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Previous thread >>507619552

Reminder to report and ignore shitposters
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News, Interviews and Articles
Latest: DRS Released on Steam.
Old news updated 23/7/22: https://pastebin.com/pnwKUj3d

>/drg/'s spoiler-free guide for the series *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*

>Game links *contains links to official store pages for each game*

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>/drg/ resources: *contains links to ship tags, modding tools/guides, fanart, fics, and dr-related artists*

>in the event of pastebin getting nuked
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Best mage Himiko! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those of you posting about how much you love your waifu or husbando I have a message for you They love you too
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I like this side more. She's more fun this way!
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Makoto the Manlet.
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Now imagine if her shoes were facing the other way...
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Ayyo... need me a Komaru gf FR.
Should have been in DRS.
Mm yeah vore that little slut, he'd probably have the best orgasm of his little life while sliding down that piping hot SHSL throat.
>shorter than his YOUNGER sister
>shorter than Aoi's YOUNGER brother
bruh this guys like Gary Coleman man
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May this thread be shitpost-free. Amen.
Oh no no no Makoto will not like this
This reminds me of that viral image where someone made a fake dating profile of a chad who admitted to being a pedophile in his profile, and still got a ton of matches from beautiful women.
ur rlly into this 'chad' guy, do u wanna fuck him or something?
are you a lesbian out of hatred for men?
Don't reply to my posts, weirdo.
Girls like confident guys and most girls are into little boys themselves
I remember this one. This is basically how Haiji was to Komaru.
>anon doesn't know what pedomoms are
she isn't even a lesbian
answer my question first. do you want to have sex with chad? do you wish you could be one of his concubines that he treats like a pet like in a korean romance webcomic? do you wanna ride in his limo to the mall where he buys you whatever you want with his near infinite wealth?
He is a straight male and the more you guys keep pushing this retarded meme the more I die of embarrassment.
The craziest thing about this is that women would accept him being a child rapist but then get the ick from seeing him eat icecream the wrong way.
>straight male
He said he's gay, you newfag.
This thread and last thread definitively proves that women's rights were a mistake. Prove me wrong
Pro tip: You can't!
i'm a gay alpha male 6'9 and 2 foot long (where it matters hehe) actually and i'm gonna put it in u now. bend over sweetheart ;)
What do women have to do with anything here?
Men are disgusting and vile creatures. We need to send them all to the war.
Nobody respects my GOAT.
Goes over all terrain?
You meant men's right.
A hungry tiger is going to your house.
I prefer the child love without the abuse part. Not my GOAT.
0/10 Worst kiyofag falseflag i've ever seen
I was here before Kiyotranny, you braindead incel.
You know.../drg/ is the last place I thought I would be encountering blackpillers on this site
You're trying way too hard to force "Kiyofag" as a recognized poster. I really don't even know who you're supposed to be referring to, you're the only one using that name and you are constantly accusing different people.
Let me whitepill you...
he's actually just having homosexual fantasies about chad. he wishes to be pedo-chad's little princess and is sad that chad only exists in his mind.
That's shitposter who hates Kaede shitposters.
I'm just copying everyone else and throwing darts on a wall until i get it right. I don't even actually know who kiyofag is supposed to be.
Sorry. When you are as old as me without ever having a girlfriend or sex, it starts to seep into every conversation you have. I'd pray that you don't end up like me but if you're posting here, it's not looking good for either of us.
How old...are y-you?
Save me from my own despair, Anon!
he's pushing 40
>saying this while posting a character who literally killed a guy because he thought that guy assaulted a girl
Hm...that story holds some merit now...I see
Real men will never be proper humans. They're inferior to AI and 2D fictional characters, soon robots. Men destroy everything they see, meanwhile fictional characters can't hurt you.
Forced and inorganic.
You mean you wouldn't kill someone to protect your property?
why was himiko crying and denying kokichi's claim of being the mastermind?
He was a boy
She was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?
Man...I literally cannot remember...I didn't even know who Kiyo was till a few days ago
This song makes me feel nostalgic for old Ash x May AMVs on Youtube.
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Is Kaede a MAP?
She has a map to my heart.
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I got new facecare I'm so moisturized and clean. I think I shall go to the bar to drink a lot of beers tonight and listen to metal. Maybe
You sound like you listen to 6arelyhuman
Based and truthpilled.
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I saw them live this year and accidentally started a fight in the pit between to guys cuz I shoved them and then they started fighting bc they thought the other pushed them (lol) but I don't casually listen to them much anymore. Big fan last year though love what they stand for
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Kaede if she real
>Big fan last year though love what they stand for
Idk what they stand for, probably trans rights or something I only listen to some of the songs
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She is really insistent on giving beginner piano lessons, if you catch my drift.
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I meant bringing back crunkcore and doing party drugs in eyeliner and neons without the rampant pedophilia that plagued that scene
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My boy
>without the rampant pedophilia that plagued that scen
What isn't plagued with pedophilia today?
You already posted this.
It's still really bad but I like that I can listen to BOTDF/brokencydeesque music they make knowing it was created by a pedophile
WASNT. dear God. Wasn't created by a pedo* .dahvie vanity and Jeffrey star being begging for pennies on tiktok makes me laugh though. Car crash next
Get new material.
Hey now, no backtracking, we can see your dirty mind at full power >:)
It always comes back to this >>507724124
Santa helper Kaede
Did Kodaka ever explain why he had Shuichi be a cuck? Is there a lore reason why Kaede does it with everyone BUT Shuichi.
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It's because I typed without knowing it was made by a pedo and then thought it was a double negative upon rereading. Fuck my grammar baka life
>she's secretly hiding all the cute boys she kidnapped in that giant bag
Oh boy...
Santa is so lucky.
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Kaede Akamatsu sitting in a tree
With "it" I meant the sex if it wasnt not clear
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The Santa in question:
Oh we thought you mean massages
Luckiest tree ever.
I know the image is cropped but Kaede is ramming a shota's head into her pussy without his consent down there
WHY was this guy shilled so hard in DR1 but never appeared in any game?
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because they wanted to have a funny looking joke character.
>never appeared in any game
he appears in kirigiri sou and is a main character there.
Shuichi is not a cuck. If you're talking about FTEs, to be honest Kaede does everyone's events only for 1 chapter and 2 times for each character, meanwhile Shuichi does it to the end of a game and 5 times for each character. In additional content we can do Kaede's FTE as Shuichi too.
>he appears in kirigiri sou and is a main character there
>kyoko treats him like subhuman garbage
Blackpill strikes again
He died during the Tragedy.
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kyoko treats everyone like trash so i'm not surprised. iirc, she was awful to not just santa but also the protag of the game as well. basically his life is in danger at times and she responds a similar way she did to makoto in pic related
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He wasn't dead in DR0 and he wasn't dead in DR3. Could have appeared then.
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He looks handsome as always.
Those aren't games.
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She really didn't want to believe Kokichi was the mastermind...
Kirigiri Sou is a game.
Because she was dissapointed that all this elaborate shit was created by a dumbfuck like Kokichi
Tsumugi is a manipulative freak. She could easily brainwash them into everything she has inside her head and she still failed at the end.
she was waiting for a grander reveal and it turns out it was some suspicious autistic manlet who was behind it all.
Yeah. Tsumugi was a joke. Had more advantages than both Junko and Monaca and still fumbled the bag so hard.
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Retards who don't understand the story.
We all want to fuck her even though we could never satisfy her.
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I understood that Tsumugi was a retard.
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>Good morning, anon. I made these for you. I hope it will be delicious, unfortunately I can't eat it. I think I can be your private cook... no, don't call me kitchen robot, that's robophobic... Happy Holidays~
No, I want her raped, humiliated, beaten and mentally destroyed that she never recovers from it
Same thing.
What is this kebab meat looking thing?
This would be delicious if it didn't have all those vegetables.
>/drg/ doesn't have underage poste-
Tits too big for Kyoko
Mun mushrooms or marinated pork or fish. I don't know.
You need to eat vegetables. They're healthy.
why do they make mugi so horny for rantaro in supplementary material and spinoff games
Watch yourself young one, there's a lot of people here who would like to have their way with you sexually
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She's a brocon.
Brocon - Big Bro
Killer - Victim
I am probably older than you.

