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Sexy Santa Forsburn Edition

Welcome to The Official Rivals of Aether General. Here we discuss ALL things in the Rivals of Aether franchise!

>Latest Video (Hockey Loxodont | December Mid-Month Bundle Trailer)

>December 3rd Balance Patch: https://aetherstudios.com/news/patch-1-0-3-notes/
>December 17th Mini Patch: https://steamcommunity.com/games/2217000/announcements/detail/708851015406847311?snr=2___

>Rivals of Aether official sites and Twitter:

>Where to get the games:
>Rivals of Aether
>Rivals of Aether 2
>Lovers of Aether (Free Game)

>Feedback forms:

>Rivals of Aether 2 resources:
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Etalus waiting room
Buffered inputs
>Never know when moves end
>Never know when the buffer begins
>Moves come out delayed by several frames
>Mash every input to guarantee it comes out on the first possible frame
>Sometimes buffer eats your input anyway
>unintuitive blending of inputs together

Unbuffered inputs
>Always know when moves end
>Always know when actionable state begins
>Moves come out as soon as the frame is rendered
>Never mash inputs, only skill and precision is required
>If you input before actionable, you always know exactly how and why your input was incorrect
>Each input is independent and flows freely into the next
>have a sticky dpad
>it randomly starts sticking while I'm fighting a zetter in unranked
>look like the biggest asshole mashing taunt after wailing on him over and over
>immediately leaves after
Fuck I hope I didn't ruin his night...
I went into steam settings and disabled the fucker so it won't even read that stupid shit again.
so they way di works in this game is no drift di during combos/hitstun, just initial asdi/ssdi, correct?
I'm not playing this game until they release him
>ibdw was paid a 50k salary from a meme esport org
why are they paying smashies this much? no wonder esports always crumble.
thats called roa1 netplay
Clock a better time than this.
Go ahead, I dare you.
L-cancelling is needed to save the game.
>unforced error less than a second into the run
Yep, that's our resident brazilian clairen schizo.
I'm shocked he's even in Bronze, honestly.
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Clairen is easily the hardest charcter in the game. She has to work for everything thing she gets.
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I've been working on my Fleet, what do you guys think?
Wrastor is the biggest nigger in the game.
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my wife maypul tying me up and tickling my feet
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Etalus is sick
kragg is so fun
It's so fucking laughable that frogniggers actually are so bad at the game they struggle vs clairen. Sheik mains would get laughed out of rooms if they complained about marth, but the retarded hivemind in this community says it's ok to complain about it. Little sister, you're faster than clairen, your throw game is comical, your needles are insane, your combo game on clairen is broken. Also you have 15 different massive stages you can run to when you run into Clairen.
Everyone else gets to throw their projectile or spam their gimmick for free, Clairen has nothing to deal with them and she gets nothing off her gimmick. Plus Clairen is really hard to use. She's basically a pubstomper or a noobslayer.
Let's see you do better then
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My Kragg matchup tier list
why zetterburn as +1?
Because Kragg can just pillar his recovery, no edgeguard required.
Even after the nerfs, Orcane has a great MU vs Kragg.
Kragg should be lower, he has a horrible matchup against Kragg
My thing is orcane is how seriously easy it is for me to edgegard them. My rock, fair, and fsmash are so strong I feel like 50% of the time I get an orcane past ledge it's a kill
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Every. Single. Goddamn. One.
bro's getting mad at a flag
Fleet main detected. Don't forget to dilate.
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Kek, Ikr. Pic unrelated.
>fights one (1) war

weird response
Typical nazi meleechud
sure, as soon as those absolute retards let us play target test from the main menu
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Why, can't beat Arcade mode? Awwwwww poor baby
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>another kragg skin
at least there's not another Ranno skin too
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getting smothered by fleet feet
What about the Fleet skins?
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>just finished playing 37 fucking games against some guy in casual
this is why i play casual, that was a ton of fun. you have sift through a few sweaty animals who treat it like ranked, but when you get someone who's roughly your skill level who's willing to stick around and play for fun, it's fucking great.
>No feathers
They're not dinosaurs.
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>that happened
lol sure
I just had a ranno couch council BOTH hits of Forsburn's fsmash, at 110. The cape feels bad, but the second knife stab was also crotch consoled, and I saved the replay because I refused to believe it. I just think conch pencil is too strong for too long; you shouldn't be able to brunch pretzel anything after 100, if not earlier, but that's just me.
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He was pretty good
Looks like everyone's (or at least more characters) are getting a "primal" skin. I like these skins that remind me of Neopets, rather than shit like
>astronaut Forsburn
>lawyer Kragg
>programmer socks Fleet
Nah, you're just dogshit.
Most of this makes sense, yeah.

I'm mostly a Ranno player and I have a Kragg secondary purely to deal with Clairen. Holy shit, what a miserable MU. Just two retards who can't go in waiting for the other retard to go in so they auto-lose. I've run into people who counterpick Clairen and a big, flat stage after game 1 and I seriously consider just throwing the game to save the caloric energy of playing it out.
It's so fucking laughable that frogniggers actually are so bad at the game they struggle vs clairen. Sheik mains would get laughed out of rooms if they complained about marth, but the retarded hivemind in this community says it's ok to complain about it. Little sister, you're faster than clairen, your throw game is comical, your needles are insane, your combo game on clairen is broken. Also you have 15 different massive stages you can run to when you run into Clairen.
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Dupetroon, You obese fuck! Back to control c'ing my posts I see!
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hate when artists make the feet so glossy they look like plastic.
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Since when is Dan Fornace a plushophile?
>Amaterasu plushie
>OMG Absa cookie! She's in guys it's happening!
You're retarded and pathetic.
i'm curious whether they covered flights and registration fees for tournaments. if not, 50k is shit. if so, it's not too bad considering he also streams as a job. even though i don't really like cody as a competitor, i hope he finds a stable sponsor.
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Guys... you don't think...?
No, it couldn't possibly be... unless...
Wait... it's really happening guys! I can feel it, YES!
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someone host
i'm tired
this game pisses me off more than league of legends ever did
this but then i just go again
true bread and butter combos in this game be like
>nair nair nair nair nair
>fair fair fair fair fair fair
Who has a nairplane other than Orcane? The character most guilty of the shit you're talking about is probably fors and his a fair/ up air chains.
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90% of my opps are either salt factories who leave after 2 matches, bronze-tier shitters, or people who clearly eclipse me in skill by a fuck ton. But once you actually find someone your level who just wants to sit down and play its kino.
Would you sacrafice your leg to play Rivals 2?
50k isn't even that for a salary much but whew even that much is psychotic. I dont get esports orgs at all, at least for fighting games.
>switch won the last coinbox
>streams casual games vs Boiko and he literally can't take a game
Why are there so many good players who are lurking in the shadows and not entering things? Marlon has an excuse, but people like Boiko and Fullstream not entering is just weird. Perhaps they want to give noobs a chance to catch up? I got nothing.
who does boiko play
Clairen and he's probably the best Clairen in the community too. He was entering and winning a bunch of tournaments during the playtest era, pretty sure he even beat Marlon a few times.
is boiko "gligar" in this vod? i'm morbidly curious about what a good clairen looks like. i think she's simultaneously the coolest and absolute fucking lamest character in the game, and i want to see someone play her well.
i expected someone like ibdw to get a 28k salary at best. hes playing for a game that doesnt get much views anymore
>is boiko "gligar" in this vod?
>i think she's simultaneously the coolest and absolute fucking lamest character in the game
Clairen to me is actually one of the coolest characters in the game. Her skill ceiling is basically infinity. Don't let scrubby back throw into forward strong mashing Clairens fool you.
>>streams casual games vs Boiko and he literally can't take a game
i'm very much curious about the state of melee financially. i was watching footage from old tournaments yesterday and it honestly got me down. we've lost a lot of players, commentators, and TOs and tournaments. summit being dead still feels wrong to me, no matter how many scuffed invitationals try to replace it.
i don't know who looks at 2024 smash and decides to invest in it. melee or ultimate.

