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[Banner] [11/21] Beast Sakuyo (Inferno) (New)
[Banner] [11/21] Dora (Rerun)
[Banner] [11/21] Catherine (Rerun)
[Content] [11/21] Main Story Chapter 9 (First Half)
[Content] [11/21] Select Summons Banner
[Content] [11/21] Challenge Mode 17 (New)
[Content] [12/05] World Boss: Lighthouse Keeper
[Content] [12/05] Waving Forest of Monsters Minigame
[Event] [12/12] 2023 Christmas Event: A Cozy Christmas! (Rerun)
[Content] [12/12] Guild Raid: Gaia
[Content] [12/11] Dimensional Labyrith 2x Reward
[Event] [11/21] Newbie Attendance Pass
[Content] [12/12] Battlefront 31st Area
[Content] [12/12] Unlimited Gate Depths 300th Stage


[Banner] [12/26] Larimar (Rerun)
[Banner] [12/26] Renee (Rerun)
[Banner] [12/26] Flynn (Rerun)
[Event] [12/26] 2024 Christmas Event
[Content] [12/26] World Boss: Behemoth (New)
[Content] [12/25] Champs Arena x2 Reward
[Content] [TBA] Event Raid "Infinite Mode"
[Content] [TBA] Tower of Infinity

>NA Guilds

>Newbie Guide

>"Information Source" Spreadsheet

>Coupon Codes
None atm

Previous thread: >>507073331
died died...
don't die on me...
Brothers the last thread died before I could say that I want Sakuyo to rape me, what the fuck
vod for yesterday's game against wtg is up https://implying.fun/video/vgl23/2024-12-21/?t=1:28:32.0

is that even a thing at that point? if you're willing?
I don't think it's rape if you want it.
>Thread dies on Seeha's birthday
She's not even worth breaking the Soonie chain for.
karma at its finest lmao
Truly is everSOVL
pretty sure I'd only break the soonie chain for jade and ayame desu
>ToF cutting JP voices to reduce costs
Smart, ES should do the same.
I woke up and thread was DED. Don't scare me like that.
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That garbage game hasn't eos yet? I'm shocked.
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I haven't been doing my dailies because I just sit on the title screen listening to Crimbus music.
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good night /esg/
sleep tight jammie
rest well jammie
All nuns are sluts
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Reminder we play in around 2 hours against /lcg/ to secure a Top 4 spot.
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Cat sex
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I was gonna pick up the pen for the first time in a while and draw a little hype pic but due to Christmas stuff it might end up happening in a few days. Not sure if I can even catch the game today, hope it's a good one!
Divegrass starts in 3 minutes, my jammies. It's the quarterfinals, we'll be playing the second game, against Limbus.

It's the intention that counts, bro.
Let's push for that star today.
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>limbus was the team that blew our back out in friendlies
started this game recently, need friend soul hire thingy; if anyone is free, add me up or post nickname for me to add instead.

code: 285621114175
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Fuck Sakuyo. Impregnate Sakuyo. Pound Sakuyo into the mattress. Slam dunk a baby into Sakuyo's womb. Fill her with Savior semen. Ejaculate in Sakuyo's holes. Launch Savior seed into her eggs. Skewer Sakuyo on Savior cock. Fuck Sakuyo into active pregnancy. Ejaculate into Sakuyo's spunk tank. Judo throw Sakuyo into mating press.
join Jammies. stick /esg/ on your profile when you apply
/uma/ vs /pg/ is over, horses wins 4-1. We play next, jammies!
i havent unlocked guild yet but i will. also people are level 400+? i guess the game has been out for a year.
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We're up
Get in!
account level doesn't mean much really. we're having our second anniversary in janurary so it's a good time to start
They're also the team with all the normie and korean fans. I don't think eversoul korea cares.
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Sent ;)
its over
it's over
its nyover
based talia
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why are they brutalizing my wife
it's never been so over
>all the ??? spam when our goalkeepers name is called out
we're so back
never been so back
its so over
it's over
we had a good run
the very first run
we're back
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Who taught my innocent daughter to murder like that?
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She gets to keep her medium house.
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I got to see the end. 2-3 and RO16 is really good for autopilot and against /lcg/ of all things, I'm very proud of my jammies and thankful to divegrass anon once again!
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The dream dies today, sadly.
I wanna thank the thread for always engaging with this fun bullshittery, you're the best fans anyone could ask for. There probably will be announcements for friendly events and such, but no notice about those until way later.
See you soon, fellas. It was an awesome experience.
The same person who made her wear such erotic panties.
This was really fun. Like >>507197001 says to get this far on autopilot is crazy, on our debut no less. Thanks for everything, jammie.
Based, she came big in the knockouts, despite her bad condition.
Do I see hints of breast expansion there?

