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>Decensor Guide

Bubu Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JIeqeLrpms
2.4 Event Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXq0Mqi0L_U
Catbox ver: https://files.catbox.moe/2288f1.mp4
Bubu (The Geomancer) Operative Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2kuFIaDylI

>Snowbreak 2.4 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
[Dec 19 - Jan 23] Expedited access to Story Chapter 14 Pt. 1 “Maze of Darkness”
[Dec 19 - Jan 16] Supreme Battleground
[Dec 23 - Jan 06] Endless Battle
[Dec 26 - Jan 09] Seven-Day Carnival
[Dec 30 - Jan 13] Shadowy Peaks
[Dec 31 - Jan 14] Heartfelt Messages
[Jan 06 - Jan 20] Containment Protocol
[Jan 09 - Jan 23] Hero Games

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Dec 19 - Jan 23] Bubu -The Geomancer | Gilded Blaze
[Dec 19 - Jan 09] Eatchel - The Cub | Blitzing Fangs
[Jan 02 - Jan 23] Katya - Dawnwing | Aurora Sands

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form

Previous: >>506936409
Fenny Cat!
Fenny Game!
Quarterfinals next season. I'm calling it nyow.
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/snowg/ lost...
Fenny kot
Fenny game
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We'll get them next time.
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Total fake kot ded.
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Why do they keep putting the womanlet as the keeper when old man Joe isn't as sleepy anymore
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We still need to promote one of our autists to manager
He's literally retired bro. Joe isn't feeling it anymore.
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>Put Frit in goal
>Don't put her in Turbo

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what the fuck, nya
Harubro was asking last time if anyone wanted to take the mantle so he could focus on aesthetics but no one stepped up
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punishing acacia
Be cute and sexy!
Fenny ROCKS!
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cute baby rock
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Should have put her in one of these for maximal power.
"Come with me, if you want to live!"
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It was totally her fault
Fenny sucks
hag correction is back on the menu
Is the deleted portion from the trailer translated yet? The scene with cherno, bubu and eatchel?
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Do bad things.
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Her head is TINY. Tiny brains, if you will
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As for other grass diving stuff. Unfortunately wasn't able to get the stadium done in time. If you want a short breakdown on why its because we moved from pes19, a 64bit fox engine game to shitty as 32bit pes17 which caused a lot of problems. The black void you kept seeing on final pestination was because of the low rendering distance in this older pes. Also pes17 has serious texture limitations and using large textures is just asking for it crash. And baking textures from snowbreak maps has to be done carefully. But I should get this done in the offseason. Next vgl won't be until summer but I'll do an update to our banners then. I hope you got to see yours displayed: https://rentry.org/snowgbanners
The offer is still valid. If anyone wants to attempt caretaking or managing snowg just let me know. Just be warned pes is extremely random for every winning manager you can find many more that never even make knockouts or get sent to qualifiers after doing well previously. But if you're up for the grind and pain the journey might be worth it for you if you want to try managing. I'll be here to help with aesthetics either way. I had to help a lot of other teams this vgl
good luck going further hors, I'll be rooting for you
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I try
Kill Edda. Behead Edda. Roundhouse kick a Edda into the concrete. Slam dunk a Edda baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Edda. Defecate in a Edda food. Launch Edda into the sun. Stir fry Edda in a wok. Toss Edda into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Edda gas tank. Judo throw Edda into a wood chipper. Twist Edda heads off. Report Edda to the IRS. Karate chop Edda in half. Curb stomp pregnant Edda. Trap Edda in quicksand. Crush Edda in the trash compactor. Liquefy Edda in a vat of acid. Eat Edda. Dissect Edda. Exterminate Edda in the gas chamber. Stomp Edda skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Edda in the oven. Lobotomize Edda. Mandatory abortions for Edda. Grind Edda fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Edda in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Edda with a ray gun. Kick old Edda down the stairs. Feed Edda to alligators. Slice Edda with a katana.
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She still doesn't have a CNVA. The dream is dead.
Nyo, fuck fenny, even Edda is less boring
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Drill hair is so 2010s. Get with the times old man.
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Old man game
>4 51+
yeah right
totally believable, nobody would lie on an internet poll
Fenny’s ojou drills were KINO. She needs them in her next exosuit. She reminded me of Mami
this can't be real
Doing bad things to Edda!
>100 votes
There's like 10 of us here at any given time
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I don't care about drills, I just want more Fenny
Make that 11 now! >:3
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Drills fit her the most, bwo, I just want the wife to be at her peak and drills are her best and most characteristic look yet. Imagine drills + wedding dress
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Maybe when 2.8 rolls around, anon.
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I love that Snowbreak is an Oji-san game. This game has soul, so it natural attracts people who grew up in the golden age.
I don't think it necessarily just reflects /snowg/ but 4chan as a whole. We're an internet relict that's been decaying for more than decade now. There's no new blood coming in to revitalize the site to what it once was.
>There's no new blood coming in
Dunno if this is a good or bad thing
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Could have fooled me the few times I've stumbled into /v/ or some /vg/'s like /zzz/ recently after the melty.

