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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>506849112

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>Upcoming NGS Headline (2024/12/26)
>NGS Headline (2024/11/29)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Post your character and your current potency! (Optional)
Good morning.
Maximum everything.
Take care!
I like the new you. You seem better off now.
>Sega devs banned me on the steam forums for calling the game a grift

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>just in time for me to sleep

i'll change my facial expressions for next one
For the most part it's been a really good year for me, managed to achieve many personal goals I set for myself, overall I'm doing pretty good, the only problem I have is I get bored sometimes and argue about stupid things, but I'm trying to make myself to learn to let things go and not argue about dumb shit. I'll keep trying.
Good work, seriously.
Did ending your relationship help? I don’t mean to pry but I am curious about it all.
You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.
fear the wrath of gaywiz
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277, pooling resources for the next boost, will hopefully let me push bis for the remaining units.
qrd on lientri
check last thread
30 billion yen in ngs funds made wet fart noises as it was embezzled through some lgbt shell company listed in some third world sweatshop complex.
reductio ad absurdum
isnt 30 million yen like fifty bucks anyway
thats how you know you have won because they dont have a counterpoint and cant accept diverse viewpoints that are based on personal experiences and observances. ironic.
This nigga is pathetic jeez...
Thank you.
It's not really related to any of my personal stuff, but probably. We just didn't get along very well.
You know, coward, i tried to be sensible about this but you are only interested in one thing and that's me leaving. I was actually planning on doing that but you just have to constantly kick and scream at me at every turn, very well then, have it your way, i shall be your thread enemy, i will show you just how annoying i can get.
You weren't going to leave anyway since you already said you're an attention whore. All you are doing is garnering more hate instead of just making better posts. That's all anyone wanted, not another pariah.
Says the pariah in disguise.
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>already pulling out the "no u"
Just like Shitten, I'm not out to be an attention whore here unlike you. Just reconsider your petty vendetta.
Yup logging on to fill sq*ibs kudos inbox with indian rizz
You are the one with a vendetta, every single time i get a bit of attention in the thread you are there, ready to shitpost. I bet the reason you were avoiding me in toble was because you were afraid of me improving your opinion of me.
Please stop wasting your time on the thread goblin. There's people here who waste their entire day namedropping and shitting on people they have never actually interacted with, even.
It becomes really obvious when stuff that never actually happened starts to become parroted as soon as someone gets namedropped, because they really want to farm reacts out of boredom.
Shitrope the pariah in his natural habitat
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I think it was 250% something using LC caps. Maybe.
Post butt~
>dude just talk to me
We've already explained why we do not. You left a nasty, lasting first impression that you aren't even trying to repair at all, in fact, you are doubling down on your silly battle. It really is you against everyone here.
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245% when i farm with my sechtyl in dext
When are you posting your character?
You are alone in this tranny
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Talk for yourself drama tranny
Thoughts? >>507027923
>unwilling to let go of a bad first impression
>unwilling to communicate and smooth it out
Shut up Aiatar, Wakaba, Shitrope, Gpof, Crackhead meth.
We've had feuds that are still alive since base...
W hates HATES it but both are a slider mess whatever
Mmm more silly drama that serves no purpose.
I suppose it makes the thread look more active than it actually is, which may be the goal for some.
Imagine being a bumpslave for a dead game that doesn't respect you in any way.
Its quite ironic isn't it?
Now this is delusional
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He already got the attention he was whoring for.
>no one actually hates me, they are just bumping the thread!
What kind of cope is this? Seriously holy fuck.

All I do is farm farm farm no matter what (What)
Got basewear on my mind, I can never get enough ('Nough)
And every time I step up in the dext fields all the Wakers' hands go up
And they stay there (There)
And they say, "Yeah!" (Yeah!), and they stay there
(PSE burst, PSE burst, PSE burst)
'Cause all I do is farm (Farm), farm (Farm), farm
And if you goin' in put the burst level at four, make 'em stay there (Yeah, listen, Farmin'!)
It really is just pariahs now See you guys.
Remember, you're here forever.
Maybe 4chan but not this dogshit thread.
Okay, then leave right now and don't come back.
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pariah HEEE pariah HOO pariah HAAA pariah HAHA
hateful child grooming lying backstabbing tranny
Shut up Aiatar, Wakaba, Shitrope, Gpof, Crackhead meth.
Now this is a good dom that is also cute.

