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Previous: >>507034246



>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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First for my wife, Leo!
LowTierGod COPES About The Covenant Manor
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>leobitch realized how shitty VF is and came crawling back
See? SEE? You dumb niggers. All of you who claim to be leaving for VF will come crawling back, just like that faggot.
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I lost 4 times in a row to this literal empathetic trash that is now a Tekken King Yoshimitsu mashing df2.

A 6000 games hardstuck S4 Bryan player is now Tekken King mashing df2 with Yoshimitsu with empathy.

This is like a group of three men raping another man while he cries and then proceding to cut off his fingers one by one after the rape. It's literally satanic. Not as bad as the scenario I mentioned but of the same type.

I'm a Raijin in T7 and a 5000 hour Bushin in T8. I'm done for today. Fuck my parents for being cocksucking retards and giving birth to me. Absolute mongrels that created this sentient bad at Tekken being.
that theory doesn't really work because he had been MIA even before the REVO playtest announcement, and he didn't reappear until today, almost a week after the playtest ended
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sorry, the girls in tekken don't have asses like cammy. you'll need to install mods for that
stop playing mashen and play some cs2
Say It
one time raijin 3000 time divine ruler
you're both really bad at detecting my posts LOL
i got to tekken king with clive using 222 and hellsweep
i think it's due to the fact that no one cares about you lil blud
d8 eos is coming
it will be a sweet sweet day
This faggot ass waste of time genetic test game I'm so sick of this trash I try so hard just to get scrubbed out by 1000 hours new players it's so disgusting I played like 12 hours today just to get scrubbed out fucking disgusting game I am Bushin after 5000 hours of gameplay nice I failed the genetic test
clearly you do, else you wouldn't be posting about me in the first place, fuckface
its time to use this anger on harada and murray
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>detecting my posts
Nigga, what the fuck are you talking about "detecting posts" dumb nigga you stopped making your ritual posts because Clive coming and Leo being proven male (AGAIN) broke you
VF isn't going to save you, Tekken will. You saw that, so will the others
stfu egotistical faggot
I was gone for a few weeks to deal with life stuff. I missed the VF5 beta window so I didn't get to play it
I can confidently add Clive to my "characters whose mains I want to throw off rooftops" list.
Virtua this. Tekken that. When are we getting a competent modern Godzilla game.
stfu schizoschizo ive never touched virtua fighter in my life
This game is for faggot empaths who think inside the box along their lines of their neurotypity which happens to be specifically aligned with the system mechanics. They create a club or cluster of neurotypicals to keep artists, philosophers, intellectuals and highly divergent people out.
>im special thats why i suck at tekken
youre not fooling anyone
havent played in two months
played clive for a few hours a few days ago and I haven't returned
game’s… good… I… copped it
That was so robotic anon must've had a gun pressed to his head
Tekken is like socializing, dancing at parties or courting women. It's not a mathematical or creative pursuit that requires introspection or creativity, it's a natural bioprocess that people with low inhibition and extraversion display far more easily. That's why Newton didn't reproduce and artists are more likely to kill themselves, they inhabit a different mental space that doesn't translate to natural bioprocessed average person activities, explaining this should show you how Tekken is also one of these and which is why normies are so good with so little difficulty.
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very good.
these dudes playing jojo make tekken players look fit
what even are you watching?
gay porn. Bryan main btw
im gay because i want to
I haven't seen MYK commentate for a while. He's doing OK?
>rationalizing why i suck at tekken 101
kill yourself tranny we all hate you
I need human contact
He’s just old and doesn’t like T8 that much. Same with all the other LUYG guys
at this point, who even likes T8?
....i do
honestly it's fun and the most rewarding game of the current fighting games. skill ceiling is still insanely high even if there's a bunch of retardedness. compared to trash ass sf6, strive, whatever garbage anime slop there is, it's the best modern fighter unironically.
>blud hasn't tried Virtua Fighter
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Im the same rank as LTG now :D
What a funny timeline where people are banking on Virtua Fighter to make a comeback
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Funny how? What's funny about it? I mean funny like we're clowns, we amuse you? We make you laugh, we're here to fucking amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How is it funny?
That's what Mashen 8 will do to people who just want to play a solid 3D fighter.
Can you play VF just mashing on feel? I'm happy to dabble in it but I ain't learning shit.
>Can you play VF just mashing on feel?
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Mashing and feeling Stella's bridge between worlds (vagina)
It’s still kind of Tekken so I like it
>Can you play VF just mashing on feel? I'm happy to dabble in it but I ain't learning shit.
Tekken 8 sounds right up your alley!
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they should hire avoidingthepuddle as tekken 9s director
this ain't it bruv
more for the filter md5
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more Leo for your eyes!
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emery crashing out realizing that the vf community doesn't want his doa-playing ass either
brown folks should have their own internet
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I'd tape his mouth shut and fuck his tight ass
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he's right. also PLAP
netcode won't fix the game being a kusoge in tournament thoughbeit.
ngl I jerked off to some fanart of lili and now I feel so shameful, sick, and disgusted with myself.
bro i jerked to lucky kkokkma and it was the best pleasure i've ever felt
where are ltg restreams i dont get how it works
just noticed p1/p2 azucena portraits aren’t mirrored wtf
is it like this for every character???
Since Immo's site isn't fully up yet (just a beta) we're all hanging out here
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Yep, they take the time to make sure certain details are correct for both side portraits. Notice LEO's hair in this screenshot for example.
no one cares faggot
interesting, I think some get mirrored and some don’t
I literally asked
fix matchmaking nigga
time to jack off to trannies again
The curse of mainman
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Cute boy
if i plug at the loading screen does it still count? i dont wanna play against any fucking clives enough is enough
I plug my ass
i unironically would
I am playing Bloodborne
I am playing Cyberpunk
Insider here Tekken project team has decided to "buff" some weaker characters in the game by giving them an install for season 2
Why the fuck am I getting faggot ass streamers with almost 400k prowess at Fujin. Get a fucking life, loser.
I once saw a female with no penis
characters start there past TGS
your month 10 bryan WILL get raped by my hour 1 alisa
I'm confused why are the NA blacks fighting with the EU Muslims again?
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Perhaps he is a little overtuned
I got raped by some Clive faggot who wears glasses. Fuck this character.
I thought it was EU vs EU this time.
My worst matchups
>Alisa 34%
>Asuka 38%
>Hwoarang 41%
>Lars 41%
>Devil Jin 42%
>Victor 42%