Even the people I talk to in channel 1 in snowbreak's in game chat, many are oji-san's.
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>Imagine drills + wedding dress
We were robbed

I'm still operating under the theory the reason Fenny is so popular with new players but then they eventually migrate to other characters is because they come for the drills but don't stay for the Coronet/Starshine vibe. 4 still peak Fenny.
Neither good nor bad. Just the changing of the times and the internet as a whole.
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It's good. I'd rather have a stable community with less traffic and tourists and a board culture that actually develops. Comparing that to something like Reddit or certain other communities and i wouldn't swap Oji-4chan for anything
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I'd say it's good that 4chan is mostly oji-san's, it's why I'm still here.

It's like that super depressing picture of "WHO WAS ON THE INTERNET BETWEEN 200X and 2024", where at first it's all the good countries and then suddenly it's massively stacked for SAAR's and company.

4chan still at least is mostly the same. We haven't overwhelmingly become the international decay dumping ground or changed to become super sponsor friendly.
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if i remember correctly, one of our 51+ anons is a gravekeeper or something.
I hope he's doing well.
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Alright snoggers, let's run another check, see if the demographics have changed over these last few months. Remember honesty is a virtue.

What >>507064681 says is true. Kids nowadays don't give a shit about imageboards or altchans, it's all in pisscord now, 4chan is still popular just because its reputation in the 2000s and mid 2010s precedes it, it's the most mainstream form of imageboards and it reflects in the way faster boards and generals behave.
>4chan still at least is mostly the same
It's not. Simply poke your head out of this thread and it's full of DO NOT REDEEMs. It's specifically this thread that is older, not the site as a whole.
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>Tau isn't smiling
I failed to make my boss happy
It's cus we still haven't put a ring on it. Can't keep a lady waiting for this long.
That's incredibly silly. The reason she was popular was because she was the most openly affectionate towards the player amongst the girls before the game went full ML. After they settled into the new direction, there's less reason for people to be oriented towards her since all the girls openly want you. In fact, I'd say that she's probably much more popular amongst older players than new ones.
>still haven't realized the average age of the site is 28+
One day, bro. One day...
he should make a bedroom variant
Always knew Fritiafags were old men in their thirties, this explains so much
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> Simply poke your head out of this thread

