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Lamp of Malice (until 31 December)

Featured Banners:
Wanderer Princess Lanavaille (until 31 December)
Knight Errant Gerard the Thundersmiter (until 31 December)
Abenius of the Glintblade (until 15 January)

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Previous >>507106745
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>Take a break from the game for a bit, only grabbing login rewards here and there
>Stop around the 2nd attempt to save the King and before the map opens up
>Come back and save the King
>Find out Debra has a plot dungeon

Well I'll be damned
teams for tower?
Your best one
>bail on 1st floor after walking on every trap and going the wrong direction every time
Is 6 mages good?
Is 6 mages your best team?
Do you know what enemies and how many encounters should i expect or not?
I gave you an answer fix your fucking SEAnigger brain
You didn't give shit you retarded faggot brownie. Does it have heals and if so how many? Does it have boss encounters? What element are the enemies? How many encounters should i expect per floor?
NTA but how about you play the fucking video game you joyless cunt
I'm sorry, it looks like your SEAnigger brain is terminal.
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lambert quest is fixed. bondmate effect is boost to magic power.
I don't remember asking for your opinion.
Cute projection, next time try to learn about the subject you're giving advice, might save you the embarassment.
>can't claim rewards from floors
Honestly, I am not surprised anymore.
Your brain has decayed to a deeply concerning point SEAniggy, you need to seek help instead of concerning yourself with mobile games.
>try to look smart
>get called out
>shit the thread instead of admitting you're retarded
Can a non-thirdworlder link a guide?
holy kek
I hope one day you get off dial up so you can use google without going broke, brownoid.
Still seething brownie?
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>decide to go all in on the new girl despite my better judgement
>was 400 gems off but whatever, I can get those from daily in just few days to finish off
>accidentally clicked wrong bones once so I am now at 78 points instead of 89 to finish it with the last 10 roll
Legit thinking of quitting the whole game over this, I am so damn retarded. I didnt even get the girl yet. I hate gacha so unbelievably much
Login bonus gives 2025 gems, so you will have 10-pull from that
Did you get her at least in 70 rolls?
I did 60 pull and got only 2 spooks
Imagine going all in on a chick this basic, who will be added to the free pool in a month or two.

Imagine also being under 20k at this point to begin with. I don't understand anyone rolling already, we haven't got any limiteds aside from Flut and she was free.
Holy gachabrain, I can't imagine caring about anything other than whether you like a character when rolling
I rolled for flut and got her, only to then find out everyone gets her for free from the log in bone. What asshole move
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Can't get it lower, theoretically possible but holy fuck I keep getting unlucky in one floor or another

Here's a small hint
don't stop to cure the poison. at all
You have to pick your battles, buddy. I've already got 20k reserved for an SSR upgrade to my favorite SR. The next 20k will go on a fairy or tiny elf banner, and the 20k after that is free for cute characters.

Should've read the small print.
Me too. I only did one 10 roll because I got bored savoring the risk for 2 months already so not I lost much, but it still feed kinda bad knowing I could have gotten her without paying up anything. The devs is fumbling really hard when it comes to gacha stuff.
>gacha brain
But i thought this was a game, not a gacha. Wanting to play with every character available is normal for games.
>Wanting to play with every character available is normal for games.
Did you mean: Picking one character and then never touching any character other than the single one you main.
So what's the deal with the new tower or dungeon or whatever it is?
Is this another daily? A weekly? Something i should do immediately?
No, i mean what i said. Whether i keep using them is another thing entirely. You always have the option to use them.
It's a beta run of what will likely be a monthly or something. Do it whenever you feel like it.
Seasonal competition for whales
>Something i should do immediately?
If you were farming all this time, sure, you have a chance to be in top-5k and get some scraps
Otherwise, might as well wait because you are getting scraps either way
First 10 pull
Sorry to hear about your imminent death in a traffic accident
It's a speedrun event. The faster you get to the end, the higher your placement.
Are the floors randomized every time you enter? I should've read the dialogue closer and just assumed it was randomized per reset or something.
The map is the same every time
How do I even get to higher floors. I cant find second teleporter, is it something else?
What are all these urgent quests ending in a few hours? New dailies?
Urgent quests are added randomly by the staff.
I think it's "event" that will last for next 20 days
If so, it's free 20 tags+a lot of exp
Likely the reason is, it's very hard to switch invested characters, so it might incentivize pulling
I wonder if it's better in the long run to inherit her skill to someone else or to herself
Maybe to (You) at least
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How do you update the game on LDplayer?
Download new version from apkpure and reinstall the apk
50 rolls, 1 Debra, 1 Abenius and 1 Yeka.