But yeah, exactly like this Bokio vs Switch stream Void occsionlly will stream with Fullstream on random select and basically never take a game. These hidden bosses are up to something.
maybe theyre waiting for marlon to get unbanned so theres actual competition therefore an incentive to play
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Those faggots on /v/ lied to me, 8bitdos are trash. I’m just gonna get an Xbox controller or something, Jesus Christ im so tired of input lag and drift on my controllers
>pick a random match in this switch / boiko vod
>some guy gets mindbroken because boiko's lox catches zetter fucking around at the ledge with the falling hitbox of down-b and converts it into a 7-hit string / kill
it's weird how many people don't seem to understand how much universal wall jump and every stage being yoshi's affects edgeguarding. obviously some characters have an easier time of it than others (especially ranno), but i feel like everyone should try and force scrambles at the wall.
I'm using a DS4 and am able to do insane shit I was never able to do on a gamecube controller. The left stick lets me babydash and perfect pivot on command and there are so many buttons for remaping. Only downside is I've found the usb port to the remote tends to degrade over time. I wish they still made wired controllers man.
works on my machine. Have't used a better controller.
>be leaving for a week
>only have shitty laptop that cant run rivals
>main pc back at apartment
>steam stream lets me play remotely
I fucking love technology. Rivals gaming continues.
going to make a /v/ thread complaining about the arbitrary execution this game has thanks for reading my post
You'd be lucky to get a dozen even if you lean in hard to human male on female anthro which is one of /v/'s biggest fetishes. But a sincere discussion about this niche ass game with no baiting? 5 replies max.
i wasnt expecting much anyways
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looks fun but i predict smashies in these threads will be even more obnoxious about it than they are now about rivals
It's going to suck ass. The hate will be justified
exactly how i mean, you've all already decided to dedicate your beings toward blindly hating it rather than simply waiting to play it before judging.
cue that retard who posts his platform fighter tierlist then admits he hasn't played half the games on it
I'm going to give it an honest go but we all know it's going to suck ass anyways so why bother being optimistic
>because it might be good
>it might be fun
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years of /v/ have poisoned your brain into being an insufferable dork at all times who feels compelled to ruin all discussion with "it sucks fucking ass fuck shit" at the first mention of something new
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99% of discussion about it on this site will be
because that's the only way people know how to engage with platform fighters that are competitive and fast but aren't trying to copy melee.
Hi combo devils dev
More dead than this game
>rivals 2
>arbitrary execution
mite b cool
however, i can't look at this game and not think of kung-fu chaos for the original xbox, and it produces a vague sense of disgust
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i think i will try learning how to play this disgusting rat thing tomorrow, now that my friends have dropped the game and i no longer need to worry about making anyone want to kill themselves with my character choice.

is she technical, or is she LARPing as technical but is actually brainless?
She has quite high skill ceiling. Once you learn her recovrey, tether finishers, reversing side specials to get opponent wrapped you will hit plat in no time.
/v/ doesn't even talk about smash gameplay. good luck.
I love Maypul so much.
meleeturd shitposters... our response? https://x.com/atWisely/status/1870652876143702182
I don't know what its called but I'm talking about the game making you babydash or wavedash in order to tilt out of a dash which is this games own L canceling
>no link to previous thread
>no thread #
>proper thread dies
you guys are really supporting this shit?
that guy really wanted to make the thread over you for some severely autistic reason. the thing is, the people dont really care and will click on any thread
you lost you fucking annoying faggot. No one likes you, no one wants you around, your thread died, you dont play the game. Fuck off already you fucking shitposting piece of garbage
I'm new to fighting games and I've put about 100 hours into Rivals 2. I'm not really having fun, and everyone keeps saying Melee is better. I have a friend who said he would mentor me as well. Should I just try Melee instead?
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no melee is dogshit, your friend is the devil and you shouldn't trust him
So I should trust a gay furry on 4chan instead?
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yes, because i want to throat forsburn's fat dick, that means i'm honest and my advice is genuine. I think you should try another character!
nah, later faggot.
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I understand, you were probably getting aroused by how erotic forsburn is, it happens
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Melee isn’t worth playing on the fact alone that all the people that play it are sweaty nerds that smell like back alley dying rats. I’ve been to major and minor tournaments and I can tell you that none of them are cool people irl. If you pick up the game, be better than them (which is hard because platform fighters aren’t even real fighting games)
At least with this game it’s new so maybe the culture can be saved.
>people that play it are sweaty nerds that smell like back alley dying rats
Sounds like rivalstrannies desu
Melee is great, it's simply one of the best games to exist, and frankly as someone new to the genre it prepares you for the absolute bullshit and jank you come across in the entire genre so it's not a terrible entry point. It is extremely difficult even to do basic actions, but in turn it might be the most satisfying game to get good at period. It takes a while but once you get it down you'll feel like the coolest fucker alive
Definitely worth trying, it's different than RoA2 in a lot of ways
He loves me! He really loves me!
>It is extremely difficult even to do basic actions
skill issue
I played a bunch of workshop characters last night and realized most of them are better than the base roster.
Why can't the RoA team design characters without over-centralizing gimmicks? None of them are fun.
looked alright but also a bit feature bloated
like the features all kind of looked like they were at odds with each other and had to have constant visual reminders for each
if they ever do a free trial or if its f2p i'll give it a shot
Melee is sick
i hate normalfags so much
stick to fortnite
>I’ve been to major and minor tournaments
>t. 0-2 shitter
I'll stick to your mom's porkhole like I usually do.
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fleet's juicy porkhole
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Roa brand loyalty is worse than smash ultimate and street fighter brand loyalty combined
I'm pretty sure it's just one autistic loser here. Most other regular folk have moved on to better games (mostly Melee).
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if you play melee you probably smell like shit
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God I love her so much.
If you play roa you're probably a tranny who smells like shit
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Rivalstrannies, everyone.
Ermmm why are you in that thread
God I wish I could stuff my dick in soft hot orcane butt
you can pinpoint the exact moment where the local schizo wakes up and begins bumping the thread for free
They instantly recognized Etalus in the plushophile thread, this is so amusing.
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They should change the name back to "Rivals 2" just to re-establish the fact that this game has zero identity.
An aimless mishmash of nonsensical mechanics. Sad!
thanks for the bump
broke: wrastor side b is just a falco laser
woke: wrastor side b is a peach turnip
I am not gay or furry, but man, does this image make me want to get on my knees, kiss his abs, feeling his strong and warm muscles flex under my lips and be scratched by the coarse hair that gets thicker and longer the further down you go.
This desu
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me when i try to forward tilt out of a dash and a dash attack comes out because i didnt pivot babydash L cancel nipple spike revere aerial rush double jump cancel shine out of shield amsah tech hax dash cc grab moonwalk forward tilt
i hope you're not using botnetX (4chanx)
bro make a complaint on the nolt board, no dev will hear your wails here on /vg/. or on /v/ where you posted too >>>/v/698087774
my posts arent coherent enough to post on the nolt board, it will come across as tard rage therefore will be a waste of time
just hold down retard
holding down is too fucking slow
just wavedash
wavedashing is even slower. why should i get punished for trying to get the game to function properly?
>t. phoneposting brown esl
why is this game so scared to let you kill
Are you a paid shill or just bored + lonely?
nice b8 meleeturd.
wavedashing is slower you fucking retard
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Why bother misinputting when even if your inputs are perfect the game isn't fun?
the game would be more fun if the inputs worked properly and didnt have any buffer
you HAVE to be a shitter to be playing rivals over melee, there's just no other explanation
i like melee but i am both bored of it and melee runs poorly on my pc anyways
you posted this yesterday but with more words
See that's where you're wrong. The only fun to be had is when you shut it off and play a different game.
actually i posted that, he just reposted it but with less words
stupid ass dan furnace, dumb asshole who INSISTS the game have hour long input buffers so i have to do some bum ass finger puzzles just to dash forward and do a tilt and not get a dash attack, fuckin garbage ass moron
i remember when dupenigger tried
When lox says "you're pathetic" he's specifically talking to you for being a rizzless unfuckable incel.
>the rivalstranny *still* cannot interpret an argument correctly or argue against anything that was actually said
>the rivalstranny is *still* arguing solely and entirely against fake things that no one said other than xerself
Truly retarded and pathetic.
Play Wrastor if you want to do tilts mid dash.
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Anon, it's pretty easy to wavedash -> tilt. Just input it cleanly, maybe try spending a couple minutes in training mode for the first time.
yeah and its also so slow youll just lose neutral anyways (if your opponent is fast enough)
average rivalstranny post
Her new design was such a downgrade. Looks like a fucking goblin.
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to be fair that artist fucking sucks
Who's on Slippi tonight? I love Melee.
Yeah its too goblin
This game is bad, and Melee is good.
mew2kings entire gameplan as loxodont is to just spam ledge refresh until someone finally gets bored and runs at him
some things will never change....
>This game is bad, and Melee is good.
This desu. I hate Rivals of Aether 2. It's a really bad game.
Same. That's why I come here every day.
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Ah yes, the Melee general. 'Tis a splendid place.
mo fucka the long buffer is what sucked ass about smash 4, then they knew it sucked and fixed it in ultimate, dan needs to handle that ish. fuck having to do an extra wavedash input just to work around the dumb ass dash buffer
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It really is odd how Leffen, Mang0 and Void, the three biggest Rivals streamers, all just happened to drop off at the same exact time. It's almost like they were all playing for the same reason and that reason expired.
Mang0 is right about everyone playing lame
I come here to preach the good word about Melee. Make this game more like Melee Dan. Adding L-Cancelling would be a good start.
You are 100% trolling
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A wavedash is quite literally 14 frames of commitment to moving forwards. If you get punished it's because you chose the wrong option/spacing. Maybe just stick to dash attacks if you can't handle that much thinking.

