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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Christmas Livestream on December 23
KR: https://youtube.com/live/y11_aQDWbLw
JP: https://youtube.com/live/6R-8n6oPzFY
EN: https://youtube.com/live/ApAA5_QmUpo

>Update on December 5

>Developer's Note: December 2024

>Current Events
ICE DRAGON SAGA - December 5 ~ December 26
Co-op: Chatterbox- December 20 ~ December 22

>Upcoming Events
Union Raid - December 27 ~ January 2

>Current Special Recruit
Maiden: Ice Rose - December 5 ~ December 26
Ludmilla: Winter Owner [Rerun] - December 5 ~ December 26
Mica: Snow Buddy [Rerun] - December 5 ~ December 26
Guillotine: Winter Slayer - December 12 ~ December 31

>Upcoming Special Recruit

>Current Costume Passes
Volume: Beat the Gun [Mission Pass] - December 1 ~ December 31
Vesti: Ark Mage [Event Pass] - December 5 ~ December 26

>Upcoming Costume Passes


Previous: >>507089341
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... Beautiful.
when can i pull for my daugther(epinel the mom)
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The Admire?
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Syuen mandatory breeding hours.
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
> started earlier this year
> get excited about getting new SR alts during Summer/Winter
> no SR turned into SSR but at least the bitches were hot
> get excited about New Year after Babu and SBS
> Turn out it's probably just Rapi, the nikke who do my paperwork for me, with her new generic design I saw in the campaign
/nikg/, did I... start too late ?
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First year was THE year, sorry bwo
She's definitely too attractive to be a one-off NPC in a minor event story.
if you didn't get here on time for cindy pull for maiden cause last sexy thing for a bit unless your pulls get lucky and you get slam pig elegg or bay that bitch
Bros, which Nikke deserves a golden ticket to the splendamin factory?
>Guillotine: FF14 Edition
>Anne: Blue Edition
>Micca: Touhou edition
What are the odd that it will be a Double Banner for Rapi Rojo, and Pretty Anus, and the event is about how Anis got fat off of "soda" and fried chicken after a crowd crush at her last concert.
honestly none of them
>The Admire
How is there a fucking ship in Nikke when everyone is hiding underground..
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Let's have a nice thread
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>hard stuck at 32-6 Hard Mode
>only have 59 hours worth of BD boxes
Well, I guess I will need to stockpile BD boxes again. Need to have like 1000 hours in reserve before I think about opening them up again and pulling this stunt - again.
guillotine is good and useful, other two are niche and for pvp
Very low. They wouldn't to overshow one or the other Rapi by releasing them at the same time. Plus Anis still needs more buildup in the main story for hers.
I didn't wanted to play on phone and I was busy but maybe I should have to. I can imagine the threads when Dorozone came out
I started earlier than that. I like Elegg though, perfect for a quick burst. But fuck Bay, I'm sure she's the kind of nikke who'll tease you just to end up saying to you "Sex ? Gross ! I don't do that". At least that's the impression her bonds gave to me
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Don't worry, you'll be stockpiling for months soon.
i also do that, save a lot of boxes level up passively and use them when i get around 300 and try to push hard some too, im at statge 25 tho cause im not a try hard(for hard mode)
nah, she is the type you psuh and she gives up under pressure
Now or on new year?
Now, new year rate is a meme
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> Captcha: VGAY
At what power?
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That's what happen when you lost your job
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Totals are at 1.06m, my Ein is only LB0 though. Maybe I could break the slipper earlier if my Ein was a bit stronger.
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Oh everyone is breaking at 1.060m, I'll get there soon
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A girafe ?
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I'm tempted to crack these open and not just wait for the next story update.
she became a milf
I'll test it out if its possible with 1.069 since I bought 2 Liter dupes from the shop. I hope it is.
>Central Goverment starts discussing what the fuck do we do once we have to fight raptures on water to reclaim the surface
>Someone suggests to make a boat
>Put big cannons on it
>Elysion offers it could hypothetically do it
>Missilis takes the chance to be retarded dicks
>Elysion answers accordingly
>Both end up making a bet over who can make it
>Admire is made by Elysion in the end, Elysion uses it as marketing stunt
If you think this is retarded, thats the point, it is.
Even Helm thinks its retarded.
>Elysion now doesn't have an idea on what the fuck to do with it now that its done
>95% of the Nikkes arc operations are on land.
>The Admire has maintainance with stupidly high fees
>The Admire is so high tech and expensive, it doesn't get deployed for fear of losing it.
>Literally no reason to deploy both economically
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currently sitting at 1.07m with Crown/Liter/Alice/SBS/Naga or 1.03m with Crown/Alice/Red Hood/Babu/Naga

I'm seriously slacking or I need better OL lines for Marian, Liter, and Crown.