>Random melty
commit suicide Doppel :)
I watched >>507022717, it really was kinda ehh. Would have loved to watch it with Sparrow or someone equally gay..
Has been for awhile anon. >>506817208
Flat as a board.
No really kill yourself Doppel
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sega at offline event: we will be uploading these interesting player statistics we showcased to a grand total of 100 people selected via lottery at the jp only linestrike tournament onto the main website to celebrate the 3.5 anni
also sega: fuck you we arent actually uploading it fuck you fuck all ship server maint we are on holiday here fuck you have pso2 day we dont care that theres less rooms you can find per ship now fuck you we are so smart for thinking our all ship can handle it after we have never stress tested it and have always put 15 minute stay limits as a stopgap measure that clearly isnt effective with all ship matchmaking fuck you all players lol
Dogshit game, dogshit general.
numa numa chads time to RISE UP!!!!
>told buttons a long ass time ago he'd make for a great gyaru
>declined me multiple times saying he doesn't like it
>goes gyaru
we've come full circle
>hates blacks so much he's more orange than tan
As long as whales keep scratching SEGA won't give a fuck, and when the whales do stop scratching they'll just shut down the servers instead
damn why this post got so many (You)'s wtf?
ruh roh melty
When did I say I don't like gyaru? I've done gyaru sets many times, even in base...
I don't know how to make a tan, in fact I asked a friend a while to give me his skin color, I think it's just my presets that make it more orange, it's nice looking in the normal lighting, but the japanese room makes it more yellow. I think it's fine though.
It's fine, I'm just messing with you.
I'm trying my best bwo, I'll do better next time.
>doppel does nothing wrong ever and is inclusive and helpful and talks to everyone and is humble and has good sliders and is good at the game and has a lot of money and is like the best ever
>gets shitposted relentlesdly every thread
what gives
Shut up Grizz
My butthole is so itchy today thank god your crush is coming tonight to eat my ass out. I hope she likes buritos.
Just take a shower.
Your crushs tongue will be my shower tonight
Okay stinky.
He's infamous for randomly ghosting you over nothing. I'm 90% confident that he's Cecile.
You don't talk to him for awhile he deletes you, simple as. Why would you keep people who don't interact with you on your friends list?
Kill. Your. Self. Doppel. :)
>Why would you keep people who don't interact with you on your friends list?
how do you propose i talk to you if you remove me retard
Someone had a real meltdown.
Nigga if you're removed you can still message them you aren't blocked.
>anon adds me
>we chat for a bit one time
>i try to spark another conversation over the course of half a year
>anon doesnt respond or shows obvious disinterest
>remove anon
>anon has multiple public meltdowns over being ghosted
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Lientri is even a boring pariah. At least Kritten gives you arguments and Boxy stalks you.