What inputs are you having trouble with that buffer and mess with the wavedash? I haven't had a problem with it before.
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it's not anything messing with the wavedash, it's more i wanna just do a dash and then a tilt, but the dash buffer is too long so it forces a dash attack. i do try to insert a wave dash and then a tilt, but it feels dumb to have to resort to that because the buffer is obnoxious
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This desu
Mango was paid to play "for a year", so he's just trolling it
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Dude that's not the buffer. You can't tilt attack out of dash/run in smash games and it's the same in rivals of aether.
... outside of /b/?
Even twitch is telling you to watch a better game
You can in Melee. I wouldn't expect rivalstrannies to know that.
>You can't tilt attack out of dash/run in smash games
You know it's not going well when these are your only two options
>You can't tilt attack out of dash/run in smash games and it's the same in rivals of aether.
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nah in ultimate you can definitely dash > down tilt, and the down tilt will cancel the dash attack. rivals will be like nah fuck you dash attack has priority. you can even do dash into neutal a, that shit doesn't work in rivals either
>I've put about 100 hours into Rivals 2. I'm not really having fun
This is a common experience with Rivals 2.
>everyone keeps saying Melee is better.
Melee is better. Rivals 2 should have been like Melee. Instead, it's actually more like Ultimate. It's not even really like Rivals 1, which still would have been better than what it currently is.
>I have a friend who said he would mentor me as well. Should I just try Melee instead?
Yes. You will never feel as "cool" or as "sick" in any other game as you can in Melee. The game's entire soul is just sick cool shit. Imagine if Rivals 2 wasn't just random fucking gimmicks 90% of the time while fishing for stray bairs, where edgeguarding is real and recoveries aren't free, and where low percent combos actually kill and feel super cool to pull off. That's what Melee is.
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>>507197291 >>507199937 >>507200714 >>507203134 >>507242083
you all replied to bait/a repost

why are meleefags still here? why do they wake up and choose to seethe in a thread that doesn't want them? why do they use their time to get butthurt about rivals when they could be doing anything else? what level of autism is that?
And that is why ultimate is a trash game.
>nerf orcane, who is already the worst in the game by a mile
>barely touch fleet, ranno, and zetterburn who are all vastly better characters and easily the most obnoxious to fight in the game still
Yeah, can't imagine why the game is dying.
>why are meleefags still here? why do they wake up and choose to seethe
I just want this game to be good. I don't understand why rivalstrannies don't also want this game to be good.
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Melee is sick
get duped LMAO
You seem to be confused! The devs read feedback here:
They don't browse /vg/.
>I just want this game to be good.
I will never understand why that's such a hard concept for them to grasp
I always doubt myself so I tested it on melee and ultimate literally right now. You can't tilt out of run.

The difference is that in ultimate if you use tilt stick and input a tilt with it during dash, it comes out as soon as the dash ends.
Not really surprised, but I didn't know because ult is a shit game. They need it because they have no wavedash like melee or rivals has.

Why are you hitting the attack button during a dash if you don't want a dash attack? Wavedash if you want a moving tilt.
This is good practice so you can get start wavelanding and ledgedashing too.
If you still want it simple you can dtilt easily out of run because the crouch cancels the run.
iBDW has to be the worst thing to happen to Melee. Glad he's focusing on this game instead.
We know about his mom and his gf. He's an honorary Rivals player.
i actually still hate fighting orcane more than any of those. yes, even fleet. orcane is just such a fucking brainless character that he makes ranno look like he qualified for MENSA.
>I always doubt myself so I tested it on melee and ultimate literally right now. You can't tilt out of run.
skill issue
Wow, you mean to say the devs ignore feedback on MULTIPLE platforms? No way!!!
Random M2K lore I found today
What a cheapskate lol
>You can't tilt out of run.
skill issue
>I always doubt myself so I tested it on melee and ultimate literally right now. You can't tilt out of run.
skill issue
just filter him. i got bored of him a week ago.