Hard Mode is just bullshit the majority of the time anyway so I'll cope with that.
QRD me on the event. Maiden being in an RPG party? Sure. Guillotine? Ok.
literally how? Volume is the last person I'd want in my party, how was she during the event?
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Dunno whats wrong I can only half
I might have to test it out with the sync cursor off burst pause aim trick
It's a simulation, only Maiden, Guillotine and SKK are real
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based as fuck
>Even Helm thinks its retarded.
A perfect match for Helm since she too is retarded.
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>mac users cant play nikke
Once you miss a skin you're basically boned, right? I really like Harran but her skin came out before I started playing...
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Pretty much.
Pretty much as of now, they did rerun Rupee gacha skin but it was because they added things to it
Just start day 1 bro
you don't have fomo right bro
just go back in time bro
Pretty much. At some point they mentioned they wanted to change the way skins were released, but nothing happened outside of stopping releasing skins in the skin shop. I wouldn't hope a lot.
Good luck fren. That screen was with Rouge but last I tried Liter/Ein still couldn't break it. That was back at 381 though, but I don't expect it to change much.
There's probably a lot of extra effects affecting this like how much Anis is supplying attack to the party, but I'm guessing a big part is Ein's OLs and base attack. My Ein's 25% attack and 95% ele.
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Don't worry about it. Harran isn't meta or useful after you get better Pilgrims. You missed out on the sex scene and no one is going to post that clip.
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>pick my wife in coop
>RH B1s before I can
what a scoundrel
The things I would to this bear, I won't let her hibernate anymore
This is real powercreep
You mean when harran drugs (You)?
Buy an account with her skin, simple as
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Sad I dont have SAnis attack, just x4 ele
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Urgh! My feet keep getting caught at the hem of this dress!
Just buy an old account and be bricked from the pvp gems forever
Do you guys like the RH dress skin ? I mean it's sexo but idk she make such a weird face I'm tempted to go back to the default one
There's always hope. If they're rerunning limited characters then there's a possibility they'll do the same for gacha skins.
>he doesn't like surprises
If I don't MLB a limited nikker, will they forever be relegated to sub-max status? Or is there a way to acquire their spare bodies after the event has ended?
Girls smell good
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I used to use mods that let you use the skins just without their unique dialogue. I have no idea if those types of mods work anymore though
>Or is there a way to acquire their spare bodies after the event has ended?
not unless they're rerun
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I love her dress but the default look is good too. I switch back and forth between them every now and again. I do like how the dress has her ass exposed more.
i guess i'll just remain at the wall for the time being...
I really hope they don't fuck up whatever Anis' new design ends up being...out of the recent character evolution type redesigns the only one that I significantly like more than the original is Mihara
That's stealing.
i always thought her default standing pose had a very off-looking face, so i'm very happy with the costume
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Would you rather have a big Halloween event and a two week Christmas/winter event or keep things like they have been where there might be a small event tangentially related to Halloween and a big Christmas event?
how'd you get this to look good? All the in game animations are so low res.
to be fair the perspective is different too
her head and torso are smaller as well, basically farther away from the camera
I don't think I'd particularly care for Halloween alts, I just want them to release some actual Halloween costumes.
I would kill for a Halloween spooky sexy event
This, just costumes.
I don't think Christmas was even mentioned a single time in Ice Dragon Saga. Probably because they'd have to commit to 2 years having passed chronologically in the story since the beginning, and they're probably too chicken for that.
uhhhh how will anis doing kpop dance moves help us in the fight against the raptures?
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See you at the Nikke booth, nikgers
In typical fashion, she shoots first.
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I wouldn't mind them doing a Halloween event, and making Christmas a two week. If they were smart, they'd do it in 2026, because they can still shill the current christmas units in a 2025 winter comiket themed event.
For a two week christmas event, they can have a Lumi banner
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made for hotdogging
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Hotdogging ain't all she's made for.
NTA but do costumes really make that much money from FOMO alone? There is a guy in my union that barely logs in, is in like chapter 6 of campaign, and yet seemingly cared enough about Mast to buy her swimsuit skin from the cash shop.
Things like that makes me think SU is missing some easy bucks by not making skins for popular characters available again, say Rapi summer or the Liter costumes.
whoever thought the minigame needed water should die
chances of a new chainsaw man collab now that season 2 got announced?
>NTA but do costumes really make that much money from FOMO alone?
Marciana's gacha skin sold more than the entirety of the Evangelion collab in Japan IIRC
hydration is good for you
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anyone managed to get all the panels for the mini-game or is everyone hard stuck on that?
Rei is that zoomer vtuber from hololive
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My pure tanned wife collab soon
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Seggs with Egg! Egg seggs!
>no you can't draw anything lewd ever for eva
wtf happened to Anno?
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she has my preferred body type and attitude
Isnt this the new owner?
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I finally did it, bros...
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>read complains about babu not scoring today
>see this
yeah about that
Do we really need SSRapi Elysion
I feel like skipping it and just save for the upcoming collab. It could be big on February-March
Imagine if this drops and we dont have enough gems and gold tickets
I'd commit sudoku if I dont MLB Rinko and Yuki
Rapture threat is almost over
These goddamn nikkers are going to have to go get real jobs
all the bottom half are for different tiers of scoring
all the top half ones are for dying to different things
they've all been achieveable
I'm praying for divine intervention that Rapi becomes skippable.
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>now: belorta christmas
>later: belorta new years
They stopped adding skins to the regular store way before they said anything about it
I would imagine they'll do reruns reruns eventually but on a huge delay, like years after a skin was added or in some special event where they re-sell all the old shit
Khara is Anno's studio
Nikke did still make the Eva girls like 70% wider in the ass/hips department but I wonder what happened to Kim's proposal sketch that it got shot down
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>just run straight at the goal
that's our babu
It's Crapi, it's already skippable.
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She'll just be emergency giga buffed like Redhood though?
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I would brick my stash to MLB Yukikaze. There's no way in hell I'm not getting her Burst screen.
I didnt expect anything from Leona's story but godamn Timi is the best wingman ever. He got his rocks off, and so he let us get ours off. I love him! MMM, Leona boobs.
Every time timi is posted, you have to kneel out of respect
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It's the covenant among men
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Im saving mine for Red Shoes and Lilith
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And speaking of divegrass, the VOD has been posted. Chat included, though you may have to adjust the time offset.
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Two-week-old newnikker here. Pulled these guys pretty quickly and have breezed through pretty much all content so far. Are the JKs really that superior to the bunnies? I somehow MLB'd Naga but lack her slampig friend and don't really want to shelve my rabbits and their minder.
>the face timi gives when he tells Leona to jump you and drain your balls
Sexo con timi
> you can't draw anything lewd ever for eva
It's not "you can't draw anything lewd", it's "you can't draw something that wasn't in the source material".
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>Squad engages in organ trafficking
What did Shiftup meant by this?
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Project Pretty
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Bunnies are better for survival, but JKs are better over all
It's great that you'll be able to utilize both as early as you are.
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based timi
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is this meta
Need to be longer.
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Will Helm ever beat the allegations?
Goddamn, Papi, those're gonna poke someone's eye out.
bunnies are pretty set-and-forget, and great for survivability. jk's are for doing more damage but requires a bit of autism for full efficacy.
you end up using both pairs in later content that requires multiple teams.
>Pilgrim Tower stage 209
Now that the new jungle expansion for Dave the Diver's been announced, which nikke squad would you send into the depths of the jungle for a second collab?
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Yes, Bunnies are PVP core.
You have to invest in both teams anyway for raids as well
You don't know pain yet
Her torpedo tits gets me every time. My sides...
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>get messaged by Danchou
>"I wonder what it could be"
>eviction notice
>guess I gotta work in the Pantsuuu2 coal mines
all the baguettes in the world are not worth this
Really thought it was Dave Diver 2, that sucks since I already deleted the game
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Which Nikkes make the best splendamin?
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Jackal leaves splendamin swirlies on the floor
Probably Tia since she eats nothing but sweets
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Greetings, customers! Are you looking for a union?
A place to hang out with other union?
Or maybe... starting your own union?!
Well then, you can join us!
We are Maiden's Bakery, A Coalition of Unions based on NIKKE: Goddess of Victory.