>calls you cringedom and make claims about losing your cool over and over, completely folds and self destructs
Real smooth "friend".
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Holy! Kino. I kneel king! Kudos me!
They are not the pariah here, you are.
qrd on doppel?
dont talk to her like that
This is the equivalent of calling someone a pussy after everyone already left lmao
confirmed biofem who works as a instagram model for a living and lives in a mansion
>You don't talk to him for awhile he deletes you, simple as
That's respectable. Friend collectors can fuck off.
Based, i see no reason to keep someone on your friends list that you fallen out of touch with too much, can always re-add if you reconnect in the future.
i dont know why people can saying he when this is literally her voice https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/503123970/#q503214020
What does HIS voice have to do with anything to do with that post?
I heard the one calling people cringedom selfishly insists on cumming first, i bet they got no endurance, what a undisciplined "dom". The number one complaint i heard from people about doms is selfish doms.
the issue becomes that most anons are retarded wallflowers that genuinely think you cant be friends because someone got "ghosted" so they get mad and talk shit behind your back
What? Why would a dom know about what other doms do?
People like to talk.
>doppels lookbook
100% a woman or a homosexual
I would say most "subs" are selfish and only call themselves subs because they feel like they can do nothing.
A switch isn't a dom. Subs are the major complainers for cringedoms and cartoondoms.
>lientri again desperately trying to fix his image
you aint a dom nigga
Okay, cringeswitch.
BASED cuhrazeeeee man
Post your character or shut up, simple as that.
And then what?
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Thinking about Void.
Oh you are afraid of losing your anonymous shield huh?
You didn't answer the question.
dopple is so cute bros...
doppel sounds like THAT?
And you didn't post your character, i think this "discourse" is done.
>going back in circles
lol, you don't even have the skills to engage in an argument or debate.
wait wtf doppel is actually a girl?
Neither do you.
>american accent
impossible shes eu
honestly? based
AI as fuck.
the tone is 2 realistic for AI
what the fuck doppel actually IS a biofem shortstack half asian with plump tits and ass irl
It's useless engaging you, I tried to help you but you are insanely narcissistic with a holier than thou attitude for no reason other than having plapped free use sluts that somehow inflated your fragile ego.
i take it all back doppel please forgive me i didnt know......
You seem to have a lot of opinions about someone you were afraid of even speaking with, cringeswitch.
doppel is the QUEEN of pso2g!
Can you please stop arguing with shitten and making the thread worse?
doppel isn't NA, nice try tho
bro, there is literally no one left in this game to self promote yourself like this, how pathetic can you get?
>dont know or care if im seen as a dom or sub
>plap or get plapped depending on person and mood
>only into cuddly lovey dovey plaps anyway
label me niggas
Based as heck.
Lientri is insane
>cringeswitch trying really hard to smear their thread enemy
Post your character.
Why do I even browse this place anymore
are you excited for the next doppel self promotion episode
Cry about it Grizz
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Super fucking gay but based too.
doppel is lean build not an obese cow
thats rope or atalanta
queen doppel.....i kneel.......
>go to /xivg/
>plap so much I got bored
>go to /ftt/
>plap so much there too but at least it's sort of different
I cannot understand why people like him seek validation in this dead community. Is it the perceived lack of competition? This is looking like a fight for king of the ant hill than just king of the hill.
gyatt zamn
lientri cant be reasoned with
There is a crazy amount of spam in the thread right now.
You guys do know that it's pso2 day, right?
Oh right, how could I forget.
You losers don't actually play the game.
he is a genuine schizo bigger than emv ever was
Doppel deniers sure got quiet once this dropped
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237.6. I think I upgraded before Nameless City originally came out, and then it was so bad I just totally checked out.
emv is worse than lientri
Give me a break, I'm recovering from a 4 hour session...
If this post gets 1 (You) Doppel is in this thread right now
EMV at least put up a fight before crying but lientri sobs within minutes it becomes an emotional fight, the worst state of mind
>cringeswitch once again trying to smear their thread enemy
You seem like you cant be reasoned with.
>doppel versus lientri is the new hot drama
lmao he really is like emv, completely with trying to devalue insults directed at him
you just know being called a cringedom eats him alive inside
your thoughts on >>507036614 ?
i wanna cum on doppels hair
>acts like they are dom, attack people that post their characters, calling any competition cringedom, while hiding behind anonymity
What a great undisciplined "dom", if you were actually a dom you wouldn't be afraid of showing your face to assert yourself.
You niggas talk about other niggas too much
Please post in the other thread for christmas!
queen... please speak the words:
I want to be a slut but I love my wife too much
Man, can you guys leave him alone, he's cute.
in the other thread for christmas!
I don't click links of attention whores.
The solution is simple, be a personal mega slut for your wife!
lientri is nasty
>body tattoos
we need more t2s that look like that
I want to be a slut and am a slut, please can someone wife me. I need daily jerkies...
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Holy secondary
Im surprised women actually play ngs let alone sit in the same thread as us so im impressed.
Doppel is alright in my book she can add me to friends if she wants
That's a promise I'm looking forward to it!
>doppel KEEPS befriending turbo pariahs like kritt
>wonders why nobody talks to her anymore
Sluts do not make good wives.
>doppel even has krittens approval
doppel truly is the queen of /pso2g/
I do. Message me.
>Doppel is alright in my book she can add me to friends if she wants
I’m more of a Wife Experience slut.
No you don't. The second someone else comes along to lovebomb you is the second you begin cheating.
A personal slut sounds really nice...
There is a reason why literally no one uses deuman tattoos.
>Im surprised women actually play ngs let alone sit in the same thread as us so im impressed.
I've actually met several in ngs and one has been posting here from time to time but got shitposted a lot.
krittening and doppel
sitting on a bench
if u cant handle the heat from pso2g then go back to the heat from the kitchen stove
will the next drama arc be krittening vs bastet fighting for doppels hand?
>D now going to permanently be on one of krits 9 monitors
I don't even need to identify myself, I just find it amusing seeing you try to make a name for yourself but doing it the worst way possible. I don't gain anything exposing myself when I got the upper hand here. You on the other hand have an uphill battle but you keep slipping . I don't take you seriously enough to post my character.
the only thing slipping is deeg nutz on yo forehead
Nuhu... I love being exclusive!
doppels 300%+ potency god gamer normie wife
noob kritten stands no chance
Being a personal slut sounds fun but they have to be schizo enough to keep me hooked
Otherwise I’d cheat
That's where you are mistaken quite severely, i never had any such motivation and still doesn't, i came here to have fun and meet people but a certain someone saw issue with me. Nice try though, you are probably overwhelmed with fear of being exposed for the two-faced snake you are. You are not a dom. You will never be.
Was Krittening the obsessive jesterposter all along?
>first simped for mei and gave her 200 dollars
>now simping for doppel
I can hear the two hundy now
doppel is the kind of greedy slut that would fall head over heels for you over 200 dollars
I’m so glad it’s newman breeding season
Same desu... if you pay my rent I will be your weekly personalized cumdump...
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Man this thread is so fake and gay right now
youre so cute D!!!
That wasn’t me! So true but i’m not taking credit for it!
Doppel looks like that?? ZAMN!!!!! *Awooga awooga*!!!!!!
>grown adult man posting a image of a chinese cartoon child
opinion discarded
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I am the most important person in the thread.
Don't like it? Leave.
honestly k and d would be pretty cute together they have complimenting styles and personalities i root for them
so kawaii.....
im not doppel sorry
why is the thread so active today?
dont be shy baby.....love u d
i'm from ship 1___, is this person from ship 3?
all me
It's as dead as it ever is except there are exactly two people spamming replies.
pedoppel is bored and mass samefagging for attention again
ignore and blocklist in game. most of us have blocked the pariahs: krittening, moira, doppel, gpof, wakaba, wetdreams, buttons, nashai
There used to be so many jerkbait sluts. What happened? Now it's just attention whores.
I sometimes cry because he said no...
Those attention whores put out if you’re not indian…
why not just go back to posting butt and catbox? w/e this is now sucks.
counter says 100+ posters are in here today so 2 doesnt make sense
>mad because a woman is getting recognized in your video game forum
d g w w n dont even open this general anymore
i miss wd i wonder where she went
>It wasn't beaners or SEA this whole time, but rather pajeets
It's euros, retard GOD you niggers are so fucking moronic.
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*sniif* *sniff* I smell a lot of boys in girl clothing this morning. Do you want to know what I dislike? I really hate boys who act like bitches and then suddenly they become men whenever it's about sticking their adorable into a hole. It's as if all the man you had inside of you went directly into your adorable. However, I must say this; with the sizes I've seen I don't think you ever had the potential to be a man. That's why you remove your penis from your "tributes". Quite the insecurity.
>dark hairs become black in any slight shadow or dark background
>bright hair glows 400 times brighter than skin in any slight shadow or dark background
it sucks that direct sunlight is the only way to take pictures
Your thoughts on Doppel? >>507040320 >>507036614
>trading one cringedom for another
Nice try Tomomi but I'm not showing you my penis, that's weird.
look ur old news toots we have a new queen in town and her names doppel so scram we only kneel to queens who use their voice
If you just said "let me see your cock" instead of all this drivel I would have catboxed something but nobody asked for this weirdo femdom humiliation angle that's begging for instant loss.
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THAT is doppel???
They say way too much when it could be consolidated down to simple but effect one or two liner.
would you rather be friends with someone that frequently traumadumps or someone that says nothing for months then removes you?
Mix them into one and give me that toxic cocktail.
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the 1st because i dont mind helping anon sort their thoughts and then we can almost always talk about fun stuff after
You have no clue how many people here are a mix of both, besides the simple small talk will not reach out to talk for months unless its to traumadump, and if you aren't around they'll vanish.
i will only be friends with normal ass niggas
Namedrop a slut who will instantly spread her legs for futa cock.
Literally never happened. No person acts like that. You are delusional.
Every pso2g except my wife is like this
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Doppel from the Devil May Cry series is quite the cosplay. Maybe I should try playing Devil May Cry 5 for Christmas. I was never good at action games until I start playing New Genesis.
Admit it, you have an adorable.
That's fine with me. Doppel is awesome.
Literally me
mokku akari firo shiro buttons doppel lhuc cappu mieri nym nia pellegri alice ress rinka asuka everian koishi stella machi and more
So you just threw in a bunch of random names where most of these won’t do it
come to my cs
Post smile.
>tomomi is ALSO friends with doppel
You sound like someone I'd punt across the room.
hello shitfingers
I’m in this post!
The MO of thread goblins
dont talk to her like that
Does Lhuc even talk?
nyoo dont punt doppo chan shes kawaii
Okay, what number?
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278 or something
your thoughts on >>507036614 ?
Post butt.
your thoughts on queen doppel?
Someone post tits or ass so I can fire a premature load.
doppel has been offline for weeks why the obsession?
Thread goblins are months behind on scraps of news.
I'm sorry.
>he doesnt know
oh no no no no
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In terms of pso2g culture I don't know what it means to lose for having no issues with Doppel. In fact, I don't any issues with anyone here. Maybe I am a bit too honest at times about characters I find to be unattractive. Like that Azrice person you named. And I believe the other is that ugly big black creature, right? (Jeez, I wonder what makes someones settle for that of all things. What a horrible way to live in the virtual world) Y'know earlier you all were going on about the Lentri person and I think they're ugly too. However, that wouldn't stop me from putting her to work. She can come work for me any time. Of course, that means I'll be taking a percentage of her earnings. Hmm.. maybe I should say "friendzoned" from here on out? Is that a better word?

