Briar won editionPrevious: >>506989749>Current & Upcoming Content[Ends 12/24][Event Pass] Arcane 2024[Masque of the Black Rose] Elise, Ezreal, Katarina (Prestige), Renata Glasc, Samira and Vladimir[Skin] Radiant Serpent Sett[Skin] Victorious Master Yi>Latest Patch Notes>Latest PBE Patch Notes>Builds/Account Stats>Model Viewer OP pastebin
vg vs vg +1navidya
Briar won
seraphine is mine back off!
Any ARAMGODS in the house?
good night lolg
>>507108349How do you respond to the allegations?
she's mine!!!
shit host vgs are dead maybe later
just woke up, NA vgs?
>>507108074youre so cute and autistic
host couldn't fill its over for now
>>507108580>>507108667get shit on LMAO
s17 was right about majin lol....
+3 na vgs NOW
>>507108643I hope one day you move on from this boyhood clinging.
>>507108872qrd?I want a good laugh
>>507109019>puts challenger player on his own team to get a win>loses and blames everyone else
>>507108872about what
vg vs vg not afkvidyana
It's not my fault I am a bad playerI suffer from hypothyroidismhowever once I get on the meds I need I will become a good player and you will all be sorryBuhlee dat
>>507108331how fucking many arams do you play?
pengy host would save vgs
Name champions who will never get buffed due to esports faggotry.
4,061 more days until Mel...
>>507109785not enough
literally nobody notices im gone
>>507110020>neverNone desu. Right now there are some but in time the issue will be solved Riot is slowly learning how to free champions from pro play jailIt's basically the one thing they've improved at in the last 5 years Everything else in the game is either stagnating or actively decaying
>>507108331What is your overall winrate?I'm sitting at 52% right now, it feels very hard to make meaningful increases in winrate in this mode
>>507110283all in sb kindred
>>507110283Riddler + katja easily clear doja +.Gordon low diff. Especially with Your team will win for sure
HAHAHAHAHAHA Si17 here... I knew there were more on my side... I expect a full and genuine apology before I join anymore vgs and lift your perma ban on my stream... why isn't the egotistical platinum player hosting anymore...?
>>507110283rizzler is back
especially with riddler and Katja on their mains but Gordon playing gangplank and Doja playing kindred**
o the lobby filled while i was cookinghave fun 8)
checked the thread because I was boredyou people are actually playing league this close to christmas?do you live at home like losers or are you sitting alone in your apartment?
yawnnnsera is my queen not yours. thats why my posts are still here LOL
>>507109747I mean he has to be put on one team or the other. maybe it was random
>>507109006my boyhood crush...
>>507110840it's the 21stare you at a winter solstice party because that's pretty cool if sobut somehow I doubt that
>>507110965i stacked the retards on the challenger team and then put myself on sunshines team so when he ints at least im the one who has to suffer for letting him play at allhe inted but i fun picked so it wasnt a total loss then the next lobby was 9/10 but died so i went to go cook and it filled while i was afk so they remade and started without meat least the games are alive again (for now)
>>507111023I flew home today
>>507111139Vgs lost all heart and soul when you banned pengy. Boodrum or sunshine, sure. But pengy is a core member.
>>507111232i didnt ban pengy i just kick him from high elo lobbies because he runs it u act like i make wrong decisions but without the bias that comes with my name plate everything i do is genuinely a good idea
kys pengyfaggot
>>507110840My parents house is only about a 30-40 minute drive depending on traffic
>Use all my summoner spells and shit so ADC can get a free kill>They don't take it and the enemy gets away>If I take kill, I get flamed for stealing kills>If I don't take it and he gets away, ADC either starts to apologize or flame me for letting enemy get awayIs this how the roaming support meta started?
i win
sera is my queen and she loves me and I gain lot's of lp when i play her <3 we are in love and are devoted to eachother.cannon btw. <3 you can post your strange fanart, she doesn't bother with this general. just here to remind you all who belongs to seraphine. hehe!
>>507112496Good job, sis
Host new
>>507112496wow challenger won when i have a shit team what a surprise
>>507112995Get cleared n00b xD
>>507112496what is bellamy smoking with that one?
what kind of builds are my seraphine fans cooking up in the rift?>>507112496nice!!!
>>507112496(i'm nunu)the thing with challenger players is that if you give them any lead whatsoever they will capitalize off of it like crazyi fucked up lv 3 against riven and the game was over instantly
host new i need to CLEAR supramaligma
Fellas I'm jungling in silver, I keep getting flamed for not winning my laners their duels and farming for myselfI should just ignore them yes?
>>507113407desu.farming meta is so dead.killing meta yes.
its up vg vs on na ps vidya
na vgs are up vg vs vg vidya
>>507113592+3 come fast for nudes
there is an arabic saying:kill all toplaners
>>507111741always take the kill if theres 1% the enemy can get away. i get upset when junglers or supports dont take the kill. nobody ever flames me for taking kills when i play jungle or support because they respect my overall playstyle and understand that i play for the team. also dont play alistar in low elo its not worth it
Sevika is C O O L !!!
got a blue screen trying to update... then the game removed vanguard by yea fuck this game
>>507115049and if this individual is chatbanned because they said too many family friendly words themself?
>>507115049>not taking hexflash on any and all junglersshiggy diggy
Gankplank Q my support NOW
friday i went 9/1 climbed with easetoday im 2/2 and both losses contained niggers.weekend ranked should kill itselfyou should kill yourself.
>>507116435>weekend ranked should kill itselftruth nuke
Just got a chat restriction from riot for just saying that a tilted player was not playing and should just stop typing and play, is there any way to do something? I'm fucking mad agains't riot, i had honor at max lv 3 and just said he should stop typing and just play the aram game (no curses).
>>507117609I wish I could play other roles but I feel it's too late to switch from support. Playing against a million point role mains aren't fun.
>>507118020what if they ARE taking LT+resolve but cannot communicate this due to said chatban
that was so badban sunshine from vgs thanks
>roll the knuckle-dragging botlane>lose>roll a botlane that does the bare minimum of turning on their monitor>win>roll the knuckle-draggers 5 more timesI hate botlane so much it's unreal
vg vs vgnavidyapost the results
>>507118112Chatbans don't stop you from typing in champ select, sis
>>507115107drowqueen isn't posting results because she lost lol
>>507118489Who was the host?
>>507118339>>507118716taebak but I started the game I guess
>>507118339any smiters?
You would have won this?With this Orianna as your mid and this Teemo as your support?
>>507118947post ass im stroking
I love Lissandra!>get taebak on your team>losenice game lolbabs
>>507119090i was more relevant than twitch and ori suck my dick
>>507119265im completely sober right now
vg vs vg +1
>>507110020The entirety of the adc role, their items, their runes, their lane.
>>507119090Why'd you block out the damage?
Rough gay sex with heavenscale smolder.
vg vs vg bets
>>507120034haha I didnt even notice
>>507119986>i ping my ignite >15 seconds>all you had to do was wait in fog of war>then q in >then we fucking kill themyikes bro
>>507120218i want rain milio to bounce on my dick like a frog
>>507120410anon that's a child!
>>507120410Unemployed retard typing this btw
ttv dumbdiggertheroy: the only way to win in weekend is to split push and prayscientific proceedure: pick a split pusher and prayi was 1/1/1 and the score was 5/16
>>507120410or perhaps a toad?
ttv dumbdigger for proof of evidence that niggers exist in the ranked ladder climb.
>>507115049pta does more frontloaded damage and you cant always land 6+ autos vs champions that will kite you and dash away
Who's a better AP hypercarry, azir or kayle
>>507120247What is he cooking? Diarrhea on a plate with a side of vomit?
Will honour levels get reset next season? Otherwise I'll just make a new account and start fresh.
>>507118020resolve tree secondary is kinda shit on jungle in general because the best runes to take on jungle do almost nothing in the early game, the only good runes are the scaling ones.
I need to reunite the Kinkou.
>>507122668I wish Shen were my dad
>>507122459apparently they'll get refreshed because starting next season only higher honor levels can use chat
>>507122459They will reset to lvl 3 for everyone but only once they wont reset again every season its just a one time thing.
vg resultwow how terrible!!another upnavidya
>>507122948Why do you feed so much?
