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Store link:

# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>A retrospective on the past 18 months, and a bright looking future

# Nemlei's previous games:

Previous thread: >>506854550
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First for Sprite Supremacy!
My tongue + Ivy's Peppermint Pooper
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Feels like it's going to be a good Christmas!
Based NGN Christmas hijack
We all agreed NGN was the quintessential Christmas NemGame
Sleep deprived? Not for long.
Eating Yule's logs...

https://youtu.be/QOJjru13MaI?si=VxAwTGzzi8kHwh9d [Embed]
https://youtu.be/gWVC3_kLjII?si=TiIltWUgAzugFAqh [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Afza2F-oOsg?si=1r5Sk2PwNIvxR7FM [Embed]
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Sleeping with Noelle...
That house seems cold. I thought they had money for fuel now.
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I'm feeling festive, /calg/.
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There's a comfy low fire going, Yule is just conjuring snowflakes in his sleep. Noelle would think it was cute if not for the fact she keeps having to hang the blanket and sheets out to dry in the morning and the other girls in the village are starting to gossip.
Noelle thread!
I hope we get more art and content this year
i rewatch this over and over while rubbing and slapping my hands
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how curvy is too curvy?
It's a little weird when it gets to that point. Not necessarily unnatural but extremely rare genetics. Like the legs are taken from someone much larger.
Genetics doesn't just give you glutes of that calibre. You push iron to get those.
And no, it's not fat. Much too firm.
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No such thing as "too curvy"
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Stick a needle in those tits and they'd pop
This is heresy.
>Noelle after eating properly
hey, this is just like the ashley feeder memes
That. Those are retarded e-thot BBL proportions, which are disgusting.
Yule overfeeding Noelle and groping her fat rolls would be cute
Is he really that desperate to fill out her chest?
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In his defense, tits are fucking awesome.
Yule is doing it wrong, he needs to get her preggy
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did you guys anything good today to improve your life
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i took a fat shit
im taking the day off, gonna get back to work tomorrow
talk to boyfriend
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I spent some time planning what meals I'm going to make and writing a proper weekly shopping list. I'll even cook most of it myself! We must all defeat the Thiu within ourselves.
hussy detected
Most of my effort nowadays is concentrated on improving my life alongside my sister's, mostly by improving her life. I've pretty much reached my peak and am happy to coast from there.
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Eric bros...
Yes, the cute sometimes annoying sometimes shockingly erotic thing that through an accident of god shares common lineage.
Do I still give my sister her Christmas present after she betrayed me?
Yes. Sometimes people do stupid things, but don't turn your back on family. On the more practical side of things, nothing makes people feel like shit quite like you being kind to them when they know they don't deserve it.
That's the perfect time to do it.
a British man recently went on national television to advocate for sibling marriage. Kit9 let this man be your company spokesman because we are SO FUCKING BACK
im okay with incest, and im okay with cannibalism but i'll be 6 feet in the fucking ground before i'd ever be okay with the british
What about Brincest?
what is that
British incest
british people already look like the product of incest
also why do they have a specific term for their nation's incestuous escapades?
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What would an Ashley fanfic about her and Andrew consist of?
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This feels like a reference but searching for it on youtube turned up nothing
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I get a bonus if I work on Christmas
I think it's the one about a mother finding her daughters yaoi doujins.
they're not that big, we know that from her in-game sprites lmfaoo
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Obligatory proof of Ashley's flawless figure (and huge but still proportional tits)
Patience, we've yet to see the pregnancy route.
Ashley's lactating boobs and swelling belly
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Christmas more like SUCKSmas

My younger self was incredibly embarrassing so I'm not sure I didn't know I was doing it half the time
/calg/ national anthem https://youtu.be/EHTrteq-lt0
uhhh did you reply to the right post?
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Ashley has a fairly large bust given her insanely petite frame. If she was at a healthy bodyweight she'd be stacked like a brick shithouse.
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Well /calg/, DandyDNA aka video essayist-kun is back with a new Cofifn video. I've got some fancy new effects here too, hope you all enjoy. Merry Christmas!
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Derp, posted the older version of the webm.
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I almost forgot. Try to find the NGN easter egg!
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A Graves Christmas Eve
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Here's his Substack
And a spectator article

Seems the guy is being genuine.
Picrel is thread-relevant.
Good video, you're the only youtuber who's video essays about the game weren't about how it's evil and you're a bad person if you like it.
Couldn't find any snow elves through, maybe my senses aren't sharp enough.
Have you considered that the blood oath may have been an example of Andrew's early romanticism? Shit he picked up from books and sounded cool to his 10-12 y/o self?
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This thread looks beautiful.
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Happy Yule! Happy Noelle!
Yulle working hard for these thread snowflakes.
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I'm glad to see he makes the same arguments that we make here, and from an objective perspective he's 100% right. The opposition to incest is one based in morality and soft eugenics, but even for those arguing from the eugenic perspective how many truly understand the odds of producing a "defective" child? Genetic screening exists which can–to the extent permissible by modern science–identify any potential genetic hazards prior to procreation; even in the sense of letting nature take its course though the odds of producing a defective child when neither parent is expressing a particular genetic disorder, is shockingly small. A few threads ago the argument was brought up about Queen Victoria introducing hemophilia into the bloodline via incest, which I think provides the greatest argument AGAINST banning incest for the following reason: Prince Albert did not have the allele for Hemophilia in his genetic sequence because in this particular strain of Hemophilia males who carry the allele will always express that particular allele since it's carried across the X chromosome. In the simplest terms possible, in order for incest to have played any factor in her or those descended from her producing offspring from an incestuous pairing, the male partner would necessarily need to be a hemophiliac in order for incest to play literally any factor whatsoever in that particular disorder's propagation.
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Basically, even the scientific argument against incest ceases to serve a practical purpose as single-generation incest does not significantly raise the risk of offspring carrying or expressing "defective" genes because in order for such a thing to occur, one of the parents would likely need to have a de novo mutation in their gene sequence and pass this defectively mutated allele to both of the offspring (25% chance, give or take, the math is a bit more complicated). The mathematical odds of this happening? Well, de novo mutations occur at an estimated max of 1.8e-8 per nucleotide per generation, or a 0.0000018% chance of occurrence. Assuming even a 50% chance of passing this allele to both offspring, which is an absurd inflation of the actual odds, and assuming that a de novo mutation will ALWAYS result in a defective gene (it doesn't), this puts the odds at roughly a 0.0000009% of single-generation sibling incest creating a child with defective genes under the following assumptions:
>there is no obvious family history of this defect
>given there is no family history, one of the siblings' parents therefore had a mutation in the gene sequence and passed it to both children at roughly double the mathematical rate
>mutations always result in defective genes (false)
These are really cute. Can you make some for Noelle, Ivy, and Yule?
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Unlicensed merch detected. We've got your location, Kit9 ninjas are headed your way right now. Never should've fucked with us, kid!
But its ngn, not coffin… you cant just do that to every Nemlei game Kit9!
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Too late now, motherfucker!
the snowflakes you're seeing now are ivy's pube dandruff
Cute snow elves
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Merry Sismas Eve! Kiss your sister, and yes, that's a threat.
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I prefer sisprengation eve
ackshually it would be sinmas eve
It'll be sismas eve
It's beginning to look a lot like sismas...
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I don't have anyone this Christmas, I think I'll get get drunk while listening to Christmas music
If you have anyone one to share Christmas with be thankful for them
The holidays can be tough, I'm glad I have my imouto to share my Christmas with, but I empathize with the people who are spending it alone. It could be worse, though. It can ALWAYS be worse.
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Not necessarily a Christmas song, but old timey country music gives me the Christmas vibes for some reason. Also, don't know where you are. But if you have access to a slightly larger than average liquor store or market, would highly recommend pic related. They even sell a Christmas variant. Merry Christmas, Anon!
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I am sorry Anon. On the other hand you can spend it however you like. Instead of spending it with an abusive family for example.
Being raped by a prostitute doesn't sound appealing imo.
Won't you please be mindful of the poor anon who has to compulsively jerk off every time this image is posted?
I also have no one, if I wasn't such an antisocial piece of shit I would've figured out how to use one of those simultaneous stream sites and we could've watched something together like the losers we are.
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Is NGN the most Christmaskino video game?
I would say it's probably up there, it's a pretty underrepresented genre.
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get /cozy/
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Doesn't work nearly as well, but I still need my face pressed into minty butthole.
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I REALLY don't like that.
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"Andy" is about to slap a bitch
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We all know the man gets violent when he's aroused
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alright, which one of you wants their christmas present this year to be a bun in the oven?
I don’t like eating bunnies…
Rabbit is actually pretty tasty, but hunting them is a pain in the ass because unless you kill them instantly and unsuspectingly, the meat is ruined.
>noelle x ivy
Cringe, Nule supremacy
Afraid you're wrong, Noivy is ultimate. Just imagine the steamy creamy-mint kisses.
>the meat is ruined
Grind it and make a hamburger
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do you think stress and fear hampers the taste of more... cultured meats?
Probably, it absolutely ruins wild game.
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So it wasn't Ashley's fault the soup was bad!
Ashley has never done anything wrong, ever.
>t. ashley
Also worth mentioning is she's super pretty, nice, and generally an awesome sisterwife.
No, it still was.
I can't imagine Ivy having much of a chest. Mind you she's wearing fairly thick clothing, but I don't think it really suits her. Ashley on the other hand has some jiggly sistermeat on her chest.
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>sister staying over
>she’d rather sleep on a futon than in my bed
Why does she hate me
You have to slowly bring her into the world of snuggling. I casually suggested my sister take a nap with me one time a while ago and she told me she slept insanely well, barring of course that she karate-chopped me at one point at the start because she had one of those "I'm falling" dreams.
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>why doesn't my sister want to share a bed with me when there's an empty bed?