i got recommended this competitive kirby air ride shit out of nowhere as well. it's actually pretty entertaining.
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Stinky sweaty sex with skunk Maypul
Heteronormative interspecies relations
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Are you retards counting a tilt after stopping a run as "tilt out of run"?
Or can you do it in something like multiversus or brawlhalla and your brain has rotted to the point that you think you can do the same in smash?
afaik ultimate has the ability to tilt out of a dash by holding back on the stick while inputting the tilt, but not a run. i don't think there's any way to tilt out of a run, which is why people foxtrot. that said, ultimate's ground game is nonexistent so there's no reason to tilt 90% of the time. the entire game is just spamming safe aerials because jumping / auto-cancel is so good.
You can't tilt while running you stupid rivalstranny
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And then later, Forsburn pounds my tailhole until I'm tender as a schnitzel
>hardest to win with in the game objectively
Okay, retard.
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>just filter him.
This. These posts never have anything of interest in them, just catfight tier shitposting.
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I was looking for skunk maypul in the store earlier, but somehow missed it. Is it just a palette? It is in there right?
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>He needs filters to browse 4chan
Maybe the trilby website is more your speed?
Fake fan
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you gotta get maypul's character level to 50 iirc
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I've been outed...
I'm here to talk about vidya, mate, not hear /pol/ shit.
>why are you hiding my posts
Dupetard confirmed for newfag too
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Is /pol/ in the room with us now?
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I have sex with my Forsburn plushie every night.
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That's not true, I was just trying to fit in here.
I have sex with Maypul every night.
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She makes them s.e.e.t.h.e and I love it
Idk lol. Not about to turn the filters off to check. Any buzzword that comes from /pol/ is still rightly something you can call /pol/ tourism.
small fox tight box
I hope you're good with regex rivals tr4nny
Jason (((Zimmerman)))
This desu
he went to south africa, making him whiter than all of us.
triggered poltard. you failures at life are all the same.
filters stay on. no attention for you.
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despite everything one thing i like about this game is it isnt free. not for good reasons (its because playing lame is objectively the best playstyle and not everyone wants to play that way) but the game still isnt free and i view that as a good thing
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He's not a poltard.
True poltards know that furries are aryan culture and would enjoy rivals of aether with the rest of the white power gang.
off season is SO BOORING. Why cant there be a tournament to watch.
Now is the perfect time to get out of Gold.
zetter : ranno is a kino matchup, except for the part where ranno automatically wins the second zetter is off-stage
zetter deserves worse
Is there a good reason you should be able to floorhug moves at 100%+?
bcuz melee
I just had a ranno couch council BOTH hits of Forsburn's fsmash, at 110. The cape feels bad, but the second knife stab was also crotch consoled, and I saved the replay because I refused to believe it. I just think conch pencil is too strong for too long; you shouldn't be able to brunch pretzel anything after 100, if not earlier, but that's just me.
>conch pencil
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Maybe the real dupefaggot was the friends we made along the way.
You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of floorhug.
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Fors should be naked
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That can be arranged
is mew2king a god at rivals 2 yet
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>thread schizo goes to sleep
>faggot coomer wakes up
He has to get over his emo self doubting phase and then he'll be good.
he just needs to stop playing meme characters (loxodont and kragg) and pick a real character (the rest of the roster)
those red pits
I wanna sniff so bad
The game JUST came out
Kek but no
shit my b
any tips for the kragg clairen mu? i can't get in on this nasty cat's big ass disjoints
He seems to like them because they are really low effort, high reward. Kind of like melee Sheik tier characters. If M2K was in full autistic tryhard mode he'd be labbing shit with Clairen and Wrastor.
The more I play this game, the less I like it
The more I play this game the more I like it.
the game definitely losses 50 players per day for that very reason
So what's the point of nerfs if they're going to walk back on them and undo them?
Can I play neutral? No. Keep mashing your faggot falco elephant gun. Keep mashing yolo down b's and hitting me out of shit. Go back to fucking melee and mash Falco lasers. You belong there.
It was a typo jeez
freudian slip more like. 50 ranked losses a day.
Forsniggers will say "my up smash le doesn't work ;_;" with a straight face when it's basically a guaranteed kill on platforms above 100% even if you ass DI'ing hard out.
play the little dude himself learn how random it is firsthand
it was overnerfed last patch, it's fine now
wait i misread forsniggers as frogniggers, you're right. it feels like it always kills on platform but is piss useless without them.
So is Clairen supposed to just roll over and die against Fleet? She literally invalidates my entire existence
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I have his abyss skin. Forsniggers downplay this character like crazy. He's genuinely S tier.
yeah, basically
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You're constantly and consistently fighting multiple never ending uphill battles which eventually wears you down to the point of apathy
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>even amsa is playing marvel rivals
I wonder if netease bought out all the "rivals" streamers so that there wouldn't be any confusion regarding the name. Like, isn't it kinda weird that every single Rivals of Aether 2 streamer suddenly became the streamer of a different "Rivals" game? None of the people I follow on Twitch are streaming Marvel Rivals *except* for the Rivals of Aether players.
yeah i'm sure marvel was feeling threatened by a niche within a niche. they paid amsa $250,000 dollars!!!1!
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how come none of the air characters across both games have any wind boxes?
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You know that there are times where you can just respond to what people actually type instead of what you make up yourself, right? Do you think it's completely normal that the only people I'm following on Twitch who are streaming Marvel Rivals are all (former) Rivals streamers?
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This seems likely to be the case. Marvel wouldn't want to be associated with a game as bad as Rivals 2.
I doubt it. Reality is much more mundane.
Loves FPS and MOBA, loves Marvel, currently hates (the state of) Melee, and doesn't have it in him to compete in Rivals 2.
Loves Deadlock and gets addicted to FotM games.
I honestly don't even know whether aMSa plays or streams anything outside of platform fighters, so this is surprising.

People are just playing the game because it's the shiny new FOTM multiplayer game, I doubt there's any conspiracy here.
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i needed to update my switch and ended up playing a little bit of ultimate, singleplayer and online. i honestly feel a little nauseated. the input delay alone makes it feel like complete and utter shit to play, I don't know how i ever did at all.
After switching to roa, few years back. Idk what kind of copium I was on to think that ultimate online was okay.
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so hot
Pity bump
You forgot Leffen too.

>People are just playing the game because it's the shiny new FOTM multiplayer game
It's just weird how literally the only people on I follow on Twitch that are playing Marvel Rivals are people who are Rivals of Aether 2 players. Unless Rivals of Aether 2 is also "the shiny new FOTM multiplayer game", I don't understand how this happened.
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Mew2king should do what lowtiergod used to do
-cam off every stream until someone donates $15usd to get it turned on
-plays with viewers but only if they donate $10 per set
-mew2king is allowed to leave whenever he feels the person that paid for a game is playing lame
-bans anyone that calls him washed
-start pretending to get angry at video games for more viewers
every character would work online if this game didnt have buffer.
>-start pretending to get angry at video games for more viewers
he doesnt have the rizz for this
M2K missed the opportunity to pick up a black gf which would have made him far more popular
the furry queer spamming cropped porn did a better job of killing this thread than the person who spends hours every day trying to instigate a fake culture war between rivals and melee

let it die
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So why is there no /ssbg/? It sounds like there was one in the past?
Is there just not that many people playing and discussing melee on this board anymore, or was it overtaken by ultimate kiddies and then died?
this is /platgen/
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Gentlemen, welcome back to the /melee/ general.
Please try to keep your conversations on topic, and be respectful to one another, as always.
1. no one plays actually plays melee on 4chan, or at least i've seen no evidence of it in years. there were like 5 or so people who regularly played melee netplay when /ssbg/ was alive.
2. ultimate is 6 years old and feels like absolute fucking shit to play offline or online, so no one wants to actually play with each other.
3. competitive smash is completely stagnant and tournaments are too few and far between.
4. competitive ultimate specifically is a fucking joke.
that's the long and short of it. before it died, /ssbg/ was just a few spergs sitting around a dying fire shitposting about how mkleo was literally hitler for being too bad at the game, and too good at the game.
1 is already wrong so I didn't bother reading the rest. On ssbg we would play each other all the time.
i want him
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Fair enough

