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>Decensor Guide

Bubu Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JIeqeLrpms
2.4 Event Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXq0Mqi0L_U
Catbox ver: https://files.catbox.moe/2288f1.mp4
Bubu (The Geomancer) Operative Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2kuFIaDylI

>Snowbreak 2.4 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
[Dec 19 - Jan 23] Expedited access to Story Chapter 14 Pt. 1 “Maze of Darkness”
[Dec 19 - Jan 16] Supreme Battleground
[Dec 23 - Jan 06] Endless Battle
[Dec 26 - Jan 09] Seven-Day Carnival
[Dec 30 - Jan 13] Shadowy Peaks
[Dec 31 - Jan 14] Heartfelt Messages
[Jan 06 - Jan 20] Containment Protocol
[Jan 09 - Jan 23] Hero Games

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Dec 19 - Jan 23] Bubu -The Geomancer | Gilded Blaze
[Dec 19 - Jan 09] Eatchel - The Cub | Blitzing Fangs
[Jan 02 - Jan 23] Katya - Dawnwing | Aurora Sands

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form

Previous: >>507486075
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We live to Bubu another day
alright, cuming
Kill Edda. Behead Edda. Roundhouse kick a Edda into the concrete. Slam dunk a Edda baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Edda. Defecate in a Edda food. Launch Edda into the sun. Stir fry Edda in a wok. Toss Edda into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Edda gas tank. Judo throw Edda into a wood chipper. Twist Edda heads off. Report Edda to the IRS. Karate chop Edda in half. Curb stomp pregnant Edda. Trap Edda in quicksand. Crush Edda in the trash compactor. Liquefy Edda in a vat of acid. Eat Edda. Dissect Edda. Exterminate Edda in the gas chamber. Stomp Edda skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Edda in the oven. Lobotomize Edda. Mandatory abortions for Edda. Grind Edda fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Edda in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Edda with a ray gun. Kick old Edda down the stairs. Feed Edda to alligators. Slice Edda with a katana.
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this is the thread
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My favorite drink is soup.
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I see your mouse.
Bubu thread
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it won't happen anymore
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When are we gonna get this kino?
Bubu is so dumb, haha
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Having an operative wearing a very tight bodysuit would be nice
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Teaching Eatchel sex
>Finding out she’s good at it because she practiced on you while you slept
Bullying Eatchel with sex
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eat your veggies
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nyoggers call me the drink
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you not even the cup
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Consider the Kot!
Eatchel Game
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snoggers call me the wife
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first wife and or head wife Fenny.
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Fenny jiggle
Fenny game
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Which girl produces the most breast milk? My vote is either Bubu or Vidya.
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Bubu is milkiest by far.
Bubu needs regular milking or her udders start to hurt
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Fenny love
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Petite hag marriage needs to happen in 2025.
Vidyas breasts are filled with silicone, no milk coming from those
Tess has the most milk
Who is the most breedable girl?
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The one who love kids the most
Nightly Enya impregnation ritual...
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Meursault specifically.
>Haru actually resting
I should buy a lottery ticket
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Please be responsible with images.
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+1 image
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>Replaced the Chinese voice-over actor for Fenny, along with all her in-game Chinese voice lines.
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mmmh... nyo
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Hmmmm... Nyo!
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Uh you guys are kinda nice
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With 2.5 being a big deal, I'd wish they start advertising it early, I'd also like to know if seaslug considers Bubu a success despite all that happened or a failure
I play with JP voices, what was wrong with Fenny CN?
Mistakes into miracles
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+1 image for Nitaslop
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I love Acacia so much bwos, it's gotta happen @ 2nd Anni.
She didn't have one since all but three of the girls' actresses left because of gay shenanigans. And without a CN seiyuu, she would be unable to appear in any story events after and including 2.5 (the story will be fully voiced in CN going forward), nor receive any skins (except for BP ones I guess).
>Sporty tomboy Nita
>Wears the laciest sexy undies
that's the kind of gap Nita needs
Must be the panties she was wearing on that undercover ballroom operation with Adjutant
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>no M3
>no sig
>mediocre logis
I'm failing her and myself
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my first 50 affinity
My first was Cherno, followed by Lyfe and Fenny.
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that's who I'm going for next, and then Haru
someone edit a (You) over the flower
>9. Fixed an issue where Dodge-Shot Charge was consumed, but Lyfe - Infinite Sight failed to perform a dodge shot after releasing Katya - Dawnwing's Sweeping Hailshot.
I can't believe Katya would sabotage Lyfe like that. What an evil woman.
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Datamined cut adjutant skin
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Noob question: does 4Cherno titan phantom (her ult skill) count as Aux Unit?
Zuma was cool, this new obstacle course sucks
it's all gonna go to her tits...
adjutant is jewish?
>the adjutant has better modeled feet than the girls
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>no hoodie
into the trash it goes
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I got early access
Uh. i've been out of the loop. What happened with Fenny's voice actor? Is it something old or recent?
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She finally gets it
>What happened with Fenny's voice actor?
their agency dropped snowbreak
>Is it something old or recent?
Be cute and sexy!
Pretty sure its aux
Old thing with the whole VA fiasco we had.
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I am!
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I'm new. Why bubu don't have dorm?
Playable Tau?
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nyes you are! 10/10

