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Previous: >>507040951

>Current & Upcoming Rate Up Banners:
[12/22-12/31] Selectable Christmas Limited Prize Gacha (Miyako, Christina, Ayane, Chika, Akino, Akari)

>Ongoing and Upcoming Events:
[12/09] Christmas Pecorine, Christmas Creditta UEs Added
[12/15] New Caravan Season Starts (Section Skip Added)
[12/15] Story Update: Level limit increased to 328, area 73 second half, hard 73-2
[12/15-1/06] Dungeon x2
[12/16] "Steamy Year-End Tales: A Sake to the First Sunrise" Added to Side Stories
[12/21] Kokkoro UE2 Added
[12/22-1/4] Free Rolls (10 per day, 130 total)
[12/24-1/06] Player EXP x1.5
[12/25-12/31] 500 Daily Gem Pack On Sale
[12/26-1/06] Double Daily Stamina
[12/26-1/01] Normal x3
[12/26-1/01] Investigation x3
[12/26-1/06] Master Coins x2.5
[12/26-1/06] Exploration x3
[12/26] Year-End Special Broadcast
[12/26-12/30] Clan Battle
[1/01-1/06] Hard x3

>Princess Connect Fes 2025
[12/6-1/16] Fanart Submission Contest (https://priconne-redive.jp/news/information/29567/)
[2/8] Main Stage Day 1
[2/9] Main Stage Day 2
"Who will invite you...?" Campaign: https://fes.priconne-redive.jp/invitation/
Main Website: https://fes.priconne-redive.jp/
[12/23-1/06] 7th Anni Survey: https://questant.jp/q/WIHZY6VX
Year End Special Broadcast Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_kvOFbcbrY

>Cygames Webstore Launch
[12/20] Cygames Webstore exclusive commemorative equipment/suptix packs on sale!
Link your Cygames ID and Priconne account: https://priconne-redive.jp/news/information/29805/
Webstore Link: https://webstore.cygames.com/
Cygames ID Portal Link: https://cygames.com/

>New Player Guide by /pcrg/
>/pcrg/ Resources/Clans
>Kotposter Resources
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Yuni on the first page.
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Merry Christmas, do your fucking hits.
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Who's making the kot guild?
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What's the occasion?
Every clan is taking it easy this month, right?
Christmas sex with lolihags
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We're tryharding, the jap clans are on break so this is our chance to sneak in top 100
wrong thread loom
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2 mins
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It's exciting.
They're talking about what happened this year
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Did you join my platoon bro?
Campaigns time
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Should I wait before I unlock Tazuna- I mean Karin? I have all the pieces need for her. Don't know how good she is in CB comps though.
NY Tix, goes up to Kururu for permas, X.mas Miyako for lims
Bunch of packs as usual, you get a bonus if you buy them from the Cygames Webstore. It's just a small amount of gems but there's a plus.
AkiSaren UE. Fuck me they really don't want to give it to Homare.
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I don't think so. I'm in one of the :3 platoons for now
Am I supposed to know who this is?
she was mentioned indirectly as one of the 6 calamities
Who are the other 3? Cerberus?
Stop with the RoB imports. Just give us more grub characters.
why is this slut always showing off her ass?
Saren is free?
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Monica looks very beautiful.
How many Saren alts do we have now?
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Ninon should have been there with Monika...
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Rima hasn't gotten content in 4 years
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Wolf, bee and i forgot.

monika is then

It's funny because in my old NPC chart I had put snake as Medusa and wolf as Fenrir, turns out that guess was correct
Monica looks like a child here
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I lead :3. Hope you enjoy the comfy.
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I told you it was NY Monika!
Wtf saren, your last alt was 2023 hallowen take it easy, would roll tho
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Thanks bwo. I wish you success as their 'chode
They truly and actually shattered expectations with the NY event. Medusa is a big steal and it might create a trend that we have our own "Zodiacs" except it's the girls from Gehenna.