Thanks for the great run, divegrass-kun! Be sure to spam lewd souls in the thread so that we never die!
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Hey bros, I really need more Petra art for research purposes.
knock yourself out. there's a lot of great stuff that never gets posted here
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Badass. Thanks for the link, anon.
Gentle lolibaba sex.
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Rebecca after she's done with me.
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Oh my goodness, get the undeadsex guy in here
a face begging for correction
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Oh yeah, this is what I'm talking about. Claudia needs more appearances in the story and in side events.
Looks like the gooks foresaw the match today.
That's kind of adorable. I did want to ask how it was received overall if we have any gook anons here.
looks like one of them in particular used to make Eversoul characters in the Limbus Company style.
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My chuuni wife looks surprisingly fitting in the limbab style.
Your chuuni wife is CRINGE
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pipe down sakuyo
>christmas dialogue is out
Who has the best one?
Hey fellas, we got 5th in VGL23.
As such, we're allowed to send one of our players to the /vg/ team.
Lemme know which one of our players you want to send.
Jammies/Petra probably deserves it the most. Or Harem Master but we're not sending a m*le.
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Whoa! Jammies or Mephi I'd say! It'll be cute seeing a /esg/ rep on there!
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Airakot is CUTER
send her
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I finally found some fodder love!
That's literally me!!
Me on the middle
what yt channel has the divegrass vods again?
don't know about yt, but you can watch the vods here https://implying.fun/vgl23/
Also in the Rentry, but it doesn't seem like the VGleague games are up there yet.
That'd be this one https://www.youtube.com/@esgVODs
I'll be uploading all other vods soon enough.
Otherwise here https://implying.fun/team/esg/
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Bros, why can't Garnet be real?
because she would either be in prison or a mental asylum
I can fix her
only the savior can fix her
that's me
i'm literally the savior
that's me
You can't be the savior, I am the savior.
wait, how many saviors are even there?? how can any of you be the savior if I'm the savior?!
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It's almost like we're a Tree of Saviors
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multiverse theory
there's a bunch of alternate universe saviors that died off and I have to save my world from their evil women too, as if taming my own Garnet wasn't enough
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I wish..
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Remember to impregnate your fairies, bros
>It's not in the special shop
Impregnating Dominique as we speak
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We're getting stones for Christmas.
welcome additions to my chaos mephi funds
just in time for anniversary
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reset adrianne!
buffs never
Angel is only allowed to have one good soul for some reason
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I would trade all my copies of Lizelotte and Larimar for Claudia to get a single buff
she seems to be one of those problematic characters that are impossible to balance because their gimmick can get out of hand really easily
claudia doesnt really need buffs but they should remove
>disable all dots except shock
because it is retarded to work around
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good morning /esg/

