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girls comparing swords edition

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Would you be upset if this was how Shizuha unlocks the night-time park streaking minigame or more streaming events?
Does this game have swordfighting and swordfighting?
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How many streaming scenes will be in Selenoxia?
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I won't be upset either way. But I think her role will be more like Natsu in celesphonia.
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why are games that let you betray girls who love you so hot.
are people realizing shark is overrated shit yet?
Even his "worst" games are still better than most that come through here.
So the issue isn't that he's bad, but more that other devs need to step up their game.
why do I have the feeling sharkdev downgrades Amane intentionally so as to make Shizuha stand out more?
He just wouldn't have put her in the game then.
Amane's tits are like 3x the size of Shizuha's.
no, completely indifferent. i'll give the game a fair shake but i have no real expectations. it isn't one of the games that i'm most looking forward to in 2025.
New Amane is better. Stop being contrarian whores.
Always the same cope lol, his games are shit. He needs to step up and not release generic garbage, not the others devs.
Something about that Konko blob made me giggle lol.
Centaur Konko blob!!
give me examples of ges better than Celesphonia then, oops
>his games are shit.
You can never convince anyone of that.
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It's him that should step up his game. He peaked at Flode's, every games after that are paint by number boring with milquetoast mild scenes. His game needs proper pregnancy and birth mechanics.
What are you looking forward to? I need to fill my bookmarks.
be a good blob
be a good blob
be a boob bloob
blobba blob blob
Am I the only one that never cared for preg content? Japs rarely care too
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>His game needs proper pregnancy and birth mechanics.
I'd rather he not or any dev for that matter.
The desire to impregnate is hardwired into our genes.
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>than most that come through here
You mean most of what EOPs get
and dare I say, even then its mid at best, he had good potential after the first couple of games, but celesphonia was his worst
With tentacles and dogs
>all these h games releasing while I'm not at home
blue balled
>Gyu finally released their game after 5 years
Holy shit it's fucking time
I like endings where you have a cute daughteru, of course skipping the preg shit. Preg scenes are a big nope of course.
maybe the real gyu was the friends we made along the way
RJ302497 any good?
( * )
There are more shark blobs than clymenia blobs.
shark games > clymenia games
The shirt looks really bad. Like "4kids adding a layer of clothing in photoshop to avoid a cleavage shot" bad.
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Need more streamingge...
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I only play lolige!
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>3 more days
you didn't play haruna's game
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You made me look. I want him to make me cum... just one last time...
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16-bit blob!
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>blobs can't expose themselves because they are already naked
>he doesn't know about underblob
Games with bikes?
Started playing this (RJ01164385) and man, the trial does it no favors. The trial is actually so thin on content and variances that you might think the entire game is like that. So far, it's shaping up to not be. The H content for battles IS pretty minimal sadly, but there's a lot of different minimal animations. Also, the NPCs have lewd stuff as you progress. As a game itself I'm also satisfied with the balance so far.
I feel it's a shame this is not going to do well. I mean, I knew it wouldn't, but all those years and all that work and it's not going to make a lot. I hope ninniku rolls with it all and doesn't take it as a bad sign or anything. Always respected the guy.

To fuck enemies, you frot them first. That said you don't actually see sword on sword action. It's just a slight animation similar to seeing rock paper scissors play out.
come to think of it where's the tomboy seedbed who turned into magical girl powered by tentacle semen at the end of celesphonia
i meant disabling this altogether. i set the font used by most rpgm games, but hakika used another font, so now i have to switch it every time i want to play something different unless if i don't want random characters not appearing
I played his beta, it's a real piece of shit with an annoying grindy central dungeon
it also runs like shit because of the obnoxious overlay effect, but he included an option to disable it at least
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i'm inclined to just cheat through the game to get all the events. going around huge mazes and fighting the same enemies is not fun when you don't even have friends with you.
i'm already playing it at 3x the speed because fuck walking everywhere so slowly. it feels like hakika generated 300 random levels and decided to stitch it up into a game
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New Canela just unlocked.
Skill issue.
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Why does she look cool
Canela was always cool.
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i feel that elf sister (RJ01175290) might finally be a good cohab game. the interactions are looking soulful and it's not just common monochrome copy with zero effort.
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
yeah i lack the skill to not get bored doing the same fucking thing over and over again.
even the soundtrack is recycled.
>finally be a good cohab game
you woudn't know "good" if it came on your face
Use the savefile compendium.
Still as stupid as ever
This evil blob stole the hat from the pronant witch blob.
95% sister cohab games made after monochrome are pure trash
Another sequel killer coming soon...
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post the Green Dragon Canela
What sort of retard plays a gameplayge with other people's saves? The entire point is gameplay, why would you cuck yourself out of that?
the gameplay is shit thoughever
Can't hear you over my 999999 gold start.
Versa's roast beef cunny.
Anubis's Egypt scented cunny.
I'm getting tired of magical girls, nuns, knights, princesses, ninjas and witches. When will JP devs start to spice things up?
What do you want? A crackhead girl? A terrorist girl?
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
>nebel had ghost hunters
>just to go back to fantasy rpg priestess MC
time to go to adventure guild and get raped by slimes. again.
Has RJ01303059 been uploaded anywhere yet?
I need my bodysuit corruption game but DLsite stopped accepting my payment methods.
I like how it has a big gameplay element with the dungeon crawl too, cohab games usually dont have it or is lame like monochrome fantasy
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A heroine's occupation isn't really that important. What's more important is if the dev can breath some soul into the character, making them interesting, likable and worth fapping to.
yeah that's actually the element that makes or kills the game for me. i want actually something to do except food->molest->sleep->repeat. monochrome fantasy wasn't bad with the whole guild stuff&reputation and stat training. i also liked the cute art showing what the MC is doing, only makes it better when your imouto is waiting for you at home after a long day.
I think that’s why people really liked Majetano, even if you didn’t like Kubel. Something about her just gets men acting fierce.
Majetano sucks
monochrome isn't even that good
but enough about Kana's game
speak for your self, good design is meaningless with shit content
>good design
name better sister cohab
She was shit and the gameplay was even shittier, might as well be a VN
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How come RJ435322 has an english translation (made by dlsite itself) and still isn't on the bin? This is why we don't get magical girlge (besides sharkdev) anymore...
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This is why.
Not sister but Amu chan Happy NEET The Ideal Father. Monochrome just feels soulless and disjointed even with all its fancy features and scenes. The sister is boring and feels like a caricature.
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You're shit!
i disagree in pretty much everything. monchrome feels super soulful and different sister states and their interactions make the whole game for me. make her too angry and she nukes the world, make her too horny and she'll rape you etc.
meanwhile you posted something that can be barely called a cohab game, it's just sex on bed+sex in bathroom, there is literally nothing else to do, the girl has no personality, i'm almost sure there's also barely any dialogue.
>spending most of your time wageslaving and micromanaging to optimize stats
Never liked it.
more gameplay is ... le bad
Kana is a great heroine stuck in a shitty NTR game
I'm a great hero stuck in a shitty real life game...
I posted three games and they're better for different reasons.
Amuchan's touching system is way better. It's fully animated and has some of the best interactions between using condoms and cumming inside. It has tons of sex poses and scene variations. Monochrome's feels rigid and outdated, hardly better than its previous game.
Happy NEET has a way better story. The story of monochrome just feels disjointed and non-immersive. I don't remember but the sex was also better.
The Ideal Father is janky but again, it has better sex than imoufan. The key point that makes it better is the option to go rape route instead of vanilla.

