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The Other Kumamon Edition


>DragonRod's Digital Tamer Reborn 2

>Habu Kazumasa no longer involved with Digimon games at Bandai

>Digimon Survive official website

>-next 0rder- Switch & PC re-release out

>Lost Evolution translation patch finally released

>Comic Chapters

>Web Novel Chapter3 & 4 released:

>Official website

>Official JP theme

>Liberator synopsis and character details

>Liberator initial announcement

>Digimon Dreamers online distribution update

>Chapter 2 of the mangas from the participants of the Digimon comic award has been released

>Current /tg/ /dcg/ thread

>Look Up Piyomon & Gomamon figure pre-orders open

>New Ichiban Kuji lottery figures

>Adventure 25th Color Evolution 2nd wave US pre-orders open

>EN Reference Book


Previous: >>505944038
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made for squirming and screaming
Unironically, why does DORUmon suffer so much?
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it's his destiny. he was made for it, akin to leomon dying
Leomon didn't die in Colon anon, you can fight destiny
I solved the a/c incident and now I´m in search for an antipolice hacker.
How I build a Chaosmon deck?
You wait until all BT-20 reveals are done
x3 any day now
Colon writers were frauds.
Anime heroes vs liberator MC's in a card game stand off.
Who wins?
The fuck is Terriermon and Lopmon doing there?
Novel stomps, neg diff.
>Magnamon X's Shoto
at this point, he's one of the franchise's mascots
Do anyone here care about the shitty adventure Christmas(?) consert?
Just genuinely curious.
Can someone explain to me why I'm having to fight Fangmon over and over?
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So the digimon in Cyber Sluts are regular programs with slight emotion while also having Digimon from the Digital World too?
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Where's my wife Ranamon?
Is this franchise dead or is still worth getting into?
So stop saying that Digimon is a dead license, it is in better condition than Pokemon which is an undead license.
If you don't like it, well go away with your stuck-up ass thoughts.
>Better condition than Pokémon
Just play/watch the already existed game/anime and see if you like it.
For the present stage of franchise though you must be either 1999 animefags or TCGfags to enjoy it because those are only two population the official cater to otherwise though luck.
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At school
Excuse me but if I just compare the year 2024:

Digimon: Digimon Anime 25th anniversary
Digimon Adventure Exhibition held in Tokyo in August and Osaka in October
Digivice 25th Color Evolution released
LCD toys collaboration with Hype Drop and Monster Hunter were introduced
Digimon Liberator webcomic begins
Digimon Comic begins
Digimon Seekers novel series ends with a bang
Digimon Novel competition was held, 2 runner-ups and 4 prize winning works were selected
Terriermon Assistant Lab begins distribution with Terriermon Assistant becoming the official ambassador
Appmon Encyclopedia was added to Digimon Web
Already planned its 2025 calendar and even early 2026

Pokemon: "Lol, we're only going to release a digital booster opening application and not announce any future projects because we are so much the most lucrative license that we can afford to shit in the fans' mouths lol."

Pokemon is an undead license that only exists because of the "fans".
>Already planned its 2025 calendar and even early 2026
I didn't hear this part, source?
Which series has more money and sold more games?
Made for detention
>only for TCG
useless lump of 0s misheard terriermon's call and thought it was called instead
terrisuke is, not terriermon. and probably him because guilmon is a baby retard and renamon is too... indecent to offer presentations
nupokemon games are shit. the absolute glitchiest, buggiest comically rushed half-assed garbage fest you're gonna find
>save deletion glitches
>multiple crashes (videos abound)
>horrific performance
>tiny view distance and pop-in issues
>touts itself an open world game but not really. hope you have your badges
>heaps of cut content and nothing to make up for it. living dexes were a distinguishing feature that got cut, animations are still laughably bad (e.g. short hops for punche and kicks), graphics are n64-tier (and performance is horrific too)
>milking via home subscriptions. one-way transfers are inexcusable
the teraleak gave me some sympathy for game freak since unpublished material reveals they've been wrangled hard by soulless corporate suits, but not too much since they also chose to toe the line
anyway, 8th~9th gen digimon games are by means flawless masterpieces, but at least they don't feel half-assed like nupokemon
Which series has better games in terms of graphics? Also which series doesn't need to make mediocre games almost every year, all this to satisfy the "fans" who are just drug addicts?
To be fair, digimon is also undead concerning it obsession with ADVENTUREEEEE.
Not saying pokemon is better though but at least they aren't that obsessed with Gen 1 right now compare to SwSH era.
*inb4 Liberator
90% of merch and promotion effort are still put in ADVENTUREEEE. Liberator got a scrap of TCG fund at best.
Showing off for the boys.
Why all the "boys" are shitmons?
They just are.
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Nani the fuck?
She knows how to work her OnlyFans.
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>gabumon's the wife
he's a subby pushover but that's taking it too far
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I thought they were double teaming something
>Caters to Gizamon, Vegimon, Numemon, and Tucanmon
Really makes you think.
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Why is Shoto there? Where´s Eiji?
Recency bias
Given the faces of the humans I would suggest the artist is retarded.
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Here, I allowed him to leave my basement.
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big ass dragon
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is this a reference to his game?
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Hohohohoho, I am Santagumon. What do you want for Christmas, /digi/?
I want Kuwagacon and Kabubot
Colon was announced five years ago.
news about the next story game
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I want Adult Ruki!
I want to be happy.
Mental stability
>Ugly dyke
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Mussolini Gabumon when?
Italians are not that important.
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This game was way too dark and edgy compared to Digimon's more hopeful nature.
You cannot have light at the end of the tunnel without a tunnel.
You can have light without a tunnel.
Needs more Tojo Geremon
It comes across as way too tryhard. Not nearly as lighthearted as anything else from the series.
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digimon games. no monkey paws please
>Not nearly as lighthearted as anything else from the series
A bunch of Digimon stuff is pretty dark
One of the core lore moments is the genocide of almost all life (X-Antibody stuff)
>copy-pasted from last thread
we already told you. moral is basically an adventure rehash. harmony is more like 02's ending, wrathful is a tad edgy, and truthful is your happy-go-lucky happy ending
it's not really dark.
in what way?
>01 had the dark gears, a sadistic vampire, and dark masters, and pizza crust (aka the manifestation of extinction)
>02 had the digimon emperor, the dark ocean, and the dark spores thing
>tamers had attempted genocide to step a genocidal mutant blob from awakening (which ended up awakening)
>frontier is literally a race war followed by the coming of satan
>savers had a megalomaniac who attempted genocide and another genocide attempt in response
you only survive is edgy because humans die on-screen
Content doesn't describe tone. The tone of survive is far darker and more filled with dread than the other media you've listed off.
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I'd argue that Ghost Game has some pretty fucked-up moments on the same level as Survive
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I prefer the dark recolors who accidentally killed a human and the brain eating spider
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>Really makes you think.
Not every Digimon can be a chad and get all the ladymon
so you're talking about not getting a boot to the face and a sermon about abandoning companions for suggesting to leave ryo and later shuuji behind? that kind of stuff?
>about not getting a boot to the face
about kaito not getting...
Kaito is based though, ignoring Harmony
You raised her relationship stats only to see her changing clothes.?
I never even noticed the affinity-based conversations. I was more concerned about getting the skills for chapter 7
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naked twelve year olds... i bet she hasn't even started wearing a bra yet...
Nah he suck ass in other routes too
still the first one who spurg out and cause chain of event that lead to chapter 9 death (as you can see in moral, if they stay put everything would turn out fine). Also him suggesting Tacoomer to leave Aoi alone when all affinity event with her prefer to have someone she can emotionally rely on (whether Tacoomer or Saki). And then he ignore his own advice and "comforting" her by pretty much saying "IF IT WAS ME I WOULD PROTECT MIU EVEN IF I HAVE TO GIVE MY OWN LIFE INSTEAD" which 1. cause Aoi to blame herself even more because she thought she wasn't as good as him 2. complete opposite of what he ACTUALLY DID in harmony (leave Miu to die because he instinctively rather preserve his own life, while Aoi did all she could and Saki let go of her own). Also failed to stop her from following schizofox (part of it was probably because she was creeped out by him following her and probably just want to get away, to be honest)
suggest foraging trip which not only fruitless but also lead to him&Aoi getting trapped by schizofox
suddenly spurg in serious moment and blame Minoru for making Miu cry when it was one rare time he actually did/spoke nothing wrong, showing he had zero character development even at the end of grand final route

