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Previous: >>507001589

Agent Record | Astra Yao
Agent Record | Evelyn
Zenless Zone Zero Version Version 1.4 "A Storm of Falling Stars" Special Program
Agent Combat Intel | Hoshimi Miyabi
Agent Combat Intel | Asaba Harumasa

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrHexl9eZUs (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N10LDqTffMM (JPN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXsrMCTWpRE (JPN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw63hN_9scA (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WS6qNPjIe0 (JPN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-QNfpTlJ3Q (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGVdfGbpq8c (JPN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSncQJ-pRbM (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWfsu3_cZn4 (JPN)

>Upcoming Events for 1.4
Full 1.4 details and events:
All-New Program - 12/18 - 01/21
Special Visitor - 12/18 - 03/12
Bangboo vs Ethereal - 12/20 - 01/20
Data Bounty: Combat Simulation 12/25 - 12/30
Windchaser Harumasa - 12/30 - 01/20
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - 01/01 - 01/21
Combat Footage Review - 01/03 - 01/13
Before the Curtain Rises - 01/13 - 01/29
Advanced Bounty – Routine Cleanup - 01/15 - 01/20

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>/zzz/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
170 cm (Ears Included)
Why are the males in this game for (you)?
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(real) Previous: >>507011329
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I just got here, I saw a comfy chain of Qingyi rabis being posted and then a random cordiecel melting, truly mindbroken
Will Hugo Vlad be part of Victoria Housekeeping or a new faction?
Alright bwos, any theories on why the siblings' eyes shone at the end of this chapter? Are they androids from the old civilization? Did Carole Arna make some MKUltra experiments on them?
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>paid raytracing exclusive to do PS5 pro
... is zzz doing that well for playstation????
Part of Victoria.
They're having fun while you post bitterly
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banging . . . BOOS!
Neat, that means they're potentially adding more characters to Cunning Hares, Belobog, and SoC between 1.6 and 1.7
it was top 5 in eu and we generally don't play anime games
This .webm destroyed my life
We lost...
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I finished the story, Hoshimi Habibi is so fucking cute bros
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PSCHADS have reflective puddles now. It’s never been more over for PCcücks.
Love this poster
It's PlayStation which needs to attract more customers with exclusivity bullshit and snoyniggers eat that shit up
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Ray Tracing is such a shit technology it's not even funny. How come Nvidiots just keep eating that shit up.
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>anomaly still can only proc after the last hit of a skill/ult
How come nobody is complaining about this bug?
gold looks more like plastic with ray tracing on lmao
I want Chinky to mindbreak me
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Reflective puddles that let us look up Miyabi's dress and see her cute panties (pink with a bowtie)...

How is Miyabi's banner doing?
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back after dropping the game early at launch, what other toons should i get for my account?
Yup, like Pulchra to SoC
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That's not how gold works
I think it's a feature and it should stay that way.
Anomaly is already the most broken thing in the game and dumpsters al ATK dps. Let's not buff it further, thanks.
Will it reflect Ellen's panties ?
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Astra Yao and Evelyn Chevalier
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bros is it over?
A lot of damage checks in the game happen like that.
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Overcapped crit with shitty critdam or falling below the 80% line but with good critdam (and less AP)?
Post the views faggot
2.9k 9 hours ago
I mean, come on now... There's no way to compare her to Vergil besides visuals
The set gives 12% rate in combat when you proc freeze/shatter. The bottom one is good enough.
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>Yenless Yen Zero
That's their eye implants. They harden in response to physical trauma
omg lucy
Whats the video even about? That a phone game isnt as complex as a PC/Console game?
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>probably dmc5 vergilfag
>200,000 dennies a month is considered cheap for one bedroom rent in new eridu
How fucked is the housing situation there???
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>play anomaly team in that new boss killing mode
>Effortlessly get 3 stars
>Play stunner attacker team
>Barely manage to get 2 star in a stage
Even when I played stunner + Miyabi it would've been more points if I just stayed on Miyabi rather than trying to stun the boss. Stunners are the weak link I think...
just roll that M2 goy
I pity newfriends who'll only start with 1.5...
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Hm... They're bangboos.
Bwos real question:
Is 80% crit rate and 90% crit dmg passable for my Mibibi or should I aim for a better crit dmg?
You don't need 100% CR. Just reach the 80% required and try maxing the crit ratio.
They're starting with Not Robin + Evelyn. Not Robin will literally carry their asses.
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I know you're shitposting but genuinely... the idea that Sunbringer was *that* close to creating true sentient lifeforms is both hilarious and kinda interesting to me.
Both of these are above 80% crit rate. I'm begging you all to actually read what her disc set does.
Thats 6000 a night or so seems cheap since a.bowl of ramen is fucking 5000 dennies
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I thought mibibillion dollars was a meme but it's becoming true!?!!!
They are the real evolution of the Ethereals instead of the corrupting ones like Bringer
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Can someone tldr on Astra's kit?
That's low if you have her ball, passable if you don't
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>5000+ hr DMC player
Fucking mental patient
i only choose Nicole for video store so she can pay her debts off but also because she's very cute and i like the feeling of her presence
this guy seems to be an enemy-juggling combo autist and he feels her kit doesn't have enough substance compared to some other characters
Nah, Chinky is the baseline for how a stunner work.
Anby and Koleda do quite literally nothing.
Also, team restrictions and attributes locked buffs hurt them a lot.
But Youtube told me to get to 80% on the stat screen…
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Why the fuck are you guys overcapping Meebs crit?
I think it was stated somewhere that Bangboos actually could be as smart as regular humans but they made them retarded on purpose
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I never played whatever game she's from, so she's Sunbringer to me.
perhaps, ellen still looks hard to beat because of the sheer volume, look at that fat peak
Qinyi and Lighter are the only proper stunners for attackers
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Does Mibibi care about AP at all? Since Frostburn actually should do a lot of damage considering how long it lasts.
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>is the canon wife
>>507021857 (me)
*should work
They should really show the agents doing their job when we pick them, even if it's only in the afternoon or morning it would be pretty neat.
Chinky is actually nerfed due to her element. If she were Ether, she'd be around 20% better.
Koleda will gain value once Evelyn hit, which is pretty based.
Urban open world exploration when??? Surely they refuse to get mogged by Ananta? Even Wuwa is introducing a huge new area
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this is a price land in New Eridu, inflation hit them hard bwo
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idk why but i prefer her older look
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If dennies is Yen, then $1200 is an average price for a typical apartment in Bumfuck, USA
I used Zhu+Qingyi and the difference between 2 stars on my first attempt and 3 on my second was literally just getting the last stun window 15 seconds earlier
Teams with periodic burst damage are a bad fit for a mode where you're racing a timer
she looks more autistic
Did you not hear Anon? You can double crit a hit
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That's not Nicole desukedo...
I have her ball, yeah
What is a good crit dmg then? Because 80% for crit rate is quite good already, right?
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Had to print a lot of money to build all them fancy new shoeboxes after Eridu got swallowed by a hollow.
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I want all the Bangboo doujins that will be sold at comiket.
You're probably a woman.
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i seethe at the leaktranny and mindless anons who insisted zhu wasn't nerfed with the decibel change just because you still open each shiyu floor with 1 ultimate
even with the decibel generating buff in deadly assault, she only gets a few ultimates for the entire fight
It's not inflation, it's the scarcity of space.
This is literally the last livable place on earth
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Didn't they add a mechanic to clear chests you missed in missions? Where was it?
Yeah old eyes fit her autistic behavior
are there any other special attack interactions like with ben and koleda?
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It only applied to collectibles in the TV array (RIP)
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I don't speak google translate, does this say Ellen + Zhu getting reruns?
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the tower defense event is pretty fun, why doesn't star rail get fun events anymore
Scarcity that... Inflates the prices?
Harumasa is probably better for DMC fags
She isn't nerfed. If anything nothing changed for her personally, but the team overall is actually smoother.
Her issue is always the same, you HAVE to break before doing any damage. Meanwhile Anomaly does her damage and more all the time without any need to break.
No, it would be so cool if Miyabi and Soukaku had something like that.
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Is Harumasa really that hard? Just apply the mark > trigger it > repeat
Yanagi seems way harder to play optimally
Remember WIDEyabi? I remember.
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they're not robots, we already saw their younger selves when they were at helios academy
Are you watching wuwa stream bros?
I fucking hate Dawei, this means I won't be able to get either now. Fucking chink couldn't wait till 2.0 to do reruns.
ZZZ should implement permanent MC change. It's not fair only Kusogames would do that.
Haven't done Lost Void yet, but does it provide a way to farm z-merit like the old hollow?
No, he's right, before this change she'd always be able to ult during a stun window and now she can't consistently do that even with the game mode buffing her off-field decibel generation.
They clearly knew this would be a problem because she has a hidden passive bonus to decibel gain, but it's too small to offset the change.
whats hard about yanagi? you just press special after every combo and then hold it if theres an anomaly active
where is the link?
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>People call Nicole an unfaithful whore
>She does this in your defense