I will not. I will stay in Oji-san general and continue to shill for Katya in cozy peace. I can barely stand /v/ these days, not because of opinions, just average post quality. Gone are the days of sweaty obsessive autists full of sovl debating about minute points and hello days of dismissive handwaving/everyone is kinda apathetic and you wonder if they even like video games or just the gambling aspects.
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>We haven't overwhelmingly become the international decay dumping ground
Have you lurked /pol/? /v/? /int/? Even hobby boards like /ic/. We are a dumping ground and it's not as simple as "Oh, it's the thirdies doing it", EVERYONE who doesn't belong sticks around and a lot of those who do "belong" are schizos who haunt threads like a lost soul. Normalfags posting tiktok rips, using xitter screencaps to start threads, the reddit refugees who only come here to say "nigger" but retain all their faulty logic and shit taste, all the retards incapable of not replying to bait, it's been this awful for almost a decade now and it only gets worse, I actually envy you having no idea about how bad things really are. Inb4 "It was never good"
can someone redpill me on 4kot? apparently she's busted with bubu?
I believe a lot of oldfags stick to their comfy generals and don't lurk in new threads.
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>sdk initialization failed
Spoken like a true newfag. 4chan was always a cesspit filled with degenerates shouting racial slurs, complete nonsense memes, posting camwhores, and using pictures from other sites. The site hasn't changed at all and it has always been shit from the day it plopped out of m00t's anus
Called it
Successfully initialized Lyfe's pussy with my cum
She creates an enemy copy with her skill that transfers damage. The thing is that clone is not supposed to be affected by shots but it was still triggering via Bubu's ricochets so you could double dip damage.
It got patched out though.
>2. Fixed an issue where Bubu - The Geomancer's bounce effect might incorrectly hit Mauxir - Meow's Ego Avatar and transfer Ballistic DMG.
Make that 10 again, I'm leaving.
is 4kot good in normal situations? I want to max her out since she's kot but idk if she even works with any modern carries
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/pol/ is less fun because it's more moderated
/int/ is full of retards but I think that was always the case
/v/ has suffered terrible damage but some threads are good RARELY. I think that's also just a reflection of the industry too, the industry sucks so what more is there to talk about aside from how much it sucks.

You know with most things, what I personally think ruined all of these great things is livestreaming/youtube. I think everything went wrong when floating heads started pushing their opinions to large online audiences...

I remember when I played League of Legends like 10+ years ago still in season 1-3, there was such a change between season 1 which was super fun and say season 3 where the pro-influencer had already really taken over and you could not have an opinion contrary to the "pro". It just killed all creativity and inspiration. You had to follow the meta or be punished for it.

This also goes for how we talk about games, the news or anything. People tune in, listen to some opinions, recite it verbatim without understanding it slightly 90% of the time or in a very particular scenario and great, now this is everyone's opinion.

It's like mass brainwashing where everyone is fed the exact same information under the guise of it being correct but in reality it just leads to an unbelievable amount of sheep with no minds of their own. Bringing back the sweatlords in it for the love.
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The meta thing especially has got out of hand. It seems to either be that you play the best and handily ignore the rest of the options the game gives you. I think games like modern LoL and general rise in metagaming has done certain genres irreparable damage and it is also starting to affect game design as a whole. Woe be the world where people play what type of playstyle or character they like...
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>already four 36-40
Go old people, go!
NTA, but I remember when I was younger and you could play whatever the fuck you wanted in a MMORPG. You spent most of your time leveling and most people didn't care about your character. However, nowdays you must follow a meta build.
I am thankful that this game is easy enough, so people don't complain much about co-op
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this also leaked into the whole offline competitive singleplayer plague where everygame has to have this competitive roguelike 50% winrate feel to it and nothing is allowed to be broken or fun even though it's a fucking singleplayer game. Singleplayer roguelikes could be good but zoomers livestreaming need to attention whore how "skilled" they are at a children's card game which leads devs to think that's what the average goy wants "in the name of balance" It's literally nerf or nothing.