>>507122948what a balanced lobby kek
>>507122717He'd be tough but fair. And perhaps slightly emotionally distant if he's still working his usual job.
vg vs vg +2navidya>>507123146nice comment can u make the next one funny >>507123172wow oops
Why's this guy pvping on lolg.
Is Zac a good choice for tank jungle? I feel kinda squishy on J4 and Vi.
>>507117609Nothing as usual.
vg vs vg need 2 brave soulspassword is vidya
>>507117609i am a vrchat furry
>>507122948>put all the girlies on one team>they win
>>507110020Surprised no one mentioned Azir.
New fiddlesticks is so weird to play
>>507124223Miss the old goofy fiddle fr fr
>>507110840I came back from vacation so I'm playing league now. The most unfortunate posts are the ranked ones but whatever, lp is lp.
>>507123802Yeah, he's great. Played a match as him the other day after a long time of not playing him, feels good just how many additional gank angles you have because of his super long range jump.
>>507122114you're such a tranny for not letting go of a small as match
>Gatcha skin Jinx>Briar jungleI should have dodged!
>>507125051>transphobia We don't do that here sis
>>507122948si17 was right again lol...
>>507122948Why are you allowed to int every game but si17 is banned?
>just missed the dumbdigger stream because I was eating dinnergg
>>507125329>>507125510try being more subtle
>>507125648Literally just woke up and missed it too..
>>507125445i know for a fact i played ww more than you and pta is completely viable under certain conditionsif you use the same rune/build every game youre a fucking hylic and you lack the capabilities of opening your third eye
>>507125051>Tries to bring it back up half a hour later when everyone already stopped talking about it>"you're such a tranny for not letting it go"so that makes you like what... some type of utra tranny?
why is every low elo yuumi a game ruining barely present AI pretending to be human
>>507125793i dont sit my ass on this general i got other people to troll hon youre a tranny for wanting the last word inso. what's it ganna be? are you a tranny or not?
drow queen was right
>>507125830Yuumi is the best support to have in low elo and if you disagree it means you are a dogshit nigger who belongs exactly where you are
>>507125935Literal challenger player couldn't carry drowqueenm he's the worst player in this entire general
>>507126057Begging to differ, think there were times I almost lost vs bots games.
doja's kindred sucks
>>507126361Resume stream
>>507126406no shit shes a boosted emerald akali otp slut
>>507126361Lord have mercy I thought you were the all caps guy, start streaming now.
>>507125510I'd also like to know
>>507126361the biggest lie I ever seen lolg push is that weekend ranked doesn't exist
Why does Reggie want to be a tranny so bad.
>>507126009Post yuumi only climb
>>507126921Ok let me hop on to my PC.
>>507126009inb4 adcfag seething
>>507126924I don't play yuumi I main adc, but if I played on a smurf in your shitlow I would be glad to get a half afk yuumi that occasionally presses E and R and never hits his Q every game over some idiot trying and failing to play engage, giving away free gold to the enemy team
>>507126057game was sunshine's fault
>>507127156>>507126903terrible teemo supp so bad that even the challenger Lee Sin failed to carry him
>>507127243No it was Drowqueen's twitch that did no damage fault
What's the best jungler to carry
now that the dust has settled, why did tankGAWDS win so hard?
Does Lee Sin suck at low Elo where people don't know how to close out games
>>507126921why do you care so deeply what your toplaner is up to? also lol at you dying to volibear because you failed at leveling chogath r
>>507126921>smashing your stuff like thatThat's fine play slay the spire next. Sorry about the game.
>>507125198what's going on in that pic?
>>507126921DON'T QUEUE
which league champ should I learn with my penis
ttv dumbdiggereducational streamteaching you youngsters how to play kogmaw
>>507129162what is she pointing at
>>507129153turn up your mic bro for this feel?
>>507129256She's showing you where to put your penis
>>507125790>pta is completely viable under certain conditionsIF YOU'RE PICKING WW INTO THESE """""CERTAIN CONDITIONS""""" AKA TROLLPICKING, THEN JUST HANG ASAP
champs for this feel?
>>507129456her teeth seem kind of sharp anon
>>507127410nunu is a weak champ gaycokcs and cockzuck are both turboboosted
vg resultanother up but i might just go play pokemon instead
>>507129513did your mother raise a quitter, anon?
>>507129497Pugmaw. He should give her a candy or something after to condition better.
>>507129316im not himim his advertiserand yes i do it for free
>>507129456can she point to her butt next?>>507129513i won't let that stop me, i'm sure she'll learn not to use teeth eventually
>Four (4) people playing Quickstriker/Kog'MawThere are 32 viable comps to run and this is my lobby...
>>507129646>anon so dedicated he's the personal advertisernice
drowqueen might just be worse than steel
4 niggers on my team every game
wow this dumbdigger guy is actually mentally unwell
>>507110178Merry Nidmas. GNM.
>>507130341ksante is a gay bottom that gets buckbroken every night, thoughbeitever
>>507126406you're right bwo, kindred just isn't working out, back to spamming kaisa ^3^
>>507130057hes the goat>>507130156why u say fuck me for
>>507130747>boosted abuse champs vs actual skill chamsays a lot
>dumbdigger throws the game away the instant seraphine's lips leave his dick
+1 for vg join fast
>>507131363game name?
>>507131185protip: there is a reason mexican families are always huge and never mixed race
cancer majin fucking moterhf cucker b ets SHIT FUCK hm4vs
>>507131568get cancer all of you
if you voted yes to that I straight up do not like you as a person
>>507131568need my syndracucks lips around my balls
is it a wrap tonight?
>>507131912its never been more wrapped
whos to blame for tonights vgs?
>>507131568sorry its pokemon timewhat type do u want u never answered my question
>>507131568>cancer majin fucking moterhf cucker b ets SHIT FUCK hm4vsbro woke up and spoke facts
>>507132105water type please. ive always gone water starters and my first pokemon game was gen 3
is this how lolg dies?
>>507132219ok ur just in time to be this lapras very based good choice
Is lolg the worst thread on vg.
>>507132561I think people have stated there are other generals worse than this one due to it being blatantly off topic or never actually talking about the game itself via erping or just talking about their custom characters. There are also apparently generals that are incredibly slow like 1 thread per week type deal or something.Etc.
play better win games.
>>507132082Magniance, Doja, Drowqueen, Sunshine, Hibikiand of course the biggest cancer: Majin
>>507132989>drowqueenHow? SHE is literally iron and HER kdas were pretty okMuch higher elo players than HER fed way harder
>>507132989what did hibiki do wrong
>>507133432Ahhh I'm going to miss the chests and rerolls.
>>507133436huge flamer despite being the problem every game
>>507133432>>507133517gambling with rerolls was half the fun. the fuck am I donna do with 200000 orange essence
>Going Mid Vel in Ranked>Enemy is a Yone>"Eww, alright">My top WW asks to trade before the game starts cause he's against a Heim>Agree>Constantly demolish his turrets so he can't farm>WW goes on a crazy killing spree>Game just snowballs hard to a full stomp>Yone even comes top eventually but it's too late and I can kill him too now>WW thanks me for the lane swapFeels good when the randos turn out alright.
>>507133790You wont have 20000 orange essance after you start having to uograde your shards.One full skin is like dust from 6 shards of the same level or something.
>>507127524try diana, dr mundo, warwick and nunu. they are all 450 blue essence, easy to play and are all very strong champions in pretty much every elo.>>507127701you are the jungler so you are the one who closes out the games so thats kinda up to you. the smite summoner spell gives you control over objectives so you kinda have to call the shots for your team and for your self
>>507133790Apparently they will change OE to be more useful later but since they have yet to change the mastery symbol to a new or older one I think they will take their time with that change.
>>507133879Mapache was actually funny to be honest.
>>507133879which ones suck dick the best?`
Had my best Ivern game to date
Im bored.Arcane is already over so i have nothing to look forward to.I tried to queue for ranked but i got 4 dodges in a row so i was basicly in "queue"(including banning and picking in champ select) for like... 20 minutes and i just didnt press accept on the 5th lobby.Sigh.Maybe i should just take a nap...But im not really feeling sleepy so i cant fall asleep.