What say you?
I'm not invested enough yet and I heard 2.0 spoilers are everywhere so I'll skip.
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No, and I never will.
Begone, jeet, before I give you some dinner that isn’t cowshit.
To be blunt your crit dmg is ass, with her ball doing the legwork for your crit rate you should be getting 150% crit dmg minimum
I did not expect Nico to actually start fighting Section 6 to protect the Proxy
You will get another Ellen rerun in 2.X too.
Will we ever have something like this in ZZZ?
His problem is that he doesn't deal damage, M6 Corin is unironically better.
Holy shit her slash is shaped like zzz's sales.
The what now?
min 100, but if you hit the CR 80 threshold you just want to pump as much CD as possible
i just don't understand how you type this, how you feel this way.
the numbers are so straightforward. if you play zhu to swap in exclusively to burst stunned enemies, you get generate almost exactly 50% of the ultimates you previously were.
your entire team contributed to 100% of her decibel generation. now only she does. everything else the team does only generates 50% of what it previously did for her.
there is no way to slice this other than zhu cannot press her most important button as much as she previously could.
she is nerfed.
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I tried getting back to wuwu but besides carlotta nobody else piques my interest
She has a lot of techs that make you gain time and damage.
Mostly her parry and parry into quick assists.
Nicole is best girl, but because she is a free A rank agent, people takes her for granted.
>because of russian-japanese transliteration rules, "Hoshimi" is "Hosimi" in RU version
That's so cute and silly, I can't take her seriously now
you want 100% crit rate ideally
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>leak about hoyo doing full patch rateups after 1.4 in zzz, 3.0 in hsr and 5.0 in genshin
>leak for 1.5 zzz is 2 separate rateups again
what is going on in this company
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Nico would beat Miyabi.
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the pinks
that moment was pretty tense
Should I put a Crit Dmg disc in slot 6, then?
Because I cannot see how I'm going to be able to reach 150 crit dmg just with minor stat boosts
Mostly because clear times are consistent compared to pre "nerf" as you call it.
I was also afraid Zhu would be fucking dead after it, but the reality is she was dead to begin with since she deals 0 damage outside of stun windows.
They probably did a market analysis and concluded it was a terrible idea, kinda sad because this means the second toon of the patch is always going to get shafted.
Just wait after stream and wuwajeets will shill it in every Hoyo thread
Where's Miyabi's parry? I activated it multiple time by accident, but I can't pin point when its active.
Man that was so fucking kino, that's actual interesting and engaging writing unlike all the other SLOP that this company makes.
depends how much from the CR it takes away
if you can keep 80 CR and change to CD on slot 6 then yeah, but I doubt it'll happen since you have to have gotten insane crit substats on other pieces
i think realistically you change the 2 piece set first if you're on woodpecker and overcap CR
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and it's the only one you can skip kek
How much critrate if I have M6W5 Miyabi
Why would you unyabi my yabi?
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I hope the writers keep using her as our connection with future factions.
Who thought adding that insert song at the end of Bringer's fight was a good idea. One of the more absurd tonal shifts I've seen.
She's literally Robin from HSR down to the cinemas matching Robin's eidolons.
this is somehow worse than hatless genshins
She has slightly slower ult generation in comparison to chinky being able to stun way faster for more frequent damage windows and Nicole's nuke ult feeding her more bullets with qa/energy, her team is actually more interactive now, learn to adapt faggot
They actually made it worse in Genshin since now BOTH the new characters are Phase 1 and reruns phase 2. Still the same 3 weeks duration.
Genshin truly is the master at dropping the ball into a fucking volcano.
why dont you just read the fucking skill description... its the last hit
It's on the 5th hit of normal combo string. You don't use it intentionally, it's just so you can get the whole thing out.
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January will be hot
>genshin with citlali banner
>hsr with the herta
>wuwa and 2.0
too bad gacharevenue is eos
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I am an anon who tried to make Nicole a main DPS in the depths of 1.0, and I will not roll for Astra to replace her. I don't care how many of you call me a retard for it. Nicole is best girl. Even in the face of the meebs she stood up for you.
>Still the same 3 weeks duration
what the fuck lmao
>People call Nicole an unfaithful whore
Are you the same bloke that wrote "yet /zzz/ hates Nico" because neither are true nor apply.
Lay off the wild mushrooms soukaku...
Yeah it's pretty ironic, I kid you not I fell asleep during some Star Rail quests.
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One can only dream
her clear times are consistent because they changed shiyu to arbitrarily start agents with enough decibels to press your ultimate after the first wave.
the moment shiyu creeps just past her being able to handle it with 1 ultimate, she's IMMEDIATELY going to tank. not to mention it just further disadvantages her in deadly assault, a mode that as you know, doesn't play nicely with agents that loses damage due to resource attrition
what kind of GPU do i need to run this game at 165hz? my 6600 drops frames when the particle spam goes haywire on the screen
was definitely unfinished, them placing the flashback slides like that also really took me out of it, even if the moment overall was pretty hype
I imagine there was supposed to be another building up cutsfene for the music to start a bit from
This provokes a primal fear deep within me.
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>forced to play as Aventurine
>forced to listen to his third sob story
>forced to follow some dumb plan with him and statue guy
>forced to watch him play with balls
Yeah... yeah...
How does it work if Robin's thing is moving whole team fast forward in the waiting line to attack, and we're not turn based game?
>I will not roll for Astra to replace her. I don't care how many of you call me a retard for it.
That's a perfect valid position, no matter how good they make her, Astra still looks extremely boring and she's going to get mogged by Evelyn in her own patch.
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Also speaking on that moment Bringer slowly wrenching the giga sword from the purple portal is by far the best animation for me of that whole sequence
i'd connect with that princess.
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But Yagi-nee is so cool...
How bad is it actually? Like i dont care about 10 second clears but is she so bad now she can even clear sub 2 minutes?
Top is better. In combat you get +12% crit rate and +80% crit damage. You want your stats to get as close to 88/120 as possible outside combat.
She's getting a skin though. The skin will save her.
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Just finished watching it, will give it one more chance and download it again for this girl and see if they improve anything from 1.1 before i decide to continue or uninstall forever
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What the fuck, I thought I was the only one.
Literally played some of HSR quests and was dozing off, never had that in genshin or zzz.
Astra Yao has a boring JP VA, is literally Not Robin and her introduction only made me like Evelyn even more (she was hotter to begin with).
Also, M6 Lucy, Soukaku, and M2 Rina is more than enough until EoS for me.
Now if we can get a REAL man like Pompey instead of killing them off, that would be cool.
Yeah, of the three hoyo games, hsr has been the closest to putting me to sleep.
Why would you want 165hz isn't 144 "the cap" on how much it changes things for your eye?
Her skill makes her start singing. While she's singing she can't move, becomes super resistant to damage, and buffs the team's damage. This is basically how Robin's kit works in HSR
Rather than a turn advance (which obviously can't exist here) her ult heals your entire team (yeah we have healing now, look forward to modes designed to drain your health and be cancer if you don't have her)
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No i'm not, I just see the occasional "Nicole is a slut now..." posts and I wish to destroy them with FACTS and LOGIC
i mean that's my monitor's max refresh rate but i end up dipping to the 50s since my gpu can't keep up during super cuhrazy intense combat sequences and idk what the "cap" would be anyway
Holy shit anon
You unlocked a memory in my head.
I literally fell asleep playing HSR before!
I don't remember any other gaming having this effect on me.
So...the lizard people are actual dead bodies of those who get lost in the portals? Why not stay away from them then?
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I did. Nothing about it looked like it was worth redownloading. New loli >>507023947 looks boring. Could've given that high rarity slot to the mesugaki, but went with this shit.
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Nicole is the Goon Queen of zzz.
go buy b580, it's cheap but much better than any other cards on the market
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Why are Bangboos consistently the best part of the game?
She is the MVP of this chapter
And of my heart.
This design looks like something only a bot could puke out.
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>Miyabi came to see me just for this reason
I know she's just autistic but why is her autism so cute
i think the mesugaki is very nice actually
not sure about the clown
I'm confused. Is Nicole, Miyabi, Zhu or Belle the canon wife?
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this setup feels pretty OP, at least for day 1
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Honestly I can't say, I am gameplay-deaf.
I did not shiryu defense in months, did it and felt obscenously easy, but I believe it was more because of ults everywhere rather than Miyabi raping everything
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Gooooood morning bwos!
I don't think Astra even powercreeps Nicole for her best team (Zhu Yuan + Qingyi) because Astra can't do the most important thing Nicole is doing there, gathering all the enemies in one spot to get hit with burst damage
I assume the idols will want an ether support because there's currently no reason for Astra to exist, besides helping out shitters I guess since she has a heal
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To be fair, she does dresses like a slut, but that's part of the Gap Moe and Gyaru aesthetic.
Mibibi, even Belle is supporting her own ntr
They just proved it again with this new event.
>Team: Miyabi, Yanagi, Rina
How are you supposed to play Yanagi in the rotation here?
Bangboos are for sex
Bad image! Avocadoboo is cool and doesn't afraid of anything!
Superhumans powered by eather (true)
Zhu is getting shelved bro, it's time to let go.
She is OP but will be like Caesar.
A wheelchair character that's frankly never best in slot despite the strong kit.
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>Didn't complete the arpeggio stuff last patch because i got bored of it
>all the strings in the current version are broken right now
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This is real. I just goon to Nicole riding me while Anby is sitting on my face(while wearing spats btw).
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After clearing Shiyu, the new hollow zero, deadly assault, dates and some other quests I'm finally ready to start chapter 5. What am I in for, bwos?
It's over.
You swap in Rina just to refresh the buffs.
Yanagi is there to feed Mibbers her charges and also deal a bit of damage.
Mibbers acts as your burst DPS and Yanagi will be the on fielder for the most part.
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Since Zhu is rerunning in 1.5, Qingyi will rerun in 1.6, which is high likely the Idols patch.
Is there an optimized guide how to clear the investigation board quicker?
But does she sing in the background overriding the default music?
Miyabi dumps her charges and freezes the enemy, then you swap in Yanagi and hit them to trigger disorder, which gives Miyabi her charges back without having to spend 5000 years doing her basic combo until things freeze
avengers endgame but the build up is decent
Kino. Get out before you're spoiled bwo.
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He's a good boy.
>new boss killing mode
W-what mode?
Who would "say THE line" tho?
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The cutest!
Does anyone have the image files from the current web event? Or know how to download them? Right click and saving just saves the background instead of the actual art
They wanted the TV mode dead for good.
qingyi tells you that she is just a more complex bangboo
the bangboo were created used the old civilizations' automatons as a base, qingyi and billy are both from that era
She stands there singing until she runs out of charges, even if you swap to another character. She can't move but can attack and dodge if you stay on her
I don't think they're making the mistake of replacing the music again because they've had enough time to learn from HSR that it stops being cool after about 10 battles
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I randomly think of "Gooner 9/11 averted" multiple times a day now.
Why would she sell out her brother to the super strong fox girl? I thought she loved him sexually?
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Even the butcher itself is too scared to step on AvoGODaboo's toes.
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Reminder she saved (You)r life, btw. You will clear off all her debt, right?
Yanagi wasn't broken for me
clearing off her debt in installments hehe...
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fuck u can actually swap disks between characters between stages like in wuwa
now my grace doesnt have to cope with a worse set

