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The Wheel has turned once again

UW Edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed) (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

>Sloop’s Comfy Balance Mod

Previous Stale Turn
first for lynch and rape all badmins
Second foe Shadow Servant Mistresses
are those full condoms in the back ground?
they're fish
Ah yes the poor merrow's protection
Abysia tends to do this well, having recruit anywhere H3's (the important part), at least a moderate blood economy, and typically a higher dominion level as they are mostly a sacred nation early. This would allow Aby to quadruple their dominion pressure, and with 20 or more temples becomes nearly impossible to stop. You would need at least 4 telestic animates to counter each of their temples, which is rough.

I would be surprised if a full blood saccing engine could be setup much before turn 50, but I've seen smaller levels of it beforehand. Just the setup cost for the temples is enormous, and you will typically be building out of fort temples which requires more resources to defend.
Many of my turns take more than an hour. If you can do your turns in 5 mins you aren't scripting correctly.
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TCPD is currently looking for a sexual predator Titan woman who has molested over two hundred defenseless human men in Salt Plains.

Surveillance footage released by the TCPD showed the frightened men, wearing full scale mail, trying to look for an escape route as the suspect holds a coral blade, threateningly.

She then started to pull down their pants and sexually assaulted them.. The brave men fought back and half were able to run away from the attacker. Officers Zhong and Liu at the scene of the crime found the province throne vandalized with graffiti.

Tien Chi Cops released the harrowing footage and a surveillance image of the suspect entering the province in the hopes of identifying her. She is about 12’0” tall, possibly Telkhine, heavy-set and around 550 to 600 years old. She was wearing a black steel plate, boots of flying, girdle of might and a spirit mask over her face.

Anyone with information is asked to call the TCPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-JADE-EMPIRE.
she's /ss/ coded
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invading the lands of nid to steal away cub-warriors?
>age: 13
>str: 11
He's not Human, he's Human+ Ulmite.
>Illwinter doesn't want cunny but they're fine with underaged boys
Imagine the smell ...
How do you quote replies from other boards? Anyway, Caelum... fuck caelum
>404 not found
damn you got me :(
The answer is simple: Illwinter aren't lolicons, they're just straight up pedophiles
yeah we know
Xmas dlc?
Thank you, Caesar Augustus, hail the state, hail the Roman empire! And possibly Jesus.
Isn't Santa one of the heroes for Pythium?
I'm literally Santa Clause give me your milk and cookies
Also good boys and girls AI in their games at the slightest convenience
render unto caesar
ai players get coal
Santa Claus is more like a berzerking niefelheim giant clad in wild brown furs that captures bad children and takes them to the woods never to be seen again.
this is how rimvaetti are made
Shotafraud can't keep getting away with this
Santa Claus is already in the game with the Allfather chassis
Deda Mraz is my favorite Dominions pretender
Jesus is like a twiceborned virtue pretender (twiceborn still works because God)

Merry Christmas anons!
setting the timer for all my games to 72 hours
>setting the timer for all my games to 72 hours
Based Goodmin
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I've just gone AI, in all my games, because of badmin, thanks, badmin, plus, my ally backstabbed me, enjoy fighting vs AI, sweat, oh, and the answer, is Nigger, dumbasses.
cool story bro
im going to rape you
"Patchouli" Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas KNigowledge
will this heinous villain EVER face justice? has the world of rEAlly_fun_game gone MAD?
yoooo check it, lil bro just got raped by another man in the ASS
MAd Ermor here, gg to everyone.
I have 0 understanding of how to play freespawn-popkill nats at all, I wanted to make my first foray into it so I borrowed build from someone and it turned out to be utter dogshit, should have gone with dracolich instead. Safe to say my understanding hasn't gotten any better.
>Each of them is given a fur, a weapon and an obligation to kill.
Sigh... those were the days...
>cast Gift of Reason
>*switches nation*
>Summon Succubus
Yep... it's gaming time
But it's turn 12, how bad could your position possibly be?
Jotun took out the province where I had second fort coming up, and killed most of my forces at like 0 losses, I don't have gold for another one. Bogus and some villains took a shit on some of my crucial provinces and vanilla mapgen cucked me a bit. I have like 1 D site, I probably fucked up summoning too many censors early on instead of getting more bishops/spectators, and my build ain't very good.
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>Virgin Girl Sacrifice
>Terrorizing civilians with otherworldly horrors

What is this retarded ideology called and how can we eradicate it and the people following it?
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Just do what the enemy did to make shit this retarded. Keep normalizing it for years, repeat that it's good in the face of criticism, if they disagree then they're a vocal minority that doesn't matter and is also simultaneously a dangerous faction that everyone else must fear if they value being good people.

It's either I have to play god awful vanilla, or deal with domg going AI at the first attack
Welp that's one cancer dealt with
But anon... Slop is le heckin bad discord troon mod, don't you know??
you are supposed to only make lictors with a hellbless

you quite literally cannot die to anyone 1v1, probably even 1v2, if you get magic weapons + BV + reforming flesh + fire and shock resist

there's no counter at all until late game
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It's a Christmas Miracle!
But how is that supposed to work? Until you hit like conj 3 you can summon 1 lictor/ mage turn that doesn't strike me as very effective, especially with how random Knights trickle really is. And you also need some priests to bless them (summoned with same mage turns) and more mages to research and summon (again, mage turns).
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The Jew FEARS the Spaniard
Give me a QRD of slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop slop and I might consider joining your game
Anon is being a faggot, ermor is actually very fragile in the first year. Expansion is also quite tricky.
Early freespawn is going to struggle to defend properly against a rush where two borders touch. You have a lot of defense in depth, and on defense you need to use that. Every turn you retreat is another turn of skeletons you have to fight with. Medium sized groups of skeletons will rape pd, but freespawn hordes need to hit a critical mass where they completely overwhelm your opponent by literally enveloping them on all sides and hitting exhaustion caps on all their units, or they'll just get murdered because they're garbage chaff.
This means it's basically impossible for you to defend any specific singular location during your first year, but you can definitely win raiding wars by holding more land than your opponent.

TL;DR you probably needed to take the loss on your in construction fort instead of defending it. Sunk costs and all that.

You should also be putting your first fort adjacent to your cap in the most defensible retarded shitter location possible. You only care about having a fort, not the resources you get out of it, so optimizing for resources is a waste. Skeletons don't need food or resources.