It's funny that you mentioned personality since Monochrome Imouto has even less of it.
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Amane's nipples!!
Unironically, that's why VNs are better fap material, better scenes, voice acting wihtout the annoying filler gameplay.
Add it yourself.
oh god the sex scenes are even worse than I remember, he clearly gave up and rushed out the final scenes
Those are all worse in terms of overall presentation, not to mention that the designs are all worse.
>muh presentation
>muh designs
I just explained why they're better. Monochrome just looks good on the surface but lacks substance.
dlsite has fallen...
they're fine if all you want is sex scenes then, even though one of them is 3d unityge so there's no comparison, might as well play koikatsu.
monochrome has way more items, unlocks, even something as simple as giving her sleeping pills or an aphrodisiac changes the game. and overall it offers the most out of all of these, especially since you keep listing games that have barely any content in them other than h-scenes. next you'll say that mesugaki sister one was good.
there's a reason why monochrome sold 500k (+100k dlc) copies
Why is Amane a hag now?
I think I recognize this blob!
The cruel passage of time
For me it's VNs with gameplay, the best of both worlds.
Have to agree. I cant even see why people fucking fawn over it when it is style over (very little) substance.
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me somewhere in the image
I wish more games made use of it besides just some endings
hmmm I wonder who you could be....
Have you figured out how to trigger the other set of H animations for a given monster girl? When you look at the bestiary you can find each monster girl's defeat H-animation, listed as Document A. Meanwhile next to that button is a blank button that could only be a Document B. I thought maybe losing would trigger it, but that just gives a generic post-creampie animation for your own team and a game over (if you don't have any teleport stones left).
am I retarded or is Gehenna's story a complete mess? a lot of the endings are also unsatisfying as fuck...
and why does his new game have Lolina and Shunka again?
One year passed.
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Keep coping.
VANILLAGODS run the h game industry.
wow the new Gyu ge is shittier then his old ones..
At the end monocrhome sold more because it has oppai Lolis while the other are just lolis which scares people away.
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Do art quality matters in porn games?

Good art is nice, but a good artist can make excellent h-scenes even with bad art since games incorporate music, sound effects, story, context etc. into all h-scenes.
Geberally yes, bad anatomy especially kills boners.
It's built weird. It's a lot more about building intrigue and trying to make you think about what's going on instead of actually talking about it.
I like that style of indirect storytelling because it lets you digest it at your own pace instead of sitting through tedious infodumps, but it's definitely not for everyone. Also, whether or not you have played Eden, while not strictly necessary, makes a big difference. Some of the Dark Gathering route is almost incomprehensible if you haven't spent an entire game with Legacy
How is the blue haired mage looking game? I like how she looks but I remember their games always being plagued with bugs.
Are completely hidden by that vest.
If you are not Megrim, yes.
is cohab a genre now?
Did you come here to laugh at us?
It could be, only time will tell. There's already cohab NTR, so we could be in a transitory period.
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Any new vanilla harem games?
After a certain point no.
A good scenario is 1000x better than some VN quality art if the scene is boring.
Solid anatomy and colours go a long way.
It doesn't need to be super high quality because a lot of things can salvage it but it does need to be at least a certain level of quality, the bar is surprisingly low though
Deformed genitals are libido killers
i would never laugh at my hgg2dbros, that gachashitter can stay in the cuck corner
For me, it's the sex poses.
There's that new teg from mangoparty
alright i'm gonna make a harem cohab party dungeon crawler ge
sisters are oversaturated who should you live with?
Add NTR route
I'd argue that it depends on the type of game.
A game that hits your kinks well enough doesn't need great art to get by.
At the same time, there are games that had me enjoy things I wouldn't normally care for because the art sold me on it.
Just soft copy the TLR cast.
plenty of games with bad art are considered good, war demon kirsten for example.
Good art elevates already good shit however even the best art can't fix a kusoge. You do need a certain bare minimum of quality most of the time but anything past that is a bonus.
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It's literally nothing.
there actually was a tlr game where you live in a house with the girls and go dungeon crawling on the vita, interspersed with random events
it sucked
what is cohab?
this art is so good, who drew that
Well make that same game porn and it won't suck.
The never ever that will never die.
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Can I get some h-game girls that set off danger alarms?
>what is cohab?
(You) and your (usually newly accquainted) love interest live and sleep under the same roof.

Depends, are there cohab games that aren't SLGs? Otheriwse it'd be a subgenre of it.

It needs to be good enough to be fappable.
oh cohabitation
someone upload the OP futage and I'll have futa erp with you in vrchat
i love the way the hair was drawn
do you know the artist?
kono kani yaroo
little sister.... STRONG!!
>blood related petite imouto incest
Playing Black Souls 2, any place where I can get more Rubbish for my Broken Sword? I got jumped in the Mental Ward by a spirit and that made me go back to grinding to upgrade my weapon.
Definitely dunno yet, myself
everyone already forgot the original meaning of vanilla like 10 years ago
Yes? That's vanilla. You pretending like kissing your sister isn't vanilla or something son?
You can buy them somewhere but I forgot, maybe at the sheep shop in the snowy area but that's pretty far away. I don't know if that mad spirit is immune to them but I'd suggest trying out ailments like burn and bleed, they're easily obtainable around lutwidge
It's a vague term invented by Fakku anyway.
Been a while but I'm pretty sure you can farm them from some early game enemy. Maybe something in the rabbit hole? The broken sword isn't really good outside of minmax damage autism builds though and for that you need more than just it's upgraded form.
>over 5 years of delays or complete radio silence
>for a 3 minute "demo" that isn't even a proper demo
>invented by Fakku
I don't remember it being thrown around until 2011, it's on even a tag on sad panda.
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Unironically originated from faggots.
I've been farming them from the Hollows in the room before the first boss which gave me the idea. I wasted an hour to get the sword to +6 so I might not stop. Does the Rapunzel tower sword from 1 make an appearance here? Is it also nerfed to shit like everything in this game?

The spirit gave me 5 ailments before I had any time to react so I'd be willing to try. Are weapons with ailments more viable here? I was hoping to actually swap from weapon to weapon here. In 1 I only swapped once for the Hans Machine Gun after having fun with Iron Huns and his countdown but his weapon sucked ass after making it +10.
Eugh, ge for this feel?
>kaname ending her game by showcasing that dragonslayers are strong as fuck against their chosen prey
>can't even lose the fight unless you try super hard
Shit was kino
What are some other games in which the femc gets to do some cool shit even after swallowing an ocean's worth of cum?
>Does the Rapunzel tower sword from 1 make an appearance here?
Yes. But you won't see it until the first DLC area.
Until you fully upgrade it, yes. But the game is so heavily focused around you swapping weapons mid fight that it's fine. Most weapons have their uses. Remember weapon swap is a free action.
yo long time no see
any new big tits hag ge? please
Ricca, Fumika, Princess Sacrifice. Just a few off the top of my head. I’m sure there’s more
I have taken a shit 5 times today, I thin my stomach might be upset bros... I should fap to scat today
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Give me game with main girl that looks like outis from limbus company
"Anti-NTR"/savior complex fag here to longpost about RJ01299483. I just got the good and true endings for the game, after getting a bad ending a week ago.

The biggest asterisk about it is that it's a first project, so there's no CG or custom music in the game. Just (mostly well done) sprite sex and default RPGM music.

The premise is that you, Koji, convince your girlfriend Lina to go on a trip to a testing facility for 30 days in exchange for 3 million yen. Koji meets NTRman Lord and his blonde GF Eve. Lord manipulates Koji into fucking Eve to get better at fucking Lina, while also attempting to corrupt Lina himself.

This is the rare game where every decision matters and affects stats that will lock you in and out of future events and ending routes. It also wears RNG on its sleeve, with random scripts determining what content shows up daily. I recognized maybe 60% of my second playthrough from the first one.

The best comparison is probably Nebel? If you had issues getting the good ending blind there your brain will explode here. This is the first time I gave an H-game a solid shot but I needed a second playthrough to get a good ending without NG+. And there are a shit ton of endings each with seemingly well done epilogues. Judging by the recollection room there are four endings to the LOVELOVE (good end) route alone (happy which I got, 3P where you steal Eve which I also watched and was impressed by, and two others that sound more like netorase which I don't give a shit about).
Lina is so fucking cute it hurts. She's really resistant once the NTR starts and it takes Lord a long period of in-game time to fully/almost fully break her (those are the only two options so if you're looking for a purity route unfortunately you're out of luck). She was so likable for so long that in the True Ending I thought the dev fucked up because the hypothetical vanilla route looked pretty good And most of all she has scenes with the protagonist before the endings, thank fuck.

There are good side plots going on with facility members that vary as well. The best one being green haired eyepatch girl who gets NTR'd by her sister. So between a likable love interest, fun side characters, well-written H-scenes, and an actual challenge should you try for a good ending, this should be a 10/10 if you can ignore the lacking music and art.

I think it's a masterpiece, but not a 10/10.

This might be the first game I've played where playing as a blind, deaf, cheating retard actually increases your chance at getting the good ending. There's a stat called Distrust where if you get too suspicious your relationship with Lina will be deemed to be strained. It's one factor gating the LOVELOVE routes. So if you find Lina coming out of Lord''s room and go "I must've hallucinated it" your Distrust value will go down and you will have a greater chance of fixing her by the end.