>>507134461>didnt leave for marvel rivals like all the other anonsshiggidy
vgs has been steaming pile of cat shit since it's revival, both days and there has been one good game.
>>507133915>>507133963sounds like shit, fucking hell
>>507134651who to blame
>>507134651no pengy no care
>>507134651then dont playat the rate its going im just going to stop hosting again soon anyway
>>507134693Skill disparity and dishonesty, higher elos see low elos on other team and they lock in their tryhard champs in carry roles
>>507134925you're going to last two days and quit? what are you a quitter?
>>507135041yeah thread kinda sucks and a lot of the people in the games are two faced or just straight faggoty not to mention there is some deranged euro spamming BBC for whatever reason
>>507135326name them
>>507135326You should've just let people play and fight it out in customs on their own without rules.But yeah I get when you say people are two faced and chimp out a lot especially anonymously to try and stir the pot.Vgs always come and go, perhaps once it's no longer a thing again people will begin to miss it and reminiscence and then you can try again, but as usual these things go through the a cycle and it will happen again. But once it's gone and there is nothing going on to make the threads somewhat active and things slow down and the game gets dryer, they will regret their tantrums and deeds.You guys have your discord anyways in the meantime.
the problem is theres a stigma against pushing to ends in vgs and if games start getting stompy more or less the stomped team has to sit around getting kill farmed for another 20-30 minutes unless they ff
>>507135706>You guys have your discord anyways in the meantime.he pretends to not use it
>>507135879That's not the reason vgs suck, the reason it suck is because the trannies have something to prove so when they see the opposing team has bad players they lock in some assassin to farm them for thread clout and since I'm not a bitch like majin I'll call them out known culprits>qmm>topdank>doja>wiggums>hibiki>maqe>lyra
>>507136031It doesn't matter, you guys have an entire social web by now, if not through discord there are other means.
>>507126361Thank you for your stream.I'm guessing you're struggling with the internet because you moved to a different place or something so np about the stream lagging and stuff.
>>507135706im not in a discord >you should've justnope>>507136136i tell people they are niggers constantly what do u mean
>>507136408Tough leader.
>>507136408your idea of the niggers is just people that are bad at the game
>>507136136what good is thread clout when si17 clears this list...
>>507136408But you ban steel and boodrum and not the niggers
>>507136136I only pick my main if I know the other team is stacked or maybe if I'm support/jungle stfu retrd
>>507136136dude just otp qiyana nothing wrong with that
>>507136501no and that is a shallow and completely uninformed way to look at thingsi tell people who only pick their ranked mains and stack teams they are niggers constantlyi tell shitters who actively grief and wont shut up they are niggers constantlyi tell people who pick infinite stackers or do farm agreements or prey on sub silver retards they are niggers constantlyim at the forefront of calling people on their bullshit bucko pay better attention >>507136639i kicked steel once and boodrum is a huge nigger constantly both were/are/will always be justified u literally cant tell me with a straight face any1 i have banned is a good lobby candidate
sunshit is so fucking bad, majin thinks he is griefing games on purposei dont think anyone can top that
>>507137020drowqueen is worse
reminder that Nami is cute
talon is just so cool...
>>507137020Leave my wife aloneJust because she didnt play the best one time in a FOR FUN custom game doesnt give you the right to call her that and talk about her in that way
if you did not play this game during 2013 or before you never actually played league of legends.this dawned upon me today since im doing my yearly 30 matches and was watching some soulless shit "why league is dead" video #9405849085845 and doodling the yuumi thumbnail next to it (pic rel)as this moron called 2017 "the golden age"it ALSO finally makes sense to me why i could not ever fucking convince people bruiser nigger top laners are busted as shit and adc is weak, because this is LITERALLY HOW IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN to 90% of the playerbase who joined after top niggers cried for 3 years about being fucking ganked and unable to be a solo carry while split pushing. it makes so much fucking sense......also i have not checked this board/website in a year, are these threads still fucking porn dogshit?
>watch some kostanza or whatever highlights>talon is just jogging around slapping people like usualnah nigga this shit is not cool at all
>>507135904>thresh does not do shit aside from ult him late>only gets the kill because deerfucker isnt a cc bot (like most every non adc is)>the other adc (weak role) only hits him fucking so overpowered jungnigger!
just sayin si17 called out majin yesterday and was right about everything...
>Hextech Viktor will never be a thing because they reworked his lore that he's now one with Hextech or some shitWell fuck. Also, why the hell did they stop making Hextech skins when a lot of them had good designs like Swain and Kassadin for example?
>>507138012They threw in the hat a while backI remember how disappointing Trist was compared to her wild rift skinSplash art is nice, the hat is cute, but everything else seemed clunky and lazy
>>507137841truth nuke
>>507137376I never said they were bad, majin said that all the time though>>507137841shut up s17
sunshine is a girl?
>>507138902most definitely not, but I am a girl
>>507137412ADCS ARE.... LE WEEK..... BRUISERS ARE.... LE STRONG.....
>>507137423hes dope his montages are just not the best
>>507137841okay but how do I get them to date me
>>507138265Why? Was it also due to them being mostly mythic essence exclusive?
bolo stops playing vgs and they die in weeks simple as that
>>507139131>tanks the dagger and statchecks>uses flash and statchecks, uses wall to escape morg ult I guessliterally how is this cool, I made a play in ranked today that was cooler than either of these
It's legit impossible to carry as a jungle nowadays, laners are too shit and you're always low on gold and xp just for being the jungler
>>507138012Hextech feels a bit weird now since it made the entire ME skinline obsolete, not like the older Janna, Anivia and Galio ones didn't already need the update. There's a double layer of outdatedness now.
>>507139861he tanked one so that he wouldnt have to tank the other, also no other talon player goes in on the elise there> I made a play in ranked today that was cooler than either of theseoh you're trolling LOL almost got me, wp
>>507139861Because he did it against challengers and you did it in emerald.
>>507140147I am a different beast entirely as of late as you could tell within the first 30 seconds of our matchup todayanyways my problem with talon isn't his kit, his animations are just so stiff and boring, even garen be spinning and shit. Talon just hopping fences like a drug runner kind of dope I guess.>>507140215 do be doing it against challenger thoughwhole thing is worth a watch but check out 2:45 and tell me that it's not the most anime "I will go even further beyond" thing you've ever seen
>>507139114jax meets jax2.0.webm
>>507138998and which one are you?
whAT is this fontgraphics design is my passion teir
All I ask for is Seraphine or Viktors Legendary... Except I get Legendary Yi and now this...
>>507141743*record scratch* holy shit yeah that exists lol
one guy in aram flashed to steal the heal from me when i was low hp and i spent the rest of the game hiding behind him and spam pinging question marks and this is legit more fun than actually playing the game with these piece of shit players
>>507141743seraphine is like 1-2 weeks away from going on salenext week is either aatrox or sera legendary from anima squad event
>>507141861The most devilish one was when the guy says "you took it". Yeah sure buddy.
>>507141956>>507141587is it time
>>507141956I wanna put my penis in her bum
best non tacticians? i already have 2 whiskers that i use, no chibis allowed
>>507142025neego buttsecks
>>507141909I thought Legendary skins only go on sale after a year, then never again
>>507141956anal with neeker!
>>507142015maybe it is time>>507142025>>507142087count me in
>>507142063>best non tacticians>posts a tactician Curious.
>>507142219i forgot to delete "non" cause i just woke up and i have severe mental retardation
>>507141587>>507141956Quickplay baddie here, are people just as easily tricked in ranked play? I've lost count of the number of easy kills I've gotten in the early game by pretending to be a minion.
>>507142304*kisses your nose*go back to sleep silly
>>507142112they haven't gone on sale yet, next 2 are aatrox and sera
surely third time's the charm
>>507139114she has 100cs on the jax
>>507142196No anal with me?
>>507143669hmmmmwill you dress like a neeker for me? maybe impersonate the cute voice?