You've been on /calg/ too long, anon.
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I’ve been trying. She seems more amenable to it when the rest of my family isn’t here, but I don’t have my own apartment. Ideally I will next time she visits.

It would be more comfortable
The answer is obvious then, get your own apartment that way you can sleep with your sister, and eventually infiltrate her womb with your crack team of cum commandos.
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merry christmas anons/anonas
That's a very pretty rendition of Ashley, who is pretty much the embodiment of everything that a man can possibly find erotic in a woman.
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Hussies in my yard!
Very cute.
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Amazing. 10/10. Singshley
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Leyley thought in her child years that christmas was knishmas. Marry Knishmas /CALG/!
She's much too crazy. Like even if she's a 10/10 woman she's still an 11/10 on insanity and it's even only that good if you're Andrew.
I want socked sisterfeets on my face
Marry X-mas! Be sure to have some coffee with your sister and be sure to tell your big brothers that their your present.
Ashley is only acts insane because Copedrew directly makes her unstable
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Hello /calg/, I've been away 2 whole days. I missed you a lot. I hope you've all been well
The fact she feels the need to monopolize him is itself mentally ill
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Brother milk is for sister pussies
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I can't even take a screenshot right...
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Bravo Nemlei
Because everyone around her has taught her that if she doesn't, she'll have nothing
Christmas and I jacked off to incest hentai again. What is my life coming to
Sad Noelle makes me sad.

I agree, but the point is that she's crazy beyond the point I can deal with even as a fantasy. Whether or not she's morally culpable for being the way she is, if Andrew could fix her, or if she was born or made are secondary to the fact I, personally, would only be saving time by sticking my dick in an industrial shredder instead of trying it on with her. And so I can't find her attractive even though I know she is, I just want to wish her brotherhusband well in making her (and himself) less of a disaster and watch the trainwreck from a safe distance. Maybe that doesn't make sense though.
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Bah humbug
NGN was actually pretty interesting for its implications on the Nemleiverse, need to replay the other games before theory crafting though. Still think I prefer BH but I can see why people like it
Based and actually plays the games pilled. Did you get Yule or Ivy first?
>she's crazy beyond the point I can deal with even as a fantasy
She is completely calm and mellow whenever Andrew isn't (unintentionally) messing with her head. She's genuinely low maintenance.
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You find yourself at Julia's house. It snowed pretty hard yesterday, and she's asked for some help clearing her driveway. Of course, this has lead to you mostly doing it all yourself; manual labor isn't Julia's strong suit. You're out there in air so cold you feel the chill in your bones. The more you shovel, the longer the driveway seems to get. The ice refuses to break cleanly, and instead you have to scrape and scrape and scrape it all off the driveway. What sordid business, how much you hate it all. What's even the point of it all? Does anyone appreciate the work you put in? Why do you even do it then? Maybe, if you just persist, you'll be rewarded. Yeah right, that old lie. You hope that next time, the snow will just melt on it's own
Eventually, the snow gets cleared. You trudge back into the house, bitter, unhappy, and deeply cold. And there in the hallway is Julia, waiting for you. She waits for you to take your coat off, then gives you a hug. You both stand there for a bit. She pulls away, then frowns at how cold you are. She grabs you by the arm and pulls you further into the house, ignoring your requests to finish hanging you clothes to dry. You end up leaving most of them on the floor as she insists you hurry. Inside, you see she's been baking. She seats you in a chair and places before you some hot chocolate and cookies. You look into the kitchen to see she has a roast going. You start enjoying your snack, feeling the warmth slowly return to your arms and legs. Suddenly, she hugs you from behind. You feel her arms around your chest and her lips on the side of your head. She smells nice. She holds you there for a while, thanking you for clearing the snow and wondering how she'd ever get by without you. Now, you start feeling a different warmth. One that begins in the chest, in the heart, and slowly spreads outwards. You realize that you are needed, you are appreciated, you are loved.
Now you hope the snow never melts again
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HAG! YOU ARE ONE GIANT LUMP OF COAL! I have mad shmingerbread skills! Mark my words! This will be Leyley's best Knishmas ever!
Please remain abstinent to such acts throughout the 12 days of Christmas.
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I don't like you
Sister toes
Very cute
SWEATY sister toes
Sister toes feeling up brother bulge
Sister toejob
>Insert self-insert OC shipped with Andrew
Topkek, good job
Cool video
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You homos better be having a merry Christmas with your inbred ass families.
You too, anon!
Humans are unique animals in that we pass on instructions to our offspring in the form of culture, in addition to genetic programming. Cultures are also subject to the very same evolutionary forces that influence genetics. Tribes and civilizations have stagnated and subsequently been replaced due to practicing something harmful.

In the past, eating pork was quite dangerous. Populations that were convinced that they'd go to hell if they ate pork ended up doing better than neighboring cultures that ate pork. Now that people know how to eat pork safely; that cultural/religious aversion to pork has become more a of a hindrance than a boon. It's a good thing that cultures can change far quicker than genetics, but cultural beliefs, values, and morals are still quite stubborn and produce knee-jerk reactions. "Homosexuality is wrong, just because it is" is probably cultural, not genetic. I think a similar case can be made for incest, but a genetic explanation for it also makes sense. I'm just theorizing here.