While I like Lina in the first 19 days of the game, after Lord successfully breaks/almost breaks her she loses a lot of her tsundere personality. The LOVELOVE route in turn feels less like wrangling your beloved girlfriend back and more like trying to keep her from getting even more mentally retarded than she already became. Even that could've worked if the atmosphere was good but between the stock music and how over the top the story was by that point that it's impossible to take it seriously.
To a certain extent, yes it does but we're not looking for $500 commission tier artists just as long as it's fappable. If it's a sequel or 2nd game from a dev/artist and their art has degraded then it matters tremendously because no doubt the game will cost more despite having less quality and no story, plot, characters etc do not equate to a higher cost. If the art looks worse in the next title why should you expect the story to be any better?
Finally, the True Ending (which is only realistically achievable with a guide) is some meta commentary. I wish I stopped playing at the good ending instead.

There are nitpicks as well (I appreciate proper royalty free music choices even more now) but these are the main things that stopped it short of perfection for me. It's very frustrating because so much of this game is great. But then it fumbles some of the most basic elements that other anti-NTR routes get right.

I think the game peaks in Days 17-19, when you can block NTR events while Lina still has her personality. The satisfaction of blocking the NTR and seeing Lina go "??? Koji is so possessive today kya" is just what I was looking for. If the entire game was like this, where playing smart and firm had made your tsun GF retain her love for you amidst the NTR whirlwind (or even avoid it altogether), I would've had zero complaints.

If you're less autistic about these things than I am or you like NTR by itself you'll probably love it assuming you can get past the sprite sex and stock music effects. As for my retarded savior complex, it's amazing but not quite there. It's probably the best game in this niche by far. But I still felt more satisfied by the end of Mirage's Defection. Maybe even Nebel.

In short: It's an amazing game if you like the challenge of avoiding NTR and very impressive for a dev's first project, but some of the writing is retarded and disappointing even by NTR standards.
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What if the joker was a bandit that lived in dungeons and raped low level female adventurers?
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Hopu Hopu Team
I'm not reading all but I read a bit, its good to see people enjoying niche games anon, I would not be able to go through that kind of game
Game when i can play as Muhammad?
Or at least live up to his deeds
I hear Germany's fine this time of the year.
Go bang Aisha.
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Closest I can think of is this game.
I think I finally understand what some of those NTR porn mean by "shooting blanks". I've been jacking off daily these past few weeks despite my resolution to hold off, and even jacked off twice-thrice yesterday. By the third time I came, my cum was only at most 70% white liquid, the rest were clear. And it was barely viscous.
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Was there a recent loli game where the girl gets grabbed by the waist like in picrel, except her arms are also included? The dude's hands almost wrap around her whole waist and arms. I'm not sure if it was from a game or a doujin but I'm pretty sure I've seen it recently.
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Tried playing RJ01228533 since anons last thread were talking about it. Man, it really sucks. It's basically all battlefuck but there's no way to force the feMC to get fucked, you have to waste a lot of time hoping she gets grabbed and then fucked. She can still break out during both the grabbing and fucking too. And the dev decided to put in the weirdest shit imaginable for battlefuck material, like giant spiders, rats or octopi. There are two human enemies later in the game (a thug and a shota) but for me it was too little, too late. I just wanted to see a dog or something. Or at least have the spider have a more arousing scene than what was in the game.
still gotta play this, paused after first battle
thanks anon, saved me to play it
Are there any similar games to Goblin Burrow
>no matter what MC does, GF is always almost fully broken at the very least
seems barely avoidable, guess that's a skip if outercourse if not outright ponos in vagooo always happens regardless of choices
maybe I should just play Double Melon's trap house game again
or put up with the shitheap of game mechanics that is Nebel to the end
or check out that knight game by war shop
or I could see how bad Mirage's MTL is
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No problem anon. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be playing RJ01308124 and RJ01190055 within the next few days, they look much more promising for battlefuck stuff.
That dev has like 5 different versions of it. Just play another game by them if you want more.
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Nvm, I remembered. It was that one Studio Baize game
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what game is this
yandex told me what it is
I can tell from the art alone
and this dev isn't even my fetish
Graveyard executioner? I thought that was ryona/guro focused. Why does she have condoms?
I didn't play the game, but that image is the last pic in the dlsite previews, so
Sariel is basically the devs mascot. She is in like 90% of the shit by the circle. What else would use while you fuck her eye pussy? You don't want to get her brain pregnant, do you?
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My wife
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TIme to finally try this out.
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when will /jeg/s finally be able to compete?
how old is versa?
Yeah it's not avoidable at all (only by technicality in the True Ending). That's why I said "anti-NTR" rather than "avoidable NTR". Lina will end up one step away from becoming a sex slave no matter what.
>trap house
Haven't played.
Only one H-scene if you keep her pure.
>Knight game
Fits the bill.
My favorite of the ones you mentioned. But if you keep both parties totally faithful there's only one actual sex scene.
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kill yourself
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Post never evers
why can't ntr devs draw the guy to where he actually looks like he's from the same game
It’s so sad Clymenia’s final game was the detective one. Instead of going out with a bang it ended up just being a wet fart.
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I finished RJ418575 with little to no sex scenes and... man that was genuinely fun? what a fun little game, though it felt more like a VN honestly, but it was very fullfilling to ignore these whores and get the best girl, easiest ignoring of my life, berst girl was end game.
I gave in to the gyaru.
De doing anything new and interesting now?
Based taste. I did the same thing.
is she pregnant
I have faith in clymeme. He will return when we least expect it.
Also Sophie's game wasn't that bad
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That bitch ain't a Kiddie
You're missing out on some really hot scenes. Cheating on the main girl is the best part.
for my penis? probably
for my heart? nah

today my heart was more important.
But I'll come back to check em later when my penis asks for it
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>anon shills SEQUEL to me
>try it
>just another fucking galge with extra steps
Male MC my ass, and here i was expecting he's gonna be something like Grimm. In the end it's still girls and shit, he's barely involved in the story aside from being a plot device.
You missed out, Aoi is the best girl
I'll throw hands for senpai
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Weird way to spell Maika.
Am I going the right place in Black Souls 2? I've avoided the Guillotine tunnels and Spore Forest to head straight for Queen of Hearts Castle but I still feel lost. Jesus, every enemy I kill drops the same amount of souls. I don't mind dying, I hate it when I'm hitting a wall in progression. (Literally as minibosses seem to be DPS checks and punish me for not being prepared aka grinding)