They're asking for letters for the FES now connected to the guests Lyrael, Nozomi, Neneka, Nephy Nella.
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How'd you know?
They're "renewing" the radio making it a bigger show that will announce major stuff about the game twice a month and also be livestreamed on youtube now.
But light 6-10 needs a solution...
Each of the girls is getting a new corner
Wishful thinking (by me) because I like Monika. I wished really hard.
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A new manga series will be serialized? Oh it's from the artist that does all that priconne art routinely
It seems it will be based on IRL skits instead of in-game?
bros, my jims...
should have skipped the hags
They've announced like 3 IRL collabs wtf
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>she rolled for io
yep, it definitely one of cygames attempt to push IRL side more of priconne since we definitely start moving towards it after current story arc ends in priconne

I bet the anime they gonna show in upcoming FeS event is also diving in the IRL side more compared to the previous two seasons
Pretty big to announce a new short manga, it means no EoS anytime soon.
Kinda funny to announce a new manga when people were dooming about the slow pace of the current manga just the other week
I did...
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Another desperate attempt to prolong the inevitable.
It's Grace and she looks gorgeous.
Puffy vulva
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MY DUOOOOOOOOOOOOO but I love Grace so I don't mind
Bush confirmed.
It's fucking over, what banner can i skip now? Monica?
My nee-chan is finally here
kokkoro's VA has such a nice voice
Monika is free >>507664564
Would Grace and Violet's kids also be ghosts?
With the Re:Alive manga and turning the radio into a bigger project instead of having it feel pointless I feel like they have a huge announcement for Anni now. This is a sign of re-investment in the game.
Actually NYSaren, Grace and Medusa.
I have 2.5 sparks so I better get lucky or else I am fucked
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>they have a huge announcement for Anni now.
Full Dive technology that lets you join Astrum for real
This is the artist of the new manga. Yeah it's who I thought it was.
Also did the Osamake LN art.
Did they address the jims situation?
It's so hard to save a spark nowadays
Is Osamake good?
Did they address the Friendship Club situation?
One year without bond stories is hard
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>no NY Croque
Saren is pretty good too though
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>From 12:00 on Tuesday, December 31, 2024, we will be holding the story event "New Year Geo Gehenna: The Snake Maiden and the Twin Swordgirls"! By progressing through the event, you can enjoy the exclusive story and recruit exclusive characters! Please check the announcement for details.
This is also the debut for Kaori Mizuhashi in priconne, she's the voice behind the very popular Essex.
Who is Essex
>less jims
>more banners
the future looks grim
just roll for the good characters and you'll be fine
Who are they gonna sneak in as the 3rd banner next month?
Damn, Saren looks like a princess...
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Does that mean Essex-posting is now on topic?
I like Osamake, but it's one of those LN that got fucked over in the anime adaptation to the point the author got depression from it.
LN and Manga I very much enjoy thoughever.
Cyborg Kokkoro
Naked Ayane
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>very popular Essex.
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Wow it's Ganyu!
Does medusa count as cunny?
fat butt lmao
This prove KMR's fault!!
Remember that you have 30 free pulls on Grace
So, who's the December 31 banner? Did they announce if anyone will get 6*?
Enjoy it, two limiteds and a welfare is the closest thing we'll get to a break this year.
Grace Prifes -> NY Saren/Welfare NY Monika -> Medusa
No 6 star, but anni is right around the corner.
How do I get more gems...
Btw, just saying, but there's a chance Saren is a perma and is added with Grace in the Prifes like with Nea.
Then they have Medusa follow it up as a lim and release someone else after her.
Buy Buy Buy
Consume Consume
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[Princess Connect! Re:alive]
>Episode 1: "A story about being taken care of by a girl who calls me Master"

>We are pleased to present the official Princess Connect! Re:Dive short manga "PriConne! Re:alive" drawn by Itoyoshi ( @ryoito_no_oka )!
>This time it's about Kokkoro
the slurper
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Nephy, Arachne, Medusa and then pic related are the other 3.
One is 100% Fenrir. I'll look into RoB for the other 2.
>new saren doujin
>new saren alt
That's it, fbi arrest kmr, this is stealth marketing
It's probably Lily, Rosetta and Fenrir.
It should be Minigobu Teena and Feena gobu
Rough translation:
>Kokoro: Aruji-sama, I'm here. Today I shall be cleaning you abode.
>...Uh? You've cleaned everything already so it's not necessary? But how...?