T H E M A I D E N ' S B A K E R Y C O A L I T I O N

▬▬▬ So, what do we offer? ▬▬▬

• A cozy Discord environment centered around NIKKE.
• Guide section.
• Patchnotes into our Discord at every updates.
• A community to provide you assistance anytime, anywhere!
• Custom Nikke Emojis.

▬▬▬ What we seek! ▬▬▬

• Do your dailies and friendship points!
• Don't forget to take your roles
• Have fun with us!

Come try us!
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Halloween Event are a good excuse for flashy costumes.

I really want a Witch Yuni with an oversized hat with jiggle physics and Mihara as a Succubus Familiar with horns and a devil tail. I also like Nurse Yuni with a Giant Syringe looking like Injection Fairy Lily from Yugioh but that would be more fitting for Pepper given her medical background.

I also want to see an Egyptian Belly Dancer outfit too but I guess you can give it to Elegg since it would work well with her current standing and tap animations. I'm biased but I can compromise but if I had my way it wouldn't have to be like that at all.
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it's kind of true she hasn't been the bombastic scorer she usually is, but her dribbling and ball control in general this league have been incredible
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What the FUCK is this
bear hug sex
I want to fuck Noah.
I think you're right. I had the same thought when the 2nd Anniversary didn't have its own little storyline like the first one did.
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>I want to fuck Noah.
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this girl is bratty
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triggered your inner brat tamer right?
Skinsuit outfit when?
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>Elysion Tower Nihilister
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>aieeeeee the red flame dragon? mephisto save me!
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We could have had this collab
>Man held hostage by meta Elysion Nikkes

