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Gregland Edition.


We discuss Modded Minceraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
All e-celeb illegal immigrants will be cordially redirected towards >>>/vg/mcg/, the e-celeb minecraft general that they can't seem to keep alive. Kindly go back to your vanilla thread where you are more welcomed.

If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use links below to keep playing the game without a M$ account.


>Play modded now!:
github.com/fn2006/PollyMC [offline poly fork]
github.com/antunnitraj/Prism-Launcher-PolyMC-Offline-Bypass [offline prism solution]

>Get mods:

>Useful Curseforge Search
greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Optimization mods:

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers (Do you have a server up? Add it to the OP!) :
Gravitas2 Serb: hoborific.com
GTNH 2.7 (Requires Seamless Auth):

Last Christmas Spirit thread: >>506685961
First for Christ is King of the Christmas holiday
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mods for THIS feel?
But that's Studiopolis!
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It's a really shit recreation of it, the guy who makes the mod should get someone to redo the structures of the mod because they're all kinda sucky. The textures are fine, and could look great if used properly.
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slowly but steady, we're getting out of mcreator territory. the opening and closing animations are now properly programmed.

next feature on the list will be about shulker box's inventory ability for all of these chests, most likely be in mid or late game is when you will obtain them and get a shulker box without going to the end.
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For reference, this is what his version of Chemical Plant Zone looks like, it's assy.
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>find cool location for base inbetween 2 mountains
>some kinda structure next to it
>eh ill worry about it later
>digging under base for expansion
>turns out the structure next to me is a giant maze of rooms that have spider and skeleton spawners
>slowly clear it out
>accidentally trigger some sort of trap that TNTs the entire thing
What should I turn this into? I was thinking storage or maybe some sorta wizard thing for thaumcraft
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here are the crafting recipes for the chests, in the mod you will have a 1% chance to get a head of a creeper, zombie/husk, skeleton/stray when you kill one, you can increase your odd with looting.
Yeah this is one of the worst. Spring Yard is so much better.
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sex purification with plasma
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Mods for this feel?
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Reminds me of Studiopolis Zone from Sonic mania
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Does BoP for 1.20.1 cuck modded structure spawns? I can't recall seeing any in BoP biomes.
That's what it's "supposed" to be.
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NTA but BUMP. Minecraft NEEDS more lewd.
Me and my friends never played super modded minecraft before, so we installed all the mods since everyone recommends just going with a kitchen sink but how the fuck do you even play this without going completely insane? Anywhere i click leads into a hellish rabbit hole of 800 subsystems
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mods for this feel?
Quark has this.
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>eats your entire inventory as you die near them and becomes tamed to you
how do you respond?
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WOW this sucked
I FUCKING LOVE emergent gameplay
now shrink it by cramming it into an integrated circuit
> what is opencomputers
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I can't tell if the next one is easier or worse
>Input water and lens
>Machine randomly requests a lens swap every 3 - 15 seconds
>If you don't swap you get a success penalty
>If you swap too early it fails the recipe
And the best part
>Recipe always starts at the same lens so you have to reset every cycle and keep track of which lens you currently have inserted
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God damn immersive cavegen makes some truly maze-like caverns
is Hexxit II good?
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What an amazing config file. No options to change spawn weights or the biomes they spawn in or their statistics or their trades, nope, just whether or not they're gay.
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Is there really no interactable in-world mortar and pestle mod with configurable recipes for 1.7.10??
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Retro Damage Indicators
I built a nice pen for the goat, chances are I didn't even have anything valuable in my inventory.
I don't suppose TFC counts. Its Quorn is pretty close. It would be nice if someone made the crafting mechanics of TFC into seperate mods.

Man I want a final season of TWGOK, but the studio went bust.
Top 3 anime time travel plots easy.
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Mods for this feel?
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ghetto automated ingot pour acquired
>I don't suppose TFC counts
Yeah it's a bit of an overkill
>Its Quorn is pretty close
Manual grinder-type blocks are plenty, ae2 has one with a crank at the very least, it's just that proper mortar and pestle would be perfect for the ''no tech all magic'' thing I have going for my toymy and so far I only found non-interactable crafting table implementations. Advanced Mortars is very cool but it's 1.12.2 and I can't abandon my friend Witchery like that