>Kokoro: ...I see. So you've bought the cleaning robot "Kyaroomba".
>Certainly from what I can see it seems to be working well...
>*Kyaroomba noises*

>Kokoro: So that's how things are.
>Well then, I suppose you don't need me to clean anymore...

>Kokoro: Huh? You're saying you still want to leave it to me?
>Yes, as expected. Leave it to your faithful servant Natsume Kokoro. I shall handle this
But there's nothing left to clean thanks to Kyaroomba...
>Year of the SNEK
>Medusa is a SNEK
Oh I'm retarded so that's why
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Such a good girl
We're getting Gold Ship next year
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>*Kyaroomba noises*
It's sheep next year
She even dubbed them.
>free so don't need to gamble
>free so she isn't gonna be very useful
not yay
Is there a tutorial on how to link cykagames store with your pricon account?
Being free doesn't mean being useless in this game. Inori was really good in PvP last year.
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Maybe next event Chikabros....
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Next year for sure...
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Nice you can tix Creditta now
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>come home
>your roomba tells you that it will kill you
I'd get one
they might have a chance of me doing that if buying enough jims for a spark would be on the same level as buying a pick ticket
but not when it's hundreds of bucks
a lot of words to say you're poor
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She can clean this
who's that white haired girl?
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We collabing with Sega Dreamcast?
those exist?
Medusa, a Geo Gehenna local.
Not a lot of us post frequently but I remember a few reacting when Nozomi got another alt
oh yes...
They're blatantly milking it with Saren
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They'd have done Anni Saren if that was the case. She's no different from Nozomi or Maho.
/pcrg/ exclusive platoon(guild) in Girls' Frontline 2 (Dorkwinter) - PrincessKnight id:103338
Feel free to apply, no need to tryhard, but slackers will be kicked. Pleasuring your danchou once a month is a mandatory!
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>more milkbait
>slackers will be kicked
As far as I know, not actually possible. You can only kick people who haven't been online for 3 consecutive days.
Don't mean to be rude, but I don't think Monika will produce any-
Anni Nozomi already happened though. They'll probably focus on the newer priconnes next anni.
She's the welfare though, isn't she?
Milkbait in the sense that she's baiting you with her milkers
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I already uninstalled sis. had everything got bored wasted the rest of my pulls then uninstalled
Next anni is blatantly Neneka, Labyrista and Christina. Anyone will agree.
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I'm never listening to /pcrg/'s predictions ever again.
>seventh anniversary
>focuses on the seven crowns
I guess it makes sense.
>Priroll has announced the release of PriCakes and PriMacarons using the key visuals of #プリコネフェス2025 !
>Cakes and macarons featuring each character will be available
>More details will be announced at a later date, so stay tuned!
Seems to be cakes and macarons with the girls on them. I'll finally be able to eat Misora.
Honestly no idea about this, haven't played on the chink server. Eh it's fine for now.
Summer Neneka is too recent. They'll give the act 3 characters a chance to shine. I for one am hoping to see Anni Clear
>7th anniversary
>Seven Crowns
>Neneka is randomly a guest again despite not getting an alt or even appearing all year
>Hidden guests
>Chiaking ALWAYS attends since she has her Christina cosplay
>10 years of Priconne and TW already got their lore heavy event last year
>We know little to nothing of the Crowns since arc 3 started
Nothing else makes sense. The only debatable thing is if Kaiser Insight gets an alt instead of Christina or Laby.
Ayumi I see you
Who is the danchou?
Nobody could've predicted Medusa
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Imagine Medusa irl
Chika homescreens are of the highest quality.
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I've just been hoping for Medusa ever since Resplendent Phoenix appeared in the story and I'm hoping that we get her too one day
mr. Raymond
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>Imagine Medusa irl
/Our/ mangaka.
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Nobody noticed this, but the pajama stuff from last month was bigly popular they're expanding it.
>Due to popular demand, the Chara Pop Store currently being held in Akihabara will also be opening in Osaka and Fukuoka!
>The event will be held at Namco Umeda Store from Saturday, March 1st, 2025, and at Bandai Namco Cross Store Hakata from Saturday, March 22nd, 2025!
>After the event, we plan to sell the product online
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It only seems natural for a robot to feel inferior to another one of its kind.