>day 12
>box 9
>1500 gems spent
>1 sold-out box
>1x 40 artifact tix
morning jammie
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She just feels like shes made of paper compared to other casters, not sure if its just me but there isn't a single unit in the game I struggle to keep alive more than Claudia
Ayame or Honglan or someone like that survive no problem until the tank goes down and then usually a few seconds more, seems like Claudia gets splashed with a single spell and she goes 100-0
morning jammie!
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>day 12
>box 15
>7800 gems spent
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>I doubled my guild raid score
Feels good
cute elf
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she's lovely, but I'd forgotten she was so breastful
It is in fact rape if she pins me down against my will and forces me to copulate without consent
that sounds horrible and definitely not something I wish would happen to me, no way...
It is I, Savior, to announce that I'll be marrying [Insert soul here] in short notice, everyone is invited to the party!
*Delete this before posting or I'll break your neck, bitch*
Uh oh, someone's in trouble
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Don't die on me, esg. I'll be back tomorrow.
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JP getting jim shop too around the time Beleth drops, interestingly they didn't pack in this week's patch last week like ours did and they're updating tomorrow instead
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I cum to brats and their well behaved sisters
>tfw no big sakuyo to hold a blade at my throat while she rides my cock
Why do I live...
god i miss the old ro days...
Never understood why RO was so popular, but I played the shit outta MU Online and L2 when I was a teenager.
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We did pretty damn well, I'm glad.
The anime aesthetics is what drew me at first, but War of the Emperium guild pvp every thursday and sunday is what kept me going. I imagine it was the same for most players.
looks like they're gonna update Larry's Xmas skin illust so that it actually reflects her wearing the black thighhighs in her actual model instead of the current mismatched white kneehighs in her illust
It's an ugly skin with or without the thighhighs
blacks cuter
I hope she's still wearing her thong under there. Or less https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125412820
Larry More
AI is becoming too good too fast
Can't believe this game is so stingy, baka.
I kinda wish they changed the model to match the illustration instead, the old ones matched the rest of her outfit nicer.
are we gonna get a new roadmap before sakuyo is over?
she floats in combat, she doesn't need shoes... what a waste
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I had to check. Not as exciting but still decent.
>gave her a thong even though it probably wont be visible
based devs enjoying their work
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soon to be the 4th best operator once we see the roadmap
Surely they won't give us another operator this soon.
Surely Chaos Mephi is next up after Sakuyo
Can't believe Mephi gets two spots on the list.
alters don't count. but we're getting a new human-like next roadmap who will probably be an operator since they have so many left to reveal
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you hate to see it
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Catherine a cute.
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>Catherine IS BEST GIRL. God i love her so much.
if only she loved you back...
She does and it's canon.
I don't know if mainline Catherine does, she only witnessed the other timelines
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My art raid on the gook forums was very fruitful.
cute bunny
also funny
thanks for sharing bwo
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just a few more days left
is her love story worth doing? or is it just a lore dump?
A few more days until another 3 week wait for a good event
I was preparing the next Rentry update but I wanted your opinion on this /esg/. We get all the basic Souls we need for free now with the newbie attendance track (Yuria, Eve, Daphne) so what would you pick from Infinite Reroll?
My first thought would just get to pick a copy of one of the newer metafag characters like Domi or Sigrid just to make it easier to raise them later.
are newer souls in the infinite reroll? if so then i would probably recommend sigrid
All except A/D/C. Most of the old Souls are just free in the newbie pass so getting an extra copy won't matter much.
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Reset Velanna!
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Oh no who's pregnant
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Unrelated but you might want to look into two things.
1 is pic related and 2 is the link in
>What should I focus on after starting? (tl;dr)
links to the editing page https://rentry.org/esgbasics/edit#souls-and-progression
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>pov didn't respond to otoha's text message within an acceptable delay
Good catch! Fixed both.
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good morning /esg/