Your position doesn't sound unsalvageable to me at all unless you lost LITERALLY everything in that battle and are going to just die in three turns, so I'd recommend you not go AI.
It's NEVER over.
Especially not when domg vets have no idea how to fight ermor.
How paranoid should I be about an early ethereal rush as MA China? I want to take good scales, but without an awake or at least dormant pretender there is literally nothing you can do against ethereal units in the first 12-16 turns.
I'm Jotun and I don't think it's gg quite yet tho dude. I don't have supply items so sieging your waste cap is tough. Plus your popkill bro is arriving to help you out.
if there's a bandar, then very paranoid
What do you call a monkey who can serve a drinker? A bandartender.
Popkill solidarity
And in general? I haven't yet joined a game, but I want to prepare a build and test it a few times against AI.
I wouldn't be worried about it at all.
Shit can happen but it likely won't
Ok, thanks
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Third reroll. How do I build fortifications? Or are they found and have to be taken over? Also: this music is very well done.
Any commander (meaning any character on the left side of your screen that you can move on the map, not just a common soldier who must be assigned to somebody) can build a fort. Look in their list of commands. You'll also want to familiarize yourself with labs and temples because all three of these are important.
Yeah I turned it off after a while because it was getting stuck in my head but it's good, I agree. One of the tracks sounds a lot like Skyrim but that's not really a negative.
>Also: this music is very well done.
Dominions 4 music was 100x better, not sure why they changed it in 5 & 6
I'll go ahead and familiarize you myself:
Temples: spread your dominion around so you can benefit from your scales and your prophet and pretender also have better stats in friendly dominion as well as a morale bonus for all units. I feel like I'm forgetting something big and obvious about dominion but temples are the main way to spread it.
Labs: your wizards must be in a province with a lab in order to research, cast a ritual spell (the term for all spells not cast in combat, which consume a full turn and some gems), or create a magic item
>I feel like I'm forgetting something big and obvious about dominion but temples are the main way to spread it.
1. if you ever run out you die outright
2. provinces without your dominion have a small ticking amount of unrest
>check madLAdz cuz I missed out
>turn 6, two AI
Ah, true champions.
turn 6 already???
better hand out some more extensions, i dont like this fast pace we're moving in.
or ill go ai in that case as well.
I missed out too, they should restart and let us in to replace the two AIs
>6 turns in 3 days
omg so slow
implying two OTHER people wont randomly go AI

seriously this general is gey
in what world has it been 3 days since that game started?
u ok dude?
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Actually I take it back, discord games seem like they have less AIs but people just half ass their turns or auto end them to stealth AI. Everyone who plays this game is a cunt
22nd and 26th are 3 days apart? u ok?
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>wee hours of the 26th
Really stretching anon
Are you the butthurt Ungern AInon?
Do your turn
Control your normie addiction to MP, retvrn to SP
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trawling through my pictures and I found this again
Where did the artist for this go I'm still waiting for the nanners animation
went ai
>starts insulting some random dude thats completely unrelated
butthurt much? you need to relax
Licensing, I think.
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Ok Ungern. Thanks for doing your turn.
why are you namefagging tho?
are you lost? d*scord is that way
Why are you still buttblasted about a game you already went AI in?
Ok little miss obsessed. Thanks for thanking me for doing my turn.
why are you buttblasted right now? you need to take a chill-pill.
I'm not a huge fan of faggots who rage quit games
its not a ragequit, its protesting against retarded extensions because that shit is retarded, literally and figuratively, simple as.
Are people seriously complaining about christmas extensions
>oh noes badmin made a decision that barely affected my life in order to extend a courtesy to anons who may optionally need it on Christmas
It is a rage quit and I bet you do it a lot on here
>its not a ragequit, heres why
>uhm akshaully it is a ragequit because uhh i say so
sure thing homie, im done talking to you see you later alligator
>gets btfo
>ragequits discussion
Try not to ragequit any other games in the future over inconsequential reasons plz
this guy's going to get so mad one day he'll ragequit life
Disgusting. I hold my fellow TC intellectuals to a much higher standard than this pathetic display.
We are the elite of /domg/ and should act like it.
you know its just one guy samefagging right
You need to use javelin expansion as MA Ermor, although the tempo is weird as you need to overcommit in case you run into 3 indy priests. I question if an awake expander can give you a strong enough bless to be competitive in the midgame.
Completely agree with everything here, with the slight addition that Ermor wants to build higher tier forts and reanimate ghouls to play the siege defense game. Let them try to siege out your 1000 siege hp forts with 150 siege defense while you concentrate forces to knock them off 1 fort at a time. Ghouls are essential as they are both your siege defense and non-mindless chaff, the latter of which is huge verses astral magic.

Also, it can be worthwhile to prophetize your first arch bishop to get an H4. This allows you to reanimate 2 lictors a turn, and have access to the power of the sepulchre spell which is nice.
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>its not a ragequit, its protesting
>it's not a ragequit
>I just got mad and quit!
>it's different!
I hope you destroy everything you love in the name of ... protesting. Your offense at people such as myself asking for extensions to be with family over fucking christmas is the sign of a defective person.

I will spend time with my son in a manner which your parents never did with you. We'll play catch, probably some board games and then go for a hike.

this is also gaaaaaaay
I AI IRL so I can spend more time on Dominions turns (and lose anyway)
>the giant swatting at the birds
>too distracted to notice Roberto the Scout lead the two henchmen into a trap by the forest >Arturo the commander and Carmelia the witch hunter lay in ambush
>the milita almost got the drop on the witch hunter but the last falcon sacrificed itself to give Carmelia time to stand back up
>After the two dealt with the chaff, now things became 4v1 against the 'Adite who is still a formidable enemy
>But being harrased and blinded by the fire of the witch hunter was too much and he too fell eventually.
>The Commander got battle fright
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Bros the Pyrene coomer meme went too far, I'm actually gooning while I play them nowadays, the west has fallen
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these mdfk are the best knights (or knight equivalent) of MA
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I am checking Ys out and wtf they have few tendies. Funny that the Fomorian God King returns after thousands of years.