There's one of the 5 :D
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Pity bump
meleesisters mango is streaming rivals again??
what do we do?:??
>human pubes on kemono
He isn't. He's playing Fortnite with Moky.
>he actually checked
Alright. We need a serious discussion here. What should fighting games do to retain players better and stop being so niche? Even Smash seems to not retain players well despite it's massive brand recognition.
unlimited budget so devs can launch with 50 characters and a 20 hour singleplayer campaign!!1
needs voicechat so you can banter with the randos beating your ass. It's that simple.
>fighting games
I don't give a fuck about that dead genre. Take it to /fgg/.
What's the twitch url?
>you can tilt out of dash by using walk button and turning around
Shitposting bros... whats our angle?
Sounds really fucking awkward. I'll stick to pivoting and crouching out of runs.
what is kemeno
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Forsburn's hair is red
he has a very cute tattoo
I look at pictures of Forsburn
when I'm feeling blue
it's just how fighting games are man
you go for the casual audience you lose the long term autists
you go for autists you end up alienating the casual players
best thing we've had is sf6 with how it's handled single player, but that also have the street fighter name behind it
wrastor so fun when ya aint got a bitch in ya ear living till 200%
Melee is perfect for both casuals and tryhards.
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my dumb wife
why does the game like to randomly reset my regional preferences
Did you draw that? It's not very good....
i know
Competitive players have shown to drop games anyways if they aren't popular enough. It's a big reason most of the Smash playerbase refuses to switch off of Ultimate.
Dabuz went from Ult average 200ish viewers to SF6 where he averages 20. He is a man of integrity.
>Mang0 opens up Rivals 2
>Can't find a ranked match
>Tries casual mode
>Immediate server problems
>Quits the game
Yeah, I think we might be cooked
chat... we are so cooked....
Oh well, back to Melee.
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modern gamers are too fucking soft for fighting games. they can barely handle the concept of competitive team games; competitive 1v1 games cause them to have a mental breakdown because there's no one to blame but themselves when they lose.

maybe this is a strange answer, but i think the only way to revive fighting games is to make them social again. traditionally, fighting games were inherently social. you went to the arcade to play on cabinet. you went to your friends' houses to play on console. eventually, you went to locals. fighting games are a proxy for the male desire to compete with other males, and like other forms of play-fighting (sports, for example) they're a great way to form and strengthen social bonds with your peers. the issue is simply that modern fighting games do not let your see your opponent as a peer, because you can't (or won't) communicate with them:
>you can't talk to people on sf6 outside of the battle hub
>like a lot of other fighting games, you can only send premade messages in rivals 2
>smash ultimate doesn't even let the player taunt in quick play, which results in teabagging
etc. i don't even know if sf6 has voice chat, to be honest.

if you're one of the 99% of players who play fighting games by getting online and letting ranked / unranked matchmaking match you with strangers, you're missing the social element of fighting games and gradually learning to hate everyone you play with (who hates you, too). people need to be allowed to fucking talk to each other again.
its so crazy the difference between online and locals
now more than ever, with netplay being not dogshit for the most part
>1900 ranked player can't find a match
this does not surprise me
feels good being a platshitter with 10s queues at all hours of the day
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i don't even go to locals, i just play a variety of fighting games with my homies. we probably spend as much time performing talk no jutsu as we do actually playing the game properly.

different genre, but i really like how deadlock handles communication. obviously it's a MOBA so the developers are forced to let you communicate, but i still like it a lot. voice chat on by default, you can type whatever you want (and it comes out of your character portrait, which is funny), and the premade chat / ping options are relatively robust and context-sensitive. for every seething russian who has a mental breakdown, you get games where you win purely by the power of being able to communicate like fucking human beings.
>launch rivals after weeks of not playing
>having fun
>get matched against a kragg
>suddenly not having fun
what the fuck were they thinking giving the heaviest character in the game an unedgeguardable recovery
play kragg for 30 minutes online, learn just how shitty and predictable it is firsthand.
>pick Kirby on slippi
>everyone quits out on you because you aren't playing a top tier
doesnt matter how predictable it is
i jump out and hit the beam and then he just double jumps back onto stage for free
or i dont go out and he gets to pull a rock and now he can just throw it and double jump back to stage for free
and if i somehow avoid it and meet him in midair and knock him back again with anything but a kill move he can just armored roll and triple jump back to stage

kragg has to get hard read/make huge mistakes 3+ times in a row to die from an edgeguard to zetter
meanwhile any random throw or hit that sends me slightly offstage if i get a jump clipped by his rock im instantly dead
Can lox please please please get kill moves and confirms? Please? I don't care what nerfs he needs. Gut his fucking fair but make him like Kragg to compensate where every button on my controller turns into a kill move.
this but for everyone
game's arent fun when you either have a hyper specific kill confirm or just hope to hit something in neutral
i deliberately edgeguard kragg as hard as possible every time he's off-stage and also play him, he's just bullshit through and through. i don't really mind that much, but still.
This, but with Jigglypuff
ugly and the fans seem even more annoying than rivals players
>pay the monthly subscription to play melee ranked
>everyone alt f4's from you because you play a mid tier
>things that never happened
>with netplay being not dogshit
Pick Kirby right now and queue into unranked for 10 matches and tell me how many of them were instant ragequits
melee players get mad at people who queue mid and low tiers on slippi. too lazy to find the handful of tweets about it but there is that infamous ibdw donkey kong set that kind of sums it up
top players encourage it too
I have not even seen one person exited for this game.
i still can't believe he willingly uploaded this
>because you aren't playing a top tier
no its because youre playing like a complete faggot sitting at the ledge going for swallow gimps
The shill who is very clearly a friend of the main dev counts as a fan
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Put her in Rivals of Aether 2
They should add the guy from this game https://store.steampowered.com/app/3372620/Axyn_Adventure/
What's wrong with this video or his mentality? People playing cheesy characters deserve to be treated like that. Hop off Roy and play Marth. You will never be Don't Test Me.
hummina hummina am I right fellow gamers?
I would be embarassed if anyone saw this in my steam library
but you'd still play it?
Roy is not a "cheesy character", he's a dog shit character. And this was unranked, or rather before Slippi's implementation of ranked. If Cody wanted high quality opponents, all he had to do was arrange matches with them himself, because that was what you did before ranked as a top player. God forbid someone play the video game to have fun, inconveniencing you.
This wouldn't be a problem if Melee's balance didn't suck ass.
I can't tell whether either side of this retarded feud between Smash and Rivals in this thread is sincere or baiting because both are so pathetically impotent. Is there anyone here who knows how to actually bait?
Roy is so cheesey. Enjoy your win, you won due to gimmicks
bros help I want to enjoy Lox and Kragg but their girth, their fatness, their rundunity, it's a nightmare. I do not want to be comboed twice as long as the skinny characters, only to be edgeguarded hard because they also have bad recoveries. what can be done other than just DIng out at all times?
Kragg's recovery is one of the most dynamic in the game, in no way is it bad. You have like 4 different mix-ups, none of which require resources - except rock throw into side-B, which requires your opponent to not break your pillar. If you want to live forever as Kragg, get used to only going high or low with pillar. Never use your pillar anywhere except the upper or lower limits of the blast zone. Recovering high lets you mix up your recovery much more easily, and recovering low lets you abuse wall techs / jumps.