I accept this granny 8/10

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Ignore the others.
I'm the actual cute and sexy one!!
thats actually a taboo questions and related to a deleted character nobody can talk about.
stop bullying our gathering wives friends
Oh yes i forgot about that. Bubu was supposed to be way later right?
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It seems Adjutant need to be reminded about importance of maintaining proper discipline among Operatives under his command.
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stop posting delusions. Wyfe, get rid of this!!
Who knows... Chances are they made Bubu from scratch, a couple of weeks ago..
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You're right, Tau.
I will spank them all right now.
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I feel bad for CN Fennybros
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in a sec, too busy disciplining evil women
Playable Pi?
She's dead bro
I didn't ask for Qingying bro
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>update with bugfixes
>Adjutant imaginary deckchair is still there
At this point it looks like Slugs are ignoring that glitch on purpose...
They are BOTH dead, Jim.
and nothing of value been lost
I won't believe Pi is dead until I see the ashes
Well they nailed it. She's great.
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They should. It makes me laugh.
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put her back anon
this is a bubu thread
why so dead
why so red
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I usually chat in game for a few hours after reset, then come back.
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This is why they filled you with dead juice
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Four more days till Heartfelt Messages, I love stupid shit like that.
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Same. Actually one of the things I'm looking forward to the most this patch
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A lot of my small joys in this game is just the small reading parts just like the messages you get in your mail. Keep it coming.
It's the absolute highlight of the patch for me. I can't wait to read Fenny, Yao, and Chen's missives.
Bwos...How do I save time on Shadow Predator? I'm currently at 0.9% with a clear time of 60.2 seconds with Bubu and I think I'm doing things optimally considering M0T1 but how are people getting better?
How is the new Chinese Fenny VA compared to previous one? Just asking out of curiosity, I use Japanese voices so it doesn't affect me.
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What offer is expiring on the next daily reset?
Why so bed?
Your monthly bwo
Ignore my previous post. It wasn't right to say that given the sample size. Anyway, here's a comparison video if you're interested: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1JKCzYsE3n
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What are we doing on the bed, bunseki?
I don't understand Chinese at all, but I consume some Chinese media, so I doubt my opinion is relevant. But if they change Coronet's voice, I didn't that different. The new CN VA did an amazing job
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I am by no means keen to the CN subtleties but the new VA sounds extremely similar to the old one if not a little better. I am in no way however a good reference for what better is though.
*Happy Marian Noises*
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That's how I'm feeling too. The new one sounds a little easier on the ears, but I rarely listen to CN VAs
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>The new CN VA did an amazing job
Ja, her performance seems generally good. There are some commenters lamenting that the new CV doesn't convey Fenny's aplomb as well; I think there's some merit to this. Since Fenny's not going to be relevant for a while, perhaps the voice director and the new seiyuu can work on this perceived deficiency.
Fenny skins are BACK ON THE MENU.

I doubt anything will top Fenny4 though
lion dancer Fenny skin doko
>the new CV doesn't convey Fenny's aplomb as well
>can work on this perceived deficiency
She will probably do a good job when it comes to the new chapters, skin, and miscellaneous lines. She is new to the character and had to do many lines at once. But adding to what you said, with the new fully voiced chapters, Seaslug will pay more attention to quality.
Absolutely, I think so too. I'd imagine Fenny's a fun character to voice, so I'm looking forward to how the new seiyuu grows into the role.
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All the best for CN VA's but as a JP enjoyer I feel secure in getting my haughty Fenny goodness played to perfection.
I primarily play with the Japanese dub too, occasionally switching over to the Chinese one; however, I want the CN VA to do very well for Fenny's sake.
You guys think we'll ever get an off colored girl? Like grey skinned or blue skinned?
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I'm still trying to get one hag, somehow I doubt the non-human girls will get priority.
I'd love a girl with an abnormal skin color. Not sure how they'd explain it though.
>Not sure how they'd explain it thoug
Titagen. It's like a magic word that can explain everything and anything
Titagen, son.
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We might eventually get a cute AI girl with a blue jellylike chest and visible ribcage :)
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You can't just explain everything with titagen
Hmm, I'm thinking Edda ryona.
Of course I can. That is why I didn't send yesterday's report. Because of titagen!
Bubu is the best thing that's happened to this game in many patches.
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>I'm still trying to get one hag
Uh bro? Your Acacia? She's literally like 47.
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Think big
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And how perfect she'll be at 67 but it's like Siris, she's 27 but has 0 hag energy. I want a real HAG ENERGY lady like Tau.
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How is Bubu so pretty?
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>almost a year later and still the best
>even katya alter can compete with katya
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She's adorable....
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Cute stat: Maxed

Haru is actually quite a funny character in the sense that she's simultaneously innocent and girlish yet cold and hardened. It just depends on how she's approached/provoked which either brings out the fair maiden or rigid military girl.
Haru 5 seconds before obliterating a fly
I wish that fly was my penis
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>We need to talk about your lack of self preservation
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It feels like they're building up Tau a bit more for something, so who knows...
What? We have the best doctors here!
Lmao imagine if in order to save her life from aging they put her in a rejuvenating pod and they turn her into a lolibaba
>The only playable hag turns into a lolibaba
ChongChong won the war
They are going to make loli Tau a twin unit with Edda.
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I pray, I've been enjoying the Tau parts in the story so much, too much even. Do other people enjoy Tau as much or is it simply my biases as someone who is weak to her appearance? I love Tau and Caroline so much bwos...
For me, It's Caroline
Caroline in a swimsuit.jpg
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good choice
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>Do other people enjoy Tau as much
I'm enjoy Tau too! I hope she gets more screen time
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Caroline probably helps Tau get into hers.
I really hope Seaslug can see these fanarts and make Tau cosplaying as manifestations canon
wtf my boss is cute?!?!
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I think Tau wearing other operators clothing and her and Caroline recreating their initial CG but with different clothing/circumstances is by far my favorite meme from this game. The one where Caroline looks scared and Tau imposing. Comedy gold.
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She always has been
When is Star Master 3 coming out?
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Yup, been loving the Tau moments too.
Her interaction with the Adjutant, especially at the end of this patch were nice.
It also confirmed that they go out for dinner together regularly.
What if the old VA is the same as the new one. They just re-recorded everything and they'll pretend they changed her. kek
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It's funny how that little line was like and ocean of fulfillment for me. Just the mention they meet often was the sustenance I needed to carry me all the way to the future with hope in my heart.
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That there? That's the man they called seasoned wolf.
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Cherno! Siris! Bring me your costumes.
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Ehhh, but after you put on my outfit last time you stretched it out completely, it wouldn't fit on me anymore afterwards!
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Siris...How did you become such a big goldfish? Asking for a friend.
Lots of whole milk and red meat.
Eating Cherno's food daily.
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Cherno! You have to let me eat some of your food, I beg you!!! I'm sorry I didn't try it till now, just please, let me have some!
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don't do it, Frit
your perfectly-shaped ass will be ruined
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I had a dream last night that I had a Frit girlfriend and it was the best dream I ever had. Making out with her was really nice and she gave me a lap pillow while she massaged my head.
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Well...how bad can it be?
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*Several Cherno meals later*