>day 13
>box 10
>1750 gems spent
>2 sold-out boxes
>2x 40 artifact tix

so how much did you all get from the gift boxes today?
I didn't do any of my true endings yet.
I got way more tickets and 4k less stones.
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I finally cleared the 200 boss
goodjob non-jammie
my sexy cute wife!
good morning Jammie
Nyoo I'm retarded and doxxed myself...
how'd a non jammie get in our guild chat
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Places I'd like to live in
Good job Dammie!!
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What do the stars say today anon.
We seriously need more Schoolgirl outfits. I love normal looking girls so much, bros. I wish schoolgirls were real.
We need more maids
I'm in favor of less fantasy/sci-fi costumes and more "down to earth" ones. Summer costumes are a given. Gimme more schoolgirls, more kimonos, maybe a Rock band/Race Queen events.
But taking shoes off can be erotic
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Just saw this on twitter, lole
I actually like Seeha, more than her idol counterpart, I guess.
Q1 2025 roadmap/2nd anni livestream on December 29
Holy fuck finally
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why is she so toxic?
Ina is dead, savior... you have to let go... it wasn't your fault...
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cMephi my beloved
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Cute closet racist
Collecting all those gifts is a pain in the ass.
i bet she says it in private
Honestly extremely sovlful.
Anyone know how long we have to collect them? I've done like 2 love stories.
It took me two hours but I was just doing it during breaks on another game.
I meant what's the period you can collect the gifts in before the chance is gone.
the mail will stay there forever. but you only have until the new christmas event ends to receive more for true endings.
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Thanks, that's what I wanted to know. There's quite a bit of time if we have the new event too.
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good night /esg/
sleeping on Petra's soft warm lap
good night jammie, and merry christmas
Night Jammie! Have a good Christmas Eve!
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Why is the savior such a faggot?
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he's got a world to save, he doesn't have time for instagram floozys
He should be able to save the world while fucking his harem for fun if he's going to save anyone.
they have to wait, that's why the first thing he does after saving the world is impregnate yuria
t. Apollyon
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Savior, you lucky bastard.
Yuria can get savior's sloppy seconds after the Nightbloods are done with him.
lmao, nightbloods can get sloppy fifteenths at best
Total Souloid death, the savior's seed all belongs to mankind.
yeah, a merry christmas to you too
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Is that so?
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I wanna like it but the slop level is kinda high.
just dont look too closely. I did try to find some new proper xmas art but no luck
nevermind I found one
>Sticking a santa hat on a girl in a bikini
I guess it counts.
If you imagine the bikini to be red or striped then it's even better!
with no clothes on is best I can't even work out who it is supposed to be without hair color
Uhm obviously...uhhh.... uhmm....
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Joanne I think.
Uhm obviously...uhhh.... uhmm....
Yeah! That makes sense! He seems to like her.
Joanne sex
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Reset Christmas! Happy Holidays /esg/, I love you all dearly!
Cheers, jammie. Merry Christmas!
good morning /esg/

>day 14
>box 11
>2000 gems spent
>2 sold-out boxes
>2x 40 artifact tix

managed to get some artifact tix before event end but the luck's nowhere near how much I got the past few events
Hey jammie! I got to box 12 with 3500 gems and thought it was pretty lucky.
You know, we never really got any confirmation that the snowmen in the town are actually suspicious in any way. We're just destroying the kids' innocent snowmen every day for fun.
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Merry Christmas, Pitsbros & Jammies! I don't talk often in chat, but I hope y'all have a good one. Here's to our underrepresented soulwives getting cute events/costumes in 2025

>not wrapped in ribbon
Missed opportunity
>day I don't know
>box 15
Feels good being a luckshitter
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Bros what did I do wrong why is Manon blowing up my phone
I love this operator so much, its unreal
sleep tight jammie
happy holidays jammie
good morning jammie
merry Christmas jammie
Merry Christmas from GMT-3
Enjoy the festivities, Jammers
Merry Christmas Jammie
>he forgot the holiday semen tax again
Have a good Christmas, /esg/. Won't be around much for a few days so I hope the thread stays alive throughout the holiday lull.
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Y-You too