So, high dom & income to produce the knights, ideally awake expander to help fuel the early economy because the mages cost 500 gold and the sacreds are 135
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ooooooooooooh now I am beginning to understand the drawings of the morgen & merrow
>awake expander
Good luck making your knights with no scales bro.
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but awake expander means more provinces earlier, which means more income, which means more money!
scales takes time to kick in... how about a dormant nerid? but this tendie offers me no crosspaths...
All your best mages and knights get produced in your capital, the rest is chaff shit or stinky ass merrows. Faster expansion won't increase the amount you have, scales will.
I get it thanks, I am now seeing what pretender would be best... imprisoned father of the sea?
Depends on who wants a piece of you underwater, you could take an awake to counter them. But you'd need at least 2 production to pump out knights.
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>nerid for more growth
>growth only gives +1% to gold
>expands population -> more recruitment points -> more resources -> more knights from your cap (if you survive)
isn't 0.60% a whooping 180+ pop each turn on a 30.000 pop capital?
underwater nations have fewer pretenders to choose from in general because their pretender needs to be able to be underwater.
I can't tell you the exact math, but on growth 2, I have a 47000 pop capital by turn 45. It will supercharge your lategame economy. I can't say I can see Ys ever winning if they can't flood the map with morvarchs.
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hmm so this is how it works. I would be inclined to think order matters much than growth for rp.
right, and making more tendies only for them would mean exactly that.
could you please tell me what scales do you think Ys would need for marverni? 2 order, 2 growth, 2 production sounds silly
going out of town
no access to computer
I am a badmin
Setting turn timer to 96 hours, should be back slightly before then though
sorry anons
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2 production is the minimum you should take, growth 2 is also really helpful later on. The rest depends on how you wanna do things.
>ideally awake expander
The knights are your expanders
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REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, I had a gigabrain supersquad set up to bog down that SC until eventually one of the spells got through and it gets popped before it finishes its buff script
how is Phlegra fighting you, Jotunheim, and AI Ind all at the same time
Phlegra owns the top half of the map and I am not convinced that any of the other land nations have tactics beyond 'send lots of guys and cast blessing on them'
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>send lots of guys and cast blessing on them
that's the best strategy though
Dominions is not supposed to be balanced.
is this 40k 10th edition
makes sense
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alright let's test this on a SP game-
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is this a wet dream? pun intended
Only problem is the resource costs. In their infinite wisdom, Illwinter has made it so that underwater forts do not get resources from neighbouring land provinces, and vice versa
... so I am screwed in this game? lol
Probably, 165 resources is only 2 morvarchs a turn
exactly. Man you know this game to a t
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you know I wouldn't have a problem with that if random map gen wouldn't be so terrible
After playing Vanarus for a bit I'm beginning to realize how badly I need a rainbow tendie to craft boosters instead of waiting on Vanabog random paths/ national heroes.
>have paths for storm demons
>need a B random Vanabog
>have paths for wind of death
>need a D random Vanabog and two boosters
>have paths for wailing winds
>need a G random Vanabog and two boosters
>can craft a mirage crystal with a A1E1G1 sage
>need an empowerment and two boosters
Every time I roll a F random Vanabog I die a little inside
You can draw your own
Vanarus is for gacha players
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i should really read the manual
because i dont know how anyworks
I really like the magic paths and their troops but I hate their mages so much
>need more thunder strikers, let's recruit some sages
Oh I love everyone in the Rus lineup myself, they're just objectively all over the place, hope the tides of luck are with you
I like EA Rus but my enjoyment of the Rus nations fall off significantly over the ages, maybe Zemaitia will change my mind
>hope the tides of luck are with you
Well I got Illmarine and Baba Yaga so maybe they are, really lacking in air gems though. Absolutely swimming in death gems however
Drawing a map is retard easy though
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good lord that's terrifying
your aim is to avoid them. they are basically a wall.
basically get around them with whatever means available to you and target the commanders.
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>Dies to
Thankfully for Agartha players, nobody knows how to use short ranged spells before the battle is over and the mages are retreating.
>range 25
What did Illfraud mean by this
>nobody knows how to use short ranged spells before the battle is over
this is 100 percent me
i dont even know what the range means
like is every tile 5 range or something
i also dont know how to move my guys up without them dying
Advance and cast doesn't advance, it just casts...
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This might help.
Isn't it dynamic depending on army size in 6?
yes, counterintuitively you have to do 'attack' to make them move forward
(Attack)(Attack)(Spell you want)
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>Distance from centre
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I was trying to be cool last time and did a (SelfBuffCast)(SelfBuffCast)(Attack)(Cast) and ran into the enemy frontline who were on horseback.
i got trauma from doing this
so i never tried it again
>all astral one person spells are range 100
>this super niche spell is one fourth of that
lines are five squares apart? I am unconvinced
I just want to do a build centered around the silly 20 range spells
>Take Farcaster bless
>confuse the shit out of opponent seeing extremely niche close range spells for the first time

Is there anything else that increases spell range outside of stuff like [+5 / lvl]?
any items?
of course, there is one item per path. 25% of the spell during combat and 1 province for rituals.
But the extension got rolled back
You got what you wanted and went AI anyways
some do, but if you want it on demand you have to make your own game with it
Dominions is fundamentally stupid.
To make your commanders do things you have to press SHIFT+P for example and that's two keys. It would mean that there is an action for P by itself but there isn't and that's fundamentally stupid. Worse, after six iterations of the game the interfase is awful and there is no option to customize the keys.
Anon everyone knows peaceful protesting accomplishes nothing
If someones a badmin then you need to rape them irl
what does this do
>Luck scales
>-100% tax in capital
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>ape in really fun game went ai
wtf why
guys im failspanding so hard right now with Piconye
>deprived me of revenge
Did China kill him?
Preach. Technically it's shift+p because the game is CASE SENSITIVE FOR SOME REASON HOLY SHIT WHY
Do NOT press it. Anon is trolling you
its because R and shift+R have different functions for example
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Host a new game, NOW!
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expansion is lookin good boys
whats the third realm?
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Rate my MA TC awake expander

With an Enchanted Shield and Alteration 1 for Blurred Body the pretender can take on a decent amount of indies and help expand underwater. Over time you can give him more gear to take on stronger indies.

The pretender can only really start expanding on turn 3, but in return you get decent scales for an awake pretender.