I feel like this became more railroady in terms of progression, because no matter where I go, I will get curbstomped and forced to follow the main route unlike the previous game where I blindly went to Behemoth Ranch first before going to the Holy Forest.
Shiori was such a good girl that she won the best character poll while having zero H scenes before the DLC came out
Stick with the whore, bitch, and gorilla I'm in it for the naizuri
Sounds about right for where the game tries to direct you on your first run. But really there is no wrong way. Reminder the game is fully beatable at level 1 with no stat souls used. If you are struggling with something take another look at your tools and start strategizing. Just keep going until you reach the end.
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With the "Harem" and "Self-insert" tag, it should have been obvious.
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ShioriGODs, we unite
Here, look. It's a female.
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Attack modo
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here to serve the best girl
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Posting the best Shiori.
this makes me realise I would have folded to shiori no matter her role in the story
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It's slow burn, just gotta stick with it until the kino starts
I don't trust anyone who spams the word kino.
I will now play this commie's game
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I don't trust anyone who spams the word blob.
Stop spamming and wake me up when it has a non-shit translation.
I don't trust anyone who has big boobs
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Don't get me wrong, the games are fine as is. But what stood out was the character interactions, and the thing that pisses me off the most is that you're nothing but a glorified meatstick for the most part. It's infuriating because i wanted the MC to be involved more aside than just the porn aspect and story purposes.
Is this bait? There was DLC with shiori?
>Beggars thinking they can choose
I don't trust anyone who likes big boobs
bro? your epilogue?
I don't understand her pants.
I like all boobs that don't exceed K cup.
It's simple
Show me an attractive if outwardly plain (or even gloomy) girl with self-esteem issues and I will pick her
Especially I can pick her to the chagrin of girls much more confident
games for this? (besides the one being discussed)
easy access
worst example possible, a slutge where the girl becomes unatractive overtime
preferably one with a girl who doesn't have scoliosis
I'm trying out RJ01123559 and it's just like Monochrome but worse. Is there a game featuring a mesugaki (preferably) that's like Monochrome but better
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I don't much like 3D models but if I could play this in VR I'm interested
just play the daughter and daughter friend one instead if you are gonna go with 3D shovelware
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Absolute obedience crisis.
I played that one, such a good heroine in such a mediocre game
what kind of name is breasty
Breasty's name is meant to sound stupid and sexual. She gains power through the erotic thoughts of other people.
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Any games where you go on adventures or raid dungeons during the day and then have sex with your female party members at the inn by night?
you mean a haremge? yea there are plenty of tho- *zzzzzzzzzZZz*
It's impossible for fumika to be "cool".
Games where you play as the rapist?
Playing Kludge, I got tired of grinding and cheated myself x99 Vivid Mana Seed
Am I going to be okay?
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black souls
why the fuck is the font like that?
I don't know if this is what the dev intended but there's a piece of clothing called "chaps" meant to be an additional layer of protection for your legs. You can see them on cowboys and such. Google it.
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new ge ge dowkow?
>and here i was expecting he's gonna be something like Grimm.
I don't know who or what ever gave you the impression that he's anything like Grimm, but it was the wrong impression. By and large the girls are the actual main characters in the series, Mana Tank's basically just along for the ride to help make shit or cum on evil eggs.
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Do you prefer lolis or shortstacks in your h-games?
Yes, I do.
I prefer "women" to "girls," if that makes any sense.
gdi why are h ge authors so slow at making ges...
Lolis, obviously. None of that western "shortstack" midget shit. If you are gonna put tits on a short girl at least make it oppai loli.
i don't like these willendorfian grape bunches
rorikyonyuu every day, HOWEVER i was never into loli so it's just an excuse for more tits
>the girls are the actual main characters
Well shit, so the "MC" was just bait. This is no different than those gachas. There goes my interest
If you want an actually good game try Demons Roots
I unironically don't understand people past their 30s who are still into loli.
Like, sure, when you're a teenager or a young adult, you'll find anything hot, but when you start having life-experience and then look at some retarded beginning of a human being a third your age, how do you even get hard for that?
Lolibabas are great through.
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>black souls
No thank you! I don't play normcore.
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Because you are still young. Don't worry, when you grow up you will understand.
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You'll understand when you're older.
Someone post that 40s 50s and 60s having loli as their favorite tags image from dlsite.
Bait is a bit far, but he's not a very strong protagonist.
Look, CCS did me in back in the 90's and it was all downhill from there.
No thanks, I hate pegging.
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>retarded beginning of a human being a third your age
What does age have to do with it?
I want to violate Sakura while Tomoyo films us and masturbates. Games for that?
bba cohab?
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I want to buy Disaster merchandise
And the Retard Never Posted Again
what will be the next game to hit the eop mainstream?

will going number two disqualify asylum?
I want to buy Disaster for a night.
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cool sister being a whore sister...
me on the right
me on the right (i'm the cone)
me on the right (i'm agape allogrooming)
>go into a gay bar
>wtf why are there gays everywhere
these people will never understand that shit simply isn't made for them
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U R Thick
>two others that sound more like netorase
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Any games where the female companions reluctantly service the male mc just because he's the hero like in ShinSeiDen?
god I've never cared for kuuderes but her plain acknowledgement of her own corruption has been really refreshing to see
>enter library
>there are few interactable points on the shelves that give you walls of japanese text
>door at the end of the room triggers an RPGMaker japanese keyboard to enter the password with
Fuck you and your westerner-filters RJ01308124.
learn to read or just check map.json for the password.
Yeah I dropped it at this point too
I got the full save and it looked mid anyway, only 3 mini dungeons and like 5 CGs tops
All the poses reused from the slimes on humans too
>but he's not a very strong protagonist.
Can only say this for kludge and blight, he's almost nonexistent for the rest of the games
for starters, this game RJ01148691. and a few others, some really obscure that i don't wanna mention.
I wish that dev did more sex scenes. Having hours of build up where the girl's whole body eventually becomes an erogenous zone but almost no penetration was really disappointing
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You're mean, I didn't even fall for it but you made me sad anyway
I'm still holding on to hope, remember he did this once before back in 2021. His last post was something like may or june and then didn't make another update till the following year
Games to play with covid?
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don't get me wrong, I do like it, but by the end it feels like the game just leaves out things, for example:
If marsun is THAT strong how did he die to a rando, i was fully expecting for it to be a bad end version of Helvetica but it was never stated
same goes for Helvetica like what's up with her character in the last ending? she acts completely different and is way older, except this happens supposedly before(?) the events of the game?
Azoos is still not on that pixel BA ge btw, WTF
for the life of me i can't remember the name of the game but i remember you play as a blocky character and your wife is completely red, the world you live in is entirely monochrome and you go to an arcade to play some realistic rpg game set in another world. at some point i remember it getting really creepy when you leave the arcade with monsters patrolling all over the place

all that aside, is the dev who made that game got anything else in the works? i also remember he made another one and with a side character that had green hair and i think she was some sort of demon
Cute canon lovers
How did the game blow up anyways? Did it just seep out of niches naturally or did some youtuber blow it up like Fear and Hunger did?
A New Game
no seriously
his other games are MY]R and Mercenary's Adventure
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I can't believe I wasted electricity downloading this garbage

5 minutes in and I already alt f4
I don't even know why you guys keep bothering with Gyu, I don't think he's ever made a single decent game
God I want to throatfuck this blob.
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blue robot bros....
i agree and i hope that in his upcoming game it will be better executed in terms of % of "foreplay" to actual penetration. let's wait and see
It's a Gyu game anon, what did you expect? He's the master of awkwardness and limp dicks. None of his games aged particularly well either.
yeah those are the ones, i don't have my]r so i'll be sure to get that when i get round to replaying the other two
Just a heads up, MY]R's rough around the edges to say the least. I don't regret playing it, but I don't think I'd ever play it again, even to get a good ending.
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Me on the left
Fat dude got a bigger ass than the girl

Purest sexo to ever exist
I could be wrong and there could be more plot in the trails that I haven't seen, but I think it's supposed to be the end of the time loops after she finally gathers the power she needs to undo the tragedy.
Helvetica is clearly not really bound by it in the same way as Lolina and a few others are implied to: she gets summoned, reaches an ending, and goes home. I suspect the Helvetica we see in that is the one who beat Wriggle route and ate Mahi Mahi then moved on with her life while new Helveticas kept getting summoned.
I think the figure is strongly implied to be Lolina. There were some scenes where Sherri clearly blamed him for taking them away from her and his power comes from a taboo. I assume in the original timeline he eventually went mad.
From Eden, we know Lolina died when his and Sherri's children were young and it slots into the timeline pretty nicely for that to be the event.
This character is deceased
i don't get this whole prostration thing or how it appeals. is this for people with massive inferiority complexes?