still the lowest performing team thoughever
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what should Lucy's stats look like
i'm still leveling her engine
what's belle gonna do to stop the fox?
shine her glowy eyes at her before getting bisected (along with the rest of the city block behind her)?
Be grateful because Big Bro Genshin 5.3 will directly facetank 2.0 Wuwa for us.
>(cue to pan shot of all the factions gathering)
And the theater clapped that day.
>Cons of Calydon
What happened? I thought Burnice at least was popular. Wasn't Ceaser meant to be top tier?
Grace has to be the biggest brick on standard banner...
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Deadly Assault, it's a DPS race against bosses with infinite* health and you need 3 teams
*The bosses actually can die at 65000 points but this is almost impossible to achieve even with an all-M6 team
So you only swap to Yanagi once enemy is frozen? Do you just spam Miyabi basics until that happens, I forgot how its triggered
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It is my name, yes.
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Sex with random NPCs
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Is Wise stupid? Miyabi clearly has feelings for him, she just doesn't realize it because she's too autistic.
Caesar is, as mentioned before, a wheelchair character. Just like Zhongli, she's best in slot nowhere. And her story didn't carry her, Lucy was the best.
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wdym? he's way ahead of you
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I want someone to explain to me how "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING OUR GAME" is not the entire original staff getting fired by Dawei. Seriously, I haven't been able to shake this doom off of me since I saw it with my own eyes. I am so jaded i just see everything in the same way one would look at Western AAA devs who would DEFINITELY do something stupid like that.
Funny name for a dark skinned two tailed kot.
Caesar is still extremely broken as fuck, but not in a fun way.
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Yanagi + Miyabi teams all play mostly the same. Rina variant just has more swaps than Caesar to maintain Rina's buffs.
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you just roll in from stupid town?
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Mibbers does it at M0-1...
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Typically you start each fight with enough resources to freeze something, but any time Miyabi doesn't have 6 orbs or enough energy to EX skill you want to be playing Yanagi instead (and swapping in Rina often enough to keep her buff active)
dawei would never fire his dev team, maybe the director if he was shit but the small devs haven't fucked up anything
>Lucy VA is spending her income from Mihoyo to roll Mibibi
>essentially got a VA for free
How does Mihoyo do it?
when are we getting another brown agent...
Bump :3
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I can't. I simply believe.
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She likes to share
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Kotgods please... have merci this time.