Siris! Siris! It worked! You were right, I got bigger!
I am saving my last key and all my opal vouchers from now on to prep for Bubus room
Awww yeah, spooky hands. My favorite!
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Sounds kino, I wish I had such pleasant dreams. Frit GF would high tier even if boney.
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You are doing the right thing, anon.
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I really don't know what I'm doing but it worked in the end.
Looks fine to me
>accidently fed my lv4 bubu gun to my last level 1 bubu gun
Guess you better roll her sig now
How the fuck does that even happen?
I don't have bubu yet and neither one was equipped so I was doing it from the inventory screen rather than the character one.
I'm less shocked by her scary dish than by how large chernos chernos are here
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It's snover
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Get in the ball, Adjutant.
is this a new game or an addition to GFL2?
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it's a fanmade game. Someone on leddit posted that it was official.
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its also a looter shooter
a fanmade game with asset flips would probably do better honestly. But given the history of gacha game spinoffs that die not long after the idea stage maybe dont hold your breath on it
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I was wondering how it looked so low quality even for a test. If it was just a fan game it's fine but for a studio it was dogshit.
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>fanmade game
>better quality than snowkeks
nice game
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bring it back
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I wonder how many fanfics about her with the Adjutant she has written, and how many of them are rated R
Kot is a woman of class and cheesy romance light novels.
Vidya however...
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Vidya gaem
Vidya love
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All of them are rated R
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>I wonder how many fanfics about her with the Adjutant she has written, and how many of them are rated R
The 2 light novels she's released so far had to go through heavy editing and proof reading and re editing before they could be released. They were simply too graphic. The 3rd LN, which has been in the works for quite some time, is having the most hang ups regarding being capable of being published, because the very nature of it is simply too lewd and Mauxir hasn't thought of a way to rewrite it in a way that is less lewd. Perhaps she just doesn't want to write it less lewdly.
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he's doing it again
Let's be honest. We need a certain operative in the game.
We need a Mauxir Twin. This will give tri-kot power to the game (Kebechet counts)
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>We need a Mauxir Twin
Already canon. When Adjutant is in Mauxir's room, he is spending his time with a sexcat harem of Mauxir clones licking every inch of his body simultaneously.
No, we need a blood twin with the opposite personality as Mauxir as well. The bots are NOT enough
We also require an Egypt patch
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>we could have had a Mauxir twin
>but they made her a logistics girl
>and they named her fucking Beronica :DD instead of Bastet
scroll up you stupid retarded seanigger
it's snover
You only need one cat, nya.
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post em boys
I'm satisfied with this, although even faster is possible
I’m feeling like I shouldn’t have rushed to catch up with the story chapters. While The new chapters would miss context, the patches take so long and I’ve finished the last couple in a few days reading leisurely. Now I have nothing to do but wait for the minigames to slooowly unlock.
The game is really comfy, there is no rush.
Some minigames could be a bit longer or have different stages
I recommend spending some time fishing in Star Master 2.
is that a nailed booba?
Based Katya showing the others who's boss.
Katya game
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did i get scam no bubu after 40
Let me make it a cute girl seaslug, with a big butt and no tits
guaranteed has very little chances of an early pull and I think soft pity is up to 80 or 90
that's the price of not having to bother with the 50/50
in the long run both banners are the same
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big Nozomi energy
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Tess Kotkin
Who Whokin???
go back to school bro
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cute vidya
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played it once
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Bwos how do I land an irl girlfriend like Frito, starting to think I'm chasing the impossible...
Don’t be discouraged Chongchong, Fritter sold beyond expectations even with the patch on fire, so he should see snobblers still want flatties.
>Pink hair
>not the worst most annoying person you’ll ever meet
Yeah that’s fantasy only, and not even that since pinks are almost universally the worst girls. Fritia is an exception.
retardbro, it says within 40 because you have 60 pulls stored
whatever bitch
send out another selector box
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well chong chong never really wanted to make a coomer. At least he got a sports car and an iphone out of it.
Nah he always wanted to make a coomer game. He was in the GCG team too and it's a ML coomer game.
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here is the video chongchong commented on
Thank you!
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This feels like an over correction from the writers and I find this new super confident adjuntant terribly hilarious bordering on cringe.
I think Eatchel is hot
rough translation
That's just the way I talk, I'm so damn cool and can say the lamest, cheesiest things and make it sound smooth.
Y-you dumb woman!!
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absolute fucking kino... i kneel...
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>we want the snobble audience
stop the steal!
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fat fish cheeks on my face
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fat fish
Can I peek under her skirt like >>507803956?
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cute young girl
>cute fish
>near hag age
close but no dice.
You should keep your guard up nya
Siris will become a Christmas cake soon.
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I'd like to eat her cake.
For me, it's steamed buns.
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I want to fuck a fish
Play Star Master.
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Why did this make me emotional? This game is ruining me man.
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Holy soul...It's so sad we are kinda seen by many as that coomer game despite being tamer than many more accepted options and plagued by dramaposters/raiders. Why are beautiful things often attacked in this world?
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this shit tears me up a little bit
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only real snoggers have this
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have what? The worst limited unit?
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Chen can do balls?
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she may be the worst but she's still cute
no worries, Cherno
you're still the best when it comes to balls
>Cherno posted
>urge to bully rises
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was frito the pioneer of crawling under the table?
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Just make sure you seal Meursault first
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they added sex to lads for their 3rd anni...
mumu please... add it here too, at least let me smooch them in the dorm freely...
We'd be shut down bro
all I can say is sex.
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Nah, that was Chernyo.
holding hands with Haru
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The Spindel System its the perfect plot device to bring Mersault back as separate entity.
I think she would overheat if you did something so lewd
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Everyone looks happy in this.
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I want to spoil my former mercenary wife
Erasing Star master from storefronts? Sign me up!
Wonder how many more we'll have by the 2nd
can't believe its already one year snoggers