merry christmas anon
If I have a soul at origin+5, is there any point to any extra unused dupes? Can I use them as fodder for other characters without bricking myself?
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Haven't been to the thread in a bit, but Merry Christmas everyjammie/pit from a midwest burger. Hope everyone is doing well, I know it can be hard during the holidays, we all just gotta hang in there.
I never end up doing very much for Christmas, so I'll probably put aside the time to play catch up on my evertalks. They've piled up once again, as they have with many other anons lol.
In case I don't end up coming back before or during the anniversary, I wish everyone good fortune. I believe its supposed to be Chaos Mephi, but I'm still fairly new and not the most informed, so maybe I'm wrong.
Happy soon-to-be New Year to everyone as well, and remember that Undead souls are incredibly sex, but Petra is especially sex (Bryce and Melfice are tied for second place for me lol).
They can be used for that yes, but unless you're really hurting for fodder I'd sooner release the extra dupes instead. At endgame you eventually have nigh infinite fodder and would rather gamba on epic memories
>birthday in a week
>I'll be 25
Will Manon still love me, even though I'll be an old man?
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As long as you spend responsibly and wisely, I think she'll forgive you for succumbing to the passage of time.
I can kinda relate though lol, I turned 24 this year and have loved lolis since middle school. Every year I get older though, and I think to myself increasingly often that these characters would just think I'm a weird old dude.
Merry Christmas Jammie.
>Savior (Purple) +60 (Heart)
>Dicks (Purple) +90
Can someone explain why I would pick the first option over the second option? There seems to be no correlation between hearts and bond points.
You'll still be a few thousand years younger than her.
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/esg/ is a zoomer general?
not me, i'm ancient
Bro I'm gonna be 34 next year
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good night /esg/, new stuff should all start an hour after reset tomorrow
good night, jammie
I am a fossil bro. Why do you think I play idle and tactical gachas instead of fast paced zoomer action ones?
Night jammie!
Jammies I was gonna do a real hit on the last day but I see our rank is decent so I'm tempted to just auto. Please forgiv.
Looks like most of us were lazy and we still made top 25
Works for me!
Some love stories are pure kino, but I can't help but feel like the translation is worse for many of them compared to the main story.
Honestly I was kinda surprised to see there was anyone in my age group here at all, but it seems from the replies that the older fellas might outnumber us lol. Nothing wrong with that though, I feel like that's the case across most of this site.
I guess I technically fall under the zoomer banner but honestly I don't pay much attention to stuff related to generations, I just do whatever.
I'm still pretty new, so I definitely haven't seen them all, but I also remember seeing quite a few stinkers as far as translations go on my first week or two. Since then, I haven't seen any that have stuck out to me, so maybe there aren't that many, or maybe they're fixing them? Not sure, I don't think I've ever checked the patch notes
there's a few translations errors that don't work very well. like when the girls say "I want to spend my days by your side" they actually mean "fill my womb with your sticky love batter right htis instant"
Nine Ark, hire this man.
You know what, fair lol. You should be on the localization team from now on.
That gets me thinking though, I'm sure the question has been posed before, but can souls get pregnant? I mean, there are child souls in the game, and I also know that the souls form romantic relationships with each other which I assume involves physical intimacy. I suppose they might be able to with each other, but I guess what I'm wondering is could the savior get them pregnant?
In Yuria's ending she says she wants to have a child with you. Some will argue that she could just mean adoption as souls don't age, but it could also mean that a half-human half-soul child could be born. We don't have an exact answer so pick whatever makes you happier.
Also Joanne is capable of turning souls into humans, so there is always that route too.
Yuria suggests Savior can get her pregnant but outside that nothing confirming it's possible. I'm shocked procreation hasn't been touched on more
I kinda prefer them leaving it open with some hints rather than locking all canon to a specific one.
Yuria's love story was added after they were bombarded with questions about pregnancy, so you can take that as their answer. It hasn't been mentioned since.
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Interesting, I still haven't finished Yuria's talks so that makes sense that I didn't know about it.
I also haven't finished Miss Joanne's story either but I suppose it makes sense that it'd go in that direction
At the end of the day though, I suppose It doesn't really matter. Whether they can get pregnant or not, I'll still keep breeding them until they're content
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exactly! if your souls aren't getting pregnant you just aren't trying hard enough
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Mother of god... what an irresponsible mother. That's my kid in there!! No drinking!
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I would pay any price for Dominique to do this for me, then afterwards she can shakily descend onto my face so I can eat her out while she lets out cute little moans and squeaks AHHHHHHHHHG SEEEEX
Sorry I just couldn't help myself.
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Speaking of sex.
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god I wish
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I'm rushing through some more love stories for gifts and goddamn. Undeadsex truly is peak.
did you get the christmas mail after unlocking their true ending?
Yeah, still do. I'll check one more true end after the next reset.
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Reset Lize!
Remember you can make a copy of this if you wanna plan out your Onyx shop spending!
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Event is UP.
Also kot is crashing games.
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Can confirm. Also Joannesex.
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Savior going "Renee?!?!?!" was exactly my reaction.
Holy fucking shit.
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lmfao she's such a stupid retard
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Flynn is a fucking retard, gotta love her.
When's the rad cath banner i need to blow my load.
Updated the Rentry with CHRISTMAS SPIRIT and some small changes. Merry Christmas once again /esg/! Hope you all got Soulsex in your stockings.
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Well, will you?
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And then I was walked home very gently
Yeah but that doesn't mean I'm not getting old... I don't want her to dump me for some eternally young noname soul
good morning /esg/