Is consanguinity always bad? I'd argue that a population might even benefit from it in moderation. I remember reading something about how some genes only work well in tandem with other genes, and that mixed-race children can have certain problems because of that: Imagine a child that inherits X climate metabolism from one parent and Y climate fat distribution from the other, or something. We know that a lot of inbreeding is bad, but that does not necessarily mean that a little bit is also bad.
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This is truly a The Coffin of Andy and Leyley moment
coffin coded
Imagine wrapping each individual toe with a little bow tie like a present.
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Is 9nine any good? Had it on my backlog for nearly a year.
To reiterate a point I made earlier, inbreeding is *usually* not even that bad, and while I'm sure someone could dredge up some high profile examples I don't feel like I need to explain why that's not indicative of wider trends. Consanguinity can only elevate the risk of detrimental birth defects if the genetic code for said defect is present in both parents, like our Bongladeshi hero bravely pointed out: if the risk of producing defective offspring is the driving force of the law, then it is of equal importance to bar people over a certain age from producing offspring as well due to the ever-increasing chance of DNMs expressing somatically.
when outbreds have bad genetics its totally fine, yet the one in a million habsburgian is a fucking crisis in people's minds
>yet the one in a million habsburgian
Funny part is that Phillip II of Spain was the only one to have any noteworthy genetic defects. And no, to any lurkers: the Habsburg Jaw is not a defect unless you consider a gigachad jawline to be detrimental to daily life, and also it was introduced to the family line via outbreeding.
Yeah, their family looks normal-ugly in this picture from the 1800s.
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I think all this Christmas stuff is fucking stupid
whoa Ashley calm down
This goes hard.
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Just one more week.
what is
I'll never understand what compels people to make crossovers or references where there is no commonality of theme; is there a single thread connecting Coffin and some 4/10 shooter from the "CoD/Halo killer" era?
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Merry Christmas /calg/!
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I'm actually becoming Scrooge. Watching everyone be merry is pissing me off.
The women look rather pretty, and I'm sure the men would look good were it not for the awful muttonchops. That said the ultimate point of this is the following: kiss your sister, love your sister, advocate for a world where you can openly be happy with your sister.
Why do you think we call it "heat"?
I would be more worried about why she was at my desk
It's probably just piss.
Is that a term? I wasn't aware
My computer was locked, so it's no big deal. For some reason she likes to occupy my room whenever I'm not in it
How does the chair smell now?
>For some reason she likes to occupy my room whenever I'm not in it

That's kind of weird.
My sister runs hot, both literally and figuratively. That said it's easier to notice when someone else warms up the seat for you because the feeling defies your expectation, whereas if you get up from a seat and sit back down it's more or less adjusted to your temperature and you're used to it.

>For some reason she likes to occupy my room whenever I'm not in it
My sister does the same thing, except she has brazenly admitted that if I ever leave my computer she WILL search through it for porn.
It's because your sister is fat.
>except she has brazenly admitted that if I ever leave my computer she WILL search through it for porn.
Leave it open on this thread
It wouldn't even be that big of a deal, desu.
I didn't give my sister the present I got her because she is a bitch, how is everyone else enjoying the holiday?
My sister got me a soft sherpa blanket and I love it, at this point I'm a collector of blankets. I love wrapping myself in them as I sit at PC.
Give your sister her gift after a little bit. The hardest thing to do is being nice to someone when they don't always deserve it.

Based jannies.
This doesn't make up for all of the times they don't intervene, not even close.
merry christm----what happened here

Nemlei gave us midsummer art but no Christmas art... /calg/ I truly believe that Christ has fallen and billions must sacrifice goats to the old gods
How long is a bit?
Whenever you have time to see her, stop being a faggot
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could he possibly be an imp?
I gave my brother a present but he didn't get me anything.
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Bane, glad you could make it.

What were you hoping for?!

>What were you hoping for?!

A present...
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Take his present back. Bad brothers don't deserve presents
Do you consider anal sex a present?
All siblings deserve presents.
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Merry Kurisumisu!
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I'm really gonna die alone aren't I? I had one chance at existence and this is it....
Never give up. The best thing about being alone on christmas is that you can start your amagami challenge the day after with the entire year ahead of you. Never give up.
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I want to kill myself but mom says I can't die until after the holidays. I hate this fucking family!
>I'm really gonna die alone aren't I?
Suffer not the hussyfucker
Ravioli ravioli, please don't kill yourself... ioli?
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Do not give your sister daughterneices/hephsons as a christmas present.
Whats that? Never heard of it.
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christmas hug!
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Merry Christmas, anons.
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Don't worry anon, I'm too much of a pussioloi.
I gave my sister a nice leather jacket earlier this month, and then for Christmas I got her a Steam gift card, a necklace, a couple of nice shirts, and a pair of cute leggings that I am hoping she will wear around the house. The necklace was a huge hit, or at least I assume so since I got showered in so many sisterkissies I got spine tingles.
Wholesome! I love the smell of parents roasting on an open fire.
Amagami is a dating sim/anime about a guy wanting to get a girl to spend christmas with him because its a couples holiday in japan. People on /a/ have been emulating the premise and try to get into a relationship that will last through christmas and hopefully also just work out in general. Its the push some people need to brave the horrors of being known.
Sounds gay, no thanks.
>the horrors of being known
Too real. Wish I could plug my brain into the internet and never be looked at, talked to, or recognized.
I can talk to women easily, but I can't talk to them as a man seeking a woman. I don't know how to bridge that gap. Went clubbing with my brother for the first time ever, as in, I've literally never been to a club and been social, and I got shot down every time. (He did too and he doesn't have any hang ups or issues) Probably gonna get flack for this, but fuck it, I'm not denying reality even if normals freak. Every couple I see outside, the man is taller than his woman by a couple inches. Hard to do at 5'5. I have hobbies, I go out to places just because they're new, love all kinds of music, it took years, but I've learned how to talk to people and just be chill.

Besides being short and black, what the fuck else is wrong with me?
This thread is for Snow Sprites only. Move along.
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Explain this. Snow Sprites love the BIC
>Blue eyes
>Live in cold environment with lots of snow every winter
>Talentless doormat with smarter/more skilled friends
Holy shit. I'm a Snow Sprite.
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>Yule had to make himself indistinguishable from a normal Snow Sprite except to expert Noticer Joutilainen to even enter the village
>racemixing with him was still so evil it produced a literal demon child
>demons are worse than imps so Yule didn't even improve his own line

Massive own goal
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>expert Noticer Joutilainen
He's old enough to have fought in the Great Imp Wars. He knows what they are at just a whiff of their putrid stench. He tosses and turns in bed at night; even in his dreams, the pines speak Impanese.
>is lovingly taking care of the demon spawn
Looks like she's even happy it came out black as sin.
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And he still has it in him to be merciful to them, only freezing nu-Yule when it's obvious he deserves it. A real stand up guy he is.
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The Smallocaust never happened, but Joutilainen wishes it did
All they have to do to free themselves is repent. It's not his fault none of them ever do.
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>The Hailocaust never happen, Noelle. Joutilainen there, saw the igloos. Ice blocks not big enough to block entrances.
>Yes, sir... can we please go back to the snowflake lesson now?
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>We will never get to know if Ivy has tits or not
It turns out Ivy is fucking stacked under all those layers.
She only gets better and better.
I watched the video twice and finally found the NGN and Better Half reference at 2:51. What do I win?
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Sex with Noelle's mom
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Yaaaaay! This is the greatest day of my life!
Good news!
What the hell happened to her husband? Did he die of miner's lung from the sugar dust in the candy cane mines? Get run over by a reindeer? Get buried alive in a snowdrift? Leave her in a contentious divorce where he relinquished his parental rights and ran off with his barely-legal new fiance? Inquiring minds want to know.
Can't find it but I'm pretty sure it says he died, but not how.
There is nothing wrong with you. Finding yourself in the graces of a woman can be a crapshoot. Your height might make a little difference in who likes you but you'd be surprised how much just about any small detail makes an influence. I've had a woman date me just because she had an obsession with guys having a specific first letter of their fucking name. You can't control these arbitrary things at all and you can't expect to. But you can control being a decent person who wants to care about others, which you sound like you're doing a good job of.
If you want my admittedly bad, biased, and very shitty advice, talk to the women that seem like they are as abnormal as you or anyone else you'd see or meet on 4chan. The devil you know isn't just better than the one you don't, she's someone that you can properly relate to especially if you're posting here.
She'd probably blow you for $18 and 25 cents, throw in a $10 gift card as well if you want some enthusiasm.
Oh. Now I feel bad for making fun of him. He probably contracted sprite cancer or something...
Post her hag toes
imagine how kino christmas is in the ngn world
Imagine the jolly spirit.
I would snow so fucking hard
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Fucking kek
I'll give that a shot. I actually did go on A date like 5 years ago with this NEET white chick. Thin, modest chest, buck teeth, glasses, freckles, no driver's license, never had a job, and was a couple years older than me. Went for 5 Guys, Barnes and Nobles, and then to see a movie. Thought things went great. Try to set up another date and she's going somewhere for the holidays. Talk to her dad who's beyond happy someone is getting his daughter out of the house and he goes
>What plans?
Like bro, come ON.

