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Previous Era: >>506362093

General Info
- Reverse: 1999 is a turn-based RPG with gameplay revolving around the use of spell cards. The game focuses on storytelling, with a rich main story mode and frequent side-story events. The game is fully voiced in 4 languages, with English as the primary language. There are no PvP elements, you can play at your own pace. The Storm is coming.
- Daily reset is at 10am UTC

>Version 2.1 Trailer (GL)
>Version 2.4 Trailer (CN)
>Download (PC & Mobile)
>Official Stickers
>Official YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/@Reverse1999_JP (exclusive content)
>Official Twitter

>Current Event
Route 77: The Haunted Highway || Dec 05 - Jan 09

>Current Rate-up Banners
- Tuesday (Spirit Support) || Dec 05 - Dec 26
- 37 (Star DPS) || Dec 17 - Dec 31
>Upcoming Rate-up Banners
- Argus (Plant Support) || Dec 26 - Jan 09
>Community Resources Page

1999GIFT, 5YRBRF9, MAINSTORYUPDATE, JoyAndTerror, SweetDreams, PerfectService, TheHeartOfTheMotel, BreakingCatastrophe, FabricHeart
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first for marcus!
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Colonizing Fatutu...
Regulus, you going to get locked up again...
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>fucks your wife
I love Marcus!
Gentleman Edition!
Thank you, doktor
finished chapter 7, total √2 death
Very cute
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Nobody knows? Then where's the several pounds of butter going? Dinner? On the floors as silly pranks?

Also I finally put Tuesday on my home screen a few hours ago. Nice timing.
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I finally understand why this general loves Marcus, socially anxious (or depressed) retards are usually popular around these parts so it makes sense desu. pure chuuni kino wen BluePoch???
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Love me square root of two
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>Regulus yearns for Vertin
>Regulus aims for 37
why does Vertin attract cucks?
When you put it that way I'm reminded that Matildasisters went through the same (or a very similar) process. Sad they seemed to view Marcus fans as enemies even when there were only a few.
fill the hat with cum and force her to wear it
sis your media literacy?
Bless that artist
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Matilda is literally the definition of a c.u.c.k
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Sonetto only would settle for Matilda once Schneiderreturns and she just takes the remaining scraps doko
one of the most boring playable characters of recent patches and I'm not even baiting
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nobody knows because she doesn't fucking make it
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Matilda is just not the best at flirting. She gets pussy effortlessly, not the one she yearns for though.
Her love interest, however... Well, wishing to have prevented the death of Vertin's rapist is weird to say the least.
Tuesday's ham sandwich...
her love interest gets fucked by vertin's huge futa cock, just accept the L
also Pickles rape Matilda in her sleep
Fatutu Kit is out
>Fatutu carries a special status called "spirit shells"
>When she's attacked or tank damage for someone else, she gives the shells to the attacker, the shells increase extra action damage and are retrieved when the enemy dies or gets attacked, when she gives the shells she has a chance to gain extra moxie and when she gets the shells back she heal, if she distributes enough shell, she autocast her S1
>her S1 dispell and give an enemy shells
>her S2 retrieves all the shell back, evens out everyone HP, and make it so that everyone takes an equal amount of damage (example, Barcarola gets slapped for 900, instead everyone takes 300 damage)
>Her ultimate handles all her shells to a single enemy and makes it so that the shells are automatically redistributed after those shells are retrieved, making it so that she doesn't need to get attacked in order to give the shells back
I appreciate the max Bond dialogues, and couple's dialogues Zhou added recently
>She gets pussy effortlessly
In another life maybe. This is hoyever a bit too far fetched too.
White woman hands typed this post.
I have Kakania...but ig a brown cunny is good too
>regulus finally gets a girlfriend
>not white
Pickles only rape girls below 18 years old, how strange
mineral kacunny (built for jiu), you say
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>Flutterpage and Fatutu synergize together
we have two cunny supports but still lack cunny dps
uh, I didn't pull for Jiu, who this brown bitch can support in mineral?
matilda crying over sonetto while sotherby gives her a rimjob
Your Eternity? Semmelweis?
Mineral? Kawabunga is a cope pick, Semenwise's ult classifies as FuA too iirc. That being said - no good options.
She should do just fine in non-mineral teams though.
>mineral (brown) character ended up supporting star (white)
the Regulus trailer is on point
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say my name
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You wait for her rerun of course
Yayas will rise one day, mark my words
I love evil women
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>prefer Tuesday's default garment
>but i2 has the croc baby
Also I like how her i2 garment is reminiscent of a crocodile's scales (which I've just learned are called scutes).
Makin' boots from Tuesday's baby!
use i2 anyways, because it has the better portrait in the party view screen
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Excuse me, ma'am what?
Opposite for me:

