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Thick, Warm Christmas Clothes Edition

Previous phantasm: >>504083992

>Upcoming and recent releases
>Touhou 19 Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghosts
>TH18.5 100th Black Market
>TH17.5 Gouyoku Ibun + gote update
Dream Logical World https://store.steampowered.com/app/1664410/
Wonderful Waking World https://store.steampowered.com/app/1901490/
Hero of Ice Fairy https://store.steampowered.com/app/1955830/

>Recent official manga
Lotus Eaters
Cheating Detective Satori

>What are these games?
Touhou Project is a series of doujin bullet hell shooting games made by ZUN where cute girls shoot other cute girls

https://pastebin.com/Vu7p9R0z (includes FAQ, netplay guide, training tools and more)

>Where can I get these games?
https://nyaa.si/view/1743411 (all in one pack)
https://pastebin.com/hPmDczz6 (separate downloads)

>Support the official releases!

>What other official Touhou media is there?
>Semi-official web magazine

>Touhou media hoarding guide (fan art, doujin music, etc.)


>/2hug/ high score spreadsheet (feel free to edit)

Pls rember if you feel lonely or sad this Christmas, /2hug/ is always here for you. Take it easy with us :)
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Feels so good to post an image again.
ufo has a good stage 6 theme
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Right after the super annoying stage 5 boss music
Feels good to post again
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We're so back!
People were simping for 10gu legs last thread despite the best legs being at the SDM.
We should say thanks to the inching for a thread that didn't die early
I'll delay putting her in the blender until next year.
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Is fex sox ok???
Her socks look fine
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Freeze foxes.
Don't do that to the little foxes
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Why does she do it.
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Tube foxes are literally built for tormenting when the weather cools
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with Tengu, impregnating Aya and Momiji
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No!! Do not waste your precious human seed on (((tengoo)))!!
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*blocks your path*
She can just fly over
It's too late, silly shrine maiden. The human already did it.
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reproduction with 'risa
her diet would make the baby die
awoo appreciation
Mushroom are very nutritious though.
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If Raymoo flew straight to Kanako, she'd get ganged up on by all the hus beforehand and it wouldn't be a fair fight...
Cute Woof
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For them
Has anyone made a 2hu mod where all the boss hus are on the screen at the same time so it's like
>Akis + Hina + Nitori + Momiji + Aya + Sanae + Kanako
>Starting with midboss attacks all overlapping each other
>As soon as you take down one of the hu's HP it triggers their 1st spell card
>Easier to take out the early stage hus first before clearing out the others
I'm sure there's a combo of hus in games like LoLK where it's mathematically impossible, but it sounds like a fun idea
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Is it okay that after getting into Touhou lore a little, I want to lick every touhou girl's pussy and be their obedient boy? Or am I just using Chai app too much?
Holy wolf saggers.
Superior Yokai tits
Man, what the fuck was zun smoking when he made Yumeko's hard patterns? This shit is tough.
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She's the only fifth boss I never beat. I merely survived. Her toughest attacks have even tougher second phases, so brutal. I love her.
>>Starting with midboss attacks all overlapping each other
>>As soon as you take down one of the hu's HP it triggers their 1st spell card
Reminds me of vid related
Ran's tails
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Can foxes grow more than nine?
Can someone post the image? I don't got it.
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All I want for Christmas is tu huuuu~
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Flandre is basically Christmas: The 2hu
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Me putting the star on top of the tree (with a stepladder)
So this is what Marisa's missiles were made of. No wonder ZUN nerfed her.
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Finally, someone who understands.
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I love my wife
To rape you you stupid cad
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Sex Fox
It's dead
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Merry Christ/hug/ to (you)
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Where is Ran's little helper
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Lost in the tails.
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Merry... zzz... zzz... Christ... mas... zzzu...
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maho xmas
Aya is in the spirit
Momiji needs Christmas correction
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What did Reimu give you, huggers?
Her socks.
Merry Christmas, huggers.
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She unleashed Christmas Tapir into my dreams.
Embarrassing incidents occurred.
Rest was not achieved.
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Truly the Christmas hu
Making your dreams come true
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Human children belong in youkai wombs
Marrying a cute yokai just to mess with the shrine maiden.
Degenerates, bump
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FDF3 coming soon!
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Any new stuff from ZUN this Comiket?
what does it smell like?
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Why did no-one go?
christmas is for family, and I don't see a ring on that finger
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It's quiet..
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Calling for backup
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Calling for a Thread Killing Frog
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The sun has risen...
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I haven't slept at all since yesterday and today I have to go out, why am I like this?
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Don't worry, not many people slept much and it'll be the same for NYE
Just take it easy and navigate carefully. After all, you've already done sleepless 2hu 1ccs anyway, right?
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I can't get any clears without a full night's sleep.
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Boxing Day? More like Tengu Day!
Is Artifical Dream in Arcadia any good?
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It's the best classic SMT game. Definitely worth the current price.
Jarpigs are never good.
it's a jarpig with shmup mechanics
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Tengu Thursday!
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Posting full res costs nothing, you know?
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I wish I had a Tengu fiancé.
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Tengu girlfriends for everybody.
Government mandated Tengu gfs?
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Can I lust for cannibalising-by-proxy maids instead?
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I caught a wolf so I'm taking her home
you can't stop me
pea choon
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Going to be honest lads, touhou is kinda cringe
just bought lost branch of legend, is it just me or does the art look like AI slop?
nobody is talking about it, it’s weird
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ZUN here.
Sakuya's eyes don't change color, she just has contacts to make herself look a bit more like Remilia I'm hopes that people will think she is Remi's mother at a glance.
She occasionally stops time to put them in and take them out once people she was regularly started to notice to add plausible deniability.
>you've already done sleepless 2hu 1ccs anyway, right?
that has been the case since I was like 10, but I don't think I have the same energy to pull it off anymore, getting old sure sucks ass.
why she take her sock off
Merry Christmas /2hug/.
More like Hecatia PLAPislazuli.
Aya Impregnation
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I find Youmu still hard to beat even after beating Ran in PCB.
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I hate Lunarians so much.

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