I'm at Whale 380(?) so I think I'm hooped
majima's wives
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>Alice's bond story where she's mistaken for a real girl, falls prey to an attempted kidnapping, then gets beaten when it's revealed she's a nikker yet her programming keeps her from realizing what is happening, then you find her after the worst of it has already happened
I've seen as many people violently murdered as any anon on the internet and yet Alice in even minor distress deeply bothers me after that shit shitup.
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Babu is our Lamar Jackson
>fatefags getting rekt
very nice
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I'm going to watch the stream the same way I'm reading the thread right now
You should see what the guy said when it was first posted >>506779112
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Goodnight /nikg/
Crow is insufferable, god damn
Fake Yuri
kill yourself, cuck
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>tfw missed glass princess cindy
over status: it's
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the default shows more
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>Imagine if they swap outfits
>Liter is old enough to be D's mom
Did RH just call me a Jew?
dead/failed narrative
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Eve Stellar Blade will powercreep Rapi Rojo
Love Helm
What if Pretty looks like those kpop idols?
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So that's clearly not Maiden's voice in the minigame.
love eve
can't wait to MLB
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>Liter in D's outfit at a bar drinking her woes away about leaving a legacy
like karina or like winter
Sex with Yan for store discounts!
>page 3
she sucks good
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Lets end 2024 with a bang, bwos
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You know something i dont
baby Cindy needs her mama grabe milk
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Damn mesubuta
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Where's Belorta SSR
Where's Delta SSR?
Where's Ether SSR?
wow, mogged by daughter
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Good night smooch
where's Crow UR?
Cindy would've canonically lost to Leviathan in a 1v1. Cindy could only escape because Grave had her supercomputer hax to guide her out. She immediately got tuckered out after getting out and getting one shot off, which didn't really do anything, as Levi was riding Behemoth soon after, with the pilgrim duo nowhere to be seen for the rest of the fight.
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Good luck anon, I'm walled there myself right now. I can break the slippers both using Rouge or Liter, I just don't have enough damage to actually kill the thing before it does its QTE and kills me.
Roughly 300 bars remaining with picrel. Ein at 31% ATK / 84% ELE, Cindy at 22% ATK / 87% ELE.
They fucked off because Rapi needed to be wanked
I tried testing with other teams, I cant break the elemental circles when it goes meatspin.
I need to see if I can break them with Liter again. That spin is the only thing separating me from winning.
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what am i missing here
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I like my canon squad, they can even burst properly.
Get a D-rank score, about 3000 points
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Got a little chuckle out of me.
yuyor phantgom?
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Woah, Elegg's gaze is intense
this Nikke smells.
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>start recently
>just found out that I missed out on this
Fuck my life
mica tier trash, spending gems or tix on this = brick
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she'll be back next summer and ticketable at the very least
one of the worst nikkes in the game though, but damn is she hot and cute
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My CMaiden at 4-8-9 is better than SAnus 10-10-9 at helping everyone to break circles due to having 41% attack buff it seems but I cant fully know on the meatspin version since Crown died.
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>he unironically missed nipplepower
Shitty kit
Shitty bond (it's about exploding a toilet)
Nice art tho.
do you have normal S? she FUCKS those circles even when meat spinning
>she'll be back next summer
Might be later than next summer, dev said they'll rerun limited units whenever after their first rerun
how many times do you think they had to wash Trony to get the stink off before they put her in that dress
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>There's at least one other Milk affecianado out there almost on my level
They say everybody has a twin. I tip my cap to this rando pal.
now kiss
But I cant reach this portion with S thats the problem, I needed Maiden's buff to damage the slippers
Post sexy milf Snow White please
Oh and not to mention my S is just 1 star shitter with 4x ammo 1 attack 1 elemental
I had to sacrifice the spare body that I've been holding on to for the weekly so that I can regain my #1 spot in Tetra rankings.
I had to do it, okay? It's that chink's fault for trying to take it away from me...
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she'll need another mindswitch for that
just like babu will need third affection for similar results
it took me a while to realize that you can see through the top in this image
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Is this the next nikke?
I feel you budy, been trying to get a Pilgrim Defender helm since Cinderella came out
aniskeks getting uppity again
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This is the result of CMaiden bursting before the meatspin
lvl 281 and i still dont have a good pvp team...
Perfectly organic posts.
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Holy fuck
Only if Eve gets a PC release first without denuvo
>post asking for a shift up game to collab with a shift up game? durrrrr that's not organic durr
Stream nyow?
tomorrow, probably 24-28 hours from now
26 doros
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All the Counters are shit.
Christmas = ruined
Is today the 23rd, stupid cat?
All the Counters are great.
Christmas = saved
i like neon
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This you over here on the right, dude?
I hope SSRapi is an all burst like Red Hood
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>2 years later
>still no punzel
is this finally the day? toots please.
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imagine Anis fatass performing dances on stage
I bet the I, II & III on the tapes were a hint to that
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guys, I got trips today
She's easily the funniest member of Counters and it's a shame no one gives her the time of day for it
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>I play Nikke because I hate Nikke and want non Nikke characters in it
today's your day, anon
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i think this general is dead
Bro it's christmas. I'm gonna buy some stuff for my imouto
>you want characters from other games that you like to appear once? yeah you fucking hate nikke so much
*rapes and beheads you*
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F2PBros, its owari da.
How much CP do you need to damage the final set of circles, I remember people complaining with Naga during solo raid.
>6 days old post
based schizo
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forced character
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I love my wife Rapi.
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I'm here to save it.
So is Guillotine just really short or does she actually have a kid's body
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How does this dragon expect me to NOT hold her hand?
>betrayers of humanity, turning their backs on the human race entirely
>still have human forms despite being shaped however they want apparently

Can anyone explain why the heretics are like this?
Truly the perfect wife.
because they have human heart
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Impossible not to
to make my penis happy
Almost like they are corrupted humans or something
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I should jerk off maybe
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Unfathomably based
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>I switch back and forth between them every now and again
I really wish there was a way to randomize the skin your Nikke wears. It would help a lot with switching around.
Greatest nikg thread I've seen in over 2 weeks
Nihi is the best
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>>507126030 here. Opened 2 levels worth of boxes and it was enough to break the slippers and Cinderella ripped it to shreds. I didn't reach the meat spin QTE because my Cinderella is roided up to her individual pubes. Good luck anon, you're probably very close now.
Chances of Rapi 2.0 being Elysion with a 2% roll?
How will they justify her being a pilgrim anyway?
She can be both
>sat around playing vidya and all the fat went into her tits and ass
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Goodjob, thanks have fun with those flying orbs. I'll try again after my vacation.
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Nikkes like to flash their slutty pits huh?
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I want to molest her
You would do the same
no, I'm not a schizo
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Can't wait until Eve powercreeps Cindy!
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Just 2 more days
I'll get her by Christmas
post your treasure savings
i know some of you niggas got more than me.
They better release this minimum suit skin
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Had more blue kits but I upgraded Rouge, Maiden and Scarlet's dolls so they're bit low now.
dam nigga, open those boxes what you waitin for
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Do guys gem reroll for those orange kits like the top player / youtubers
sry bwo I was watching thunderbolt fantasy finale
In 2-3 months when all the collab and anniversary newcuties reach lvl 160, you will see a whole new wave of people threatening to quit due to lack of dupes
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I'm ready for my wife Rapi
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The Corrupted Nimph also backups their Nikke body, and corrupted nanomachines are more active. Heretics don't think themselves as machines, or human so that is why they are able to transform into complex machines related to their Irregular nature, without losing control to further irregularity. How they became self-aware means the corrupted survivors that weren't consumed by Raptures mind switched to break the corruption code. Technically a Mind Switch is the same as a mind wipe, which was the only way to remove corruption from the Nimph.