cheers for another more

hopefully the dev will put more cool shit like in in the dorm
Haru… you need to participate. You’ll be left behind in the Adjutantbowl again…
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When will we invest in a ladder for granny?
At the pace of patches I would guess 2 or 3 new ones including Bubu
pandering to straight male is both illegal and immoral bwo, please understand
I'll work as her ladder. I'll just let her climb on my shoulders and plant those shimapan straight on my neck...
Man I really hope 2025 will be /ouryear/
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I hope so too bro
I snuck into mum's garbage and manages to grab the character schedule for the next couple patches.
2.5 is Chen/Yao
2.6 is Tess
2.7 is Eatchel
2.8 is Caroline
2.9 is Meursault with new 4* Nita
3.0 is Fenny/Acacia
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Truly two of the mightiest foes of Snowbreak.
>new 4* Nita
That would be the funniest prank Seaslug could pull.
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Delete this
Belly dancer Nita is on the table for the patch after CNY, sorry.
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I'll keep the boxer Nita dream alive
if nita doesn't use her fists against esther in 2.6 it's doomed
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>2.6 is Tess
I don't think they will make another new character so soon. We already have Bubu for the new girl of Shuozhou.
I just want a Tess rerun patch.
It's up
Bubu's ass on my face
Tess Whokin
I think they will make another selector banner in 2.5, maybe another selector box as freebie. You will definitely have a chance to unbrick your dorm
what's up
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I think I'm quitting bwos this game is getting stale
Acacia marriage, never......
why dont you improve star master then
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Comfy funposting
>Acacia will organize her marriage event in Star Master
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Chill Christmas with the bros
>this is the community they want to sabotage
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Yeah. Too wholesome to exist in a cutthroat gacha world.
one of my posts made it
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Lmao several of my posts made it but I'm still in shock my simping over Wendy made it in. Real talk though Wendy's design is too good.
I mean, I think it's widely acknowledged that this game has no endgame to keep the veteran players invested on top of having 6-7 week patches. Most of us are just holding out on dorm improvements and dating mechanics at this point.
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i'm going to rape her so hard it's unreal
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I think in my entire life out of all the beautiful things I loved with all my heart in the world, the only thing that hasn't been cannibalized or made completely worse is Pokemon. People hate beautiful things for some reason and want everything to conform to exactly what they want.
I feel like they nerfed her rate this patch because I don't think I saw anyone get her before 90 rolls.
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Good luck bwo, you might not have gotten her tied up under the Christmas tree but you still have a chance of holding hands and watching the fireworks together.


I got her in 82/83 rolls. Bubu was kind to me but it did seem like more people got her later this patch.
looks like a 4 star from korean gacha games
>No Tau
>No Li
It’s snowver…

Only because her outfit has the 4 star feel, if you just put her into a more royal outfit it would be an instant winner.
Dumb Brat!!!
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My PoV every 7PM after daily dinner with Tau and going back to her room.
>only one hour of sex
She’ll never get pregnant like that adjutant, try harder
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It's daily and if I'm gone too long people start to wonder where I am.
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Meanwhile in Love and Deepspace...

And in Snowbreak most still live in fear of censorship driving off casuals while being called a coomer game for enjoying a harem. Women having a harem though? Based and empowering.
anyone posting about this game and posting images of it is an actual fag. Fuck off nigger. Post about snowbreak, tired of seeing retards bring this shit up everywhere
If Tau is not playable by the end of next year, this game will EoS. I will make sure of it.
>But the askers were nowhere to be seen, and silence ruled the thread
I don't care as long as they leave snowbreak alone
seeing the reactions and comments to this stream made me realize how emotionally invested they are in these characters, to an unhealthy degree
it's no wonder this game shits on every other gacha in terms of mobile revenue
>seeing the reactions and comments to this stream
bro go back to /gig/ or /vmg/ what the fuck are you doing with your life
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Haru is so cute
can't wait to buy her bed interactive next week
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... where did she go?
I want first person cuddling in snobble
Also new home screen scenes
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*Teleports behind u*
it's not daily reset time, is it?
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He snuck up on me in my room...
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>nothing to make absolutely incoherent Frit-post about...
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it's never been more snover for Frito
turbo frit buttjobs
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I still can't believe she fucked this up
I'm glad my haru present shitpost got extra effort
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>heimdall chat room
Work, wealth, health (6)

>Phetia 20:30
The fortune-telling business has started now~
10 Thank you for your support!
Teacher Futiya only believes in science!
I won’t participate in metaphysical divination.
You have to try it to know if it's correct~

@トト Great! The analyst really brought a lot of delicious food to Ichel~

The starry night is bright, and the food luck is great.
●What I said is right~
@トト It's just like what you said. I watched a touching love movie with the analyst.