>Man I want a final season of TWGOK, but the studio went bust.
They deserved better
modpack? Or mod that adds that structure?
i think the one im using is called ruins for 1.7.10
'ems in /mmcg/
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>>507406578 (me)
Ok so I did some more digging, here's the results:
>Reliquary Reincarnations has one but it does its own thing
>Richard's Coffee & Tea Mod has one but there is no config
>Decocraft has one but it's just a prop
>Betweenlands has one (though with a gui) but I'm 99% sure it's not available on the 1.7.10 version, can't verify because the mod freezes my game at startup
>Dao_Za_Vanillaplus apparentely has one but it's gatekept by the chinese. It also adds 1292 blocks alongside it so maybe it's for the best
Everything else is either for newer versions or act as a crafting table tool. Mission failed
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Can't GoG mobs be resized with Lilliputian so you get monster girl giantesses looking down at you?
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>requires Citadel as a dependency
whats bad about that
god what an abomination
why even add this shit in? between hoppers and minecarts and all the other redstone shit they've added over the years, vanilla has become a shittier version of tekkit. With the automated workbench now there are going to be very few things you can't automate, except they're all going to be bulkier, laggier, and far uglier than anything from a 10+ year old version of tekkit.
I hate these caves so fucking much. There's just too much of it. Every god damn random hole in the ground leads to an unending network, the world is fucking swiss cheese.
brown bricks in minecrap
>modrinth update
>becomes even uglier and less pleasing to use
Whoever is updating it needs to stop lol
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Started the craft on the compact mk2 reactor controller (that's 48 mk2 fusion reactors combined) so we can breed the Americium bee
besides requiring 10s of thousands of low tier dusts and ingots (aluminium, palladium, platinum, titanium, gallium, etc.) the main pain points were:
>getting 50k indium (had to set up isamill + still took days even with the indium bee)
>making waterline
>20k niobium dust (takes forever to get that much until we make a t7 rocket and can mine it directly)
once it's done we'll finally have enough americium production to justify the auto maintenance hatches (after we build a quantum computer and research station and a bunch of other shit to actually unlock the hatches, of course), and then we're maintenance free! (after a few hundred hours into the pack)
Bees before 1.15
>what is soullessness
Forestry with all addons except for Gendustry
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Also forgot to mention we have "access" to infinity ingots, unlocking the first tier of creative items (infinite range on the ae2 terminal, infinite LP for blood magic, infinite wand for thaumcraft, etc.)
We just need to make this abomination and uhh each infinity ingot takes like 3 hours to cook :^)
>encourage players to set up ludicrious levels of retarded automation
>invalidate everything by giving them creative items
this redstone bullshit is absolute ugliness and soullessness
>>invalidate everything by giving them creative items
you aren't even halfway through the pack when you unlock the creative items
there are no creative items for the gregtech stuff (which is the rest of the pack past ZPM) so the only things you can unlock are creative items for side mods like thaumcraft (which caps out at IV).
I didn't even bother making most of them for my last run because they're useless
the only good ones are:
>Infinite oxygen tank for galactic craft planets
>infinite ae2 booster card (infinite range on the ae2 wireless terminal, it costs no energy, and an go across dimensions)
>neutronium energy cells (infinite energy only for ae2)
>infinite mana flower for botrannia if you haven't done that yet
>MAYBE the infinite LP Blood orb if you're doing skyblock and farm a shit load of meteors
>there are no creative items for the gregtech stuff
right, endgame gregtech stuff is just using energy from your infinite energy storage to power your infinite miners to store materials in your infinite item storage
> the only resource is your personal time and energy
the only resource is your power bill at this point, you aren't playing the game at all you're just letting the server run
Thats kino thobeit
Nah, too lazy for this. I'll use the crafting one.
Yeah, stuffing everything into a grey cube is the most soulful thing you are capable of
we are talking about opencomputers, not ae2
so my MC crashed after a 12 hour session and now I have this
It says it in the config, Ribbits. Adds frog villages. It's not half bad, gay shit aside.
tell us what was lost, anon...
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You are now my repository for my notes on my own pack
Gem Pack 1.7.10 TOYMY Update:
Added lwjgl3ify so this runs on modern java (use adoptium java 21 JRE for best results)
Adjusted world timer to top middle of screen so it isnt blocking info popups
Added netherlicous (works out of the box with biomes o plenty yay)
added steves carts because why not
added hostile mobs and girls for more monster girl shenanigans
made infernal mobs rarer and made it impossible for vengeance to be a modifier because getting hurt for attacking an enemy is dumb
removed sign picture frame and replaced with onlinepictureframe because sign picture frame does this weird thing where it keeps popping up on the side of the screen when a picture is in the world
updated stuff, mainly HBM and a lot of the GTNH forks of 1.7.10 mods
known issues:
For some reason, rarely (3 times in 24 hours now), your screen will go dark like dim vision and you will be given a bleeding effect for several seconds, which WILL kill you if your HP is low enough. No clue what does this as when I played this pack earlier this year this never happened, and it happened before I added all these changes to the mod when I started a new world.
certain things dont render right or dont render at all, probably because of angelica. This includes adventure backpacks being invisible when placed in world, so when you die the pack places itself on the ground but is invisible (its still there and 1 block away from your gravestone so just remember i guess). Also includes the portal gun rendering as 2 blue lines. Performance increase from angelica is so massive (32 render distance @ 500FPS lol) that i dont care enough to remove it to fix these.
Loading a dimension for the first time with a huge render distance will probably make the game hang while you float in the void, but if you exit the world and load back in it will be fine. Maybe just set render to like 5 chunks when going into a new dimension for the first time then increase it.
any; play in SP
i havent played multiplayer since i was 13
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serb goers' nickname is >kabbalist
Nothing the world is fine, I back it up every few hours anyway
>bleached out hotbar
yeah sounds about right for angelica
make a github issue report and enjoy waiting a month or two for a fix
in the meantime enjoy rebooting the pack every 1-2 hours
That bug is caused by the NEI not loading everything, if you clear your NEI hotbar it fixes it.
boring post, you're supposed to hate on anything the gtnh dev makes because they're trannies or something
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Any mods for Tamriel / Elder Scrolls feel? Like a way to generate a huge continent the shape of Tamriel but obviously with biomes being proc gen or whatever
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Meteor landed on a silverwood tree
what the hell that's not how ae2 meteors look like
its an HBM nuclear tech meteor
why the hell would hbm have meteors
its part of the progression for certain stuff. its way more than just a nuclear power mod.
the more I see that robo-bitch, the more I hate a*stralian "people"
>playing arcane engineering after restarting due to losing old save (was not very far)
>scouting for place to put base
>find an abandoned windmill
>oh cool
>8 chests, filled to the brim with loot
holy FUCK i hate this shit
let me build up to the loot pinatas
loot that gives you everything you need is bad
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post screenshots
>you first
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because aliens invented nukes and sent down the technology to make them to earth in meteors
>green rock gets pushed
>explodes and wipes out entire nations
do you really believe this? aliens have to be involved in some way
Bedrockchads are eating good now:
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why don't the jannies ban this faggot for offtopic
even the basedjak spammer is better
If tech mods didn't have so much bullshit there would be much more fun tech/magic gameplay.
All "magic blocks" should be part of a magic mod instead
Every block unironically named [noun] [verb] should be part of a magic mod
Every block that magically operates on an area around it or in front of it should be part of a magic mod
All enchantments, teleportation, resource generation from nothing, dimension creation, transmutation etc are magic.
suckle on my anus like its your mothers teat until a turd falls out stupid retard
How about you just build an "Anus Turd Sucker" instead faggot.
>All "magic blocks" should be part of a magic mod instead
It's ironic that tech mods are the ones making magic blocks while magic ones at least make an attempt at holistic interconnected systems.
it's the same person
and the only solution is to rangeban germany
Because non-trivial redstone creations are a key part of the creative/lategame game loop. Otherwise, once you've got all your resources, what else is there to do, but make more optimised mob farms and sorting systems? The complexity is the intention in vanilla for redstone users, not just a means to an end like it is in the Technic Pack and its successors. The process of manually designing your contraption, gathering resources, and building it is the entire point, and one of the reasons behind the vanilla game's long play times on a single world.

Mods like Create and Red Power do something similar, to varying degrees. While more conventional tech mods like IndustrialCraft use machine time and gated resource production as the bottleneck instead.