But yeah, your idea worked before.... kinda, so I'll try that in the future. Thanks, anon!
I would deck Renee's pussywalls with my balls
How would history have changed if this were a PS2 launch title
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Holy based
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Papa's Cannibaliseria
Is this rayman?
It's the most sisterful time of the year
Look at this anon working hard for his good boy points. Soon you will get your long awaited sisterblowjob.
No, Papa's games
I bought Coffin using Good Boy Points. Really nice of Nemlei to accept such an under-recognized currency.
>Noelle has 5 siblings who likely have to sleep in the same bed due to the family's lack of wealth
Imagine the incest
Actually, that would probably put a damper on things if anything.
NGN 2 should be about Noelle's incestuous siblings all grown up, with comic relief scenes of them getting into trouble with their demonephew.
Help my stupid imp boyfriend ate all of my baby siblings!
Imp attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city.
Episode 3 will get a surprise new year's release right?
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Sure thing.
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I hope so too, anon.
Hottie Andrew.
Who is this with 15k worth of Coffin commissions?
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IMAGINE paying 15k worth of comms
Goddamn loser couldn't be me
Least obsessed Coffin fan:
Never underestimate the ability for the severely autistic to latch onto things.
All those commissions and we don't get to see all that art
Anyone wanna commision me 50k to animate them in love with their coffin character of choice
It's probably some insanely vile shit, normal people don't spend 15k on commissions.
>Coffin fan
I've commissioned stuff before and kept it for myself.
Believe it or not, one is capable of enjoying something without fully embracing literally everything within it. For example, I'm strongly against cannibalism and outcest.
What kind of stuff? You could share them with the class someday.

Fake fan alert fake fan alert just kidding
Just say you don't have that much money to pay for that stuff
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I truly want this too. But is it even possible to find a virgin girl to be a trad wife in america in this day and age? Without being either deeply christian of jewish? I girl that is actually soft and caring, and not a whore or social media addict?
sharing is caring anon
>Without being either deeply ... jewish?
Jewlia truthers win again
To be fair, I would not even mind marrying a girl if she was a Jew at this point. Religious girls are the only ones trained to cook, clean, and take care of a family at this point. They are the only ones that act warm, caring, and feminine. I live in california, and I have never met a girl that was a virgin after age 15 in highschool. Religious girls are basically the only functional women at this point. If a woman is not family-orientated, she is completely fucked in the long run. And not in a good way.

>Jewlia truthers win again.
For once, yeah.
Any americans in the thread can tell me whether those numbers are realistically what a mcdonalds wagie gets a year?
>virgin girl
>and not a whore or social media addict?
idk about the rest of your requirements, but for these your choice should be a fujoshi, she might be even into some of the stuff you're into, maybe even into coffin
>Y'know, I've written a lot of Andy × Ashley stuff, but I've never written any Andy × Julia where Ashley is trying to save her little brother from an actual floozy trying to seduce him.
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>Andy × Julia where Ashley is trying to save her little brother from an actual floozy trying to seduce him.
Tell me more about it. I'm all ears anon.
I worked at mcdonalds for 13 months and made about 6k.
I see, but where would I find a fujoshi in person? Other than looking like im 17, I have no problems with talking to women.
I have the money to pay for it, what I lack is the impulse to frivolously blow it on digital artwork. The kind of people who are spending that kind of money are paying for extremely niche degenerate shit and you can't convince me otherwise, it's like hearing about a politician paying for a $15,000 whore, you know that motherfucker isn't paying that kind of cash for some simple in-and-out, he's doing the kind of shit you couldn't get for free from a normal human.
>fujoshi in person
idk, probably at some nerd culture fests. the ones i've met, i've met on discord servers dedicated to various media. i've no idea how different rizzing fujos up is different from other women cause i've never tried and unlike you i have big problems with trying that.
i just hope you don't expect a fujo to be communicable or responsible in respect to household duties
I can teach them household duties. But being a virgin was my one standard. She anime discord server are my best bet for now? Thanks for the help.
Julia tries to steal Andy away but Ashley saves the day!
That's just the actual game (in Ashley's delusional mind) though
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And it worked out for Ashley and got away with it.
>Mom doesn't trust Ashley to babysit her brother, so she hired one of Ashley's classmates.
>Her first day went swimmingly. They got along great. Julia's great at games, and they already had inside jokes between them.
>Ashley wasn't jealous at all, SHUT UP.
>Then the "secret" games started. The kind that Julia needed Andy to never talk about.
>The kinds of games they only play when they're alone.

I'm a little out of it, so I can't really write this out, but I intended for Julia to be an antagonist and to get all molesty. Dunno who's into reading that.
Im kind of wondering, is Andy circumcised?
Funny, but fake as fuck.
I'm down, but can you set it to this song? I just think it's neat. https://youtube.com/watch?v=-01MUE3GK7U
If the theory about the Graves being Jewish is true then yeah
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I choose to believe yes, by choice of the family and done at a hospital.

Picture sorta related.
Wrong. All me.
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Good writing. Short but sweet.
>Dunno who's into reading that.
Yeah right. Who could read that haha... pfft.

I guess he is? I could feel bad for him everytime he tries to walk. Either way, Andy is Andy and I will always love him.
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What is she doing?
Literally I don't understand how. I'm a die hard, obsessed fan as well. Pic related is my folder. Was 100% free by just archiving what I find on twitter and art posted here. I don't understand spending money of that caliber, unless he's commissioning super niche art. Even then, it shouldn't be that expensive.
Freaky anon
Fake. False. Fiction. Fantasy.
If you could believe it only 10% of it or so is pornographic. Haven't even begun archiving from Booru sites.... yet.
I can get behind this, another reason to hate Jewlia is because she is into kids.
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Good luck archiving it then lol.
Which Booru sites will you use btw?
Basic bitch, R34s. Funny enough, some guy on Twitter claimed to make one for tcoaal itself. First time I've checked in days but it's FINALLY up: https://thegalleryofandyandleyley.com/
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Thanks for posting this, this is what I needed my whole life
Fucking kek I love this website
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No, the Graves aren't Americans. Jewlia might make him get circumcised once they're married though
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If Julia was Jewish, then that would make sense. Andy was probably the only kid she knew that was circumcised. Because Jewish women are not allowed to have sex with uncircumcised men. But according to the talmud, its ok if the boy is younger than 9 years old.

Yeah, that is also true. Either why, Andrew loses his foreskin. And Julia is a Jew.
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>But according to the talmud, its ok if the boy is younger than 9 years old.
You don't hate Jewlia enough.
>Graves Family: More ethnically Jewish (Khazar milkers, able to conjure demons, Renee sold her kids' lives away for a cheap buck)
>Julia: More culturally Jewish (pure/devoted)
The true message of TCOAAL was nature vs. nurture all along...
The Talmud is fucking wild to read. Its filled with stuff you would expect the most tribal and sandnigger muslims to say. Jewish people stop Goyim from reading it by charging $700 per book. And the Talmud is 7 books.