Tears flow today, but it's not a bad thing!
Hehe...My skills are extraordinary~
@Futiya Teacher Futiya confirmed
●Why don’t you give it a try?
It's just a coincidence. Teacher Futiya wants to use
Scientific Method Strategy Analyst!

(Wow, you are pretty accurate.)

Worthy of being called Little Heavenly Master!
@Kessia? The hexagram shows that I told you to go out tonight!
@Analyst: Didn’t we come tonight to find
Can Toto read your palm? Analyst~…………...

The analyst retracted a message


Dust white restricted area-
And I made the Njall-shaped wrapped gift.
Good teamwork bwo
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Haru, please. I need to rest...
Is Haru high maintenance?
wild bubu spotted
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Bubu supremacy continues
Woah, they are actually advertising.
Bubu segs behind the garage
Ok where's our milk taster anon? We need an update for Bubu's flavor.
I had thought anons were saying eggnog a while ago, and I approve since Bubu is the christmas miracle/winter girlfriend
Yea I'm all for Bubu's eggnog
How do you guys play with one hand? It's impossible to shoot and run at the same time!
>not playing with your feet
You can use both hands if youre, uh, “bendable”
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Tap Cherno's skill then I can play hands free
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You're right. Its all in my nature
She eats Chernos cooking so it’s not just food she ingests. Chernos dishes can’t really be called food after all
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>Darling, I'm torn between these gowns, because...
>I've always measured perfection by your eyes!
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Tiny brown kot tits are my driving force
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The longer I play this, the more I realize I care more about the girls than the actual game.
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>How do you guys play with one hand?
unironically this
I've had one for a long time, it's super comfy
Pretty much. My most anticipated feature of this patch are those missives, especially those from our ojou-samas. The actual gameplay is just an extra.
No one plays this game for the gameplay. We're all here for our wives.
Delete this.
Eggnog with a hint of lemon.
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We still need a girl with black hair and red eyes.
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why did they nerf this
Evil Bubu...
I need my kurokami princess archetype with the hime cut.
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that's it, no more candy for you. It's only veggies now
>>507853776 >>507853268
majin bubu
Why is this a gif? Why isn't it a higher quality webm? Where's the original webm?
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too much cake
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>Christmas cake soon.
>Christmas cake is over 25
>Sirris is 27
The cake is gonna become stale and made into pudding at this rate.
Eatchel put your skirt back on you little slut. Those are your underwear.
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Holy fucking cute wife.
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>Christmas cake
Guys I have a plan
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Siris/Bubu winter themed patch in July
Read your books. Eat your veggies.
tfw want to play game but game has no content...
>roll for bubu on standard 50/50
>get Yao AGAIN
this is my own fault. I ask for this the moment I choose to roll the 50/50 instead of the 100% sitting right there. I just wish yao was useful for something.
but she is useful still
I lost 3 50/50 weapon banners 3 patches in a row. I don't think I'm ever gambling the coinflip again.
Time for your Nita paradox run bro
Eatchel please gain weight
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b-but now you are about to win 3 in a row!
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Who could be behind this post?
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What a beautiful picture. I think every girl should get one of these when they get married.
The way Katya stares at me on my home screen is extremely alluring and sexual

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>Fenny mentioned
Sucks this doesn't get much fanart that isn't AI slop. The girls in this game are so underrated and deserve tons of fanart.
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Swiping 10-20 rolls to finish the 100% guarantee is cheaper than losing 3 50/50s in a row
What no marketing and notoriety does to a small budget indie gacha game.
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The fact that Xenogears will never get a remake still makes me sad
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They could have gotten free views by using #MerryChristmas but the EN side is retarded and got mogged by Azur Lane.
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>happy christmas
It's like my mind got split in the middle.
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doesn't she look happy bros?
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some people do say Happy Christmas though. It hurts my brain every time
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Merry New Years bwos
Adjutant run!
Katya crazy sex face...
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Because the global marketing team is legitimately just one Chinese intern using ChatGPT running it at this point. They don't do ANY promos whatsoever.
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They were going to say happy holidays
Keep an eye on Seaslug EN accounts
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Why is Chen the only girl without a computer?
She is the computer
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Holy hell, that's the most menacing stance I've even seen BIG CHEN take.
C-can Edda upload herself to Chen then?
Edda lives inside everyone's head, even (You)
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>Edda mentioned
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Big Chen
Big Wedding
Big Bumps
Big Sex
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Less than a month left
I promise I'll get your ring ready in a month. Just give me 1 month. Please. Chong told me it'd be handcrafted with the finest mineral on this planet.
kinda dissapointing that leafy secret white parts don't come off with the uncensor
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It would be a great skin if it did. It clearly looks out of place. Who knows if they read feedback or not but we should spam it in the survey.
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oh no... she's gonna project delusions all over the base again...
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I still don't like her trope, but she's growing on me
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fake news
Bro what the fuck I was literally listening to that outer wilds song before I clicked on the link
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I can honestly see a scenario where while in the midst of romancing Vidya her delusions grow so strong that it ends up projecting us in the third person to all the main monitors in the base hall. The fact there is real possibly in the game scenario is great.