Also, normies and zoomers just take shit way too fucking seriously and not in a good way like autists do. They are egotistical, insecure, and envious in there seriousness but autists are sincere and actually care about whatever it is they hyperfixate on whereas normies only care because of self image brand thing.
I'm not deep into the NS autism game, but she's just a worse version of her 5* for skill damage and we're not exactly lacking in skill damage support options.
She should be fine enough to use if you want, it's not like she's a complete brick like 4Haru.
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why do so many snoggers play zzz? is it that good
they dont, global chat in any game is just zoomer gacha addicts. I've had world chat disabled since the cherno update
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mmmh... nyo.
It’s just something to do in between dailies. Snobble and zigger are both really fast with dailies, like 30 minutes with both
I play nikke too but I’m about to drop it because the dailies are too tedious, and I stopped reading the story a while ago.
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everyone is playing that game now
zzz has hit the spending cap on how much qimai.cn can track 3 days in a row since their new update
for comparison their launch hit the spending cap for 5 days
What's even faster is not playing multiple gachas and slaving away your life for no reason. That shit is retarded and any of my friends that does this is like talking to a zombie
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Why is she taking a shower with her clothes on?
stop noticing anon
I regret not getting Turbo...
In my opinion? It is fun.
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When it leaked into single player games is where we all truly got lost. Even in Snowbreak I'm shocked how many people care about how "meta" a new character is but never do anything meta relevant like NS. It's just so sad what the world has become.
Why is everyone being so mean to Edda...
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Bubu's influence on other girls is increasing...
and it's a good thing
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They can't afford washing machines.
Global is western players and anyone posting anything other than sticker spam is a shitter
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A lot of people play a lot of games but not me, I usually zone out when the gacha talk starts. I'm one of the chatters in the pic but I was shocked when there were three of us yesterday cheering for the /snowg/ team during DiveGrass. It was great.
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rolling for bubu, she's best girl.
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I blame mmo for making me a metafag, my min-maxing habit started from there.
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>anyone posting anything other than sticker spam is a shitter
Truer words have never been spoken
Not me, it obviously looks trash + we all know how Mihomo is. They can't even be homo the correct way.
complete and utter sex
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I love you Tess, but please... that's 5 random events in 11 days... let me hang out with the other girls...
How does the new talent revision ticket work? It just gives you the random stat out of the whole pool? If so, the 10 you get seems kinda low for any decent chances of getting something useful.
>we all know how Mihomo is
I hate them but ZZZ is not bad...
Well, do whatever you want, I'm not here to change your mind
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Other girls?
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What do you mean by... other girls?
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Can't imagine anyone being tempted to start after seeing them already start to sneakily self-censor and then give you the "lesser" censor. Classic Mihomo.
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your teammates...?
Homoverse player here, I mostly play it because it has a dope style and I like turn your brain off hack and slash type games, and that part shines even more now that they've properly ditched the awful tv mode
I mostly skip the story bits, couldn't care less about those, some of the personal interactions between (you) and your waifu of choice can be cute though (nothing on the level of Snobble obviously but i find them entertaining enough)
Also Qingyi is hot

Bubu please, you are attractive enough already...You don't need to spice it up yet...
no zzz is a terrible game made for retarded people. Also they started power creeping like crazy now. Having dropped HSR recently I already know where this is going.
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Even if for argument's sake ZZZ was decent as an action game (and it's just not) there's a lot of excellent action games you could be playing instead that are even better anyway. And yeah while I myself would tolerate worse games if they feature cute girl playable characters, ZZZ is censored to hell and back, doesn't have that great a character design and still shoves furries and men into your face constantly while trying to steal your money. It's just not worth it, go play DMC
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man you guys can't stop yourself from derailing the thread every time. Just play real games
Eatchel is so smart
I lov her
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What position should Bubu play on the team?
Even though Caroline is a robot, she still needs sex, right?
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The fish has potential.
as much as I hate gachas, feels like they're the last pieces of untainted gaming left in a landscape that's increasingly becoming anti-anything lewd (most recently with Nintendo now, it truly never ends)
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it will give you carpal tunnel
don't play it
the ball

Word. Do you think when I was 30 I wanted to be playing Chinese games? Do you really think that's what I wanted?