I picked maximum ATTACK and I never regretted it.
I don't want to rely on synergy to pass on Crits to her piglets becausee sometimes I use Lucy with weird teams like Yanagi and Miyabi.
No, I don't like open world games and only play Genshin because it genuinely does have fantastic environmental design. WuWa's map just look bland and boring.
well if a new player were to download the game rn id say grace would be one of the better bricks as she at least can work with meebs
neko and koleda are both way brickier bricks
koleda will get sort off unbricked when evelyne cmoes out but as for nekomata... yeah
this happens more often than you'd think
actually, it happens in practically every serious gacha.
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kot be upon ye
It's latin, you say it as it's written.
Why is he doing a chingchong face? is he racist?
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>it’s over
It's Meebs or her wengine
There's only one video of someone doing it and they needed to use M6 Miyabi + Yanagi + Caesar against the twins
Very likely new people are calling what is being done in the game now.
Shart rail is so fucking shit compared to ZZZ. None of the new space china characters+crappa made me care about them. I expect it to get worse in 3.0 with more wormwanking and shipping between characters.
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>phone version is a few hundreds Mo
>PC version is like 30 Go
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>read Soldier11 kit
>not a single ability has a scrollbar
holy shit I LOVE her
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Here's mine.
They added new achievements for that shit btw lol.
Looks pretty good.
You want to build her mostly as an attacker because the damage her boars deal is considerable and it scales from all the attacker stats.
Finish leveling up her and her W-Engine to 60.
If you're using DMG% disc on #5, switch it for ATK%.
astra is currently bis in every single team. Idk how we even have retards who see a support that gives 1500 ATK, 60 dmg%, refills energy, heals for 3k and come to the conclusion that astra is only good for helping shitter teams.
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>It's Meebs
this Anon won
I got the C1 mibibi now.
Maybe not fired, just transferred to other games. This game is definitely handled by new devs from HI3/GI/HSR, though. Recent changes reflect this.
Show us the kot
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That is what it felt like, nothing can be done. We will surely see the major shift in direction by 2.0, i can hope new team will do better or at least not doing something stupid
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Which one bros? M0S1 by the way
zzz is NOT a few hundred mo lol
I'm not a native english speaker, so "how it's written" would be [pool-h-ra] for me.
Mihoyo is so big and have so many project at the same time. It was probably the TV team who wrote that message and they were probably moved to another project. I don't they they were fired, Dawei need as many hands he can get and the gacha scene is China is probably highy competitive with companies poaching each other employees.
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>and my 1.4 lines in EN were unvoiced
I still have her, but I use Anby for stun. Should I use her instead? I have no other stunners.
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Oh, so they DID replace the Koleda VA?!
Whether those numbers survive the beta or not, that doesn't address the thing I said, which is that both Qingyi and Zhu Yuan need someone to put all of the enemies on one spot because their best attacks both have an extremely tiny hitbox
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What the fuck why does she look like that
TroonVAs get the rope
The entire 1.0 cast is getting replaced. Astra is the Nicole replacment. Evelyn replaces Anby.
the asta yao lookalike contest was hilarious, the bangboos are the real starts of this game
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it's over
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>tfw other people’s SUPPORTS have better ATK than even my Miybers
I fucking disc grinding so much
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>hard mode
I've checked and I can't find how to activate it
Kys bangbooslopslurper
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fuck wrong image
No. Lycaon is also unvoiced and his VA says he can't disclose the reason because he's still under contract, so not fired.
Probably some union bullshit in burgerland.
Good riddance, I hope they straight up delete the EN dub from the game.

she's my main DPS...
why so angry
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Live bangbooGOD
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squish the meeb
I also have only her and Anby for stunners. I only use Anby, since fire team is covered by anomalies team and I never developed stun fire team (Koleda-Lucy-S11) beyond 50.
It werks for me.
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What the fuck are you guys doing needing M6.
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>that scene with Koleda and Qingers next to another
They finally turned the HDD into kindergarten.
The right one.
I don't. It's mostly better than JP.
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>/zzz/ hates bangboo now
what the fuck happened
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they were in the 1.4 livestream
I don't see the difference

qingyigods won
Right one.
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Uh oh
Probably a TVtroon
she's really, really bad. people joke about the kotbrick, but at least the kot can be played with the A ranker that outclasses her, piper.
koleda is a sidegrade to anby that doesn't actually stun more than anby. she just has a different stun damage profile. she does gigantic chunks of stun damage with her EX special, and otherwise does not move the stun bar.
on the other hand, anby has much more solid stun damage output and isn't so reliant on EX meter to function.
if we lived in a world where stunners weren't the primary on-field unit, koleda would be much better since she's really only good for swapping in and then fucking off. but we do not live in that world. so anby is generally better.
Yup, the highlight of Astra's quest.
I absolutely love Bangboos because of those absolutely silly situations they find themselves in.
Btw Kami North MUST become the first playable bangboo agent
Why is he going to heaven?
They've been the worst part of this game since 1.0
It has shitty blurry reflections now. That'll be $700 plus an extra $150 if you want to play physical games
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Show us your Koleda
someone is upset their idol waifu lost the lookalike competition
Nice. Do you have W1 for all of them?
zzz devs aren't in the same city as genshin and HSR teams which do reshuffle their developers
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I love Astra Yao my GF
Probably just the TV team.
Arpeggio was likely their last chance and they were clearly not given enough time to finish it.
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lucy and soukaku are bound to have high attack numbers because all of their fucking discs use attack
they don't need crit
they don't need elemental damage
it's all atk
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Your mother will die in her sleep tonight
The game isn't handled by a single team, it's a joint effort of animators, writers, narrative designers, level designers, artists, programmers and so on. It's extremely unlikely that the entire dev team was "fired". Some people were probably moved to other projects, as >>507025827 said, but replacing the ENTIRE dev team in such a short amount of time is basically impossible and absolutely pointless.
Reminder the siblings share everything, EVERYTHING.
she'll become relevant once evelyn drops. stay strong, koledabros...
Left is 100% chance and 200 multi and right is 80% chance and 230 multi but right may end up with less overall damage output because of cc.
suck my cock, dude
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I got lucky with my Lucy discs. I wish I got that luck with my Piper discs.
Haven't checked it myself but they sound pretty confident.
What city are they in?
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The cunning hares are pretty cool when they get serious
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Futa Belle sharing an onahole with Wise...
I was lucky to get them all yes. Early too so it helps, but Rina was already that way for a while.
Mind you my Mibbers has her core at E, not F. Meaning it's not even her full power. Signature is also 50/60.
>koleda would be much better since she's really only good for swapping in and then fucking off. but we do not live in that world. so anby is generally better.
Astra's whole gimmick of chain assist stuff and Koleda buffing chain assists?
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We love TVs and Bangboo here though.
Why wouldn't she just use Wise's asshole?
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Wow, that's a dedication I did not expect. Thanks anon
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That's just the power of incest.
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>hating bangboos
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the english ver didn't even have her voice lined
is rina a person or robot like qingyi
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I feel like the devs got a bit overzealous with the new Bangboo event. It's too much, I got through day 1 and I don't wanna play more tower defense slop, but there are four more days of it. They should've added more gameplay styles at least.
skill issue
I still remember that anon that did 300 rolls on the standard for her. I wonder if he's still here.
>Futa belle
>Not the other girls being Futa and ruining Belle
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Frotting is a lot hotter <3
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it's been several months and i still haven't learnt how to use ZZZ's menus. i picked up genshin and star rail pretty quick but whenever i want to access a specific menu in ZZZ i end up clicking around like a spastic until stumbling upon it by chance
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we hate Astra Yao here
>I got through day 1 and I don't wanna play more tower defense slop
Exactly how I started and then dropped arknots
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Not counting Miyabi, can cunning Hares beat section 6?
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bangboos are the pride and joy of /zzz/
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I fucking hope so. Koleda’s ENG voice is like listening to nails scrape against a chalkboard.