I would like some inbetween. TIS-3D looks close, but something more like a ladder logic PLC would fit better and be easier for noobs. Project Red's IC is probably too technical for most players.
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Is this really what you're doing on christmas?
There was a mod for 1.6.4 that allowed do build redstone logic in a cleanroom, scan and produce a circuit block, but I don't remember it's name.
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Wake up, Steve. Santa visited early.
Oculus 1.8 with support for DH 2.2+ has dropped for 1.20.1.
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It's here.
For 1.21.1 lmao
I know you're talking to yourself
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I really want to combine conflicting enchantments on a pick but out of all the mods in the pack that mess with enchanting none of em add thatas an intended feature as far as I can tell. Where would you start to find a way to glitch it?
What enchants, what pick and what mods do you have
>puts silk touch and fortune on the same tool
you have angered the gods
slightly modified AoF7 don't blame me I am on a server. I wanna put fortune and spectrum's resonance on a Mythic Metals Carminite pick to get ~14x return on vanilla ores as it is the best output I could find when I thought that the wip spectrum method of combining conflicting enchantments was real
what do i do to generate the gods are afraid?
what mod is best for decking the halls
>How do I make the mustard gas tank open up
Don't do it
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Now that's a Nuclearcraft moment
Now that's an Apotheosis moment
Now that's an Alex's Caves moment
Now that's a Railcraft moment
fine, die
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Why did it start raining pigs riding chickens in my 1.7.10 toymy
There should be a Create addon focused around killing trannies with the various machines. The antithesis of that one tranny addon.
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my cobbleworks is now less absolutely nothing
right side is clay electrolysis for lithium, aluminum, and maybe some other stuff idk sodium doesn't seem important yet. water just gets voided by a cover
middle is nether quartz, because fuck going to the nether. means i can swap to endervoirs, mostly
left side is certus quartz and quartzite dust. i could probably process those further now? but i'll get to that when i know what i want
i could also set up flint handling and there's probably more buffering than i really need, plus i'm just using an electric furnace for glassmaking instead of an arc furnace because i haven't set up any sort of gas handling yet
maybe i'll do that tomorrow
fully automatic power sure does give you a lot more time to actually do shit instead of chopping log
And completely unironic. Shoving a tranny into an industrial woodchipper should be something you can do in Minecraft.
>the very specifically colored wood that only spawns from a SINGLE BoP biome doesnt show up in a 10,000 block search radius with natures compass
Yeah no, im spawning myself a sapling.
just make kubejs recipe for your mods
and no one's gonna call you shitter
One thing I can think of is being able to tie off the end of the rope pulley into a noose.
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1. What mod is this mob health bar from? I want to either disable it or make it only show up when looking directly at a mob.
2. How do I deal with this direwolf? It spawned on my first night and I have no weapons and it won't leave me alone even though the sun's up.
nvm to the second part, I just whacked it with my pickaxe. It was weak.
Neat by Vazkii
Thanks. And I was able to set it to only show on mobs I look at which is ideal.
Erebus moment.
anyone? also
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I'm not far enough in to verify if it's good, but it looked interesting to me.
It'll be more effective if you explain what is the ''Elder Scrolls'' feel and what ''Tamriel'' is supposed to be for those who haven't played the game
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Just in time for Christmas.
Merry Christmas, mmcg!
Well I want a game that will recapture the feeling of Morrowind and to a lesser extent Oblivion and Skyrim.
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we need create mekanized serb bros
how do I play it on 1.20.1
You get really, really high and imagine
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Got a quantum computer + research station set up so we can craft auto maintenance hatches
It's still going to take a while to craft them but at least they're not unobtainable. Next step is to make way more circuit assembling lines because each maintenance hatch is the equivalent of 100 IV circuits...
>no 1.20.1 backport
>requests for backport met with "no" with no explanation in discord
>tons of critical mods still on 1.20.1
>STILL no way to prevent pokemon from spawning in rooms without slabbing all your floors
i should have known 1.20.1 was going to be an orphan version when their snapshots had 1.21 only for months
still going to play it, but what a shitstorm
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What was the last update to MC that added something mods couldn't didn't. In other words, actually worth a damn.
I'm thinking either 1.18 or 1.19. Caves & Cliffs changed world generation and 1.19 added the Warden, might be something mods couldn't replicate. Every update after 1.19, the archeology and trials updates just seem to add useless bloat.
Also thanks to whoever added the optimization mods link, god knows how much spaghetti code and dogshit coding are in nu-MC.
link me
just searching steampunk gets me 3k results on CF
oh no no no
Give me the quick rundown
This is the first time I've tried a modpack from them.
lazy, half-baked packs
trannys involved
Better MC is one of the modpacks of all time any 1 tellin u otherwise is braindead fr just enjoy ur game
Fair. This pack definitely isn't as strongly themed and coherent as I would've hoped going into it. Apart from it featuring Create, there doesn't seem much that's steampunk about it. It seems to go far beyond what you'd expect from steampunk tech-wise, and there are a lot of redundant mods doing the exact same shit (aka. needless bloat). That seems to be the case with almost every pack I try which is annoying.
At least it doesn't have actual tranny shit in the mods like I actually have seen in some packs.

Are there any good modern packs (1.18+) that aren't bloated kitchen sink nightmares, high-functioning tech autism (I like Create but that's about it), or straight up filled with tranny shit?
>>507406578 (me again)
Another dissapointment is on the horizon. I was shocked to find out that apparently there is NO 1.7.10 mod that adds a potion-exclusive container like a bandolier. The best there is are vials, bigger bottles, 8-packs, and a tweak that allows potion stacking. I imagined it behaving like your normal backpack but having only 9 slots, all horizontal, with a Baubles integration as a cherry on top, but modgods said no. I'll look around a little more but if all fails, Plan B is Forestry backpacks because from what I gather, you can manually add item ids they accept in the config. Nothing about configuring the slot amount but it's not like I have many choices, they are smaller than a regular chest at the very least so not too bad
Create: mekanised
FTB neotech
Stacia 2 expert
technopolis 2
engmatica 9 expert
I've heard they made a pack so shitty that there were two of the same ore from different mods, all while having a fancy title, presenting it in a "TRY NOT TO CUM You wont last 5 minutes" fashion, and proudly slapping a gorillion advertisements over the modpack page. Oh and server files were paywalled to top it off, so yeah, not the most likeable fellas
Most of this looks a bit too high on the tech autism scale for my tastes, but I might end up starting up CABIN because I liked Above & Beyond back when it first came out, though I never finished it..
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>>507559196 (memememe)
During my search I found Mod Pouches that adds mod-specific containers, not what I needed but very cool and underrated (3,850 downloads) https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mod-pouches
A 1094-page fanfic about a mod that doesn't exist
Yep, with each block, item, entity, and feature having its own detailed entry. It's pretty fascinating, check this one out https://minecraft-magic-and-monsters.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Knight
stuff like Chocolate Edition and Craft to Exile i guess
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>>507559196 (me)
Well that's awkward, despite my toymy being based around Witchery, I somehow forgot that it literally has one built in that does exactly what I want aside from the baubles thing
Damn, you're a real retard anon
you could probably pretty easily edit it to be a belt slot bauble or something
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I spawned next to a cool house but it keeps spawning illagers. I tried a command block to kill them and turned off chat command block updates but then I still see puffs of smoke and items on the ground.

How do I stop illagers from spawning near a mod outpost?
Never used it because every pack provides you with a fuck off storage solution to every item management problem that is just too convenient to ignore. I blame packdevs for turning my brain into mush with their power creeping bullshit
Couldn't find how to do it in the first few results on google, probably rocket science. No big deal, it'll do the way it is
Chocolate Edition actually looks pretty close to what I've been after. Thanks Anon.
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Chatgpt and I found the solution.
googling says crafttweaker integrations would let you bauble it
>teleporting them into the void
bit rude
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That'll learn em not to disturb my comfy home.
>hey did you know that minecraft has tech mods? you can make amazing factories in it!
>wow that's incredible anon! i only played 2D factory games, so the logistics of making a factory in 3D must be amazing!
>haha no, when i need a new machine i just put it anywhere i want and hook it up to my sci-fi "mass-energy" network, it's all real logistics trust me. and then i just spend the rest of my time making new crafting patterns.
Maybe if Minecraft weren't such a spaghetticode piece of shit that being stylish with actual physical pipe/cable/belt networking actively tanks performance it would be worth the commitment.
>if I can't see item physically moving from x to y then it's not real logistics
are you perhaps incapable of abstract thought?
hypothetically you could now have an abstract dick in your mouth
What do you mean?
I don't have a dick in my mouth.
Imagine thinking of dicks in some random anons mouth.
No one said you had to install tech mods, let alone tech mods being the only mods out there for the game.
>Note: This is a personal project, something I'm mainly doing for myself, so actual development on this remains as conceptual as the supposed features of the mod. I don't know how to program.
If you've got this level of autism, surely learning to actually program and mod Minecraft can't be that hard, right?
You forgot to mention:
>wireless energy is only unlocked at the final tier in the 5000 hour long pack
>until then you need to litter your base with cables and find a way to connect 400 multiblock machines to get to wireless energy hatches
>it also takes a few hundred hours to unlock ae2, at which point you would have already set up a lot of automation using regular logistics and gregtech pipes
>ae2 is extremely expensive and power hungry when you unlock it
>it takes a few hundred more hours to unlock the OP ae2 stuff that makes automation easy (fluid stocking hatches + advanced stocking hatches)
>energy is never free
>every mod is gtnh
finally, some good fucking food
>you know I really people that have big lips, big noses, dark skin, blast rap everywhere they go, wont shut up about slavery and "muh reparashuns" and commit crime but I'm not thinking of any group of people in particular
>>you mean black people?
that is how you sound
>post specifically calls out ae2 and similar mods
>"gtnh has ae2 so it must be about gtnh!"
how mindbroken are you
nowhere near as mindbroken as a guy that doesn't play modded minecraft yet comes to the modded minecraft general to complain about minecraft mods he doesn't use
its matter energy not mass energy
>replying to bait
>challenge: impossible
I'm playing it right now thoughever? Just imagined myself trying to justify ae2 to someone from /egg/ or something. And the fact that my simple bait took over the entire general definitely proves that you know what I mean
>gregtard persecution complex
deserved desu
don't reply, just report
surely you should have learned this by now
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>#1 that one fat ugly guy who's the most popular greg streamer in the world because he can reliably get 50 viewers
>#2 some russian
>#3 furry who according to his bluesky (lol) account is pansexual and obese
>the rest: a couple other nobodies with <10 viewers and a russian with a "Sexual Themes" warning on his channel
Didn't mean to reply to 507584664. Today will definitely be the day I get around to fixing 4chanX...
don't reply, just dox
surely you should have learned this by now
Throwing fits about how you have no arguments and how everything you don't like is "bait" just makes you look weak, you know that right?
reporting doesn't do shit ahahaha fuck this website
don't sleep for three days in a mesa biome
>oblivion, skyrim
fight skeleton in swamp/snowy/plain biome
95% of elderscrolls experience is already covered in the base game, however the 5% is unattainable (minecraft combat is unable to be as dogshit as elder scrolls)
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Fixed my workspace.
very nice. mod for the text panels?
Ancient warfare 1.12 and/or Millenaire.
They will give the impression of there being civilizations scattered across the map.
I don't think minecraft would ever really feel like a TES game though unless someone made a huge map with hand-built structures and customnpcs mobs everywhere
Matter Overdrive: Community Edition
should've applied for janitor :-)
Continents + tectonic probably
offtopic only applies to board rules, jannies don't give fuck about a thread's special snowflakes on-topic rules
jannies don't care about anything outside the gacha generals
get it right
>I...I'm totally not still bitter that my janny application got rejected after they looked up my post history and saw what a sperg I was
Finally unlocked the MV energy hatch after a grueling session
Love wins
Base game redstone already accomplishes what you want from tech mods.
if mods can tell your post history why can't they ban ban evaders?
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Do any 1.7.10 GAWDS have any insight as to which of these mods might cause me to randomly get the darkness debuff for 2-5 seconds seemingly randomly?
You think they're going to make you janny if your IP first showed up the server logs a week ago?
Of course not, I only made 2 posts.
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It's me again. I don't understand how people build.
Even copying structure I've used before this took me days of iterating in creative, but people can just hop on a server and bust out a new building hours while playing survival?