How do Nikke's get spare parts? it would make sense that their data would be kept on themselves instead of in some database. Scanning their Nimph has the machine make their spare parts. The machine waiting on a server farm for a manual request would be less efficent or convenient than that machine reading their Nimph for a spare body.

Many of the Nikke's we encounter still think they are androids or walking computers, when in fact the reason they forget over time is because their mind and brain is human as 90% cyborg. Heretics might become self-aware instead of originally as disposable resources to Raptures much like how Raptures aren't entirely directly controlled by the Queen.
I wanted to wait for 100 boxes each or the next treasure batch announcement so I can decide if I want to do any of those
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speaking of which is been well past 6 months, where are the new treasures?
What should I get in the recycling shop?
Gems, credits and dust boxes. You can get usb sticks if you're still sub-200 and constantly running out. For gifts it's entirely up to you but I stopped getting them after the sticker update.
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Part of the announcement tomorrow yall
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You will MLB the most awaited Elysion SSRapi right?
Only if she crushes me
Do you get a ranking % if you don't do solo raid?
I will MLB Anus first, one copy of Neon and skip Rapi
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Why no
I deserve gems as much as anyone else
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I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin
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Imagine Anis and Neon getting a second alt before Rapi
How long until stream?
That's not the recycling shop.

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New Rapi because redhead, skirt, tighter stockings, bigger tits.
The roulette wheel used to decide is currently on fire, please understand.
Shift Up were expecting Stellar Blade to be more successful so they can make a game for Shifty.
Recycling is the coop shop and body label is the mold shop. These are the ingame names.
I like both but old takes the lead because of her more tacticool look.
Rapi 2 isn't dressed as sexy. Still prime waifu material though.
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>100% chance of several hour long flashbacks
There's something weird about the new rapi but I'm not sure what it is
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Ah, Chime, I dont think they can physically see their tone.
the face
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>watch your tone
Just look at your hand, dumb king?
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So what are we thinking, is this the final version of Rapi's SSR design or a special design just for the stream?
It makes sense for her pose to have been changed since there were a lot of complaints about her transformed NPC version having a weird look so they may just have reverted it to the OG pose.
Her stoic expression doesn't match the cartoony schoolgirl-inspired outfit she has now. Which makes things look awkward.
The body isn't made by Hyulla.
The gun is there so its final
It's like, everything about her is similar enough to recognise she's Rapi but nothing is actually the same.
>similar but different boots
>similar but different tights
>similar but different skirt, top, gun, hat, tie
>similar but different body
It's like some kind of doppelganger pretending to be her.
so Rapi is all but confirmed for the new year SSR?
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who is this mysterious visitor
i bet it's shifty
Yeah I heard the chime and nayuta retards are organizing a collective suicide upon her announcement out of shame and embarrassment over having been so utterly wrong
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Yep, its her
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Live stream in 22 doros
>Have invested so much into SBS just to beat the shit out of Kraken that she now outperforms both RH and Babu in campaign
23 you mean
yes sorry, was confused by the countdown on the stream
so Helm is just a high tier escort?
>stream at 5 AM for me
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what treasure is better for gameplay, exia or viper?
Absolutely not. She saved herself for SKK
well there's no way this stream can be worse than gbf's
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I'm missing one pic from the mini-game album. The one next to the saw blade death one.
Does anyone know how to get it?
Exia but Viper treasure is pretty strong too
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Both are similarly good but only really used for SR with Exia being for bosses weak to elec while Viper for bosses weak to water
Considering we just had two SR bosses weak to elec in a row the likelihood for another is low + there aren't many good water DPS to begin so if you gotta choose now I'd pick Viper
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The way the chat gets raided by a bunch of nikkers and the emote spam is pretty great
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>shitter detected
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Get killed by a fireball
Is rupee and anne not rerunning this year?
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Thank you, friend.
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Nyo. Shiutup's greed levels are over 9000.
Which nikke of the beginning 3 should I rehab bros
Exia seen more usage
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Not this year, but most likely on the next 3-week long event since it was already announced they will be rerun soon in the dev notes
Exia is the easier fit. Viper being a shotgun needs a whole team built around it which is expensive and the whole re-enter thing just restricts her usefulness even more.
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What about this one?
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the dargon
Those are score ones.
Pick with your dick, none of them are good gameplay wise
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I do not give a shit about rapi rojo but I like the direction they took with her alt, it actually feels transformative and I appreciate the subtle changes more than most
Unlike other "alts" like killer D or ice maiden who are basically completely different bodies
No one likes nu Rapi as much as me here.
No one hates nu Rapi as much as me here.
I cant choose her. Supposedly I need to rehab 1 of the other 3 before dragon becomes available?
Guilty or Quency and let Sin sit in jail forever. Guilty isn't even used in shotgun teams and Quency got an alt that made her usable.
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I don't have qeq and phantom, so maybe viper is the better choice for, but how are the water sr teams now with guillotine?
not so fast
wait why would ssr rapi be a pilgrim?
and will she be meta?
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what if i don't think about rapi at all?
what are you gonna do about it?
I'm telling John ShifUp
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>but how are the water sr teams now with guillotine?
Not sure, but CLud and QEQ are the strongest water DPS right now with CGuillotine being more of a buffer for water similar to Rei (collab) for fire. Dunno how viable Phantom will be against a single target boss, but she'd probably be used too. Viper (treasure) would likely be used in the SG comp so you gotta have those invested as well
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guilty is the only usable one
Newfag here, just won Guillotine: Winter Slayer on my first 39 pulls, how good is she?
She's good for your dick that's about it
she will be better with more water nikke
Do I have to lose at specific meters or what?
Elysion tower basically has no good units outside a few so you'll get use out of her there, solo raid too
outside that meh
Nikke isn't really a game where you have to care that much about who is good or not.
Once you get your A-team (it will come in time) you can just pull for who you find attractive and enjoy the story
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>Nikke isn't really a game where you have to care that much about who is good or not.
Go play fortnite fag.
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>People still complaining about Elysion tower
You lost your excuse a while ago
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Does prisoner Quency have any lasting VFX for her skills?
For example, Poli puts the blue riot shield on herself and 2 other nikke for the duration of the skill.
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There ain't no fixing this.
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This is a rigged vote and you're an anti-rapi schizo