Idk we don't really know the real power of billy and anby yet
Gonna have to remove Yanagi as well Anon. She can solo the Hares.
Maybe, but since we never get to see serious Billy & Anby, we will never know.
Hoyo main office is in Shanghai, ZZZ office is in Beijing
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Miyabi has no idea what sex is.
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She's a Poltergeist.
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does anyone have that picture with all Mibibi's team comps?
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there there lucy... the proxsee will come back to the outer ring sometimes...
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Sorry bwo you need a very high IQ to play this game
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I would cum bigly if they do and her voice sounds similar to her CN/JP voice.
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Is he the realest nigga around?
She the least sexual chick of them all which makes all this cocksucking fanart even stranger. I just want to sniff her ears.
ok, wasn't sure how they explained the floating
I'm getting my Rina from the selector this monday, is she give or take 20%ish worse then Caesar for Mitsubishi/Yanagi with her sig engine?
>Amillion is in front of the coach at the tower defense mode today
>no Amillion unit is available
its not fair
yanagi has timestop, the single most OP ability ever. cunning hares can't beat that.
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Billy solos section 6
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They would not even beat the Section 6 in their boo form.
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She is my idol
i'm partial to one denny boo myself
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We were able to get the most cancerous slop in this game removed (tvshit).
So we'll also be able to get the 2nd most cancerous slop (bangboos) removed.
And only then will this game be perfect.
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Billy could solo them if he goes all out.
everyone forgets Anby jobbed to Rina, Nekomata is canonically the strongest aside from Billy who is holding back
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Plot twist : the remaining days will be a competition between Amillion and your bangboo units to see who can clear the stages faster
I like that Bookaku has eyebrows
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So now that 1.4 saved the game, what can we expect from 1.5 onwards? I hope the next void hunter is a shota
As that one anon said Billy and Anby hasn't shown their true power yet, I think cunning hares have an edge though especially if you don't count Miyabi. I really hope that when OBOL squad gets added an Anby Alter is also on rate up.
she's autistic, not unlearned. her favorite media is nature documentaries for crying out loud
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Would be pretty fucking pathetic if Anby "Soldier 0" Demara couldn't handle some glowies.
Remove yourself, there is no "we".
I wish I was Harumasa
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Isn't Billy about Lighter tier and Caesar stronger than Lighter?
Are bangboos indestructible?
Yeah but Rina is too OP with the way she sneaks on people. I feel like she's the strongest Victoria member.
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God damn it Miyabi
Is there a reason why you don't swap during her aoe?
I feel like people underestimate the Cunning Hares.
Just a reminder that Anby is probably an ex-obol and Billy is an ex-champion of the Outer Ring. Neko is the only S-Rank so she must be more talented than both of them.
Nicole is the brains and SOVL of the team.

Having said that, S6 would win high-diff without Mibibi
Billy is WAY stronger than that fraud.
Billy quick draw will put holes to Aidsmasa and Npcnagi
was the billy nerf rolled back?
we have seen many bangboo corpses throughout multiple different side missions
qingyi's agent story touches on bangboo mortality as well
lighter says that billy holds back and doesn't show his true power
Ellen > S11 according to cutscenes
The way Lighter talks about Billy implies he was stronger and is now holding back.
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>We were able to get the most cancerous slop in this game removed (tvshit).
>So we'll also be able to get the 2nd most cancerous slop (bangboos) removed.
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Venus had to provide..."compensation"...to those Black Anchor thugs...
Rina is worth the swaps. The team is quickswappy enough to allow it. Caesar really was a noob trap in the end.
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The only shotas I like are cool and/or muscular kind of shota, not fan of girly shota, for that I just prefer a cute girl
We're not in the clear yet. Whether 1.4 brought in new players or just baited existing whales to roll for massive powercreep, we don't know.
That's some cute autism
You can't swap cancel Miyabi's animations when playing with Caesar, otherwise she'll lose the 1k attack buff. That's why most people play the team with Rina, her buff applies to the whole team rather than just the one you're actively fielding.
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I love TVkino and bangboobros, fuck off.
From what I understood the the "nerf" was actually only visual, and now the optimal way to play him is with dash attack spam.
Caesar's buff falls off when you swap.
>vlad is ice
i can't believe i wasted my fucking rolls on mibibi
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>Wanting to have Aids
No need to announce that your a Fag
>We were able to get the most cancerous slop in this game removed (tvshit).
This but combat commissions and rallies.
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Ah... A 4th kid on the way...
Kys homotroon
My mommy would never
Sis, we've always had this on PC
They only updated the PS5 version to have it too
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this is making me self conscious.
i never know how to react to people randomly telling me shit like that.
i'd honestly probably say "thanks" or something along the those lines as well.
i'm not a cute foxgirl either, so i'm just doomed.
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Could the Cunning Hares beat NEPS?
So if the leaders of each faction were to have a free-for-all, it would be Mibi>Lycaon=>Zhu>Caesar>Koleda? Nicole would hide in a corner until the fight is over.
retard, I hope a stray bites off your nuts
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I hope so if only to introduce Pulchra into the Sons of Calydon and have another small adventure there.
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Remember when everybody thought Jane was the mole in the NEPS?

Turns out it was the freaking police chief himself.
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I thought Rina was the head maid? (the leader)
There is no way Caesar is that much of a jobber
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>anti-tv and anti-bangboo falseflagging
>shipshit posters
>pro homo posts
Lucy VA sounds kinda erotic now.
Bangboos really are the heart and soul of ZZZ. They are always just so charming and funny. I go running towards wherever I see a group of bangboos are at, since U know comedy kino is about to start.
Considering Caesar wanted to solo Bringer i would rank her closer to Miyabi.
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No way