What does this mean?
It's the blacks in general
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wanted to play temu 8 then remembered they still aint changed prowess matchmaking smdhtbqhfam
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this sef guy might be the best tekken player in the world
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Here on /tekgen/ the tranny's come back again
I remember when he lost like Pakistan
Leo proven male again, a man
Mindbroken, axe wound dripping, to VF, he ran
And I knew as he ran away
He wanted to commit the su, leave life, putting 2
Rounds into his skull
Cause now he sees that
Leo is a male, not a tranny
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>play tekken all day
>decide to accept ONE wifi
>it's a fucking Alisa
>lag eats my inputs
>almost got him after adjusting
>lag eats my input
>move don't come out
>he wants a rematch
how do these people play through that lag and think they're going to get a rematch?
no it’s blockheart because all of his characters are tgo dood
bruv said "play tekken"
So you've stopped crying from Tifa not being added onto the game xD
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Trust and believe
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Haven't played since launch. Is Paul good now? What has changed? Are people still pissed?
I forgot Paul was still in this game
It's better than any other fighting game out there that isn't VF5 Revo.
any interest in an Oceania Lobby?
>believing anything that Harada said
Even if he's somehow not lying this time, watch it be any other FF character other than Tifa
That muscle tone is how Lidia should have looked like. Not the ridiculous roid monster she is now
>those tattoos
they overcorrected a bit. in tekken 7 she was soft and doughy and didn't look like a martial artist at all.
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everyone in the lounge bought murraytars
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>not liking muscle mommies
People still use Tekken Lounge? Lmao
Does Jin know Kazuya stuck his schlong inside his mom or does he not know how pregnancy works?
Does Kazuya know Clive stuck his schlong inside his wife or does he not know?
Once I stopped viewing my opponents in Tekken as people I stopped getting upset at the game. Everyone I play against is subhuman.