Lox's recovery isn't bad, it's just that his mix-ups actually require resources unlike Kragg's. Try stalling with down-B before side-B'ing low. If you're lucky, you'll get a reversal out of side-B. Try to keep a magma charge in the chamber for when you're off-stage, even one is enough. If people try to gimp you at the wall with moves with either weak knockback or knockback growth, try to fair or nair as a reversal. Otherwise you're just going to eat shit while spamming up-B.
>M2K does a like first to 10 with Switch
>takes a few games
>Is beaming with confidence
>says he feels like he's getting better every day
>5 minutes later...
>loses one game of ranked
I relate to M2K so hard.
>rivals mindbroke him
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someone should recreate Brawl Taunts but with the ROA cast
rivalsfags couldnt even comprehend the kino that is brawl taunts
we could probably figure something out
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>t. never played Melee
>upb at the ledge but fast fall
>character doesnt grab the ledge even though youre right fucking next to it
why does this happen?
>game made in 11 months 20+ years ago
>zero balance patches
>game in active design and development for 10+ years
>balance patches still being pushed
>"Errrrmmm ackshuallllly balance doesn't matter right now"
lmao rivalstrannies, what a bunch of clowns
you can tell this game was made by pm shitters who were bad at melee. if the devs were actually decent at melee this game would be fun and there would be a constant 6 digit number of people playing at any given time.
This desu
rivalsniggers are so stupid
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He puts coal in your sock
if you've been a bad boy
all of your Christmas joy
you cant raw grab people in this game. the game is so poorly designed its sad.
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>smash bros, a game that has been iterated upon from 1999 to 2021
>The latest iteration, Ultimate, is still worse than Smash 64 and Melee

The takeaway is that you need to develop games in less time.
If someone makes a platform fighter in a single day it will beat both melee and rivals, easily. They just have to resist the urge to create balance patches which will make the game worse.

The characters have to have sex appeal though, that's a necessity. It's why slap city didn't beat every other game despite being made in a week or two.

BTW merry christmas fags!
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rivals needs this
nah, we need a possum character in the roster, then it'd be perfect
i can't even find a possum character on the workshop. rivals of aether overall is very lacking in the possum department and that is a shame
Sex appeal? Yes, rivals needs it
I've been trying to play for like 10 minutes. The game keeps saying "joining" and then drops out. Nice game, Dan.
>Ult out of nowhere
Obvious dupefaggot, take a shower
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Look what happens when all of the paid streamers take a holiday
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True passion is when you'd rather be on Slippi than celebrating Christmas with your family. Now that what I call quality vidya!
Look at all those troons true passion KEK
>RoA2 tournament livestream
>Match ends
>Camera pans to the audience
>An entire row of tr*nnies
i wanna smash half the roster what you do mean no sex appeal
Mewwy Chwistmas meww twurd :3
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>widely anticipated patch releases
>2 days later
>playerbase collapses and never recovers
Oh sorry I meant sex appeal for normal people (straight people)
mang0 live https://www.twitch.tv/mang0
Christmas is saved
Ohww nwwo twwitchy wnumberws are bwaaaaad :((( mewwe very manwy sweearmers to show their pweetty twanny facewys
how are you into rivals of aether discussion and also homophobic that shouldn't be possible
Well, is he wrong?
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He's not even playing the game lmao, only streaming in the category to artificially inflate numbers. I wonder if their social media manager monitors this thread?
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Holy shit, he changed category right on cue. It's so astroturfed this ain't even funny.
ok heres my stance
Yeah it's becoming so plainly obvious now. I just wish they'd spent the kickstarter budget on making a better game instead of lining the pockets of Ludwig's streamer friends.
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Feels like a safe bet to assume Primal/Prehistoric is going to be the monthly event for January if they're willing to show off the Kragg one along with the Etalus skin itself, moreso considering Forsburn and Orcane have skins matching the theme as well
>a holiday
Try their contracts expired like a month ago. See: >>507237329
>that orcane
Why won't rivals pros stream rivals 2 or go to tournaments ever
Because no one likes the game, and no one likes Rivals players.
Only Melee players are charismatic enough to get paid to play the game (for a month or so).
Only Mang0 is charismatic enough to get a 1 year contract (at least 25% of the kickstarter budget).
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yeah i wanna gluck some frog dick
kragg players are single handedly the most retarded players in the game
like they just do kragg things and when that stops working they do defensive kragg things
no neutral in sight
like its free mmr and im not complaining but surely there exists like, one kragg player still on this game that actually plays neutral
maybe shits better in diamond
You can definitely tell all of these streamers hated the game. The only two reasons people played it was because of 1)Ludwig paid them and 2)They are so desperate to try and prove to corporations that a competitive platform fighter can be a success.
Is this the same forsburn poster? Is he betraying his husbando for this?
If so, is it worse that he is gay or worse that he is committing infidelity?
The furfags in this general are the most boring kind of furfags I've ever stumbled upon
Could you explain what "wrong" neutral looks like?
t. just picked kragg
mang0 live
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no marlon?
What tourney is this?
Isn't this old

