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Cozy Winter Edition

Previous: >>506727906

Upcoming Compile Heart games and release dates:
Hyperdevotion Noire Switch port launches in Japan in Feb 2025
Tokyo Clanpool (Switch/GOG) - Out now in Asia and on GOG (2025 for NA/EU Switch digital release)
Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos localization - January 28th, 2025 PS4/PS4/Switch
Touhou Spell Carnival localization - Out Now
Neptunia GameMaker R:Evolution - Out Now Xbox Series and PC (MS Store)
Todokero! Tatakae! Calamity Angels (Summer 2025) - PS4/PS5/Switch/PC
Untitled M2 Shoot'em Up (Summer 2025) - PS4/PS5/Switch
Madou Monogatari 4 - Out Now in Japan PS4/PS5/Switch

>Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

>Folder containing all the 4koma and Nepnokai raws:
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I love Blanc.
I have a quiet love for financier
I love my wife Neptune!
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I claim this thread in the name of florophilia
I love my slut of a wife MarvelousAQL, and I love everyone who loves her, too!
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This mysterious character is breaking into the homes of Lowee citizens and leaving low rated books under their christmas trees
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Neptune My Beloved
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I feel like this is the first time in a while we've seen the jersey dress outfit, she's so adorable.
However, shan't be buying Noire's shitty game
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AI will slowly take over the world.
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Are they seriously making new promo material for the Switch port of N**re's game? Why are they trying so hard to push her onto Switchfags? Fuck you, give me Blanc's game already!
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i knew nepgen choose the maid one.

im kinda hesitating on it desu. hence i was asking for a second opinion.

she looks kinda derpy upclose. i have read in an old twitter post that she has the price of a "scale figure" but has a quality of a "prize figure"
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forgetting the thread

im still salty that theres no meido origami fig
Who is the second Origami on the far left?
>i have read in an old twitter post that she has the price of a "scale figure" but has a quality of a "prize figure"
I don't collect figures.
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thats nia (anime ver.) i cant find the tsunako ver.
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prize figures are figures typically won in japan parlore/game arcade places. typically lower in quality and price point. when compared to regular scale figure (roughly priced around 2k-4k yen i think??? dont quote me on that)

like these
found it!!
tsunako ver.
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I love Red Riding Hood
>>Are they seriously making new promo material for the Switch port of N**re's game?
>Why are they trying so hard to push her onto Switchfags?
Compa's pet.
At least it's only art of the CPUs dressed as dancers and acrylic stands of the CPU's kissing art from the minigame, rather than anything cool and unique that should be left to a proper new release.
This prize fig doesn't look ugly to me.
Cute and lewd Origami sister!
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Goddess bully bitches
The pic isn't bad, but Alloy needs to redraw it
This is the kind of stuff he needs to start doing so he stops being a porn artist and starts doing something good with his art for once
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Drawing porn is the only way to make profit from art, you dumbo.
Iffy isn’t a goddess
If you're going to samefag at least try to change up your posting style lmao
How is that a loli? She has tits.
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Something makes me want to have her do flips for fruit snacks.
Yes she's goddess and stop posting pornography please
But she's not a goddess. And doesn't really need to be one to be cool.
PORNOGRAPHIC Iffys engaged in LEWD acts with Player-san
That's a cosplayer bruv
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Here's some obvious logic.
The only Neptunia characters who get figures/plushies made out of them are the goddesses and CPU candidates.
If IF is a goddess, where's her merch?
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This post is speaking facts.
I guess Uzume is not a goddess then
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That's not official Orange Heart. Nice try though
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Uzume won. IF lost. Put it in the OP from now on.
>Nep parka Uzu.
I never knew how much i needed this
Dressed as a dyke, yikes
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She's not dressed as IF though
If she was dressed as IF she would be dressed as a goddess and there's something else I wanted to remind you about and it's that I told you to stop using Neptune reaction pics and >>507816540
No, she'd be dressed as a dyke because IF is a turbodyke and not a goddess. Also you have no authority to tell people how to post. You should just kill yourself if you're bothered by people posting. You should do it anyways because you're an unlikable cunt.
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Why is Madame Goddess STILL not in the app?