Basically everything bad post-timeskip came from his action one way or another and the best route (truthful) was the one he did nothing worth mentioning at all.
>blame Minoru for making Miu cry when it was one rare time he actually did/spoke nothing wrong
*just to elaborate since I was a bit foggy on that part before but now remembered, Minoru said they got transported by entering the shrine (not mentioning Miu at all), Miu then cried and blamed her self for taking them there and Kaito went "MINORU HOW DARE YOU MAKING MIU CRY REEEE"
This shitposter is way too boring and retarded compared to /digi/'s schizophrenic nature.
Seriously, he tried the exact same thing last thread. Ignore this nigger, His entire argumentation is to zero in on some idiotic bait aspect, then lying through his teeth or going apeshit on semantics.
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>They really send Jannumon in to clean up El Diablo and his brood.
Card game is alive with comic content to boost.
Rest is dead as fuck, except if you are an adventure fag.
What new Digimon do you expect for that O12 game? Janusmon? Vestamon?

Maybe even Heraclesmon?
Nothing. If the game ever comes out (it won't), the best you'll get are Ghost Game's trio feat Pendulum Z guys who showed up in a Ghost Game or Adventure 2020 episode
Very stupid question: Where do I put the rumored Zephagamon ACE now? No, because there are only 4 slots left for green cards, so it's impossible to put Pteromon/Galemon/GrandGalemon/Zephagamon ACE with the Breakdramon already planned given the text of Examon ACE.
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Do you think that digimon should be allowed to evolve into appmon? Do you think appmon should be allowed to evolve into digimon?
I think appmon should be allowed to evolve into digimon but digimon should only evolve into appmon by jogressing with another appmon.
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>Do you think that digimon should be allowed to evolve into appmon?
>promoting miscegenation and dysgenics
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Yes and yes.
we'll see it once BT-21 drops
I fought Jimiken with Clockmon, Raremon and Nanomon.
Now I´m at Shinjuku.
>4:2 ratio of femoids compared to dudes in Liberator
Another reason Liberator was a mistake. Fucking shonen feminists ruining everything.
Looking at the character list
>Guys: Shoto, Owen, Cool Boy, Zenith, Winr, Ryutaro, Pteromon, Ghostmon, Sunarizamon, Impmon, Tyrannomon, Espimon, Aruba, Chitose
>Girls: Arisa, Violet, Yao, Close, Yuuki, Suzune, Shoemon, Elizamon, Sangomon, Funbeemon, Yukidarumon, Reina
>Genderless/Undefined: Altea, Unchained, Maquinamon, Omekamon, Bemmon
Dunno bro, feels more like a 1:1 ratio
Did Ghostmon's evos leak or something?
He seemed like more of a butler type character than a girl
Talking about the non-digimon characters as the digimon in liberator are barely characters.
Lack of screen time mostly, Pteromon is pretty good as far as that goes
But officially the human "main cast" also includes Zenith and Cool Boy, so yeah it's 1:1
But fuck get lost whiner and go get a dick in your ass. "Cry cry there are girls in the works and they ruin everything cry cry, I prefer it to be 100% macho and that the girls are useless."

It's people like that, closed-minded, who make the current generation look like sexist assholes.
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Close’s birthday.
…Why does she keep doing THAT hand gesture?
This is from the author/character designer too…
Is this some kind of implication?
Shoto dick size?
koreanbros, attack!
you have brain issues :(
Which lvl 7 card is your favourite on bt-20?
Shut your dumbass up. Bet you think Mimi was the peak of character development.
She only likes small penises
So, I like Mimi's character but I wouldn't say she's the PEAK of character development. Also, I still say that you're a sexist asshole (your message alone is proof, you're bringing out the first female character that gets on your nerves when you had better examples of bad female characters like Yoleil or Zoé.)
>Being sexist is bad because...it just is
No need to mention Miyako or Izumi because everyone knows they suck.
Miyako is bad?
She is ugly as sin in 02 but she actually did the computer engineering/programming thing and her chemistry with Ken is believable. I would say she is an improvement compare to Shitra. The only bad thing is that they degrade her into generic housewife/baby factory in epilogue instead of having her keep the computer engineering job,
I agree about Izumi though. Literally just “the girl” character.
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>everyone knows they suck
Yeah, me
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Only one with a personality but still annoying
Plot device
Yamato but female
Nothingburger and a jobber
Sora but with a fat ass
>Chess whores
Ruki but worse
Mimi but punches you
Ruki but for Yumes
Sora but yellow
Sora but chinese
Mimi but american
Atem but female
I wish Coronoamon would get as much love as Lunamon desu...
>every character is Adventure
do Adventurefags really?
Adventure is the heart and soul of Digimon and the platinum standard for all content that comes after it, so...
Ruki but Sora...
He's just a fire lion. Pretty lame compared to Lunamon who is a bunny but still isn't a literal bunny as they look like an ambiguous monster.
Liberator made me fall for the snowbunny mindcontrol
yes, that’s why they never saw Survive character as anything more than their most superficial adventure counterpart.
Fujoshits are the worst since they latched on cuckto and shitoru as “Yamato/Koushiro but gay for your pov character”, Chudji as Jou-but-hotter/I-could-fix-him and keep trying to make Aoi the Sora/downplay her role/outright demonize her as “worst girl” etc. when she ended up much more important than their fagboys in all routes. Also they tend to avoid Ryo/saw him as nothing but a character to pair with chuddji because their retard brain can’t comprehend character without obvious adventure counterpart.
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Her whole existence is very important to lore, like so Digimon can breed after all?
Depends on the series.
Only in Xros explicitly. Other times it's either fusion or just downloading data.
the makers of xw thought about this far less than (You) or your kind
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A new student. Be nice to her
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Hope VM makes an appearance.
hoping Lilymon/BanchoLilymon to join the school
What's the Air Neos of Digimon?
Sistermon Noir
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>digimon: more than just partners
would you play it?
VN's aren't real games. Read a fucking book.
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Only if they used every Digimon and have it where you can effect how each one can evolve if you romance them.
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vns are great and survive showed that digimon fits the format well. ditch the srpg stuff and just focus on making a vn with significant branches in the story and it would be great.
>VNs are great
Kill yourself. Shitvive was awful.
i appreciate our jobless schizo always inventing lame insults for everything to make filtering his posts easier.
>Survivefag calling others jobless
He only does it cause they do it on /vp/ too
So why even make Survive? Should have binned the project and worked on the new story game instead.
So when does Survive get fun?
Team Fortress 2 finished its comic after all these years. You can do it, [whoever replaced Habu]!
Do we know who is the current director of the digimon games?
it doesn’t. Just pick a favourite and focus on interacting with that character (preferably ignore the other) to get all their scenes.
yes, the guy in charge of the switch and pc ports of next order who couldn't even be bothered to add a couple new digimon to the roster.
The Digimon Story game WILL come out before Silksong
I don't think we heard anything beyond Habu just saying he trusts the new director
>ditch the srpg stuff
digimon are made for combat. it's the only thing that sets them apart from tamagotchis anon. to take that away is like removing races from need for speed
>We will get gta VI before the next digimon game
don't care, the sprg shit in survive was a detriment that made replaying it shit. if they want to do more vn style games ditch the combat and focus solely on the story. looking at the vn itself as a vpet with choices having actual impact on what your digimon evolves into would be better. make an actual srpg if you want combat.
end of chapter bosses generally. plenty of padding in the middle though (e.g. wandering in the amusement park, falcomon and minoru arc)
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it was gonna be a survival srpg retardo. it switched devs and got remade from scratch and turned into a vn where your performance doesn't matter when they realized the original studio bit off more than it can chew
A smaller third-party company was given the opportunity to make Survive as a way to satisfy fans until the next big game, which was already in development in 2017.
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i know and i don't care. i just said i think digimon would work well as a full on vn and you are now rambling on about survive. i don't give a shit about survive. it was a good showcase of how digimon would work well as a proper vn, and i want more of that.
Best game are Vpet games.
Open world
Pop in without much nonsense talk and immediately have some action.
Re and N0 were pretty watered down experience. Re suffers from linear maps and N0 suffers from boring ass quests.