>Make a twitch account to follow /lolg/ streams>Can't type without giving the jews my phone numberCool, guess I'll just stick with temp mail throwaway accounts.
my adc took exhaust smite
>>507137253she kinda fun to play too
>>507145245whats your elo nigger? (its lower than mine)
>>507143314There is half an item difference between her and jax. Not even a full build assassin could do what she did.
no way i got banned for typing same
>>507145431She has a level on Jax (600 gold of stats), and she also has lifesteal, which Jax has not purchased. Not to mention, crit is intended to scale better than bruiser items. Also, this is hardly an ad carry, put Caitlyn standing still with Jax on top of her and if she kills the Jax then I'll admit adc is broken. You can't, because even a 10/0 Caitlyn will die to a 0/2 Jax if she plays melee. You low-elo niggers need to go back to solo queue until you can manage to figure out how to turn your monitors on.
>>507142917why is she protected?
>>507134290very good performance, i hope you keep playing ivern because i think he fits your playstyle really well
>>507145716>All of this adsissy copeThere is no significant difference between a level 17 and a level 18. >You low-elo niggersPost You won't.
>Win 7 games in a row>7th game was really hard and long but managed to win despite Gwen feeding>Next game put me up against a smurfing Irelia who I managed to beat by playing safe but still lost as she took my tower eventually>Bot lane feeding super hardKnew my winstreak would come to an end, so this is what forced engagement matchmaking is.
>>507143816Yes and yes ;)
Coop vs Ai time.
>>507145909's one of my smurfs for you, not giving my main.
>>507146290>alt> Imagine being emerald while getting boosted when a literally who OTP can get to masters while playing seraphine.
>>507146210anal with (You)!who are you? give server at least
>>507146463The you linked was I somebody met today, for fun flex games. Feel free to ignore my 70% wr though bro! Emerald is totally the elo this account is supposed to be at xD
>>507146771damn bromaybe you should post main instead of boosted alt? xd
>>507146987How about we lane against each other in tomorrows vgs and see what happens :)
>>507132989>4 niggers int hibiki>hibiki is to blame
>>507147074>he thinks there will be vgs tommorow
>>507147741This is my first time in this thread, honestly. Honored to be called boosted on my first interaction
>>507139114guys your argument is dumb6 item nilah is beyond busted, her kit is designed to get smashed in lane and focussed by everyone in teamfights. she's the strongest 1v1 adc in the game and basically beats everyone and anyone with this lead. regular crit champs cant do this
>>507147720You're still at it?
>>507147720where is the stream, brotheralso i believe its 3 but 3 WINS
>>507147971Nilah is a lane bully, but for specific counterpicks. I agree with the other points though.
>TFT ranked>3 games in a row theres a duo wintrading eachothercompetitive integrity bro
I apologize for biting the bait.000awp
>>507146208>Just lost second gameOkay, so I was placed in losers queue. To reset queue times, do I wait 24 hours or 48 hours so the ranked system resets? How does this work exactly when I get put in loser's queue? I'm not gonna go gambling again and lose 16 games in a single day to be put back in winner's queue.
>>507148736No such thing as losers queue. You have 4.7cs/min, play better.
>>507148736didn't read looking at boobs
>>507148212how do you not get tired of posting the same thing on every thread for monthslike at some point your brain should tell you you are wasting your time doing this?
>>507148923>No such thing as losers queueUh huh, and I'm king of England.
>>507148736there's no getting out of losersq you need to reinstall your OS make a new account and play in a new ip otherwise they track you down with their spyware and send you back to hell
>>507149269>lil guppy thinks losers queue actually exists
I'm gonna be honest, climbing in league is luck based, nothing that you do matters
>>507150141maybe because you dont do enough game winning plays to matter.
>>507150347There's no such a thing
>>507150141You either rolled the good team or you didn't. It's that easy.
euw vgs doko
>>507149409what did you think about?
>>507150707I added ye
>>507150707wheres the stream sis
Play FF14.
>jinx fixes everything still doesn't work>tried deleting cache,reinstalling,repairing and it still doesn't load small ijndie company
>>507152703replace her with my penis and yes
>>507152750Why would you want it to work anyway I wish mine didn't prioritize over loot
>>507152994I think he's talking about the puzzle game rather than the gacha
>>507150494come on, bro/sis. i am pretty sure there are some
>>507152952/boops your nose
TFT is so fun bros...
>>507152952Stop posting brown people on this racist website.
>>507153878please dont be racist to her
We're thinking of cock again in here
>>507154039that's nice sweetie
>>507152703Is this our new schizo spammer?
You can't spell "fetish" without a "fish"
>>507153702You know how I get down, Steel. No roe nose unbooped.
>>507154524sloppy slimey blowjobs
If you're udyr and you use empowered E during or before nocturne's ultimate you won't be nearsighted
why do topniggers always ragequit after 3-4 deaths?every single fucking game ive been short of 4-0 as adc, that a top laner has laneswapped with the enemy bot ive nearly every time got rundown 1v1 by these ape nigger champions while blowing EVERYTHING just to die in under 8 seconds to a straight line clicking retard like olaf or tryn.why dont u mongrels just ask ur adc to lane swap?
>>507154960my penis gets bigger when i pull on it
>>507155570Can I see? Asking for a school project
me and gaben playing rankedttv dumbdigger
>>507156879Ah I wanted to duo with you but I'm not good at the game atm. Maybe in the future we can try to Lulu Kog.
>>507156973>I'm not good at the game atmdo you not know who you are asking to duo with?
>I try to split>Three enemies rotate to stop me while my team loses 4v2>Enemy top splits>He's ignored completely by the people inside the jungle right next to him
>>507157086I haven't played this game in like 2 weeks I'm rusty as fuck and I can't even right click to cs properly atm. Literal lobotomy patient plus it's gonna be on NA so on 100 ping minimum. Just give me some time to get used to this thing again but by then the season will end so maybe not.
ttv dumbdigger elo boosting stream [hes the booster this time
>>507158042Ill join but in the bg, I was watching sienfeld..
These bots in low level NA are so bad. I don't mean unskilled but they just constantly get into decision loops where they're just pathing back and forth in place.
>>507158318The Riot ones or leveling bots?
>>507158383I can't tell but I'm only lvl 15 so probably leveling bots. I'm only seeing the ones on my team because if you appear before the opponent they stop being indecisive.
>>507158318i do this but im not a bot
>>507158496It ain't normal clicking about you
>>507127182>No proofNot reading your post
>>507158701 heres the part where u fuck off
I can't get out of plat
>>507157323>i havent even used my hands in 2 whole weeks guys i cant do it no morenigga you at your peak isnt any different. you thinking you need to be in tip top condition to play with dumbdigger is insane, if hes 6 feet under the skill floor your 10
we need teamdisparity in vgs
>>507158936he has played a couple and performed exactly as expected
>>507158807But you can get into plat!
>>507158847>oddly strange complementLeave that to the NA hours I heard they need it.
>>507140627>I am a different beast entirely as of lateoh are you now...
>>507158470Man I was levelling an account on NA all these months were were you? Anyways, I had to play bot games exclusively because the norms/arams were absolutely filled with bots like those, oddly enough the coop vs ai ones hosted all the actual human players and the matchmaking were instant.
>>507159101But that's nothing also give me a bj, you give slutty vibes
>>507159415I hate this bred.
how is steel so bad
>>507159881I wanna take this soraka slut out of iron
>>507158798>No yuumi climbWhy would I fuck off
>>507160102He has a cafe cuties skin with Soraka I think with the chroma too.If you adopt him maybe he'll play League more.
>>507160102For free?
>>507160210What a whore
>>507160459is that a good thing?
cancer in real timettv dumbdigger gabenque
>>507159881because he's a bimbo sissy
One more game...
>>507160681>Play with him>Sylas KDA player>Nilah AFK farming and not pushing>Thresh AFK
>>507161319what would you do to a low elo soraka skank?
Should I bother trying to learn Irelia or is she only for Korean fingers?
>>507161590She's not as difficult as she looks, the hardest part about her is landing her stun but that's about it.
>>507161672She doesn't look difficult
>>507162007Play her.
>>507161590It's all about experience and knowing how much damage your Q is gonna do on each item spike. If you Q a minion for stacks and it doesn't die because you didn't have the damage you thought you did then you just;dr it's all experience. commit to the learning experience and accept the fact that you're gonna make some really bad plays on accident for a while
Irelia is a right click champ. She's glorified master yi. All her damage comes from autos. You don't need to land her stun to play her. You legit cannot miss her R and that's all you need. You dont need to do any flashy combos. You just stack passive on minions, Q on the enemy level 2 and run them down with auto attack. That will win you every lane till masters, no exceptions. Then you can start worrying about learning to land her stun and that will take you to GM, depending on how weak or strong irelia is on the patch. Only splitpush and only do teamfights if you have someone with brain engaging, otherwise ignore your team and splitpush. Just remember to play her like master yi and stack your passive, then run people down. She's by far the most overrated, misconceived, overhyped champion in the game. She's by far one of the easiest champions and belongs to the right clicker class.