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need siren
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>all his other strawpolls blew him out so hard he has to rely on one where the only two options are Rapi
It's the same Rapi...
If Eunhwa can go hookercore why can't her? Especially since of "muh feelings for SKK" and all
She's not dressed like a hooker ,faggot, it's tactical
> need siren
The only positive I prefer about new Rapi are the larger boots giving the impression that her lower legs and feet are thicker. Never liked Hyulla's needle point feet.
And Eunhwa is not tactical maybe ? Rapifags are coping so hard
I opened that poll expecting to vote for a I don’t care about rapi option
Old Rapi was tacticoom which was great.
New Rapi isn't even tacticool, its something like business casual.
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SSR Rapi is gonna win the next popularity poll just to get a better design than this "I do your paperwork" outfit
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Eunhwa and Rapi should get an outpost encounter where they finally reconcile by having a threesome with SKK.
old Eunhwa look also better than the new one
>all those votes for old rapi
how long you have to be offline for the "is he coming back" scene to play ?
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HyullaGods I kneel
There's something off with the new Rapi, I can't point my finger on it but I have the impression I'm looking at some generic anime protagonist from another game and it lack sexiness
Tactical for a quick slopper after the battle maybe
The doll mats are worth more than the gems to be honest. You should at least try the 3 daily battles.
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Does Rapi count for this?
RH met her like 70 years ago.
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Christmas stream is saved bros
rapi has no personality
love from Kazakhstan
I hate Crapi so much it's unreal
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If you dislike Rapi then you're brown
Old is so much better it's crazy. Her nu look looks like it's from mediocre fanart.
I like old Rapi. Seriously what the fuck was these last chapters ? She was literally throwing
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If you like Rapi then you're brown
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i need chime NOW
I can't believe we're gonna get skins for the schoolgirls after so many events with them this year. The other nikkes deserve some love too
you shouldnt have opinions in future.
You look dumb now, Rapi.
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Throwing hands
This was the greatest scene they have ever created and I think it will only be toped by her MLB screen.
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Why is she so angry
Power drill goes brrrrrrr
odd do another blacked subscription
even fap to nikke doujins
2 years without boning the commander
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>Game has "Elements"
>Nothing about any character's attacks look or sound like their supposed element, just fucking regular gunshots
What's the point then?
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I liked Rapi before Red Hood. Now she acts like a jealous bitch but makes no moves herself. Bitch you know perfectly well Maxwell comes over and rapes me daily, 'm going out to drink with Yulha, regularly meet with Rosanna and Sakura is still trying to convince me that nikkes can't get pregnant.
Some bursts have
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>I liked Rapi before Red Hood but now HEADCANON
Thanks for posting it, I was looking to save that picture
>nikkes can't get pregnant
They aren't wrong tho
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homosexuals will never apologize even though he pioneered fuck meat bodies and was the SOVL of shitup before leaving but they'll endlessly glaze the fat kike ceo kim who openly sellsout and continues to RUIN nikke
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The only actual time SKK has been cockblocked is when Anis cockblocked him when he took Helm to a hotel.
i'm sick of rapi
i'm sick of marian
i'm sick of pilgrims
i'm sick of anniversary/half anniversary events that focus on pilgrims
i'm sick of all tetra nikkes except for the bunny stacies
i'm sick of all missilis nikkes
i'm sick of shit collabs
i'm sick of events with happy endings
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What the FUCK is her problem
Didn't he just got cockblocked by Vesti in Maiden bonds ?
uppity melodramafags need to shut the fuck up
Emo version stole her kimono
No he proceeded to have sex with Kitten in revenge.
So yo
u like t
he phan
tom theeve?!
That's clearly Rose, retard
one day elysion will be good
*rapes and beheads you*
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all would have been good had he focused on the helmet/mask fetish
BA is laughing at our Christmas stream again...
It's the eyes, there's something off about them >>507158586 here, but I think she looks good in >>507168743
We didn't even have a christmas event this year. All we got was a shittier version of beauty full shot.
And beauty full shot was already pure garbage, so...
heres real the trvth, /nikg/ is just infested with actually trannies that are revolted by sex but spam it endlessly to project normalty. They can't stomach real fetish shit but will go coombrained the second they see a slightly arousing offical model.
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>bw0s, that OTHER gacha is lauging at US..... they're so much better.......
At least we're better off than FGO fags.
They got ZERO content this year.
Shit, I need to watch that. I'm only rank 7 on her because I didn't use tix
Do we know why he left?
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AZXmas came early!
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pursuing his own projects
Driven out due to DEI.
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Good morning Sunday morning
thank you based blackrock
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Good morning!
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be sure to thank your diversity hire trannylators too
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He left before the game even out if i recall, a shame he could come back here and there as a collab artist, just so we could at least get here and bibli.
Fat fuck
Who is this again?
I will never forgive Shift Up.
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a severe lack of doro in this thread
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My, look at the time, it's time for Noirs lunch time, Again!
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uhmmmmmmm acktually marciana tummy is an upgrade and you're brown
I didn't know Doros had stereoscopic heads like chickens
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>He left before the game was even out
Anyway, her art is completely done, there is no reason to keep her away if not for some contractual bullshit.
>Hyulla is still in these threads seething
Wait is diveass starting soon?
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every doro is personalized
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She is very lonely
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>Hyulla is still in these threads dabbing
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sex with doro
Shut up Syuen
Hyulla is hack, for every, once in a blue moon, good design like (old) Marciana we got 9 la creatura face design like Emma. Just take a look at Destiny Child
Beautiful man
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in like 5.5 doros
match day starts in 2h40m and we're 4th match of the day
if we win we get 2 more matches
Officially 6 doros and 30 Pinnes, but we are game number 4 and some games tend to go later than scheduled so we will see
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Cool, can't wait for it.
I totally would have sex with a man if he looked like that.
if that's a man, then all me Freddy Mercury
Why does Cinderella keep flashing her chibi panties every time she scores?
hey freddy what's up
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Nikke designs including neck accessories to hide the silicon chest top is such a good design for cosplayers wanting to cosplay the tit monsters
old outfit exposes hips/waist ergo it's better
>vs megukas
Can't stop fucking Ein
Can't stop fucking Rei
Playing marvels rivals with orleen
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Oh my God
I get it
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I do miss the hip windows, now I can't imagine putting my hands into them
The right looks like an OC she would draw that is supposed to be her
Tranny game for trannies who like capeshit
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Scan when? I need it right now.
>solo raid
>the 1 chink that just AFKs