Also that's my 4th Debra.
Can I change my MC name?
this annoying thing is why I decided to stay in bluestacks regardless of the better performance. You can just normally update the game from the store in there instead of having to wait a whole day (or more) for the app to get updated in apk
Yes, after you unlock the Curse Wheel.
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Lots of money. Wow.
So, to save lambert. I have to NOT revive him on BF5?
That's not Lambert.
A voodoo on exp daily quest!
>Flees before my 1st turn
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
>Finish the beheading bunny quest for the 3rd time
>"You became closer with the beheading bunny"
>Still only bond level 2
Excuse me? Is this a new bug or something? I thought bonds end either at level 1 or 5.
Youre right, the quest is finally fucking working.
For Abe what stats for her adv class that is not ingame? All str?
So is this new character a limited one like published Lana or will she be added to the standard pull? She looks cool so I want her but I don't want to waste my gems.
It needs more clears to level from 2 to 3
More from 3 to 4
And even more from 4 to 5
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Do you think Marianne will be satisfied
Well, guess its time to take the bronze exam. How bad is it?
All limited banners so far say they will be added to standard in the future. How far in the future is anybody's guess. You can check at the bottom of each Bone's rate breakdown.
Aw come the fuck on, that's just busywork for the sake of busywork. Everybody is staying at 2 then.
If all of them will be added to standard then she is safe to pull I guess
You'll get them eventually if you're actually clearing stuff each reset instead of grabbing a daily bone and fucking off. The timer might even be longer now since the update said the respawn times were incorrect so that's more reason to actually do stuff each reset.
Did it a few days ago with mostly bronze and some iron gear, surprisingly not that hard if you avoid most of the enemies and only go for the western spawn point.
Boss likes to spam the front line spin attack and doesn't spawn more enemies after you kill the first ones like the lead boss.
Hard since you're low level and under geared but doable
Rush for the boss and try to ignore the patrolling mobs
I'd rather do something else with my time then repeat the same quests for marginal stat boosts. Like 5 times was already kinda annoying, but it's only 2 more than what I'm doing to clear the dungeons.
I feel you
I don't see myself getting over lvl 2 or 3 on some of the longer bond missions
Fast ones I can get to lvl 4 at least an eventually 5 if I feel like it
I have 4 extra Alices. That can get the to blessing level 5.
Thoughts? Should I use them for Discipline levels instead?
Thanks for the info
I would inherit her skill to all the mages and priests you use
She's prime Inherit material since her skill doesn't get gimped when another character has it
Some anons speculate she can get up to 2 turns if you inherit the skill to herself. I need to go to the training room and see if that's true
You already have to repeat requests 3 times every week. Your choice whether to go for marginal stat boosts or literally nothing.
Skill increases buff turns at level 3 5 7, so go for it
>defending daily gachaslop
The boss itself isn't that bad as long aas you remember to defend. The way to the boss is filled with tons of succubi tjat are pure cancer
How bad is the iron grade exam btw?
Well I'd hope now that content is flowing again, I wouldn't have to resort to maxing out the same old stale requests for weeks on end. Sure maybe I'll do the 3 shortest ones for my weeklies and get to level 5 by the next dungeon's release but I'm not going out of my way to do every bond like 7 more times.
Trying to beat the tower without looking for the map is annoying. Maybe I should just go all fighter/thief and unga bunga everything.
>slow animation every battle when you just wanna nuke mooks with a secret art
That's gonna be really annoying at some point, I wouldn't put that skill on mc
>do every request every reset
do people really do this? jesus christ gachabrains are something else
Did recount of all rolls(163), despite game has only 5 beastgirls, they are 25% of nameless, 11% of named and 36% of legendary rolls
It seems like my account is beastgirl seeded...
How do you save Lambert, is it self explanatory while doing the quest or is time-hopping and running around involved? I have a horrible memory and I've basically forgotten everything related to him and I don't want to waste time on it during this poopsock event
Despite its flaws I like this game very much.
Personally I've only reset twice, so doing every request every reset is actually sane for me. Besides, not every request leads to a bond.

If you were resetting every day of course you wouldn't do them all every single time. You probably wouldn't even do one request each reset, just ignore them all after the weekly is done.
If the daily bone is on a longer timer, that's less pressure to reset every day. You still wouldn't do every single request each reset but it gives more breathing room to do some of the bond requests in the meantime.
Then again, for all I know the error is that the weekly bones should actually be daily bones too, which means now you have even less time to spend on bond requests.
>Imagine going all in on a chick this basic, who will be added to the free pool in a month or two.
Doesn't that go for every single new character?
>6th Lana from daily bone
I'm calling it the Daily Lana from now on

Racer bros, is the HP passive helpful at higher floors still? Or should I just Disc her
When they add advanced classes, no, it won't. Especially if they add those classes to the current limiteds via the retarded weekly scroll system and effectively prevent you from ever getting them
As expected, tag and exp request got reset, so it's daily
You mean the new urgent requests? I mean they were on a 24 timer, so it'd be weird if it wasn't repeatable.
So given the current placements, only 1000 people have made it past floor 11.
It's still weekdays. More people will try the tower out comes weekends.
Clearing this tower actually takes some time, and then you have to speedrun it too.
So for Debra, what's her best position and weapon? Backline and Bow or Frontline with Dagger/Sword?
Does speedrunning even give anything? All that matters is first clear time.
You rank up higher on the ranking which gives you rewards at the end of event based on how high you are
Been away for Christmas, we got new content?
Clearing before others is the only thing that matters. Doing it again and clearing it quickly doesn't give any rewards, other than your team showing up to rape other people as an enemy next season.
What element is the monster bird weak to?
Early on you’ll want your thieves in the back with a bow, but after you can stack a lot of evasion, you’ll want them in front with a dagger.
>was saving them to do next week's weeklies with
I bricked myself
So... Is going full STR with Abe-chan the meta? Going all in in her first hit?
All into Vitality so she can help reverse the declining birth rate.
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(also: daily fuck the schizo~)
>just learned about IV in base stat influence to high levels
>realize the gravity of bricks i currently have
>if you die in the new dungeon you just get kicked out
Thanks, one shot bunnies. Very fun design.
Anyone know what the forced recovery option actually does, had to use it because I was stuck on a perpetual black screen. Don't know what progress it reset.
Yes we got a new Flut variant, new banner character chick, and new dungeon.
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>Abe-chan is Welsh (or Irish/Scottish)

Her real name is Anne Owen. How do this improves your judgment of her?
>How do this improves your judgment of her?
I want to throw you over a wall
So i just got the new character what stats i should put on her? STR or VIT?
Why is some elven edgelord the strongest thing we've encountered so far?
Please help me i'm retarded, it took me a whole day to create my character in Fagfinder: Tranmaker
Speed > Strength
Am I missing anything from not doing the tower fully. I'm sorta busy and I heard it was just a ranking event
Fighters tend to prefer speed since attack power and accuracy can be compensated via equipment and speed blessings are hard to come by

You could go for 15 Str 15 Spd and the remaining points do whatever
Speed isn't that hard to get on gear either anon.
Ignore the other guy and do full LUCK, you can't get luck anywhere else
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Elves RUN this game. You better learn it now.