The only thing that really counters this build are multiple attacks and low size indies due to the harass penalty. On the other hand, it's really strong against missile heavy indies.
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>ghost king has 18 defense & 15 attack with its rod
motherfucker is built different
>also has a boots slot
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This is him fully equipped on turn 12 in my expansion test with 17 provinces btw. The wound he has is Limp which subtracts 1 defense. He got it while fighting Wolf tribe with their double daggers that ripped his defense to shreds. Usually he hovers around 10-20 defense even when almost completely surrounded.
I am ambivalent...
The spear is mostly for the additional +2 defense. The occasional repel is just a nice extra. Although you could exchange it for an ice sword with +3 defense, but you get more astral pearls than water gems (2 pearls vs 1 gem) from your capital, so it's easier to make a spear.

It's mostly ethereal + defense that keeps him alive until the enemy routs. Although I wouldn't do risky expansion before getting him some full armor, due to wounds being permanent. Which is kinda bs to be honest since he's a fucking ghost. Who ever heard of a ghost that got wounded?
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Ape had some weird acid bow hellbless and he just sent in naked archer apes and archer yavanas with no mage support into China.
Lets just say there wasn't much hope left for the macaco.
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True that, I was anticipating him to attack me with his final ape stack. Sad!
Why not just use the old reliable earth serpent?
Anyhow, it's not like MA TC struggles with expansion anyway, it feels like a scales nation to me.

I guess if you wanna try something different? You have plenty of water access so it shouldn't be too hard to dive underwater even without a tendie
what nation has the absolute fastest research in the game?
any with access to inspiring researcher
which nation gives me the most amount of bitches(in real life)
Inspiring researcher pretender
Cheap research monkeys
Easy to get non fort mages
Shitty research on the non fort mages
It's how I managed to stay relevant despite not being able to expand well as the LA Man MA Ulm Uruk team with DRAIN 3
I outresearched every other player in the game with drain 3
arguably late age females
In that case, out of protest, I am going AI
>the fairer sex's greatest minds get together in a matriarchal nation
>immediately use their knowledge to free the race of extremely tall and handsome cannibal serial killers who like using smaller race females as onaholes
couldn't say for sure, probably Ulmchads (you can craft your own gfs)
a man thats sucks dick everyday is less of a faggot then you
based breeder
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wow that is a pretty good recruit anywhere researcher
i would breed her so hard
ok so theoretically if i have to choose between death2 fortune2 or growth2 mis2 on a build which one is actually better for pure gold income purposes
You forgot Ashdod
I didn't know if he was even alive still
He's just that ahead. The wrong nations got rushed during early game and now there's not much the neighbours can do about it.
I think you're confusing Ind and Ashdod, the latter of which is still decently alive.
>don't have the tools to do so because no blood magic
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What's this icon?
I don't have much scouting information because I never got a scout province so almost everything north of Jotunheim and former Machaka is ??? to me
Research bonus for the individual unit
go look at their national spells
why do you need a icon for that why not just put that in the stats
You dare question Shillfraud's vision?
im about to play my first game. what am i in for?
Oh wait they can summon something, I thought you were talking about grigoris. Glamour anakites, funny. They don't have homesickness either which is super cool. If I'd play feminie, i'd definetly go blood/death just to summon grigoris in a longshot.
You will be RAPED
rape(its me thats going to rape you)
Singleplayer or Multiplayer?
Either way you'll be fighting AI
no IM going to rape him!!
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Probably a lot of mistakes that you will only come to understand by mid-game. Play to the end, watch what other players are doing that's working for them, and you will learn a lot.
terrible show
The first half of the first episode is good. Everything after I just headcanon as a romance anime between Kodaka and Yozora
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If someone made a new game I'd be one happy guy
Don't AI all your games bro.
>oooooooh, that's how- fuck.
>LA Zemaitia is on the inspector now
I didnt I made a funny new build I want to try
Don't join too many games bro.
I am only in 2 and a third one would be perfectly healthy
Please I swear I'm a responsible /domg/ger
This... is not that new
we all know you went ai in your other 5 games bro
No, that was me, and I did it, to protest my ally, backstabbing me
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you should call your mom(i raped her and then buried her alive) :)
It's a brand new nation with a brand new name and lore, you fucking chud.
How good is Unsurroundable?
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post dominions OC youve made or found
if they're a really good unit that will reliably 1 shot lesser units, it's quite good. If they're average units not really, cause repeated attacks while surrounded will quickly negate it
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It's a hard life in Fomoria...
i dont have any i hate dominions
kek ;)
Surely you're running out of funds at this point...
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I may have been taken out of the running to actually win this game, but I'm still breathing.
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>Why not just use the old reliable earth serpent?
I did try it, but it feels too expensive. It limits prod to 1 and you can't go for the good earth blesses without going down in scales. And I believe you want somewhat balanced Prod/Order scales for your troops.

>it's not like MA TC struggles with expansion anyway
It got good archers and efficient frontline chaff, but I personally struggle against heavy inf/heavy caff. Having to switch to troops without shields like pikes/glaive is also kinda awkward when your main army is made out of archers.

>it feels like a scales nation to me
My idea was too get as many provinces as quickly as possible to get some forts up. The first tier of TC forts allows you to 1-turn recruit mages and takes only 6 turns to build. I think getting out mages and research is critical for TC, because your troops and sacreds are rather average and will not be able to hold against good sacreds with a strong bless.

>You have plenty of water access so it shouldn't be too hard to dive underwater even without a tendie
Yeah, but that'll take a lot of turns. It's nice to get the extra income early to leverage it for expansion.

But to be fair, I did pick the Ghost King, because I wanted to see if I could make it work. Also I don't have much MP experience so take everything I said with a grain of saly
Literal autism.

Research points are calculated using the unit's magic paths. Additional research, not derived from magic paths, is added with a trait to show that it's extra good at research than one would assume.
>3 unlucky
The male MC 100% deserved his bad end desu
I think it's a good thing to have the icon since it means at a glance you know it's more efficient than you'd think for the gold price.
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oh that makes sense
thank you!!
Who cares about misfortune when you fort every province of worth and fill it with old, ugly bastards who can literally predict the future.
I say DIOS
you say MIO
Hey, I didn't say it's a good build! Stop being mean!
Rate the other one instead! You can be as mean as you want with that one
What's the cheapest thug gear you can think of in SCBM?
>4 dom with an incarnate bless
you say VETERAN
Let me introduce you to gem thieves and troglodytes
It Depends on the thug and its purpose
>4 dom with an incarnate bless
You see, low dom is actually good, because it makes it spread faster and you got sacred summons anyway so you don't need to rely on your knights that much. Either way it's a very cheap bless anyway.