But no, I love Jewlia, and would gladly marry into her God-chosen bloodline.
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>Its filled with stuff you would expect the most tribal and sandnigger muslims to say.
I'm honestly surprised that thing is real. I can't believe this is real.
Unless you look like picrel then you can keep dreaming.
This is the best explanation I have ever heard about this. About how they are all Jewish, but act differently.
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Not. Jewish.
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Yes. Jewish.
Love to see the spammer getting solo'd by true Jewlia patriots
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N-not that there would be anything wrong with being Jewish! They just aren't, okay?
Unironically. It's cartoon emo genetics.
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I applied to McDonalds and they never responded...
Her biggest sin is trying to get a girl with a history of self-harm to commit suicide.
Killing their parents was justifiable. Eating them less so.
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Merry nemleismas
I wasnt here in the alst couple of months i kinda burned out of these threads
its really hard to keep being investet in this general when we havent gotten an updated to the game in over a year now
I played all the other Nemlei games to keep myself hyped up but now that i played all of them i have nothing do to except wait
What have i missed while i was gone?
Cannibalism is much worse than some soft bullying.
That's not sin.
Ashley did nothing wrong
>was justifiable
It really wasn't. At first Ashley wanted to rob/kill them not out of revenge, but simply because they'll be useless to them in the future. Then she finds that the death certificates and still doesn't explode with rage or anything, she only needs a moral justification because Andrew's looking for a way out.
Can I hire you to be my stay-at-home husband?
Robbing them specifically was about revenge though. Even Andrew was on board with it on those grounds, he just didn't want to actually encounter their parents. Ashley wanted to steal their souls to power the talisman but probably wouldn't have forced the issue if Mom didn't walk in on them and thus need to be gotten rid of.

Try temping. Nobody except maybe landscaping companies are less discerning in who they hire than staffing agencies. My brother had a six year employment gap, seven if you count the year he spent in the court system, and one signed him on the same day he walked in.
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Ha, yes. Usually it is the other way around.
Say it Andrew....What is wrong with Jews?
I mean, other than being a deranged tribe highly intelligent sociopaths that routinely practice genital mutilation? What is wrong with Jews?
Ashley didn't do enough wrong. More warcrimes in Ch. 3, please
Let's not gloss over everything, here. She did kill a girl.
Nothing. Wrong.
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That was Andy's fault, THOUGH. He could have said "no." Plus he was the one who locked the crate, not Leyley.
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He did nothing wrong!
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He did everything wrong and continues to fuck up beyond repair! He should be grateful his sister hasn't kicked him to the curb!
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This post was made by a faker.
You're right, I'm not the real Leyley. Why should Andrew have Ashley's undying loyalty? He doesn't deserve it! I hope she leaves him!
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Correction. This post was made by a HUSSIE.
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I have no siblings AND no hussies. I am a failure.
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Someone called?
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You can be my boyfailure.
>no siblings AND no hussies
KEK couldn't be me haha...
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>AND no hussies
You could! But not more than one.
Fuck off! You're a hack and your potions are third rate.
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My potions are too much for you, traveler.
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Holy kek
Listen Lua! I am going into an argument on 4chan and I need your strongest potions.
Cursed lmao
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He did one thing wrong, and that is not letting me spin him around in the air
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Awww you can still do that to him! Just be careful.
>Ashley arrived home early one day. She regretted announcing it.
>"I'm home! Andy! Julia! You can LEAVE now!"
>No response She heard the clock ticking away in the kitchen. It was an hour behind because of Daylight Savings and no one ever bothered to fix it.
>"Where the fuck are they?" Ashley asked herself as she walked through the living room.
>The TV and N64 was off. Usually they'd be playing games together whenever Ashley got home, but she was an entire hour early.
>She walked past the television and couch when she heard rustling in the room she shared with Andy. She immediately walked in and opened the door in a rush.
>Andy was on his bed. His balled up fists were resting on his knees and he was avoiding eye contact. And blushing. A lot.
>Julia was sitting on her knees on the floor, facing the door.
>"HI!" Julia said to Ashley, too loudly.
>"What were you doing in here?"
>"Here? In your room?"
>"We were. Um."
>"Doing homework!" Andy interjected.
>He shifted his eyes down when Ashley looked at him.
>He had a slightly pink mark on his neck, hidden by the collar of his t-shirt.
>Ashley also noticed a strange smell in the room. It smelled like sweat and--
>Ashley noticed that Julia's shirt was on backwards. The tag was poking out the front.
>"Your shirt's on backwards, Jezeb--Uh, Julia."
>"Huh!?" She panicked, looking down, "Oh! Um! Thank you! I must've had it backwards all day!"
>Ashley smirked devilishly. A weakness to pounce on.
>"Ha! You're so clumsy! Why's mom asking YOU to look after Andy when you can't even look after yourself! Anyhow, I'm home now, so you can take the rest of the day off and AWAY from here."
>She waved dismissively at Julia before turning to Andy.
>"So whaddya wanna do? Wanna play Mario Party? Mario Kart? Diddy Kong Racing? I'll take ya!"
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Put the keyboard down anon, you will set your house on fire. What you just posted was peak.
If this green was turned into a mod for the game, I would definitely play it.
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>"G'bye, Andrew," Julia said as she slinked away.
>"Bye, Julia!" Andy waved shyly with a smile.
>"G'BYE, Julia! You can LEAVE!" Ashley said, not bothering to look back at Julia.
>She didn't notice Julia holding her finger finger up to her lips, at Andy.
>Andy nodded with a knowing smile.
>Ashley went to their dresser, and started fishing for games to play. Andy looked at Julia and zipped his mouth shut with his index finger and thumb. They shared a mischievous grin and Julia left the room.
>"Can we play Zelda? I wanna see you beat the temple!" Andy asked Ashley.
>Ashley poked her head out of the dresser, looking at Andy with a surprised look on her face.
>Ashley would play the harder single player games so Andrew could experience the cutscenes and story of the game without constantly struggling with combat. Julia had recently taken over the role of "Player Chaperone" and Ashley hadn't played Ocarina of Time in weeks as a result.
>"You didn't ask Julia to beat Zelda?"
>"No way! That's our game!"
>"Oh...Oh!" Ashley beamed.
>"So can we play?"
>"Hell yeah!"
>She grabbed the cartridge and ran to the living room to set it up. Suspicions successfully diverted. Andy didn't mean to manipulate Ashley, and in fact didn't even realize that he had done so.
>But Julia got away with her secret for one more day thanks to him.
Okay, I'm done. No more greens from me tonight. Don't get too mad about the oneeshota.
It's actually impressive that you still believe it's about the fetish.
kill yourself
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>Andy takes the role of the manipulator, gaslighter and becomes a succesful liar.
I didn't expect this change of roles. Holy shit this is good.

Thank you for writing those greens. They were fun to read. What a refreshing experience.
And it seems you were playing Ocarina of Time recently, right?
I'm actually going to ask nicely: please stop.
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Any SA victims in chat?
Sad how one person can ruin the image of a significant sort of incest, especially in the incest thread.
Highly doubt, we're severely lacking in Andrew dom content lately
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Ah, sweet chill memories. Puts a tear into my eye.
I guess you got a bit inspired by the memories of your brother playing when you wrote that greentext, right? I like to imagine the Graves siblings playing at the arcade together.
I hope you Wii gets repaired soon.
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Coffin moment
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My son is such a handsome boy...!
Don't know how you can say "no fun allowed" when we have plenty of fun here
Yeah... fun...
idk it just seemed a bit out of left field.
What's the right field?
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How is the King of Toyboxian, an old coot with a beard, the childhood friend of Jack, a youthful-looking bishounen? This one line stumped me when I played the game 9 months ago and it's bothered me ever since. I don't care how hard being king is, twink death can't possibly hit this hard, this fast.
>Sylvester: "He is also very loyal to The King. Which is not surprising since he has been with The King ever since they were children."
Jack is an old geezer too but one who aged gracefully
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Really? THIS character is an old fart?
The King doesn't look that old, without the eyebags and beard I could definitely see them being the same age
But thats most likely due to the Nemlei artstyle
It's definitely the art style, and how his hair looks similar to Sylvester's. But then again, his beard looks so rushed compared to the rest of the line art that I could believe it's fake and he only wears it to look dignified.
the fuck is a bishounen, weeb? Just say child.
He's not a child, and this is an anime website.
You are nigger desuka?
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They're toys, so the King was made looking like an old man and Jack was made like he is. "Childhood" and "growing up" for them doesn't mean they physically change, it only means maturing mentally.