This is simply my last resort for playing a game made for a guy. I was happy with things that Japan and the west were putting out till like 2010.
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Nope, just, ehem, cleaninig
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but that's his job
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There is some concentrated effort to kill ecchi games on consoles/pc, so people are turning to gacha for it.
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What's the best logistics set and substats for cherno 4*?
Is the deleted portion from the trailer translated yet? The scene with cherno, bubu and eatchel?
Look at her go.
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pol has been garbage for as long as I can remember. I've tried to use it to get a pulse on the world from time to time but I'm never satisfied and it's also full of hate that is not helpful. I'd rather use wikipedia (despite the bias) or YouTube analysis channels. for example, it was practically impossible to find out why exactly the Korean PM declared martial law, I just ran into the same bad man is bad bullshit. yeah but why did he do it
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Hmm, maybe I should turn Eatchel into a idol...
I've given up trying to reason with newbs that they don't need to care about meta. just let them care about it if that's why they're playing the game
A lot of guys pretending to be old (they're 30 at best) who haven't even touched older games or let alone good smaller titles that the 11s are still pumping out at a good clip. But this is a general, so it's basically a casual chat with a theme.
it's also me shit posting and rialing people up after I finish my dailies
for support: alloy truth/frigatebird weapon, navigator or twilight set with hp%(atk% if using frigatebird) and ai
for dps: 100 battle veteran/arctic fox weapon, amano set with atk% and hp%
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It's fine if things are broken and fun, but the variety of broken and fun needs to remain at a functional level and atleast nudged along in a way that your game cannot be trivialized or dominated solely by a single option, that is how you get games like the vast majority of modern ARPG:s which want to give you an illusion of choice and then hilariously devolve into one option completely busting over all others. PoE 2 is the current example, solely because it's heralded as the king of customization yet most of the early access has been people drooling over Lighting Ranger and discarding all other options for being "too weak", instead of looking at it from the angle that Lighting Ranger rules the show because it's overtuned. That's how balance should usually work. You need to bat the outliers, then buff the weak options. You can't balance around the top end (because it's almost 100% guaranteed to be completely bricking the rest of the game difficulty), because you'll run into something as hilarious as Fenrir in ToF, which accidentally shipped onto the Global servers with chinese numbers which prompted each and every subsequent character to almost triple in strength which left practically like 70% of the roster to collect dust, because they all were just so far numerically behind.
ask seasun next time in the survey
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I can't tell you how baffled I was when I used to play FFXIV and some of my casual friends who didn't raid, would always at reset do the dailies to get raiding gear and then never raid.

It was always at reset, they would diligently get all this gear and then, not use it, really in any capacity other than making their daily experience a little better. It was like, at what point is a human, a human?

I think even a robot would display better self-reflection.
for some reason devs never buff weak unusable stuff but love to insta nerf anything that slightly overperforms. same with warframe although there's now so much damage amp in that game that devs finally gave up on their stubborn vision of everything being weak and realized that's not what brings in the money in a power fantasy game.
Devs just have way too much fucking ego these days and theres practically no barrier to entry or any quality assurance standards in the game industry.
How do we allow creators to make erotic animations of Snowbreak again? I need Bubu animations so badly.
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>Not a single 18-19 on the poal

idk about that, but this isn't world of warcraft or whatever gay shit you played. I'm not doing neural over and over again for 4 or 10 extra points
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Why does the Frit chapter use the old base bgm so many times?
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Is there any way to get like, a full proper look at the outfit Eatchel wears during her ult, it's on screen for like 2 seconds and then it's gone
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The undefeated ass...

I highly doubt any teenagers even know what 4chan is let alone /snowg/.
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why does my sdk initialization keep failing on steam?
I like Caroline
Tau version when?
Yo this looks so hot
Devs give us direct access to this outfit I need it
>I highly doubt any teenagers even know what 4chan is
You should check how many views those shitty text to speech greentext channels about femanons get
>let alone /snowg/
Some fags from the official discord come around sometimes. Remember Francis?
No one known anon, It isn't common problem. In fact It the first time i ever heard of it. you can try verify game integrity. if that doesn't work you will have to contact support or download standalone cloent instead.
Can I transfer the files from the steam client to the standalone client or do I have to redownload everything?
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Tau when
You will have to redownload everything.
Also anon try restart you computer atlest once see if it fix before doing anything else
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Vidya sex
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>6 patches since release
>still undefeated
can we just get nude Katya already I need to see her beautiful bare cheeks
I-I can explain..
We got a whole Katya shower scene ad for this
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Tau in dorm soon...
wtf boss Katya is kicking my ass i didn't know id actually have to try
Didn't an anon here make a mod for permanent Ult form? the entire thing is modeled and functions Seaslug just never gave use the option to keep it,.
Did I miss anything good or important bubu lore wise in the rewrite last patch? I completely forgot to read it.
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I beat her but unironically the first fight I can think of that actually managed to chew through my Siris with Eatchel heal. I wish there were more boss fights like this in this game.
Supports for Le Bubu? thanks
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Wyfe carried my ass. She just jumped around the place while beating Katya
No need
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I forgot to do my Gigalink this week but I love walking with newcuties. I made sure to teach them Enya heart/Fenny good spam etiquette and always let them keep perfectly on pace but still walked away with 85% as Bubu several times, but one of them was excited when they managed to get 18% of the damage and improved.