>day 1
>box 1
good morning Jammie
morning jammie
Hey Jammie! Merry Christmas! It's great hearing from oldstinkies still remembering this place. You're pretty on the mark with the upcoming Souls, hope you come hang out when anniversary stuff drops, but happy holidays if not!
shocked wife
She's adorable. I wonder if her O5 alt is going to be white like Joanne or black and red like Kanna and Miriam.
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>day 1
>box 3
>1 ticket day
Got pretty lucky

On that note, I'm pretty close to all around Lv300, good shit.
Name my band, /esg/.
I liked this event a lot, mostly because it brought back the "issues" Flynn had in her evertalks, so these are now "canon". Also, it's nice to see Larimar actually worrying for someone other than her people, if push comes to shove.
Japs are about to get the best operator
And we're gonna get Beleth's jap voice.
We all win
So surreal seeing a Year 1 Soul (with some touch-ups) and Weiss together in the same screen. Weiss looks like she belongs in a different game altogether.
Weiss has a much different style, it's interesting but doesn't really fit
I felt exactly the same. She's the first undead soul (with human skin) that actually feels like there's something wrong with her, and I fucking love that.
Is Joanne the only soul so far to have like a post credits scene in their love story?
I kind of regret going for origin Sakuyo.
My brain turned off when I saw Larimar's banner and I wasted 8400 stones for the two copies needed for origin before I remembered the free event copy and the selector too.
Between that and Onxy's shop I will enter the next quarter with my everstone stash almost empty.
Bros, I don't really get it, but is the Onyx shop actually worth it? Have just about 30k stones saved.
>Larimar's building is HP and not Attack
Why even bother giving her one then? What a fucking dumb decision.
Depends if you really want a Soul from the final (up to Onyx) Special Box containing all Souls except Chaotic
Larimar's personal damage is fuck all compared to Sentence procs and more attack doesn't boost those nor keep her alive longer. I'm not compelled to buy the pass for a larimar house regardless, but hp>attack
shoes are hot though and feet are cringe
because larimars damage is already great, the issue is keeping her alive after she pushes the bosses stacks too high with this new system. it's only a problem whales have and they're usually the ones buying the buildings
Is there a guide for that special shop like last time? Is it worth it?
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it's bait to make you waste your gems before they release the Q1 roadmap with a chaos soul, angel soul and sex weiss. don't fall for it
Why is big Sakuyo at 1 arrow on world raid? She wasn't even out for the previous one... A lot of these don't make any sense, I can't imagine anyone ever used Otoha last time and she isn't at 3 arrows.
Maybe people just raid with their wives or something
That would make sense if Xiaolian wasn't double advantage, no one uses her or has her as their wife.
I think she's cute. I haven't done her love story but I've heard it's pretty romantic
Riverwolf in Jammies has her max bond and origin artifact.
good night /esg/
goodnight jammie
>Make a new skin for Gaia
>Create new mechanics
>Limit it to lvl 400
I hope the infinity boss challenge is a real version of the fight.
wtf nigga don't doxx
It's good if you don't have Yuria/Larimar, skip otherwise.
Really depends on your priorities. Individual deals are worth it, but the final A/D chest isn't as much since we get a copy of Yuria and Eve for free now and they were the targets to aim for in the past.
Best to wait until the roadmap to drop in a few days and see what's cooking.
Bros there's just something about Miriam, why is she this cute?
If you date Miriam you're also bound to give some affection to Kanna too.
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more like if you date miriam all you'll hear about when she gets off work is how much kanna fucked things up all day
Oh yeah I'd fuck Kanna too.
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Cute sexy naizuri
sleep tight jammie
Maybe +1 is the default value, nobody really knows how it works.
>I can't imagine anyone ever used Otoha last time and she isn't at 3 arrows
Her support skill is pretty good if your souls spam main skills a lot. Maybe they count any kind of usage.
It feels weird to realize we hadn't canonically interacted with Larimar before this event.
2bh event stories aren't canon and shouldn't be taken very seriously.
Everything is canon, just not main time line.
We'll probably get more of her in the main storyline in a year or so when we're not enemies anymore. When we team up to face off with the spooky ayylmaos
Are you telling me we won't already fix the continent and have Soul orgies every night a year from now?!
The main story sucks ass and I take the events more seriously desu
The event stories are also shit. The only good stories in this game are the bond stories where Savior fucks the girl.
I agree those are good but as long as it's actually romantic I like them. Event stories aren't very serious but I like seeing characters interacting in a seasonal theme.
I like the events as long as they have elves.
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I like both event stories and main story.
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me too
and all the bond stories
the main story is a bit of a slow burner, but I like it too. bond stories are generally alright, with some really good ones.
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Reset Flynn!
Damn! Beat me to it! I love Flynn, she's so stupid she reminds me of myself.
do you also have a weird obsession with explosions?
Sadly no, just with animal girls. But I AM pretty stupid.
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good morning /esg/