Please don't forget that we worship penis here
>>507161672>>507162746Thanks anons, sounds good I'll try her.
>>507162865So surely you've hit GM right?Shut up chatgpt nigger
speak for yourself
>>507162960If you disagree with me you are a low elo shitstain who knows nothing about irelia and the top lane. So stay in your lane
ummm yeah irelia is babby's first top laner and can easily get you to gmme? I'm stuck in silver IV because I don't abuse OP champs but I could get there instantly if I were to play irelia
Have they said what parts of the new season are exclusive to the Noxus split? For example the towers & Atakhan - are those only gonna be around for the first split since they belong to the Noxus map?
>>507163608Don't know and don't really care, only clinging by to get the Noxus border really.
at what elo do people stop leashing their junglers
>>507164242same elo people stop afk'ing under their towers and start covering the jungle level 1aka never
i wish Vex hits me with an ability while i lane against her after i dash so it can be empowered
I wish for dick
i wish for death
>call my jungler an animal after the third failed gank where he did nothing>he keeps coming back and wasting everyone's time with his nigger brainLiteral nigger role ^__^
>Rageborn Mundo on saleShould I?
>>507147846Being called boosted is not a compliment lmao>tomorrows vgsNewnigger has an ego, what a surprise.
>>507166351If you're into orcs, yeah.
>>507166563Orcs are pretty cool. Just a shame Rageborn isn't proppa green.
>>507166703He's orange because he's raging, hints in the name.
Good morning /lolg/!Mwah~<3
>>507166565hey, thank u!
If the next champ is Mel, the one after that has to be some turbo-man champion. I would've never thought Riot could release 2 black female champions back to back.
>>507169210according to the leakers, there should be a champion roadmap coming out when the new season properly drops with Mel's official reveal and hints as to who the other two champions will be. Initial theories atm are that they'll both be Demacians and also related to other pre-existing Demacian characters.
>>507169210According to datamining the next champion after Ambessa and Mel is Lest the transgender Vastaya that was using shimmer to relief Salo's pain.
>>507169529Chatgpt bot post
has neace given up on coaching or video games in general ? a coach is weird but also funny >For context, I am a tennis coach of 18 years. I understand exactly what it takes to be a quality coach in any regard. The basics of coaching being: making a quality connection with your student, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses, highlighting both when appropriate and relevant, being encouraging and positive with their progress, and most importantly, ensuring that they feel capable of improvement.>He is one of the worst coaches I have encountered in any realm of competitive sport/game. No respect for clients who have paid top dollar for his time and expertise, lack of presence, easily distracted by chat, little to know constructive criticism, and non existent encouragement. His coaching is truly not even worth 5 bucks.making that quality connection I see with lots of encouragement and positivity
Who is going to be gay in June? Is it Jayvik?
>>507170143If the theories about Jinx surviving and flying to Demacia are true then it might be lightcannon becoming canon finally.
>>507170293God that character literally has to exist everywhere huh.
>>507168115good morning, babe.*kisses you back*
>>507170541Well she is the main character of League of Legends so...
>>507170678That would be Ryze but this company is garbage atm.
>>507170750Who?Is that a new champion that got leaked or something?
>>507170880Man idc about this roleplay, gonna go get icecream and enjoy myself
>>507171385man you guys really need to stop hating on everyone. it's getting a little cliché
>>507171385But they're kino thougheverbeit
You wouldn't a fish.
>>507171168no i didnt.
>>507169893he's a bad coach, i'm much better
I know you can build MF for crit, lethality or AP, but is onhit a thing?
>>507172651She has a attackspeed buff on w so maybe you could but noone is doing it.
>>507169529I love lugs
is Tank Yorick a thing? Heartsteel Titanic Bloodmail maybe?
>>507173957Nah Yorick is an assassin champ you build lethality on him.
lately i noticed you can really get under winning teams skin by saying genuine wp to their worst player
>>507171730you are just baiting for replies, you never answer my postswould SMASH cosmic nami
>>507115049Lethal Tempo and Sorcery Runes are the best options for WW.
I love the league of the legends
>>507118020A lot of Junglers take Sorcery for Waterwalking, a prime Jungler rune. Warwick likes that, but what he really likes is Celerity which increases his W move speed, and gives him a small Move Speed increase overall. You gotta remember that WW is in a category with Rammus and Hecarim for speed boost champs.
do you think riot targetbanned me because they didnt want me to progress on the battle pass so i wouldnt get more skins?greedy ass company
>>507125790Lethal Tempo is the absolute best rune for WW currently. There is no argument for anything else. I would explain, but WW has way too much attention and heat on him. And I'm not a narc.
>>507175276I don't. This threead seems to like Nami.
Which champ or champs can I play to comfort me after losing my lolg?
I reinstalled league at the start of the year after 12 years without playing. It's been almost a year and this game is an addictive giant timesink so I uninstalled it for good.I have to say this general was god awful, 90% is spam and barely anyone wants to talk about the game. I have no idea how people stands coming here for years. See ya! glhf
*fucks Jinx 9 months before Isha was born.*
Not exactly returning player more like I'm just scratching an itch, just playing normal for fun with random picks in toplane. Aside the fact that tanks don't seem to be tanks anymore, people still don't put enough wards. I don't understand, you have free wards every other minute, but can't bother to place one even just at the beginning of the river? I easily match the vision score of the support and don't even place the wards at random, since I place them at river, enemy jungle if I can or close to my lane for safety.
6k hp Senna
>>507180273Duo with me
Finally got out of being hardstuck in Plat/Emerald for years, and reached Diamond in probably the hardest split League has ever had.
>pick scaling champ>team forfeits at 15Every time
>>507180073between "Rebel Heart" and "Get Jinxed"which one is a better representation of the character?
>>507180886is it though? I noticed zero difference between E4 through D4 in player skill.
2024>strong shitskin wamen>censored sexy girl>disney shit2023>faggot>semi-monsterino girl>monsterino >disney shit2022>shitskin faggot>shitskin>semi-monsterino girl>shitskin>neutral2021>cute girl>shitskin>cute girl>barechest white guy2020>shitskin>cute girl>strong wamen>barechest white guy>disney shit>barechest white guy2019>faggot>shitskin>sexy girl>disney shit>barechest white guy2018>cute girl>shitskin>sexy girl2017>disney shit>monsterino>barechest white guy>barechest white guy>sexy girl2016>original design>disney shit>neutral>cute girl>monsterino>original design2015>strong wamen>monsterino>monsterino>shitskin, although great design>neutral>2014>monsterino>original design>original design>monsterino>barechest white guy>monsterino>barechest white guynow let's go from the other end2009>monsterino>cute girl>sexy girl>monsterino>original design>original design>original design>sexy girl>disney shit>barechest blue guy>monsterino>sexy girl>cute girl>disney shit>disney shit>original design>monsterino>original design>original design>sexy girl>barechest white guy>monsterinoetc-last time we had an original idea was in 2016, 8 years ago (Camille), she doesnt fall into any generic category (not strong woman vibe, not a goonslop)-we have another shitskin on the way, with 7 shitskins released in the last five years(reminder that shitskins do not play this game)-last time riot released a non-sexualized male was in 2016 (Jhin)-last time we got a sexy girl that doesn't have her tits censored was in 2019 (Qiyana), five years agoRemind me, why are we still playing this game?
>>507181127I've been a Jungle Warwick main since Jinx's release. So many years spent on banned accounts, learning macro, mastering his rework mechanics, and finally getting a meta where Warwick was strong... then they buffed him in craziest way possible, and refused to fix the main issue.I feel a bit bad about "abusing" him but for the last 7 years, WW's been treated like an abused dog anyway. This is the year I learned how to ACTUALLY Jungle, and I've been training, practicing, and theory-crafting so much shit. Multiple epiphanies and realizations of how dumb I was playing before even if my mechanics and macro were "okay".