Just take what you got from W1 and build something creative from there.
Obviously ADHD zoomers are gonna bitch about the death and having to train from scratch, there are solutions that could be made.
Like having a digivice where you can store up to 4 champions and 6 rookies 3 perfects and 2 megas. When the egg is dead you can warp evo straight into it after your digimon reaches training II.
And if you prefer to raise something new you could overwrite that form.
With this you can even use the two saved mega forms to reach DNA evo, but make that form temporary.
As to not mess up with the open world and scaling, have you be able to reach a new level only after recruiting x amount if digimons into the village.
what are you trying to prove here? it says it's an adventure, not a VN
furthermore, your screenshots are of a much more recent build (most notably, EP (evolution points) are missing), which suggests they're from after the game was reworked
anyway, I'm not gonna deny that there is dialogue. every RPG has dialogues. what I'm trying to say is that the survival aspect was dropped entirely, and the SRPG portion was likely scaled back significantly.
instead of writing off combat, you should ask that it be made enjoyable. if it were up to you, yu-gi-oh would have dropped duel monsters after forbidden memories turned out horrific.
didn't ask
the screenshot suggests energy points (エナジー) rather than evolution
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a modern version of digimon ver. s would be cool. love the fake 90s internet thing going on
there's only a teeny bit itty bitty problem. that looks like a newgrounds html5 game nowadays
you're not gonna get away with selling a game like that for $60 in current_year
>Doesn't change name as it evolves
Looks like Omegamon has to kill this one
it did kill argomon in colon, so...
Women who ain't cooking, cleaning, or jobbing harder than Izumi and Lady Red put together are feminist propaganda that only appeal to pretentious coomers, aka shonen feminists
>warp evolve syakomon into syakomon
>OMEGAAA rips ass through a dimensional wall over a fucking clam
>has a conniption fit when he spots a herd of whamon swimming past it
I always thought Nene was better Izumi, sorta like how Tohma is better Colon Yamato. All of them are varying flavors of nothing burger anyway.

Digimon characters aren't that deep in all fairness. Some are handled better than others.
Aoi really is just "what if Sora snapped and went full omnicidal Stinkmeaner". She's not that deep; people like her because she's the boring Adventure tomboy with some missing screws in her head, aka being able to project autistic shipping fantasies on her, whenever its boring yuri slop or self-insert as the MC widening her psychotic holes. That and no one cares about Mimi but completely boring/dying of cancer or better Colon Hikari.
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School nurse
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She fucks her students
Good but needs to be more tired.
>she's the boring Adventure tomboy
She never even display any "tomboy" quality, never mentioned to do sport (unlike say Sora) like cute/feminine things, has feminine role (mom/cook) in the group and unlike what some yurifags believe she actually *love* being the mom and not the role the group pushed on her.
You either speedread or never even play the game and pull shit out of your ass so fuck off and keep slurping your beloved shitventure because that's all you could see in character.
*also depth-wise she at least has effort put into her writing unlike say Kaito "I have literally no personality or hobby aside from revolving around my sister" which made fujoshits seethed about her which was my point.
yeah, me.
Aoi is kinda milquetoast like the soccer girl. Her snapping in one arc and being shipper projection bait is all she has going for her.

Kaito's siscon edginess is fun outside Harmony. I can at least understand said misguided assholery, if only because his sister has genuine brainworms.
>Aoi is kinda milquetoast like the soccer girl. Her snapping in one arc and being shipper projection bait is all she has going for her.
So you gonna ignore how she was the one that step up as the leader when MC was gone, figure you spedread/haven't played the game.
>I can at least understand said misguided assholery, if only because his sister has genuine brainworms.
Miu was a decent character who actually show development post-timeskip though, unlike her brother. If anything Kaito dragged her down and she was much better when interacting with other characters.
>I can at least understand said misguided assholery
no you can't. he beat the crap out of the so-called 'stalker,' but from what the flashbacks indicate, the thrashing might have been overreaction on his part.
since then, kaito's developed an obsession with 'protecting' his sister from harm at all costs (imagined or not). hell, he's the cause of his own woes, since miu's irreverence is born out of defiance from being smothered by him. it's so bad that after things go south he uses his sister as an excuse to take out his frustration on others, with his intransigence being taken to its logical extreme in harmony.
Nah man. Its an actual molester. Kaito had every right to go ape shit.
Yeah, if there's a gap in a line that either could fill. Look at Mirrormon, he slots right in as rookie form for the Spirit of Steel.
>Nah man. Its an actual molester.
How do I play Cyber Sleuth when Steam is down?
Have you tried offline mode?

>Playing Cyber Sleuth
>Nokia dressed up like an absolute whore
>"Look at my sexy bod, it's totes adorbs and my sexy pheromones is attracting men"
>"Eww, don't sexualize my body, you creep"
Is this chick for real?
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Altea's secondary partner
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Guardromon flying mode
That's why she barely has fan art and struggles to beat Sora the car driver
Some one at least likes her enough to call her wife. I just like the phone jokes.
Is there a "Tentomon, but Schizophrenic"?
Bugmon usually stuck as tertiary male's partner so they aren't many thing going for them except haha funny old man/butler-type. Closest is Kunemon with his speech impediment I guess but the schizo thing is more on his partner than himself.
Some hacker skills need some kinda of digimon party.
I had to do all over a maze because I didn´t had a Data attribute Digimon.
>Look at the other works he does
Does he do it on purpose?
Definitely autism of some sort using AI garbage
He was a grow ass man stalking a 10 years old and telling people she was his girlfriend.
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She won
Wakey wakey /digi/

So... BT20-054 will be Valvemon (only Perfect Black Card remaining slot available)
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How do we stop her?
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Goat lady.
hand holding
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Going to raise her on my next run
She will job to Zenith once he remembers he has to show up
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Made for rape
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La Grenouille
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She's the "competent" female of the group so she will only win against no name jobbers while always jobbing to relevant characters.
That's how hoes in shonen work since the late 90s/early 00s. Nami, Rukia, and Lucy are just a tradition
So who is the strongest one? I'm guessing one that is the main character of the whole story.
Probably Arisa unironically. She'll probably lose to the main bad guy at the end of the day, but I expect she'll avoid failing immediately because modern Digimon is aware they have a bigger gaijin fanbase, and we have some annoying shonen feminists
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>So who is the strongest one?
>Shonen feminist
What the fuck did he mean by this
Probably some kind of boogeyman to explain why any female character shown being competent is a bad thing actually and ruins digimon's image and corrupts the youth and is uncool and spits on the legacy of adventure or whatever
She looks like the one with huge boobs could beat her up in a fight.
Weren't the third and fifth rank members of the group girls in Adventure?
They are pretentious coomers who always believe a hoe has to be relevant/competent in some way because of trainwrecks like Sakura, Izumi, or every pre-Rush YGO thot. Their mental illness led to cancer like Rey or flukes like Erza.
Always remember that absurd need for hoes to do things can lead to modern Disney garbage. Hoes in kodomo/shonen are eye-candy; simple as that. They don't need to recreate picrel because some Italian half-breed choked hard.
It's so funny how many shonenfags get angry as soon as they can't look at shirtless men but try to tell you they aren't gay.
If someone tanks/dodges her bankai she's boned. Still better than Lucy and Nami at least.
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>Always remember that absurd need for hoes to do things can lead to modern Disney garbage
Modern disney isn't shit because of female lead anon, they did it way before you were probably born.
There's no nuanced way to handle female characters in kodomo/shonen shit. Making them beat an actual relevant bad guy just makes the bad guy a worthless scrub that shouldn't exist like Craniamon, Duftmon, and every non-Leviathan Appmon villain, while letting them bully lesser guys till their inevitable failure makes the shonen feminists angry because they couldn't go high enough and only won against obvious losers.
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A very digital christmas
I'm thinking this guy just hates women
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you're not getting any pudding you useless failure
the lizard lucario of digimon minus the copious shilling
If Arisa or Close beat Zenith, it would mean Gaiamon (Digimon) and Bemmon's entire line are worthless trash on par with Craniamon, Mienumon and her evolved form Warudamon, and Leomon. Main villains automatically lose all credibility if a girl beats them; its one of the reasons why Vamdemon sucks ass and gets increasingly lame comebacks
Defeated Wisemon and saved Akihabara from a fujoshi.
What do you recommend for my party?
I don't speak tacos
Third is Koushiro, not Sora. I think OWG made it clear (also kinda sexist to be honest with how all girls became irrelevant while all boys were part of action except Jou because he was a joke character anyway).
Fifth is probably Jou unless you place the younger siblings higher than him/Sora.
Thinking like this is how we get pre-digital world Yoshino, by the way
We have to boil this dude
>Making them beat an actual relevant bad guy just makes the bad guy a worthless scrub that shouldn't exist like Craniamon, Duftmon, and every non-Leviathan Appmon villain
Did anyone react like this when Angewomon defeated Vamdemon?
He did. Therefore everyone else did too.
No, because he came back 5 minutes later.
Still impressed Sora that drives and has a terrible Japanese voice has so many simps
Cute design and the terrible voice was from an already massively popular girl
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You'd sing a different tune if best mom had a driving license!
Wasnt enough to save him from retard-kun's judgement, it would seem >>507368414
I can see that brand of mental illness if it happened now; it would be sincere rather than a baitposter.
It doesn't matter if Zenith would bring in the non card game fights after jobbing to some hoe; the fact he loses before reaching the finals to some bimbo who'd lose to Shoto at the end of the day makes him a Craniamon and Duftmon tier joke. Major villains have to keep their credibility by any means
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my mom's lion
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Jellymon's baby stages were a mistake.
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Polyps are too gross
Elizamon a slut!
The deer....looming...
>glowing red eyes and scribbles
I knew the deer was secretly satanic
Kovumon when?
Why is the deer so pissed off
Never. The direct to video sequels are banned.
He probably unironically defends Crow and Ryo.
>Disney sequels
>even the good ones