Prefer I2 for breasts, but it also has the stupid croc baby foot so I use default
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Not on my watch!
her neck is too long
i'm glad fatutu's bringing back normal kits, at least for a second. i am NOT looking forward to this game becoming fire emblem heroes
I guess Argus would deserve dibs on that.
Maybe a little belt from leftovers for me?
Vertin suckling on a pair of large breasts, ....but whose?
anjo nala's, before vertin tops her
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They have a schedule so it depends on what day of the week it is.
I want to know why Tuesday is so fixated on Argus.

Tbh I hadn't noticed. I've seen enough long necks (even irl), making Tuesday's a non-issue.
She is a huge fan of Grant Macdonald.
When is Arcana coming back
fatutu is so cute, i hope she gets more mineral units built around her
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When Vertin needs milk
sex with Tuesday's crocodile
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i keep hearing strange noises and seeing many men coming and going from shamane's room... is he selling something?
tuesday is the crocodile the old hag is the monster
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210 and who???
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meaty Regulus thighs
210 secretly molest 37 on daily basis btw, he committed suicide after Vertin convinced 37 to join her, thus removing his only joy in life
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uh oh, marcus sisters, defend this fatty
Is this what Manus Vindictae fights for?
Sophia, but both are gay
>saw a Voyager appreciation post
>look at comment
>"Yup. All that painstaking effort that went into making Voyager the best possible Voyager throughout all of gacha games creation, just to never make her appear outside of Arcanists in a Nutshell."
why are white people like this?
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210 is gay
the gay guy who got invited to a girl's sleep over
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he's trying to make 6 think he's gay, so he won't look so weird sneaking into 37's room
Just stick to pickles raping children joke, it's very funny
god this thread fucking sucks now. what happened
I blame this boring ass patch.
rape joke le funny (Pickles just raped me)
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I have my issues with the story and it's contents but the quality of the presentation is miles above other mobage released nowadays
cutting off Pickles' pickle so he stops raping
what's your issues, I'm quite content with the story, although there're some parts that feel pretty slow, and cringe
my issue is that Pickles didn't appear in Sonetto's room at night
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she did it, she said the thing now I understand the joke
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Christmas is almost here!
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it always sucked tbdesu
singlehandedly most reddit thread on this board
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It goes further than just that.
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we love reddit here. Reddithater tourists need to leave.
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I might regret this later because I don't have any follow up units but I don't care just finished chapter 5 and she was my favorite character.
pull with your heart
or dick
or whatever else
metafags get the rope
not to mention that new extra action characters are coming soon anyway
reddit thread? reddit thread
Why do Regulus get to fuck brown cunny?
The captain gets the booty
because regulus is literally me
>more candy
no more candy...
37 literally doesnt fit on the FUA teams anymore because shes too weak
I think I already called it somewhere that she was going to be a Mineral Healer with a damage amp but glad I was right. But also why does everything need to amp FUA? There are other kinds of attack
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>Tuesday's the one with the dick
I guess it's called Reverse 1999 lol
>But also why does everything need to amp FUA?
It wouldn't surprise me if the decision to make fatutu an extra action unit was rooted in the fact they are going to make Jiu available again next patch and maybe even give her an euphoria buff
game collab WHEN
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hi it's me, Pickles, guess who I'm going to rape today
I'm above 18 years old, Pickles won't touch me
No worries. We can turn you into a little girl.
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>2025 is the Jiu meta
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We will only collab with games made before 1999
Why are they hiding from the camera

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