It's for the humiliation
total submission of a female to a male
I told you it looked like shit, dumb ntrfags deserve the slop they get.
I hate ntr so much and it's great watching you get what you deserve.
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Games for this?
nose status?
trapge has gone extinct
Woah how big is that vibrator?
too puffy...
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Still can't get over how much the art has improved from Sylphy's game, I know it's been like 5 years but still. A lot of artists degrade over time and a lot more never improve so it's nice to see and keeping his no nose trait too
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I completed the main game and got 5/5 Social level with everyone. I got the last scene of every girl except Yubeil. What am I missing?
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Nevermind, I was missing a stupid scene in the entry of the base
I can't really disagree with this since we're still on the topic of the Shark screwing up big time. Well art aside, I doubt that this upcoming game is gonna be any better in terms of characterization and general progression, than Sylphy. Seems like it has more of everything but that won't necessarily make it better. He's maintaining his minigame focused approach, but will the game be a high quality scene hunter or will it have better buildup and weight behind progression and unlocking new scenes? I wonder...
> modern 立ちん坊 content
another kino coming
Are there really no evil spirits that I can kill reasonably early on? I tried wacking the one punch guy in the Castle and ended up unable to attrition him. Oh well, I'm going to grind myself before complaining even further.
I'm probably bothered I can't reliably get a good source of souls early on unlike in 1. It makes me seethe.
You can just grind Chaos Dungeon.
Is that the door in Rabbit Hole? Inside the second bust? Reminds me to try my hand on the Phalanx again.
lmao, I doubt its fatherly instinct wanting to fuck your loli daughter
JK are fine tho
>Are there really no evil spirits that I can kill reasonably early on?
You should be able to handle fuckers in the early areas. Grinding won't do much to solve your problems later on anyways. Better try to get a bit more familiar with the combat system while you can.
While he's still improving I honestly get why he usually doesn't draw a nose on the characters, when he actually does it looks terrible, truly his weak point
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lmao, even DLsite is coping now
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pixel nipples
I can never find the timing for Break besides guarding and two turn strong attacks, and Evasion might just kill me most of the time. I've found myself relying on the Axe with its bleed mechanics and gives me a measly 2k each crit strike. The accuracy problem's mostly gone if I abuse Omniblow. Is this worthwhile till late game? Or am I ditching this for a faster AP boosting build? I just want the equivalent of Rapunzel's favor to style on motherfuckers.
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Do you like drawn lips?
it actually is
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these blobs are getting too sexy
only sharkdev can save dlsite now
No, but I'm not a huge fan of hags in the first place, usually if I'm into one it's because they're on the cuter side instead, but I don't think it's a bad thing as it *does* make the character look a lot more mature which I'm sure other people are very into.
But in general I'm not into it, especially not on characters that aren't meant to look adult. Sometimes artists drawing cute characters decide to randomly give them lips (even if thin) and it ends up looking a lot worse (to me) than not having any lips.
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Trust the plan
The bin didn't update for Christmas so I expect something good for the New Year!
>I can never find the timing for Break besides guarding and two turn strong attacks
Yeah, that's basically it. Break itself isn't actually super relevant outside of some very specific situations (and some tedious cheesing for a different reason). The inflict rate also depends on your own Luck compared to the opponent's I believe, so even if it's possible to break the enemy I think you can still fail if your Luck is low enough.
>and Evasion might just kill me most of the time.
Evasion is even more situational than Break is. It's best early on, and the most use you'll probably get out of it is against DLC 1's bosses. DLC 3 even gives the player a +100% Evasion chest slot item that basically never ends up being used by most people since there's strictly better options.
>I've found myself relying on the Axe with its bleed mechanics and gives me a measly 2k each crit strike.
The Axe isn't really great, though very early on it'll suffice. The best overall weapon in the game can be found in one of the first few areas of BS2, but if you don't know how to properly optimize it you'll get a lot less out of it than you should.
>Or am I ditching this for a faster AP boosting build?
Turn speed is arguably the single most important thing in BS2, even more than bonus actions. Turn speed itself has a relatively low cap for maximum effectiveness though, 1k Speed, and if you're consistently above that then you should focus on something else.
>I just want the equivalent of Rapunzel's favor to style on motherfuckers.
Black Rabbit Rings are the best you'll get.
Here's a protip that WILL break the game if used correctly. Many items are free actions, this includes both common buffing and healing items. With a sufficient supply of both you can massively jack up your damage before spending a single action and heal yourself from everything that doesn't OHKO you.
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OLge when?
Yes but lips are my fetish of choice so it's like asking a foot fetishist if they like bare-foot girls.
How's the bin responsible for new game releases?
every normal person like beautiful faces, which lips are a part of. I wouldn't call that a fetish
>cohab NTR
ge? or do you mean happiness double room (haven't played it yet since it's tagged as VN)
I demand all of your games with plain girls wearing sexy lingerie
Critical hits hit for way more than double the damage
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>mijiishi released a demo for paypiggies only
Meta NTR
Haven't finished ricca's game but is the loli model just for a scene or can we use it for levels?
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What makes a good skill tree?
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Claret turns Ricca into a loli and fucks her, that's it
I think that particular model is just a koikatsu render though
>check ci-en
>no elves
your picture is misleading
>makes pure sexo design
>only for one scene
praying the DLC gives us the option to play as loli ricca in levels.
and he sold 2k+ copies alrdy at 6k yen each, I hate this world...
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NetoRARE? More like NetoCOMMON with the number of games that have it!
Netomid more like, most of them suck ass
Tenma played it last year, and is playing bs2 right now but her fans are vtuber fan so unlikely to be anti loli, on the other hand i think i saw a video essay fuck get like 200k on a blacksouls video, weird thing is he wasn't even a video essey channel since he had a full lets play of bs
it probably does given the game already supposedly has lots of customization options
I think the main focus is dark-side Ricca tho, I just hope there is more focus on non GoR scenes
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The dev is RG58768 but that specific webm is from https://misskey.io/@efnana_eiki
Neighbor Madam, particularly 2. Once you win the girl she visits your apartment every day and in any ending where you marry her you actually cohab. It's also cohab-ish before because you're neighbors who run into each other all the time.
why is it brown
I've only found two bonk weapons and the saw, which is probably better than the axe. There's also the gun, which I might fancy a try whenever I feel like it. The mace is stupid though, with 20% starting hp regen. I doubt I'll be able to utilize it when I fold almost instantly early on. Does the stun chance on an upgraded Club give me a bonus action most of the time?

I'm probably set for now, I'll just silently complain about the game until I actually finish it.
>The husband tries to redeem himself
>Stuck at this point and never feel like progress the game since it makes me feel bad
looking at the title isn't this bull POV? i like netori, but when someone mentions "cohab NTR" i am thinking of normal cohab game yet she fucks off somewhere when you're not around
netori is still ntr but retards will pretend otherwise
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If you reply to this post with your most anticipated never ever it will release in 2025
>Does the stun chance on an upgraded Club give me a bonus action most of the time?
Bonus actions are unrelated to enemy ailments, they're tied either to your own gear or buffs. You getting another turn before the enemy stun wears off is entirely dependent on your own turn speed, really. Don't be afraid to experiment with weapons and swap shit around mid-combat either.
>I'm probably set for now, I'll just silently complain about the game until I actually finish it.
In general, if you're struggling in BS2 it's probably because you're gearing like shit and/or buffing like shit. The entire game can be beaten at SL1 with no colored souls used, so don't neglect that shit.
It's Netori, yeah.
It's definitely the closest to difficult the game becomes.
>It's Netori, yeah.
i swear there was some other netorare cohab game where you slowly uncover what's going on, but i might've dreamed it
Game when the guy getting ntr'd is a dick through and through so i don't feel bad?
He's Okinawan
Well through most of that game he's really neglectful. It's only after finding out his wife was having an affair (after being in that neglectful marriage for years) that he tries to be there more. You kinda feel for him, because he's just a typical Japanese salaryman, but not too much. If that's too much, just play most other NTR games. They usually make the cucks really pathetic. Not usually a dick, but really pathetic and weak.
You shouldn't ever feel bad for the guy in an ntr game
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I let the janitor have my childhood friend because I don't want to feel bad for him.
Some spur of the moment last questions, I saw a bird after the first boss, does it come back from time to time or once I see it I don't get to fight it ever again if I try being rational for once? Also, are nightmare spirits typically marked with advice or are there ambushes?

Using the mace is making the game slow for me but doesn't make me use my items for now. Fuck jesters though, I'll have to find the debuff ring or be faster than them I guess.
>i have to cheat on my husband because he works extremely hard to provide for our family
do women really

Did you try Point Market?
>I saw a bird after the first boss, does it come back from time to time or once I see it I don't get to fight it ever again if I try being rational for once?
Keep exploring, you'll find it eventually.
>Also, are nightmare spirits typically marked with advice or are there ambushes?
There are ambushes, though you'll usually have enough time to quickly enter the menu and prepare a bit before the fight so it's not too bad.
>Using the mace is making the game slow for me but doesn't make me use my items for now.
You probably don't need the HP regen in combat, though if you really don't like using items then go ahead I guess.
Has anyone played Lilith's Tsuma Netori RJ111035? I don't care for NTR but the scenes looked nice.
I'm glad that, despite everything, Japan still has the balls to host these completely shameless degenerate events in plain sight.
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Anon please you guys host furries conventions
I believe that is china from all the kanji.
Based chairman Mao allows this?
>I believe that is china from all the kanji.
Which China?
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oh fuck you're right now I feel dumb but still Japan still holds comiket and that shit is a den of degenerates and scum of society (me)
Not mainland, those aren't the simplified version
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i hate how shit dlsite search/tagging system is. female/male mc is somehow a genre, not a tag, so you can't use it in search. but then again 90% of the games aren't even properly tagged.