Also, pretty much the next thread pic.
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God, she is so fucking pretty AND somehow, really cool too. Look at that Kyo pose; tempted to put a bandanna and sun in her gloves.
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from my early testing... yeah, you DO want to go full STR with her. That initial free hit it's not only a cool moment, it's a free action with whatever weapon she is carrying. First turn axe hit? Free 1st kill. Her magical beast slaying treat is also nice when it happens. The accuracy debuff also happens more often than it seems.
She has sauce to build stuff around her. I'm digging her a lot more than I thought.
I don't know what to listen to
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it's also hilarious how her butterflies follow her everywhere
>author's barely disguised self insert
So go full STR?
>it's also hilarious how her butterflies follow her everywhere
She glows in the dark
Is there any more complete guide for the Arena stuff out there than this? https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardry/comments/1guvgpp/arena_questline_guidetips_spoilers/
Maybe some jap stuff I could run through google translate
it's honestly still too early to really take what anyone has to say as fact right now.
go with what you think is right as long as it isn't luck.
But what does luck really do
Who needs a virtual luck stat when you can just Luck MAX your actual luck bro???
It influences Accuracy, Evasion, Crits, and certain skill activation chance.
Luck is like bullshit bro, whoah so like this one mobs fight i could do one double attack yipe ack
>luckchuds coping
>can't remember was character with 8 starter points or was it 7 starter points+1 IV
This system makes my head hurt
The only way to know it is to level character straight to lvl50 and compare stats with JP wiki, i guess
There is random stat growth
Old news
If your character doesn't have +1 in main stat you want to dump it in, it's beyond bricked as you miss 10+ bonus stat(gap will only increase over time as cap will increase)
I've noticed that with +10 luck my beastgirl thief keeps getting trap-free chests. It's kind of nice.
how hard is the iron grade exam to get to level 50?
It's not too bad. Just avoid mobs.
Thanks, do you know how much I'd need to redo if doing the other quests (Princess/Admiral/Pope)? Can you still cursed wheel to the arena?
You have to get back to the arena in all 3 routes. But you can skip most of the arena quests.
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>had to roll 100 times for her
My savings!
Got 2 Adams, 1 Gerulf and 1 Lana from it too
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>MC had rerollable stats on tutorial
>it was possible first instance of IV we ever had to deal with
The only extra stat point was for Luck, so I don't know if the different stat profiles really affect growth.
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Decapitating rabbit character when?
>only to then find out everyone gets her for free from the log in bone
Oh no, I thought I was special
>unironically spending gems on benjamin: forma la mariposa
They will work together nicely
My god I must have her.
Hard to think my well built Chloe will have to get benched though.
Bwo your Abe Chloe Lana team?
I skipped Lana
I skipped homo
I'll skip Abe
I'll skip the next character
No, I'll not roll for anyone
round two, took the southwest route to be meet with nothing
the quantity of mobs that appear on bf3 iron lead exam is stupid and retarded wtf
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Reminder that if your units don't have 100 fortitude,high bonus stats and correct seed they're shit.
>correct seed
Stop with this meme
New anons will start believing that's real
I got my fire dwarf to max affinity but I still didnt unlock the personal quest, do I need to do something else too?
where the fuck will I put the MC then? Back row is for Alice, Yeka and Debra.
you bench alice or debra and make mc a priest or thief
back early
by port town you should be able to comfortably make her front row, dagger / sword of the appropriate element
for boss fights the sneak attack hits like a truck
Abe-chan is quickly becoming my favorite character... no...
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Bet it was this.
Update from the last thread. I beat that fucking Greater Demon for the floor 8 quest with my level 37 party. Definitely got lucky with how he spent his turns, but still I did it!
Congratz, anon!
What party did you use?
Lana, MC, Debra front row, all sword and board.
Alice, Yeka, Chloe back row, with a spear on Chloe so she can still do some damage and drop SP potion support when needed.

Debra Hiding and Sneak Attack pretty much the whole time did the brunt of the damage. Especially when I managed to get an opening from guarding his physicals.
>the Daphne icon is no longer Lana anime face
It's like the devs want to lose money.
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I'm in love with Abe, bwos...
Idk your party / gear situation but if your MC is N or E you could swap his spot with chloe and the back row would get a dmg buff from alice
nah my MC is G alignment. Back row was mostly for support anyway, since Yeka would spend a lot of her MP to get through the previous two fights faster. Again like I said I got stupid lucky and he just alternated AoE spell on the backrow and regular melee on either MC or Lana who were mostly on block duty. So I was never in any real danger, unlike my previous attempts where the AoE physical would just stun the shit out of my whole front row and just kill my poor MC next turn. It was good fun!
Gear is mostly stuff from Den of earth taken to +5 with Lana's Shield being the standout at +10.
if I buy 3 codexes of learning, does that affect skill performance? Or do you need whole skillpoints to improve performance?
>Lana anime face
When was it even that? It was Lulunarde on one half and a skeleton on the other.
I get their names confused.
I love this game and this game loves me, bros
I don't understand the question, anon
Each time you sacrifice a character to inherit a skill they give 100 exp for said skill
The codex is basically a free character you can use on ANY skill
Remember that after each level up you need more exp than the previous one
Lvl 3 for example needs 300 exp
Lvl 2 needs 200 and so forth

Some special skills like the ones from legendary adventurers require less exp to level up
Spells also have different exp requirements
Her art looks so cool...
Great job, Abe
All the blood gushing out later is very satisfying at least
are swords better than daggers for front row thieves?
I did it for Lana's passive, and I didn't have a good dagger on me. Still the Sneak Attacks that had Opening from blocks did 1k damage.
>haven't played in a month
>see the patch is out
>get Abenius on 6th roll
WTF? Is she good btw? I only rolled because she cute.
>Fighter with a free hit
Maybe i'm mistaken, but on paper she looks one of the best picks from her class so far. Congrats!
I'm glad she's not an elf...
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human with 3 concurrent human SSR banners be like "yo anyone else tired of all these elves?"
>mating presses Elmon
Made the mistake of IDing all my junk, took like 4 hours to get rid of the 1900ish items. I think I got like 2-3 upgrades out of it. Took so damn long I don't even feel like working on the ruins tonight.
>good skill
>good alignment for Lana buff (might not matter as much if "Lana passive for evil" on a front liner gets released)
>acceptable stat distribution
She seems fine to me bwo.
ok so i cleared the den of fire on my first try, is that the normal path of progression or should I had supposed to have problems? about to enter the ship for the first time, currently on floor 7 where you give the red circlet to the widow
The dens aren't supposed to be hard.
The dens are supposed to be hard.
You'll generally have trouble with the Den of Wind
Fire and Earth are doable without much trouble
when do you unlock den of wind? on the church route?
Help! I got 2 dups of her, should i put all on inherit skill or put one each in inherit skill and discipline?
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I think is by leveling your party power or something
most anons just had it unlocked randomly by itself
nips say both the Discipline and skill inherit to herself are good
the lightning in this game is fantastic. God, this is such a cool game. I'm so happy content is back in the menu.
WTF! Did they forget a 0 or something?
Abe-chan deletes fairies on sight, it's one of her preferred enemy types...
Oh I see, I'll put one on each then. thanks!
Does he free hit always proc or is it based on luck?
don't, you want to always get skills to lvl3 in order to make them matter because lvl2 is barely an upgrade that just make skills more expensive
GTranslate is just garbage
Here's the actual translation:

The inherited skills will increase the power of the pioneering flash, allowing the first attack to inflict heavy damage. However, when considering boss battles, it is best to give priority to Katsumi in order to increase the power of other skills.