Caroline will have no choice but to watch
I don't know why but I love this stupid picture.
she is uncanny
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>Instantly planting a smooch before she can react
Vidya won
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Fenny gets a lot of cute dumb art
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She makes a great mascot.
isn't that the whole point of this game? I just play to get stuff to roll, my main point of interest is furniture and skins and scenes
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You're 100% going to gamble that coinflip again aren't you
Have you never learned that women are more equal than men almost everywhere you go?
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Remember: 99% of gamblers quit one game before hitting the jackpot
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Cherno my beloved
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I for one, can't wait until their sins come home to roost and they are reduced back to the livestock they should be. Whether it be due to the pendulum swinging back hard, the barbarians they invited in taking over, or just a general collapse of society returning man to his roots it is nothing but inevitable.
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Cherno gets so much good artwork, it's great.
Me too bro. It might be more obvious now since I realized that the Heartfelt Messages are what I'm most excited about in this current patch.
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I feel the exact same way, frankly I'm happy with just NS for a bit of game play fun. I just wish there would be some kind of bigger gameplay loop that would keep all the gameplayfags happy. I just want more story and WORDS.
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Pretty sure I said this before but I can't wait to play Containment Protocol
any new leaks?
it's my favorite co-op mode
>Chaika face
I still remember when that aired, I shopped that face on a shitton of images.... good times
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Greetings, fellow Oji-san.
If we're lucky, they would release the 2.5 patch trailer 1 week earlier than normal just like what they did for the anniversary and the summer patch.
why are you guys talking like if that was an old series...
I-It wasn't that long ago....
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It's been over 10 years, nya...almost 11...

That's longer than Naruto Shippuden was on air...nya...
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Starting in a few days, it's been... 15 years...
Why does Mauxir need all those projectors in her room? It looks like someone built a base in an RTS.
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Good times
Time stopped in 2015. Nothing after that is real. It's still current year.
I never finished watching it but I do remember one girl dying then molting her dead corpse and a chibi version of herself coming out. Or was that something else?
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W-What sorcery is this, nya?!
That was chaika, yes. Shocking truth.
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That does it Eatchel, more math lessons for you! If you refuse, you will have nothing but vegetables for dinner!
>f*nny mail
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how many times must I go out for dinner with Tau before she lets me earn more opal vouchers?
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She isn't completely wrong, the original manga was published around the start of 2010 and anime followed in 2014.
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3 years minimum
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A worker in need is a good, compliant worker. Now take me to this new restaurant that just opened up, I've reserved us a spot.
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That was a fun manga. I wish non-isekai shit still got made.
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Just wait till one of the villains zaps Adjutant into another world filled with beast-girls, amazons and all kinds of hybrids. Then Adjutant will somehow be even stronger and save them from their plight and the process will begin anew.

Then after mastering his new Titagen powers he can create a portal just for him between worlds and can visit each world freely.
Tau will have a giant ass in 2 years if this keeps up
and I still won't have enough vouchers
>beast girls
Also Eatchel.
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Okay that's a hilarious. The new isekai world is just a different reality where instead of technological super future, it's a more primitive nature filled world with all the current operators appearing in more bestial form. All fighting with swords, fists, claws and other manner of nature elements.

Mauxir would be an actual cat! Siris would be a mermaid!
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sex with Caroline
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...The Kettle stays in this time...
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Fenny x Rock is one of my favorite memes now.
spanking Tau
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it's a Friday of the Yao variety

PoV: Against your better judgement you pulled on the 50/50 banner
Why are you all pulling the 50/50 today?
bro we are getting a free yao soon
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Wait, this guy used 8 of the standard currency. So that must be a beginner banner. In which case congratz Yao is one of the better pulls you can make! Just stop rolling on that banner and never use Digicash on standard banners
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Serious question for CN bros present. Is the Fenny letter translation from your servers the same as EN
Yao... That's a married man...
why is my girlfriend like this?
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A married man...with a girlfriend.
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this is why I like bubu
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У мeня пapaнoидaльнaя шизoфpeния.
No, you shouldn't dotonate your ball in yehrussian consulate.
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We fixed that
I wish meursault was real
Remember, no yerussian.
I wish Meursault didn’t die..
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bubu game
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*Twists and turns Cherno's ahoge to fix reception coming into her antenna*
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oops~ Hehehe
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>She won't stop staring at me...
Don't look at her don't look at her don't look at her...

I can feel her saying Adjutant in her head 128 times...
A straightforward, cute, affectionate girl like Bubu must be a breath of fresh air with all these stalkers and violent rapists Adjutant has to wrangle all day.
Bubu drugged me.
Don't worry she will be tainted into becoming a violent rapist, just look at what happened to Cherno. She used to be sweet and innocent but now she is even mocking Vidya.

It's only a matter of time before corrupted buy Katya, Tess, Enya and such.
Acacia is being very aggressive now too...
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Anon, all the girls end up being rapists eventually...
Enjoy it while it lasts...
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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I can't believe Eatchel is thinking about Bubu falling over
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Tess please, I'm late already
>1 minute added every time she says your name
Where does Bubu place in the pelvis crushing tier list?
Just under Chen.

Low, too much padding. She'd probably let Adjutant lead a lot too.
Her padding is heavy, though.