Good point. I just didn't feel like sacrificing the income especially when you get better admin from your forts than other nations and the dominion buff is added multiplicative. Not sure if it's the right call though.

>Let me introduce you to gem thieves and troglodytes
Is it really that bad?
>low dom is actually good, because it makes it spread faster
wait what
>You see, low dom is actually good
I'm the one who told you that and it was for a build that wasn't recruiting any sacreds. If you're spending for a sacred bless, you want holy points.
>You see, low dom is actually good, because it makes it spread faster
Your scales aren't so good that you want them to be spreading everywhere.
>Is it really that bad?
1. You need to actually recruit the fortune tellers to stop the bad events on your forts
2. The fortune tellers won't save you from barbs and trogs running over every non-forted province
3. misfortune is fucking horrible in dom6
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Yeah, with high dom your provinces are deep wells that take up time to fill and with low dominion they are shallow ponds and your dominion spills over into neighboring provinces. It's also nice for scouting.

>I'm the one who told you that
Really? I don't remember where I heard it, but I don't think it was here as I don't usually lurk here.

>If you're spending for a sacred bless, you want holy points.
Hmm, to be honest the only reason I picked the bless is for the ghost king. Maybe I can expand without it, but what else would I pick? All the other death blesses around that price range kinda suck

In my expansion I mostly didn't even recruit my sacreds, because the bless only makes them good knights, but nothing more and outside the prophet's army it's a hassle to bless them and waste early game cap turns to recruit priests.

Isn't 2 order, 2 prod and 2 magic really good? The misfortune sucks, but as I said fortune tellers and order should mitigate some of it.

>You need to actually recruit the fortune tellers to stop the bad events on your forts
Yeah, but your fortune tellers are also your main battle mages and efficient researchers, so you should recruit them anyway.

>The fortune tellers won't save you from barbs and trogs running over every non-forted province
That's why you fort every good province and forget about the rest :^) But seriously, I played a SP game for about 36 turns and I think I only lost two provinces to barbs. So not sure how bad it actually is. Especially when you can make lots of troops to reclaim provinces.

>misfortune is fucking horrible in dom6
In what way exactly? Genuine question.
>Yeah, but your fortune tellers are also your main battle mages and efficient researchers, so you should recruit them anyway.
How many will you have by turn 12? Because trogs and barbs start showing up by turn 12.

>But seriously, I played a SP game for about 36 turns
SP doesn't matter here. Part of the issue with misfortune isn't even about actually losing provinces but about needing to move army to deal with it and missing MA TC's timing rush.
Candles prefer to fill one province before spreading outwards. Lower Dom lowers that cap.
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Your only somewhat affordable awake expanders in vanilla are hard skin earth snake or hard skin white tiger. Earth snake can take harder provs but costs a scale more, tiger can only take weaker provs (not really a problem, as soon as it helps you take your cap ring you're good) and is a better monster for later with its extra buffing paths and stealthy teleports.
You can drop another point of misf for more prod/order but it's misf 2 that lowers your hero chances and you have good heroes, all immortals.
>In what way exactly? Genuine question.
It isn't, he's a retard who's had a couple bad RNG misf games and thinks misf is worse now. Misf didn't change except for not reducing your hero chances as much, which makes misf less punishing, and it changed in that barb attacks now move around if you leave them alone, which is annoying but a real skill issue if you can't deal with it.
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Tiger is the best option if you want a decent expander and production to crank out heavy troops. Tiger can clear provinces by itself, but fuck me if it doesn't get afflictions out the wazoo. You need to research Alt3 if you want it to be as smooth as possible. Squads of 8-10 guards with a shit priest leading it can clear provinces well enough with this bless, although if someone wants to take F/S resist and MW that's ok. Fortitude will make your horse demons tank like nothing though
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Btw I checked the gem events and, unless I missed some, you should be pretty safe against gem thieves if you only build labs in your forts with fortune tellers

The trogs/bars are still a problem, but I wonder if 19 PD is enough to defeat them which you can get for free with eunuch. Prob not but I didn't test it

>How many will you have by turn 12? Because trogs and barbs start showing up by turn 12
You should have a fort up by turn 12 so unless you are really unlucky you can pump out a few mages before that. And even if you are very unlucky you have the ghost king to clean things up.

>SP doesn't matter here.
I meant that as an example of how the event didn't seem to trigger that often. The frequency should be the same in SP and MP.

>Part of the issue with misfortune isn't even about actually losing provinces but about needing to move army to deal with it and missing MA TC's timing rush.
Fair point, but this would be a good use for the pretender after the initial expansion finish while he goes around the provinces to search for death sites anyway.

But what timing are you talking about exactly? TC feels like a nation where you want to bunker down, pump out some mages and hope no one bothers you until you get the good research lvl 5 stuff out.
1) Bad O/P ratio, not enough O and too much P. MA TC's troops cost as much rp as they do res.
2) If you want shartitude it's better to do it with the snake, he has recup and doesn't need the unbreakable, he's a stronger expander and he does it for 10 points less.
Shartitude snake is a good idea for your sacreds, I'd take that if you don't take hard skin tiger.
>You should have a fort up by turn 12 so unless you are really unlucky you can pump out a few mages before that
Ok, answer the question, how many?
Trogs will mow down basically any amount of TC's PD
Barbs depends on the horde size
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Ethereal tiger is another option, and the best one for your expanders. I wouldn't bother summoning celestial hounds with the other blesses but they're worth it with this one.
That's a bad ratio if your fort borders 4-5 mountain provinces with 0 sharing. In my experience you will overlap forts, and forts on borders with 1-2 connections do not have enough resources to recruit anything. You also generally want to build forts on high pop provinces so order is almost always a dump for me on most nations. Unless you are Mari.
>and the best one for your expanders
sacreds, not expanders
I take Luck simply because the morale effect on me the player is enormous
>Luck 2/3
>open turn
>+2000 gold, +fire brand, +30 flagellants, +10 PD on a border province, +5 permanent income from a new trade route
>feel invigorated and eager to do my turn
>Misfortune 3
>open turn
>-1 lab, -10 gems, -15 PD, trogs destroyed my fort in construction, -12000 populaton
>close turn
I think you'd want more than 4 candles if you want O2/P2/M2. Your dom spreads faster when capped low, but it's chance to start to change scales towards what you set is also lower per candle.
>+2000 gold, +fire brand, +30 flagellants, +10 PD on a border province, +5 permanent income from a new trade route
only the flagellants, random PD and 5g happened
>-1 lab, -10 gems, -15 PD, trogs destroyed my fort in construction, -12000 populaton
this never happened
meanwhile I take luck 2 and get 8 indy attacks
Do your turns.
>Your only somewhat affordable awake expanders in vanilla are hard skin earth snake or hard skin white tiger. Earth snake can take harder provs but costs a scale more, tiger can only take weaker provs (not really a problem, as soon as it helps you take your cap ring you're good) and is a better monster for later with its extra buffing paths and stealthy teleports.
Yeah, I agree on earth snake and white tiger being the only other viable awake expanders. Though Ghost king offers death as one of the missing magic paths of TC and can also expand decently if you are careful. But I didn't consider the later game implications and only tested him once in an expansion test.