Will these be added in the game? That Lee, Alisa and Reina art are fire
kino orange costume vs white costume
Art department so lazy they had to harvest art from the playerbase to use as drops in the battlepass! How low can Tekken team go?!
How brave of them to allow you to beat up a pregnant woman in Tekken 2
do we still post THAT streamable?
Kingbeeno will return once we get Armor King
This isn't an actual low though. Putting lewd fanart in game is awesome.
paul was always good and they keep fucking buffing him
azucen s2 wishlist:
>marduk uf3
uhm excqueeze me kazuya identifies as male he just didn't get top surgery until g-corp found him
artists should have at least gotten tekken coins, the practice is skeeze
Why did Clive only get 1 portrait in game when I believe Wolfmarker actually drew him one
Fuck is that, bruv?

t. '24er
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DoAkino come back
the chloe with yuge tits was awesome in t7 and that’d never be an official piece
t8 is actually fucking impossible to play unless you learn good combos. You have to win far too many coin flips to win if you can't convert to real damage.
milk saggy biggers
good range advancing jumping knee, high damage normal hit knockdown and ch launch, -2 on block
it was a really good move in t7 and a flying knee fits perfect for an mma fighter
What are the most Scumbag characters aside from Marduk
worse camera than t8 somehow
Yeah, I guess Azucena needs more counterhit launchers.
Half the T8 roster
entire top row of t7 character select
hmmm no I dont think I shall be playing tekken today
funny but that move in particular is a good fit
it’s more about the normal hit reward and the approach capability
She moves more retarded than Nina
it's up
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I want a balance patch so bad that I'd blow murray for one..
Balance patch ETA 75 days, no exceptions
Alright, I got into some LTG youtube videos (from his detractors) and all I got from the comments is that only blacks hate him because he keeps doing anti-black rants. Still don't know what a Cell saga is in the context of real people. Tekken 8 is remedial as fuck too. Don't know how people can hate this guy.
Is it possible to main Lili without being a slut?
some questions aren't worth asking
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I demoted 4 times and the matches arent getting any easier bros I finna boutta snap and go kookoo
cell saga = LTG-ism for incel because you’re not supposed to say that on twitch
people observe him because he’s delusional and rages funny, and his cult-like twitch chat
I think he’s done actual scummy shit in the past but I don’t know too much, I know he used the youtube copyright claim system to dox someone he didn’t like
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Honestly are we ever gonna get Julia back? I'd even accept Michelle it's not like they look that different from each other anyways.
>Pros for bringing back Michelle: no streamer gimmick, no stupid T7 voice>>507138136
, confirmed for being half native and not mystery meat like her adoptive daughter, can just dress her up like Julia anyways, returning mother just like Jun Kazama is a returning mother
>Cons for bringing back Michelle: literally nothing
>Tekken is 80% off
They're desperate...
woops didn't mean to reply to that guy
Miguel doko?
Why wouldn't you get Julia eventually? Harada even was discussing how to design Native American characters on X earlier this year
game’s too mid i dropped it i had no other choice
games mid I too dropped it
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>Tekken Eight
>EIGHTy percent off
WOAH!!! big if true!
game high i ducked it
michelle is 80 years old
game is mid and yet won greatest fighting game of the year award explain that
I still can't afford Tekken 8 at 80% off
I have a small penis what the fuck is the point of my life? No amount of money or success will ever change that.
Kek wtf
Mainmanswe marketing
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20 years, 40 years, 80 years, whatever, the fact remains that she got bred HARDLY by BGC every day for months
We got a bunch of people that got animosity against Mishimas because their launchers are better than em. These are guys that are jealous cause they don't carry- they don't possess DG, they don't possess that DEVIL gene that's involved in these Mishima men out here. Keep getting jealous, keep getting jealous while your wife asks for ELECTRICS, and wish that they can get comboed by these HONEST CHARACTERS with these HUGE DGS that can pipe them down, to the point where they can feel each and every last spectacle of their healthbars getting- getting vibrated and thrusted into the next round just spews out. Keep saying FRAUD, keep saying DISHONEST. COME ON, you MISHIMALETS. You LOVE IT. You LOVE THIS SHIT! I'll be that player, I'll be that player, yup. WITH A DG. ENJOY it. Have your woman take this elecric. She's imagining a huge 70+ DAMAGE ELECTRIC COMBO. Why do you think- why do you think your BITCHES get huge dildoes? Because you guys don't possess the DEVIL GENE. That's why you're UPSET! No DG equals ANGER. You're upset, you're mad at these EWGFs, these HELLSWEEPS. That's why you guys like saying FRAUD so much, I get it!
Have you noticed how retarded fighting looks in every 3d fighting game besides tekken
Its the only one that baited me into buying it.
Where when what
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what titans of the fighting game genre was tekken 8 competing with here
a collection of 30 year old games? a broken pedroballZ asset flip? a discord fighter?
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MURRAY has spoken.
CLIVE ROSFIELD shall immediately take control of TEKKEN 8 and serve as its strongest character.
When are they doing sales in the Tekken shop again because I'm not buying shit until it gets on sale
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>We got a bunch of people that got animosity against Mishimas
That's those KKK honkeys who really got beef with the Blacc coded king bro.
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when are they making lili real
like that other anon said it's because they keep trying to make a camera dynamic not understanding it makes the game look like it's on a rowboat all wobbly 'n shit
when you have a daughter
bro get a job already or stop buying weed
I want to cum in a tman's pussy
Where is this from?
claudio is so fucking dope, i love this character bros
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Murray's on the line. Ask him a question.
do you wanna fuck a tranny
fix Kazuya nigga
it's the best modern fighting game, which says a lot.
recommend me some tgirl porn kino
fix Devil Jin nigga
Tekken is not for horny you stupid asshole only serious gamers allowed no dusty ass coomnard niggas bro only ironfist monks here.
Can you collab with my favourite JAV actress
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can you put marie rose in tekken
tekken 3 julia ending https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ8w9mYN_tI
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I fucking HATE this stage
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no julia no buy simple as
Lucky Chloe in Tekken 8 would look like Marie Rose anyway
just type bbc in the search bar when set to /shemale
character issue
our ship is sinking saars...
Half the stages are bing bing wahoo casino stages. Not even DoA maps were this random.
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ayo murray. u saw what happened to dat ceo right
dont ever come 2 my city after what u did to my nigga devil jin
looks smexy to me bro especially when you get the grabs going
answer my question >>507142303
That's some snappy high pace dialogue there
bro lookin' like a pacific islander with those goofy ass tats bro
>Cons for bringing back Michelle
Native American outfits are considered problematic in this day and age, and so is hunting, so they would have to completely redesign the character. Ogre and the amulet are ancient history, and not like Michelle could lift a finger against meteor-headbutting Heihachi, anyway. In short, she would be as relevant as Azucena, and just as flanderized.