Healthy, but they don't taste good or even feel good in your mouth.
Wait was it Kaede saying Rantaro had a nice body or Tsumugi saying it?
Classic killer/victim ship mentality.
>but they don't taste good or even feel good in your mouth.
I bet you love sucking cock you dirty little slut
My sweet child, you need to learn how to cook. That's a gamer changer.
I get not liking certain vegetables but hating all of them sounds like autism.
Legit brocon. Her love hotel scene is blatantly her wanting to fuck her older stepbrother. Rantaro has like 12 younger sisters with most of them being stepsisters.
I was referring to a single image of a single meal and all I said is that it would be delicious without them. It's hardly what I would consider to be hate.
Stop shilling your threads.
>spinoff games
Wait what did she say about him there?
Keep sharing on-topic threads which are certainly not made by yourself.
The worst part is fangan shilling
We need to make our own fangan.
That would be epic.
well she said rantaro has an exotic elegance to him in danganronpa s when ibuki was playing songs about people.
What if the fangan was based on /drg/ itself? And the characters were based on anons here?
We definitely need to do this.
Who would be the MC?
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Soudafag can kill Moogifag
Why is Hajime there?
Man it's so over
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I love my gorgeous wife!
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Maybe he's not shilling it, maybe he genuinely liked it?
He would be the most boring MC ever he barely does anything
So basically he's like all the MCs
Yeah the MC should be a little boring.
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Raincode is better
Okay, who's the
>main love interest
me and you
We can't have any romance plots since it would be an all male cast.
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I would eat it
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>Aye yo what's crackin cuz, slap me some skin brotha!
They are so cute
I love their painted nails
Maki's feet are gigantic here
Which is awesome
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Tickling is a very cringay fetish but it would be cute if she did it to a shota and he peed himself, I guess
Are you into girl pee too?
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Tied with Souda in the biggest cuckold award
Ok drydick
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Ok now put her back to normal and turn him around instead
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This is what all oumenofags want
Those are legs and shoes
your eyes on the wrong picture
Mahirufag pisses in my dick so it's very wet
What do you mean "can't"
Can not.
-fag is a tranny!
i think i have rabies. i'm starting to like n*ekusaba
Everyone itt is a gay male so romance is still on the table.
Nobody ITT is gay. Some people pretend to be gay in order to shitpost but it's never genuine.
what's wrong with it
It is vastly inferior to Naezono.
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what a peaceful night in drg
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Must be the Christmas spirit
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This would be so much better if she had a bra.
You tell 'em! I'd top AND bottom Chihiro 24/7 but I'm 100% straight!
>I wanna fuck an anon, yeah they got me crazy
>I wanna get, with a /drg/ fag
>Makoto tells me that it’s weird, but I think he's just coping
>Cause really how could any protagonist compete?

>Tall anons, cause they're aren't midgets
>Making manlet protags look like literal whos
>When I find one posting me, things are getting lewd and hot
>Now baby show me what them touch type fingers do

>Perfectly sized, they were made for me
>They can take you in their arms, it was meant to be
>Drop the that png, and fulfill my need for their seed, i’m so greedy for that anon on dangan