Mibibi > Caesar > Lycaon > Zhu > Koleda > Nicole.
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fuck off. this is a fujo game
This HAS to be a Jojo reference.
Strange I've started stage but didn't had any prompt, maybe tutorial stage does not have it, I'll try different stage later on
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The day bangboos are removed from this game is when you know it's dead.
delet this
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Caesar has retard strength, she would make Mibibi get serious.
Does it really matter or simply a minmax thing? Her percentage dmg boost and dmg taken debuff still apply to everyone.
Lycaon is their boss. But Rina is basically his right arm.
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go back homotranny
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Mole ?
It matters A LOT. Poeple have been underestimating Rina since the start since she wants her M1 to feel much better to play, but the damage and clear times are much faster with her than Caesar. Caesar is made for Hypercarries. Yanagi + Mibbers is a dual carry / quick swap comp.
A regular stunner can't duel Caesar, she has way too many advantages that over eclipse them.
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Gay sex is bad and dangerous to your health.
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Piper has the soul of a sassy black woman
The 1k attack is Caesar's biggest buff. Miyabi already has lots of dmg%, and a big chunk of her hold basic's damage will lose that 1k attack if you swap since it's a bit backloaded.
She wouldn't have made it far seeing what it took to take Bringer down.
where is this clip from anon?
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>Yanagi + Mibbers is a dual carry / quick swap comp.
How am I supposed to play this? i thought I just wanted Yanagi to proc disorders on demand. Do I actually want to field her whenever Yanagi doesn't have stacks/energy?
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WTF, Is this real??? PLS give us the option to change MC, Mihoyoooo
Yes, I bought the Miyabi reroll account because I wasn't confident in my luck. I didn't check carefully so I didn't expect that the MC of that account was Belle.
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How do Bangboos always make shit materialize out of thin air?
Fuck off.
It's an old short on the official zzz youtube channel.
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Reminder to never pull on a rerun in this game unless you want to brick your account. Miyabi has started the powercreep and it will be worse than HSR.
>b-b-but I can still clear my shiyu without miyabi!
yeah and you won't be able any more in 1 month. They will increase enemy HP in every endgame mode, because everyone and their mother has pulled for a character that does 60% more dmg than the top meta teams. Miyabi is so busted compared to the current characters its not even funny. Imagine if neuvillette (without furina) was released in genshin 1.4
Post discord server
homophobic rubbish
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I don't know the sauce...
Just watch it on YouTube and pretend it's your account
Why are pags so pathetic
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It's over, accept your brick
It's Bangboo magic, I ain't gotta explain shit.
just re buy a WiseGOD account, how much did it cost anyway 5€? thats one less Kebab today
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Can Zhu Yuan's ass beat section 6?
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Her ears are as tall as her head
My love for them powers their magical abilities.
was kind of funny how Seth was there only for the credits
Wise sure is tiny
Koleda has retard strength too, but aside from being a pint-size tween she isn't trained for combat, which is why I put her low.
Gameplay aside, in lore Lycaon is an ex merc who is much smarter than the average character, which is why I put him high. Trained soldier>>>biker.
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Yanagi is the on fielder while Mibbers is the quick swap. You just have to adjust and check the stacks on your Miyabi and swap in for the full charged attack. Occasionally swap Rina to refresh her buffs and you're good.
Superior Race
I don't think anyone from Belobog is actually a fighter
Ceasar is a killing machine, did you forget about her trailer?
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>I bought the Miyabi reroll account because I wasn't confident in my luck
The patch literally gives more than enough polys for Miyabi
walking around as Själ WHEN?
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I don't like it when a Bangboo is sad. It break my heart.
>Yes, I bought the Miyabi reroll account
Sounds like fate. You don’t deserve to even say that you live Miyabi if you didn’t roll her.
shortstack wife
If you're giving either of them radically more field time than the other you're playing the team wrong. There is no on fielder/off fielder in the team. You should be swapping constantly to spend resources and cycle disorders to maximize Miyabi's EB3s without overcapping her stacks.
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I love them
>nekomata powercrept on launch
>koleda completely replaced
>grace completely replaced
>soldier 11 about to get replaced
>ellen about to get replaced
wild how fast the powercreep happened. even wilder that Rina went from worst standard chara to most futureproof
>sup' guys did I miss something?
>the japanese humor gang
I dunno man, Anton seems like he'd fuck a bear up over taking his lunchbox.
>Pags with their fake drama shit again and again...
I wish SEA would be BANNED from the Internet.
i'm surprised they haven't made any slutty female bangboos, knowing how weird asians are about fucking everything
this never happened if you aren't a brainlet
i think it's really cancer how some enemies in the tower defense mode can just decide to ignore bangboos and walk past them
they didn't do this with Lycaon
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Who is the actual most irrelevant character in the game and why is it Jane? I feel like even Ellen has more story relevance than Jane does.
I see. Normally what happens is that I don't feel like changing to Yanagi if she has no energy to do a polarity disorder since Miyabi can clear frostburn by herself if played decently. I'll see what I can do then
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>implying you wouldn't
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Nicole is just gonna wait for the right moment and nuke them with ether cancer black hole.
Caesar is stronger than Lighter, who is undefeated for SoC in the Outer Ring across probably hundreds of duels.
Also Ellen might actually be the strongest Victoria member in terms of pure combat
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Kill Black Anchor thugs. Behead Black Anchor thugs. Roundhouse kick Black Anchor thugs into the concrete. Slam dunk a Black Anchor thug baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Black Anchor thugs. Defecate in a Black Anchor thug's food. Launch Black Anchor thugs into the sun. Stir fry Black Anchor thugs in a wok. Toss Black Anchor thugs into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Black Anchor thug's gas tank. Judo throw Black Anchor thugs into a wood chipper. Twist Black Anchor thugs heads off. Report Black Anchor thugs to the IRS. Karate chop Black Anchor thugs in half. Curb stomp pregnant Black Anchor thugs. Trap Black Anchor thugs in quicksand. Crush Black Anchor thugs in the trash compactor. Liquefy Black Anchor thugs in a vat of acid. Eat Black Anchor thugs. Dissect Black Anchor thugs. Exterminate Black Anchor thugs in the gas chamber. Stomp Black Anchor thugs skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Black Anchor thugs in the oven. Lobotomize Black Anchor thugs. Mandatory abortions for Black Anchor thugs. Grind Black Anchor thugs' fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Black Anchor thugs in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Black Anchor thugs with a ray gun. Kick old Black Anchor thugs down the stairs. Feed Black Anchor thugs to alligators. Slice Black Anchor thugs with a katana. Forced Merge Black Anchor thugs' bangboos.
Has wuwa finally killed us bwos?
i wouldn't
Japanese Humour would be Nicole and Yanagi having a bitchfit and starting a bet on something stupid and then they both lose so they both have to do the humiliating dance at the strip club.
Rina was only ever considered the worst because people don't use their brains.
She does have a major uptime issue pre M1, but her buff is literally the best you can ask for late game. Scales better than Nicole even, who's the second best support in the game, sheer power wise.
People didn't have the gear, but now that they do, Rina is on top. She wants better relics than most.
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They're literally stuck in queue because server overload. It's over for us. Harumasa killed ZZZ.
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Ok what about now then
Jane is way too thirsty when you go on a date with her so I don't care how plot relevant she is
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The world would be a better place with bangboos...
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how will you make it up to your cute tomato farmer gf?
Anby jobbed to Rina btw, self proclaimed weakest member of VH who had to be paired up with I forgot to split their faction's power 50:50.
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ZZZ girlFriend N°24?
>not rolling for astra/evelyn
>qing yi will probably rerun on 1.6 along with jane
if idols don't materialize the (f2p btw) m6 qingyi plan will be golden bros.
better, who is she cosplaying
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So in other words it's less swap-heavy...works better for my smooth brain ig.
I'm glad I picked Belle, all this for you shit is getting cringe
Ellen's JP VA is much better, especially in "quality time". She sounds like a typical real-life Japanese girlfriend
Anby was hungry so it doesn't count
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they're too pure for this world
Cute couple
just wait until fairy gets a bangboo form, anon
>still a good burst DPS able to get clears on par with limiteds if she has a good stunner
>getting Evelyn
>still the better shock enabler especially with her defensive assist
that soldier who came to the store wanted me (wise). this game is very gay
Post some Streamables, bwo.
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>kafka expy
>aventurine expy
>multiple hi3 expys
where are the genshin expys wtf?
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A happy bangboo make a happy house.
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I hope they reconsider and swap his role to ice support
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>Forced Merge Black Anchor thugs' bangboos
Too far bwo...
do I have to farm puffer electro for my rina or can I just slap my swing jazz on her?
Bangboos are not for sex delete this
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>As a Proxy, I may not have the greatest physical strength, but my [Ability] has not been beaten yet.
>Cut them down, [What Does The Fox Say]!
fairy's a cunt, wish i could delete her
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Bangboos are the SOVL of ZZZ.
Let's all agree to disagree and say that they would all job to Billy (forma de revelaccion)
Swing Jazz 4 piece and 2 piece puffer.
You can theoretically use 4 Piece Astral Voice but she doesn't use it as well as Lucy.
You want to reach the 72% PEN if you can help it.
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Not far enough for what they did to Venus!!!
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I care
How would Miyabi react to seeing porn tapes?
NTA, but is the new set lucy's new best set then?
Miyabi is so retarded, I love it.
>Billy's only claim to fame is that he's Caesar's dad's champion
I don't get it. Isn't Lighter weaker than Caesar?
Billy forma de campeón del Anillo de Fuera will be the strongest agent in the game.
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She would ask you which one you like the most and then leave.
she wont understand what's going on and ask you to teach her as a sort of training
She probably wouldn't. Like, at all. It's disturbing and I wonder what goes through the heads of people like those sometimes.
You're trans
>pink bimbo suit isn't nicole's skin
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
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Mibibi would say this.
It is her best set. It's theoretically the best support set period. Even Koleda will be able to use it once Evelyn hits. So yeah, I've been farming this domain for both Mibbers and Most of my supports.
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>This looks like a very intense form of training.
>Would you like to be my training partner?
Miyabi up top, Caesar almost uncontested second.
Final three is a tossup, Lycaon is the fastest of them, the other two have dumb strength(Koleda absolutely has the better shown strength over Zhu, but the game sort of implies Zhu is stupidly physically strong a lot in a way it doesn't with Koleda).
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if it helps this is how I play (probably not 100% optimal)
i just got rina so still having trouble keeping her buffs topped up
if theres ANY anomaly active you just spam yanagi EX skills or ultimate to get miyabi charges, preferably while shes doing her massive charge attack so you can prep miyabi to do another one straight away
You're talking about two different generations there. There's no telling how each overlord measures up to their champion.
It's really hard to use, the buff doesn't go off if you don't swap using a Quick Assist (e.g. if you want to quickswap off Nicole/Rina's EX before the prompt goes up). I think I'll just settle for Swing Jazz/Proto Punk for support sets.
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>go on a date with Miyabi
>she spends most of it talking about Zhu Yuans fat ass
thanks bro
retard question but when rina tags in you always hit her E right, then switch to the other dmg dealer?
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I am now imagining a heavily pregnant Venus
I think you forgot how good VH as a whole is. They're all trained mercs WITH retard strength. Even rape loli.
I mean I wouldn't hire a champion stronger than me, that's just asking to be betrayed. Why would anyone do that?
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They were the best part of the worst thing ever.
Lucy has the energy to allow 2 EX special minimum, which makes it better than Swing Jazz already.
But don't worry I get why people don't bother, especially if they have an already good Swing Jazz set. It's only 1% more with two stacks. 9% with 3.
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>Miyaba and Zhu Yuan are childhood friends
>Both are the most for (you) girls
Can we get for a k drama love triangle in future? Mihomo literally wrote a k drama beakup scene for Zhu Yuan
I love how that second sentence implies she realizes how noticeable Zhu's ass is so she assumes it's too obvious of a remark to make when talking to someone who knows her.
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Training tapes???
You forget champions of the past were blood shedding murderers ruling by fear compared to today's relatively peaceful outer ring.
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Is this good for yao? what stats should I care about?
>just spent an hour optimizing my assault runs
feels great man, im pretty satisfied with the scores i got with the discs + roster i have right now.
i wish hoyolab updated faster
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*blocks your path*
She's a tomato.
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The worst part of the famitsu article is confirmation that waterkuma is no longer working on ZZZ. Goodbye lolis, goodbye huge tit schoolgirls... its over.
Basically just ATK
Should I trust the ingame recommendations or the wiki?
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My hard working motherwife...I swear I'll protect you!
Why are people still trying this when he literally did new illustrations for that article
Wait, what?
When was that confirmed? How?
What the FUCK is her problem?
Captcha: G00NA
Trust? Have you seen how cool of a cucumber Billy is?
Good, qt grills should be loved not hurt.
Show the new illustrations.
He literally draws BLACKED of Lolis. So I don't know about the loving part.
Huh, I thought I was the only one.
Though some genshin ones are just painful.
Your post makes no sense in reply to mine.
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In Harumasa's agent story, it's said that a drug that boosts Ether Aptitude is basically like selling super powers or some shit.
Is that meant literally? Does having high Ether Aptitude give you super strength? Because that would explain a lot.
I hope in 2.0 they overload us with bangboo fall guys segments to the point of filtering noobs
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Venus trust events in 1.5 surely
We love weeaboo fox swordswomen /here/
Do you get extra points on deadly assault if you don't take damage or something? I thought getting 6 stars would be easy enough but I went fucking 0/2/2
If Miyabi is Acheron, Astra is Robin. She only needs attack.
no you're just getting investmentgated.
Bros... I'm not gonna lie. I thought the date update stuff was really stupid and cringe when I first saw it. But now I'm starting to get parasocial
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Venus will be the banner in 1.6 with Office Mewmew.
They should allow us to bring an entire faction next
bro waterkuma literally draws BLACKED, snuff, he has plenty of art of lolis getting suffocated to death during sex by big black guys...
the fact that mihoyo chose him as their art director is honestly fucked up
Shut ffuck up with your star rail lingo, dumb BitcH!
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I'd kneel...
Shut ffuck
does he still do that? hardcore loli artists can change, they just need to get exposed to naruhina.
Preggo belly Venus...
Icon of fertility...
Why did you ultimate at 0:30 instead of ex, charge rina for pen and then ultimate
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You could've made your mibibi stronger by farming chips but instead you're wasting your battery on useless discs
Fucking kek
rina is most likely less good at direct combat but excellent at assassination/ambush tactics
i havent even unlocked that stage yet what level should i start farming relics?
Mewmew will be back next patch, NEPS will just think he's a useful idiot.