On the other hand, Julia is a scientist and Lee's friend. If Dr. B was hired to work on state of the art flying ships, it would be easy to write Julia getting involved in another project
"This" what? WHAT?
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their p2 costumes aren't racist you dingle
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Without playing deep into her Native American heritage, what exactly does Michelle have that makes her unique, you ninny?
You can apply this gay nigger mentality on almost the whole roster. Kys
Mixed Chinese Martial arts with Wrestling throws that's the whole Chang gimmick.
How will Harada make Ganryu popular with players
attempt a genderswap like they did with master raven
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he’s asking compared to julia you hag retards
Bro don't say that word again
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Chinese heritage from her father
Strong emotional personality
Family-oriented motivation and drive
Cheekiness and playfulness
Spunky energy
A version of the regular Chang fighting style that has been refined with a further 20 years of experience

She's one of the most personable characters in Tekken 1-2 with lots of material to play with. More than Julia, that's for sure

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Ganryu should have a "Julia Fuck" move in Tag 3
And yes you can land it on other characters if Julia tags out
Anooooooooooooooo... We won't put the only Tekken 1 original character missing from the game into T8 because we want to make her daughter put on a new titty costume for a new gag plot and gameplay gimmicks that Chang mains will hate instead. Please understand.
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>we want to make her daughter put on a new titty costume for a new gag plot
Sounds amazing, put her in already Harada.
I dunno why they didn't put Michelle into cryogenic preservation
She's all about keeping this al naturale

just ate 50 pizza rolls
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That taunt kinda sucks bro you used to be able to do "Welcome" into Mad Axes guaranteed. I remember baiting so many people with that.
>Chinese heritage from her father
All she has from that is her family name and fighting style, in everything else she is 100% Native American. It would be a redundant thing anyway when there are full Chinese characters in the game.