>They’re so hot when they’re showing that bare gamer skin
>Better stay clothed if he don’t I might jump him
>Mind’s a blur of all the things I’d do
>To an anon once I got him in my grasp
She would never sing this about me.
Cutting off yomis a week prior and making him believe that was the extent of the torture but a week later I'm giving him his meal in. A tin dogbowl and he healthily scarfs it down since he's hungry and watching his eyes turn to horror as I tell him he just ate his own leg meat flesh
Doesn't even have a catchy hook to it not very good at this your heart isn't into it
I wouldn't do this to any girl or boy
This is definitely a One Piece reference.
Change anon with BBC
One piece used to scare me when I was young and watching 4kids dubs Id turn it off
Ok well I'd do it to a anime man so...?
>your heart isn't into it
my dick is
decent impression of kt's vocabulary
We really do not care
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just read Project Eden's Garden.
My review is: I really hope they don't play every trope completely straight like they did the first case. If they truly want to stand out, capitalize on the protag being a byakuya faggot by making cases straightforward but having an opressively emotional conclusion. I want to see the hopefag completely destroyed by the end of this story. Im sorry Diana as much as I like you.
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Q: I want to know Saihara-kun's type!!!
A: People with a heart, regardless of gender.
How do you rate the voices in the game?
Good morning /drg/! Threadly reminder that flat and small chests are valid too!
I fell asleep while on here so I didn't send a goodnight ritual post, gosh I'm so clumsy :p
This makes me wonder what it would be like if Mahiru was wearing a coconut shell bra, and then she took it off and used the coconut shell to serve you some of her breast milk? Because coconuts have milk inside of them. Is that a good idea or nah?
I was going to scold you for this
with a desperate attempt to fairly judge each and every voice actor, I think the two they decided to kill off first were probably the best choices. Even though, character-wise, it wasn't a good choice.
>There used to be spanish videos of fanmade love hotels including a mixture of dr1 and dr2 characters made by someone
>can't find them at all anymore
NOOOOOOOO! I should've downloaded them or at least screenshotted the text when I had the chance!
The stitch lines along her breasts really highlights her curvy figure
Were they good?
The height of polish fan content is like, movie clips except with Danganronpa sprites.
Well they made me laugh plus they had some with characters that others haven't really made not to mention a bit more dialouge too. I remember wanting to translate them but I think they're gone now.
>throw trash all over the floor
>slap Kirumi across the face
>say "clean it up, janny"
Feels based.
I can't realistically archive all fangan content but I can make my own and I can further my knowledge on the cast of characters and make fangan that is not only accurate but comical as well. This is my calling. Never again will I feel despair from the loss of fangan. Like a Hydra I shall make more fangan to replace those that have fallen. I just gotta learn how to first but I'll figure it out
Probably just pandering to the fans.
You (plural) always say this cope every time someone is said to be bi.
>says toko fucking dies at age 30
>pandering to fans
nuh uh no way
I really agree they leaned a bit too much into the tropes in the first case, although it was really good. In universe I think its kind of a perfect kill however as a mystery video game its extremely obvious for meta/trope reasons who the killer is right away The game very clearly sets up the makeup chick and golfer as red herrings, and makes a really big deal that "oh because we 8 were all in the gaming tournament none of us could have been the killer" which immediately sets off alarms that the twist is going to be one of them is the murderer And out of the 8 the only one who is competent enough is the sidekick girl who has already very clearly tried to make you suspect the gun guy (and then you find evidence pointing to him), who also happens to be surreptitiously missing from this artwork of the gaming tournament.
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Kurumi is very jadeblood coded and I want fanart of her taking care of the cast as wigglers
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Nah, you're wrong.
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good morning everyone! how are you all doing today?
/drg/ cast:
Himikofag - protagonist
Newfag Mahirufag
Lewd Chiakifag
Malehater anon
I'm so... crest fallen... I was looking at danagn memes and then I heard IT... What is "IT"? The dub voices.... I had to watch a 7 hour compilation of jp voices as a pallet cleanser. I am a very serious weaboo and appeasing my austim is very important. hot take Shuichi's jp voice is god awful pure ear rape V3 is the only one I played with dub
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i actually played all 3 games with the english dub..
Kill yourself trannyjew.
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I'm going to kill you.
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Look playa I'm gonna level with you dawg I'm a horny ryonafag too but brother we can't be mating calling like that 24/7 so from a degen to a fellow degen I'm gonna ask you to post some 4 eyed bitches getting their ugleh mug punched in ya feel me?
Thank God I didn't get in, twice
>all of my fake personalities got in
DRSfag, you will die first.
DRSfag doesn't even attempt to make each of his personas sound different from each other.
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Can't you guys stop calling him that? He was a very average coomer-kun Hajimefag before i came along.
Nagitofag is on his anger stage of grief
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Yaoiful image.
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You're just calling him by a cute nickname more than i do and acting like it's his actual thread name. It's not.
Malehater anon is 3 avatarfags shitposting. Gontafag is a scripted bot that doesn't exist (might actually just be himikofag) Ishimaru/Gonta drawfag does but is rarely active. Who even is lewd chiakifag?
lewd boy is the one spamming ai slop
Sexiest bunny suit ever
Ishimarufag is an actual fag and gonta fag is a woman
The other chiakifag is stevie
Thread names are decided by consensus.
stevie wonder?
Why did you make exception for him if you hate coomers?
Sometimes I feel bad because I use my time on earth to make shit posts on /drg/ but then I remember most people I know in real life just spend their time vegetating on tiktok and then I realize that I'm actually doing alright for myself.
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Our first interaction literally went as the following:
>Anon, you're very smart and big brain and pleasant to talk to.
>Yeah but I'm SUPER horny for Hajime. i want to FUCK his tits out. I'm going to (cue an honest to god essay of this)