In weight yeah, but she has an undeniable buoyancy and spring to her buns. Too much bounce. It wouldn't create the blunt force trauma needed to crush something by any means, just flatten.
I think if she slapped you with her udders she would leave a welt though

Yeah because of how elastic she is, you'd be able to get a real good whipping motion. That same elasticity wont crush a pelvis though. It would probably be a very enjoyable experience with no major injuries.
Best sex tier list:
SSS - Bubu
F- Everyone else
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Mauxir and her kebe-chan clones is also SSS tier. It's just not the pelvis crushing type of sex.
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Bubu would probably constantly provide a very consistent enjoyable experience but without any of the ungodly unworldly high's of some of the other girls.
Bubu has the best oral game out of any of the girls
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It's a tough one, but perhaps the second best.
F-tier. Her fetish of stuck in wall sex and doggy makes her very unlikely to be in a riding position.
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Unmatched in emotional-less play. Would occasionally browse her phone while you take her from behind. Occassionally super sweetly though.
Or tightness and tongue technique
I honestly can’t tell which would top
Which girl would be most obsessed with being impregnated though?
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Need you even ask?
Vidya or Enya
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She already has a "daughter"
What's five more?
My votes for Fenny, she feels like she would be obsessed with being the mother of a perfect nuclear family
And also competitive to try to be the first one pregnant. And then the one with the most kids.
So I took a peek at Snowbreak Facebook Group and man, some Facebook Snowbro is making good points on how to improve the game.
for me, it's pelvis-crushing, bed-breaking sex with Enya, followed up by lots of cuddling and treatment for my pain
Based yet shitters
Aren’t you all too horny? Is it horny day?
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No its Haru day
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It's thinking day
It's headpats day, nya.
Yup, I’m thinkin it’s horny day.
Wouldn’t Eatchel be the horniest of all since she’s the only one with horns hmm?
No, Eatchels the horniest because she’s the only snogger currently going through puberty
Acacia literally just became 18
Bro she’s 48 years young…
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Makes me wonder since when she was smitten with him.
She was relatively terse with some light teasing in the beginning, and now she wants to have newtype mind sex with him and is barely bothering to come up with an excuse
Monkey paw curls, only portal fantasy is made now.
I do not understand what you mean.
Not him but I’ll guess it’s isekai but where the mc can go back to their original world with portal whenever they want, which is worse than normal isekai
That's still just isekai. I wished for no isekai you damn monkey!
I can only give you a fantasy story that is identical to isekai just without the another world part, final offer.
Portal fantasy is just the west's version of isekai. Take Narnia for example
Black Company has portals and that series is great, but I guess it has to be a fish out of water story starting with an earthling?
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I haven't logged in since 1st Descendant released, is there any point to return to Snowbreak? I never actually reached endgame since I'm a free player and I never really understood all the systems like logistics. I wish there was a relatively easy way to just build a team that can do everything I need.
I want to pat her head and ass to reassure her when she makes a face like this
It doesn't just have to have a portal, it's just that like in japan the original popular way to transport someone to another world was via truck, in the west they just used portals, so they were called portal fantasies.
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>he missed turbo frit
Bricked, better to stay gone than live without her
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Would have been sexo if not for the foot
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Yao wedding…
Haru wedding…
I need them Mumu, Chongchong… please….
>she brought fried chicken into bed
damn bitch, you live like this?
anyone got a clean BubuStartScreen.webm
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thank you bwos.. my life is complete
Girl only bothered to tidy up the bed for next sleep night with Adjutant.
More like Bubride
Skipping the entire line and getting a ring immediately after her release!
Sorry Chen, maybe next new years
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it's snover...
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Remember to feed your Eatchels.
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It's so over Tessbro. The artist who only drew Tess fanart has made a Bubuart
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Another proof that Bubu is basically Tess but better
> out schizoed by Vidya
> new operatives can use their ult for free
> boobcreeped by Bubu

What is Tess even good for now
Making your dick disappear(into her).
Eventual arc where Tess goes nuclear
Tess Whokin
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>finally got around to reading frito's dorm story
>only had up to lvl40 unlocked