Interesting you straw-maned/ignored this instead of addressing why IF has no merch if she's a goddess
i love my nep wifey, histoire
The most recent Live2D assets of Iris are from RB3 and they would have to make new artmeshes (instead of just rehashing the ones they've had for the app usage from other games) so what we have now is likely what we'll get for the foreseeable future. You've still got Ploot there though...
Small indie company can't afford Hanakana no mo'.
I wonder how much the app brings in for them to keep it going, I'm glad, but I wonder how much it will last.
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OK, I'll use my smug boob ninjas instead
Some comments from Compa devs for 2025

>Kei Nanameda
“Looking ahead to 2025, Todokero! Tatakae! Calamity Angels continues to be in diligent development. I apologize for the wait. We’re working hard to create a cheerful and fun slapstick comedy, so I hope you’ll look forward to it!”

>Hikaru Yasui
“2025 will be a milestone year as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of Neptunia. We’re preparing exciting plans for our fans and putting all our efforts into developing the latest numbered Neptunia game. The entire staff is working hard alongside Tsunako, so please look forward to new developments!”

Uzume still killed the mainline for 10 years btw
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Playable IF confirmed
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She's got 9 phones you slut and Neptune would never do that anyway
Yes it is you retard.
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How is Plutia there, then?
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Ever wonder why Iffy has 9 phones? She needs to keep track of all her Nyamota baby daddies jej
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Ploot has a 3rd gen rigged Live2D body model, Iris does not. What we have is the old 2nd gen waist VN model from Victory (2012) with only physics, point tracking and expressions. There have been no new Iris Heart Live2D models since. In comparison, Ploot has had a variety of models appearing in 3rd gen (most notably Blanc vs. Zombies, 4GO and Seha.) which is where Neptunia & Friends lifts most of it's content, with some added art here and there. I'd like to see them eventually move on to 4th gen, as SvS (and all games after that) seem to have a real nice take on the new features introduced in Live2D API in 2022. If you want to check the models mostly used as a baseline for most of the Neptunia & Friends content, you can go check the NepNep world Live2d viewer (Googling it will get you there) and get a view of what some of the 2nd and 3rd gen models were like.
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I'm pretty sure Iris Heart was in Blanc V Zombies.
>I'd like to see them eventually move on to 4th gen
Even if it meant losing all the costumes and several characters (like Plutia)?
I meant with Compa and IF just getting a grip and spending some more time in working on the Live2D side of things. If people think their recycling of Factory assets in their games were bad, you should check their work on Live2D assets during the height of the Rebirth era, they basically used the same art meshes up until 2022 Spring.
You were implying that Plutia somehow had a more up-to date rig in BvZ than her own HDD form. Is this true?
No, what i mean is that they did spend time in giving Plutia iterations in multiple games and thus it was easier to rip the meshes for future models out of that material. Basically Live2D works by compounding a variety of art layers on top of each other (so the unwound model looks like a ton of puzzle parts) so for most Nep games they have been a series of reiteration over reiteration. The only few models that were excluded from this process over the years have all been 2nd gen models, which means Yellow Heart and Iris Heart as the two outliers, along with many minor makers and other characters. Even then, before the release of Rebirth and VII the games didn't really use the full range of Live2D tech and mostly just had static models with expression and simple movement toggles. Among the first games to fully utilize Live2D from Compa was Date a Live: Rio Reincarnation and then Neptunia & Friends.