>>507180505Ehhh, I'd say it's rather unwise to post any game ID here so I have to decline, what's the catch of playing duo with anyone here? Besides, I used to be hard stuck silver when there weren't the new ranks like iron emerald and such, I don't think anyone would like it.
>>507180886>>507181925>hardest split>warwick playerso which is it?
>>507181464Get Jinxed because Jinx is singing it as her champion theme much like how Vi was singing her own song in hers.
>>507181764This split was the 2nd hard reset in a row. Because of the removal of Promo Games and the introduction of Emerald, there has been a lot more players inEmerald+. Riot deflated those players with this split but now it's a clown fiesta in matchmaking. You have Plats, Emeralds, Diamonds, and Masters all in the same games and it's not even that uncommon. Check people's OPGG, they're like Diamond/Master last season, yet have a sub 50% WR with a 100 games in this split? Yeah, boosted.
>>507182137The catch is I get to suck your dick after each game.
>>507181925You're coping, you didn't learn shit. 1 division diff is literally just warwick buff. It doesn't matter if you're D4 or E2 or P1, it's all the same garbage.
forsen is improving rapidlygold soon
>>507182531So I started Plat 4 this split. It's crazy how many last split Diamond players I saw in matches, yet they would have sub 50%WR with hundreds of games, hardstuck in plat shitlow. Player Skill doesn't really improve on average amongst these elos, you're right. It's simply about applying macro correctly, holding in your mental, and playing seriously. That's how you grind.But to climb consistently right now? You have to learn how hard carry consistently. Warwick is strong, before and after all these changes. Even after these nerfs, even if they nerf him for the 3rd hotfix in a row, and he's gonna be stronger next season too. Despite all that, Jungle Warwick Mains don't carry their games, I've checked. They're higher elo than me, of course, but I've learned how to play WW Jungle in a way that makes even the hardest trolling team a 50/50. Warwick is a late game champion and nobody even admits it.
>>507183246i've seen multiple season masters players hardstuck there with 50% winrate over 100 games
>>507183246Stop coping, you didn't invent a secret special technique that challenger warwicks don't know about. There's more to carrying than KDA and damage or whatever garbage tells you
>get up>ready to play ranked>remember it's sunday i SHAN'T be tempted by weekend queue
If you truly understood the game and soloQ you'd be master. That's where the game begins, everything below that is full of morons that you can beat while blindfolded and having 0/10 yone and yasuo on your team. If you see a master last season player hardstuck in diamond/emerald then they were simply boosted/bought account. No actual master player will struggle in pisslow, not even 50lp dogs, the game is just completely different
>>507184042counterpoint: agurin @ split start
>>507183897its also holiday queue its much worse today
>>507181889Attractive characters does not magically mean the game is fun, what can be noticed is that the designs have become poor just like every aspect of this game overall.
>>507183624>challenger warwicksThere aren't any. The Challenger Warwicks are Korean Toplaners. Jungle Challenger WW Mains don't exist, D0WG was NA Challenger this season, but he just fell from all the early game nerfs. His playstyle is literally not allowed by Riot anymore. But I don't play for early or coinflips. I play WW like a mixture of everything I know about him over tens of thousands of games over several years. That sounds dramatic, but people literally didn't know WW was gonna get this strong, when it should've been obvious.Riot/Phreak/Skill Capped/Experts didn't see it. Some Korean challengers saw how to abuse some cheese, and I saw this shit coming from a mile away. I don't play or build like any WW I can find, and I've discussed tips with a Master JG EUW player, he's throwing in the towel for this split, but to me this is just a warm up for mext season. I'm telling you, Warwick is gonna be as strong as he was pre-hotfix.
>>507184210idk i had some success over the week (except saturday)
>>507184042imagine being a retard that still thinks this game has a fair matchmaking where skill matters. pobelter ended top 10 challenger then got stuck in diamond/masters 0 lp for hundreds of games. imagine if you werent a streamer and couldnt play 1k games a split, your few hundred games would be entirely luck based
>>507184615So true oomfie, every master+ player is just a luckshitter, they are all emerald players on a winstreak
Getting league withdrawals
>>507184615Yeah you cant leave plat because of unlucky matchmaking
>>507184983>he hasn't seen the countless posts on reddit complaining about this split how they ended masters/gm and now stuck in emerald or d4yes unironically. if you're not abusing jungle then all you're doing is flipping coins because that role has more agency than the other 4 combined
>>507185375true agurin was just a hardstuck diamond shitter who lucked out getting #1 global you're so right
>>507139114Jax played that badlyHe needs to wait with his e to counter nilahs e and q out of her r instead of going in
>>507185784>agurin losing in the early season against other challenger/gm/masters climbingdamn thats crazy
>>507139114>>507185976Not saying he would win at that pointBut he definitely misplayed and he shouldn’t have gone inJax struggles to kill Nilah when behindAt this point in the game it’s just gg, play for team
>>507185424No you fucking moron you know why that happened? Because in S12 everyone and their mother got inflated to masters+ and then riot nuked the LP in S13, hence why all the retarded inflated redditors went back to where they belong.You know nothing about the game, stop talking
>>507185784do you know why middle easterns are the 2nd best race at lolly
>>507147971Nilah is a counterpick you moronShe shits on a large part of the botlane roster and has the winrate against them back it upHer exp will always be higher and nilah w is crazy value into marksmen
>>507186167Winning or losing 3 more lp per game doesn't cause a massive shift like what happened this split you brainless retard. They clearly messed with the matchmaking and when combined with their atrocious balancing it made the game and ladder a complete joke.
>>507184443whats his dei esg score
>>507186446You idiot monkey the amount of masters was cut by half. Look it up. Retard
>>507186527Because no one is playing the game retard. Ranked games played dropped by half this split, no one is playing this dead rigged garbage.
>>507186309yeahthats why you kill her lvl 1 when she sucks ass and then either zone her out of lane or have your support roam to even out xp (or better force her to lane solo denying her passive)
This Forsen guy seems pretty bad at League, what gives?
>>507186692The new honor changes making people below lvl 3 honor unable to speak will fix this.People are quitting because they are fed up with all the toxicity but riot is fixing that so players will return next season.
>>507186692You're a moron, cut in half as in the %, not the amount. Stop talking, it's embarrassing, you know nothing about the ladder because you haven't been past gold.
>>507187189>Half the people not playing or people playing half the amount of games doesn't affect the %stop embarrassing yourself you low elo retard
>>507185424>>507186167It can be both. They don't cancel each other out.
>>507107978Does abyssal stack with voidstaff if someone else buys abyssal mask?
How do i keep my cs 8+/min as a mid laner when we enter like 18 minutes into the game and 2-3 other people are in my lane the rest of the game
>>507188575What's your elo? Bronze?
>roll teemo in aram>heartsteel time>have 7k hp>check endscreen>aurora tanked twice as much damage as i did>while having only 1 defensive item(zhonya)>while building full damage>while dealing triple my damage>she was doing 2k damage with a single Q on me when i had 180mryea i get it riot your new champ is really fucking goodbut can we atleast nerf the fucking hp/armor/mr scaling of her or are we fine with her being a pseudo tank late game?
>>507189039nothing about this post is real
>>507184402good stuff and im happy it worked out ofr you. Also props for having the honesty to discuss your history. Now, if you can indulge me, seeing as you are a warwick main, do you cringe when you see the enemy pick one? Do you lament the enemy team's choice for any number of reasons or do you laugh at him because the dude actually picked warwick?
>>5071885751. Tell them to get out, preferably before they even think of pivoting to your lane.2. Move to their lane before they even think of doing it to yours.Basically you gotta play selfishly, and out-think your opponent AND your team. Mute them if they ever ping anything stupid. Don't even use team chat. Ping your moves before you even begin them, ie you want to split push? Ping it before you even leave fountain/base. Even if they don't listen or care, chances are their subconscious will know.
>>507189336this game sucks man, i already know people will crash out over this
>>507186517Straight white male whos attracted to the women of the same race in his base skin so the lowest it can be.Hes gay and in a interracial relationship with Ekko in the Pulsefire skin though so at least thats something.Maybe they can make his Pulsefire skin the cannon version of him like they did with sentinel Vayne?