Sidenote: I'm reminded why I stuck with snobble even though I've accepted the TPS aspect of it will never get better. These characters have such good personalities, and the writers knock it out of the park when it comes to character focused stuff more often than not.
Why do you think most of us just put dorm ideas and more interactions with the girls in our survey? This game is more of a waifu game with TPS elements rather than the other way around.
A competent dev would be able to do both. Sadly, the only people who seem to have any talent on the snobble team are the writers. At least the ones not actively trying to sabotage the game.
>competent dev
I'm saying seaslug is incompetent, bwo. At least the snobble team. Mecha break team is cooking.
I want to play Star Master™
Who Whowho?
Who is Tess again?
It's pretty obvious that this was actually THAT girl event with the plot of the adjutant trying to save THAT girl from coma. Bubu being the antithesis of THAT girl color is really telling.
I like Bubu though, she's cute.
who cares, bubu is better than q*ngying
Bubu: Beta version
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NTA and bubu is really cute, but i like qingying better
never gonna give it up until we get a girl with her bodytype and personality later on
Qingsimps at it again
>those hips
>those moles
>that pouty bratty face
>yellow eyes
>gradient colored ponytail on default appearance
I'm still mad.
I got her in 60 rolls. In the previous patch i got Fritia in 95 rolls, or close to max.
>those moles
Yeah, I'm still glad.
Glad she's gone.
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I will never forget
I will never forgive
It must be my fetish for Chinese women talking, but I love both. Looking forward for next patch
Go fuck yourself
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i will correct her someday. even if she's in a different body, her soul will live on. i will never forget her.
why do the schizo bugmen get so buttravaged whenever qing is brought up? people here clearly really liked her
why all of the toxicity?
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Qingying love
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She's so fucking cute.
it's 1am here
i'm rushing all of my dailies in other gachas before reset because i'm mentally ill
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Try being helpful before expecting a result and see what happens for you
i refuse
what is this MTL english fortune cookie text
Blue women are done
Orange women saved this game time and time again
>Orange women saved this game time and time again
bro? your katya????????
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Let me put it in western terms.
"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame."
Oh absolutely. But what does this have to do with Snowbreak?
Us Katyabros do not condone QingYingfaggot melties
Do not associate real blue girls with that trash
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The interplay of pride and shame
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Because the fact that Qingying is a good girl and actually dindu nuffin implies that those schizo bugmen were fooled and tricked by the saboteur into killing their own girl and causing more damage to their own game. And it is impossible for chinks to admit they've made a mistake.
>QingYingfaggot melties
the only people melting down are the weird anti-qing haters, qing bros were just posting their love for a cute character
it's really telling when this thread is being raided by the chinese, jesus christ look at >>507920645
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Fenny colour
Fenny game
We love our CN brothers here btw, you aren’t blending in at all
>t. bugman
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Adjutant, you are supposed to protect your manifestation, not killing them due to your paranoia
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Its speeding a thread a bit~
Peoples blood pumping
The result of true feelings rising to the top
Are these all AI? or do people actually draw snowbreak..
you should travel abroad to the US and learn english properly because your MTL translations from chinese do not sound natural at all, no one talks like this
I know, Chang
Should we tell them? I don’t think they know there is NO(zero(0)) chance that the foot whore is coming back.
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I don't have to move for you to be here~
This webm unironically makes me wish there was more permanent endgame content purely to pull shit like this. This stuff is really cool.
I read very little of the story in the beginning and only returned once it was rewritten. It felt really bare, like a huge amount had been removed. What was the deal with this Qingying character anyway? I remember reading about meeting her somewhere in the mountains while the other two were asleep?
I know Qing will never get added to the game in this version, but I still want a version of her added. Just change her a little bit so the schizo chinks in this thread don't realize that it's the same character recolored. They're pretty low IQ, so it shouldn't be too hard.
*youtube video. Too much 4chan on my brain
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There is also 0 chance for Lingyin to come back, but why do bugmen always schizo out to some binary numbers?
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>What was the deal with this Qingying character anyway?
She was just a brat that teased you about your relationship with the other girls. Also she was curbstomping a generic faceless NPC with her barefeet and china being china thought that literal murder was NTR because of skin-on-skin contact with another person was made, so they made her a witch and burned her. Really schizo shit.
We have a small but active group of artists in the Snobble fanbase. But 99% of them are Chinese so you need to learn how to look up for their new works
That was in the spectral fantasy minigame, she had nothing of value to say just spouted some chinky poetry that read like shit and then accused yao and fritia of being whores. I guess adjutant tickled her foot too, the same one she rubbed all over another mans face during your first meeting.
Honestly footfags deserve to be put in their place for that.
Damn looks like a raid randomly happened. I guess I'll leave for now. See you again tomorrow snoggers.
>then accused yao and fritia of being whores
this is disinfo, she just joked that Yao's name in chinese sounded like prostitute
she was just really bratty and needed correction, but the ML chinese schizophrenic vocal minority thinks that any girl that isn't immediately sucking your dick is a feminist that wants to cut your dick off because of their IRL shit going on
They’d been mostly quiet for the past couple weeks or so, maybe they got bored spamming another gacha general?
Stop spreading your misinformation Chang. Qingying have never called Yao or Fritia a whore. It's a little girl saying a homonym with zero evil intention in the original version.
Night bro.
this is the only general i visit
i post in here constantly about other things
i posted once about Qing and got some random chinks replying to me calling me out
maybe stop being faggots and schizophrenic, not everything is a raid
why the fuck would someone randomly raid this game when there's 0 new content in the middle of the night?
Nah, I read it. You aint fooling anybody with that “disinfo” bull
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>and then accused yao and fritia of being whores
Ohhhhh now i get it. This seems to be a bit more than
>teased you about your relationship with the other girls
what this guy wrote here.
Yeah, completely understandable why some femceloid creaturas creating a character that calls other characters whores(just like some shizos in this thread bitching about whores constantly do) into which you've invested money and time would get burnt at the stake alongside their feminist projection. Yeah, good riddance.
All I’m seeing is one guy saying he liked bubu better and then you having a meltdown
huh? all i said was that i hope we get someone to replace qing's archetype and that i like bubu too
you're so delusional you're reading things no one said and then getting mad about it
>She was just a brat that teased you about your relationship with the other girls
great we already have acacia for that
good riddance
Mauxir too
And Edda
And Eatchel kinda
this general is so infested with chinks it's genuinely unusable now, my fucking god
can you faggots go back? this isn't what 4chan is like, you all stick out like sore thumbs
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R-russianbros? You're back!?
>you are a bugman if you don't simp Qingying
>check back in on SB before going to bed
>raided by qingfag(probably the angelocord)
Welp, I'll see you tomorrow snowbros
it's not about not liking qingying, it's the visceral reaction to seeing the character and the people like this nigger >>507920645
posting fortune cookie text putting ancient chinese curses on anons in here for saying things like "she's so cute"
you're not fooling anyone
Night bro, I should head to bed too...
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chen's new costume

thank you for reading the only quality post in this thread
>posting fortune cookie text putting ancient chinese curses on anons
sounds based
CN bros, how do I learn this power?
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it's crazy how mentioning either Ling OR Qing makes this entire thread flare up with the butthurt Chink infestation it has.
Was it asked?
no it was machine translated
They will haunt the Snobble forever
Yeah it's really funny when they get upset
they don't care about qingying, it's just pagpag raiders trying to stir up shit
i really do care about qingying though, i was really excited for her
i know we'll never get her, but i hope we get a different version of the same archetype
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raiders really have nothing to capitalize on right now, huh?
How did they get away with a loli-type character in lingerie like this?
why do have this picture in your hdd anon? are you gay?

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