steals her jacket
>steals her gloves
>"And for the record, this isn't my gun"
erm... when does UR start? I'm kinda out of the loop but it's already the 21st, shouldn't it have started already?
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Privaty is the real winner because it took sometime to actually get her compared to the SRs.
>I already have your cock in my mouth
Doesn't sound like it
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Nobody questions nearly enough why Red Hood is somehow still alive despite having died multiple times. You know who else came back from the dead despite being a puddle of goo?
Indivilia, a heretic.
Rapi haters would be a lot more quiet if she had quality lewds
>Query walks up to my car
>I pull out my dick
>she instantly recognizes it
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You already missed it friendo. Better look for a new one FAST
The 27th, we have the live stream and of course there'll be an update before it
she isnt alive though
This is weird, I remember getting an Anis frame due to her immense popularity, but no Rapi frame exists. What are Rapikeks compensating for around here?
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I just maxed out my Asuka, thoughts?
you got them with that one
>people are talking about her so that means she's popular :)
nobody cares shityen
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Dying is GAY! And Red Hood is the straightest(virgin femcel) badass Nikke to ever exist!
Quiry stop posting your fantasies on here and get back to work
Mmm teen girls in latex suits mmm
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Good DPS, hope you got bastion cube maxed for maximum damage output. Reload is a pain.
syuen mogs that rust bucket you just posted btw
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>on par with meta Nikkes while being a SR
Not the win you think it is
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A ShiftUp intern has been reading the thread.
SSR Rapi is canceled; we're getting Red Shoes instead.
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Please no.
>new cute sexy nikke acquired
>do event
>get sad
Electric > Iron > Wind > Fire > Water
Make her a loli and my 1200 bucks + 50 bucks for her microniki costume is yours, Intern.
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Thank you shift up
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>I just maxed out my Asuka, thoughts?
Based, the only real good collab unit in the game, and her ass jiggles is perfect.
Skipping and saving for Red Ear Muffs.
I will be skipping SSR rapi even if she's meta
call me a faggot if I pull for her
I'll rape you
Full nelson next to the open fire for a warm cozy night.
What's even the name of the new Rapi
Red Rapi?
Rapi Hood?
Rapi: Inherited Drill
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Mega sexo over a shitty school girl skirt? Sign me up!
just draw
Probably something about succession
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>other /nikg/ scum
44 hours until you either kneel or commit suicide
Tick tock, tick tock...
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post the full one with the big meaty vagina she has, Looks like a ham sandwich holy fuck.
Brapi: the goddess of plapi
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to fuck your favorite Nikke in the butt
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>joining tryhard unions for 100 more currency
Fuck Rapi like a real man you fag
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Result of
-926 social points
-388 recruit vouchers
-188 special vouchers + 31k gems
-189 pilgrim mold
-245 terta
-345 missilis
-186 elysion
-483 high quality
-1070 mid quality
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her two buttholes are for me!
>new M, Noah, Quency
You won.
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So I just got Blanc yesterday and I've had Noir for a while. Is this pair really as busted as I hear?
Because she's that cool? I don't fucking know.
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Why does dorothy have the biggest picture
I'm in a rando union with a frame 1 danchou (who still has the highest sync in the union) and we still get top 10%
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They used to be busted, still really good but with naga tia crown rouge and other nikkers getting released they're no longer the top of the pack
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Instant improvement
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Don't look, Snow.
I'm an AI artist, my canvas is the algorithm and my paint brush is the tag.
The toots were strong on this one, a lot of thread favorites
At what point do you just order something like a steak
Cindy's asshole is beautiful
Red shoe's asshole? YUCKY!
just draw
When you're tired of chewing vegetables and bread.
Next time try to educate yourself on the subject before refuting like retards.
You have shit particles all over you right now.
>all four squadmates on coop went afk right after reaching stage 9
what went wrong with this game mode?
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Based! Enjoy your villain
If you every took a shit or farted, or anyone in the same room did then you have shit particles all over you. Plus there's literal shit inside your body right now.