Comiket is a proof of a healthy society. Inferior shitholes aren't culturally capable of doing the same.
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games where you play as ロリ and get 強姦'd??? pregnancy preferred
One of them is titled "perverted couple" while the other one is titled "everyone is happy" and one condition for both is to get an erection while Lina explains her situation to you. I would guess that the former is Lina banging other people and the latter is Lina banging Lord.
just got cucked irl
goddamn fucking bitch I hate ntr and women now
Did you cum?
Soon enough the one who cucked you will get cucked as well, and then that guy will also get cucked. It's a neverending cycle, men are meant to suffer these days
>Ace combat ge
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looks like yet another sprite game that likes to spam cum sprites everywhere.
not gonna bother with it, but hopefully it gives the dev enough money to actually get some CGs next time
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>all ages
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New ge from the dev of RJ422316
>the one who cucked you will get cucked as well
Thats why its bros before hoes
And every dude until proven otherwise is a bro
Got to get them addicted early on, for future customers
Need ace coombait ge. My historia need to cum.
Based on the dev's Ci-En i think even this game might get a CG update unless he's randomly commissioning CG of scenes for shits and giggles.
Hope it's good. I like battlefuck games and I like how the girl looks.
He said he's been bothered by retards who whined about him adding NTR and instead of bending the knee he will double down.
Gigachad move.
CGs+moaning voice acting is bare minimum for me honestly. it doesn't hit as hard when it's just the images and standard rpgm music in the backgrund
someone should update the bin
That someone could be you
ge for this feel?
with what?
Let me seed it rq
It's about that time of year again RJ01315279
I wonder why he didn't post about the demo being up on his Fantia?
His name is Lloyd lmao. ロイド.
Spy x Family again
what's the game anon? imagesearch failed me
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>ge that make woman a whore is everywhere
>ge that is vanilla (NOT HAREM) and the girl you love is genuinely trying to connect with you is like, zero
why, why....why........
i hate these faggots so fucking much
>trannies heard of BS
>trannies play BS
>trannies love BS
>"b-but uh I play for the plot ok, just the plot, not the loli raping scenes"
every time
>Lolibabas are great through.
how do you reach this conclusion and still don't realize it's more about the body type than the character, do you think young girls act like mesugakis ro something normally?
>And every dude until proven otherwise is a bro
Your "bro" will feed you to the sharks for pussy. A tale as old as time.
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Sun sensei is here~!
◕ ‿ ◕
why would I play a game with only one girl when many girls = many hscenes
if the homos were actually serious about loli shit
they would be saving actual kids irl
not calling everyone on the internet pedos because they jack off to 2d images, for brownie points
5 girls x 2 =?
1 girl x 10 =?
5 girls x 10 =?
there's nyo 5 girls x 10
for me it's repeatable scenes, I need to have acces to that vagina any given point in time not only when the game dictates
you have your IRL gf for that
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>edge to repeatable scenes
>cum to new scenes
This is the life.
I am a working member of society and I can say I have not met a girl that is as deranged as I am
if they are, they're probably a NEET in their home, which is ew
name games where you can pull your party members aside on the road for a quick pitstop nakadashi
the game's called RinaTest too
your girlfriend cant use laguna blade
being ntrfag rots your brain
you get it anon, thats really the best.
Grand ende 2
the fucking cunt who made grand ende 2 just make ONE fucking loli vanilla and fucked off to make slop again
Thanks for the correction. I MTool'd it and that's what it replaced the names with. Is Koji correct, at least?
Just chat with an ai bot
While genning lewds of set bot
>h-scene starts
>no sound effects at all, just the music
>quit game and delete it
Based, if the dev was too lazy to even put in poison.ogg as cum effect I'm too lazy to play his game.
War Demon Kirsten
Lambda Neros R
>War Demon Kirsten
But you can't, only during battle
I'm looking for a title that I've played a couple of years ago, but I can't remember the name. It's a RPG with actual gameplay. The main girl has white hair and black clothes, but you can change her outfit and there are bunch of other girls that join your team and you fuck a lot of side girls/bad girls too. It had a sequel as well, but with a different cast. Does this ring a bell to anyone?
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>playing bikini armor explorers
>really enjoying it
>lots of playfully sexual situations
>girls wear super skimpy armor and everyone keeps commenting on it
>guy peeking on her in the toilet
>guy peeking on them bathing
>guy peeking at her butt as she climbs a ladder
>guy masturbating over her sleeping body
>one girl gets caught up in some vines
>a couple solo masturbation scenes
>one of the girls is naive and gets tricked into showing off her body
>one of the girls gets mildly harassed at a bar
>out of nowhere the main girl (still a virgin) suddenly gets violently raped by the oldest fattest ugliest bastard possible
>she hates every minute of it
>left dazed on the ground, cum dripping from her body after he's finished
>game hits you with this line as she staggers away
>completely lose all interest in playing the game any further
thought kirsten was femmc
I would like an extra thick and fertile NTRbody, please.
you should've known it's kusoge from the poorly made map
>>out of nowhere the main girl (still a virgin) suddenly gets violently raped by the oldest fattest ugliest bastard possible
Picked up
Yes but style and presentation matter more. Even if you don't know jap and play 20 different games, the more stylish ones, with better presentation and more visible effort put into them will stand out way more, even if they happen to have worse art than the rest.
Because a blob bit me while i was trying to do that
You guys told me they didn't bite...
I don't understand, just look for any pure love/ lovey dovey non-harem games?
Female party members (Aria and the other two you can recruit) have repeatable scenes. But I don't think that's what that anon was asking for. Seems like he wants a male mc game.
what did you think it was building up to
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she look weird
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that is a very uncomfortable way to hold your arm while writing
is she partially paralyzed?
Something like Kurone's Feelings
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>next to no games that have progressivley sluttier original outfits instead of replacing them
>next to no games with partially clothed sex

Why must we suffer so?
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?????? that's great, what did you dilike about it?
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Ningen please give food
Winter has been harsh
Me starving
Played the demo for RJ01168551. Didn't offer up much but it has some promise for those that like super depressing NTRge in the style of Cli Pick. It should have battlefuck too.

The MC is the former prince who recently turned king of Not-Venice, with a harem of maids/sex-powered mages called Witches, and his desuwa fiancee. Some conspiracy shit happens and the city gets attacked by people that can drain the magic of Witches, which makes them uncontrollably horny, and thus NTR ensues. Except the main girl isn't affected by that and can still use magic, so the game will presumably be about getting through that as the dev said there's an avoidable NTR (with her only) ending.

Anyways, what I found most notable about it was the polished cinematic presentation that you don't often see in these RPG Maker games. The prologue starts with like this movie-style open where you peek in on the maids' daily life through a shopping trip, and catch bits and pieces of information that slowly build into the plot as more characters are introduced and the perspective gets handed over to the king. There's also a high level of worldbuilding and political intrigue, and the maps were quite nice and atmospheric. Just an overall immersive experience.

Unfortunately, earnest and humorless stories aren't something I readily enjoy, so I probably won't be clamoring to play it when it comes out in a few months, but I do think it'll be a notable release nonetheless. Some of the files were timestamped for 2018 despite it being officially announced in 2023, so it's been in development for a long time.
Who asked?
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I only feed fox girls
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I want a cute fox girl as an exchange.
>Lambda Neros R
>looks exactly what I want
>No TL
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Thanks for the heads up, I like a hint of despair in my NTR and with meido as the star of the show.
Whoops, meant to reply >>507960932
I should also add that this is definitely not a game for people who find four paragraphs daunting.
Anon is working on a tl. January-February is when he's planning to release it I think.
No, A good scenario is always preferred above good art. In fact VN tier art puts me off.
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The demo’s translated
Is NTRaholic Remix/DX a /weg/ remake? I can't find any precise info, it's vague if the original Japanese dev is involved at all outside giving permission. Artist seems to be western. One of the devs literally posts in English on F95. And weirdly enough I haven't found much discussion about it on here or /h/.
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You play any VTuberge lately?
RJ01264927 will have a staggered release, part 1 on the 31st and part 2 in May/June.
the main story is complete in part 1 with more being added in part 2.
the price will be free2,640 yen.
War Demon Kirsten doesn't have "good" art but it's way more fappable for me than shit like Fumika Fantasy (and that has nothing to do with the fetishes, I'm talking solely the art)
Artist is Korean, he posts on Korean hentai forum.
Yes, apparently the plan is to do a western-style remake and bundle the original DLsite version with it as a separate executable.
need more flatge, are people stupid? so many big boobs, aren't they tired of seeing big boobs? I'm tired, please give flatge
Any game when fox turns into a human woman?
95% of people is poop munchers
Sharkshit might be right up your alley
Corruption with increasingly sluttier outfits + he vehemently refuses to have his girls fully naked under any circumstances
What do you call this type of posting?
Is there an easy way to crack playdrm?
The girls in his games don't crash as hard as I'd lke.
They still stay normal even after getting gangraped over and over.
What manga?
Well Fumika also doesn't have good art. He designs nice characters sometimes but the actual sex scenes just look goofy (I think it's mostly the dumb facial expressions that girls make)
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I was referring to this artist. Are they the same guy?
done, enjoy your sister, auris
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"art" is too broad.
You have so many elements and each on its own can be fucked up in many ways while others don't really distract from the ero.
>framing of scenes
>h poses
>execution of the actual drawing like shading etc.