If you pass it on to another character, it will only activate at a certain rate and cannot be relied upon (the author verified that the activation rate is about 30%. ) Therefore, it is recommended that you only pass it on to other characters when you can no longer pass it on to yourself or to Katsumi.
haven't seen this posted anywhere but the more you play with Gerard on your team the more electrified he gets + increases change to inflict paralyze
it starts with just his chest but then it spreads all over until he has a full electric aura
Okay,then I'll put it all on skills and if ever, for some lucky reason, i got another one ill put it on her discipline. Thanks again if your that same anon.
I'm another anon, anon-kun. Skills get boosts of power every 3 levels. lvl1, then 3, then 6, and on, and on. They are significant boosts, and in some cases, they even add new properties/AOE to certain skills/spells.
The electric aura thing might have flew over my head, but I call bullshit on it allowing him to paralyse more often. Been using him since his banner dropped and it's about the same proc rate against enemies that are on par with party level.
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Inb4 IQ boon.
odd, I've been using him since I started playing and now everytime I use thunderstrike the enemy gets paralyzed , I've never changed him from my team placement and he's wielding a two handed steel greatsword +10
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>mfw I graded my initial Elise to Iron Grade and a 10/10 one appears
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BWOS it's raining elves!
which one do I go with? Which are their other jobs?
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Elise can get a job as a Knight and Olive as a Thief
Both are super cute so choose the one you like the most
I personally prefer elise and I think her passive is better
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Remember that Hp matters
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what day is the crucible reset?
The fixed the cover bug, so just use a Knight
>My Knight is taking too much damage
Use more Knights :^)
>getting hit
skill issue
>can only do 5 waves of repel enemy forces without them acting to keep my level 1's safe
>28992xp each run before resting
Do we have any other consistent way of grinding xp? I'm starting to get numb.
You think they'll drop another Legendary banner one week into Abenis' like how Gerard stealth dropped during W.Lana's banner?
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neko jumpscare
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Let the poor goblin go
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Goblin Slayer? More like Goblin (Bond)Mater
I just use the dispatches until they're the mid 30s
I have 2 6/6 groups rolling on the port town quests that give new xp
new guy to lvl?
xp items to 20, rotate out a lvl 40
Better to discipline Abe or inherit her skill onto herself?
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Finally got around to doing Octo. This comp made the fight pretty easy even though my thieves didn't score that many crits.
Eh? Why frontline priest and backline fighter?
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How the hell?
I will discipline Abe.
Taking advantage of all their buffs. All human frontline for Daniel's and Elise in the back for Alice's.
btw thanks another anon.
Saturday, a day before weekly reset
Thanks dood. I have 2 spare copies so i can get herskill to level 3, so i'm still unsure whether to do that or discipline ahaa
If you release her you'll actually get a promotion item for that rank. Don't release anyone if you haven't maxed their affection though.
Real annoying that it resets a day before the weekly reset. Missed it last week because I thought I had an extra day.
It's every two weeks so you didn't miss anything last week.
Why is there so many evil Elves in this?
this game is simply honest about the knife eared fucks and their wicked nature
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Realistic how hard do you anons think it'll be to keep a decent rank in the Castle?
You can't even use iron tags yet so it's better if he keeps her around in case say, a dispatch meets an exploding box and wipes out everyone's morale.
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Well this was unexpected
i'm not gonna really start on it till this weekend but I think if you clear all floors you will be somewhere in the middle
Is Viviana the most useless thief in the game?
I have tons of copies of her yet and see no reason to use them for discipline or inheritance because her other class is priest and the skill she gives is trash
Her use is getting more Tags with a clear conscience
I assume the difficulty in this is static and doesn't scale, should I even bother with a team at 40? I kinda stalled out hard when I hit the arena questline and saw the game enter a period of no content updates
I just noticed this and don't know if I'm just imagining it, but I just got 2 Chloe from 20 rolls, and it's a +8 vs +5. I haven't registered either of them so I don't think their bonus stats count into their power point, and from this screen I could the +8 Chloe has 3 points short of the +5 one. So I'm thinking maybe the characters with more bonus points are simply just points that you can freely distribute, the one with less bonus points simply already had those bonus points distributed already. Am I being a schizo here?
Only if you want a bunch of dead 0 fort adventurers.
Yes. Everyone is like the regardless of bonus points
Pretty sure that power thing isn't stat total, some derived stats like attack power or whatever play into it, so one might just have a point of Str and the other Int or whatever that doesn't get accounted for her
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Alex blocked an attack (via Cover) and is now stuck in that position.
The turn order doesn't proceed, the battle doesn't end. Restarting doesn't change anything either and simply returns to the start of the turn (which always goes the same way, leading to the same issue).

Am I bricked or is there a way around this
Huh they said they fixed that bug this update
Save your account password
Uninstall and then install the game again
Log back to your account using your password
That should restart the fight and unstuck the animations
Didn't they just add a feature that can do that without having to reinstall and do all that shit?
Pretty sure I saw that in the patch notes, something about going back to the "last save point".
I got 3 spare debras and want to juice up my main debra, she already has 1 discipline level, should I use all 3 to get her to discipline level 3 or increase her unique skill to level 3? I know her unique increases her attack if you can get it to level 5 or higher.
I meant last time. I definitely missed the 4 bones, it's usually 5 so I remember it clearly.
Bros I am so scared of getting a 80 or 90 fortitude Abe...
I don't care about bonus points since they literally don't matter, but fortitude is scary...
>Even the bug fix patch notes are bugged
Title screen > settings > forced recovery
what does fortitude does besides revive?
Trigger autism when everyone else is at 100
I preferred when there was no content
This but that bonus stat better be Luck.
Is Discipline also significantly better at +3 or just skills?
Starting to think precision strike books might be the best use of pity coins
>Enter battle
>Game crashes
>Log in
>Game crashes
>Log in again
>Game crashes
>Game crashes
>Crashes while it crashes
it doesnt go that far, but yes thats where the path is.
you can almost always get to the ending of den of fire by going east from the start, and then either going down and east to then go up as you marked, or just instantly going up from the lower middle section of the map.
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Get outplayed.
Is the Lambert quest fixed yet I never found him on bf5
i have that same fucking quest pop up and I THINK i've been missing port town progression rewards because of it
how do i remove it?
>they didn't actually fix it
I guess knights will continue to chill in F tier until the devs eventually get their shit together.
Nevermind they fixed it finally
Did they fix the skill exploit to use higher level skills out of battle?
Got the knight ally block bug for the first time, got the account code but upon launch on fresh install upon wanting to accept terms/privacy/whatever the game crashes, I'm on BlueStacks.
I was away for a while and just came back to check the game and i got a bunch of Lanas in the mail and my fucking Queen of War and Love is back to lvl 1

What the fuck happened, i had it at lvl 3
they refunded it because it wasnt setup correctly
iirc regular lanas dont disc into wp lana, I got either 3 or 4 back myself and just threw them in her passive skill, who needs a priest when you get back 44 after every battle
So whats the correct choice now?
Warrior Princess Lana with Lvl 3 Passive skill?
Regular Lana?