>Oh. That's. Uh. Great... and immensely dissapointing. I thought you were better than that.
>True but... i mean... i can talk about other things too.
>I'll see about that. (indeed i saw <3)
Although... Maybe my essays had an effect on him and he ended up being uncomfortable by me. Maybe as we speak, he's spending the holidays with a cute coomer-kun who cosplays as Hajime in a mini skirt and lets him irl erp his doujins...
I'm probably the only actual asexual on earth, so i really have to do and learn to deal with others.
Same here. And I can still learn to use English better.
Well excuse me for not committing erp to memory
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Shameful. Just say that you're a secondary who never played the games and go. I bet you're a /v/ tourist.
I mean anon who hates Kaede shitposters and made one leave /drg/.
That's all anons.
>made one leave /drg/.
I don't think that's what happened.
You should have put on the skirt
That's exactly what happened and we need to bully the remaining shitposters into hanging themselves by rope in their room. It's as accessible and easy as can be
Kaede gf guy was not that bad honestly...
Yeah he was
I'm going to jamal you in the ass.
the kaedeposts were funny. made even more funny by the droves of short bus kids squealing over them.
Nah, being annoying was just a side effect of his degen interests. He didn't post them maliciously which already puts him above tards that try to piss off as many people as they can on purpose.
I wished he wouldn't link shit from that cursed /gif/ board though.
>"lol tgat thing people hate? It's epic xd"
He literally did it because it would piss people off and he was cooming to it
watching grown adults seethe and spit like kicked animals over a post that amounts to "my favorite fictional character cheats on me hehe" is objectively funny
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Me and my /drg/ gf.
There was more than 1 cuckposter and Kaede gf fag was the mild one. He didn't post these edited /qa/ pastas.
If you want me to be truthful, Kaede gf posts were MUCH more tolerable than when people barge into the thread to say shit like "omg i met ollie sykes lookalife dilf again today!!! anyway what music do you guys like :P"
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I don't think any of us could handle a gf like Junko
Only a boy like Makoto can handle her sadistic outbursts
feed yourself to a leopard
Not really
You could have just said you like them more than sf
But how are you a gf?
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why not? this is the internet we can all be anything we like!
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Please, lets move on from Kaede cuckposting, into wholesome Kaede femdom posting
Still you choose to be a desperate loser on imageboard...
Kill yourself trannyjew
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i'm having a good time with you all!
If you're not doing gf things then you're just lying...
How about I beat you up?
What we really need is wholesome kaede shotaposting
MF go back to bed
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add me and we can figure that out..
sure why not.
None of us are having a good time with you. Get killed by a drone missile
I'm getting tricked that's why you won't actually say it...you will never be a gf...
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i'm having a good time with you though so it's okay!
i sure can be your gf..
Why spoiler your? Of course it's going to be mine when you reply to me that's not a big revelation you stupid dumb sand n
I'll add you to juhannam
Based towelhead
But will you put on panties and suck dick?
no erp ever
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i want a cute /drg/ e-gf/e-bf, not a redditor one..
Brother pray for this jew's murder inshallah
>non-human animal barking at erping sped kid
shit calling the puke nasty i see
>uh actually I dislike you both
It's funny when you start talking to each other without direct replies
yeah you're both wastes of life and need to be thrown to a pack of street dogs i'm sorry but it's true.
>likes kaedecuck
>likes sf
>into bestiality and incest
>"lesbian" obsessed with dick
>"proud pro shipper futa furry dick sucker"
>erps omegaverse
your mother wasted 9 months of her life
lesbians are so based
once i get my kaede gf i will let her have sex with lesbians like her
(yuri is no cucking)
Bootsfag and his painfully obvious crush on Kiyotranny...
KT and CJ will say this is good contribution posting
why is this animal attempting to speak a human language? stop barking, go lick some shit off the street you foul creature, the humans are discussing something.
No one wants to hear your petplay rp kiyofag
This general doesn't last 24 hours without a personal fight between posters.
Conflicting personalities.
XDD ur so edgy and cool. ur gonna post junko?? gonna post despaircest and flirt with sf some more? gonna erp about knots with furries on twitter?
oh it's mad now.
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Like this?
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Exactly! I like it when they show her as thick. Poor shuichi can't handle all that weight, he's completely overwhelmed
Is it working?
Anonmals in this general speak with a human voice all year round. It's interesting.
>Ishimarufag is an actual fag and gonta fag is a woman
Where did this information even come from?
So it wasn't just my mom that told me animals speak on Christmas.
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anyone wants to listen to comfy lo-fi pokemon music together on cytube with me?
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Christmas ended two days ago, get over it.
This general really is just a discord server.
Boring, I'd rather kill myself.
We're howling at the moon? And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon?
As you can see, it's not only during Christmas time!
Wtf bro don't dox chihiro jew like that
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that's not me..
What did he mean by this?
She cute
Meant for >>507807492
someone please overlay this image with a picture of Mikan
Mikan is literally Daniela Poggiali.
If this was me I would cum instantly.
Which Danganronpa characters do you think would wear bralettes?
You can't lactate if you're not pregnant as far as I'm aware...I've never tasted coconut milk either...
Sowwy...it won't happen again I pwomise ;_;
>Danganronpa started with Blast Off and ends with Blast Off Second Ignition
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Lactation can be induced by regular sucking.
Celeste, Mahiru, Himiko, Sonia.
Trivia time: what are the two things Makoto, Shuichi, Maki and Himiko all have in common?
If Miu was my gf she would be lactating 24/7.
They saw their beloved ones dying. And... they survived?
they're shit and ugly
hopefag is clearly meant to be a punching bag who is going to soften up edgy mc
Unf... that's so hot.
They all survived their killing games and... uh...
They all have black as a primary or secondary color on their outfits?
1. They survived
2. They're the only ones to survive their executions.