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It would be really fun that when in the new game Neptune starts saying the usual dumb stuff that makes everyone roll their eyes >>507874596 immediately happens as the punchline. Any person can do it. Noire, Blanc, Vert, Abnes, doesn't matter as long as someone abuses her like that
And in the post credits scene it happens for a last time and she starts crying
Kill yourself. I'm being 100% serious.
hi Arsnore.
0 interest for Iffy btw
You made a shit thread and no one paid attention to it bruv
Besides most posters on /v/ are zoomers who play gacha, of course there not gonna know about IF and her games
Threads who get replies by their pic alone are threads with OPs about porn and some twitter controversy
Leave IF out of this please
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>Ever wonder why Iffy has 9 phones? She needs to keep track of all her Nyamota baby daddies jej
Based Marvyfag!
>most posters on /v/ are zoomers who play gacha, of course there not gonna know about IF and her games
>Threads who get replies by their pic alone are threads with OPs about porn and some twitter controversy
Sadly this is unironically true. I love hot waifus but gacha is vomit.
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What's even funnier is that she cucked them all with their girlfriends
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I almost forgot it's Friday night!
I didn't even make the thread but cope however you want
What is the matter with you, man? I'm not a big fan of Neptune's whole lazy schtick either; but I wouldn't want to see her hurt or sad.
She needs to suffer a bit
Every JRPG character ever, every good one at least, has suffered lots
They even die all the time
Neptune doesn't, she gets away with every dumb stuff she does. Even the villains go easy on her. She needs to get her ass kicked, she needs to cry and bleed on the floor like everyone else.
>she gets away with every dumb stuff she does.
>every dumb stuff
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Week went by fast.
in the VERY FIRST game she goes on a depression fueled suicidal spiral before getting pulled out of it by Iffy and Compa
nevermind how it's technically a different Neptune
She's gay bruv
So is IF but you simp her anyways lol
the nigga who keeps saying bruv over and over and over is so fucking annoying and i still have no idea how to hide posts
The first game is the most kino and I think does the best job humanizing the CPUs.
She's actually enjoying Player-san's dick in that image, it's censored for blue boards
Oi why are you disrespecting me bruv
filter i mean
Nah IF is pure and straight and she doesn't go around trying to make other women marry her.
RED fell for IF of course because she's the QTest around and IF rejected her ass and made her cry. Women marrying each other doesn't happen in Neptunia, it only happens in offtopic games.
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>she doesn't go around trying to make other women marry her.
No, she's loyal to her lesbian wife Compa
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my wife would never!
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>offtopic games
my wife MINDBROKE you
IF is a turbo dyke that wants to marry Compa. That's canon. Also all Compile Heart games are on topic here. You should stop trying to play mod and kill yourself.
Hell, even beyond canon. Here, IF is the highest practitioner of the Compa Style of Ninjutsu (yes, it sounds like a Neptunia parody of Gangnam Style).
Okay, so I thought I had a SS of IF's intro in Ninja Wars but I don't; so just have this instead.
Creampie for Ram-chan
Cpu candidates cannot get pregnant. You will only be able to have sex with Ram before Blanc kills you
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>You will only be able to have sex with Ram before Blanc kills you
Still worth it.
Hell exists in the gamindustri world so…have fun
I wish they paid Yuki Sugiura more. She makes such great tracks but recently she gets like 6 new ones per game and the rest are all just reused ones.
ReGame didn't deserve to have such bangers in it that'll be used this once and never again