I remember both Lanas were the Same but now they have actual different skills so i don't know which one is better at all.
one does more damage if fully equiped with "light" armor
the other gives you a slight hp recovery ( like 12 hp every unit in your team) each time you win a battle
How much health did the greater demon on b8f request had? 12k? Took me like 8-9 turns of continuous sneak attacks to grind it
I think would think all odd # boosts would be significant just for consistency.
When I went from D2 -> D3 Amelia she got +4 in most not base stats. Unfortunately, I don't have enough copies to go from D3 -> D4 to see if that was more than usual.
>the other gives you a slight hp recovery ( like 12 hp every unit in your team)
they both give that, the difference is a slight change in disciplines and the row dmg buff also give wp lana action speed if she uses 1h sword + light armor
Yeah I have had bluestacks freak out on me many times. Honestly when I get stuck I just do an entirely fresh instance and install wizardry on that fresh instance, but it is annoying.
Thief MC is still broken, only 2 chest tries despite saying 3.
What should I feed the slime? Just encountered a nonviolent one but I have no idea what any of these options mean

Also, I’m basically at the end of the tutorial dungeon, was it possible for me to save the npcs? Everyone but the captain died but the game makes it sound like I could have saved them. Would that have been from different dialog options or something else?
>What should I feed the slime? Just encountered a nonviolent one but I have no idea what any of these options mean
You have to find and feed the slime multiple times and you get a reward at the end, but it's not worth it.
>was it possible for me to save the npcs?
Gerulf should have access to fire magic
Change my mind
>Thief MC is still broken
Agreed, not having to deal with fortitude is broken as fuck.
Just keep playing it's all part of the story
How do you think the tag economy will evolve? It seems like we'll have to get bonus tags every time a new adventurer is introduced.
I don't need to use the thief class for that though.
My fighter MC with high trap detect and disarm skills has been doing it this whole time.
Most people should have about 100 adventurers by now, about 30 tags and a full 50 team. 60 requires, what, 8 tags per member?

The alternative is that later tags start using a different resource.
I have fought and camped, and fought again, and then gone back and rested in the 1k gold room so many times and yet I can never reach max friendship with my party.
I think there is something else.
The only thing I haven't tried is spamming abyss boss kills because I don't want to use the wheel right now.
But I am starting to think you NEED to do it.
you cannot hit max friendship until you beat the second abyss
That explains it then
How am I supposed to beat 4 Oar Collectors without resting?
Question for gachafags, this is the first ever gacha I’ve played and I’m curious if this game’s level of maintenance is the norm. Is it usual for this genre of game to shut down for half a day for maintenance, or is that just daphne?
I had entire team soiled, shelled out some green gems for fey brown weapon junk.
I guess I will have to try again next run because my team is fucking done.
I fucking hate the mobs in any of the levels of the waterway/ship.
Very little about Daphne is normal, but long maintenance on a big patch day is somewhat common.
Is the minotaur head just a random drop or do I have to kill some specific spawn?
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Looks like the power increase only happens when you reach lvl 4 of the skill
The SP per kill goes up regardless tho
is it still possible to finish the cave of malice if i haven't started it yet?
KATINO saved my ass throughout the entire dungeon. Every single fish/lizard is weak to it. 95% rate, bless ElMa-chan. Viviana and MC pick back row mages/delay strikes fast ones. Gerulf and Gaston OHKO wild strike the sleepers. Just pull mobs out of water whenever you can.
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With 4 days?
You can get some of the codex and bones (the most important items in the shop)
The problem with the event is that it's a grindfest so it's better to do in multiple weeks to not tire you out but some anons did it in one day the first time before they extended the duration of the event
Great for leveling up characters tho
I have already cleared the entire second dungeon.
I was specifically talking about the quest, having to walk through the entire first floor of the ship, getting ambushed by all these motherfuckers while trying to find and fight those oar motherfuckers just sucks.
The oars fight itself is fine (since it doesn't have the underwater stuff like when it was a boss), but then fighting that many in a row is really tough, while also having to deal with all that other shit, characters dying from getting one shot, running out of MP and SP, etc.
i guess i'll grind it out a bit, haven't been playing for a while so I got some catchup to do.
hopefully i don't need too much currency for the book and bones.
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>hopefully i don't need too much currency for the book
You could do it in 2 days. You just have to beat it then grind out 3F from the harken to the top room.
All I need is a STR boon Deb...
Stop spreading the boon meme
>tfw thought thieves scaled from Dex so i put all the extra points there
>can't even break 50 str in lvl 50 thief
I wish i never discovered boon meme
Now all my characters turned into bricks
Points don't matter. IV is all that matters, and 90% of characters have no IVs. 9% have an IV in the wrong stat, and 1% have an IV in the optimal stat. a 5 BP with perfect IV is worth 4x as much as a 10 BP with no IV, and that's at level 50. At level 100+, that gulf is just going to get wider and wider.
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Is a full Evasion ring useful for frontline (You) or is it better to spread the stats a bit and leave Eva/Atk?
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I'm not reading that
The boon meme doesn't exist if you don't know about it
The more i learn about the game the more whalebait it seems.
Is Luck boon and point dump in main stat the best combo?
What's the recommended min lv for old castle? I'm still at lv40 and got my ass handed especially by the trap.
Either I'm lucky, or SSRs are more likely to get optimal IVs. My Adam is at 64 int, my Gerulf is at 66 str. Everyone else is junk.
Those aren't booned stats bro...
>GerulfCHADs, Lanastaceys and Debrastaceys own this game
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Can you post parties and Gerulf stats?
Rude! My Bibiana is 48 is she's really good for end game( then again so is every thief since it's a really OP class in general. Can't go wrong with hitting hard and fast. The lack of AOE is the only thing holding them back )
Cute Lana! I'm glad her HP regen becomes more valuable in the castle, specially if you invest a bit on it
>Abe-chan is the archon of fire
also, "Gomen Yui" Makoto, Lupisregina from Overlord, among many many others:
we are missing out so much bwos...
More like +20 pickaxe abusers
Pickaxe is not two handed mace though
You actually can, it's just that beating both bosses is one of the requirements for the mark that signifies it.
But only EN Abe will create us an opportunity!
Why is the double ent rematch on 2BF harder than double ent fights on 2B8. This is dumb.