My block choices are limited, plus having to deal with the texture pack. I should have stuck with simple wood. I avoided framed blocks because architecturecraft is an FPS hog.
I'm not settled on the birch/dark oak porch, they tie into grass paths and hempcrete will replace that eventually but I wasn't sure what to use for the time being.
Do the smokestacks feel tall enough? They're functional to an extent - pollution from machines is sent to the stacks, where rose bushes absorb carbon. Sulfur is a problem, though, it is just going to build up and the stacks don't have much volume.
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Pay no attention to the mess inside, just making sure the layout would fit.
Most buildings will use a similar layout to deal with pollution but maybe not in this size. I need to iterate more and come up with something that doesn't need the smoke stacks or is only half sized.
3D biomes and then custom world height. I think custom world height was C&C part 1. Cubic chunks doesn’t count. Before that you could go back to waterlogging, but that’s sorta been modded in too. Honestly you could probably go back to 1.7.10 since it has a lot of backport mods.

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I am once again asking for your skyblock pack recommendations.
I just want a way to tell minecraft "generate a world like this but scale it to be the usual size of an MC world", at least that way I could find vvardenfell and have it be a huge continent and not some shitty world painter map some guy uploaded of tamriel thats 1-10000 scale
Cable Facades, apparently.
>for fabric and neoforge
i develop more and more disdain for this team every fucking day
just play through skyfactory 4
it gets less shit after you get through the resource tree grug portion of the pack
>back to waterlogging, but that’s sorta been modded in too
Really? Even that's been modded in, well better to have it and not need it.
>go back to 1.7.10 since it has a lot of backport mods
Good to know, thanks Anon. Hadn't considered backporting, in that case I might stick around with 1.18 for the terrain gen and backport the deep dark.
Where? I'm not seeing a single mention of Baubles on https://docs.blamejared.com/MineTweaker/en/index
Dunno, some of his ideas do sound overly complex and hard to realize, making a wiki like this must be a cakewalk compared to actually developing a mod of this scale
This is lovely
Very cute
Happened to me once with a scary sound on top but never again, couldn't find the source. Is this a common a occurrence?
Yeah its fairly regular, i'd say 2-3 times when i go for a mining trip. I'm wondering if its some sort of mob since i know grimoire of gaia mobs can give debuffs, but it happens with no mobs around. I suppose i could just remove it and test it
>i'd say 2-3 times when i go for a mining trip
You don't hear spooky whispering alongside it?
No, there's no noise. And it sadly wasn't grimoire, had it happen after removing it. Which makes me kinda glad cus i like grimoire.
I wonder if some config has it so diving deep toward bedrock makes it happen? I have HBM but the dev said nothing like that should happen unless you're doing weird stuff, i checked myself with a geiger and i have zero radiation.
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Merry Christmas /mmcg/
Meri Christmasu!
Need the gorillion channel ae2 controller setup for NH.
It's unfortunate that if he ever stops updating the wiki, it might be gone forever because Fandom typically doesn't host things like this for very long
Is Hexxit II good?
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Fairy Factions?
Yup, still using it.
Still on 1.7.10.
Arcane taste, I barely see this mod ever
Factory Town has better 3D logistics than 99.9% of Minecraft modpacks, and it's still basically a prototype.
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Retarded question, how do you cope with the chunkloading mechanics in Minecraft? I don't like building far away from spawn cause then I've to AFK on my base for an hour to get resources and move to do any project, even something as simple as crops. And it triggers my autism. Is there a way to keep certain chunks loaded? 1.12 if it matters.
>fagtorio drones exist
how about you kill yourself?
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The real modded gameplay flow is
>rush an ME system by any means necessary
>magically teleport the output of every farm in your world into it with enderstorage chests
>make a big room with every machine and multiblock that you own and hook them all up to the ME system
>spend days/weeks/months making crafting patterns until the pack is over