Just to name a few.
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I'm stuck in a loop. I progressed story with all characters and filled cecille bar twice but nothing is happening anymore. what gives?
fag 95's thread will have your answers weg-kun
mating press correction is required
Fuck off retard
How to remove the lag in this gyu game because holy shit this is some QUALITY programming
damn brat.. you will be plapped.
>How to remove the lag in this gyu game
It's what you singed up for when playing a gyu game
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>brown tomboy with a modest chest
>not the MC so she'll have like 2 scenes at best
pixeldrain u QF3qox4V
>anon plays a Gyu game
>surprised it's a buggy piece of shit
Reminder that Gyu's blue hair girl game killed one of our translators, and that was like 7 years ago.
speak for yourself
i love twintails
but.. I lack of games NOW
I guess... Mtools will be it
hot damn, thanks bro
I'm afraid your brain is rotting
>he cucked the NTR guy that cucked us
I kneel
haven't seen this shit posted in a long fucking time
both made for giant animal penis
Are there any large scale open-world/free roam RPGs like RJ269568?
For that specific dev it is
Brown Rathi ..
is this taimanin
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Knights of the Phantasm.
Old and rough, but some bitch remade Oblivion as an rpgmaker game.
>final game
Huh? Did Clymenia die offscreen? I thought he was making some other game.
detective girl is his best ge tho
>out of nowhere the main girl (still a virgin) suddenly gets violently raped by the oldest fattest ugliest bastard possible
you make that sound hilarious like a *rapes you* poster just falls out of the sky
this is how itfelt to me in VP the first time, it was harassment for the first couple hours of the game and then I enter a toilet and an ojisan falls from the ceiling and rapes serena brutally, I got so numb I started laughing out loud afterwards
she literally looks like a copypaste of the blonde from taimanin yukikaze 2
tits too small
damn skydiving oji-sans...
Underrated ge
Meikyuu no Hana
Would actually male for a hilarious game where you airdrop rape bastards and have to control them as they fall so they hit the unsuspecting women below.
I need to censor an image, post your favourite blobs thanks
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Like lemmings the old DOS game?
need a game where a select few ugly bastards are the good guys trying to save the world from evil girls
>Meikyuu no Hana
oh, shiravune is releasing it in steam... I guess ill wait
Naked Disastah
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>dedicated slum area
Holy fuck just thinking about the kinds of scenes that will take place here makes me rock hard
Also I like how there's now more timezones instead of just day/night, what I don't like how it's automatically advancing 10 minutes with each screen transition.
me in the blue buying drugs
that's the MC
Next Mijishii kino
Oh is this a NTR game? if so then I take that back that's not me.
Too late, also NTS
does his art get better or is it still ruins of luxoria tier
He commissions other artists now.
The blonde loli made this shit game good
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I'll give you a roof and food but in return I want you to rape me
I am offering the same thing but I rape you

Yes but DLsite's BL section is on a permanent starvation mode for new game releases so there's not much to discuss even if you wanted to
playing the newest loli ntr game while trap anon sucks your dicks
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Imagine being able to use both hands to play....
Prisongay stuff not allowed.
Traps are ok though
actual sicko wtf
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Games with tallflats?
why are good NTRges non existent?
>3D poster

fuck off
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900 seconds for this
any man's dream
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I got baited on /v/ by an anon saying I could force one of the protagonist to become a trap. I've played for almost 5h and still no trap to be had
Underwater Ray Ramano
this game any good?
Any jops?
it sucks that you don't get to personally train erin into a trap with a mini game like the girls
Hope the Ricca DLC has more Ricca content and isn’t just the dyke mage.
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Sup. What do you want?
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why didnt u niggas tell me about this game holy shit i cant stop cumming
she'll never blob
I miss comfy kino Gyu blog posts. Like the one where he talked about getting into a fist fight with his drunken father or the one where he talked about being unable to cut his toxic, heavily tattooed yakuza wannabe childhood friend out of his life.
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Interesting. Most just post about being sick. Being frugal. Or post food(BBQ dev).
Source for this anon?
What do you use to hook wolfrpg games?
Assuming you still even need to a lookup dictionary
Too bad literally no game has good preg content
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What ge?
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You normally can't, but sometimes they have a setting that puts text in the clipboard for you
I did. You weren't paying attention. The game could be better though.
Saved xd
I hook it to my brain because I don't need that shit
Mating press.
Reverse search doesn't work, what game?
>one game over cg
Tell me how I know that you barely play h-games.
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God I can't wait for the release now
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ho ho ho, Christmas has come.. erm... late, and so have I
I mean, bin update, koko!
Yeah sure how do you know
thanks and a late merry christmas to you, kind binanon
piece of shit ipfs not even letting me import it
It was pretty mediocre, but I'm watching this dev.
The best scene in the previous game was the wall dildo scene, and it was right at the start.
Hopefully the scenes in this one are better.
I was playing it too and found the game extremely soulful, not only the scenes were great, art is beautiful, girls personalities and scenes are pretty well written, if anything got me wanting more
looking forward for the dev's next kino, and hope the other sluts come back too
share ci-en link onegai
where are the angel / goddess corruptionges?
I know that feel, their mid tier outfits were the hottest too, probably Clymedia's stronger point
fuck off with midshark,
yes it had lots of outfits, but he barely knows how to use them and definitely doesn't know how to do half clothed stuff
you dumb bin! Christmas was almost last year!
i guess Gehenna fits that bill kinda?
>Too late, also NTS
sauce me niggah, no problem if its nihongo
literally linked here
look at the image then
Sylvia is the cutest clymeme girl
also the biggest slut who just gets plapped wherever she stands
Game had random encounters so I didn’t really play all the way. Maybe I should just power through it? It does look nice.
I found the ge
Post some fun facts about your favourite dev.

Kamichichi is in his mid 40’s and was inspired to get into game development after falling in love with Final Fantasy V.
He splits his earnings with his artist, a high school buddy with a regular 9 to 5 job.
>outfits evolve over time
>3rd stage is hotter than 4th stage
I want to be friends with an NTRge dev, every single NTR enjoyer I've ever met are unironically fun, chill, functioning member of society
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Any good femc corruption/brainwashge recently? Already done Gehenna and other older stuff like Mermaiden
True, good thing you can freely switch
it is pretty good, the battling is its worse part indeed, but very easily to just bash by
I did follow a guide just to not have stumble around on some key story parts
also, next game is going to be act rpg kino too
Ah I see, thank you... how the hell was I supposed to know otherwise?
oh and also
> playing demo
ew lad
Blob bin just got updated.
Get seedin'
Be a good Sensei
>blonde princess
wtf, now I wonder if Michaela is Sylvia's daughter or some related shit
It's not her fault the gods embedded rape and humiliation fetishes in her soul
Do I have to play Asylum's post-game before playing Innocent Rules?

I love the art and writing in that game, and the scenes are extremely hot. Shame the gameplay was such an afterthought.
That scene where the guy yanks her bottoms down and buries his face in her cunt was the best
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Well at least looks like he is getting a proper artist now
dude you can't post that shit here, that's filthy!
I see Flode.
I'd recommend getting the fan translation rather than the official release because the official release is edited MTL-tier trash. However, the official release does have decensored scenes. Easy enough to splice them together if you know what you're doing. (If you need help, let me know)
Do you just replace the /data folder?
thanks, didn't know of the dev either, looks like a promising stuff if he ever delivers
Unfortunately that will give you a bunch of errors. Just replace all the "map" files and I'm pretty sure you're good. (Can't remember, I'm not on my home PC right now).

If you can wait a few days I could just zip my modified folder and upload it for you.
oh and "common events" also.
That should be mostly what's in the folder no? Maybe you'd need to set the encryption key in the System json to the official version one?
I'm not sure, you might be better at this than I am. I just remember it took me a few tries for it to run without a bunch of "could not load image" errors. But the way I got it to work was using the official release but transplanting just the script files.
MTL'd, isn't it?
If you want more Ino lore, sure
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>played the demo nearly a year ago
>still not out yet
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the issue there, you can just grab the key from the bottom of the file. Honestly I'm surprised the bin doesn't just have the FanTL with the uncensored CGs, that should be standard whenever a bad official translation comes out.
Yep, rare bin L
This any good?
why does she have 3 ass cheeks?
starting this out now, looks soulful
anyone tried it already?