every fucking time.
>solo raid
Why are you using moron or yan in SR?
>retard does SR even though it's over (lmao)
>he also afk's
What a retard.

I meant coop, yeah I'm retarded
I have this one and lent it to someone to scan, fag probably never did it
>Rapi winning a popularity contest

>schizo and a faggot
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I see Cinderella winning the third popularity poll but my votes are going to Maiden.
forced character that will not even make it in the top 20
What was with all the doom and retarded shit posting. I'm not reading all that, I just woke up. Are faggots having another metly?
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She got my votes too.
And there's nothing you could do about it. I'm fucking your lil boy cunt til the room stank
maiden soured people in part 1 by being mean to guillotine
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Lol. No one care about the chuuni bro
Truth nuke
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>t. maiden the bitch
new 'owl?
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I love Maiden, and Guillotine, but not the same kind of love. Maiden is made to be your wife, Guillotine your daughter.
Yeah, super fresh
having one nikke appearing in multiple events throughout the year soured me more.
I was sick of JK's by the time the collab came through and i was sick of maiden by the end of dark hero.
Sex with Bonc and Nwar would solve everything.
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The A
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Admire these
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Could use more like this.
Seethe more t*trafags. The Year of Elysion is only just starting.
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We already got Maid Privaty, Summer Helm, DWife, RPG Maiden. Theres no more desirable Elysion atm.
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Rosanna rabu
behead ph*ne posters
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I want to go ass to mouth with Eunhwa
Phone game.
Which Nikkers would enjoy listening to cheesy power metal like dragonforce/hammerfall/rhapsody etc
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This skin would have been hot and fine, but ultimately the dress skin is the best. The butt peak is simply why I'm here.
you are brown
>those tits
this isn't oonfa
Red Hood, Maiden, Sin, Drake, Sugar, Moran, and Crow are for sure in that.
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We have divegrass again today?
I'm voting for Ein
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Wrong. She likes classical music.
that definitely was going through my head doing the invasion chapters.
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Please sit on my face
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Do you think we'll ever get a Nikke with an areola peek?
Or do you think something like Sneon will never happen again?
bro your summer mary?
The fact that out of ALL nikkes, it was Neon with the nipple
Neondev was based. May he rest in peace.
The only win neonfags will get and it's a SSS tier win
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Yes we're in the quarterfinals today
You are a minority
So was Mary.
the world is really stupid today and here I am mesmerized by Cinderella's tits.
The chibi? Neonfags still have it better
nyus, leaks?
My penis
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Slow thread
How to get all album photos for the mini game???
>new player gets to Andersen
>"Is that me?"
all score ranks + die to every obstacle
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First Descendant Collab WHEN?
I really like the theory that instead of (You) being him, he's (You) that's falling apart due to insufficient cloning technology
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A happy glowie sunday to you, anons!
Stream happened? QRD? SSR rapi?
Crapi killed Nikke..
like 19 more doros until stream
Rapi Rojo is a new skin
Doesn't even get a treasure to help her out at all
SSR Rapi would be a disappointment anyway, no way they can make her a Pilgrim in the lore and we can't have a non-pilgrim being meta or equal in power to those 1%'ers
how do you know if she's a skin? SU has to know that an SSR would sell like hotbuttcakes
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Ok ok, I've got it!
>It turns out hospital girl is...!
>A freshly manufactured mass-produced nikke
>All she remember from her human life is the commander so she broke in to the outpost to find him
>Neither of them have any memories of who they were in the past so they go on a fact finding mission together
>We get commander lore
is it gonna be another flashback event?
thats cringe
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>we can't have a non-pilgrim meta
Meta since day one bro. Still undefeated.
10 rainbow and regular pulls, 3000 gems, 3 syncho expansions. Keys expired at the end of the stream.
Those are children.
What did liter mean by this?