Even after a Wyfe showed up and started pushing the pace I still got 66% of the damage which is impressive cause my logis have no ATK/Crit and M0 while she was in full bride garb with weapons.
didn't ask
Don’t care if you didn’t ask
Didn’t ask if you don’t care
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I did
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I only care about Bubus ass on my face and her mouth and tits around my member
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1 month till marriage
Chen is going to be snubbed of marriage like always
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big marriage
big buns
big bumps
how did the glowie win?
Is Enya still alive?
who will she assassinate next?
>who will she assassinate next?
obviously Bubu. She will be eclipsed by her cn new year patch and consequently forgotten. Just like the glasses girl, whose name I don't even remember anymore.
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>Just like the glasses girl
Ah, you're talking about me~!
Vidya made out with adjutant and chen got nothing this patch lmao
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Hello Lyfe
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i just found out we lost the game to horsefuckers

its so over......

but reaching the quarter finals is no easy feat. Look at the current state of /akg/
She is going to try to assassinate Eatchel to claim her ass, but fail as Eatchel's ass is perfection.
I'm going to change my icon to this right now
Get fucked Lyfe I never liked your boring ass
yakuza boss rigged the match
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The entire team was subjected to eating Cherno's cooking, that's why some of them were kicking and having the ball roll past them.
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Bubu game
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>Goldfish remembered
aint cherno just naked?
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>Character growth all for the sake of bullying
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>Mauxir hissing at people.
white kot
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Adjutant trained her to get naked for the sake of getting over shyness. It's working.
>her l2d has small boob size
>her 3d model has big boob size
someone is lying to me
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can't wait for Bubu bullying
is that sakuya?
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I love Chen so much, hopefully that's true.
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Adjutant, whose Sakuya? A-Anyone I know? Should I be worried?
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don't worry about it
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O-Okay...don't mind me...but don't forget me either...
Snoggers have gone to sleep.

I now claim this board for Esther worship.
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I was napping and just woke up.
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Hotter than your wife.
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very nice
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It's too late, I've claimed the 2.5 operator spot.
I wonder how they're going to handle new characters occupying this room. It's going to be very packed when floors 4 and 5 get filled.
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A very even distribution of love Anon, so good to all your girls.
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Just add a swimming pool area to the healing center.
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Swimming pool, hot tube, and sauna area
There's a lot of things I want them to add to the dorm. I hope they make the entire lore accurate base available at a future update. I want Tau's room, the mission briefing room, medical bay, (Your) room, cafeteria, rooftop, etc.
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The hell is a hot tube...
>not a single 50
Don't you love your wives?
they'll just add a limit just like the oval hall
lmao snowflop lost again
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I just woke up from a nap ok.
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I'm just pulling your leg, it's funny I can only imagine being in a sauna with Haru, sitting perfectly still.

A sauna would only be good if there was like only a girls only operator and you would have the ability to peek on them while they all talk to each other, other staff girls would come there too and you could peep on NPC's too.
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I just removed 7 people from my FL for inactivity. EOS soon. I remove list after 14 days of inactivity
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Once again it turns past midnight and the SEAbot comes out with extremely half-hearted shitposting.

Also I have 150 on my friends list and only like 2-3 of them haven't played in 2-3 days.
thanks, bro
I'll start getting there soon
I really wanted to get the profile avatars first
If I recall properly, I remember the devs discussing future addtions to the dorm during the anni livestream and a sauna, pool, and bar were all at the top of the things they eventually want to add.
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>A bar