>You can drop another point of misf for more prod/order but it's misf 2 that lowers your hero chances and you have good heroes, all immortals.
Good point. So you would say that order/prod (and heat?) is less valuable than one less misfortune?

>Ok, answer the question, how many?
0-1. Now answer me a question: How many turns on average after turn 12 would it take to get a barb event?

Damn, ok that's unfortunate.

Is there a reason you are denying me the (You)s? Kinda rude desu

But yes, I also like the ethereal tiger. That's the first awake expander I tried after I saw a build on Youtube. I like how it's basically the only buff your troops can't get through your mages.

Good point, I didn't watch how quickly the scale change. Though if think the most important scale is M2 by a long shot which only becomes relevant after turn 12 or so when your fort is up.
>But yes, I also like the ethereal tiger. That's the first awake expander I tried after I saw a build on Youtube. I like how it's basically the only buff your troops can't get through your mages.
It's a S1 buff, anon. It's the best buff your mages have. But if you take it as a bless, they have plenty of other spells to cast.
I meant the sacred troops. Which you can buff with all kinds of stuff, but I think there is only an area 1 at max ethereal spell
I'm not the same anon but yes i'd have posted the same ethereal build. I consider that you have plenty of opportunities to point buff your army though, fortitude is harder to come by.
There are 9 out of 13 games on Blitzserver with a squidnigger player, why? Can I get a game without them please?
If the name of your nation begins with P, you need to do your turn.
I've also wondered why they're so popular. They rarely seem to do well in any age. Are they just fun or something? I've never tried them. The whole Cthulhu thing has become kinda Reddit at this point.
Yeah! Pangaea, Pyrene, Pelagia, Phlegra, Pythium, Phaecia, Patala and Piconye do your fucking turns!
MA is cancer when not played by a veteran. Meteorite guard are comfy and OP.
Thanks :)

>I consider that you have plenty of opportunities to point buff your army though, fortitude is harder to come by.
Hmm, now if I think about it, you do theoretically have lots of S1 mages who can cast body ethereal 3-4 times on your better troops and summons. Not sure how viable that is, but that would make fortitude technically rarer then ethereal. Although I'm not sure if I missed any spells other than Skeletal Body that also adds fortitude-like effect
This game doesn't have a Squid (yet)
i got 2000 gold last turn in MAd_lads
with misf2
No fair
The "A treasure has been unearthed!" event isn't even that rare desu
>How many turns on average after turn 12 would it take to get a barb event
idk about average but you're looking at 1-2 every 10 turns
I could blitz
I can blitz too
I cranked up the magic site frequency a bit this time.
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>a blitz at 1pm
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i mean 1am
Ok, let's assume every 5 turns there is a barb invasion.
After 5 turns you have at least 5 mages with 10% fortune teller each which adds up to a ~40% chance to block the event. Misfortune 3 on the other hand adds -30% luck and extra event chance. I'm too lazy to do anymore math, but I'd say that 5-10 mages neutralize misfortune completely for that particular province.

So to summarize, on turn 17 when on average a barb invasion should appear, you will cancel it often enough to be on par with someone who had neutral luck. And that is when we go by these pessimistic assumptions.

Although to be honest, I'm not willing to die on this hill. Misfortune scales also increase the amount and severity of possible bad events and I'd need more game actual experience to determine how bad misfortune really is. I mostly just wanted to prove a point with this.
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>this is stupid! who wants to have a war of ascension at 1AM!?
Is there any way to increase ammunition?
SCs shouldn't exist.
LAst Patala imma invade you if you don't do your turn.
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>the secret of the gods you ask?
>divine knowledge?
>mass sacrifices to a forbidden entity?
>no! it's FOUR. FUCKING. ARMS.
If the attacker dies during a project self remote attack does the mage casting the ritual die?
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Oh I guess it is too late for you
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what happened to the two people that said they were going to do a blitz
I'm making my tendie.
>phaeacian queens when they see an unattended marignon boy
Im playing Demons Souls and will make my tendie if the game gets to 3 dudes
They're not very fun, it's actually pretty one note especially the meteorite guard gameplay where you just stack a shit ton of them in front of your squids and they kill everything. And maybe you have some star children running around too.

Although some of the most funniest things I've seen is FLYING THUNDER GOD king in yellow teleporting all around the place while on Simulacrum
>FLYING THUNDER GOD king in yellow teleporting all around the place while on Simulacrum
sounds heckin cozy
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ok since im a neet chad(kill me) guess ill join even tho its late
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im gonna find the hottest goddess
give me a sec
>aqua poster
>is a lazy bum
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Any factions or characters for this feel? New btw
Saddest part was when the White Minotaur hero routed and teamkilled the Pan
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Imagine being a big badass goat super mage and then getting trampled to death by a scared cow in a battle that resulted in an overwhelming victory