Blanc won't kill you while Ram is clinging to you, and Ram won't stop clinging to you until Blanc promises not to kill you
It'll be an endless loop of Ram sex
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wtf is her problem?
She and Histy have a huge amount of sexual tension that they need to resolve together
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Its true, this fanart comic proves it
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That feels like incest even if it isn't.
Histoire is like Neptune’s mom you sick fuck
Its more like her grandma actually, she's came from like maybe 2 CPUs before her.
That's what makes it hot
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superdimension histoire is kind of like her mom but this is hyperdimension histoire we're talking about
Still somehow feels wrong
It is. Neps only have sex with me after all
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even my wife...?
Our wife
Lewd image but imagine this with Purple Heart and Histoire
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All neps should be futas
>underling beating the shit out of Uni and Nepgear
>Rom and Ram get a new skill
>IF pulls an RB1 Compa
Kei what the hell are these demands? Marrying a cpu candidate actually is a pain in the ass
( ・∇・)
Noire how did you fuck wearing a bikini
Fuck up, I meant fuck up
I wanna fuck Kei.
>Apocalypse, A Danger’s Sorrow
Oh boy we are in Conquest, I think
>You want to fuck me?
>Well here is a contract that dictates the available times I’m able to do so
>Also I require a lovely dinner before each act, all under your bill of course
>Each congress will be done on times when I am available and if need be I will call upon you
>You are not allowed to touch me and here is the list of positions that are allowed
>Once we are done I fully expect a large donation to Lastation for each encounter, just so I don’t go running off with another man of course
Oh god damnit how did I mess it up
Step 1: you were born.
The noire and uni fight was annoying due to Noire’s self heals, but two EXE drives and uni was out, then was able to output enough damage with nepgear until she was able to beat noire with an EXE drive.
That’s not gonna traumatize her for centuries to come no siree
Who cares. So long as Arfjord is deaded, everything will be fine. New CPUs will emerge.
:| mmmmmmmm don’t like that Neptune
Poor kei forcing herself to stay composed
Logistically yes, new CPUs will emerge and as long as arfoire is dead it’s fine, but it’s still a heavy loss for Nepgear who wears her heart on her sleeve. She is forced to kill all of her friends by her own hands, so that’s extremely rough to do even if a new batch of goddesses will be born down the line
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It's the first time you see Kei showing so much emotion. It get worse when you go after Vert.
If you never did Conquest, you're not gonna like it.
Having actually spent the last two games with the characters, it strangely does make me feel kinda bad, especially hearing Nepgear legitimately cry out in anguish.
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Ooh, right. Neptunia has dubs. I forgot about that, since I tend to turn them off.
I'm sorry mate, you're not going to have fun there.
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So this is how Kei got promoted to Oracle status...
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i wish there is something new to discuss
atleast derq girls are cute
Most of the time she's a total troll, but sometimes Neptune just makes me want to hug her.
We need to make fan games that we can argue about
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Nepgear is a good girl, stop portraying her as a villain!
Out of general curiosity, is compile heart developing a new game right now or just porting stuff over? I know of the whole censorship deal going on, but is there a new game in the works or is this an SMT 6 kinda situation
Last years chat with their CEO in which they revealed the 5ish? upcoming games mentioned that they have begun production of the next mainline Nep game. Sounded like it the very start of production so who knows when it'll launch.
Then there is hope!
Rom and Ram Adventures of Cookies and Cream ripoff
Uni and Nepgear Time Crisis ripoff
Uzume Jet Set Radio / Airblade ripoff
Blanc Platinum Action game ripoff
Rei Rights company management game rip off
Vert sex, not a game just sex I can't think of a game for her
Compa Trauma Centre ripoff
IF racing kart game with other CH/IF characters in too
Warechu game with really long name where you take upskirt pictures ripoff
Arfoire farming simulator
Histoire dating sim disguised as a company management rip off
CRPG + DRPG Mayhaps
>Arfoire farming simulator
The question is wilk it be good? I'd imagine there is going to be some expectation that it will be as good if not better than VII.
I'd play a Vert CRPG
Vert 3rd Person Halo like shooter whey all the neps have cool sexy body armor and drive fantasy tanks
>third person shooter with spells as grenades/secondary weapons
would buy
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Multidimension Waifu Hunter RED confirmed!
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Nep Combat: Skies of Gamindustri
>SMT 6 kinda situation
RED's complete lack of outfits is the biggest crime of this series
>That sky looks like ground...
>SMT 5 in development hell for years
>hard deadline in trailer
>shit product with barely any content
>two years later, rerelease with more content, lmfao if you bought the original better get this new one loser
>didn’t even sell a million copies
>company focused on persona and new ip’s
>SMT stuck in hiatus and nearly 10 years since an actual new title
It’s so bleak that peeps are actively hoping for a sequel of a spin off
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