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It would be nice if we could sometimes see the girls talking to each other, basically just an animation.
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Her chest is her weakpoint Anon. Not her head
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Thanks bro.
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Wants to be the only girl. Just helped the harem grow even larger.
bugmen will feel cucked. We can't have that
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Bwo put me back I was just on temporary break, away from the gacha brain rot...
really just some simple animations of the operatives walking around the base would be nice. Currently the only thing moving around aside from the Adjutant are the vacuum cleaners. Seasun just got back on track this patch so hopefully we will see some more innovations in the coming patches
Uhh, which room is this? I don't remember seeing that backdrop before
devs have been discussing a lot of things they consider adding in general to the point that it's very clear they're in over their head, hope they'll manage their forces well cuz it feels like some of their new additions underdeliver from time to time (like when can I finally do some Frito massages devs I'm begging you)
Ahhh, much better.
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No more cum for Katya
Who is this?
Katya my wife please stop drinking
Gotta give your cum to someone bwo
The Yggdrasil pest exterminator, no more flies or cockroaches in the office!
Bubu gets it all now
She used geomancy (REAL)(NOT A SCAM) to divine that adjutant will only be giving her his seed from now on.
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Enya's fat sweaty ass on my FACE
The 2# floor
this, but inside the Enyaball
best kot
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ACACIA LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Bubu is a beauty
So how good is Bubu? Might just roll for the fun factor. The gunslinger type is kinda fun.
She's strong, not tip top tier but she's pretty dang good
hey snoggers, just got a new gpu and a 1440p monitor, does anyone have an engine.ini for high end graphics.
Just use the config menu bro
Just remember to turn on the v-sync and set the FPS limit to 200, the in-game FPS limiter is bugged
you can try this too
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appreciate it will try these
What's a good team for Bubu? I saw people saying something about Mauxir but I thought she was for chaos?
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Looks like while I was on vacation someone forgot about it, so without more delays
Made it in a couple times
Reddit was dooming harder than we were it seems
Let it happen Seaslug. TOPPEST OF DOLLARS FOR HER
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My dooming made it
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What ya observing Chen?
I would like if the archives section had the live2d images with all emotes in there.
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Bros, I don't even play real video games any more. I just boot up snowbreak and do my dailies and run around the base looking at the girls, and read LNs the rest of the time.
Maybe now would be a good time to get back into VNs, any recent releases you know of that you'd recommend?
You all lied to me, Eatchels not a kot, she's a wolf pup
She's a snow leopard bwo
Utawarerumono series
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She's only pretending to be a wolf so she can be closer to her dadjutant.
Utas good but I’ve played through the whole series 3 times already. Wish there were more vns out there like it but the MCs were very different from what you usually get, hakuoro being a fish out of water competent daddy type and haku being the foolish but reliable in a pinch uncle type.
Bros hows Bubu bubus?
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Very nice
Bubu would've won against /uma/
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Should have dropped katya for bubu
No more blue women
there's an upcoming new Uta game in 2025, but I wonder how they're gonna twist things again since everything seems wrapped up already.
The actor for haku (I think) died so it would have to be his descendant or another unrelated human from the past
I hadn’t realized there was a new one in the works so that’s something to look forward to. I didn’t like Monochrome mobius very much so I hope they go back to it’s strategy game VN roots
Snoggers are in repose
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Don't be like Tau bros, you need to LIVE
I want to spank Bubu
I want to watch Christmas movies while cuddling with Vidya...
I bought the Eatchel outfit its just too cute and fuckable
I hope Bubu gets a good shop outfit eventually
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Bubu chews and swallows
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>Ny nostalgic fenny post made it in
Nice. Always wanted boss ymir to be part of regular Neural. It's ben a while since I replayed the story, makes me wonder what other bosses have been vaulted.
Also lol (pic related)
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I hate the early aesthetics and think that the whole thing should be redone, but one area where I have to give the point to the early designs is the weapons themselves. This is a nice simple sci-fi shotgun that looks like it was made by someone who likes weapons. Most five star weapons look like they belong at the third-to-last tier in an old JRPG.

Also, man, Bubu is hot. She might even by my favorite.
why does the event have to launch with all the content locked
Honestly I'll always hold a soft spot for the old default combat suits characters used to get, love tactical gear that's both cool and not afraid to show some color
Current day default outfit like Bubu doesn't quite scratch that itch anymore for me (which is fine, I know what they're going for these days)
The event is short a week so all the events were delayed a week in exchange.

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