Do you want to know who I think are the beauties of pso2g?

Remember the world isn't fair. Everyone is not suppose to me nor (You). So, don't get upset about it. *Smooch~<3*
Thanks, covered it.
Not interested in you whatsoever and you are pretty ugly too.
Actually yeah, who do you personally think are the “beauties” of pso2g?
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I've taken money in-game and outside of the game from boys, men, and even girls. On multiple ships too. To a lot of people I'm a trophy that they desire to have as their own. It's really hard for words to hurt me when they come from the shadows. But if you happen to be someone who I find to be a threat to the things I have accomplished only then can you put me in my place.
based chad
Cool, but i honestly don't give a damn about you.
look until you drop a proof vocaroo like /ourgirl/ doppel then you will remain in the adult male son category like the rest of the ilk
>doppel is friends with all the pariahs
>wonders why no one wants to be friends with her
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And I could never care about you since you refuse to put with an image next to your post. You're afraid, insecure. I dare you. And you wont. You'll make it seem as if you're winning by remaining insecure. That's really cute. *Smooch~<3*
Explain what's going on.
It's kinda hard since I don't even know their names and I have never seen them in game. While the others I speak to often in-game. I'll ask for their permission first. There are a lot of people who I don't namedrop and keep the conversations and things we do a secret.
I don't need to do that, you already know who i am, you called me ugly, are are you simply not capable of making such an obvious connection?
>tomomi claims to be friends with doppel
>tomomi states that he only namedrops uglies
>tomomi openly namedrops doppel
two faced jerk
Who are the most groomable pso2gs
The minheight list, unironically
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>are you simply not capable of making such an obvious connection?
No. I speak to so many people it's hard to keep up. I multitask a lot too.