I like Grace too so it's ok.
I don't play cuck games
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>I don't play cuck games
The idea is ok but I don't really like the name. It's princess connect but not /pcrg/
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well sorry mister, most of the names are already taken and you can't have clan name longer than 14 symbols, so it's either absolutely cringe shit, simply /pcrg/ or this. Plus it doesn't look bad in your profile (pic related)
either way, if noone interested i'm renaming clan to NTRCHADS, pick some chinks up and voila, it's a tryhard clan
just call it kotturds
if everyone wants it i don't really care (if it's not taken)
Whoa, ryoito_no_oka got an official Priconne gig now?
these damage estimates seem a bit high. I have their pleb tree and even for SA where you can't do anything wrong, I am quite a bit below the estimate
Looplets debuff
I wonder how the new manga will work alongside the 4koma?
>borrowed wurm twice
bwos... it's over...
the restrictions on the fire mage teams are AIDS, I wanted to run X.Lyrael but the water team is better for me...
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Es würde mich wurmen Wurm nicht zu haben.
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hmm i should do my hits
is this the pouer of petturds
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the final boss
marugoshi can tame him
Did me hits
ranks and glory status?
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Very glorious
Saren is blatantly milking me
I don't see what you mean.
Mister is lactating
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One of these days I'll get them.
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Looplets are beating Ayumisters
what's their rank right now?
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Looplets 202
Ayumisters 305
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>absolutely annihilated
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My box can't handle this.
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>Looplets 202
How the hell did that happen?
Eugenics program at work
The hits on D2 have a fairly easy and common build if you have PHiyori
D3 has the Shiori team which also has a lot of common girls
If you have HatsShio, D4 is basically free
D5 is a bit of a pain and D1 requires some limiteds which might be less common
Wide Hips?
Fun Island?
>Wide Hips?
>Fun Island?
Looplets 179
Ayumisters 194
the new banners won't be up before NY, right?
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never again will I be cucked by Christina's bond TP
I farmed up my 6* Kokk UE2 and then she's not even used...
I hope you saved the memory pieces for NY.Kokkoro
I don't have NYKokk
Kyaroomba or Karyoomba?
I might be luckshitting too much... have gotten free WChieru, XAyane and XIo from free rolls.