>day 2
>box 2
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Morning jammie!
good morning Jammie
Larimar stop talking about the end all the time or I'll have to end your soulovaries.
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Jiho has one and I think maybe Velanna?
Amen brother. Her cute smile, the bedroom eyes, those beautiful, slim legs. She's got cute outfits, but default makes me feral. Especially how her belt highlights her small waist. The things I'd do to her
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why are elves like this bros
it's in their nature
>day 2
>box 4
>1 ticket/day
I can't recall right now but there are a few out there. Joanne is really fucking sweet and cute, though. Her becoming an actual human, leaving her immortality behind and spending the rest of her life to (You)r side is some of the cutest shit.
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Love my standing paizuri machine
Are the alchemy tickets in the shop a good deal? How do they work?
Each 10 roll costs 4k stones.
You can set any non-collab unit (uncluding chaotics like Cath and Linzy) in there, and it has a chance you roll said unit, or until you hit the pity of 80 rolls.
Set a Soul you want as a Pick-Up.
Compared to regular Pick-Up it's 2% rate vs 1.6%, but 4000 gems vs 2100 for a 10-pull. The off-rate rewards lean more into resources over fodder.
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She should've remained that way
Love me big soulwife.
Love me small soulwife.
Simple as.
I love my wildkotwife
Go back to the game that loves reruns
But every game has re-runs...
There's a certain game that particularly loves them.
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Event song. Some catchy shit.
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I miss her so much bros
then she shouldve scored more
merge when?
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What the hell is going on in this love story??
just wait until the ending
>Place the pretty event 2D art on main menu
>Larimar buried beneath a sea of useless icons
I wish the main menu was cleaner, it really looks like a cheap browser game UI. Icons and scrolling banners everywhere.
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don't see a problem best girl is unobstructed
good night /esg/
good night jammie
wrestling with dora while soaked in honey
I've never understood this argument (and arguments about how X game's UI is so "generic")
Yes, things that you are going to go into constantly should be one click away on the homescreen. Instead of being hidden inside a menu, hidden inside another menu, hidden inside yet another menu because you only want there to be a three buttons or less on the home menu "so it's not generic".
Oh, also put half of the resources on the bottom of the screen and half hidden inside another menu because you want to be different from all the games that have your resources in a single bar on the top. (This is unironically a complaint I've seen, that putting all your resources visible on the top bar is "generic browser/cheap mobile game UI" and that they should be split up instead)
somethings should always be displayed, we don't need a scrolling banner telling us who is available for summon every day when it changes once every 3 weeks. that's my only real complaint
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Dominique event when?
Beleth event when?
Otoha event when?
Twins/Nightbloods event when?
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hoping otaha gets the valentine maid outfit since ceo liked this. twins already have school outfits so they'll probably skip that one. and dominique will get a micro bikini im sure
Daphne's even bigger sister banner when?
We need more non-twin siblings, I agree
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posted on the eve of eve's birthday

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