Also for a third this >>507814604
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you need to take medication to induce lactating if you're not pregnant. just sucking on a tit isn't enough, it's a hormone thing.
Who are the killers, victims, survivors, sidekicks?
What 2 things do Shuichi and Rantaro have in common?
tricky one but my guesses are
>the ones closest to kaede
>the only v3 boys to survive a killing game
>both have a ton of fanart of them getting fucked in the ass
where's my prize??
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>t. Tenko
This. Himiko only gave a shit about Tenko AFTER she died. It doesn't count like it does for Makoto, Shuichi and Maki who clearly cared for their respective loved ones BEFORE they died.
I would love to use Tenko's thighs as my pillow.
You gotta stop making me search up bra sizes, brand and different types of bras because I keep getting bra ads ffs
It's been like that for me for years even though I use incognito mode. They are just blatantly spying on us.
>They are just blatantly spying on us.
I know, I just don't want bra ads because people will think I'm cross-dressing
Do you share your computer with someone?
I'm not complaining since if I had to see an ad, it might as well be one that has sexy women wearing bras in them.
My federal agent, I got keep up my image to him
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you could tell them that you're trying to become buffalo bill but with bras instead of flesh
To me it's a sad reminder that I don't have a girlfriend or a wife to buy bras for.
what are the two things makoto, mondo and leon have in common
there's no worse feeling than having a long-ass trial for a case I solved the second I saw the red shrapnel. That was borderline 11037 tier.
They don't have girlfriends or wives to buy bras for?
1. Only DR1 boys to wear boxers
2. Only DR1 boys who got punished by Monokuma
They're boys
They have letter "O" in their name
>That was borderline 11037 tier.
You are forgetting that 1-1 case wasn't as simple for Japanese fans that aren't as familiar with English as western fans.
what are the three things celeste and maki have in common
God I wish I had a sister.
Red eyes, black hair and fertile eggs
I want to have sex with them
1. Both have black hair
2. Both have red eyes
3. Both are filthy murderers
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>both female
>both have a surprising amount of yuri art despite canonically showing interest in men
>both have red eyes
what five things do kyoko and sonia have in common
They are both shipped with the ugliest boys in their respective games
>Both are filthy murderers
Maki didn't kill anyone chud, she's pure otherwise Kaito wouldn't want her
1. Survived a game
2. Have been overseas
3. Bilingual
4. Both wear high heels?
5. Both have same bust size.
Both are whores
>Both have same bust size
Kyoko is 82 cm. Sonia is 83 cm.
They appeal to my femdom NTR fetish?
>Ultimate Assassin
Kyoko is 83 cm in DR3 so that makes her the same bust size as Sonia now.
Sonia could have grew as well.
>>Ultimate Assassin
That's just Saiharan Revisionism which is blatant propaganda
what three things does chiaki and sayaka have in common?
Dead, losers, loved the worst boi
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>boring characters
>loved by fans exclusively for the fact that they are ship teased with mc-kun
do i get chocolates for getting these right?
Copediah, your waifu is a filthy murderer. She bathed in blood every day.
Waifubait/poster girls
Wear thigh highs and short skirts
Love interest
1. MCs' lovers
2. Both deaths affected their respective MCs the most
3. Both wear hair accessories
>Copediah, your waifu is a filthy murderer. She bathed in blood every day.
She didn't kill a single named character so she's not a murderer ogay?
Are loveably only as nonexistent idealistic images?
what three things do mondo and ryoma have in common
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>loved by fans exclusively for the fact that they are ship teased with mc-kun
I love Chiaki because she's cute but also serious and overall an interesting character. Also I used to have the same hairstyle as her but last year I started growing out my bangs and putting them to the main hair.
>Also I used to have the same hairstyle as her but last year I started growing out my bangs and putting them to the main hair.
How big is your cock?
>She didn't kill a single named character so she's not a murderer
I see. So your Ultimate Cope talent isn't for show.
Both have been to juvie
Both killed someone
Both died in chapter 2
Ryoma had a girlfriend.
What 3 things do Hajime and Chiakifag have in common?
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bangs are so cute
what two things do santa and kenshiro have in common
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Then you know what the next request is...so get on with it!
1. Both get advertised with DR1
2. Both are older than the 78th class excluding Hagakure
One thing I don't understand is that Rantaro is the Ultimate Adventurer right? His adventures mention he's been put in many dangerous situations before but he's been able to come out of it meaning he's got to have some combat prowess. How in the world could he not have seen Tsumugi coming up behind him to strike him dead?
The loud as heck music.
>How in the world could he not have seen Tsumugi coming up behind him to strike him dead?
She grabbed his cock make him hesitate
>How in the world could he not have seen Tsumugi coming up behind him to strike him dead?
he was distracted and off guard from kaede's shotput ball randomly landing next to him. understandably, that would draw in anyone's attention. just because you're physically capable doesn't mean you're invulnerable to sneak attacks. just ask mukuro.
This. People forget that music was blaring all over the fucking place and making it hard to hear really anything. That and he had a random shotput ball that just landed right next to him. I'd want to find out what the fuck that's all about too.
I love watching girls with boobs use computers/keyboards.
Hajime is a kind and considerate character who's friendly to everyone and helps his classmates out. He likes Chiaki but never pushes himself onto her, and has a great admiration that drove him to compulsively "fix himself" to be someone worthy of being with her, he's too self aware of his own faults and desperately tries to be better. Chiaki had a huge effect on his personality and mindset for the better and worse.
Chiakifag loves the super idealistic image of Chiaki that's personally significant and separated from reality and fiction. Replace Chiaki with any other waifu and he won't change at all because he doesn't give a shit about her beyond what she means *to him only* He never thinks of what Chiaki would say regarding his toxic bitch personality and instead he takes her existence and comfort for granted. He believes she will like him despite everything but simultaneously denies the part of her that does the same to others.
the camera flash, the loud music and the shotput ball
>and helps his classmates out.
He can't even help himself. How's he gonna help anyone else?
Chiakifag meltdown soon
Good post.
The music wasn't THAT loud
How bad of a shape do you think Celeste's body was in after she got hit by that fire truck?
...are you asking because you're thinking about having sex with her corpse?
banged up but not beyond repair. i mean she only got hit by a truck. plus monokuma managed to retrieve her corpse and throw her in the bio lab so her body should be intact.
Ask the other Hinata-likers for that, i truthfully don't care that much about him. But just who do you think was going around helping everyone with their day to day annoyances and mental problems? I think that's one of the reasons Chiaki liked him. Danganronpa isn't a badly written game and it's obvious when the waifubait and love interest are shoehorned into the story and romantic dynamic with (You) but in SDR2, all of them weren't talking to (You) but to Hinata Hajime.
We don't sign our posts here...
You gotta get a /drg/ femanon to have sex with you
No. Who do you think I am? Kyoko?
I mean Mondo became butter and Monokuma still threw the butter container in the bio lab.
what are the 6 things in common with shuichi and hajime
>But just who do you think was going around helping everyone with their day to day annoyances and mental problems?
Both are pathetic
Both let their love interest died
Both are protagonists
Both cried because they failed their love interests
Both got mindfucked by their respective masterminds
Both needed to be bailed out in the final trial from the despair