I never played Jack in a Castle so IDK if that's really true. I just know Nemlei never makes any plot holes, continuity errors, or mistakes in general so there must be a good reason for everything even if it isn't obvious right away.
Merry Christmas /calg/! You're special and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. I want to see all of you here the next year for some nice shitposting when Chapter 3 releases. So don't go any fucking where.
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This is the likeliest answer. The game never touches on the details of how the toys age, but it makes sense that they would stay the same physically, and it seems like the kind of detail that Nemlei, in her divine and infinite wisdom, would include. Good work! Now go place JIAC, you've got nothing better to do.
I have retwinked the King. He's just beta Thiu.
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Merry Christmas! Insanely cute art.
Merry Christmas! Also she's so lovable with her hair untied.
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It should be illegal for Ashley to look this sweet.
Cuddling your sister in bed is one of those things that I feel like I should think is wrong, but it's so fucking cute and comfy.
But there is nothing wrong with it, even if you're a complete normalfag. Cuddling is not an exclusively romantic or sexual thing. The people who insist you can't be intimitate with someone without it being sexual are perverts telling on themselves. This applies to hugs, chaste kisses, cuddling, sharing a blanket, and platonic sex.
I don't think there's anything wrong with sibling sex in general, but I also live in a society and am forced to maintain an outward appearance. There is zero compelling reason to outlaw in comparison to parental or even avuncular incest.
My point is, leaving incest out of the conversation completely, it's crazy that people think it's abnormal for siblings to cuddle. You're family members who should be able to show each other affection. Physical touch is extremely important to your sanity, and it's arbitary to limit activities that aren't sexual to romantic partners.
so sad to admit this but tcoaal chapter 3/4 and sonic movie 4 are the only reasons i'm not killing myself instantly next year
For me it's the next Coffin chapters, the possibility of a Better Half remake, and making my funny little posts in this thread
For me it's cute sisters
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hello calciumg. been a while since I posted in this gen. do we have a release date yet for the next chapter
>the possibility of a Better Half remake
Sorry to break it to you but after playing NGN I'm almost entirely sure she'd remake that first seeing as it has TWO choices you make in the entire game.
two more weeks
ok i will trust the roadmap
There's no shame admitting that is the small things that keep you going. Every small step is a victory. Just remember to hold the line and that there are many other people who are doing exactly the same thing, and that you always make a difference. Imagine if I came here and you didn't reply to that post, I would think "something is missing". And it would be more miserable just because of that. Pic related.
Oh. Killing myself is back on the menu, boys!
(If Nemlei remakes her games, she's going to update them with the new, more interactive format, I guarantee it. There's no way she wouldn't add content and choices).
I completely misread your post. Please be patient, I am retarded...
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Nemlei should make new games instead of retreading old ground.
I agree completely. Remakes are always gay.
If Julia is a gypsy than Nina has gypsy blood and her death caused clans to blame each other and the situation devolved into violent bloodfueds, if it’s revealed that Andy and Leyley killed Nina there will be a blood price on the siblings heads

I also hope that we end up with Ashley having to interact with and possibly work with both normal people and people who are just as fucked up as her
Like how would she react to some guy talking about how he molests children or fucks dead bodies
I... what?
If Julia had wings she would be a bird
Welcome to schizophrenia hours
Ahckthually, if Julia had wings, she would be an angel. If Julia had wings and talons, she would be a harpy. If Julia had a beak, wings, talons, and full-body feathers, she would be a bird.
t. Aristotle
Episode 3 would've come out already but stupid niggers told Nemlei to delay it until Episode 4 was finished because they didn't want a cliffhanger
You meant to say "intelligent and based individuals," easy mistake to make I understand.
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Julia doesn't have wings, and yet she is already an angel? Something isn't adding up here.
It's simple. Ashley and Andrew cooked and ate her, so she became an angel.
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I want both but I'd be happy with either desu
I would like to shove my face in between their funbags while they argue and experience heaven on earth.
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julia post
julia thread
julia board
julia website
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Ashley country
Ashley world
Ashley solar system
Ashley galaxy
Ashley universe
Ashley represents the ultimate sister.
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that would explain why everyone's so hostile and nothing works properly
Everything is working as intended.
it's awful there's nothing gay here
You're forgetting Ashley's greatest traits, the ones that separate her from far inferior sisters:
>demonically inclined
Is eggnog real in the coffinverse
A quick Google says it's not popular in RealFinland, so probably not. Shame, eggnog is good shit.
anything good/new? lonely anxious night
pester dandy to make more videos
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>Yule the child-eating imp is a more attentive father than Mr. Graves
It's over
there's no reason you can't eat children and still love your own, anon
Huh? There's you.
He was starving. The child was also actually lost, his goon cave isn't right next to the village, he didn't vaguely know where the village is, and the Snow Sprites would never have given him a measly cart full of groceries for returning the child. He had no choice. That's why he canonically doesn't have any regrets about it.
Thank you anon and Merry Christmas! So far no plans to go anywhere until I make so nice art of these two satanic siblings having steamy sex.
Cute d'extreme!!!!
Very cute pixel art anon
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this artist is good at drawing grooves
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Cute. Cute!
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Give me.
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Typical rationalizations after an act purely driven by gluttony and Yule's race-typical violent impulses. There's a reason Snow Sprites call them "impscuses!"
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Shhh they're sleeping
Good roast and well made
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...Ashley, I'm exhausted after that shower, what do you need? Can't we go to bed?
2 AM in Australia? At 2 AM, I'm still wide awake and posting in this thread! No excuses! WAKE THE FUCK UP VIDEO BOY!
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Nah... I was up all night. Unless something truly incredible happens in the next ten minutes I am going to sleep allllll day. Good luck with the end of the world, though.
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Showering showering showering, that's exactly the problem. Andrew, I keep telling you to build up your boysmell but you NEVER listen.
From the thumbnail Superman really looks like a dog or fox anthro and I hate that I can't unsee it even after opening the image.
He looks more like a pig anthro to me lol
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I have to shower at SOME point. ...I had to jerk off, okay? And I could go again if you were here, but alas!