I played it on JP so can't comment on translation quality, the game itself is a nice nukige if you like seeing transformation heroines defeated and turned evil
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So the blonde who looks like Shizuru is the MC?
Then its like a reversal of Taimanin Yukikaze, where the brown tan girl gets all the scenes and the blonde gets like 2.
Guess this was made by a Shizuru fan.
The tightness of her bodysuit creates a depression on her butt, giving an illusion of a third butt cheek.
ah, thanks
You're free to make it yourself and suggest it to the bin
Dropped immediately
Sounds like my kind of stuff. Thanks, anon.
Recommend me some acerola games please. Never touched their games before for some reason.
Lust Prison.
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>can draw really hot sluts
>has skill
>insists on making games with disgusting saggy tumor tits that reach below the belly button
Why is amazon like this?
With genius comes madness.
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I'm not really in the mood to play femMC hypnosis. Give me some male mc hypno games.
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>side girl is cuter than the main girl
Every fucking time.
Newlywed Monica is pretty good.
Isn't she evil? or have doujins lied to me?
also she's probably the single hottest taimanin
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look at this duuude
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It do be like that
Fuck you guys
You didn't tell me blobs bite
uh, how old is she supposed to be exactly?
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I keep saying that all blobs are evil and no one listens
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sex years old
out of 10
Is anything good coming out next year?
literally nothing
it is the final NTR
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I'm trying to play RJ077237 at the moment, and it keeps throwing a missing RTP error. It's weird, though, because it's in spanish? I think it's calling for RPGmaker 2000's RTP, but installing that didn't change anything, so I'm stumped. Has anybody else had this issue?
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Uh huh

Princess GLOO, hopefully
some games require the japanese version of that rtp
I hope that Dead Red Hood does. MAYBE Dorgel releases that vampire game assuming he doesn’t go menhera again. He might just ghost though.

RJ287775 technically comes out next year I think.
Use this for next OP
hypnosis pencil
me when I like a gacha NPC with no screentime/lore driven purely out of headcanons
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Discuss Futa cocks.
Discuss roast beef cunnies.
Don't post Versa blob.
>dragonslayers are strong as fuck
That's a nice bit of ludonarrative that got highlighted with Dragon Conquista. The protagonist there's a proper formally trained swordfighter, and she's kind of an underdog shonen manga type, so the combat system revolves around delicately managing your stamina and stance while performing combo attacks to whittle away at your enemies. Meanwhile Kaname just plays rock-paper-scissors with horny goblins, and if she wins they blow up. Then for the final boss she "gets serious" and does more of the same, except her paper annihilates scissors now.

Fuck man these games are so cool. Also to your question, Scarlet Demonslayer is the obvious one that comes to mind. RJ01187104 should be like that too, I still haven't gotten around to playing it. For a hidden gem, there's RJ406131 which is a standard Wolf RPG CG hunter with a nice little story about Homelander remembering her mother's love and fighting another Homelander. The new game by that dev is probably similar too.
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Himecut supremacy
Cunny doesn’t taste like roast beef though.
I only like it when the futa has a small dick, but finding a game like that is like winning the lottery
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>make maps 10x bigger in size
>don't add bell of silence into the game
honestly how do i cheat one, i'm tired of having to auto fight when i win in the first turn anyway and i'm already playing at 4x speed
>check bin
>every other game is NTRshit
Get cucked, vanillanigger!
Where's the NTRkino? Surely this won't be another shit year, right?
This blob looks oddly familiar…
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I was curious so I tried this out (third anon here).
I tried transporting the images from OfficialTL to FanTL, and got errors.
I tried transporting data files from Fan to Official and got errors.
I tried transporting ONLY the map files, mapinfo file, and common events files from FanTL to OfficialTL, and the game started up.
I haven't tried getting past the title page, but I assume it's fine.
>bin update post
>check pin
>hasn't actually been updated
>5 minutes since bin updated
>10 ges downloaded, haven't played
>but still 5 whole minutes since bin updated with NOTHING NEW
erodraught is unbearable.
heh, nope
your tastebuds is shitty buddy
>Plays Leaf Geometry games
>Only enjoys L-Depth

Am I a horrorfag or are Sequel and Asylum just a snoozefest?
So does Vee's game count for here since one of the main artists is japanese?
Good work anon. Make sure you post a review of the game when you're done. I'm glad more people are checking this game out, I love exhibitionism games where the girls get molested
She'll never blob.
Literal who?
Romanian Tvee
Hakika is just dogshit terrible at making shonen plotge, which is what those games are. They have no cool moments ever because he's an autist with no intuition for coolness, so playing through them all is like a 100 hour loop of infodumping into bossfights into infodumping into bossfights. Horror is more primal, so he can execute on that better.
I like his games a lot but I hate how he insists on having all his characters clothed in their sex scenes. Why he's allergic to nudity I have no idea
The general rule is if the game's native language is Japanese and needs to be translated into English or another none Asian language, it's a 2D game that doesn't use 3D assets (2.5D is lightly accepted - some 3D game discussion can't be stopped because autism) and it's not a VN then it might be allowed here
Just because the artist is Japanese doesn't give it a pass
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He can do good stories on occasion like for Atline, colony or Innocent Rules. But I do think he has a knack for horror as well.
i don't personally think IR is on the level of Colony but it's definitely a step up. Hopefully Thirst has a good story
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Uula without her hat always throws me off.
is L. Depth worth playing if I'm not a fucking paedophile?
Next thread better have a loli OP
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She takes off her hat in thirst too
>Mtool game
>High effort dev uses paper like images for quests text
curse you dev, you should have been lazy now I have to use google lens
You seem to be fucking retarded so better not
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they do this on purpose, don't they?
Yukino was their top imo
Queen Melissa was the best for adventuring
next Misaki too was great for off the bat gonzo
Colette and Leanne were alright too

imo, I prefer the slice of life ones, their format were perfect for edging and peaking degeneracy, the way the scenes ramp up too
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Inel's just a midget though. And Miseri is a 240cm giantess.
I see you are checking the nts kino too...
this kills the eop
imagine if they figured it out and started putting all dialogue as images
You are already one by posting in this general, board and website.
plenty of good stuff in there shitpost nigger

I'm quite pleasantly surprised with pic related too
( * )
I mean most of this is filler text it's a simple item harvest
search pixeldrain in the thread
I haven't played the other two, but even Colony was kind of a mess with Rabi and Emelia taking up main character spots and being cardboard as far as the plot is concerned, especially when Colony cut the the playable character count in half presumably because of that. Not to mention Auris being the main character but Lestea having the only memorable (perhaps only period) character moment of the series (horror again). The overall pacing was also just weird and meandering. I think Hakika just needs to take a year or two off, dig deep into his childhood trauma and pull something out, create a story out of it, and remake the combat system to be more interesting and lewd while he's at it. Maybe even scrap the series as a whole because Mana Tank is kind of cancer to anything kino, and the horse has been beaten long enough.
I can't really comprehend it because I'm 33 and exclusively self insert into shota's getting raped by 40 year old women.
>ocr images
>hide old text with photoshop content aware background fill
>paste in new text
wa la
>point phone to screen
It is.
or kidnap some Jap lol
It got massive on /v/, which has spillover into the xwitter-sphere. Also, a kiwifarms-adjacent vtuber played it, and those niggers hate lolishit
Black panda games are safe.
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JK supremacy
Add uncensored cunny in the bin to scare outsiders xD.
H game where you kidnap a Japanese schoolgirl studying English and force her to live translate games while you play them doko?
fumika xd
i don't know japanese
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You love to see it.
its a shitty translation, the guy that translated amethyst was doing emerald but he never finished, probably sick or dissapeared like most translators
I checked out that thread and apparently there was someone that got caught giving an ntr rimjob. Those guys are seriously mental.
we call that the path of least resistance
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>RJ01190055 is only an hour long, yet it has a cliffhanger ending and ends right before fighting the demon lord
What the fuck.
She was brainwashed, but got bailed out by the resident mad scientist.
Actually an hour long, or "an hour if I hold down ctrl during every scene?"
Actually an hour long, like there are only 4 enemies and 4 bosses in the game

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