Chiaki canonically loves helping other men who have problems in need of solving
What are 7 things mahirufag and soudafag and teruteru have in common
What 3 things do Chihiro and Miu have in common?
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Both are technological creators
Both got killed by raging muscle bound idiots
Both are really sensitive
What are 2 things mikan and soudafag have in common.
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He'll ignore this post then in an unrelated discussion he will tell me to kill myself for single handedly writing every negative post about him (ever) and for being an insufferable mentally ill freak (because as we have seen in this thread and the last one, obviously I am the most insane worst offender)
Komahina yaoi unironically mindbroke him.
So for the UTDP/DRS universe, I can understand how Kizakura managed to scout out most of the V3 students. Their talents would be reputable enough for HPA. But how did they manage to get Kokichi and Rantaro?
They both have useful skills.
his travels and adventures were likely known to the public and he gained enough popularity from his dangerous exploits to warrant hpa's attention to scout him
no idea but i presume dice has a reputation even in that world. nagito has heard about them but hasn't been able to get any information on them.
>Danganronpa isn't a badly written game
kinda sorta is. good ideas/concepts but not a very good execution
But HPA has no way of verifying the validity of those skills.
If even Nagito can't get info on that organization, then why would Kizakura even bother recruiting Kokichi?
let's just say kizakura has his connections and that's how he managed to track down ouma
Um, are you implying his is gay ?
yeah that's exactly what that guy was implying
Are you retarded?
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It doesn't count if it's obvious that it's me.
posting gay ships?
It's dumber that they have two Ultimate Lucky Students and two Ultimate Detectives in the same year.
Your really not making any sense right now .
Kokichi can lie and detect liars, which is quite a good skill. If we're talking about DICE, they're harmless pranksters unlike for example, Fuyuhiko's yakuza.
Kodaka also pointed out on bluesky that Kokichi is a good student, although he sleeps in class, what means he can easily cheat.
Kiyotroony melty
they're all in different classes so it doesn't really matter
Your boogeyman isn't even posting.
Ok but there's still like jackshit known about DICE to the general public. Not even Nagito can comb for info of that organization and yet somehow HPA still managed to scout Kokichi anyways?
You should post chiaki more. It's a cute avatar for you.
Yeah he's really obvious.
Danganronpa 4 just got announced a couple of hours ago and yall gay ass niggas be arguing about avatarfags... yall niggas is gay
What was your goal with this post
>claim with no proof
we call those lies
To get you to reply in which I succeeded.
You are now my thread concubine.
I would fall in love with her
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These breasts are humongous, and I mean that in the best way possible.
Oh yes...
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psa i'm looking for a nice /drg/ e-gf/e-bf. anybody??
She is totally pushing it up with her clipboard too. I love when girls do this. It's so slutty yet innocent at the same time.
You won't even dress as a girl
What are 6 things anons and yomi have in common?
I'm hurting them
I'm hurting them
I'm hurting them
I'm hurting them
I'm hurting them
I'm hurting them
she's a brocon though
you'll find a gf if you walk into the hyena exhibit at the zoo while wearing a steak belt
Yomi despises you.
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who says i won't?
sounds like a ruse.
fictional character can't despise real person tho
Honestly if a guy did this for me it would be kind of cute in a pathetic way but idont think you should say zoo those are populated by little little children
If I was being pursued by Genocider Syo, I would survive and maybe even kill her. It would be like a climactic movie ending scene and I would walk away with serious injuries.
syo only targets ATTRACTIVE men
I'm actually pretty attractive. I haven't gotten a girlfriend because of my terrible personality.
I'd cum in my pants if you gave me even a fraction of your treatment of Yomi.
Yomi would want you dead you retarded fujo.
men who call themselves attractive are always silent hill abominations
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>syo only targets ATTRACTIVE men
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Um excuse me wtf? She has a keen sense of smell, super speed, and super jump. The first game describes her as moving in an inhuman way that isn't possible for the human body. If she was chasing you she would pin you down and cut your hair bald.
Tell us how the sex is
I literally look like this.
And that's why you don't get any
Thatmakes it more deliciouslike battered tender meat. If he liked me and wanted me to hurt him what's the fun. It would be kind of cute to hurt a guy that's into you but I used to do that when I was younger the novelty has worn off
They all look better than you.
This. Not even Sakura wants to tangle with her. I'm supposed to believe some obese anon can overpower her?
She can call me bro all she wants.
none of those guys look like left 4 dead boomer like you
Same with women, attractive people call themselves ugly or don't comment on their attractivness
I hate you Eddie. I hope you die.
I am the cutiest poster here
Why so haterful
Your kind would make Yomi vomit.
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men are way uglier than women tho whenever a man says he is attractive he just means "not a complete inhuman abomination"
>I am the cutiest poster here
This is objectively false doe
DO YOU PROMISE? Oghhh yomi vomi yomit. Yomit suicide lol. Anyways yomi vomit giving him disgusting food and watching his face in panic as his body revolts it and he spits up hoarsely and coughs up disgusting foamy spit
I am the most fashionable cutiest poster here
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Imagine being the mastermind and placing last.
Tsumugi, I know you're reading this, you are pathetic.
Wait so if my parents always tell me I'm ugly does that mean... I'm actually attractive?!
>men are way uglier than women tho
Not really, it's about the same ratio, the only difference is that women's looks are overrated by everyone
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That was years ago. Surely Tsumugi is no longer the least popular V3 character from the 10th anniversary poll.
for a reason. you are an ugly creature
Men could mogmaxx if they wore more velvet and had long hair and lipstick and cry and took care of themselves. Women are more attractive in average because they have an aesthetic and self grooming sense. A girl with a cute style >>> male models with a chiseled face
I mean it's genuinely fucking embarrassing to score lower than a gag physiology character like Hoshi.
>for a reason
Yeah, the bar is very low for women because most men can't choose that easily and can only get scraps, also
>ad hominem
Stop being so insecure
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...? ???
>most men can't choose
yeah cus they're circus freaks
Stop trying to seduce men who are a decade older than you.
latest popularity poll is this one https://dengekionline.com/articles/105412/ where tsumugi wasnt even popular enough to get ranked
v3 truly the asshole that keeps on shitting
>yeah cus they're circus freaks
"Circus freaks" to women are just average men
Women can talk big all they want about what kind of men they are attracted to but at the end of the day it's just talk. Their actions show the real truth. They may claim to be into types like Makoto or Kiyotaka but in reality they are fucking Leon, Mondo and Byakuya.
nah. the 10th anniversary popularity poll still has her as the least popular v3 character
It just fits you well...
it's okay, one day you will get to be chad's little kitten.
Those are three very different type of guys though someone into byakuya wouldnt be into the yankii type of mondo or punk jocks like leon
This is so true. Ignore their words and look at their life choices and it's obvious.
Why is Ibuki into Twogami then?
>women I think of want say they piss but they choose shit
Nice blogpost, now fuck off to /r9k/ with your offtopic garbage
Ibuki is a fictional character written by a man.
It's still amazing that despite only being around for the first chapter, Sayaka/Kaede/Rantaro still manage to place pretty high in these polls.