Ah, the crypt-o-night
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I want to smell nice for you, it doesn't mean I don't like your smell, Ashley. ...And I JUST offered to sleep with you in more ways than one, but if you're going to act like a horse's ass I'm going to bed by myself. GoodNIGHT, Ashley.
Was Ashley a stinky (smelly) in school?
yeah EVERYONE smelled her nasty sulfur burps
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AHHHHHHH I hate your mind games! Just let me come to bed with you! And shower with you, and let me hold your dick while you pee, and I'll stop complaining about you leaving me for microseconds.
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No mind games I genuinely mean it; I don't want to be apart from you for one second, Leyley. Even in my dreams. ,,,I....Don't know why you want to hold my dick but,,, I uh...
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It's my emotional support penis.
Ashley's stink created a miasma cloud around her
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...Give it back when you're done with it. Please.
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Sure! Probably.
Ashley always smells like roses and strawberries because she takes personal hygiene seriously.
What about Julia?
She smells like pineapples and condensed milk
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She's trying to make her grool taste good like men do with cum?
I thought I was bad as a Jewlia poster, but what the fuck is wrong with you guys,
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>Jewlia poster
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Really? That's the image that gets you up in arms? You'll never survive the winter in this thread. Mr. Gains is inspirational, you coward.
Jewlia chads are the backbone of /calg/
Julia simps are the back alley of /calg/, which is also where they do crack with their STD-ridden waifu
Where is the pillupuhelin?
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The Graves don't have one
That's fucked up.
It's a family of assholes. It only stands to reason they don't keep them clean.
>totally open shower too

That apartment is a shithole
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Even in an antique store, they find each other... they're even made wrong and have an expensive bounty on their heads, just like canon.
>not purple
That's Andrew and some floozy. He took her to the antique store knowing Ashley would never find them there.
Ashley is pink, thoughever. The purple box floozy is right next to Ashley.
Bunnshley is even separating bunndrew and bunnina
>Andrew is more expensive
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I'm a luxury... few can afford.
The store owner must be a hussy
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What jacket anon? How are we suppose to judge you your fashion sense? :/
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This one. I tried my hardest to suit her tastes (dark and not form-fitting) while being slightly nicer than her twelve-thousand black or almost-black band hoodies.
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The more open, the better for "consensually" peeking at Andrew while he showers
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Ugggh, I'm at my suckass job today. It's the 3rd day of Christmas for fuck's sake, I should get the whole time off! Where's the Christmas spirit?
ToxiSoda Corporation thanks you for your hard work contributing to shareholder value. To celebrate, we will be hosting a pizza party in the demon summoning chamber/break room. Remember to take one piece only. Happy Nondenominational Holidays!
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Nice jacket. I bet you will also enjoy looking at her while she wears it.
I bet you expect her to wear only the jacket unzipped with nothing underneath
People here are actually into incest?

Like, its not a joke?
I couldn't celebrate christmas too dw
Nope, it's all an elaborate ruse. You have fallen for the greatest psyop of all time. Not a single anon here likes incest.
I can rest easy then.... I hope
You sure can. We hate incest here. Sibling sex? Sibling breeding? Sibling handholding? Disgusting. If you find any pictures of these things, post them so we know what to avoid.
There is literally nothing wrong with sibling or cousin incest.
Generally not into though that may be because I was forced into it
I always enjoy looking at her.
Alright. Maybe I'll draw you anons coffin nsfw? idk

Catbox is down
Do you want ideas?

>Catbox is down
It works for me.
Oh excellent it wasnt working for a while there
we all know what I'll do

and e-hentai gallery has some lewds I havent seen
>Oh excellent it wasnt working for a while there
You're welcome.
>we all know what I'll do
Yep. But I still need to know what you have in mind.
Share with class anon...
Draw art for this >>507718709. I need to see Jewlia and Andy's secret game
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I never followed the whole Nemlei doxxing drama closely. Did the sharty autists actually manage to accurately doxx her address or something or did she freak out because of the level of scary virginity?
I just realized.... what's up with the trashcan..... Euros don't.... do they?
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Erm, excuse me but you can't say that because it's bad.
Andy is a kid and that's uh... bad. Yeah.
I wish we had a podcast called /calg/cast where a round table of autists give a play-by-play of the current thread every three days. I want voice acting of the character sprite-posting, commentary on arguments and discussions, theorycrafting, fan art and green reviews, and a sponsorship deal where 10% of every purchase goes to funding a lucky anon's 4chan Pass.
Andy with Julia is so fucking cursed. It's so dumb, I need to see that. At least I get to see Ashley get mad for a real reason.
Do new years eve themed art of the siblings in current year in their mid 40s with their nephsons/daughterneices and grandchildren.
The trash can by the toilet is almost certainly for the women's tampons and pads.
Stop bringing up dead drama and obsessed autists from the sharty
Whew. That's a relief... because I've been places with high Hispanic populations. Let's just say that's definitely not what their trashcans are for.
will it be ntr or just julia fucking around?
kill yourself
Do I look like a hitman to you? I refuse to kill
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Im legitimately curious bro. Im not combing through miles of reddit drama threads. Its a simple as fuck answer: did they manage to actually find something accurate about her address?
Jewlia fucking around with Andy
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Fucking around and finding out.
>The siblings in current year
They would hate the modern internet. I think it's pretty funny that we love the Graves, but they'd think we're all Poindexters for spending our lives talking about them online. Nowadays litfags use the internet to discuss books, but twenty five years ago, nerd hierarchy was fierce. Andrew probably daydreamt about dropping the mask and shoving computer nerds into their lockers.
but it's not cheating then, no?
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>secret game
jewlia makes andy lick her jew bush for a shekel. no telling mom, dad, or ashley though
Well, I'm not imaging them having sex, so no? I think she just gets all handsy and creepy with him, molesty like the green text anon said. Not sure if he plans Julia to work her way up to fucking after a few years though
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That's so hot. But wouldn't be that considered molesting?
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Noelle is for Yule and Ashley is for Andrew
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>molesty like the green text
Erm anon, you shouldn't say that. Somone got SA here and it shows.
Still getting behind this idea. Julia fucking him behing Ashley's back... interesting.
See you next thread
See? I told you.
but how could it work ? like what is the point if there is no sex? just kissing and touching him?
a bit odd but okay
I'll be there
I view myself as a sort of Thiu type figure except I'm also balding at 20
Is this what schizophrenia feels like?
shut up schizo trans furry
Happens to the best half of us
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You should still kill yourself.
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I'm not a hitman. Unless you pay me first.
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woah The Coffin Of Andy and Leyley fanart awesome
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Reminder that /calg/ coined the term "imboygnate"
Some things are better forgotten.
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andy agreed to it, so no. he needs those shekels to buy his favorite juice box after all
Some things are worth celebrating. Which Nemlei character would (You) imboygnate? Thiu is an obvious answer, but if I had to be creative, I'd chose Galiathos because he'd be a great dad.
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The cutest business man.
Most things are better forgotten.
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I am going to fuck a live pussy into Bunny's prostate
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Yall fake fans u3u
what does this say in freedom
No women
This is my favorite edit anyone has ever made ITT.
Andy selling his body was not in my bingo card
Andrew is as feminist as a homicidal sociopathic twink could be, and I'll prove it.
>Lets Ashley use the gun
>Follows Ashley's lead on major life-or-death decisions
>Only looks at Ashley respectfully and refuses to acknowledge her assets as sexually appealing
>Is willing to murder her because he views her as a major and equally competent threat
Uhh... girl power...?
I hope renee possesses Ashley and she becomes a prostitute in episode 3
Alright alright, some kissing and touching, then just pure sex. Julia fucks Andy like YHWH just told her he's the new Adam and she's the new Eve and they better start populating the Earth. Renee made Ashley go with her on an errand, so no snake to ruin this Eden for now as Andy plows Julia's garden
me when I can't draw proportions
>Only looks at Ashley respectfully and refuses to acknowledge her assets as sexually appealing
>Is willing to murder her because he views her as a major and equally competent threat
Your shitpost was almost believable.
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Can't have any fun anymore!
>mat in front of the toilet
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Now that you mention it, I haven't seen a mat in front of the toilet in years. I used to love scrunching my toes in them as a kid as I took a shit
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You should die.
Renee should doubl-die./
i still want ashley to become a prostitute in episode 3
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Holy based
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I want Andrew to become a prostitute in Episode 3
Even better
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I was waiting for someone to make the correct version, the one where Jewlia has a nice thick bush.

So....Andy is Jewish too?
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>Andy is Jewish too?
No! He just sees Jewlia as an anahole. SHUT UP.
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Ok...then might I ask why he does not have his foreskin...? Surely you must have noticed, as his big sister you must have wash him before....
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Why does the first thing you mention when you saw him was his dick? What are you thinking now, huh? GET OUT.
Then why would he need shekels?
ToxiSoda is ruled by jews, do you really thing they would accept euro currency?
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Oh, no reason, no reason at all. Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to my Talmu-...I mean, my bible studies.
We know what you did, Jewlia... You circumcised Andy... with your teeth
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Whatever you say, freak. Stay away from him.