>>507189508>ezreal>whitesince when? why does he rook the same? that boosts his dei esg score to 10/10
>>507189267Right now if someone picks Warwick, I'm pissed because I switch to first pick in every champ select to get him and make sure nobody bans him.If they're going JG WW, they probably don't know what they're doing right now. If they're going Top WW, it doesn't matter if they know what they're doing, they're gonna be a monster.Before the changes, nobody picked or banned WW. So it was never an issue. If I ever played a mirror match in a For Fun Queue, then I would just laugh because they're probably going TankWick, playing early, and stacking HP like a dumbass. Even if I played early like shit, I would outscale by mid game, even if we had the same runes. Or we might have similar items, but I picked different runes because I always favored attack speed LT.
>Mid is 0/3>Bot lane is 0/5>We're at the 4th minion wave of the match>The bot lane is a duo on discord sucking eachother off losing to two solos one of which is a FIFTEEN PERCENT WIN RATE player>This all happened without the enemy jungler so much as showing from fog of war>I'm supposed to play for those people
>>507189112BASED fuckin teemo "player" fantasy smasher
>>507159881sometimes he preforms well and hard carries
how do i stop being a shitter when i play gwen
>>507189482Yeah, exactly! That's part of what makes this the only solution to climb: Why take a game seriously if someone is gonna troll just because you're trying to play the game your way?You're never gonna make these players behave and their typing can lead to you losing momentum or them trolling even harder.You wanna know the best way to make a toxic player behave? Trust me, I've lost at least a dozen accounts. It's to play good. A toxic player is only mad because either he's doing bad or his team is doing bad. You cannot force him to do good, but you can stop playing bad and give him an opportunity to comeback. If he doesn't want to, then you were never gonna win that game with your current skill level anyway. Learn what you can and move on.
>>507191045who is a good mid laner to escape silver and do this playstyle on
try not getting angry at pixels color for 5 seconds challenge failedsome of you broke bums need to rethink your lifeless dog porn more outdoors
>>507191094That I don't know. I'm a jungler, I just told you what makes Junglers have the most agency in the game. A good jungler plays like it's Quidditch and he's Harry Potter going for the golden snitch. Playing to Tempo and securing Objectives for Win Con. A Midlaner is more proactive, and requires winning lane or roaming well consistently. Someone that can teamfight and/or split push safely.
>>507159881how are you so pathetic?
what's the best Irelia skin?
>>507130318built for breeding pale skinned beauties.
>>507188575midlane stop being yours once botlane outer towers start falling, you go on a sidelane and collect minions there
nothing worth reading itt
>>507159881hop off my goat
>>507192628here's a post worth looking at
always remember to look at your surroundings when oyu play the game. dont be tunnel visioned.
>>507191674Oh, one last thing. I read this study that Midlaners need to synergize with their team while also countering/not being countered by the enemy mid laner.I don't play lanes at all, but this should mean you either need a mid laner that is consistently OP or you need to switch your pick based on everyone's pick in Champ Select. Here's how Champ Select should be picked every gameOTPs (if any) 1st. If not, ADCs 1st. JG 2nd. Sups 3rd. Mid 4th. Top 5th. Switch roles with people in Champ Select, pay attention to what they're picking and ask them what their plans to pick are. Watch what the enemy is picking. Then pick accordingly. Champ Select actually matters, especially for Mid.
>>507192874she would never, ever have any of these reactions. so unbearably unreal it's cringe.
we piccked 4 marksmen and one assassin. are we cooked?
>>507193279Is this aram? If so then yes.
yeah even the ones with chocolate bars are more genuine and believable than whatever dumb weeb fantasy that image was. >>507193115>Switch roles with people in Champ Select, pay attention to what they're picking and ask them what their plans to pick are. Watch what the enemy is picking. Then pick accordinglythat is way too much chat for a lobby in a game where the players get tilted upon whiffing a bad smell. The question "what are your plans" is potentially megatilting all by itself. The draft order sounds right to me but to expect any form of coordination in-lobby with today's league lobbies is pure fantasy
>>507193595Nigger posting his bullshit again; or is that ionian slut really that much of a filthy whore that she let him take pictures?
My current top lane mains are Mundo and Poppy. What could be a good third to round the pool down?
Damn I don't know what to play.
is forsen good?
>>507194579How about Jax?
I really just gave a Nasus free farm all game and didnt interact with him unless he tried to dive me he lost the game because he kept trying to group
>>507195398I find Jax kinda boring.
>>507193841True! Maybe skip that part.
Which champion melts tanks the fastest
>>507196893Stuff like Vayne.
>>507196893kog'maw, vayne, varus, master yi, fiora, trundle, maybe gwen
>>507196893Vi with Bork.
>>507196893Guinsuoo Vayne.
ap irelia is so fucking useless the only thing it can do is le funny 100% dmg reduction
>"Lets get Kraken."what did she mean by this
>>507198253secret message by phreak trying to tell us her optimal build
>>507198858Man I love playing her along with Shyvana and Elise. Never change.
How do I play versus the furry wrestler in the toplane and DON'T say something retarded like sidestep his W, when he saves his E it's guaranteed to hit. So I have to play knowing that he can run me down if he wishes OR I can fight back and get my damage handed back to me but quadrupled
>>507198990so what does Vi stand for anyways? violence? vicious? vice? this chick needs to make up her mind
When should one buy FoN and when Kaenic?
>>507199230Violet, as told by arcane.I always joked it stood for virgin.
>>507199230Arcane revealed it stands for Violetta(her name)
>>507199205the trick is to poke him, short trades. dont burst him because that way sharges his W faster.
When are we getting an actually cool looking new champ? Its all been disney,chinkslop or concordshit lately.
>>507181889>The masked serial killerJhin is generic as fuck
>>507199883>mistletoe won't be the only thing hanging this christmasdamn, unlucky ekko.
At this point maybe its time to add accounts to 4chan and upvotes and downvotes and not let accounts that are under 2 weeks old and have less than 200 karma post images.
Dianafag here to remind you daily that if you play top laners in mid you have NO talent.
>>507199379>Violetta(her name)Vi theme
>>507172094>he's a bad coachI don't know since there aren't any standards what I can tell Neace is too reactive and stuck in his routineshe doesn't care what type of person someone is and insists on unlocking cam, making UI small, using hotkeys, small champion pool etc. I think that's mainly for his own benefit and not the person he is coaching to keep it all together people are different and what works for one person might become a disaster for someone else there is 3 carries in that game and he wanted that Morde also becomes one which is crazy old Morde was inherently not a reactive champion due to his kit, if you got caught you were deadthe broad itemization is what opened up possibilities but that's about it Morde was all about layering properly due to his limited mobility and dependency on your teammates
>>507181889The monsters are the only kino designs they made. Everything else is gay and boring.
>>507199868what's the matter bro? you hardly touched your ambessa
>>507196893AP varus
Remember when retards here thought Sett was gonna be an anthro strongfat female badger?
another day... another easy win in GM mmr... lol... was on alicopters stream... got weaksided early but w.e...
>>507201063Seraphine being 17 makes her hotter.
>>507199868Doesn't matter as long as it irreversibly kills this game for good.
>Ekko pings my entire item build as Ashe (I had two crit items) as if that's what's making us lose (I've got positive kda and am definitely contributing).>Ask him what is wrong and if he doesn't know what Ashe passive does or what.>Oops! Turns out it was a 4 man premade!>Spend the entire rest of the match with them dogpiling me at every chance and spending more time typing insults than actually playing.
I hope we get Swarm 2 or some other new PvE gamemode iteration in 2025. Swarm seems to have been crazy successful so I'm really hoping that they don't abandon the concept this time
i miss steel
>>507201063>nidalee useless even in high elo
>>507201715I didn't play Swarm at all, I still believe the SG and Odyssey event was superior.
Found the cuckspammers video essay
>>507201804Hes against Seraphine is 17's on her main champ Seraphine.Any champion would look useless against her.