Honestly I think normalfags just want Persona 6 and won't buy an Atlus game if it's not called Persona, regardless of the game's quality or content.
That used to be true until Metaphor happened. It sold over a million copies faster than Persona 3 Reload.
We gotta wait until Code Z comes out next year.
I go to sleep for the night and the Rainfall2 general dies. I thought I could count on you guys to keep it alive. I can't be around to bump it all the time, because believe it or not I have a life outside of 4chan and I actually play games. I can try making another one, but I don't know how many times I can do that before the jannies get mad.
Maybe if Blanc wasn't gay for Plutia the general would still be alive
Bro we get it, you're salty that IF is gay for Compa, you can stop projecting now.
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Let's wait some days before trying again with the rainfall general.
Also, when will sweet baby hit gachas? Maybe we need that so zoomiggers will finally give a shit?
But it’s so fun
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It looks like someone else already made one.
Try not to let it die this time. This can't be allowed to peter out if we are to have any chance of success, and it would help to have an easy place to point angry fans to if another game gets hit.
>me and the girls when T3CHN0-M5G3_1713 posts a shit-tier opinion at 2am and has to be corrected
is it just one page? it looks like part of a dj, please tell me there's a dj
IF is cringing @ the gay shit
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Iffy is jealous she can't have a piece rofl
I find it hard to play this game knowing there isn't a romantic relationship with the cute fairy
Vert is definitely a shitposter. She’s probably banned in over a dozen forums and is a schizo in at least a few threads on their version of 4chan
any forum that banned her no longer exists
there's probably hushed whispers and rumors about it
She and MAGES. get into anonymous flame wars with each other in Rebirth 3
>get banned from a site
>uses her cpu privileges to annihilate it off the internet
That sounds amazing lmao. I need to see that once I get to rb3
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>on their version of 4chan
>telling one of the four gods of your world to go back to Neppit
I fucking love this series man
I'm heavily suspecting there are under 30 year old children posting here
Would explain a lot of things
My ID says 24 but my mind says 7
what was the context of this?
I may be 25 or 65 who knows
>I'm gonna draw MAGES.!
MAGES.'s dress is fucking impossible to draw. You'd think it'd be easy, but it's construction is weird as fuck. It's like half lab coat, half ballgown and I can't get my head around it.
Just finish the drawing. Even if it's shit, maybe Mages will look funny at least.
Working on it, unless my PC crashes or I get an absolute fucking breakthrough it should be another 20-30 mins
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Coat over a skirt.
Zoomer supremacy (no cap bussin' fr)
This is crazy
I'll never be able to do faces. I'm a clothesfag.
Haven't used Imgur for a while. Catbox is throwing internal server errors right now.
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Someone else post it because imgur is not loading for me
I'm pretty sure Kei made all that up on the spot to protect Uni. Goes to show she does have a sense of humor after all.
Decent cute.
Nice job!
Litterbox was working so here's that for 3 days
It's just something you made in paint like in 5 minutes? Her eyes look dead and the black background doesn't help. That shit is horror
Yes paint, but more like 40 minutes than 5
The reference was her at the end of her EXE drive, hence the colours
I appreciate anyone who draws Neptunia but you have yo be over 18 to post here anon...
I'm 32
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What if I am exactly 18 and not over? Can I post?
Everywhere that says "over 18" means "00:00 on your 18th birthday is in the past".
Now draw IF
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I want you to be 100% honest, /nepgen/.
Would you be ok with another Neptunia gacha if it revives the IP?
Neptunia once again becomes relevant and popular but no more console games, which also means no more sony check and censorship but now all neps you'll ever get are gacha only.
Now that is quite a proposition. I think as long as the combat is somewhat engaging and it has that Neptunia charm, I'd be down. Obviously, noone plays gacha for gameplay; but having a decent gameplay hook would definitely help them in the long run.

You also got to wonder how they'll about monetization since they'll more than likely go F2P, so they'll need money to support it and keep a steady flow of content coming
Yes if Compa kept the story fun and consistently updated.
Bros, please answer me...
Answer this >>507961386
and I'll give you the link
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I'm a 26 year old child...
NTA but next year I'll be 24 and I realized I wasted my entire life in games and anime and now I'm a virgin neet with no skills or friends.
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It better be some damn good gameplay
if it makes you feel any better, that's a sign of lack of innate social skills rather than the other way around
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Remember to buy a Skelter doujinshi
If you cosplay as MAGES. I can fix that virgin problem
Where is it!? I need to know!
buy and scanlate that shit
>"it's not my pic"
hunt that shit down, buy it and scanlate it
I want a Rapunzel doujinshi.
Comiket. If you have to ask what that is, you need to level up your weeb stat.
I thought Comiket died because corona.
I never would have expected a niche franchise like Mary Skelter to get some doujin at Comiket.

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