>pic related
Just shut the fuck up.
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Why anon?
that was rude..
BUUT I did just scroll over that image myself and ignore, what is going on there I see some blood cups
hope you get hit by a bus
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The character is a vampire and uses blood to buff/do stronger variations of her usual attacks. The cup with the 35 next to it is how much blood she's feasted on, and the blood spiral with the 19 next to it is the amount of hardened blood she has to buff with
The Pan got BVLL'D
But why though? :(
Its over
wtf I love luck now
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yea its over :(
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You could buy 50 scorpions with that kind money
I shant be playing EA Blitz for that is wherest the Yomi belivst
I actually have a build that is specifically designed for countering yomi, I was hoping yomi would join but noplayers oh well.
EA has a lot of annoying and OP meme shit all around. It should be fun for the high magic and shit but I've decided it's my least favorite age in practice. I'm in the minority of LA chads. LA is pure kino.
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>we got a third guy
we so back bros
there are more hot women in ea
so therefor EA is better
>Third guy
Making my tendie now
>Making my tendie now
why not make it before......
LA is my favorite, but I can't say I dislike EA. MA is second place for me though.
I mean yes unironically
I was playing Demons Souls before
You ever think Aqua wants to get plapped but can't get people to realize that this time she's being seductive instead of just oblivious
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>MA R'lyeh
there are more women in ea
so therefor EA is worst age
but women make my wee wee go up
Blame everyone who talked about R'lyeh earlier for reminding me they exist
Really? Gay
are we going to start daiilyblitz?
i dont think we are going to get more people
hold on im making my pretender
pretender my balls :)
is the gaymin for daiilyblitz even alive?
So EA is your least favorite, same as me. I play all three ages and will continue to do so but EA is by far the most likely to make me mad with bullshit.
Things are looking grim
ok im guessing daiilyblitz has failed
yomi out
Late Age Ulm has vampires, even if they are German and not Spanish. While anyone with sufficient Blood and Death magic can summon them once you get down the Blood magic school, Late Age Ulm has a national spell that allows you to get unique vampires immediately at the cost of 44 blood slaves and sufficient Blood and Death magic.
If you want a Spaniard faction with blood though, Late Age Marignon is what you want despite it not having unique vampires.
That all being said, blood nations are typically not recommended for new players, but play what you want.
Greek do turn
I remember when LA Mari had the Vampire Queen.
The House of Justice murdered her freespawn but it was pure kino from an autistic RP perspective.
I always RP when I play. Even if it's just in my own head.
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I really like the looks of both but Marignon genuinely looks more intimidating to play than Ulm, might have to start with the latter
>That all being said, blood nations are typically not recommended for new players, but play what you want
An attempt shall be made regardless!
Marignon is tougher to play for noobs because their expansion phase is trickier.

With Ulm, take at least Death 3 Blood 3 on your Pretender so you can cast Sanguine Heritage and get your blood economy going, and take a minor-moderate bless for your black Templar. Use them in expansion and early wars.
Your pretender should be Dormant so you can start blood hunting and summoning Vampire Counts after expansion.
Members of the Second Tier are bad at blood hunting until you get to Construction 5 and can craft Sanguine Dousing Rods because Blood 2 is twice as good as Blood 1 for blood hunting and they are quite expensive for blood hunting at Blood 1.

Vampire Queen used to suck for them but I took her anyways because waifu, but noe she's quite good.
Blood fountain is a decent choice too for sitting there and summoning your Vampire nobility, and afterwards summoning Vampire Lords.
>opens up Marignon
Ok I take back everything I said about Mari, in Dominions 6 they are pretty badass
LA has the most sovlful nations by far
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Aight, now it's gg for good.
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I chalked this out, not sure if I should go with withering weapons or enchanted blood since both sound pretty good
I was also gonna go with Vampire Queen but she's a bit too tight on the points budget for me, so maybe when I get gooder
what the fuck
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What the fuck
What's the most Miyazaki nation in Dom6?
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Actually, just realized I can do this and then pick out between withering weapons or enchanted blood
Like a quarter of LA fits for the degeneration/stagnation 'zaki feel
the thing about blood is that you need to hunt for slaves and patrol out the unrest it causes
the easiest way is to find a province with 7500-10000 population, build a lab on it, and sit 4-8 blood mages there to hunt, keep adding summoned hawks or the cheapest recruitable units with a commander to patrol until the unrest stops going up turn to turn
also forge sanguine dowsing rods for the hunters

then you can make more of these setups to get even more slaves
>I mean, how bad can knights REALLY be?
Anon... your bless points... I...
This is them randomly attacking me, in the province I just conquered. I'm not even sure if it even had my dominion yet, though misfortune probably spilled over a bit,
I decided tot take out pret to harass Jotun a bit, and I got immediately annihilated.
>pick out between withering weapons or enchanted blood
Oh shit, I just read your post again and realized I have been too eager in my attempt to make fun of you

I humbly apologize and beg for your forgiveness
Wow, that is really unfortunate. My condolence
I always pick a hellbless so when I AI on turn 3 my aids scales will help burn down my territory so NO ONE can enjoy being in the same with me
Don't forget to pillage. Take your rightful property (the population and their belongings) with you into the afterlife.
Yeah the other anon mentioned dousing rods, I suppose the first order of business is rushing construction 5.
I can always go back to something simpler if it doesn't work out, but I am ready to give it an earnest shot first!
Apology accepted, anon :)
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If you want Blood Fountain try this

Astral will allow you to teleport, shouldn't be too vulnerable to Magic Duel with Astral 4 plus you have fucktonnes of Astral magi who will back him up anyways, but you want to teleport him to a non cap province if you want to bloodhunt with him.

Death 4 and Blood 5 allow you to cast Sanguine Heritage and Curse of Blood, it's hard to put Death Boosters on a fountain.

The Bless gives you beefy expansion parties, you can easily expand with small groups of Black Templar with this.

Misfortune 2 is generally an avoid but with Ulm you have Fortune Tellers so it mitigates it a bit

Magic 3 supercharges your research

Growth is good to take if you are bloodhunting especially as you will be killing population

Order and Production are important for economy and macro, plus allow you to produce your resource heavy Black Templar expansion parties

Heat 1 is generally better than Cold 1 in Late Age because of Atlantis

Undead Command because I had a point left over and you might be in a position where you need to ferry some Demons somewhere

You probably won't have Teleport when he wakes up but it's better than waiting for an Imprisoned and if you really want you can do some LIMITED blood hunting in the Capitol just to get a Vampire Count out who can then in turn go blood hunt in the provinces.