Oh wait.. ahem~If you're Lentri then yeah I you're ugly. But I could make you cuter, although, you're quite the outgoing slut, lol. You just need more fashion to be honest. Why are you wearing the same thing all the time?
As long as you’re honest about what you’re doing to me, then hey…
You are not really in a position to criticize that when you are always using the same pictures yourself, are you now? I simply just wear what i feel like at the moment.
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>attention whores having a catty moment
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>I simply just wear what i feel like at the moment.
I don't know. From my position you appear the same. Maybe try color switching like me? I alternate between face types too. You could try that. If you're just a slut there are more than one way of being a total slut.
>doppel befriends emv
>emv shitposts her for years to this day and creates some of the most insufferable memeposting in the history of pso2g
>doppel befriends wd
>wd openly shittalks her for a year
>doppel befriends gpof
>gpof grooms her
>doppel befriends mieri
>mieri makes a mockery of her
>doppel befriends boxy
>boxy shitposts and log leaks her for several years and counting
>doppel befriends grizzermacht
>grizzermacht causes so much drama that it kills both of their reputations irreversibly
>doppel befriends revy
>revy makes fun of her in the general
>doppel befriends gyro!
>gyro! also makes fun of her in the general
>doppel befriends squishy
>squishy leaks logs and spreads drama on discord
>doppel befriends chu
>chu casually leaks their logs and pictures while promising not to
>doppel befriends tomomi
>tomomi openly calls her ugly in the general
>doppel befriends krittening
>krittening simps now but will cause another gigantic meltdown sooner than later
nigga cant catch a break
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*picks up mic* Doppel is the cutest. A sweetheart. *drops mic*

Screenshot this post. Add it to your Tomomi folder.
So you haven't really paid attention, opinion discarded into the trash where it belongs along with you.
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I have been mentioned by name/alias 14 times in this thread.
I just keep on winning.
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One things for sure, you'll always be beneath me so long as you look like that. But I can find work for you whenever you need some extra Meseta. Don't tell me... you do it for FREE?
doppel and tomomi
sitting on a bench
Cool, i still don't care about you though.
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That's correct. It's strictly business. Never forget that. *Smooch~<3*
I have already forgotten because you done nothing worth remembering.
NGS Misaion Task - Put tomomi in a pretzel and make that bitch kneel
I feel bad doppel has to be associated with this actual pedophile
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Do you just want the last reply? You can have it
I will take it then, you are so utterly beneath me i wouldn't even use you as a doormat.
Stfu Doppel
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303.3% - Still working on it..
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what's new since I last played? (october '23)
your thoughts on >>507036614 ?
Really Cute
Amounts to literally nothing for wankers, they are only better than huntard and bravertards and those two classes are being buffed in feb and april
We got joke pets in ysok era and we got jackshit in ngs too
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Nice vocaroo but I prefer this one.
I'm not getting involved in whatever catfight happened here..
>i prefer this one
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>says he doesnt care
>seething this hard
That's not what it is! Don't bully the creature!
*fart.wav in your general direction*
Don't come to Stia 4 tomorrow..
*fart.wav in your Stia 4 all xmas*
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My potency is... Ten percent luck, twenty percent skill, fifteen percent concentrated power of will. Five percent pleasure and Fifty percent pain, then a hundred percent reason to remember my name!