>b..but it's super hard to get AE2 in my autismpack
Yes, and the period before AE2 where you spend your entire life staring at chest inventories looking for the shit you need is the fucking annoying part of every modpack that no one wants to do.
There may be a map on the top left corner of JEI where you can claim chinks and keep them loaded, otherwise a few mods have chunkloader machines
> Yes, and the period before AE2 where you spend your entire life staring at chest inventories looking for the shit you need is the fucking annoying part of every modpack that no one wants to do.
But it's the best and most interesting part.
There are two types of tech mod players. Those who live to minimize the spaghetti, and those who welcome it.
What's your favorite way to do storage that doesn't just involve shoving everything in and out of the same terminal connected to some automagical storage network (ie. no AE2, RS, or equivalent)?
Shoving in and out of the same terminal is acceptable if the way it sorts, stores, and retrieves items is through some system you had to manually design.
If there is no magic terminal then I like drawers, if there are no drawers then I like barrel walls
I store my semen in your mom, is that acceptable?
How do you retrieve your semen when you need it?
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Bibliocraft framed chests, shelves, desks, cases, racks, and sword pedestals
Metal blocks and fluids in their respective storage rooms
Shitting up a billion vanilla chests without sorting with some stuff hidden balls deep in backpacks that I can't search with nei
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Setting up a new floor plan for machines and making the ae2 subnet is always one of the most tedious and headache inducing things, but man when it's finished it feels amazing
You can try to do continents and big volcanoes with stardust labs' terralith+continents with tectonic
Try out random seeds on https://map.jacobsjo.eu/ to find what you want
What would the minimum modlist be required to recreate an ME system without a storage mod? That means auto-sorting, requesting, and crafting via crafting table and machines. Logistics pipes counts as a storage mod, and I think Project Red has something similar if you get its pipes part for some reason. Sorting and dispatching is easy enough that lots of people do it even in vanilla, the hard part is storing nontrivial numbers of recipes, and making them request one another recursively by checking stock levels for recipe ingredients.
Would it ever be possible to do this recursion step without a computer mod? I think it could be done with a very complicated shulker loader vanilla system, where each recipe is in a shulker, with filler items, and the shulker contents are read out and duplicated by requesting their items from the system, but it would be like 10 times larger than Etho's LP auto storage system. The question is more if there's a method for storing and receiving information better than that.

With a computer mod like CC or Open Computers or TIS, it would definitely be doable, and sounds kinda fun. Of course it would be laggier than AE2.
can i beat gregtech by friday night
well, it depends on your modpack
but mostly no
Personally I wouldn't attempt to make a manual ME setup with anything less than Create+TIS-3D (+TIS-Create so the computer can read from Create smart observers).
It's probably "possible" with just about any mod that adds automated crafting table functionality + an autistic fuckton of redstoning, but I doubt anyone would be insane enough to attempt it, let alone succeed.
Yeah but I just want to tell it "make a continent of this shape or make tamriel"
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I'd really like a mod that lets you construct computers out of logic components on the larger scale. Like memory blocks, an adder, registers, etc. all connected to physical wires making up the instruction and data busses. If you made them all multiblocks, each as long as the bus is wide, you could have it all using discrete binary signals, but using single bundled bus cables would be fine too.

Doing it this way would allow you to create both general-purpose computers, but also special-purpose ones with multiple cascaded adders, or just a bunch of memory, or whatever. You could create whatever instruction set you wanted.
when will they release the next Impossible Minecraft episodes?
Is 4 coke ovens for GTNH at the start overkill?
No not at all, for a decent setup that will last you until late LV you'll want to end up with 8-16
It's out

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>want to get into ComputerCraft
>don't want to learn a filthy inferior language like lua because I'm a C/C++ chad
its time
Not the same without Sjin.
>No Simon

Into the trash it goes.
We will never have kino like MoonQuest ever again.
any time I watch a video with him I just find him annoying 90% of the time, you like him when you're a kid and that's pretty much it
>We will never have kino like MoonQuest ever again.
this is true but has more to do with the culture surrounding minecraft and youtube today than with the yogscast
I thought on using the vanilla commands but I'll try the JEI thing.
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>want to build toymys around cobblemon
>barely scrape together a pack with the idea of having my pokebros fight shit for me
>go to manage mods mid-world
>remove a mod that adds blood moons because i couldnt figure out how to let you sleep during them
>red vignette is permanently stuck on my screen now
>whatever, i had pretty much just started anyways, ill just make a new world
>play new world, cool underground base with a big farm in the works
>one of the mobs in one of the mods has sounds that play at full volume regardless of distance
>go to remove mod
>world wont load anymore because a dimension from the mod (which was secretly a datapack for some reason) is missing
>absolutely no help online on how to fix this without reinstalling the mod i wanted to remove
>decide to just never touch anything beyond 1.12.2 again

fuck nucraft modding, datapacks were a mistake, i can live without cobblemon
Doesn't Botania Corporea Network pretty much do 80% of this?
if you know c it will take 1 hour max to learn lua
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hail hortler!
True but that's 1 hour of torture + countless hours of torture every time I actually want to program anything. I started reading one page of a tutorial and started convulsing and puking when I saw all the dynamic typing heresy.
I wish there was a computer mod where the computer had a proper simulated CPU that just ran some sort of assembly so autists (chads) could just write compilers for whatever language they want for that instruction set.
>language elitism
actual employed programmers learn whatever tool/language is needed for the task at hand
Tiny redstone and tiny gates
The task at hand is having fun playing modded Minecraft, and I don't find interpreted languages fun.
>simulated CPU that just ran some sort of assembly
the one you code yourself in computercraft lua
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Downloads Ancient warfare 1.12 and/or Millenaire. See "nogg knight"

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>simulating a computer CPU running on a fictional assembly language/instruction set inside of a simulated computer that runs lua code inside of a video game running on a Java virtual machine
I can't think of anything more inefficient
>CPU that just ran some sort of assembly so autists (chads) could just write compilers for whatever language they want for that instruction set
You would have to reimplement the whole API to interact with the world. Face it, C++ is not a scripting language, interpreterchads can build and test and debug software effortlessly
what tutorial? reference manual is all you need
more sounds like you are retarded, even kids and women can handle lua
>You would have to reimplement the whole API to interact with the world.
So what? I realize now that I don't even want a C or C++ computer mod. I just want an assembly computer mod (TIS-3D is fun but is too limited).
World interaction could be very simply implemented as devices that connect to the main computer, and can have their input/outputs read/written to similar to registers.
eg. You could have a redstone ouput device connected as device 1 to a computer, and then send a redstone signal of strength 5 with as simple of an instruction as "MOV 5 d1".
This is basically exactly how Integrated Circuits work in the game Stationeers and it's absolutely fantastic in that game.
but would it not work?
lua is turing complete, so of course it would work. I don't even want to imagine how slow it would run though.
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Don't show that to the mod author, he'll have a shitfit.
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>be vanillachud
>decide to play a mod I find vanilla-like
>find it fun
>some features are from numinecraft though
>decide to check who the devs are
>original creator is a nerdy Polish guy
>current dev is pic rel
>numinecraft features were added in his updates
I don't understand what sort of an individual that jak is supposed to represent
this shouldnt surprise you
>update to 1.21.4
>only two datapacks break and need changes
pretty smooth
>update to 1.21.4
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i dont get it
no serbs...