In all honesty its easier to play Devil's Advocate for Crow, if only because YGO never liked women to begin with. Digimon at least pretends it does.
>First villain woman gets a jigsaw puzzle with no actual win condition since solving it is a loss
Cyber sleuth is shonen feminist according to his logic. He probably cried when Jimiken jobbed to Fei.
Jimiken is fodder and Fei is a nothingburger no one cares about, not even the tumblr tier western fanbase
Well the player character can be a girl and go through everything winning.
He went catatonic when Rina ass-diffed Barbamon
Presumably it will keep doing that until the next show starts airing.
It is the fusion of an evil puppet and a demonic vagina monster
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The 80+ episode weekly modern anime series.
Great Mission is the constant of the universe. We will all be dust but rest assured Great Mission will still be airing.
It seems to be making no buzz, so it just seems to be holding the timeslot there until a new digimon/gegege/dragon ball/Gash bell/Toriko
Demon lord so irrelevant he can't get in the anime. The fucking meme gator managed to do that, even if its one of the dumbest bit roles ever.

I'm impressed its still going, but them's the breaks when Toei has no idea what to air.
How do I get my modern anime series to be 80+ episodes instead of the typical 12-13 like Great Mission?
>Demon lord so irrelevant he can't get in the anime
Maybe not an anime, but he was the main villain of Next
Is it true the show is kinda like Digimon? Haven't watched it.
Bad cgi and infinite funding by being licensed by a super popular franchise that has nothing to do with the show
Having an actual budget
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Are they not ashamed to parade this shit around for 80+ episodes when the main toy on it was discontinued for almost a year now? And that toy being leftovers from the last two digimon shows on that timeslot?
Cute Pink Lizard
Shonen is about masculine fights and general cool things; it doesn't need to pander to coomers who make Youtube essays
It's an anniversary show and Fuji TV is paying for it. Toei, Tamers' director, and the North Korean animators don't care as long as most of them are getting paid.
Ghostmon's line in two days
>Series stars an orange-themed goggle-wearing boy using a LITERAL digivice, and has characters designs done by the artist of digimon next right after a series that had designs by the artist of the previous digimon mangaka
This shit was 100% a retooled digimon season,
They probably didn't want to scare people with bad CGI or commit the usual mistakes Digimon does
Can you shut up already
No. Digimon is a very all or nothing show. You either recreate something on par with Tamers/Adventure 1999 or your existence has no value beyond a subsect of weird Japanese women and some latinx hipsters. Only the spooky no plot show got away with not living up to expectations, and that's because it was a gimmick show that was mostly good rather than a trainwreck.
And yet you spend every single thread talking about it
Fuck off
Oh brother, THIS guy again
Trainwrecks are fun to talk about though.
But I don't like seeing your posts
Too bad.
first sentence in its entry literally says holy beast digimon so it's rather ironic
>and a demonic vagina monster
or a giant griffon, mind you
digimon is forever cursed
>kinda like digimon?
no, they just run around a map trying to complete missions in a map with a certain theme (often involving supernatural events) while eluding 'hunders' (agent smith rip-offs) who capture them on touch. things are awfully contrived and hunters appear and disappear as the plot demands
Great Mission is probably warming the seat of the next Digimon anime, they did expand the anime team after all
Yeah, everyone said that 30 episodes ago. I'll wait until they announce a director and/or writer joining the Digimon team.
>Do Legendary Cup in Cyber Sleuth
>Titamon kicks my ass (granted I don't have a good set of vaccine digimon at the time)
>Beats him
>Every round after him is noticeably less difficult
Is this just a thing with 3 vs 1 fights?
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Creepy weirdo smelly spider student
He has been at this for years. The argumentschizo is legitimately mentally unwell. Always the same weirdass comparissons, always the same unhinged phrases. I sometimes wonder why he even bothers with an anonymous board. Legit ignore him. It's like arguing with a brick wall.