God, another person to find me unattractive...
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this is the most embarrassing thread in weeks good job
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it's gonna be a tie, there's realistically no way this will end with a victor unless someone throws.
Wrong wording. You're not that unattractive on a physical level. But on a mental level... you're just a boy that can be ran over. And you more than likely have an adorable. And a hole design for use. Now that I find unattractive about you. I'll only change my mind about you if you A) manage to find a beautiful girl to claim as your own. Or B) prove to me you're not an adorable.
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Like somewhere around 250% but like a really high 250%
>prove to me you're not an adorable.
What does this even mean?
To them the word adorable means small dick.
it's her way of saying you have a small peepee
Groomed retard
WHAT?! I'll show her a small dick and by that, I mean my dick is VERY BIG!
Cute. T2 Rinka best Linca.
Replacement Pink Pelle Pink Rinka is PEAK!! Title dethroned and given to Rinka!
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do you have a cock
Nice freckles
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He's right and keroppi's a retard
Someone rate the posters!
Which ones!
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>Whoring your waifus to degens and creeps on a thesaurus hunting forum for their approval
Phantasy Star Online 2?
All of them, say what you like about them.
That’s too much work for me..
Rate Tomomi, Krittening, Buttons and Doppel
Come on do it!
Too many words and tries too hard.
If they relax then I feel they can do a lot better.
Better than he use to be and i’m impressed with their progress.
Same as K, they’ve turned out better since they came back and I hope it continues.
Now do Wakaba, Choukai, Stella, Aiatar
gayroppi is retarded
Did any of them post this thread? Shan’t be doing it if not.
Of course they did. They all do.
>saying this while using an image of nami who got whored out as the series went on
nobody is even looking at her weather staff anymore
my husbandwife is the most energetic most creative most supportive most cool most cute most caring most talkative person in the world
Gona collar this bratty elf and leave marks on her with my rappy cane.
its not me...
I wanna be manipulated and conditioned…
this sounds exactly like me...
speak with tomomi or wakaba
Hint or tag?
They don’t have the charm for the authentic stuff
Deuman T2
There's so many, help me out here...
How would you know?
Look at them and tell me they know how to actually manipulate someone
Toble, Ship 2 and I’ve posted this thread.
No clue still...
Who are you then..
I'm horny...
I..I can tell anon..
Stupid gooner
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255? i don't really care about that
Can I DM you?
What is this…
>|| ||
Damn it...
I almost wanna tell you who I am outright because you’re such a dork..
can you?
Add me and you can...
May I?
post butt
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i guess you can
>wakaba turns your p into his personal onehole
>tomomi turns you into a minheight for his personal pedo festish
literally manipulated and conditioned
Anon already did it…
Up to you if you still want it.
But they don’t have that charm, that pull.
If i’m not getting stockholm syndrome then I don’t want it…
No one added me... You can if you want.
you never talk to either one of those groomers
Yes I have.
could I get a non deranged answer instead?

also I heard that certain classes got reworked, which ones did and how'd did they go?
Yeah lemme just leak logs real quick.
Get real
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I wonder if those tits and visible skin is like the skin from the terminator or some thing like latex or silicone
>shes going into 2025 with less than 300% potency
Worthless, weak garbage. I won't carry you, I will make doubly sure that you don't get into my mpa.
You've never carried anyone lilbro
Who cares, im using the weapons from this season
don't care, i WILL use my outdated weapon and you WILL carry me
>doppel is just standing over on the side staring at us
fucking pathetic lolcow
No one will answer your game questions other than the deranged people. Its 10 classes how much serious yap are you expecting. Mars ais dark blast got horribly nerfed so the usage is near zero. Class skill duration and quest start cooldowns are still shit.

Anything that was fixed was how it should have been on launch anyway e.g. fighter bonuses activating on elemental down, weak bullet can now exist on multiple parts, homing talis shot etc. They didnt fix weapons that have shit counters or shit pbs, but they did add craft pas you can swap between and made skill tree reassignable for free.

If you are coming back for gameplay forget it you will burn through that in days . Nobody cares even when they just handed out lv65 gear that has lv80 gear performance minus single digit performance that has no upgrade path.

Meanwhile if you are coming back for face types we got two voluminous eyelash face variants one double eyelid face variants which is more added content than anything else for what its worth.
no one cares bro
Leave her alone.
>krittening is there too
>theyre blue named
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All of you look ugly.
even me?...
You told me you like me...
stop posting about doppel or im going to tell your parole officer you are smoking meth again shitfingers
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Am I cute?
Studying....biology with gyaru Blender...
>only emv can hate doppel
no actually most of us hate that backstabbing retard
shut the fuck up emv
no wonder she doesnt trust anyone anymore
>chad emv versus the buckbroken virgin perma loser doppel
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this uq is boring, i wanna fight masq
thoughts on your confirmed biofem friend doppel?
Looks like shitfingers is already failing that life improvement plan by shitposting his thread enemies here lmao
they're [cute] and [cool]
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You're the cutest in your little circle of dorks. I dislike the other two so... you know what that means. You have to defend your friends. *Smooch~<3*
your thoughts on >>507036614 ?
>I want to fight another ruinne
Seek medical attention, he is the worst combat example being counterspam designed for counterslash hero except we dont even have that either
Thoughts on >>507068380 ?
On top of that, they destroyed his theme.