>inb4 gtnh
>inb4 goymode gravitas
Write a Forth VM as a Minecraft mod, then? I think you're kind OF OOL here, you need raw bindings to the game engine for anything remotely interesting. Minetest is the closest thing you have to this and is a kind of whatever project.
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>he did it on purpose
My nigga, you're asking this to the community that hung up to the absolute cancer called MineTweaker for 5 years.
Minecraft uses pseudorandomized data parsed through specific control parameters to shape the terrain so you'll have to find a way to express what you want using those.
Fancy way to say "bruteforce a seed"
do mobs spawn on 0 or 1 in numeme?
older versions are deprecated
Yeah I've basically accepted that it's over for good low-level computer mods.
Doing some research it looks like there's an absolutely ancient mod called RedPower 2 that had a proper simulated computer based on a 6502 and used Forth which sounds absolutely kino. Too bad the last version it supported was 1.4.7.
Truly tragic.
>look for pale garden
>find one after two hours
>it only has five trees
>mine them
>no creaking heart
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>absolutely ancient
Sorry bro. 2012 was 46 years ago.
Ah the good old delete META-INF days
>no serbs
>no ignore the ones we have I don't like them
are there porn mods
THAT is how you're planning to celebrate the New Year's?
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i fucking love mods bros
behead australians
in minecraft of course
this reminds me of the integrated dynamics mod, i wonder if the dev took inspiration from stationeers
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>realize the bedroom floor can be seen from bottom
>only way to fix it it either place a layer of blocks on lower floor or move entire 2nd floor up 1 block, which would be annoying
>what if...
>downloaded mcedit
>open world
>justwerks even with 200 mods
>move entire floor up a block
actually kind of kino. i've heard some indie devs test their game ideas by playing them out on pen and paper, this sort of reminds me of that.
>tfw no modded mc playing gf
we're all gonna make it
yeah can you share? Or at least give a modlist. Also what launcher do you use? I have my own modpack but I always want more
best we can do is a tranny
here you go. BTW this is using lwjgl3ify so you must point your pack launcher toward a java 17 or higher installation.
has some quirks like angelica making stuff Z fight while inventory when viewing recipes, sometimes having to quit out and back in if using high render distance and going between dimensions, etc
oh and i use primslauncher
> what is forge micro blocks?
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Thanks anon but...you need to make it public.
I decided to go back to playing 1.7.10 (my beloved) and I'm running into the issue of optifine + pr luminance conflicting with pixel perfection
Is there any known solution to this problem or do I just have to eat shit and choose one or the other?
fixed, im high as fuck rn
lol thanks.
Lol nice house anon, going to make my own world. Sorry I couldnt resist being nosy.
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forgot to post pic
ooh shit yeah it would have my saves lol
btw scroll through all NEI pages to fix that white icon bug
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>cobblemon 1.6
>neoforge or fabric
>fucking neoforge
>1.21 only
And people thought versionchasers WOULDN'T leap forward in advance because Create's fate isn't yet known.
There is no cornerstone must-have that all mods will adhere to, only the never-ending chase.
>Create's fate isn't known yet
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Shulker box ability has been implemented
Imagine GTNH but with Water Physics Overhaul
Imagine GTHN but actually fun to play and not an overbloated disaster
Good stuff mate
Imagine GTNH but without gregtech
how would that work
Use TIS-3D instead, to be a real assembly chad:
Or for 1.12.2, this one using Forth:

>magic aesthetic
>wireless item transfer
For a non-futuristic aesthetically-minded tech pack, wireless item transfer is even worse than storing items in hard drives. But if I were making a pack where magic is more prevalent than tech, I'd definitely consider it.

I guess that kinda works. If you spend the time to make random access memory cells and such on a panel, you can duplicate them to make a modular computer. Though I prefer Project Red's aesthetic of the IC being made on a silicon wafer.
I can't. Only with post HV discarded maybe.
Their pale wood isn't even that nice to me.
I mean i don't blame you Botania makes its mission to be as annoying as possible if you don't want to stick to redstone tier limitations. But is nice if all you need is some sort of power for a low tech related pack so you're not stuck with vanilla limits in your builder friends' server.
>Of course it would be laggier than AE2.
Not really, at least not by a big margin if properly optimized
if you make sure you don't take stuff manually from the network you don't actually need to monitor anything, just to remember it
i've tried gtnh multiple times, and i just can't get over how shit cave and ore gen is compared to dungeon and overworld content
like, exploring the dungeons, working on my base, robbing villages, and hitting up biomes is the best part of early and LV content until you get to the point where you start needing new ores for your steam setups and all chunks around your lawn base in a 100 chunk radius end up with cobble pillars marking ore chunk centers where you dug straight down and you are forced to have chunk borders on because of how the distribution works
im all for infernal mobs, microcrafting, and gigaautism, but caving in nuversions is just better
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>ask chatgpt for a mod I can't find
>he completely ignores the version I'm asking for
>i point it out, apologizes for the inconvinience and says he won't do it again
>hallucinates three mods that never existed as an answer
>i point out that he's having an episode
>deeply apologizes
>hallucinates three more
Dumb dog
Is there a mod that bring the lighting mechanic on blocks of newer versions to 1.12.2?
>the lighting mechanic on blocks of newer versions
What are you talking about? I don't think vanilla lighting has changed since they added "smooth lighting".
>have been playing nothing but 1.12 for the last 5 years
>decide to go back to 1.7.10 because 1.12 is missing a whole bunch of great mods from earlier versions
>in the process of setting up my 1.7.10 pack, I realize that several mods I was nostalgic for are 1.6.4 only and never got 1.7.10 updates
minecraft modding really makes me want to tear my hair out, sometimes
it's also the fact that some really old mods seem to lose content every update, like biomes o plenty.
It's always a matter of accepting half-measures.
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blame this faggot
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one day cross-version compatibility will be a thing, one day...
Anybody know the best ranged weapon you can make in divine journey 2 midgame?
I have no clue why this hasn't been the top priority of the modding community for the past decade.
Does having to make huge concessions regarding which mods you can put in your pack really not bother most modded minecraft players? Because it fucking kills me.
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Well they look like this in comparison, newer versions have a subtle change to the shadow mechanic of the overworld block, is there a mod that backport such shadow mechanic to 1.12.2?
You can change the shadowmap with a resource pack I think, that's how people brought back the old lighting system, sort of. Though I'm barely able to see the difference between these two screenshots, aside from textures being different
you have to dig straight down 10 times max just for samples for ore finder, few times more for actual ore and later you have mining machines and prospectors kits
villages, exploring, dungeons are shit in gtnh
are you trying again
I'm not whoever you think I am
try with the old textures on the new version
It looks like the left doesn't have as much ambient occlusion. Maybe that's a setting you can find in the default game, or in optifine or whatever.

t. exclusively plays with hardcore darkness or equivalent installed
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mods for this feel?
Lycanites Mobs
Any secrets for finding tin/casserite in GTNH?

I keep coming across iron/copper/redstone/soapstone

I even found a fucking diamond vein before tin.
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*crack* *sip* Yup...this is the life...
Whick modpack you playing?
>exclusively plays with hardcore darkness
I hated it until I figured out a way to change light levels via config, been kino ever since. The defaults suck ass and the "total darkness" aspect of the mod is the least fun part of it, but making the sky illuminate less light and caves barely visible fits my wants just right
you just have to get lucky with it
just keep checking ore chunks until you find what you need, and remember to mark off chunks you've already checked so you can come back later for other minerals
>that's retarded
pretty much
try a dowser
and good luck once you get to nether ores lmao
My TOYMY that i posted earlier
Twilight forest with HBM's nuclear tech