Liter is a granny
You know it
and not elysion too why can't ingrid make nikkes
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She can't keep getting away with it...
If you're gonna make shit up, make it believable.
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My stash is ready for SSR Plapi
I had to look up her burst animation since the game doesn't have it in the lobby preview menu, but that was a little underwhelming and could easily be overlooked.
where is this
the surface
chapter 26 subquest be like
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my stash is ready for crapi
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just missclicked 10 rainbow vouchers on guillo banner and got nothing because of the annoying ass blip that happens when you have unspent vouchers
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I'm also ready
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Finally got the rank 1st 50 times frame. Is it cringe to use it? I never see people with these despite having them.
You use the frame that best fits your Waifu, you fucking nigger.
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please.... let this christmas be good
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Rapu toot
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Maiden sexo
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Good luck
>mica calls me old timer
>belorta calls me old timer
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Only frame that matters is whichever best fits your waifu, nobody gives a fuck about some shard ranking.
uh oh stinky!
>Mica ask me to cum inside.
>Fill her womb
>belorta ask me to cum inside
how'd you get in my room?
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how long until divegrass?
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i can almost smell SSR Plapi's ass.
it should be around daily reset, maybe 30 minutes before it
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rapi's butthole smells like camillas
Unironically correct. There is very little hype for Rapi.
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>we are about to see cindy vs red rapi in the 2.5 anniversary costume poll and we already know the winner
>i skipped it just like i skipped crown
It would have been Pretty soon...
Anis' anus smells like a rotting corpse.
Jesus, that's going to be a fucking bloodbath. I genuinely feel bad for Rapi fans, all three of them.
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Mine is ready too
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We need more taticool
We need more Nikkes with tails. We need monstergirl Nikkes.
Indivilia when? Behemoth when?
If nothing else, Red Rapi vs Cinderella should be a closer poll than last year when it was just Red Hood vs all the peons that were not Red Hood.
>Maxwell when you pull out a condom
You should feel bad for cindy, this is the only chance she has to ever be relevant again and it's just for a skin, even if Rapi was to end last in the poll she will be relevant for the rest of the story
I think you need to have volume hit by a blade
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So how the fuck do I get the one with Guillotine and Maiden with the exploding background panel? Somehow that's the only one I'm missing.
The dragon breath kill i believe.
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maiden unironically won and is the canon wife
so just let myself get hit by that beam?
I want Flora to smell me.
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Reminder that Neon is also more relevant than any pilgrim.
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Can't believe she beat Emma at that.
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stupid, gonna go get mogged now
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Basically, if your favorite characters are the main characters you automatically win.
What was the point of cindy's skin anyway. Its her not corrupted so its not canon so why release it
>Feel bad for cindy
>She's the reason raptures won
I think i wont
it wasn't her fault
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>13 hour thread
It makes her happy, that's all that matters.
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>Only 2 people in our union competing for 1st in the minigame
>I'm ahead by 5k points
>he improved by 200 points
I'm nooticing
>What was the point of cindy's skin anyway
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The gun still was the murder weapon regardless who held it
Man playing alice and redhood makes my finger hurt.
wtf are people made of glass these days
What is the point of any gacha costume that isn't noise's?
Best skins in the game are free
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>just watched the vs /fgog/ match
Fucking KINO, what did you do K******* to make the team so strong now
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The murder weapon isn't the one that gets put on trial and then throw in jail, however.
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I need to stop playing for a while. These things should not be allowed to spawn to infinity. It is literally unfair. You have these "walls" that no amount of strategy will ever surmount, you either Pay to advance or simply wait until you can kill these "wall" raptures and gimmicks before it affects you. This game is just not fun anymore. I've played for 8 months and I think I'm just done. I'll keep up with the story with wikis and youtube playthroughs. Thankfully I've only ever spent 20 dollas on the game, so 20 bucks for 8 months of gameplay is a steal.
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Rapi won the first free costume by default.
just use 5 pilgrims bro
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The game was rigged from the start
Cum on it.
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can Behemoth's rocks be i-framed?
Use shotguns.
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I don't have it yet, wait until May.
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Just relax until you have more power, you don't need to push
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It's an idle game bud, just chill until you can beat it
I wish I could get her default with blue eyes
Red eyes makes her look like a gross albino
ummmm excuse me but cindy is not an albino nigger
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Cindy is always beautifuk. kys
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>Rival gets walled by Train for a week
>Now he's been walled by Titty Dragon longer.
>Every week the gap gets bigger
I feel bad now.
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holy fucking THIGHS
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calm down lil bro and wait it out. shit happens.
I don't think I will ever forgive ShiftUp for constantly make outfits for girls and refusing to put them in game.
Her waist is non existent and she has those fucking dull eyes
Anis looks fucking dead
The fuck is that?!
I want to FUCK zombie Anis
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That Liter could be an Ultra-Rare 0.6% pull rate alt and players would still run to buy it
ShiftUp is sleeping on money with these
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Proud of you lil Smol White bro, been always rooting for your success.
>Anis rekindles her desire to be "beautiful" again.
>Starts extreme dieting
>SKK has to tell her she was beautiful as she was.
middle row > bottom row > top row
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Just to be safe
I will buy anything of Privaty's.
I love red hood, guillotine, and anis' outfits the most

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