No circumcisions in my watch!
Youre trying to imply andy isnt jewish bc he has a normal pointed up nose? There are jews without the huge schnoz yk?
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No, he was already circumcised! I swear! Im just saying....we both appear to have Jewish heritage.
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>There are jews without the huge schnoz yk?
So you are telling me my boy is jewish
It's so over

Ok...what in the name of Lenin's frozen balls is this? He didn't have to be naked.
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No no, you don't understand, him being naked is a necessary and important part of the game
>So you are telling me my boy is jewish
>It's so over

This warrants a genealogical search, specially on Renées side. The suspicion is high due to the families strong connection with occultism and demon summoning rituals
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Oh no this is fucked up
Its SO over fuuuuuck
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Mrs. Graves paid 10 whole shekels for that circumcision. Andy got the premium Bris experience.
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Nooooooo stop it!
Jewlia in shamless rn.
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I meant the ancient shekels that are 0.31 or 0.32 ounces of gold. About $800 now. I was implying $8000 not $2
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Jewlia strikes again, Andy got the full surprise metzitzah b'peh
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What a nasty edit holt shit I love-hate this
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the coffinbooru is great
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Hold up now. Just because they trap people at gunpoint, forcibly starve them, and then harvest their organs, does not mean that we are run by Jews. Now, how many Sheke....I mean dollars will it take to shut you up?
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I will take Andy's foreskin and his virginity in exchange of my silent.
>in exchange of my silent.
>Check out artist for more
>Vanished from the face of the earth in February
Damn it... damn it...!
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Ummm, miss...there appears to be a misunderstanding. You mother overpaid a mohel to take your brother's foreskin when he was eight days old.

And for his virginity, it was taken by a young, freckled girl about 4 years ago. She actually has black hair, kind of like you.
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Deal or nah

Oh it's so fucking over for real
Okay just give me like 15% of the company exchange and we're fine
Andrew with the autistic hair clip looks great, bring more
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Hussies love andy
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Who made this I why I want them to have a medal
You know what? Deal. But only because the Graves were the founding family of Toxisoda about 60 years ago.
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By the way, do you know this girl? She is the one take took your brother's virginity.
>Graves were the founding family of Toxisoda about 60 years ago.
What.... you tell me that now?!

Oh yeah. I know her, Julia aka lunch.
Well, yes. The Toxisoda company is worth over 200 billion dollars. Why would I just randomly agree to give you 30 billion dollars. It is your birthright. Now, you might want to stay quiet about our shared...heritage.

Hey... by any chance, if you are just eating the limbs....might we by any chance have the organs...please?
Is the cult leader related to Nina?
It's never been so over.
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Sorry, was the Jewish Graves and Jewlia roleplay a little too on the nose?
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> a little too on the nose?
Fucking keking right now
But seriously, it was a fun rp. Thanks I had a lot of fun
I was going to say no, but when I think about it, the Cult Leader trying to sacrifice people to get his granddaughter back makes too much sense as a potential plot line to discard the possibility.
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Haha, yeah. I had fun too. By the way, im assuming that Toxisoda is our equivalent of the Coca Cola company, which is worth 269 billion dollars this year.
>I had fun too.
Same dude. Thanks for the laughs
>which is worth 269 billion dollars this year.
Holy shit that's a fucking lot
Yet they still need to lockdown some siblings in they early 20s
oh wow they shit up the thread really fucking fast
*Molests you*
*impregnates you*
*Has a happy family*
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Her name is Mia and she's getting a game.
Be nice anons.
*cues fullhouse themesong*
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She should show her tits and all is forgiven
That's not "getting a game" that's reaching towards the peak of pathetic behavior. She's about 50k away from commissioning an animated song with her and Andrew that will make the entire internet mock her.
that's just notashley ashley
*YES, happy family*
I would watch that
I would watch you watching that
I would watch you watching me watching that
She said this OC won't replace Ashley, so kudos for that
>the OC will dote on Andrew with Ashley looking on
I don't know which option is worse
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>exercising with your sister
>rock climbing with your sister
>running with your sister
Exercise is important!
Nothing is immoral if you’re not!
I go running with my sister three times a week, I try to get her to do some core exercises as well but she has a bit of trouble with the pushups given certain prominent features interfering.
>Cuckley happily sits in the cuck chair like a good cuck while Mia cucks her with Andy
Based mod
you just need to squat over her and hold them up from behind while she does pushups, drunkanon
Here's my mod pitch: The Coffin of Andy and Yume. Andrew has been transfixed by Yume Joe, the quirky female protagonist, ever since they were kids. Ashley lives a sad quiet life on the outskirts of Andrew's time and attention. One day, while hanging out in a dusty warehouse, she falls through a wooden box labelled "MacGuffin's Finest" and knocks herself out. While unconscious and on the brink of brain death, a demon saves her soul in exchange for her service. It also reveals to her that she's a cheap imitation living a hollow life in a mod of another game. In that other game's universe, Andrew is utterly obsessed with Ashley the same way she is with him, and her rival doesn't exist. When Ashley wakes up, she starts plotting ways to steer her mod's story toward Nemlei's original vision, and hijinks ensue.
The logistics of that are insane.
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Evil Ashley: I'm so glad my brother found a girlfriend who isn't blood related to him! I hope they get married one day and have lots of babies. I want to be the maid of honor at their wedding. Seeing Andrew (he doesn't like his childhood nickname anymore, so that's what I call him) living independently with another woman fills me with nothing but pride. It's a shame we only see each other at holidays now, but that's how it goes!
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>It's a shame we only see each other at holidays now, but that's how it goes!

Ashley and her husband should live next door to Andrew and Julia! I'm sure Julia would be happy to have Ashley help out with the kids here and there, especially now that they're much better friends. Plus their kids will always have someone to play with! It's kind of weird that none of Ashley's kids take anything after her husband, but that just happens sometimes.
I believe in you.
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Wow, that sounds like such a beneficial and casual arrangement. I bet it's nice for the siblings to spend time together when they need a break from their spouses' nagging. You know, I hear Julia found out she was infertile, and a gracious, anonymous egg donor allowed her to have children with Andrew. They're just the spitting image of their father! When all of the kids play together, it's hard to tell who is from which family. Funny that!
>The People vs. Andrew and Ashley Graves
>Case No. 1997-1052
>Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau
>Lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi

>Item No. 1997-1052-48
>Inculpatory. Collected statements written in crayon over credit statements, financial documents, etc., addressed to alleged victims Mr. and Mrs. Phillip and Renee Graves. Created by suspect Ashley Graves, with accompanying illustrations. Piece demonstrates presence at the Graves residence and malicious intent toward alleged victim Julia *********, as well as defendant's delusional mentality and infatuation with co-defendant Andrew Graves. See item no. 1997-1052-102 for accompanying report by Ms. Graves' court appointed psychiatrist.
Fuck you.
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Awwww, c'mon, Ralph, or whatever your name is. A little artistic expression is enough to lock me up? I thought this was Nemerica! I have First Nemendment rights, you know.
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The fact they all model themselves in Ashley's likeness is a subconscious admission that they could never be truly loved by him.
Why would I respect that?
Hawk Thiua
Spit on your own thang
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>sister being clingy
>play some vidya with her
>she's all giggly at dinner about our escapades
Holy fuck sisters are so goddamn cute!
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The guy on the left gets it! Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week!
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>tfw no cute, affectionate sister to play vidya with
Why is ashley so obese here?
She's just pregnant with Andrew's quadruplets
Does he need to move her around in a wheelbarrow?
He's used to doing that after the first 2 sets they make their money from millionaires who want to adopt their kids for no apparent reason in particular.

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