Recruit a Wolf Herd here and there with your extra Commander Points to produce freespawn Lance Catchers in expansion, and later produce blood province patrollers. Wolves are shitty patrollers but they cost no upkeep and you will be spawning a lot every turn so they are ideal for that purpose after expansion.
That... looks a lot simpler than what I did but the scale spread speaks for itself. I'm assuming the undying will still claim some lives in the end since the knights are living, but they still have a chance to survive with enchanted blood assuming they don't go too deep into the negatives.
Yeah all of this sounds really good to me. Do you also have a good Vamp Queen build for me to try out too?
They will always survive after the battle with Enchanted Blood because there are a few rounds for Regen/Poison/Bleeding Out at the end, it's just 10 extra HP with active regeneration which is an amazing synergy.
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Na'Ba's bless in MAd_lads
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vamps r kool
You fighting him Shinu?
Thank you
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Also here's a good Vampire Queen.
With 3 Blood Boosters she can Summon Demon Lords, cast Looming Hell
5 Dom points should be okay because that's what you will be recruiting pretty much for expansion parties

I just realized that I didn't put a Bless, take Enchanted Blood and Undying
Cool I'll send you some D gems or something since I hate sand niggers
Ah, thank you lots, genuinely, I will be unleashing these on the poor SP world soon enough
New game
>no sloops
Anon at least let them have fun with a turn 0 Expander
>no slops
I sleep
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anyone else a little bummed out about caelum having a cringe zoroastrian theme instead of a based tibetan buddhist theme?
i mean come on,
>highest mountain peaks
>air, lightning
these are perfect characteristics for tibetan buddhism
It's fucking Illwinter
The caelian tribes do a good job representing the struggle between the truth and the lie though, raptors must hang
If anything the game doesn't have enough cool zoroastrian and persian content

where's the simurgh illfraud this is like fantastical flying persianoid freespace
no improved spellcasting?
pwetty pwease?
No fun allowed!
She will Blood Hunt, she will cast Sanguine Heritage, and she will defend and retake lost provinces.
Interesting how Immortals no longer need to be inside your own Dominion to respawn, but sadly she is weak in enemy dom by virtue of being a Pretender
You ask, and I deliver
ermor newcutie...
>Interesting how Immortals no longer need to be inside your own Dominion to respawn
They never did, unless they specifically had 'Dominion Immortality'
Damn, that sucks ass
okay I'll play a honest nation thanks!
lemme make the tendie...
They did in Dom 4
>cringe zoroastrian
>based tibetan buddhist
found the cringe zoroastrian
i dont even know what a zororostralian is
Freddy Mercury was one
Yeah and either way naming them in Latin is off-flavor.
you make a good point
What is exciting about tibetian buddhism, did you fall for the dalai lama psyop or something
>somehow Persians are cringe
Found the CIA operative
what if the masters/warriors of the five elements left TC (except for a few who became alchemists in MA) for the mountains to meditate and ohhhhhhm
and the masters of the sword are there too because why not and they're sacred now
>masters of the sword are there too because why not and they're sacred now
>dalai lama psyop
what do you mean by that
Extensive presence of mahakalas, I guess.
The part where the dude is literally funded by the CIA and peddles complete bullshit about what buddhism actually entails dumbed down for new age hippies so that he can get funding
he is.
also had ties to the SS.
the SS was a vajrayana buddhist cult.
Holy based.
based, tibetan nazi LA nation when
>the SS was a vajrayana buddhist cult
The SS was full of genuine psychos, I forget if it was Himmler or Goebbels who was convinced that the earth was hollow and all of the true aryans were on the inside
It's called agartha
wtf someone make a LA game so I can RP as >>507816230 TRVE ARYANS
yeah thats straight from tibetan buddhist mythology.
its called "shambhala".
mongols and tibetans believe in it and the entrance is supposedly either in the himalayas or in kashgaria.
>the SS was a vajrayana buddhist cult.
No. Even Blavatsky wasn't. Nazi just sucked up to anyone who could be used as to cnage the power vector in the region.
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>dalai lama is a SS Nazi CIA operative
*could be used to change
yes. SS mythology is completely invented and buddhist/germanic mythology mixed together.
Shambhala wasn't underground.
Is there a CIA nation in Dominions
It's not Himmler's fault he found so many blue eyed buddhas during his digs.
They were Theosophists just like the current year UN
Ulm has illuminati
LA Ulm
MA/LA Abysia and LA Ulm are run by glowies. Late Pyrene on the other hand is just run by dumb himbo and bimbo demons
Why does this copy/paste order shit not work? How exactly do I do it? I've used ctrl 1 in every screen and my saved orders screen is empty
>Late Pyrene is just run by dumb himbo and bimbo demons
Have you seen how Epstein looked like when he was younger?
>dumb himbo and bimbo demons
so also glowies
You do your script, control number on it, then press the number on someone else.
Can't believe you made me Google that
I don't understand. Can you be more exact with the where and how?
Ctrl + shift + (1-9) to save it
hover your mouse over the script in the army list, (1-9) to paste it,
absolutely chivalrous
Ah ctrl AND shift. I knew it was something stupid. Thanks anon.
i have never used shift in that equation and it works the same brother...
anon you are not using the propper screen hold on
oh it does, you're right
i must be mixing something up
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you hover over THIS screen and ctrl + 1 to copy a script and then hover over another commander and click 1 to paste it.
Oh and it's 1 to 0
Another thing, you can move commanders and squads with the arrow keys for more precise placement. I believe each arrow press is 5 squares but MAYBE it's 1 square...
It didn't work for me until I hit shift. Am I retarded?
The hotkeys are weirdly case sensitive. Did you have caps lock on?
Don't think so
>I’ve had my revelry in the wild, now I’m looking for a nice stable civilization to settle down in
Visionary Illwinter
would join but im too retarded to play without sloopmod. im not going to subject myself to the shame of accidently forging a bunch of smashers instead of dwarven hammers again yet again.
>too retarded to play without sloopmod
so proud of you for coming out of the closet, sloptard
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Truly a battle for the ages
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What the fuck?
>ermor petulantly breaks my beautiful (under construction) fort
>chad knights of the brown clover order arrive the very same turn to teach that bitch some CHIVALRY for her foul vandalism.
misfortune is always the best choice
is dis mad lads
I've been playing slop free for a good... two months and I tell you it's not fun. But I kinda forgot how it feels already. Casting cool rituals with with fewer gems, forging shitty trinkets at reasonable prices and not 10 air 10 fire...
>j*wps r*ddit d*scord m*d
w*w l*d
I'm sure you also genuinely believe the Sprite Overhaul is bad solely because it's a modification.
I am offended. I'll only play Na'Ba from now on
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>one guy is hold up 4 of my games
maybe its a girl and she likes u

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