>>507201063Thoughts on being right about majin? even a Challenger couldnt carry him in vgs
>>507201797shouldn't have groomed him, flamed him, doxxed him, and banned him from vgs then
>>507201839I don't even really remember either of them that much (or if I played them at all - I think I was too busy with school and IRL at the time) but even though Swarm was admittedly pretty generic and the meta and "best items" were very clear there was still lots of fun to be had with trying to beat hardest difficulty Aatrox or Bel'veth with all of the characters - more importantly, though, I just think that Swarm in particular just has lots of potential and wouldn't be too hard to make a sequel to with a new set of Primordian skins or something.though frankly I'd be okay with any other returning game mode that isn't Arena too. I think Arena fell into the same trap One for All/Ult. Spellbook/etc did where people figured out the meta and then the overall player enjoyment value goes way down with how you just start seeing the same handful of champions every game and then it also becomes not-so-worth-it to maintain for Riot as well with how much more thought they have to put into it with balance changes and so forth. Swarm doesn't have any of these problems.
>gets endorsed by the worst poster in the thread
>>507202407His only endorsement is blatant samefagging and the spammer
>>507201797I'm gonna be honest you guys kept egging him with sweet words that meant nothing and then turned around laughed at his face. You people have no right to say such things.
>>507202256cutelow flaming in vgs has increased dramatically
>>507202130>even a Challengerwho
>>507202379Swarm was gay and boring.
I could do this all day
>>507202939what the fuck does this image even mean you schizo
>>507202407spammer hops around on focusing different anons
>>507202514>>507202687lolg always takes things for granted and then misses it when it's gone. when will they learn
>>507202710The Viktor player from this vg >>507105838.Lotta people just vent posted against the host and he claimed he will not do vgs anymore. See how things go today during the NA hours.
euw bgs doko
>>507203291majin went on to int every game after that one btw...challenger or no, he weas just sprinting it...
supramalignance needs to be on the same team as gaben and teamdisparity for na vgs to be balanced
>>507203558he cant even carry drowqueen without losing
>>507203516I don't care what anyone says or what happened, he said he will not do vgs anymore so that is the only thing I'm waiting to see if he can hold up to that. Last night was especially shitty because of all the people bitching at him it was kinda sad. I guess this place wasn't done booting enough people out.
>>507203690maybe don't be such a hypocrite and kick si17 out of jealousy then...
>>507203873Doesn't matter if you don't like a host someone else will try to make one and emulate.Note that vgs have always been reduced to petty dramas before they die out, the cycle will continue regardless of who is pulling.
euw got the faggiest roleplayers hahahahaha
>>507203690>I guess this place wasn't done booting enough people outI have a conspiracy theory that half the flaming is that one anon who legkt thought people were doing vgs just to spite him and sperged out
>be me, have 20 ping>aram ksante>everything i do feels like i do with a 400 pingWhat a trash champ
>>507204056why is lolg like this. over a CUSTOM GAME no less
>>507201804yeah that champ just gets outscaled... when i'm against strong early game junglers i just ward my junglers camps... they really like it...>>507202130i mean it was pretty obvious i was right... lol... so i have no feelings towards it either way... he banned me not for any in game behavior which is such a bad move and makes you look weak... remember he had no rebuttal for my arguments... if he wants to host he should balance games then spectate not play lee sin and afk...>>507203516yeah but i get banned despite never trolling a game on seraphine... lol...>>507204056except this "petty drama" was entirely self inflicted by the host of all people...
seraphine 17 is the spammer I'm sure of it now>both posts AI generated art >spammer hates on everyone and only shows support to seraphine 17
>>507204629what's his beef and with Doja?
>>507204813si17 is a retard and doja calls out that si17 is a retard every time
>>507204629obviously not. this is far from the first time he's latched onto an anon
>>507204964By latch you mean hating on namiposter, look at my meat, jfs, lyra, doja?Which poster did he ever show support of? Do tell.
Really don't want to make eu vgs again to shut that guy up.
qiqiqiqi doko?
>>507204629thats not me... i don't even want to post my full Seraphine pic because hes going to add bbc to it...>>507204813*her... i think doja is just ignoring me from now on but i cba... he hard inted me in a custom and didn't apologize over it... i might permaban him in my stream too if he acts obnoxious...
>>507205318he'll just find something else to spam
How does S17 get their damage that low?Even while maxing W first and building moonstone and taking Aery im still doing 7.7k damage.Do they just not use their q and e at all and only use W or something?
>>507205449si17 is boosted, he's a gold player on his actual account
>>507205372You should get over people "hard inting" you in custom games, its gone and done. People playing this game rarely ever apologize. Best just keep quiet and let that stuff pass. No I don't care about buts and ifs.
>>507205110he put l*ra at the top of the best girl list at some point
>>507205372don't worry tranny no body is planning to watch a boosted streamer
If I want to be a bruiser initiator, is Rammus or Skarner faring better atm
>>507205449watch the stream sis... alistar got 70% of his hp lost level 1 against caitlyn morgana... and they proceeded to zone us out and made me perma weakside... i couldn't do anything but stay safe... >>507205632its very obvious he told gourdon to grief that hwei game... idc he should just grow up but i can't change people... >>507205670seething emerald akali main playing assassins in low elo and can't climb... lol... you're going to be platinum at best next season... cba...
ty riot I for sure had my cursor on the clone why else would I auto the real leblancalso she got shit on
im back from my ban niggers time to discuss some league of legends
>>507205976If people can't grow up you'll have to be the mature one. No going about that.
>>507205110>Which poster did he ever show support of? Do tell.Me
>>507205976stop buying boosts tranny
>>507205372this whole time I thought you were a guy
>>507206254angrytrumpfan is a man, he namechanged to seraphine is 17 and starts trying to larp
>>507205964>that>a girlLMAO
>>507205110The only genuine answer here are the people whom he does not interact or does anything with at all (yordle players, gays, iron players, etc). Both love and hate from that thing is equally undesired and repulsive and should not be translated as supportive.
>>507206021Were you an extremely RARE Kennen player? What were you banned for?
>>507205964who is this bitch taking pictures for and why...
>>507206745Easy pickings.
>>507206196yea she should use the doja strategy and get them for free>>507206745>who is this bitch taking pictures for for her slave simp army>and why...for skins
>>507206675discussing discord drama and namefags like LITERALLY EVERYONE DOES FOR HOURS EVERY DAY EVERY THREAD INCLUDING LITERALLY SI17 RIGHT NOW THANKS JANNIES and no nobody plays kennen wtf league of legends nerf brand just in case got 2 be extra careful these days
>>507206061i have grown up... i remember just a couple months ago i went on like a 16 loss streak... i improved my mental so much and during this split where mmr was reduced across the board i got to my highest peak with very minimal duoing with friends... makes me happy he will never outrank me i guess... still really annoying to deal with that i never get credit for anything i do in GM mmr... like... its so tiring sometimes... i remember in a riot august video that he just posted a couple days ago the extreme misogyny that we have to deal with... if someone like me gets to high elo i get bombarded with boosted allegations... however if a guy like doja playing akali with his ekko friend gets to high elo no one bats an eye... no one ever accuses those that play more aggressive champions to get boosted even though it happens very frequently...
>>507207076It's probably forgiven currently due to the thread closing soon.
>>507207145>>507207030>si17 is totally not the bbc spammer btwCan't make it any more obvious at this point
Galio does too much damage
forsen's team fucking sucksgranted he's just as bad
>>507207562Feeling the same but for Gragas after trying him out just a few minutes ago.
ok ill make euw vgs if noone else is going toName: EuwvgsPassword: vidyajoin fast before i get impatient and close the lobby
>>507205976you do no damage every game, while building seraphs. lol
>>507207804no firestorm no join
>>507207804Doesn't exist. Post lobby.
>>507201063you're no AOE
>>507207884firestorm is here join
>>507206934looks like grim pickings to me pal
>>507204629it's M all along and always has been M and he even tried to pin the blame on the wolftroon that everyone loves to hate and love. He's also the piss guy/steel obsessor. Go after his girlfriend doja (no matter the cost) and you defeat him. Defeat him so that he may be reborn anew and free an Angel from his clutches.
>>507166529Definitely is when you're not actually boosted 8)
>>507202256I did none of those
>>507203035>what the fuck does this image even mean you schizoit's geometry among other things it's hard to describe since it's not grounded in rationalism alone it's not like this wasn't posted before it's getting old at this point was terrible with the natural sciences in school if something is wrong go ahead and laugh