Wish they used recolored enemies or something if there’s going to be big changes in their stats.
Specifically to BTFO 'I CAN TAKE THEM' retards who don't use their brain
It's a fun moment where the game uses your hubris against you
What's Abe's unlockable secondary class? I don't want to brick myselft by putting every bonus stat into strength.
We'll let you know when it gets added to the game
In case you're retarded, that means "there isn't one"
According to some anons earlier, it is empty as of now.
Probably a class that will be added later.
A few threads ago, bonus stats are auto-allocated for the new job when you change into it.
I have yet to get a scroll worth buying so idk how true that is.
One of them is a floor boss and the other isn't.
I say it because when I checked the #1 profile, his mc was using +20 pickaxe and pretty much everyone else had +20 gear in every slot. If it wasn't +20 then its cause it was a 1 strength gacha weapon like Cuisinart.
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>you cant rise up in the castle
Would be nice if the game told that before you enter it
And it's a good thing, relying on rise up always was cheating
Should do more content without training wheels
This cant be right.
100 burger bucks to get gems for 20 purple bones and 1/2 way to 10 green bones.
I do understand why they did it but I still would have liked a warning
All luck?
Just rolled her. The butterflies are hilarious
Yeah, i love the illumination in the new castle too. For a dungeon crawler, this game sure knows how to make fun/diverse enviroments
>STR boon
>8 points
I feel you. It makes Harkens more needed too since this time you CAN'T fuck things up
Just level her Strength and be done with it, anon
Luck boon is just as good right? I don't have any more gems to keep rolling.
what's this boon stuff you're talking about?
see >>507703040
IVs from pokemon, SEA friend is losing their shit over it
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some schizo is trying to inject his stat narrative into the thread; go ahead and peek at the discords and reddit, nobody is talking or giving a shit about it.
It's schizoslop
>discords and reddit
>boonlets coping
You love to see it
>noooo don't talk shit about discord or reddit :(((
my sides
Is VIT a good boon for Knights?
I'm starting to feel like boons are just an inside joke
There has never been a good post with this image attached.
I really like her design. The little bits of green really bring personality to an otherwise pretty standard design.
It's one guy trying to force it to shitpost, and also refusing to refer to it as IV like the Japs do.
Possibly, but VIT so far seems to have zero effect on HP. Might be a fake stat.
If you translate JP wiki page, you will see that it was their conclusion after checking a lot of lvl1 characters and their progress to lvl50
Before it was considered as random distribution, but there is no randomness, character with headstart just get better
Are all units without an IV inheritance fodder?
Yes, also without useful IV too
If we're talking SSRs then you shouldn't worry about unless you're a whale. You'd need to either be very lucky or pull a lot of copies to get a banner character with the perfect stat growth.
Yes, if a character doesn't have perfect IVs you should delete them immediately.
Yes. IVs are so vital that I'm re-levelling my whole party from scratch, I feel bad for people who already wasted inheritance levels on worthless characters.
>If we're talking SSRs then you shouldn't worry about
lmao, just don't worry about investing hours into bricked character that will be outstated by nameless adventure with IV(elf chan sends her regards)
How do you check IVs of units you already leveled?
Uh oh, too late. You better delete your account and start over, you're already dead.
Level them to lvl50 and compare to JP database
As long as you remember in which stat you invested, you will see if you have any stat that stands off. It will be IV
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Mfw no -spd IV's so I can't run a trick room team for the next dungeon.
All my graded characters have bad boons
Abandoning my day 1 account and starting over
Gerulf is naturally slow just give him an Iron Ball and teach him Gyro Ball
Unless you’re planning on whaling ultra hard and trying to top the leaderboards and be a general tryhard, it’s not going to matter.
>it's not real
>ok, it's real but it doesn't matter
I'm noticing a pattern
fucking nigger sagahins I need a single fucking scale and it's taking longer than the four before it
>get black screen entering dungeon
>try to relaunch game
>goes black screen after log in
>try reinstall whole game
>still black screen after log in
Welp, I guess I have to try out that new Forced Recovery button now?
I have no idea what IV Lana has.
I have already remerged them after the skill fiasco.
I have serval units with Luck IV which either does everything or nothing.
Having genuine difficulties with making my teams since characters I like dont have matching personalities. Also after trying out multiple priests none of them really speak to me, I hope they release some nice priest soon.
Another Good Human Priest coming right up!
It’s simply a matter of cost versus benefit.
The game doesn’t have direct PvP, and 98% of the content is entirely single player. So if you can choose between several of the same unit before investing in one, go for it.
But trashing a unit that time and resources has already been invested in to? I just don’t see the point unless you’re already optimizing so hard you’re mostly using generics since they’re the only ones who will have a chance to max their discipline out in a reasonable time frame for non-whales and that’s going to provide a much larger benefit and for every single stat.
The next new character HAS to be evil, they cant just release 4 good ones in a row. Or at least give some evil SR alt since even Flut was a neutral one
>they cant just release 4 good ones in a row
I mean they can do whatever they want.
We were memeing about a 3rd Good Human Knight, and got 2/3 right.
How do you even set which adventurer is used as your profile banner? Is it just the left-most frontliner?
>and 98% of the content is entirely single player