Try to get Ryudamon's line. They're pretty strong and easy to get. In general anything with DEF or INT piercing moves is busted.Lilithmon and Dukemon CM are bonkers in the endgame. What else do you have in the party atm?
I'm just smart enough to be cautious on a Digimon show's quality. Being blindly optimistic or even cautiously optimistic is how you end up getting mindbroken and assmad by things like Xros Wars or Colon. I'm just lowering my expectations so I won't get mad over the writing quality of a Japanese kids cartoon
>I won't get mad over the writing quality of a Japanese kids cartoon
>has been seething about the exact same shit a 20+ year old series created for the last five years
Your posts have long since eclipsed any resemblance to "I'm just cautiously pessimistic". Seek help.
>I'm just lowering my expectations so I won't get mad over the writing quality of a Japanese kids cartoon
I had no expectations for either of Kizuna or The Beginning. They are both complete shit.
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santa claus looks weird
Well it would make a very interesting christmas
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>already forgotten
New Terriermon video
Digimon Racing?!
>That Justimon
Damn, Ryo...
Honestly, SantaDukemon would fit pretty well. He already got the right colors. At least he*d be better than "I like Agumon and Santa hats"
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Kill the reindeer!
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Are Patamons the elves?
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I learned the hard way they should be left alone. The quiet ones turn crazy and clingy.
>The quiet ones turn crazy and clingy.
That's kind of hot
Maybe she is just self-conscious because of her big hands and is actually a loyal person who is knowledgeable about driving, medicine, and the occult.
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Big hands run!
3 months until Beyond.
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Now you need to add the Angewomon and Ladydevimon twins.
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Why no sakuyamon?
Doing religious functions elsewhere.
She dumped Justimon and fucked off somewhere.
VA is retired, prease understando
>Due to japanese VA autismo, Ruki has no family for the foreseeable future
Merry Christmas, /digi/.
Does anybody have that pic of SkullSatamon as Santa?
I´ve met Reiko Tawa, She´s a qt 3:14!
And got Grademon.
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This episode made me kinda hate how they have this trope of horrible shit happening to them and then not feel the slightest bit of anger towards whoever caused it. Angoramon should have lost his shit when he saw them ripping the mushrooms off Ruli.
>This episode made me kinda hate how they have this trope of horrible shit happening to them and then not feel the slightest bit of anger towards whoever caused it.
The Frozomon episode was the outright worst for this.
I have doubts those two are Christians.
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>horrible shit happening to them and then not feel the slightest bit of anger towards whoever caused it
Well, they are japanese after all...
They got wrecked pretty badly until Kiyo went full beast mode and evovled Jelly, and it's not like Bnuuy can evolve without Ruli. And after they were done with them, the slug cartel rolled in before they could even decide what to do with the rapeshroom bros and dragged them off to worse fates, so not like he can complain much.
Them's the breaks when you're a talk no jutsu show rather a murderhobo show.. I like Ghost Game, but that has been a weakness.
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The Chamblemon ended up in the Geremon rape dungeon, I doubt the gang could have done something worse.
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Why do the Digimon always leave at the end of each series?
Please stop being retarded.
They stopped at Hunters and Appmon
Because they don't like (You)
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Because they don't know how to have it where they can live with their digimon in the real world. In the 2020 remake they didn't go away.
something loss of innocence something grow up something coexistence is impossible (worldwide commotion, glowies and soup letter agencies, etc.)
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This is the best Digimon has to offer lmao
dragonballfags in shambles
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>Below Wan Piece, which copy and pasted the game mechanics
>Below fucking disney's not-magic
There's no justice in man! star wars btfo though kek
The cardgame is absolute dog shit, no variety only 3 top meta decks. Might as well not bother and that's after they remade it as a new game.
Star wars is another butchered IP.
Sigimon was above OP just 2 years ago, just shows you how franchise fame can carry you hard.
>what about DB
Card game needs to be at least at a bare minimum decent.
>The cardgame is absolute dog shit, no variety only 3 top meta decks
I thought the same until I started using Diaboromon
Somehow it's the only non-meta deck I can reliably play well, but I'm having fun with it
I think anon meant the dragonball card game
>The cardgame is absolute dog shit, no variety only 3 top meta decks
I think he was talking about DBZ
Oops, I didn't read the reply
>Behind the top 3 and 2 cards game carried by their IP
That's actually not bad at all. Also it's based on gross merchandise value so if you have inflated price because of "investors" and other parasites the game will be higher than it should be.
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Yeah, It must be outdated by now
Not for Dragon ball, kek. Still as dog shit as ever.
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>numemon is a top tier deck
always makes me laugh
Defeated Jimiken and he got banned from Zaxon.
Nokia was useless this time.
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GODAMMIT! Anyway, I think is time to delete my NX Royal Knights or should I do something else with them instead?
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IIRC just put them in a box/farm for collection's sake because you couldn't get them again even starting NG or something. I think other anons here probably have better tips for their "utility" though.
oh no you're right someone wanting to spend time with you would be a nightmare
Dead on christmas...
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my only nightmare is /digi/ not surviving
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Nokia has started her own hacker group.
Arata is searching for Suedou.
Now I´m doing secondary missions.
I'll never understand the massive hate over Ryo that you guys have. He's pretty neutral to me after Jyan. Forgettable.
they're mad because instead of being a proper character, ryo is walking product placement for the JP-only wonderswan.
Because he's badly implemented into Tamers; also he got Ruki to give up her power and fail to kill a giant D-Reaper in the last episode/the general awkward sexual tension with the aforementioned tomboy (/digi/ is full of bestialityfags and Taiora shippers into pegging).
On rewatch, I have to say Colon is by far the best season lmao.
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New voting session.
>Taiora shippers into pegging
Imagine getting pegged by Sora. It would be absolutely boring.
Ruki is the worst parts of Yamato and Sora in all fairness
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Voting for that Tailmon one because I love armour Digimon
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I love how Cyberdramon looks like Kabuterimon, probably a coincidence because both are clearly based on Xenomorphs, and Gusokumon looks like Kabuterimon because shrimp are water bugs or whatever and we have a blue AtlurKabuterimonn and KoKabuterimon making a full blue line...sort of. Its funny how HerculesKabuterimon and AncientBeetmon are half Kuwagamon too. I wish we had a red Oukuwamon.

I just had to get that off my chest
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Also don't get me wrong I also don't need Digimon colors to match up like a Pokemon line (which is why I like the shrimp and dragon.) KoKuwamon X is the best and most underrated bug child Digimon for me because he is a mecha and is for Kuwagamon. X even more so because he transforms into a jet.
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Oh fuck me I didnt mean to post with a name
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I'm voting for july because sufferingmon and legendz
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Because he doesnt really belong in Tamers. Literally he just pops up late into the show and is on the same level as everyone else. Its outrageously lame and you are hard pressed to care.
Plus he is just given a rung over Rukis fame as a tamer by it being said that he was number 1 and she wasnt until he left the scene mysteriously.
Because people bitched about 02's ending and now we can't have nice things.

02 was the only digimon series that actually mentioned christmas, now that i think about it.
At least Ruki has a natural aggression. What does Sora have? Sag?
>What does Sora have?
The hat....
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Anon, you should know that the term "the hat" can only apply to one hat. And it isn't Schrodinger's Helmet.
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Well she has A hat. And this funny looking bird.
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Ryo rustled the jimmies of shonen feminists and the consequences were dire. Also he's a shit character but I like to make fun of certain demographics
BUY WONDERSWANS and two jobbers
In a "flawed character" kind of way or in a "real intolerable to the audience" kind of way?
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I love this artist
Moreso the former. The worst part of Ruki is her fans, not her character
>The worst part of Ruki is her fans, not her character
This. It's not like in 02 where the new trio managed to have the worst aspects of the kids they replaced and were absolutely terrible.
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>Ruki is the worst parts of Yamato and Sora
>"And then, just because a tree told her to, Ruki tried to kill Takato and almost smothered him under her saggy tits"
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Well the presence of this card confirms the rumor about the BT-20 booster but in this rumor we also mentioned a Zephagamon ACE card and there sorry but given the 3 remaining slots for green cards, unless we can have Zephagamon without Pteromon and its evolutions I don't see any other solutions... (No because BT20-041 has a good chance of being Yatagaramon and either BT20-043 or BT20-044 will be Breakdramon ...)

And I don't know if it is possible to have an ACE digimon without its complete evolution line in a booster...
having a bit of fun
It's Christmas, make a Digimon wish for the upcoming year
Finally a new Digimon game
Digimon were real.
Why did they make Elizamon so bratty.
I've never really got this mindset over Ryo. Everything about him and Cyberdramon can be easily justified by the already established lore in the show without having to follow any of the wonderswan game lore.
Ruli won...
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Not even Jesusmon can help you there.
>marketing mary sue character shoehorned into a well-liked series that then makes the series revolve around him and negates an entire popular character's presence