Not really surprised about the top 10. Kinda makes me wonder how everyone else did outside the top 30. Kinda sad Komaru didn't even make top 30 but UDG isn't as popular as the main DR games.
This. If Ibuki existed in real life she would 100% be getting passed around by a bunch of douchebag musician types. Probably college aged guys too.
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>>women I think of want say they piss but they choose shit
bro what
Ok but Sayaka wants to ride Makoto not Leon.
mikan isnt gay, she's sexually what in medicine you call a "universal donor"
In reality a lot of women love characters like Nagito and Kokichi, because they're mentally ill and abusive.
>It's still amazing that despite only being around for the first chapter, Sayaka/Kaede/Rantaro still manage to place pretty high in these polls.
because they're hot and don't waste our time like certain other characters who got more screentime and are less popular. sometimes more doesn't necessarily translate as better.
Nagito is hot
Kokichi is cute
The difference is only height
He got really mad at my post for some reason.
Ok then tell me which man has Mikan shown any sexual interest in and I want examples to support the claim.
but he was right y'know
Hajime and Mitarai unironically.
Her beloved who raped and abused her alongside all the other ex boyfriends
But those are fictional characters. The men women date in real life are often nothing like their precious husbandos. Remember Kagefag? She's just dating some normie jock now.
someone post the hookup counter pic
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I didn't even do anything, anons are insane and jealous of the attention i give to a certain (now deceased, once beloved) anon. My otherwise Komaeda avatar is too homosexual?
>chiaki avatar fits me better than him
uh oh.
>She's just dating some normie jock now.
In your fantasy...
i think u guys are just gay for chad
Girls should avatarfag with female characters and boys should avatarfag with male characters.
Post examples of her showing sexual interest in them.
Next time you rant you should try using chiaki
This, I'm tired of popping boners whenever MF posts.
Kagefag will be forever alone menhera fingering herself to Kage.
Women tear each other down and think it's weird when a man respects another man
So every poster here would avatarfag with male characters.
he's in all of your fantasies
you can't stop thinking of him fucking every woman
you can't stop thinking of him and making yourself angry
you are in love with mondo
Nagitofag is male.
All chads I talked to for long had this weird reaction to me by jokingly calling me out as a male rapist...
She molested them without their consent. Hajime during his sleep, Mitarai in his room.
>The men women date in real life are often nothing like their precious husbandos.
I agree I would never date a killer in real life! Infact after much soul searching I can differentiate between what I like for superficial reasons and what I like for romantic reasons.
Can't help but notice that the most hostile and opinionated characterfags with superiority complex that insult your reading comprehension love literal nothing characters like Kage and Izuru
>men women date in real life are often nothing like their precious husbandos
Nice guys need to be abusive sometimes, it's hot.
nice guys r already abusive none of them are actually nice
She was brainwashed for both.
I'm only gay for my /drg/ anons
I don't mind this idea but I'm very picky about fanart so avatarfagging is kind of a chore because it takes a while to find good fanart, also for some reason people here call you gay for posting and liking male characters as a man, like why? I like x character because I think they look cool, are badass, I share some ideals with them and so on
Nice guys are manipulative mercantile narcissists
Not-nice in the gayest way possible
all she did was sleep on top of hajime
Just say makoto
>All chads I talked to for long had this weird reaction to me by jokingly calling me out as a male rapist...
That's usually because they don't find you attractive...they only want to use you as a onahole, my chad friend used to do that with butterfaces
We can actually take this further using dolls! You can find women who love fashion dolls and can comprehend that they're just fictional characters and aren't real. On the other hand you have karens who get upset with them and probably made embarrassing school presentations on how "problematic" they are.
Can't help but notice that the most hostile and opinionated characterfags with superiority complex that insult your reading comprehension love literal nothing characters like Chiaki and Mahiru
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When I do that with girls, they call it sexual harassment...