>strong emotional personality
>Family-oriented motivation and drive
>Cheekiness and playfulness
>Spunky energy
Neither of those are unique traits, quite the contrary.

>A version of the regular Chang fighting style that has been refined with a further 20 years of experience
They would just take Julia's gameplay from tekken 7 and redesign it to fit Tekken 8.
I was excited for a second then remembered that natives are ugly as sin. Good thing she is fictional
>Sounds amazi- *pow!* ACK!
bad anon julia is not for horny
she's half chinese
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you can do this with ling
>Neither of those are unique traits, quite the contrary.
They are unique when you put all of her traits together and spice in her Native American/Chinese mixed background and cultural values into the way she responds to stimuli, also her experience as a mother and somebody who was already quite out of touch with the modern world in her heyday is probably even more out of touch 20 years later

>They would just take Julia's gameplay from tekken 7 and redesign it to fit Tekken 8.
Okay, on that note, my response to "Julia is a scientist and Lee's friend. If Dr. B was hired to work on state of the art flying ships, it would be easy to write Julia getting involved in another project" is that they just aren't going to touch on any of that and your idea is therefore invalid. Thanks.
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>remembered that natives are ugly as sin
they can look really exotic and striking, but the ones irl are all obese or alcoholic
Crossbreeding doesn’t make it any better
Hey murray why the FUCK haven’t you reverted your dogshit change to the matchmaking despite everyone hating it and still complaining to this day?
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It obviously does, though, as half-breed Michelle came out more attractive than full-blood Julia.
017ers be like "who's michelle GUCHI GANG GUCHI GANG GUCHI GANG GUCHI GANG"
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>half chinese
nigga that's not an improvement
I'm half black
that's a mexican dude
holy shit bro I thought that said frames instead of flames
I'm full gay
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The taunt? Yeah she still has it but can you still cancel it into a throw in a way where the online netcode fuckery guarantees the throw?
are you blewish too? based and keyed if true
Jin is as worthless as ever, he cannot protect anyone
I'm a white and black mutt. I unfortunately got the white penis and the black temper.
>t. gm
Jun is already the returning mother of the game. And you have been living for so long in your echo chamber that you don't realize your imagined amazingly developed character will never come to life in Tekken's writing.
named myself clive in a weg and am about to fuck every single female in it
Got me hyped up for no fucking reason
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What's the gag setup for Lei going to be this time, now that Chloe is gone?
>Lei isn't returning
Oh please, if Anna did, Lei will too.
Jun is/has been retconned into a plain emotionless shrine maiden loosey goosey whereas Michelle would be more of a soccer mom type as shown in her Tag 2 ending

Looks like they modded the game.
blud thinks lei is coming back
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Kazuya was really about to laser a bunch of civilians and Jun is still trying to fix him
He will switch over to Azucena and coffee, his caffeine-powered moves will now be much faster and stronger.
DLC6: Lucky Chloe (post-training with Lei)
>As long as I live, Clive's harem count will only continue to grow.

Better than that fucking Bingo Hall they used for the TWT finals
>his caffeine-powered moves will now be much faster and stronger.
It would be funny if he learned a few modern MMA style moves from Azucena along with the animal styles/drunken fist.
Fix Bryan Nigga
temu world tour
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Im a gay faggot
You know what? I'll try that.
that's my method for socialising in real life, it cured my social anxiety
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im going to make a smurf account
I bathe but I still smell like poop
they’re gonna be revealed on season 2 pass once they show every character at the same time
I can imagine it must help with developing dark triad mannerisms (arrogance, condescension, indifference toward "subhuman beings"). Unironically a W mindset.
The music is badass before the nigger rap stsrts. Where is it from?
>he got bottom surgery
rip gg no re the "re" stands for refunds
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that's it now you're gonna get the mix up
I shall t-bag and ki charge every new player murray made me do this
>literally the second ugliest girl
i'd literally kill a random indian child if it meant getting ogre back into tekken. literally the only character i want for DLC. both versions, preferably.

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