And it's not trivial, people get filtered to this day
Saying that it doesn't matter, is same as saying that starter points(and it's distribution) doesn't matter, which is a fucking lie
Sure you can cherry pick example to counter my argument, but it wouldn't unfilter every player
>But trashing a unit that time and resources has already been invested in to?
Also known as a brick. Sometimes you have to cut your losses, and honestly starting fresh is not as bad as long as it's during good campaign(like this one), luckshitting in gacha once can outprogress your current account
Wizardry: Variants Human
Skill issue.
Looks to be power based for the 1st and 3rd, the 2nd place changed his team, so I can't check.
for my party, it shows Alice because my mc is the highest power and Alice is the 2nd highest.
Well shit, people are going to mistake me for a human priest fag after I chucked all my surplus high defence shit on her.
I've started paying for the 5k room and it doesn't seem to be doing much for my party member friendship, how long does this take?
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Is this good? 8 points.
>8 points
>Luck boon
I don't understand the question, anon
8 points is pretty great yes
It depends on how much Fortitude she has honestly to say if she's good or not
Do we have any reason to believe that more expensive rooms have an impact on friendship progression?
bros wtf I love this stupid game.
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>thought I could get Abe onto the party and do Daily for some quick leveling up
>it's a fight with a Succubus
>Mentos got charmed and just fucking oneshoted Abe
>he does it again the second turn
Does that mean put points in luck or put in anything but luck?
It's horrible just how much fun I'm having with it
>"urgent order expired"
>wait didn't I complete them all yesterday?
>realise I forgot to actually go to B3 to do the tag mission
According to boon anons your luck stat will be higher than a natural Abe
Other anons speculate that some characters can just have an extra point or so in luck
In any case Abe wants attack power due to her free first strike in battle
Strength it is then
Hard to measure because we don't know how much luck actually affects, but she is a human(humans have higher luck than others), she is fighter and has counter attack, so you can luck maxx even further
Or you can just use that bonus luck as a bonus and make more average Abe by putting points in STR, it would be useful if you plan to use 2H weapons with STR+ trait
Don't actually use a 2hander on her until she's a higher level
She needs accuracy to actually hit things so equip a sword or dagger until she can reliably hit things
Why are 3/4 quest doable from the guild, but that one requires you to enter the dungeon? Weird design choice.
Forced engagement
copy pasted weekly
Marianne is the priest for you.
Isn't the fact that the tasks are daily already engagement enough? Whatever maybe my brain doesn't have enough wrinkles to understand.
>new content is just pvping against whales/no-lifers/bug abusers
>it's fairly notable rewards too
I just wanted to play a casual blobber...
Ok, bye.
>I just wanted to play a casual blobber...
You can still treat it as a casual blobber. I haven't even touched the new mode. Unless you plan to pull on every new character just because they're the shiny new toy, just play at your own pace and do a bit every day.
It's still a new dungeon to clear with rewards for clearing each floor. I in no way can compete as I don't even have a full level 50 team, let alone a powerful team, so I'm not worried about clear time at all.
>can't voice displeasure without some faggot cultist jumping on your throat
Kill yourself faggot.
Is there any info if floor rewards will reset?
I guess they do, assuming shop will end in 40 days, meaning it's huge source of exp books
who the fuck are you talking about
try using the reply function
>Unless you plan to pull on every new character just because they're the shiny new toy
Or i could just want to have all characters available, like a normal game?
holy seethe
I know people here meme that this game is "not like the other gachas" but you're free to pull for everybody, just prepare to open your wallet every once in a while. Or just be a luckchad I guess.
At this point he's just using it as an excuse
You can go casual with it. Just go as far as you can. It still works mostly as a PVE mode, so i'm having fun with it despite hating PVP shit
Abenius looks so god damn hot covered in dirt, I feel like I am getting somekind of new fetish out of this game
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I still don't understand exactly how to alter and upgrade mods. To my understanding I should change all the weapon mods before I start forging the weapons, and then once I can't upgrade anymore then I start using stones to upgrade the mods further?
I'd rather not gamble at all and have enough guaranteed currency to get every character at least once, multiple other gachas are doing it.(the resident slurper will call me a gachabrain for wanting less gacha elements)
>Or i could just want to have all characters available, like a normal game?
Not happening. This is a gacha. They're couting on you having an incomplete roster. Games like this are all about learning to get shit done with the imperfect cards dealt to you.
I'm aware some gachas like Limbus Company/Snowbreak allow you to have every SSR even as F2P, but they're not the norm
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A reminder that this is the first part of their roadmap. Monthly Dungeon is ONE thing, actual real PvP it's planned. Now that is were things will get heated.
>I'd rather not gamble at all and have enough guaranteed currency to get every character at least once
Fellow former Azur Lane enjoyer? I can sympathize, but you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. Gacha games where the average player can get 1x every new character are the exception rather than the norm.
Si, adios.
The shipgirls games(and the first GF ),Nikke,HW,Eversoul,BD2 let you get every character for free.
You can only change one blessing. After the blessing change you can change that same slot again as many times as you want but only that slot.