only got 45k for Grace, Saren and Medussy.
You have 30/40 freebies for Grace, make them count Mister
Rolling for Medusa my cunny wife in Granblue and now Priconne too
I'm skipping Medusa.
I will first check if she's useful, but the design definitely makes me want to roll...
Do we already know the elements for all the new girls?
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I like when this character speaks as her ass proudly is facing me.
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Oops, I sharted again
I played trying to pad, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
bros is priconne dying?
they didnt do a stream, just radio.
this time for sure
It was basically a stream, plus the reason why was explained during the stream itself.
They're renovating the radio show and making it bigger in both scope and shows, but instead of 4 times a week it'll be 2.
Basically from now on every other week we'll get a radio show that'll give us news.
oyasumi pcrg
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Is it morally justified to play Priconnect on company wifi?
>Still working this year
I pity you
I'm sure others use it to contact their loved ones, this is no different
it is your moral obligation
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Do I have to put something cringe like 'Nyes /pcrg' to apply?
*knock* *knock*
wake up /pcrg/
>two pick tickets in a row
God we're so spoiled. Hope we get another one on the anniversary too
nope kotty, just send the request
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How have free rolls been for you so far? been great for me
Got Akari who was all I needed, and got #1 in the prize gacha twice. Can't complain but now I wish they would roll over to Grace already!
I got school bbdan elf girl (forgot her name) and I already had her...
nothing new, i trust that my luck is building up for grace
Any relation to the boss monster of the same name?
She's probably a youmajin so she's the humanoid equivalent of it, I guess.
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Grace added to the official site.
Age is 21. Birthday is Halloween.
Hobbies include Ink painting.
She doesn’t look 21.
rude bro wtf
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0 ssr
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In the preview Medusa mentions looking for her sisters, I looked it up and they do infact exist. We might see them appear?
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> PriConne Fes 2025 Commemorative Gratte & Only Shop

>2025/2/1-11 will be held at 6 Gratte stores/

>Latte Cookies
>You can choose from 13 varieties

>An exclusive shop will also be held at Akihabara ANNEX!
>Please come and visit us!
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I'm still waiting for Halloween.
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Got nothing last free rolls and nothing from these ones, meanwhile my clanmates are clearing the board.
XChika and XChris
So one useless one, and one that will enable new hits in case Christina sees some more use again
Can't complain
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Lost all 5 P.arena hits.
Still got nothing, what day does grace's banner start and how many free rolls can we use on her?
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Lot of schizos in my bracket. Got a revenge snipe on one of them
Would they really die so soon before their new anime?

Though it does look like the story's wrapping up.
Maybe they just didn't want to show Monika's VA on stream again
She's ugly as shit right
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Nyo, they just are making the radio bigger from now on to deliver news and give people a reason to tune in. It's going to be a way for /pcrg/ to also have something to get hyped over since we can watch the premiere together instead of ignoring it exists.
slampig would btw
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Someone make a bike horn cover of Connecting Happy
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Damn her sisters are sexo
She's so dominant yet cautious...
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>running D5 with water
>every time Chieru winks at me during her UB I regret skipping her
My sins are catching up to me...
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they should really move that "support" to the top so you can properly see the stars
It's faster to fix your eyesight
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Imagine running this lmao.
That's better than a lot of /pcrg/ hitters to be honest
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Hag love.
3 or 4, I tend to get confused with the time zones
>actually survives the whole fight solo
what a durable onahole
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Were you sickened to see that she's a pervert in her dreams?
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Don't worry little kot! I have the solution to ALL your problems!
I already have the rope next to me
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Damn, why couldn't we get something like this?
Priconne is a family friendly game.
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I look like this
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>clear last lap on tier 3
>don't have a team for tier 4
The 4b dream is dead bros...
>Priconne is a family friendly game.
Because I will impregnate them all and make them mothers.
you only hit stage 4 on day 2?
Fun Island is a casual clan
it's over
this CB is a lot less pad friendly than the last one. I am already half a billion in score behind compared to last month's day 2.
So many players missing this month.
not any more than usually for my clan
bro wtf is this and why did it end up in my youtube feed
I ahven't tried it out yet. Christmas time, today is the first day I'll do a tier 4 hit.
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Do your hits
Already did them hours ago
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Do my hits
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Arrived at 3 sparks now, having skipped everything this month.
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I couldn't find any Cygames character that's a Bee girl.
>Magic Spider - Lady Arachne
>Purgatory Phoenix - Phoenix
>Snow Leopard
This is probably Cygames Lily, the loli with ice powers. I reckon they'll make her a beastgirl.
>The snake
Confirmed to be Medusa or all 3 sisters
>The bee
No idea
>The Dust Wolf
Quite obviously Fenrir.
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lmao what's with this meme and priconne
someone should make a /pcrg/ one with ecelebs, would be kino

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