Venus is going to have a 4th child growing in her tummy when I'm through with her.
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No Yanagi or signature yet, but I still managed to score an S rank on Bringer. Not bad.
I know but what does that have to do with my post?
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here is his most recent art
I've got my disks to a "good enough" standard so now I'm going to work on farming ice mats to max all her skills. Think she'll be the first if not only character I max every single skill on.
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ohh waow I got the reference
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ether exposure changes people. ether aptitude is the difference between gaining superpowers or turning into a monster with black hole for a head
who gives a fuck what he draws in his own time if he designs actually good characters for the game?
I thought there was a furina expy soon for HSR I think
You don't need to unlock it
Reminds me of radiation in comic books i.e the Hulk.
You don't hire pedophiles. You either arrest them or behead them.
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>he don't knows about Officer Mewmew's true identity
Astra my beloved
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I can't go any higher than skill level 12 bro
so is deadly assault just another dps check?
Mewmew? Sex
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He doesn't draw porn anymore I think, or at least he doesn't post it.
Also, That Nicole skin has his style.
Bwos... I'm 40 away from pity on weapon banner... can I do it...?
>lose argument
>start screeching pedophile at everything
>do not trust the inter-knot
I'm downloading twerking bangboos from the interknot. What is there not to trust?
YES! No more Mr. Mew showing up in random maps! Now if only we can do something about the Caelus/Stelle cameos.
Did someone make an in lore power tier list yet? I'm guessing Miyabi is at the very peak, right?
mibibi's story is just feixiao's but without the sex slavery
Before this point Ether Aptitude in lore just made it so you didn't turn into an Etheral. Newspaper articles and KnotChan posts talked about it. I haven't done his story, but if it says in there that you actually physically manifest powers that'd be quite the drop. You'd think they'd have made that clear from the start or referenced that when talking about it.
Yeah, unless you lose the 75/25
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what's the point of these skip tickets if they are a very limited resource?
Please respond I'm retarded I don't want to think for myself.
Reddit is that way sir.
Miyabi would probably job to every single original Void Hunter albeit
You hoard them forever and the game EoS while they remain unusued
>downloading twerking bangboos
That's illegal.
Bwos, her eyes shine like the siblings'...
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So... The entire anime/gacha industry should be arrested?
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Lets say what everyone thinks, there was barely anything from Waterkuma on the desings to begin with, only Nicole and was so washed and toned down.