gee anon I don't know maybe if you watched the series you'd know
I like August and October, though I have to admit June looks really pretty
merry chirstmas, /digi/.
Only children can have Digimon because too many people tried to lewd their Digimon. Then the Digimon started trying to lewd the children.
I can see that. Like in comics they have all these super intellects that can cure anything and make anything. But in the end it is just a normal world because the writers cant figure out how to make a world with that much tech.
look at that dumb virus
children dont want digimon because their dads died though!
Eh, I’d put Miyako below Mimi but still above Sora the doormat but that could just be cause I have a weakness for huge dorks.
I think the main issue the 02 cast barring Ken just don’t really have much of a character arc(even a terrible one like Yamato).
Iori was the only one of them who did. Unfortunately to do that you have to tolerate the most pointlessly boring human main character design the franchise has had.
The problem isn't even the design. The problem is that he felt less relevant in his own plotline compared to Oikawa or his own grandfather. Hell, BWG had more of an impact on that whole affair, since he at least sorta "got" Oikawa and took the bullet for Iori's grandpa.
I'd say both go hand in hand.
What if Iori is a hot girl. Like black hair super-serious yamato nadeshiko kendo girl.
Would that save "her" character?
>Boring ass but black haired
Sora black!?
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>GG was a kodomo
I really don't understand One Piece's success. My locals stocks it, it seems to sell well, but there's nobody playing it. They stopped doing events for it because people weren't turning up to them. What the hell are One Piece buyers even doing? It's not like it's Pokémon where you have speculative boomers snatching up cards from kids because they can't compete in the real stock market. These are individuals that buy the cards for themselves, so why aren't they playing with them? It's like the opposite of MtG, you have oldfags playing with their old beaten up cards but they don't buy shit; it's honestly strange to see it at number 1 when new stock is gathering dust on the shelves.
Why would a dead father lead to not wanting to spend more time with your best friend for life?
Ask Seki during the next digicon, maybe it will sneak through the hundred "what is agumon's favorite food?" questions.
How bad will be the next Digimon con?
>These are individuals that buy the cards for themselves, so why aren't they playing with them?
Anyone collecting OP cards is demented. At least DCG cards look nice.
Newer sets have a bit more effort put into them than launch sets, but I agree.
Unfortunately Iori, daughter of Iori, will be overshadowed by Taichi III and Yamako in Digimon Adventure '30 so we'll never know.
A pity since her and Koushiro daughter seem to enjoy modest popularity.
Can't wait for Taichi III to either be an effeminate bisexual with a love triangle with Yamako and Koshirou Jr, or an air-headed dyke that simps over Sora and Yamato's moody mallgoth daughter.
>As of now, nothing but tcg news are guaranteed
>Random merch shilling is par for the course, even if it were just fucking pogs
>A reminder that there are comics currently running
>>>>>>>>game news
>The memorial concert is in january, so it won't be news besides being mentioned for padding
>Only thing in the anime department is AAAAAADVENTURE -Go Beyond- which is a short videoclip
Outlook not so good
It's going to be worse than the last two, especially on videogames news.
>but how can it be any worse than mentioning their port has nothing new added to it or literally saying nothing at all?
Trust Bandai, they never let you down at letting you down.
>it is the year 2074 and people are still upset that Taichi III never got together with Sora Jr.
>People ALREADY doomposting
Crazy how Joey stole Sora Jr. away and cucked Taichi III. The bait and switch with him looking like a cowardly nerd in the first couple of episodes only for him to drop the act and be an absolute gigachad the moment Sora Jr. was in danger was genius. As expected of Mimi's son.
It’s got a bigger collection market purely because of the brand even if the card art is subpar imo. Even as a fan I could t get into the game from a combination of it being way too basic compared to Digi, boring art and being way more overpriced.
I’m curious how long the brand will carry the game. The fact the Digitcg is still going despite being a significantly less popular brand is a testament to good the actual game is.
Will Sora Jr. inherit her mother's curse and genes?
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>Mimi's son
Only her adamantium spine.
New chapter tonight.
Liberator ends next year or not?
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It only now got interesting so I hope not.
>I've never really got this mindset over Ryo
Because you dont fuckin read the shit youre even replying to. Ill reword what those two are straight up saying is wrong with him
>Ryo pops into the late stage of the plot, on the exact same level as the main cast and has a previously COMPLETELY UNMENTIONED connection to Rukis competitive history as someone better than her and consistently shows her and only her up

Theres also the fact as well that his Digimon Cyberdramon is more like a tool than anything and unlike the Dobermon bitch theres not ever a moment of bonding. That one with the Ryo and Mirei is a good parallel as well because Mirei exists from practically the start in all games she is in and establishes she is capable without having to blindsidingly downplay another character.
I wonder if it's the baitposter again. There is some tard here recently again whose MO is "post insanely retarded question, then pretend that no answers are good enough.
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can't wait to see her line later today
>completely unmentioned
False. Pic related is early on in the series (maybe it was omitted in the dub?). Note that reaching the finals=/= winning. If it makes you feel better, she never really lost to ryo in a card game as that seems the point in which eniac inserted ryo in the tamers universe.

>consistently shows her and only her up
Also false. He was shown up when ruki and renamon became sakuyamon and rescued them all from the D-Reaper pit. Justimon wasn't shown to be particularly strong compared to the other megas, and even his last attack against the cable reaper with sakuyamon's power wasn't enough and they all had to be bailed out by the 4 holy beasts.

>his cyberdramon is more of a tool
No, the whole point of cyberdramon is that he CAN'T have a normal moment of bonding wih ryo, which forced him to go to the digital world and try to control him with a literal leash because he might snap at any moment without enemies to fight. It's the extreme consequence of what it means to have a partner digimon that exists to fight (remember the whole debate between takato, jenrya and ruki at the start?).

You don't have to like the guy, just don't make your own headcannon about him.
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She'll be the team's bike along with GILF Mimi.
I want to see the Chink Ranamon Mega
Stop dreaming man, this is the transition/lore chapter, not the combat chapter. We won't have the Ghostmon evos before at least January (and it will depend on the progress of the chapter that is coming in a few hours, if it doesn't end with Violet who will start a match then we will have to wait a little longer... But the fact that we had Candmon with the "treated as a Ghost type" rule for the BT-20 booster indicates that normally the January chapter is Violet's match.)

So the evos not before two more weeks of waiting (especially since in terms of cards in BT-20, there are still a lot to tease.)
Not that anon but Close's fight followed the same two-half format and we got all evos on the first half of it
Similar with Yao, first half we got MarinBullmon, second half Ryugumon
It will look like shit like everything in liberator.
That's why I say that we have to wait two weeks to have at least the Adult and Perfect levels or even the Ultimate at the end of part 1 like for Close.

But for part 2 of this month (so December) we shouldn't expect a reveal of Ghostmon's evos since the only way to see Ghostmon's Adult level for this part 2 would be as a mount like for chapter 7 and we saw that Violet squatted Arisa's Tobucatmon in chapter 7 so Ghostmon's evo doesn't seem to be able to serve as transport so possibly Humanoid evo.

But shut up! The designs aren't crap like your retarded brain thinks, if you don't like it you just have to go find another license.
>Multiple humons and waifushit
>Tyrannomon but on fire
>Polar bear furry oc
Yeah liberator is dogshit
>still misssing half the design
Your shitpost is weak
Don't reply, this guy is always going on his "ebin contrarian" ranting about how every Liberator design is shit and whatever
Will probably do the same the next series we get
I hope a webnovel release.
Unlike you I don't settle for mediocre garbage digimon designs. Also I never talked shit about seekers or the DiM digimon designs. I only hate liberator,GF,xros and frontier.
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This week's Liberator chapter.
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It's out
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>absolutely no build up
They're just speedrunning to the ending, aren't they?
It's the ending yes, but only of the first arc
Liberator is confirmed to be running for at least two years going by the info from BT-21
This chapter feels kinda gay (more than usual) bros.
Wait... Member of debugging team !?
So BEMmon Perfct level will be new !? (Snatchmon and Ragnamon also confirmed by TCG)
Good. Now we can move on to something better.
It was pretty obvious it would be new BEMmon evos to go along with the original evos.
>Inb4 its another Omegamon looking thing
Anon, it hasn't been a year yet
The first chapter was in April of this year
Two years means it's most likely ending in April 2026
There are lots of dirt on Violet in some pages. Are these just mine platform problem or they didn't remove artifacts?
They will just rush through it.
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Rate Liberator's final 2024 chapter.
She's sure to win because her speed is superior
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>Its just a horde of impy recolors as the first arc final boss
Jijimon was right
Too many gay shipshits.
Too little Close.
Too many novel characters who obviously are just there because they need to remind fanbase they still exist since nobody read novel.
Elizamon is truly the worst digimon design of this year. Would rather deal with 12 more Zefaggotmon clones than see that thing again.
He is really, really gay for Owen
Well... Given how it started with the TGC info, there was still a doubt, I mean the BT18-065 card which is Snatchmon has the text Liberator on it and with the BT-21 info, we literally had the confirmation that Ragnamon was BEMmon's Ultimate so excuse me for thinking that since we literally have 3/4 of the original BEMmon line that his Perfect is Destromon and we didn't know until today that Zenith was a member of the debug team given the placement away from the other characters in the charts
>Drops extremely unsubtle hints he will be the next villain while metaphorically sucking off Owen
>Gets oneshot by Impy Negro
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So Ghostmon evo next chapter.
I like Violet but her whole character kinda revolve around Arisa (who aren't that complex/important character herself in the first place) too much...
And already it looks like gutter trash, what a surprise
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ardilla sexo
>Too many novel characters who obviously are just there because they need to remind fanbase they still exist since nobody read novel
They're there because they're part of the debugging team
Looks like a priest from that blurry image. Purple decks are already cancer as it is.
No one cares about card shit
>Novel has the superior Digimon designs but boring characters
>Comic has the superior characters but shitty Digimon designs
The duality of Liberator
If it's not a trap, the image is Violet with Imperialdramon Black: Fighter Mode (they hide Ghostmon's evos for the surprise.)
Damn, he really did enter and exit faster than the Maquinamon.
Wash your eyes dammit! It's just Imperialdramon Black: Fighter Mode (I thought the pose was symbolic to understand it...)
This chapter was gay
He will be a jobber tier villain who fucks off early on in arc 2.
Ghostmon becomes a new impy recolor?
>Fighter Mode
I think it's dragon mode
Yeah, but it had a lot of cute girls doing cute things to compensate.
so if you die in lacuna you die in real life?
>doing cute things
Too much talking (and not about cute things) than doing. Also Close was non-existence despite the last chapter + author comment on her birthday art implied she entered the girl group and they would have more cute girl trio interaction.
I think they would be braindead/coma like in CS or Fate/Extra.
We are in full shonen mode now so the females will start getting phased out besides Close who will job to important villains anyway.
Iconic pose, dumbass !
Wasn't Arisa a Zenith fangirl and "want to meet him in person"? This is the closest to that and no interaction (even one side) at all...
Recolors can only steal pose from the original
Yes, but Liberator has a pacing issues on par with Seekers and the Appmon manga so there's no time for stuff like that.
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I don't see anyone mentioning it but we have Vi's Unique Emblem at the end of the chapter, a reminder that it indicates details about the Ultimate level of the main digimon (Yuuki's unique emblem has the shape of Heavy Metaldramon's body, Owen's has the shape of a female silhouette of a Drake-man and with the teaser we know that Elizamon will have an evolution of a female dragon/gorgon and Shoto's uses the symbol found on Zephagamon's body.)