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I already sound like a faggot..Why would I need to change my voice to tell people that?
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No thoughts. I'd rather hear what they have to say and reply when I'm in the mood. Isn't that part of my gimmick - attentionwhoring
I should message you one day
i actually think most of the ruine bosses (minus angel) are decent, and as long as n-masq isn't as teleport heavy as he is in base than it might be a good fight.
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273% I'm falling behind. I've got all the cool augments but the base potency of my old units is holding me back a bit. Don't wanna transfer to Trestasis I'd rather wait for the next set of units.
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Yeah I'd make out with Nashai. She's crazy for white boys.
lmao even
If you can't separate the game from reality that's your problem lilbro.
your thoughts on >>507036614 ?
He goes by nogshai and he is a victim of domestic abuse since his mother beat the shit out of him and his daddy left home.
If you played PSO2 NGS, you'd know that.
severely outdated info bwo they only go for t3s now...
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weakling, ugly, gigantic manshoulders
That's nice lilbro but I don't care about outside of the game.
This is part of the games lore though.
going to vomit into your mouth and stranglehold you while i rape you until you break
just admit to yourself you want to be a minheight coomer and stay small permanently
settle down at
she still plays?
This is hot…
will there be a xmas meet up?
Doubt it. No one around for it anymore.
He got beat over the head by mama
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hiiii Merry Christmas oomfies!
when are we getting the Oracle anime on the city screens again?
it was cozy and I want it back pls pls
This community died.
>shitpost niggers every fucking day
Who the fuck would want to meet up with you back stabbing niggers
settle down pariah
fuck you nigger I will show up to your fake meet up
i meant old players come back for xmas for meet up
only if emv hosts it!
>they had the opportunity to remix this halphia lake battle theme or include leitmotifs and they still blew it
The old players left.
lmao. Do you think real life is like a Christmas movie?
finna FINNA FINNA show up that faggot event
back stabbing faggots on they quiet shit
fake smiles all around pussy niggers going low key
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>grrr im always angry
Why are you "people" like this?
Not a problem if you're pso2g.
Yeah I'd rather be like benchy and pretend I'm not mad 24/7 by making passive aggressive jabs at anons I tried to groom desu
Did you have go be this brutal?
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>grr i'm always fat and angry
Why are you "people" like this?
every single thread on this website has shitposters you dumbass
don't like it? you know what to do
You spent a good 3 years fat and angry...
Everyone has a right to be angry at you for what you've done.
frogxy was my favorite boxy you should bring back frogxy
Keeping a tab and projecting shitrope?
maybe you are the reason for that
your thoughts >>507036614 ?
Pretty easy to keep track when you post daily for 3 years on top of making a mockery of yourself...
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I'm skinny and calm.
I'm innocent.
That is a good voice changer.
I'll think about it
Why is bro crying when he literally came here advertising for an alliance of shitposters lmao
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how would u know?
>Spamming the same question for +8 hours
The holidays brings depression for boxman
why are you always here?
>great great grand daughter family descendant of albert einstein aka super genius aka lil eistein aka einstein jr aka college graduate
Only you keep track shitrope. Nobody else cares
It's winter break from school so here his underaged ass is.
why are you always here?
>shitrope making the same joke from 4 years ago
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i only asked once the others were other people asking
why are you always here?
>asking why shitrope is always here
I'm starting my masters soon...<3
This nigga is really making the same post from when ngs was newly released
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always reminds me of this
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/boxy college/

>Oldest post 2020
Holy mental illness. Shitrope you really need therapy
How did benchy and at fumble any of the minheights? They're all turbosluts
I always felt kinda sorry for EMV. Everyone laughs at him because of shit like your picture but even though they're laughing at him he thought that was a good thing and people wanted him around.
I will be raiting all of the posters!
10 amazing gyaru
7 nice colors
9 cutiepie
11 ove you my king
10 ToT
10 amazing set!
7 a little plain
9 overdesigned outfit
8 sexy
What the fuck
>nogxy felt left out that the other pariahs were getting attention
Why are you always here?
>all the dropouts jealous of boxy doing well in college
this is boxys theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2YiRgGjF1Y
8 you have a unique face
7 plain but you're cute
7 same as the previous poster
9 cute pose
10 mommy milkers
7 very cute but basic
8 not bad, basic
10 slut
11 ToT

Thanks for reading!
>boxy is an autistic weirdo
>at was genuinely nasty
Imagine doing this for 5 years and more to come
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That's quite the fantasy.
I really like both, honestly. Minheight expressiveness and ability to wear cute outfits is great. Midheight pulls off the cool look (Duskwake, Tiaresse) way better, but if I try to wear cute outfits it looks silly like pic related.
>Why is shitrope always here
hes doing better now has a girlfriend and has been sober for months
alright emv, calm down
Thanks, I'll suck your dick for giving me a 7
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T1 here. Where can I find a Gene like this for gameplay purposes?
Please do!
Contact Blender.
No, angery doesn't look like that..
What... I saw it on Twitter and had to post it.
Rope has this body type
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>shitrope wasting his miserable life shopping shit nobody cares about
Let me follow you, what's your link?
can't speak about the first one since I immediately heard he was a super creep so I just avoided any interaction with him. Second one tried to flirt with me several times but always gave off weird and overly aggressive vibes so I never let him go any further with me, which turned out to be a good decision
Why are you larping shitrope
Surely you have logs and proof of this claim and not making shit up
he should've tried being a decent person
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>7 nice colors
thank you ^.^