Makoto actually takes it so far that it's almost cool
t. oumafag/nagitofag
ugh i'm so nice why do women only want to date stacies like junko
I remember that episode of johnny bravo that guy was a total grifter. If a man is trying to be your friend he probably just wants to get in your pants.
What made you think I'm not a guy?
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Kindly keep me out of that entire retarded discussion.
Because femboys don't talk with chads for long...they only fuck...
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3D Chiaki Nanami.

Source is https://x.com/alexferrart3D
You're Izurufag. I didn't talk about you.
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In the dark night, I'll be awake no matter the time.
The whirlwinds in my mind threaten to take away my control.
I don't want to admit that life has stolen my breath,
But I can no longer ignore the sighs I make before I go to bed.

Searching for a way beyond the distance,
A day where without taking or delay,
I'll find a way to write our existence,
In a story where dreams never stray.

You have the key that unlocks my heartbeat,
Take everything from me, nothing is forbidden.
In this eternity where I feel incomplete,
Your touch makes me whole, in my heart you are written.

My sweet Chiaki, sometimes I feel like the world is falling apart.
I'd like to fix it, but I don't even know where to start.
In a world where shadows fade and stars are few,
If time will end, then I wanna end with you.
There are better models on vrchat
25 year old dude obsessed with a character that is fictional even within her own universe
Opinions on >>507819505
>kiyotroon THAT mad that chiakifag even posted at all
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i'm not mad just stating fax. he's too old to be obsessed with mid
>he's too old to be obsessed with mid
Yet you're obsessed with Junko...
You're obsessed with him
she's the best character.
Perhaps the same could be said of all humanity. Honestly doesn't sound too bad anyways, more hygienic.
Do you think kiyofag is jealous that she'll never win chiakistraight's heart because she'll never be chiaki
Hi chiakifag
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More men should dress like this
They're truly obsessed of Chiakifag... Love is in the air...
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Chiaki helped me at a time when I needed her a lot. She caused a chain reaction in me that made me want to improve both my life and my relationship with the people I love. I promised to always carry her in my heart no matter what. I love Chiaki and I will always love her, no matter where I am, with who I am or what I am doing.
Sometimes I feel like Danganronpa wastes its female characters by not having enough romance and sexual/ecchi scenes. It should be a much bigger part of the series if you're going to make the girls look this hot.
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In DR3 he attempts to deescalate conflict between Natsumi and Sato. He runs after Natsumi when she has her little breakdown, comforts her and tries to calm her down before she does something stupid. Nobody forced him to do that, but he did it anyway. Later he takes it upon himself to investigate her death too. That's just an example.
Holy based
Meanwhile Hajime just leaves her to die alone and in pain
Sorry your friend committed suicide. Or your mom died. Stop needing fictional characters to show you how to provide empathy
Yeah I'd like seeing female dangans messing around with Gontas big pecs
This only proves that Hajime is not a simp non-character though.
His words and resolve were too weak to reach Natsumi and he only tried to deescalate the situation between Natsumi and Sato because they were fighting right in front of him.
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That's weird don't like that
The funny thing is that this is how we know Kiyofag is a guy. Starts off using the male Korekiyo avatar to play up the female persona, then when he dropped the act he switched to female Junko.
It's super high school level in the Japanese. The connotations are different than "ultimate." You don't need to be the absolute top expert ever in the whole world in that field.
Tweaking gontas big puffy nipples ....
>being the very best at what they do
Detectives can work in a various fields. Nagito and Makoto's luck work different.
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The beauty of this world is that what some people consider sacred, others consider a waste. As long as I manage to become a man of virtue, who cares about the source of my inspiration? You need to work on your emotional intelligence, if me loving a fictional characters gets you this mad.
yeah there should be a 20 minute sequence where if you lose all ur hp during a trial, every student drops the argument to rape the mc to death as the game over scene
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He is literally child coded you monster leave his big sexy nipples alone
Ok, good point
>child coded
Mahirufag loves gonta now?
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Imnot mad I'm watching xjapan and thought it would funny to bring up sui. Whatever helps you get up in the morning once when I was 15 I told my therapist about ramuda hypmic
>He is literally child coded
Can you faggots decide what is and what isn't pedophilia already? By this logic any mentally mature is still not okay because she has the body of a child
Anon I know about the SHSL thing. I get that but the UTDP/DRS universe still has both Kyoko and Shuichi being the SHSL Detectives in the same year and two SHSL students in one year when the raffle only allows one. Explain how both Makoto and Nagito won the raffle in the same year.
>Explain how both Makoto and Nagito won the raffle in the same year.
Luck proves itself duh
everything you like = pedo
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You got mad at a self admitted shotalolicon making fun of another's logic because you're so insecure about being called a pedophile over these characters. Maybe soul search
Nagito could be dead without his luck.
Makoto won an invitation to Hope's Peak Academy.
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If you're a manchild, dating you is pedophilia
If you're a womanchild, dating you is pedophilia
Shoo shoo jailbait
chiakifag wrote that
So the raffle had both their names somehow get picked at the same time? That's fucking retarded.
Tbf their names rearranged can be the other's
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I would never post Mikan.
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I used to have a disclaimer on my carrd like this except for BPD like "I might act quick and irrational to things, please do not take offense" because I wanted to yell at people online LOLLLL. Ouh 2020 mental illness sphere
and yet that is the power of LUCC
>only one name was supposed to get picked out
>somehow the raffle box fumbled and two names somehow got picked out
>jin doesn't know who's luck managed to create this outcome so he invites both students together to better observe their lucks
>you know hajime they say you can cure mental illness by drinking the blood of the mentally sane
What card? I think I found these on instagram, can't remember honestly
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>Makoto Naegi
>Makoto Naegi Da
It's so fucking over.
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Well you probably didn't see it then because I stayed clear of kinstagram and was on kintwt....?
Their names are basically anagrams of each other
Ah. The Pit/Pitoo dilemma
Makoto and Nagito are still in different classes even in the DRS universe so who really cares if they're from the same year as SHSL Lucky Students.
forced discussion
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>the situation between Natsumi and Sato because they were fighting right in front of him.
They fight in front of him until he breaks them up and Natsumi leaves. If he didn't care he could have stopped right there but he chased her because he was concerned she's going to get herself expelled from school.
>His words and resolve were too weak to reach Natsumi
It's ambiguous since she straight up dies in the very next scene.
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Why do you want to fill this general with despair?
that leaves the v3 class without a lucky student
>without a lucky student
Shuichi is the lucky student, he gets a big titty blonde gf who likes shotas and femdom
it's my hobby
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Who doesn't?
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I love my sweet angel.
I thought this was Despair General. Am I in the wrong place?
she isn't real bro
Kokichi's name means "small luck" :)
Hope WON!
Despair LOST!
>They fight in front of him until he breaks them up and Natsumi leaves. If he didn't care he could have stopped right there but he chased her because he was concerned she's going to get herself expelled from school.
Anon they first began fighting in front of his desk. Naturally he'd want them to stop so they don't disturb his lunch break. The second time it happens, he just happened to walk in on it. Yes I'll give you he did chase after Natsumi, but he himself didn't have the resolve to truly console her given her words made him start questioning himself.
>It's ambiguous since she straight up dies in the very next scene.
I think it's plenty clear given he stopped trying to reason with her after she said her piece.
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As long as she makes me feel something, she's real to me. That's why sometimes these characters feel more real than you guys do.
Shut up
dude it's a cartoon
oh shit. then the ultimate supreme leader title was a lie?!?
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Omfg you're so retarded the other one
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As long as hatred and deception exists in the hearts of man, people like me will always exist, and by extension, so will despair.
>then the ultimate supreme leader title was a lie?!?
I mean he was a candidate for president of Russia
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And I love her.
>the known liar lied about his title
Stop the presses.
>hope won
...the losing competition
>the other one
>so scared of hope that you can't even quote the post out of fear
If only that scandal never got leaked...
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You'll never find what you're looking for
Mahirufag won
hope? more like, cope hehe
Despairfags deserve to get raped
please help me
Chiaki died lol
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You're a nice poster when you're calm.
I don't know anything about the scandal, I only know about because 2 russian girls on vrchat told me about it in broken english
And he has a big dick
>hopefag wants to spread despair
i'm glad you finally understand.
I rape in the name of hope
It was The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Russian Politics
>i only spread despair in the name of hope!!
your name? makoto naegi.
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I had a pretty nice day.
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Ougoku here
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Ougoku together
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Ougoku party
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Ougoku summer
Eddie pls
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This image makes me want to fill my pants with cum.
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virtual hug
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I wish it was more than just a hug.
...you should shower
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Why are you so mean towards him? Let people enjoy things that make them happy, he's not hurting anyone!
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>The second time it happens, he just happened to walk in on it.
And he could have kept walking.
>I think it's plenty clear given he stopped trying to reason with her after she said her piece.
I'd rather see it as him giving her time to collect her thoughts. It's not reasonable to expect someone in an emotional state to do a 180 in couple minutes.
>he himself didn't have the resolve to truly console her given her words made him start questioning himself.
I think that him partially trying to convince himself of what he was telling Natsumi is what makes it interesting. Still attempting to help others when you are an emotional wreck yourself is an admirable thing.
Post true love
I would shower with Chiaki.
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Me too
Me and Poyo
Ougoku forever
It might end up being more than just a shower though.
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What the fuck
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I would hold her in my arms until the death of time.
She does this in elementary schools
Cut that out
Ouma in gonta
Cut what out? Just explaining lore
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Where there's Chiaki, there's comfort.
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Gonta strong
Holy fuck they look so soft
Gonta swim
Ouma x gonta
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We love gonta
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Why are there so few artists dedicated to fixing AI art? This could look decent with some human fixes.
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Gonta win
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I honestly don't even know what they were trying to say
Artists are against AI in their oppressing majority.
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Post-thread song of the day.
Giving Chiaki backshots to this...
My penis is way too small to give her backshots.
Ours all are... sigh...
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Nah, that's some gay shit. I'm all for frontshots so I can look at her eyes, kiss her, hold her and maybe even bite her neck a bit too.
Damn, no doggy?
See >>507843293

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