Here the symbol is a flaming skull so we already know that Ghostmon's common theme will be a flaming body with spectral characteristics.
Your emblem is as shit as your tits are fat, Violet
Maybe it is upside down.
I see a boot.
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give it 50 years
Probably a headless chest?
>Here's your Ultimate, bro
V-mon free trait.
>Female silhouette
Literally just was a generic dragon emblem
Its truly genderless, like Renamon (canon)
I only see Violet and Frigimon girl going full Izumi, moreso the latter.
Digimon is a fujo franchise for better or worse. Women buy the merch more than the men, and unless something changes the fujoing will continue


He's gonna make the businessman with the Lucemon and the girl with the DemiDevimon his Rare Hunter/Ghoul brand jobbers
I guess webnovel chapter a week before.
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how can you like something that doesn't exist
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You gotta believe!
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Why was Zenith so massively homosexual towards Owen?
Wants to see him squirm. That and Digimon is still owned by fujos/yumes money-wise
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Is it a skull with a heart on its forhead or a skull with a nose
I hope Ghostmon ends up jobbing to surprise Imperialdramon Black - Dark Knight Mode
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How many anime partner edgy black (sometimes blue) and/or evil recolors like BlackWarGreymon do we have? Off the top of my head:

>Agumon's whole line
>Gabumon's whole line
>Omegamon and his other forms
>Tsukaimon, Black Seraphimon
>BlackTailmon, Ophanimon Core
>Vdramon, ExVmon, Stingmon, Black Imperialdramon both modes
>Growlmon, MegaloGrowmon, ChaosDukemon, Dukemon Core
>BlackGalgomon, BlackRapidmon, Black SaintGalgomon
>Youkomon, Doumon, Kazuhamon and Miko Mode
>Nothing for frontier except a black Blitzmon that wasnt a real Digimon
>BlackGaogamon, BlackMachGaogamon ShineGreymon Ruin Mode
>Black Shoutmon in thr Xros Loader and games and one of his later forms that was in some arcade game
>GulusGammamon's line

Did I get them all?
Liberator give us black Paildramon so it can stop autistically bugging me pls
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Oh wait the virus Andiramon from the movie and Cherubimon vice
I only expect Dinobeemon to be used as Imperialdramon Black's level 5. Edgy Paladin mode has a better chance of happening and that's still close to zero.
So given the position of the "heart" which is above the eyes, I don't think it's a nose... (On the other hand, the good question is is it a reference because I can clearly see a manga character having a heart on his forehead and it's DIO and we recall that DIO was a head without a body at one point so the Dullahan theory is confirmed? Or am I worrying too much?)
I hadn't realized the base but yes with 3 weeks of gap between the release of the two parts, it's because normally the webnovel is updated (and there we will not have waited the usual 3 months, is it because we are entering the end of part 1 of the Webcomic that it is accelerating at the webnovel level?)

Wait and see, but if we have the webnovel which has a new chapter, then we will have the last member of the debugging team presented with his partner (I hope...)
>reminder that it indicates details about the Ultimate level
this has never actually been a thing
it just resembles a vague theme associated with that person, be it wind/dragons/music/ghosts
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>rape eyes
>those leggings
- Yuuki's symbol looks like music, but if you look closely, you clearly have Heavy Metaldramon's silhouette represented.
- Owen's, which has been the subject of much debate, clearly has a thin humanoid silhouette (so feminine) with draconic elements (and given the teaser of the Ultimate level which seems to be a kind of Gorgon, we have a female, reptilian/draconian and humanoid digimon)
- Shoto, the fucking symbol is represented on Zephagamon's body!

So Vi's: a flaming skull with a heart symbol above the eyes.

SO for the evolution of Ghostmon expect:
- a skeletal appearance
- the presence of flames on the body
- Possibility that this represents a Dullahan/Headless Horseman (the heart can reference the character of DIO who was a simple head without a body and also the flaming skull can refer to the legend of the Headless Horseman often described wearing a flaming pumpkin head that he throws at the person he is pursuing.)
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>Yuuki's symbol looks like Heavy Metaldramon's silhouette
it's just vaguely draconic, cause she plays a dark dragon deck
the head and wings don't look like HeavyMetaldramon at all

>Owen's clearly has a thin humanoid silhouette with draconic elements
We don't even need the full design, the symbol has a dragon head, while the actual ultimate has a human-like face
Even assuming she's a lamia or gorgon, the emblem does not look like a snake

>Shoto, the symbol is on Zephagamon's body!
Zephagamon has swirles, but that exact symbol is not on him

Like yeah, Ghostmon's evos are probably gonna have blue flames, but anyone could've told you that by just looking at Ghostmon

rate em
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Mummymon the janitor has a little secret with her
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>eggscellntmon aka the best baby in years that low
what the hell is wrong with you?
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I hope I can see the next Digimon Story game in my lifetime
Ghostmon evo line
Elizamon evo line soon.
Omekamon evo line
Bemmon evo line.
Do I miss something?
It's a fried egg with an egg shell on the yolk, not exactly a revolutionary design so sorry but rated C
>Ghostmon Evo line (Soon/3 weeks from now)
3 new digimons (Ghostmon is the only digimon with the Ghost and Data combination, all the other Ghost are Virus)
>Elizamon Evo line (4 Months of waiting)
Elizamon>Dimetromon>"Little Victorian Girl">"Femme Fatale Gorgon"
>Omekamon Evo line
Never, Omekamon does not fight or evolve
>BEMmon Evo line
BEMmon>Snatchmon>New unknown Digimon>Ragnamon