i will not give fellatio, but i will let you pet merlyn iii
has anyone ever figured out what setting breaks the arm/hand positioning of all the emotes and motions?
if I use floating tea time the teacup all the way off to the side of the head, not even close to target
you deserve negative numbers
I've never spoken to benchoid but At told me his kinks and I immediately noped out.
No you dingle fuck...
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I only use Twitter to like cute/nsfw illustrations nowadays and they made likes private, following is pretty pointless now.
Why didn't you ever tell kisa to look like that? He went full dyke in the end.
God damn nigga you are FLAT.
If I can follow you, and give you likes that means I want to plap you, it's useful for that!
Maybe :)
Boxy here. Who are you?
Not Boxy here. I love slutty midheight T2s.
Because he's a friend of mine, and not only that but he's a lot like me. I also can't see my friends in a lewd way.
I'm a T1 (Male) player anon. Plus, my twitter is just me blog posting about irl and personal stuff.
kill yourself doppel
Go back to t2 slut
Kisa saw his friends in the lewd light a lot
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Should be about 260+
rip Nym not a friend.
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how do you guys do this exact drama routine every single day...?
same arguments
same 5 images
same people
A solid 9, you're great! Basic fit, but cute
Do people even like snipt anymore?
I know. But what I mean is, I always saw him as a male player even if he played a female character.
They have nothing else to go on outside of the occasional meltdown from someone.
Boxy here, I'm in the shower.
>Why is shitrope talking about the same dude for 5 years straight
Ask him
>can even do her homework in the shower
now that is true dedication
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10, perfect
but my potency is low...
It is, but I'm your secret admirer so you get a pass. You're perfect.
go back you look ridiculous
You don't need high potency to make me cum.
>I always saw him as a male player even if he played a female character.
So he was a T3...
Back the fuck off from my wife
I would totally answer but I haven't been paying much attention to the game. Barely started fucking around with tech/PA customization last night.
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Well, I just farmed to 50 million. What do I farm next?
Should I go for 100?
>farming meseta
This isn't pso2 bro, it's ngs...
How else am I going to get cosmetics? I'm not going to spend money gambling on a gacha.
Go back to your fat ass sliders and buy a slutty outfit...
>not spending money
>spends hours of his time instead waging in a game
I wouldn't have a problem with that if the game was fun like it used to be, but we both know that nothing has been worth farming for 3 years now, spend some money and save yourself the hassle.
I play this game for fun and you're jealous that I'm having more fun than you are.
The frieren scratch is coming up and that's definitely going to be worth it.
Why would you ever spend ANY money on something you don't love?
>attacking the image rather than the argument

This is why no one will ever take you guys seriously
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Thank you <3

Don't have catbox, but you can have this
This isn't a bad thing.
Nia looks like THAT now?
Need a new boyfriend Nia?
I know because I was one of them
do I goon to nias ass?
Only if you send it to him.
does he like that...
One way to find out is to send it to him.
Spill more secrets, how was he?
The best i’ve had…
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Well yes when you post a disgusted nami reaction image to people whoring themselves out to others, the blatant hypocrisy cant be ignored at all
I whore myself out…
Shitfingers has to be the most media retarded person I've ever encountered
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Whatever the best free gear is. And holy hell i wish this flu would either kill me already or go away. It's miserable suffering random flashes of heat for a week now.

I just logged off, go away :(
that emv waistline lol
hope you feel better soon anon
Thanks and yeah i hope so too. Least it's not something worse.
is there anyone left playing who doesn't have 100 attendances?
right now you're either one of the people with 3k+ hours who is never going to quit or you're not playing, there's just nothing going on
I decided to leave it alone until after I relearned my main classes, doesn't seem like discs are easily farmable? so once I know what I need I can make less wasteful purchases

I'm totally lost on what to do with MARS skills though
the "reworks" came down to fixing some of the most egregious bs with some weapons (a LOT is still broken though), and adding the ugliest most cheap-looking and garish sparkles to literally every attack
did you enjoy how CVs changed your effects to be in theme with your outfit's color palette?
Well, fuck you! Golden sparkles and rainbow trails.
Oh you're a dark knight cast in blue and black? Nah, sorry, every time you swing your weapon you look like Sailor Moon now lol and lmao
Cowface lmao
Alright EMV it's been 3 replies now. Calm down.
Rent free nigga lmao
I didn't really notice anything different with waker and slayer which I main, at least, I'll look at the others later

what was some of the fixes though? might get me interested in the other classes again
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Rare drop, KOI KOI!

瑪托伊 Kick Matoi 2020微軟市集抗議 The Windows Store Protests of 2020 固態硬盤大屠殺 The Solid-state Drive Massacre 免費玩家鬥爭 The F2P Struggle 重組廢裝備 Affix Your Shit 機器人大革命 The Great CAST Revolution 新人類人權 Dewman Rights 網路糞貼 Shitposting 新刮卡 New Scratch 泳衣 Swimsuits 更多機器人部件 More CAST Parts 終止角色扮演網交鬧劇 End ERP Drama 清潔工 Jannies 拉比 Rappies 我的兒子 MY SON 洗淨你的屁股 Wash Your Ass 咖啡店44 Cafe 44 社團鬧劇 Alliance Drama /廢墟板/論貼 /trash/ General Xbox黑手黨 Xbox Mafia 那尖下頦 That Chin 發布您無盡的分數 Post your Endless Score GC變性Purge The GC Tranny Purge 你像旁遮普語鍵入 You type like punjabi 三大聯盟的浪漫 Romance of three alliances 赞助流大屠杀 The Sponsored Stream Massacre 2美元的点 The 2$ dot 大浪淘沙 The Great Banwave
>there has been 0 happenings since the great ban wave
Dead game
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>Gene outfit users
too bottom-heavy to be literally me this time

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