They're usually close to the surface, enough so that lakes and rivers can mess up the upper layers
the betweenlands
You actually like it? I thought it was fun for the first time but annoying ever after, really like the aspect of making unique designs but the modifiers and material-dependant stats just killed the whole thing for me
>>507775679 (me)
Oh and the smeltery is pretty awesome, wish there was a standalone mod for it. Though dealing with small amounts of molten metal stuck in in it can be annoying too
its been a while since i played with tinkers so it hasnt worn off on me yet
Total darkness is great, if you're playing with dynamic lighting and something like torch arrows or a floodlight. Discovering a large cave and peering into the inky blackness, unsure of what's beyond, now that's kino.
>unsure of what's beyond
best I can do is 3 zombies.
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You don't really need to mark ore chunks. It's built into journeymap for GTNH.
Yeah, it works really well in caves but the overworld thing is meh because I'd rather sleep every night than be blinder than a nyctalopic bat
Just keep searching, rng can be cruel.
I just made the ore finder wand and put some casserite sand from the quest reward into it. Found a vein really quick after that.
Ok so I had this crazy idea while working on my TOYMY that it would be cool to have the Create: Mekanized progression system, so I've been trying to take the kubejs scripts from C:M. Problem is my pack is on 1.20.1 and C:M is on 1.19.
So anyways I've butchered up the folders of both instances and mashed shit together like Frankenstein, and clearly nature despises the abomination I'm making because I've had trouble at almost every step. First the Mekanism add-ons for kubejs doesn't have an official version for 1.20. However, I found a sketchy unofficial port. Afterwards the scripts kept crashing my game so I dug through and deleted some stuff that didn't seem very important and lo and behold the game actually started. The crafting recipes seem to be working. The only unresolved problem I'm having now is that some of the scripts simply aren't being registered. Mostly recipe removal and create sequenced assembly. The sequenced assembly is especially bad because the game is basically impossible to progress in without it. I scanned through and can't figure out why it won't read it. Any of you guys know anything?
Worked on a place for a home. It's time to get out of the ground.
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Forgot image like a retard.
So, the paid mods (addons) for Bedrock don't break with updates. Why can't we have this in Java?
because they're shitty
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Because the most complex bedrock """mod""" will be much simpler than some Quark.
The smeltery is very good, fair amount of work put in to increase ingot yield. Modpack I'm playing rn makes it a bit harder to make by requiring coal for the grout recipe.
Isn't Zen: Foundry kinda similar to the smeltery aspect? Not that I've ever used it. IIRC it works alongside Ceramics, which is a neat-looking low-tech mod.
There's probably similar mods for other versions now.

Oh yeah you always change it so sky light level is moon dependent.
>Zen: Foundry
Didn't know about these, thanks! Might throw these two in a toymy if I ever play 1.12.2
there's CarryOn or something similarly named which lets you put mobs on top of you (they sit on you instead of stepping but close enough)
its impossible
You fags complain about version chasing, but then defend the entire reason it exists (version incompatibility). How curious…
I don't do either, bedrock and all of it's filth should not exist
>version incompatibility
And what's the reason this exists?
Surely the trillion dollar corporation wouldn't intentionally break compatibility between updates so you buy their shit mods from their own platform, right?
Is there a good stand-alone mod for this, large floodlights are so much more kino than just a sphere of light in any direction, but they tend to be part of bigger mods
Mojang doesn’t make the modding tools for Java.
Don’t forget skinny nigger with big teeth that ear rapes you.
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i like this thing exclusively because of the loud ass sound it makes when converting ore
None of the shit removed from BOP was any good. It was all MCreator tier garbage that was grandfathered in because mods 10+years ago had significantly lower standards. You could take any MCreator slop from today, release it in 2013 and it would be heralded as one of the best mods of all time.
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FINALLY got the first CAL block set up. 8 Circuit assembling lines, running in parallel.
Now to build 7 more
>forestry is out for Forge 1.20.1
speaking if which, how is Forestry as a whole on 1.19.2 and 1.20.1?
my mods would not break too if microcock paid me
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>15 minutes to set each one up
not TOO bad... they made it a lot easier in 2.7
>modifiers and material-dependant stats
That's literally the point of the mod though?
Well yeah that's why I don't like it. I've heard they changed it to something way more balanced and ''boring'' in nu-versions and everyone hated it. I'd probably enjoy it if that's the sole reason
Not sure about balanced but yeah I remember nuversion tinker having some restrictions that OG tinker didn't, can't recall what exactly
What I do remember is that nutinker adds useless bloat in the form of a second type of machines, nerfs slimeboots plus features some of the cringiest manual books you will have ever read in minecraft
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consider taking the pics from the same angle
also, there's an extra tree in one of the pictures
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Is there a mod that adds AI npcs yet? Minecraft always feels so lonely and it would be nice to build a village with AI npcs.
just play on serb
Play on a server retard
seen several videos of this done on youtube, but i think the mods they were using were private
they all look kinda shit
started nomifactory and doing the genesis tab right now. I can finally build the steam dynamo but it's already getting tedious. Will it get better?
>Will it get better?
GTNH: Downloaded
Ore Excavator: Installed

Yep it's gaming time.
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Copied some youtuber's house but looking good.
you forgot to install gtnh rates mod
2024 Mid-Atlantic Water Polo Conference Schedule. Regular Season Schedule, All-Tournament Team Championship Schedule, MAWPC Championship Program Standings, ...
Nah, every update they remove some of my favorite biomes.
Grove is easily one of the best biomes for building a comfy house and it got completely deleted post 1.7.10. They didn't even make a new, similar biome to replace it, it's just gone.
Also they removed the pixie mob from the magical forest biomes in newer updates, which blows.
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Coming Along Nicely with only Dawn Totems...
Oughta make that Cybertotem soon.
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what am i looking at? some sort of noita-esque arcane machinery?
nta but its the corruption map from blightfall
might as well play creative
Honestly I would give a gregtech-infested pack a try if only there was some way of printing ores available immediately
GT is super grindy and I'm really tired of the mine part of minecraft
>GTNH tards added fancy waters to wafer processing
Goddamit. Also large processing factories are deprecated.
GT6 makes it so you only have to visit any given ore vein once, mine for like 15 minutes, and you'll almost certainly never mine it manually again. The veins are massive and you can get access to fortune 3 and then 5 super easily, and then proper ore processing will net you several multiples of any ore you mine. I would estimate maybe 5% of my time playing was spent mining, and that's being generous
Recommend me a good gt6 pack where you spend your time figuring out cool processing lines and not holding m1 in caves
If Mojang can make a modding api that allows for version independence, why can’t any of the developers for Fabric, Forge, Neoforge, Quilt, etc. do so? I thought they were better than Mojang.
Mojang can build the API into the game's code properly and provide stable interface that accounts for all changes when compiled
Whereas custom modloaders drill holes in mojang's code and jury rig their stuff inside, and since codebase is never the same between updates, they have to drill new holes every time
Oh, they removed a generic forest biome! What are we going to do! Just ignore the fact they removed MCreator tier ores, an undercooked Aether knockoff, some pointless chicken variants, etc.
Sounds like a cope, could absolutely do it, if the developers weren’t lazy asses content doing the bare minimum.
Grove is the best BoP biome and it's not even close
Mediterranean poplars are kino
this >>507816446 and you work with modloaders part 1% of the time/code or even less
forgot they added that, I always replace it with xaero
check out nomi? you don't get ore printing immediately but veins are super common and huge and you start out with real fast mining and an ore detector
it does basically skip steam/ulv entirely if that's a phase you'd want to do
What if there was a factory pack that was based around trading? Instead of dumping resources into components for machines you could get a random quest that asks for x amount of some component or finished product (like chairs, tables, etc) in exchange for an amount of coins, then you can use those coins to buy more machines or exotic resources. Then you look at what quests are available, choose the demand you want to fulfill, then use those coins to buy machines and set up more automation. As you complete more quests, the sell prices of goods adjust based on how much you sell, encouraging either multiple sources of income and increasingly diverse farms and products, or specialization in certain products to produce them more efficiently. Villages could be reworked into trade hubs that use these mechanics to grow and adapt based on economic conditions. Imagine making a factory that cut down logs and turned them into furniture, then sending them on a train to a village where they get dropped off, and then the train returns with imported goods and emeralds (or "emerald coins"). Or maybe a factory imports iron ore, makes a variety of iron tools, then sells them back at a profit. Maybe a priest needs alchemical catalysts for an enchantment and there could be a laboratory that takes mundane components and converts them into alchemy-ready materials.
I dont think there are any dedicated GT6 packs. Although check out a guy on youtube called beara den, i think he has a website that might have a gt6 pack he threw together (probably out of date gt6 version tho)
Fucking phone, a guy on youtube called BEARS DEN
>bears den
sounds incredibly gay
Murder Drone TOYMY update:
Removed Netherlicious as A. The modern netherrack clashes with HBMs netherrack textures and B. Has issues with other mods because the default nether dimension is overwritten
Quadrupled the copper ore and tripled the aluminum ore spawn from HBM to account for me removing the other copper and aluminum ores from other mods
Added Tinkers Defense and ExtraTiC
Reduced blood moon chance from 5% to 2% a night because its horrendously difficult when it happens
TODO list for myself:
Add Actually Additions and regen the chunks around my base (again (probably regen nether too))
Edit the default world gen to be RTG
Start tracking which recipes need to be changed to account for new block types (example: onlinepictureframe item only recognizes vanilla wood planks,make it use any wood planks)
Figure out why the portal gun recipe isn't being removed even though i made a removal recipe in minetweaker; the new recipe shows up but the original isn't gone
Figure out how to remove portal gun from chest loot because an instant get out of jail free card that teleports you back to your base from anywhere is really fucking strong
whats a decent modpack to use as a base for 1.20 or 1.21?
im too lazy to start from scratch
stop being lazy nigga
>im too lazy to start from scratch
1) Find a kitchen sink pack without so much trash
2) Play it for a bit
3) Start making notes about stuff you don't use or don't like seeing
4) Delete offending mods from modpack
5) Create new world without lame mods
Boom. But if you're lazy, you'll probably just stick with the kitchen sink pack.
Playing 1.18 again, what are the best terrain/world gen mods? I loved how Terraforged had temperature zones and humid/dry patches. Anything like that?