You just forgot the Aviatrix of the Webnovel of which we only have the design and therefore the partner at her Ultimate level risks having the design based on the god Ra.
Wasn´t the pidgeon one?
Koji Wada memorial concert next weekend
Monthly Liberator webcomic
Digimon comics issue on february
Digimon con on march.
Final Digimon comics issue on may.
Do I miss something?
This is just the form of Starmons in the Xros Wars manga
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The godzilla crossover V-Pet
*Biweekly Liberator webcomic
Quarterly Liberator webnovel
The emblem have more sense with right angle
An old hag with a beard. Or the Baba Yaga.
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This shit is more convoluted than Elden Ring lore.
>Skeleton with flame hair
Lichmonbros, we won
Shit taste
Tbf they could give MetalPhantomon the Ghost type, and it’s a Data mon
Problem, it's mainly a Metal Empire Digimon and its body is mostly cybernetic so the idea of the Ghost is a bit dead... Plus going from a living flame to a cyborg to become "organic" again on the last level, it's quite contradictory I think.
It’s been Nightmare Soldiers just as much, and it’s literally a mechanized ghost since it used to be a Phantomon.
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he's in
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I feel like I'd probably have higher results to the Chinese-region guys if I was playing NC.
It is the one baby that actually uses the "Digimon start as eggs" in the design.
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What is your guys preferred Evo line for Mugendramon? For me it's MetalGreymon Virus because of its lore stating that it mechanized its body by itself rather than evolving naturally like MetalGreymon Vaccine.
something about metaltyrannomon seems to fit mugendramon really well, but honestly I could see either metalgreymon or metaltyrannomon as being the pre-evo. Both fit really well.

To me it feels like either of them would go on a rampage killing the other cyborgs and absorbing their data, but I can't see that happen with the others just because of the body shape not being the same. I know they're data so it doesn't matter, but that's my autism
>Andromon's knee

Why the fuck would they only take one (1) knee plate from andromon, would it even matter if he wasn't there?
>Violet also plays Gotsumon X for some reason
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I default to Metal Tyranomon. Gigadramon is also cool, but lacking the distinctive mechanical wings hurts that a bit.
It looks cool.
That puddle? My semen.
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It's the end of the year and time for the big list update. Despite waiting till the last days of the year, I still have to go back later and properly position the Monster Hunter mons.
The full image with 2024:
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Somehow I want there to be a new reveal on December 31 when it is January 1 in Japan so it is ambiguous which year it goes under. Seems unlikely.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
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I love the Shoeshoemon line.
>Liking furfag garbage
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Goofy shoe creature...
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Very silly.
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i want to rape a squirrel and fill her up with my nuts
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At least take her out to dinner first anon geez.
i really love how every new digimon is a mega or an ultimate and we just don't get champions anymore
Adults and Perfects are pretty 1:1 this year though
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We need more options in the higher stages
Tons of variety for child and adult levels don't mean shit if they all evolve into the same stuff in the end anyway
Is she secretly into it?
that was sarcasm you retarded subhuman bitch. Lines should start with a ton of variation then narrow. It's fucking retarded that everybody and their fucking mom is always at the "apex of evolution"

You aren't a real Digimon fan, you're a shonenshitter power level fag
>It's fucking retarded that everybody and their fucking mom is always at the "apex of evolution"
You're acting as if that wasn't always the case
Go read Digitamamon's entry
shouldn't you be arguing about who super sayin ten million times kenichi budokai ultra sss black goku featuring dante from the devil may cry series can beat on mexican twitter
>No counter-argument
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Only retards will disagree
>waifumon hater
mental illness
You literally want less options because you think it makes ultimates less strong and special and cool
Sorry to say, but you're the power level fag in this situation
try that again without down's syndrome
Think about it, why does nobody like the anime babies that are clearly made to be for one specific line?
Cause just having a few vague thematic babies that turn into a ton of different child levels is enough
You can extend that to higher stages aswell
The one thing they need to do is introduce way more perfects, cause that's among the less populated evolution stages
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I think Nezhamon is the peak ideal of Digimon-ifying existing myths.
Turning his fire wheels into huge monster truck wheels with big exhaust pipes is pure Digimon.
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Avalon server and hafta do puzzles. I saw the third and I said I needed a rest.
Gonna take time to level up my perfects and to see if I get a mega.
Not enough digimon with wheels.
Megadramon is good because he has distinctive head+arm. Also he doesn't have other default ultimate IIRC like Andro->Hiandro, Metalgrey->Wargrey (virus also have BWG), Metaltyaranno->Rust etc. I am not sure if Metalmamemon has one but he looks too visually different anyway and there is probably something from numerous mamemon species that fit him better.
Also I like Survive's wrath line, just feel that Tuskmon lack anything cybernetic to complete the theme though.
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Black Impy feels kinda downgraded to generic mobs to be honest.
Dead until 2026.
Death announcement at the next con.
Death is being considered. Information soon.
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Violet's ghostmon
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and its baby forms
Finished the puzzle. Met Omnimon and discovered Yuugo was Yuuko. had some really funny boss battles.
I´m enjoying Cyber Sleuth so far!
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You want a wild ride?

>Sistermon Blanc
>Sistermon Ciel + Tyrannomon (Forced XROS)
>ExTyrannomon + Metalgreymon (V), Metalmamemon, Megadramon, MetalTyrannomon & Andromon (Forced XROS)

There's nothing natural about this line. You're cutting open an Tyrannomon like a fucking Tauntaun and using it as a big corpse chrysalis.

Then, you're murdering every single cyborg you can find so you can cannibalize their data.
Horrific? Absolutely? Immoral? Without a doubt.
Hilarious? I certainly think so.
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I personally use DarkTyrannmon to MetalTyrannomon to Mugendramon as my go to line for it. Though a Jogress of the various cyborgs or a dark evo for Metalgreymon isn't out of the question either.
The feet look the most similar with MetalTyrannomon
Metaltyrannomon and Megadramon are the best options. Former has the most similar shape overall while the latter has the same forehead. Metalgreymon works too, but for some reason its not really used for him in most media the way the other two are
I feel like forced Xros isnt even a thing in most settings. I also feel like you don’t even need that to get from Sistemon to Mugendramon desu, but thats just me
>Metalgreymon works too, but for some reason its not really used for him in most media the way the other two are
Too much association with WGM (even virus one was associated with BWGM). Also its "wolverine claw" was kinda less iconic for Mugendramon than the electrode/drill one from Megadramon.
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Well , seems that Ghostmon adult is just Bakemon
Maybe Phantomon will get a new evo then (or Bakemon gets both a new Level 5 and 6)
Vi also has a Candmon/Soulmon, so you could have both Phantomon and a new Level 5
>Started playing Cyber Sleuth
>First ever Digimon game
>See Nokia
What the FUCK kind of dress is she wearing?
Ghostmon already made a Tyranomon by changing Attribute (going from Data to Virus) then now Fantomon for whom: Soulmon or Bakemon?
Knowing that in any case for Soulmon, his Ultimate level will be an already existing digimon who will gain the rule "Also has [Ghost] Type.")
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hey, it's the dude who causes all the problems in cyber sleuth
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That's one happy Bakemon
Money Laundry enters final stage.
Which anime is gonna take their timeslot? All I know is that Digimon won´t.
>All I know is that Digimon won´t.
Then why bring it up in a Digimon thread?
Because people hated this series took Ghost Game timeslot.
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Do skeleton digimon have to be censored in China?
If not, what's the legal loophole?
I don't think a single person here gives a shit about the great mission
Some autists do for some reason.
When that series ends Bandai won´t have an anime to promote any Vital Bracelete.
Interesting product that should have remained inside Digimon franchise.
bandai hates digimon so when a product gets successful with digimon they scavenge it for a product they like better
so you're saying that digimon is the star fox of bandai? a series that only exists as a testbed for experimental gimmicks that gets sidelined the moment one of them takes off?
It isn't quite that bad.
blackagumon -> darktyranomon -> skullgreymon -> machinedramon
>skeleton -> machine
Never understood that logic
>oh shit I lost all my big muscles
>I'll meet up with my good friend Andromon and get them replaced!

Wind spirits doing something weird in the electronics lab.
>that username
Probably should just do Greymon Blue
i wonder what kind of art they draw
>more popular in the West
>has a furry mascot
>keeps remaking/reusing the first entry in the series
Yeah, I guess Digimon is Star Fox.
Sonic is Star Fox like that. Needs more distinct aspects.
Digimon is just missing a couple of well received live-action movies to get on Sonic's level.
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