You want to upgrade first before you spend reinforcement stones because upgrading to for example +5 will reset any possible reinforcement thats on the first slot so the reinforcement stone gets kind of wasted. But after you get to +5 you can reinforce the first slot safely, just upgrade to +10 before reinforcing the second blessing.

Your sword got kind of meh blessings. Mag and Div, you might want to change that div to something more useful for fighter (since you can upgrade that weapon to +10, boosting it, unlike the mag which will never get boosted so its just wasted).
As long as it's paired or around other content I actually care about (and is a very small minority of the content), but you are never gonna get me interested in pvp with how this game is setup and fucking turn based blobber pvp? That's just a mess even without ways to infinitely scale characters by spending real money and no lifing the game.
Stuff like this is only fun for fighting friends you already have for bragging rights on who has the stronger party, not randos in some big ranking system.
Get the full alteration stone from the event shop and hit your sword with it and then report back
>can piss off a resident schizo by posting normally
No, i think i'll stay.
>resident schizo
Oh yeah that might be ok choice too for anon. Might end up with only one shit blessing to change and then its full good range. Do this anon, just lock the sword and keep it safe until then
wtf content!?
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it doesn't matter about what YOU think, it's all about what the japanese will love, and they LOVE these gacha PvP rankings. It'll be here yes or yes.
Now, you'll say that YOU don't care, but I already see this place being filled by people that will endlessly seethe at the whaled japanese Pri-chans deleting their own waifu teams in a single turn. It'll be fun ngl.
>Girls Front
I don't know what HW is, but half of those are struggling to survive. They have to spread their legs to keep people engaged. Nikke is the only game that counts, and only now they've added a reliable way of getting an old pilgrim like Red Hood.
Expecting gachas to do it all the time is just silly. That said, Wizardry IS less generous than it should in it's current state.
>Girls Frontline Line
Azur Lane can do it because they make 99% of the revenue with skins
So hold off until I get a Str IV?
>, it's all about what the japanese will love, and they LOVE these gacha PvP rankings.
I don't follow the gacha scene, is pvp actually common? I never hear about it.
>now you'll say you
This is not some passive aggressive thing, as long as there is plenty of proper singleplayer crafted dungeons I don't care. I'm totally fine with the new castle because it's just a new dungeon to clear. But I don't see how anyone else could think any different, that is the core of the game, DUNGEONS.
I'll judge Daphne's jewishness by first anniversary, by then we'll have the equivalent to maybe 3 months of standard game content.
Are you intending to whale until you get her with a Str IV? Just roll with it, my dude.
>Company shitting on (me) to make more money is good,actualy
why are you shitting your pants bro
Just use your new unit. Perfect IVs are nice to have, but there's no point worrying if you aren't gonna whale.
Just got my first Luck Lantern, which of the clusters has the most worthwhile skills?
I'm telling you it's how it is. But sure, feel free to keep whinning. They're totally gonna take your opinion into account and change a business pratice that is working just fine for them.
The reason gacha is getting big is because everyone can play these games without spending a dime or getting a console.
>B-but you must whale to-
Nope. Any gacha worth it's salt knows you must be able to finish content with F2P units. This way even poorfags can sing praises about the game/bring more players.
They don't gonna miss you, anon. Tha't my point.
>100 pulls
>no abe
I finally find a reason to delete this game
For the bones I got from the Mausoleum. Should I reverse it as soon as I got it? The bone's name make me think the roll is already determined then and I can't get any character outside of the common pool.
Ok, bye.
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>it's IV! We must call it IV cuz my POKIMANZ use it!!!!!111
holy shit, this fucking schizo trying to get their autistic terminology upon us. NO, FUCK OFF. We'll use whatever the fuck the japanese wiki will use, and that is if we even get to the point of caring about it.
Hai, sayonara.
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Well this certainly seems to have turned out well. I guess for the dagger I should wait til I +10 it to see if I should swap out Surety or whatever else it gets
don't that give you enough coins to exchange for her bones?
Yes roll it right away, the bones are named after the character. Kind of like the store bones from banners are

Yeah thats good
I think if you upgrade it to +10 you wont be able to change the second blessing only the first one? Since the second was gained after the fact not on pick up
Kino pic
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>We'll use whatever the fuck the japanese wiki
Yes but I saved up 100 pulls expecting pulling the character and exchange the weapon. Now I only get one. It’s honestly not a big deal but I felt really sad
Thanks, but i will call it boon
I almost had that happen, started panicking when I got to the last ten roll but got a copy then with 90 fort lol still got the sword instead. Very sorry for you anon, next spark will be better
Just get the character, the weapons are mostly for whales since you can't upgrade them to +20
>What about that upgrade bug
The devs are slow as fuck to address shit like thief bones and W.Lanas. I can see them addressing it down the line.
I called it quits after 60 pulls no Abe
Settled down on legendary bone, but now regret it
>>What about that upgrade bug
Tell me more, I have missed this
You don't have to uncap your new weapons if you inherit the levels from a previous weapons on to it, apparently.
But inheriting only gives you like a fraction of the levels? At least when I tried it with transferring my +5 bronze equipment to iron
Yeah you just dump a lot of +20 trash equipment which is hella expensive. I haven't tried it myself, but that's the theory anyways.
Ah, I guess that makes sense, still sounds like an insane grind for questionable gain
I can't look at my units the same after I find out about boons.
Weapon rarity improves inheritance rate, I think you actually want to use rainbow weapons like the sacred bows or the 1* shit in the item shop on unique items.
I went through my list of un-recruited adventurers and every single one with a good boon had <100 fortitude. I'm simmering with rage right now.
What boon are you talking about?
He means IVs
Fucked up how general instantly reverted to being polluted by retards once "content" showed up.
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Units with boons beneficial to their class are so rare that it hardly matters. I guess you can replace your SRs if you happen to get one with a good boon, but it's not like Fortitude where you can constant be annoyed by that 90/80. Look at it this way: you're actually a chad that can clear everything with a handicap!
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Look at this list, this is your standard starting stats. If you have an additional point in those of the stats you have a boon/positive bias that will elevate that stat.
D'accord, au revoir.
Thank you anon I didn’t realize this before
No small part of it is just a guy having a breakdown and replying to his own doomposting throughout the day
As with any general, ignoring posts that are retarded is the best way to live
Will there be a potion to reset bonus points?
Anyone got their B7F bone twice since the patch yet? I got it once shortly after patch but since then it hasn't respawned. Its never taken this long. I have a friend in the same boat
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Abe havers, her adv job will most likely not be str focused. Spec accordingly.
I could not care less, max strength all day every day
It'll be Lord
S tier boon:
A tier boon:
B tier boon:
Brick tier boon:
No boon
Can you translate what that job is to FF or DQ?
>i have buck broken another human being by Ok, bye.-ing him
what a feeling
the stats have such a disappointingly small effect on everything except for like speed desu. So I can't even care.
Knight who knows holy spells (I learned this from hentai games it might not be accurate)
Wouldn't thief want STR?
Thief wants luck or speed
If 1H sword had STR+ trait, then it could be argued that STR is ok for thieves, but bricking yourself with bow is bad
Basic paladin archetype. Knight shell with access to priest spells.
Though i guess, if you happen to have x3 attack sword, then STR is preferable
daggers get higher crit chance based on dex and crits are going to give more damage then some extra strength as a rule.
Nothing wrong with str though. I don't find investing in speed necessary because the beastfolk rogues have big speed stat growth and are already faster then everyone even when I don't invest.
Luck can be handy.
I put all 8 points on my Debra into it and she hits hard, this anecdote compels me to see it as the objective truth and I will tell anyone who didn't do it they're bricked
>responding to multiple anons with ok,bye over any sort of criticism
>calls others buckbroken
Strength is the equal or outright ideal stat on every melee class.
Strength is the ideal stat on every class
>But what about mages/priests?
Cast a little spell called FIST, ya fucking nerd.
Can you lose units trust in some way, like having them die or shitty inn rooms? Just wondering if there's any sense in using the expensive inn rooms once I have unlocked all the lore pages
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>spend 20k gems worth of rolls to get Abenis
>hit pity
>80/80 5 points
I'm free! See you bros in another mobile slop
Bro its only 18200 gems since 2k is 11 rolls...
Ok, bye.

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