I know Terraforged for 1.18 is very barebones.
What mods am I actually missing out on by avoiding anything made by the LGBTP? Am I losing out on quality gaming experiences for the sake of my moral superiority and virtue?
You're not avoiding it if you play minecraft post notch era
I just got me GTNH and crafted my first tools. The questbook is leagues better
Fuck Nomni
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Jeb is bisexual (the LGBTP word for pedophile), any update made with him in Mojang is pedoslop, and he started in 2010.
Looks noisy and generic, like most of BOP's biomes.
Kill yourself you faggot tranny subhuman, save us the trouble.
not his type
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modded minecraft?
>Murder Drone TOYMY
title drop
1) Find a cool RPG game
2) Play it for a bit
3) Start making notes about areas you're not planning to go, weapons you're not planning to use, etc
4) Delete them and play in the barebones world you created exclusively for yourself
>a-are those trees????
any mods that can work well with Serene Seasons? 1.12.2
My Greg techs.
Literally doing that with Lorerim right now.
Literally every grass block is covered in fucking tall grass. It's hideous.
don't look up Greenery
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It's true tho, this is the best looking biome in BoP
Grass and Tall Grass are literally the worst fucking parts of Minecraft, why make a mod that EXPANDS THEM!?!?
Origin Valley is kino, but I wouldn't want to build my house there. That's how it is with a lot of BoP biomes.
Grove is nice because it accommodates a comfy base so well
fine, live
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Ancient Warfare is NEVER going to be updated pass 1.12.2 isn't it.
why go past the best version?
Manasteel was kind of annoying but I now have wrenches, wirecutters, files and screwdrivers with good mining speed and 512,000 durability
Life is good
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Theres no reason to go past 1.12.2 though
I honestly thought eventually you get a multi tool. Having to have a screwdriver, file, hammer, etc is a little annoying.

And recommendations on how many steam boilers I should build? I just got bronze.
Are there any good mod packs centred around AW2? At least in the early-game. IIRC it has a mechanical power system, but is this compatible with any other power systems in mods? Be it IE or BWM or whatever.
How are there packs for 1.20.1 with 400+ mods? I can hardly scrape together 150 good mods for my pack, and that's with the libraries.
Lots and lots of optimization mods, tiny mods that do very minor things, and MCreator slop.
I genuinely can't get it below 300
I tried to make one for my friend and I, and since he's got a crappy computer I was supposed to make a small toymy but I ended with about 250 anyway despite doing my best in containing myself
A lot of them are serverside structure mods tho, and there are a lot of mods that are divided in several parts when they don't need to be like the let's do series or yung's's
Someone should release a simple, clean kitchen sink pack with just the bare essentials, no shaders, no nonsense, a simple suite of performance mods, and one mod per category (one tech mod, one biomes mod, one magic mod, one structures mod, one dimensions mod), with in depth configuration to ensure everything fits with everything.
Do you have the issue where the placed books from Supplementaries are missing texture blocks, by chance?
no, but that sounds like one of the fabric perfomance mods that got ported to forge, Starlight specifically has never once worked for me
It's a problem I regularly receive upon the 150 mark. It doesn't seem to be performance mods, I build everything off a small base of 23 performance mods. I'm just not sure what causes it.
>Treetap only has 16 uses now
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AW2 do have compat with other mods ONLY IF its machine accept standard RF. Here are the AW npcs powering machines from Thermal using a hand crank generator, I've tested with Ender IO and Actually Additions and so far only Thermal accepts AW generator.
>Any packs centered around AW?
TOYMY I'm afraid, but thats the fun. I am making a zombie apocalypse pack with lore that humanity being pushed back to mediavel time and you need to build up civilization again.
Their methods are arcane, unknown by man. Dedicate thou life to researching their esoteric arts with utmost regard, and one day you too might reach enbloatenment, but until then, know your place for you and I are mere worms who are powerless in the presence of the BLOAT KINGS
Beautiful water tanks in 100% humidity biome.

Now to work on a farm for a lot more crops.
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Coming along last post for today.
Vanilla refugee
There's "Powered Flashlight" which looks neat for cave exploration, but I wish there was one that could be used as an attachment for TACZ or another gun mod. For placeable floodlights, I only found "Searchlight", which takes no power and doesn't have the best aesthetic. I'll test it to see if it works on a Valkyrien Skies vehicle, but it almost certainly won't.

Man I just want to illuminate the underside of a floating island with my sky-submarine.

>kitchen sink
>bare essentials
that's not what a kitchen sink is

>I am making a zombie apocalypse pack with lore that humanity being pushed back to mediavel time and you need to build up civilization again.
sounds fun, what kind of modlist?
sorry, but it's awful
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Looks like I wont need to worry about pickaxe for a while.
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Can't help you but the image you posted is really, really cool
People probably don't really play 1.18. I'd browse Modrinth specifically, because its world-gen datapacks will also show up as mods there. Tectonic and Terralith exist for that version, idk what's good though.
every damn mod i add to my modlist causes a crash on startup
like how the hell do "auroras", "better f3", and "model gap fix" all cause crashes?
at this point i've got like 15 mods in my folder that crash the game when i enable them

is there a mod that might help me get to the bottom of this?
it always just says:
>[22:35:23] [Render thread/FATAL] [ne.mi.co.ForgeMod/]: Preparing crash report with UUID ....
>crash report saved to file or smth
>Process exited with code 255.
A kitchen sink is a pack that has something for everyone, it doesn’t mean large.
Searchlight does look pretty perfect though mechanically, but yeah it's certainly an untapped market
>People probably don't really play 1.18.
I'm only on it since Genetic Animals isn't updated beyond it.
Figured it'd get attention.
at some point we gotta stop treating vanillies like pandas and just admit their extinction
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literally braindead monkey tier
I genuinely think all the explosions in this thread have that in the corner
it's like liveleak at this point

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