Nicole was discount bache, but everything else didn't read "waterkuma" at all, with the exception of some details here and there.
Ingame recommendations are fine for the most part. Just ask here if not sure.
cartoons aren't real, retard-kun
giving the "pedo panic" update to social media NPCs was a mistake. you will be obnoxious for years now
Playable characters only? Because if not then the original seven heroes would be way stronger and Swordmaster is the strongest of all.
Even discounting them, SEED and Ghostfire are arguably just as strong as mibs. Soldier Zero is also really high up there.
>look momma I posted it again!!!! I SHITPOSTED ON THE INTERKNOT!!!! ON 4CHAN!
I already did that... first time I lost a weapon banner... and it was a second brimstone...
Okay bwo I trust you
>have feelings
>completely accepts being erased as an outcome of his master's actions because he's a bangboo
bangboo deserve better
I didn't mean the game will EoS soon, you moron, I'm saying people will hoard these because they're rare and not use it for years
PLEASE kill yourself
that's most likely what will happen because who's going to use a ticket that skips a single minute of combat or less when he only gets a handful of them?
>You'd think they'd have made that clear from the start or referenced that when talking about it.
You'd think so. But they do need some kind of explanation as to why some people just have super strength.
still don't know why this comic strip was deleted from his pixiv
it's Yelan and Kaveh
Fucking read, for the love of god. Not as bad as /gflex/ but idk why this entire board cannot read. Its not just you.
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Man, I pray that she gets an agent story during her rerun just like Ellen
He's hired again.
Yeah. It fucking sucks. If there was one of his actual lolis i'd M6 them. There's no chance it'd be in a Hoyo game though. No real chance of it happening or even getting close.
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>ask question
>question answered
>become aggresive all of sudden
What the fuck is mental illness
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Kek Waterkuma actually got fired, no more of his character designs then

literal bait and switch LMAO
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No, Harumasa compares a drug capable of giving your very high ether resistance to a super drug capable of giving super powers in a capeshit movie.
Humanity's biggest threat are Hollows, and if everyone was able to endure them without becoming corrupted they could take back what was theirs.
It's a big part of his agent story.
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Stop using my wife to shitpost
bloody bastard... fall back rajesh... it's over...
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Waterkuma is literally on the Famitsu interview they just released by the way.
The guy who went unhinged wasn't me, I agree with the guy who answered my question
I don't see much of a point in skip tickets unless they are abundant.
i love venus so much, if they remove her i will riot in the survey
>introduce idols
>also rerun Qingyi
The cunny patch will bring in the highest income, just watch.
I will personally roll for all the idols. No Astra, no Eve, no Obol. I am in full skip mode now
What's the deal with Seth's brother? He seems to get referenced a lot.
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Never ever
Are there no Zhu yuan concept arts?
Yanagi is more popular than SoC!?
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watercoomer was wasted on mihoyo anyway. yeah, we got nicole and anby out of it and other designs that are far far better than the standard mihoyo slop, but with their 'family friendly' bullshite they were never gonna let him take the restraints off and make actual cunny or half-naked women.

he's better off with azur lane where he can draw what he wants as much as he wants
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Another child for Venus...
Im gonna roll as much as I can for mibibi then save for the lolis or some rerun orbs.
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I'll ignore that and doompost about waterkuma again next thread.
Talking about old designs. I'll only believe it when they release a design that's 100% Waterkuma-like. Even Astra was transformed into someone that doesn't really look like her initial design which sucks
Tired OL> Biker chicks
This is a chink/jap game, it was inevitable.
And could solo them too.
sirion was lycaon original name?
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Warhammer lorelet here, where do Beastmen get their weapons and armor if they're supposed to hate any and all forms of industry and progress?

>zenless zone zero
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still waiting for this girl expy
Sirion = Thiren
>entire original staff
Really anon, do you realize how retarded this is? An entire team of programmers, writers, illustrators being replaced just because the game slightly underperformed? Genshin would never be a global hit if they operate with that kind of logic.
>First Sjal
>Then Mewmew
>Now Venus
1.4 claims another victim...
That's thirens. Lycaon is called Lycan in JP.
I used them all because they are glorified cups of coffee and there aren't even that many of them.
Is this mother of three coming onto me? I don't want to raise three other children but I can't really pump and dump my comissionmommy either.
Kinda looks like a cross of nekomata and nico
>he's better off with azur lane where he can draw what he wants as much as he wants
Her initial Bache costume was censored. They had to change the plate name on the bike
my bad
>First Sjal
What happened to Sjal, aside that nothing seems to happen with her anymore?
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Whoever is in charge of the new designs should read this, read it again, then again.
>she's best in slot nowhere.
Piper teams? Jane teams? And I'm pretty she is better than Rina in Yanagi+Miyabi teams
>Lucy was the best.
If you are a pedo perhaps. Lucy did nothing in that questline
More like lycoon
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all mesugakis look the same
Yeah, astra and eve are just same old hoyo girls. I also used to be obsessed with sheryl back in middle school so this archtype isn't wow-ing me anymore.
I might roll for obol though depending on their tacticool gear
>Piper at M5
Should I waste my pulls to get her last copy?
He's referring to the moment she appears in Miyabi's psychosis segment in the story. It seemed like the intent was to make it seem like Miyabi was slaughtering innocents but I bet they pussied out for being too dark
If it ain't broken don't fix it
She is literally worse than Rina in Mibibi Yanagi teams.
She is worse than doing Burnice Lucy Piper.
You could make an argument for Jane but Sethe burnice clears faster.
Stop huffing copium.
Caesar was just massive bait that's easy to play and get value out of, but gets outshined by specialists, the way it should be.
>Le reflective puddles!
What a useless technology.
They robbed us.
She was unique
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God...I'm glad she got changed
Why you lying?
Nicole is probably also some sort of descendant of one of the Void Hunters, all the "she's an orphan that so happens to have a black hole suitcase' and all the connections she has doesn't seem right
I don't think people thinking you're a disgusting pedophile for getting off to cartoon children is a new phenomenon, anon
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is there an easier way to play soukaku? I've been trying to make her work with miyabi but her "tap EX three times then hold to atk nuff the dps" mechanic is such a chore whereas someone like lucy is just "hold E once"
The new 4 piece disk gives you basically a free 12% crit rate, so there's no waste with the right one compared to the left when it comes to maxing out her passive that requires 80% crit rate
dunno, I just stock her charges up while trying to daze the enemy and then ensure she's the 2nd to last or last in my daze attack chain before the DPS comes out
>No PEN on Disc 5
And there we have it. Completely irrelevant showcase. If you run Rina, you run PEN on disc 5 for both Yanagi and Mibbers.
Standing ear kissing
>giving nicole a new outfit when ANBY is the face of the game
Anby hasn't even had her "GASP! She's originally from OBOL!" moment yet. Give it time.
Where can i upload or see deadly assault results?
Go back
I haven't played since Burnice

Used some of my double drops to get her to level 50, but how's it looking for Miyabi/ bow guy?
Would he basically replace Anton in a Grace/ Rina comp? Would Miyabi replace Ellen?
I probably should play the story content I missed first before worrying about this but I feel confident in winning the 50/50 for Miyabi
If you have Ellen, like her and have a strong ice team already, you might justify skipping Mibs. Otherwise, roll for her, you won't be disappointed power-wise.
Hoyo is whatever, electric sucks anyway. I hate Anton with a passion, so he would replace him immediately, if I would care to play that composition.
I wonder whose faces are crossed out and burned out respectively...

Maybe those are the cult's leaders. Or Sarah's higher ups at the very least. I can see it, sneering at the twins and doing a whole Meg speech.

Yeah right...
THEY are already feeling threatened by both Lighter and Masa, who, in their own words, faggots. What more if you make him playable? Nothing will ever truly appease these fools save turning the game into HI3rd cast-wise.

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