look at the top
if only you knew how bad it used to be
they have a set routine of really good things kragg can do, but aren't using them with any specificity or restraint
Kragg is good enough of a character where that can carry you a lot of the way but once someone doesn't play into those specific things they get fucked
can you be less vague and more specific?
Oh. That name really sucks, I thought it was a headline or some shit. Also yeah, where the fuck is Marlon? The performative ban was supposed to be over come January, no?
2025? So where's Marlon? He's unbanned as soon as 2025 starts.
The fullhop constantly
Immediately default to down b and rock setups at long range instead of playing that position more traditionally
They're so hardwired into that shit they never fucking block
They don't know how to shield drop or even play around that option
>Immediately default to down b and rock setups at long range instead of playing that position more traditionally
and here I thought that using a fullscreen projectile to force people to approach was as traditional as it gets.
Just don't do the same shit over and over again
>4 forsburns, 4 kraggs, and 3 rannos taking up over half of top 16
Nice character diversity
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Sorry, but I am not allowing my wife to participate. We will spend the new year kissing and cuddling.
Boiko hasn't competed in like 3 months and they still give the respect of 2nd seed.
>boiko entering
>void entering
>leo entering
>marss entering
i don't care that the smash players are going to buster out, i'm just glad they're entering at all
listen man, sometimes you just need a variety of dicks you know?
>pass on elliana
kragg really is a marvel of game design
"what if we made a character where everything is intentionally easy. neutral, punish, recovery, edge guarding, kill options. but also hes above average at it all if not the best in the entire game"
idk i find this all hard to believe after watching the best kragg players get 3 stocked by fleet players
fleet is the only character in the game that can edgeguard kragg
so why doesnt everyone just pick fleet to beat kragg? a character cannot be as OP as you described if you can just counterpick him
for anyone not trying to be the best in the world: because its a fucking video game and i want to play the character i want to play
for people trying to be the best in the world: because it takes an insane amount of skill, dedication, time and familiarity to become world class at a single character and forcing everybody who doesnt play kragg or fleet to pick up fleet into the matchup is obviously retarded
Because Fleet is a stupid faggot furbait OC Donut Steele tier character and I would rather struggle it out with anyone else against Kragg or just counterpick Kragg with Kragg.
zetter/zetter and zetter/fors are the only enjoyable matchups in the entire game
i dont enjoy playing against either of those characters
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Just hit him 6+ times and he never makes it back
because kragg isnt like that at all and that anon is just a whining shitter
prolly the silver zetterburn that keeps posting shitty webms too
meanwhile in reality >>507522516
cool so now we have a bronze ranno that cant play for shit and thinks he knows everything
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i'm wood though?
>No Melee
You're rooting for the tra.nny? Typical rivals player.
Melee Xmas
there's melee at the tournament dumbass!!!
thats a sickass coat he has on
>alright thanks for the content cody
>get dropped
esam: says nigger and faggot at age 22 among witchhunting m2k and other smashers. untouched
marlon: accidentally got horny as a teenager one time. suspended from competing for "safety"
mang0 nation?
this video sucks ass, fuck you dude
mang0 nation, we're gooning in the cord now hop on
>queue at 7am on christmas morning while i wait for breakfast to finish cooking
>matched in less than 10 seconds
seek help
Merry Christmas meleebros! To the ult and rivals players... eh... I guess merry christmas to you too
why are they like this?
Mewwe auwtism :3
my christmas wish is for the rivals fans and melee fans to get along and unite on this lovely night
I love my goat wife!
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Merry Christmas!
mewwe shitposters get coal tho
finding out moky had an abusive childhood makes so much sense
getting mad at fighting games is a time-honored tradition. if you're not mad, you're not really playing a fighting game.
casual is some wild shit
>taunter who quits on game 1, gets matched with me again, loses game 1, stays for the set and loses
>guy who barely wins game 1 and then just walks away from his PC
feels like home...
Why do I always have to pick the character that's the hardest to play online? With smash ultimate I played rosalina who is notoriously difficult to pilot online with her desync combos. With melee I picked yoshi whos harder to control online then there's maypul in rivals 2 who BARELY functions online for the same reasons as rosalina but worse. Bad netcode + buffer + directional inputs with tight timing = bad time. No, I do not want to play a different character.
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you didnt watch armada enough so now he's back to gaystreaming mario 64
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Melee Xmas to you too
i made the mistake of deciding to play this boring lame frustrating game on christmas
how does parrying jabs work? i had a game where i parried a kragg's jab1, he does jab2, but then he's not put into stun and just runs away from my punish and I was so confused
Parrying jabs does not put opponent into stun but gives you invincibility.
I mean what are the rules around when the stun is applied? do you have to do the final jab in a string?
Pity bump
Why didn't you call it a Christmas gift bump
Because it's done out of pity
I tried Zetter for the first time today even as someone with little experience with spacies and holy moly he is so EASY to play. I'm getting kills so early and effortlessly. I knew he was privileged but this is actually absurd
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draining my balls with maypul's pussy
Based. G&W is legit cancer and deserves the IBDW treatment. People who suck off mid tiers in melee legit don't play the game. It's ok to admit you're a spectator only and enjoy watching people do cheesy shit like Aklo on Link. We all get a slight kick out of it. But actually fighting that type of strategy? Fuck right off lmao.
what youre too stupid to figure out is your problem is with the game, not mid tier players. you guys shouldve modded gnw to have a shield and fair frame data and youd never have to worry about gnw players all playing lame ever again. maybe then youd actually like the game instead of just fox falco and falcon
did zetter's fthrow use to set people on fire? or am i confused?
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>do literally anything
>it just works
the zetter special. i usually just shield and disengage whenever he's endlessly spamming dair, bair, and shine on top of me, it isn't worth trying to engage with it at all because he just converts anything and everything into 30+ damage.

special pummel
the only difference between a mid tier and a top tier is that the top tier's cheese is actually good
>special pummel
No, you bullshitter, you made me boot up the leak build and I was right, fthrow did in fact used to ignite.
interesting, didn't know that
dunno why. he really did not need that extra way to set fire.
>devs make zetter op to make sure the melee players dont quit
>all of the melee players quit anyways
almost like zetter not being op wasnt the issue (he was fine anyways)
>all of the melee players quit anyways
you keep saying this yet
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pity bump
fuck you rannonigger
can't we all get along
youre right sorry babe xoxo
ibdw is playing against sparg0 on ranked
The game has been struggling to put me in matches for 2 entire days now.
cody just said zoro is his favorite strawhat
How to tell someone is controlled ranno oposition: they go "lol fair" or "lol needle fair". The real reason everyone hates your dumb ass character is basically every other move to attached to him. Nair, bair, dair, up air, up dilt, down tilt, his throws, his smash attacks, are all giga cancer. You can literally wobble fast fallers with up airs and up tilts with 0 practice. The character is fucking Fisher Price.
Are you talking about the whole "joining" and then the game dropping your match thing? I've had that issue off and on but eventually seem to break the curse.
Most of the time it doesn't even pair me up with another person. It just searches for 40 seconds then stops. Sometimes it finds me an opponent and we connect but it still just stops and never puts me in a match. 2 days ago it would at least eventually put me in a match.
Pity bump
Bros I got a weighted blanked for Christmas and slept for 12 hours straight. My third fucking eye is open. I am Muadib. I now realize how much untapped potential Lox has.
I feel like I'm giving up hope on roa2. Nothing I can ever do matches up to the shit I can effortlessly do in roa1, it's all just guesswork and grab into hit into grab, but I know the community will never recover from 2's release, I should really give up on this piece of shit game but whatever I do I keep coming back
fuck rivals of aether genuinely trash game/10
This is how rivalstrannies actually think
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dead game
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Should have played Melee instead!
I would just uninstall the game. I even have steam uninstalled too because you don't need steam to play Melee.
im too bad for melee, the fact i played roa1 should tell you this much
>all "Rivals players" are now playing different games, like Marvel Rivals
>ibdw is the only Rivals player who is still playing Rivals of Aether 2
>he also has a tranny gf and fucked his mother
Hmm... I'm noticing...
hes not a rivals player
show me a single rivals player whos still streaming roa2
oh right you cant because theyre all DISCORD FIGHTER players and get their fix from streaming their games in their private server with their friends
nu-/v/aggots could never relate LUHMAO
>hes not a rivals player
IBDW, the tranny loving mother fucker is absolutely an honorary Rivals player. His soul shines with the plight of the Rivals player, and his body run cold with the blood of a Rivals player.
no nigger
show me a single time he does jab1, 2 into a roll read fstrong that fails and ill accept him as a rivals player
>he thinks that being a Rivals player is the particular playstyle one adopts while playing Rivals 2
Being a rivalstranny is a state of mind. It's a persona. It's a lived experience. It is not how you play a video game.
>the particular playstyle one adopts while playing Rivals 2
kill yourself falseflagging dupetranny
you will NEVER understand rivals 1 and you will forever hate yourself for it
keep coping, marth player
What is this jab 1 2 stuff people keep talking about? Is there a tutorial?
>kill yourself falseflagging dupetranny
lol what?
>keep coping, marth player
I mean, I do play Marth in Melee, among other characters. I don't get what that has to do with anything though.
just play rivals 1 and youll get it
Moves that are essentially a combo or have multiple hitboxes. Like for example Zetterburn has a 3 hit jab sequence. The second swing of that sequence is called jab 2 the third jab 3. This also applies to aerials that have multi hits like Clairen's fair.
I love how they grow ever more schizophrenic with time.
literally me
Blumpf gonna blow up da world before your polar bear comes out.
Why are there no video tutorials on this yet? I need a video tutorial
did they do something with their servers? im getting 30 more ping to everything than normal
This desu
R2 is so bad lol
Nice game, Dan!
rivlastrannies literally CANNOT approach if their lives depended on it
The rivals devs idea of catering to people who want cool characters is adding retard proof characters for mashtards (zetter and the ranno)
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Servers were a mistake.
It seems Meleefriends who visit with love and support are fond of the straightforward characters with limited stage control gimmicks.
>Wrastor (though no one plays him)
>Fleet (to an extent)
Plus later on there will be
I wonder how many of the brand new characters will be on this end of the design spectrum.
Just play Marvel Rivals instead. It's finally nice to play a game that the devs care about again.
I'm from melee and I play maypul but I can see why other melee players don't play her much. She's more of a rivals1 character meaning only a rivals 1 player would understand her
so is this why my ping is garbage and im getting spikes in delay frames even on the closest server to me that i used to get <10 ms to?
I don't understand why platform fighters don't just copy NASB 2's netcode. Regardless of the games quality, that game still has the best fighting game netcode I have ever played.
That's literally every character in the game though. Those two are only the worst examples.
slippi has the best netcode ive ever played
>I wonder how many of the brand new characters will be on this end of the design spectrum.
Maybe they'll just make Melee 2 like everyone wants. Of course, this wouldn't save them from abject failure. Melee is a good game that likely can't be surpassed. Meanwhile they didn't even manage to improve upon RoA1.
>I'm from melee