No rewards past stage 9, and I mean literally no rewards. Only premade parties even have a shot at "prestige" placements.
The bunnies make the game easy to play. Healing, debuff, atk buff and ammo buff without you having to do anything. Lower ceiling compared to say the JKs or Crown + Naga, but also a lower floor
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When you don't reward low scorers with a high enough incentive, they just clock in and out at the lowest possible score.
It happened in Master Duel, and it happens in any mode with it.
I shit in the shower and crush the shit in the shower with my foot so it goes away easily
you call yours rustbuckets
mine make shitcans CUM BUCKETS
i want to lick guillotine's asshole
I'll take anything that makes the game easier since currently I'm at chapter 23 and chapter 6 hard.
Same... I wanna lick her armpits too
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>Privaty burst anim in her gacha slut dress
It's peak
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Maxwell rimming me regardless of me saying I am not into that.
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I really hope Shiftup gives us a collab that'll really TAKE YOUR HEART
Eventually you'd want to use Crown and Naga but the Blanc + Noir pair is just very comfy when you're new
>burst anim
Yeah I already have Naga, I just need to cross my fingers for Crown because of course,
>less than 1% rate for a Pilgrim
For now, I can live with Blanc and Noir.
Why would anyone try when you get nothing for tryharding? And sweating is pointless if you're not running team like Liter, Crown, Cindy x2 and Anis who all have level 10 skills, purple dolls and good OLs. That shit just isn't happening with randoms.
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The minigame is fun
post score, no volume
All nikkes have less than 1%.
Got this yesterday with Maiden, might try to beat 100k but I'm not gonna be home on my PC during Christmas so might have to settle
>retards still think Volume is anything but the worst character in the minigame
is her skill any good? I haven't tried yet since guillotine cleave is too useful
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Yeah and Pilgrims have an even lower rate. Fun.
Yeah but you need to learn when to use it, 10 uses is a lot though
That's why you roll on the event banners where pilgrims have a higher rate. Or disable wishlist.
Hey I'm not complaining. With only 56 Nikkes and less than 1000 rolls total, I'll take anything. That being said, I would be horribly unprepared for a Pilgrim banner because I have no gems or vouchers.
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Goodbye smooch bros, I have to go to work
>on a Saturday

To be honest your are in a much worse situation now than we were at the start. The roster is diluted so you will get anyone harder.
t. day one with no Harran.
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could i have some elegg toots please? i'm 1 away from getting her lobby pic.
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That would be a dream come true for most people.
Nikkes that are eggcellent?
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fuck, villained again
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The butt that saved Nikke.
Red hood is the shittiest character and I'm surprised anyone genuinely likes her. I always assumed people were forcing theirselves to like her because of meta.
I figured. The beauty of the wishlist is trimming out the fat so it might be easier getting the ones you want (and maybe a Pilgrim too). Still I question why you guys still don't have a Pilgrim wishlist. Plus I did get lucky and got two Pilgrims in one 10 roll (it was Scarlet and Snow White).
Where's the option of I will only give a shit if she's still Elysion? If she's a pilgrim I don't give a fuck.
To be honest though they are going to release dolls just as strong or stronger for half anni and anni next year so I truly have no reason to care for another pilgrim I don't like because when Rapi is the focus the plot gets shittier.
/nikg/ died
My sister saw my Doro and went WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?
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My doro saw my Sister and went WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?
wtf mustard gas started spewing out
wtf mustang gas started spewing out
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What killed the hype?
Doro my saw Sister my and went HELL THE WHAT IS THING THAT?
When raids?
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Have you loved your adorable perverted handler today?
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nikke for this feel
It's insane to me that anyone ever tolerated FGO
It's insane to me anyone ever tolerated rolling with the possibility of getting a guy
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I can't believe I almost downloaded this game instead of nikke intending it to be my main gacha
The game looks like it was made in 2004 how are people still playing it with gacha rates like that

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