I'm from Melee and I play Maypul too. Rivalstrannies hate her which means I love her even more.
Are you good with her?
This desu
Rivals 2 is piss easy compared to Melee, why wouldn't I be?
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>Lox can ki- ACK
This is his primary kill move BTW.
>wasting your ledge invincibility regrabbing ledge when he's nowhere near you
Nope no deflecting, we're talking about Lox's inability to kill and how shit his bair is. It sends at such a comically shit angle that Zetter probably could have survived another one from that exact position. This character is a joke.
yeah i know the 45 degree angle is bad, i just made an observation
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>Melee is a good game that likely can't be surpassed.
The more I think about it, the more I seem to arrive at the conclusion that Melee was a gift from the future. Perhaps the coders and designers were agents sent back in time to give us Melee. Perhaps the coders and designers were unknowingly provided Divine Vision to See the gift from the future. I don't know how it happened, but Melee was not of its time period. It is an Out of Place Artifact. There have been several attempts to replicate Melee's greatness, and no game has ever been successful. Melee is simply too good to have been an accident, which is the current story, and instead it must be some sort of Divine Intervention or gift from the future for us to have received it in 2001. Melee is actually the endgame of platform fighters, literally from the year 20XX. It is the Apex platform fighter that is eventually created, but it was sent back in time in a sort of time-loop, because without Melee being made in 2001, we couldn't have the eventual Melee (Apex of all platform fighters) made in the future, in year 20XX.
1994-2004 was the golden age of everything tech, but especially video games. It was some sort of perfect storm, couldn't have happened any other way.
pretty funny how you can just spam roll instead of having any fundamentals or sense for neutral
It works with every character because they all have identical frame data. Same for grab!
this game had so much potential... sigh
roll is honestly a shit option in rivals 2
Maybe some day fighting game players will realize you can't just hyperfocus on perfecting gameplay and expect people to stay.
are you saying its the players fault
Yes. They are the ones fearmongering the devs with shit like "This game would be good if they nerfed x" and "If this game played like x game it would be better."

It's a never ending cycle.
it's the devs fault for listening to people who dont know what theyre talking about. the game is worse because of the devs listening to retards, not because of retards. its their game. they are responsible for its turnout, not the player. also all of those guys complaining are wrong and my complaints about the game are correct
ever since i started playing fox ive enjoyed melee a lot more
clairen would be cool without her stupid gimmick. just let her hit people with the sword and do heccin cool platform edge cancel combos.
yea marth is cool
What if instead of pausing the opponent she just moved that much faster?
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He gets triple the views streaming this meme fotm game. He's never coming back...
Melee is a better game and it makes you seethe
yea fox is cool
maybe $250k wasn't enough to play the dogshit game...
I know that if I were him, I'd be renegotiating. No one knew it was gonna be so shitty.
I've made better games in a single afternoon.
This desu
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this general is too much with the melodramatic whining
Also this desu
So true
I love Melee!
>10/10 game made in 9 months
>Rivals 2
>6/10 game made in 10 years
It's honestly pathetic desu
Finally, someone said it.
>Meanwhile they didn't even manage to improve upon RoA1.
It's very sad how true this is. All they managed to do is slightly improve upon Ultimate.
Slippi has great netcode
I'd rather play Ult with friends because at least there's a few cool characters like Wolf and Pikachu. And its fun for casuals.
My complaints about this game are all correct and if the devs were to ever listen to me and not anyone else this game would easily top melee
-the uninteractive playstyle is too good compared to any other playstyle. Buff other playstyles
-remove buffer and rework the entire game around no longer having it
-hard nerf recovery AND buff edgeguarding
-cancel that wrestling character that won the workshop contest and pick the snake looking character instead
-remove the restriction on using a tilt after a dash
-add more default calibration controls specifically one that mimics melee
-add an in-game controller calibrator that allows you to set deadzones for every button from 0-100
-give the game the exact same speed and punish game rivals 1 has
-add shield stun, the ability to tilt shields, shield poke, and a slowly depleting shield just like smash
-fix parry. Apparently the startup frames are too much or something idk
There, game saved and improved
perhaps a rofl or two
>deadzones for every button
Why do your buttons need deadzones?
fighting game players are all massive faggots with goldilocks syndrome
never happy
I'm happy with Melee. I feel bad for you guys.
It doxes you though.
mhm sure
This desu
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wife wife wife
>does this salty crybaby tantrum playing against a character thats bottom 6 in the game
>gets destroyed by an unranked casual DK a couple of years later in what most people call the biggest upset in Melee history
Kek, I guess he should have played more low tier characters instead of camp against them. Could you imagine anybody like Armada throwing a KWAB tantrum over what other people play, especially mid and low tiers?
its almost 2025 and combo devils is still ugly as fuck
buddy, I don't play these games for the graphics!
maybe i myself should draw this
So you agree?
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Wife's younger sister.
this thread as been up for a long time.
reminiscent of ssbg's last dying days
pity bump
a common phrase amongst 1400+ players i hear is "i guess i shouldve played more lame"
because i dont need the L input to come out after accidentally putting 0.0001 pressure on the button.
shes unironically hotter
if you touch wrastors shield for any reason your character just disappears off the screen. i think that;s the most broken thing in the entire game. you dont even need to be at a high percent to die to his upb oos.
Remember, IBDW has proven himself to be an honorary Rivals player. He does not have the soul of a Melee player, he has the soul of a Rivalstranny.
nah that rivals player is right. until he starts implementing actual rivals tech in his play, he is still a melee player at heart.

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